Proposed Formation of a Ridgetown Business - Chatham-Kent


Proposed Formation of a Ridgetown Business - Chatham-Kent
Mayor and Members of Council
Geoff Wright, Economic Development Officer –
Business Development, Economic Development Services
June 11, 2012
Proposed Formation of a Ridgetown Business Improvement Area
It is recommended that:
1. A Ridgetown Business Improvement Area be designated in accordance with the
Municipal Act, subsection 204 and that Chatham-Kent By-law #332-2004 be
amended to include the Ridgetown Business Improvement Area.
2. A Board of Management be established to oversee the improvement,
beautification and maintenance of all land, buildings and structures within the
designated Business Improvement Area boundary.
3. Administration and the Ridgetown Business Improvement Area promote the area
as an industrial hub, commercial shopping, dining and entertainment area.
4. One or more Council members be appointed to the Board of Management.
The Ridgetown Business Improvement Area (BIA) Steering Committee placed a notice
in the local newspaper then held a public meeting on August 21, 2011 to discuss the
merits of forming a BIA. Approximately 25 people (residents, property and business
owners) were in attendance. An informal discussion took place and municipal staff were
on hand to answer questions about starting, managing and maintaining a BIA. A motion
was passed to proceed with the formal steps necessary to form a BIA in the community
of Ridgetown.
As a result, on April 20, 2012 administration sent a letter concerning the proposed
formation to the property owners within the proposed boundary of the BIA area that pay
commercial and industrial property taxes (Attachment A).
Proposed Formation of a Ridgetown Business Improvement Area (BIA)
Outlined in the letter was Section 210 of the Municipal Act, (S.O. 2001, c. 25, as
amended) which stated those opposed to the proposed BIA formation had until 4:30
p.m. on Thursday June 21, 2012 to file a written notice of objection with the Municipal
The Steering Committee held an information meeting on the evening of May 16, 2012.
There were approximately fifteen people in attendance representing both industrial and
commercial business and property owners. The purpose of the meeting was to explain
what a BIA is, the benefits of a BIA to a community, and how it can assist local
businesses. Members of the steering committee and staff were on hand to answer
questions and provide information on the daily operation of a BIA. The general
sentiment of the meeting was positive and by a show of hands, the group supported
formation of a BIA.
As of the date of this report, there was one written objection filed with the Municipal
Clerk’s office. The objection represents one out of a potential 116 properties in the
proposed BIA area. The resultant objection is well below the one-third minimum number
of “objecting” property owners stipulated in the Act. If any further objections are
received during the notification period of April 20 to June 21, 2012 it will be reported on
the date of the Council meeting, June 25, 2012.
The formation of the Ridgetown BIA would be subject to the same municipal-wide
by-law governing existing BIA’s in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. By-law # 3322004 is a by-law relating generally to the conduct of the affairs of BIA’s in the
municipality and is posted on the municipal website.
The BIA is governed by a Board of Management. Council members are normally
appointed to the Board of Management immediately after a municipal election.
However, since Council is at mid-term, it is requested that a minimum of one Councillor
be appointed to the Board for the rest of the term.
The remainder of the Board of Management is comprised of members who are property
and business owners that preside in the BIA district. The election of members to the
Board of Management is generally done at the annual general meeting of the BIA then
appointed by Council. In this case, the Steering Committee will nominate and elect the
board of management at its inaugural meeting. They will also work with property
owners and businesses within the Business Improvement Area to ensure a clear
understanding of the Board of Management’s role and the municipal wide BIA by-law.
The Steering Committee, through its consultation with future members, determined a
nominal levy of $60/$100,000 of assessed property value was a reasonable amount to
propose for the 2012 levy. There are approximately 116 properties affected by the
change. Based on the above formula, the estimated total levy for the proposed
Ridgetown BIA would be $11,280. Individual commercial and industrial property owners
would be levied a minimum additional $60 and a maximum $180 on its 2012 and
subsequent tax bills.
Proposed Formation of a Ridgetown Business Improvement Area (BIA)
The 2012 tax rate by-law has been passed and tax bills are currently being printed.
Similar to when the Wheatley BIA was approved, Financial Services recommend
funding the current year $11,280 and accounting for both the 2012 and 2013 tax rate on
the 2013 final tax bill.
The Municipality rates the affected property owners, collects the funds and passes
100% of the levy back to the BIA for its use in accordance with the budget passed at the
BIA annual general meeting. The Board of Management determines the annual budget
in conjunction with its members at the BIA annual general meeting. The proposed BIA
budget is forwarded to Council for final approval and is part of the annual municipal
budget process.
