Your Community, Your


Your Community, Your
Your Community, Your
2012 Annual Report to the Community
an impact
The Greater Charlotte Cultural Trust
The Greater Charlotte Cultural Trust, formed by a partnership between
the Arts & Science Council and Foundation For The Carolinas, is
­dedicated to building a vibrant cultural community by inspiring planned
gifts to permanent endowments of the c
­ ommunity’s most important
arts, science, history and heritage organizations.
The Greater Charlotte Cultural Trust
Total Investments
(in Millions)
$110 $139
All Others
Our Mission: Building appreciation,
participation and support for the
In-Kind Gifts
arts, sciences, history and heritage
throughout Charlotte-Mecklenburg.
ASC Financial Results from Operations
Bank of America
Parker, Poe, Adams &
Bernstein LLP
ettain group
Patron Technology
James Avery Jewelers
Tom Murphy
Annual Fund Drive
City of Charlotte
Mecklenburg County
Government Grants
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
NC Arts Council
Town Municipalities
Public Art
Endowment Income
Total Revenues
Grants & Program Services
Total Expenses
The financial information listed on this page has been audited.
A letter to the community
Photo credit: Donna Bise
We are grateful to live in a community that understands and values the
roles arts, science and history play in educating our children, driving the
economy, and more importantly, enhancing our quality of life. Thanks to
the generosity of our public and private donors who believe in the mission
of the Arts & Science Council and our work to support the cultural sector,
we made our mark and invested almost $12.9 million during the
2011–2012 fiscal year.
Every donor to the Arts & Science Council matters. Whether they made a $5
or $50,000 gift, their hand print was literally all over the cultural activities in our
community. These dollars enabled us to invest in more than 100 organizations,
Scott Provancher
President (l)
Curt Fochtmann
Board Chair (r)
tackle important community issues like education, support artists and encourage
The year was filled with new and significant achievements in the areas of education,
innovation and partnerships such as:
• impacting more than 48,000 students in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
through new and redesigned field trips that align with the curriculum;
• helping fund more than 100 arts, science and history projects and
­generating more than $780,000 in new revenue for the cultural sector
through, a platform where individuals and corporations
can donate directly to projects they care about; and
in revenue
• transforming the experience for pedestrians and drivers entering
Charlotte’s Northwest Corridor, through the installation of a public
art piece at the I-77 and West Trade Street underpass, thanks to a
partnership with Johnson C. Smith University.
We are proud of our accomplishments and the mark we made in 2011–2012
through the support of our donors, board, staff, volunteers and community
­partners. While we continued to operate in a challenging economic climate,
our collective efforts moved the arts, sciences, history and heritage forward in
As you read this report, we hope that you will be proud of the work of the
Arts & Science Council, and all the ways you helped to make it possible.
Curt Fochtmann
Scott Provancher
Board Chair
Making an impact
through philanthropy
“I absolutely love knowing exactly where my money is going. The
best part is hearing from the organizations directly, whether it’s a
thank you card from the program participants or an invitation to
see and hear first-hand performances by the students. Power2give
never gets stale because new and very creative, diverse programs
are added all year long.”
Tori Schutzman, power2give donor
The Arts & Science Council boldly stepped into the
innovation space and launched—
a platform where individuals directly donate to arts,
science and history projects they care about.
Power2give and its donors helped:
• Wing Haven raise $525 to provide a year’s worth
of mealworms for their birds;
• Bechtler Museum of Modern Art raise $2,000 to
The website was created to address the changing
­continue a hands-on art program for homeless
philanthropic landscape related to funding the
adults and families;
cultural sector along with c
­ urrent donor trends.
The trends show an increased number of gifts with
smaller average gift sizes, further growth in online
donations and a strong desire from donors to see
where their gifts go. The site also creates a closer
relationship between donors and the organizations
they support.
During the fiscal year, more than 131,000 individuals
impacted 55 organizations through large and small
gifts to arts and ­cultural projects. Specific projects
received an added boost in funding thanks to
$385,000 in dollar-for-dollar matching grants from
corporations and foundations.
• NC Dance Theatre raise $3,315 to provide their
principal dancer pointe shoes for a year; and
• Charlotte Symphony raise $12,000 to provide
a summer music program for low-income
Make Your Mark campaign
Through the support of corporate, foundation and
individual donors, ASC’s annual fundraising effort
raised $8.4 million. The campaign was led by Bob
James, vice chairman of Fifth Third Bank’s North
Carolina board of directors.
