Your Guide to the Colombian titles at FILBO 2016


Your Guide to the Colombian titles at FILBO 2016
Your Guide
to the Colombian
titles at
FILBO 2016
Foreign Rights Available
Dear All,
In this special edition you’ll find a sample of the top titles that Colombian
publishing houses and literary agencies will be bringing to the 2016
International Book Fair of Bogotá (FILBO). The selection features authors
in a wide variety of genres, some of whose books have been published while
others are still forthcoming.
Each company has selected the first chapter of their top pick, whose rights
are available abroad, so that you can get an idea of which Colombian authors
are currently attracting interest in the international market.
Happy reading!
The Spanish Bookstage
Get an advantage in the global Spanish-language book trade!
[email protected]
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Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Antonia Kerrigan
Agencia Literaria
Laguna Libros
Casanovas & Lynch
Agencia Literaria
Luna Libros
Panamericana Editorial
Diente de León. Editor
Penguin Random House
Ediciones B Colombia
Rey Naranjo Editores
Editorial Planeta
Schavelzon Graham Agencia
Fondo de Cultura Económica
Tiempo de Leer
Icono Editorial
La Valija de Fuego
*Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
VicLit Agency
Antonia Kerrigan
Agencia Literaria
Travessera de Gràcia, 22,
08021 Barcelona (Spain)
Tel: (+34) 93 932 09 38 20
Antonia Kerrigan
[email protected]
Pecado (Sin)
Laura Restrepo
Literary Fiction, 2016
As if taken from a painting by Hieronymus Bosch, the character of this book is Arcangel,
the young killer; Luis B. Campocé, the executive adulterer; Emma, the butcher; an
incestuous couple; an executioner nicknamed The Widow; the Susanas, three indifferent
or conceited sisters, and the arrogant Syrian prophet. The disturbing and ambiguous
idea of sin is embodied in each of them. El jardín de la delicias no longer hangs in the
museum and has become more real than ever, inhabited by these characters in flesh and
blood that whisper in our ears their particular relationship with evil. Until what point
are they guilty? The moral challenge of condemning them will be bestowed to the
reader, or, possibly, also their pardon.
Laura Restrepo published her memoir The History of an Enthusiasm in 1986, followed by the
novels Isle of Passion, Leopard in the Sun (Premio Arcebispo San Clemente 2002), The Angel
of Galilea (Premio Sor Juana 1997 and Prix France-Culture 1998), The Dark Bride, A Tale
of the dispossessed, Delirium (Premio Alfaguara 2004 and Premio Grinzane Cavour, Italy,
2005), No Place for Heroes (2009) and Hot Sur (2012)
Her novels have been translated into twenty languages and she has received numerous prizes.
She is considered by critics as one of the most important voices in present-day Spanish-speaking
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Antonia Kerrigan
Agencia Literaria
Travessera de Gràcia, 22,
08021 Barcelona (Spain)
Tel: (+34) 93 932 09 38 20
Antonia Kerrigan
[email protected]
Primero estaba el mar (In the Beginning Was the Sea)
Tomás González
Literary Fiction (1983, 2011)
Rights sold: Meridiaan Uitgevers (The Netherlands), Pushkin Press (English
World), Carnets Nord (France), Fischer Verlag (Germany) and Bertrand (Brazil)
The young intellectuals J. and Elena abandon the parties, the drinking and the money of
the city, and start a new life on a remote tropical coast. Among mango trees, hot sands and
everlasting sunshine, they plan to live the Good Life, self-sufficient and close to nature.
But with each day come small defeats and imperceptible dramas. Gradually paradise turns
into hell, as brutal weather, mounting debts, the couple’s brittle relationship, and the
sea itself threaten to destroy them.
Tomás González (Colombia, 1950) studied Philosophy before becoming a barman in a Bogotá
nightclub, whose owner published Primero estaba el mar (In the Beginning Was the Sea), his
first novel, in 1983. González has lived in Miami and New York, where he wrote much of his work
while making a living as a translator. After twenty years in the US, he returned to Colombia.
His works include the novels Para antes del olvido (For Before Forgetfulness, 1987), La historia
de Horacio (The Story of Horacio, 2000), Los caballitos del diablo (The Devil’s Little Horses,
2003), Abraham entre bandidos (Abraham Amid The Bandits, 2010), La luz difícil (The Difficult
Light, 2011), Temporal (2013), Niebla al mediodía (Midday Mist, 2015) and the short stories
book El expreso del sol (2016).
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Casanovas & Lynch
Agencia Literaria
Muntaner, 340, 2º 1ª
08021 Barcelona
Tel: (+34) 93 212 4791
Sandra Pareja
[email protected]
Cosas peores
Margarita García Robayo
Short Stories (Argentina, Seix Barral, 2015
and Colombia, Alfaguara, 2016)
Premio Casa las Américas 2014
Uncomfortable family situations, unfortunate health conditions, people on the brink
of survival – this is what each story in this collection captures, every ripple and every
echo that travels from one person to another. With narrative ease and a seductive pull,
Margarita García Robayo reminds us that sometimes the most intimate struggles are as
fragile as the political and there is nothing but time that keeps us going and quiet hope
that heals. For example, in the title story, Titi was born with a rare obesity. Confused
with a symptom of good health, it wasn’t healed in time. And so he watches the days
go by, observed and judged by others, and in an ongoing limbo. But as his mother says,
things could be worse. Worse would be death, solitude, loss, and absence its in most
sophistaced forms. In this book, García Robayo’s voice is more distinguishable than
Margarita García Robayo (Cartagena, Colombia, 1980) is the author of the novel LO QUE
NO APRENDÍ, finalist for the Premio Biblioteca de Narrativa Colombiana in 2015, as well as
the novel HASTA QUE PASE UN HURACÁN. Her most recent short story collection “COSAS
PEORES” was awarded with the prestigious Casa de las Américas 2014. She had made her
breakthrough in 2010 with the short story collection, the first of four, HAY CIERTAS COSAS
QUE UNA NO PUEDE HACER DESCALZA, which won critics over. Her work has been included
in several anthologies such as Childless Parents (Traviesa, 2014), translated and published in
English. She has worked as a film columnist for El Universal, Project Coordinator of the Gabriel
García Márquez Foundation, and Director of the Tomás Eloy Martínez Foundation from 2010
to 2014. When working for Clarín, the Argentinean newspaper, she created the blog Sudaquia,
with stories from Latin America that won several awards and were reprinted in El País, El
Espectador and Le Monde. She currently lives in Buenos Aires and speaks English perfectly.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Casanovas & Lynch
Agencia Literaria
Muntaner, 340, 2º 1ª
08021 Barcelona
Tel: (+34) 93 212 4791
Sandra Pareja
[email protected]
La forma de las ruinas (The Shape of the Ruins)
Juan Gabriel Vásquez
Novel, 2015 (Alfaguara)
Finalist for the Bienal de Novela Mario Vargas Llosa 2016
Rights sold: US (Riverhead), UK (MacLehose), France (Seuil), Italy (Feltrinelli),
Holland (Signatuur), Portugal (Alfaguara), Hungary (Ab Ovo), Greece (Ikaros),
Norway (Aschehoug), Iceland (Bjartur), Turkey (Everest), Romania (Polirom).
