July 12, 2016 SPIRE - Kearney First United Methodist Church
July 12, 2016 SPIRE - Kearney First United Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church SPIRE We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation Vol. 25, No.10 4500 Linden Drive, Kearney, Nebraska Phone (308) 237-3158 July 12, 2016 WELCOME RECEPTION FOR OUR NEW PASTORS! Please plan to attend a welcome reception for Rev. Alan & Joy Davis and Pastor Melody Adams on Sunday, July 17th from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. The next issue will be mailed on Tuesday, August 2nd . Information for that issue should be in the church office by Wednesday, July 27th . The Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space. Lori O’Brien, Editor On Sunday, July 24th, from 7:30-9:00 p.m., please join your church family for a FREE Pool Party at Centennial Pool! Congratulations to: Jordon Potthoff & Lindsay Klassen, who were married at First UMC on June 25, 2016. Rev. Gary Main officiated. Darianne Ochsner and Jeffrey Sisson, who were married at First UMC on July 9, 2016. Rev. Mike Evans officiated. Congratulations to: Don & Pat Erickson on the birth of their grandson, Kell Anders Myers, born June 12, 2016 to Monica Erickson & Alex Myers of Omaha. Andy & Lori Romatzke on the birth of their son, Samuel William Romatzke, born June 22, 2016. He joins big brother, Benjamin, at home. We extend our sympathy to: Mike & LeeAnn Schafer on the death of Mike’s brother, Paul Schafer of Doniphan, who died June 19, 2016. Craig & Kammy Ostermeyer & family on the death of Craig’s father, Larry Ostermeyer of Shelton, who died June 26, 2016. Steve & Kathy Walters and family on the death of Kathy’s mother, Eleanor Morrison, who died June 27, 2016. Pastor Melody Adams officiated at funeral services on June 30, 2016. Rod Sindt on the death of his wife, Sandra Sindt, who died June 29, 2016. Memorial services will be held on Friday, August 5th at 2:00 p.m. at St. Mark’s UMC in Lincoln. Friends & family on the death of Marian Brown, who died July 3, 2016. Rev. Alan Davis officiated at funeral services on July 8, 2016. Don & Ardith Butler and family on the death of their daughter-in-law, Christine Butler of Loomis, who died July 5, 2016. Ryan, Annette, Caleb, Tanner & Trevor on the death of Annette’s brother, Daniel Cradick, Jr. of Lincoln, who died July 5, 2016. First United Methodist Church, Thank you for the gifts, love, and support you have shown our family, especially our soon to be little one, Elliot Main. We appreciate everything you have done for us over the years and are thankful that such a wonderful church has thought of our little family and the celebration of new life. We are truly grateful for everything the church and the members have done for us. Thank you, Barrett and Danielle Main Thank you so much for the prayer shawl. It has been with me since the moment you brought it to me! Its means so much and I truly believe that God hears our prayers. Sincerely, Deanne Thank you so much for the graduation gift. I will put it to good use at UNL after I return from my Nebraska National Guard training this summer. I left for basic training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma on May 25th. Thank you for sharing my graduation with me and my family. Parker James Thank you for the pastoral visits and the altar flowers. Eugenia Hall Thank you to the many wonderful ladies of the church who came to visit me while I was in the hospital, and for the lovely carnation and daisy flowers that were brought to me. I am so lucky to be a part of this church. Doris Baker Dear First UMC Staff, Thank you for allowing Families Inc. to use the church for our grandparents tea. It was a nice event and the Friendship room was the perfect place for it. As a member of different groups who use our church facilities (MOPS, Downs Syndrome support group, Families Inc), I also want to mention how grateful I am that our church is so generous with their facility. I feel it really shows the light of Christ serving the community and the servant heart of our church is one thing that makes me proud to be a member. Others notice as well. At a recent meeting for a community groups, other commented about the generosity of our church. A college student who cares for our kids expressed interest in trying out our church (she’s never been to church before) because she was so impressed with First UMC”s community focus. Thanks for everything! Christina Nelms June 25 & 26, 2016 Saturday night worship service Sunday 8:15 service Sunday 9:30 service Sunday 11:00 service Nursery (3 services) TOTAL July 2 & 3, 2016 Saturday night worship service Sunday 8:15 service Sunday 9:30 service Sunday 11:00 service Nursery (3 services) TOTAL July 9 & 10, 2016 Saturday night worship service Sunday 8:15 service Sunday 9:30 service Sunday 11:00 service United Worship Nursery (3 services) TOTAL 10 95 173 116 13 407 