Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden
Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden
Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Exploring, explaining and celebrating the world of plants 2014 Fall Bulb Mart ▲ All bulbs are packaged in quantities as specified. No partial quantities will be accepted. Alliums Alliums are ornamental onions; the globe types are beautiful in bloom as well as dried. Full sun to partial shade. Wildlife resistant. A. aflatunense ‘Purple Sensation’ May-June 24-30” Four-inch globes of star-shaped, reddish purple florets. 5 for $6 A. albopilosum May-June 14-24” Circa 1901 heirloom, also known as A. christophi or Star of Persia. Ten-inch globes of amethyst-violet florets with silver highlights and dark green eyes. 5 for $6 A. ‘Ambassador’ June-July 48” Seven-inch globes of tightly compacted, intensely purple florets. 3 for $20 A. ‘Gladiator’ May-June 36-48” A cross between A. aflatunense and A. macleanii, this colossus has six-inch globes comprised of rose-purple florets. 3 for $9 A. ‘Globemaster’ June 36-48” Long-lasting 10” globes of purple florets above foliage that remains green longer than most other globe alliums. 3 for $20 A. jesdianum ‘White Empress’ May 24-32” Long-lasting six-inch globes of starry white florets with dark lime-green centers on strong stems. Early leaf growth stays green through the flowering season. 3 for $11 A. atropurpureum June 24-34” Circa 1800 heirloom. Compressed two-inch umbels of maroon-purple florets. 5 for $5 A. karataviense ‘Ivory Queen’ ▲ May 12” Densely packed four-inch globes of green-eyed ivory flowers framed by glaucous blue-green foliage. 5 for $7 A. azureum ▲ June 24” Circa 1830 heirloom. Small globes of cornflower-blue flowers with darker midveins. 10 for $5 A. bulgaricum May-June 36” Also known as Nectaroscordum, this circa 1873 heirloom has clusters of pendant greenish-white florets flushed purple and edged in white. 10 for $7 2 A. moly ‘Jeannine’ Late May 14” An improved selection of A. moly, ‘Jeannine’ has two stems with two-inch umbels of star-shaped yellow florets. 10 for $5 A. ostrowskianum May-June 6-8” A circa 1873 heirloom with loose two-inch clusters of pink-purple florets with dark midveins. 10 for $4 GREATER DES MOINES BOTANICAL GARDEN 2014 FALL BULB MART A. schubertii ▲ May-June 16” A circa 1896 heirloom, A. schubertii has 12” clusters of rose-purple florets for a spidery, fireworks-like appearance. 3 for $8 A. sphaerocephalon ▲ July 24” The drumstick allium. Excellent naturalizer with dense, egg-shaped dark crimson-purple florets. A 16th century heirloom that has become a garden staple. 10 for $4 A. unifolium June 2” A moisture-tolerant gem dating from 1873 has two-inch clusters of bellshaped, lavender-pink flowers. 10 for $4 Anemone These happy little flowers work wonderfully as an underplanting to larger bulbs and in woodland settings. Relatively free from pests, these small daisy-like flowers work best en masse. A. blanda Mixed Colors April-May 4” A nice mix of purples, blue shades, white and pink daisies make this a great addition to any underplanting and will naturalize nicely. 10 for $4 Camassia C. solida ‘George P. Baker’ April-May 12” Reddish-pink flowers dance atop grey-green foliage. 5 for $9 This U.S. native forms clumps of nice strappy green foliage with tall spikes of clear blue flowers. Camassia naturalizes well and can also handle clay soils. Wildlife resistant. C. quamash ‘Blue Melody’ May-June 15” On top of the traditional lovely blue flowers, ‘Blue Melody’ also offers striking yellow edged foliage. 