In 2014, a man is arrested for trying to steal a dead politician’s suit, the one belonging
to Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, the political leader assassinated in Bogotá in 1948. This man’s
name is Carlos Caballo and he’s searching for signs to uncover the mysteries of a past that
obsesses him. What connects the assassinations of the Colombian liberal senator Rafael
Uribe Uribe in 1914, of Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, whose death broke Colombia’s past in half, and
the assassination of John F. Kennedy? How do these crimes come together? What secrets
do their ruins hide? A chance encounter places Carballo on the same path as the writer of
this novel, and his revelations lead him deep down into the darkest extremes of historical
investigation. With the documentary pulse of a historian, the cutting and illuminating
sight of an experimental novelist and the skill of a magnificent narrator, Juan Gabriel
Vásquez explores the uncertain truths of a country that still doesn’t know itself.
¡Llegaron! (They’re Here!)
Fernando Vallejo
Novel, 2015 (Alfaguara)
Vallejo is back, full of bite and funnier than ever in this return to his childhood and his días
azules. The author himself sits on a plane ride back to Mexico from Colombia and tells the
man beside him, a psychiatrist, all the nitty gritty that went down in his family country
home named “Santa Anita”. Imagine the stampede of twenty brothers through the orange
and lemon trees of rural Medellín! Every summer, like a plague of locusts, they arrive in
their little Ford truck and bring their grandparents mayhem. In spite of them stealing
dentures, making fun of atomic farts, playing all sorts of tricks, the author sings his
ode to happier times in Colombia and professes his undying love for his grandmother.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Diente de León. Editor
Avenida Carrera 24 # 37-10 (Apto 902)
Bogotá, DC (Colombia)
CP 111 311
Ricardo Alonso
[email protected]
Como vuelo de pájaro
of the
Luis Torres
Juan Esteban
Novel, 2014 (Literatura Random House)
Rights sold: Fazi (Italy)
: Shortly
XVI dusts dancer
off on in
rite to
Based on key
events in
life ofhis
Nijinsky, Benedict
the most important
the history
The Flight of The
the Golden
Bird blends
music and
G.K. Chesterton.
story dates
back to
a strange
in 1929,biography,
when the
of individual
and the
It allows
great English writer
a service for
the Church
at private
the request
of Pope
XI, butto
a form
and forces
a reflection on the nature of artistic creation.
now its as
never been
Its insights into the turbulent inner world of a man will unsettle readers with the reality
The file, kept under lock and key for years, came to light during the power struggles,
found there. Carlos Torres provides other insider perceptions, too - those of his friends
document thefts and scandals that rocked the church at the beginning of the 21st
and loved ones dragged down by the terrible tragedy of the madness of a man who once
Century. The
case is a ballet.
good one but a swathe of mysteries remain unresolved and there
are plenty of people who would rather it didn’t come out in the open.
The Flight of the Golden Bird creates a world in which Nijinsky’s imagination shapes landscapes,
This fun, hilarious
is of
an homage
to theineternal
creator of
are narrated
the unremitting
of an author
who knows the importance
has mastered
Father Brown,
and a demonstration
that history,
of are-read
text that
This is a madness that reeks and sweats, that
can be
as in
as fiction.
carries readers away on journeys to see the dying day and encounter the wide-open plains,
“My reading of The Man Who Wasn’t Thursday, an intelligent, satisfying novel
seas and peaks of Europe in the first half of the 20th Century, violent and euphoric.
about the canonization ‘process’ for the great writer G.K. Chesteron, is constantly
It is, in sum, a seductive but devastating novel that, though not slavishly historical,
beset by sudden attacks of the giggles.” OSCAR COLLAZOS
recounts a tragedy whose esthetic impact influenced the way theater, painting, film and
–now– literature are produced and received. Along the way, it also depicts a generation
prepared to break with everything –even sanity– in order to change the world.
(Colombia, 1979) published his first book, Los
mártires (The Martyrs), a set of short stories
about writers, in 2004. In 2007 he published
Luis Torres
(1956, Bucaramanga,
Colombia), has a Master’s Degree in
El naufragio
del Imperio
(The Shipwreck
the Empire),
in 2010 ¡Calcio!,
for which University in Bogota. He is a writer, a professor
from Javeriana
won the and,
of literature
recently, de
a bookseller.
His first novel, Ship Ahoy! is a tale of love
Histórica at Semana Negra in Gijón. In May
and death set in the convulsive past of the Caribbean. His first selection of urban poetry was
2014, El hombre que no fue Jueves (The Man
published in collection called Catapulta. Between Hope and Fear (SIC in 2004) tells the
Who Wasn’t Thursday) came out, and has
story of a city dweller who, as he prepares to his flight, comes to see himself as a deserter.
spent over 4 months on the best seller list
has published
a further book
of urban poems, About to Rain (SIC, 2004), of which the
in Colombia.
He is a columnist
at El Tiempo.
New York Seen from the Window, published by UIS, was a precursor.
efficitur iaculis.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Diente de León. Editor
Avenida Carrera 24 # 37-10 (Apto 902)
Bogotá, DC (Colombia)
CP 111 311
Ricardo Alonso
[email protected]
Sacrilegio (Sacrilege)
Simón Jánicas
Novel, 2009
Sacrilegio (Sacrilege) presents the wonderful and tragic story of the last unknown culture of the
Amazon: the Iseieke. This millenary tribe is a fabulous community that has magically projected
itself outside of the jungle from its most impregnable spot to reincarnate in other bodies and
secretly infiltrate in different races and foreign cultures. Since forever, the Iseieke have prospered
by surreptitiously spreading themselves in order to operate in the invisible side of human history.
A huge media show will broadcast all over the world these facts, tracing the beginning of the march
of thousands of pilgrims traveling to the jungle in search of the Iseieke and the fabulous city of
Ayrebarke. That is the beginning of a rebellion that, born in the South, will try to redefine mankind
and his culture. It is the year 2335. Here comes the beginning of an apocalypse, and in some other
time, located in an infinite temporality, the facts are being told without following a chronologic
Regarding the theme, this novel wants to research and describe the access to the infinite that
every human being keeps in the inside. It speculates about the fatal historic consequences that
certain fundamentalist conceptions and their so-called absolute values could unleash. Facing
a war of opposite values and exclusion, it conjectures about the historic possibility of a huge
cultural symbiosis that would erotically celebrate human multiplicity.
