BID DOCUMENT For Expression of Interest


BID DOCUMENT For Expression of Interest
Expression of Interest
The A. P. R. S. C. L invites "Expression of Interests" for the Design, Engineering,
Supply, fabrication, Installation, Testing, Commissioning, Operation and
Maintenance of LPG Reticulated System on including annual operation, handling
(including billing and collection) and maintenance for a period of 2 years from the
date of commissioning of plant with necessary Technicians and Manpower,
consumables and including all taxes, VAT, Service Tax, all duties, Insurance,
engaging Personnel, 3rd party QC check, etc., 216 Nos Flats for 2 blocks C06 & C07
in “SADBHAVANA” Township at Pocharam, Ghatkesar(M) in Ranga Reddy
district, A.P.
Bharat Scouts & Guides Secretariat Complex. D.No. 1-2386, Domalaguda, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Name Of Work: Design, Engineering, Supply, fabrication, Installation, Testing,
Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of LPG Reticulated
System on including annual operation, handling (including billing
and collection) and maintenance for a period of 2 years from the
date of commissioning of plant with necessary Technicians and
Manpower, consumables and including all taxes, VAT, Service Tax,
all duties, Insurance, engaging Personnel, 3rd party QC check, etc.,
216 Nos Flats for 2 blocks C06 & C07 in “SADBHAVANA”
Township at Pocharam, Ghatkesar(M) in Ranga Reddy district,
Scope of Work-The work shall be taken up in phases for 216 nos flats only that is
for Blocks-C06 (108flats) and C07 (108 flats).
S. No.
Page No.
Introduction & Bid Notice
Special Conditions
Site Safety Requirements
Technical Specifications
Description in brief of the project
Instructions to Bidders & Scope of Work
Priced Bid (Schedule of Rates)
Documents and drawings
Formats for Bank Guarantees
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
It is a system in which every individual user gets continuous cooking gas at the turn of a
tap through a piping network from a centralized multi-cylinder storage system. In this
system, the presence of an LPG cylinder in the kitchen is eliminated, thereby reducing
the quantity of LPG in the kitchen which is a potential hazard. This significantly
enhances the safety of the house and its occupants. The safety aspect is further taken care
of by the use of specialized equipment such as Pressure Control Regulators, Vales, etc.
Over and above the enhanced safety, in the present day of improved living standards,
reticulated system of LPG supply for housing colonies also improves the quality of
services and ease of operations.
APRSCL has appointed Hindustan Petroleum Corporation as consultant for carrying out
the work of laying of the LPG Reticulated System for the SADBHAVANA Township at
Pocharam, Ghatkesar(M) in Ranga Reddy district, A.P.
The work shall be taken up for 216 nos flats that is for Blocks C06(108flats) and
C07 (108 flats).
The Bidder shall offer the system for Reticulated LPG, which includes design, assistance
for approval from the Statutory Bodies viz fire Dept , Manufacture, Construction and
Commissioning of the system in accordance with Statutory rules and the latest
engineering practice in consultation with HPCL.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh Rajiv Swagruha Corporation Ltd.
Project Management Unit
General Manager (Projects), APRSCL, Pocharam.
E.O.I Notice No.
01 / Piped Gas / APRSCL / Pocharam / C6 & C7 /
2012-13, dated 22.05.2012
Bid Subject
Design, Engineering, Supply, fabrication, Installation,
Testing, Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance
of LPG Reticulated System on including annual
operation, handling (including billing and collection)
and maintenance for a period of 2 years from the date
of commissioning of plant with necessary Technicians
and Manpower, consumables and including all taxes,
VAT, Service Tax, all duties, Insurance, engaging
Personnel, 3rd party QC check, etc., 216 Nos Flats for
2 blocks C06 & C07 in “SADBHAVANA” Township
at Pocharam, Ghatkesar(M) in Ranga Reddy district,
Estimated Contract Value
Not Applicable
Period of Contract
3 (THREE) Months
Form of Contract
Turnkey basis
Bid Category
Open Type
EMD / BID Security
Rs. 21,600/- (Rupees Twenty One Thousand Six
Hundred Only)
EMD / BID Security
Payable to
Earnest Money Deposit in shape of un-conditional and
Irrevocable Bank Guarantee in the standard format in
favour of General Manager (Projects), APRSCL,
Pocharam or in the shape of Demand Draft drawn in
favour of General Manager (Projects), APRSCL,
Pocharam, APRSCL to be valid for a period of Six
months from the last date of bid submission, to be
obtained from any Government owned public sector bank
or any scheduled commercial bank.
Tender Registration &
Processing Fee
(Non Refundable)
Rs. 5,000/- in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour
of General Manager (Projects), APRSCL, Pocharam. (To
be submitted alongwith the Bid)
Bid :
Can be downloaded from 30.05.2012 at 5.00 P.M to
14.06.2012 upto 3.00 P.M free of cost from the following
Web Site:
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Schedule download closing :
14-06-2012 up to 3.00 PM
Bid submission
closing :
14-06-2012 upto 3.30 PM.
The duly filled in bid document along with the required
particulars, original EMD & Tender registration fee, etc.
shall be placed in a cover marked Unpriced bid (or
Technical bid) and Duly filled in Schedule-A (or Price
bid) in separate cover marked Price bid and both these
covers shall be sealed and placed in a single cover and
submitted in the Tender Box placed in the APRSCL’s
office at Domalaguda, Hyderabad.
Opening of Bids
On 14.06.2012 at 4.30 P.M
By the Executive Director, APRSCL, Hyderabad or by an
officer authorised by the Executive Director, APRSCL.
Place & Address of Bid
Bid documents issue
Can be downloaded from:
Contact details
Office of Chairperson & Managing Director ,
A.P.Rajiv Swagruha Corporation Ltd
Bharat Scouts & Guides Secretariat Complex,
Domalguda, Hyderabad-500029.(A.P.)
Phone No. : 040-27630859, Fax:040-27662257
Office of the Chairperson & Managing Director,
A.P.Rajiv Swagruha Corporation Ltd,
Bharat Scouts & Guides Secretariat Complex,
Domalguda, Hyderabad-500029. Phone No.: 04027630859, Fax:040-27662257
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
1. General:
1.1 These special conditions shall be read in conjunction with the description of the
item of work in the Bill(s) of Quantities, the particular Specifications, Local Statutory
Regulations, Indian Standards Specifications/Codes and the drawings. All the above
quoted documents shall be considered supplementary to each other. However, in
the case of conflict amongst the various provisions, the owner's and the
consultant’s opinion will be final and shall be adopted.
1.2 The Bidder is advised to inspect the site to ascertain the nature of site, access
thereto, local facilities for procurement of materials and working labour rates
prevalent in the area, in fact all matters affecting his prices and execution of the
work. The Bidder shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site and drawings
whether or not he actually inspects them.
2. Rates
2.1 The rates quoted shall be deemed to allow for all minor extras and constructional
details which are not specifically shown on drawings or given on the specifications
but are essential in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge to the execution of works to
confirm to good workmanship and sound engineering practice. The Consultant /
Employer reserves the right to make any minor changes during the execution without
any extra payment.
2.2 The Consultants decision to clarify any item under minor changes, minor extras
and constructional details shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Contractor.
2.3 The rates quoted by the Contractor shall be net so as to include all requirements
described in the contract agreement and no claim whatsoever due to fluctuations in
the price of material and labour will be entertained.
2.4 The rates quoted by the Contractor shall include for supplying materials and
labour necessary for completing the work in the best and most workmanship like
manner to the satisfaction of the Consultant/Employer and which in the opinion of
the Consultant cannot be made better, and for maintaining the same. The rates shall
be complete in all respects also including cost of materials, erection, fabrication,
labour, supervision, tools and plant, transport, sales and other taxes royalties, duties
and materials, contingencies, breakage, wastage, sundries, scaffoldings, etc., on the
basis of works contract. The rates quoted shall include all taxes, duties, transport,
insurances, octroi, supervision, Service Tax or any other levies applicable under the
statute including maintenance, co-ordination, supplying gas, etc.
3.0 Materials:
3.1 The Contractor shall ensure to the satisfaction of the Consultant/Employer
that the materials are packed in original sealed containers/packing bearing
manufacturer’s markings and brands etc., except where the gross quantity required is
a fraction of the smallest packing. Materials not complying with this requirement
shall be rejected.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
3.2 Testing of Materials:
a) When required by the Consultant, the Contractor shall provide all facilities at site
or at manufacturer's works or in an approved laboratory for testing the materials
and/or workmanship. All the expenditure in respect of this shall be borne by the
Contractor. The Contractor shall, when required to do so by the Consultant shall
submit at his own cost, manufacturer's certificate of tests, proof sheets, mill sheets
etc., showing that the materials have been tested in accordance with requirements of
these specifications.
b) Neither the omission by the Consultant to test the materials nor the production of
manufacturer(s) certificate etc., as aforesaid shall affect the right of the Consultant to
reject, after delivery the materials found unsuitable or not in accordance with the
4.0 Rectification of Defects:
4.1 Any defect in the work done or materials used in the works pointed out by the
Consultant shall be rectified within a week or such extended time as may be allowed
in this failing which the Consultant at the risk and cost of the Contractors shall be
rectified the said defect.
5.0 Regulations & Standards:
5.1 The installation shall conform in all respects to Indian Standard Code of Practice
for Fire Fighting Installations, OISD regulations and National Building Code. It
shall also be in conformity with the current Rules and Regulations and requirements
of the local Fire Authority in so far as these become applicable to the installation. .
6.0 Shop Drawings:
6.1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Consultant for the approval of
detailed fabrication drawings for PRS systems, Gas room layout/ Pipe Routing and
Pumps dimensions by Contractor within 10 days of signing of the contract.
7.0 Completion Drawings:
7.1At the completion of the work and before issuance of certificate of virtual
completion the contractor shall submit to the consultant/Employer layout
drawings drawn at approved scale indicating the complete wiring system "As
Installed". These drawings shall in particular, give the following information.
(a) Routing of Pipe Lines.
(b) Location and Size Pressure Regulation systems etc
(c) Location and Routing of Gas meters/ Valves etc
(d) Location and details of Gas Banks with all accessories
(e) A complete Piping schematic diagram, as installed showing all connections in the
complete LP Gas Reticulation system.
Five Sets of Blue Prints and One set of Drawings on RTF shall be submitted after
completion of work.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
8.0 Manufacturer's Instructions:
8.1 Where manufacturers have furnished specific instructions, relating to the
materials used in this job, covering points not specifically mentioned in the
documents, these instructions shall be followed in all cases.
9.0 Completion Certificate:
9.1On completion of the Fire Installation a certificate shall be furnished by the
Contractor counter signed by a licensed supervisor, under whose direct supervision
the installation was carried out.
9.2This certificate shall be in the prescribed form as required by the local authority.
The Contractor shall be responsible for getting the Fire Installation inspected and
approved by the local Authority concerned. Only Statutory Fees, if any applicable,
only will be paid and Incidental expenses will not be paid.
