AACC AGM - SK8INFO - Australian Artistic Coaches Committee


AACC AGM - SK8INFO - Australian Artistic Coaches Committee
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PO Box 3143, Hendra 4011
AACC AGM Agenda 2016
Gloria Pyke Netball and Sports Stadium, Greaves Reserve, Bennet Street,
Dandenong. Meeting commences 8:00pm, doors open 7:30pm. Registration
from 7.30pm
Open Meeting.
Roll Call.
Minutes of the 2015 A.G.M (Included with Agenda)
Business arising
Chairman’s report (Included with Agenda)
Queensland report (Included with Agenda)
New South Wales report (Included with Agenda)
South Australian report (included with Agenda)
Victorian report (Included with Agenda)
Western Australian report. (Included with Agenda)
High Performance report. (Included with Agenda)
Accreditation courses – Resubmission 2016.
Items on AAC / CAOC Agenda Affecting AACC.
Oceania’s 2016
Nationals 2016
Worlds 2016 - Italy
General business
Election of Chairperson
Next AGM
Close of meeting.
NOTE: All reports have been reformatted to fit into a single document for greater convenience to the reader.
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79 Gregory St, Wembley 6014
AACC AGM Minutes 2015
Apollo Room at Adelaide Arena, 44A Crittenden Road, Findon South Australia. Saturday July 4 th
Open Meeting.
Having determined there was a quorum the chairman declared the meeting open at
8:05 pm
Roll Call.
Members and visitors present signed the attendance roll. All coaches eligible to vote
in the election of chairperson were issued a signed voting slip. Those present were
also asked to tender any apologies. The attendance record indicates the following:
Gordon Homes
Ron Martinez
Kelsey Chittick
Diane Chittick
Seona Martin
Lyndsay MacKenzie
Greg Lane
Sam Cudmore
Anne Edwards
Brad McDonald
Rachael Sketcher
Jess Maloney
John Lane
Rachel Tonkin
Cassandra Sellars
Christine Turner
Tanya Brockhurst
Amanda Bryant
Sonja Schenker
Debbie Kokonis
Elfie Schenker
Jayson Sutcliffe
Gawaine Davis
Tony Millett
Sue Kuhl
Tammy Peck
Barry Andrews
Rob Cracknell
Shelley Haughey
Mellissa Smith
Anita Hunt
Brad Fraumano
Skye Harrison
Daniel Wilson
Rhonda Bright
Susan Broks
Jodie Johnson-Garufo
David Robertson
Jennie Coxhill
Michele Wollens
Kerrie Curtis
Teresa Chittick
Shannon Garnham
Wendy Lane
Tammy Bryant
Karen Olsen
Sarah Watson
Kirsten Murphy
Esther Ambrus
Madonna Obrien
Trudy Cottrell
Greg Peck
Robyn Nottle
Pam Young
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Danae Clark
Allan Wehlow
Kym Griffiths
Karen Munckton
Jazmin Hanson
Minutes of the 2014 A.G.M were distributed with Agenda.
Moved: Madonna Obrien
Seconded: Sue Brooks
“That minutes were correct record of the meeting”.
Business arising
Nationals being scheduled in July was agreed at AAC AGM in 2014.
Chairman’s report was distributed with Agenda.
Moved: Barry Andrews
Seconded: Shelley Haughey
“That report as submitted be accepted”.
Chairman thanked everyone for their support during his tenure.
Queensland report was distributed with Agenda.
Moved: John Lane
Seconded: Kelsey Chittick
“That report as submitted be accepted”.
New South Wales report was distributed with Agenda.
Moved: Kerrie Curtis
Seconded: Gordon Homes
“That report as submitted be accepted”.
South Australian report was distributed with agenda.
Moved: Sarah Watson
Seconded: Robert Cracknel
“That report as submitted be accepted”.
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Victorian report was distributed with agenda.
Moved: Debbie Kokonis
Seconded: Rachael Sketcher
“That report as submitted be accepted”.
There was a lot of general discussion regards the need to encourage the use of
mentors and ensure this is not treated as a punishment for lower level of accreditation
but understood as an opportunity to share knowledge with more experienced coach.
