Monenco Iran
Monenco Iran
Monenco Iran Consulting Engineers Pioneer & Dynamic in Energy Industries Playing a Proactive and central supporting role in Iran dynamic development Contents: Message from the management 1 Who we are 2 What we do 3 Goals & Prospects Monenco Iran Chronicle 4 Top Chart 6 Key Personnel 7 Main activity areas 11 Quality and Productivity Management 12 Monenco Iran Affiliations 14 Research and Development 15 System and Energy Studies Center 16 Divisions 17 5 Power Generation Division Engineering Division 17 Power Transmission and Dispatching Division 19 Oil & Gas Division 20 System and Planning Division 21 Projects 18 22 Gas Turbine Power Plants 22 Combined Cycle Power Plants 23 Steam Turbine Power Plants & Other Projects 23 HV & EHV Transmission Line Projects 24 Substation Projects 25 Dispatching and Automation Projects 27 Telecommunication Projects 28 Oil & Gas Projects 29 Software Facilities 30 Hardware Facilities 31 Human Resource Composition 32 Company’s Offices and Branches 33 1 Message from the management Engineering is just a small portion of the project execution process. However, it has a big influence on all other aspects of a project specially project cost. As a result, clients have high expectations from consultants and select the one that can convey such services. Monenco Iran has been aware of this important fact and has employed it in all projects using the latest technology, methods and standards in its engineering services. Fortunately, this criterion has been noticed and welcomed by companies in both domestic market and around the globe. Beside the immense domestic projects in energy sector, Monenco has taken one step further and has approached the global market especially to Asian and African countries. Monenco’s vision is to be among the world’s top 100 engineering consultancy companies. With this goal in mind, Monenco has opened companies in Oman and Nigeria and also has formed some local representative companies in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Malaysia, Pakistan and Syria. Hopefully, this approach with the help from Managers, Engineers, Members of the board and Shareholders will pave the ways for Monenco to advance its activities and to succeed. Alireza Shirani Managing Director 2 Who we are Monenco Iran Consulting Engineers Co. (Monenco Iran) as a leading Consulting Company in Iran was founded in 1973 as a joint venture between the private sector of Iran and Montreal Engineering Co. of Canada. In 1999 Government of Iran sold its share to Iranian private sector, also AMEC of England acquired Monenco Agra of Canada. Therefore, Monenco Iran became a private entity. Experienced qualified personnel, modern systems and cutting edge services, are three skeleton keys that have made Monenco Iran able to strive for excellence in everything it does. We help our customers to create new lifestyles of enriched ease and comfort. Monenco Iran also benefits from having specialists in business management, strategic planning, risk management. Monenco Iran has been upholding the business integrity at work, as well as concentration on professionalism and high standards for over 35 years. Monenco Iran ethical code is based on this guiding principles: consistent customer satisfaction, outstanding quality of service, personal commitment, responsibility, availability, and a rigorous recruitment policy with emphasis on human qualities. The loyalty of Monenco Iran clients over the years has continually encouraged it to maintain and enrich these fundamental values. Monenco Iran is a market leader with an ambitious, sustained and wholly self-financed development strategy. Monenco Iran greatest pleasure is helping its clients’ progress, and progressing with them. 3 What we do We are Committed to the World Society Monenco Iran with strong engineering capability, technical knowledge and commitment to the national industry, plays the main role in supporting industry of the country in a number of fields. We have commitment to apply the highest level of standards and employ latest technology in our designs and engineering works and bring sustainability to the country development. Today Monenco Iran has leading position in power plants engineering as well as in transmission / distribution of electricity while dispatching / telecommunication is another field of our challenges. Position of Monenco Iran in oil and gas industry cannot be neglected. Our Services are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e offer life-of-asset support by which we mean we look after a client’s investment from beginning to the end. 4 Goals & Prospects Vision As a dependable partner, we