2009 2010 Annual Report - The November Group Administration
2009 2010 Annual Report - The November Group Administration
g n i w a r D from e t t e r u o T Movement · Struggle · Creation · Victory Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada 2009 2010 Annual Report ® La Fondation canadienne du syndrome de la Tourette Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada Who Are We? Established in 1976, the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada (TSFC) is the only federally registered, charitable organization of volunteers assisting individuals affected by Tourette Syndrome (TS) and its associated disorders. We are dedicated to improving the quality of life for those with, or affected by, Tourette Syndrome through programs of education, advocacy, self-help and the promotion of research. Our Mission The Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada is a national voluntary organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for those with or affected by Tourette Syndrome through programs of education, advocacy, self-help and the promotion of research. Vision All people who have Tourette Syndrome will lead quality lives as accepted and valued members of an informed, tolerant society. Core Values The Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada will carry out its mission and work toward its objectives and purposes with integrity, professionalism, mutual respect, compassion and responsiveness. Annual Report 2009 2010 2 Contents sage · 4 s e M ’s t n e id s Pre ssage · 6 e M ’s or t c e ir D Five · 7 of p ou r G e h T he Brush Taking Up t ·9 Fresh Talent ngth Drawing Stre On Display · 10 · 11 r Potential u O g in h c a e R Balance ·8 · 12 · 13 tements · 14 a t S l ia c n a Fin ors) · 15 on D ( s on r t a P 9 Champions · 1 3 2009 2010 Annual Report President’s Message New Beginnings In my first message of 2010, as the New Year unfolded and a new decade began I shared that it was the beginning of many new initiatives for the Foundation. After settling into our new offices in Mississauga and the launch of a newly designed website, work began on a series of initiatives aimed at expanding our funding base and engaging our members like never before. Following the 2009 AGM as the newly elected President, I was excited to work with our new Board of Directors and continue to explore the opportunities before us. The Foundation developed a partnership with the global marketing firm of Saatchi & Saatchi to build a major public awareness initiative. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) awarded our first Federal Grant to start a new education and self-advocacy program for our youth called, It’s Your Move. Fundraising is a key component of our strategic and annual business plans. While the economy has taken a toll for a number of charities, our second annual Trek for Tourette was conducted across Canada on March 21st. While the total of funds raised fell by a short margin from the first event, we involved more of our affiliates across the country and continue to expand awareness of Tourette Syndrome and the national organization. Our third Trek has been planned for March 27th, 2011. In order to further maximize our fund raising efforts, a relationship was developed with FMS to assist with the annual golf tournament another key fundraising event. Another area within the fundraising strategy is the development of partnerships with other organizations. In 2009 we further expanded upon our relationship with the Canadian Police Curling Association who has designated the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada as their charity of choice. We were fortunate to be adopted for the first time by a company called SBLR as their charity of choice for 2010. New Additions At the National Office and due in part to the HRSDC grant, we have been able to add a couple of new members to our office team so we can increase our services for our members and affiliates. A number of programs were undertaken in the first phases of development in 2009. Throughout this past year we have continued our work with the Neurological Health Charities Coalition of