“. ~ POTSCRUBBER~MDISHWASHER with Power Scrub’” cycle’s brush less hot water action washes pots, pans and crusty casseroles sparkling clean. ~ UNICOUPLE WATER CONNECTOR quickly snaps onto aerator facuet adaptor (supplied), lets you draw water while the dishwasher is doing the dishes. ~ THREE-CYCLE OPTIONS– Power ScrubT”and Normal Soil pushbutton * automatic cycles plus Short Wash on dial. ~ CONVERTS .10 BUILT-lN– use as a portable now and convert to built-in later–conversion kit WD35X134 optional at ~ extra cost. SOUND INSULATED for quieter operation 3-LEVEL WASH ACTION -— BUILT-IN SOFT FOOD DISPOSER– no hand pre-rinsing necessary . . . brush off hard and large items–soft foods are liquefied and washed away down the drain. TUFF-TUBT” lNTERIOR– imperviousto attack by normal washing solutions, resilient to protect dishes, has epoxy surface that’s tough and stain resistant. MAPLE WOOD VENEER TOP HIGH-EFFICIENCY WASH MECHANISM ISOLATION MECHANISM MOUNTING AUTOMATIC RETRACTING POWER CORD RETRACTING STABILIZERS CYCLE-INDICATOR CONTROL DIAL DUAL DETERGENT DISPENSER WASH-WATER TEMPERATURE MAINTENANCE CUSH1ONED RANDOM-LOADING FULL-EXTENSION RACKS CALROD~ HEATING UNIT–700 WATT REMOVABLE SILVERWARE BASKET ~im~n~i~nsl ~d?{J”wide, 36” tligh, 25” deep including tlandto, Door swings out 22”, Normal SoiI Cycle Time: 60 minutes(approximate). Water Consumption: 16gallons (approximate), Inlet Wafer Temperature Recommended: 140” to 150[’F, inlet Water Pressure Required: 15 to 120 lbs. /sq. inch. AUTOMATIC EXCESS WATER CONTROL EASY-ROLLING CASTERS Electrical Rating: 115 volts, 60 hertz a.c., 9 amperes. For use on an adequately wired 115-volt, 15-arnpere circuit with grounding type receptacle as illustrated, For personal safety, this ~B appliance must be properly grounded, o * This symbol on the nameplate means the product is Listed by Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc. ,, @ eatures ofyour new eneral Electric GSC436 PotscrubberTMconvertible dishwasher 0 I 1. Upper Rack 2. Six Section Silverware Basket 3. Wash Tower 4. Wash Arm 5. Spray Shower (on tub above rack) 6. Lower Rack 7. Dual Detergent Dispenser 8. Water Level Control 9. Door Latch 10. Pushbutton Cycle Selectors 11. Control Dial 12. Retracting stabilizers 13. Easy-Rolling Casters 14. Maple Wood Work-Surface Top PP Before operating your dishwasher forthe ATTACH AERATOR FAUCET ADAPTER . If faucet has extt’rnal threads, insert the thinner of tt)( t\~o\\astl(*rsinto the faucet a(lapter ancl attach it to 1}1(>fal~(’f>i+1)011(( Fig. 1). If faucet has internal threads, insert both washers into the faucet adapter and attach it to the faucet spout (Fig.2). a d “=___ —-. --:- Q ,, ,— R ,1 ‘“]J . Fig. 1 1’ Fig. 2 If the faucet arlapter threa(ls (1onot match your faucet sl)out, your local har(]ware or plumbing supply store normally has acl(litional fittings to a(lapt your fauce e spout t(>the s])ecial aerator faucet aciapter. A sink spray attachment hose can burst if it is installe(l on the same sinfi with your rrishwasher. tire suggest that you (Disconnect the sink s])ray attachment if ~~oursink has one ancl plug the hole. To operate your dishwasher... -—.; time,.. -~ ‘1’1~-J s~)[~cialaerat(lr faucc( a(la])ter su])])lie[l with your (!i.