Centinela (Sentinel)
Florángela Herrera
Novel, 2011
Centinela (Sentinel) is not about reflecting reality or denouncing it. The literary force of Centinela
comes out of the sensitive memory of a woman that experiences in a particular way the daily
drama of recent war and rural violence in Colombia. It is about the richness in the story of a subtle
metaphor: everything is possible while living in war. This work is part of a recent narrative that
literature has used in order to not to only manifest multiple representations of this reality, but also
to propose readers facing their own present, maybe in the way of a catharsis or a spell.
Odessa’s touching language, the woman that recalls, is the entry to collective memory, to the
memory that outlines the inflections of time through the voice of the feminine: a fact, an instant
apparently impossible to become true, transform the most local topic into something human, where
the word touches and stops the reader in an atmosphere where the fog is overwhelming because of
what it is hiding, because it is intimate and demands to overcome what is visible to the naked eye.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Ediciones B Colombia
Carrera 15 # 52a – 33 Tel (57-1) 2124012
Bogotá (Colombia)
Alfonso Carvajal
[email protected]
Ruega por nosotros
(Pray for Us)
Alfonso Carvajal
Novel, 2015
A religious thriller? A passionate act of love? Martyrs or executioners
of themselves? An atypical crime? Annihilated by society? Pray
for us is a reflection of an archaic society and a literary tribute to
two unforgettable characters. Although there may be similarities
with reality, the facts recounted here are products of the author’s
Alfonso Carvajal is a journalist, writer and editor who tells the
story of two priests who suffer for love. This novel has been titled
as the Romeo and Juliet of the 21st Century.
The Colombian writer, editor and journalist Alfonso Carvajal has published
various books of poetry which include Un minuto de silencio (A minute of
silence) (1992) and Memoria de la noche (Memory of the Night) (1998).
His poems have appeared in unpublished Panorama of Colombian
poetry ( Procultura, 1986), in a bilingual anthology of Colombian poetry
in the Paris magazine Creacione and in an anthology of Colombian Poetry
(1931 to 2005) of the UNAM (Autonomous University of Mexico).
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Ediciones B Colombia
Carrera 15 # 52a – 33 Tel (57-1) 2124012
Bogotá (Colombia)
Alfonso Carvajal
[email protected]
Estaba la pájara pinta sentada en el verde limón
(The Bird Was Sitting on the Green Lemon)
AlbaLucía Ángel
Novel, 2015
This book was primarily published in 1975. Since then it has become a
representative icon of the Colombian Literature. The way that it is written is
very fresh and this allows the novel to maintain active generation through
generations. The author, AlbaLucía Ángel, pulls off a story in which she recounts
the life of a middle class family, simultaneously reporting the two events that
marked Colombian history forever: Jorge Eliécer Gaitán’s murder, commonly
known as the ¨Bogotazo¨, and the death of the partisan and priest Camilo Torres.
A new portrait on the incidence of violence in the country is elaborated in
Estaba la pajara pinta sentada en el verde limón.
Santa María del diablo (Saint Maria of the Devil)
Gustavo Arango
Historical Novel, 2014
The story of Santa María de la Antigua goes beyond the limits of one’s imagination
and it explains in good part what Latin America has been since then. Here is
the glare of Europeans with the new world, confusion and annihilation of native
populations, the exuberance of nature, the meeting of cultures, diseases of
bodies and souls. Heaven and hell came together in this city that was the scenario
of peaceful coexistence between Spaniards and Indians, but also of intrigues,
outrages and great cruelties.
In October 2013 the author of Santa María del diablo Gustavo Arango was
honored by the Feria del Libro Hispana Latina of New York for his contribution
to opening doors to the Hispanic community in the United States.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Editorial Planeta
Av. Presidente Masarik 111 Piso 2
Col. Polanco V Sección
Del. Miguel Hidalgo Cp.11560
México, D.F. (Mexico)
Gabriel Nieto
[email protected]
Mi padre y otros accidentes
(On my Father and Other Accidents)
Paola Guevara
Non-Fiction (Debut), 2016 Synopsis:
“His name is Fernando Perdomo. Lives in Cali and wants to meet you. I just gave
him your number. He’ll call you”. Paola Guevara received this text message on her
cell phone after thirty years of being convinced that nobody knew who her father
was. For a long time she had given up on finding him, but that day, her life changed.
This non-fiction novel, told in first-person, tells the story of Paola and the
decisions she made since then: meeting Fernando Perdomo for the first time, and
then meeting every week at the same coffee shop for a year, to tell each other their
lives, and specially, to fight for a DNA test that could decisively conclude if this
Colombian aviation hero was indeed the father she had always sought for.
With brutally honest writing, and the will to tell her personal story to shed light
into the life of so many people in a similar situation, this book is an inventory of
second chances and a reflection upon the ultimate meaning of family.
Paola Guevara (Cali, 1977) is a journalist and currently the editor of the Culture Section
of El País in Cali. She graduated from the Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá and has
contributed media outlets such as Cambio, Cromos, Shock and Carrusel.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Editorial Planeta
Av. Presidente Masarik 111 Piso 2
Col. Polanco V Sección
Del. Miguel Hidalgo Cp.11560
México, D.F. (Mexico)
Gabriel Nieto
[email protected]
Que venga la gorda muerte (Let Big Death Come)
Álvaro Robledo
Novel, 2015 (Seix Barral)
After his mother died of cancer in less than a month, an insecure and sad man
decides to takes a spiritual retreat to “El Interior” an enigmatic place in the
paradisiac island. During his two-week stay, the character finds a parade of the
best and the worst of spiritual disciplines, from Zen to New Age.
Among wise men, scholars, charlatans and a mysterious being named Guido
Alemán, the story takes the protagonist to a series of ridiculous and touching
situations until he is saved from death.
“Robledo has written a book that looks like a supermarket of all contemporary
spiritual experiences. His characters seem to be created by Fellini”.
- Tomás González
Uno siempre cambia el amor de su vida
(The Love of Your Life is Always Changing)
Amalia Andrade
Young Adult Fiction, 2015
Rights sold: Italy (Fabbri)
A book, a non-book, a notepad, one complete exercise, and a list of spiritual
needs. This book-object is a guide ful of love, tenderness, real emotional honesty
and wisdom to overcome any breakup and, above all, to assume that is okay to be
Facing the demands of love and happiness, Amalia has thought of a book
that accepts the emotional failure as something that is repeated many times
in life and should be seen as normal. The key point is to deal with sadness –
this book seems to say – which provides a comprehensive roadmap from the
inconsolable crying until recovery.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Fondo de Cultura
Calle 11 No. 5-60
Tel: (57-1) 2832200
Bogotá (Colombia)
Martin Infante
[email protected]
Cuentos completos
(Collected Stories)
Miguel Donoso Pareja
Short stories, 2014
“Since I don’t want that a turbulent river turn into chaos, I will
try that, being a novel, it seems like a book of memoirs (or short
stories) and/or vice versa. Thus speaks. Donoso Pareja? The “lying
I” of narrative fiction? A masked Donoso Pareja?”