This requires better education of the use of mentors by coaches so it isn’t just a 1 week
thing at nationals.
Chairman advised that courses have to be resubmitted early 2016 so now was the
ideal time for states to provide feedback so they can be improved.
States asked to provide input before end of October 2015 so that there is time for the
suggestions to be properly sorted and utilised for best improvement of courses. Some
suggestions from the meeting included increasing the education points requirements
for upgrading so it is not simply a case of coasting through. In conjunction with this
possibly increasing education points for using mentors during the year, encouraging
both mentor and mentee to participate,
Western Australian report was distributed with agenda.
Moved: Susan Brooks
Seconded: Rachel Tonkin
“That report as submitted be accepted”.
High Performance report was distributed with agenda.
Moved: Anita Hunt
Seconded: Kelsey Chittick
“That report as submitted be accepted”.
Accreditation courses – Resubmission 2016.
This was discussed in detail under Victorian report. Chairman reminded everyone that
courses need to be submitted early 2016 (End of February) to ensure they would be
processed and renewed before current courses lapse in July, Current chairman will
assist in the submission of the courses but feedback must be given to the incoming
chairperson by no later than end of October 2015 so that it can be properly processed
and formatted into course documents.
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Items on AAC / CAOC Agenda Affecting AACC.
Increase ages of Tiny Tot, Primary, Juvenile and cadet by 1 year, agreed.
Introduce primary CSD grade agreed.
Change Juvenile CSD to Juvenile Solo Freedance of 2 minutes – Agreed.
Introduce primary dance couples event – Agreed.
Consolidate current two Inline dance pairs events into single event.
Oceania’s 2015 / 2016
Oceania’s 2016 will be after nationals in September.
HOA Oceania, NZ have changed some of the dances from the CEPA requirements.
Meeting felt this was a backward step in developing our own skaters and agreed
Australian championship should remain with CEPA requirements. Meeting gave Pam
Young full support in approaching NZ with this,
Many coaches advised best skaters often not going due to the expense of the
competition. Coaches asked to encourage participation by as many of best skaters as
possible as that is best way to ensure good progression of skaters from both countries.
Nationals 2015
Floor will be cleaned every night during championships to ensure best possible floor.
Coaches advised of circles for competition and where they can stand during
Jodie Garufo asked if judges are going to add breaks can they please give skaters
sufficient time to adjust their preparation,
Worlds 2015 – Colombia
Due to distance would be quite an expensive worlds expected price around $6000.00
for skaters.
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General business
General Discussions regards possible future suggestions for AAC:
Removing the option to move between grades at earlier age for Cadet, Juvenile,
Primary, Tiny Tot, Junior and Senior to ensure skaters cannot move till they are
physically ready.
Limits to maximum elements in freeskate routines rather than current list of
requirements. This simplifies for judges, officials and coaches and helps to ensure
skaters aren’t permitted to attempt harder elements in competition until they are
physically ready.
Election of new Chairperson
Chairman thanked Jodie Garufo and Michele Wollens for nomination for the position
of AACC Chairperson and advised the meeting that we have two excellent candidates
who both deserve the support of the meeting. Slips had been provided prior to meeting,
these needed to be numbered 1 for first preference and 2 for second preference
however prior to voting both candidates were given an opportunity to address the
Michele Wollens and Jodie Garufo both addressed the meeting and stated their
capabilities and directions for AACC. Chairman thanked both candidates for their
eloquent presentations to the meeting and called for everyone to complete their voting
slips and hand to Pam Young as independent scrutineer. Votes were counted by
Chairman and Pam Young and tallied as per the bylaws. After counting was checked
twice for correctness chairman advised that Jodie Garufo had been elected as the new
AACC Chairperson.
AACC Chairperson had retired mid 2 year term meaning Jodie is elected for the period
of 1 year with next election in 2016 at which time Chairperson will be elected for 2 year
Next AGM
To be held in conjunction with 2016 national championships in Melbourne.
Close of meeting.
