
Paula D'Andrea
Reality Architect
Everybody can relate to being a Rock Star..... male or female, young or old, hip or square.
Whether you've been swooned by one or mooned by one, those Rockr's have great
Sexy, rebellious, tattooed, breakn' all the rules..... they're out front, living outrageously,
free & loud.
As an entrepreneur, or even someone who works for someone else, your productivity is
crucial. Don't you want to be on top of your game?
A Rock Star life is one of the most desired ones of all – it's the life of ultimate Freedom....
being true to yourself and your authentic nature. Designing your work to match your
lifestyle.... without restrictions or limits.
Don't be one of those people who only dream about who they can be and how they can
live their life. Step in...... fully.
Keep breathing your Dreams into Reality ~ Rock ya self out!
Meet your Rock Stars who will take you to your next level
Lenny Kravitz ~ 'Romeo Blue' with
RAD MOVE #1: Be True, Be Cool
Steven Victor Tallarico ~ 'Steven Tyler'
A.K.A. 'The Demon of Screamin' with
RAD MOVE #2: Rock Your Sweet Emotion
Janis Lyn Joplin ~ 'Pearl' with
RAD MOVE #3: Live Without Limits
Anna Mae Bullock ~ 'Tina Turner' with
RAD MOVE #4: Rock a High Vibe
Joan Marie Larkin ~ 'Joan Jett' with
RAD MOVE #5: Kick Some Ass
'If you aint part of the game then how
can you find a solution' ~ Lenny Kravitz*
Be True
Lenny Kravitz has a point. You can't do anything to change your life if you don't
give yourself a reality check..... to take that deep, hard look at yourself. To take a
time out for a soul session. To explore your heart, your dreams and your values. To
see things for what they really are. For who you really are. Cruise past your past,
past your B.S. & language yourself in now.
What's your game
Are you 20lbs overweight?
Can you accept where you are now?
Are you willing to work towards a healthier body by pinpointing
Why you overeat
Why you emotionally eat
Why you avoid exercise
Are you in the midst of a job transition or empty nest?
Would you like to discover a new path to find out what's next
Have you recently recovered from a loss – divorce, illness, death?
How would you like to get back to you
Dig In – you'll come out on the other side
Sometimes it plain out sucks to 'go there'. Eventually you know it's the thing to do.
A life of pain & putting on that 'face' to family, friends and clients is getting harder
and harder. Somehow, bucking up has to be easier. Somehow, the cost of solving
your problem will be priceless when you're finally free and clear and Rockn' your
life out again.
Get some fans
Find people who support you and you can get through anything. A coach always
has a helping hand, and is always ready to:
• pull you up the mountain
• give you a hug or pat on the back
• a rousing standing ovation
Contact me now to find out how to get started!
Join my Facebook group now and become part of my Entourage to be inspired all
the time – click here
Be Cool
This is your time. Your time to really walk your talk. To fully be who you are, what
you are, how you are. To show up. To begin breathing life back into yourself, with
truth and dignity. To get your body back. To get your mind back. To get your heart
back. To really love yourself and be the person you want to be, living the life of your
dreams. Like Lenny Kravitz - uninhibited, loud, sexy, soulful.
Shudda, wudda, cudda has no place here. It isn't about tearing yourself apart
& beating yourself up. It's about resetting your heart to open it up to your
truest, deepest desires. The shit that's lived in you for years.... the shit that
gives you the 'moves like Jagger'. The shit that Rocks your soul like Lenny
Kravitz and makes you wanna 'Shout it out Loud' like KISS.
It's about your next 'personal best' – your next Rock Star
Become your own biggest fan!
Get to the highest Vibe of you & Rock
yourself out all the time with exclusive offers
and playlists. Find them in Your Rock Challenge – click here
Join my Entourage! Like my
Facebook page, click here
'Every life has a measure of sorrow, and sometimes
this is what awakens us.' ~ Steven Tyler
A while back, I came up with a term called a BUI as a little play on words. Well, it's
gotten pretty popular with my client's, and become one of the signature pieces of
my programs. As a matter of fact, my client's now brag about how they 'popped
their BUI' & 'screamn' demons'.
A BUI, or Behaving Under the Influence is one of those recurring negative thoughts,
behaviors, attitudes, etc that comes out of nowhere to bitch slap you when you
least expect it. Some are obvious, some are deeply hidden and have their own
'devil in disguise' that have you on 'automatic pilot'. Any sound familiar?
