2014-2015 Annual Report - Grand Rapids Community College


2014-2015 Annual Report - Grand Rapids Community College
G r a n d
R a p i d s
Co mmu n i t y
Co l l e g e
Annual Report 2014-15 | Celebrating our Great Past and Bright Future.
Letter from the President, Board Chairperson
Donor Story: Fátima Nieves
Generations of Alumni and Giving: Ketchum Family
Generations of Alumni and Giving: La Penna Family
Scholarship Recipient Story: Jensen Sisters
Campus Construction: Music Building, Learning Laboratory
GRCC’s 100th Anniversary Gala
What’s Happening at GRCC
Alumni, Donor and Student Testimonials
Letter from the Foundation Executive Director
Giving Options
50 Years of Foundation Giving
Foundation Financial s and New Scholarships
Donor Honor Roll
The past year has been memorable for Grand
Rapids Community College. From the GRCC
Foundation Gala – where $1.3 million was
raised to support student scholarships – to the
groundbreaking for the Phyllis Fratzke Early
Childhood Learning Laboratory, the college
celebrated many accomplishments.
The 2014-15 GRCC Foundation annual report
highlights some of these accomplishments and
the first-hand impact our work has on students’
lives. You will learn how students overcome life’s
obstacles and how our donors – who include
community members as well as faculty and
staff – make a difference by supporting student
We can take pride in our college, which has
provided West Michigan with access to affordable,
high-quality educational opportunities since 1914.
The stories of scholarship recipients Nicoletta and
Isabelle Jensen (p.11), and alumnus Frank Coronado
and donor Gary Holland (p. 21) demonstrate
GRCC’s commitment to student success.
Helping the college achieve its mission are
dedicated donors, such as the La Penna (p. 9)
and Ketchum families (p. 7), and GRCC emerita
Fátima Nieves (p. 5). They understand how higher
education opens doors to a brighter future, and
have committed to championing student success
through scholarship support. GRCC provides
academic merit- and need-based scholarship
support to students, and our generous donors
make this possible.
Pictured (L-R): Dr. Steven C. Ender, Dr. Kathryn K. Mullins, David Custer
Dedicated emeriti also are helping the college
expand its ability to provide state-of-the-art
learning spaces. Read about the Phyllis Fratzke
Early Childhood Learning Laboratory, now under
construction, and the Albert P. Smith Music Center
As the oldest community college in Michigan,
GRCC has spent more than 100 years fostering
student success for West Michigan residents.
Thousands of lives have been positively impacted
by the educational opportunities offered here.
Now, imagine how many more people we can
help as we enter the next century – with your
continued support – as the “Community’s College.”
Dr. Steven C. Ender
President, GRCC
David Custer
Chairperson, GRCC Foundation
“The impact of giving to the
foundation is far greater than its
monetary value.”
Fátima Nieves spent more than three decades
helping students navigate college life and knows
that the impact of a scholarship goes beyond its
financial worth.
Nieves served as an adviser for 36 years with
different GRCC programs: Upward Bound/TRiO,
Student Support Services, and the Counseling
and Career Center. She learned about the
foundation and its work at the beginning of
her career.
“I was especially impressed by the fact that any
student can apply and is eligible to receive funds,
by the variety of scholarships available, and by the
ease of the application process,” she said.
She participated in the Grand Rapids Junior
College Foundation’s Million Dollar Faculty
Campaign, which raised more than $1 million by
1989 for student scholarships, grants and loans.
She continued donating to the foundation
throughout her career, specifically to the Maurilia
Ortiz Blakely Fund which gives special emphasis to
adult female English language learners.
“I was born and raised in Puerto Rico and
speak English as a second language,” she said.
“For that reason, I feel particularly close to our
Nieves served as a student adviser at GRCC for 36 years.
English language learners and have worked closely
with them throughout the years.”
Nieves retired at the end of the 2014-15 academic
year and plans to spend her time reading,
volunteering and traveling. But she doesn’t plan to
cut ties with GRCC: She will help the counseling
center during busy times on a part-time basis.
She also will continue supporting the foundation
because she knows how much the scholarships
mean to students.
“The impact of giving to the foundation is far
greater than its monetary value,” she said.
“The satisfaction of knowing that your contributions
are helping our students is its own reward.”
Everyone has a story to tell, whether you are a new graduate or longtime alumnus(a) of Grand Rapids Community College.
Share it today by visiting grcc.edu/shareyourstory – We would love to hear your story about how GRCC, or GRJC, impacted your life.
“Donating to GRCC is partly keeping
our mother’s legacy alive.”
Pictured (L-R): Jeanne Dolfin, Jim Ketchum, Jack Ketchum, Jill Brengle
With GRCC ties crossing three generations and a
legacy of community service, it is no surprise that a
scholarship fund bears the Ketchum family name.
In 1934, Janet Ketchum found Grand Rapids Junior
College an affordable option. When it came time for
her and her husband, Maurice, to send their four
children to college, they turned again to GRJC.
Their oldest son, Jack, attended from 1965 to 1967
and then transferred to Michigan State University,
eventually becoming a teacher for the hearing
impaired. His brother, Jim, attended from 1968 to
1969, before receiving a psychology degree from
Grand Valley State College and going on to work
with autistic students in the Grand Rapids school
Both of Janet and Maurice Ketchum’s daughters
received associate degrees: Jill Brengle graduated
in 1973 and worked as a legal assistant, and
Jeanne Dolfin graduated in 1976 and studied child
development at MSU.
Jim’s children make up the third generation of
Ketchums at GRCC: Cody is a current student, and
his sister, Elizabeth, is an alumna.
The family’s positive community college
experiences made them receptive when Rich
Austin, GRJC director of admissions, suggested
creating a scholarship in Janet Ketchum’s memory
after her death in 1984.
This senior portrait is of Janet Ketchum, South High class of 1934.
Deciding to focus their generosity on students with
physical or other health impairments also came
naturally to the Ketchum siblings.
“My mom worked with kidney dialysis patients,
teaching them to knit and crochet while they
sat there for hours upon hours receiving their
treatment,” Jill said. “Then she continued on to
teach sewing to the legally blind.”
Jill said her father helped her mother with the
sewing classes by soliciting paper donations and
crafting patterns with masking-tape edges and
large-print instructions for the students to follow.
Providing help to students through the Janet
Ketchum POHI (Physical or Other Health Impaired)
Scholarship is the family’s way of continuing their
parents’ service, Brengle said.
“Donating to GRCC is partly keeping our mother’s
legacy alive and we can see how our donation
goes directly back into our community,” she said.
“We not only got a
great education, but
everyone – teachers
and coaches –
helped us make
good life decisions.”
