Medical Mission


Medical Mission
Pg. Four/Cuatro
St. Martha’s Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Sta. Marta
New Associate Pastors
for Saint Martha
In a letter dated May 16, 2014 the Office
of Vicar for Clergy of the Archdiocese of
Los Angeles has confirmed the appointment of two new associate pastors for
Saint Martha Catholic Parish Church. With great joy and
gratitude we welcome our two new Associate Pastors as
God's bountiful blessings to our parish community:
June 29, 2014
Come join us in praying to the Icon of:
The Immaculate Conception
at St. Martha Church
from June 27 to June 30 at 4pm
priest who belongs to the religious community of
Apostles of Jesus (AJ). He is born and raised in Kenya.
REV. RAMON OROZCO (Fr. Ramon) is a diocesan
priest who is born and raised in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Welcome, Fathers! Bienvenidos, Padres!
St. Martha Health and Wellness Ministry
Medical Mission
July 13, 2014 ~ Sunday
9am to 12pm
We invite you to become a
Liturgical Sponsor.
As a special love offering for our church, we
would like to invite individuals, groups of
individuals or families to become gift offerers/sponsors of the Altar Bread and Wine on
any of the 9 Sunday Masses. As a favor may
we suggest that you bring canned goods,
rice, beans, peanut butter, macaroni and
cheese, pasta, canned soup and toiletries as part of your offering. This will go to the Bethany Center to help our needy brothers and sisters in our parish.
You may dedicate your sponsorship for special intentions such
as family celebrations which include, anniversaries, wedding,
death, birthdays and special thanksgiving for a particular favor
or grace.
For further information please call Rainier Banzuela at
626.201.2327 or email [email protected].
El “Grupo de Liderazgo Hispano” de la Iglesia Santa Martha
los invita al retiro:
“Un Encuentro con Jesús”
Fecha: Sábado, 26 de Julio del 2014
Hora: 9:00am. A 3:00pm
Lugar: McNamara Salón en la Iglesia Santa Martha
Encuentro que te hará cambiar la perspectiva de ver a
Jesús con otra mirada, con otro Corazón.
Con temas como:
• Inteligencia Emocional
• Amor de Dios
• El Pecado
• Explicación de la Misa
• Al final, se culminará con una Misa
Ofreceremos almuerzo a los participantes. ¡¡Los esperamos!!
June 29, 2014
Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles / San Pedro y San Pablo, Apóstoles
Pg. Five/Cinco
Philippines Research & Service Project
◊ OUR MISSION: In the wake of Super Typhoon Haiyan, many communities are still recovering from the trauma experienced in Barangay Maya, Daanbantayan (Cebu, Philippines). The Rotary Club of Cebu Fuente has identified a need for mental health services to
the children and their families. Under the supervision of two Ucensed Clinical Social Workers, we as MSW students will be providing group therapy to the children and supplementary workshops to their parents. We will also be conducting a community assessment to determine the most pressing needs following the traumatic event.
◊ WHO WE ARE: Master of Social Work Students from California State University, San Bernardino.
◊ WHY WE NEED YOU HELP: Financial assistance Is needed In order to fulfill the mission
stated above. Any financial assistance will be spent on travel and lodging for the Individual.
Who are to provide the counseling service., as well as the materials needed to provide such
services to the community.
◊ CONTACT INFORMATION: Project Student Lader: Maria Del Fierro (951) 268-4012
[email protected]
OR Main Faculty Advisor & Supervisor: Cory Dennis, PhD, LCSW 909) 537-3501
[email protected]
◊ WITH SUPPORT FROM: Rotary Club of Cebu Fuente (District 3860)
◊ for more info and to donate, please visit:
We thank you for your time and we appreciate any and all support from your organization.
Desempleados. Para que los desempleados reciban el apoyo y
el trabajo que necesitan para vivir con dignidad.
Unemployed. That the unemployed may receive support and find
the work they need to live in dignity.
La fe en Europa. Para que Europa reencuentre sus raíces
cristianas a través del testimonio de fe de los creyentes.