20 111 212 140 10 493 14 136 231 157 21 10 569 A new worship service, United Worship, will be held at 11:07 a.m. on the lower level. This contemporary service targets 18-30 something year olds, but is open to all ages. We are excited about this new worship opportunity! CARD SHOWER REQUESTED Mike and Angie Lierman have requested a card shower for Mike’s father, Elroy Lierman, who will be 80 years old on July 16th . His address is 1102 Ave H, Kearney, NE 68847. SPONSORS NEEDED FOR RADIO BROADCASTS The 11:00 worship service is broadcast every Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. on KGFW Radio 1340 AM. Generous members of this church sponsor this broadcast each week. Cost is $199.00 per Sunday. Dates available in 2016 are: October 16, November 20, and December 18. Please call Ann at the church office, 237-3158, or Sharron Altmaier at 234-2163 to schedule your date. Summer Musicians Needed! If you have a musical talent, and would like to provide music for the Saturday night service, or the 8:15 or 11:00 Sunday morning services, please call the church office at 237-3158. Thank you to everyone who helped with the evening session of Vacation Bible School. Note: This corner has been designated the AMEN corner for “an audible alert that something special was (is) being done.” *In Memory of Rev. Maurice Holt 1907-1997 Dates for 2017 are also now available! WHAT’S NEW @ THE CHURCH LIBRARY Stop in the library this month to see all of the new books being added. Need something longer than a month? Let us know and we will accommodate you. Several new chapter books for children are being added as well - keep them reading during the summer months. Your Name Here EAST LAWN #342 INFORMATION CORNER We are encouraging everyone to wear their name tags so that our new ministers may learn your names. If you don’t have a name tag and would like one, please complete the order form below. You have a choice of magnetic or pin back. All new members receive a name tag…check the board by the front door! Please complete the form and include cash or check (made payable to First UMC) with this order form. Check your preference: Magnet back $5.00 Pin Back $5.00 Print your name: (As you wish it to be on your name tag) June was a busy month at the Food Pantry with 262 families being served and 815 individuals being in the families. The quarter total for April, May and June showed 809 families coming to the pantry and 2381 individuals being in the family count. With these numbers, it is understandable that the postal food drive food collection that was allotted has already been used to meet the family needs. If you have extra garden produce, that is always a welcome treat for the pantry. The garden at the pantry has produced some fresh green beans, the peppers are setting on, and the cucumbers are blooming. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE VAN LOAN First United Methodist Church Transportation Committee purchased a 2015 Ford Shuttle with a wheelchair lift. This van is the main shuttle for Sunday morning pickup. We are now able to transport two wheelchairs. If you are in a wheelchair and don’t have transportation to church, please call the church office to be put on the list. The Church took a $55,000 loan from a generous church member, and we owe them around $44,000. If you wish to give towards the van to repay the loan, please mark your check memo line VAN PURCHASE. Helpers at the pantry for June were: Jim and Sue Grove, Dick and Phyllis Fusby, Kathy Emken, Floyd Butterfield, Kay Keifer, Esther AuchMoedy, Gaye McShea, Alice Krewson DeClute, Kathy Gosch, Marcia Pierson, Carol Dawes, Willie Weber, Glen Powell, Mikayla Bennett, Erynn Dahlke, Donna Roeder, Colleen Hopkins, Rod Murrish, Gordon Muller. Thank you for being part of the outreach of our church. If you would like to volunteer for the East Lawn Mission, please call Colleen Jacobson at 627-4472 Remember that you can come and watch to see what is happening so you can feel more comfortable in working. Those of you who can work the summer but not the winter hours, please feel free to join in this wonderful service to the community. Del Hemsath, reporter CHURCH FACEBOOK PAGES Did you know that there are four Facebook pages where you can find information? The Church page is entitled First United Methodist Church of Kearney, Nebraska and has these images. GIFT CARDS First UMC Gift Card Committee is pleased to announce we have cards on hand again. The project we are currently supporting is the purchase of bass chimes for the Acclamation Bell Choir. The Kearney First UMC Childrens Ministry page has information for children up through Fifth Grade. Kearney First UMC Faith Formation page has information for Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grade Youth. Soul’d Out Kearney is the page for High School Youth Get connected with us through Facebook! BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS Do you know that heart disease or other health conditions such has kidney disease can cause a high blood pressure? Do you know YOUR blood pressure? Nurses are available between Sunday morning worship services on the third Sunday of each month to take your blood pressure. Plan to sit a short time for the most accurate reading and learn what your blood pressure might be. Are you receiving our weekly electronic church newsletter, the PULSE? If not please provide Lori O’Brien with your e-mail address ([email protected]). The PULSE is intended to highlight and review topics, not just provide announcements. Stay connected to your church, subscribe today! Happy Anniversary to these First Church Members and Friends August 1st— Tracy & Susan Broeker Keith & Julia Stafford Robb & Jennifer Goff Jeff & Emily Tremel Greg & Lyndsey Howe August 2nd— Marc & Bert Loescher Kirk & Kelly Melson Anthony & Jessica Rich August 3rd— Larry & Roberta Nansel Scott & Kathy Maline Phyllis Markussen & Brito Mutunayagam August 4th— Craig & Chris Wegner Aubrey & Nicholas Cruise Jeremy & Angela Armagost Anthony & Suzanne Davis Austin & Jenny Nuxoll August 5th— Jerry & Phyllis Schwarz August 6th— Dick & Lois Kinnan Tony & Heather Murray Jon & Amy Townsend Jay & Heather Dunning Tyler & Jessica Pratt August 7th— Glen & Luzy Powell Ron Harris & Karla Sheffy Rich & Brandy Brodersen Christopher & Erin Reed Dustin & Lindsey Favinger th August 8 — Russ & Erma Jackson Darold & Bronte Nielsen Dave & Kris Noetzelman Troy & Barb Wayman August 8th continued— Nathan & Jana Piper Bryan & Jenna Fast Michael & Angela Lierman August 9th— Dale & Annabell Zikmund Jerry & Lori King Mike & Ruth Gearhart Russ & Sandy Smith August 10th— Mike & Tiffani Young Curtis & Evie Gulachi-Johnson Mike & Julie Jorgensen Jeff & Kristin Johnson Kane & Danielle Ramsey August 12th— Norv & Donna Pearce Kerry & Ramey Ristine August 13th— Richard & Marilyn Jussel Bill & Jennifer Sinnard August 14th— Oren & Elinor Hardin Ralph & Pam Hanson Bill & Kay Keifer-Lindsay Scott & Shannon Bruha Ben & Kiley Bertrand Rick & Chris Johnson Steve & Kelsey Beckman August 15th— Gary & Jana Kegley Del & Alice Hemsath Carsten & Katie Mlady Quincy & Darcy Week August 16th— Rich & Phyllis Fusby Bob & Kathy Kearney Charles & Glenda Frasier Annette & Ryan Kirchhoff Michael & Wendy Evans August 17th— Fred & Nancy George Alex & Samantha Hermann August 18th— Dick & Barbara Beechner Greg & Becky Wallwey Lance & Kristen Smith David & Kim Grimes Terry & Darla Sautter August 19th— Doug & Wendy Barnett Michael & Tera Bruce Dan & Megan Goeke August 20th— Phil & Sharon Hammar Fred & Sandy Unick Bill & Angela Orr August 21st— Mike & Holly Gilbreath Tim & Christina Nelms Jarrett & Gwen Buresh Jeremy & Alicia Sheldon August 23rd— Glenn & Donna Kegley Chad & Shayla Biltoft August 24th— Gary & Sharon Mason August 26th— Mike & Gaye McShea August 27th— Bob & Jan Haller Josh & Sara Beistline August 28th— Scott & Nikki Gausman Andrew & Kristina Spracklin August 30th— Jim & Kathy Ganz August 31st—Rod & Bonnie Fulmer Everyone is invited to “Cruise into First UMC” Display your classic car at Church on Sunday, July 17th anytime between 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Join us for Worship while your car is on display Fellowship and refreshments throughout the morning! Feel Free to Display Your Patriotism !! CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Wednesday Evening Will Resume August 31st HANDS OF FAITH PUPPET GROUP LITTLE SEEDS OF FAITH Practice (2nd-5th grade) 5:15-5:45pm KINGDOM KIDS Preschool ages 4 & 5 (6:45-7:15) Elementary ages K-3rd grade Meet in the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. and then go to games/lesson time until 8:00pm. GRAPPLE 4th & 5Th grade Meet in the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. and then go to their classrooms until about 8:00pm. During the summer months, children meet in the following classes at 11:00 only for Son-Shine Sunday School: 2 YRS-1ST GRADE Preschool room 2ND-5TH GRADE th 4 and 5th grade room We are in need of teachers during the summer months while the regular teachers take a break. Please consider filling in one Sunday. There is a sign-up sheet in Narthex or contact Diann Martin. Little Seeds is a great “Mom’s morning out” on Wednesday mornings from 9:00-11:00am. Ages 6 months-6 years are welcome to come join in this fun group to learn about God’s love for them. $3 per child or $6 per family. Pool Party Sunday, July 24th 7:30- 9:00 at Centennial Pool Bring your friends and family!! Contact Diann Martin at [email protected] or 237-3158 with any questions
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First United Methodist Church
being added. Need something
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accommodate you.
Several new chapter books for children are being
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