Canada (NHCC), a group of neurological health organizations whose mandate is the development of a neurological strategy for Canada in partnership with Health Canada. Our Advocacy and Volunteer Development Committees have continued to develop programs to help parents of youth with TS become effective advocates within the school system, as well as Annual Report 2009 2010 4 an updated in-service training program to be used with our new software platform that will provide volunteers with web based independent training. New Connections Our Board of Directors and the Professional Advisory Committee were able to undertake our first in-person meeting in order to further development joint opportunities and you will see more results of this session with the renewal of our strategic plans for the next few upcoming years. Finally we are closing our AGM year with our first Leadership meeting of the Board of Directors and the Presidents of the local affiliates across Canada to ensure we have a collaborative team from coast to coast to sustain our growth as an organization. Ultimately, these initiatives and opportunities were to continue progress from 2009 toward 2010 guided by our current strategic objectives; focus on the key areas of awareness & acceptance, capacity building, funding, research and public profile. In this annual report, we hope to show how tapping into the creative talents of so many people has made a positive impact on our organization. Drawing on the positive aspects of having TS has empowered our teams to think “outside the box” and find new ways of tackling challenges. As we strive to achieve our vision, it is well to remember our past accomplishments and take pride in our potential for 2011 and beyond. Janet Rumsey President, TSFC Board of Directors 5 2009 2010 Annual Report Executive Director’s Message 2009 2010 marks another exciting year in the history of the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada. As we approach our 35th Anniversary in 2011 we do so with a sense of pride and accomplishment. During these most challenging economic times we succeeded in remaining fiscally sound and at the same time celebrate a momentous occasion, the receipt of our first ever government grant from Human Resources Skills Development Canada. The past year’s success is due to the tremendous efforts of many people. The dedication, leadership and commitment of the Board of Directors provided the impetus that moved us forward. There is no doubt that we need to vigorously pursue other fund development strategies to obtain long term stability and enable us to broaden our awareness and advocacy efforts, however, doing so in this climate requires careful planning and vigilance. Awareness has always been one of our key strategies and on the advent of our rolling out of the @Random project we hope to have a major impact on dispelling the Hollywood myth ergo the resulting stigma. While the Foundation’s mission includes the promotion of research, the funding required to undertake such important work continues to elude us. However, with an extremely generous donation to the Mort Doran Research Fund, the Foundation‘s Professional Advisory Board was able to begin the work of developing clinical guidelines for Canada. A team is in place and the work is scheduled to begin this in fall or 2010. These guidelines will act as a first responders guide to Tourette Syndrome and speaks to one of our important goals… that of an earlier and a ccurate diagnosis. Thank you to the countless volunteers in numerous communities who have given so generously of themselves. We are very grateful for your gifts which enable us to provide quality programs and services to Canadians coast to coast. In the coming year it is our goal is to expand our reach, enhance our profile and to continue to foster strategic linkages. This seems like a long journey with the finish line remaining elusive, but together we can achieve great things. Won’t you join in these partnerships through your gifts of time, talent or philanthropy! Rosie Wartecker Annual Report 2009 2010 6 The Group of Five From the Desks of our Committee Chairs… Our five committees – Conference, Youth, Advocacy, Volunteer and Marketing – are central to the work we do as an organization. Each touches on a critical aspect of the Foundation’s mission and is headed by a dedicated volunteer who in turn brings together the talents and abilities of others to make our lives – and the lives of those with TS – just a little bit easier. As we reflect on our accomplishments of the past year and anticipate the exciting paths that lay ahead, we salute the enthusiastic and gifted team of individuals helping us to achieve our goals. 