Pictured (Clockwise): Bob La Penna, Michael La Penna, Patrick La Penna,
Joseph La Penna, Bill La Penna, Tom La Penna
The La Penna family’s ties to Grand Rapids Community
first two years would become a solid base for future
while he negotiated with faculty to get them into classes
College reach through decades and generations.
academic success.”
that were already full.”
Tony La Penna earned his degree at Western Michigan
This was certainly the case for the La Penna brothers.
All four brothers take pride in the Anthony and
University after serving in the Air Corps during WWII.
Bob graduated from GRJC and transferred to the
Marion La Penna Memorial Scholarship, created in
He married his high school sweetheart, Marion
University of Michigan. He then earned his M.D. at
1994 in honor of Tony being named Faculty Emeritus.
Shoemaker, and began a career in education teaching
Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine.
He shared the podium on that occasion with Bill,
high school English in Manton. He found his way to
Bill went the same route with a stop at Aquinas College
who was named Distinguished Alumnus that year.
Central High School in Grand Rapids, and Marion
for his bachelor’s degree. Both are now practicing
Bob also is a Distinguished Alumnus – the only
became an elementary teacher in the Northview district.
cardiologists. Tom followed his folks into education,
instance in GRCC history of siblings being so honored.
Tony earned advanced degrees in counseling then
graduating from GRJC and Grand Valley State University.
The brothers regularly contribute to their parents’
joined the staff at South High before accepting a post at
He retired after a career in elementary education in the
scholarship fund, and now a third generation of
Grand Rapids Junior College. He eventually became the
Grand Rapids school district.
La Pennas has joined GRCC.
dean of admissions and registrar.
“The classes at GRJC were as tough as any I took at
Mike’s son Patrick graduated from GRCC in 1992.
By this time, the household consisted of four sons, and
U-M,” said Bob. “In order to get grades that would help
He then earned a degree from Aquinas along with a
conversation always centered on education. Mike, Bob,
me get into med school, I had to bear down and really
certificate from the New York University Film School and
Bill and Tom grew up at GRJC.
work. The faculty knew my organic chem teacher,
a certificate in project management from Ferris State
Mr. Edwards, and realized that if I earned a grade from
University. Patrick works in GRCC’s IT department and
him, it meant something.”
maintains direct contact with scholarship recipients.
only were we all in school, but my parents’ social life
Mike used credits from GRJC to earn a degree from
“It’s exciting to see students get their footing at a truly
revolved around their friends who were all in education.”
WMU: “My course work at JC helped me satisfy my
great community college,” Patrick said. “We always tell
basics for graduation. I needed specific course offerings
the students we sponsor that if they feel that GRCC was
and the credits had to be transferable. I was lucky that
a part of their success, they should help to fund the next
my dad knew how to navigate between institutions.”
Tom worked in security while attending GRJC and said
That next generation also includes a La Penna: Bill’s son,
“We discussed high school, college, grade school and
grad school at every meal,” said eldest son, Mike. “Not
Bill added, “My folks had real respect for kids who were
‘first in the family’ to attend college since my dad was
the son of immigrants and was the first in their Italian
neighborhood to go off to college.”
Mike remembers, “Every afternoon, if we were not in
some sport, we would hang around JC until my dad
was done. Essentially, the GRJC staff became our
his dad’s office often stayed open long into the evening.
“At registration time, students would congregate at
the registrar’s office and my dad wouldn’t leave until
latch-key sitters.”
everyone had their classes straightened out,” he said.
Bob added, “I recall visiting high schools with my dad
wandered the halls with ‘class cards’ getting approvals
and with coaches and teachers. He would push hard
and sign-offs for classes that were full. I can remember
to engage students to come to JC. He knew that the
my dad in his office in the evening with students waiting
“This was in the days before computers, and kids
Joseph, one of three brothers who all will soon be in
college. Bill hopes that GRCC is as fulfilling for his sons
as it was for him.
“I wouldn’t be where I am without GRJC,” Bill said.
“We not only got a great education, but everyone –
teachers and coaches – helped us make good life
“I am so very thankful.”
“The nursing program at
GRCC is fantastic.”
For sisters Nicoletta and Isabelle Jensen, the
scholarships they received at GRCC have provided
important financial assistance as well as needed
For Izzy, who graduated from East Grand Rapids
High School in 2011, GRCC was the obvious
choice as a next step.
“My dad went to GRCC,” she said. “The quality of
GRCC’s nursing program was better than other
colleges I visited. The nursing program at GRCC
is fantastic.”
Izzy, a certified nursing assistant who is studying
to become a registered nurse, said her instructors
have inspired her.
“They made me want to work hard for them,” she
said. “They were very encouraging and supportive.”
Nikki, who graduated in 2012, is studying music
performance and wants to play in a symphony
some day. The world of professional music
is competitive, but she says her courses are
preparing her well for this.
“Stacy Tanner, my cello instructor, is wonderful
and has increased my abilities,” she said. “She
was very supportive to me and gave me the drive
to succeed. Dr. Barton, my voice instructor, has
Sisters meet sisters at the Creating Connections Breakfast. Pictured (L-R): GRCC Donor Jeanne Dolfin, Isabelle Jensen, Nicoletta Jensen,
GRCC Donor Jill Brengle.
been a key component to my success as a music
student, and professor Dobreff, the head of the
music program, has guided me and inspired me to
do my best.”
Both sisters say their scholarships inspired them to
work even harder to reach their goals.
received the Hy and Greta Berkowitz Scholarship.
“I am so very thankful,” said Nikki, who received
Janet Ketchum POHI and the Brannen Small String
Ensemble scholarships. “It has been such a great
support to me to have people helping me to meet
my academic goals.”
“I feel grateful that there are people looking out for
me and helping me to succeed,” said Izzy, who
To our donors and scholarship owners, share your email address with us so that we may keep you informed about information regarding your scholarship fund,
and upcoming events and activities. Visit grcc.edu/foundation and click on the link on the right side of the page titled “Share Your Email Address.”
“We are very excited to have a facility designed to help us share
those resources with neighborhoods throughout the city.”
12 12
Two Grand Rapids Community College programs
will get updated buildings — with new names.
The community came together in August for a
groundbreaking on the new Phyllis Fratzke Early
Childhood Learning Laboratory. This state-of-theart facility will be built on Lyon Street behind the
Music Center.
President Dr. Steven C. Ender said the
groundbreaking marks not only the start of
construction but an exciting expansion of
the early childhood learning laboratory’s work in
assisting Grand Rapids with meeting state and
local early childhood care and education goals.
