2 - Sinai Temple
2 - Sinai Temple
A Blessing and a Threat . . . . 2 From the President. . . 3 Sinai Akiba Academy Annual Event and Auction. . . . 5-6 DecemBeR 2010 Kislev • TeveT 5771 vOl 71 NO 3 www.sinaitemple.org Abner & Roslyn Goldstine 2010 Scholar-in-Residence Lecture Series SERvICES & FESTIvALS SHABBAT MORNING IN THE ZIEGLER SANCTUARY 8:45 a.m. wiTh FAMILY MINYAN & FAMILY MINYAN Children’s Service Director of the Center for Ethics at Emory University and 9:00 a.m. Dec. 11 9:30 a.m. Dec. 4, 18 & 25 Senior Bioethicist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) TORAH IN THE ROUND 9:00 a.m. Dec. 18 TORAH AT THE TABLE 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Every Shabbat STARS SHABBAT MORNING 10:00 a.m. Dec. 11 Friday, December 10 at 9:15 p.m. TOT SHABBAT 10:00 a.m. Dec. 18 MINCHA/SHABBAT SERvICE 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Friday Night 5:45 p.m. Kohn Chapel Saturday, December 11 Shabbat Luncheon, Noon JAMMIES 'N' JEANS SHABBAT A Shabbat experience for young families 5:45 p.m. Dec. 3 Sunday, December 12 Breakfast at 9:30am Reservation form available at www.SinaiTemple.org For more information, please contact Dahlia Greenbaum, Program Director, at [email protected] or (310) 481-3243. FRIDAY NIGHT LIvE 7:30 p.m. Dec. 10 TUESDAY MORNING LATE MINYAN when school is in session 8:10 a.m. Kohn Chapel DAILY MINYAN Mornings 8:30 a.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. Monday - Friday National Holidays - 8:30 a.m. Afternoons 5:45 p.m. Sunday - Friday 4:30 p.m. Saturday from the RABBI’S PEN A Blessing and a Threat WEEkLY PARASHAS December December December December 4 - Miketz 11 - Vayigash 18 - Vayechi 25 - Sh’mot PROGRAMMING THEME 5771 Friday Candle Lighting Times December December December December December 2 310 17 24 31 - 4:26 p.m. 4:27 p.m. 4:28 p.m. 4:32 p.m. 4:36 p.m. Chelsea Clinton, raised Methodist, and Marc Mezvinsky, Jewish, wed on July 31, 2010. Statistics show that 37 percent of Americans have a spouse of a different faith. Statistics also show that couples in interfaith marriages are "three times more likely to be divorced or separated than those who were in same-religion marriages." Is interfaith marriage good for American society? Is it good for religion? What is lost - and gained - when religious people intermarry? Rabbi David wolpe was asked this question Rabbi David wolpe by the washington Post website. I have never met a human being in general. I've met Russians, Norwegians, Americans, but no generic human being. We each speak certain languages, are born in certain towns, have specific parents. Although all human beings share many things in common, culture is not one of them. Similarities increase the likelihood of a successful marital union. I once asked the CEO of an internet dating service what he had learned from his work, and he said the idea that opposites will make a successful marriage is a myth. Marriage is a difficult enterprise; you maximize the chances if you look at the world the same way. Of course, intermarriage instantiates an American ideal: nothing matters more than love. People who grow up in very different circumstances can find a powerful, immutable bond. It is enshrined in our common mythos -- the beauty and the beast, the peasant and the Queen -- differences dissolve in love. But for the Jewish people in particular, however fetching the ideal, the prospect of intermarriage is fraught. There are over two billion Christians in the world. There are over a billion Muslims. There are some 15 million Jews. Since the chances of an intermarried couple raising their children in the minority culture - that is, Judaism - is small, intermarriage is a serious threat to Jewish survival. We are a vanishingly small people. Abstract considerations rarely prevail over love. But we have to be honest, even when the truth causes pain. Religion in a home usually follows the patterns of the mother, so for a Jewish man to marry a non-Jewish woman is even more likely to result in children who do not identify as Jews (and this also accords with the classical Jewish definition, where religion follows the mother.) To say "well, they will grow up and choose" is dangerously naïve. Both studies and common sense tell us when a child grows up with parents representing different religious traditions, the child does not really decide on a faith, but chooses a parent. Religious traditions are complex, ramified cultures. They are not checklists. To adopt a tradition is to orient one's soul toward the universe. That is far easier to accomplish if both parents represent the same tradition. I always counsel couples to choose a tradition: do I prefer it be Judaism? Of course. But I would rather they choose one even if it is not Judaism than to try to raise a child in both, which too often ends up being neither. Conversion is a worthy, powerful way to join two people in a common cause. For the couple it is not always possible or desired. But we should remember that a melting pot is an inferior metaphor for the United States. People do not indistinguishably meld together. Rather we are a mosaic; different colors that contribute to the beauty of the whole. Distinctions and differences are not invidious. Love vaults over boundaries and that is often both beautiful and compelling. Much can be lost along the way however, and it is difficult to keep both the integrity of a tradition and its universal messages. As with all great blessings, the blessings of America exact a considerable cost. For more columns from Rabbi Wolpe in the Washington Post go to: http://onfaith.