Photo credit: Jon Strayhorn of Media Arts Collective
Power2give matching grant donors & investors
Akers Foundation
Bank of America
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of North Carolina
Foundation For The Carolinas
Knight Foundation
The Leon Levine Foundation
Wells Fargo
Jay Everette with Wells Fargo is surrounded by Winterfield
Elementary students as he makes the first gift on power2give to
support their summer music camp with the Charlotte
Symphony. Wells Fargo provided a $100,000 match.
new revenue
impacted through
Making an impact
through education
120,000 +
students served
field trips
in a learning lab during a field
trip to Discovery Place.
Photo credit: Patrick Schneider
CMS sixth graders participate
“This kind of experience is not possible to re-create
in the classroom. I appreciate that my students are
having authentic and artistic visual experiences.”
Katherine Hutchens, Art Teacher, Endhaven Elementary
A renewed and strategic partnership
with CMS
Education field trips:
• Third graders attended one of the four local
ASC and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
historic sites: Hezekiah Alexander Homesite,
joined forces to implement the Cultural
Historic Rosedale, President James K. Polk
Education Blueprint—a guide to provide
State Historic Site, Latta Plantation
strategic, innovative learning techniques using
• Fifth graders visited Romare Bearden:
arts and culture to position students, teachers
Southern Recollections exhibition at
and principals for success.
Levine Center for the Arts
Thanks to donors to ASC’s Cultural Education
• Sixth graders visited Discovery Place
Fund, $1 million was invested in providing:
• Children’s Theatre of Charlotte’s Tarradiddle
• field trips to organizations that align with
the N.C. Common Core;
• classroom experiences that enhance
students’ everyday curriculum; and
• education training and development that
Players performed in 25% of elementary
Professional development
As part of CMS’ Induction Program for
Principals, leaders in their early careers
provides innovative learning techniques
experienced creative leadership development
and best practices.
at the Innovation Institute at McColl Center
Field trips
More than 48,000 students, in grades K–8,
experienced new and improved field trips to
cultural organizations that align with the
curriculum. ASC invested more than $200,000,
including transportation, for the field experiences.
Winget Park Elementary students
­participate in a Mime writing residency.
for Visual Art. Utilizing the lessons learned
in creative thinking, problem solving and
leadership, participating principals developed
the foundation for their fifth-year Capstone
project that will reflect how they dare to be
different in instructional leadership.
Digital and media literacy summer camp
suspended field trips due to budget cuts.
In partnership with CMS’ After School
The Mint Museum, located at Levine Center for
Enrichment Program, ASC provided a 5-week
the Arts, was one of the cultural organizations
digital media and l­iteracy camp for rising 1st
that participated through their exhibition,
through 8th grade students with arts and
Romare Bearden: Southern Recollections.
cultural experiences to become effective
Nearly 10,500 fifth graders from 96 schools
communicators and consumers, critical thinkers,
toured the exhibition and saw Bearden’s use
creative problem solvers, and empowered
of collage and symbolism as vehicles for
citizens. Students received instruction from
integrating art and literacy.
CMS master-level licensed teachers.
Photo credit: Mel Ratliff
This was a great achievement since CMS
Making an impact
through community
“Funding from ASC allowed us to make the Bon Odori festival an
admission-free event, which in turn, made the festival more
­accessible to all members of the community.”
Fumiko Amayo, Japanese Association in Charlotte
ASC continued to invest in traditional and new
World—an exhibition that presented both
organizations that provide a variety of arts,
naturally and intentionally preserved
science, history and heritage experiences for
mummies from around the world that
children, youth and adults throughout Charlotte-
attracted 141,160 visitors.
Mecklenburg. Investments ranged from
unrestricted grants to support the operations
Access through partnerships
of our major organizations to restricted grants
Wells Fargo partnered with ASC and the
for arts and cultural projects in neighborhoods.
cultural community to help celebrate their final
Highlights include:
• To celebrate the centennial of Charlotte
transition from Wachovia to Wells Fargo. In
October, the Wells Fargo Community Celebration
attracted and provided nearly 30,000 visitors
native Romare Bearden’s birth, The Mint
access to a variety of arts, science, history
Museum debuted Romare Bearden:
and heritage activities throughout the county,
Southern Recollections. The groundbreaking
including the opening of the Wells Fargo History
exhibition featured nearly 100 works and
Museum and a performance by Branford
examined how the South served as a
Marsalis on the plaza at Levine Center for
source of inspiration throughout his career.
the Arts.