10.0 Qualified Competent Supervision:
10.1The Contractor shall employ competent fully licensed, qualified full time
Engineer to direct the work of Gas installation in accordance with drawings and
specifications. The Engineer shall be available at all times on the site to receive
instructions from Consultant in the day to day activities, through out the duration of
the contract. The foremen shall co-relate the progress of the work in conjunction with
all relevant requirements of the supply authorities.
11.0 Sub Contractor:
11.1If the Main Contractor proposes to subcontract the part/ whole of the Fire/
Communication systems Work, the sub contractor’s credentials shall be submitted
and get the same approved before employment. The Sub contractor shall be licensed
to execute works.
12.0 Approvals from Fire Dept
12.1 The Contractor shall liaison with Fire Deptt and obtain clearance, if applicable.
The statutory fees, if any to be paid, will be reimbursed
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
The Contractor, his Sub-Contractors and nominated sub-contractors, shall comply with
the safety precautions, protective measures, house keeping requirements, etc. The
Client with due intimation shall have the right to stop the work at site, if in his opinion
proceeding with the work will lead to an unsafe and dangerous condition. The
contractor shall get the unsafe condition removed or provide protective equipment.
The contractor shall ensure that all workmen are aware about the nature of risk
involved in their work and have adequate knowledge for carrying out their work safely.
The instructions issued herein are indicative and not exhaustive. Therefore the
contractor shall be responsible to ensure that adequate safety measures have been
adopted in the course of execution of the contract in accordance with safety standards
/ statutory regulations, as applicable.
The contractor shall be held responsible for non-compliance if any of the safety
measures and delays, implications, injuries, fatalities and compensation arising out of
such situations or incidents.
1.1 The contractor shall organize operations by taking approval to use the existing
roads, if any, from Client.
The contractor shall exercise full care to ensure that no damage is caused by
him or workmen, during the operation, to the existing water supply, sewerage, power
or telecommunication lines or any other services or works. The contractor shall
provide and erect before construction, substantial barricades, guardrails, and warning
signs. He shall furnish, place and maintain adequate warning lights, signals, etc., as
required by Client.
2.1 Adequate and safe means of access and exit shall be provided for all work
places, at all elevations.
2.2 Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for workmen for all works that cannot safely
be done from the ground, or from solid construction except such short duration work
as can be done safely from ladders.
Ladder shall be of rigid construction having
sufficient strength for the intended loads and made of metal and all ladders shall be
maintained well for safe working condition. Suitable footholds and handholds shall
be provided on the ladder. The ladder shall be given an inclination not steeper than 1
in 4 (1 horizontal and 4 vertical).
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
2.3 Scaffolding or staging more than 3.5m above the ground or floor, swung or
suspended from an overhead support or erected with stationary support shall have a
standard guard-rail properly attached, bolted, braced or otherwise secured at least 1m
high above the floor or platform of such scaffolding or staging. The guardrail shall
extend along the entire exposed length of the scaffolding with only such opening as
may be necessary for the delivery of materials. Standard railing shall have posts not
more than 2m apart and an intermediate rail half way between the floor and platform
of the scaffolding and the top rail. Such scaffolding or staging shall be so fastened as
to prevent it from swaying from the building or structure. Scaffolding and ladder
shall conform to relevant IS specification (IS 3696-1966). TIMBER/BAMBOO
2.4 Working platforms of scaffolds shall have toe boards at least 15cm in ht. to
prevent materials from falling down.
2.5 A sketch of the scaffolding proposed to be used shall be prepared prior to start of
erection of scaffolding. Safety engineer shall examine all scaffolds before using.
2.6 Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and other
elevated working places. Every ladder shall be securely fixed. No single portable
ladder shall be over 9m in length. For ladders, up to 3m in length the width between
side rails in the ladders shall in no case be less than 300mm. For longer ladders, this
width shall be increased by at least 20mm for each additional meter of length. Step
spacing shall be uniform and shall not exceed 300mm.
2.7 Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent danger from electrical lines and
equipment. No scaffolding, ladder, working platform, gangway runs, etc. shall exist
within 3 meters of any un-insulated electric wire. Whenever electric power and
lighting cables are required to run through (pass on) the scaffolding or electrical
equipment are used, such scaffolding structures shall have minimum two earth
connections with earth continuity conforming to IS code of practice.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Before any demolition work is commenced and also during the progress of
work the contractor shall ensure that the power on all electric service lines is
shut off and the lines cut or disconnected at or outside the demolition site.
If it is necessary to maintain electric power during demolition operation, the
required service lines shall be adequately protected against damage.
Persons handling heavy materials/equipment shall wear safety shoes.
4.1All necessary personal protective equipment shall be kept available for the use of
the persons employed on the site and maintained in a condition suitable for
immediate use. Also the contractor shall take adequate steps to ensure proper use of
equipment by those concerned. The personal protective equipment to be provided by
the contractor are:
a) All persons employed at the construction site shall use safety helmets.
b) Persons engaged in welding and gas-cutting works shall use suitable aprons,
leather gloves and welding face shields. The persons who assist the welders shall use
suitable goggles. Protective goggles shall be worn while chipping and grinding.
c) All persons working at heights more than 4.5m above ground or floor and
exposed to risk of falling down shall use safety belts, unless otherwise protected by
cages, guard railings, etc. In places where the use of safety belts is impractical,
suitable net of adequate strength fastened to substantial supports shall be employed.
Use of lifting machines and tackles including their attachments, anchorage
and supports shall conform to the following standards or conditions:
Lifting machines and tackles shall be of good mechanical construction, sound
material and adequate strength and free from any defects and shall be kept in good
repair and in good working order.
Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means of suspension shall
be of good quality and adequate strength and free from any defect.
Every crane operator or lifting appliance operator shall be properly qualified. No
person under the age of 21 years shall be in charge of any hoisting machine or give
signal to operator of such machine.
In case of every lifting machine (and of every chain, ring, hook, shackle, swivel and
pulley block used in hoisting or as means of suspension) the safe working load shall
be ascertained and clearly marked. In case of a lifting machine having a variable safe
working load, each safe working load and the conditions under which it is applicable
shall be clearly indicated. No part of any machine or any gear referred to above in
this paragraph shall be loaded beyond the safe working load except for the purpose of
testing. The safety engineer shall approve this.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
The safety engineer shall note the safe working load. Regarding other machines, the
contractor shall notify the safe working load of the machine to the safety engineer,
whenever he brings any machinery to site of work and gets it verified by the safety
Thorough inspection and load testing of lifting machines and tackles shall be done by
a competent person at least once every 2 months and records of such inspection and
testing shall be maintained.
Motors, gearing transmission, couplings, belts, chain drives and other moving
parts of hoisting appliances shall be provided with adequate safeguards. Hoisting
appliances shall be provided with such means as will reduce to the minimum the risk
of any part of a suspended load becoming accidentally displaced or lowered.
Barricades shall be erected around the place of hoisting the equipment(s).
6.1 Welding and gas cutting operations shall be done by qualified and authorized
persons and as per IS specifications and code of practice.
Welding and gas cutting shall not be carried out in places where flammable or
combustible materials are kept and where there is danger of explosion due to
presence of gaseous mixtures.
Welding and gas cutting equipment including hoses and cables shall be
maintained in good condition.
Barriers shall be erected to protect other persons from harmful rays from the
work. When welding or gas cutting is done in elevated positions, precautions shall
be taken to prevent sparks or hot metal falling on persons or flammable materials.
Suitable type of protective clothing consisting of fire resistant gauntlet gloves,
leggings, boots and aprons shall be provided to workers as protection from heat and
hot metal splashes. Welding shields with filter glasses of appropriate shade shall be
worn as face protection.
Adequate ventilation shall be provided while welding in confined space or
while brazing, cutting or welding zinc, brass, bronze, galvanized or lead coated
Welding and gas cutting shall not be done on drums, barrels, tanks or other
containers unless they have been emptied cleaned thoroughly and it is made certain
that no flammable material is present.
Fire extinguishers shall be available near the location of welding operations.
Fire safety permit shall be obtained for working at vulnerable areas and operating
areas before flame cutting/welding is taken up.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
For electric (Arc) welding the following additional safety precautions shall be
When electrical welding is undertaken near pipelines carrying flammables, such
pipelines shall not be used as part of earth conductor but a separate earth conductor
shall be connected to the machine directly from the job.
Personnel contact with the electrode or other live parts of electric welding equipment
shall be avoided.
Extreme caution shall be exercised to prevent accidental contact of electrodes with
The welding cable shall not be allowed to get entangled with power cables. It shall
be ensured that movement of materials does not damage the cables.
All portable grinders shall be used only with their wheel guards in position to
reduce the danger from flying fragments should the wheel break during the use.
Grinding wheels of specified diameter only shall be used on a grinder –
portable or pedestal - in order not to exceed the prescribed peripheral speed.
Goggles shall be used during grinding operation.
.1 The contractor shall at all times keep his work site, site office and surroundings
clean and tidy from rubbish, scrap, surplus materials and unwanted tools and
.2 Welding and other electrical cables shall be so routed as to allow safe traffic by all
.3 No materials on any of the sites of work shall be so stacked or placed as to cause
danger or inconvenience to any person or the public.
.4 At the completion of the work, the contractor shall ensure removal from the work
premises all scaffoldings, surplus materials, rubbish and all huts and sanitary
arrangements used/installed for workmen on the site.
All necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent outbreak of fires at the
construction site. Adequate provisions shall be made to extinguish fires, should they
still break out.
a) Quantities of combustible materials like timber, bamboo, coal, paints, etc. shall
be the minimum required in order to avoid unnecessary accumulation of
combustibles at site.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
b) Containers of paints, thinners and allied materials shall be stored in a separate
room, which shall be well ventilated, and free from excessive heat, sparks, flame or
direct rays of the sun. The containers of paint shall be kept covered and properly
fitted with lid and shall not be kept open except while using.
c) Fire extinguishers shall be located at the construction site at appropriate places.
d) Adequate number of workmen shall be given education and training in fire
fighting and extinguishing methods
The contractor shall follow the stipulated procedure regarding work in the radiation
area and other works related with radiography.
11.1 The contractor shall arrange for medical aid and treatment for his staff and
workers engaged on the work site including the first-aid facilities if they are not
available at the project site.
11.2 First-aid appliance including sterilized dressing, cotton wool and antiseptic
cream shall be made available at readily accessible places at every work site. These
shall be maintained in good order under the charge of a responsible person.
11.3 At large work places, where hospital facilities are not available within easy
reach of the work first-aid posts shall be established. Ambulance availability shall be
identified during the entire period of work for attending to injury cases.
12.1 The contractor shall have a Safety Office or a Supervisor to be designated as a
Safety Coordinator in order to specifically look into the implementation of different
safety requirements of the site work. The person thus designated will in general coordinate on matters of safety and in particular ensure that the Safety Manual is
complied with. His name shall be displayed on the Notice Board at a prominent
place at the work site.
