HERE - Lakes Region Pet Resort
HERE - Lakes Region Pet Resort
3DJH³7+(/$&21,$'$,/<6817XHVGD\1RYHPEHU &RXSOHZKRVWDUWHGOX[XU\SHWUHVRUWZDVULJKWWKHUHLVD/DNHV5HJLRQPDUNHW BY ADAM DRAPCHO ;/,3(*650(+(03@:<5 CENTER HARBOR — A few years ago, Cindi and Mike Ingalls came up with an idea for an up-scale alternative to the many animal boarding facilities in the region. Some lenders could barely stifle their laughter when the Ingalls sought financing, and an accountant begged them not to open in November, on the assumption that there wouldn’t be enough off-season business to sustain them until the tourists of summer returned. Despite their doubters, the Ingalls strove forward with their plan, and with a funding package assembled with help from Meredith Village Savings Bank and the Belknap County Economic Development Council, the Lakes Region Pet Resort opened a year ago, offering what the Ingalls call “luxury suites” for overnight dog and cat boarding, doggie day care and pet training. Looking back over 12 months of business, they not only proved the naysayers wrong, they even out-performed their own expectations. Ever since they opened the business, said Cindi, “The phone rang off the hook.” Response to the Lakes Region Pet Resort has been robust, she reported. Despite what some expected, that their business would be slow at best during the winter, the Ingalls found the opposite to be true. They boarded 18 dogs over Christmas, were still busy on New Year’s Eve, and boarded 43 dogs during school vacation week in February. They’ve accommodated pets for vacationers from as far as the West Coast, and have hosted several dogs that traveled to the area for a wedding. Then, when the summer season hit, they were about as busy as they could handle. “I was really shocked that we hit the ground running,” said Cindi, noting that there were only two nights, both in January, when they didn’t have an animal staying at the business. Beyond those two exceptions, the business has kept them “extremely MYVTWYLJLKPUNWHNL recognizance bail, saying Corbin was employed full time, had his own place to live, and would agree to stay away from his family. He said he had a total of about $600 including this week’s paycheck. Bresau said much of Corbin’s issues have to do with “family dynamics” and he said there is “lots of domestic violence in his history.” He said he would support Genesis, the regional mental health agency, and counseling for Corbin but didn’t think he belongs in the N.H. State Hospital. (M[LYH`LHYPUVWLYH[PVU[OLV^ULYZVM3HRLZ9LNPVU7L[9LZVY[HYLOHWW`[OL`[VVR[OLYPZRVMNVPUNPU[VI\ZPULZZMVY[OLTZLS]LZ(IV]L KH`[PTLZ\WLY]PZVY4HYNL>VVSL`WVZLZ^P[O¸3VSH¹^OPSLV^ULYZ*PUKPHUK4PRL0UNHSSZOVSK¸7H[¹3HJVUPH+HPS`:\UWOV[V(KHT+YHWJOV busy,” said Cindi, who has since quit her day job as a marketing consultant for Equine Journal. Mike plans to keep his position as an engineer, but also helps out at the pet resort. In addition to the two owners, the business has one full-time employee and five part-timers. Bresau