fairbanks nijhuis
fairbanks nijhuis
FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS PRODUCT OVERVIEW OUTSTANDING WATER TECHNOLOGY WITH DIVERSITY FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS CONTENTS PAGE 3 MILESTONES PAGE 4 PRODUCTS PAGE 18 APPLICATIONS PAGE 28 SERVICE PAGE 34 REFERENCES SMART SOLUTIONS FOR SMART CUSTOMERS Nijhuis Pompen BV belongs to We are able to develop, produce the Pentair Group, one of the and install customised pumps world's leading water technology for the widest variety of applica- companies. tions. Under the brand of Pentair Fair- You will find our pump systems banks Nijhuis, Nijhuis Pomp- in the water supply and waste- en BV delivers pump technolo- water disposal sector, for exam- gy of the highest quality, based ple, as well as in desalination on more than 80 years of expe- plants, flood protection systems, rience. energy supply, shipbuilding, agricultural irrigation and fire pro- We offer a comprehensive ser- tection. vice, from development, using 2 ultra modern flow calculation We also provide a professional software (CFD), through to pro- customer service, covering ini- totype construction and manu- tial operation through to mainte- facture of the pump in our own nance and repair, and including foundry. training for operators. INSPIRED SOLUTIONS FOR A CHANGING WORLD! MILESTONES IN THE COMPANY’S HISTORY 1904 G.J. Nijhuis establishes a repair workshop for textile machinery 1930 Nijhuis begins developing and manufacturing pumps. The company is named Nijhuis Pompen BV. 2006 Nijhuis Pompen BV becomes part of the Norit Group 2011 Nijhuis Pompen BV becomes part of the Pentair Group 2012 The pump brands Fairbanks Morse and Nijhuis are merged to create Fairbanks Nijhuis 3 FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS 4 PRODUCTS MILESTONES IN THE COMPANY’S HISTORY 1904 G.J. Nijhuis establishes a repair workshop for textile machinery 1930 Nijhuis begins developing and manufacturing pumps. The company is named Nijhuis Pompen BV 2006 Nijhuis Pompen BV becomes part of the Norit Group 2011 Nijhuis Pompen BV becomes part of the Pentair Group 2012 The pump brands Fairbanks Morse and Nijhuis are merged to create Fairbanks Nijhuis 5 500 100 100. 50. 10. 100 500 VDL4-200.280 1485 VDL3-50.64 VDL3-35.60 990 990 VDL4-40.60 VDL3-350.420 990 VDL4-300.350B 1485 VDL5-250.315VDL5-30.451485 1485 VDL1-35.60 990 VDL2-50.64 1485 VDL2-35.60 VDL3-250.350 VDL3-300.350B 990 VDL4-250.315 990 1485 1485 1485 VDL2-35.40 VDL2-40.45 1485 1485 1000 500 5000 1000 10000 5000 VDL3-200.280 VDL2-60.74 1485 VDL3-60.74743 VDL5-250.350 VDL3-250.315 VDL2-40.60 VDL2-80.92 594 990 VDL1-60.74 1485 VDL3-600.700 VDL2-250.350 VDL2-300.350B 990 VDL1-350.500 594 990 VDL3-150.280 743 1485 VDL5-200.280 1485 1485 VDL3-40.60 1485 VDL4-250.350 VDL1-40.50 990 VDL1-30.45 743 990 VDL2-200.280 VDL1-80.92 1485 1485 VDL1-50.64 VDL2-70.82 1485 743 VDL2-30.45 990 594 VDL4-200.280 VDL3-350.500 VDL2-250.315 990 VDL1-350.420 990 743 1485 VDL3-250.350 1485 VDL1-50.65 VDL3-30.45 VDL2-150.280 VDL5-250.350 990 VDL1-70.82 990 743 1485 VDL1-600.700 VDL1-600.700 743 743 990 VDL3-200.280 990 VDL1-30.35A VDL1-40.60 VDL1-80.92 VDL5-200.280 990 1485 VDL1-35.40 990 VDL1-250.350 VDL3-250.315 594 743 1485 1485 VDL1-50.58 990 VDL2-25.25 VDL1-50.64 VDL1-35.35 VDL2-250.350 VDL1-80.75 990 1485 743 1485 VDL1-60.53 990 VDL4-200.280 VDL1-200.280 743 VDL1-50.48 VDL1-70.82 990 743 1485 VDL1-40.50VDL1-40.35 VDL1-30.45 990 594 VDL2-200.280 VDL3-250.350 VDL1-250.315 VDL1-50.65 VDL1-35.32 990 1485 990 743 990 1485 743 1485 VDL2-250.315 VDL1-150.280 VDL1-350.420 990 VDL3-20.20 1485 VDL1-35.40 990 VDL1-50.64 990 VDL1-80.75 VDL1-70.60 990 VDL3-250.315 VDL2-30.45 594 VDL2-30.35 VDL1-35.60 594 743 VDL1-50.58 743 594 594 VDL1-80.68 VDL2-250.350 743 VDL1-350.500 VDL1-30.35A 743 VDL3-250.350 743 594 VDL1-60.53A VDL1-50.65 743 990 VDL1-20.20 594 VDL1-250.350 743 594 1485 VDL1-50.48A 990 VDL2-200.280 VDL1-40.50 743 743 VDL1-40.60743 VDL1-200.280 594 990 VDL2-30.35 594 VDL4-150.280 1485 VDL5-150.280 1485 VDL5-200.280 1485 VDL2, VDL1, VDL3, VDL4, VDL5 600, 750, 1000, 1500 Capacity [m³/h] / [USgpm] 50000 10000 Characteristic curve range *The pumps can be manufactured to the customer's specification. 5. 