Mullard - Preservation Sound
Mullard - Preservation Sound
Mullard a -\ , a a aI I ,,W ,'W .% ,W ,W ,W am ,m w t_____ -----7 , ta-r' , , , , , , , t t , nqde music for A nign gain pentode of special design, the EF86 is particularly suitable for preamplifier and input stages, in which hum, noise and microphony must be kept to a minimum. The low frequency noise generated by the valve is equivalent to a voltage ot 2pV on the control grid for a bandwidth from 25 to 10,000 c/s. The electrode structure has been made particularly rigid to keep the microphony of the valve to a very low level. There are no appreciable internal resonances below 1.000 c/s, the vibration at higher frequencies being effectively damped out by the chassis and the valveholder. EF86 Hum is kept to a minimum by winding the heater as a bifilar twisted pair of wires, with the magnetic field of the one wire opposed to that of the other, Effective internal screening reductis the internal valve capacitances through.which hum can be transferred to the outaut. The screening also shields the electrode structure from the alternating fields set up by transformers, etc., which otherwise would induce a.c. mains frequency currents in them. LIMITI NG VAL HEATER Suitable_for series or Vr l, 6.3 0.2 300 200 0.2 V A Ps2 max. 6.0 3.0 t0 t50 t00 20 lk max. CHARACTERISTICS Rst-k max. (pa> 0,2 W) Rsr-k max. (p. <0.2 w) Vh-k max. (cathode positive) Vh-k max. (cathode netativ€) 250 0 t40 ta U ES parallel operation, 3 lc2 MO 2.5 38 vzl-22 v w mA t4 c) Ma v v ka as a phase inverter immediat€ly preceding the output stage, Rh-k max. may be t.8 8m v r20k o. Exact plug-in replacements for the most troublesome tubes in audio and electronic equipment. lvlullard special design and construction, including special mica supports and jnternal structure make these tubes superior particularly in critical high gain circuits where the lowest levels of hum, noise and microphonics are a necessity. ECC83 or phase spliiters can conveniently be bujlt around high-mu R-C coupled ampJjfiers double tnooes wrth sepdrate cathodes. ln partrcular,the ECC83/I2AX7, with an arpl;f'rcation factor oi 100, has adequate gain in the carhode type phase splitte. Lsed in the ECC82 ECCSI 12Af? "oJpled lVJlla'd 510 ampliJier circuits. and )20 h gh fidelity 100 3.0 t" -1.0 8. 3.75 62 16.5 F 21 for series or Porollel 12.6 0.15 6.3 0.3 V A ECC83 100 0.5 -1 1.25 100 80 LIMITING VALUES max. max. p' max. lk max. max. -Ve *Rs-k max. Vh_k max. iRh-l max. V&rrr) Va n n ,.o, *./oooo) e o'\% oo,/ * *With trid lk max. vg 0s: +0.3FA Vr,-* max. Rb-r 250 1.2 -2 v mA V 1.6 mAlV 100 62.5 k o (each section) 550 300 1.0 8.0 50 2.2 180 20 V V W mA V MO V kO current biasint Rg-l max.:22 MO. max' ko ko (each section) R!