said it would not be a problem if Corbin was ordered to have no contact with his family. He also said Corbin would agree to a curfew as long as he was able to get to and from work. Carroll called both attorneys to the bench for a private discussion. Afterward, Carroll told Corbin that he could be released as long as he posted the $400 bail by Monday at 3 p.m. He also told him to call Genesis and tell them he needed to be seen immediately. After a year in business, Mike and Cindi think their experience should be encouraging to others who think they’ve got a good idea but are hesitant to take the plunge. For those on the fence, they’ve got some advice. For starters, Mike said, they did a lot of research, both on the industry in general and the local market. They found that the pet care industry is fairly recession-proof. “People will do for their pets what they might not even do for a family member,” said Cindi. For well-to-do customers, she said, there weren’t any up-scale options in the Lakes Region. “I knew there was no competition for a high-end pet resort.” The business charges $30 (dog) and $25 (cat) per night for a “luxury suite”. Another factor they cite is identifying their mission and sticking faithfully to it. For Lakes Region Pet Resort, Mike and Cindi wanted a place that was ZLLUL_[WHNL +DSS\ 7KDQNVJLYLQJ The Children’s Dentistry of the Lakes Region Dental Team would like to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for all your beautiful healthy smiles we see everyday! Karen Brickner Register of Probate 7 'U0HOLVVD.HQQHOO *HQHUDO'HQWLVWU\IRU&KLOGUHQDQG7HHQV 9LVLW8VRQ)DFHERRN DQGVKDUHZKDW\RX DUH7KDQNIXOIRU 1RZ$FFHSWLQJ1HZ3DWLHQWV *LOIRUG1+ZZZFKLOGUHQVGHQWLVWQKFRP Barbara Luther Register of Deeds THANK YOU Voters of Belknap County for your support at the polls. We look forward to serving you. 7+(/$&21,$'$,/<6817XHVGD\1RYHPEHU³3DJH 3ROLFHVD\WULRRIPHQXVHGIDNH&UDLJ·V/LVW ,·P%DFN3RVW DGVWRFRYHUWKHLULQWHQWWRVWHDOIDUPHTXLSPHQW (OHFWLRQ7KRXJKWV MOULTONBOROUGH — Three area man were charged with a variety of theft-related crimes Friday afternoon after police say they caught them stealing an undisclosed item from a Route 25 residence. The three, Adam S. Quinney, 20, of Weare, Daniel R. Chesley, 23, of Conway, and Allen W. Downs, 27, of Weare are charged with felony theft by unauthorized taking, attempt to commit theft by unauthorized taking and criminal trespass. According to a statement released to the media from Sgt. Peter Beede, the three on Thursday posted on the Internet site Craig’s List an add that stated the tractor they intended to steal was being offered free of charge for the taking. After the item had posted, the three allegedly went to the property and took it. Beede said the police were already keeping an eye on the property because a different theft had been reported to them earlier in the week. When police saw a second item posted for the same address on Friday’s Craig List — this time for a used truck body — he said police watched the property