6 50 Pumptype: Rated speed [¹/min]: Total Head [mlc] / [ftlc] Copyright reserved © NSE_TurboGrf V2.5c 14.08.20 [ rhouwing / 16404*-600, R0239*-1000 , 58509*-1000 , 15135*-1000 , 58509*-750 ...] - 08-09-14 Copyright reserved © FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS / JUPITER PUMP SELECTION CHART FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS PRODUCTS VDF pump in a fire protection system VERTICAL TURBINE PUMPS MODEL: VDL/VDF RANGE Fairbanks Nijhuis vertical turbine pressure heads and construction with integrated line-shafts and a pumps are energy-efficient and materials. discharge elbow that can be locat- reliable pumps, suitable for a wide ed either above or below the foun- range of liquids and applications. The hydraulic design includes a The pump is supplied with a dry suction bell, single or multiple motor installation, and is available pump stages with closed or semi- with a wide range of flow rates, open impellers, pump housing dation level. APPLICATIONS FEATURES •Water cooling • Capacities: 50 to 15,000 m3/h •Potable water • Discharge head: 25 to 365 m •Desalination • Highly efficient and •Fire protection •Irrigation •Drainage durable • Minimal maintenance requirements • Large selection of materials • Dry or submersible motor installation 7 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.5 1000 HPF1-600.340 566 5000 HPF1-1000.340 990 HPF1-1000.340 1008 HPF1-800.340 HPF1-800.340 756 806 HPF1-740.340 699 HPF1-700.340 662 VPF1-660.105 614 VPF1-630.105 586 VPF1-600.105 558 VPF1-600.130 600 VPF1-500.200 497 VPF1-500.130 500 VPF1-700.130 700 VPF1-800.130 800 VPF1-900.130 900 VPF1-1400.130 1373 10000 HPF1-1400.340 1404 VPF1-1300.200 VPF1-1100.130 VPF1-1000.130 VPF1-1200.130 1295 1100 1144 953 VPF1-1100.130 VPF1-1200.200 VPF1-1400.200 VPF1-1100.200 1048 1196 1394 1116 VPF1-1100.200 1100 HPF1-1200.340 VPF1-1600.200 VPF1-1800.130 1206 VPF1-900.200 1594 HPF1-1300.340 VPF1-900.200 VPF1-1500.200 1716 917 VPF1-600.200 1350 897 1494 597 VPF1-1000.200 VPF1-1000.1000 VPF1-1000.200 VPF1-800.200 VPF1-800.200 VPF1-1000.200 996997 VPF1-700.200 797 797 996 996 VPF1-700.200 697700 VPF1-900.200 896 HPF1-900.340 900 VPF1-600.105 598 VPF1-700.105 698 VPF1-700.105 663 HPF1, VPF1 166, 600, 333, 300, 250, 400, 272, 150, 200, 500, 120, 80, 125, 428 VPF1-2200.200 2189 HPF1-1900.340 1899 HPF1-2200.340 HPF1-1800.340 2160 1800 50000 100000 VPF1-3600.200 3582 VPF1-3400.200 HPF1-2200.400 3383 0 Capacity [m³/h] Characteristic curve range *The pumps can be manufactured to the customer's specification. 0.1 8 Copyright reserved © NSE_TurboGrf V2.5c 14.08.20 [ rhouwing / J0189*-166, L0367*-600 , L0233*-333 , L0352*-300 , L0368*-600 , 58726*-333 ...] - 04-09-14 Pumptype: Rated speed [¹/min]: Total Head [mlc] Copyright reserved © SPEED CURVE FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS / PISCES FACILIS PUMP SELECTION CHART FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS PRODUCTS FISH-FRIENDLY PUMPS MODEL: VPF RANGE, HPF RANGE The Fairbanks Nijhuis patented come through the pumping sta- jhuis products is therefore also fish-friendly pump makes it pos- tion unscathed. The pump was de- a decision to sustainably protect sible to pump water from water veloped in response to the adverse wildlife. What is more, the high ef- bodies (rivers, lakes etc.) whilst effects that conventional pumps ficiency of the pump ensures ex- protecting the fish population. It have on the fish stock. tremely efficient and eco-friend- allows 100 percent of the eels and A turbine model is also available. ly operation. at least 97 percent of other fish to Your decision to use Fairbanks Ni- APPLICATIONS FEATURES •Lakes • Capacities: 1,500 to •Rivers •Canals 180,000 m3/h • Discharge head: 1 to 8 m • High pump efficiency • Available in horizontal and vertical configuration, both dry and wet mounting • Easy installation in existing pumping stations •Various materials (also with concrete housing) 9 100 50 10 10. 5. 500 BF2 1000, 1500, 900 BF2-350.390 BF2-300.340 1000 5000 BF2-400.450 BF2-400.460 BF2-450.600 10000 BF2-500.550 Capacity [m³/h] / [USgpm] Characteristic curve range *The pumps can be manufactured to the customer's specification. 1. 