Faith in Europe. That Europe may rediscover its Christian
roots through the witness of believers.
Pg. Six/Seis
St. Martha’s Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Sta. Marta
Today is something of a rarity:
the celebration of a saint’s day that replaces the Sunday liturgy. Only a handful of these days, given the official rank
of “solemnity,” are considered so foundational and primal to the mission of the
Church that they can interrupt the Sunday sequence. And so it is with Peter and Paul today.
In a way, they each have personality traits with which
we can identify. They are both impetuous, sometimes acting or speaking thoughtlessly, contradicting the spiritual
gifts given to them by God. At such times, they might receive a nudge from God, much the same as many of us experience. On the positive side, these men were deeply
rooted in their faith in Christ, tireless and fearless in living
out their call to spread the Good News of his death and
resurrection. Perhaps we might identify more with one or
the other, but the essential truth we celebrate today is this:
Through the Spirit, Christ built and continues to build the
Church and make the kingdom known through fragile, remarkable human beings, each graced in a particular way
for the work of the reign of God.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Don’t just rely on “reputation” of summer programs,
but seek information
Sometimes parents rely on the reputation of a particular
summer program from past years to determine whether
they allow their children to participate. These historical
perspectives from other parents and young people should
always be a factor to consider in the decision making
process, but if you find that the monitoring and screening
processes in place are inadequate to assure your child’s safety,
do not let the “reputation” of the program or its apparent success be the guiding principle for whether your children are allowed to participate. For more information, visit: http:// “Summer Safety Tips can help prevent
Sexual Abuse, Virtus.
For particular help, you may call Victims Assistance Ministry
at (213) 637-7650
St. Martha’s Coordinators:
Lupe Coronado (626) 324 - 3968
June 29, 2014
Hoy es una rareza: la celebración
del día de un santo que reemplaza la
liturgia del domingo. Sólo un puñado de
días como éste, con rango oficial de
“solemnidad”, son considerados tan
fundamentales y primarios en la misión
de la Iglesia que pueden interrumpir la secuencia de los
domingos. Tal es el caso de san Pedro y san Pablo hoy día.
De cierta manera, cada uno tiene rasgos de
personalidad con los que nos podemos identificar: ambos
son impetuosos, a veces actuando y hablando sin pensar,
contradiciendo los dones espirituales que Dios les había
dado. En esos casos, tal vez reciben un empujoncito de
Dios, como los que muchos de nosotros hemos sentido. En
lo positivo, la fe de estos hombres estuvo profundamente
fundamentada en Cristo, incansables y valientes cuando
vivían su llamado de anunciar la Buena Noticia de su
muerte y resurrección. Quizás nos identificamos más con
uno que otro, pero la verdad esencial que celebramos hoy
es esta: por el Espíritu, Cristo edificó y continúa edificando
la Iglesia y da a conocer el Reino por medio de frágiles y
notables seres humanos, cada uno con una gracia particular
para la obra del Reino de Dios.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
La Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles
No sólo confíe en “reputación” de programas de
verano, busque información
Algunas veces los padres de familia confían en la reputación de un programa de verano en particular basados en
experiencias pasadas, para determinar si permiten a sus
hijos participar en ellos. Esta perspectiva histórica de
otros padres y otras personas jóvenes debe ser siempre un factor
a considerar en el proceso de toma de decisiones, pero si encuentra que el proceso de monitoreo y de exámenes de las personas que se relacionen con sus hijos no asegura la seguridad de
su hijo/a, no deje que la “reputación” del programa o su aparente éxito sea la guía principal para decidir que sus hijos participen. Para más información, visite
safeguard “Información de seguridad para el verano puede ayudar a prevenir el abuso sexual”.
Para obtener ayuda, llame al Ministerio de Asistencia a Víctimas
(213) 637-7650
St. Martha’s Coordinadoras:
Lupe Coronado (626) 324 - 3968
Pg. Seven/Siete
Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles / San Pedro y San Pablo, Apóstoles
Welcome Back, Fr. Adrian!