forge relationships built on trust. Monenco Iran will be one of the top 10 Engineering companies in the world, Active in design, engineering, consultation and supervision on power and energy industries. Keeping the highest rank in engineering consultancy in power industries in Iran, Monenco Iran will become a pioneer in oil & gas and petrochemical downstream and the other domestic industries. One of the propounded international companies equipped with the knowledge and the world latest technical standards. Leader in optimizing the methods and tools. Taking the lead in quality and productivity. Equipped with modern management and R&D systems. Expanding its activities internationally to Middle East, Africa, South America and Far East. Mission Monenco Iran is one of the world’s leading engineering consulting companies and related technical services organizations, serving selected industry sectors and geographic markets. Monenco Iran achieves this through the knowhow of its people by contributing to the success of its clients through value-added services and by continuous investment in the improvement of its technical and managerial competence. Monenco Iran is committed to achieving a high financial return for its shareholders. 5 Monenco Iran Chronicle Monenco Iran has started in 1973 as a joint venture company between private sector of Iran and Montreal Engineering Company of Canada. In 1991 Monenco Iran was reorganized with participation of the Ministry of Energy of Iran and this time with Monenco Agra of Canada. In 1997 Ministry of Energy sold its shares to MAPNA and a part to the Monenco employees. In 1999 AMEC from UK acquired Monenco Agra and therefore became the share holder of Monenco Iran. Finally the shareholders of Monenco are MAPNA, AMEC, and MIR (Monenco Iran Investment Company). 6 To p Chart Board of Directors Managing Director Quality & Productivity Management Advisers Research and Development Center Board of Directors Office System & Energy Studies Center Planning & System Division Administration Division Transmission & Dispatching Division Oil & Gas Division Power Generation Division Engineering Division Control and Monitoring Department Finance Department Transmission Lines Department Oil Refineries Department Combined Cycle & Steam Power Plants Department Civil & Architecture Department Plan and Program Department Administrative Department Substation Department Gas Refineries Department Gas Power Plants & Utility Department Electrical Department Information Technology Department Contract Department Communication Department Petrochemical Department Power Plants Rehabilitation Department Mechanical Department International Business Development Department Isfahan Branch Dispatching & Automation Department Gas Transmission Department Hydro Power Plants Department Process & Chemical Department Oil & Gas Engineering Department Dispersed Generation Department Control and Instrumentation Department Domestic Business Development Department Civil & Architecture Department Control & Planning Department Mining & Geology Department General Engineering Department Piping Department 7 Key Personnel Alireza Shirani Obtained his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology in 1988. He passed next two years in Ministry of Energy as a System Engineer in Energy Division. From 1990 to 1997, he had worked in Electric Power Research Center and from 1994 he had been there as Head of Electric Department. Since 1997, he had been Vice President of Research in Niroo Research Institute. Finally in 2007, he was chosen to be Managing Director of Monenco Iran. Elham Sadeghian Obtained her B.S. in 1995 from Bahonar University and her M.S. in 1995 from K.N.T University both in Electrical Engineering. From 1999 to 2007 she had worked in Electric Power Research Center while from 2006 she had been Head of Electric Department. Since 2007 she has been working in Monenco Iran and from 2010 she was appointed as Administration Deputy of the company. Mahmood Makhdoomi He obtained his B.S. in 1992 and M.S. in 1995 in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology and University of Tehran respectively. From 1992 to 1996 he had worked in Ghods Niroo Consulting Engineers as Head of MODEC Software group. From 1997 to 2005, as Head of Control and Dispatching Department, he had been in Niroo Research Institute. He had been Managing Director of Ofogh Consulting Engineers and SURENA Company in 2006-2007 and 2007-2009 respectively. Since 2009, he has been in Monenco Iran as Power Generation Deputy. 