10 5 50. Total Head [mlc] / [ftlc] Copyright reserved © NSE_TurboGrf V2.5c 14.08.20 [ rhouwing / L0269 -1000, R0528 -1500 , 16403 -1000 , L0229 -1000 , 58731 -900 , L0312 -900 ...] - 02-09-14 Pumptype: Rated speed [¹/min]: Copyright reserved © SPEED CURVE FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS / BIFLOW PUMP SELECTION CHART FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS PRODUCTS BIFLOW PUMPS MODEL: BF RANGE The BiFlow pump is a bidirec- The configuration is complete- cy and controlled flow in both di- tional, in-line pump. This pump is ly symmetrical, consisting of two rections to opposing ballast tanks. specially designed for the trans- counter-rotating impellers with The BiFlow can be installed in the port of large amounts of ballast variable speed. The motor is sub- double bottom of a ship – with ei- water, where space requirements merged and completely integrat- ther dry or submersible installa- for pumps and piping must be re- ed in the pump. This configuration tion. duced to a minimum. ensures a high degree of efficien- APPLICATIONS FEATURES •Loading and unloading ships • Capacities: 1.000 to •Stabilising hulls (anti-heeling) 3.000 m3/h • Discharge head: up to 30 m • Bidirectional operation • Large capacity • High overall efficiency • Symmetrical forward and reverse performance • Compact design • Very low noise and vibration levels 11 500 100 100. 50. 100 500 1-125.315 1485 1000 1-150.410 1485 1-150.400 1485 1-300.650 1485 1-300.600 1485 1-200.400 1485 1-200.400 1-150.315 1-200.315 2970 1-150.250 1-200.5102970 2970 1485 1-300.500 1-300.525 1-250.500 1-300.500 1485 1485 1485 1485 1-250.500 1-250.500H 1-250.500 1485 1485 1485 1-250.650 1-150.315 29701485 1-350.800 990 1-450.800 1-350.510 990 1-450.800H 1485 990 1-350.510 1485 1-400.900 990 1-350.650 1485 1-350.650 1485 990 1-500.800S 990 1-500.800 1-600.800 990 1-500.800 990 1-600.1010 743 1-600.1200 743 500 1485 5000 1000 1-250.410 1-300.650 1485 1-300.400A 9901485 1-300.600 1-300.800 990 743 10000 5000 50000 10000 100000 Capacity [m³/h] / [USgpm] 1-500.660 1-500.800S 1-800.1000 743 990 1-400.800 1-350.650 743 1-400.650 1-600.1200 743 990 1-350.650 1-400.400H 990 1-500.650 495 1-400.650 1-100.250 990 1-350.410 1-600.1010 1485 990 990 2970 1485 594 1-500.660 1-700.800 1-500.800 990 1-700.650 1-200.500 1-200.500A 743 1-200.315 743 990 1-800.700 990 1-300.500 1-250.500H 990 1-500.800S 1-350.510 1485 1-800.1000 1-250.500 1-300.500 1-900.1000 990 990 990 1-200.340 594 9901-350.510 594 990 990 594 1-400.500 1-450.800 1-500.800 1-250.500 1-350.510 1-150.3151485 1-600.1010 990 1-500.660 1-900.1000 1-1200.1000 990 594 594 990 990 1485 495 1-200.315 1-450.800 743 1-350.650 1-150.315 495 594 1-250.650 1-200.315 1-600.650 1-400.650 594 743 1485 743 14851485 1-600.500 1-300.800 1-300.315 743 1-800.700 743 1-400.650 1-125.315 990 594 1485 1-1200.1000 743 743 1-700.800 1485 1-500.800 1-500.800S 1-250.315 1-200.400 495 1-125.3151-150.410 1-200.315 5941-600.1010 1-800.1000 1-150.400 1-250.410 1485 594495 990 1-150.250 1-900.1000 495 1-500.660 990 990 1485 1485 990 1-200.500BB 424 1-700.650 1-300.410 1-800.700 1485 495 743 1-400.400H 1-1200.1000 743 743 1-800.700 990 743 990 495 1-300.525 1-350.510 1-400.400 743 1-300.800 743 1-350.6507431-350.510 1-1200.1000 990 1-400.500 495 594 743 424 1-700.800 743 495 1-100.230 2970 1-125.315 2970 1-125.315 2970 1-125.315 2970 VENUS1, HGTF1, HGT1, HGTFD1 500, 600, 428, 1000, 750, 1500, 3000 Characteristic curve range *The pumps can be manufactured to the customer's specification. 10. 12 Horizontal split case pump used for fire protection 50 Pumptype: Rated speed [¹/min]: Total Head [mlc] / [ftlc] Copyright reserved © NSE_TurboGrf V2.5c 14.08.20 [ rhouwing / 58690*-500, 16277*-600 , 16277*-500 , 14898*-600 , 58616*-500 ...] - 01-09-14 Copyright reserved © FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS / VENUS PUMP SELECTION CHART FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS PRODUCTS SPLIT CASE PUMPS MODEL: VENUS, HGTF, HG2, VENUS V, VGT RANGE The Fairbanks Nijhuis split case The housing requires very little The pumps can be manufactured pump is the right choice for a maintenance and is available in to the customer's requirements large number of applications with a range of materials – to suit the (ranging from small impeller ad- medium to high flow rates. The specific requirements of the appli- justments to special designs), with optimised design of the split hous- cation. either horizontal or vertical con- ing ensures excellent efficiency figuration and either one or two and durability. stages (impeller stages). APPLICATIONS FEATURES •Potable water • Capacities: 90 to 13,000 m3/h •Cooling water • Discharge head: 5 to 250 m •Air-conditioning • High efficiency and •Shipbuilding large operating range •Irrigation and drainage • Easy maintenance •Fire extinguishing systems • Low vibration and noise •Desalination • Large selection of materials • Available in horizontal and vertical configuration 13 Total Head [mlc] 50. 