I Am A Son Of Calvary - flier - St Lawrence Seminary High School
I Am A Son Of Calvary - flier - St Lawrence Seminary High School
One of God’s happiest gifts to man is doubtless memory. To look back over the “dim distant past,” to envisage its ideals, its struggles, its conquests, to St. Lawrence Seminary High School Alumni Association 1901 - 2012 thrill to its chords of happiness, to Purpose smile at its youthful pranks, is truly to relive the To promote the interests of St. Lawrence Seminary High School. sweet without the bitter. Memory we To establish closer relationships between might say was, in the alumni of St. Lawrence Seminary the final analysis, High School, St. Lawrence College and the motive and inspiration of the St. Francis Brother’s School and among alumni themselves. St. Lawrence College Alumni Association. (1901) Constitution of the St. Lawrence Seminary High School Alumni Association (November 2008) I am a Son of Calvary PROFILE OF A SON OF CALVARY It is doubtful that all, or even most, sons of Calvary fit a standard profile in every regard. Nevertheless, a profile provides a blueprint to consider as a foundation, a foundation laid during adolescent years, a foundation to reflect upon and re-evaluate himself against. Whether overtly, or in the quieter regions of his heart, this profile should strike a chord in every son of St. Lawrence. … I foster a relationship with Jesus that directs a lifetime. … I interact in an effective, positive and respectful manner. … I pursue academic, moral and spiritual depth. … I serve by sacrificing for others. … I build fraternity and community by respecting and celebrating uniqueness. These five values constitute the St. Lawrence Seminary High School Mission and Value Statement. Community NAME THE COMMUNITY Over 10,000 St. Lawrence students A community is defined as learned to grow in a community belonging; a community of of brothers with common visions possibility and a generosity of gifts. yet diverse backgrounds. The Communities are also defined by community was established, but their geographic locale, yet in the after awhile the promise to remain case of the St. Lawrence Seminary ‘in community’ often fades. It is High School alumni community the purpose of the Association to which prides itself on a diverse and continue establishing conduits global membership, the community of communication such as class is also defined by the founders’ liaisons, Facebook links, class and vision, the progressive history organizational websites, electronic and spiritual values of its anchor and print publications, and an office organizations, St. Lawrence Seminary of alumni relations which helps High School, St. Lawrence College, to grow and engage the dynamic and St. Francis Brother’s School, and alumni community. their respective graduates. CONNECT THE COMMUNITY SONS OF CALVARY: Communities become strong as A COMMUNITY OF BROTHERS connections are formed, renewed Since 1901, the St. Lawrence and reinforced. Traditional forms Seminary Alumni Association of establishing or re-establishing has held tight to the legacy of its that brotherhood have given way to brotherhood, to its heritage of technologies that diminish space and belonging, and to its community of time. Today’s technology affords new possibility. opportunities of connectivity which nourish the St. Lawrence alumni community. Both traditional and virtual communication vehicles open doors to share stories and photos, exchange ideas, and spend time together; all strengthening the Spirit of Calvary. ILLUMINATE THE COMMUNITY Awards such as the Brindisi Award, Bonaventure Frey Young Alumnus Award, and the Men Who Inspire Initiative, in addition to leadership involvement in the organization, help to illuminate the values learned and lived. Deo Duce Fabri Mundi With God as Guide. Makers of the World. ~1945 Wisconsin Illinois Louisiana Korea Texas Saudi Arabia Michigan Kansas California Indiana Florida Virginia Minnesota Pennsylvania Vietnam Arizona Germany Ghana India Kentucky Montana New Hampshire Ohio Ontario United Arab Emirates Alumni in Religious Life Since 1860 1557 Total Priests Ordained 1032 Diocesan Priests 525 Religious Priests 524 Capuchins