13.1 All accident leading to property damage and/or personnel injuries shall be
reported to the concerned authorities viz. Insurance Co. Police, Head Office,
Regional Office, etc.
13.2 The contractor shall also submit a monthly statement of accidents to the
Client by 4th of every month showing details of accident, nature of injury including
disability, days lost, treatment provided, etc., and the extent of property damage.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
The contractor shall make all necessary provisions to protect the public. He shall be
held responsible for defense of every action of other proceedings at law that may be
brought by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect of any precaution
required to taken to protect the public.
All operations involving the transport, handling, storage and use of explosive shall be
as per the standing instructions and conform with the latest Indian Explosives Act
and the explosives Rules. Handling, transport, storage and use of compressed gas
cylinders and pressure vessels shall conform to the latest Gas Cylinder Rules and
Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules. In addition, The Indian
Electricity Act and Indian Electricity Rules - latest, the Atomic Energy Act, the
Radiation Protection Rules - latest, Radiation Protection Manual of Nuclear Facilities
and the Atomic Energy (Factories) Rules – latest, and various latest rules and Act
related to mining shall also be strictly complied with.
16.1 Following safety requirements shall be complied with before the contractor uses
the power supply.
16.1.1 The contractor shall submit a list of licensed electrical staff to be posted at
16.1.2 It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to provide and maintain
complete installation on the load side of the supply point with regard to the safety
requirements at Site. All cabling and installation shall comply with the appropriate
latest statutory requirements given below and shall be subject to approval of the
Project Manager:
Indian Electricity Act.
Electricity (Supply) Act.
Indian Electricity Rules.
National Electricity Code.
Other relevant rules of Local Bodies and Electricity Boards.
The power supply shall be regulated as per the terms and conditions of the supply of
the respective electricity boards.
16.1.3 Where distribution boards are located at different places the contractor shall
submit schematic drawing indicating all details like size of wires, Over head and
Cable feeders, earthling etc. The position and location of all equipment and switches
shall be given.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
16.1.4 The contractor shall make his own arrangement for main earth electrode and
tapings thereof. The existing earth points available at site can be used at the
discretion of Client with prior permission. Method of earthling, installation and earth
testing results shall conform to relevant I.S. Specifications (IS-3043).
16.1.5 All three phases’ equipment shall be provided with double earthling. All light
fixtures and portable equipment shall be effectively earthed to main earthling.
16.1.6 All earth terminals shall be visible. No gas pipes and water pipes shall be
used for earth connection. Neutral conductor shall not be treated as earth wire.
16.1.7 The contractor shall not connect any additional load without prior permission
of Client.
16.1.8 Joints in earthling conductors shall be avoided. Loop earthling of equipment
shall not be allowed. However, tapings from an earth bus may be done.
16.1.9 The entire installation shall be subjected to the following tests before
energisation of installation including portable equipment: a)
Insulation resistance test.
Polarity test of switches.
Earth continuity test.
Earth electrode resistance.
The test procedures and their results shall conform to relevant standards.
Following guidelines are provided for general observations: -
1 Only persons having valid wireman’s license/competency certificate shall be
employed for carrying out electrical work and repair of electrical equipment,
installation and maintenance at site. A qualified licensed Supervisor shall supervise
the job.
2 Electrical equipment and installations shall be installed and maintained as to
prevent danger from contact with live conductors and to prevent fires originating
from electrical causes like short circuits, overheating etc. Installation shall not cause
any hindrance to movement of men and materials.
3 Materials for all electrical equipment shall be selected with regard to working
voltage, load and working environment. Such equipment shall conform to the
relevant standards.
4 The minimum clearance to be maintained for all overhead lines along roads and
across roads shall be as per the statutory requirements.
5 Grounding conductor of wiring system shall be of copper or other corrosionresistant material. An extra grounding connection shall be made in
appliances/equipment where chances of electric shock are high.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
6 Electric fuses and/or circuit breakers installed in equipment circuits for short circuit
protection shall be of proper rating. It is also recommended that high rupturing
capacity (HRC) fuses are used in all circuits. For load of 5 kW or more earth leakage
circuit breaker shall be provided in the circuits.
7 Wherever cables or wires are laid on poles, a guard wire of adequate size shall be
run along the cables/wires and earthen effectively. Metallic poles as a general rule,
shall be avoided and if used shall be earthen individually. Anti climbing guards and
danger notices shall be provided on poles. Each equipment shall have an isolating
8 Wires and cables shall be properly supported and an approved method of fixing
shall be adopted. Loose hanging of wires and cables shall be avoided. Lighting and
power circuits shall be kept distinct and separate.
9 Reinforcement rods or any metallic part of structure shall not be used for
supporting wires and cables, fixtures, equipment, earthing etc.
10 All cables and wires shall be adequately protected mechanically against damages.
In case the cable is required to be laid under ground, it shall be adequately protected
by covering the same with bricks, Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) tile or any other
approved means.
11 Using suitable cable glands shall properly terminate all armoured cables. Using
cable lugs/sockets shall connect multi-stranded conductor cables. Cable lugs shall
preferably be crimped. They shall be of proper size and shall correspond to the
current rating and size of the cable. Twisted connections will not be allowed.
12 All cable glands, armoring and sheathing of electric cable, metal circuits and their
fittings, metallic fittings and other non-current carrying parts of electrical equipment
and apparatus shall be effectively grounded.
13 All the Distribution Boards, Switch Fuse Units, Bus bar chambers, ducts, cubicles
etc. shall have MS enclosures and shall be dust, vermin and waterproof. The
Distribution Boards, switches etc. shall be so fixed that they shall be easily
accessible. Changes shall be done only after the approval of the Project Manager.
14 The contractor shall provide proper enclosures/covers for protection of the entire
switchboard, equipment etc. against rain. Exposed live parts of all electrical circuits
and equipment shall be enclosed permanently. Crane trolley wires and other
conductor, which cannot be completely insulated, shall be placed such that they are
inaccessible under normal working conditions.
15 Ironclad industrial type plug outlets are preferred for additional safety.
16 Open type distribution boards shall be placed only in dry and ventilated rooms;
they shall not be placed in the vicinity of storage batteries or otherwise exposed to
chemical fumes.
17 Isolating switches shall be provided close to equipment for easy disconnection of
electrical equipment or conductors from the source of supply when repair or
maintenance work has to be done on them.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
18 In front of distribution boards a clear space of 90 cm shall be maintained in order
to have easy access during an emergency.
19 Adequate working space shall be provided around electrical equipment, which
requires adjustment or examination during operation.
20 As far as possible electrical switches shall be excluded from a place where there is
danger of explosion. All electrical equipment such as motors; switches and lighting
fittings installed in workroom where there is possibility of explosion hazard shall be
explosion proof.
21 All connections to lighting fixtures, starters or other power supplies shall be
provided with PVC insulate, PVC sheathed twin/three/four core wires to have better
mechanical protection for preventing possible damage to equipment or injury to
personnel. Taped joints shall not be allowed and the connections may be made in
looping system. Electric starter of motors, Switches shall not be mounted on wooden
boards. Only sheet steel mounting or iron framework shall be used.
22 All the lighting fixtures and lap holders shall be of good quality and in good
condition. Badly repaired or broken holders, etc. shall not be used.
23 Only PVC insulated and PVC sheathed wires or armoured PVC insulated and
sheathed cables shall be used for external power supply connections of temporary
nature. Weatherproof rubber wires shall not be used for any temporary power supply
connections. Taped joints in the wires shall not be used.
24 The bulbs/lamps used for illumination and testing purpose shall have cover or
guard to protect them from accidental breakage. Only 24 V supply system shall be
used for hand lamps etc. while working inside metallic tanks or conducting vessels.
A) All persons, who work with electrical installation/equipment, shall be aware of the
electrical hazards, use to protective devices and safe operational procedures. They
shall be given training in fire fighting, first aid and artificial resuscitation techniques.
B) The contractor shall instruct the workers in the proper procedure, specify and
enforce the use of necessary protective equipment such as adequately insulated pliers,
screw drivers, fuse pulleys, testing lamps and similar hand tools. Only wooden
ladders shall be used to reach the heights in electrical work.
C) No material or earthwork shall be allowed to be dumped below or in the vicinity
of the bare overhead line conductors.
D) Before any maintenance work is commenced on electrical installations/
equipment, the circuits shall be de-energised and ascertained to be dead by positive
test with an approved voltage-testing device. Switches shall be tagged or the fuse
holders withdrawn before starting the work. Adequate precautions shall be taken in
two important aspects viz.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
That there shall be no danger from any adjacent live parts and
That there shall be no chances of re-energisation of the equipment on
which the persons are working.
While working on or near a circuit, whenever possible the use of one
hand may be practiced even though the circuit is supposed to be dead.
The other hand may preferably be kept in pocket.
When it is necessary to touch electrical equipment (for example when
checking for overload of motors) back of the hand may be used.
Thus, if accidental shock were to cause muscular contractions, one
would not ‘freeze’ to the conductor.
Operations of electrical equipment shall be avoided which standing on
wet floor or when hands are wet.
Before blown fuses are replaced, the circuit shall be locked out and an
investigation shall be made for the cause of the short circuit or
When two persons are working within reach of each other, they shall
never work on difference phases of the supply.
When structural repairs, modification or painting work are to be
undertaken, appropriate measures shall be taken for the protection of
persons whose work may bring them into the priority of live
It shall be ensured that the insulation and wire size of extension cords
are adequate for the voltage and current to be carried.
While tapping electricity from the socket, plug top must be used. It
shall be ensured that no extension boards are over loaded while
tapping. Only standard three pin plugs shall be used for tapping
electricity. Broken sockets/plugs shall be replaced immediately with
good ones. Only joints free cables shall be used for connecting
equipment/ apparatus.
Floors shall be kept free from tailing electrical cables to avoid tripping
Power supply to the entire machines and lighting fixture shall be
switched off when not in use.
Temporary electrical connections shall be removed as soon as the
stipulated work is over. After completion of the works, the contractor
shall dismantle the distribution boards and the other facilities erected
at site.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Unauthorized tapping of power by others from distribution boards
under the control of the NCC shall be prohibited at all circumstances.
No flammable materials shall be stored in any working area near the
“CAUTION” boards as applicable shall be used during maintenance
works on the electrical equipment.
a) Portable electrical equipment shall be regularly examined, tested and maintained to
ensure that the equipment and its leads are in good order. Register shall be
maintained for inspection recording the testing dates and results of the equipment.
b) All portable appliances shall be provided with tree core cable and three-pin plug.
