12 noon Church Narthex Sunday, August 17 In all Worship Services


12 noon Church Narthex Sunday, August 17 In all Worship Services
Dodge City First United Methodist Church
I. N. K.
August, 2014
First United Methodist Church, Creating Opportunities for people to encounter
Christ in ways that they might believe and be made new.
August 7
8:30 a.m. - 12 noon
Church Narthex
Sunday, August 17
In all Worship Services
Calling all Students, those
Working in the schools,
Teachers and
Bring your back packs,
Bags, and lunch bags.
Lance’s Column
Tania’s Column
Melyssa’s Column
Bryce’s Column
Lay Leaders Column
Planned Giving
Sarah Says
UMW & Joyful News
Congregational News
VBS Report
Bible studies Schedule
Vital Stats
Church – School Partnerships
It’s no secret that public schools have faced budget cuts and other
challenges in recent years forcing educators to do more with less. It
becomes a real challenge to provide the mentoring and support necessary
for children to mature into healthy, well-adjusted adults.
This is why, over the next two years, every single United Methodist Church
in Kansas and Nebraska is expected to form a partnership with the public schools in their
community. A resolution was passed at the first gathering of the new Great Plains Annual
Conference recently to authorize this initiative, which will no doubt become the work that
exemplifies the United Methodist Church in our area.
Dodge City First UMC is inviting anyone who might be interested in our schools to help frame
what a partnership between our church and Dodge City public schools might look like. We’ll be
asking ourselves questions like:
What are the needs?
How will we meet those needs?
Where will the resources come from?
What will the time line be?
The Great Plains Annual Conference is kicking off this initiative in a series of events around
Kansas and Nebraska. One is scheduled for Garden City UMC on July 29th from 6:30-9:00p.m.
The event will include presentations, dessert and networking. Our Bishop will speak and others
will share their experiences and partnerships with schools in their communities. Dodge City
First UMC was asked to create a display and to share information during the presentations
concerning our Shoe Project. Now in its 16th year, nearly 5000 vouchers have been redeemed
valued at well over $122,000 to help local families acquire new shoes for their elementary
school children in the fall.
Following the rally on July 29th, interested persons from Dodge City First UMC will gather to
begin the conversation toward building a strategic plan to partner with our local schools. If
YOU would like to be a part of a local church planning team for this important initiative, please
contact Melyssa White at [email protected] or by phoning the church at 620-2278181. In the meantime, be dreaming about how we can be a helpful partner with our local
schools, with the love of Christ in our hearts.
See you in church!
From my heart to yours
And each day the Lord added to their
group others who were being saved
The Book of Acts of the
Apostles tells us of an event of
great importance about what
happens after the arrival of the Holy
Spirit. The early church begins a
new lifestyle.
It began to manifest awe in
believers, while the apostles did
wonders and miracles.
People are beginning to gather to
share food, and seek God in prayer.
They longed to be in the temple to
worship God. They shared their
properties to favor needy.
Then, as a result something very
extraordinary happened. God added
to the church daily people to be
saved. What a blessing!
Last month our church was
excited to receive eight new
members. And as with the early
church, it happens today at the
First UMC, God continues to add
people to be saved. We are in God's
plans. Hallelujah!
Our goal is to continue working in
the vineyard of the Lord and in the
unity of the church so that God will
not stop sending souls to save.
In the love of Christ,
Pastora Tania
Desde mi corazón al tuyo
Y el Señor añadía cada día a la iglesia
los que habían de ser salvos
El Libro de los Hechos de los
relevancia sobre lo que sucede
después de la llegada del Espíritu
Santo. La iglesia primitiva comienza
un nuevo estilo de vida.
Comenzó a manifestarse un temor
reverente en los creyentes, mientras
que los apóstoles hacían prodigios y
La gente se empieza a reunir para
compartir alimentos, y buscar a
Dios en oración. Anhelaban estar en
el templo para alabar a Dios.
Compartían sus propiedades para
favorecer a los más necesitados.
¡Qué bendición!
Entonces, como resultado algo
muy extraordinario sucedió: Dios
añadió cada día a la iglesia gente
para que se salvara.