10. 100 SRW1 1000, 720, 1500, 600, 750 SRW1-150.275 245 SRW1-150.300 275 SRW1-150.350 305 SRW1-150.400 335 500 SRW1-200.350 298 SRW1-200.450 410 SRW1-200.400 340 1000 SRW1-300.550 480 SRW1-300.600 520 SRW1-250.450 405 SRW1-300.650 575 SRW1-250.500 445 SRW1-350.600 565 SRW1-350.650 630 SRW1-350.650 630 SRW1-350.700 675 Capacity [m³/h] Characteristic curve range *The pumps can be manufactured to the customer's specification. 5. 14 Copyright reserved © NSE_TurboGrf V2.5c 14.08.20 [ rhouwing / 15916*-1000, 58577*-720 , 58544*-1000 , 15908*-1500 , 15914*-1000 , 15913*-1000 ...] - 04-09-14 Pumptype: Rated speed [¹/min]: Copyright reserved © SPEED CURVE FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS / MARS PUMP SELECTION CHART FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS PRODUCTS SCREW IMPELLER CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS MODEL: SRW RANGE Fairbanks Nijhuis screw impeller fibrous or solid material. They can centrifugal pumps use open screw also pump sewage sludge with channel impellers that pump the a dry solid content of up to 10%. liquid freely without any block- Available in horizontal or verti- ages. Screw impeller centrifugal cal configuration. Suitable for raw pumps are the ideal solution for sewage, sludge and liquids. pumping raw sewage that contains APPLICATIONS •Wastewater disposal •Sewage disposal •Sludge •Viscous fluids FEATURES • Capacities: 50 to 5,500 m3/h • Discharge head: 2 to 70 m • Highly efficient and durable • Large selection of materials • Easy maintenance • Available in horizontal and vertical configuration 15 10. 100 500 1000 1-20.28 279 VMF1, HMF1 600, 750, 1000, 500, 1200, 1500, 1800 100 50 500 1-200.315 290 1-25.28 325 1-25.28 310 1-30.30 285 1000 1-400.350 413 5000 1-40.50 465 1-40.50 467 1-40.50 465 1-350.350 305 1-40.50 418 1-30.35 370 1-60.50 552 10000 1-60.50 1-500.500B 562 1-60.70 1-600.600 525 605 525 1-800.700B 697 1-50.40 468 1-50.50 1-50.50 558 540 5000 1-900.800 852 1-70.80 780 10000 Capacity [m³/h] / [USgpm] 1-70.801-70.80 780 801 1-700.700 697 1-60.70S 626 1-700.700 665 1-60.70 625 Characteristic curve range *The pumps can be manufactured to the customer's specification. 5. 16 10 50. Total Head [mlc] / [ftlc] Copyright reserved © NSE_TurboGrf V2.5c 14.08.20 [ rhouwing / 11174*-600, 16238*-750 , 15199*-600 , R0033*-600 , 16372*-1000 , 13741*-750 ...] - 04-09-14 Pumptype: Rated speed [¹/min]: Copyright reserved © SPEED CURVE FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS / SATURN PUMP SELECTION CHART FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS PRODUCTS MIXED FLOW PUMPS MODEL: HMF/VMF RANGE Fairbanks Nijhuis mixed flow Available in both horizontal and pumps function as a compro- vertical configurations, with a wide mise between radial and axial flow range of intake and discharge con- pumps. They operate at higher nection options. This type of pump pressures than axial flow pumps can therefore be installed in prac- and have higher capacities than tically any configuration and is radial pumps. easily adapted to suit the customer's requirements. APPLICATIONS FEATURES •Potable water • Capacities: 150 to 11,000 •Cooling water m3/h •Shipbuilding • Discharge head: 5 to 40 m •Irrigation and drainage • Highly efficient and durable •Desalination • Low maintenance • Available in horizontal and vertical configuration 17 FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS 18 APPLICATIONS FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS WATER TREATMENT Clean drinking water is the ba- Fairbanks Nijhuis has a large pumps move the water step-by- sis for all healthy life on Earth. Yet portfolio of pump designs for use step through the treatment pro- there are still entire populations in water treatment plants: verti- cess. The discharge connections without access to clean drinking cal turbines and vertical propel- of the pumps cover a large range