7 2009 2010 Annual Report Taking Up the Brush Conference Committee 2009 Chair – Sybil Berenstein Toronto Conference 2009: “Ages and Stages” was centered on a theme that surely resonates with many people living with TS today – namely, the challenges that Tourette Syndrome poses to the individual throughout their life. From the fears and denial that often accompany that first diagnosis in early childhood, to navigating adolescence and emerging into adulthood, TS affects us at virtually every stage in our lives. The speakers were chosen for their expertise and ability to relate to the spectrum of hurdles faced by the TS community both in families and persons who live with the disorder. Participants came away with new insights, valuable skills and a strong support network, all of which are essential to the process of coping daily with TS and moving forward. Annual Report 2009 2010 8 Fresh Talent Youth Committee Chair – Alexander Patton The Youth Committee, composed of ten people from across Canada, was re-established in late 2009. The focus of the committee is to serve the needs of the youth within the TSFC. Many members are young adults who have Tourette Syndrome themselves. We are currently developing a survey to help us learn more about the issues facing youth with Tourette Syndrome and aide us in finding ways to address them. One of our most exciting projects is the current work on creating a subcommittee of youth aged 12 to 17 who will help the Committee develop projects and ideas for this demographic. This means that youth will play a role in the programs and services provided for them and have a stronger voice within the Foundation. We are currently in the process of recruiting members. Members of the Youth Committee assisted in planning the youth track of the 2010 Conference as well as the new “It’s Your Move” program and are very excited about this unique initiative. Although we are a new committee, we are working hard to generate new ideas for the Foundation’s youth and we look forward to a rewarding year ahead! 9 2009 2010 Annual Report Drawing Strength Advocacy Committee Chair – Tina Blanchette Advocating is speaking on behalf of someone in order to advance their rights. It can take many forms, from giving in-service presentations to seeking changes in public policy. One of our goals is to help young people with TS advocate for themselves; but in order for this to happen, the appropriate supports need to be in place. Imagine going to work every day and facing ridicule from co-workers, hostility from your boss, and not being able to quit, leave or even complain. Now change the setting from a workplace to a classroom: Is there really a difference? When children with TS face these situations at school, parents often feel helpless to intervene or are uncertain about how to approach the issue. With an extremely generous donation from the Longo’s Family Charitable Foundation, the TSFC has developed and will soon be beta testing an online, web-based program to help parents become effective advocates within the education system. The course, which will be led and moderated by Dr. Norm Forman, author of Exceptional Children – Ordinary Schools: Getting the Education You Want for Your Special Needs Child takes parents through the advocacy process, from understanding its origins to navigating school bureaucracies to creating an Individual Education Plan (IEP). The aim is to make parents aware of the rights that apply to their children in terms of receiving accommodations and services at school, as well as knowing whom to ask for help and what to expect from