Vehicle Use Policy - Office of The Treasurer Tax Collector
Vehicle Use Policy - Office of The Treasurer Tax Collector
OFFICE OF THE TREASURER & TAX COLLECTOR VEHICLE USE POLICY Mission Statement During the past five Fiscal Years, excluding Police, Fire and MUNI, City departments have been involved in 942 vehicle incidents that have resulted in claims against the City. The City has paid over $2.3 million as a result of those claims. In 2010, the City adopted a Driver’s Guide as a first step towards creating a Vehicle Use Policy (“VUP”). The Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector (referred to herein as “The Department” or “Department”) maintains this Vehicle Use Policy which will serve as the guide to all employees of The Department in the appropriate usage of all city vehicles used and operated by any employee of The Department. This guide shall further help train all employees assigned to or required to use city vehicles, reinforce good driver training and techniques for experienced Department drivers, and establish a professional standard for all Department employees assigned to or required to use any city vehicle. This VUP shall help address the increase of costly claims, will help create the foundation for clear standards for all employees assigned to or required to use city vehicles, and will also help to better inform and educate all Department employees on how to proceed in the event that they are involved in an incident in a city vehicle as a driver or a passenger. This policy will explain clear guidelines for the proper usage of all vehicles, will develop clear duties and explain responsibilities which will meet, and in some instances exceed, the demands of the Citywide VUP. In some instances, where regular vehicle usage is acknowledged as a core function for specific Department employees performing specific job functions, new duties and requirements are set in place to better control, monitor and document the usage of any city vehicle within the department’s control. Another important purpose of the creation of this VUP is to set forth practices for the safe operation of motor vehicles owned and operated by The Department. This standardized policy will be incorporated as part of a new training and instruction program, which will be refreshed and enhanced for all Department employees, assigned to or required to use city vehicles. This VUP will serve as a baseline for all Department employees and will focus on licensed motor vehicles primarily operated on public roads. Policy The Department’s VUP coincides with the City’s commitment to maintaining a safe vehicle fleet, and concern for the safety of people, the protection of property, and the minimization of the impact upon the environment by City vehicle operations. This VUP focuses on the safe 1 operation of licensed motor vehicles primarily operated on public roads, which, in turn, further seeks to reduce the possibility and occurrence of vehicle damages, claims and/or injuries. In addition, it shall serve as a guide and inducement to encourage the use of alternative “green” transportation options for all Department employees whenever city transportation use is required. This Department’s VUP further seeks to support and promote the goals established by the City VUP, which is administered under the auspices of the Office of the City Administrator, which helps meet the demands placed on each department in order to implement and enhance standards which meet and, in some instances exceed, VUP developed through the adoption of a Motor Vehicle Incident Prevention Program, the recommended minimum requirements of which are stated in Appendix A. Nothing in this Department’s VUP shall be interpreted or applied to interfere with, restrict or supersede the citywide vehicle use policies or any Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”). Definitions Specific definitions for relevant terms shall be clearly defined and communicated to all staff authorized to drive a vehicle. Appendix A includes typical terms and standard definitions that shall be included within each department’s Motor Vehicle Incident Prevention Program (“Program”). Management, Leadership and Administration and its primary focus: The Department is committed to the responsible use of all city vehicles. The Department is further dedicated to successfully promoting the VUP as an integral component of The Department’s overall written safety program which shall be managed by a Department appointee. This VUP includes specific guidelines showing The Department’s commitment to the safety of people, the protection of property, and minimization and impact upon the environment by City vehicle operations. The Department’s VUP Program further commits a training program to cover all aspects of the VUP for all department employees assigned to or required to use city vehicles. In addition, this VUP shall help ensure that staff will adhere to not only all elements of the Program, but, in addition, shall adhere to all local, state and federal laws and regulations as they relate to vehicle operations. Written Plan This Department VUP shall meet the demands set forth within the Citywide Program and shall in some instances set forth further standards. This Department VUP shall further develop, adopt, and maintain Appendix A known as The Motor Vehicle Incident Prevention Program. This VUP shall also help develop a timely and effective program to satisfy the program demands established for every city department in order to develop, adopt and maintain A Minimum Requirements of a Written Plan as our Motor Vehicle Incident Prevention Program. This VUP shall detail a system of responsibility and accountability related to vehicular use which shall be established throughout the organization. This VUP shall document all elements of the Program including, but not limited to, the assignment of drivers, performance management, training, incident investigation, discipline (where appropriate), and cost 2 associated with the Program. Should a citywide coordinator position be staffed, a comprehensive annual report addressing those elements shall be submitted to the City Administrator and other department heads in order to evaluate the performance of the City’s Programs. Based upon the annual report, specific recommendations will be made to address shortcomings in an effort to improve overall safe vehicle use. In some instances, it is recognized that the specific frequency and timing of an individual’s vehicle use may vary. DMV Review The Department participates in the California Department of Motor Vehicles Employer Pull Notice (EPN) Program and screens all new employees whose job description requires possession of a valid California driver’s license with no restrictions. The EPN Program was established to provide employers and regulatory agencies with a means of promoting driver safety through the ongoing review of driver records. Department employees shall also be required to report any change in their DMV license status within twenty-four (24) hours or by the next business day upon such notification. Department employees who are assigned to, or required to drive city vehicles must inform The Department of any violation which may cause suspension, forfeiture, or revocation of one’s driver’s license. In addition, within this VUP plan, specific steps and procedures are established for all Department employees assigned to or required to use city vehicles in the event that an individual employee’s driving privileges may be affected. Training The Department shall utilize an “on-line”/classroom drivers’ training curriculum for all employees assigned to or required to use city vehicles as a condition of their employment. The minimum curriculum is defined in Appendix B. Drivers shall receive training annually to refresh their knowledge and be informed of new rules, regulations, and best practices, or on an as-needed basis based upon a driver’s involvement in an incident. All training records shall be maintained by the Department appointee. Communication At a minimum: • All Department employees who are assigned to or required to use city vehicles shall be required to sign the Business Use Declaration of the Program (Appendix C) and acknowledge receipt of all related documents. • Departments shall communicate training schedules to employees. Minimize Vehicular and Fuel Use The Department fully supports the City’s “Transit First Policy” which provides opportunities for employees to use public transit, provides technology for video conferencing, encourages employees to carpool, and promotes the use of bicycles whenever practical. All Department 3 employees who are assigned to or required to use city vehicles must first consider any and all of these reasonable alternatives, as appropriate, whenever undertaking to complete Department duties which require transportation. In order to continue to promote alternative transportation modes and reduce city fuel costs, The Department utilizes a program that furnishes and encourages the use of SFMTA “tokens” in lieu of the use of any city vehicle. This program requires all Department personnel to use and consider alternative modes of transportation such as SFMTA “tokens” for use whenever work related travel is required and whenever the alternative means of travel is reasonable for the usage being considered. In addition, The Department VUP Program encourages the use of bicycles as another practical and viable means of commuting in furtherance of work related duties. This VUP program shall stress the need to regularly use alternative modes of public transportation whenever the option reasonably and practically satisfies the needs of specific tasks and jobs. But, the “Department” recognizes that certain job duties and responsibilities that remain specific to the organization’s needs and demands require the regular and consistent use of city vehicles in order to fulfill such job duties. It is further recognized that specific job duties cannot always be satisfied by an alternative practical use of public transportation. In the event that public transportation does not sufficiently provide an alternative to city vehicle usage, efforts must still be made by the Department personnel to optimize and achieve efficient and sensible use of all city vehicles. Consistent with the City’s environmental goals and to reduce operating costs, The Department and its employees assigned to or required to use city vehicles are not allowed to idle an engine for more than five (5) consecutive minutes. For passenger vehicles in general, if an employee is likely to idle one minute or longer, he/she should turn the engine off and restart when he/she is ready to move the vehicle. Diesel vehicles, per California law, must not idle for longer than five (5) minutes. In addition, The Department shall maintain vehicles for the purposes of sharing such vehicles for the use by all Department employees who are assigned to or required to use city vehicles. No vehicle shall be assigned or used solely by one individual employee. For City Hall and nearby departments, and as more vehicle pools become available, the Department will utilize City vehicle pools rather than assigning vehicles to individuals. As an example, the City Hall vehicle pool is available for daily use. GSA-Fleet can assist departments with vehicle pools and how to best minimize vehicle usage. For any Department employee to be approved to participate in the Pool, The Department shall, as directed by the City Administrator, require: 1. A completed copy of the Signed Business Use Declaration (Appendix C of Vehicle Use Policy) for each Department employee required to or assigned to use a city vehicle. 