water. This means that diseases ler pumps are used to pump wa- of diameters, to meet the differ- and epidemics are ever present. ter into the plant from the source, ent requirements of water treat- while end suction pumps and split ment plants. IRRIGATION Regional rainfalls often fail to Whether the water is supplied via meet the agricultural demand for irrigation channels or dedicated water. Artificial irrigation using groundwater sources – Fairbanks pumps provides the only alterna- Nijhuis pumps play a decisive tive. role in the irrigation of agricultural land. And they do this with low electricity consumption and the highest level of plant availability. 20 APPLICATIONS 21 FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS STATIONARY FIREFIGHTING SYSTEMS Fairbanks Nijhuis specialis- The company's customers include Our services: es in fire protection systems that leading sprinkler manufactur- • Complete pumping systems in are designed as compact system ers, airports, power stations, and a pump room, pump house or units. When configuring the sys- industrial and (petro-) chemical container tem units, the aim is to careful- companies. The compact units are ly select the pump room, electric used in storage areas, in aircraft motor or diesel motor, controls, hangars, on construction sites and accessories and pump to create in large (public) buildings. an optimum overall system. Fairbanks Nijhuis has the benefit of many years of experience in the development of these systems and is one of the world's leading manufacturers of fire pump systems. 22 • Container unit, fully assembled, ready for immediate operation • Transport of the container unit to the site, including complete installation • Suitable for all climates and types of location APPLICATIONS OFFSHORE AND MARITIME FIRE PROTECTION Only pumps that comply with the The fire pumps for maritime ap- When designing fire protection highest class of the internationally plications are manufactured in systems, Fairbanks Nijhuis always recognised standards are accept- accordance with the latest FIFI considers the operator and the able for use as fire pumps. Classes I, II and III and certified by maintenance technician, who need Fairbanks Nijhuis pumps and fire Llyods, ABS, BV and DNV. to be able to operate the system protection systems are used on easily and intuitively. oil platforms, floating refineries, Comprehensive training and cus- ships, jetties and FPSO (Floating tomer services are included in the Production Storage and Offload- overall package. ing) units. 23 FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS A wide variety of pumps is used require reliable, high-quality in industrial processes. In-depth pumps: Fairbanks Nijhuis has this knowledge of the particular indus- knowledge and has gained a great trial processes is essential when deal of experience over the last dealing with these sometimes 100 years. sensitive liquids. The steel, oil, gas and petrochemical industries FLOOD PROTECTION As a Dutch company, Pompen Ni- protection, irrigation and drain- also save energy. jhuis was confronted with the risk age measures. Customers of Fair- Here are a few examples of pres- of flooding from the North Sea banks Nijhuis benefit greatly from tige projects in which Fairbanks right from the start. As a result, the company's experience in this Nijhuis pumps have been used: Fairbanks Nijhuis has special ex- highly specialised field. New de- New Orleans (USA), IJmuiden pertise in flood protection, land velopments in this market include Pumping Station (The Nether- reclamation, drainage and irriga- fish-friendly pumps and turbines lands), South-to-North (P.R. of tion. Pumping stations form an that protect the habitat of fish in China) and Marina Barrage (Sin- essential component of all flood rivers and bodies of water and gapore). 