-x max. (self-bias) CHARACTERISTIcS (each scction) vr l" vs 8h p rtr 200 250 't1.5 10 -2.0 -1.0 6.7 5.5 70 60 10.s 11 14 75 parallel operation, Series Vr L, (each section) at 50 Mc/s LlMlTl NG VALUES H EATE R Suitable .)'---(., v. *Measured 124U7 ". ECC8l CHARACTERISTICS Eccg2 550 300 2.5 '15 50v -1.3 1.0 150 20 V v W mA V MO V ko CHARACTERISTICS (eech section) v" 100 2s0 l" vs tm t! rr 12 0 3.1 19 6.2 LIMITING VALUES p& lk max. max. V! k max. v mA V 2.2 mA/V 17 7.7 kO (each section) bia5) bias) Rg-k max. (cathodc Rg k max. (fixed 10-5 -8,5 550 300 2.7s 20 1 250 180 MO ko ko used as a phase inverter immediately preceding *When used as a phase invefter immediately preceding the output stage, Rb_* max. may be 120k O. the output stage, Rh-k max. may bc 120 k O. twhen Et84 When operated in a single-ended output stage, the EL84 can deliver an output 5.7W, and two EL84's in pentode push-pull yield an output of up to 20W. As these figures suggest, this valve makes available the higher peak powers and low distortion required for present day medium power amplifiers used in High Fidelity equitr of up to ment, tape recorders, phonographs, movie projectors, AN,4/Fl\4 radios. The EL84 requires unbelievably low drive voltage thereby eliminating the necessiiy of preceding high gain stages. The EL84 has a very high mutual conductance ot 11,300 u-mhos and a plate dissipaiion of 12W. LIM ITI NG VAL U H EATE R ES 300 300 2.0 6.3 lr 0,76 ps2 max. (zero siSnal) ps2 max. (lnex. signal) lk max. CHARACTERISTICS 250 t" lc2 55 t.0 300 100 Rst-k max. (cathode bias) Rgt-k max. (fixed bias) 250 48 5.5 *lf the heater, anode, -7.3 lLl th ko 38 v v w mA Mo ko v and screen-trid voltages are obtained from an accumulator by means of a vibrator, Va max. 250 V, Vs2 max.:250 V, l9 EL34 Amplifiers which provide nominal outputs of from 30 to 50 watts to handle the loudest music, or even higher powers for publ;c output stage equipped with two EL34's in push-pull. An interesting of address equipment, include an the push-pull output stage (Fig. 1) The maximum plate dissipation is 25W with a high mutual conductance oJ method connecting has been used in a recently published Mu llard-designed 520 amplifier, The screen grids of the EL34's are connected to taps on the primary of the output transformer, so that the operating conditions lie somewhere between those of a triode (,,tap,, connected to anode) and those of a pentode (screen grid connected to primary centre-tap). Thus the low distortion of a triode js combined with the high sensitivity of a pentode. Ihe valves are said to be operated with distributed load (ultralinear). The linear characteristics of the EL34 coupled with the extremely low driving voltage make the EL34 truly the world's finest output tube. For public address equipment, line voltages of up to 800V can be used, and