“Our preschool has always served two
important populations: Students in GRCC’s child
development and education programs, and Grand
Rapids’ very youngest learners,” he said. “We are
very excited to have a facility designed to help
us share those resources with neighborhoods
throughout the city.”
Features of the new learning laboratory include:
ccess to outdoor play and learning space for
all classrooms.
t wo observation rooms, allowing faculty
to interact with college students and early
childhood professionals for teaching purposes.
classroom for education and early childhood
education students.
a multipurpose room for family and professional
development activities.
GRCC Laboratory Preschool children assisted in the groundbreaking on Aug. 27, 2015.
The new learning laboratory is scheduled to
open during the 2016-17 academic year and was
named for Phyllis Fratzke, who created the child
development department and laboratory preschool
program during the 1970s.
After undergoing extensive renovations, the Music
Center will be named for Albert P. Smith. In 1960,
he became chairman of Grand Rapids Junior
College’s humanities division, which included the
music department. He later added chairman of
the fine arts and foreign language division to his
responsibilities. Under his tenure, GRJC became
one of the first junior colleges to be accredited by
the National Association of Schools of Music.
Renovations to the Music Center include:
teaching and practice areas with new
acoustic and sound-reduction measures.
more instrument and music storage.
additional private teaching studios.
a new heating and cooling system.
“Having the names of Phyllis Fratzke and Albert
P. Smith on our buildings will serve as another
reminder of the dedication and commitment of
the faculty who made GRCC what it is today,”
Ender added.
One memorable evening marked two important
GRCC milestones, as West Michigan gathered
Oct. 14, 2014 for a fundraising gala to celebrate the
100th anniversary of the college and the 50th
anniversary of the Grand Rapids Community
College Foundation.
More than 960 guests strolled through a “living
timeline” before the program began with GRCC
alumnus and spoken-word artist Azizi Jasper’s
performance of “Tomorrow, Today.” Judge Sara
Smolenski, another alumna, acted as host and
welcomed to the stage John Kennedy, Gov. Rick
Snyder, Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Hank Meijer and
GRCC Foundation Board Chairman Dave Custer.
Each shared a perspective of the impact that the
college has had on West Michigan.
Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell led an
invocation before dinner, which was prepared and
served with the assistance of GRCC’s Secchia
Institute for Culinary Education faculty and
students. Students from the music department’s
Madrigal Singers, Wind Ensemble and Concert
Choir provided entertainment.
The Hon. Sara Smolenski hosted the evening.
During his keynote speech, President Dr. Steven
C. Ender emphasized the college’s role in giving
students from all walks of life access to a highquality education. He then announced that
$1.3 million had been raised during the 18-month
gala planning phase for the new Promise for the
Future scholarship fund in honor of GRCC’s 100th
anniversary. This total included contributions
from 84 gala sponsors.
The GRCC Foundation awards more than
$600,000 annually through approximately
800 different scholarships. With the support
of the Promise for the Future scholarship fund,
the foundation can help more students achieve
their dreams.
Open Door: Grand Rapids Community College 1914-2014 was written by English professor emeritus Walter Lockwood to commemorate GRCC’s 100th anniversary.
It details the history of Grand Rapids Junior College and GRCC through the stories and photos of students and employees. This book is available for $40,
plus shipping and handling. To order, visit www.grcc.edu/100th/book
Alumnus Armen Oumedian again demonstrated both his
generosity to our students and his family’s strong ties
to GRCC. He helped the dental department purchase a
DXTTR III, a dental x-ray trainer that allows students to
learn proper radiographic positioning. He made this gift
in honor of his daughter, Kathey Klein, a graduate from
GRCC’s first dental hygiene program in 1973. In addition
to the equipment, Oumedian established an annual
scholarship for students enrolled in the dental program.
A small celebration was held in March to thank him for his
generosity to our dental students.
We wanted to celebrate GRCC’s anniversary by increasing the
number of students who participated in commencement. In the past,
students have said that the cost of the cap and gown kept them from
walking, so we decided to remove this barrier. Donors were able to
“Sponsor-a-Grad” — or several grads — at the cost of $31 each. We
raised enough money to purchase 110 caps and gowns.
“My parents and I are so appreciative of the support from GRCC —
especially around graduation,” said student Arielle Brown (center).
“Many students, including myself, were provided gowns through the
GRCC Foundation. This program proves that GRCC really cares about
the students, from orientation to graduation. Thank you, GRCC!”
Three years of more than $30 million in capital
improvement projects are wrapping up this year.
The most significant work in the latest round of
construction affected the Student Community
Center, the Main Building and the Wisner-Bottrall
Applied Technology Center.
In the Main Building, restrooms were renovated
on all floors, and the glass in the stair tower
between it and Cook Hall was replaced.
The Student Community Center received new
polished concrete floors and had updates to its
elevators, and HVAC and fire suppression systems.
The Wisner-Bottrall Applied Technology Center
construction included creating space for the
Secchia Institute for Culinary Education’s new craft
brew program, which is scheduled to be finished
by the end of fall semester 2015.
John Hunt
Associate of Arts, 2015
GRCC Foundation Scholarship
Abigail Bradley
Associate of Arts, 2000
“Attending GRCC enabled me to
cultivate my skills in a supportive
environment that was flexible
around my schedule at the pace
I chose. All of my professors were
extremely competent in their fields
and provided extra assistance
whenever I asked to ensure my
success in pursuing my dream as
a professional artist. As time goes
on, I continue to develop an even
greater appreciation of the effort and
interest by the GRCC professors
and staff in supporting as many
students as possible in their paths
to success.”
“I am pursuing my bachelor’s
degree in social work at Grand
Valley State University, and my
goal is to counsel and mentor
at-risk teens. Receiving a
scholarship was instrumental
in allowing me to continue
to pursue my goals. When
someone invests in your dream,
it makes you feel all the more
confident that you have made
the right choice in the goals
you have chosen. The GRCC
Foundation Scholarship did that
for me.”
Terri Handlin
Distinguished Alumna
Associate of Arts,
Grand Rapids Junior College, 1974
“Grand Rapids Junior College worked
with me to feel confident and comfortable
about returning and completing my AA.
Without that start, I would not have felt
that I could continue and earn a bachelor’s
degree. My start at GRJC was the launch
I needed to complete my bachelor’s and
continue on to earn two master’s degrees.
‘JC for me’ was my mantra.”
Marilyn Titche, Donor
June Wisby Memorial
“I support the Grand
Rapids Community
College Foundation
because I support
education. Education
is the key to success in
life, and I know that by
supporting the GRCC
Foundation, I am helping
to improve the quality
of life for our entire
community — that makes
me feel good!”