Fr. Adrian de Lima, is back to St. Martha
Parish to help us during the summer months. He is indeed a
delight to have and a very welcoming friend and companion in
the service of our Lord.
Welcome, Father Adrian!!
El Señor es mi Pastor
El grupo de jóvenes El Señor es mi
Pastor les hace una atenta invitación a
todos los jóvenes de Santa Martha para
que vengan a conocer a Dios, a alabarlo
y divertirse en diferentes actividades
del grupo. Nos reunimos todos los
viernes en el salón 8 de 7pm a 9pm.
Los esperamos!
¡Bienvenido de nuevo, Padre Adrian!
Fr. Adrián de Lima, está de vuelta a la
Parroquia Santa Marta para ayudarnos
durante los meses de verano. Él es sin duda
un encanto de tener y un amigo muy acogedor y compañero en
el servicio de nuestro Señor.
¡¡Bienvenido de nuevo, Padre Adrián!!
Please pray for our Priest and please remember to pray for vocations as
priests, brothers and sisters. Please speak to youth and young adults
and invite them to consider being a priest, brother or sister.
Por favor mantengan en sus oraciones a nuestros Sacerdotes y recuerden de pedir
por Vocaciones Religiosas. Por favor hablen con jóvenes y jóvenes adultos e
invítenlos a que consideren la posibilidad de convertirse en sacerdote, hermano o
“Where Every Student Excels”
(626) 964-1093
José Camacho: 626) 806-2152
We are accepting registrations for:
Open to: Currently in High School and going to
High School in September 2014. Bring Baptismal and 1st Communion Certificates, and Fee.
Questions: Call the Life Teen Office Open for Registrations on
Wednesdays from 7 - 9 pm and Sundays from 9am - 12 nn.
Estamos aceptando inscripciones para
Confirmación / RCI.
Abierto a: Estudiantes en la secundaria o van a
entrar a la Secundaria en Septiembre del 2014.
Traiga los Certificados de bautismo y primera comunión y
Preguntas: Llame a la oficina de Vida Juvenil. Inscripciones
abierto los miércoles 7-9 pm y los domingos de 9 am - 12PM.
June 29, 2014
We are now taking applications for Transitional Kindergarten
(Pre School) to 8th grade for the School Year 2014-2015.
Staffed by the Sisters of the Love of God and Very Committed
Lay Faculty Fully Accredited by WASC and WCEA.
You may pick up an application at the school office Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Thank you and may God bless you,
Sr. Azucena, Principal
Oficina de Educación Religiosa
Cerraran para el mes de Julio
Abriran para Registraciones: el 4 de Agosto.
Religious Education Office
Closed For the Month of July
Will re-open for Registrations on: August 4th.
Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Ps 50:16bc-23;
Mt 8:18-22
Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Ps 5:4b-8; Mt 8:2327
Am 5:14-15, 21-24; Ps 50:8-13, 16bc-17;
Mt 8:28-34
Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 20:24-29
Am 8:4-6, 9-12; Ps 119: 10, 20, 30, 40,
131; Mt 9:9-13 or, for Independence Day,
any readings from the Mass “For the Country,”
nos. 882-886, or “For Peace and Justice,” nos. 887-891
Am 9:11-15; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 9:1417
Zec 9:9-10; Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14;
St. Martha’s Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Sta. Marta
Pg. Eight/Ocho
St. Martha Bereavement Ministry
† Rodolfo Zepeda
El Ministro de Consolación de Santa Marta
With faith in Christ Jesus and faith in each other the
following couples have pledged their love this past week in
Holy Matrimony.
May their lives always bear
witness to the reality of that love.