• Silent Images, based in Matthews,
impacted 20,000 residents through the
use of photography to increase awareness
of the diversity and the need for unity and
understanding for the communities of
Matthews as they coexist.
• Discovery Place hosted the Southern
U.S. Premiere of Mummies of the
ASC was proud to be a community education
partner for Violins of Hope, presented by UNC
Charlotte’s College of Art + Architecture. This
historic exhibition, the first in the U.S., featured
18 violins recovered from the Holocaust and
through quality programming told the story
of how music and art played a role in the
concentration camps.
Levine Lanterns at Levine
Center for the Arts.
Artist John W. Love, Jr. (c) received the McColl Award,
a $25,000 grant for the creation of new work, by Hugh
McColl (l) and Scott Provancher (r).
A visually impaired resident interacts with
public art through Braille.
Photo credit: Calvin Ferguson
Public art
Public art continues to play an integral role in
Photo credit: JoAnne Sieburg Baker
creating livable cities, enhancing neighborhood
identity and strengthening economic
development and tourism.
The community’s public art collection grew in
2012 with the installation of seven new works.
Six of the projects were funded through the
one percent for public art ordinance with the
I-77 and West Trade Street
Artist: Erwin Redl
Title: Passing Through Light
Description: Underpass LED lighting and
­computerized light programming
Belmont Neighborhood
Artist: Charles Partin
Title: Belmont Markers
Description: Marker brick relief sculptures
Photo credit: Courtesy of Bechtler Museum of Modern Art
City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County and
Charlotte Fire Department Fire Station #42
one was privately funded. The artworks ranged
Artist: Zachary Noble
from serving the visually impaired community
Title: #42
through the use of interactive musical sculptures
Description: Steel entry gate
that incorporate Braille to connecting residents
Mecklenburg County
of the Grier Heights neighborhood and the
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department
through the creation of mosaic sculptures of
pinecones, a symbol of strength and durability.
Little Sugar Creek Greenway
Artists: Living Lenses (Po Shu Wang and
Louise Bertelsen)
Title: Sight Unseen
Photo credit: Aaron Fiedler
New Public Art Works
Description: Interactive musical stainless steel
City of Charlotte
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department
Providence Division
Levine Center for the Arts
Artist: Thomas Thoune
Artist: Cliff Garten
Title: Finding New Ground
Title: Levine Lanterns
Description: Mosaic sculptures and floor
Description: Stainless steel sculptures
A child creates during the Bechtler Museum of
Modern Art’s Family Day.
Our Grantees
The Arts & Science Council invested in the following artists and
­organizations during 2011–2012. The investments range from operating
and education support to providing access at the neighborhood level
across Charlotte-Mecklenburg.
100 Black Men of Charlotte, Inc.
A Sign of the Times of the Carolinas
Timmy & Susana Abell
Actor’s Theatre of Charlotte
African Diaspora Arts Program and Theater
Gretchen Alterowitz
American Guild of Organists, Charlotte Chapter
Armed Forces Museum & Archives of The Carolinas, Ltd.
Elizabeth Bagby
Bechtler Museum of Modern Art
Best of Friends Puppets
Big Door, LLC
Betsy Birkner
Blumenthal Performing Arts
April Denee Brown
Carolina Actors Studio Theatre
Carolina Raptor Center
Carolina Voices
Carolinas Asian-American Chamber of Commerce
Caroline Calouche & Co.
Central Avenue Bilingual Preschool
Central Piedmont Community College Foundation
Charlotte Area Science Network
Charlotte Art League
Charlotte Artery
Charlotte Black Film Festival
Charlotte Center City Partners
Charlotte Center City Partners Community Trust
Charlotte Center for Urban Ministry
Charlotte Chamber Music
Charlotte Children’s Choir
Charlotte Civic Orchestra
Charlotte Contemporary Ensemble
Charlotte Dance Festival
Charlotte Folk Society
Charlotte Jazz Society
Charlotte Jewish Film Festival
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
Charlotte Regional History Consortium
Charlotte Symphony
Charlotte ViewPoint
Charlotte Youth Ballet
Charlotte Youth Harmony Festival
Children’s Theatre of Charlotte
Chinese Phoenix Arts
Circle De Luz, Inc.
Classroom Central
Gayle Clayton
Tenya Colemon
Collaborative Arts Theatre
Community Building Initiative
Community Charter School
Community School of the Arts
Cornelius Youth Orchestra
Davidson Community Players
Discovery Place, Inc.