Donoso Pareja plays constantly with different levels of truth in
reality, highlighting the extravagancies found in it; intertwines
the levels of invention and takes to the extreme, the flaubertian
notion that everything one invents is true –perhaps because all
that is created in literature has the certainty of its existence as
Miguel Donoso Pareja is perhaps one of the most radical front bearers of
the tendency in Ecuadorian literature began by Pablo Palacio. In Donoso
Pareja, as in Palacio, the mechanisms that reveal the literary nature, the
artifice of his narrative, are always present.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Fondo de Cultura
Calle 11 No. 5-60
Tel: (57-1) 2832200
Bogotá (Colombia)
Martin Infante
[email protected]
Amanecer en el Valle del Sinú: Antología poética
(Dawn in the Sinú Valley: Poetic Anthology)
Raúl Gómez Jattin
Poetry, 2010
Gómez Jattin procures, in an almost literal sense, to get into his texts, to adopt
the identity these grant him. To the from time immemorial strategy of “reality
swap” (the written word as an alternate universe), he arrives from the start,
but as very few do, he endures the ferocious unity of both worlds.
Raúl Gómez Jattin was born in Cartagena, Colombia. He spent his childhood in
Cereté, a small village off Colombia’s Atlantic coast. His literary work began
garnering praise and recognition both within and outside the country, after
1980. He died May 23rd 1997.
Los privilegios del olvido. Antología personal
(The Privileges of Forgetfulness. A Personal Anthology)
Piedad Bonnett
Poetry, 2015
An anthology of poems from all of Piedad Bonnet’s works, new and old. A
prologue by Peruvian poet José Watanabe broadens the scope of Los privilegios
del olvido.
With regards to Piedad Bonnett’s work, Ramón de Zubiría wrote: “If I were
compelled to pin down the underground, secret virtue sustaining what I consider
to be this poetry’s vigor, beauty, and singularity, I wouldn’t hesitate to ascribe
it to the wealth of poetic intuitions that, from down below, mark the genesis
of poems and impeccable expressive tailoring with which these intuitions are
marked in her texts.”
Piedad Bonnett (1951) is one of the most renowned poets in her generation. She’s
also a novelist (published by Alfaguara in Colombia), playwright, translator,
essayist, professor of the Andes University of Bogotá, and correspondent
member of the Colombian Academy of the Spanish Language.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
by by
Icono Editorial
Carrera 10 A No. 70-62
Tel. (57-1) 3178905, TelFax. (57-1) 3178898
Bogotá (Colombia)
Gustavo Mauricio García Arenas
[email protected]
El clan de Los Doce Apóstoles
(The Clan of the Twelve Apostles)
Olga Behar
Chronicles, 2011
“Everything began five months ago. I was the police commander in Yarumal,
Antioquia. The paramilitaries were increasingly taking force in the departments of
Córdoba and Antioquia, and in the town that had been assigned to me operated a
group known as “cleansing” that had sponsors at the highest level. We felt very
safes, because we knew who protected us was the future governor. In those months,
Álvaro Uribe Vélez won the governorship of Antioquia. His brother, Santiago,
always gave us reassurance. He told us that they had many friends in the general
prosecutor’s office, magistrates friends, that we would not have problems...“. This
is the beginning of the story that the Mayor (r) Juan Carlos Meneses gives to the
journalist Olga Behar in this book that promises to resolve our doubts regarding
the involvement of politicians, businessmen, traders, soldiers and officers of
the Army and Police with training and the livelihood of paramilitary armies,
including one of the darkest in the country: The Twelve Apostles.
Olga Behar was born in Colombia. Journalist, political scientist and writer. She has worked
since 1975 in press, radio, television and digital media. Winner of the journalism awards
Simón Bolívar, Circle of Journalists of Bogotá, Glaad Media and Anif 10 years.
Olga has published six books of journalistic investigation in genres like testimonial novel,
great story and anthology of chronicles. Author of The Wars of Peace (1985), Nights of
smoke (1987), You Can’t Drown the Fire (with other Latin American women) (1987),
Shadow On Capitol Hill (1991), The Clan of the Twelve Apostles (2011), The Klein
Case (2012) and Aboard Myself (2013. Co-author of several other books, including
journalistic genres (Mexico), On Roads (experiences of peasant resistance), published by
Rural Mission, and recently Tracks to Narrate Peace. She is a teacher at Santiago de Cali
University (Faculty of Social Communication) and also teaches in the Master of Journalism
of the ICESI University. Olga is a member of the Editorial Board of Platform Journalism.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Icono Editorial
Carrera 10 A No. 70-62
Tel. (57-1) 3178905, TelFax. (57-1) 3178898
Bogotá (Colombia)
Gustavo Mauricio García Arenas
[email protected]
¡Descansen armas! Ensayo sobre la guerra y la paz de
un ex guerrillero de las FARC (Put Down Your Weapons! An
Essay on War and Peace by a Former FARC Guerrilla)
Yasid Arteta Dávila
Essay, 2011
Arteta was a warrior and is now a refined, erudite and direct writer. Neither now nor has
before his hand trembled. “The end of the war is murder”, says Arteta citing Tolstoi,
and no warrior who send or fulfill orders –invoque the cause invoque– can evade the
hammer blow of this judgment. The author shows knowingly and with neat handling
what Maurice Blanchot called “the writing of the disaster”, already involved in the
subject it is the same the war in Caquetá that the war in Huelva; the Siege of Sebastopol
or the preparation of an ambush to the army in the Micay river.
War, writes Arteta, is death itself. The life of a guerrilla fighter has the same value
than the one of a soldier. And yet, after more than half a century of guerrilla warfare,
massacres and bombings, ambushes, disappearances... very, very few in Colombia
are convinced that war should be buried forever.
Camilo, el cura guerrillero (Camilo, the Guerrilla Priest)
Walter J. Broderick
Biography, 2014
This is the story of a young Catholic priest from Bogotá, Colombia, who, in the mid
nineteen sixties, emerged as a popular leader, inciting his people to rebellion against
the country’s oligarchic ruling classes. Frustrated in his efforts to introduce radical
reforms in Colombian society, and following in the footsteps of many of his generation
inspired by the Cuban revolution, he opted for the armed struggle, joining the
National Liberation Army, a newly-formed Castroite guerrilla group operating in the
Colombian jungle. From the moment he was killed in his first combat against a platoon
of Colombian army troops, Camilo Torres became a hero and martyr for many young
people, not only in Colombia but around the world. So much so, that the prestigious
publishing house of Doubleday in New York commissioned an ex-priest and writer
Walter J. Broderick to research and recount the story of his life. The result was this
biography, which reads like a novel. Fifty years on, the “novel” of Camilo is still
meaningful today, and continues to captivate new generations of readers.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
La Valija de Fuego
Calle 45 Nº 20 – 45
Tel: (57-1) 3382065
Bogotá (Colombia)
Marco Antonio Sosa
[email protected]
Devenires menores
(Minor Occurrences)
Omar Ardila
Literary Essay, 2015
Keeping ind mind the different approaches of Deleuze and Guattari in
Kafka, toward a minor literature (1975) and other works by the same
authors, Omar Ardila reviews the works of Artaud, Fijman, Juarroz,
Genet and Pasolini in search of the subversive particularities they
incarnated in life and manifest in their literature. They are all true
minor becomings that produce reality and that have known how
to revolutionize their own environments, characterized by their
resistance and constant inquiring for the renewal of their discipline.