24 APPLICATIONS SHIPPING AND DREDGING In maritime applications, it is vi- service. For example, high-capac- major challenge. For these ships, tal that processes operate with- ity bidirectional in-line pumps are Fairbanks Nijhuis supplies various out interruption. Standard pumps used to fill or empty hulls. pumps that require only simple maintenance in order to achieve a usually suffice for the operating processes on most ships, but cer- In the case of dredgers, the key tain applications call for special characteristic is “wear resis- pumps. Whether standard or spe- tance”. As a rule, the pumps are cial pumps are needed, Fairbanks used to convey sludge and liquids Nijhuis has the right solution and with a high solids content, which the accompanying expertise and present the pump materials with a long service life. 25 FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS WASTEWATER COLLECTION/LIFTING STATIONS Wastewater and sewage has to The pumps can either be dry be collected and then treated in mounted or submersible. Fair- a sewage treatment works. Lift- banks Nijhuis offers a broad range ing stations and pumping stations of pump types, which are available are used to overcome gravity and in various configurations to ensure transport the wastewater from A reliable wastewater disposal. to B, irrespective of the topography. DESALINATION Special pumps are required in or- gressive medium: seawater. der to achieve optimal system effi- ble to achieve maximum reliability, flexibility and durability, while ciency in the desalination process. Since every desalination plant has also ensuring maximum energy The pumps need to guarantee un- its own specifications, Fairbanks efficiency. interrupted operation and must Nijhuis adapts the pump design to be made of a material that is able suit the required flow rate and dis- to withstand the corrosive and ag- charge head. This makes it possi- 26 APPLICATIONS SEWAGE PLANTS Municipal and industrial waste- Fairbanks Nijhuis pumps can be impeller ensure smooth, uninter- water has to be treated in order found in numerous municipal sew- rupted operation, so that liquids to prevent damage to the environ- age plants around the globe. containing fibres, solids or abra- ment. sive materials can be pumped rePumps are used everywhere: for As the population grows, the de- transporting the untreated waste- mand for treatment plants and water, pumping it into the treat- thus also for pumps increases. ment plant, conveying the acti- liably. vated sludge and for pumping the backwash water. Various types of 27 FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS 28 SERVICE 29 FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS INSTALLATION AND INITIAL OPERATION In close cooperation with the Development Department, the Fairbanks Nijhuis Service Team can carry out all of the mechanical and electrical installation work on a turnkey basis. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Fairbanks Nijhuis oversees the The measurements are evaluated complete life-cycle of a pump, to by an experienced Pentair team, ensure optimal mechanical and which then recommends further energy-efficient performance. steps on the basis of the results. Professional vibration measurements can be taken in order to detect potential defects at an early stage. Vibration can be caused by wear, velocity and acceleration. Vibration measurements reveal the actual condition of new, existing or rebuilt pumps and other rotating equipment. 30 SERVICE 31 FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS TRAINING Fairbanks Nijhuis provides training sational processes during mainte- for its customers, worldwide, with nance and operation of the pump regard to installation, operation systems. and maintenance. These training sessions for managers and service technicians can be held on site or in one of the service centres. Because Fairbanks Nijhuis maintains connections with customers from the widest range of application areas, it is able to pass on its expertise to both new and existing customers. This leads to improvements in the technical and organi- MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Fairbanks Nijhuis repairs pumps collaboration with our develop- on site or in one of its own work- ment department. shops. A 24-hour maintenance contract ensures permanent sup- Our “Service” is not restricted to port for our systems, also if prob- the repair of our own pumps: it lems should arise. Spare part can also include the general over- stocks can also be managed on haul of the customer's existing behalf of third parties. As a result, pumps made by other manufac- we are able to work with guaran- turers. teed repair times at fixed prices. In addition to these services, Fairbanks Nijhuis offers the option of modifying pumps or accessories