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/panelists/david_wolpe/ P R E S I D E N T ’ S corner With Thanksgiving just having past, it may be a good time to think about the holiday. While for many of us this has not been the best of times we should think about some things we can be thankful for. We live in a country that allows us to pray as Jews in public and not behind unmarked walls. We can travel anywhere in the United States without being stopped and asked for papers. We can go to the food market of our choice and see the shelves completely stocked, whereas in some countries you would be told "sorry, we are out of it right now". ira M. Friedman As Thanksgiving has left us, Haunakkah is upon us and the miracle of the lights. This gives us all another opportunity to spend time with our families and enjoy each others company. If you did not attend the Masorti dinner, you missed honoring our own Norman Pell. The award was heightened by the eloquent words of introduction by Rabbi Wolpe. Coming up this month (December 10 - 12, 2010) for those of you who think one Wolpe (Rabbi David) is good, two Wolpes (Rabbi David and his brother Paul) will be great as Dr. Paul Wolpe will be Abner & Roslyn Goldstine Scholar-In-Residence. Dr. Paul Wolpe carries on the Wolpe family tradition for excellence in their chosen field of endeavor. After the Abner & Roslyn Goldstine Scholar-in-Residence program, the Sinai Akiba Annual Dinner on January 22, 2011 will honor Alice & Nahum Lainer. The Lainer’s have contributed so much to the success of Sinai Akiba and Sinai Temple, this is an honor long overdue. This years FJMC Red Yarmulke Dinner on January 9, 2011 will honor Rabbi Nicole Guzik. This is quite an honor for a rabbi who has been a rabbi for such a short period of time but speaks volumes as to her considerable talents as a rabbi and friend to all. B’ Shalom Ira Kol Nidre 5771 Todah Rabah A heartfelt thanks to all of the Sinai Temple members and friends who participated in this year’s Kol Nidre Appeal. Because of you, our community continues to thrive. Donations given to this yearly appeal are essential to our well-being as they help offset general operating expenses that membership dues alone do not cover. We appreciate your continued support. A special thanks to all the volunteers, and their families, who took time out of their busy life to participate in the phonathon that helped raise funds for Sinai Temple. Save the Date Sunday, June 12, 2011 Happy Hanukkah First Candle December 1 st Sinai Temple Annual Dinner Dance Theme: “Brooklyn” honoring Abby and Ira Friedman 3 Iran, Israel, anD the Us : ConflICt or CooperatIon? with Dr. reza aslan Thursday, January 6, 2011 7:30 p.m. Sinai Temple Dr. Aslan is an internationally acclaimed Iranian-American writer and scholar of religions. He has been featured on many broadcasts including: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report, ABC, The History Channel, PBS, The Rachel Maddow Show, Meet the Press, and Nightline. DialoguewithRABBIDAVIDWOLPEandbooksigningfollowingthelecture. Freeofchargeandopentothepublic Please contact Dahlia Greenbaum, Program Director, at [email protected] or 310-481-3243. RSVPappreciatedandMANDATORYtoparkinsidebuilding! a lICe & n ahUm l aIner learnIng l Ife l essons from the B IBle anD l UnCh : with Rabbi David Wolpe Come and learn what Judaism has to say about topics as important and relevant as downloading software, haggling in a store and lying to your children (for good reasons)! Rabbi David Wolpe will lead us through everyday ethics with a Jewish flavor. When: Tuesdays, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Dates: December 7 - Ethical in Language? Part I – Gossip and Lashon Hara Cost: Free of Charge for Sinai Temple members, $15/Non-Sinai Temple members. Lunch is included. RSVP’s are Mandatory! ContaCt: Program Dept, 310-481-3243 or [email protected] t hUrsDay m ornIng t orah with Rabbi David Wolpe Spend an hour every Thursday morning deepening your understanding of Judaism and our sacred text. Learn along with us as we go through the Torah together; no previous knowledge of Hebrew is required. When: Thursdays, 8:15 a.m. DeCember Dates: December 2, 9 and 16 Cost: There is no charge for this class. ContaCt: Program Dept, 310-481-3243 or [email protected] *All dates subject to change or cancellation. J