With a friendly tone and exposing an exhaustive and dedicated
work, Omar Ardila makes possible the meeting of his geographical
and temporarily distant literatures, joining in all the surfaces,
where freedom has started to dance.
Poet, essayist and cinematographic analyst. He has published Alas
del viaje en un instante (Sic Editorial, 2006), Corazón de otoño (Sic
Editorial, 2010), Espejos de niebla (A seis manos, 2012), Antología
de poesía anarquista — Tomos I y II (Gato Negro Editorial, 2013),
Cartografías cinematográficas (Gente nueva, 2013), Esquizoanálisis y
pensamiento libertario (Senderos editores, 2015) y Devenires menores
(La valija de fuego, 2015).
He is the creator of the following blogs:
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
La Valija de Fuego
Calle 45 Nº 20 – 45
Tel: (57-1) 3382065
Bogotá (Colombia)
Marco Antonio Sosa
[email protected]
Asamblea del fuego (Assembly of Fire)
Catalina Restrepo
Chronicles, interviews, 2014
Catalina Restrepo, Colombian journalist, collected an important number of
testimonials of guerrilla members and political figures during the eightie’s peace
dialogues. The material, mostly unpublished, also includes a photographic material
and the original CD audio of the interviews. Asamblea del Fuego is a small piece of the
visions of Colombia, of war, of pain, of the desire for peace with social justice and,
the inequality that we are still inmersed. They are vigorous reflections from the
past that gave us an analysis of today’s elements, in the present.
Las heridas del ruido (Sound Wounds)
Wilson Díaz
Poetry, 2016
Synopsis: Wilson Diaz was born in Bogota in 1978. He has participated in numerous national
poetry competitions and, he has received several awards. Sound Wounds was his first
published book, a constant struggle between Thanatos and Eros, hidden in the rusty
vision of the daily life is. Influenced by Lêdo Ivo, Henry Miller, Charles Bukowski,
Georges Bataille and André Gide among others, this edition is accompanied by some
anatomical illustrations by Jean Marc Bourgery .
“The bloodied night /
sleeps in my old hands. /
It’s mutilated stars /
stucks in my body /
the fragmented noises /
blurred on the walls of oblivion /
Noisy, the wounds come to the feast of the one-eyed knives”
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Laguna Libros
Laguna Libros
Tel: (57-1) 4752244
Bogotá (Colombia)
Translation rights handled by Casanovas
& Lynch Agencia Literaria
Contact: Sandra Pareja
[email protected]
Elefantes en el cuarto
(Elephants in the Room)
Sindy Elefante
Graphic Novel – Autobiography, 2016 (Cohete Cómics)
The innocent work of organizing her room awakes in Sindy a chain
of memories of her youth and childhood, of her love for the sport
and drawing, of her first boyfriends and her first girlfriends. She
felt out of place until she understood which team she wants to play
Sindy Infante Saavedra, or Sindy Elefante, was born in Bogotá, Colombia,
one Sunday afternoon in 1987. Ever since she was little she has liked
drawing, writing, listening to indie rock, dancing to tropical rhythms
and playing football. She studied Visual Art at the Universidad Javeriana
de Bogotá and took a Masters in Illustration for Children’s Books at
the Cambridge School of Art in Great Britain. Elefantes en el cuarto
(Elephants in the Room) is her first book.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Laguna Libros
Laguna Libros
Tel: (57-1) 4752244
Bogotá (Colombia)
Translation rights handled by Casanovas
& Lynch Agencia Literaria
Contact: Sandra Pareja
[email protected]
Dos Aldos (Two Aldos)
Illustrated by Henry Díaz, written by Pablo Guerra
Graphic Novel, 2016 (Cohete Cómics)
A Neurobotany’s laboratory in the middle of the desert is the place where a strange love
triangle begins. The experiment carried out there there will challenge the identity of the
characters of this story, throwing them on a trip full of nudity and treason.
Guerra - Díaz is a Colombian creative duo that produces comics in varied tones and
formats. In addition to the graphic novel Dos Aldos (Two Aldos), it has published short
comics in electronic media and the strip Vale y su papá (Vale and her Dad) in the El Espectador
newspaper. Guerra and Díaz belong to the El Globoscopio collective.
Pablo Guerra is a comic book scriptwriter, editor and critic. He is the author of Los perdidos
(The Lost) together with Federico Neira and El Drake together with Camilo Sánchez and
Rohenes, among others. As a student of graphic fiction, he started out by investigating the
secrets of Batman and has researched the phenomenon of the graphic novel, the history of
the comic and sequential production in Colombia and Latin America.
Henry Díaz is a comic book artist and illustrator. He has published comics in magazines
and Latin American anthologies such as Étnica, Revista Larva, Dr. Fausto, Limbo, Cabo por
siempre, El Facón de almanegra, and Crónicas del hombre frío, among others. As a draughtsman
he is interested in translating the world around him into images.
Lorenza y nada más (Lorenza and Nothing More)
Andrés Arias
Novel, 2016
What keeps Lorenza awake? Everything is right in her life according to her parents and
her husband. She is an important manager of Social Responsibility projects, she lives in
an exclusive neighborhood and has an exemplary family. But for a couple days ago, an idea
has anchored in her head: she wants to send everything to hell.
Andrés Arias (Bogotá, 1977) is a journalist/social communicator and has a Masters in
Literature from the Universidad Javeriana. He has been a writer at Fucsia, the general editor
of the magazine Credencial and a researcher into issues of peace and memory at the Banco
de la República. His texts have appeared in Esquire, El Malpensante, SoHo, Gatopardo, Caras
and Diners. He has published the novels Suicídame (Suicide Me, Ediciones B), about the ties
between journalism and power, and Tú, que deliras (You, You’re Delirious, Laguna Libros),
about the life of the conceptual artist Carolina Cárdenas in the thirties.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Luna Libros
Calle 97 N° 16-50, apto. 403
Tel: (57-1) 218 45 33
Bogotá (Colombia)
Catalina González
[email protected]
Botellas de náufrago
(The Shipwreck Survivor’s Bottles)
Alberto Salcedo Ramos
Chronicles, 2015
In an intimate tone, these chronicles tell us about mistakes, hugs,
forgetfulness, memory, technology, travels, the sea, the Caribbean,
death, music, carnivals, friendship, the reader, words, journalism,
the country, the conflict, politics, boxing, biking, soccer, baseball,
typical foods, old age, childhood, grief. Salcedo Ramos is a hedonist,
he does not fear living nor writing because he has learned the crafts
of writing and living.