8 Key Personnel Mehrnaz Ansarimehr Obtained her B.S. in Applied Mathematics in 1993 from Iran University of Science and Technology. As Cost & Proposal Engineer and then as PDMS Administrator, she has worked five years in OIEC group. In 2000 she joined Petropars Company as Project Planner & Controller. From 2001 to 2003, she has worked in Cyber Space/Jamesazan Tarh as Senior Project Planner & Controller. Holding the same position, she has passed four years Darya Pala Energy Company. Since 2007, she is a Monenco Iran employee and in 2010 she was assigned to be Planning & System Deputy. Faramarz Ghelichi Obtained his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from ferdowsi University. He is specialist in H.V. Transmission Lines. From 1992 to 1997, he has worked in Moshanir Consulting Engineers Company as Project Engineer, Site Manager and Project Manager. In 1997, he came to Monenco Iran Consulting Engineers Company and since 2007, he has been appointed as Transmission and Dispatching Deputy. Omid Hamlehdar Obtained his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from K.N.T University of Technology and his M.S. in Process Integration from University of Manchester. From 1998-2000 and 2002-2003, he has worked for SAIPA Industrial Group and from 2000 to 2002 for Iran Khodro Industrial Group. From 2003 to 2006, he has been in Mahab Ghods Consulting Engineers Company as Design Engineer & Surge Analysis Expert. As Procurement Engineering Manager, he has worked for Iran LNG Company since 2006 for three years. It was 2009 when he joined Monenco Iran company as Oil & Gas Deputy. 9 Key Personnel Mojtaba Noroozian Received his Ph.D. from Royal Institute of Technology of Sweden, his M.S. from University of Manchester and B.S. from Sharif University of Technology all in Electrical Engineering. From 1994 to 2006, he has worked in ABB Power Technologies as Power System Specialist, Dynamic Power Flow Controller and Project Manager. From 2007 to 2009, he has worked in Gaam Electric as Research and Development Manager. Since 2009 he has been working in Monenco Iran as Manager of Energy & System Studies Center Alireza Afsar Obtained his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Tehran. He started to work in Khaneh Sazi Iran Co. in 1995 as supervisor. From 2000, he has worked for seven years in Moshanir Consulting Engineers as Mechanic and Process Expert. Since 2007 he joined Monenco Iran as Project Manager of Combined Cycle Power Plants and it was 2010 he was appointed as Engineering Deputy of the Company. Ramin Khoshkho Received his Ph.D. from University of Joseph Fourier of France, M.S. and B.S. from University of Tehran all in Mechanical Engineering. From 1990 to 1998, he has worked in MATN Co. (Electric Power Research Institute) as Senior Mechanical Engineer and Manager of Mechanical Department. From 1998 for two years, he has been Vice President of Power Generation Research Center, and in year 2007 he was appointed as R&D Manager of Monenco Iran. 10 Key Personnel Meisam Roshanjooy Obtained his M.S. in Industrial Engineering from Isfahan University of Technology and his B.S. in Applied Mathematics from University of Science and Technology. From 2004 he started to work in Yakhsaran Co. as Manager of Quality Assurance. After four years, in 2008, he joined Monenco Iran and in 2010 he was appointed as Manager of Quality and Productivity. 11 Main activity areas We are leader in power plant design in Iran. Thermal Power Plants Electrical Power Transmission Oil & Gas Infrastructure System & Energy Studies Renewable, Cogeneration and Dispersed Generation Communication Dispatching Mining Plant Rehabilitation & Retrofitting Substations SCADA and Control Systems 12 Quality and Productiviy Management Monenco Iran has implemented ISO 9001:2008 standard as its Quality Management System (QMS). Due to our commitment to a better environment and our responsibility for occupational health and safety of employees, Monenco Iran has upgraded its management system from QMS to IMS by implementing ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 standards. Monenco adopts a process approach when implementing its quality management system, to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements. Customer satisfaction plays a major role in continuity and sustainability of any business. We designed and implemented “Customer Satisfaction Management System” to collect feedbacks from customers and meet their requirements. In 2011, Customer Satisfaction Management System was revised in order to improve customer satisfaction. As a result in 2011, customer satisfaction score increased by 8% in power generation projects and by 12.5% in transmission and distribution projects. 