ewIsh w omen l IvIng e thICally with Rabbi Nicole Guzik Jewish women coming together in an intimate setting to explore everything from desire, sexuality, spirituality, professional goals and personal relationships. Bring your own dairy lunch. When: Thursdays at 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Dates: December 9 and 16 Cost: There is no charge for this class. ContaCt: Program Dept, 310-481-3243 or [email protected] Co-sponsored by the Program Department and the Sinai Temple Sisterhood y IDDIsh C lUB wIth C antor a rIanne B rown Calling Yiddish speakers of all levels! Join us for singing, schmoozing, and community Yiddish events. For more information, please contact the Program Department at 310-481-3243 or [email protected]. A N O PEN D OOR C LASS ON “P RAYER ” in Kohn Chapel Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. before evening Minyan Anyone & everyone is invited! For information, call Ralph Resnick at (310) 481-3201 For the past four months, our David and Angella Nazarian Youth Leadership Fellows have been hard at work. Our 9th grade fellows come together once a month to strengthen and hone their leadership skills. Whether it is learning how to effectively transmit a message about Israel or understanding how to apply Jewish values to an important cause or project, our Nazarian fellows learn how to be advocates—keeping an eye on issues facing Los Angeles and Israel. From December 19th-29th, our Nazarian fellows will travel to Israel for a VIP Leadership Mission. Some highlights of the mission include: meeting with Israeli students who provide creative and innovative ideas for start-up Israeli companies, a special briefing with top dignitaries, volunteering with Ayalim, Shabbat in Jerusalem, leadership training on an IDF base, and much more. We are incredibly proud of all of our Nazarian fellows: zachary Diamond, ellie Dubin, adi harris, noa Kattler Kupetz, arielle yael mokhtarzadeh, russell monkarsh, Jacob pardo, nicole west, noa yadidi, and adam yankelevits. Please help me wish them a nesiah tovah! Interested in becoming a 2011-2012 Nazarian fellow? Contact Rabbi Nicole Guzik at [email protected] or 310-481-3234. Save the Date - - - - February1,2011 Honoring Janice Kamenir-reznik Co-Founder and President of Jewish World Watch at Sinai Temple For more information contact Roz Goldstine at [email protected], visit JewishWorldWatch.org or call (818) 501-1836. RABBI NICOLE GUZIk will be honored on Sunday evening January 9, 2011 in Barad Hall at the 36th annual FJMC If you want to learn the prayers, how to put on Tephillin, read from the Torah, check the Hebrew calendar, learn about our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program - check out our Sinai Temple Cyber Mitzvah site. www.cybermitzvah.org. Friday December 10 - Shabbat Murder Mystery USY-led services in Kohn Chapel @ 5:45 p.m., then... We will walk together to a Shabbat Dinner at nearby home (TBA) featuring an interactive murder mystery. Event is open to all Sinai 7th-12th graders Cost: a new wrapped toy to donate RSVP by Wednesday December 8 to [email protected] RED YARMULkE DINNER Sinai Temple members will receive information. Others contact Dinner Chair Bart Kogan [email protected] Saturday Night December 18 - Into the Night Sinai's USY chapter will join Ramat Zion and Shomrei Torah for a night of programming! Event starts at 8:00 p.m. Saturday night and ends at 8:00 a.m. Sunday morning Drop-off and pick up locations TBA Event is open to all 7th-12th graders Cost: $40 for members of Sinai USY, $50 for non-members RSVP by Wednesday December 15 to [email protected] Alice and Nahum Lainer met at Hillel as undergraduates at UCLA in 1961. In 1964, Alice graduated with a B.S. in Sociology; Nahum earned his bachelors (1963) and masters degrees in Business Administration (1964). In July, 1964, they were married and began their 39-year history with Sinai Temple and Sinai Akiba Academy. All three of their children—Gary, Leslie, and Nancy—attended Akiba Academy and were b’nai mitzvah at Sinai Temple. Their grandchildren, Sophie and Samuel, are currently enrolled at the school and their youngest, Daniel, will start preschool next fall. sinai akiba's annual event & auction Don’t miss this fabulous evening honoring alice and nahum lainer As one of the early Akiba families, Alice and Nahum helped to build the foundation for the extraordinary Sinai Akiba Academy of today. Nahum served as the fourth Akiba president and hired the school’s headmaster, Rabbi Laurence Scheindlin. The Lainers continue to be deeply involved in both the Temple and school, bringing a wealth of wisdom, experience and expertise to numerous Sinai endeavors. Alice serves on the Sinai Akiba Committee and Development Committee while Nahum serves on the Budget Committee and Sinai Temple Board. As active Sinai Temple members, the Lainers have initiated many programs including the Alice and Nahum Lainer Learning and Lunch, a monthly series with Rabbi