El pasado mes nuestra iglesia se
vistió de gala recibiendo a ocho
nuevos miembros. Y como sucedió
con la iglesia primitiva, pasa hoy en
la Primera UMC: Dios sigue
añadiendo gente para que sean
salvas. Estamos en los planes de
Dios. ¡Aleluya!
trabajando en la viña del Señor, y en
la unidad de la iglesia para que Dios
no pare de enviar almas que salvar.
En el amor de Cristo,
Pastora Tania
De izquierda a derecha / From left to right
Amaleidys Rodríguez, Elizabeth Renova,
Maday Barrera, Suyapa Rodríguez, Francis
Barralaga, Vanessa Flores, Víctor Reyes,
Randy Renova.
A Moment With Melyssa
“Jesus replied, ‘My Father is still working and I am working too.’”
John 5:17
“Guess what, guess what Miss Melyssa? I GOT TO, ‘see my friends today’,
‘paint’, ‘dress up and sing’,” These joys come by the bundles as children come on
Wednesdays and Sundays to share what they “GOT TO” do during the week. Some things are with
school, others with family, and still others right here in the church. They are just bursting to tell. Other
times, these come out in celebrations and prayer time.
This last week during VBS, not only did I hear these joys from the children, but the adults as well.
“I GOT TO share the story with the children.” As we were wrapping up on Sunday, many commented on
how maybe I could now rest since it was almost over. Sure, my human body was ready to rest, but, I
GOT TO do VBS!: My favorite part of my work here at the church. It energizes and renews me. Sure
some things are not my gift. Yet, those things are what energize others. Hence, they GET TO do those
Another Wonder?; the 85+ adults and youth that used and realized their “GOT TOs”. The word
we use within our church as stated in our mission statement is “opportunities”. Those ways that we can
“ …encounter Christ and be made new.”
When we seek as Christians to find those ways, sometimes we get caught up in the “have tos”
rather than saying, “Guess what? I GOT TO _____________! Fill in the blank with the things that excite
you, that energize you. Why? Because it is your God given passion. Perhaps these are the skills you use
in your job. Perhaps they are your hobbies. Or possibly they are undiscovered, and waiting to be found.
Many used their gifts and passions to share how to IMAGINE, BUILD, GROW, WORK, AND WALK with
God during VBS.
What are your “GOT TOS? Are they ways that you can share with children during the school
year on Sundays and Wednesdays? There are opportunities for Nursery workers, Sunday School
Teachers and Assistants, be on a drama team as well as small group leaders for Wednesday Kids Club. All
of which can be weekly, bi-monthly, or occasionally. Or perhaps you would like to join our Children’s
Ministries Team as we vision and plan. I can’t wait to hear what excites you when you share, “I GET
God Bless! Melyssa
VBS Corner
Workshop of Wonders
105+ children, 25 youth helpers, and 65+ adults
Shared in an amazing week!
A total of $808.73 was raised towards the mission of
Manos Juntas; Hands Together to go to Rio Bravo,
Blessing of the Backpacks Sunday, August 17
In all Worship Services
Calling all Students, all those working in the
schools, Teachers and Administrators;
Bring your back packs, Bags, and lunch bags.
Student Ministries
A Note From Bryce
"For everything there is a season and a time for every matter
under heaven." - Ecclesiastes 3:1
When I was in high school, I was a three sport athlete. I ran
cross-country and track, as well as swimming during the winter.
In addition to these school sports, I went to open swim in the
morning before school, and was on a summer club swim team. I
was also a member of the drum line, participating in marching
band, concert band, jazz band, and pep band. Then there was my
lifeguarding job - year round. Somehow I was still able to squeeze
in time for church and youth group, in which I was on the advisory
board. Needless to say, my schedule was packed. Most days I
would leave home by 6:00am and not return before 9:30pm.
Our society thrives on being in constant motion. The more
we are involved in - the more successful we become. This year,
our youth will use the theme "Momentum: Faith on the Go". We
will discover how our faith can become a part of our activities as
we find God in our sports, art, music, and drama. Most
importantly, we will come to realize that even in the midst of the
hustle and bustle of life, we can find time to seek God and grow in
relationship with God.