two EL34's in pentode push-pull with fixed bias glve an output of up to IOOW. 11,000 u-mhos LI MITI HEATER lh th r. t.5 pa max. (max. signal speech music) P!l-!2 250 Pg2 max 250 0 'lk max. Rst-k max. (cathode bias) Rsr-k max. (fixed bias) 100 14.9 -13.5 ll 15 II U ES Va CHARACTERISTICS v" Ve2 Vei L lz2 Ver NG VAL max. Pa max. 6.3 and 800 25 27.5 42s 8.0 r50 700 500 t00 ko ko ko PRELIA/lrNARY DAIA HEATER EZ80 EZ8I EZg1 6.3 0.6 l6 LIMITI NG VAL U ES max. P.l.V. max. ja(pk) max. lour max. C max. *vh-k(pk) max. * Heater ne8ative, v: {. m.s.) EZ80 6CA4 6V4 V A LIMITING VALUES max. 2x350 l"ut max, 90 C max. 50 (per ia{pl) max. anode) 270 vh-k(pr) max. 500 V1115s.1 TYPICAL OPERATI V. (r.h.'.) 2x c50 +Rlim min. lo.r Vour pF 250 2x300 2x350 l2S 50 300 90 265 t.0 450 l5O 50 t0 l",t c50 tRtin min. V."t pF o 't 360 t50 150 24s pF 500 TYPICAL OPERATI O N Va(r.m.s.) 2x250 2x300 ON 50 2t5 90 3t0 350 t50 s0 200 a% 2x350 t50 pF 50 240 347 Per anode. These three valves are low-impedance, indirectly heated, full" wave rectifiers that oifer many benefits in elecironic circuitryi 1. Better voltage regulation due imp-dd,,L :, to lowered power supply 2. Higher output voltage and cooler operation due to lower voltage drop; 3. Protection of costly filter condensers and power output valves due to delayed warm-up and reduced ripple. GZ34,due to its compactness and unique characieristics is an excellent replacement for most high power rectifiers such as the 5U4G, 5U4GA, 5V4G, etc., at the same time offering the advantages as Ihe outlined above. Gt34 The EZ81 is a miniature tube able to deliver 150 lVlA and able to power most medium power amplifiers and pre-amplifiers. The EZ80 and EZ81 are mounted on noval bases; the GZ34 on octal base. PRE L rAlll, NAR H EATER LI T.I Y DArA ITI NG VAL U ES 550 1.5 750 250 60 5.0 Ir t.9 i.(pk) max. C max, TYPICAL OPERATI O N (r.m.s,) 2x300 2x450 V" 250 lout c606060 50 tRrid min. vou, 300 i Per anode. 250 125 450 2x550 t60 sF l7S 6t0 a V kv mA mA pF TYPIGAL OPERATII{G GOI{DITIOI{S E F 86 :::::'lT:;T,:'It?i;,t: E L PENTODE CONNECTION R. (ko) l0o l0o 100 100 r00 r00 220 220 220 220 720 220 (v) ,l0o 350 3@ 250 200 t50 100 350 300 250 200 t50 lr" (fra) 3.3 2.a5 2.15 2.05 t.65 t.o t.55 l,,t t.l 0.9 0.75 0.55 'Gid Rs, (r.1o) 0.39 0.39 0,39 0.39 0.39 0.47 r.0 t.0 r.0 t.o t.O t.O R. (!r Rb h (ko) 220 no 220 220 220 D-r l%) 5.0 s.o 5.0 5.0 5.0 s.O 5.0 5,0 5.0 5,0 5.0 s.0 !o:: tr to k) Vout Vout. Dor" -v; vr.m.,. t% 12 71 3.8 3t.5 62 3.7 3t 5t 3.7 30.5 t9 3.5 30.5 28 l.t (-^) (ko) t.05 3.9 0.9 3.r 0.8 3.r 0.65 3.9 0.5 r.9 'Ourput vok.t. .nd diitortion .t tra ol potitiv. volt.tE {v) a00 350 300 250 2oo th€ di3tortion ir +Grid re.irtor ol tollowins 4 :;Ti,'i1i".,":^i ll,'f pim.rY turn! (j.. trr, Rr,. 