5 for $4 Chionodoxa Also known as glory of the snow, these little blue stars are great naturalizers and virtually deer proof. Plant in large clusters for greatest effect. C. sardensis April 4” A nice, bright blue flower with a white eye in the center, these are born in cluster of 5-10 per stem. 10 for $4 Colchicum Often mistaken for fall-blooming crocus, these spectacular bulbs burst into flower when you least expect it. Reliably perennial, they continue to increase in size every year and send up many flowers at once with no foliage. Foliage emerges in spring and dies back in late spring. Wildlife resistant. C. cilicicum September 6-8” This species colchicum has an interesting checkerboard patterning of the rosy lilac-colored single blooms with a light fragrance. 3 for $16 C. ‘Violet Queen’ September 6-8” Chosen for its imperial purple flowers, this is another great addition to the autumn garden. 3 for $18 C. solida ‘Purple Bird’ April-May 12” Purple-violet flowers over a slightly greener foliage. 5 for $14 C. ‘Waterlily’ ▲ September 6-8” A fully double colchicum in a pleasing lilac pink color, the sheer size of these blooms will astound you and make your neighbors jealous. 3 for $20 Crocus Corydalis These spectacular little bulbs are some of the first to grace your garden with color come early spring. Large cupshaped flowers with grassy foliage often bloom when there is still snow on the ground. Crocuses are great for naturalizing in lawns. Great in part sun, these dainty little flowers are a delight. Flowers appear at the tips of ferny, blue-green foliage making little mounds of color. Great in a moist woodland setting where reseeding is encouraged. Foliage will go summer dormant. Wildlife resistant. C. biflorus ‘Spring Beauty’ March-April 4” The name really says it all. This beauty is a pale lilac with deep purple flames on the outer petals with a deeper lilac interior. 10 for $4 C. chrysanthus ‘Goldilocks’ March-April 4” This little crocus has clear gold flowers with a purplish bronze flame on the exterior petals. 10 for $3 C. solida ▲ April 6” This classic species has light purple-pink flowers. 5 for $4 C. solida ‘Beth Evans’ April-May 12” A pleasing true pink color that fades to light pink with age. 5 for $8 C. sieberi ‘Tricolor’ March-April 4” As the name implies, this crocus is primarily a rich purple starting at the tips and towards the middle changes to white, and finally ending in a rich yellow center. 10 for $3 C. speciosus September-October 3-5” This true fall blooming crocus adds a great pop of color when the garden needs it. Large, goblet-shaped violet-blue flowers. 5 for $5 DO BULBS NEED FERTILIZER? NO, AT LEAST NOT AT PLANTING TIME SINCE EACH BULB ALREADY CONTAINS NEXT SPRING’S FLOWER(S). AS SHOOTS EMERGE IN THE SPRING, SIDE DRESSING WITH A PRODUCT LABELED BULB FOOD OR BULB FERTILIZER CAN HELP FUTURE PERFORMANCE. IN ANY EVENT, DO NOT USE BONE MEAL BECAUSE IT ATTRACTS CRITTERS. 3 GREATER DES MOINES BOTANICAL GARDEN 2014 FALL BULB MART CROCUS CONTINUED C. tommasinianus ‘Pictus’ March-April 4” Adorable violet flowers with dark purple-tipped petals and bright orange-yellow stamens make this a standout crocus. 5 for $12 C. vernus ‘Remembrance’ March-April 4-6” Large violet flowers, with a darker base make this a classic, traditional crocus. 10 for $6 Fritillaria These interesting flowers are a great addition to any garden. They offer unique flower colors to the spring palette, a must have. Wildlife resistant. F. acmopetala May 20” A circa 1874 heirloom, it has up to three, bell-shaped, olive-green, purplish-brown flowers per stem. 5 for $8 F. meleagris April-May 8” This circa 1575 heirloom, the guinea hen flower, has small, bell-shaped, checkered flowers in maroon-purple to white. Recommended for naturalizing and forcing. 10 for $5 F. michailovskyi April-May 8” This 1905 heirloom is native to Turkey. Up to five pendant, reddish-purple bells with a yellow edge on the outside and a shiny yellow interior. 5 for $6 F. uva-vulpis April-May 4-14” Solitary purplish gray flowers edged yellow above shiny green leaves. 