to customer specifications in 32 SERVICE CUSTOMER-ORIENTED AND FLEXIBLE Fairbanks Nijhuis supplies all This means that we can: spare parts for the Fairbanks •provide a rapid response to Nijhuis Group, worldwide. requests for spare or replacement parts Thanks to our in-house foundry, a large proportion of the necessary spare parts can be cast in various materials at short notice. •react flexibly to the customer’s special requirements •minimise the customer's stock of spare parts 33 FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS 34 REFERENCES MILESTONES IN THE COMPANY’S HISTORY 1904 G.J. Nijhuis establishes a repair workshop for textile machinery 1930 Nijhuis begins developing and manufacturing pumps. The company is named Nijhuis Pompen BV 2006 Nijhuis Pompen BV becomes part of the Norit Group 2011 Nijhuis Pompen BV becomes part of the Pentair Group 2012 The pump brands Fairbanks Morse and Nijhuis are merged to create Fairbanks Nijhuis FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS IJMUIDEN PUMPING STATION, The Netherlands The IJmuiden pumping station was constructed in 1975. It comprised four pumps with a total capacity of 160 m3/s (576,000 m3/h). In 2004, two Fairbanks Nijhuis propeller pumps were added in order to increase this capacity. Each of these pumps conveys water at a rate of 50 m3/s (180,000 m3/h). The permanent flooding that previously caused continuous problems in the western area of The Netherlands could then finally be brought to an end by this pumping system. Fairbanks Nijhuis was involved right from the beginning, with the preparation of a feasibility study. CUSTOMER: Rijkswaterstaat, The Netherlands TECHNICAL DATA The propeller pumps that were produced and installed by Fairbanks Nijhuis in 2004 are of the type HP14000.340. Capacity 50 m3/s (180,000 m3/h) Discharge head 0.5 to 5 m 36 REFERENCES MARINA BARRAGE, Singapore Until recently, Singapore was reliant on imports from Malaysia for its drinking water supply. In order to reduce this dependency, it was necessary to expand the drinking water supply in Singapore itself. Fairbanks Nijhuis supplied the pumps needed for this project. The project had three objectives: to supply water, to provide flood protection and to create leisure facilities. In order to meet these aims, a dam was built, separating the Marina Bay from the ocean. This created a basin in which rainwater could be collected. In order to regulate the water level in the basin and to discharge excess water into the sea, an adjacent drainage system with seven pumps was constructed. CUSTOMER: Metax Engineering / The Public Utilities Board TECHNICAL DATA The propeller pumps made and in- Pump type Discharge head: 3.8 m stalled by Fairbanks Nijhuis for the Seven pumps, type VPL1-3200.340 Propeller diameter: 3.2 m Marina Barrage have been in oper- Capacity: Power requirement: 1.6 MW ation since 2007. 140,000 m3/h per pump 37 FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS BERLINER WASSERBETRIEBE, Germany Berliner Wasserbetriebe is the largest water supply and wastewater disposal company in Germany. It supplies drinking water to 3.5 million Berliners as well as to almost 100,000 people in the surrounding area. In addition to this, it is responsible for the eco-friendly treatment and purification of wastewater in Berlin and its environs. The wastewater is collected in sewers and pumped to the treatment plants, where it is purified in accordance with the latest standards. The treatment plants treat around 660,000 m3 of wastewater per day. TECHNICAL DATA The pumps for the wastewater treatment works in Steglitz, Berlin were supplied by Fairbanks Nijhuis. The pumps have been in operation since 2007. Pump type Two pumps, type SRWVA1-250650 Flow rate 1440 m3/h per pump Discharge head 38 m 38 REFERENCES MIJNDEN LOCK, The Netherlands The Mijnden Lock is an important access point to the Loosdrechtse Plassen lakes from the Drecht and Vecht rivers to the west. In many open bodies of water in The Netherlands, including the Loosdrechtse Plassen, the fish are isolated from neighbouring lakes and water courses because the waterways are regulated by pumping stations and locks. The pumps in these pumping stations and locks represent an insurmountable obstacle to migrating fish. And a very large number of fish die in the pumps. In this case, the customer, Waternet, recognised the many advantages of our fish-friendly pump and decided to replace the existing pump at the Mijnden Lock with a fish-friendly pump. By replacing the pump, Waternet was also able to meet the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, which sets high standards regarding the quality and fish-friendliness of waterways. TECHNICAL DATA The fish-friendly pump made and Pump type Discharge head installed by Fairbanks Nijhuis* for VPF1-800.200 1.6 m the Mijnden Lock has been in oper- Flow rate Impeller speed ation since 2010. 