2. Verification of completion of the Defensive Driver Training program for every 4 Department employee required to or assigned to use a city vehicle. Such information and verification shall be maintained and forwarded to The City Administrator. Business Use Policy Vehicles owned, leased or rented by The Department and assigned to, or under the jurisdiction of The Department, shall be used only in the discharge and transaction of City business. (See Appendix D Administrative Code Section 4.11.) Volunteers and contractors are not authorized to use City vehicles. However, after approval of The Appointing Officer or Authorized Designee, volunteers and contractors deemed to be essential to municipal functions may be allowed as passengers in City vehicles. Toll citations, parking violation fees, traffic fines, and other citations associated with vehicle use shall be the sole responsibility of the Department employee who used the vehicle at the time the citation occurred. The Department shall hold accountable employees who accrue tolls, citations, and fines associated with their use of a vehicle unless otherwise specified in a MOU. Employees may seek toll and parking reimbursements in accordance with departmental policies and applicable Controller’s Office Travel Reimbursement Guideline. As part of the Citywide Vehicle Use Policy updated in October 2014, City vehicles are a resource whose use is limited by law. The Department maintains a zero tolerance for vandalism of a City vehicle, including but not limited to, graffiti, and/or defacement. Incident Analysis and Reporting A standardized incident response for drivers involved in an incident is described in Appendix A and shall be utilized by The Department. In the event that a Department employee is involved in any incident, s/he must follow the incident response procedures in Appendix A. and 1. Report the incident immediately to his/her supervisor, and 2. Upon return to the office, he/she must complete the required incident reports as used and disseminated for The City and County of San Francisco. The Department will analyze vehicle incident rates on at least an annual basis. A review of the driver’s safety record utilizing data from this analysis should be maintained for a period of five (5) years from the date of the incident. Recognition Program for Employee Safe Driving The Department shall recognize all employees who have adhered to the department’s Program and who have not been involved in a preventable incident for the past fiscal year. These employees will be recognized in a fair and uniform manner from amongst their peers. All Department employees who use a city vehicle at least 10 times per fiscal year without being involved in a preventable incident will be considered for this recognition. Select individuals from this recognized group may be called upon by senior management, or an assigned designee, during any fiscal year, to participate to provide training to new employees, and/or their peers. 5 The Office of The Treasurer & Tax Collector abides by and enforces the following minimum requirements: Appendix A Minimum Requirements of a Motor Vehicle Incident Prevention Program MOTOR VEHICLE INCIDENT PREVENTION PROGRAM 1.0 POLICY In order to promote safe driving and to reduce motor vehicle incidents, The Department maintains a Motor Vehicle Incident Prevention Program. The Program must include a written plan, definitions, DMV license review, vehicle operator training, communication, incident reporting, recordkeeping, and recognition for safe driving. This Program applies to employees driving Department vehicles on City business and it is expected that all employees either operating a City vehicle or who supervise an employee operating a City vehicle shall adhere to this Program. 1.1 DEFINITIONS Aggressive Driving is defined as: Speeding, driving in a selfish, bold or pushy manner, without regard for the rights or safety of other users on the roadway; failure to observe traffic laws. Aggressive driving shall include, but not be limited to, excessive use of a vehicle’s “horn,” “tailgating,” regular and repetitive unnecessary lane changes, maintaining and using speeds either above the posted speed limit(s) and/or which is/are at a level which are not safe for the conditions of the road at the time of the usage. Aggressive driving shall also consist of unnecessary quick starting and stopping, unnecessary braking and “cutting off” of other drivers. Under no circumstances should you show, carry or use any weapon. Such restrictions shall only apply to Department employees and shall not restrict permitted guests legally allowed to carry a weapon such as s member of SFPD. Aggressive driving shall also be defined to include verbal arguments with other drivers or pedestrians. Use of obscene gestures shall also be strictly prohibited while operating a vehicle. Collision. An incident in which the first harmful event involves a motor vehicle in motion coming in contact with another vehicle, other property, person(s) or animal(s). Crash. An incident involving one or more motor vehicles in motion. Defensive Driving. Driving safely, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others. Sound Defensive Driving does not include driving at such a speed or in such a manner as would hinder the “normal flow of traffic” or which is substantially below the posted speed limit as to cause significant “back-up” of traffic. Department Vehicle. Any vehicle owned, leased, or rented on behalf of the Department. Distracted Driving. Diversion of the driver’s attention from the task of operating a 6 motor vehicle by activities, objects or events inside or outside the vehicle, or by factors such as emotional stress or preoccupation, or the use of mobile electronic devices. Employee. An individual in the employ of the City and County of San Francisco, with any type of Civil Service status. GSA-Fleet. Currently located at 1800 Jerrold St. and is responsible for the maintenance of the majority of CCSF’s passenger and truck fleet. They can be reached at (415) 5504600. Incident. An undesired event that did or is claimed to have resulted in personal harm or property damage, or in any undesirable loss of resources, including moving violations. Incident Rate. The number of incidents per some unit of measurement or the purpose of assessing safety performance over time or comparing performance with other organizations. The “incident rate” shall also include the number of events in which a driver causes any noticeable damage, scrape, scuff, or dent to a city vehicle. These events must also be reported and taken into account when determining an individual’s incident rate and fitness for further driving privileges, irrespective of whether the damage resulted in a formalized accident report. Injury. Physical harm or damage to a person resulting in the marring of appearance, personal discomfort and/or bodily harm, impairment or death. Motor Vehicle. Any licensed mechanically or electrically powered device (except one designed solely to move by human power), not operated on rails, designed to be operated primarily on public streets and roads, Cargo and/or attachments (trailers, etc.) to a motor vehicle are considered part of that vehicle. Passenger. A person, other than the driver of the vehicle, who is in or on a motor vehicle. Preventable Collision. One in which the driver failed to do everything that reasonably could have been done to avoid the collision. Regular. An employee who is required to drive at least once during their regular daily shift in order to complete their assignment. Remedial Training. Training required following an incident to upgrade and renew skills and demonstrate proficiency. Shall. The word is intended to indicate a mandatory practice. Should. The word is intended to indicate a recommended practice. Motor Vehicle Incident Prevention Program. Each Department’s written policy that defines how vehicles are safely used, trains employees on their safe use, documents and investigates incidents, and maintains data to further safe vehicle use. The Department shall regulate and delegate all training assignments, including standard annual training as well as remedial training as necessary. The training program shall be managed and 7 administered by the Department designee. 2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES It is the Department’s expectation that all employees adhere to the Program. This VUP establishes clearly defined roles and requirements for adhering to and enforcing these Standards. The following tasks are assigned to and include, at a minimum, a senior manager, human resources staff, safety staff, or Department fleet manager, front-line supervisors, and vehicle operators, as well as other appropriate staff in order to ensure the Program functions as intended. • General: • The Department shall administer, uphold and enforce the Motor Vehicle Incident Prevention Program and Vehicle Use Policy • All Department vehicles and usage shall be evaluated and reviewed by regular monitoring and prior to usage “sign out” of vehicles. As is standard practice, all Department personnel are required to “sign out” for vehicle usage in advance by using Microsoft Outlook. Each vehicle user is required to post anticipated usage time for each instance of usage and include the ETA (estimated time of return) within Microsoft Outlook. The reservation posted within Outlook should include, at minimum, information stating the identification (normally, the City Van) of the vehicle used, the time the vehicle is first taken and the projected time when the vehicle will be returned. A brief reference of anticipated destinations may also be included. • It is mandatory that such information is continuously entered and updated in order to facilitate better and open communication between and within sections. It is essential that all vehicle usage is documented in advance in order to also eliminate the possibility of duplicate reservations, and, in turn, such documentation shall reduce wasted time for specified personnel. Reservations of vehicles should be made in advance as often as reasonably possible and it is encouraged that such vehicle usage should be documented at least 24 hours in advance. In instances that a specific unit or section uses a vehicle on a daily basis for long and regular intervals, such reservations should be posted for the relevant periods at least 2 weeks in advance. Single day or multiple day event long term usage of the city vehicle (example: using the vehicle to attend a 3 day conference) should always be documented within Outlook as early as possible. • As previously mentioned within this manual, the use of alternative transportation in conformance with the City’s Transit First Policy and Carpooling resources is a priority that the Department recognizes, encourages, and upholds. • With the assistance of GSA-Fleet, The Department shall determine suitability of vehicles. Currently, it is herein documented that The Department only has a City Van assigned for use. Department senior management shall determine the suitability of such a vehicle and all maintenance shall be monitored and maintained by the Cashier section. • The Department further acknowledges that it currently uses a city van which can seat up to 7 or 8 adults. It is further recognized and acknowledged that The Department shall, whenever possible, and particularly during the usage of said vehicle by only a single driver, promote the usage of more fuel efficient vehicles by way of the Vehicle Pool User Program that is administered by Building Maintenance @ 415554-4933 and can be accessed by email: [email protected] or [email protected]. 