Tim Redder
Associate of Arts, 2015
Mehney Family Scholarship, E. Ray
Baxter Scholarship, Bob Sullivan
“I am funding college, for the most
part, completely on my own, and
I rely on getting scholarships and
good grades to allow myself to
continue to afford the cost. The
scholarships that GRCC has
provided have greatly improved my
life. I am transferring to GVSU for
a bachelor’s in business finance
and eventually hope to go on to
earn a master’s degree in business
Yvonne Miller
Current GRCC student
John D. Hannik Memorial Scholarship
“I chose GRCC because I am a working adult and I needed to
attend a local college because of my busy schedule. That was
one of the best decisions that I have ever made! I plan to transfer
to GVSU when I graduate. My major is psychology. I plan to
implement programs and services for families and individuals
who have problems with mental illness and substance abuse, and
work with the family courts to help families that are experiencing
legal trouble as a result of dysfunction and other issues that can
cause the legal system to become involved in their lives.
“Receiving a scholarship is like planting a seed in rich soil.
This scholarship has helped me to pay for my classes, books
and other materials I need for academic success. I was very
proud and honored that I was picked, and I would like to thank
those who chose me.”
Elizabeth Anne Johnson
Associate of Arts, 2015
Hanson Environmental Scholarship
“In order to become financially
secure these days, a college degree
is vital. Receiving a scholarship has
taken much of the financial load off
of me so that I can focus on studying
while raising my family. College,
for me, has been an adventure —
challenging and exciting — and I’m
grateful for this opportunity.”
Gabriela Julissa Diaz
Associate of Arts, 2015
Grandma O Scholarship
“As the first person to attend college
in my family, I chose GRCC because it
offered everything I was looking for in
a college. My plans after completing
my Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice
at GVSU are to begin working as a
probation or parole officer. Receiving
the Grandma O Scholarship was very
much unexpected — which made
me all the more grateful that it was
awarded to me!”
Frank Coronado
Associate of Arts, 1994
“Receiving my education from
GRCC opened doors to employment
opportunities that I would never have had
a chance at without my degree. One of
the things it did for me was to help get
me out of my ‘small town’ mentality and
to participate in my community. Without
GRCC, I would have never thought to be a
co-founder of the West Michigan Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce or to be a board
member for the Grand Rapids Civil Service
Avalon Cutts Jones
Current GRCC student
Albert P. Smith Music Scholarship
and Lotte Rachel Peters Arts and
Humanities Scholarship
“I had been out of school for 10
years prior to applying at GRCC.
Jobs with room to grow aren’t
the easiest to come by, and most
look for a college education.
I was tired of the dead-end roads
and wanted to really pursue my
music. Getting scholarship funds
has helped me press on. Life
itself will bring many obstacles
that could be setbacks. Receiving
these funds has helped to lighten
the load.”
Fabiola Quartell
Current GRCC student
Harriet Dively Scholarship
“When I worked as a caregiver in Oregon,
I was told that I should become a nurse. I
always used my busy life and taking care of
my children as an excuse of why I couldn’t do
it. Finally, a nurse practitioner pulled me aside
and told me that there are a lot of people with
families who are studying and that I needed to
start my education. So I am taking the steps in
accomplishing this goal — no more excuses.
My scholarship means so much to me because
I know the sacrifice my family is making. In the
end, it will all be worth it; but for right now, it is a
huge help in this step of my journey.”
Gary Holland, Donor
The Comstock
Park Tribute Scholarship
“I attended Grand Rapids Junior
College in the late ‘60s, and a
scholarship really helped me
graduate debt-free with my fouryear degree. A $1,000 scholarship
to Grand Rapids Community
College can make a difference for
a student who is struggling to pay
for their college education. The
same scholarship, applied to the
expenses of most universities, is
not as significant.”
Wow — what a year it has been for the Grand Rapids Community College
Foundation! From hosting a 100th anniversary gala – that raised $1.3 million
to support student scholarships – to celebrating the foundation’s 50th
anniversary, there is so much to observe and for which to be thankful. But
what is most important to note is that none of these accomplishments would
have been possible without the support of our generous donors.
As the foundation’s newly appointed executive director, I am proud to share
how our donors are making a difference daily in students’ lives. The act of
giving hits close to home for a lot of our donors, many of whom are Grand
Rapids Junior College or GRCC alumni. The 2014-15 annual report shows
how the college has made a generational impact, with some families now
seeing a third and fourth generation of students getting their start at GRCC.
You also heard our students talk about why giving is critical to their success.
For some of them, foundation scholarships are the crucial financial support
that helps them finish their degree, or prepares them to transfer to another
institution to complete their studies. Either way, students are setting the
foundation for their career pathway.
Student success is the goal of everyone at the college. We are here to
prepare the citizens who will build on the momentum and leadership of past
generations to make West Michigan a vibrant community. And we could not
do it without you, the donors who make student scholarships possible.
Please accept my sincerest thanks for all that you do to make GRCC great,
and West Michigan a fantastic place to live and work!
Kathryn K. Mullins, Ed.D.
Vice President for College Advancement
A Lasting Legacy
The Grand Rapids Community College Foundation specializes in planned gifts that
include bequests, trusts and other life income plans. Planned giving is a unique
philanthropic tool that allows you to support the college’s continued excellence while
also fulfilling your own financial objectives. Planned gifts often have attractive tax benefits
associated with them and can allow you to leave a legacy without diminishing assets
during your lifetime.
A variety of assets can be used to establish a planned gift. From cash, to real estate, to
tangible personal property, the foundation is ready to assist you and your advisors to find
the best fit for your personal circumstances.
Perhaps the most common form of a planned gift is through a bequest. If you wish to
leave the GRCC Foundation a bequest in your will or trust, for a scholarship or some
other purpose, you can amend your will or trust to reflect your wishes.
- Online at grcc.edu/donate
- Cash
- Matching Gifts
- Life Insurance
The following represents sample language for doing so:
I give and bequeath to the GRCC Foundation for the benefit of
Grand Rapids Community College (possible choices below):
• The sum of $______________; or
• _________________________percent of my estate; or
• The property described herein;
• To establish (or benefit if already existing) the __________________ Fund.
The principal of said fund is to be endowed and only the income of
the principal shall be used to provide financial assistance.
For more information about how to give to the GRCC Foundation, call (616) 234-3939.
50 Years of Foundation Giving
1964 – During GRJC’s 50th
anniversary celebration,
the Grand Rapids Junior
College Foundation was
established with $12,000
in gifts from alumni and
friends of the college.
1980 – The historic
McCabe-Marlowe House
was purchased to serve as
a hospitality house for the
college and foundation.
1991 – A capital campaign
was started to build the
Applied Technology Center.