13 Quality and Productiviy Management Monenco Iran in 2008, to improve its business position, started to apply organizational improvement model (EFQM) Through self evaluations and internal and professional audits, Monenco Iran defined its improvement projects. In 2008, an official evaluation took place and so Monenco Iran was awarded for the certificate of commitment to improvement. 14 Monenco Iran Affiliations Monenco Iran Consulting Engineers is a registered member of World Bank, UNGM, FCIC and ICCA. 15 Research and Development R&D Centers in Monenco works closely with manufacturers, universities and clients providing engineering services that enhance energy efficiency, reliability and productivity. Monenco meets the present and future demands of industries, while helping clients to make a better use of available resources, reduces the environmental impact and maintenance costs. R&D duties include: Developing technical software for study, design, engineering and system rehabilitation of plants. Conducting technical and economy studies in order to maximize efficiency of systems and to minimize costs. Improvement of plant performances, development of engineering and design of equipment and parts for manufacturers. Obtaining technical know how of new design and engineering and solution for optimization of plants. Modifying the procedures of operation, maintenance, protection and utilization of plants. Helping the clients to apply updated and high technology equipment in plants in order to achieve more reliable outputs and products. Creating new methods to control the air, water and solid pollutants more efficiently and to reuse and recycle wastes. 16 System & Energy Studies Enjoying Monenco Iran’s extensive experience in power industry and having skillful technical experts, “System and Energy Studies Center” aims to perform system studies in the field of power production, transmission and distribution as well as energy consultancy to large industries and electrical railways. At present, Monenco Iran’s System & Energy Studies Center outstanding projects on study of power plants in island mode are energy saving studies and feasibility studies of conventional and renewable power plant for energy industries. Some studies performed in this Center are: Load Flow Short Circuit Power Protection Systems Power Dynamic and Transient Stability Power Grid 17 Divisions Power Generation Division Power Generation Division is responsible for management of power plant projects with the help of high qualified experts within its structure. As a leading company in power industry of Iran, we designed and supervised construction of more than 39000 MW power plants which is about 70% of total generation capacity of Iran. Provided services are: Design and Consultancy Services for Thermal Power Plants We have designed and engineered construction of more than 60 power plants with more than 39000 MW generated power. Design and Consultancy Services for Power Plants Cooling Systems Design and Consultancy Services for Dispersed Generation Design and Consultancy Services for Renewable Energies(Wind, Solar, Geothermal) Power Plant Management Consultancy Services Design Review & Site Supervision Power plant Rehabilitation Energy Recovery Consultancy Services Feasibility Studies Head of Power Generation Division acts as Deputy Managing Director for all power plants projects. Power Generation Division has five departments: Combined Cycle and Steam Power Plants Gas Power Plants and Utilities Power Plants Rehabilitation Hydro Power Plants Dispersed Generation 18 Divisions Engineering Division Design and Engineering works are carried out in Engineering Division. Engineering Services include feasibility studies, basic and detailed design, procurement services, consultancy and supervision on plants construction. We do the design based on latest standards using best tools and software. Head of Engineering Division acts as Deputy to the company Managing Director. Engineering Division consists of following departments Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering I&C Engineering Process Engineering General Engineering Piping 19 Divisions Power Transmission and Dispatching Division We have designed and engineered more than 19000 km Transmission Line The Division of Power Transmission and Dispatching is responsible for all projects in power transmission, networks, substations, transmission lines, dispatching centers and telecommunication networks of all kind and voltage levels. Head of Power Transmission and Dispatching Division acts as Deputy to Managing Director of the Company for transmission, dispatching and telecommunication projects. The studies of power transmission line as a part of power system