The recommendations in this report support the following Council Directions:
Healthy, Active Citizens
Growth Through Variety of Post-Secondary Institutions
High Quality Environment Through Innovation
Destination Chatham-Kent!
Magnet for Sustainable Growth
Prosperous and Thriving Community
Has the potential to support all Council Directions
Neutral issues (does not support negatively or positively)
As required by the Municipal Act, commercial and industrial property owners within the
proposed Ridgetown Business Improvement Area were mailed a letter of notice
regarding the proposed formation of the Ridgetown BIA, found in Attachment A.
The Municipal Clerk provided determination whether the conditions set out in subsection
(3) were met and, if they were, issued a certificate affirming that fact.
Legal Services was consulted to review amendments to Chatham-Kent By-law #3322004.
Planning Services was consulted and agreed with the recommendations.
Budget and Performance Services was consulted and agreed with the
There are no financial implications associated with this report.
Proposed Formation of a Ridgetown Business Improvement Area (BIA)
Prepared by:
Reviewed by:
Geoff Wright
Economic Development Officer Business Development
Stuart McFadden, Manager
Business Development
Reviewed by:
Reviewed by:
Michael Burton, Director
Economic Development Services
Evelyn Bish, Director, Community Services
and Acting General Manager
Community Development
Attachment: A – Public Notice of Meeting – Proposed Ridgetown BIA
B – Amending By-law
Judy Smith, Municipal Clerk
Ralph Pugliese, Director, Planning Services
John Norton, Director, Legal Services
Gord Quinton, Acting Director, Financial Services / Treasurer
Jim Platts, Co-Chair, Ridgetown BIA Steering Committee
P:\RTC\ECODEV\2012\June 25 - Proposed Formation of a Ridgetown Business
Improvement Area (BIA).docx
April 20th, 2012
Dear Property Owner:
Pursuant to Section 210 of The Municipal Act, (S.O. 2001, c.25), as amended, notice is hereby given that the Council of The
Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, at its meeting to be held on June 25th, 2012 will consider a By-law which would
allow for the creation of a Ridgetown Business Improvement Area (BIA), as per Section 204 (1).. The proposed bylaw would create a
BIA for all properties identified on the enclosed map that have a commercial or industrial zoning. The proposed BIA does not include
or affect residential, institutional or agricultural zoned properties within the enclosed map.
As required by The Municipal Act, this notice is being mailed to the Steering Committee for the proposed BIA and all commercial and
industrial property owners within the proposed BIA boundary area that pay commercial and industrial property taxes. If the bylaw is
approved, a Ridgetown BIA would be created for the region identified in the map.
DUTIES OF LANDLORDS (Municipal Act, 2001 s.210(2))
Within 30 days of the date of this notice, landlords are required to give a copy of this notice to each tenant of their property who
is required to pay all or part of the taxes on the property.
Within 30 days of the date of this notice, landlords are required to give the Clerk of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent a list of
every tenant of their property required to pay all or part of the taxes that each tenant is required to pay.
Any property owner who pays commercial or industrial property taxes or any tenant who is required, under their lease, to pay all or
part of the taxes on the commercial or industrial property has two options:
Pay a BIA levy of $60.00 per year for assessed properties between $0 and $100,000 or
Pay a BIA levy of $120 per year for properties between $100,001 and 200,000 or
Pay a BIA levy of $180 per year for properties above $200,001.
Object to the proposed bylaw by filing written notice of the objection with the Clerk of The Municipality no later than 4:30
p.m. on Thursday June 21st, 2012.
Council shall not pass the proposed bylaw if objectors are responsible for paying at least one-third of the sum of the fees to be levied
in the proposed BIA area.
If you have any questions on the proposed Ridgetown BIA, please contact a member of the Ridgetown BIA steering committee or
Economic Development Services at 1.519.351.7700 or 1.866.542.5994 extension 2033, or email [email protected].
Dated at Chatham-Kent, Ontario, this 20 day of April, 2012
Judy Smith, CMM III
Municipal Clerk/
Manager Municipal Governance
Municipality of Chatham-Kent
315 King Street West
Chatham, ON N7M 5K8
(519) 360-1998 Ext 3200
[email protected]
Attachments: BIA Information Brochure & Ridgetown BIA Steering Committee Members
Map Outlining the Proposed Ridgetown BIA Area
Ridgetown BIA Steering Committee Members:
Jim Platts
Kim Thompson
Paul Delliaire
Richard Murray
Jim Brown
Charlie Mitton
Betty Timmermans
O’Rourke Real Estate
Committee Secretary
J & P’s Variety
Ridge Apothecary
Ridgetown Independent
Mitton’s Jewellers
Lucky Lady
DRAFT Ridgetown BIA Mission Statement;
The Ridgetown BIA is the voice of its central business community. They are committed to improving and promoting the Area through
investment and advocacy to maintain the community’s position as a premier shopping, business, entertainment destination and
manufacturing district.