1964 – The GRJC
Distinguished Alumni
award was created and
given to 12 alumni.
1985 - The Million
Dollar Faculty and Staff
giving campaing was
established; it was
conceived by language
arts instructor Keith
2002 – A capital
campaign was started for
a new Michigan Technical
Education Center, which
bears the name of lead
donor Leslie E. Tassell.
2005 – The “Open
Door” campaign
launched to raise
$10 million for
the foundation’s
endowment. The
following buildings
and programs were named
through this campaign: the Peter
C. and Pat Cook Academic
Hall, the Wisner-Bottrall Applied
Technology Center, the Secchia
Institute for Culinary Education,
the Bob and Aleicia Woodrick
Diversity Learning Center, and
the Paganelli Family Foyer.
2010 – The “GRCC Works”
$15 million capital campaign
is launched. The following
buildings and programs were
named through this campaign:
the DeVos Campus, the Meijer
Center for Business Studies,
the Gordon Hunsberger Arena,
Stewart Edward White Hall, and
the Pietro and Regina Secchia
Culinary Amphitheater.
2008 – Dave Custer becomes
the first person, other than
the college’s president,
elected chairperson of the
GRCC Foundation Board.
He has served on the board
since 1989.
2013-14 - The GRCC
Foundation awards more
than $600,000 in student
June 30
Assets Cash and cash equivalents Due from the College
Contributions receivable — net of allowance for uncollectible
pledges of $10,110 at June 30, 2015 and $5,110 at June 30, 2014 Accrued interest receivable
Investments Land, building, and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation 2015 $6,039,659 -
2,289,239 66,558 24,281,484 264,628 1,399,731
$32,941,568 $30,795,895
$459,356 111,232 52,361 $402,342
622,949 500,577
Net assets:
Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted 3,334,062 22,487,579 6,496,978 3,304,552
Total net assets 32,318,619 30,295,318
$32,941,568 $30,795,895
Total assets Liabilities and Net Assets
Scholarships payable Accounts payable Grants payable Total liabilities Total liabilities and net assets NEW SCHOLARSHIPS: CREATED DURING THE 2014-15 ACADEMIC YEAR FOR GRCC STUDENTS.
Benard Lewis Aldrich Memorial Scholarship
Golden Raider Retiree Scholarship
Casimir F. Palaszek, DDS Memorial Scholarship
Jim and Myra Muth Scholarship
David and Lilly Anderson First Generation
Spectrum Industries Inc. Scholarship
The Michael and Christina Rosloniec
Family Scholarship
Steve & Maureen Abid
Jennifer Abramowski
ADAC Automotive
Alexander J. Afendoulis
Afendoulis Enterprises Inc.
Lorena Aguayo-Marquez
AIG Matching Grants
Airway Oxygen
Bob & Wende Alighire
Michelle Allen
Allied Finishing
Jim & Colleen Ambrose
American Culinary
Federation Greater
Grand Rapids
Autocam Medical
Mary Awdey &
Frank Coronado
Nancy Ayres
Dennis Bach
Susan Baglien
Deb Bailey
Rebecca Bailey
Carl Bajema
Priscilla Baldwin
Balladonna Hair &
Nail Salon Inc.
Janice Balyeat-Hansen
Bank of America
Atricia Banks
Nikki Banks
Beth Banta
Travis Bernatche
Martin Best
Mary Jane Best
Helen Beuker
Cora J. Beute
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Beute
Richard & Judith Bezile
Chuck & Ann
Marie Birr
Jane Bissell
Phyllis Blake
Thomas Blandford
Eleanor Blanton
Bert R. Bleke
Chuck & Pat Bloom
Judith Bloom
Rebecca Brinks
Bob & Cynthia Bristol
Jerry Broersma
Brooks Family
Robert Brower
Andreaux Brown
Linda Bruin
Joan B. Buchanan
Bucher Hydraulics
Chuck & Sandy Buffham
Dr. Gary W. Burbridge
Margaret Burns
Marie Burns
Dr. Terri Lynn Burt
Braden & Stacey Bush
Erin Busscher
Carlton Hornbrook
Academic Athletic
Foundation LLC
Ellen Carmody
Steven Carpenter
Dillon Carr
Daniel Carter
Carter Products
Company Inc.
Michael Cary &
Marjorie Loughrin
Cascade Community
Robert Cebelak
Celebration Cinema
Committee to
Elect Ruth Kelly
Committee to
Retain Elias Lumpkins
Frank Conner
Meredith Conrad
Consumers Energy
Bruce & Lori Cook
Bob & Ann Cooper
Matt & Sarah Coullard
Council for Resource
Dr. John Cowles &
Dr. Ric Underhile
Creative Dining Services
Brandon & Andrea Crosby
Restaurant Week: Restaurant Week grew by a day — giving area diners more opportunities to help students in
GRCC’s Secchia Institute of Culinary Education. With more than 60 restaurants participating, the event raised $18,019
from Aug. 13 to 24 for student scholarships.
Six students received Restaurant Week scholarships: Megan Amante, Jon Benson, Emily Dilly, Kara Faasen, Ian Hall
and Jeffrey Myers. Program Director Dan Gendler said the scholarships show that the SICE family extends throughout
the West Michigan culinary community.
Amway Corporation
Amway Grand
Hotel Corporation
Aleta Anderson
Beverly Anderson
David & Lilly Anderson
Olivia Margo Anderson
David & Mary Annis
Robert & Cecilia Antecki
Nikolaos Antonakis
David Applewhite
Aquinas College
Craig & Jodi Arens
Lee Arhelger
Christina Arnold
Arthur J Gallagher
Risk Management
Services Inc.
Jim & Mary Atkinson
L. Dale Atkinson
Timothy H. Atkinson, O.D.
Teresa & Fred Banta
William Banta
Banta Furniture Company
Curt Baragar
*Merry Anne Barrow
Dr. Stephen Barton
Deborah Bates
Jennifer Batten
Rosalie Baxter
Beacon Hill at Eastgate
Geoffrey Beene
Mary Beth Beighley
Jane Beld-Smith
Paul Belden IV
Gerald & Jan Benham
Jane Ann Benson
Julie Bera
Joan C. Berends
Jessica Berens
David H. & Mary
Kay Berles
Blue Cross & Blue Shield
of Michigan
Blue Goose Industries
Leon Blum, DDS
Terry & Karen Bocian
Marianne Bockheim
Cole Boender
Michael Boerman
Sharon Boersma
Susan Bombardt
Dennis Bona
Kenneth Bos
Vern Boss
David & Michelle Bottrall
Dr. Andy & Ruth Bowne
Dr. Donald R. Boyer
Grace Bradford
Gary L. & Karen Bradley
Linda Bramble
Nicole Brigstock
Mary Anna Brink
John Buttrey
Catherine Buzzitta
James V. Buzzitta
Mary Byerwalter
Jay Bylsma
Albert Cain
Tony Calcagno
Orletta Caldwell
*Richard Calkins
Lori Calkins
Alexander Callaghan
Calvin College
K. James &
Gloria B. Campbell
John & Marie Canepa
Cannon Solutions
Care Resources
Carl Walker Inc.