The third pin of the plug shall invariably be earthen. It shall be ensured that the
metal part of the equipment shall be effectively earthen.
c) All connections to portable equipment or machines from the panel/distribution
board/extension board shall be taken using 3 core double insulated PVC flexible
copper wire in one length. No joints shall be allowed in this flexible wire. In case
single length of wire is not sufficient for a particular location then the supply can be
tapped by providing another extension board comprising of switch and socket.
d)Flexible cables for portable lamps, tools and apparatus shall be regularly examined,
tested periodically and maintained to ensure safety.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
1.0 Scope :
The Scope of Work shall include Supply ,Installation and handling/ maintenance for
2 years of LP Gas Cylinders, Pipe Lines, Pressure Regulation systems, and Gas
Meters upto Kitchen in Apartments
2.0 Materials :
All the Materials shall be conforming to the Indian Standards wherever applicable or
approved by the LP gas system suppliers.
3.0 Components
3.1 Cylinder Manifold :
Each Cylinder manifold shall consist of required number of Cylinders including
Cylinder manifold, adopters for all Cylinders, flexible metal braided pigtails, Non
Return Valves and all other accessories as required
3.2 Pressure Regulation System – Stage 1
The PRS1 with MS enclosure shall be installed in LP Gas room with required
Isolation ball valves, Pressure guages, Excess flow check valves, Safety relief
Valves, Auto Changeover arrangement, Slam shutoff valve with bleeder arrangement
3.3 Pressure Regulation System – Stage 2
The PRS2 with MS enclosure shall be installed at Ground floor with required
Isolation ball valves, Pressure guages, Pressure regulator with Over/ Under pressure
safety cutouts, Safety relief Valves
3.4 Pressure Regulation System – Stage 3
The PRS3 shall be installed near every Kitchen Duct with required Isolation ball
valve, Pressure regulator with Under pressure safety cutouts
3.5 LPG Pipe Line :
The Pipe line shall be of various sizes as per the Drawing and installed with Hitec
supports when hung from Ceiling, proper clamps when fixed to the wall.
4.0 Testing of Pipe Lines :
Immediately on laying of Pipe line of various Towers, the same shall be tested by
using Nitrozen gas including supply of the same. If any leaks are found, the same
shall be rectified
5.0 Filling of LP Gas :
The Contractor is responsible for nitrogen purging and LPG charging of the Pipe
line. The performance of the system shall be tested and the system shall be handed
Note: Before use of any brand of material for the Project, Prior Written permission
shall be taken from client/Consultant. The Client shall have choice to select any of
the above approved brands.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
LPG Reticulated System means providing LPG to the houses constructed on the plots,
flats and to commercial establishments thorough pipelines using multiple stage of
pressure reduction. The system has been divided in 4 sections.
Manifold Storage & Handling
Pipelines & Distribution Network (Ring main)
Installation of Metering Unit at the Plot / Kitchen / Building Lobby
Internal Piping after the Metering Unit to the point of useage.
It is proposed to provide LPG through a Cylinder Manifold System. The Cylinder
Manifold shall be designed in accordance with the requirement of the Gas Cylinders
Rules for domestic LPG confirming to IS 4576. Manifold shall be provided with all
Fittings, Pigtail, Adaptor, Fitting of the cylinders, Pressure Gauge, Safety Devise,
Change Over Valve which also act as Pressure Regulator System. The Manifold should
be designed in accordance as per the recommendation of IS 6044.
LPG will be received in cylinders from the authorized local distributor. Manifold is so
designed with two sides: a. Operative
b. Stand By
With the pressure in the Operative side of the Manifold reducing by virtue of
consumption of the liquid LPG from Cylinders and the reduction of pressure. The
Automatic Change Over Valve with change the direction of flow on the Manifold. The
Operative side will now be Stand By side and the Stand by side of the Manifold shall
thus become the Operative.
The Authorized Distributor of the LPG has to replenish the empty Cylinders on the Stand
By side with fresh filled Cylinders by disconnecting Cylinder from the Manifold by the
Quick Fitting Valve.
The Change Over Valve is the key of the Operative System, which automatically
changes Manifold sides so as to provide a smooth transition and ensures continuous flow
of product to the LPG Pipe Ring main.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
The system is basically 3 stage pressure regulation system with first stage as OPSO ,
second stage as UPSO/OPSO and third stage as UPSO regulation system. The pressure
will reduce from manifold cylinder pressure to 1 kg/cm2 in the first stage regulator and
thereafter at the building level the pressure will further reduce to 250 to 350 mmwc by
second stage regulator. The third stage regulator will be at the kitchen level wherein the
outlet pressure will be 28 milibar. After the PRS 1 the system will be connected to
ringmain. The pipelines will be laid above ground and where ever underground laying is
necessary it will be with suitable protective coating to prevent any external corrosion.
Wherever there is road crossing, pipeline shall be protected by hume pipes of suitable
rating. Pipeline markers shall be provided at regular intervals throughout the piping
route. The entire distribution piping shall be of ERW MS pipe class “C” conforming to
heavy class IS:1239 coated with anticorrosive coats.
To connect each flat/plot with these distribution pipelines, will be provided alongside
the building. The risers shall be of 3/4” dia and from the risers a tapping of ½” dia will
be connected to the kitchen. Each riser shall be connected with isolation ball valve.
Each Metering Unit will have a ½” tapping from the riser . This will be connected to a
pressure regulator which will reduce the pressure 28 m bar which is the pressure required
for the gas stoves. An isolation valve is provided at the inlet of the Metering Unit to
attend to any maintenance and in the event of any emergency and as well at the outlet.
This regulator will be equipped with an under pressure shut-off (UPSO) to cut off the
supply of LPG gas in the event of rupture of suraksha hose.
A Gas Flow Meter will be provided in the kitchen plot boundary to measure the quantity
of gas consumed for billing purpose. The gas meter will be suitably protected in an
asthetically designed metallic box and securely fixed on the wall of the kitchen.
After the gas meter Quarter Turn Ball Valve will be provided for easy stoppage of the
gas and isolating the system. The ½ “ line will be taken above platform level inside the
kitchen till 1 m of the hotplate placing location. The termination of pipeline shall be with
a Quarter Turn Isolating Valve.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
The entire system is installed as per IS 6044 part-1, NFPA-58 and HPCL standards, to
ensure the safety of the system. HPCL will rigorously and regularly monitor the
installation at all stages till its completion and testing to ensure the correct workmanship
and adherence to standard practice.
Safety features:
To ensure complete safety with continuous supply of LPG to all users, the following
equipment is used in the reticulated system:
1) Auto-Changeover Regulator with inbuilt OPSO:
Besides its function of automatically switching the source of supply from the empty LPG
bank to the filled-LPG bank, the auto-changeover regulator is also the FIRST
PRESSURE REDUCING STAGE (PRS1) due to its in-built pressure regulating feature.
Here, it reduces the LPG pressure to 1.2bar. Also this will have OPSO devise inbuild in
case of failure of the PRS 1 The gas supply from manifold to the ringmain will stop.
2)PRS 2 : UPSO and OPSO:
The UPSO / OPSO valve with its inbuilt pressure regulator and bleeder arrangement is
used for additional safety after the 1st stage pressure reduction. This is the SECOND
PRESSURE REDUCING STAGE (PRS2). It automatically stops the supply of LPG if
the pressure increases above the desired set limit (1-1.2 bar) downstream of the second
pressure reducing stage. Similarly in case the pressure is decreasing below the set limit in
the downstream the UPSO will switch off the gas supply to the risers. In case of this
happening, the authorized personnel from the gas company re-start the system after
making necessary changes.
3)Under-Pressure Shut-Off Valve (UPSO):
The UPSO with its built pressure regulator is installed before the gas meter. It regulates
the LPG pressure to 28-mbar pressure. This is the THIRD PRESSURE REDUCING
It also automatically stops the supply of gas if the flexible suraksha hose connected to the
appliance ruptures or if it is not connected properly. LPG supply is also stopped
downstream of the UPSO if the copper piping after the meter gets punctured. The UPSO
has a reset knob on the top, which is pushed to restart the supply of LPG after taking
corrective measures.
4) Manifold:
The number of LPG Cylinders is calculated on the basis of evaporation rate of the
cylinder (vapour withdrawal rate), average hourly consumption and other relevant
factors. Once the number of cylinders is decided, they are connected together with the
manifold. The manifold consists of two arms which are connected with equal number of
cylinders. While one arm is always active, the other is in standby position.
Material of Construction and Components used in the Manifold:
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
a) The manifold is made out of Schedule-40, CS Seamless hot-finished pipes conforming
to ASTM A-106 Grade 'B'. The MECV (left hand thread manifold nipples) made out of
forged steel, are welded to the main header pipe for connecting manifold accessories.
The inter distance of the MECV Nipples is 9" . Cylinders may be arranged in
standard/staggered manner on one horizontal plane or in two tiers.
b) Non-Return Valves are used at all entries of the manifold. The NRV is made out of
forged brass. The role of an NRV is to restrict the reverse flow of LPG from the
manifold. Thus in case of a hose getting ruptured (connected between the NRV and
Cylinder Adapter) excessive LPG leakage will be avoided.
c) Heavy-duty steel re-inforced, made out of Nitrile rubber (chemically resistant to LPG)
Pigtails (HPCL approved Suraksha) are used for connecting cylinders to the Manifold.
d) Excess Flow Check Valves are used to automatically stop the excessive flow (above
designed and set flow rate) of LPG at the downstream of the manifold due to any reason
(malfunctioning of Auto-changeover regulator, OPSO Valve or rupture of pipelines).
The EFCV is made out of brass with pre-defined helical spring and disc inside the valve.
The EFCVs are approved from Chief Controller of Explosives and certified by a third
party approved competent agency.
e) Antistatic Fire Safe designed API approved CS Isolation Ball Valves with all internals
in SS-304 of suitable pressure rating are fitted at the ends of the manifold. These valves
are normally in open condition and quick shut off type with very low torque. In case of
any emergency or repair/maintenance of the system valves can be easily closed to
disconnect the supply of LPG downstream of the manifold.
5) Piping:
After PRS II, M.S 'C' Class ERW Pipes conforming to IS: 1239 part-1 are used for main
header and riser. These pipes are preferably exposed and above ground. If necessary or
unavoidable (like in road crossing etc) then pipes are taken through hume pipes at
sufficient depth and doubly wrapped and coated by suitable anti-corrosive material.
Flanges and joints are avoided in road crossings. Flanges are however avoided
throughout the piping. If necessary, only slip-on raised face ASA class#150 flanges with
steel wire re-inforced spiral wound asbestos gaskets (3mm thick) are used. The entire
piping is protected against corrosion by applying a double coat of Zn-Chromate Red
oxide primer and two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved colour. The pipes are
anchored suitably to avoid sagging and creeping. The riser pipes are rigidly supported in
such a manner that they are accessible from all sides for painting and visual inspection.
The risers are provided with quick shut-off type isolation valve at the bottom and at an
accessible location to disconnect the kitchen of a particular block/tower for maintenance
and repair work. Valves of a riser may also be closed during any emergency. Valves
should be enclosed in a suitable structural enclosure to avoid mishandling. All the
weldings and bends will be thru use of proper sockets , bends – only socket welding is
allowed throughout the line.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
1. The work shall be taken up for 216 nos flats that is for Blocks-C06(108
flats) and C07(108 flats).