Summer Weekly Programs
Sunday School: Throughout the summer, our Sunday School
program will be based around the "I Am Second" videos. In these
videos, celebrities share their faith stories, concluding with the
thought that God is first and they are second. As we move
through these videos, the youth will see how their stories intersect
with the celebrities in the videos. At the end of the summer, they
will then have the opportunity to create their own "I Am Second"
video. Sunday School meets in the RZ room from 10:00-11:00am.
Summer Evenings: Each Wednesday, our youth will gather for a
time of worship, study, games, and fellowship. The study for the
summer will be "Reel Faith" in which we utilize movies to
illustrate faith themes. The rest of the evening will be youthdriven with them choosing all aspects of the program. Summer
Evenings will meet from 6:00-8:00pm.
What to Know:
On August 5-6, we will be
joining with other youth from the
Dodge City District to spend
time at Lake Wilson. While we
are there, we will have lots of
opportunities for fun on the lake,
games at the beach, fishing, and
More importantly, we will spend
time together in worship, hearing
a youth from Garden City share
about how God wants to use
each and every one of us to share
the gospel of Christ.
Upcoming Dates:
Sunday School
Aug 3
Day At The Lake
Aug 5-6
Sunday School
Aug 10
Youth Council Filming Aug 13
Summer Evenings
Aug 13
Sunday School
Aug 17
RZ Fall Kickoff
Aug 20
Sunday School
Aug 24
Aug 27
Sunday School
Aug 31
From Our Lay Leaders….
Recently we have begun something new in our home. We are reading the Upper Room daily
devotions. Yes, I know there are many of you that have been doing this for years, but for those of
you who aren’t, we would encourage you to start. There are pamphlets on the wall by the kitchen
at FUMC or go online and read the daily devotions.
The message below is from the July-August 2014 Upper Room devotion pamphlet.
“My cousin gave me beautiful beaded bracelet. Her friend had designed it, and I was
fascinated by each of the individual beads, which were in shades of purple, pink, blue and
green. No two beads were exactly alike in color, size or shape, and each bead made its
own unique contribution; the omission of any one bead would have lessened the beauty
of the bracelet.
“This bracelet reminds me of Paul’s description of the church being like parts of the
human body. Each individual part has a specific function to perform in the body of
Christ, and every part is needed and special. Paul writes that God’s desire is “that there . .
. be no dissension within the body” so that “the members may have the same care for one
another” (1 Cor. 12:25). We are called to support one another and celebrate each person’s
role in the church.”
After reading this devotion, Gary and I would like to encourage you to consider trying something
new. We would like to host a F.I.S.H. activity (Friends in Service to Him) in our home this fall.
The structure of this activity (books) will be up to those who express an interest. How do you
express an interest?
Check out the Activities bulletin board (outside the Sanctuary by the name tag board), place your
idea for a book to study, a Bible study, or maybe a literary book on the paper labeled “F.I.S.H.
activity (Friends in Service to Him). Send an e-mail sharing your ideas to us at
[email protected] or write it on the paper and together we can begin growing
our faith community at First Church.
God bless,
Gary and Melody Head
F.I.S.H. study (Friends in Service to Him) is open to all ages, males, females, singles, and
couples. Engage in an informal Christian activity!
FUMC Permanent Endowment Includes a Variety of Funds
Did you know that the church has a series of Endowment Funds that are open for contributions
and estate gifts? Your gift grows the principle value of the various funds, from which earnings
can be distributed for the purposes intended by each.
The church currently has five endowed funds:
The General Endowment Fund’s earnings are for any purpose the church might have.
The Youth House Fund’s earnings are distributed for youth, children and our church’s
Boy Scout program.
The Scholarship Fund’s earnings provide scholarships each fall for those who apply.
The Building Fund’s earnings assist with projects related directly to our church facility.
The Clergy Housing Fund’s earnings assists with the housing allowances provided for
First UMC’s pastors.
These funds are overseen by the church’s Permanent Endowment Committee. In addition to
representatives from Finance, Staff Parish, Trustees, and Church Council, the pastor, Church
Treasurer and three at large members also serve. If you would like more information about any
of these funds, you may contact Rev. Lance Carrithers, or the Permanent Endowment
Committee chairperson, Brad Ralph. Be sure to seek the advice of a qualified attorney and /or
estate planner to determine how gifts might help you in your tax or estate planning.
Do You Tweet?