Matthew James Ramirez ♥ Elena Ramirez
Manolo Arca Acevedo ♥ Jesica Leigh Robertson
Francisco E. Garcia ♥ Sarah Jean Torres
Salvador Mendez ♥ Vanessa Alejandra Arce
Patrick Joel Buendia Escalona ♥ Preciosa Pangniban De Chavez
Corbin Trevor Wilson ♥ Rosana D. Separa
Kevin Ruben De Alba ♥ Sandra Ascencio
Abby Ortiz
Adam Calderon
Adoracion Panqilinan
Alejandro Ramos
Alex Lee
Alfred Serra
Alton Perez
Antonia Salas Lomeli
Antonio Behena
Anthony Ibarra
Ambrocio Romero
Aurelio Garcia
Aurora Ruiz
Bartolome Ramos
Bernardo Bautista
Billy Cota
Brian Anthony Mott
Bruno Castro
Carlota Sano
Caro Tan
Carmelita Ramos
Carmen Vazquez
Carmelo Grande
Cayetana Ramos
Cecilia Saval
Celedonio Buban
Corina Abeyta
Cherylle Lauder-Lariño
Cris & Chit Alejo
Chito Veneracion
Corazon Blanco
Daniel A-Richard
Daniel Ponce
Danillo Ramos
David Penard, Jr.
Deacon Gus Sabenius
Deacon Jesse Batacan
Deacon Vic Tiambeng
Delia Montano
Deandra Trujillo
Destiny Trujillo
Della Gonzalez
Desiderio R. Santos
Dionecio Vaca
Ding Frijas
Dolly Ferriols
Dr. Orly Cagatao
Edith Bautista
Elsie E. Garcia
Emilie Caumeran
Emmanuel Aquino
Enelda Galo
Enya Madarlang
Ernesto Perez
Enrique Zoria
Evelyn Quintana
Evelyn Mendoza
Fernando Castaneda
Felicisimo Aquino
Fidel Rodriguez
Florentina Motus
Frances Castañeda
Francisco De La Torre
Fred Easterling
Gert Hollmann
Guadalupe Diaz
Guadalupe Dualan
Guillermo Garcia
Helen Estolano-Dizon
Hugh Bennett
Ian Matsumoto
Ignacio Perez
Inocencio Ongjoco
Isaias Santiago
Isela Hermer
Jaime Garcia
Jacob Pizzo
Jaqueline Burruel
Javier Gonzalez
Javier Lopez
Jesus Peña
Jimmy Manipis
Joelle Trevino
Jocelyn Bates
John D’Cruz
Jojo Alba
Jose Mata-Santiago
Joseph Lee
Josie Gomez
Joy Garan
Joy Mercado
J.S. Sabino
Judith Sales
Kailee Marcial
Kianna Emma Santos
Laura Bautista
Leonor Dorlant
Leticia Arias
Lilian Maniago
Linda Balete
Lisa Santillan
Lita de la Cruz
Lita Pablo
Lydia Roldan
Lolita Mercado
Loise Gonzales
Lourdes Santiago
Lupe Martin
Luz & Patty Vazquez
Luz Ramirez
Luz Zaragoza
Luz & Salomon Zermeno
Manuel Acevedo
Manuel Nuñez
Maria Alfaro
Maria Alvarez
Maria Arambula
Maria Danford
Maria del Pilar Sayune
Maria Isabel Garcia
Maria Martinez
Maria Rebecca R Brillo
Maria Theresa Labra
Marilyn Gutierrez
Maricela Mata
Mario Mendoza
SSGT. Mario E Vasquez
Ma. Ines Sanchez
Marissa Tuazon
Malou Roxas
Margarita Terraza
Marlyn D.Garcia
Marta Lopez
Marvin Campos
Mary Garcia
Mary Joy Pasculado
Merced Herrera
Mercy Garce
Nancy Gaw
Natalia Rojo
Natividad Nieves
Nelia Africa
Nicolas Pena
Norma Mayo
Oscar Lanuza
Pablo Ayala
Paquita del Rio
Paquita Sy
Pearl Nacey
Pete Romano
Precious Edang
Placida C. Zuniga
June 29, 2014
Ramiro Vasquez
Ramon Ortegaso
Raquel Ramos
Rey Parungao
Ricardo Belleza Dy
Rick Kashenberg
Rita Tariga
Roberto Delgado
Roberto Enriques
Roberto y Rosa Leyva
Rosalina Torres
Rosalinda Patola
Rose Chavez
Rosemary Gabriel
Rosina y Victoriano Acevedo
Rosita Villareal
Ruben Almenendram
Rudy Sanguyo
Sam Bautista
Severino Gecha
Shirley Villagracia
Simon Tunque
Sol Villafuerte
Sonette Saint Charles
Sonny Bergaño
Susana Villote Villagracia
Teresita E. Alojipan
Teresita P. Caeg
Terry Martinez Alacran
Tony Solorio
Veneranda Ramos
Valentine Robles
Victor Gecha
Violeta Mendoza
Virginia Alvarez
Virginia V. Santos
Yolanda Guerra
Wilma Mackey
Yvette Villafuerte
Please Pray for these
Priest who are ill…..