DRAFT Budget as presented by the steering committee;
Total annual BIA Levy $14,000
Marketing & Promotion of the BIA - $5000
Banner /Flags, Gateway sign maintenance /upgrades, website development,
Landscaping to all entrances to community, downtown area, industrial area, etc.
New business recruitment, retention & expansion of existing businesses (marketing materials)
Special Events & Festivals - $7500
Promotion & Development of existing events
Development of new events
Seasonal decorations & promotion
Partnership Development; University of Guelph – Ridgetown Campus, Porches & Verandas, Santa Claus Parade, Antique Tractor,
East-Kent Vintage Tractor Show, East-Kent Fire-show & Muster
Membership Communication & Administration - $1500
Member Newsletter, Promotion of membership, information and communication with members
Meeting expense, printing and distribution of meeting minutes, postage, letterhead, envelopes, announcements, etc.
Bank Fees, Accounting fees, Telephone, website/internet monthly fees etc.
Other items as needed – budget is amendable but the total must balance at fiscal year-end (December 31st)
Grant & Fundraising opportunities to be applied for using budget as leverage
The draft budget of the Ridgetown BIA is established after the BIA is formed and the inaugural first meeting of the Ridgetown BIA.
How do I find out more information regarding BIA’s?
Further information can be found by talking to any member of the steering committee listed above or
visiting or or by calling 519-351-7700 ext. 2033
Ridgetown BIA Steering Committee
Ridgetown Office, 45 Main Street
Ridgetown, Ontario
Ridgetown BIA Steering Committee
Proposed Business Improvement Area (BIA) for the Ridgetown area
Meeting Date & Time: May 16th, 2012 at 7:00 pm.
Location: Ridgetown Legion.
75 Main Street – Ridgetown, ON N0P 2C0
Dear Commercial or Industrial Property and /or Business Owner,
Please accept this letter and an invitation to attend an Information Meeting regarding
the proposed Business Improvement Area (BIA) for the Ridgetown area.
Many of you are already aware of the proposal to establish a BIA, there have been a
number of articles in the Ridgetown Independent and discussion of it at a few Chamber
meetings. Representatives from the Municipality of Chatham-Kent will be on hand to
answer any questions about forming a BIA you may have. For those of you who don't
know Geoff Wright, he is the Economic Development Officer – Business Development at
the Municipality. He has a lot of knowledge and many years of experience working
with BIA’s in Chatham-Kent and was on the provincial board of directors for the Ontario
BIA Association.
The purpose of the meeting is to explain what a BIA is, the benefits of a BIA to the
community and how it can assist local businesses. You are encouraged to attend this
meeting as a Business owner, commercial or industrial property owner.
Please RSVP to Jim Platts at [email protected] or by telephone 674-1005 as to your
intentions of attending or not attending. We will be serving light refreshments and
need to plan accordingly.
If you have any questions, you can contact any of the people listed below. Thank you
Ridgetown BIA Steering Committee Members:
Jim Platts
Kim Thompson
Paul Delliaire
Richard Murray
Jim Brown
Charlie Mitton
Betty Timmermans
O’Rourke Real Estate
Committee Secretary
J & P’s Variety
Ridge Apothecary
Ridgetown Independent
Mitton’s Jewellers
Lucky Lady
Jim Platts, Co-Chair
Ridgetown BIA Steering Committee
Community of Ridgetown
Commercial Community
Improvement Plan
Proposed BIA
Urban Area Boundary
Urban Commercial
Village Commercial
Tourism Commercial
Rural Highway Commercial
0 80 160
0 275550
1,100 1,650 2,200 Feet
800 Meters
Disclaimer: The Municipality of Chatham-Kent
takes every precaution to put up-to-date and
correct information on all maps published by
Information Services. However, it does not
expressly warranty that the information contained
in the map is accurate on the date of publication.
All users may use this information at their own risk.
The Municipality of Chatham-Kent will not entertain
any claims arising out of the use of this map or
Ortho photography protected by Copyright
The Corporation of the Municipality of
This map was produced by Information Services. If you
have any questions or comments regarding the
information displayed on this map, or you require more
information please contact us at:
[email protected]
This is not a plan of survey.