David Wolpe which is available to the Los Angeles Jewish community. The Lainers’ leadership gift to the 2008 Centennial/Renovation Campaign was the keystone to the project that transformed the learning environment on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Sinai building. The Alice and Nahum Lainer Learning Center houses the Blumenthal Library, Computer Lab, Research Center, and more, and is used daily by our students and Sinai community. Where Professionally, Nahum is a partner in his family business, a real estate development and investment firm in the San Fernando Valley. When In addition to their involvement at Sinai, Alice and Nahum are active in a number of non-profit organizations including the American Friends of the Israel Museum, where they are both on the national board of directors and Alice serves as the honorary chair of the West Coast; members of the President’s Circle, Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA); UCLA’s Hammer Museum; Alice is on the Acquisitions Committee of The Jewish Museum, New York; and Nahum is a member of the Executive Committee of UCLA Pauley Pavilion Campaign of Champions. Lainer Learning Center/Barad Hall Saturday, January 22 6:30 p.m. Event Chairs Lise & Rob Applebaum Ada & Jim Horwich Dalia & Hamid Moghavem Auction Chairs: Shira Elias, Michelle Harwin, Lisa Zide We proudly recognize Alice and Nahum for their legacy of leadership to Sinai Temple and Sinai Akiba Academy, as well as to the greater communities in Los Angeles, New York and Israel. Please join our celebration on January 22, 2011, at to donate an item to the sinai akiba auction contact: shira elias at [email protected]. our Annual Event and Auction, Sinai Akiba Rocks. For more information, contact the Sinai Akiba development office at 310-481-3295 or visit our website: SinaiAkibaRocks.com Sponsorship Chairs: Ellie & Dr. Sam Khorsandi Leslie Lainer Dr. Lisa & Gary Lainer Nancy Lainer Lesley & Jeff Wolman Tribute DvD Chairs: Luiza Iancu Karen Samuels We proudly list our Sinai Akiba Rocks Event Sponsors EvENT SPONSORS Top of the Class Herta and Paul Amir Ada and Jim Horwich Leader of the Pack Audrey and Sydney Irmas Foundation Deutsche Bank/Heinz Jaeggi Ellie and Mark Lainer Dr. Lisa and Gary Lainer Leslie Lainer Nancy Lainer Be True to your School Linda and Maynard Brittan Alexandra and Mitchell Siemons Credit Suisse/Roger and Angelle Wacker Beth and Josh Friedman Davina and Russell Grossman Chris and Steve Hazy Joan and Alan Safir Pam and Randy Schoenberg Jackie and Manny Silverman Anna and Bill Tenenblatt Sandy and Jack Terner Honor Roll Lise and Dr. Robert Applebaum Etty and Claude Arnall Rosalind Devon and Sandy Batkin Catherine Benkaim and Barbara Timmer Milton Bilak Gary Sokol and Dr. Paul Blanc Melissa and Michael Bordy Carol Eliel and Tom Muller Diane and Danny Feldman Helgard and Irwin Field Judy and Tom Flesh Roz and Abner Goldstine Mark Hanna Dr. Luiza and Andrei Iancu Nancy and Bernie Kattler Suzanne and Richard Kayne Ellie and Dr. Sam Khorsandi Rosalie Kornblau Sheila and Aaron Leibovic Elizabeth Comley and Shaoul Levy Laurie Levenson and Douglas Mirell Dalia and Hamid Moghavem Dora & Nader Mossanen Northern Trust Ann Philbin Julie and Marc Platt Geri and Lester Pollack Dr. Ellie and Fred Pourbaba Jim Riddle and Jeff Riddle Donna and Harvey Rosen Lois Rosen Roberta Goodman-Rosenberg and David Rosenberg Janet and Bobby Rosenblum Karen Richards Sachs and David Sachs Daphna and Dr. Pejman Salimpour Marc Selwyn Jackie and Stephen Sheanin Sinai Akiba Committee Sinai Akiba PTA Sinai Temple Board of Directors Pamela Smith and Family Lora Silverman and Keith Stolzenbach Leigh and Robert Strauss Deborah Eisen and Joel Weinstein Marcee and Mitch Weiss Orna and Keenan Wolens Lesley and Jeffrey Wolman Helen and James Zukin in formation as of November 1, 2010 To become an Event Sponsor, please visit SinaiAkibaRocks.com or call 310-481-3388 All ATiD events are for young Jewish professionals ages 21-39. www.AtidLA.com 310.481.3244 The 2nd Friday of every month ~ 7:30 p.m. THE TED AND HEDY ORDEN & FAMILY ATID’S HANUkkAH HOP December 4th @ 7:00 p.m. Join ATID for a progressive dinner where we celebrate Hanukkah in Santa Monica by visiting three homes each offering a different food, drink, and atmosphere. We will be doing a special Hanukkah Social Action Project at one of these homes! Advance registration required via www.AtidLa.com FRIDAY NIGHT LIvE: DEc.10,2010 The entire congregation is invited to celebrate Shabbat at this musical service led by Rabbi David Wolpe, Craig Taubman, and the FNL band. Join us following services for one or more of these programs: 1. The Abner and Roslyn Goldstine Scholar-in-Residence Lecture Series presents: Special guest: Paul Root Wolpe, PH.D, discussing “Has Neuroscience Proven There is No Soul?” Located in Kohn Chapel. 2. Congregational Kiddush and Israeli Dancing for the entire community. 