10 for $5 Galanthus Some of the earliest bulbs to show their blooms in the chilly late winter and early spring air, these adorable little bulbs are a must for the avid garden. They surely will entice you to come lay on the chilly ground just to get a look at their beautiful green-tipped petals. Wildlife resistant. G. nivalis ‘Flore Pleno’ March-April 5-8” The double snowdrop, a circa 1731 heirloom, has milky white, drooping flowers tipped green. Readily naturalizes. 5 for $7 G. ikariae ▲ March-April 5-8” Also called G. woronowii, this 1893 heirloom naturalizes and has bright white flowers with a bit of green at the base of the inner petals. 10 for $7 Hyacinthus The smell of spring. These traditional spring bulbs are sure to let you know spring is finally here with their decidedly heady fragrance. Wildlife resistant. H. orientalis ‘Blue Jacket’ May 8-12” Large, dark blue flowers with purple stripes on the midveins. Outstanding for early to mid-season forcing. Fragrant. 5 for $7 H. orientalis ‘Gypsy Queen’ May 8-12” Salmon-apricot, stunning in the garden, also recommended for early to mid-season forcing. Fragrant. 5 for $7 H. orientalis ‘Jan Bos’ May 8-12” Bright spirea-red and the best early forcer in this color class. Fragrant. 5 for $7 H. orientalis ‘White Pearl’ May 8-12” An excellent forcer that opens ivory with pale green tips and greenishyellow top buds—all maturing to glistening white with yellow anthers. Fragrant. 5 for $7 H. orientalis ‘Woodstock’ May 8-12” This regal hybrid has vivid beet-rootpurple flowers. Fragrant. 5 for $7 DEER AND CRITTER-PROOF BULBS NARCISSUS (DAFFODILS) ARE IGNORED BY DEER, RABBITS, SQUIRRELS, ETC. IN FACT, MOST SPRING BULBS PASS THE CRITTER TEST, EXCEPTING TULIPS AND CROCUS (OTHER THAN THE SPECIES C. TOMMASINIANUS AND ITS VARIETIES). 4 GREATER DES MOINES BOTANICAL GARDEN 2014 FALL BULB MART Ipheion Muscari Beautiful blue, star-shaped flowers hover about grassy foliage, naturalize well. Wildlife resistant. Muscari, or grape hyacinths, are a great deep blue spring flower. Resembling small clusters of grapes, hence the name, these early spring blooms are essential to any garden. I. uniflorum ‘Wisley Blue’ May 3-6” This spring starflower has large, dark violet-blue flowers. 10 for $4 Iris A great variety of iris are available to extend your iris growing season. From the early blooming reticulatas to the late-flowering Dutch iris, there is an iris for every garden style. I. danfordiae March-April 4” This rock garden iris, circa 1876, has fragrant yellow standards and the falls are a darker yellow. 10 for $5 I. hermodactylus (I. tuberosus) May 16-20” The snake’s head iris, a 1597 heirloom, has lightly scented flowers with taupe standards with yellowish-green striations and taupe-edged purplishbrown falls. 5 for $4 I. histrioides ‘Lady Beatrix Stanley’ March-April 4-8” Blue flowers with white feathering and yellow veins. Outstanding for forcing. 5 for $6 I. histrioides ‘Katharine Hodgkin’ ▲ March-April 4” This rock garden iris has blue-green standards and paler falls with spotted yellow blotches. 10 for $7 I. reticulata ‘Gordon’ April 4-6” Lobelia-blue with violet falls, whiterimmed orange blotches and delicate blue stripes. 10 for $5 M. aucheri ‘Dark Eyes’ April 6-8” This grape-hyacinth is intensely sapphire-blue with perfectly formed, bright white floret edges. Fragrant and a good forcer in pots. 10 for $6 M. macrocarpum ‘Golden Fragrance’ April 5-6” An unexpected color for a grapehyacinth. Sweetly fragranced tubular golden-yellow flowers and a top hat of purple florets. Excellent forcer. 10 for $5 Narcissus I. ‘Rosario’ May-June 18-22” This Dutch iris has aster-violet standards and pale lavender falls with golden blotches. 