North Kent
East Kent
South Kent
West Kent
A Business Improvement Area is an association of business people within a specified
district who join together, with official approval of the City, in a self-help program
aimed at stimulating local business.
They use their own money (B.I.A. levies) in an ongoing effort to draw more prospective
customers to their area by improving the attractiveness of the area and promoting it as
a good place to shop, visit and do business.
Once a BIA is approved by City Council, every (commercial & industrial) business within
its boundaries automatically becomes a member. There are no exceptions, under the
principle that all who benefit should be required to bear their fair share of the cost of
the program.
While a BIA arises from the retail, professional and industrial activities of a district, it
has a profound effect on the surrounding area. It serves as an economic and social
anchor, helping to stabilize and revitalize the local community.
Attachment B
BY-LAW NUMBER ____________
A By-law to designate a certain area as the Ridgetown
Business Improvement Area (BIA) and to establish a Board
of Management for the Ridgetown BIA.
FINALLY PASSED the 25th day of June, 2012.
WHEREAS Section 204 of the Municipal Act, S. O. 2001, c. 25, as amended,
establishes that Municipal Councils may pass by-laws designating an area as a Business
Improvement Area (BIA) and may establish a Board of Management for the BIA and
establish rules by which Boards of Management must govern themselves and their
reporting obligations to the Municipality;
AND WHEREAS a Notice of the Intention to designate the Ridgetown BIA was
sent to all of the property owners within the proposed boundary of the Ridgetown BIA
area that pay commercial property taxes.
AND WHEREAS no sufficient petition objecting to the designation of the
Ridgetown BIA has been received.
NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of The
Municipality of Chatham-Kent enacts as follows:
1. The area consisting of the lands and premises described in Schedule “A” attached
hereto is hereby designated as a Business Improvement Area pursuant to the
provisions of Section 204 of the Municipal Act and will be known as the
“Ridgetown BIA”.
2. A Board of Management be established for the Ridgetown BIA which shall be
governed by the rules and conditions set out in Municipality of Chatham-Kent
By-law 332-2004 – BIA Consolidation By-law.
3. The newly designated Ridgetown BIA be subject to the rules and conditions as set
out in Municipality of Chatham-Kent By-law 332-2004 – BIA Consolidation Bylaw.
4. Schedules “A” and “B” of Municipality of Chatham-Kent By-law 332-2004 be
amended to include the newly designated Ridgetown BIA.
THIS By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing thereof.
READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME this 27th day of September, 2010.
Mayor Randy Hope
Clerk – Judy Smith
Schedule A
Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent
Business Improvement Area(s)
BIA Establishing Area(s) Continued
Establishing Area
By-law No.
To designate a certain area as a business improvement area.
A by-law to designate a certain area as an improvement are (Downtown
Core Area)
To designate a certain area in the Town of Dresden a Downtown
Improvement Area.
To designate an area in the Town of Tilbury as an Improvement Area.
A By-law to amend by-law No. 1940-87, a by-law to designate an area in
the town of Tilbury as an improvement area, to designate the whole of the
town of Tilbury as an improvement area.
A by-law to designate a certain are as an improvement area and to establish
a Board of management therefore.
A by-law to designate a certain area as the Wheatley Business Improvement
Area (BIA) and to establish a Board of Management
A by-law to designate a certain area as the Ridgetown Business
Improvement Area (BIA) and to establish a Board of Management
Schedule B
Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent
Business Improvement Area(s)
BIA Establishing Boards of Management
Establishing Area
By-law No.
To continue and appoint a Blenheim Business improvement Association for
the Corporation of the Town of Blenheim
A By-law to establish a Board of Management for the Improvement Area
establish pursuant to By-law Number 6850 for the Corporation of The City
of Chatham
To establish a Board of Management for the Downtown Improvement Area
To designate a Board of Management for the Tilbury Business Improvement
A By-law to specify the maximum and minimum charges to be levied upon
persons within the designated Improvement Area, assessed for business
assessment to provide by special charge a sum of money for the purpose of
the Board of Management of the Tilbury Business Improvement Area.
A by-law to designate a certain are as an improvement area and to establish
a Board of management.
A by-law to designate a certain area as the Wheatley Business Improvement
Area (BIA) and to establish a Board of Management.
A by-law to designate a certain area as the Ridgetown Business
Improvement Area (BIA) and to establish a Board of Management