the system. We look forward to getting feedback on the course during the upcoming year, as well as hearing success stories from families who have ‘bridged the gap’ between their needs and the services designed to meet them. Annual Report 2009 2010 10 On Display Marketing Committee Chair – Kirk O’Brien Last year, the TSFC entered into a partnership with the global marketing firm of Saatchi & Saatchi under the leadership of Brian Sheppard, co-executive creative director, with the aim of improving our branding and outreach strategy. Out of this has come @Random, a major public awareness initiative aimed at educating the public about Tourette Syndrome and the people – friends, co-workers, neighbours – who have it. A major component of @Random is the world -class documentary of the same name. The film explores the Tourette landscape using five minute segments devoted to the spectrum of people who live with the disorder. One of the project’s goals is to transform the public’s perception of TS from media-driven stereotypes to a more realistic portrayal of TS. The project is slated to roll out in time to celebrate the Foundation’s 35th Anniversary in 2011. We are proud to be working with so many talented individuals to help achieve our vision wherein “All people with Tourette Syndrome will lead quality lives as accepted and valued members of an informed, tolerant society”. 11 2009 2010 Annual Report Reaching Our Potential Volunteer Development Committee Chair – Patti Tomas-Lowe In 2009 TSFC volunteers reached more than 3000 individuals through in-service presentations in schools, workplaces and community organizations across the country. Raising awareness and bringing information about Tourette Syndrome to the forefront is one of the most important services undertaken by the Foundation. To this end, we are in the process of creating an online in-service training module for recertification and for new presenters, along with an updated set of presentation slides for educators. Our goal is to keep the content current and relevant while using the Internet to bring the material together in an engaging, accessible format. Two other initiatives were spearheaded by the Volunteer Development Committee this year. “Project in the Box” will create a list of successful projects undertaken by affiliates across the country, along with strategies and ‘quick start’ tips for other chapters looking for fundraising and public awareness ideas. By pooling resources in this way we hope to make it easier for everyone to seize opportunities and get the most from their efforts. We have also taken steps to strengthen our volunteer resources by improving our system for connecting people with positions that complement their skill sets. Our volunteers sit on committees, raise funds, organize events, distribute materials, and moderate online forums, to name just a few activities; their efforts help the organization to function effectively in helping the thousands of members that rely on us for support. Looking ahead to next year, we anticipate the addition of more education and public awareness initiatives, including a new series of in-service presentations on TS and the law aimed at the policing community. Annual Report 2009 2010 12 Balance Treasurer’s Report – Jay Thomblison Our 2009 revenues far surpassed our expenses, owing to a large one-time gain on the sale of the Jarvis Street property, the former home of the TSFC National Office. However, when this item is removed from the equation, we have an operating deficit of $45,110. This is the second deficit we have incurred in a row, and this trend cannot continue if we hope to remain financially viable as an organization. The Board of Directors and the management have carefully managed the organization’s affairs over the past year, focusing on both revenue generation and expense control. One item of note was the creation of the inaugural Trek for Tourette event in March of 2009. This event contributed significantly to our revenue, and we look forward to many more successful Treks in the coming years. With the receipt of the HRSDC grant in early 2010, we foresee some exciting project launches and spin offs in our future. The Board of Directors, along with its Executive Director, will need to continue with their efforts to control costs and generate new revenue for the Foundation to ensure its success now and in the future. 