8 • Training responsibilities as determined and assigned by Senior Management: • It is recommended that HR schedule and regulate training at this time. Individual supervisors of each respective unit shall ensure completion of all training and it shall be tracked in annual performance evaluations. • Provide for training of personnel under their jurisdiction, consistent with the organization and personnel needs • Budget expenditures for motor vehicle incident prevention including training (behind the wheel, etc), classroom training, instructors, etc. • Coordinate and track scheduling of department employees who are assigned to or required to use a city vehicle for Defensive Driving Training. • Business Use Policy: Department supervisors who have employees who are assigned to or required to use city vehicles must ensure that the documents are completed and submitted. • Must have employees who are assigned to or required to use a city vehicle review and endorse the Business Use Declaration of the Program and forward the signed copy to the human resources unit • Incident Prevention: Since this may contain confidential information relating to a department employee’s DMV and personal information, this information should remain in HR possession only. Duties and responsibilities shall include the following: • Participate in the CA DMV EPN Program for all new employees who are assigned to or required to use a city vehicle • Review DMV records as needed and inform the respective employee’s supervisor of any changes in an employee’s driving status • Maintain a database of all authorized drivers’ DMV status and incident history for the Department • Incident Response: The Department will assign these tasks to a designated individual(s) that shall be required to address and complete the following tasks: • Process and review Vehicle/Equipment Incident Reports to determine preventability • Investigate, determine cause of motor vehicle incidents, document findings, and implement actions to prevent future incidents • Carry out appropriate disciplinary action for violation of safe driving practices. Potential corrective action or discipline that may occur as a result of such incidents and which violate any provision within this VUP shall be determined by Senior Management. • Specific assigned Department employees will develop and maintain Incident Analysis and Reporting: • Prepare quarterly and annual statistical reports for Department management with recommendations for reducing preventable incidents • Include a review of the driver’s safety record as a part of the annual performance evaluation. • Individually, all supervisors who oversee any Department employees who are assigned to or required to drive city vehicles who receive such incident reports should report such incidents to their Manager and HR the same day. Appropriate Incident forms must be completed. • All Incidents and reports submitted to HR should be monitored and tracked. The frequency and all use of city vehicles by all Department employees who drive 9 • should be tracked by way of the MICROSOFT OUTLOOK reporting. These steps will help satisfy the need for solid Performance Management. 2.10. Employees of The Department who are assigned to or required to use city vehicles are responsible for the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Maintaining a valid California driver’s license and notifying supervisors immediately if a Department employee receives any notification from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) that affects their ability to drive a City vehicle. Reviewing and endorsing the Department’s Business Use Declaration of the Program. Reserving the vehicle and “signing out” prior to usage via Microsoft Outlook as described in section 2.0 above. Conducting a pre-operation vehicle inspection prior to each and every usage of the city vehicle to ensure equipment operates safely. Such reports shall be provided by GSA and should be completed by the individual employee and submitted to his or her supervisor. The Department employee who uses the vehicle, should, in advance of each usage, test all lights, fog lamps, turn signals, brake lights, and other operational equipment, to determine suitability upon the road and report unsafe conditions immediately. Any new damage should also be reported to the respective Department employee’s supervisor through an incident report process overseen by (Department employee TBD by senior management.) After each use, every Department employee who is assigned to or required to use a city vehicle shall inspect the vehicle’s exterior for confirmation of any potential new dents, scrapes, or damage not previously known. Any corresponding equipment damage or failure must be reported to his/her supervisor the same day of the discovery. Using a City vehicle on City business when one is used. Where considered a satisfactory and reasonable alternative, Department employees who are assigned to or required to use city vehicles are required to consider other available transportation options such as SFMTA, Muni Metro, bicycles and more. Informing supervisor(s) of motor vehicle incidents, including traffic violations and parking violations, before the end of work shifts. Reporting motor vehicle incidents by following the procedures in Section 4.0. Attending required trainings, including but not limited to Defensive Driving Training, as scheduled. Wearing a seat belt when riding in or operating a City vehicle. Knowing and obeying State motor vehicle laws and defensive driving rules. Prohibiting the transportation of personal guests in a City vehicle, unless such guest is approved by the Department Head and if the guest is essential to municipal functions. Obeying and maintaining Defensive Driving techniques as set forth in page 7 of this VUP and strictly avoiding Aggressive Driving techniques described and outlined in page 7 of this VUP. Not transporting animals in a City vehicle, unless the animal is associated with City business and the vehicle is properly equipped to do so. Not using hand-held or hands-free phones or any other hand-held or hands-free mobile technology while driving on City business. Not smoking in City vehicles. Cooperating with incident investigators and complying with corrective actions, that 10 • • could lead to progressive discipline for violation of safe driving practices. Paying any citations, tolls, and/or fees in a timely manner or be subject to potential disciplinary procedures. Not allowing any fellow Department employee to drive who appears disabled, unsafe or unfit for further driving. 3.0 TRAINING All Department Employees, supervisors and managers who drive on City business, shall be included in a Defensive Driving Training Program. The training frequency is: • Department Drivers 1. Provide Defensive Driving training within 90 days of assignment to all new Department employees who are assigned to or required to drive city vehicles. 2. Provide refresher Defensive Driving training and evaluation annually to all Department employees assigned to or required to drive city vehicles. 3. Complete refresher training on safe practices annually. • Department Drivers who have a motor vehicle incident while driving a City vehicle in the past three (3) months may repeat Defensive Driving training prior to being allowed further use of a vehicle for business use. See Appendix B for the Department’s minimum training material and requirements. 4.0 I N C I D E N T R E P O R T I N G – the following is divided into four categories depending on location of incident (within or outside the City & County of San Francisco) and whether injury and property damage is involved. Follow the reporting instructions for the applicable incident category. I. For all incidents occurring within The City and County of San Francisco WITHOUT INJURY AND WITH PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY: Department employees must perform the following duties: • For a non-injury incident on a street or highway, call SFPD @ 1-(415) 553-0123, indicate that you are a City employee and request that an officer come to the scene to make a collision report. After calling, Department employees should wait at least 1 hour for an officer to arrive. All City vehicle incidents on a street or highway require a police report. If the police do not respond, go to the nearest police station and file a report to document the incident facts. • Call Central Shops @ 1-415-550-4600 for emergency roadside assistance during normal business hours. Contact Golden Gate Tow @ 1-415-826-8866 or 1-877-826-5123 for tow truck needs in the event that the city vehicle becomes inoperable or if it appears disabled, unsafe or unfit for further driving • All Department employees involved in a vehicle incident shall contact their supervisor and report the incident immediately after the incident and when it is safe to do so. • Contact The City Attorney’s Office @ 415-554-3900 and report the incident. The City Attorney shall determine the applicability of the claim and whether there remains a need for their office to become involved. If they provide you with further instructions, a claims adjuster (or other individual), or any other relevant information or instructions, document those instructions and provide them to your supervisor. • For an incident off of a street or highway that does not involve property damage to 11 • • • • • • another party, comply with the Department’s Vehicle/Equipment Incident Reporting Procedures. A police collision report is not required. However, if there is any property damage occurs to another party (i.e., trees, fence, etc.) you must file a police report. Exchange information with other driver(s) and/or property owners. Do not discuss fault, guilt, or liability. Make certain to proceed as follows: Be courteous and obtain the other driver’s name, address, phone number, license plate number, driver’s license number, insurance company, and policy number. Obtain the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses. Provide the Notice of SelfInsurance card, or other form of proof of insurance. Per Government Code §990, the City and County of San Francisco is self-insured. Take pictures, if possible. Picture taking should include pictures of all vehicles included within the incident/accident, all possible property, including, but not limited to, fences, trees, motorcycles, trailers, signs, or any item of potential value, which can and may result in the issuance of a claim. Make notes and document all pertinent and important information including, but not limited to, date, time, location, (diagram if possible), names, descriptions of people involved, document relevant statements made by others, etc. If a City vehicle strikes a parked unoccupied vehicle, also complete the Notice of Motor Vehicle Accident form and leave it on the damaged property. (File a counter report with the police for this type of accident.) Complete a Department Vehicle/Equipment Incident Report to be distributed by the supervisor and return it to your supervisor. If necessary, your supervisor will make distribution according to your department’s instructions. Send one copy of the report to: Office of the City Attorney, Claims Office – 7th Floor, 1390 Market Street (Fox Plaza), San Francisco, CA 94102. The Department shall further enforce the Citywide Substance Abuse Prevention Policy’s Post Accident provision and pursue all applicable governing testing procedures and complete all necessary follow through as allowable under each respective MOU. II. For all incidents occurring within The City and County of San Francisco WITH INJURY: Department employees must perform the following duties: For the purposes of this VUP, injury is defined as any injury to a person or animal which requires the attention of emergency medical or emergency veterinary response or, without the appearance of