Jean M. Carlson
Chamber of Commerce
Linda Chamberlain
Paul Chardoul
Kathleen Chase
James Chesla
Laurie Chesley
Christman Company
Annie Churchill
Erin Cisler
Robert & Cathy Cisler
City of Grand Rapids
Planning Department
Anna Maria Clark
Daniel Clark
Yvonne Clark
Clark Retirement
James & Mary Codo
Cheryl Cole
Janise R. Cole
Nancy Cole
Michael Cupples
David & Karen Custer
Todd Custer
Custer Inc.
Custom Blends LLC
Jane Czarnopis
D. C. Byers Co.
Nancy Dahl
Katherine Daniels
John Darling
Lana Dart
Data Strategy
Davenport University
Duane David
Dawn Davies
Lamonyka Davis
Pat (Mrs. Gilbert R.) Davis
Lori DeBie
Eric DeLong
Delta Dental Foundation
Pete & Tuti DeMaagd
Barbara DeMoor
Lorraine Deremo
John Dersch
Jodi & Tom Deschaine
Michael & Sherryl
Michael DeVivo
Rosemarie DeVivo
Richard & Helen
DeVos Foundation
Diane DeVries
Roger & Shara Devries
Deborah Dewent
Debora DeWitt
James DeYoung
Patricia Dion
Brad Ditmar
John Doane
Christine Dobberstein
Russell Dykema
Tom R. Dykstra
Gary Ebels
Tom & Lea Rose Ebels
Kathleen Eberhard
Elder’s Helpers LLC
Elevator Service Inc.
Ellis Parking
Company Inc.
David Elve
Kenneth Ender
Steve & Karen Ender
Judith Endicott
Robert Engelman
Engineered Protection
Systems Inc.
David Erickson
Cornelius Eringaard
Marguerite Erlandson
Follett Store #505
Nancy Forrest
Bill & Laurie Foster
Ken & Beth Foster
William Foster
James Fox
Tom & Mickie Fox
Joel & Donna Frank
Lisa Freiburger
Twink Frey
Frey Foundation
Jennifer Gable
Langston Gant
Laurie Gardner
Erin Gauthier
GE Foundation
Daniel Gendler
Geneva Capital
Management LTD.
Grand Rapids
Community Foundation
Grand Rapids
Public Museum
Grand Rapids
Public Schools
Grand Valley State University
Grandvilla Inc.
Russell Grasman
Graybar Electric
GRCC College Employee
Bargaining Association
GRCC Faculty Association
GRCC Student Alliance
Philip & Vanessa Greene
George & Diane
Michael V. Grosberg
Paul & Lori Hefferan
Stacey Heisler
Stephen Henkelman
Jim & Lois Herrinton
Fiona Hert
Stephen & Julie Hess
Joseph & Sheila Hesse
Martin J. Hillard &
Catherine R. Winick
Raymond Hoag
Holly Hoare
Dirk & Victoria Hoffius
Leonard Hofman
Mary Hofstra
Gary L. Holland
Karen Olsen Holt
Ethel Holtrop
Hope College
Preston Hopson
Mark Janes
Victoria Janowiak
Mark Jasonowicz
Lynn Jennifer
Stanley Jensen
Arthur J. Johnson
Jim & Julie Johnson
Donna Joseph
Denise Josephenders
Rachael Jungblut
David Kampfschulte
Joseph F. Kaupa
Katherine Keating
Luann Keizer
Keller Foundation
Amy Kerkstra
Judith Kienitz
Michael Kiss
Peter Kjome
Holiday Open House: Thank you to all the faculty and staff donors who came out to the foundation’s annual
Holiday Open House in December 2014. It is always exciting to see our family of donors gather together, and the
McCabe-Marlowe house always provides a festive setting. Are you looking for a place to host your next holiday party?
Donors who contribute $500 or more annually to the foundation may rent the McCabe-Marlowe House.
Call (616) 234-3939 or email [email protected] for more information.
Kevin J. Dobreff
The Family of
D.D. Dobreff
Alan Doering
Max Doering
Alice A. Donahue
Edgar Donnetelli
Door Security Solutions
Sara Dorer
David Dorner
Eloise Swartz Douglas
Douglas & Maria
DeVos Foundation
Beverly Drake
DTE Energy Foundation
Duhadway, Kendall &
John & Barb Duiven
Yolanda Duncan
Sherice & Henry Dungey
David Dye
Experience Grand Rapids
Michael Faber
William & Angela Faber
Farmers Insurance Group
Joshua Ferguson
Ferris Coffee &
Nut Company
Ferris State University
Joanne Feutz
Fidelity Charitable
Gift Fund
Andre Fields
Else Fierens
Fifth Third Bank
First Agency
First Wok
Bonnie Fisher
Matt & Shavval Fleming
Erich Flynn
Frances-Rose S. Folgner
Kelly Gessler
Jeff & Georgia Gietzen
Timothy Gietzen, DDS
Gill Industries
Michael Gillan
Gillett Family
Foundation Trust
Janet Gillette
Robert Gillette
Bruce Gilmore
Lisa Gloege
GMB Architects Engineers
Dave Godfrey
Chris & Karen Goebel
Goodrich Quality Theaters
Goodwill Industries
John Gordon
Gordon Food Service
Eleanor Gorman
Pamela J. Gould
Daniel Guajardo
Nanci L. Guigue
Dr. James & Patty Gunn
H.S. Die & Engineering
David & Annie M. Hager
Hannah Halcomb
Terri A. Handlin
Michael Hansen
Susan Hansen
Patricia Harmsen
Dr. Earl &
C. Louise Harper
Richard Haslinger
Denise Hauser
Ella Hawks
Bob Hawley Sr.