3. The ATiD Lounge – a private after-party for young Jewish professionals (ages 21- 39), mix and mingle with complimentary food and drink. (i.D’s required) *January 14 ~ Unity Shabbat Sunday, December 12th ~ 10:45 a.m ATID OUTDOORS: METRO ART TOUR Join ATID for a tour highlighting the eclectic art in and around the Metro Rail system in LA. Trained guides provide insight into the art, the artists, and the communities they enhance. Cost: FREE for Sinai Temple members, $8 for guests RSVP via www.AtidLA.com for specific meeting details. *** ATiD/SiNAi TEMPLE TOY DRiVE **** Please bring unwrapped toys to Sinai Temple up until Dec. 7th. we will distribute them to children ages 6 months to 16 years throughout the holidays. December 3 & January 7 fIrst frIDays Are you a member of Sinai Temple looking to meet other members? Let ATID match you up with a place to go for Shabbat dinner on the First Friday of the month. Contact Rabbi Nicole Guzik via [email protected]. ATID’s Leadership Committee Pizza & Planning ~ December 7th & January 4th @ 7:30 p.m. ~ Interested in getting more involved? Join the volunteers who make ATID happen as we get together on the first Tuesday of the month to share pizza and ideas. ATID Tennis Tuesdays ~ December 14 & 28 It is a great way to meet wonderful people and feel a deeper sense of community. This program is FREE but RSVP required. Let’s Do Lunch! Tuesdays, Dec. 7 & Feb.8 Would you like to get to know your Rabbi and other members of ATID? Do you have questions about Judaism, Israel, or the Sinai Temple community? Are you available to meet in Westwood for lunch? If so, join ATID for delicious food and delightful company. Email [email protected] at least a week before to RSVP. Check out www.AtidLA.com for more details. ATID hosts Tennis Socials at the Cheviot Hill Tennis Center on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month from 8-10 p.m. Email [email protected] to be notified of details. An Evening of Career Management: Skills & Strategies for Professional Success Thursday, December 16th ~ 7 p.m. Calling 20s & 30s who are seeking a new job or advice on how to effectively manage the one you have! Register via www.AtidLA.com for more details! CASTING CALL! Can you act and sing OR play an instrument? If so, we invite you to audition for Sinai Temple’s Yom HaShoah Commemoration: From Death to hope (by Michael Ficocelli) OPENAUDITIONS! Wednesday, January 5, 2011, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Sunday, January 9, 2011, 12:00-2:00 p.m. No appointment necessary. Actors: be prepared to sing two contrasting musical theater songs of your choice a capella. Needed: 3 women – sopranos/altos; 4 men – tenors/baritones; 1 girl and 1 boy (pre-voice change). We are also looking for musicians: violinist, accordion player, harpist, trumpet, clarinetist. Professional level only, must read music – bring instrument and sample piece to play at the audition. Rehearsals begin in late January. Questions - please contact Liz Reinhardt, [email protected] or 310-838-2369. December 4 Justin Azarian son of Loreta & Shahram December 4 Desiree Shadi daughter of Helen & Jay December 11 Oliver Pourbaba son of Ellie & Fred December 11 FAMILY MINYAN December 18 Talia Oberfeld Melissa Simon daughter of Nina & Fabian daughter of Dana & Howard CHAI SOCIETY INFORMATION Temple Shabbat Shalom Meet and Greet December 11 & 25 Monthly Social Meetings - 7:30 p.m. December 7: Hanukkah Party & Dinners - Plays - Celebrations Winery Trips - INTERESTED????? Call Elaine (310)271-5554. E-Mail : [email protected] December 25 Brandon Avraham Moghadam son of Penina & Nace December 18 TORAH IN THE ROUND Correction Our apologies to the Bordy family for Samantha’s bat mitzvah picture not appearing in the November Sinai Speaks. Amy Ben-Zvi daughter of Debbie David & Daniel Ben-Zvi November 27 Samantha Bordy daughter of Melissa & Michael Judaism by Choice Young families: Eat, Play, Sing, and Dance your Little Latkes off! It's the Dor Chadash Hanukkah Party! Tuesday, Dec. 7 5:30 p.m. Barad Hall There will be games, arts & crafts, kid-friendly holiday fare, music and much more. Guaranteed to be the most fun you'll have with dreidles all year! The cost is free, but we do ask that you bring a new, unwrapped toy for the Sinai Temple Toy Drive. For planning and security reasons, RSVP is MANDATORY: [email protected]. Jammies 'N' Jeans Shabbat Friday, December 3, 5:45 p.m., in Gold Hall Slip on a pair of jeans and dress your kids in their PJ's -- to shul! A light dinner provided to those who RSVP. December 18, 2010 Shabbat Morning Service- 9:30 a.m. Questions, please contact Rabbi Weinberg at 310-772-0626 or [email protected] SOCIAL ACTION Join Sinai Temple's Annual Toy Drive! Donate a new, unwrapped toy to the children at Vista Del Mar and the Association of Soviet Jewish Émigrés. Toy collection bins will be located throughout Sinai Temple from Monday, November 15th through Friday, December 17th. Chair: Jana Wallack, [email protected] TOT SHABBAT! Brought to you by Dor Chadash, the “Next Generation” at Sinai Temple Saturday, December 18 10 a.m. in Gold Hall Need an Amidah as short as your lil’ shul-goers? Dale Schatz will provide the tunes your kids know and love. Come for the prayer, stay for the oneg and art! Dor Chadash is a great way to make a large synagogue feel like a small community. We welcome all families with young children, so come introduce yourself at one of our upcoming events! For more information, please email [email protected] or call 310-481-3296. Be a Chanukah Angel! Adopt a child and his or her family for Chanukah. As an Angel, you will buy a special gift that will make Chanukah brighter for those in need. Team up with your family, your friends, or be an Angel on your own. You will fulfill wishes, and your hearts will be overjoyed. Sinai’s Social Action Committee is organizing this effort among our members for Chai Lifeline. For more information about Chanukah Angels, please contact Esther Magna at [email protected]. Chai Lifeline's web site can be found at: http://www.chailifeline.org. Weextendourcondolencesto thebereavedfamiliesand recordthepassingof: Lina Ahdoot and Lorraine Joffe, Co-Presidents Dear Friends, ••• Umberto aCCarDI Father of Carla Terner ••• Lea Cohen Grandmother of Joseph Rosenbloom ••• aLan Grahm Husband of Ruth Grahm ••• nanCY maLVIn Daughter of Ann Golenternek ••• Sisterhood got off to a great start after the High Holidays with its Annual Membership Luncheon. Fourteen new members and 75 paid-up members were treated to a lunch catered by Sisterhood. It was a different format and everyone enjoyed themselves. Our fourth Retreat, “Panim el Panim: Looking inward, Reaching Outward” at Camp Ramah, Ojai was a sold out event. Many thanks go to Rabbi Nicole Guzik, Cantor Arianne Brown and our scholar-in-residence, Dr. Gita Zarnegar. Thanks also to Rachelle Marcus and Judy Fisher for all their hard work. This was a memorable weekend and we can’t wait for the next one. According to all those who attended, this weekend was the best ever. Plans are already underway for 2011 and the dates are October 28-30, so mark your calendars and save those dates. The December 21st program will feature a discussion of "Ethical Dilemmas" and will be chaired by Roz Goldstine & Fran Stengel. Please watch the Sinai eNews for Sisterhood upcoming events. We have planned at least one event per month and we welcome your attendance. Join Sisterhood classes with Rabbi Nicole Guzik, Jewish Women Living Ethically “Jewels” on Thursdays, Dec.9, 16 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Contact Rosa Berman Ruder for information at (310) 557-1009. Mark your calendars for our December 21st program and luncheon “Modern Thought for Everyday Thinking” at 11:30 a.m. Sisterhood is selling tickets for the Lesley Wolman “On Broadway” concert for Sunday, February 13, 2011 4:00 p.m. at the Gindi Auditorium, American Jewish University. Lesley Wolman is backed by the Asher Quintet with songs from Gypsy, Guys and Dolls and Wicked. Tickets are $25 each. To buy your tickets, call Judi Hoffman (310) 476-4834. There are many ways to support Sisterhood: You can buy Scrip. We have cards for your favorite stores: Vons; Neiman Marcus; Bed, Bath and Beyond; Home Depot; Gelsons and many others. If you are taking a trip, we can obtain cards for airline companies. We can obtain any gift card you want and we will even deliver. Contact Lea Loewinger (310) 559-6451 for information and to place your orders. Also, please remember to support our Dairy Catering and our Sisterhood Judaica Shop. Browse our new holiday items in our shop and come in to say “hi”! B’shalom, Lina Ahdoot and Lorraine Joffe A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. ~ Benjamin Franklin Mazel tov to: Marcia Fellner, on the birth of her grandson; Evelyn Sherman, on the birth of her greatgrandson, Jacob Benton Fellner; Jan &Phil Zakowski on the engagement of their son, Daniel Zakowski & Jackie Matthew; Karyn Grunfeld & Chaim Tureff, on the birth of their son, Eliyahu Tureff; Noushin & Kourosh Laaly, on the birth of their son, David Laaly; Soraya & Isaac Nazarian, on the birth of their grandson; and Meital & Mayer Nazarian, on the birth of their son, Nadav Nazarian. Interested in engaging your children in the Sinai Temple Community? Thursday, December 9th from 10:00 to 12:00 noon Sinai Temple Preschool/Douglas Family Early Childhood Center invites you to a Hanukkah Happening. A Celebration & Open House For Parents with Children, Ages 6 months to 3 yrs. Fun- Music-Crafts. For prospective Preschool and Parent & Me families and anyone with curiosity about Sinai Temple! Siblings of Sinai preschoolers are welcome. Please RSVP to Michelle at aor (310) 481-3270 by Monday Dec. 6th. 1st Flr at Sinai Temple. Connection in Camp Ramah Sinai Temple S ISTERHOOD P ROGRAM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21st 11:30 a.m. Lunch "DOES BEING JEWISH AFFECT YOUR BEHAvIOR"? …come share your answer!! $15.00 - Sisterhood Members $18.00 - Non-Members For reservations call Dee Gooze: 310-553-7468 by Karl D. Susman The Sinai Temple Religious School Shabbaton at Camp Ramah which took place on October 15-17th was a special weekend filled with connection for all of us, young and old. We connected with our spouses and with our children; we grew closer and bonded with our religious school community. Interestingly, we even connected more with Shabbat and with God. I’m not saying God showed up and shook all of our hands in between the family relay races or on the water slides, but in a very unique way we did indeed connect. For three days and two nights we turned off our cell phones and laptops (as painful as it sounds) and focused on the here and now; being with our friends, old and new, our family and our Jewish community. Our children learned how to get along and sleep in the bunks together, taking note that they were not the only ones who may have been nervous about it. The parents sang Karaoke together while they enjoyed sushi and margaritas, and we swapped stories and jokes along with some Jewish history at the Friday night Tisch. As a community we observed Shabbat, the way it was meant to be done, with song, rest, and family. We ended Shabbat with a beautiful Havdallah service in the rain, and dancing around a campfire with the always entertaining and incredibly talented Dale Schatz. On our way home, talk of next year’s Shabbaton was the only topic on everybody’s mind and how much we are looking forward to it. See you at Camp Ramah in 2011!! ThE cONgREgATION ExTENDS ITS SINcERE APPREcIATION FOR ThE FOLLOWINg cONTRIBUTIONS RABBI DAvID WOLPE'S DISCRETIONARY FUND IN HONOR OF: Our 50th wedding anniversary by Edith & Stephen Nitzberg; our wedding by Jodi & Brian Weiner; Robert Gabriel Iancu’s bar mitzvah by Luiza & Andrei Iancu; Jaron Lenz’ bar mitzvah by Eleanor Slivkin; yizkor by Toni Hirsh. IN MEMORY OF: Stanley Chaise by The Stengel family; Phil Rosenbaum by Renee & David Sacks; Phil Rosenbaum by Brina Rosenbaum & family; Isaak Aaron Schuman’s yahrzeit & Henriette Schuman’s yahrzeit by Earl B. Schuman; Yahya Ghatan’s yahrzeit by Carolyn & John Ghatan; Rabbi Aron Sinder’s yahrzeit by Barbara Schechter; Phil Rosenbaum by Sharon & Mark Berman. IN APPRECIATION: Rabbi Wolpe by Elaine Abramson; Rabbi Wolpe by Jeannette & Mervyn Mandelbaum. REFUAH SHLEMAH: We wish Rabbi Wolpe a speedy recovery by Sharona & Daniel Nazarian; Ilan Ashkenazi by anonymous; Tova Dershowitz by anonymous. RABBI NICOLE GUZIk’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Samantha Becker’s bat mitzvah and brother Jeremy’s Ashrei too by Linda Sax & Norman Becker; and of your support during shiva for our father Dr. Ayoub Danseshgar by Shanaz Nassib & family. IN HONOR OF: Our wedding by Jodi & Brian Weiner; and Robert Gabriel Iancu’s bar mitzvah and thanks for all you do by Luiza & Andrei Iancu. IN MEMORY OF: Phil Rosenbaum by Brina Rosenbaum & family. GENERAL FUND By Paul Ehrlich; and by Jerry & Marie Hornstein. IN HONOR OF: Of the birth of Evelyn Sherman’s great-grandson and Marcia Fellner’s grandson, Jacob Benton Fellner, by Tom & Judy Flesh. IN MEMORY OF: Hannah Salkin’s yahrzeit by Murray & Arlyne Salkin; Irene Ressler and Shirley & Milton Kohn’s yahrzeits by Robert & Marilyn Ressler; Ida Nach’s yahrzeit by Raphael & Jacqueline Nach; Celia Gasmer’s yahrzeit by Irene & Irving Gasmer; Roman Bruno’s father, Joseph Bruno by Brina Rosenbaum; my husband, Ted Levine’s yahrzeit by Shirley Levine; Bahereh Soufer by Tom & Judy Flesh; and our beloved mother Nasrin Masjedi Rashti by Sharona, Daniel, Noah, Aaron & Jonah Nazarian. IN APPRECIATION: For the superior preparation & life lessons Cantor Gole gave to our daughter Samantha for her bat mitzvah by Linda Sax & Norman Becker; and for Cantor Gole’s kind sentiments of sympathy and support during this difficult time by Shanaz Nassib and by the family of Dr. Ayoub Daneshgar. IN HONOR OF: Our wedding by Jodi & Brian Weiner; Robert Gabriel Iancu’s bar mitzvah and thanks for all you do by Luiza & Andrei Iancu; and Jaron Lenz’s bar mitzvah by Suzanne, Scott & Georgia Lenz. IN MEMORY OF: Phil Rosenbaum by Brina Rosenbaum & family. CANTOR ARIANNE BROWN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Julius Moster’s sister, Mona LaVine; Jamshid Hekmat & Farshid Hekmat’s mother, Aghdas Hekmat; and Shaun Daneshgar & Shanaz Daneshgar’s father, Ayoub Daneshgar by Tom & Judy Flesh; and Vita Ben Bassat & Beverly Newman by Judy & Jerry Rosenberg. By Jill Tabari SINAI AkIBA ACADEMY IN MEMORY OF: Carmella Pardo’s mother, Rachel, by Etty & Claude Arnall. REFUAH SHLEMAH: To Luiza Iancu’s mother, Tereza Marcus, wishing her a quick and speedy recovery by Marcia Fellner & Evelyn Sherman. RABBI LAURENCE SCHEINDLIN DISCRETIONARY FUND IN MEMORY OF: Simon Meyer by Pamela, Simon & Kalman Weisberg. JOEL GOLDMAN’S SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF: Tova Leibovic & Austin Douglas’s engagement by Sharon & David Gitman & family. IN