130 330 330 45 62.5 2\ 65 2x 5.0 330 3lO a 52 lo 6a0 Witi ..p..rt. ..r..n-trid 20 0,8 37 t,l rlDply ..d lix.d bi!. % Th..r op.htinr .onditionr .pply with .r.bilbed li.. vohase. .nd .ltow for . 25V d.op in .h. prim.rr windins oI rhe ollDur rr.ndormer r! mrximuh .itn.l. th.r. i..n &ldhionrl drop of 25V ir rhe line vohalet rr d.rihuh ti!..| P.r:90W. Th. oDtimum .node{o-.node lo.d und.. ihere.ondirio.i h lll A. Vb6) &O v vh(rr) 4)0 v 750 O 'Rrz It 0 2r25 sri.l <u.r€nr. At lower output lpproriFat€lr oroport onrr to rh. velv€. 2x5.0 170 680 680 680 1t70 2\7.5 6€0 680 ko x 61.5 470 17 6q) 681) 2 2r5.1 580 680 580 I 125 2x !30 (ka) ,110 I l3o i L"- r, {ko) Rr .?'" Di.rribut.d lo.d-conlitionr with .(...n.trid c.ppin! .t {io{. of ..5i..or ol lollowin! TRIODE CONNECTION vb Rr Voq vod (ko) \4; vrn., r.0 t2a 87 r.0 t20 75 t.0 6 6t 1.0 2 50 t.0 t06 10 t.5 95 22 2.2 20? 73 2.2 196 63 7.2 t88 5,1 a-a t80 ,t5 7.a t70 36 2.7 rso 21.s 3 \91 7 ls2 2r (m.x. tir.) 7x 1.0 19 ,3) KQ ECC 83 vb (v) & 350 300 754 200 {00 350 300 250 200 ,loo !50 300 250 200 R. I (ko) 17 17 a7 17 47 t00 ll)O r00 100 t00 220 220 220 220 220 {m^) 2.45 l.9A t.55 t.t8 0. t.72 r.4 r.ll 0.86 0.65 r.o2 0.85 0.63 0.,l€ 0.36 .Ou!pu! vok.t. .nd di3to.tion *Sc...n-srid A PHASE Yt (v) 250 250 350 350 Vout Vo,r' Dro." Rrrr -Vh (v..-.,.) \"b (ro) {n) 680 4 17 1.6 tso ,(.,t 820 +.5 33 tso t@0 10 26 5.0 t50 t200 37.s 23 7.0 t5o 1500 3a l8 8.5 t50 820 6t 38 t.7 330 t000 61 36 2.2 330 1200 57 30 2.7 330 rso 5,t.5 26 it.9 t30 ,{.8 1800 50 20 330 r2oo 75.5 3A Lt 680 1500 75.5 37 |.6 680 2200 7a 36 2.6 680 2700 66.5 28 3.4 680 33@ 56 21 1.6 680 r!.t.rt ol pBiriye trid c! At lower ourput propo.rion.l ro th. voh.!.. ltor t.oa t.o8 1.7 1.7 Rr a) t200 t200 820 820 ( I Vb lV. (.pprcx.) lr+ l.' Rr, (v) (v) {ma) (k9) 2so 65 t.0 6a 250 65 t.0 68 350 t.2 82 350 to 90 t.2 82 clRcutT Vourl Vout -T;; 58 58 62 61 Dot* V"r1 Vour Dtof zo 7 1s to E 2s 17 27 0.6 (ra) (v..-.,.) -izi 100 t00 t50 t50 (%) 5.5 Lt 3.5 0.7 (".) t.8 t.8 0.5 .t.t .t ol p$itiv. rrid .urr.nt- At low.r output th. di.tonion i! .pp.oxinr!.lr prctofrion.l to !h. roh.!.. tv hould b. .dius.d .o rhrt l:1 lr' . ln^ .r Vb 250 V rnd 1.2 hA .t v. vok.te.nd 'Oulput yolot.r 350 V. I <ommon to both % valye5. 4 3'"Ti'JIl,: : i ",'l::)inii.,,,. * tr vi"('.-.'.1 (l.a=50 mw) (06r: 1091,) D, (v....,.) 35 7 ,tS 9 R" EL virk.h.,.) Dl INVERTER CIRCUIT A (m^) W (with .arhode biat TYPICAL OPERATING CONDITIONS AS 100 5.0 Rr ih. di.todon i3 tcrid rsi*or ol followin! v.lve. voh.t.1 Pour Dtot OPERATING CONDITIONS AS R.C. COUPLED A.F. AMPLIFIER 250 250 5.2 250 250 l]5 t35 '1.5 -7.X -7.3 a8 5.5 0.3 5.7 1.3 9.5 18 5.5 2.0 5.0 to o 0_3 5.7 a,o lPoa .nd Oo!.re me..ured .t tx.d bi* and .her.lore repre.ent the pow€r ourour rv.'l.ble durinr thc reproduct'o. ol !pee<h and mu5 c. Whenaiu*r;ned sine wrv. ii.Dpli.d to th. .onrrol srid th. birs acrorr thc crthod. r€tit(or will rerdiu* itielf I . ..roh ol th. ino.d.d .nod. and 3creen-srid .u..ents, This will re.llt lo% rcducrid i. power outplt. OPERATING CONDITIONS FOR T\,vO VALVES IN CLASS'AB'' PUSH PULL (s.e rir. 2 rnd 3.) 