October 2014 QUALINET DATABASES Qualinet Multimedia Databases (approx.200) Annotated Multimedia Quality Databases (79) Annotated Image Quality Databases (34) Annotated Video Quality Databases (41) Annotated 3D Visual Quality Databases (12) Annotated Eyetracking Databases (3) Other Databases (121) Image Databases (60) Video Databases (57) 3D Visual Content Databases (17) Eyetracking Databases (31) The evaluation and benchmarking of QoE can be done only if database of proper multimedia content annotated with subjective ratings is available. One of the goals within the interests of the COST Action IC1003 QUALINET and its Working Group 4 (Databases and Validation) is to create such databases and take the steps to make these databases accessible to all researchers. The WG4 listed and summarized basic description of available multimedia databases based on literature search and on the feedback from the QUALINET members. The number of databases in the list steadily increases (more than 200 in October 2014). QUALINET DATABASES online platform is used as QUALINET’s main resource for sharing of the datasets among QUALINET members and the scientific community. What can be found in the QUALINET DATABASES? The listed databases can be divided into two large groups: Annotated Multimedia Quality Databases and Other Databases. The databases with the direct utilization in QoE testing and benchmarking are mainly from Annotated Multimedia Quality Databases. The further classification of the datasets is based on the actual content type e.g. Annotated Image Quality Databases or Annotated Video Quality Databases. These databases of images or videos are annotated with the results from subjective tests. There is also special multimedia content available such as 3D images and video sequences or results from visual attention experiments. Current functionality of the QUALINET DATABASES online platform The basic functionality of the QUALINET DATABASES lies in the idea that the registered users (QUALINET members and approved users from the scientific community) have access through a simple web portal to the list of multimedia databases and based on their user rights they are allowed to browse information about the particular database and eventually download the actual multimedia content. Selected users, DATABASE OWNERS in particular, have rights to upload or edit their records in the list of databases. Selected PUBLICLY AVAILABLE multimedia databases are accessible also to the registered researchers outside QUALINET. Only administrators (WG4 leader and deputy leaders) have right to delete items in the QUALINET DATABASES. The DATABASE OWNER can request the administrator of QUALINET DATABASES to provide FTP hosting of the actual multimedia content. http://dbq.multimediatech.cz/ UALINET DATABASES European Network on Quality of Experience in Multimedia Systems and Services QUALINET http://www.qualinet.eu/ QUALINET DATABASES http://dbq.multimediatech.cz/ Documentation: http://dbq-wiki.multimediatech.cz/ For further information, please contact: Karel Fliegel [email protected]