Sharon Dowell
Downtown Davidson
Eastover Elementary
Joseph Edwards
Festival in the Park
Fettucini Brothers
Filipino American Community of the Carolinas
First Baptist Church-West Community Services
Freedom School Partners
Nichole Gause
Gay Men’s Chorus of Charlotte
Raymond Grubb
Haitian Heritage & Friends of Haiti
Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American
Arts + Culture
Valerie Hastie
Sigrid Hice
Highland Mill Montessori Elementary School
Dawn Hilton-Williams
Historic Charlotte, Inc.
Historic Rosedale Plantation
Historic Rural Hill, Inc.
Dustin Hofsess
India Association of Charlotte
Inspire the Fire
International House of Metrolina, Inc.
Japanese Association in Charlotte
Carmella Jarvi
Jazz Arts Initiative
John Kennedy
Joe Keller
Sheila Kerrigan
La Escuelita Bilingual Preschool at Holy Comforter
Lake Norman YMCA
LATIBAH Collard Green Museum
Latin American Coalition
Latta Plantation
Chad Lawson
Levine Museum of the New South
Barbara Locklear
John W. Love, Jr.
William Lowry
Allison Luce
Maha’s Dance of India
Annabel Manning
Many Journeys
Martha Connerton/Kinetic Works
Matthews Parks, Recreation and Cultural
Resource Department
Matthews Playhouse of the Performing Arts
McColl Center for Visual Art
Allison McGowan Hermans
Lea McLaughlin
Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation
Mecklenburg Historical Association, Inc.
Mecklenburg Ministries
Beth Melton
Metrolina Theatre Association
Mint Hill Arts
Mint Hill Historical Society
Ramona Moore Big Eagle
Natasha Morris
Music at St. Alban’s
NASCAR Hall of Fame
Nicci Canada
NODA School of Arts
North Carolina Dance Theatre
North Carolina Shakespeare Festival
Northwest Musical Theatre Booster Club
On Q Productions
Oneaka Collective, Inc.
Opera Carolina
Juan Ossa
Over the Counter Improv
Partners for Parks
Play!Play! Theatre Company
Playing For Others, Inc.
Polk Memorial Support Fund, Inc.
William Puckett
Puerto Rican Cultural Society of Charlotte
Queen Charlotte Chorus
Nicole Rademacher
Marek Ranis
Nancy Ray
Alex C. ‘Renato’ Romero
Stacey Rose
Paul Rousso
Sandy Creek Weavers
Gerwood Shephard
Silent Images Inc.
Murry Simon
Siskey Family YMCA
StageWorks Theatre
Kelly Starling-Lyons
Lois Stickell
The Charlotte Museum of History
The Charlotte Observer
The Choir School at St. Peter’s
The Civic & Cultural Arts Center of Pineville
The Community Arts Project
The Dance Collective
The Lake Norman Big Band
The Lesbian & Gay Community Center
The Light Factory
The Mint Hill Scottish Society
The Mint Museum
The Possibility Project-Charlotte
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
The University of North Carolina School of the Arts
Foundation, Inc.
The Warehouse Performing Arts Center
The World in Our Backyard, LLC
Theatre Charlotte
Terry M Thirion
Thistledown Tinkers
Thomas Thoune
Town of Cornelius
Town of Davidson
Town of Huntersville Parks & Recreation
Town of Mint Hill
Town of Pineville
Transit Vocal Band, LLC
Triptych Collective
Wing Haven
Joyce L. Wynes
Christopher Yountz
Greta Zandstra & Chaz Pofahl
Our Donors
2012 ASC Corporate & Individual Roster
Hunton & Williams LLP
IBM Corporation
Poyner Spruill LLP
SCOR Global Life
Shaw Power Group
Sidley Austin LLP
Snyder’s-Lance, Inc.
Time Warner Cable
Winston & Strawn LLP
$1,000,000 & Above
$100,000 - $999,999
$50,000– $99,999
The Charlotte Observer
The Dickson Foundation
Ernst & Young LLP
Harris Teeter, Inc.
K&L Gates LLP
Mayer Brown
National Gypsum Company
Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP
Presbyterian Healthcare
Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A.
$25,000– $49,999
Belk Inc. & Belk Charlotte Region
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP
Clariant Corporation
The Dowd Foundation
Family Dollar Stores, Inc.
Fifth Third Bank
Foundation For The Carolinas
Grant Thornton LLP
Moore & Van Allen PLLC
National Endowment for the Arts
Philip L. Van Every Foundation
SPX Corporation
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Visa U.S.A., Inc.