13 2009 2010 Annual Report Financial Statements Statement of Operations for the Year Ended December 31, 2009 Revenue 2009 2008 Donations 271,073 108,560 Memberships 23,678 24,068 Fundraising 324,272 424,605 Product Sales 15,644 20,325 Interest and Other 4,957 21,979 Property Sale 220,643 - 860,267 599,537 Administration 241,308 276,378 Fundraising 255,425 236,539 Strategic Areas/Support 184,662 121,974 681,395 634,891 Revenue over Expenses 178,872 (Expenses over Revenue) Amortization 3,339 (35,354) Revenue Breakdown Expenses Surplus (Deficit) for the year 175,533 18,055 (53,409) • The financial information is derived from the audited financial statements of The TSFC. • A full set of audited statements is available upon request. • The revenues and expenses include the activities of all 32 affiliates across the country. Annual Report 2009 2010 14 Patrons (Donors) $50 - 249 ADAM MCINNIS ADRIENNE GUEST AHMED SHALABI ALBERT KUzMYK ALICE SMITH ALLAN GUNN AMBER DUBCIAK AMY CHOY ANDREA EVANS ANDREA HOLDEN ANDREW COLLIER ANDREW WAGG ANDY LING ANGELA THOMPSON ANGELA SWITT ANIKO VARPALOTAI ANITA KITCHEN ANN HOLTON ANNA AGUIAR ANNE MARIE MEEHAN ANNE MARIE MELANSON APRIL BROWN ARTHUR zAMMIT AXELSON ETHEL BALL DARRELL BANKS MICHAEL BANNERMAN MILLER DENNISE BARBARA ANN COOMBS BARBARA SNELL BARNETT HEATHER BARNHILL GERALD BARONE CAROLYN BARRY BERENSTEIN BARRY COX BERENSTEIN SYBIL BERNADETTE MCCARTER BETTY ANN ATWOOD BHR SIMMY WOLF BILL COOKE BILL FREMIS BILL PALLETT BLAIR GREENWOOD BLOSTEIN FAY BOB AND JUDY ROGERS BOB SHUPE BOB SOKALSKI BRANDT LORNE BRASCHUK DARLENE 15 BRIAN & SHERRY MCBARRON BRIAN GREIG HORTON BRIAN MIDWINTER BRICE LINDA BRONWEN BAYLIS BROWN DONNA BRUCE CHISLETT BRUCE FORBES BRUCE MACARTNEY BRUCE OR CHRISTINE BARTEL BRUCE TAYLOR BRYANNE TAIT BULMAN DEBBIE C4 OFFICE CLEANING CAITLIN CHISHOLM CANDICE LI CAROL GORDON CAROL BEISEL CAROLYN DENIGER CARRIE GRAVEL CARY SELBY CATHERINE DYER CHAN LINDA CHANTEL BROTEN CHARLENE WALSH CHARLOTTE INAMA CHERYL COOPER CHERYL MOORE-PANGRAzzI CHERYL POULIN CHRIS AVERY CHRIS JARVIS CHRISTINA HUGHEY CHRISTINE LUELO CHRISTOPHE NGO CHRISTY JOHNSON CLAUDE THIBAULT COCKELL DEAN COFFIN KEN COLLEEN BONNAH CORNEL CEAPA CUNNINGHAM CORRIE CUNNINGHAM DOUGLAS DAN AND JUDY BASSO DAN SHULMAN DANIELLE GRUNINGER DARREN BADRY DARREN JOPKA DARREN MCMILLAN DAVE O'BRIEN DAVID KINDERS DAVID PALOzzI DAVID BURGESS DAVID KINDERS DAVID PETRISHEN DAVID SACHVIE DAVIS MONIQUE DAYNA BLACK DEAN COCKELL DEB OCHOA DEBORAH DIXON DEREK GILES DI LIM DIANE DYER DIANE GOUGE DIANE STE. CROIX DIMOND APRIL DONALD BUTLAND DONALD JONES DONNA BROWN DONNA SCOTT DORIANNE HACHEY DOUG LAKE DOUGLAS KYLE DR. DONALD GUTKIN DROVER BARBARA DUMORE DENTAL CORP DUNCAN BUREAU DUNCAN BUREAU EBY ANNIE EDWARD ROONEY ELAINE SPENCER ELIzABETH MISENER ENS RUTH EPSTEIN TRINA ERIC MACDONALD ESPOSITO YOLANDA EVAN SONE FAMILY GREENWOOD FARQUHAR JACK FAST DIANE FLORDELIz OSLER FOSTER MERVYN FRANCES & DAVID RUBIN FOUNDATION FRANCES PILON FRANDSEN JEAN FRANK JASEK FRED & MARGARET COLL FRONTIERS NORTH ADVENTURES G.J.ANDREWS FOOD & WINE SHOPPE GARRIOCH SANDY GARY HUNT GARY KEOUGH 2009 2010 Annual Report Patrons (Donors) $50 - 249 Continued GARY LELOND GARY QUINN GARY SHADY GAUDET TARA GERALD A. STROME GERALD PETERS GERARD JOHNSON GILBERT PATRICIA GILMOUR PATRICK GISELLE CHARTRAND GLENN HILDEBRAND GLORIA CLAMEN GLORIA STEPHENS GOHIL DILLON J. GOLDBERG JEFF GORD BROWN GORD LAUGHY GORDON CAMP GORDON KYLE GRAVEL CARRIE GREEN SANDRA GREENBERG JANICE GRIFFIN JOAN GUY REGNIER GWEN GILMER HéLèNE CONSTANT-RUEST HANSEN JANICE HARRY WIERENGA HARVEY COLL HATCH KIM HAWAWINI CHARLENE C HEDLUND ELSE-BRITT HENRY CONSTANT HENRY KIRWIN HERLICK RICHARD HILL ADRIENNE HILL PENELOPE HOLLY THIBERT HORDAL MICHELLE HORDERN BARBARA HOWIE CHRIS & TAMARA HUGH MACDONALD HUNTER PATRICIA HURST CATHERINE HURTA EDWARD IAN WORLAND INFINYT DEVELOPMENT GROUP IRA FRIEDMAN IVERSON ERLING JACQUELINE OWEN JACQUES DION JAIME BENAYON