Alberto Salcedo Ramos (Barranquilla, 1963). Several of his chronicles
have been translated into English, French, Greek, Italian, and German.
Some of his books are: La eterna parranda. Crónicas 1997-2011 (2011)
and El Oro y la Oscuridad. La vida gloriosa y trágica de Kid Pambelé
(2005 and 2012).
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Luna Libros
Calle 97 N° 16-50, apto. 403
Tel: (57-1) 218 45 33
Bogotá (Colombia)
Catalina González
[email protected]
Ciertas personas de cuatro patas
(Certain People on All Fours)
Rafael Baena
Chronicles, 2014
A reporter and photographer, Rafael Baena published his first novel when he was
fifty. Titled Tanta sangre vista, in which horses and cavalry are as meaningful as in
¡Vuelvan caras, carajo! or in La bala vendida. The reasons for this have been explained
in this chronicle written in a personal tone for Luna Libros: “Clasping the reins in
his left hand, and the right hand over the saddle, the boy presses his knees again
the stiff leather of his chaps and, as his short legs can’t reach the stirrups, he has
to rest his feet on the straps. He is riding Panela, a veteran dark mare that has the
best aroma he has ever smelled in his five years of age.”
Jorge Isaacs. Verás huir la calma
(Jorge Isaacs. The Calm Will End)
María Cristina Restrepo
Biography, 2014
A biography of María’s author (1867) narrated in the voice of his wife, Felisa González:
“Despite the continuous separations, despite the anger and powerlessness, it
makes me happy to know I am the woman with whom Jorge has lived longer. Now I
can love him freely, without suspicions of his longing for other women. I love him
with a protective feeling that nothing can destroy.”
María Cristina Restrepo has published essays, short stories and novels. She is a
University professor with degrees in Philosophy and Literature, and Education. She
has studied modern languages and art and history of civilization.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Calle 12 No. 34 - 30, 111611
Tel: (57-1) 364 9000
Bogotá (Colombia)
Alejandro Villate
[email protected]
La duenda
(The She-Gnome)
Evelio Rosero
Young Adult Fiction, 2013 (2nd Edition)
The female goblin casted the spell on the kid in the middle of field, where the child
lived, with his grandparents and siblings. Over the years, kid developed certain skills,
like playing the flute magnificently which led to his recognition in the community. As
life went on, elders passed away, some in a very mysterious way, kids grew and the Little
bewitched boy started to wonder about his own life. It all ended in a romantic situation,
when he fell in love with the goblin who was personifying as a girl.
In its new edition, La duenda was awarded the Premio Internacional ENKA 2001
(International Award ENKA 2001) and the Premio IBBY 2002 (IBBY Award 2002). The
book is full of delicate and colorful illustrations by Michi Peláez by the well-known
Colombian author Evelio Rosero, that confirm the magnificence of this classic.
Evelio Rosero was born in Bogota in 1958. The author was famous for his diverse literary genre
and was highly recognised for his works on children books and novels. He has received many
awards and prizes for his works such as:
• Premio Nacional del Cuento en Colombia in 1979 (National Award in Stories in Colombia)
• Premio Internacional de novela breve en Valencia, España, 1982 (International Award in
Short Novel in Valencia)
• Premio Nacional de Literatura 1992 (National Award in Literature)
• Beca Ernesto Sábato 1986 (Scholarship Ernesto Sabato)
• II Premio Gómez Valderrama a la mejor novela publicada en el quinquenio de 1988-1992 (II
Award Valderrama to the best novel published in the fiveyear-term from 1988-1922).
• Premio Internacional ENKA de literatura infantil y juvenil, 2001 (International Award Enka
for children and youth literature).
• IBBY 2002
• Premio Nacional de Literatura 2006 (National Award in Literature)
• Premio Tusquets de Novela 2006 (Tusquests Award in Novel)
• Foreign Fiction Prize 2009
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Calle 12 No. 34 - 30, 111611
Tel: (57-1) 364 9000
Bogotá (Colombia)
Alejandro Villate
[email protected]
El nido atortolado (The Rattled Nest)
Luisa Noguera
Children Fiction, 2016
Something very strange was happening near the nest of turtledoves.
Every night, the turtle doves heard horrific sounds which scared
their offsprings. It is then they decided to fight their fear and go after
the person responsible for all this and give him what he deserved.
El día que las vacas desaparecieron de la
faz de la tierra (The Day Cows Disappeared
from the Face of the Earth)
Albeiro Echavarría
Young Adult Fiction, 2013
A sci-fi novel where a terrorist group tries to wipe out all the cows,
blames the cows for producing methane gas which in effect causes
the Green house effect. A computer genius named ‘Shu’ begins a
huge task to prevent the terrorists from carrying out their tasks.
Book recomended for IBBY Mexico, 2015.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Penguin Random
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 301, piso 1,
col. Granada, del. Miguel Hidalgo,
Tel: (+5255) 30678400
Mexico D.F. (Mexico) C.P. 11520
Clara Stern
[email protected]
La venta
(The Sale)
Juan Sebastián Gaviria
Literary fiction, 2015
The sale of Che Guevara’s alleged hands drives two Colombian traders through a
series of adventures that will change their destiny.
Ronnie has earned himself a reputation, and a fortune, through the buying and
selling of precious stones and stolen objects. At his office in the district of Bogota
where emerald jewellers carry out their business, his assistant, Julio, helps him out
with the job. One day they receive a visit from a man with an intriguing proposal:
a two-million-dollar offer for them to purchase Che Guevara’s embalmed hands.
Minutes later the man is gunned down at the building’s exit. Convinced that his
murder is related to the sale, Ronnie and Julio seek to get rid of the hands, but not
before confirming their origin and authenticity.
In a swift, provocative style, Juan Sebastián Gaviria has built a philosophical
thriller that explores the nature of human moral and economical values.
Submerging the reader in an agile stream of violent situations, comical
encounters, and clever characters, La venta reveals an intimate and disturbing
perspective on the world.
Juan Sebastián Gaviria abandoned school and returned to Colombia after being expelled
from an American military academy at the age of 17. His years as a wanderer in South
American highways are registered in more than 700 poems compiled in Cicatriz souvenir
(Común Presencia, 2009). At the age of 23 he embarked on a motorbike journey to Alaska
which would turn into a cruise throughout the Americas, as told in his autobiographical novel
Brújulas rotas (El Peregrino, 2013). Gaviria belongs to a new wave of young Colombian
writers who have made their way into the mainstream publishing houses in Colombia.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Penguin Random
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 301, piso 1,
col. Granada, del. Miguel Hidalgo,
Tel: (+5255) 30678400
Mexico D.F. (Mexico) C.P. 11520
Clara Stern
[email protected]
El hombre de la cámara mágica
(The Man with the Magic Camera)
Pedro Badrán
Literary fiction, 2015
“Nobody will capture like Pedro Badrán the soul of his characters to recreate the sensuality,
the light, and the sound of the Caribbean in a simple clear-cut language that never proves
boring for readers.