Bid document download start date
30/05/2012 at 5.00 PM
Bid document download end date
14/06/2012 up to 3.00 PM
Last date and time for receipt of bids14/06/2012 up to 3.30 PM
Bid Validity
90 days
Technical bid opening date
14/06/2012 at 4.30 PM
Price bid opening Date
To be notified later.
2. Bid Processing Fee (Non refundable)
The Bid processing fee of Rs.5,000/- in the form of Demand draft drawn in
favour of General Manager (Projects), APRSCL, Pocharam, to be submitted
alongwith the bid. This fee is neither refundable nor adjustable.
3 Site Visit.
The Bidder, at their own responsibility and risk is advised to visit and
examine the Site of Work and its surroundings and obtain all information that
may be necessary for preparing the Bid for entering into a contract, for
construction of the work. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the
Bidder’s own expense and the corporation shall not take any responsibility.
Two Cover System:The bid shall be submitted in two parts namely Unpriced (or Technical bid) &
Priced (Financial bid). Each part shall be submitted in separate envelope
marked “Unpriced” & “Priced” as applicable. Both these envelopes duly sealed
shall be kept in a large common envelope for submitting the Bid.
Bid documents shall be downloaded from the Corporation website The duly filled in and signed document along with the
following particulars shall be submitted in the tender box placed in the Office
of the Andhra Pradesh Rajiv Swagruha Corporation Ltd., Domalaguda,
Unpriced Bid (Technical Bid):
A) Qualification Requirements for opening the Price Bid
1) EMD for Rs.21,600/- (Rupees Twenty One Thousand Six Hundred
Only), in the form of unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee
in prescribed standard format shown in the tender document or
Demand Draft for Rs. 21,600/- (Rupees Twenty One Thousand Six
Hundred Only), issued by any Nationalized or Scheduled
Commercial Bank in favour of General Manager(Projects), APRSCL,
Pocharam, to be valid for 6 months from the date of Bid
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
2) Bid processing fee for Rs.5,000/- in the form of Demand draft
drawn in favour of General Manager (Projects), APRSCL, Pocharam.
3) The Bidder shall be registered / empanelled with any of the PSUs i.e
M/s. BGL, M/s. BPCL, M/s. HPCL, M/s. IOCL, M/s. GAIL, etc.
Copies in support of the same shall be submitted.
4) Experience of having successfully completed & commissioned similar
works for group housing / flats numbering not less than 65 nos as a
Prime Contractor in the same name and style in any one year during
the last 5 financial years i.e 2007-08 to 2011-12 years.
This information shall be submitted in prescribed proforma,
(Statement-I) shown below which shall be certified by the Executive
Engineer / General Manager concerned and countersigned by the
Superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer
Gas pipeline network executed
Sl. Financial
Any other
Year wise for no. of flats
The bidder should submit the particulars invariably in the format
specified in the tender schedule along with necessary certificates,
failing which his tender shall be treated as incomplete and summarily
Private experience may also be considered if supported with work
done certificates, work wise which should be supported with the
C.A certified balance sheet & supported by the T.D.S.
5) The Bidder should not have incurred any loss during the last two
financial years ending 31st March 2012. The Bidder shall furnish
audited balance sheets for the last 5 years in support of the above.
6) Liquid assets / credit Facilities / Solvency certificate from
Nationalised Bank / any scheduled commercial bank of value not less
than 25% of Quoted Bid price issued on or after 01.07.2011.
7)Proof of availability of fully licensed, qualified full time Engineer to
direct the work of Gas installation in accordance with drawings and
8) Copy of Pan card along with proof of having filed latest IT returns,
saral, etc.
9) Copy of VAT Registration & Latest VAT clearance certificates
10) Booklet(s) containing Technical Specifications, Detailed Job
Schedule (without filling rates), General Terms and Conditions etc.
11) Vendor Data Form duly completed with all the Annexures.
12) Deviations, if any, to our Technical Specifications/General Terms
and Conditions.
Contractor to note that deviations shall be brought out separately and
corrections in our tender document will not be accepted. (The quoted
bid price shall be inclusive of all deviations for completion of the work
including 2 years maintenance from the date of satisfactory
commissioning of the piped gas and act as facilitator between LPG users
and the LPG gas providers). The Bidder shall execute the work as per
the prescribed scope of work and specifications including all deviations
necessitated as per the site condition by additional quantities or
additional items during the execution of work as notified & to the
satisfaction of M/s. HPCL, Consultant to APRSCL without claiming any
extra cost other than the bid amount quoted based on which the cost
per flat is to be worked out.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Priced Bid (Financial Bid):
Schedule of Rates (Computer Print-out) with Rate and Amount columns
duly filled, signed and stamped. The rates shall be inclusive of all cost,
conveyance, taxes, excise duties on materials & finished item of work
i.e including TOT, VAT, Service Tax, insurance, supervision, 3 rd party
checks, statutory costs but excluding statutory fees paid to the Fire
department and inclusive of operation including annual operation,
handling (including billing and collection) and maintenance for
period of 2 years from the date of satisfactory commissioning of the
piped gas and act as facilitator between LPG users and the LPG gas
Contractor shall provide Grand Total at the end without fail.
Contractor shall avoid corrections and overwriting in the priced bid.
1. Offers not in conformity with above are liable for rejection.
2. In case of any discrepancy between Schedule of Rates and Detailed Job
Schedule ( in booklet ) the later shall prevail.
3. Validity:
Quoted prices shall be valid for a period of 3 months from the due
date / extended due date for placement of order.
4. Taxes :
a) Income-tax shall be deducted at source as per rules at
prevailing rates. Please furnish your permanent Income tax
b) Quoted Rates shall be inclusive of Sales Tax on Works
5. APRSCL reserves the right to accept any Bid in whole or in part or
reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason.
6. APRSCL shall not be bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves
right to accept any or more tenders in part. Decision of APRSCL in this
connection shall be final.
7. Please sign each and every page of Job Schedule, Technical
Specification, General Terms & conditions and Schedule of Rates as a
token of your acceptance.
8. Please quote your rates in all items. Please note that, if any item is left
unquoted, then it will be construed that the same will be done without
any cost and accordingly evaluation will be processed.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
1.0 Clarification on Tender Document
1.1 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification on tender documents may
contact APRSCL Office and the Bid Inviting Officer or his authorised
representative will respond to the same.
2.0 Amendment to Tender Documents
2.1 Before the last date for submission of Bid, the Bid Inviting Officer may
any of the Contents of the Bid Notice, Bid documents by issuing
amendment / Addendum / Corrigendum.
2.2 Any addendum/amendments/corrigendum issued by the Bid Inviting Officer
shall be part of the Bid Tender Document and it shall be notified in the
Corporation website only in which the Bid document is available for
2.3 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time to take an addendum into account
in preparing their tenders, the Bid Inviting Officer may extend if necessary,
last date for submission of Bid which will be notified in the Corporation
3.0 Validity of Bids:
3.1 Bids shall remain valid for a period of not less than three months from the
last date for receipt of Bid specified in Bid document.
3.2 During the above mentioned period no plea by the bidder for any sort of
modification of the bid based upon or arising out of any alleged
misunderstanding of misconceptions or mistake or for any reason will be
3.3 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original time limit, the Bid
Inviting Officer may request the bidders to extend the period of validity for a
specified additional period. Such request to the Bidders shall be made in
writing. A Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting his E.M.D. A
Bidder agreeing to the request will not be permitted to modify his Bid, but will
be required to extend the validity of his E.M.D. for a period of the extension.
4.0 Earnest Money Deposit
4.1 The Bidder shall furnish, Earnest Money Deposit as specified in the bid
document along with the bid.
4.2 The balance EMD worked out at 2.5% of ECV/TCV (which ever is higher) minus
EMD paid at the time of submission of bids shall be paid at the time of
concluding Agreement by the successful Bidder. This EMD can be in the form
a) A bank demand draft on any Nationalized or Scheduled Commercial
b) A bank guarantee in the form given in Annexure, from a
Nationalized or Scheduled Commercial Bank.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
4.3 The E.M.D. paid by the successful Bidder at the time of filing of Bid
through Demand Draft, will be discharged if the Bidder furnishes Bank
Guarantee for the full EMD of 2½% at the time of concluding agreement.
4.4 The earnest money deposited by the successful bidder will not carry any
interest and it will be dealt with as provided in the conditions stipulated in the
bid. The E.M.D. given in the form of Bank Guarantee on a Nationalized or
Scheduled Commercial Bank shall be valid for the duration of contract period
plus defect liability period of two years and in case any valid extension of
contract period is granted, the validity of BG shall also be extended for the
corresponding period. The Bank Guarantee on Nationalized or Scheduled
Commercial Bank furnished by the bidder towards additional security amount
shall be valid till the work is completed in all respects.
4.5 The E.M.D. shall be forfeited.
(a) if the Bidder withdraws the Bid during the validity period of Bid.
(b) in the case of a successful Bidder, if he fails to sign the Agreement for
whatever the reason.
4.6 In consideration of the Executive Director / tender committee undertaking
to investigate and to take into account each bid and in consideration of the
work thereby involved, all earnest monies deposited by the bidder will be
forfeited to the Board in the event of such bidder either modifying or withdrawing his bid at his instance within the said validity period of three months.
4.7 No alteration which is made by the bidder in the contract form , the conditions
of the contract, drawings, specifications, or statements / formats or quantities
accompanying the same will be recognized: and , if any such alterations are
made the bid will be void.
5.0 Signing of Bids.
5.1 The Bid shall contain no alterations or additions, except those to comply with
instructions issued by the Bid Inviting Officer, or as necessary to correct errors
made by the Bidder.
6.0 Submission of Bids:
6.1 The bidders who are desirous of participating shall submit their Unpriced Bid
(Technical bid), price bid (Financial bid) etc., as described above prescribed in
the bid document. The bidder shall sign on all the statements, documents,
certificates, alongwith the tender owning responsibility for their correctness /
6.2 The Bid document shall be submitted as per the following check slip
a) The bid shall be submitted in two parts namely Unpriced (or Technical bid)
& Priced (Financial bid). Each part shall be submitted in separate envelope
marked “Unpriced” & “Priced” as applicable. Both these envelopes duly sealed
shall be kept in a large common envelope for submitting the Bid.
b) The duly filled in and signed document along with all the required
particulars shall be submitted in the tender box placed in the Office of the
Andhra Pradesh Rajiv Swagruha Corporation Ltd., Domalaguda, Hyderabad.
c) EMD for Rs. 21,600/-, in the form of D.D
d) Bid processing fee of Rs.5,000/- in the form of Demand draft.
e) Copy of registration / empanelment with any of the PSUs i.e M/s. BGL,
M/s.BPCL, M/s. HPCL, M/s. IOCL & M/s. GAIL.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
f) Copies of experience certificate of having successfully completed &
commissioned similar works as a Prime Contractor in the same name and style
in any one year during the last 5 financial years i.e 2007-08 to 2011-12 years.
g) Copies of audited balance sheets in proof of having not incurred any loss
during the last two years ending 31st March 2012.
h) Copies of Liquid assets / credit Facilities / Solvency certificate from
Nationalised bank / any scheduled commercial bank of value not less than
25% of the quoted bid price issued on or after 01.07.2011.
i) Proof of availability of fully licensed, qualified full time Engineer to direct
the work of Gas installation in accordance with drawings and specifications
j) Copy of valid Pan card along with proof of having filed latest IT returns,
k) Copy of VAT Registration & Latest VAT clearance certificates.
