Lord Beaverbrook High School


Lord Beaverbrook High School
 CBE and Provincial Goals
Our School
CBE Values
• Students come first.
• Learning is our central purpose.
• Public education serves the common good.
Lord Beaverbrook High School: A caring community where
people belong and excel.
CBE Ends*
E-1 Mega End: Each student, in keeping with his or her
individual abilities and gifts, will complete high school
with a foundation of learning to function effectively in
life, work and continued learning.
E-2 Academic Success: Each student will possess the
knowledge, skills and attitudes required for academic
success and be effectively prepared for life, work and
further learning.
E-3 Citizenship: Each student will be a responsible citizen
by being an informed and involved member in his or
her local, national and global communities.
E-4 Personal Development: Each student will acquire the
skills, attitudes and knowledge to achieve personal
highest potential.
E-5 Character: Each student will possess the character to
do what is right, act morally with wisdom, and balance
individual concerns with the rights and needs of others.
CBE Vision
The Calgary Board of Education is the dynamic learning
community of choice.
Provincial Goals**
• High quality learning opportunities
• Excellence in student learning outcomes
• Success for First Nations, Métis and Inuit students
• Highly responsive and responsible jurisdiction
* See Board of Trustees’ Policy for full, detailed Ends statements.
**Alberta Education Requirements
Our core values focus on:
Our Core Purpose is to actively engage people to develop skills
and personal qualities needed for fulfilling meaningful lives.
Envisioning the Future: At Lord Beaverbrook High School,
every individual will engage in and contribute to our learning
School Programs At Lord Beaverbrook there is a place for everyone to learn. Our extensive facilities and
the size of the school provide our students with many advantages in course selection and
access to innovative programs. Our staff members and students “go out of their way” to
maintain a friendly, personal atmosphere with a strong focus on teaching, learning and
leadership. We pride ourselves on a comprehensive academic program, enriched by a
very wide range of complementary courses and extra-curricular activities. Our Advanced
Placement (AP) program gives students the opportunity to pursue rigorous academic
study in a wide variety of courses (English, Social Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Physics,
Mathematics, Art, and Computer Science) and receive advanced placement in university
programs. Our Arts-Centred Learning (ACL) program encourages students to learn IN
and THROUGH the arts during their English, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science
courses and to customize their program with our many complementary courses. Our
National Sport Development (NSD) Hockey, Soccer and Sports Performance courses
provide students with passion for athletics the opportunity to excel in their chosen sport.
Our International Student program invites students from many countries to study at our
school. Our large Counselling Centre assists students with high school, post-secondary
and world-of-work planning. Extensive support for ESL learners and students with
learning challenges is available.
Complementary courses: French, German, leadership, sports leadership, art, concert
band, jazz band, choral, vocal jazz, recording studio, dance, drama, musical theatre,
theatre technology, publishing and creative writing, journalism, film studies, psychology,
sociology, anthropology, world religions, environmental studies, sports medicine, sports
performance. Career and Technology Studies (CTS) courses: auto tech, autobody,
cabinet making, CAD, cosmetology, construction tech, culinary arts, communication tech,
computer programming and networking, design studies, fashion studies,food studies,
information technologies, medical studies, metal tech, multimedia, and robotics.
Lord Beaverbrook has established a tradition of excellence in curricular, co-curricular and
extra-curricular programming.
Annual School Results Report
2009-2010 Highlights
Lord Beaverbrook High
9019 Fairmount Drive S.E.
Calgary, AB T2H 0Z4
(403) 259-5585
lbhs.ca School Development Plan Highlights
(What were we trying to achieve?)
We are focused on three things:
1. Personalized learning
2. What are the tasks beings asked of students
3. How are these tasks being assessed
Student Results Detailed Diploma Reports
For a complete report of student results visit our school website
at: http://www.lbhs.ca/for-parents/school-publication/.
For a complete report of CBE and provincial results visit the CBE
website at: http://www.cbe.ab.ca/results/default.asp
1. Increase in achievement in all subject areas.
2. Increase student retention in classes.
Measures and Results*
(How did we do?)
High School Completion Rate (after 3 years)
TARGET: Increase to 78%
Drop Out Rate
TARGET: Reduce to 2%
Acceptable Std. Diplomas
TARGET: Maintain
Std. of Excellence
TARGET: Increase to 21%
Participation Rates
TARGET: Increase to 55%
Rutherford Eligibility
TARGET: Increase to 60%
Post Secondary
TARGET: Increase to 67%
*Alberta Education Requirements
On 9 out of 10 Diploma exams Lord Beaverbrook High School
students exceeded both the Calgary Board of Education and
provincial acceptable standard.
More Information
Accountabilty Pillar Results 2010
Class Size
For a detailed report on the school and CBE average class sizes
go to:
School Fees
For a detailed report of school fees and expenditures visit our
school website at: http://www.lbhs.ca/for-parents/schoolpublication/.
School Council Involvement
For more information on School Council Activities go to:
A - HS Completion Rate
C – Acceptable Std. Diplomas
E – Participation Diplomas
G – Post Secondary
I – Safe & Caring
K – Work Preperation
M – Parental Involvement
B - Drop Out Rate
D – Std. of Excellence Diplomas
F – Rutherford Scholarships
H – Prog. of Studies
J – Quality Program
L - Citizenship
N – School Improvement