10 for $5 Daffodils are some of the best perennializing bulbs available. In a huge range of colors, shapes and sizes, there is sure to be a daffodil for everyone. A must have in any garden. Wildlife resistant. Leucojum N. ‘Angel Eyes’ May 12-14” Type: Poeticus A three-inch white perianth around a small, luminous cup of chartreuseyellow with a pale green center and a crisp orange-scarlet rim. 5 for $10 The summer snowflake, not to be confused with the snowdrop (Galanthus) are much taller, and later flowering. These can form impressive large clumps and make a great show in late spring. If you’re not one to get on the ground to appreciate the early Galanthus, these are a great tall substitute. Wildlife resistant. L. aestivum May 12-15” The summer snowflake makes a superb naturalizer. Milky white flowers with faint green tips. 5 for $4 N. ‘Art Design’ April 12-15” Type: Double A pinkish-orange overlay on the cup which is packed with soft yellow and cream petaloids. An exceptional beauty. 5 for $14 WHICH WAY IS UP? IN GENERAL THE POINTY END IS UP AND THE BASAL PLATE WITH EVIDENCE OF ROOTS IS DOWN. IN THE ABSENCE OF A POINTY END AND FLATTISH BASAL PLATE, SIMPLY PLANT THE BULB AT THE PROPER DEPTH AND IT WILL SORT OUT WHICH WAY IS UP. 5 GREATER DES MOINES BOTANICAL GARDEN 2014 FALL BULB MART NARCISSUS CONTINUED N. ‘Blushing Lady’ April-May 12-24” Type: Jonquilla A seedling from Brent and Becky’s Bulbs. Soft yellow flower with pastel pink cup. Fragrant. 5 for $7 N. bulbocodium ‘Diamond Ring’ April 6-12” Type: Species; Miniature Pure butter yellow selection of the hoop petticoat narcissus. 5 for $5 N. ‘Capree Elizabeth’ April-May 14-16” Type: Large Cup Buttercup yellow petals with a white-haloed coral pink cup. 5 for $13 N. ‘Manly’ April-May 14-16” Type: Double Huge double flowers are creamy-yellow with shorter, dark orange petals interspersed through each bloom’s center. 5 for $10 N. ‘Elvin’s Voice’ ▲ April-May 12-14” Type: Triandrus Several creamy white bell flowers on each of several stems. Developed by Brent and Becky’s Bulbs and named in honor of Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden’s retired botanical educator and ambassador. 5 for $18 N. ‘Fragrant Rose’ April 16-18” Type: Pink Large Cupped Each four-inch flower has waxy ivory petals and a long, reddish-pink cup with a wavy rim; fragrant hints of roses and raspberries. 5 for $8 N. ‘Curly Lace’ ▲ April-May 12-14” Type: Collar Yummy yellow and a party dress ruffled cup; fragrant. 5 for $7 N. ‘Delnashaugh’ April 16-18” Type: Double Four-inch flowers have a creamy white perianth with short, frilled, apricotpink segments. 5 for $10 N. ‘Hillstar’ April 14-16” Type: Jonquilla Two-and-a-half-inch lemon-yellow flowers with buff ivory bases and short, funnel-shaped ivory-white cups. 5 for $6 N. ‘Mary Gay Lirette’ ▲ April 14-16” Type: Collar Opening yellow cup rapidly turns to salmon and folds back against white petals. 5 for $11 N. ‘Mint Julep’ April-May 16” Type: Small cupped Pale, greenish-yellow petals with a small yellow cup and a dark, mintgreen eye. 5 for $15 N. ‘Little Gem’ April 5-6” Type: Miniature An early flowering favorite with clear yellow flowers with a flared, dark yellow trumpet. Superb for pots. 5 for $6 N. ‘Modern Art’ ▲ April-May 14-16” Type: Large cupped Medium yellow petals with a ruffled tangerine cup, so generous the bloom seems double. 5 for $11 6 GREATER DES MOINES BOTANICAL GARDEN 2014 FALL BULB MART NARCISSUS CONTINUED N. ‘Orange Comet’ April 10-12” Type: Cyclamineus Orange-rimmed golden cup surrounded by white winged petals. Easy to force in pots. 5 for $12 N. ‘Solar Wind’ April-May 12-14” Type: Double Bright white petals jam packed with golden yellow petaloids. A super strong newcomer. 5 for $10 N. ‘W.P. Milner’ April 5-6” Type: Miniature An 1869 heirloom with creamy trumpet and twisty petals. A favorite for forcing in pots. 5 for $6 N. ‘Pink Charm’ April-May 18-20” Type: Large cupped Given to naturalizing, this beauty has a three-inch ivory perianth and a flared trumpet-shaped cup that blends from ivory at its base, to pale apricot and dark coral at its wavy rim. 5 for $8 N. ‘Sovereign’ April-May 16-18” Type: Collar This is a whopper-size white bloom to six inches with a big orange split corona. 