Heart of West Michigan
United Way
Hedrick Associates
Lawrence Hefferan
Mary Ellen Hefferan
James Horgan
Noreen Hornbrook
Loren Houtman
Rachael Howe
Tina Oen Hoxie
Hubbell Premise Wiring
Huntington Bank
Todd Hurley
Beatrice Idema
Patricia Ingersoll
Integrated Design Solutions
Win & Kyle Irwin
Irwin Seating Company
Ann Isackson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Israels
J. Bos Vending Service
Sandra Jackoboice
Richard Jackson
William & Holly Jacoby
Ellen M. James
Michael & Sue Jandernoa
Douglas & Patricia Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kline
Georgann H. Klunejko
Sherry Knoppers
Katherine Kolehouse
Amy Koning
Diana Kooistra
Robert P. Kornoelje
Michael Kosiara
Amanda Kossack
John & Marnie Kotwick
Timothy &
Catherine Kozal
Bob Kozminski
Memorial Fund
Richard & Maria
Donna Kragt
Sarah Krajewski
C. Declarke Kramer
Paul Krieger
Blake & Mary Krueger
Kate Kryger
Catherine Kubiak
Dale Kuipers
Jean Kurzhals
Sheryl Kuzniar
Klaas Kwant &
Candace Cowling
La Fuente
Consulting LLC
Lacks Enterprises Inc.
Jim & Mary LaFleur
Lake Michigan
Credit Union
Cheryl L. LaMar
Daniel Lamore
Scott Lampe
James Landon
Doug Lane
Melissa Langholz
Walter Lodes Jr.
Ray Loeschner
Robert Long
Lowell Area Schools
Dr. Jack & Kathy
Lukens Family
Brian & Christine Lund
Don Lundy
Peg Luy
M.E. Davenport
Major Joel Maatman
Don & Amber
Macy’s Foundation
Janice L. Maggini
Ernest & Lorraine
Michael Maluchnik
Earl Mandeville
Meijer Foundation
Meijer Inc.
Kurt Meinders
Mercy Health
Susan Merizon
Patricia &
Frederick B. Merritt
Metro Health Hospital
Timothy Meyer
Ed & Ann Meyers
Michigan Restaurant
Educational Support
Michigan State
Human Medicine
Microsoft Matching
Gifts Program
Arnie Mikon
Todd Miletti
Steve & Kathy Mullins
Larry & Paula Murphy
Marian Murphy
Julie Murray
Muskegon Community
James Muth
Ethel Myers
Greg & Nancy Myers
Anne Nachtegall
Lillian Nebbeling
Netech Corporation
Michael Niemczyk
Fátima E. Nieves
Leah Nixon
Noorthoek Academy
Candace Norder
Deborah C. Nordman
Northern Trust Bank, FSB
Jill Nutt
Gail Park
Julie F. Parks
Robert & Gretchen
Ted & Ethel Pasma
Diane Patrick
Patterson Dental
Rachel Paulucci
Gene Paxton
Loreann Payton
Harold &
Phyllis Penny
Felix Pereiro
Steven Pestka
Till J.N. Peters
Petersen Master
Craftsman Trust
Cindy Peterson
James & Kate Peterson
Lubov Petrash
M.F. Radich
Ronald Ralya
Lupe Ramos
Gerald &
Carole Redwine
Greg Reed
Jeremy & Mary Reed
Joshua Reed
Janice Renwick
Rhoades McKee, PC
Allen & Charline Rice
Lauren Richardson
Jodi Richhart
Michelle Richter
Valerie Ricketts
Right Place Inc.
River City Foods
Company Foundation
Golf Outing: With a sunny but cool spring day — and our new location at Thousand Oaks Golf Club —
is it any surprise that this year’s GRCC Scholarship Golf Outing sold out? We had 144 golfers take part
in the golf scramble, formerly known as the Flanagan Golf Outing. Proceeds from the outing provide
scholarship dollars for our students — so thank you to all who made it happen! Mark your calendars
for next year’s outing: May 25, 2016 at Thousand Oaks.
A. Michael La Penna
Patrick La Penna
Lawrence Larson
Zoe Lattimer
Sang Lee
Dallas & Senita Lenear
Joseph Leonardo
Dolores Lewis
Garland Lewis
Vincenzo Licari
John & Susan
Andrew Limber
Literacy Center
of West Michigan
Barbara Lloyd
Mike & Kathy Lloyd
Robert Lloyd
Jeanette Lochan
Walter & Justine
Lawrenc W.
Manglitz, Ph.D.
Barbara J. Manne
Janet L. Marble
Wayne & Brenda Marshall
Mary Free Bed Hospital
Janet Mason
Mansfield Matthewson
Dominic Mattone
Vicki Maxa
*Patricia D. Mc Clellan
Terry Mc Ilhargey
McAlvey, Merchant &
Misty McClure-Anderson
Michael McCoy
Kathryn McNamara
William McPherson
Marcella McumberKeenan
David Mehney
Joseph J. Milito
Shirley J. Minisee
A. Ally Mishal
Mlive Media Group
Halima Elmi Mohamad
Jane Mohr
Jim & Kelly Monterusso
Laura Moody
Laura Mooney
Alex Moore
Morgan Stanley
Brian & Debbie Morris
Bruce & Carolyn Morrison
Mursalata Muhammad
Dorothy Mulder
Tom Mulder
Anne E. Mulder, Ph.D.
Eric & Janel Mullen
Kelsee Mullins
Bradley O’Halla
Debbie O’Halla
Marianne O’Halla
Dan & Ann O’Keefe
Mary O’Rourke
Charles Olawsky
Pam Oldham
Robert Olewinski
Juan & Mary Olivarez
Helen Oudendyk
Armen Oumedian
Donna Owen
P. B. Gast/Allied Eagle
Jeanette Paganelli
Maryann Paganelli
Virginia Paganelli Caruso
Theresa Palaszek
Christos & Joan
Paul Phifer
Piano Teachers’ Forum
of Grand Rapids
Marianne Pierson
Philip & Marilyn Pikaart
Pioneer Construction
Plante Moran
Ruth Porretta
Theresa Powers
Tracy Powers
Bill Prescott
Jim & Marie Preston
Progressive AE
Karen Pullen
Quota International
of Grand Rapids
Charitable Foundation
Geraldine Raap
Susan Rabick
Thomas Rademacher
Jacob & Delores
Sheri Roche
Rockford Construction
Wayne Rodgers
David Rodriguez
Frances Rollert
Josh & Sarah Rose
Maria Amato Rosendall
Roskam Baking
Company Inc.
Michael & Christina
Raynard Ross
Rotary Club
of Grand Rapids
Christine Rougier
Royal Technologies Inc.