“ —Peter Shultze-Kraft, translator
With his Polaroid camera, Tony Lafont strikes out to create an exhaustive inventory of a hotel
in Cartagena. Motivated by the mysterious conviction that all the objects found there in—its
rooms, the shifting shadows along the salty walls, as much as its inhabitants, past and present
— are a reflection of the universe. The novel is the story of both the hotel and its photographer,
but above all, it is a fascinating album of an era —an acute and intimate depiction of its
contrasting characters, who are splendid, naïve, tender, melancholy, and joyful.
This novel revolves not only around one legendary photographer’s search and the trail he
leaves behind in a Caribbean hotel, but it is also a chronicle of lives that pass by slowly,
without an expiration date, as they wait to enter the final room.
Tríptico de la infamia (Triptych of Infamy)
Pablo Montoya
Literary fiction, 2015
Rights sold: Italy (Edizioni E/O). Rómulo Gallegos Award 2015
A novel that recounts the story of the lives of three French Protestant painters —Jacques Le
Moyne, François Dubois and Théodore de Bry— who witnessed and interpreted the horrors
committed by Europeans in the name of religion and the pursuit of wealth, during the discovery
of the New World in the 16th century.
Tríptico de la infamia relates three independent episodes in the life of three renowned artists
who knew about each other and whose work influenced their perspective on art and reality.
It opens with the story of Jacques Le Moyne, cartographer and painter who sailed to America
with the French expedition of Jean Ribault and Captain René Laudonnière. On their arrival to
the coasts of Florida they make an ill-fated attempt to establish a Protestant colony in the New
World. The encounter of the two worlds is told from the astonished and fearful perspective of
Le Moyne, who manages to communicate with the natives through the language of art, and the
taste for colour and beauty.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Rey Naranjo Editores
Carrera 4 N. 54A 10 Segundo Piso
Tel: (+57-1) 212 2579
Bogotá, Colombia
John Naranjo
[email protected]
Los años queman
(The Years Burn)
Jaime Arracó (Spain)
Young Adult, 2016
When Alberto moves from Spain to Florence he has to begin from
scratch: new house, new friends and a new school. Nevertheless, he
keeps being the same; he plays football and has a group of friends
to have like any other teenager. Altough something seems to bother
the grown ups about this particular group because their hobbies
include: drinking, doing drugs and getting in trouble.
This story is about the journey of becoming an adult through
the eyes of a young man who wants to discover who he is. This
novel that takes place in Florence points to an universal conflict:
identity. Day by day, the reader joins Alberto, facing the decisions
that will affect the main character for the rest of his life.
Jaime Arracó was born in Spain in 1984. He spent his teenage years in
Florence. He came to Bogotá in 2007 to finish his studies in Publicity
and decided to stay in Bogotá. Arracó has a wide array of publications
that go from articles to music and stories. He has worked in Arcadia and
is a renowned cultural journalist and editor. As a result of his great
passion for literature he wrote his first novel: Los años queman (The
Years Burn).
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Rey Naranjo Editores
Carrera 4 N. 54A 10 Segundo Piso
Tel: (+57-1) 212 2579
Bogotá, Colombia
John Naranjo
[email protected]
Virgina Mayer
Novel, 2013 (Debut)
Miranda sails among the pieces that integrate her story and searches
the features of her own identity in them. Snapshots picture the life
of a young woman, her sexual awakening, an incident that scars her
for life and a serial killer that showed up in her oldest memories.
Tanta sangre vista
(Blood in Plain Sight)
Rafael Baena and Juan Pablo Gaviria
Graphic Novel
Red and black cover the pages of this graphic novel that shows us
the violence and the horror of a fateful age. A war, two generations
and the repercusions that the conflict has on the ones who survived.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Schavelzon Graham
Agencia Literaria
Muntaner, 339-5º
Tel: (+34) 932 011 310
08021 Barcelonan (Spain)
Bárbara Graham
[email protected]
El hombre que no fue jueves
(The Man Who Wasn’t Thursday)
Juan Esteban Constaín
Novel, 2014 (Literatura Random House)
Rights sold: Fazi (Italy)
Shortly before his resignation, Benedict XVI dusts off on ancient rite to canonize
G.K. Chesterton. The story dates back to a strange episode in 1929, when the great
English writer did a service for the Church at the request of Pope Pious XI, but until
now its true nature has never been revealed.
The file, kept under lock and key for years, came to light during the power struggles,
document thefts and scandals that rocked the church at the beginning of the 21st
Century. The case is a good one but a swathe of mysteries remain unresolved and
there are plenty of people who would rather it didn’t come out in the open.
This fun, hilarious and deeply serious novel is both an homage to the eternal creator
of Father Brown, and a demonstration that history, with its political, religious and
literary intrigues, can be re-read just as well as fiction.
“My reading of The Man Who Wasn’t Thursday, an intelligent, satisfying novel
about the canonization ‘process’ for the great writer G.K. Chesteron, is constantly
beset by sudden attacks of the giggles.” OSCAR COLLAZOS
Juan Esteban Constaín (Colombia, 1979) published his first book, Los mártires (The
Martyrs), a set of short stories about writers, in 2004. In 2007 he published El naufragio
del Imperio (The Shipwreck of the Empire), and in 2010 ¡Calcio!, for which he won the
Premio Espartaco de Novela Histórica at Semana Negra in Gijón. In May 2014, El hombre
que no fue Jueves (The Man Who Wasn’t Thursday) came out, and has spent over 4 months
on the best seller list in Colombia. He is a columnist at El Tiempo.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Schavelzon Graham
Agencia Literaria
Muntaner, 339-5º
Tel: (+34) 932 011 310
08021 Barcelonan (Spain)
Bárbara Graham
[email protected]
A House in Bogotá (A House in Bogota)
Santiago Gamboa
Novel, 2014 (Literatura Random House)
Rights sold: Métailié (France), E/O Edizioni (Italy)
Thanks to the International Rubén Bonifaz Nuño Prize for the Essay, the narrator, a
philologist, is able to buy his house. After years spent desiring it, staring at it, and
touching its stone and brick walls to decipher the enigma of its attraction, he finally
manages to make it his and the moment that he traverses its threshold as its new
owner, he knows that this is his destiny, his place in the world; a space tailored to
fit his tastes and his concept of life.