5 for $10 Ornithogalum N. ‘Pipit’ April-May 14-16” Type: Jonquilla Luminous sulfur-yellow, two-inch flowers with short funnel-shaped cups that mature to bright white against a white base. 5 for $8 N. ‘Stainless’ April-May 18-20” Type: Large cupped The best white in its class: four-inch flower has overlapping, pointed, ivory-white petals and a shallow, cylindrical white cup with a luminous green eye. 5 for $12 N. ‘Stint’ April 12” Type: Triandrus Pale lemon yellow petals and a darker, bowl-shaped cup with two or three nodding flowers per stem. 5 for $6 N. ‘Rapture’ ▲ April 10-12” Type: Cyclamineus Reflexed golden-yellow perianth and a long cylindrical cup with a wavy rim. Good for forcing in pots. 5 for $7 N. ‘Rijnveld’s Early Sensation” March-April 14” Type: Trumpet Each bulb often bears two, three-inch trumpet flowers that are a vivid golden-yellow. Excellent forcer in pots. 5 for $9 7 N. ‘Sweet Love’ April-May 14-16” Type: Jonquilla Ivory-white with a wavy, ivory-edged, butter-yellow cup that matures to ivory with a yellow throat. Fragrant. Limited supply. 5 for $6 N. ‘Trepolo’ April-May 14-18” Type: Split-cup or butterfly A sunburst split corona, white with orange pinwheel. A stunner! 5 for $11 N. ‘Wisley’ April 12” Type: Cyclamineus This cultivar in short supply has a funnel-shaped, bright yellow cup with waxy, flared margins. Windswept petals open pale yellow and mature to glistening snow-white. Good forcer and long lasting in the garden. 5 for $8 GREATER DES MOINES BOTANICAL GARDEN 2014 FALL BULB MART These taller, later blooming bulbs in whites, silvers and greens make great cut flowers and strong additions to perennial borders. O. magnum May 24-36” Tall spikes of white star shaped flowers with green striping on the back of the petals. Good cut flower. 5 for $8 O. nutans May 12-15” Spikes of white, silver, and green flowers make this naturalizer in part shade an interesting cut flower. 10 for $5 Scilla A great woodland naturalizer, these add color and fragrance to any early spring ground plane. Wildlife resistant. S. pratensis May-June 6” The meadow squill is a circa 1827 heirloom with pyramidal blooms of lavender to royal blue. 10 for $6 S. siberica April 4-6” This squill has dark blue flowers. Easy to grow and an eager naturalizer. 10 for $4 S. siberica alba April 4-5” A circa 1880 heirloom, this squill is snowy white, easy to grow and also an eager naturalizer. 10 for $6 Tulipa The poster child of spring flowers. These traditional bulbs make great cut flowers and add color to any garden. Stick to species types for the most reliable perennializers. COLLECTIONS These mixtures of different bulbs allow you to plant a variety of related colors in smaller quantities. Plant six to eight inches deep and six inches apart. Centennial Mixture April-May flowering 22-24” This collection contains Darwin tulips in a variety of colors ranging from yellow to apricot to pink. 1 Collection (25 bulbs) for $15 Pink Charm Mixture This collection includes several varieties with at least eight colors and is designed to provide constant color throughout the season. 1 Collection (25 bulbs) for $15 SPECIES Species tulips are long-lived, mostly smaller, varieties. They include wild varieties of tulips and others developed from those species. Species tulips open wide on sunny days and do best in a sunny location. Many multiply vigorously from year to year. Plant four to five inches deep and six inches apart. T. batalinii ‘Honky Tonk’ April 6-8” A cheery, creamy yellow tulip with a pink flush on the outside petals. 5 for $5 T. clusiana ‘Cynthia’ ▲ April 8-10” Long-lasting, exterior petals are red, edged in chartreuse, with a chartreuseyellow interior. A vigorous perennial variety. 5 for $4 T. clusiana ‘Lady Jane’ April 8-10” The flower is rosy-red with an ivory interior. Shelter from strong wind. Naturalizes well. 5 for $5 T. dasystemon April 6” Star-shaped yellow flowers with white tips. Long lasting blooms. Naturalizes well. 5 for $4 T. humilis ‘Alba Coerulea Oculata’ April 5” An unusual white tulip with a distinctive steel-blue base. It performs best in full sun. 5 for $12 T. humilis ‘Eastern Star’ ▲ April 6” Magenta with exterior bronze-green flames and a bright interior canaryyellow heart. 