emergency medical response, any person who claims or complains of pain or injury which the other party states that he or she will visit a hospital or doctor for examination. Such injury may also exist where another party states that an animal injured in the accident will require veterinary assistance or examination. • Call 9-1-1 immediately for any injury incident involving a human being, indicate that you are a City employee and request an officer come to the scene to make a collision report, and follow the dispatcher’s guidance. You should await the appearance of a CHP, Sheriff deputy or SFPD peace officer. A police report is required. • Call Central Shops @ 1-415-550-4600 for emergency roadside assistance during normal business hours. Contact Golden Gate Tow @ 1-415-826-8866 or 1-877-826-5123 for tow truck needs in the event that the city vehicle becomes inoperable or if it appears disabled, unsafe or unfit for further driving. • All Department employees involved in a vehicle incident shall contact their supervisor and report the incident immediately after the incident and when it is safe to do so. • Contact The City Attorney’s Office @ 415-554-3900 and report the incident. The City 12 • • • • • • Attorney shall determine the applicability of the claim and whether there remains a need for their office to become involved. If they provide you with further instructions, a claims adjuster (or other individual), or any other relevant information or instructions, document those instructions and provide them to your supervisor. Exchange information with other driver(s) and/or property owners. Do not discuss fault, guilt, or liability. Make certain to proceed as follows: Be courteous and obtain the other driver’s name, address, phone number, license plate number, driver’s license number, insurance company, and policy number. Obtain the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses. Provide the Notice of SelfInsurance card, or other form of proof of insurance. Per Government Code §990, the City and County of San Francisco is self-insured. Take pictures, if possible. Picture taking should include pictures of all vehicles included within the incident/accident, all possible property, including, but not limited to, fences, trees, motorcycles, trailers, signs, or any item of potential value, which can and may result in the issuance of a claim. Make notes and document all pertinent and important information including, but not limited to, date, time, location, (diagram if possible), names, descriptions of people involved, document relevant statements made by others, etc. If a City vehicle strikes a parked unoccupied vehicle, also complete the Notice of Motor Vehicle Accident form and leave it on the damaged property. (File a counter report with the police for this type of accident.) Complete a Department Vehicle/Equipment Incident Report to be distributed by the supervisor and return it to your supervisor. If necessary, your supervisor will make distribution according to your department’s instructions. Send one copy of the report to: Office of the City Attorney, Claims Office – 7th Floor, 1390 Market Street (Fox Plaza), San Francisco, CA 94102. The Department shall further enforce the Citywide Substance Abuse Prevention Policy’s Post Accident provision and pursue all applicable governing testing procedures and complete all necessary follow through as allowable under each respective MOU. III. For all incidents occurring outside The City and County of San Francisco WITH INJURY: Department employees must perform the following duties: For the purposes of this VUP, injury is defined as any injury to a person or animal which requires the attention of emergency medical or emergency veterinary response or, without the appearance of emergency medical response, any person who claims or complains of pain or injury which the other party states that he or she will visit a hospital or doctor for examination. Such injury may also exist where another party states that an animal injured in the accident will require veterinary assistance or examination • Call 9-1-1 immediately for any injury incident involving a human being, indicate that you are a City employee and request an officer come to the scene to make a collision report, and follow the dispatcher’s guidance. You should await the appearance of a CHP, Sheriff deputy or SFPD peace officer. A police report is required. • Call Central Shops @ 1-415-550-4600 for emergency roadside assistance during normal business hours. Contact Golden Gate Tow @ 1-415-826-8866 or 1-877-826-5123 for tow truck needs after hours or on weekends. You should contact one of these numbers in the event that the city vehicle is no longer operable or if it appears, disabled, unsafe or unfit for further driving. If they are unable to direct you, you should contact a local tow truck or emergency tow service. 13 • • • • • • • • • All Department employees involved in a vehicle incident shall contact their supervisor and report the incident immediately after the incident and when it is safe to do so. Contact The City Attorney’s Office @ 415-554-3900 and report the incident. The City Attorney shall determine the applicability of the claim and whether there remains a need for their office to become involved. If they provide you with further instructions, a claims adjuster (or other individual), or any other relevant information or instructions, document those instructions and provide them to your supervisor. Exchange information with other driver(s) and/or property owners. Do not discuss fault, guilt, or liability. Make certain to proceed as follows: Be courteous and obtain the other driver’s name, address, phone number, license plate number, driver’s license number, insurance company, and policy number. Obtain the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses. Provide the Notice of SelfInsurance card, or other form of proof of insurance. Per Government Code §990, the City and County of San Francisco is self-insured. Take pictures, if possible. Picture taking shall and should include pictures of all vehicles included within the incident/accident, all possible property, including, but not limited to, fences, trees, motorcycles, trailers, signs, or any item of potential value, which can and may result in the issuance of a claim. Make notes and document all pertinent and important information including, but not limited to, date, time, location, (diagram if possible), names, descriptions of people involved, document relevant statements made by others, etc. If a City vehicle strikes a parked unoccupied vehicle, also complete the Notice of Motor Vehicle Accident form and leave it on the damaged property. (File a counter report with the police for this type of accident.) Complete a Department Vehicle/Equipment Incident Report to be distributed by the supervisor and return it to your supervisor. If necessary, your supervisor will make distribution according to your department’s instructions. Send one copy of the report to: Office of the City Attorney, Claims Office – 7th Floor, 1390 Market Street (Fox Plaza), San Francisco, CA 94102. The Department shall further enforce the Citywide Substance Abuse Prevention Policy’s Post Accident provision and pursue all applicable governing testing procedures and complete all necessary follow through as allowable under each respective MOU. IV. For all incidents occurring outside The City and County of San Francisco WITHOUT INJURY AND WITH PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY: Department employees must perform the following duties: • For a non-injury incident on a street or highway, call local Police, Sheriff, or CHP. Indicate that you are a City and County of SF employee and request that an officer come to the scene to make a collision report. After calling, Department employees should wait at least 1 hour for an officer to arrive. All City vehicle incidents on a street or highway outside of San Francisco require a police report. If the police do not respond, go to the nearest police station and file a report to document the incident facts. For accidents outside of San Francisco, do not report the incident to SF police authorities. Rather, you should contact local authorities (Police, Sheriff, or CHP) where the accident occurred. • While outside the City, and during business hours, call Central Shops @ 1-415-5504600 for emergency roadside assistance during normal business hours. Contact Golden Gate Tow @ 1-415-826-8866 or 1-877-826-5123 for tow truck needs after hours or on weekends. You should contact one of these numbers in the event that the city vehicle is no longer operable or if it appears, disabled, unsafe or unfit for further driving. If they 14 • • • • • • • • • • are not able to dispatch a local truck or provide further instructions, you can seek a local tow truck company. All Department employees involved in a vehicle incident shall contact their supervisor and report the incident immediately after the incident and when it is safe to do so. Contact The City Attorney’s Office @ 415-554-3900 and report the incident. The City Attorney shall determine the applicability of the claim and whether there remains a need for their office to become involved. If they provide you with further instructions, a claims adjuster, or any other relevant information or instructions, document those instructions and provide them to your supervisor. For an incident off of a street or highway that does not involve property damage to another party, comply with the Department’s Vehicle/Equipment Incident Reporting Procedures. A police collision report is not required. However, if there is any property damage to another party (i.e., trees, fence, etc.), you must file a police report. Exchange information with other driver(s) and/or property owners. Do not discuss fault, guilt, or liability. Make certain to proceed as follows: Be courteous and obtain the other driver’s name, address, phone number, license plate number, driver’s license number, insurance company, and policy number. Obtain the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses. Provide the Notice of SelfInsurance card, or other form of proof of insurance. Per Government Code §990, the City and County of San Francisco is self-insured. Take pictures, if possible. Picture taking shall and should include pictures of all vehicles included within the incident/accident, all possible property, including, but not limited to, fences, trees, motorcycles, trailers, signs, or any item of potential value, which can and may result in the issuance of a claim. Make notes and document all pertinent and important information including, but not limited to, date, time, location, (diagram if possible), names, descriptions of people involved, document relevant statements made by others, etc. If a City vehicle strikes a parked unoccupied vehicle, also complete the Notice of Motor Vehicle Accident form and leave it on the damaged property. (File a counter report with the police for this type of accident.) Complete a Department Vehicle/Equipment Incident Report to be distributed by the supervisor and return it to your supervisor. If necessary, your supervisor will make distribution according to your department’s instructions. Send one copy of the report to: Office of the City Attorney, Claims Office – 7th Floor, 1390 Market Street (Fox Plaza), San Francisco, CA 94102. The Department shall further enforce the Citywide Substance Abuse Prevention Policy’s Post Accident provision and pursue all applicable governing testing procedures and complete all necessary follow through as allowable under each respective MOU. If the City vehicle is damaged, the appropriate Department designee will obtain an estimate of repair from Central Shops, or from your department designated source within forty-eight (48) hours. Do not wait for an estimate before completing and sending the Vehicle/Equipment Incident Report 5.0 LICENSE SUSPENSIONS AND REVOCATIONS When official notification from the California Department of Motor Vehicles is received stating that an employee has a suspended or revoked license, the manager must: 15 1. Notify the employee of the information received from the EPN Program. 