until the three showed up. “Usually people steal things and then post them on Craig’s List. This time it appears they posted it first to create some kind of an alibi,” Beede said. Downs and Varney were both ordered held by Judge Robert Varney of the 3rd Circuit Court, Ossipee Division on $2,500 cash or corporate surety bail and Quinney was released on $10,000 personal recognizance bail. Beede said police have recovered the tractor. — Gail Ober 9HUPRQWPDQDFFXVHGRIULGLQJKLVNLGLQWUXFN·VWRROER[ SPRINGFIELD, Vt. (AP) — Police say a New Hampshire man is accused of putting one of his children in a truck’s tool box during a drive to Vermont. Russell Johnson of Bradford was cited last week for cruelty by a person having custody over another. Springfield, Vt., police said in a news release that Johnson had picked up his three children while driving a single-bench, pickup truck. One of the children was put in the tool box that spans the bed of the pickup while going from Bradford to Springfield, nearly 40 miles. No further information was provided about the age or gender of the child. Johnson is scheduled to be arraigned in Windsor criminal court on Jan. 8. MYVTWYLJLKPUNWHNL safe and clean and where animals would be happy to stay. Keeping that commitment is easier said than done, when they’ve promised to give the dogs outside play experiences eight times per day, and there’s dozens of dogs on hand. “We spend a lot of time with them,” Cindi said, joking that she sometimes knows the dogs better than she knows her paying customers. “Go in with your eyes wide open,” Cindi said. Owning a business is no small task, as such Cindi finds herself working as much as 105 hours per week. “We work it hard,” she said, and stressed that a business needs employees who are as committed as the owner is to standards of service. “We have good quality employees. We pay them decent money because we want quality employees.” Looking back on their life before the business, Cindi and Mike are working harder than ever and have accepted a more modest lifestyle. Even so, they have no regrets. “I’m a much happier person,” said Cindi. She loves working with animals, being her own boss and feeling pride in the facility and its operation. “When it’s yours, it’s your own baby... Every day, I can’t wait to be here.” Mike added, “It’s nice that we’re bringing a wonderful service to the area, that’s so needed... we have not had a slow month.” Overall, Cindi said, their success has been rooted in a love for what they do. “It’s very scary. Anytime you jump into anything, you’d better have a passion for it... If you can take the love of your life and turn it into a career, you’ll probably be successful.” 251 DANIEL WEBSTER HIGHWAY MEREDITH, NH 03253 WWW.LOVERINGMERDITH.COM Call 888-539-7122 to learn more! 2003 Chevrolet Trailblazer 4x4 1991 Porsche 944 S2 2007 Volvo XC90 3.2 AWD 2002 Toyota Sequoia Limited 4x4 $7,995 $11,995 $10,995 $11,995 #V13079B 7-Passenger, Heated Leather, Power Sunroof, Loaded! #MU531B A RARE FIND! 