Negative self talk – 'I suck'
Sabotaging behaviors – altercations, overeating, workaholic
Staying in a comfort zone – job, relationships
'Check out' – booze, food, cigarettes, inaction
Which BUI has you on automatic pilot?!
Sweet Emotion
Most people have mutliple layers of BUI's. Most revolve around limiting beliefs –
about money, love, appearance, sexuality. Being able to tap into what is holding
you back will make all the difference in your life personally and professionally. If
you'd like to uncover some of your BUI's, click here.
Steven Tyler, one of the most popular Rockr's of all time, is known as
'The Demon of Screamin' for many reasons. One, his vocal screech is like none
other, and you immediately know it's him the minute you hear him let loose.
Secondly, he's battled many 'screamn' demons' & BUI's during his life.
Tyler has taken the phrase 'Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll' to new heights. He's had several
rehabs, has contracted Hep C, and has had a major throat surgery. He describes his
treatment for hepatitis as 'pure agony' and 'cried like a baby' when he realized he was the
father of ex Bebe Buell's daughter, Liv. Now past his demons, he is Rockn' out with a
new wife & new career.
Get a grip
Learn techniques to handle emotion
be aware when you are slipping into something 'big'
learn how to 'get in & get out' quickly, easily and gracefully
be able to acknowledge your emotion, and pinpoint it's origin
get rid of 'false core's'
Despair, hopelessness and loss are heavy things to deal with. No matter how much
money you have, how great your job or lifestyle is, when shit happens, it can take you out.
And it stirs up all sorts of chaos. It seems all of your BUI's rear their ugly heads all at
When you're in the thick of it, it is tough. I know. In 2003, I experienced the loss of my
sister Lisa, who died in the Station Night Club Fire in RI. (She was a huge Steven Tyler Fan
Livin' on the Edge
Losing my sister was certainly the most devastating event of my life. Diagnosed with
severe depression and PTSD, my Sweet Emotion definitely left me Livin' on the Edge.
There wasn't anything I'd encountered before that was as big as this. I took this as my
opportunity to heal in a big way – to let go, and get rid of my BUI's & 'screamn' demons'.
Part of the healing process was to focus on self care. It was the most tangible and the
easiest to contribute to, and gave me focus. The first 6 months were excruciating.
Disruptive sleeping, gnarly moods and lack of patience were probably the top 3
One of my client's who recently lost a family member explained their state of being at the
time of our recent call as 'a migraine of the heart.' I could totally relate. It helped me
acknowledge his pain & Rock him out of that state and into a higher vibe.
There were many people who helped me heal my emotional wounds, including friends,
coaches, fitness trainers, and therapists. They all helped put 'Humpty Dumpty' back
together again.
Following a nutrition plan with no/low sugar helped fend off bouts of depression. High
intensity workouts with weights and cardio helped push my heart, mind and lungs to
explode with new sources of oxygen to circulate & detoxify on many levels. Massage and
mobility helped me tap into trapped emotion and eliminate unwanted emotional and
toxic debris in my body.
As time passed, I went through many stages of emotion and created my own Aerosmith
playlist, lol. It was an an inclusive tour list and included 'The Other Side', 'Angel', 'Get a
Grip', 'Make It', 'Devil's Got a New Disguise', 'Get the Lead Out', 'Jesus is on the Main Line',
'Angel' and 'No More No More'.
As much as it sucked, I had to go through every bit of it. By going through it, I learned to
reset my heart
get out of my BUI's
be in better control of my emotions
live a healthy, dynamic lifestyle
Back in the Saddle
As a Reality Architect, and someone who has experienced adversity to get 'Back
in the Saddle', I effectively guide my clients to get to the root of their 'sweet
emotion', limiting beliefs/BUIs, story and 'screamn' demons'.
My clients really appreciate the accountability I hold them to as well as knowing
they can count on me to facilitate their process with love, harmony and respect.
Once you have 'popped' yourself, you will feel a freedom in your body, heart and
soul. The peace of mind and clarity you experience will help you live a life without
It would be my pleasure to help you get through whatever you need to 'pop' and
reach your next level of Rock Star. Please fill out this short survey and take your
next step toward Freedom - click here
Become your own biggest fan! Get to the highest Vibe of you & Rock
yourself out all the time with exclusive offers and playlists. Find them in
Your Rock Challenge – click here
Join my Entourage! Like my
Facebook page, click here
'Don't compromise yourself.