2. Request that employee rectify the situation by obtaining the California Department of Motor Vehicles Driver License/Identification Card Information Report that states their license is valid and provide original to their supervisor. The Report can be obtained at: Department of Motor Vehicles 1377 Fell Street San Francisco, CA 94115 (415) 557-1170 3. Supervisor, manager, or other appropriate designee shall send a copy of the report to Department Personnel. The following Department Rules shall apply to all Department employees assigned to or required to drive city vehicles in furtherance of fulfilling their Department job duties: If employee is unable to rectify the situation, then the Department shall immediately remove the employee from driving duties, until driver status is restored. The Department may, depending on employee’s work assignment, approve an employee’s request for personal leave, compensation time off, vacation, or temporary assignment to another job that does not require driving. If the employee’s driver’s license is suspended or revoked, the employee will have ninety (90) days to rectify his or her driving status. During this time they will not be allowed to drive a City Vehicle. It will be up to the Treasurer or designee whether the employee will be allowed to continue to work during that period to perform their assignment. At the discretion of the Appointing Officer or designee, at the end of ninety (90) days, an employee who has not been able to correct licensure revocation or suspension may be released from employment for failure to meet the minimum requirements of his/her employment. If employee meets the DMV negligent driver criteria, he/she will not be eligible to drive on City business. A negligent driver is defined as one who has recorded four (4) traffic violation point counts within twelve (12) months, six (6) points within twenty-four (24) months, or eight (8) points within thirty-six (36) months. Department employee may be subject to corrective action and/or discipline as applies and as remains consistent with the respective MOU if failure to correct matter is not completed within 90 days and required job duties continue to include driving as a duty and responsibility. 6.0 RECORDKEEPING The Department shall assign, designate or appoint name or title to implement the Program. Such designee or appointee name or title shall maintain motor vehicle incident reports for five (5) years and defensive driving training records for three (3) years. Department designee or appointee shall coordinate with “Trainer” (“title” or “name”) to implement, oversee and maintain all relevant and required records. 16 Department designee or appointee will also ensure that all Department employees assigned to or required to use city vehicles shall be fully trained as to the requirements and schedules set forth within this VUP. Such designee or appointee shall further ensure that all required “refresher” or “updated” training shall be administered and completed by all Department employees assigned to or required to use city vehicles shall be also fully exposed and trained as set forth and required within this VUP. 7.0 RECOGNITION FOR SAFE DRIVING As set forth in page 5 of this Department VUP, all Department employees who drive at least 10 days or more out of any fiscal year, may be considered for special recognition and may be recognized for their safe driving performance by their managers in a fair and uniform manner. 17 Appendix B Vehicular Training Curriculum (Minimum Standards) Office of The Treasurer & Tax Collector Minimum Motor Vehicle Incident Prevention Program and Vehicle Use Policy Training Curriculum The Department shall maintain and address requirements for new drivers (e.g., orientation), continuing education of existing drivers, and instances where remedial training shall be required. The training program shall include both “on-line”/classroom and as needed behindthe-wheel training. Consideration shall be given to the following topics: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Defensive driving Substance abuse Distracted driving (e.g., cell phone use, mobile technology use) Aggressive driving (e.g., tailgating) Vehicle inspection Commodity specific training (e.g., hazardous materials, material handling, cargo security) Safety regulations Security procedures Emergency equipment Post-incident procedures and incident reporting Vehicle inspection/maintenance The Department’s Business Use Declaration of the Program Using a City vehicle on City business if one is provided Seat belt use State motor vehicle laws Personal guests and animals in City vehicles Prohibition of smoking in city vehicles Paying tolls, tickets, and citations A. Substance Abuse/Drug-Free Workplace Be aware that all Department employees are covered and must adhere to the Citywide Substance Abuse Prevention Policy (“SAPP”) ( or MOU provisions that closely follow that policy ( Under these policies, no Department employee may manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs in the workplace. This prohibition includes prescription drugs which may impair any vehicle operator or which are used improperly (e.g., those prescribed or not for the user). As stated in such policies, violation of this policy may be grounds for discipline up to and including dismissal. 18 As a Department employee, if you perform activities in your job that are funded by a federal grant, you must notify your Department Head, or authorized designee, of any drug convictions for violation of drug laws that took place in the workplace within five (5) days of any such conviction. Employees in certain safety-sensitive positions, or in positions where testing is required by federal law, may be required to submit to periodic drug tests. All employees may be required to submit to drug testing under certain circumstances consistent with federal, state, and local laws and applicable City policies (e.g., Substance Abuse Prevention Policy) and MOUs. B. Distracted Driving (Consistent with 2010 Drivers Guide and City Administrator’s Memo dated 8/21/13, Re: Rules and Guidelines Regarding Use of City Vehicles) All Department employees who use city vehicles must adhere to the following rules while using such vehicles: 1. Cell phone use is prohibited while operating a city vehicle. (This includes wireless, hands-free devices.) Department employees shall not text while driving. Department employees shall not use a laptop, notebook, GPS device, or net book while driving. Department employees must limit over-air communications whenever possible. It is recommended that you record a voicemail message for your phone specifically for when you are driving to let others know you will return their call as soon as it is safe to do so. 2. Department employees shall refrain from smoking or eating while operating a city vehicle. 3. Department employees shall refrain from the use of head phones for audio entertainment while operating a city vehicle. 4. Unless authorized by management, non-employees are prohibited from riding within or on vehicles. (example: allowing SFPD officers in a city vehicle while conducting evening or weekend investigative work) 5. Unless authorized by management, animals are prohibited from riding within or on vehicles. Authorized and physician approved “guide dogs” shall be an exception which should be first approved by The Department Officer or Authorized designee. C. As stated previously in page 6 of this VUP, an employee who is required to or assigned to use a city vehicle should never drive in an “aggressive fashion.” Aggressive Driving is defined as: Speeding, driving in a selfish, bold or pushy manner, without regard for the rights or safety of other users on the roadway; failure to observe traffic laws. Aggressive driving shall include, but not be limited to, excessive use of a vehicle’s “horn,” “tailgating,” regular and repetitive unnecessary lane changes, maintaining and using speeds either above the posted speed limit(s) and/or which is/are at a level which are not safe for the conditions of the road at the time of the usage. Aggressive driving shall also consist of unnecessary quick starting and stopping, unnecessary braking and “cutting off” of other drivers. Under no circumstances should you show, carry or use any weapon. Such restrictions shall only apply to Department employees and shall not restrict permitted guests legally allowed to carry a weapon such as s member of SFPD. Aggressive driving shall also be defined to include verbal arguments with other drivers or pedestrians. Use of obscene gestures shall also be strictly prohibited while operating a vehicle. 19 D. Vehicle Inspection Maintenance Department employees shall also adhere to the following guidelines and rules whenever using, maintaining and/or operating a city vehicle: 1. Fueling (taken from 2010 Drivers Guide): For emergency readiness, keep a city vehicle at least 1/4 full at all times and at the end of each shift. Department employees must use City-operated refueling stations for your city vehicle unless specifically authorized by The Department’s Appointing Officer or Authorized designee. (For example, if city employees are approved to travel by city vehicle to a distant location, convention, work site, etc. and a “round trip” and normal usage will exceed a “tankful,” of gas, then use of a non-City refueling station is reasonable and acceptable.) City refueling stations shall be used solely for City vehicles. Stations require the use of an asset management refueling key. Each City vehicle has an individually assigned Fuel Key to access any of the Cityoperated automated self-serve refueling stations. To obtain a new or replacement Fuel Key the appropriate Department “designee” shall contact your departmental fleet coordinator or Central Shops. Refueling instructions are posted at each station. The basic steps are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Key in the mileage reading + “Enter” at the Sentry post. Insert your refueling key to identify the vehicle. Choose the pump you want to use, and key in the pump number + “Enter”. Then pump gas as at a regular service station. Before Department employees drive a CNG (compressed natural gas) vehicle, Department employees must attend a thirty (30) minute safety training course. The appropriate Department designee shall contact your departmental fleet coordinator or Central Shops to sign up for training. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. At a City-operated CNG station, use the asset management key. No smoking or open flame shall be allowed within fifty (50) feet of the fueling area or at any time in the vehicle. Shut the engine off. Set the vehicle’s hand or emergency brake. 4. Remove the protective cap on the vehicle refueling receptacle (if applicable). Remove the fueling hose from the dispenser. Inspect the fueling hose and connector prior to making a connection. Make a connection and ensure the connector is locked in place. Open the refueling valve. Turn the dispenser on. Turn the dispenser off after flow stops registering on it. Shut off the refueling valve. Place the fueling hose back on the dispenser. 