Follow First UMC on Twitter. Our handle is @FirstChurchDC.
Do you Facebook?
Join our group for “in house” messages at facebook.com/groups/DodgeCityFUMC
or our public facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/firstchurchdc
Make Your Life a Prayer
I was given a book recently that
has had some very thought provoking sectionsthe book is : “ Be The Miracle- 50 Lessons for
Making the Impossible Possible” by Regina
Brett. I’d like to share one excerpt with you.
“For many, prayer is something you say in a
crisis. We all have our favorite 911 calls to God.
You can pray in a pinch or you can make your
whole life as a prayer. For me, cancer came
along and did both. It made me say crisis
prayers to survive and it led me to see my whole
life as a prayer, as a gift for others. Every day I
plug into God, into my power source, so I stay
Higher Powered all day.
How do you make your life a prayer?
Every day I bless my life with words by
Saint Augustine, who called upon the help of the
Holy Spirit to transform him:
Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, that all my
thoughts may be holy.
Move into me, Holy Spirit, that my work,
too, may be holy.
Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may
love only what is holy.
Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, that I may
defend what is holy.
Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I may
always be holy.
Then I breathe. All day long when my mind
starts to whirl, I pause.
Just Breathe, I remind myself.
Sometimes I stop and pray – I place my
hands on my head and ask God to bless what I
think. Then I cover my ears and ask God to bless
what I hear. Then I touch my eyes and pray for
God to bless what I see. Then I place my hand
on my mouth and ask God to bless what I say.
Then I rest my hand on my heart and ask God to
bless what I feel. Finally, I hold open both hands
and ask God to bless what I do.
Then I move into the day, knowing I’m
covered and so are all the people I meet.”
Many of you have hard days ahead of
you, for various reasons, remember that God is
there for you – to help, strengthen and give you
His extra patience and peace. Remember to
breathe, pray and tap into that holy Presence.
Please let us know if you or
somebody you know goes
into the hospital.
Alzheimer's Support Group
August 21,2014
12:00 - 1:15pm in the Chapel
Discussion topic: Brain health and
Come join us! Bring your lunch if you
*** Mark Your Calendars***
Alzheimer's Walk for the Cure
September 20, 2014
At Sheridan Center
Registration 9:30am Walk begins at
" If you think you're too small or
insignificant to make a difference,
you've never been in a tent with
a mosquito !"
by Holly Gerth
Joyful News!
In the first chapter the author invites you to
meet her for a cup of coffee. She has something
to tell you: It’s time you knew you’re amazing.
She says you’re not only amazing, you’re
enough, you’re wanted, you’re chosen by God.
You are created just the way he wanted you to
be. And what’s more, you are unique.
Then she helps you figure out who you
really are and what strengths you have. For
example, are you more logical or do you
approach life with your feelings out in front?
Holly helps you understand that there are good
things and bad things about each approach.
Since you understand that either approach is
valid, neither is right or wrong, you begin to
understand why you behave as you do. It
follows that you can better understand
someone who is different from you.
Holly asks what God wants you to do
with your life. That’s a tough question, but if
you pray, God will help you understand who he
created you to be and what he wants you to do.
Then she challenges you to write down your
next step in carrying out God’s plan for you. You
don’t have to take all the steps at once, just
figure out the next one from wherever you are
now. She reminds you that who you are is
enough. You don’t have to be perfect because
you are perfectly loved by God.
Where oh where has this summer gone?
It seems like all of the daycare children
have been on the go since the school year
ended in May. Swimming lessons, T-ball
practice and games, camps, and trips to
Grandma’s house have kept everyone
If you have yourself “all together” you
can read this book as an affirmation that you
are on the right track. It can also be worked
through as a workbook, which is really what it
is. There are many questions to answer and
blanks to fill in that the reader will answer in
her own unique way. Whether you read this
book in depth or not, it is a book for every
woman. No matter how much you know about
yourself, there is always more to discover about
who God created you to be.
This book is part of the UMW Reading
Peg Abbey, Co-librarian
Author Teri Anderson
Our summer School Age program has also
been busy this summer. They take a trip
to the city pool twice a week, which they
love. They have been enjoying the
programs at the Public Library where
they get to check out books to read at
the center. Also, our school age kids have
taken many fun and exciting field trips.