5 for $5 T. humilis ‘Violacea Black Base’ April 4-6” Star shaped pink-purple flowers with a black base inside the throat. Good for rock gardens. Drought tolerant. 5 for $4 T. linifolia May 6” An heirloom from 1884, this tulip has scarlet-red flowers with black bases. A good naturalizer. 5 for $4 T. ‘Little Beauty’ May 4” Scented, cherry-red miniature with a white-edged blue center. Great for naturalizing and adding color to a groundcover. 5 for $4 T. ‘Little Princess’ May 4” Spanish-orange petals with a yellowedged black center. It perennializes readily. 5 for $4 SUN OR SHADE FOR BULBS FALL-PLANTED, SPRING-BLOOMING BULBS NEED AT LEAST A HALF-DAY OF SUN FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE GROWING SEASON UNTIL THE LEAVES START TO RIPEN AND TURN YELLOW. DECIDUOUS TREES AND SHRUBS USUALLY MAKE SUITABLE COMPANIONS SINCE THEY AREN’T FULLY LEAFED OUT BEFORE THE BULB FOLIAGE HAS DONE ITS WORK. 8 GREATER DES MOINES BOTANICAL GARDEN 2014 FALL BULB MART TULIPA SPECIES CONTINUED T. sylvestris April 8-12” Elliptical bright yellow flowers with green exterior petals. This heirloom was popularized by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello. Fragrant. 5 for $5 T. whittallii April-May 8-12” Coppery-orange blooms with a dark round heart. Like many species tulips, it returns reliably year after year. 5 for $6 T. ‘Abba’ April 12” One of the most popular double tulips, tomato red with intermittent tiny yellow flames. It is fragrant and grows on sturdy stems making it good for cutting. 5 for $5 T. ‘Foxtrot’ April 12” A fully double tulip in old rose with white highlights. Sweetly scented with lightly ruffled petals. 5 for $5 SINGLE EARLY Cup-shaped tulips on strong stems that stand up well to rain and wind. They open fully on sunny days. Plant six to eight inches deep and six inches apart. T. ‘Princess Irene’ April 12” A soft orange with a warm purple base and flames. Sturdy stems make them resistant to wind and rain and good for cutting. 5 for $5 T. ‘Purple Prince’ April 14” Lilac-purple slightly scalloped petals with a beetroot purple interior. 5 for $5 T. ‘Sunny Prince’ April 16-18” Pale lemon-yellow with a darker lemon interior. 5 for $5 DOUBLE EARLY Creating a colorful carpet, these are good bedding and forcing tulips. Plant six to eight inches deep and six inches apart. T. ‘Rajka’ April-May 18” Shapely dark burgundy petals with white edges and a white heart. Fragrant. Good for forcing. 5 for $6 T. ’Topkapi’ April-May 24” Beautiful magenta-pink petals with lilac-purple flames. 5 for $6 DARWIN Huge, strong stemmed flowers. They may return for several years if planted in sun and given regular fertilizer feedings. Plant six to eight inches deep and six inches apart. T. ‘Gudoshnik’ April-May 24” An award-winning Darwin tulip whose color ranges from solid red to creamyyellow flamed with rose to solid yellow. 5 for $5 T. ‘Monsella’ ▲ April-May 12” Canary-yellow with blood-red flames. Petals can open 4” to 5” wide in the sun. Good for forcing. 5 for $5 T. ‘Jaap Groot’ April-May 22” Ivory petals with golden flames. Leaves have creamy yellow variegation for more interest. 5 for $5 TRIUMPH A cross between Darwin and early tulips with strong stems and large shapely blooms. Plant six to eight inches deep and six inches apart. T. ‘Pink Impression’ April-May 22” Huge, soft pink flowers on strong stems which mature to deep rose. They may return for several years if placed in a sunny location with regular fertilization. 5 for $5 T. ‘Barcelona’ April-May 20” Large, long-lasting, hot fuchsia blooms on strong stems. Good for forcing. 5 for $6 T. ‘Red Impression’ April-May 20-22” A ruby-red beauty with an exterior plum base and a blood-red interior. 