JAMES KATHIE JAMES M VALIQUETTE JAMES RINGER JAMES THOMBLISON JAMIE NAPHOLC JAN DAMERY JANE WILKINSON JANET BOYLE JANET BROWN JANICE MAYEDE JANICE PURDY JAQUES GEORGE & JUNE JASON SPENCER JAY TEITEL JEANNE HATCH JEANNETTE SHIPTON JEFF ACKER JEFF EKSTEIN C/O WILLOW PRINTING GROUP LTD. JEFF LOTHIAN JEN WELDON JENICA RENAY JENNIFER LEMIEUX JENNIFER PARKS JENNY FAIRBURN JENSEN JOAN JERRY ATNIKOV JIM LUELO JIM THOMSON JOB HEINTz JOCELYNE & RAYMOND CONSTANT JODIE PIzzI JOEL CARRIER JOHN AND ROSIE USTER JOHN BATHURST JOHN BOYLE JOHN CORNEY JOHN LAWRENCE JOHN MACLEOD JON AND LISA LOVLIN JONASSON DEBBIE JONATHAN BLAKEY JORAE MANAGEMENT INC. JORDAN GOULD JOYCE PIERCE JUDY STIRLING Annual Report 2009 2010 continued... JULIA HOLDEN JULIAN GERALD & GLENDA JULIE WATKINS KAMIEL-FORSTER DONNA KAPETANIOS ELIAS KAREN BURNINGHAM KAREN TANG KATHERINE DUSIK KATHRYN SMALE KATSOF ALISSA KATSOF GARY KEELY GILMORE KEITH JAMES KEITH O'BRIEN KELLY JACK KELWIN WYLIE KEMPO LINDA KENNETH HUNT KENNY WONG KIM DRAKE KIM DREVER KIM ERION KIM LARSEN KIRK O'BRIEN KIRSTY MCAVOY KLASSEN SHARON KOROLUK KAREN KRISTINA, TODD, RILEY AND CAL TRUAX KYLE KUzMYK LAMBERT ELIzABETH LAURA HATCH LAURA LOCKE LAURENCE FISCHER LEDOHOWSKI DEANNA LEMIEUX JANE LEN DALMAN LEN VANDENBERG LEON JANzEN LEON SALVAIL LESLEY AND GEORGE FITzPATRICK LEVINE GERALD LINCOLN HATCH LINDA SANSALONE LINDA BABCOCK LINDA BRAYSHAW LINDA HAMILTON LINDA NEWTON LINDA PAPADOPOULOS LINDA SAVARD LINDSAY MILLER LIPSETT RUTH 16 LIS DIPASQUALE LISA CHISHOLM-NEAL LISA ROTMAN LORI GOHILL LORI HALLIDAY LORI LOEWEN LUCIEN DAVALAN LYNDA CHALLIS LYNN RIDLEY MACDONALD LESLIE MACDOUGALL ANITA M MADELINE POPOWICH MAHONEY MARY MARGARET MALA JOSHI MALE KEN MANDEL PAUL MARC CHARLAND MARILYN BOYLE MARINER & MARINER COUNSELLING MARK RAROG MARLENE LEGAULT MARY FRANCES LAUGHTON MARY KAY TOMBU MARY MACDONALD MAUREEN BAIKIE MAUREEN HOLLANDS MAUREEN MIERAS MAUREEN VOSS MAX FEIERSTEIN MC CULLOUGH BEV MCBRIDE JOY MEGHAN MEGER-JOHNSON MELISSA MUSKAT MELISSA PENNER MERRITT ALLEN MICHAEL KRESTELL MICHAEL LAzER MICHAEL MURPHY MICHELE MACTAGGART MICHELLE GIGNAC MICHELLE JAMIESON MICHELLE MURTON MIKE KEENAN MOFFATT PATRICIA MOGUL LLOYD MOMENTUM PHYSIO THERAPY CLINIC MONIQUE CONSTANT MORRIS MAzzONNA JUDITH MORRISON CAROL MOSCOVITCH RUTH MOUYLENG LY NANCY ADDISON NATASHA MIERAS NEIL PETERS NIXON KAREN NOAH ATKNIKOV NORMAND GIARD (KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL) NORMAND REGNIER 17 O'BRIEN CAROLYN O'BRIEN ED & HELEN O'SHEA NICK P HAYDEN DESSER PADDON STELLA & HOWARD PALUMBO ARNELLA PAM KLICK PAMELA CAMERON PAMELA HEINTz PAMELA SILK PANTING DIANE PARESH SHAH PARESH SHAH PATRICIA BUCHANAN PATRICK AND VANESSA COLLINS PATRICK COYNE PATTI AND JIM RINGER PAUL KADLICK PAUL LAWRENCE PENNY ANTONY PENTECOST KEVIN PERRY AND SHELLEY SEIDELMAN PERRY MILLER PERT ROBERT PETER AND ANNA MARIE STYS PETER AND PATSY MAYEDE PETER C KUzMYK PETER MACDONALD PETER SIEMENS PHIL/ANGELA PENNER PICCOTFI STEVE POLSTER PHILIP RADESCHI GIUSEPPINA RAINSOFT (REGINA) LTD. RAKAR STEPHANIE RANDY HIEBERT RAUGUST TYLER RAY BAILEY RAY CUTHBERT RAY ROBERTSON REBECCA SCHLEICHER REBECCA VON zUBEN REBECCA WEBB REDA SANTO RENé CHAMPAGNE RICK DYER RICK LIVINGSTONE RIGATO MICHAEL RITA GUNN ROB GOULD ROB JOHNSTON ROBERT CARUSO ROBERT CLAVEAU ROBERT WRIGLEY ROGERS BOB AND JUDY ROMEO zEPPIERI RON KIzNEY RON KUIPERS RON SYMONDS ROSIE WARTECKER ROSS MACDOUGALL ROY AND LIz KUzMYK SADORI MARCO SAGER STEVEN J SALOMON BENAYON SAMANTHA STEPHENS SANDRA JONSSON SANSALONE LINDA SAVILLE STUART SBLR SCOTT DAY SEAN SLAUGHTER SEGUIN CHARLENE SEIDELMAN PERRY SERNE LOUISA SHAFFELBURG RENI SHANNON ROSS SHARON BABCOCK SHEILA HARDING SHEILA WEAVER SHELDON FREEMAN AND SHARLENE WILDER SHELLEY CAPPUCCIO SHOEMAKER KEN SHONA MEYER SHULMAN DAN SILVEIRA MR SLOBOJAN MARY SONIA ABREU SORRELL DEBBIE STACEY SPRATT STACKHOUSE DIANNE STARKS FIROUzEH STEINBERG RONALD STEPHANIE COOLEN STEPHEN PLATT STEVE HUMAR STEVEN ATNIKOV STEVEN SAGER STEW FARAGO STOKAN KATHLEEN SUDERMAN GARRY WAYNE SUE TREGUNNO SUE SMARKALA SUE TOMNEY SULPIzIO CHRISTINA SUSAN CLOKE SUSAN FOURNIER SUSAN FRIEDMAN SUSAN KETTERINGHAM SUSAN MACKIRDY SUSAN RAND SUSAN SCHMALz SUzANNE BEATTY SUzANNE