7.0 Last date / time for Submission of the Bids.
Bids must be submitted not later than the date and time specified in the Bid
The Executive Director may extend the dates for receipt of Bids by issuing an
amendment in which case all rights and obligations of the Executive Director
and the Bidders will remain same as previously.
8.0 Late bids: Bids will not be received after the last date / time prescribed in the
Bid document.
9.0 Modification to the Bid.
9.1 Bidders can modify their Price Bid before the last date / time prescribed in bid
9.2 No bid shall be modified after the last Date / time for submission of bids.
In modification the Bidder may offer, ‘only discounts’ to their quoted Bid in
the original Bid submitted prior to the last date and time specified for
submission of Bids is acceptable.
9.3 Bids with an excess of more than 5% over the Internal Bench Mark Value
arrived by the APRSCL shall be summarily rejected.
9.4 In respect of bids beyond 15% less than internal benchmark arrived by the
APRSCL, a Bank Guarantee or Demand Draft for the difference between the
bidded amount and 85% of internal benchmark value should be furnished at the
time of agreement as additional security Deposit.
10.0 Bid opening
10.1 The tender/ bids will be opened by the Bid inviting authority or authorised
representative at the time and date as specified in the bid document. The data
furnished by the bidder along with the bid shall be the sole criteria for
evaluation of responsiveness. The bid inviting authority shall select such of the
bids that satisfy the qualification criteria for bid evaluation and the result of
the bid evaluation will be available on the date of Price Bid opening. The price
bids of the technically qualified bidders will be opened for further evaluation.
11.0 Clarification on the Technical Bid.
11.1 The Bid opening authority may call upon any Bidder for clarification on the
statements, documentary proof relating to the technical bid. The request for
clarification and response there to shall be in writing and it shall be only on
the qualification information furnished by the bidder. The clarification called
for from the bidders shall be furnished within the stipulated time, which shall
not be more than a week.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
11.2 The Bidders if so desirous, shall agree in writing to furnish the clarification
called for within the stipulated time and, for disqualification and rejection of
his tender in the event of failure to do so.
12.0 Examination of technical Bids and Determination of Responsiveness
12.1 The bid inviting authority will evaluate whether each bidder is satisfying the
eligibility criteria prescribed in the bid document solely based on the
information furnished by the bidder and declares them as a qualified bidder.
The Bid inviting authority will not entertain any other supplemental data other
than information filled by the bidder in the bid.
12.2 If the technical bid of a bidder is not satisfying any of the eligibility criteria it
will be rejected by the bid inviting authority. And his price Bid will not be
12.3 However suitable relaxation in the qualification requirements as stipulated in
the bid document, may be considered for eligibility of the Bidder, subject to
approval by the Committee in the Public interest. The decision taken by the
Committee in this regard shall be binding on the bidder(s) without having right
to question the same.
12.4 If any alteration is made by the bidder in the bid documents, the conditions of
the contract, the drawings, specifications or statements / formats or
quantities the bid will be rejected.
13.0 Price Bid Opening:
13.1 At the specified date and time the price bids of all the technically qualified
bidders based on Technical Bid evaluation will be opened by the bid inviting
authority and the result will be displayed to all the bidders who participated in
the bids.
14.0 Minutes of the price bid opening shall be recorded by the Bid Inviting
14.1 The price Bids of the unqualified tenderers will be not be opened and there
after EMD will be returned to the tenderers.
14.2 Bids shall be scrutinized in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the Bid
document. In case of any discrepancy of non-adherence Conditions the Bid
accepting authority shall communicate the same which will be binding both on
the bid Opening authority and the Bidder. In case of any ambiguity, the
decision taken by the Bid Accepting Authority on bids shall be final.
15.0 Evaluation and Comparison of Price Bids
15.1 The Executive Director will evaluate and compare the price bids of all the
qualified Bidders.
Negotiations at any level are strictly prohibited. However, good gesture
rebate, if offered by the lowest bidder prior to finalization of bids may be
accepted by the bid accepting authority.
15.2 Selection of Bidder among the lowest & equally quoted bidders will be in the
following orders:
The bidder who has executed similar works for more no of flats or
houses will be selected.
In case the bid capacity is also same the bidder whose annual turnover
is more will be preferred.
Even if the criteria incidentally become the same, the turnover on
similar works and thereafter machinery available for the work and then
the clean track record will be considered for selection.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
16.0 Process to be Confidential.
16.1 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and
comparison of Bids and recommendations for the award of a contract shall not
be disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such
process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced by the
bid accepting authority. Any effort by a Bidder to influence the processing of
Bids or award decisions may result in the rejection of his Bid.
No Bidder shall contact the Executive Director or any authority concerned with
finalization of bids on any matter relating to its Bid from the time of the Bid
opening to the time the Contract is awarded. If the Bidder wishes to bring
additional information to the notice of the Executive Director, it should do so
in writing.
16.2 Before recommending / accepting the bid, the bid recommending / accepting
authority shall verify the correctness of certificates submitted to meet the
eligibility criteria and specifically experience. The authenticated agreements
of previous works executed by the lowest bidder shall be called for.
16.3 Bids will be evaluated by the bid inviting authority for the works and referred
to tender committee along with technical bid evaluation for consideration.
The Tender committee shall scrutinize the bids submitted by bid inviting
authority in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the bid document
and in case any discrepancy of non-adherence to the conditions, the same shall
be communicated which will be binding both on the bid concluding authority
and contractor. In case of any ambiguity the decision taken by the tender
committee on bids shall be final.
17.0 Award Criteria
17.1 The Executive Director will award the contract to the Bidder who is found
technically qualified as per the Bid conditions and whose price bid is lowest.
17.2 The bid accepting authority reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid or all
bids and to cancel the Biding process, at any time prior to the award of
Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or
Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the
reasons for such action.
18.0 Notification of Award and Signing of Agreement.
18.1 The Bidder whose Bid has been accepted will be notified of the award of the
work by email by the bid inviting authority, prior to expiration of the Bid
validity period by registered letter. This letter (hereinafter and in the
Conditions of Contract called “Letter of Acceptance”) will indicate the sum
that the Corporation will pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution,
completion, and maintenance of the Works by the Contractor as prescribed by
the Contract (hereinafter and in the Contract called the “Contract Amount”).
18.2 When a bid is to be accepted the concerned bidder shall attend the office of
the Executive Director concerned on the date fixed in the Letter of
acceptance. Upon intimation being given by the Executive Director, of
acceptance of his bid, the bidders shall make payment of the balance E.M.D.,
and additional security deposit wherever needed (in case of discount bids shall
which shall be regulated as per the Govt. orders) by way of Demand Draft or
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee obtained from a Nationalized /
Scheduled commercial Bank with a validity period of duration of contract
period plus defect liability period of two years months, and sign an agreement
in the form prescribed by the department for the due fulfillment of the
contract. Failure to attend the Executive Director’s office on the date fixed, in
the written intimation, to enter into the required agreement shall entail
forfeiture of the Earnest Money deposited. The written agreement to be
entered into between the contractor and the Corporation shall be the
foundation of the rights and obligations of both the parties and the contract
shall not be deemed to be complete until the agreement has first been signed
by the contractor and then by the proper officer authorized to enter into
contract on behalf of the Corporation.
18.3 The successful bidder has to sign an agreement within a period of 15 days from
the date of receipt of communication of acceptance of his bid. On failure to
do so his bid will be cancelled duly forfeiting the E.M.D., paid by him without
issuing any further notice and action will be initiated for black listing the
19 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices
19.1 The APRSC LTD require that the bidders / suppliers / contractors under
Government financed contracts, observe the highest standard of ethics during
the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy,
the Government
(a) define for the purposes of the provision, the terms set forth below as
“corrupt practices” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of
any thing of value to influence the action of a Government official in
procurement process or in contract execution: and
“fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to
influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the
detriment of the Government and includes collusive practice among
Bidders (prior to or after Bid submission) designed to establish in Bid
prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the
Government of the benefits of free and open competition.
(b) Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder
recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in
competing for the contract in question.
(c) Will blacklist / or debar a firm, either indefinitely or for a stated period
of time, if at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing a Government
(d) Further more, Bidders shall be aware of the provisions stated in the
During the currency of the contract deduction of income tax at 2.24% shall be
made from the gross value of each bill of the contract, the contract value of
which is in excess of Rs.10,000/- for deduction of tax at rates lower than 2.24%
procedure stipulated under section 194-C(4) of Income Tax Act, 1961 shall be
Income Tax clearance certificate should be furnished before the payment of
final bill.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
The contractor’s staff, personnel and labour will be liable to pay personnel
income taxes in respect of their salaries and wages as are chargeable under
the laws and regulations for the time being in force, and the contractor shall
perform such duties in regard to such deductions thereof as may be imposed
on him by such laws and regulations.
Seigniorage fee will be recovered as per rules from the work bills of the
contract or based on the theoretical requirement materials at the following
rates as per GO Ms. No 198 of Industries and Commerce (MI) Dept Dated
R.R. stone for masonry.
Revetment stone.
C.R.S. stone.
Polished Shabad Stone
Rs.40.00 / cum.
Rs.50.00 / cum.
Rs.50.00 / cum.
Rs.50.00 / cum.
Rs.50.00 / cum.
Rs.22.00 / cum.
Rs.7.00 / Sqm.
The rates are liable to be revised and amended from time to time by the State
Government, by notification in the ‘Andhra Pradesh Gazettee’. If the revised
Seigniorage fee is more than the above mentioned, the recovery from the
contractor’s bills is as per revised rates
(i) VAT: Recoveries from the contractors gross bills will be made as per the
A.P.V.A.T. Act 2005.
(ii)The contractor should produce a valid V.A.T. Clearance Certificate before
the payment of the final bill, otherwise the payment to the contractor
will be with held.
(iii)The recoveries towards VAT & Service Tax as applicable on gross bills of
the works contract will be effected and paid to the concerned
(iv)Building and Other Construction Workers Cess at 1 % of Contract Value
Details of amounts recovered from Contractor bills and released on
submission of proof for payment of the same.
Towards Insurance premium
Rs. 0.18% on E.C.V or T.C.V or
actuals which ever is more.