~iiv;lshcrmust he assemt)le{I to the sinl{ faucet spout l)(Jff)r(JvOU can use your (lish~~rasher.The faucet [~{la;)tt’ris [iesi~ne(l to fit stanclar(l faucet spouts havir?~ illterrlal or externa] threa(]s. you ~vi]] fin(] the a:ia~)ter an(l t\vo tvashers in the “Har(lware for In~t::i!ation.’ ])acfiet in your (lish~~’asher. “1.(;instatl fauctlt adapter. first remove the OICIaerator or :rim rirl,g{)n your faucet s])out. first — :- CONNECT THE UNICOUPLE i. If your dishwasher drains into a f(~()(lwaste dis. ... 7 run the disposer until it is completely empty r..__ . starting the clishwasher. ~- Turn on the hot water an(i run water until it is - ‘ FOR BEST RESULTS WATER TEMPERA1 LJKE SHOULD BE BETWEEN 140° AND 150°F. lnsfru~f~Qn~for measuring water temperature are on page 1i in your Use & Care Book. 3. Turn off water. Pull Unicouple and its hoses from storage compartment located at rear of dishwasher and attach to faucet adapter. POWERCORD 4. PLUG IN THE IMPORTANT (PLEASE READ (IAREFIJI.T,Y) FOR PERSONAL SAFETY, T}IIS APPLIANCE MUST BE PROPERLY GROUNDED. .—. -—. —— —m ——-— ~:&FAUCET — .-— If yr)u draw cold wat~r, 1)(:sure to turn hot wtiter h~cl( on !O compl(’t(’ ttlc cycle. N(!~cr (Ira}}’ water whila disll}~’astlcr is fittiilg. , .’ – ADAPTER J-yHuMB The power cord on this appliance is equipped with a three-prong (grounding) plug which mates with a standard threeprong (grouncling) wall receptacle (Fig. C). Where a standard two-prong wall receptacle is encountered, it is the personal responsibility and obligation of the customer to have it replaced with a properly grounded three-prong wall receptacle. ~AB DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES CUT OR REMOVE THE THIRD (GROUND) PRONG FROM THE POWER CORD PLUG. TEhfPORARY 4. Attach [Jnicouple by pushing thumb tab down as you lift Unicouple up onto the faucet adapter. When Unicouple is all the way up onto the adapter, release the thumh tab and the movable ring snaps into pGsition to lock the Unicoup]e in place. The Unicouple’s small hose carries hot water from faucet to (Dishwasher. Its large hose carries drain water to sink. Be si[rc drain kose is pointing toward tke sin]; bo[iJldrain opening clnd tke sink bowl is clear /or (~later tkat loil[ []rain jronl di.skl[~asker. 5. Turn hot wat.~jrfully on. If you need water \vhile dishwasher is connected, simply hook a glass or pan under the IJnicouple handle and lift up (Fig. A). _,,, If YOUn{~t’d}vatcr in the sink whil~~the dish~vasher is connected, raise the smat] tabs on the’ sicl(~s of the LJnicouple’s h:lnril(’ ( Fig. 13). ,*~.– *!&, i, i! l,),, ‘1 ,’lil -. ~ ‘Yfij \ ‘=___ ‘ Fig. B J METHOD Where local codes permit, a TEMPORARY CON-NECTION may be made to a properly grounded two-prong wall receptacle by the usc of an adapter which is available at most local har(lware stores (Fig. D). The larger slot in the adapter must be aligned with the larger slot in the receptacle. NOT PERMITTED IN CANADA. CAUTION: Attaching the adapter ground terminal to the wall receptacle cover screw does not ground the appliance unless the wall receptacle is grounded through the house wiring. When flisconnccting the power cord from the adapter, h(~l(l the a(lapter with onc ban{]. If this is not done, the adapter ground terminal is very likely to break with repeate(l use. Should