5 for $5 HOW DEEP TO PLANT? THE RULE OF THUMB IS TWICE TO THREE TIMES THE HEIGHT OF THE BULB ITSELF. FOR TULIPS, NARCISSUS AND HYACINTHS THIS MEASURES OUT TO A RANGE OF SIX TO EIGHT INCHES. SMALLER BULBS CAN BE COVERED THREE TO FOUR INCHES DEEP. AFTER PLANTING, WATER DEEPLY TO SETTLE EVERYTHING IN PLACE. DO NOT MULCH UNTIL THE GROUND FREEZES. 9 GREATER DES MOINES BOTANICAL GARDEN 2014 FALL BULB MART TULIPA CONTINUED LILY FLOWERING Lily flowering tulips have reflexing, curved petals on strong, tall stems. Plant six to eight inches deep and six inches apart. PEONY TYPE Also known as Double Late Tulips, these have large, long-lasting, fully double blooms. Plant six to eight inches deep and six inches apart. T. ‘West Point’ May 20” A classic in primrose-yellow standing on strong stems. 5 for $5 T. ‘Angelique’ April-May 18” Scented, graceful double petals of pale rose with darker rose flushes and creamy-pink edges. 5 for $6 T. ‘Elegant Lady’ May 24” Wonderful in bouquets, cream colored petals fade to pale pink edges as the blooms mature. It can be susceptible to wind damage so plant in a sheltered area for best results. 5 for $6 PARROT These showy tulips have fringed, scalloped plumage and sensational striations. Plant six to eight inches deep and six inches apart. T. ‘Apricot Parrot’ May 20” Fragrant, soft apricot-yellow blooms with tinges of cream, yellow, salmon, and green. Excellent for cutting. 5 for $6 T. ‘Blue Parrot’ May 22” Award-winning large parrot tulip is bright violet with a purple interior. 5 for $6 T. ‘Estella Rijnveld’ May 22” Feathery exotic blazing red petals with prominent white flames. 5 for $5 T. ‘Rococo’ May 14” Unusual cardinal red parrot tulip with purple and green flames. One of the earliest of the parrot tulips, it is good for picking and pots. 5 for $5 T. ‘Black Hero’ May 22” A fully double tulip in lustrous maroon that shades to black. Flowers are four to five inches across and are good for cutting. 5 for $8 T. ‘Blue Spectacle’ April-May 20” Deep violet-purple with a blue sheen in a fully double form. 5 for $6 T. ‘Carnival de Nice’ April-May 20” Huge double tulip with white petals feathered and flamed brilliant red. Long lasting and excellent as cut flowers. 5 for $6 T. ‘Ice Cream’ Late April/May 12”-16” An exotic peony tulip, Ice Cream is very unusual. Deep pink outer petals, flamed with green, surround white center petals. The blooms never fully open, retaining their ice cream cone look. 5 for $10 T. ‘Orange Princess’ April-May 14” A nasturtium-orange double tulip with garnet-purple flames. Fragrant and good for forcing. 5 for $5 KAUFMANNIANA These low-growing tulips are good for borders. They open fully on sunny days to reveal multi-colored interiors. They may naturalize if left undisturbed. Plant six to eight inches deep and six inches apart. T. ‘Heart’s Delight’ April 8-10” Carmine red exterior with a pale rose interior. On sunny days, the flowers will open flat, resembling a water lily. Leaves are mottled with purple striping. 5 for $5 FOSTERIANA Fosteriana or emperor tulips are known for their huge flowers. They are good for bouquets. Plant six to eight inches deep and six inches apart. T. ‘Orange Emperor’ April-May 16-18” Huge, carrot-orange blooms with a buttercup yellow base. Good for picking. 5 for $5 GREIGII These tulips are known for their mottled foliage. Plant six to eight inches deep and six inches apart. T. ‘Oratorio’ April-May 8” Rose blooms with an apricot sheen. The leaves are mottled with deep purple. 5 for $5 VIRIDIFLORA These tulips all have green feathers or flames for a unique look all their own. Plant six to eight inches deep and six inches apart. T. ‘Esperanto’ May 12-14” Warm rosy-pink blossoms with dark green flames. The foliage is green with white edges for more garden interest. 