You are all you've got.' ~ Janis Joplin
Live without Limits
Once you pop your BUI's, there's no turning back, no living small anymore.
Stepping fully into yourself allows your lifestyle to reflect your inner desire.
Speaking, living, working in a way you've always dreamed of. In a Dynamic
Lifestyle. The world is your playground & you're gonna Rock the stage where ever
you go!
Janis Joplin was known as being feisty, flamboyant & 'out there' – definitely
someone who stretched herself and lived without limits. The difference between
you and Janis, is that you are willing to overcome your BUI's and demons to live
fully, not recklessly.
When you live without limits, all of those self imposed 'rules & regulations' you've
put on yourself, or adapted from other people are discarded and you begin living in
a more unleashed, dynamic way.
What is your biggest limiting belief?
Choice by choice
Living without limits is definitely a choice. Once you've freed yourself from your
BUI's, stories, 'Screamn' Demons', you are free to choose. Without compromise,
guilt, shame or lack. Every day becomes a choice to further define who you are.
More & more, you'll experience yourself coming 'online' – fully alive – in your
essence. Freedom of emotion will give you the ability to turn your energy on the
drop of a dime to soar higher and higher. Your confidence will increase, and you
will have a strong desire to pursue your passions, dreams and ideals of reality.
“Do the things that scare the shit out of you to
find the things that serve you.” ~ Paula D'Andrea
As you continue to step more fully into yourself, you bring with you all of the 'good
stuff' you've had on reserve. Those preserved pieces of you that have played small
that are ready to soar. You have more of your resources – physically, emotionally,
energetically, spiritually – to bring what you really want into your life.
Your life is abundant. Everything is at your finger tips and at the tip of your tongue
to bring you to your next level of Rock Star. Rockn' the stage, giving your best
performance. You win, your family wins, your co-workers, friends & clients win.
As you acclimate yourself to a life without limits, a whole new world will open for
you. If you thought you were Rockn' it out before, watch out..... you're on your way
to becoming a Super Star!
Become your own biggest fan!
Get to the highest Vibe of you & Rock
yourself out all the time with exclusive offers
and playlists. Find them in Your Rock
Challenge – click here
Join my Entourage! Like my
Facebook page, click here
“Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself.
If you are unhappy with anything.... whatever is bringing you down,
get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity,
your true self, comes out." Tina Turner
Tina Turner left an abusive situation with her name, dignity and pocket change.
She left of her own accord... with her Self. What are you willing to leave on the
table? What do you think would be a healthy choice to 'let go of' and stand more
firmly in your power?
Letting go gives Rise to something greater. Sometimes you get so caught up in
the 'safe zone', that even if a situation isn't ideal, or out & out sucks, you stay
with it.
After years and years of 'putting up', Tina finally gained the courage to say 'enough is enough I've reached my limit'. Her decision was conscious, strong and clear. She knew in letting go of
the 'things' she was accustomed to, in the world she had lived in for so long, she would end up in
a better world. The true world of Tina Turner.
What new world are you willing to create for yourself?
'What's love got to do with it'?
Clarity and intuition are on your side to tune in and stay high & wide – Rockn' a
high vibe – in full power. There comes that point where push does come to shove,
and you have to make a decision to change a situation that isn't working for you.
It's a healthy thing to do. When you are in alignment with your self, your business
and everything else will thrive.
There isn't anything wrong with you - stop trying to fix yourself! You may have a few
BUI's lingering – those can be addressed. The best part about uncovering your
BUI's is that you get to really know yourself. You get to engage, embrace & embody
all of you – good, bad & indifferent.
Cruise past your B.S. & resolve your past so you can
move forward in a higher vibration.
River Deep, Mountain High
When you dig deep enough into the river of wealth - the inner richness
we all have, you will give Rise to the flow within you.... the creativity, the vision,
the mission. All of it is Abundant in you. Let the world within you become your
outer world.
What inner gem can you access right now, that will lead you to the Mountain - your
Dream. What ability do you have that can you focus on & develop, bringing
yourself into a dynamic, healthy, affluent lifestyle?
"I call upon Divine Wisdom"
You gotta have something to believe in! Who/what supports you on a daily basis?!
Where do you go to tap your 'True Self'..... your higher self. The aspect of you that
sources all possibility to courageously, boldly and confidently advance in yourself
and your business.
You can draw in anything that feeds you body, heart & soul. Yoga, gardening,
walking, nature, meditation, metaphysical/energetic practices, exercise. Whatever
you decide upon, do it consistently, do it powerfully, do it lovingly, do it fully.