study of Iran in 1970s was originated by Monenco Iran. 19000 km of transmission lines engineering over the past 35 years include 765, 400, 230, 132, 63, 33 and 20kV voltage levels. more than 9000 MVA substations from 33 kV up to 400 kV has been designed by Monenco Iran. We have done engineering of optical fiber ground wires on more than 9000 km of 400 and 230 kV transmission lines. Automation, assessment, power loss reduction, rehabilitation of distribution networks and also stability and load shedding studies are among the projects rendered by Monenco Iran. In Power Transmission We Design: Extra high voltage transmission lines and substations Power transformers and shunt reactors Integrated protection and control systems SCADA and telecommunication Dispatching centers Distribution networks Substation automation and distribution networks Power supply to industry complexes Network and system studies Five departments namely Substations and Distribution Networks, Transmission Lines, Telecommunication, Dispatching and Automation, and Civil and Architectures make the structure of this division. 20 Divisions Oil & Gas Division In a country with an old history of oil industry and a remarkable demand and investment growth in oil and gas exploration and production, Monenco Iran provides whole scope of engineering services and advises clients on everything from feasibility study and front end engineering design through regulatory and environmental compliance, to project management and delivery. Professional staff and modern systems have made Monenco Iran able to provide high quality engineering, management and consultancy services across Iran, Middle East and Africa. In oil and gas industry we have a robust position; we are globally upraising our position and increasing our share in the market. Monenco offers comprehensive front end engineering design (FEED) and basic engineering design services. From industry standard processes to licensed processes coming from various technology providers, Monenco’s engineers will apply the tools you require to develop an optimal solution. As a part of Monenco Environmental Solution set, our energy portfolio, presents customers with a comprehensive approach to cost reduction through energy system improvement. Whatever your industry is, Monenco can support you in meeting the challenges of today’s business environment. Oil & Gas Division consists of following departments: Oil Refineries Gas Refineries Petrochemical Gas Transmission Oil & Gas Engineering Control & Planning Mining & Geology 21 Divisions Human Resource Management Evaluation Monenco Iran Process Map Infrastructure & Work Environment Management Contractor Supporting Processes Project Control & Planning Supervision on Construction Customer Contractors Contractors Evaluation Design Review Design Client Customer Relationship Main Processes Implementation Supplier Improvement Monitoring & Analysis of Data Management Processes Control of Documents & Records System and Planning Division Company’s drastic growth during last years needs comprehensive efforts in planning & system development. SystemandPlanningDivisionisresponsiblefordevelopmentswere in fields such as information technology management, knowledge management, strategic management, systems design and implementation, publications, strategic & business planning, business development, enterprise projects planning and control. Major duties of the division are summarized as follows: Strategic, Roadmap & Long-term Planning Monitoring & Supporting Development Strategies Design & Implementation of the Systems (e.g. PMS, EDMS, WFMS, EDP, KM) Systems, Software’s & Networks Administration Development & Optimization of Systems Planning & Analysis of the Projects Projects Monitoring & Control Monitoring & Control of Divisions activities Publishing & Knowledge Management Electrical Archiving & Library Economical/Technical Feasibility Studies Proposals Preparation and Bidding Contract Management assistance Budgeting & Cash flow Control Risk Management This division consists of following departments: International Business Development Department Domestic Business Development Department Information Technology Department Control and Monitoring Department Plan and Program Department 22 Projects Selected Reference and Experience Gas Turbine Power Plants Power plant (MW) Completion Date 2012 Hormozgan Capacity Region 1 Hormozgan 6 × 159 2 Fars 6 × 159 2011 Fars 3 Fajr Khuzestan 4 Kashan 4 × 159 2 × 159 2010 2009 Isfahan 5 Khoramshahr 4 × 159 2009 Khuzestan 6 Chabahar 2 × 159 2009 Sistan & Baluchestan 7 Ghaen 2009 Khorasan 8 South Pars Central (Besat) 4 × 159 6 × 159 2008 Bushehr 9 