20 2. Car Wash Under certain circumstances car washes are available to City vehicles, and require a numbered voucher issued by Central Shops. Standard washes include outside wash and dry, interior vacuum and windows. Follow your department’s policy regarding car washes, and adhere to the City’s goal of reducing water usage and car washing expenses by at least fifty percent (50%). Department employees are required to maintain city vehicles in a clean and presentable fashion. Department employees who regularly use city vehicles shall also be required to make certain city vehicles are washed and cleaned. 3. Maintenance The appropriate Cashier section designee shall ensure that all City vehicles receive scheduled preventive maintenance at regular intervals to ensure safe, cost effective operations and to comply with warranty requirements. That Department designee or appointee shall receive preventive maintenance notices which are distributed each month in advance of the due date to departmental fleet coordinators and/or drivers. A “Next Service Due” decal is placed on the upper left hand corner of the windshield to assist you in maintaining the City vehicle. For service appointments, the appropriate Department employee shall contact your departmental fleet coordinator or Central Shops. It is the duty and responsibility of all Department employees who use city vehicles to be observant and cognizant of any signs or signals of scheduled or unscheduled required maintenance. Signs indicating necessary maintenance may include but not be limited to, warning, service, check engine, oil change lights, leaks, overheating, worn tires, etc. Contact your departmental fleet coordinator or Central Shops to request a service appointment. Keep your vehicle clean, inside and out. Training provided to all Department employees who are assigned to or required to drive city vehicles will include receipt of the The City and County of San Francisco Driver’s Guide issued by the General Services Administration in January 2015 (Appendix E). All Department employees who drive city vehicles must be aware of all its information, contents, and details. 21 Appendix C Business Use Declaration of the Program Office of The Treasurer & Tax Collector Motor Vehicle Incident Prevention Program Driver Acknowledgment and Instructions All Department employees who are assigned to or required to use city vehicles shall acknowledge the following declaration and shall abide by all terms included herein. Department employees who drive city vehicles must date, acknowledge and sign this Driver Acknowledgement as well as any supervisor who oversees any staff who drive Department vehicles. Operating an organizational vehicle is a privilege. All Department drivers who use such city vehicles will be responsible and accountable to meet all of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Possess a valid motor vehicle driver’s license issued by the State of California. This license must have the appropriate classification and any required endorsements needed for operating the vehicle(s) assigned to the operator. Be subject to a driver’s motor vehicle record check, and if such records show a suspension or revocation of driving privileges, the driver will not be authorized to operate a motor vehicle for the organization. Operate motor vehicles in a safe manner at all times. Comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Report any mechanical or safety defects immediately. Comply with maintenance schedules as prescribed by the Department. Report moving violations or parking citations to their supervisor by the end of their work shift. Upon notification report changes in driver’s licensure status to their supervisor within twenty-four (24) hours or by the next business day to their supervisor. Accurately record and report vehicle mileage in accordance with organization procedures. Participate in required driver safety education and training Programs including an annual review of the Driver’s Guide. Require all occupants to use seat belts, child safety seats, booster seats or other age or weight appropriate restraint devices at all times. Pay all tolls, moving/parking violation fines, and fees in a timely manner, unless otherwise specified in a MOU. Not alter in any way without their supervisors’ approval vehicles or equipment within a vehicle leased, owned or rented by the organization in any way. Special permission is required to transport children in City vehicles. If you are authorized to transport children in your City vehicle, always transport children under age thirteen (13) in the back seat. Infants in rear-facing infant seats and other children under age thirteen (13) should never be in the front passenger seat facing an airbag. Never operate a computer or other electronic device while driving a motor vehicle. Pull off the road to a safe location prior to making or receiving phone calls or using an electronic device. 22 17. 18. 19. Do not transport any personal guest in a City vehicle, unless approved by the Department Head and the guest is essential to municipal business. Department vehicles specifically utilized for the purpose of transporting clients of the Department shall be exempt from this requirement. Do not transport animals in a City vehicle, unless the animal is associated with City business and the vehicle is properly equipped to do so. The Department reserves the right to install GPS systems in order to complement the City’s Asset Management Program. Within the usage of such a program, Management may choose to use GPS data for any vehicular incident or personnel disciplinary investigations. Operating privileges shall be revoked if: 1. Driver does not adhere to responsibilities listed above. 2. The driver’s license is revoked, suspended, withdrawn or denied. 3. Driver refuses to undergo drug or alcohol testing in accordance with organizational policies or as required by applicable state or local jurisdiction. 4. Operating outside the limitations of a restricted license. I, ______________________ , have read and understand the Business Use Policy established by The Office of The Treasurer & Tax Collector, and I agree to abide by the provisions of this policy. I understand that violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Driver Signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________________ Supervisor Signature: _____________________________ Date: ________________________ 23 All Department employees who use city vehicles must further understand and follow the laws which regulate their use of City-Owned Vehicles as set forth in: Appendix D FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Administrative Code Section 4.11 4.11. USE OF CITY-OWNED VEHICLES. (a) Vehicles owned, leased or rented by the City and County and assigned to, or under the jurisdiction of, The Department shall be used only in the discharge and transaction of municipal business. No officer, employee or authorized volunteer of the City and County shall use any such vehicle without the consent of the head of such department. The Appointing Officer or Authorized designee of the Department which has jurisdiction over any such vehicle may not assign any such vehicle to any individual officer or employee unless a written request justifying the need for personal assignment is made by the individual officer or employee and approved by the Director of Administrative Services. (b) No vehicle owned, leased or rented by the City and County and assigned to, or under the jurisdiction of, any department of the City and County shall be used for transportation to and from an employee's place of residence except as provided below: (1) The employee resides in or both resides and works outside of the City and County and is on call for work after his or her normal workday is completed and the nature of the work has required the use of a City and County vehicle after hours on at least five (5) occasions in the preceding twelve (12) month period; or (2) The employee resides in or both resides and works outside of the City and County and must leave his or her residence prior to 8:00 a.m. on City and County business away from his or her normal place of work; or (3) The employee resides in or both resides and works outside of the City and County and would return to his or her normal place of work from an appointment on City and County business after 6:00 p.m. or on a weekend.* (c) Penalty. Any employee violating the provisions of this Section shall pay to the City and County an amount equal to three times the City and County's mileage reimbursement rate times the number of miles driven in violation thereof. (d) Except as otherwise provided by ordinance, an authorized volunteer, while operating a motor vehicle owned by the City and County pursuant to authorization by the head of the department to which said vehicle is assigned or which has jurisdiction over said vehicle, shall be deemed to be an employee of the City and County solely for purposes of California Vehicle Code Section 17001 and Division 3.6 of Title 1 of the 24 Government Code of the State of California, and for no other purpose; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to permit the authorization to operate a motor vehicle owned, leased or rented by the City and County contrary to the provisions of the Vehicle Code of the State of California. (Amended by Ord. 562-79, App. 11/16/79; Ord. 358-93, App. 11/15/93; Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; Ord. 410-97, App. 10/31/97; Ord. 35-04, File No. 031934, App. 3/19/2004) *Paragraphs b.4 - b.6 have been deleted as they refer to non-departmental public safety and emergency response positions. 25 Appendix E Driver’s Guide City and County of San Francisco General services agency Fleet Management Department Design & Printing: City & County of San Francisco Repromail Photos: San Francisco Convention & Visitors Bureau Edwin M. Lee, Mayor Naomi Kelly, City Administrator January 2015 Emergency Services Reference Incident Procedures.....................................................Page 12 Insurance Coverage Document....................................Page 14 Roadside Assistance/Breakdown..................................Page 15 Towing Central Shops................................................ 