The move into the large old, Bogotan house requires patience. This is more an act
of thought and memory than a physical process. Every corner; the wooden floors,
the bathrooms, the dining room, the pantry, the library, the bedrooms, the attic
and even the neighbourhood as seen through its windows gives rise to a fascinating
journey through the life of the protagonist. We learn about his itinerant existence
in the company of his aunt, his intellectual preoccupations, his love for books
and language, his rich sexual experiences, his discovery of the dark side of cities
and also receive hints about a tragedy that has haunted him since he was a child.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Tiempo de Leer
Carrera 46 # 22b - 20 Of 303
Tel. (57-1) 4854700
Bogotá (Colombia)
Daniel Villarreal Quintero
[email protected]
De Magos y Detectives
(On Magicians and Detectives)
María Luisa de Francesco
Young Adult, 2014
Nobody knows when this story took place, it certainly happened long time ago.
Adivi Nador, the wizard and Max Despiste, the detective, had been best friend until
that day, when the detective used the wizard’s cristal ball to see how the laughter
thief stole everybody’s good humor.
This and other nonsense can be found in this amazing book that will bring to life
the most interesting and funny stories you will ever read.
Biography: María Luisa de Francesco is an Argentinean author based in Uruguay, expert
on literature for children and youth with postgraduate studies in Animation literacy
(University of Cordoba, Argentina). Writer and member of AULI (Uruguayan Association
of children’s literature), academic member of Pialí (International Outreach Program
Children’s Literature) since 2010, virtual tutorials on the MEC (Ministry of Education and
Culture) concerning the PNL (National Reading Plan). Until 2011 he taught at various
workshops in the Municipal Library of Lisasola Felisa. In 2012 she was in charge of the
Library of Crandon College, with its own program of dynamic reading workshops.
She has published the following books with Tiempo de Leer:
* Instrucciones si ves un extraterrestre
* Instrucciones para Domesticar un Dragón o Vicho Similar
* Instrucciones para alejar monstruos nocturnos
* La Increíble Historia de un Amor y una No Nariz
* De Magos y Detectives
* Luciano un Sapo Lírico
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Tiempo de Leer
Carrera 46 # 22b - 20 Of 303
Tel. (57-1) 4854700
Bogotá (Colombia)
Daniel Villarreal Quintero
[email protected]
Alicia y el dragón que moría de amor
(Alicia and the Love-Lorn Dragon)
Mauricio Contreras Hernández
Young Adult, 2014
May first, 6:00 am. War had arrived to Bojayá Town. Buzzing bullets and exploding projectiles,
Guerrilla had cornered old people, women and children in the church. Those who could escape
through the jungle like Alicia and her mother and brother were about to start a journey where love
would face hatred.
We invite you to read a fantastic story where you will realize how hard a life of a civil war
refugee is, through the eyes of a girl who dreamed about dragons and happiness.
Born in Bogota, 1960. Translator and author of books, poems and numerous essays. He has also
written and published work in various media channels of Colombia and abroad. In addition he
works as a researcher in education, a field in which he has published several books. Finally, he has
traveled all around the country conducting workshops with teachers and students.
In recent years he has blossomed in his interest in literature linked to environmental care.
Bajo el Mismo Cielo (Under the Same Sky)
Carlos Guevara
Young Adult, 2014
It is a short novel of youth issues, ideal for children and teenagers between 10 and 15 years. It
addresses the lack of human values problem and the role of the school related to it. It’s a journey
through childhood and youth, its pages show that pain and failure can be mitigated with roguery
and childhood innocence.
The Colombian writer Carlos Guevara is a renowned writer and essayist, who has excelled in the
national academic field for his commitment to education by teaching young people about the
importance of literacy skills, with particular emphasis on issues such as: the importance of writing
an essay, literary theory and pedagogy of literature; topics of relevant interest to all those focused
on the study of Spanish language and literature in general.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
VicLit Agency
Viladomat, 240, 3º 4ª
08029 Barcelona (Spain)
Víctor Hurtado
[email protected]
Los niños
(The Children)
Carolina Sanín
Literary Novel, 2016 (Laguna Libros and Siruela) Rights sold: MacLehose Press (World English, in a five digits pre-empt)
With echoes of Charles Dickens´ Great expectations and films like John Cassavetes´
Gloria and Charles Chaplin´s The Kid, The Children is a haunting and deeply original
novel, a true discovery of one of the most interesting voices in contemporary Latin
American literature.
Laura Romero is a former radio announcer for furniture advertisement and
telephone time services and a current maid even she does not need incomes due to
the fact that she is a landlady of her family saltmine. She lives with her greyhound
Brus and is a regular of supermarkets. One night, a six-year-old boy named Fidel
arrives to her lonely home. There is no clue where he comes from or who he is. Fidel
is a mysterious speaker and does not seem to be familiar with standard customs.
While Laura tries to assign a meaning to his presence, she lose him and sporadically
recover him while experience several stages of the bureocratic orphanage world.
Laura will become a heroine like in traditional tales looking for the “lost child” in a
city that seems apocalyptic to her.
Through the central story of an unusual couple -a child and a woman
who is not or intends to be his mother-, and in a classic fable tone with a
veneer of psychological terror, The Children explores the limits of isolation
compassion, motherhood, hospitality, abandonment and childhood.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
VicLit Agency
Viladomat, 240, 3º 4ª
08029 Barcelona (Spain)
Víctor Hurtado
[email protected]
La ruidosa marcha de los mudos (The Noisy March of
the Mutes)
Juan Álvarez
Historical Novel, 2015 (Seix Barral)
The year is 1808 and from the hills spreads a rumor of agitation Santafe de Bogotá.
There is not a good time to be realistic and patriotic because heroes do not last long
in the Viceroyalty of The New Kingdom of Granada, especially a mute person such
as José María Caballero.
The noisy march of the mutes reconstructs the voice of a man who said no word and
was forgotten in history but thanks to his diary´s notes, Juan Álvarez is allowed
to recreates Caballero´s time.
A time marked by an Independence spirit from the echo of civilians and their
routines rather than their heroes and their battles.
Un mundo huérfano (An Orphan World)
Giuseppe Caputo
Literary Novel, 2016 (Literatura Random House)
A father and a son try to survive poverty. They live in a dark neighborhood without
streetlights lanterns, near to the sea. Sometimes they find in the beach implausible
gifts that waves offer them: clocks, frying pans, a sofa. While they think up a way
of getting food and money, one more raved and hilarious that the previous one, a
brutal episode of violence in the neighborhood take them to face their way of life.
An orphan world is a tribute to the night and stars. It happens by night. Celebrates
night and everything that interrupts the darkness: Lights and sequins that illuminate
the dance in a discotheque, a sauna mirrors, the radiance of an amusement park,
the drawings that the father does in the walls of the house as decoration.
This novel is about poverty but also of a resourceful people facing poverty. At the
same time, it is a reflection about the body as a space of pleasure and violence.
Above all else, An Orphan World is a love letter by a father and a son involved in
adversity circumstances against radical loneliness.
Your Guide to the Colombian titles at filbo 2016
Texts supplied by the publishers and agencies
Your Guide
to the Colombian
titles at
FILBO 2016
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