Ardebil 2008 Ardebil 10 Oroumiyeh 4 × 159 4 × 159 2007 West Azerbaijan 11 Ali Abad 2007 Golestan 12 Parand 6 × 159 6 × 159 2007 Tehran 13 South Isfahan 6 × 159 2006 14 Hamedan 2 × 30 2006 Isfahan Hamedan 15 Isfahan 3 × 30 2006 Isfahan 16 Shirvan 6 × 159 2005 Khorasan 17 Sanandaj 4 × 159 2005 18 Hormozgan 6 × 159 2004 Kurdestan Hormozgan 19 Damavand 2004 20 Abadan 12 ×159 4 × 123 21 Kazeroun 2003 22 Raysut ( Sultanate Of Oman) 6 × 159 1 × 30 Tehran Khuzestan Fars 1999 Oman 2003 23 Projects Combined Cycle Power Plants Capacity Power plant (MW) Completion Date Region 1 Pare Sar 4 x 159+ 2 x 160 2012 Guilan 2 Tishreen 2 x 150+ 1 x 150 2011 Syria 3 Jandar 2 x 150+ 1 x 150 2010 Syria 4 Iran LNG 2010 Iran 5 Damavand Kerman Kazeroun Neka Yazd Fars Neyshabour Shariati Shahid Rajaie Khoy Montazer Ghaem 2008 2007 2007 2006 2006 2003 2003 2003 2002 Tehran Kerman Fars Mazandaran Yazd Fars Khorasan Khorasan Qazvin West Azerbaijan Tehran 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 x 150+ 1 x 150 6×160 4×160 3×160 1×160 1×160 3×105 3×105 1×105 3×105 1×105 3×105 2002 2000 Steam Turbine Power Plants j & Other Projects Power Plant / Utility Capacity (MW) Completion Date Region Fajr 2 Utility Complex (Combined Heat And Power Plant) 4 × 159(G.T)+ 2×HRSG 2010 Khuzestan Yazd Solar-Thermal Power Plant (Gas Turbine & Steam Turbine Portion) 2 × 159 (G.T)+ 1 × 149 (S.T) 2009 Yazd 3 Yazd Solar -Thermal Power Plant (Solar Portion) 2 × 159 (G.T)+ 1 × 149 (S.T) 2008 Yazd 4 Mobin Utility Complex Combined Heat & Power Plant (Extention Plants Unit 7&8) 5 × 150(G.T)+ 2×HRSG 2008 Bushehr 5 Tabas Coal Fired Steam Power Plant And Mazino I Coal Mine 2 × 325 2007 Yazd 6 Mobin Utility Complex Combined Heat & Power Plant 6 × 123.4 2006 Bushehr 1 2 24 Projects HV & EHV Transmission Line Projects Project 1 2 3 4 Asaluyeh - Isfahan Karoun 3 - Tiran Karoun 3 - South Isfahan Sirjan-Khatounabad (OPGW) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Shadmehr - Neyshaboor (OPGW) Kerman - Bam Masjed Soleyman - Ahwaz2 Ali Abad - Esfarayen (OPGW) Tabriz - Khoy (OPGW) Shahmaran2 Neyshabour - Esfarayen (OPGW) Bandar Abbas - Sirdjan (OPGW) Shadmehr - Ghaen (OPGW) Bistoon - Eslam Abad - Khanegheyn Ahar - Armenia Bistoon - Eslam Abad - Khanegheyn Khorramabad - Kermanshah (OPGW) Zangi Abad Trandmission Lines Cheshmeh Sefid & Mahidasht Gilan Power Plant - Chabocksar (OPGW) Zanjan - myane - Tabriz (OPGW) Kerman - Rafsandjan (OPGW) Laft - Dargahan (OPGW) Bandar Lengeh - Jenah (OPGW) Bandar Abbas - Dorahi Minab (OPGW) Bandar Abbas - Bandar Pohl (OPGW) Kermanshah Ring (OPGW) Rafsandjan - Sarcheshmeh (OPGW) Hamedan - Sanandaj (OPGW) Kermanshah - Sanandaj (OPGW) Sarcheshmeh - Sirdjan (OPGW) Sarab - Ardebil Jahrom PowerPlant - Jahrom2 Lar – Emaddeh (Beyram - Eshkenan) 36 37 Voltage level (kV) Completion Date Client 765 400 400 400 2015 2003 2003 2005 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 230,132 230,63 230,63 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 132,63 132,63 2007 2007 2007 2004 2005 2006 2006 2006 2004 2006 2009 2007 2005 2008 2007 2006 2004 2004 2002 2003 2002 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2004 2006 South Ahwaz - De’bel 132 2001 SUGER CANE REFINERY Tabas - Eshghabad 132 2002 KHREC Mehran – Dehloran - Zarrin Abad & Arcovaz FARAB EREC EREC KREC KHREC KREC IPDC IPDC IPDC KHREC IPDC IPDC KHREC WREC IPDC WREC IPDC KREC WREC GREC IPDC KREC IPDC IPDC IPDC IPDC WREC IPDC IPDC IPDC IPDC AREC FREC FREC WREC 25 Projects Project 38 Rafsandjan - Zarand - Bafgh (OPGW) Voltage level (kV) Completion Date 132 2005 IPDC Client 39 Mobin Petrochemical Industries 132 2006 MOBIN PETROCHEMICAL Co. 40 41 42 43 44 45 Islam Abad - Ghal’e Ganj & Shahmaran 1 to2 OEID - Dehloran Kermanshah Ring (OPGW) Bistoon - Siman Gharb Hava Nirooz - Nassadji Modification of Marivan - Sanandaj Gilan Systems Study , Transmission & Distribution Networks Planning Network and Load Flow Study Gilan Network Study (Package) Engineering of 1000 km OPGW Distribution Network of Bonab (Study) Gharb Network Study (Package) Kermanshah Distribution Network (Supervision) Ilam & Sanandaj Distribution Network (Supervision) Tehran’s Network OPGW (Study) Upgrading Conductor size for using in Khouzestan transmission lines (Study) OPGW installation on Kermanshah Ring (Study) Distribution of Bonab 2 - (Supervision) Azerbaijan Distribution Master Plan (Study) 132 132 63 63 63 63 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2006 KREC OEID WREC WREC WREC WREC 1998 GREC 2002 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 TAVANIR GREC IPDC AREC WREC WREC WREC TREC 2006 KWPA 2005 2005 2006 WREC AREC AREC 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Substation