Sacerdotes que están
enfermos .....
Father Robert M. Bradley
Msgr. Jarlath Cunnane
Rev. Tomas Elis
Rev. Frank Ferrante, CMF
Father Rody Gorman
Msgr. Alfred Hernandez
Msgr. John Hughes
Fr. Isaac Kalina, O.S.B
Father Paul Manzano
Monsignor John Mihan
Father John Neiman
Father Wayne Noble
Father Jose A. Ortiz
Msgr. William O’Toole
Father Jorge Peñaloza
Rev. Miguel Plascencia
Msgr. John Rawden
Father Frank Russo, Jr.
Father David Velazquez
June 29, 2014
Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles / San Pedro y San Pablo, Apóstoles
Pg. Nine/Nueve
June 29:
June 30:
July 1:
July 3:
July 4:
July 5:
Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time;
The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
Bl. Junípero Serra; Canada Day
St. Thomas
Independence Day; First Friday
St. Anthony Zaccaria;
St. Elizabeth of Portugal;
Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday
** Parish Life **
Music Rm.
Rm. 11
A.V. Rm.
- Nueva Vida Retiro 7am
- Santos Angeles Coro 8:30am - 10:30am
- Legion of Mary Mother of Christ 1:30pm - 3pm
- Encuentro Matrimonial 11am - 1pm
- LOJM 1:30pm - 3pm
- Emmanuel Choir 1pm - 3pm
Music Rm.
Rm. 4
Rm. 1
- Peace & Joy Choir Practice 7pm - 9pm
- MISTAGOGIA 7pm - 9pm
- Cristo Vive Coro 7pm - 9pm
Music Rm.
You are invited to join
Fr. Joseph Parathanal of
Holy Family Church, South Pasadena
Pilgrimages to:
(OCT. 2015) - HOLY LAND
Contact Bernadette at [email protected]
or call 323-344-1548 or 323-547-6618
Rm. 11
- English Bible Class 7pm - 9pm
- Spanish Lectors Meeting 7pm - 9pm
- Eng. Eucharistic Ministers 7pm - 9pm
Los feligreses en el
Servicio Militar
Let us pray for those serving our
- Legión De María Medalla Milagrosa 9am - 10:30am
- Finance Council & Fundraising Mtg. 7pm - 9pm
A.V. Rm.
Rm. 4
Rm. 2
Parishioners in the
Military Service
¡Oremos por
nuestro país!
- Spa. Lectores 7pm - 9pm
- Nueva Vida Coro 7pm - 9pm
Music Rm.
Rm. 11
Rm. 8
Rm. 7
Rm. 6
Rm. 3
Music Rm.
Rm. 11
A.V. Rm.
- Quinceañeta Practice 7pm
- Spa. Bible Class 9am - 11am
- Peace & Joy Choir Practice 7pm - 9pm
- Nueva Vida 7pm - 9pm
- Al- Anon 7pm - 9pm
Happy 4th of July
Srgt Ronnie Agustin, Air Force; Jasmine America Real, U.S.