5 for $5 DISCLOSURE ALL SALES ARE FINAL. NO RETURNS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON BULB MERCHANDISE. BULBS ARE FOR PICK UP ONLY ON THE SPECIFIED DATES OF OCTOBER 11-12. WE DO NOT SHIP BULBS. BULBS ARE SOLD ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS WITH LIMITED QUANTITIES. IF WE ARE SOLD OUT OF A VARIETY YOU HAVE REQUESTED, YOU WILL BE CONTACTED WITH POTENTIAL SUBSTITUTIONS, OR REFUNDED YOUR MONEY. 10 GREATER DES MOINES BOTANICAL GARDEN 2014 FALL BULB MART TULIPA VIRIDIFLORA CONTINUED T. ‘Golden Artist’ May 14-16” Rich golden-orange with green feathering. Good for bouquets. 5 for $6 T. ‘Virichic’ May 18” An exotic vase shaped bloom that opens pale rose with green flames and matures to a darker purplish-pink with green flames. Good for pots and cutting. 5 for $6 MULTI-FLOWERING These bouquet varieties produce at least four flowers per stem. Plant six to eight inches deep and six inches apart. T. ‘Antoinette’ May 16” Flowers change colors as they age, opening pale yellow, white and green, turning yellow with raspberry edges, and maturing to salmon-orange. Good for arrangements. 5 for $6 SINGLE LATE Latest tulips to flower with a diverse color range. Plant six to eight inches deep and six inches apart. T. ‘Queen of the Night’ May 24” An heirloom single tulip with velvetymaroon blossoms which can appear black in sunlight. 5 for $5 T. ‘Dordogne’ May 26” Huge blooms of claret-rose blending into nasturtium-red and tangerineorange near the petal edges, accented by a red interior. 5 for $5 T. ‘Stunning Apricot’ May 28” Deep coral-apricot with paler petal edges and a raspberry glow. Plant in full sun for best results. Good for bouquets. 5 for $6 Garlic Garlic is extremely easy to grow and can yield quite a bit of garlic for very little input. It is best to plant garlic cloves in the fall, around the same time as your spring-flowering bulbs. Bulbs are ready to harvest when the tops of the plants begin to yellow. Simply dig the bulbs and wipe off excess dirt and hang to dry for two weeks. ‘Oregon Blue’ Softneck. This large head, high-yielding type has a nice bluish purple cast to the papers. Stores well. 5 cloves for $5 ‘Red Toch’ Softneck. Originally from the Republic of Georgia, this heirloom has light red and pink streaks on its papers with a very nice complex flavor. 5 cloves for $5 ‘Brown Tempest’ Hardneck. A glazed purple stripe type garlic with brown cloves with purple splotching. Good producer and flavor; easy to peel. 5 cloves for $5 ‘Nootka Rose’ Softneck. A very popular variety, this softneck matures late and braids well. Good hot flavor and pretty pink skin. 5 cloves for $5 These hardy garden plants are wonderful perennials and stand up to the toughest winters. With nice deep green foliage as a back drop to large fragrant blooms, these make a great addition to any perennial garden. P. ‘Alexander Woollcott’ Bright scarlet, semi-double blooms that cup small yellow stamen clusters. Flowers are held above nice tight foliage that needs no staking. 1 for $60 P. ‘Chief Wapello’ Large fully double, glowing ruby red flowers make this a stand out bloom. It is also a strong grower with nice fragrance. 1 for $45 P. ‘Garden Treasure’ This Missouri-bred, Itoh type peony is a show stopper. Large yellow gold petals are semi-double to double with light scarlet markings on the inner petals. Deep green, leathery foliage is very durable. Fragrant. 1 for $95 P. ‘Lavon’ A very strong grower, this peony boasts beautiful pink double petals with yellow staminodes. A fragrant cut flower. 1 for $55 P. ‘Westhill’ This fully double traditional pink variety has the added bonus of side buds that extend its flowering season. Fragrant. 1 for $40 ‘Chesnok Red’ Hardneck. This purple-striped variety is great for baking, holds its shape and color well and is very creamy. 5 cloves for $5 Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Exploring, explaining and celebrating the world of plants 11 Peonies GREATER DES MOINES BOTANICAL GARDEN 2014 FALL BULB MART 909 Robert D. Ray Drive Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2897 515.323.6290