Priests and Brothers 110 Monsignors 13 Bishops 16+ Deacons (since Vatican II) 30 Different Religious Orders 25 Different States & Countries 50+ Advanced Degrees (nonreligious) TOP 25 Current Student Origins September 2011 Enrollment This research is based on the work of Fr. Ron Smith, OFM Cap and the available student records and alumni information from the years 1860 – 2010. The data available to compile such reporting needs to be updated by the alumni themselves via St. Lawrence website alumni profile. WEBSITE PROFILE Having current information on our alumni takes constant attention. Please take a moment to update your St. Lawrence Website Profile by visiting stlawrence.edu/alumni &friends/membersearch. The Spirit of Calvary can be seen throughout the world, in isolated regions and cosmopolitan cities; within parishes, businesses, academic communities and volunteer organizations; as religious, married and lay individuals. ALUMNI SURVEY In years past, an in-depth survey of alumni was designed to learn more about who our alumni are today. In the near future an Alumni Survey Initiative invites graduates to tell us more about themselves. Watch for it. TOP 25 Cities/Countries of Origin 1860-2010 838 685 306 222 193 135 121 115 110 108 88 79 79 78 75 72 64 62 62 60 58 57 57 55 55 Milwaukee, WI Chicago, IL Fond du Lac, WI Appleton, WI Sheboygan, WI Detroit, MI New York, NY Germany Marquette, MI Green Bay, WI Saudi Arabia Mt. Calvary, WI West Bend, WI East Chicago, IN Hammond, IN Gary, IN St. Cloud, MN Brooklyn, NY Escanaba, MI Manitowoc, WI Omaha, NE Port Washington, WI West Allis, WI Saginaw, MI Menasha, WI Common Student Names 1860-2010 79 39 34 33 31 29 29 27 26 26 25 24 23 Nguyen Schmitz Wagner Mueller Smith Schneider Miller Tran Johnson Weber Garcia Rodriguez Becker 21 21 21 21 19 18 18 18 17 16 15 15 Lopez Lor Yang Schmidt Schaefer Meyer Wolf Sullivan Lee Braun Fisher Martin W hat does it mean to belong, to be a member? Do you need a pin, a card, a trinket or some kind of recognition? How does any son of Calvary acknowledge, communicate and celebrate a commitment to his alma mater? What is the I AM A SON OF CALVARY legacy COMMITMENT? It is well known that those who have received a St. Lawrence education, whether one hundred, fifty or ten years ago, find it difficult to put a monetary value on the impact this exceptional educational and spiritual formation has had on them. Many acknowledge that it prepared them to function as an educated leader in a vast and rapidly changing society. Others recognize the investment the Capuchins and benefactors have made in them. Having received a valued education, at a fraction of the cost of other comparable educational institutions, how does each son of Calvary continue his commitment to St. Lawrence? The newly designed I am a Son of Calvary Legacy Commitment is a means to that end. By eliminating the traditional membership dues model, we take this opportunity to offer each alumnus an occasion to support St. Lawrence, its capital initiatives, and the functioning of the Alumni Association. The Association presently provides Measuring the Impact How can we measure the impact alumni giving has on the school, and on its past, present and future students? The beauty of the Cupola stands in austere dedication to the founders’ vision. The resonance of the Chapel piano enhances the magnificent choral celebration during Calvary liturgies. The comfort and simplicity of the St. Conrad Auditorium seating is experienced by students, families and friends throughout the year. The pride and sportsmanship of the students using the new Alumni Field excites the players and fans alike. multiple community building opportunities including publications which communicate, special events & fundraising programs which celebrate, in addition to organizational and financial responsibilities which promote the mission of St. Lawrence. The I am a Son of Calvary Legacy Commitment model is designed to support these organizational and capital needs. In other words, by donating to one, you donate to the other, saving membership tracking and renewal drives, mailing and printing costs, and inclusion/exclusion practices. Commitment By virtue