Meeting closed at 9:40pm
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Jodie Johnson-Garufo – PO Box 3143, HENDRA 4011
19th May 2016
REPORT - Annual General Meeting 2016
Dear Members
Firstly I would like to thank everyone for the patience while I have been settling into the role. The
assistance from Barry has been (and still is) amazing and I thank him very much for his patience and
help. Barry still continues to play a vital role with quite a few of the aspects of artistic skating
including updating the accreditation courses, calculating program, sk8info website amongst other
things including still being an integral part of the requirements committee.
Our state representatives this year are:
Kerrie Curtis
John Lane
South Australia
Rachel Sketcher
Bill Foster
Western Australia
Anita Hunt
High Performance
I thank all of the above representatives as they support the coaches at a state level and this is very
It has been tough year to finalise accreditations with a break down in the system at the Australian
Sports Commission level in relation to the processing. So we do have quite a few coaches waiting for
final confirmation of their accreditation or update which unfortunately is taking longer than ever
expected. I am hoping that this is resolved soon. In the meantime I have been issuing confirmation
letters from myself for anyone that has required written confirmation. I hope to be able to provide
accurate figures of updates and newly accredited coaches at Nationals.
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I have asked all states to provide a list of their presenters and examiners. I am still waiting for a
couple of states but thank you to states that have had the opportunity to respond.
Also Barry has been updating the accreditation courses and we have been asking for feedback from
the States. To date there has been limited feedback but still hopeful that we may receive more before
he needs to finalise and present the documents for approval.
Most coaches have now finished doing their Intermediate accreditations. Mentor coaches at nationals
has worked well so far but more experienced coaches need to complete their Advanced accreditation
and we may need to look at incentives to encourage completion of this General Principles so we don’t
revert back to people not educating correctly.
The fully hosted web page for artistic skating information www.sk8info.org.au. Is working well and
allows for nationals marshalling area passes as well as the spreading of information to coaches and
officials. Barry is still maintaining this website and I am very thankful.
Finally I would once again like to thank the state AAC chairpersons, state Artistic VPs, Pam Young
(AAC) and Pat Wallace (CAOC) for their assistance and patience and all of the coaches in our sport.
Jodie Johnson-Garufo
AACC Chairman
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Queensland Artistic Accredited Coaches Committee
QAACC AGM Report 2016
Sunday, June 5, 2016
I would like to express thanks to Barry Andrews for the tremendous effort that he has put in
to the position of AACC chair over the years. Barry advised that he would not seek reelection
at the AGM and Jodie Johnson-Garufo was elected to take over from Barry at the 2015
AGM. We congratulate Jodie in being appointed and offer all the support required to Jodie to
be able to fulfil her responsibilities in the new role.
I would like to thank Helen Lloyd Jones and the Skate Queensland Artistic Committee for
support during the year. QAACC continues to work in conjunction with the Skate
Queensland Artistic Committee in areas of planning and cooperation to assist in the smooth
operation of our State Competitions.
Coaches throughout Queensland are continuing to put extra effort at the entry levels. New
coaches are beginning to see results for their efforts and it is encouraging to see larger
numbers of skaters continuing to enter the entry grades. It is reassuring to see that
Elementary and Novice Leagues are continuing to grow with many new skaters entering the
competition arena for the first time.
We would like to make special mention for the assistance given by Skate Queensland in
assisting the coaches committee in handling our finances. Our thanks go to Lynn McVie for
continuing to be always ready to support QAACC in all areas.
Membership and meetings:
We held our AGM on 3rd February 2016. As this is not a year for elections, positions remain
unchanged with Chairperson being John Lane and the Secretary, Anita Hunt. I would like to
thank Anita for her support during the year.
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Membership continues to be strong with most of the active coaches in Queensland joining
again this year. 30 Coaches with current membership with QAACC supported their skaters
at our State Championships this year. QAACC membership is a check to ensure that
coaches are fully insured and that blue cards are current.
Meetings have not been held due to coaches not being able to commit to attending. We
have been able to keep information circulating by way of Email and the coach’s facebook
pages. The coaches in the North of our State need to be supported in their efforts to remain
The members are of the opinion that the Intermediate accreditation syllabus should be
changed in the area of the elective section. As most intermediate coaches coach more than
1 discipline, the choice of 2 elements out of the electives does not give enough scope to
sufficiently cover more than 1 discipline. We propose the 6 elements be reduced to either 3
groups, being Figures, Freeskating and Dance or have the selection changed so that 4
elements need to be covered.