Andrew Rozema
Derek M. Rummel
Mark A. Russo
Ryan’s Modern
Sewer Cleaning
Christine Rydel
Michael Rydman
Ryskamp &
*Richard Ryskamp
Christopher Sain
Saranac Area
Women’s Club
Mary Scanlan
Cherry Scaturro
Vernis L. Schad
James Schafer
Patricia Schaner
B. Nan Schichtel
A. Schreur
Brent Slay
Doug & Jude Smith
Grace A.M. Smith
Jay & Helen Smith
Jerry & Hazel Smith
Kathy & Doug Smith
Kenneth & Kathryn Smith
Tom Smith
Judge Sara J. Smolenski
Steven & Julie Snyder
Adam Sobczak
Jill Sobczak
Ryan Sobczak
Sound Off Inc.
South High “53”
Lunch Group
T.H. Southwell, M.D.
Mary Sparks
Spectrum Health
Spectrum Industries
Tami Sytsma
*James & Bette J. Taber
Taco Boy
Dr. Jackie Taylor
Ronald Taylor
Paulo Teles
TeMon Consulting Inc.
Suzanne Ten Hoeve
Kenneth Tepper
Barbara Termeer
The H.T. Hackney Company
The KMW Group Inc.
The Korff Foundation
Ernest S. Thomas
Jon & Kelly Thurston
Elizabeth Timmer
Marilyn Titche
Tom Northway, DDS
James W. Van
Frederick C. van
Hartesveldt III
Donald J. Van Oeveren
Dean Van Velsen
Veronica Van Wagoner
Ronald Van’t Hof
Ethel Vandam
Donald VandenBos
Gary VanderLende
Katie Vandermeer
Andrew Vandermolen
Rick VanderVeen
Carol VanRandwyk
John VanRandwyk
Paul VanRandwyk
Robin Vanrooyen
Faith Vanvliet
Diane Dood Vanweelden
Ellen Ward
Sandy Ward
Warner Norcross &
Judd LLP
Debra Warwick
Ruth M. Watkins
Fay Weatherall Davis
Thomas R. Weaver
Dan & Julie Webb
Luanne Wedge
Sarah & Nic Weemhoff
Wege Foundation
Elizabeth Welch
Kristine Welling
Wells Fargo Foundation
Educational Matching
Gift Program
West Michigan
David & Wendy Wohns
Bob & Cherie Wojcik
Jill Woller-Sullivan
Kate Pew Wolters
Wolverine Coil Spring Co.
Wolverine World Wide
Leslie Wong
James Wood
Robert Woodhouse
Sara Workman
Tom & Doris Worthington
Kathleen Wykes
Sara Yob
Rebecca Yoder
Carmen Zapata, M.D.
William Zoellmer III
Frederick Zomer
Jack Zuiderveld
Creating Connections: Scholarship recipients and donors got a chance to get to know each other
during the GRCC Foundation’s 7th annual Creating Connections Breakfast on Feb. 19.
After a welcome from Provost Laurie Chesley, Dave Mehney discussed the history of the Mehney Family
Scholarship via video. Earnette Wrancher, a criminal justice major who received the Milo M. Brown Scholarship,
and Spencer Calvery, a future teacher and John D. Hanink Memorial Scholarship recipient, shared their thoughts.
We cannot thank our faithful scholarship donors enough for their continued support of our students!
Schubert Male Chorus
of Grand Rapids
Jason Schueller
Debra Schultz
Robert Schultz
Grace Schwanda
Sharon Scott
Tamara Scott
Fred Sebulske
Peter & Joan Secchia
Lynnae Selberg
David Selmon
Barbara Serbowicz
Paul Sewell
Anne Sherman
Eve Sidney
James Siegel
Jim & Sally Skidmore
Lyle Slagh
Jeffrey Spoelman
Keith St. Clair
Mr. & Mrs. L.J. Staats
Steelcase Foundation
Steelcase Inc.
Michael Steinfort
Stanley Sterk
Linda L. Stewart
Richard & Karen Stewart
Howard Stovall
Joe Stowell
Larry & Cindy Streekstra
Jerome P. Subar
Paula Sullivan
Mary Summers
Norma Swanson
Henry & Jeane
Blanford Swart
Darcy Swope
Todd Torrey
Mark Tourek &
Judy Jankowski
Town & Country Group
Jeanne Townsend
Traffic & Safety Control
Systems Inc.
Trane West Michigan
Patricia Trepkowski
Triangle Associates Inc.
Marco Trimble
TSFR Apple Venture LLC
Universal Forest
Products Inc.
Michelle Urbane
URS Corporation
Janice Uzarski
Valley City Linen
Dave & Carol Van
Andel Foundation
Michael Vargo
Werner Veit
Debra Veltkamp
Veolia Energy North
America - Grand Rapids
Richard & Christine
Michael Verhulst
Verizon Foundation
Mark Vogel
Mollie Von Ehr
Daniel Vos
Harriet J. Vossen
Kathy Vruggink
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Nancy Waier
William Wakefield
Karen Walker
Walker Tool & Die
West Michigan Golf
West Side Beer
Western Michigan
Sharyl Westveer
Rebecca Whitman
William’s Kitchen & Bath
Cedric Williams
Eric Williams
James Williams
Susan Williams
Russell Willis
Delicia Wilondja
Loyd Winer
Ward O. & Mary Jo Winer
Donald Wisner
Linda Witte
Teresa Wochholz
Names in the report reflect
contributions from the fiscal
year July 1, 2014 through
June 30, 2015 only.
If you have donated after the
dates above, we thank you.
Your gift will be reflected in a
future edition.
If your name has been omitted
or misprinted, please accept
our apologies and notify the
GRCC Foundation Office
at (616) 234-3939 or email
[email protected].
David Custer
Larry Murphy
Vice Chairperson
David C. Bottrall
James V. Buzzitta, M.D.
Michael Despres
Beverly Drake
Steven C. Ender, Ed.D.
Ellen M. James
Douglas M. Klein
Walter Lodes Jr.
Nancy Ayres
Janice L. Maggini
Elias Lumpkins
Lisa Freiburger
Assistant Treasurer
Pastor Nathaniel Moody
Kathryn K. Mullins, Ed.D.
Executive Director
Brandon Sinclair
Stephen J. Abid
Kristine Babcock
Beth Banta
Bert R. Bleke
Mark Borgman
Derek M. Rummel
Kim Thomas
Dan Webb
Barbara J. DeMoor
Director Emeritus
Bert R. Bleke, M.A.
Richard W. Verburg
Vice Chairperson
Cynthia Bristol
Ellen M. James
Deb Bailey
David J. Koetje
Richard N. Stewart, Ph.D.
Steven C. Ender, Ed.D.
James M. LaFleur
Director Emeritus
It is the mission of the GRCC Foundation to secure and manage financial gifts to support and promote student,
employee and community learning, enabling the college to fulfill its mission and vision.
143 Bostwick Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 | www.grcc.edu/grccfoundation | (616) 234-3939