Projects Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Voltage level (kV) Shahmaran 2 & Bam 400/132/20 400/63 Extension of Shahre Kord Substation Lordegan DCS Substation 400/63 Naghshe Jahan & Ravand Kashan Substations Extension 230/63, 63/20 Cheshmeh Sefid & Mahidasht Substations Extension 230/63, 63/20 Extension of Mehran, Dehloran, Zarrin Abbad Substations 230/132/20 Jask. GIS & DCS Substation 230/63/20 Completion Date Client 2008 2009 2009 2005 2007 2007 2005 KREC EREC EREC EREC WREC WREC HREC 26 Projects Voltage level (kV) Completion Date 230/63/20 230/63 230/63 230/63 2004 2007 2009 2005 WREC 12 Noshahr Substation 230/63 2008 MREC 13 Loshan Substation 14 Mapna Buildings Complex In Fardis 230/63 2008 GREC 230/63 230/63 2008 MAPNA 2006 230 2008 MREC MAPNA Project 8 9 10 11 Jask Substation Naghshe Jahan & Ravand Kashan Substations Extensio Jahrom2 Substation Sanandaj - Eslam Abad - Sarcheshme Substations 15 Chel Shahid Amol Substation Extension 16 Pareh Sar 17 Fars Substations (6) Client HREC EREC FREC 132/66/20 2006 FREC 18 Azadvar Substation 19 Dashte Abbas Substation 132/20 2003 KHREC 132/20 2006 20 Mobin DCS Substations 21 Beyhagh Substation 132/20 2008 WREC MOBINPETRO 132/20 2004 KHREC 22 South Pars Substation 132/20 2007 NIPC 23 Khosf Substation 132/20 KHREC 24 Nil Abad and kalat Substations 132/20 2005 2004 25 OEID - Dehloran Substation 26 Isfahan Substations II ( Moorook, Padena, Tchadegan, Anarak, Kavire Kashan & Golab Substations Substations II (Mobarake, Farrokhshahr, 27 Isfahan Shalamzar, Oshtordjan & Montazeriyeh) 28 Pirbazar and Shaft Substation 132/12 2007 KHREC OIED 63/20 2004 EREC 63/20 2004 EREC 63/20 63/20 2005 WREC 2006 63/20 2006 TREC EREC 63/20 2007 EREC MV/LV 2003 NICICO MV/LV 2004 NICICO MV/LV 2006 NICICO 29 Tehran Substations 30 Isfahan 11 Substations Oshtordjan, Montazeriyeh, Mobarake, Malek shahr 31 & Moorook DCS Substations 32 Electrical Energy Supply & Distribution of Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex and Equipment Optimization Electrical Energy Supply & Distribution of Sungun 33 Copper Complex 34 Load Flow, Short Circuit & Protection Coordination of Sungun Copper Complex 35 Zandjan Dispatching Building 2004 ZREC 36 Yazd Dispatching Building 2005 YREC 37 Evaluation of Contractors, Consultants & Manufacturers 2006 WREC 27 Projects Dispatching and Automation Projects Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 SAOC (Supervision) Tehran Dispatching Center NAOC Dispatching Center Mazandaran Regional Dispatching Center Tehran Dispatching Center NAOC Dispatching Interface Azerbaijan Regional Dispatching Center Mazandaran RDC - Feasibility & Extension Zanjan RDC- Dispatching Bakhtar Dispatching Interface System YAZD Dispatching Center MRDC Dispatching Center Connection to Zimavar NAOC Interface System, Site Supervision Semnan Dispatching Center Azerbaijan Interface Isfahan Network Automation Azerbaijan Interface System NAOC Dispatching Center Tabriz & Orumieh Automation of Distribution Network Gharb Dispatching Center(Supervision) Markazi Region, Interface System Provisional Acceptance of Kermanshah Interface System NAOC Dispatching, Site Supervision Markazi Region, Interface System and Supervision Jask 230kV DCS Substation Yazd RDC Dispatching Yazd Regional Dispatching Center Interface System Kermanshah DDC Automation of Distribution Network Yazd RDC Inspection Arak & Hamedan Dispatching & Telecommunication Yazd DDC Automation of Distribution Network Dehloran, Dashte Abbas & Zarrin Abad Substations SCADA System Tehran RDC Dispatching NAOC DCS Systems Yazd RDC Arak Interface System (Supervision) Lorestan RDC Fars RDC Dispatching Centers Azerbaijan Interface System Mazandaran Interface System Completion Date 1998 1998 1999 2000 2000 2001 2001 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 Client FREC TREC MREC MREC TREC MREC AREC MREC ZREC BREC YREC MREC MREC SREC AREC EDEC AREC MREC ADEC WREC BRDC WREC MREC BREC HREC YREC YREC WREC YREC BREC YREC WREC TREC MREC YREC BREC BREC FREC AREC MREC 28 Projects Telecommunication Projects Completion Date Client 2002 YREC 2003 YREC 2003 KHREC 2003 FREC 2003 WREC 2005 YREC 2006 AREC 2006 TREC Feasibility Study for TREC Optical Network for World Bank Planning of RDC communications over fiber optics network for Tehran REC Technical specification & tender documents for purchase of PLC & Tele - protection terminals for Iran Power Development Company Design of Master Plan of PLC network for West REC Design of telecommunication network in Fuman & Siah-kalteh Substations (Gilan REC) Design of Master Plan of telecommunication (Optic/Radio/PLC) network for Khouzestan REC Design of fiber optics