4,870 m3/h 333 rpm *The fish-friendly pump was developed in cooperation with Fishflow Innovations. 39 FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS SHENZHEN, China The metropolis of Shenzhen (with a population of 14 million) is one of the fastest-growing cities in Asia. The demand for water for both domestic and industrial use is therefore enormous. Due to this large demand, it was necessary to expand the existing Shangpu water-supply pumping station. In addition, a second pumping station was built to pump untreated water through 20 km of pipeline into the Xibeng Reservoir. From here, the water is distributed to various locations for further treatment. Fairbanks Nijhuis split case pumps were used in both of these expansion measures. TECHNICAL DATA The pumps made and installed by Fairbanks Nijhuis for Shenzhen have been in operation since 2008. Pump type 6 pumps, type VENUS 900-1000 5 pumps, type VENUS 1200-1000 Flow rate 13,500 m3/h per pump Discharge head 51 m and 17 m 40 REFERENCES DELFT WATER BOARD, The Netherlands In Den Hoorn in the year 2000, the largest and most modern wastewater treatment plant in Delfland was constructed: the “Harnaschpolder”. This plant was needed in order to cope with the increasing volume of wastewater and to comply with the latest standards. Nine pumping stations, including the Laakwijk station, were retrofitted with pumps so that some of the wastewater from Den Haag and Rijswijk could be transferred to the Harnaschpolder plant. The capacity of the Laakwijk pumping station, which dates back to 1958, was increased from 2,902 m3 to 3,400 m3 per hour. Due to the location and the desire to retain the distinctive building for the benefit of the town, the retrofitting operation was no run-of-the-mill job. The works were completed at the end of 2011 and the Fairbanks Nijhuis pumps were delivered. After a successful period of trial operation, the pumping station was officially commissioned in 2012. TECHNICAL DATA Pump type Discharge head The pumps made and installed by 2 pumps, type RW1-500735 27.6 m (RW1-500735) Fairbanks Nijhuis have been in op- 2 pumps, type RW1-400525 8.8 m (RW1-400525) eration since 2012. Flow rate Rotational speed 3400 m /h per pump (RW1-500735) 750 rpm 3 1800 m /h per pump (RW1-400525) 3 41 FAIRBANKS NIJHUIS SPECIAL PUMPS FOR DREDGING, PALM ISLANDS, Dubai The artificial Palm Islands in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) were constructed from sand dredged from the seabed of the Persian Gulf by the Belgian company Jan De Nul (Palm Jubel Ali) and the Dutch company Van Oord. The construction of the Palm Islands added 520 km to the coastline of Dubai. Floating trailer suction hopper dredgers and other lighter vessels were used for this job. Almost all of the ships and vessels used by the Dutch and Belgian dredger companies involved in this project used Fairbanks Nijhuis pumps for their dredging operations. • Split case pumps • Flushing pumps • Peristaltic pumps • Cooling water pumps • Bilge and ballast pumps • Pumps for air conditioning systems • Fire extinguishing pumps Fairbanks Nijhuis also provided support services for the shipowners, including site visits from troubleshooters and customer service technicians and the supply of replacement parts. 42 REFERENCES 43 AUSTRIA Jung Pumpen Perfektastrasse 61/3 1230 Vienna T +43 1 7280262 THE NETHERLANDS Nijhuis Pompen BV Parallelweg 4 7102 DE Winterswijk T +31 (0)543 547474 SERVICE HEAD OFFICE Nijhuis Pompen BV Parallelweg 4 7102 DE Winterswijk T +31 (0)543 547474 www.fairbanksnijhuis.com www.jung-pumpen.com P 178 - 1.0 EN - 1409 Image sources: Jung Pumpen GmbH, Nijhuis Pompen BV, Fotolia and Shutterstock GERMANY Jung Pumpen GmbH Industriestrasse 4-6 33803 Steinhagen T +49 5204 170