ETHIER SUzANNE REGNIER-TRONT SWANTJE ELKE TANNA OUTHWAITE TARAJOS JAMES TEAM TELUS CARES TERRY HOPKINSON THE MOSCOE FAMILY THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK THERESA ARSENAULT 2009 2010 Annual Report Patrons (Donors) $50 - 249 Continued THOMAS SCHWAN THOMAS VALIQUETTE THOMAS ROGER THOMBLISON JAY THOMPSON LINDA TILLEY DORIS TINA GJERTSEN TOBIN DAVIS TOD NIBLOCK TODD & JANICE DYER TODD & JANICE DYER TONCO CONTRACTING INC C/O COCCIA T TOOLE JEAN TRACEY GRIESBACH TRACY RICHARD TRISH BRADEY TYSON MATHESON URSULA BELANGER VAL AND HAzEN STEEVES VALERIE MACDONALD VALERIE YUEL-MILLER VAN ORDER CAROLYN VANESSA STRATTON VEDO LUIS VIC GOURILUK VICTOR BLANCHETTE VINCENT MACDONALD WAJAHAT MAHMOOD WANDA GRIFT WAYMAN JOAN WEIL DESIREE WENDY J MILLER WENDY RUBIN WENN JEFF WILLIAM COOKE WILLIAM SPENCER WINNIPEG CONVENTION CENTRE WOLSEY ED WOOD DIANE Y BHATHELLA YVAN MORRISSETTE zUKER RICHARD $250 - 499 BLOOM LANYS PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION BRIMACOMBE PETER BROOKE COLL DOUGLAS STEPHEN FOLINO FIORINA GREEN DAVID KEITH LAUGHTON LA CIVITA CLAUDIO LORNE PERRIN LYSAY ROBERT MACDONALD VALERIE MACNEILL RONALD MICHELLE MILLS MIRAGE CONSULTING LTD MYERS RANDAL PUGH DAVID RAPID IMPACT COMPACTORS LTD. SCOTT ALLAN SELL IAN SMITH ROBERT THE NOVEMBER GROUP TODD GRIERSON-WEILER WHITEHOTS INC WIGINTON KAREN WILSON LOIS continued... SAND ANNA STEFANICA VERONIQUE THE BRAMPTON CURLING CLUB TINA, MARC, THOMAS, DANIELLE BLANCHETTE WARTECKER ROSIE zEKRI KHALED $1000 - 4999 ALEXANDRA CONGEL DUKSzTA ANNETTE GORMAN DANIEL INAMA CHARLOTTE LAWRENCE BETTY JEAN PENNELL ANN PERRIN LORNE RBC FOUNDATION REAY SAMANTHA ROBERTSON SCOTT $5000 MEDWORXX $500 - 999 ARCOMANO ATTN: EMILIE ASPIRIA CORP. BELL CANADA EMPLOYEE GIVING PROGRAM BIANCONI JORDAN GOULD JOSEPH G JAEGER BRUCE JONES IAN C LEON AND VONNIE zUPAN MCLEOD THOMAS MORTON ROBERT & JANICE NEWFOUNDLAND LIQUOR CORPORATION, GANDER BRANCH ONTARIO POWER GENERATION EMPLOYEES CHARITY TRUST RUCAS DEREK Annual Report 2009 2010 18 Champions Three Types of Affiliates The volunteer component of the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada is structured so that everyone who wishes to volunteer has a choice as to how much responsibility they wish to take on. Collectively, our local volunteers are called affiliates; the three types of affiliate opportunities are contact representatives, resource units and chapters. While these are sometimes referred to as “levels” of the organization, there are in fact no levels. Everyone is considered to be an equal member of the same team, regardless of how they are involved. Contact Representatives Contact Representatives are individuals in a specific geographic area who act for the TSFC. They are approved according to the established policy (in the Governing Documents [White] Binder). They provide assistance and information in their community to individuals and families affected by Tourette Syndrome, and other interested parties. Their responsibilities are outlined in the Contact Representatives Agreement of Affiliation, “Responsibilities of Contact Representatives”. Contact Representatives may enlist the help of other volunteers and form resource units or chapters, providing that the criteria for those groups is met. Resource Units Resource units are groups of individuals (minimum of four) in a specific geographic area who act collectively for the TSFC. They too are approved according to the established policy in the Governing Documents Binder. Like contact representatives, members of resource units provide assistance and information in their community to individuals and families affected by Tourette Syndrome. Their responsibilities are outlined in the Resource Unit Agreement of Affiliation, “Responsibilities of Resource Units”. This ‘stepping stone’ in the structure of the Foundation provides an opportunity for growth from contact representative to affiliated chapter. (continued over...) 19 2009 2010 Annual Report Champions continued... Chapters Chapters are larger groups of individuals (minimum of ten). Often, chapters are formed when people who, led by a contact representative or resource unit