250 250 t30 8.0 2x3l 2 x 37.5 2x l.s 217.5 t6 ll r.0 3@ 3t)0 130 8.0 2x36 2x46 2x1.0 2xll 20 17 1.o V v () kQ mr\ mA mA mA v W % Strict quality control and uniformity in the manufacture of the EL37 makes this tube an excellent replacement for the 6L6, 5881, 1614, and KT66 where clean, undistorted reproduction and longer life is required. The specialized manufacture of Nlullard high fidelity tubes, particularly the EL37, assures balanced audio power output heretofore unavailable in ordinary power output tubes. The EL37 is highly recommended where true balanced sound reproduction is required. HEATER 6.3 1.4 lh LIMITI NG VALUES CHARACTERISTICS 250 250 -13.s 100 ,l3.5 120 13.5 t" RK 8n V V V mA mA c) (cathode bias) kO (fixed bias ) v 800 v 400 v 800 v 400 75 V 500 ko 100 ko 25W IVULLARD RETIVA "/--;\ '(..o# )" TYPE EL34 ..- EQUIVALENT DESCR]PIION -'EL37--,:,!,--- 6L: :Sii1 PR ICT Pentode --.6CA7 - ----.-.--..-Output Matched Pair, 2-E134 -- output Pei:tr,i. -- - : $4.34 -.....,- --..9.75 ---.,-5.5+7.95 --EL84 .68Q5 .. - Output Pentode, N,4iniature 2.40 lvlatched Pair, 2-E184 ..., 5.80 6267-2729 -. Low Noise, AF Pentode .... --.- 2.75 t*EF86 -- - 2.60 1*ECC81 ,.- I2AT7 --.,--. -RF Double Triode Low-p AF Double Triode. 2.2A 1*ECC82 .- 12AU7 High-/, AF Double Triode ..--.2.50 1'ECC63---, ,,.12AX7 ECC85 ----.- -.,-.----.- RF Double Triode -...-.-..---- 2.9O EZ80 -, .6V4 ."lndirectly Heated, Full 1.80 Wave Rectiiier, 90 l\4A EZ81-------- - 6CA4 -,--, lndirectly Heated, Full-------- 2.2O Wave Rectifier, 150 lVlA G232..---, -,-- .5V4c - .lndirectly Heated, Full,--. --..2.95 Wave Rectifier,300 MA *G234 -.-,---- 5U4GA,/B Bantam lndirectly Heated , --,.- 3.50 (ref. spec.) Full Wave Rectifier 250 l\4A ECC91--..,-,---.6J6-,-,-,-,------RF Double Triode with-.., ...-2.70 Common Cathode E891, l\4iniature Double Diode with -- 1.80 6A15, Separate Cathodes EC90 6CL - lvliniature RF Power Triode---- -,- 3.50 EZqO 6X4 -,.., ---- .lndirectly Heated Full Wave-------- 1.70 Rectifier, T0 lVlA EF94 6AU6 -,--,,-- - - Sharp cut-off RF or AF Pentode-, 2.15 Electron Beam Tuning lndicator-, 3.90 Elil81-,- ----"" KT66-1614 Matched Pair, 2-E137- CIRCUIT B OTHER IMULLARD PREFERRED REPLACEI\IENT TYPES Mullard Retma Type Equivalent Equivalent EBC9O EBC91 EF93 EF95 EK9O EL9O 1 6AT6 6AV6 r.7 5 6BA6 2.10 64 K5 4.90 6BE6 2.20 2.25 6A05 1.7 5 HBC90 12AT6 HBC91 12AV6 HF93 12846 HK90 128E6 HL92 50C5 HY90 35W4 Especially designed and constructed for microphonics * lvlaximum levels specified and guaranteed Price 1.75 r.70 2.10 2.20 2.25 1.45 lowest hum, noise and