They went to the Great Bend Wetlands,
the Garden City Zoo and Pool, Liberal
Water Park, Bowling, and much, much
more. The Toddler and Preschool classes
have had lots of fun with their Water Fun
Day on Wednesdays. School will be
starting again in just a few weeks and we
here at Joy! CDC wish everyone a
wonderful 2014-2015 School year!
Off to School
I’m off to school, a brand new year
So many things to see and hear
Lessons to learn, books to read
Problems to solve, friend’s to meet.
Think of me while I am away
I’m off to school for another day!
Guests in Worship Sunday
We were delighted to welcome these guests
at our services:
(June 22, 2014)
In – Town
Ashley Lesser.
Out – of – Town
Harry & Barbara Thompson.
(June 29, 2014)
In – Town
Debbie & Scott Hedke, Phil & Joyce
Schilling, Connie Scott & grandchildren.
Out – of – Town
Don & Mary Wallace.
(July 6, 2014)
In – Town
Phil & Joyce Schilling, Jerry & Mary
Roetzer, Eduardo Munoz.
Out – of – Town
Floyd Harding, Tom & Cheryl Fuhrmann,
Patrick & Erin Gleason & Ali & AJ,
Jennifer, Drew & Tyler Miler, Jose Trinidad
Berumen, Eli Lopez, Omar.
(July 13, 2014)
In – Town
Charles & Paula Sellens.
Out – of – Town
Kelley Ireland, Jennifer, Anna, Caleb,
Bethany & Sarah, Yeimy’s mom.
(July 20, 2014)
In – Town
Jerry & Mary Roetzer, Connie Scott, Ashley
Out – of – Town
Brett Watson, Tim Trowbridge, Sandar &
Mariah Godwin.
Out – of – Town Bulletins
Patty Owens, Taos, New Mexico
Sarah Godbey, Hutchinson, KS
We express our sympathy to…
…Kenny Zielke on the death of his fatherin-law and Shay Zielke on the death of his
…Maria Ferreiro and family on the death of
her sister.
…LeeAnn Hink and family on the death of
her mother-in-law.
Congratulations to Juana on the birth of a
son, Sebastián Coca on July 15, 2014.
Below are the names of those who are
sponsoring flowers, broadcasts, bells, and
Upper Rooms for the month of August.
August 3
August 10
Velma Faulds
August 17
Anna Lew Johnson
August 24
Donna Imel
August 31
Pat Seymore
August 3
Florence Hill
August 10
August 17
Charlcie Black
August 24
Everett Fitzwater
August 31
Donnis Schmitt
July 27- Aug 2
August 3-9
August 10-16
August 17-23
August 24-30
Ausgust 31-Sept 6
Jane Gregg
Martin Miller
Jane Gregg
Kathie Schlereth
Ann Frigon & Preferred Investments
I had heard of the Reading Program but never
been involved before. Then I was asked to be
co-librarian of the UMW library, along with Pat
Kolb. Each year we purchase new books
recommended by the District and do our best to
make them available to anyone who wished to
read one. You don’t have to be a member of
UMW, or a woman either for that matter. There
are also books for children that you can read to
your child or grandchild.
Books are divided into five different categories.
For example, The Dressmaker of Khair Khana
falls under Education for Mission and You’re
Already Amazing is in the category of Spiritual
Growth. You may have read reviews of these
books in the INK. Five years of books are kept
and you may read a book from any year. To
check out a book, write your name and date on
the card in the front of the book and leave the
card on the book cart. Books may be returned
in the basket outside the church library.
I encourage you to read at least one book this
year. It will be worth it. If you have any
questions, please call me or Pat. Our numbers
are in the directory.
Peg Abbey, UMW Library
There are currently two openings on
the Pulpit Flower Lists. They are August 3rd and
September 14th.
You may choose one of the dates for
this year only or for an ongoing spot each year
at the Sunday nearest the date. Call Patrice at
the church office (227-8181).
Francis Barralaga was baptized and became
a member on June 29, 2014 at the Casa
Victor M. Reyes was baptized and became a
member on June 29, 2014 at the Casa
Randolfo Renova became a member on
June 29, 2014 at the Casa Service.
Elizabeth Renova became a member on
June 29, 2014 at the Casa Service.