550-4600 Golden Gate Tow............................................826-8866 • Passenger vehicles • Trucks – ¾ ton and smaller Atlas Towing...................................................673-4242 • Trucks – 1 ton and larger Central Shops............................................................550-4600 Introduction to the Driver’s Guide This Driver’s Guide is intended for use by all who drive a city vehicle on official business for the City and County of San Francisco. The Guide includes: • Emergency phone numbers, • Information on safety, driver responsibilities, and periodic activities for maintaining a City vehicle, • Instructions on what to do if you get in an incident. Eleven departments worked together and agreed on the contents as a minimum standard for guiding vehicle use. Individual departments may have additional information and instruction for a driver, or may impose more restrictive rules overriding the contents of this shared guide. Consult your individual department management for such additions and restrictions. Visit us on the City intranet for the latest downloadable version of this Driver’s Guide in PDF format. You will also find there the Fleet Department’s standard forms. Drive safely. Departmental Contributors: Nancy George, GSA Teri Jourgensen, SFPort Derek Fliess, SFO Napoleon Campbell, SFPUC Mike Haase, CTYATT Steven Lee, MTA Lydia Zaverukha, RPD Molly Peterson, RPD Jeffrey Bramlett, RPD Frances Culp, DPH Rich Lee, SFPD Michele Borges, DSS Vitus Leung, GSA Tom Fung, FMD Drivers Guide 1 Table of Contents Introduction to the Driver’s Guide 1 Transit First Policy 3 Driver’s Mission Statement 3 Driver Responsibilities Authorized Use of a City Vehicle 5 Misuse of a City Vehicle 5 Vehicle Pools 5 Using a Personal Vehicle on City Business 5 Parking / Storage of a City Vehicle 6 Fueling 6-9 Car Wash 10 Maintenance 10 Towed or Stolen Vehicle 11 Incident 2 3-4 12-13 Automobile Insurance 14 Roadside Assistance / Breakdown 15 Fleet Management / Central Shops 16 Maintenance and Repair Shops 16 Index 17 City and County of San Francisco Transit First Policy Make public transit your first choice for travel on City business. Teleconference, walk, bike, take Muni, BART or carpool whenever you reasonably can. The Driver’s Mission If you must use a City vehicle, your mission is to use it to conduct necessary city business, to represent the City and your department in public, and to drive legally, safely and courteously. Driver Responsibilities: • Maintaining a valid California driver’s license and notifying their supervisors immediately if they receive any notification from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) that affects their ability to drive a City vehicle. • Reviewing and endorsing the Department’s Business Use Declaration. • Conducting a pre-operation vehicle inspection each time a vehicle is to be operated to ensure equipment operates safely. Report unsafe conditions immediately. GSA-Fleet can provide an inspection check list for departments. • Using a City vehicle on City business if one is provided. • Informing supervisor(s) of motor vehicle incidents, including traffic violations and parking violations, before the end of work shifts. • Attending required trainings, including but not limited to Defensive Driving Training, as scheduled. • Wearing a seat belt when riding in or operating a City vehicle. • Knowing and obeying State motor vehicle laws and defensive driving rules. • Prohibiting the transportation of any personal guest in a City vehicle, unless approved by the Department Head and if the guest is essential to municipal functions. • Not transporting animals in a City vehicle, unless the animal is associated with City business and the vehicle is properly equipped to do so. Drivers Guide 3 • Not using hand-held or hands-free phones or any other handheld or hands-free mobile technology while driving on City business. • Not smoking in City vehicles. • Cooperating with incident investigators and complying with corrective actions that could lead to progressive discipline for violation of safe driving practices. • Responsible for paying any citations, tolls, and fees in a timely manner or be subject to potential disciplinary procedures. • Consistent with our environmental goals, and to reduce operating costs, City employees are not allowed to idle an engine for more than five consecutive minutes. For passenger vehicles in general, if you are likely to idle one minute or longer, turn the engine off and restart when ready to go. Diesel vehicles, per California law, must not idle for longer than 5 minutes. A list of seven specific exceptions to this rule is available on the Fleet Department section of the intranet, or from Fleet Management at 550-4600. • Your use of a City vehicle for commuting purposes (i.e. to and from work) could qualify as imputed income under IRS rules and must be reported. Report any commuter use to your manager and/or departmental payroll office, following their instructions. 4 City and County of San Francisco Authorized Use of a City Vehicle Vehicles owned, leased or rented by the City and County and assigned to, or under the jurisdiction of, any department of the City and County, shall be used only in the discharge and transaction of municipal business. (Administrative Code Section 4.11) Volunteers and contractors are not authorized to use City vehicles. Misuse of a City Vehicle A City vehicle shall be used only in the discharge and transaction of municipal business. To report suspected misuse, contact the Controller’s Whistleblower Complaints Program at index.asp, or call the Customer Service Center at 3-1-1. Vehicle Pools For City Hall and nearby drivers, a vehicle pool is available for daily use. Contact the City Hall Vehicle Pool desk at (415) 554-4933 for information, eligibility or reservation. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday. Pool vehicles generally are for day use only with occasional overnight trips. City CarShare supplements our vehicle pools, offering an alternative of over 200 vehicles in 40 pods throughout the City, for hourly rental. These vehicles are most economical when you make trips of 3 hours or less, up to 3 times a week. Contact your departmental fleet coordinator for information, eligibility and to sign up, or email [email protected]. Using a Personal Vehicle on City Business Follow your department-specific policy and procedures for using a personal vehicle on City business. In case of an accident in a personal vehicle, use the Vehicle/Equipment Incident Report form to provide the same information as if driving a City vehicle. Your personal insurance is in first place on claims for accidents when driving your personal vehicle. Drivers Guide 5 Parking / Storage of a City Vehicle City vehicles are not exempt from parking restrictions, regulations and associated fees. Check with your Department if your vehicle has a prepaid parking license, otherwise you must pay the posted parking meter rates. A City vehicle left longer than the posted time limits are subject to citation. All other parking restrictions apply, and City vehicles are subject to citation and, potentially, towing when in violation. Outside the City, you have to pay if you use a metered parking space. As a City vehicle driver, you are responsible for the storage and safekeeping of the vehicle at all times while it is in your care. Fueling For emergency readiness, always keep your vehicle fuel tank at least ¼ full, or the minimum set by your department. Emergency and public safety vehicles should be at least ¾ full at end of shift. Use City-operated refueling stations for your city vehicle. City refueling stations shall be used solely for City vehicles. Our stations require the use of a TRAK System refueling key. Each City vehicle has an individually assigned Fuel Key to access any of the City-operated automated self-serve refueling stations. To obtain a new or replacement Fuel Key, contact your departmental fleet coordinator or Central Shops. Refueling instructions are posted at each station. The basic steps are: 1. Key in the mileage reading + “Enter” at the Sentry post 2. Insert your TRAK key to identify the vehicle 3. Choose the pump you want to use, and key in the pump number + “Enter” 4. Then pump gas as at a regular service station. 6 City and County of San Francisco Before drivers use a CNG (compressed natural gas) vehicle, they must attend a 30-minute safety training course. Contact your departmental fleet coordinator or Central Shops to sign up for training. At a City-operated CNG station, use the Sentry and your TRAK key. At a PG&E CNG station, use the Sentry and your PG&E fuel card. How to Fuel Natural Gas Vehicles Safely 1. No smoking or open flame shall be allowed within 50 ft. of the fueling area or at any time in the vehicle. 2. Shut the engine off. 3. Set the vehicle’s hand or emergency brake. 4. Remove the protective cap on the vehicle refueling receptacle (if applicable). 5. Remove the fueling hose from the dispenser. 6. Inspect the fueling hose and connector prior to making a connection. 7. Make a connection and ensure the connector is locked in place. 8. Open the refueling valve. 9. Turn the dispenser on. 10.Turn the dispenser off after flow stops registering on it. 11.Shut off the refueling valve. 12.Place the fueling hose back on the dispenser. Drivers Guide 7 Locations, Hours and Available Fuel Types are: Cesar Chavez DPW 2323 Cesar Chavez Unleaded, Diesel, CNG 3000/3600 psi, 24 hours Hall of Justice 950 Bryant Street Unleaded, Premium unleaded, 24 hours Golden Gate Park 100 Martin Luther King Drive Unleaded, Diesel, CNG 3000/3600 psi, 24 hours The following PG&E CNG Service Centers stations require the use of a PG&E CNG fuel card. This service is significantly more expensive than using City CNG stations: 536 Treat Avenue (x – 19th Street) – 3000/3600 psi, 6 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Friday, Currently, two garages accommodate recharging for full-size electric vehicles (i.e. Toyota Rav4, Honda EV, Ford Think), not Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (golf cart type). No key or card is required. Civic Center Garage McAllister and Polk Streets Hours: 6:00 a.m. – 12:00 midnight (Requires entry into garage by monthly parking pass or hourly ticket) Performing Arts Garage Grove Grove Street (x – Gough Street) Hours: 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (Requires entry into garage by monthly parking pass or hourly ticket) Use the following internet link for a map of alternative fuel locations in Northern California: 8 City and County of San Francisco The following PUC fueling facilities (for emergency only on a case by case basis) require the use of a PUC fuel card/key. City Distribution Center 1990 Newcomb Street San Francisco Water Supply and Treatment 1000 El Camino Real Millbrae – 24 hours Sunol Yard Hetch Hetchy Yard 505 Paloma Way 1 Lakeshore Drive SunolMoccasin Detailed maps for each location may be found on the City intranet for Fleet Management. • Click the link for “Where are fuel stations?” to go to the internet map. Each icon on the map is a separate fueling location. Fuel Stations 101 N Van ess 80 . ther King Martin Lu t. tS ya n Br Fell St t HOJ ke Dr. ar M havez Cesar C 280 PGE Treat St. GGP ls om CCG Fo ART St . PGE DPW 101 Drivers Guide 99 Car Wash Car washes are available to City vehicles, and require a numbered voucher issued by Central Shops. Standard washes include outside wash and dry, interior vacuum and windows. Follow your department’s policy regarding car washes, and adhere to the City’s goal of reducing car washing expenses by 50%. As of April 2010, the City currently contracts with: Tower Car Wash 1601 Mission Street (x-street South Van Ness) (415) 558-9274 Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., 7 days a week If waxing, detailing or interior repairs are necessary, contact your departmental fleet coordinator, or Central Shops at (415) 550-4600. Maintenance A City vehicle receives scheduled preventive maintenance at regular intervals to ensure safe, cost effective operations and to comply with warranty requirements. A preventive maintenance notice is sent out each month in advance of the due date to departmental fleet coordinators and/or drivers. A “Next Service Due” decal is placed on the upper left hand corner of the windshield to assist you in maintaining the City vehicle. For service appointments, contact your departmental fleet coordinator or Central Shops. You can request service at other times as needed. If you notice warning, service, check engine, oil change lights, leaks, overheating, worn tires, etc., contact your departmental fleet coordinator or Central Shops. Keep your vehicle clean, inside and out. 10 City and County of San Francisco Towed or Stolen Vehicle If you return to the vehicle and it isn’t there, it may have been towed or stolen. • First, notify your manager to report the vehicle missing, and obtain the license plate number if necessary. • Then, if needed, call the Police at (415) 553-0123 to report a city vehicle missing; identify the vehicle using the license plate number. If the vehicle has been towed, you are responsible for retrieving it, and you are responsible for paying towing, storage and related fees. Storage fees start after a few hours so it is in your best interest to recover the vehicle quickly. If it has not been towed, the Police will initiate a stolen vehicle report with you. Be sure to notify your manager. Drivers Guide 11 VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT INCIDENT PROCEDURES In case of an incident: 1. Call 911 immediately for an injury incident, indicate that you are a City employee, and follow the dispatcher’s guidance. For a non-injury incident call 553-0123, indicate that you are a City employee and request that an officer come to the scene to make a collision report. After calling, employees should wait up to 1 hour for an officer to arrive. All City vehicle incidents on a street, highway or freeway require a police report. If the police do not respond, go to the nearest police station and file a report to document the incident facts. Vehicle incidents that occur on public property off of a street, highway or freeway in which no damage to private property has occurred will not require a police report. 