network of Tehran Regional Electric Distribution Company Design of Master Plan of fiber optical network for Tehran REC Design of RDC telecommunication network and preparation of tender documents for purchase of equipment, installation and commissioning of fiber optics, radio and PLC equipment for Bakhtar REC Design of VHF & UHF radio network For West REC Design of fiber optic network for Khorasan REC Design of Master Plan of telecommunication network of Gilan REC Supervision over installation and commissioning of optical equipment for IPDC 2006 TREC 2007 TREC 2007 IPDC 2007 WREC 2007 GREC 2008 KZREC 2008 TBTB 2008 TREC 2008 BREC 2008 2008 2008 WREC KHREC GREC 2008 IPDC Supervision over installation and commissioning of PLC/Radio equipment for Bakhtar RDC Design of comprehensive telecommunication network for Khorasan REC Supervision on installation and commissioning of optical equipment for West REC Tender document and technical specification for purchase of PLC & Tele - protection terminals for Tehran REC 2008 BREC 2008 KHREC 2008 WREC 2008 TREC Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Design of master plan of PLC network of Yazd REC Supervision over installation and commissioning of telecommunication equipment of Yazd REC Tender documents for supply, installation and commissioning of Metropolitan optical network for Khorasan REC Tender documents and technical specification for purchase of PLC outdoor equipment for Fars REC Design of Master Plan of Fiber Optical Network for West REC Design of telecommunication network for radio equipment of South Yazd Substations (Yazd REC) Design of Master Plan of fiber optic network for Azerbaijan REC Supervision over installation and commissioning of optical equipment of Tehran REC *REC: Regional Electric Company 29 Projects Oil & Gas Projects Project Completion Date Client 1 Steam & Power of Pars Petrochemical Complex 2012 Damavand Petrochemical Company 2 LNG Utility 2011 National Iranian Gas Export Co. 3 Savex (Save to Export) 2010 Mapna/Nir Pars 4 Phase 15&16 – South Pars Gas Field Utility Project 2010 Mapna 5 Isfahan Refinery Plant 2010 Mapna 6 Fajr 2 Utility Complex (Comined Heat And Power Plant) 2010 Mapna 7 Mobin Utility Complex Combined Heat &Power Plant (Extension Plan Unit 7&8) 2008 8 Bakhtar Petrochemical Utility (Kermanshah, Lorestan, Mahabad, Kurdestan, Gachsaran) 2008 Mapna Mapna 30 35 Software Facilities To serve better our clients, we use the latest and most updated software such as: Software 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 PDMS ETAP Calculus Trace Calc Prince NEPLAN DOC ABB STAAD Pro SAP 2000 Safe 2000 Etabs 2000 CSDP Caesar II Pip Net Dig Silent Tank Carrier Ducting Carrier Calculation CADWorx2008 GT Pro/ GT Master Carrier Tadbir1388 Primavera 3.1 Matlab MODEC CYME Accounting Subsystem Storage and Asset System Insurance System PW Kara Office automation Subsystem Plscad Virtual Rescan KOFAX Standard Manager NavisWorks Dialux PV Elite Smart Plant Rational Rose Enterprise Zyimage 5.0 PrimCost Subsystem Version 12 9.2 6.02 7 5 2.1 2003 10 8.06 9 8.8 4.3 5.0 1.32 2009 4.2 4 2006 16 4 14.01 3 2003 7 2005 2 4.53 3.06 80.115 3.8 7.01 3 6 5 2007 3.0.10 2 31 35 Hardware Facilities We believe that providing the staff more equipped facilities can directly impact the output of work. Following is list of hardware facilities of the company: Hardware 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Work Station Server Laptop Network Printer Network Plotter Scanner Switch Network Node Data Projector Digital Camera & Video Camera Internet (Wireless) Router Fire Wall Network Scanner No. 760 23 36 42 2 42 41 1300 5 6 1 2 1 2 32 Human Resource Composition 33 Company’s Offices and Branches Main Offices: Office 1: No.20, 23rd St., Gandhi Ave., Tehran, Iran Office 2: No.12, 23rd St., Gandhi Ave., Tehran, Iran Office 3: No.17, 23rd St., Gandhi Ave., Tehran, Iran Office 4: 4th Floor, No.19, 23rd St. Gandhi Ave., Tehran, Iran Office 5: 2nd & 4th Floor, No.51, Gandhi Ave., Tehran, Iran Office 6: No.21, 21rd St., Gandhi Ave., Tehran, Iran Office 7: No.13, 17th St., Gandhi Ave., Tehran, Iran Branches all around the Country: Isfahan 4th floor, Ajand building, Amadgah St., Isfahan, Iran Mahshahr SQ221, First St., Devistiha St., Industrial Region, Mahshahr, Iran International Offices: Oman Nigeria P.O. Box: 1524, PC- 130, Athaibca, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman 12 Rhine St., Off IBB Way, Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria No.17 & 20, St 23 Gandhi Ave., Tehran, Iran P. O. Box: 15875-8717 Tel: +9821 81961 Fax: +9821 88777394 Email: [email protected]
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