this happen, either REPLACE THE ADAPTER or DO NOT USE the appliance. IF THERE IS ANY DOUBT AS TO WHETHER THE WALL RECEPTACLE IS PROPERLY GROUNDED, THE CUSTOMER SHOULD HAVE IT CHEC1{ED I)Y A QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN. e Your ~iisllwasher requires a single branch circuit sup]) l.ying 120 volt, 60 hertz a.c., protected with a 15 an?l) fus(? or circuit breaker. e Yf~ur[dishwasher circuit shoul(l not be USLJ(J for any ot f)[,r apl)] iances while dishwasl~er is in operation as th[) (Dishwasher requir(js the full capacijy of the . ci r{:uit. ~ II Xr~ENSIOhT CORD,S ARE NOr~ RECOM Ml~;l~DED for this appliance, but if one is used {t’rn])orarily it must be a heavy-duty cord (15 amp, 16 gauge, ~-wire) with a stan(lard type three-prong ([;r(~un(]ing) plug attached. If ~vaIloutlet is controlled by a s}vitch, turn on s~vitch. 5. SELECT e The motor stops durinfl the dryin~ ])crio(l. t]]roughthe vent under the e Water vaporis release~l door hancl]e during drying cycle, It may be visible. Caution: Be careful not to touch the Calrod~ heating unit at the bottom of the tub during the cycle or immediately after the cycle is completed—it may be hot. THE CYCLE PO}YER SCRUBT’r cycle is for those items with hardto-remove soils such as pots, pans and casseroles with dried-on or baked-on soils. NORJIAL SOIL cycle is for most Ioads of everyday disl?es, glasses and cookware with light to heavy soils. Lightly-soiled pots, pans and other kitchen utensils can be washed along with dishes in the Normal Soil cycle. SHORT J17ASH cycle is for tableware that is mildly soilecl with soils that have not (Iried on. NormalIy you \vi]l not require t\vodetergent washes with this cycIe. after To disconnect dishwashing ❑ s . A. Renlove the pGwer cord plug frGnl the receptacle. 6. START YOUR DISHWASHER B. Turn off hot water. TOSTART DISHWASHER: For I’0}$’EI{ SCRUB’’” or NOR1lAL S011. cycles: Close (Ioor anrl move door latch to the right to locked ])osition.” Th(Jn sIOIVI.Vrotate control dial clockwise until !:OU hear (lish\vasher start. I~or SliO1tT lV:4SII cycle: Close door but CIOnot latch it. ,Slo\vlyroi:it(: control (Iia] clockwise to Short J1’ash ~~ositi(J]~ o]) (li:]J. ‘i’hen move door latch to the right to lockLId ~)osition. DIJRING NORMAL OPERATiON: e ‘l. ]I{I (ii~}ll~’;l$ll[~r \vill (’onll)l(~l(” ,.11 1 ‘1. CYCI.[;SEQUCNC[ (Illiillllcs) ‘.’!,l!lll Po\ver I Scrllt} —.-...——— ——— Iill! $!: lilll’,l! !{,,i,:,j .>~, . (, ‘r’/\l’lh 1; it i{lll’ (’ : ., Iil[l’!r’ ,, l\lll’\!l 11( ’([11[ 17 .3 .; ,, 11:1 1.—-,–— -.–- I()!i)l lIIIIC i ,!,)l,lO:l. \ i..__.. ... i .-—. .,----.— 1)[1 1--- ille S(’1(’ef(’(1 Cycl(’ . .. . .. Norlnal Soil h .; 3 1! / 1 .1:..1 . ...11 Shorl Wash 3 11 7 ,3 .; 1 ,) .! ,, .’! [’(1 .,! ,:4 / ..~ C. Release water pressure by raising tabs on Unihandle. D. Release Urticouple by pushing movable thumb tab dotvn. CGLIPIC E. Shake excess water out of Unicouple and return it anti its hoses to the storage cGnlpartnlent. XOTI; : lVhel] motor stops at end of final rinse, the Unicou])le can lle disconnecterl if desireci and returneci to stol.a~c. —— e I GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 40225 GENERAL Pub. No. 49-5064 GSC436 ELECTRIC Part No. 172 B7071 P58 I
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