Suyapa Rodriguez became a member on
June 29, 2014 at the Casa Service.
Amaleidys Rodriguez became a member on
June 29, 2014 at the Casa Service.
Vanessa Xeomara Flores, daughter of
Alfonso & Alma, became a member on June
29, 2014 at the Casa Service.
Mabeth Madai Mejia-Barrera, daughter of
Fidelina, became a member on June 29,
You can honor or
memorialize a loved one
with a gift of a new pair of
shoes for a Dodge City
child as they return to school. Forms are
available in the church office and in Sunday
WOW! VBS was a huge success and many
in our congregation were anonymous
donators. Snacks were a huge hit due to
those donors. Thank you so much for
providing the opportunity for our young
people to learn about God.
These beautiful quilts were made by many.
The squares on the quilts were created by
the Workshop of Wonders Visioneers, and it
was ironed, assembled, and quilted by
Nancy Sapp and Jerry Erickson.
Ages 3-6
God bless from the snack preparers—Barb,
Donnis, Melody, and Theo
Grades 1-4
A special thank you to our staff, church
family, and families for helping make
Workshop of Wonders VBS a special week!
Together we all learned ways to Imagine,
Build, Grow, Walk, and Work with God!
I would like to share a couple ways we
worked together to create items.
This amazing Xylophone was built by Clint
Hamilton, sanded and painted by kids from
the church and the school aged class from
JOY! Child Development Center, with
finishing touches by the youth. The
Xylophone will be placed in the older
playground to be enjoyed by the children at
Deeper Connections- The Miracles of Jesus
Mondays- Women’s Brown Bag Bible Study 12:00-1:15pm – Chapel
Tuesdays at Manor of the Plains 3:15-4:15pm in Assisted Living Dining Room
All are Welcome! Join us at either study!
July 28( Mon)& 29 ( Tues) - Session 1- Clean Daughter- Bleeding Woman
( Mark 5:21-34)
August 4 (Mon) & 5 (Tues) - Session 2- The Heartbeat of God- Water to Wine
( John 2:1-11)
August 11( Mon) & 12( Tues) - Session 3- Know the KingFeeding the 5000 & Walking on Water (Matthew 14:15-33)
August 18 ( Mon) & 19( Tues. )- Session 4- A Faith- full OutsiderCanaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-33)
August 25 ( Mon) & 26 ( Tues.)- Session 6- Grateful Orchards – 10 Lepers
(Luke 17:11-19)
** No Meeting on Labor Day Monday Aug.31
Sept 1 ( Tues) & Sept.8( Mon)- Session 5- Fruitless Lives- Cursing of the Fig Tree
( Mark 11:12-21)
The Church’s Vital Statistics
Last Year
Last Year
Last Year
YTD avg
Ministry & Mission Giving
Needed for 2014:
Received as of 7/20: $ 44,487
Still Needed:
$ 31,163
Persons From Our Congregation Living in Nursing/Rest Homes
(Does not include those in Independent Living Apartments at Manor of the Plains)
Please remember in prayer those in nursing/rest homes. If you know of anyone we have missed, call us at
Trinity Manor
Georgene Nuss
Darleen Mapel
Velma Faulds
Ann Bindley
Champ Cox
Helen Buckley
Leonard Barnes
Edna Boettger
Jim Creevey
Lucille McGrew
Don Miller
Gus Crump
Mona Hutton
Gladys Blake
Fort Dodge
Verne Davis
Aubrey Ballard
Jean Zimmer
Manor of the Plains
Lula May Woodson
Bob Borthwick
Norma Jean Hamilton
Dale Tuxhorn
Rex McGugin
Dora Lee Starks
Anna Lew Johnson
Doris Rule
Irene Hastings
Good Samaritan
Wilma Ridgway
Dorothy Huck
Virginia Bierce
Larry & Janet Maurer
Garden City
Marjory Howarter
Ilah Stone
First United Methodist Church
…a community of joy!
210 Soule
Dodge City, Kansas 67801
(620) 227-8181
Non-Profit Organization
Permit No. 148
Dodge City, Kansas 67801
Change Service Requested
First United Methodist Church’s Mission Statement:
“Creating Opportunities for people to encounter Christ in ways that they might believe
and be made new.”