2. Notify your supervisor. 3. If there is property damage or personal injury to the public, contact the On Call Investigator in the City Attorney’s office at 554-3900. Exchange information with other driver(s). Do not discuss fault, guilt, or liability. 4. Be courteous and obtain the other driver’s name, address, phone number, license plate number, driver’s license number, insurance company, and policy number. Obtain the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses. Provide the Notice of Self-Insurance card, or other form of proof of insurance. Per Government Code §990, the City and County of San Francisco is self-insured. 5. Take pictures, if possible. 12 City and County of San Francisco 6. If a City vehicle strikes a parked unoccupied vehicle or private property, also complete the Notice of Motor Vehicle Incident form and leave it on the damaged property. (For this type of incident, go to the nearest police station and file a report at the counter to document the incident facts.) 7. If you need a tow truck, call the City’s contracted towing company. For passenger vehicles or for trucks under 1-ton, call Golden Gate Tow at 826-8866. For trucks of 1-ton or more, call Atlas Towing at 673-4242. 8. Complete the Vehicle/Equipment Incident Report within 24 hours and make distribution according to your department’s instructions. Send one copy of the report to: Office of the City Attorney, Claims Office – 7th Floor, 1390 Market Street (Fox Plaza), San Francisco, CA 94102. 9. The driver of a City vehicle driving on City business who is involved in a motor vehicle accident must submit a Vehicle/ Equipment Incident Report within 24 hours of the incident. 10.If the City vehicle is damaged, obtain an estimate of repair from Central Shops, or from your department designated source within 48 hours. Do not wait for an estimate before completing and sending the Incident Report. Drivers Guide 13 Automobile Insurance Automobile liability insurance covering bodily injury and property damage is provided by the City’s self-insurance program. See below for the notice of self-insurance. Contact the Risk Management Department at (415) 554-2300 for any insurance related questions. Contact the City Attorney at (415) 554-3900 for information regarding filing a claim. A claim form is available on-line at aspx?documentid=427. NOTICE OF SELF-INSURANCE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO The City and County of San Francisco is self-insured pursuant to the §990 Government Code. For information on filing a claim for damages please contact: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Claims Office – 7th Floor 1390 Market Street (Fox Plaza) San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 554-3900 14 City and County of San Francisco Emergency Roadside Assistance / Breakdown Call Central Shops at (415) 550-4600, or call your department’s Maintenance Facility, if you need emergency roadside assistance, After hours or on weekends, call a towing company contracted by the City. As of March, 2010, our towing companies are: Golden Gate Tow (415) 826-8866 (877) 826-5123 Use Golden Gate for passenger vehicles, and for trucks ¾-ton and less. Atlas Towing Use Atlas for 1-ton trucks and higher. (415) 673-4242 If you are outside the City, and it is during business hours, call Central Shops or your department’s Maintenance Facility for instructions. If the breakdown occurs after hours, arrange to have the vehicle towed to the nearest repair facility and have the repair facility contact Central Shops. Emergency roadside assistance covers: • Locked vehicle service – retrieval of ignition key when locked inside the vehicle. • Battery jump/boost – jump start a vehicle with a drained battery. • Flat tire change – change the flat tire using the vehicle’s spare. • Emergency gas, oil and water – provide minimum quantity to get the vehicle safely back on the road or in to a City garage. • Mechanical first aid – perform minor adjustments to enable a vehicle to be safely operated. • Towing – tow a disabled vehicle to the nearest City garage. Drivers Guide 15 Fleet Management / Central Shops Department Administration 1800 Jerrold Avenue San Francisco, CA 94124 Telephone: (415) 550-4600 Fax: (415) 550-4611 Maintenance and Repair Shop Locations and Hours Central Shops (Main Shop) Port Shop 1800 Jerrold Avenue Pier 50 San Francisco, CA 94124 (415) 597-7910 (415) 550-4600/4623 Fax: (415) 550-4611 Hours: 7:30am – 11:30pm, M-F Hall of Justice Shop 950 Bryant Street (415) 553-1838 16 Golden Gate Park Shop 100 Martin Luther King Drive (415) 753-7010 City and County of San Francisco Index Alternative Fuels, 6 - 9 Breakdown, 15 Car Pools, 5 Cell phone, 4 Central Shops, 16, 20 CNG, 6-9 Commuter benefits, 4 DMV, 4 Driver Responsibilities, 3 Electric vehicle, 8 Emergency Services, 15, 20 Fueling, 6-9 Golden Gate Park, 8, 16 Hall of Justice, 8, 16 Incident, 12-13 Insurance, 14 Laptop, 4 License, 3 Maintenance, 10 Mission Statement, 3 Misuse, 5 Parking, 6 Personal Vehicle Use, 5 Pool Vehicle, 5 Roadside Assistance, 15 Safety, 3-4 Seatbelt, 3 Smoking, 4 Stolen, 11 Storage, 6 Drivers Guide 17 Notes 18 City and County of San Francisco Notes Drivers Guide 19 Emergency Services Reference Incident Procedures.....................................................Page 12 Insurance Coverage Document....................................Page 14 Roadside Assistance/Breakdown..................................Page 15 Towing Central Shops................................................ 550-4600 Golden Gate Tow............................................826-8866 • Passenger vehicles • Trucks – ¾ ton and smaller Atlas Towing...................................................673-4242 • Trucks – 1 ton and larger Central Shops............................................................550-4600 FMCS104 1/15 20 City and County of San Francisco Driver’s Guide City and County of San Francisco General services agency Fleet Management Department Design & Printing: City & County of San Francisco Repromail Photos: San Francisco Convention & Visitors Bureau Edwin M. Lee, Mayor Naomi Kelly, City Administrator January 2015 VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT INCIDENT REPORT OTHER PERSON / DRIVER TYPE OF INCIDENT CONFIDENTIAL TO THE CITY ATTORNEY IMPORTANT: IF THIS IS AN EMERGENCY IMMEDIATELY CONTACT 911. IF THIS INCIDENT INVOLVES INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE CONTACT THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE (554-3900). WITHIN 24 HOURS OF AN INCIDENT COMPLETE THIS REPORT AND FORWARD TO YOUR SUPERVISOR. DO NOT DISCUSS THIS INCIDENT WITH ANYONE OTHER THAN AUTHORIZED CITY PERSONNEL. TYPE OF INCIDENT (e.g. single or multiple vehicle(s), property, etc.) DATE OF INCIDENT TIME A.M. P.M. LOCATION OF INCIDENT CITYAND STATE NAME OF OTHER PERSON / DRIVER (If more than one person/driver, attach additional pages) PRIMARY LANGUAGE DOB EMAIL ADDRESS HOME ADDRESS HOME PHONE CELLULAR PHONE WORK PHONE VISUALLY IMPAIRED? YES NO DRIVER'S LICENSE NO. EXPIRATION DATE STATE OF ISSUE LICENSE CLASS: A B C RESTRICTIONS EMPLOYEE / DRIVER CITY EMPLOYEE NAME / DRIVER DOB SOCIAL, SECURITY, DSW, OR ID NO. WERE YOU ON CITY BUSINESS AT THE TIME OF THE INCIDENT? YES NO WERE YOU INJURED? YES NO EMPLOYEE'S DEPARTMENT NAME OF SUPERVISOR EMPLOYEE'S HOME PHONE PHONE NO. CELLULAR PHONE WORK PHONE EMPLOYEE'S WORK ADDRESS Complete the following driver's license information if the incident involves a vehicle incident: EMPLOYEE'S DRIVER'S LICENSE NO. STATE OF ISSUANCE EXPIRATION DATE LICENSE CLASS: A B C RESTRICTIONS? WEATHER AND VISIBILITY CONDITIONS (e.g. raining, daylight/night/dark/dusk) INCIDENT INFO PROPERTY DAMAGE? (Other than vehicle damage, which should be entered in the Vehicle Incident section of this form) PHOTOS, OR VIDEO FOOTAGE TAKEN (NOTE: Please preserve originals): YES NO ATTACHED: YES NO Name, address and phone numbers, e-mail of persons taking photos and/or video ALTERATIONS MADE TO THE SCENE AFTER THE INCIDENT (Describe, by whom? when? where?) DID A MALFUNCTION OR DEFECT CONTRIBUTE TO THE INCIDENT? IF YES, EXPLAIN (Attach separate page if necessary) WHERE CAN PROPERTY / VEHICLE BE INSPECTED? Page 1 of 4 CA/FORM . Rev. 12/14. dmck CONFIDENTIAL TO THE CITY ATTORNEY INCIDENT INFO CONT’D DESCRIBE THE INCIDENT IN DETAIL (Attach separate page if necessary) REMARKS MADE BY YOU AT THE SCENE REMARKS MADE BY OTHERS AT THE SCENE DID ANYONE ADMIT FAULT? HOW SO? SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL AT THE SCENE WITNESSES WITNESSES Name, address and phone numbers, e-mail. (Attach separate page if necessary) Page 2 of 4 CONFIDENTIAL TO THE CITY ATTORNEY IF A VEHICLE IS INVOLVED, PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS. IF A VEHICLE IS NOT INVOLVED, SKIP TO THE SIGNATURE SECTION AT THE BOTTOM OF PAGE 4. CITY VEHICLE NO. CITY VEHICLE’S LICENSE PLATE NO. MAKE MODEL COLOR YEAR VIN NO. CITY VEHICLE DESCRIBE DAMAGE Damage: Minor Moderate Major NAMES, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBERS, E-MAIL OF PASSENGER(S) IN CITY VEHICLE WERE THERE INJURIES TO ANYONE IN THE CITY VEHICLE? List name(s) and describe injuries. Was an ambulance called or hospital transport required? Name of hospital if known. If more than one vehicle, attach additional pages. LICENSE PLATE NO. STATE OF ISSUE MAKE MODEL COLOR YEAR VIN NO. OTHER VEHICLE(S) (IF APPLICABLE) INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NO. ADDRESS DESCRIBE DAMAGE Damage: Minor Moderate Major NAMES, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBERS, E-MAIL OF PASSENGER(S) IN OTHER VEHICLE WERE THERE INJURIES TO ANYONE IN THE OTHER VEHICLE? List name(s) and describe injuries. Was an ambulance called or hospital transport required? Name of hospital if known. Page 3 of 4 CONFIDENTIAL TO THE CITY ATTORNEY APPROX. SPEED OF CITY VEHICLE APPROX. SPEED OF OTHER VEHICLE CITATIONS ISSUED: YES NO VIOLATION(S) CITATIONS ISSUED: YES NO VIOLATION(S) CITY VEHICLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL ON STREET OTHER VEHICLE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL ON STREET POLICE CASE NO. CITY VEHICLE LIGHTS: ON OFF SPEED LIMIT SPEED LIMIT STAR/UNIT NO. POLICE PHOTOS TAKEN: YES NO OTHER VEHICLE LIGHTS: ON OFF WAS 911 CALLED? YES NO CITY VEHICLE SIRENS: YES NO CITY VEHICLE SEATBELTS: YES NO OTHER VEHICLE SEATBELTS (IF KNOWN): YES NO TRAFFIC CONTROLS: SIGNALS SIGNS YIELD OTHER EXPLAIN ROAD CONDITIONS (e.g., construction or obstructions) SIGNATURES VEHICLE INCIDENT INFO DIAGRAM OF INCIDENT MAKE DIAGRAM AS COMPLETE AS POSSIBLE. IDENTIFY STREET NAMES, VEHICLES, AND OTHER OBSTACLES THAT HAVE ANY BEARING ON THE INCIDENT. INDICATE YOUR VEHICLE AND THE OTHER VEHICLE AND MARK THE DAMAGE: Employee Completing Form Employee's Signature Supervisor's Name Date Supervisor's Signature Page 4 of 4 Date