Manly Council`s Filtered Water Bubbler Project


Manly Council`s Filtered Water Bubbler Project
Manly Council’s
Filtered Water
Bubbler Project
Providing a Sustainable
Alternative to Bottled
Innovation in Waste
 August 2008, Manly Council installed free
filtered-water bubblers on The Corso
 Major tourist destination - 6 million visitors
 First council in Australia to provide free filtered-
water to the public
Innovation in Waste
 Aim: reduce the number of plastic water bottles
being purchased and disposed of in Manly
 This project empowers residents and visitors to
avoid waste by reusing water bottles
Problems with Bottled Water
 Manufacture, transportation and refrigeration
significantly impacts on our environment
 Many bottles end up in landfill rather than
being reused and recycled
 Contributes to an increase in plastic bottles
collected on Clean Up Australia Day.
 2007:
Council stopped using bottled water
within its organisations
 2008:
6 Filtered water bubblers installed in
The Corso
 2010:
Additional 9 bubblers installed, 3
more will be in place by the end of
the year
 Bubblers use average 5,500L water per month
 By the end of 2010, 18 water bubblers will be
operational at locations throughout the LGA
 Potentially; 5,500L x 12 months x 18 = 1,188,000L
 Almost enough to fill 2 million 600mL bottles
Environmental Benefits
 Potentially up to 80t of plastic bottles avoided
(given 25,000 bottles to a ton)
 153 m3 landfill space saved
 Recycling 80t of plastic saves 121t CO2
 Conserves natural resources, reduces
greenhouse gas emissions
Original Bubbler Designs
 Bubbler and filter separate
 Street Furniture Australia –
“Fountain Head” bubbler
 $9,300 purchase & install
SFA – Fountain Head Design
 Wheelchair Accessible
 Vandal resistant
 Stylish and keeps clean
Custom-made Bubbler Design
 Bubbler and filter
 Sign height and width
 All in one unit $5,800
to purchase & install
Water Filters
 Hi-Tech water filters, provide water as
good, if not better than bottled water
 Removes contaminants such as
cryptosporidium, giardia, chlorine
and lead
 Does not remove fluoride
 Bubblers disinfected twice daily; system
flushed every 3 – 4 months
 Filters changed by Council staff, simple
bayonet fitting
 Grates need to be cleaned every month
 Thorough clean of blade sign each month
Waste & Sustainability Education
 All the filtered-water
stations have the message:
Re-usable Water Bottles
 5000 re-useable water bottles
 Council designed bottle
 Distributed to residents, schools,
volunteers and visitors
 PET, 100% recyclable
Community Benefits
 Encourages visitors
and residents to keep
 Healthy, free
alternative to
purchasing bottled
water or soft drinks
Financial Benefits
 Significant savings to the community from
avoided water bottle purchases
 Reduction of costs to Council for waste and
litter management
 Contributes to a positive, generous image of
Manly, i.e. good public relations
 Media coverage
 Council website
 Self-promoting
 Interest expressed
from 12 Councils
 Investment:
Purchase and installation of 18 bubblers:
 Cleansing / maintenance: $1300 per month
in staff costs
 Benefits;
Reduction in waste / litter
 Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions &
natural resource use
 Health & community benefits
Effective in Reducing Plastic Water Bottle Waste