MEMORY OF: ISRAEL CENTER FUND Roneet Kahan’s father by Sharon & David Gitman & family. IN HONOR OF: REFUAH SHLEMAH: Ralph Finerman’s Birthday by Dale & David Bush. To Vivian Levy, thinking of you with warm wishes, and IN MEMORY OF: Karen Saywitz, wishing you a speedy recovery by Sharon & Beatrice Lawrence by Jonathan Brandler; and by Deborah David Gitman & family. & Joel Weinstein. ATID IN MEMORY OF: Phil Rosenbaum by Brina Rosenbaum & family; Minnie Gershman by Esther Gendel; and Phil Rosenbaum by Sharon & Mark Berman. IN APPRECIATION: Of Rabbi Guzik’s efforts & gracious demeanor by Bill & Sandy Goodglick; of Rabbi Guzik officiating at my wife, Miriam’s funeral by Eugene Harris; of Rabbi Guzik conducting the LIBRARY FUND shiva service in memory of Roman’s father, Joseph Bruno by IN HONOR OF: Clara & Roman Bruno; of Rabbi Guzik helping put together a memorial for my uncle by Heidi Monkarsh; and of Rabbi Tova Dershowitz for receiving the Millie Tynan Mitzvah Guzik leading services at the Sisterhood Retreat by Sinai Award by Terry & David Wohlberg, by Phyllis Dreifus, by Roz & Abner Goldstine and by Marc Siegel. Temple Sisterhood. IN MEMORY OF: RABBI ZvI DERSHOWITZ’S Irving Ravetch by Sonia & Bentley Morriss; Shirley DISCRETIONARY FUND Greenstein’s yahrzeit by Barbara & Milton Moritz; Mona IN HONOR OF: LaVine & Philip Rosenbaum by The Library Staff; Helen Jaron Lenz’s bar mitzvah by Suzanne, Scott & Georgia Lenz. Ruder by Joe Ruder; Philip Rosenbaum by Charlotte IN APPRECIATION: Kamenir, by Rosalie Kornblau, and by Joe & Rosa Berman And with thanks for all you did for Robert Gabriel Iancu’s Ruder; Irving Brecher by Norma Brecher; and Mona LaVine bar mitzvah by Luiza & Andrei Iancu. by Rosa & Joe Berman Ruder. CANTOR JOSEPH GOLE’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Contributions MUSIC FUND IN HONOR OF: Aryell Cohen by the Lenz family. HANNAH LIPPERT’S RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND IN HONOR OF: Rabbi David Wolpe’s recovery by Abner & Roz Goldstine. BOARD OF GOvERNORS FUND IN MEMORY OF: Phil Rosenbaum by Jerald & Barbara Rosenbaum, by Paul Troy, by Vic & Rica Sabah, by Claude & Etty Arnall, and by David Amsterdam. DOR CHADASH FUND IN APPRECIATION: Howard Lesner, Rabbi David Wolpe, Rabbi Nicole Guzik, Cantor Joseph Gole, and Cantor Arianne Brown for their support during my grandfather, Sion Levy’s shiva by Negin & David Ascher. FUND FOR LIFE IN MEMORY OF: Philip Rosenbaum by Diane & Ovvie Miller. CHEvRA kADISHA IN MEMORY OF: IN HONOR OF: My sister, Sara Sterental’s yahrzeit by Rachel Feldman. Molly & Sadie Hersh’s b’not mitzvah by Danielle & Marcus Kassin; the marriage of Sara Zakowski & Joel Weinberger and the engagement of Daniel Zakowski & Jackie Matthew by Roberta, David, Adina and Samuel Rosenberg. Need the Rabbi? IN MEMORY OF: We at Sinai Temple can only be a Norman Pell’s sister, Bella Filler by Roberta, David, Adina & Samuel Rosenberg. community of concern when we know JAMES AND MARGARET FLESH’S SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF: The engagement of Daniel Zakowski & Jackie Matthew by IN APPRECIATION: Tom & Judy Flesh. For teaching Josh for his bar mitzvah by Talia & Jamie Resin; IN MEMORY OF: of Cantor Ari’s extraordinary teaching & inspiration for when and where we can be of support. If you know of anyone who may benefit from a visit or a talk with the Rabbi, please call (310) 474-1518. Please remember Sinai Temple in your estate plan. Contact Development Dept. (310) 481-3228. SINAI SPEAkS Monthly Newsletter published by Sinai Temple 10400 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-474-1518 ~ fax 310-474-6801 www.sinaitemple.org Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAIL US POSTAGE PAID LOS ANGELES, CA Permit No. 11492 Rabbi David Wolpe Rabbi Nicole Guzik Rabbi Emeritus Zvi Dershowitz Cantor Joseph Gole Cantor Arianne Brown Ralph Resnick, Ritual Director Ira M. Friedman, President Howard Lesner, Executive Director Rabbi Laurence Scheindlin, Headmaster, Sinai Akiba Academy Danielle Salem-Kassin, Religious School Director Tracy Schatz, Director, Douglas Family Preschool Len Lawrence, General Manager Mount Sinai Aryell Cohen, Organist & Choir Director Penny Dain, Public Relations Manager, Editor Barton H. Kogan & Paul Herman, Co-Chairs, Board of Governors Elie Alyeshmerni, Men’s Club President Lina Ahdoot & Lorraine Joffe, Sisterhood Co-Presidents Deadline for the January issue is December 1 Deadline for the February issue is January 3 Printed on recycled stock The First Conservative Congregation in the Pacific Southwest Jem Caterers Exclusive Caterers to Sinai Temple For More Information Please call Catering Department at 310-475-5982 For enrollment information please call: Danielle Kassin 310-481-3271 A gentle introduction to things that take a lifetime to learn. For more information and a private tour, please call (310) 481-3270 Kitchen Under Kosher Supervision
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