Army; Troniemar Ancheta, U.S. Airborne; Steven Andersen
II, U.S. Navy; Erik Anonas, U.S. Navy; Charlie Arcenio,
U.S. Army; Christopher Barcelona, U.S. Navy; PFC. Pedro
Berumen, U.S Marine; Adam James Calderon, Air Force;
Alberto Calderon, U.S. Navy; Julian G. Cornejo, U.S. Army;
Cpt. William Castilla, U.S. Army; Paul John Dy-Angeles,
U.S. Navy; Brian Eberhard, U.S. Army; Bobby Gardea, U.S.
Navy; LT. P.J Gangcuangoco, U.S Navy; Heidi Irene Gomez, U.S. Army; David Gonzalez Jr., U.S Marine; Charlie
Javier, U.S. Navy; Magana Leo, Air Force; SFC. Jerry L.
Luna, U.S. Army; James JF Manipis, U.S. Army; Leopoldo
Magaña, Air Force; Christopher A. Mondragon, U.S Marine;
Neil Perez, U.S. Navy; LT. Richard C. Quinto, U.S. Army;
Andrew Ramos, Army Infantry; Mark S. Ramos, U.S. Navy,
Neil Brian Rivera, U.S. Army; Randy Lee Rodriguez, U.S.
-Flautas del Señor Coro 7pm - 9pm
- Santos Angeles Choir 6:30pm - 9pm
- Spa. Bible Class 7pm - 9pm
- Ministerio de la Divina Misericordia 7pm - 9pm
- Movimiento Familiar Cristiano 6pm - 9pm
- Catechist Bible Classes 6pm—9pm
Our Offices and
All Meeting Rooms are CLOSED Today
- 8am Mass ONLY / Misa a las 8am SOLAMENTE
Music Rm.
A.V. Rm.
Rm. 11
Rm. 8 & 7
- God’s Children Choir Practice 2pm - 4pm
- Vientos de Paz Coro Practica 5pm - 7pm
- Legión de Nuestra Sra. de Lourdes 9am - 10:30am
- God’s Children P/G. 6pm - 9pm
- CLP & CFC 6pm - 9pm
Pg. Ten/Diez
St. Martha’s Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Sta. Marta
June 29, 2014
Thank you! Gracias! Salamat!
Fr. Dennis,
God Bless you and Good luck on
your new assignment. Thank you for
Thank you! Gracias! Salamat!
Padre Dennis
Dios lo bendiga y Buena Suerte en
su nueva asignación. ¡¡Gracias por
St. Martha Parish Staff & Parishioners.
La Iglesia de Sta. Martha y Parroquianos.
In Service To One. In Service To All.
Father Michael J. McGivney Council 15034
Dear St. Martha Church Fellow Parishioners and Friends,
Greetings of Jesus' peace to all of you and your family.
The Knights of Columbus Council # 15034, had its First "Celebrate Marriage" Night on June 7, 2014. St. Martha
Church parishioners didn't mind staying longer, past the 5:00PM Mass that evening, to witness the "Renewal of Vows"
for couples married in the Catholic Church. Thanks much to Fr. Dennis for rendering such a beautiful renewal of sacred
vows wherein more than fifty couples experienced this memorable and blessed affair. After the Mass, the "Celebrate
Marriage" couples, friends and guests proceeded to the McNamara Hall for a romantic candle-lit dinner while they listen
to inspirational speakers and guest singer. Then, there was a grand ceremony honoring couples married for over 25 years
followed by an offering of red roses to our respective wives and a serenade by the Knights of Columbus Choir. There
was a raffle drawings, couples photo booth, entertainment and the evening ended with series of line dancing and group
photos. It was a wonderful, successful and fun filled affair. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to our Worthy
Chaplain Fr. Mau, Deacon Couple Vic & Dolly Tiambeng, donors, to our Brother Knights family, St. Martha community
and friends for their presence and active participation during this event. As part of St. Martha Church Family Life Ministry, our Knights of Columbus Council will continue to host events like this to promote, celebrate and strengthen marriage and family life in our community. With your prayers and support, kindly spread the word and hopefully more
newly-wed couples would be able to join us next year. Thank you. GK Rick Flores, DGK Marc Tagao, Family Director
Tony Espinas, Council Director Bert Del Rosario and all Committees.