Step into you on a daily basis,
be in your flow, and
Rock a High Vibe
Become your own biggest fan!
Get to the highest Vibe of you & Rock
yourself out all the time with exclusive offers
and playlists. Find them in Your Rock Challenge – click here
Join my Entourage! Like my
Facebook page, click here
'Rock'n'roll music is what gets me off.' ~ Joan Jett
Rebel, Bad Ass, Rock Star
Joan Marie Larkin, popped her Rock Cherry at the age of 13, when her parents gave her a guitar
for Christmas. Influenced by the middle class Philly suburbs, she began writing songs and
sneaking out to concerts. She had a hunger for authenticity and developed the hard edged
sounds of Philly in her voice and on her guitar.
'Cherry Bomb'
You fight the good fight every day because it lives in you, not because you have to.
There are plenty of people who can sit back and let things happen, but that's not
you. You're better than that. You demand more from yourself and you deserve
more than mediocrity. Flat out.
There's a huge difference between Attitude, and 'having an attitude'. At this stage
of the game, you're totally Rockn' ATTITUDE. You're keepn' it real, know your 'go
to's' – how to keep an even keel. You're around the people who turn you on, and
you do the things that turn you on. True Rock Star.
You've gotta Rock ya self out loud & proud, knowing that you're good enough,
strong enough & smart enough. Be vulnerable, be true, be cool. Rock ya self out
in high fashion – at your highest potential. Use everything you've got, maintain
your dignity and your integrity. There is possibility all around you.....
There is nothing like Freedom to give you a Kick Ass attitude!
Knowing that you can freely access all of you
Knowing that you're heading in the right direction
Knowing that you can have the ultimate Freedom - love, money and good health
Pop your cherry
Get ready to pop your cherry all over again. You're back in the saddle,
you're on top....... you've got what it takes to succeed and take on the world!
Oh yeah, Joan Jett did a cover of Love is All Around. You know - Mary Tyler Moore's
theme song?
"Love is all around, no need to fake it.
You can have the town, why don't you take it.
You're gonna make it after all"
Check it.
Love is all around, no need to fake it.
You can have the town, why don't you take it.
You're gonna make it after all........
Dude, you're all set..... you're a Rock Star, go Kick
some Ass!
Become your own biggest fan!
Get to the highest Vibe of you & Rock
yourself out all the time with exclusive offers
and playlists. Find them in Your Rock Challenge – click here
Do you feel like you're trapping your energy instead of tapping it for Rock Star
status? Are you interested in getting rid of some BUI's & 'Screamn' Demons'?
I've got just what you need! Your own private Soul Session.
A complimentary, 20 minute session where you'll have a
mini breakthrough, see how we mesh, and find out which of
my programs will work best for you.
Click here to get started on a short survey.
Rock ya self out!
Paula D'Andrea is a Reality Architect who has
overcome her own 'Screamn' Demons'........
Rockn' 5 near death experiences, 3 knee
surgeries, family loss and financial ruin, to come
back on top and work with some of the most
entertaining people on the planet.
She has confidentially, professionally, and
discretely worked with a who's who of Hollywood.
Her high powered clientele has included global
and local executives, entrepreneurs, celebrities,
celebrity chefs/stylists/designers, casting
directors, producers, agents, directors,and even
members of a royal family.
When you work with Paula, either as a client or
business partner, you can count on her having your back.
She is charismatic, candid, bold & knows her shit – true Rock Star material
Before you can sing Lust for Life, Paula will Rock your soul & get you into
Rock Star status. Fill out a survey now to set up a Soul Session with Paula, to
find out how you mesh & which of her programs will be right for you.
Right now, Paula is blazing her own trail in creating her own web show
which will profile every day Rock Stars like you! Watch rockyourlife.tv
©Paula D'Andrea 2012
Copyright © 2012 Paula D'Andrea. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced
mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying, without written permission of
the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without
permission from the publisher.
Paula D'Andrea
1626 N Wilcox Ave #567
Los Angeles, CA 90028
[email protected]
Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty
The author and publisher shall not be liable for your misuse of this material. This book is strictly for
informational and educational purposes.
Warning – Disclaimer
The purpose of this book is to educate and entertain. The author and/or publisher do not guarantee that
anyone following these techniques, suggestions, tips, ideas, or strategies will become 'healed' or successful.
The author and/or publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to anyone with respect to any loss
or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.