of your climbing the Hill of Calvary, you are a son of Calvary for life. Initiate Here’s how it works. A percentage of your donation toward the biennial capital initiatives is directed to the operating expenses of the association. It is as simple as that. By completing the enclosed card, you have completed a donation to this year’s capital initiative and the Almni Association. Your Donation Amount Alumni Association Capital Initiative Alumni Association Allocation 25% $1,000.00 = $750.00 $250.00 $500.00 = $375.00 $125.00 $250.00 = $187.50 $62.50 $100.00 = $75.00 $25.00 $50.00 = $37.50 $12.50 Transeamus Ad Opus Let Us Cross Over to the Work ~1940 Communicate Communicate We share the stories of our many alumni through a variety of formats and vehicles. The Laurentianum Alumni Magazine The New Tower E-Newsletter Class Websites & Facebook Groups Memorial Notices & Alumni E-Mail Updates St. Lawrence Seminary High School & Alumni Association Website Celebrate Each year we celebrate special friend & fundraising events, held throughout the Midwest and beyond. De LaSalle Soccer Game (Chicago, September) Annual Hilltopper & All Class Reunion (Mt. Calvary, September) Regional Visits from the Rector Regional Reunions (TBA) Milwaukee Event (Spring of Alternating Years) Chicago (Spring of Alternating Years) Student Spring Concert Easter & Christmas Season Liturgies Alumni Preshow Reception and Student Production (May) Athletic Events in your Area (watch the SLS website for the schedule) Celebrate Congratulate CONGRATULATE We honor our many alumni through a variety of awards and commemorative publications. Brindisi Award Bonaventure Frey Young Alumnus Award Men Who Inspire WHY ST. LAWRENCE CONTINUES TO SERVE BY FR. KEITH CLARK, OFM CAP to the needs of the students has s St. Lawrence just a leftallowed this school to continue over from an era that’s dead? to serve the Church. Each time “No,” said Keith Clark in the school was assaulted by response to a reporter’s query. “St. the ideological biases of those Lawrence was there before the era who controlled its destiny, it of the minor seminary began; it was diminished. When it adapted to part of that era while it lasted, and current needs it thrived. Today, it continues on now that the era the vision continues through the is past. It has always adapted the planting and nurturing dreams of its founders to the of the seeds of a needs of its students. willingness to Adaptation is the key respond to to St. Lawrence’s God’s call. continued existence.” ENVISION. The mission continues. There have INSPIRE. been many TRANSFORM. Inspired by changes since the Gospel the 1950’s of Jesus Christ and 1960’s and and the example almost all those of St. Francis of changes have come Assisi, the mission of because the students St. Lawrence Seminary High have changed. But the basic School provides for a residential program of spiritual formation college preparatory education and preparation for ministry at all in a living Catholic community levels remains the same. nurturing mature, well-rounded men of faith, who prepare for a life The lesson Fr. Keith learned of ministry as priest, religious and from St. Lawrence’s history is lay leaders in the Church and that adapting the dreams of the the world. founders and of their successors I St. Lawrence Seminary Alma Mater Raised atop a lofty hillside, Arched against the blue. Stands our noble Alma Mater, Glorious to view. LOVE HER SPIRIT, HOLD IT EVER, LET OUR LIVES PROFESS, WE ARE LOYAL SONS OF CALV’RY, HILL OF HAPPINESS. Though sweet memories are shadowed, Of our joyous past. Beams shall linger of her portals, Cherished to the last. LOVE HER SPIRIT … Midst her walls still echo footsteps, Guided to their aim. All who tread her halls so stately, Ever love her name. LOVE HER SPIRIT … A ministry of the Capuchin Franciscan Province of St. Joseph, St. Lawrence Seminary High School is the oldest and largest residential, all boys Catholic minor seminary in the United States. St. Lawrence Seminary High School Alumni Association 301 Church Street • Mt. Calvary, WI 53057 • 920-753-7522 stlawrence.edu/alumni&friends or visit us on Facebook
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