Rs 4% on ECV
Towards Technical agent charges
(Graduate Engineer .)
Rs. 400/- per calendar working Day
(Diploma Engineer)
Rs. 350/- per calendar working Day
Service Tax
Rs 4.12% on ECV
The bidders are eligible for release of amounts towards insurance and engaging technical
personnel not exceeding the amounts indicated above, subject to production of insurance
policies, copies of appointment order & payment voucher for technical personnel etc.,
failing to comply with the above, release shall not be allowed but suitable penalty shall
be imposed for not engaging technical personnel and the EE / General Manager shall
take insurance policy at the cost of Contractor duly deducting the premium from the
Contractor bills. Contractor has to take the insurance policy in favour of the Department
or actual payments made on such Items which ever is lower. The payments made
towards insurance premium (towards CAR i.e. Contractor's All Risk policy for work
covering also debris removal, terrorism, third party compensation, etc.,) engaging
technical personnel will be released by the APRSCL on completion of the work / project.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
The scope of works to be undertaken to construct the reticulated system proposed at
SADBHAVANA Township at Pocharam, Ghatkesar(M) in Ranga Reddy district, A.P. The
facilities are to be installed at Pocharam project to supply LP Gas to flat premises.
The work shall be taken for 216 nos flats only that is for Blocks-C06(108flats) and
C07 (108 flats).
The scope of work may increase during the course of execution of the work or on
commissioning which will be intimated by the General Manager(Projects),
Pocharam and the contractor is bound to complete the same. The payments for the
additional scope of work executed shall be regulated based on the agreement rate
arrived at for each flat or as worked out separately as per the estimated cost of
execution, whichever is less.
The works to be undertaken shall be carried out in accordance with the specification,
accompanying drawings applicable standards and codes mentioned herein, all relevant
Indian Statutory requirements .
The scope of work of the Contractor shall be :
Design of total system and develop drawings
Assist to obtain approvals from applicable authorities before
commencement of work. Getting operating license of the system after the
facilities has been constructed ( fire Department).
Procurement and supply of equipment / materials as per the design
Erection of the facility as per design
Supply of manpower for execution of the job
Inspection of the project work through approved Third Party , HPCL and
Testing of the facilities
Training to the operating staff
Preparation and submission of operating and maintenance manual
Pre-commissioning activities
Commissioning & guarantee test.
The job consists of supply of various equipment and spares for two years service. A
general list of various equipment is listed below but may not be total list. Additional
equipment, component if required is also to be a part of the contract. It is the
responsibility of the contractor to complete the job to the entire satisfaction of HPCL
and BGL.
1 nos. of cylinder manifold/ bank of 14.2 kg cylinders with all safety
fittings, instruments, valves, first stage regulators .
Earthing with earth pit..
LPG piping from storage area to the buildings.
Erection of risers from the mains to the kitchens in each floor.
Second stage regulator with OPSO and UPSO as per flow requirements
Fittings inside the kitchen with Regulator and Meters
Gas detection system in each bank connected to a common control panel
Civil & mechanical works associated with all facilities and equipment
Supply & installation of regulators and meters to individual kitchen
Power, water, air, tools, tackles, equipment, manpower and supervision
for executing the job shall be in scope of the Contractor.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
The total period of completion is 3(Three) months from the date of entering
with agreement to proceed. The work should be programmed such as to
achieve the Rate of progress statement enclosed.
After signing the agreement, the contractor shall forthwith begin the work,
shall regularly and continuously proceed with them.
Rate of progress: The work is to be completed within Three months from
the date of commencement.
The contractor shall commence the works on site within 7 days after
conclusion of the agreement and shall proceed with the same with due
expedition and without delay, except as may be expressly sanctioned or
ordered by the Engineer in charge, or be wholly beyond the contractor’s
The contractor shall bear all costs and charges for special or temporary way
leases required by him in connection with access to the site. The contractor
shall also provide at his own cost any additional accommodation outside the
site required by him for the purposes of the work.
Delays and extension of time:
No claim for compensation on account of delays or hindrances to the work
from any cause whatever shall lie. Reasonable extension of time will be
allowed by the General Manager or by the office competent to sanction the
extension, for unavoidable delays, such as may result from causes, which in
the opinion of the General Manager, are undoubtedly beyond the control of the
contractor. The General Manager shall assess the period of delay or hindrance
caused by any written instructions issued by him.
Whenever authorized alterations or additions made during the progress of the
work are of such a nature in the opinion of the General Manager as to justify
an extension of time in consequence thereof, such extension will be granted in
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
writing by the General Manager or other competent authority when ordering
such alterations or additions.
Construction Programme:
The Contractor shall furnish at the time of concluding the agreement the work
programme showing the sequence in which he proposes to carry out the work,
monthly progress expected to be achieved, also indicating date of
procurement of materials, machinery, etc. The schedule should be such that it
is practicable to achieve completion of the whole work within the time limit
and shall obtain the approval of the Executive Director. In case it is
subsequently found necessary to alter this program, the contractor shall
submit sufficiently in advance the revised program incorporating necessary
modifications to the General Manager for approval of the same. No revised
program shall be operative with out approval of General Manager.
Speed of Work:
The Contractor shall at all times maintain the progress of work to conform to
the latest operative progress schedule approved by the General Manager. The
contractor should furnish progress report indicating the programme and
progress once in a month. The General Manager may at any time in writing
direct the contractor to slow down any part or whole of the work for any
reason (which shall not be questioned) whatsoever, and the contractor shall
comply with such orders of the General Manager. The compliance of such
orders shall not entitle the contractor to any claim of compensation. Such
orders of the General Manager for slowing down the work will however be duly
taken into account while granting extension of time if asked by the contractor
for which no extra payment will be entertained.
Delays in Commencement or progress or neglect of work and forfeiture of
earnest money, Security deposit and withheld amounts:
If, at any time, the General Manager shall be of the opinion that the
Contractor is delaying Commencement of the work or violating any of the
provisions of the Contract or is neglecting or delaying the progress of the
work as defined by the tabular statement, he shall so advise the Contractor
in writing and at the same time demand. If the Contractor neglects to
comply with such demand within seven days after receipt of such notice, it
shall then or at any time there after, be lawful for the EE / General
Manager to take suitable action in accordance with Clause.60 of APSS.
Suspension of works by the Contractor:
If the Contractor suspends the works, or sublet the work without sanction of
the General Manager, or in the opinion of the General Manager shall neglect or
fail to proceed with due diligence in the performance of his part of the
Contract as laid down in the Schedule rate of progress, or if he shall continue
to default or repeat such default mentioned in clause.27 of the APSS General
Manager shall take action in accordance with Clause 61 of APSS.
If the Contractor stops work for 28 days and the Stoppage has not been
authorized by the General Manager the Contract will be terminated under
Clause 61 of APSS.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
If the Contractor has delayed the completion of works the Contract will be
terminated under Clause.61 of APSS.
Extension of the Intended Completion Date:
The General Manager shall recommend for extension, in accordance
with the Government orders inforce, the Intended Completion Date if a
Variation is issued which makes it impossible for Completion to be
achieved by the Intended Completion Date.
The General Manager shall decide whether and by how much to extend
the Intended Completion Date within 21 days of the Contractor asking
the Engineer for a decision upon the effect of a Variation and submitting
full supporting information. If the Contractor has failed to give early
warning of a delay or has failed to cooperate in dealing with a delay,
the delay by this failure shall not be considered in assessing the new
Intended Completion Date.
Delays Ordered by the EE / General Manager:
The EE / General Manager may instruct the Contractor to delay the start
or progress of any activity within the Work.
Management Meetings:
The General Manager may require the Contractor to attend a
management meeting. The business of a management meeting shall be
to review the programme for remaining work and to deal with matters
raised in accordance with the early warning procedure.
Identifying Defects:
The General Manager shall check the Contractor’s work and notify the
Contractor of any Defects that are found. Such checking shall not affect
the Contractor’s responsibilities. The General Manager may instruct the
Contractor to verify the Defect and to uncover and test any work that
the Engineer considers may be a Defect.
If the General Manager instructs the Contractor to carry out a test not
specified in the Specification to check whether any work has a Defect
and the Contractor shall pay for the test and any samples.
Correction of Defects:
The General Manager shall give notice to the Contractor of any Defects
before the end of the Defects Liability Period, which begins on
Completion. The defects liability period shall be extended for as long as
defects remain to be corrected by the Contractor.
Uncorrected Defects:
If the contractor has not corrected the defect within the time specified
in the General Manager’s notice, the General Manager will assess the
cost of having the defect corrected and the contractor will pay this
Quality Control:
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
In addition to the normal inspection by the regular staff incharge of the
Construction of work, the work will also be inspected by the HPCL
representative / General Manager /Executive Director/ Quality control Circle
or by the State or District level Vigilance Cell Unit and any other authorized
external Agency if any sub-standard work or excess payments are noticed with
reference to measurement books etc., during inspection, action will be taken
based on their observations and these will be effected by the General Manager
of the execution of the work.
Bill of Quantities:
The Bill Quantities shall contain items of work to be done by the
The Contractor is paid for the quantity of the work done as per the Bill of
Quantities for each item plus or minus Bid percentage.
Changes in the Quantities:
The contractor is bound to execute all supplemental works that are found
essential, incidental and inevitable during execution of main work.
The payment of rates for such supplemental items of work will be regulated as
Supplemental items directly deducible from similar items in the original
14.2.1 The rates shall be derived by adding to or subtracting from the agreement rate
of such similar item the cost of the difference in the quantity of materials
labor between the new items and similar items in the agreement worked out
with reference to the Standard Schedule of Rates adopted in the sanctioned
estimate with which the bids are accepted plus or minus over all bid
14.2.2 (a)Similar items but the rates of which cannot be directly deduced from the
original agreement.
(b) Purely new items, which do not correspond to any item in the Agreement.
Extra Items:
Extra items of work shall not vitiate the contract. The contractor shall be
bound to execute extra items of work as directed by the General Manager.
The General Manager as per the conditions of the Contract shall work out the
rates for extra items and the same are binding on the Contractor.
The contractor shall before the 15th day of each month, submit in writing to
the General Manager a statement of extra items if any that they have
executed during the preceding month failing which the contractor shall not be
entitled to claim any.
Cash flow forecasts:
When the program is updated, the contractor is to provide the General
Manager with an updated cash flow forecast.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Payment Certificates:
The Contractor shall submit to the General Manager monthly statements
of the estimated value of the work completed less the cumulative
amount certified previously.
The EE / General Manager shall check the Contractor’s monthly statement
within 14 days.
The EE / General Manager shall determine the value of work executed.
The value of work executed shall comprise the value of the quantities of the
items in the Bill of Quantities completed.
The EE / General Manager may exclude any item certified in a previous
certificate or reduce the proportion of any item previously certified in any
certificate in the light of later information.