leader, expand their activities and thus meet the criteria for becoming a chapter. Like contact representatives and resource units, they are approved according to established policy and provide assistance and information in their community to individuals and families affected by Tourette Syndrome. They have considerably more responsibility than contact representatives and resource units, such as administrative tasks and being financially independent. Unlike contact representatives and resource units, chapters may operate bank accounts. Full details of chapter responsibilities are outlined in the chapter Agreement of Affiliation, “Responsibilities of Chapters.” Volunteers By definition, the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada is a national voluntary health organization. With the exception of the staff at its National Office, the time, energy and work of volunteers keeps the Foundation functioning. It simply could not exist without them. They are the Foundation’s most precious resource. It is through this combined effort of volunteers and staff that the TSFC carries out its mandate. Our common vision, coupled with the enthusiasm and dedication of our volunteers, ensures a high level of service to people who have Tourette syndrome, their families, their care givers and professionals. This effective service delivery is based on the TSFC’s commitment to providing its volunteers with the necessary tools and skills, and the philosophy that everyone has something to contribute and is highly valued for that contribution. Volunteers operate under the leadership of the national organization, and are responsible for direct service at the local level. Annual Report 2009 2010 20 Board of Directors Chapters The TSFC operates under the direction and governance of a volunteer Board of Directors with representation across Canada. The Board of Directors is elected each year at the Foundation’s Annual General Meeting. Greater Vancouver, BC Victoria, BC Thompson-Okanagan, BC Edmonton, AB Winnipeg, MB Greater Toronto, ON Hamilton-Niagara Region, ON London, ON Ottawa, ON Wellington-Waterloo, ON Windsor-Essex, ON Newfoundland Labrador, NL Lorne Perrin Janet Rumsey Kirk O’Brien Patti Tomas Lowe Jay Thomblison Sybil Berenstein Charles Benayon Tina Blanchette Donna Brown Gordon Brown Dan Gall Frans Sanders Cathy Wylie Paul Sandor, MD, FRCPC Winnipeg, MB St. John’s, NL Kelowna, BC Edmonton, AB Burlington, ON Toronto, ON Thornhill, ON Waterloo, ON Ancaster, ON Kitchener, ON Winnipeg, MB Lower Sackville, NS Munster, ON Toronto, ON Past President President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Liaison, Professional Advisory Board Professional Advisory Board The Professional Advisory Board (PAB) is comprised of volunteer clinicians who work with the Board of Directors and the Executive Director of the Foundation assuring that all reference materials are expressed in accordance with proper medial and clinical criteria. The PAB is called upon for direction in respect to research project funding as well as other clinical advice required by the Foundation. Paul Sandor, MD, FRCPC Cathy Barr, MD Yves Dion, MD Joseph Dooley, MD Mort Doran, MD Roger Freeman, MD Sandra Luscombe, MD B. Duncan McKinlay, Ph.D., C. Psych. Tamara Pringsheim, MD, FRCPC Sheryl Pruitt, M.Ed Mary Robertson, MD Gary Shady, Ph.D. Toronto, ON Chair Toronto, ON Sorel, QC Halifax, NS Fairmont, BC Vancouver, BC St. John’s, NL London, ON Calgary, AB Marietta, GA London, UK Winnipeg, MB Resource Units Brandon Westman, MB Charlottetown, PEI Calgary, AB Fort Erie, ON Lower Sackville, NS Contact Representatives Prince George, BC Nanaimo, BC Comox, BC Grande Prairie, AB Whitecourt, AB Fort McMurray, AB Regina, SK Sudbury, ON Bracebridge, ON Peterborough, ON Summerside, PEI Halifax, NS Truro, NS Corner Brook, NL National Office Staff Executive Director: Rosie Wartecker Programs & Services and It's Your Move Project Coordinator: Tina Hahn Marketing & Communications and It’s Your Move Project Marketing Coordinator: Kenneth Butland Administrative Assistant: Liliana Ruiz 21 2009 2010 Annual Report
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