We have a number of candidates who have expressed interest in becoming coaches when
the next course is run. Now that we have sufficient numbers interested, we will try to run the
course before Nationals. The timing will be depending on the availability of presenters and
Updating and Education:
Several coaches attended the seminars held this year. The seminar with Hugo Chapouto
that was held after Worlds was will attended by coaches. His input and explanations for the
new dance components was invaluable to coaches who have skaters at the higher levels.
These seminars are a valuable source of information and it was encouraging to see them
supported by our coaches. QAACC would like to thank Skate Australia and Skate
Queensland for continuing to run these programs and we will continue to endorse and
support them.
John Lane
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REPORT 5th June 2016
The Year to Date
Competitions in 2016,
Team Skatel (4) and Illawarra (1) both held competitions in 2015. Team Skatel have run 3
competitions in 2016. - All levels were covered.
Proficiency tests were run by Team Skatel for all clubs. (Bronze and Silver) at the beginning of the
year and another possibly planned for later in the year. Thankyou to Jim Beard and Seona Martin
and Michelle Evans for officiating at “NSW States” and silver proficiency test.
Small Show Group ,
Team Platinum (Small Show Group) and Robert Karp (J.I. Freeskating) attended Worlds in Cali and all
skaters enjoyed the experience of “Worlds” competition. Kathryn Christensen had to withdraw due
to an injury sustained in the lead-up and is now on the road to recovery.
2015 saw the introduction of Style Danceas an event. This has added some interesting facets to
skating being incorporated in 2016.The creativity aspect for skaters and coaches again having to
raise the level on the bar. Most seem enthusiastic about this new event!
NSW “States” was held in May,Interstate judges attending were Jim Beard,Seona Martin and
Michelle Evans, thank you for your attendance.
Seminars ,
SeveralNSW, Interstate skaters , Coaches and Officials attended the Hugo Chapouto international
dance camp in Sydney in October 2015 which was held over 3 days. This camp was a very successful
learning tool for all, thankyou to Gawaine Davis for organising the Camp. Hugo completed the
seminar with a 2 hour presentation on StyleDance – Rules, Regs and Judging points.
Esther Ambrus Davis ran two very successful Coaching development courses in NSW.
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Stacey Short has been promoting roller skating in NSW with her Roller Fit programs and promotion
through DVD.
North Sports in Glen Innes have two new Development Coaches in training.
With Gratitude
Thankyou to NSW SDO Gawaine Davis, Art VP Brett Beattyand CAOC Dave Curtis.
I would also like to mention how hard our group of all volunteers have worked thisyear,without you
all our competitions would not have run as smoothly as they did, you are all very much appreciated.
Many thanks to you all.
NSW Coaches Chair
Kerrie Curtis
Email [email protected]
Mobile 0411476730
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Skate South Australia AACC Report-Hannah
Current Coaches
Our current accredited coach numbers remain the same as last year:
7 Development
4 Intermediate
1 Advanced
1 Elite
Two of our coaches and one of our student coaches attended the judging seminar hosted by
Seona Martin in February. All three had great feedback about the seminar as it helped their
understanding of scoring and the importance of the artistic impression (‘B Mark.’) We saw a
big difference in the artistic presentation of the skaters coached by the two accredited
coaches at the next competition held in April.
Upcoming Coaches
We currently have three coaches attaining their development accreditation under the
supervision of Tammy Byrant and Charmaine Bond at Team Skate FX. We also have a
number of skaters at Gawler Skate Club who have completed their ‘Play by the Rules’ online
courses and help out in the Saturday morning star classes but are not competitive members
within the club and are not up to teaching individual students.
Our aim for the next year is to accredit all student coaches; I am struggling at the moment
juggling three roles of VP, COAC and AAC for the state. My hope is that someone will step up
and take on the role to better support our current and upcoming coaches.