Payment for the work done by the contractor will be made for the
finished work based on the measurements recorded in measurement
books by any officer of the department not lower in rank than a
Assistant Engineer and check measured by any officer not lower in rank
than a Deputy EE / General Manager. The measurement shall be
recorded at various stages of the work done and also after work is
completed. The contractor shall be present at the time of recording of
each set of measurement and their check measurement and accept
them then and there so as to avoid disputes at a later stage. If the
contractor is not available at the work spot at the time of recording
measurements or check measurements the particulars of measurements
shall be signed by the authorized agent of contractor based on which
the contractor shall accept the set of measurements without any further
dispute. If for any reason the contractor’s authorised agent is also not
available at site when the department decides to suspend the work
recording of measurements in the absence of the contractor or his
authorised representative the department shall not entertain any claim
from the contractor for any loss incurred by him on this account. The
Contractor shall however note that the Department cannot indefinitely
wait for recording the measurement due to the absence of the
Contractor and his authorised agent and check measure them even in
the absence of the contractor.
18.2 Payments and Certificates:
18.2.1 Payments shall be adjusted for recovery of advance payments,
liquidated damages in terms of bid conditions and security deposit for
the due fulfillment of the contract. Payment will be made to the
Contractor under the certificate to be issued at reasonably frequent
intervals by the General Manager, and intermediate payment will be the
sum equal to 92½% of the value of work done as so certified and balance
of 7½% will be withheld and retained as security for the due fulfillment
of the contract under the certificate to be issued by the General
Manager. On completion of the entire works the contractor will receive
the final payment of all the moneys due or payable to him under or by
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
virtue of the contract except earnest money deposit retained as security
and a sum equal to 2½ percent out of the total value of 71/2% with held
from the work done. The amount withheld from the final bill will be
retained under deposits and paid to the contractor together with the
earnest money deposit retained as security after a period of 24 months
as all defects shall have been made good according to the true intent
and meaning there of.
18.2.2 In case of over payments or wrong payment if any made to the
contractor due to wrong interpretation of the provisions of the contract,
APSS or Contract conditions etc., such un authorized payment will be
deducted in the subsequent bills or final bill for the work or from the
bills under any other contracts with the Government or at any time
there after from the deposits available with the Government.
18.2.3 Any recovery or recoveries advised by the Government Department
either state or central, due to non-fulfillment of any contract entered
into with them by the contractor shall be recovered from any bill or
deposits of the contractor.
18.2.4 The contractor is not eligible for any compensation for inevitable delay
in handing over the site or for any other reason. In such case, suitable
extensions of time will be granted after considering the merits of the
18.3 Intermediate Payments:
18.3.1 The intermediate payments shall be regulated as per the Payment
Schedule listed below
The details of intermediate payments shall be pre-pared at the time of
concluding the agreement
Certificate of Completion of works:
Certificate of Completion of works:
19.1.1 When the whole of the work has been completed and has satisfactory
passed any final test that may be prescribed by the Contract, the
Contractor may give a notice to that effect to the General Manager
accompanied by an undertaking to carryout any rectification work
during the period of maintenance, such notice and undertaking shall be
in writing and shall be deemed to be request by the Contractor for the
General Manager to issue a Certificate of completion in respect of the
Works. The General Manager shall, within twenty one days of the date
of delivery of such notice either issue to the Contractor, a certificate of
completion stating the date on which, in his opinion, the works were
completed in accordance with the Contract or give instructions in
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
writing to the Contractor specifying all the Works which, in the General
Manager'’s opinion, required to be done by the Contractor before the
issue of such Certificate. The General Manager shall also notify the
Contractor of any defects in the Works affecting completion that may
appear after such instructions and before completion of the Works
specified there in. The Contractor shall be entitled to receive such
Certificate of the Completion within twenty-one days of completion to
the satisfaction of the General Manager of the Works so specified and
making good of any defects so notified.
The department shall retain from each payment due to the contractor @
the rate of 7.5% of bill amount until completion of the whole of the
On completion of the whole of the Works 5% out of the total amount of 7.5@
retained is released to the Contractor and balance 2.5% after the Defects
Liability Period has passed and the General Manager has certified that all the
Defects notified by the General Manager to the Contractor before the end of
this period have been corrected.
Liquidated Damages:
If for any reason, which does not entitle the contractor to an extension of
item, the rate of progress of works, or any section is at any time, in the
opinion of the Executive Director too slow to ensure completion by the
prescribed time or extended time for completion Executive Director shall so
notify the contractor in writing and the contractor shall there upon take such
steps as are necessary and the Executive Director may approve to expedite
progress so as to complete the works or such section by the prescribed time or
extended time. The contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment
for taking such steps. If as a result of any notice given by the Executive
Director under this clause the contractor shall seek the Executive Director’s
permission to do any work at night or on Sundays, if locally recognised as days
or rest, or their locally recognised equivalent, such permission shall not be
unreasonably refused.
If the contractor fails to complete whole of the works or any part thereof or
section of the works within the stipulated agreement period including any
bonafide extensions allowed by the competent authority without levying
liquidated damages, the Executive Director may without prejudice to any
other method of recovery will deduct Rs.432/- per calendar day or part of the
day for the period of delays subject to a maximum of 10% of the contract value
not as a penalty from any monies in his hands due or which may become due to
the contractor. The payment or deductions of such damages shall not relieve
the contractor from his obligation to complete the works, or from any other of
his obligations and liabilities under the contract.
The Earnest Money Deposit and Additional Security (for discount bid
percentage beyond 15%) shall be provided to the Department not later
than the date specified in the Letter of Acceptance and shall be issued
in an amount and form and by a bank acceptable to the Department.
The Earnest Money shall be valid until a date 28 days from the date of
expiry of Defects Liability Period and the additional security shall be
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
valid until a date 28 days from the date of issue of the certificate of
The Corporation may terminate the Contract if the contractor causes a
fundamental breach of the Contract.
Fundamental breaches of Contract include, but shall not be limited to the
The Contractor stops work for 28 days when no stoppage of work is
shown on the current program and the stoppage has not been
authorised by the EE / General Manager.
The Contractor is made bankrupt or goes into liquidation other than for
a reconstruction or amalgamation.
The EE / General Manager gives Notice that failure to correct a
particular Defect is a fundamental breach of Contract and the
Contractor fails to correct it within a reasonable period of time
determined by the EE / General Manager; and
The Contractor does not maintain a security which is required and
The Contractor has delayed the completion of works by the number of
days for which the maximum amount of liquidated damages can be paid
as defined.
If the contractor, in the judgment of the Department has engaged in
corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in the executing the
Notwithstanding the above the Department may terminate the contract for
If the Contract is terminated, the Contractor shall stop work immediately,
make the Site safe and secured leave the Site as soon as reasonably possible.
Payment upon Termination:
If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of Contract by
the Contractor, the General Manager shall issue a certificate for the value of
the work done less advance payments received upon the date of the issue of
the certificate, less other recoveries due in terms of the Contract, less taxes
due to be deducted at source as per applicable law and less the percentage to
apply to the work not completed. Additional Liquidated Damages shall not
apply. If the total amount due to the Department exceeds any payment due to
the Contractor the difference shall be a debt payable to the Corporation.
All materials on the Site, Plant, Equipment, Temporary Works and Works
are deemed to be the property of the Department if the Contract is
terminated because of Contractor’s defaulted.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad
WHEREAS ……………………………………………………….. (Name of the Contractor) (Here in after called
“the Bidder”) has submitted his bid response to NIT No………………………. dated… for the work
“………………………………………………………………………………………………..” (Name of work) (Here in after
called “the bid”).
KNOWN ALL MEN by these present that we ………………………… …………………………………………
(Name and Address of Bank) ………………………………. (hereinafter called “the Bank” are
bound unto ……………………… / (name of the designated GM) in the sum of *
…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. for which payment will
and truly to be made to the said Department, the Bank binds itself, his successors and
assigns by these presents.
SEALED with the Common Seal of the Nationalized or Scheduled Commercial
Bank this …………….. day of ……………..200….
THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are:(1)
If after Bid opening the bidder withdraws or modifies his Bid during the period
of bid validity specified in the Form of Bid.
If the Bidder having been notified of the acceptance of his bid by the
Department during the period of validity.
(a) fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement in accordance with the
Instructions to Bidders, if required; or
(b) fails or refuses to furnish the balance EMD and additional performance
Security in accordance with the instructions of Bidders.
We undertake to pay to the Department up to the above amount upon
receipt of his first written demand, without the Department having to
substantiate his demand, provided that in his demand the Department will
note the amount claimed by him is due to him owning to the occurrence of
one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or
This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date**
…………………… after the dead line for submission of Bids as such deadline is
stated in the Instructions to Bids or as it may be extended by the
Department, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived.
Any demand in respect of this Guarantee should reach the Bank not later
than the above date.
(Signature, Name and Address)
The Bidder should insert the amount of the EMD in words and figures
denominated in Indian Rupee. This figure should be the same as shown in the
6 months for the deadline date for submission of Bid. Date should be inserted
by the Department before the Bid documents are issued.
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad.
_ _____ __ _____________________(name and address of Contractor )
(hereinafter called “the Contractor”) has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract
No. ________ dated: ____________ to execute the work of _________________
[name of work];
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the
Contractor shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a nationalized or Scheduled
Commercial bank for the sum specified therein as balance EMD / EMD for compliance
with his obligations in accordance with the Contract;
AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee;
NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible
to you, on behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of _____________________ [amount
of guarantee] _________________________________ [in words], such sum being
payable and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand and without
cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of ________________________
[amount of guarantee] as aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show grounds
or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein.
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the
Contractor before presenting us with the demand.
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the
terms of the Contract or of the Works to be performed hereunder or of any of the
contract documents which may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any
way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of
any such change, addition or modification.
This guarantee shall be valid upto ……………………….. i.e., until 28 days from the
date of expiry of the Defects Liability period.
Signature & seal of the Guarantor_____________________
Name of Bank_____________________________________
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad.
_______________________________________________(name and address of
WHEREAS _______________________________ (name and address of
Contractor )
(hereinafter called “the Contractor”) has undertaken, in
pursuance of Contract No. ________ dated: ____________ to execute
_________________________ [name of Contract and brief description of works]
(hereinafter called “the Contractor”);
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the
Contractor shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a Schedule bank for the sum
specified therein as Additional further security bank guarantee for compliance with his
obligations in accordance with the Contract;
AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee;
NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible
to you, on behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of Rs._____________________
[amount of guarantee] _________________________________ [in words], such sum
being payable and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand and
without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of
________________________ [amount of guarantee] as aforesaid without your needing
to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein.
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the
Contractor before presenting us with the demand.
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the
terms of the Contract or of the Works to be performed there under or of any of the
contract documents which may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any
way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of
any such change, addition or modification.
This guarantee shall be valid upto and until 28 days from the date completion.
Signature & seal of the Guarantor_____________________
Name of Bank_____________________________________
Executive Director,
APRSCL, Hyderabad.