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Expires 1/1/13. $29.95 -XVW UHWXUQHG IURP P\ 0DLQH KXQWLQJ DGYHQWXUHV DQG ZRZZHKDGDJUHDWWLPH:KHQ,UHWXUQHGVRPHZKHUH DORQJWKHZD\,OHDUQHGRIWKH(OHFWLRQ5HVXOWV2ND\ VR ZH NHHS RXU H[LVWLQJ 3UHVLGHQW +H ZDQWHG WKH MRE DJDLQ DQG PRVW RI $PHULFD EHOLHYHG KH GHVHUYHG D VHFRQG VKRW EXW KH KDV DQ HQRU PRXVWDVNRQKLVSODWH7KH1XPEHU SULRULW\LVKRZWRDYRLGWKH´)LV FDO&OLIIµZKLFKLVDVHULHVRIEXG JHWFXWVDQGWD[KLNHVWKDWZLOOVWDUW WRJRLQWRHIIHFWLQWKH1HZ<HDU,I \RXUHFDOO,ZURWHDQDUWLFOHVHYHUDO ZHHNVDJRFDOOHGMXVWWKDW´)LV FDO&OLIIµ:KDW·VSUREOHPDWLFLVWKDWWKHSURWUDFWHGGHEDWH FRXOGDQGSUREDEO\ZLOOKXUWEXVLQHVVHVDQGLQYHVWRUV (YHU\RQH3D\V0RUH 5HPHPEHU WKH PDUNHWV UHDFW WR FKDQJH DQG LI LW·V QRW IDYRUDEOHQHZVGRZQJRHVWKHPDUNHWDQGDORQJZLWKLW \RXU KDUG HDUQHG GROODUV 6R JHWWLQJ EDFN WR WKH ´)LVFDO &OLIIµLVVXHWKH3UHVLGHQWLVSURSRVLQJDVHULHVRIWDUJHWHG 7$;+LNHVIRUWKHZHDOWK\WD[SD\HUVHDUQLQJ DVDVLQJOHDQGIRUFRXSOHV7RSUDWHVZLOOJRXS IURPWRIRUWKRVHWRSLQFRPHHDUQHUVDQGSHU KDSVOHDYLQJDORQHWKHPLGGOHWLHUDWIRUWKRVHPDNLQJ OHVVWKDQWKHDERYHÀJXUHV7KHPLOLWDU\LVJRLQJWRJHWLWV EXGJHWVODVKHGDQGGRPHVWLFSURJUDPVUDQJLQJIURPIRRG VDIHW\SXEOLFHGXFDWLRQDQGJUDQWVIRUGLVDGYDQWDJHGSXE OLFVFKRROVZLOODOOEHFXWDVZHOO6RZKRZDQWV6HTXHVWUD WLRQDQ\ZD\" 7KH5HSXEOLFDQVDQGWKH'HPRFUDWVERWKDUHQRWLQIDYRU RIWKLVPDQGDWRU\ODZORRPLQJRQRXUKRUL]RQKRZHYHULW ZDVDWKUHDWXVHGE\ODZPDNHUVWRDYRLGDQRWKHUEXGJHW FULVLVEDFNLQ,QRWKHUZRUGV&RQJUHVVLQFOXGLQJWKH 3UHVLGHQWEHOLHYHGZHZRXOGEHDEOHWRVXEVHTXHQWO\DYRLG WKLVPHVV\EXGJHWFRPSURPLVHIRUWKHIXWXUHDQGVLJQHG RQWRWKHDXWRPDWLFVSHQGLQJFXWVDQGWD[KLNHV,W·VWLPH QRZDQGWKHWRXJKFDOOVQHHGWREHPDGHRQFXWWLQJDQG VSHQGLQJ :LOOWKH3UHVLGHQWNLFNWKHFDQ\HWDJDLQGRZQWKHVDPH URDG":HKDYHQRZQHDUO\DWULOOLRQGHÀFLWLQRXUQD WLRQDQGVDFULÀFHVPXVWEHPDGHE\DOORIXV,WGRHVQ·WPDW WHUZKRLVULJKWRUZURQJDWWKLVODWHVWDJH:KDWPDWWHUVLV WKDWWKH3UHVLGHQWQHHGVWR)L[,W+HDQGKHDORQHLVWKH OHDGHURIRXUFRXQWU\DQGLIWKLVSUREOHPLVJRLQJWREHÀ[HG ZHDUHJRLQJWRKDYHWRVWRSWKHUHGXQGDQWVSHQGLQJVWLPX OXVSODQVDQGIUHHJLYHDZD\V2EYLRXVO\5HYHQXH5HIRUP (QWLWOHPHQWSURJUDPVQHHGPDMRURYHUKDXOVDQGWKLVZLOO QRWEHDFFHSWHGRUDSSUHFLDWHGE\PDQ\RIXV ,QOLJKWRIP\SUHYLRXVDUWLFOH´:K\<RX1HHGD5HWLUH PHQW3ODQµQH[WZHHNZHVKRXOGH[DPLQHSUDFWLFDOXVHVRI ´EDVLFPRQH\PDQDJHPHQWµWRVWUHWFKRXWWKRVHGROODUVDQG PDNHWKHPFRXQW/DVWO\EHPLQGIXORIKRZ\RXUPRQLHV DUHSRVLWLRQHG,WPDNHVQRVHQVHWRORVH\RXUKDUGHDUQHG GROODUVWRXQIDYRUDEOHPDUNHWFRQGLWLRQV&RQGLWLRQVZKLFK ,EHOLHYHDUHUHDODSSDUHQWDQGRQRXUEDFNKHHOV7DONZLWK \RXU )LQDQFLDO $GYLVRU DERXW ORZHULQJ \RXU H[SRVXUH SHUKDSVLQFUHDVLQJ\RXULQFRPHVWUHDPDQGGHYHORSWKDW PHDQLQJIXOUHWLUHPHQWSODQ1H[WZHHNZHZLOOUHWXUQWR VRPHPRUHWKRXJKWVRQ5HWLUHPHQW3ODQQLQJ 'DYH .XWFKHU KDV EHHQ SXEOLVKHG RQ )2; %XVLQHVV 1HZV&HUWLÀHGLQ/RQJ7HUP&DUH3ODQQLQJ&/7&KH RZQVDQGRSHUDWHV'$.)LQDQFLDO*URXS//&WKH´6DIH 0RQH\7HDPµ:LWKDOPRVW\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFHZRUNLQJ ZLWKUHWLUHHVKHSUHYLRXVO\VHUYHGDVD&DSWDLQLQWKH0D ULQH&RUSVIRU\HDUV&DOORUYLVLWZZZ GDNÀQDQFLDOJURXSFRPWREHRQKLVPDLOLQJOLVWIRUTXDOLW\ QHZVOHWWHUVLW·VIUHH&KHFNRXWRXUQHZZHEVLWHDQGOLNHXV RQ)DFHERRN