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AACC Victoria Annual Report – 2016
The beginning of 2016 saw a change of roles for us in Victoria. Debbie Kokonis decided to
vacate the role of AACC chairperson after holding the role for several years. We would like
to acknowledge Debbie for all of her work in this area. I decided to then take on this role
which then enabled Jayson Sutcliffe to take on the development position in Victoria.
Victoria went through a state of anxiety when one of our rink owners decided to sell the
business. This of course was a period of time where we were unsure if the rink would actually
stay a skating rink. Luckily the ‘Geary Family along with Jayson Sutcliffe’ decided to take
over the business and have worked tirelessly to ensure the running of a successful business
and club. They have just completed substantial renovations to enlarge the floor size which
will not only be excellent for business but also help the development of our sport in Victoria.
We look forward to seeing what this club and rink continue to do in the future.
Currently we have a lot of development coaches that support our ‘Learn to Skate Classes’ so
in May we held our first beginners coaching course where just over 20 keen new coaches
commenced achieving their accreditation. These potential coaches should all be accredited by
the end of the year. We endeavour to hold an Intermediate coaching course after Nationals.
Our State Championships was another success. It ran like clockwork and we would like to
thank all the coaches, judges, skaters and volunteers for all their support. South Australia also
used this as their State Championships for National selection which ensured that the close
links between these 2 states continue.
We have continued to be united as a group of coaches who are keen to discuss ideas and work
together to improve our sport. Early in the year a team of coaches came together to review the
content of the proficiency tests with a particular focus on freeskating. We felt that these tests
had not been reviewed for several decades. It is pleasing to see that this has sparked the
beginning of the review and we eagerly await the final outcome of our motions.
After many years of co-ordinating the visit of International Coaches to Australia e.g. Cristina
and Hugo we look ahead to see what more can happen in this area as we look forward to
assist Australian skaters to progress and improve as only together we achieve more!
Rachael Sketcher
AACC Victorian Chair
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This has been a much fuller year, but rather compressed in terms of fitting all the leagues and other
events into the time. It has been unfortunate that Karen could not complete her full term and I have
picked up the reins to the finish of our skating year.
The loss of Skate Australia, as a centralized organization, has been unfortunate. For this coach chair
person it has meant that there is no quick feedback on accreditation/updating and renewals. This is
a nuisance as it means that databases (local) cant be kept accurate. I am sure that this is a general
problem and will be rectified in due course.
Our first major camp was on 9-11 October, presented by Maricarmen Sanjuan. This was a specialist
Figures camp, and was very well attended by all clubs.
Unfortunately Hugo was also presenting a seminar, in Brisbane, at the same time. Rachel Tonkin
missed the Maricarmen camp, went to the Hugo presentation and come back with lots of video
material. Karen had organized USB drives and Peter Rye collated the material. Karen then distributed
the USB sticks.
Sue Brooks organized a seminar, 15-17th January, to which coaches were invited. It presented an
update on where judging, and newer forms of events, were going to be in the future.
Sue also ran a Dance camp, with Gawaine Davis as presenter, during May, 14-16.
Basically there has been a competition, or a camp/seminar each month. This pressure will ease
slightly after the Nationals.
This year I sent out “Invitation” forms to those who indicated that they may want to become
coaches and have had 8 acceptances. Sue Brooks has trained 2 development coaches and their
paperwork has gone on into the system
Jasmine Williams.
Laura Cameron.
Perth: (These trainees are still in process)
Andrew Tennant
Brigitte Williams
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Emma Hall
Miriam Monk
Taylah Melvin-Brady
Robbie Collins
These trainees are accumulating training hours by teaching in the “SA Learn to Skate” classes run by
their respective rinks. As most of these are still in school/Tafe/university and preparing for nationals
their formal assessment training will be done after the nationals.
The future years promise to be interesting, with all the new styles of dances and possibly new figures
to be added to the current list.
My thanks to all.
Bill Foster aka E Carfax-Foster
June 8, 2016.
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Report for Semi Annual Meeting
February 2016
High Performance Coach
Fitness program
The program has been accessed by seventeen (17) International level skaters since
inception at the beginning of 2014. This has comprised of 13 (thirteen) International
grade athletes and recently four (4) Oceania grade athletes. The athletes tested ranged
in age from 12 years to 29 years. From these reports, twelve (12) have accessed
additional supports in terms of program development and periodization of strength and
conditioning. Athletes 12 to 17 have only recently commenced the program. Two of
these athletes have recently completed their fifth review which enabled ongoing
monitoring of the effectiveness of programming support (taking into consideration
external factors such as long term illness and injury).
Assessment and reporting Results
There is a noticeable difference between the athletes who have completed multiple
assessments from those on their first assessment particularly in terms of quality of
movement (Functional
Movement Screen). Even for the athlete whose retest score has come within the similar
range to first tests, this has come from a higher initial score and still shows significant
progress in quality of movement.
** Please note that Athletes 13-17 are yet to be scored for their January 2016 testing.
Additionally, it is very encouraging to note that athletes are coming into the initial testing
with a better underlying fitness than when Skate Australia High Performance first
completed the gamut of similar testing in July 2012. In terms of endurance, over half of
the testing athletes have results within the desired 6-8 minute timeframe outlined for elite
athletes. Even those athletes outside the range are demonstrating increased fitness in
their completion of the test compared to the 2012 testing. See table below where the
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most recent test results are noted for each athlete. The pink shading indicates the
desired result range.
** Data for all tests are able to be provided if required or requested.
Over the past 12 months the majority of the tested athletes have requested a targeted
and periodised fitness program to develop their endurance, strength, power and
flexibility as a result of the testing. Other athletes have requested and been provided
with a recommendation of target areas and have developed the program with their
individual fitness trainers.
The provided programs have been able to take into consideration the periodisation of
major competitions throughout the year and the balance between developing these four
areas alongside technical and on-skate training. The programs adjust the balance of
intensity and time (eg. Sets v reps) while considering the focus area in relation to the
competition schedule. Many skaters are still only provided with endurance, strength and
flexibility and power/plyometrics is not recommended without sufficient underlying
strength and quality of movement.
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Additional support
By completing the biomechanical assessment on the skaters, it identified significant
misalignments either from development or previous injuries which would impact
significantly upon their quality and efficiency of movement such as scapular
misalignment and increased pelvic tilt. A combination program of targeted strengthening
and kinesio taping was implemented. The second round of taping did demonstrate the
benefits of this targeted approach when used consistently and alongside a targeted
strengthening program as Scapular range went from tilted and wide to just outside the
required range for the two athletes who completed the program.
An analysis of the Functional Movement Screen for an individual athlete within the last 6
months identified a potential imbalance between the two sides of the body.
Recommendation was made to follow up with a sports physiotherapist for a full
biomechanical review. Following this review it was noted that a leg length discrepancy
was impacting and had likely been related to an ongoing injury which had been treated
for approximately 12 months. By identifying the underlying biomechanical misalignments
it is assisting with ensuring that factors related to chronic injury are addressed.
Additional HP programming
Previously a proposal for inclusion of a Sports Psychologist as a pre-cursor education
session to the world team meeting had been proposed. This idea was investigated in
relation to the 2015 team, however due to the expense of the championship in Colombia
this was unable to come to fruition. This would still be a valuable inclusion for many of
our World Team and Oceania developing athletes. This would provide an additional
focus to preparation in an area that many skaters have identified gaps in their
HP provided support to the 2015 World Team Management through the development of
a number of requested resources and literature reviews providing information to athletes
on topics such as Work/School and Sport balance and Jet Lag with Athletes. These
resources are available for future teams if required/requested and are able to be easily
tailored to that specific competition campaign’s needs. Additional resources are able to
be developed as required/requested.
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An additional recommendation which could also still be considered is the running of
figure events at a State/National level for Junior and Senior International to replicate the
World event – ie. Skate first two figures, run a different event and then recommence for
second two figures. This turning the focus on and off at Worlds was identified as an area
of difficulty for the figure skaters.
In closing
As always I am open to suggestions or recommendations from coaches or skaters as to
areas in which additional support would be beneficial.
Finally, I would like to extend my thanks to Pam, Pat and Barry for their ongoing
assistance and support. I look forward to working alongside Jodie in her new role of
AACC chairperson. Best of luck to all skaters for the 2016 competition year.
Anita Hunt
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