$10,000– $24,999
Allen Tate Company
Alston & Bird LLP
American Tire Distributors
ASC Employees
Balfour Beatty Construction
The Bissell Family of Companies
Blumenthal Foundation
Carolinas Pathology Group, PA
Charlotte Chamber of Commerce
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated
Greer & Walker, LLP
Hearst Corporation Service Center
$5,000– $9,999
Akers Foundation
Babcock & Wilcox
Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc.
CB Richard Ellis
Central Piedmont Comm. College
Charlotte Latin School
Charlotte Regional Realtor ® Association
Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority
Bojangles’ Coliseum
Charlotte Convention Center
NASCAR Hall of Fame
Ovens Auditorium
Time Warner Cable Arena
Visit Charlotte
Charlotte Symphony
Cogentrix Energy, Inc.
CPI Security Systems, Inc.
Discovery Place, Inc.
EnPro Industries, Inc.
Forbo Siegling, LLC
Gantt Huberman Architects PLLC
General Dynamics Armament and
Technical Products
James, McElroy & Diehl, P.A.
Jones Lang LaSalle
King & Spalding LLP
Levine Museum of the New South
Marsh Associates, Inc.
McColl Center for Visual Art
McGladrey & Pullen, LLP
The Mint Museum
North Highland
Queens University of Charlotte
REDF Marketing
Regions Bank
Rodgers Builders, Inc.
SunTrust Bank
United Way Central Carolinas, Inc.
Wray Ward
$1,000– $4,999
Actor’s Theatre of Charlotte
Air Products Group Inc.
Airgas National Welders
Aon Hewitt
Bank of Commerce
Barnhardt Manufacturing Company
BDO Seidman, LLP
Beacon Partners
Bechtler Museum of Modern Art
Behringer Harvard
Belgrave Associates
Blumenthal Performing Arts
Blythe Development Co.
Bovis Lend Lease
Carocon Corporation
Carolina Tractor
Carolina Voices
Centro CityWorks
Charlotte Center City Partners
Charlotte Regional Partnership
Charlotte School of Law
Charter Properties, Inc
Cherry, Bekaert & Holland, LLP
Children’s Theatre of Charlotte
Childress Klein Properties
Clark Nexsen
Communities In Schools
Community School of the Arts
Concorde Construction Company
Cottingham Chalk Hayes
Crescent Resources LLC
Dickens-Mitchener & Associates
The Duke Endowment
Edwards, Church & Muse
Elliott Davis
Experis Finance
Harvey B. Gantt Center for
African-American Arts + Culture
Hedrick Gardner Kincheloe & Garofalo, LLP
Huber Technology
Industrial Battery & Charger, Inc.
James Avery
Johnson & Wales University
Johnson C. Smith University
Johnston, Allison & Hord, P.A.
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
The Keith Corporation
Lead Source Marketing
The Light Factory Contemporary
Museum of Photography and Film
LS3P Associates Ltd.
Luquire George Andrews, Inc.
The Lynnwood Foundation
Messer Construction Co.
Midrex Technologies Inc.
Muratec Machinery USA
North Carolina Dance Theatre
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network
Odell Associates, Inc.
Opera Carolina
Polymer Group Inc.
Premier, Inc.
Providence Day School
Ruff, Bond, Cobb, Wade & Bethune, LLP
Shelco, Inc.
Sherpa, LLC
Signature Consultants
Simplex Grinnell
Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP
Sterling Capital Management
Steve Moore Chevrolet
Strategic Staffing Solutions
Superior School of Real Estate
Town of Cornelius Employees
Town of Mint Hill Employees
Tribble Creative Group
Trinity Episcopal School
Trinity Partners
Tyco Integrated Security
Wagner Noble & Co.
WSOC Television
The following individuals make their mark
through their membership in the Vanguard
Society, a leadership giving group for those
who generously contribute $1,000 or more
to ASC.
$10,000 & above
Anonymous President’s Circle Donor (2)
Amy & Philip Blumenthal
Mary & Charles Bowman
Jeffrey S. & Gretchen L.B. Brown
Brooke & Steve Cornwell
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Cornwell, Jr.
Jeanne Edwards Johnson
Susan Faulkner & Don Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Fennebresque
Sarah Belk Gambrell
Laura & Mike Grace
Sandra & Leon Levine
Jane & Hugh McColl
Brian Moynihan
Anna & Tom Nelson
Debbie & Pat Phillips
James & Mary Anne (M.A.) Rogers
Tom & Sherry Skains
$5,000– $9,999
Akers Foundation
William M. & Harriet B. Barnhardt
Jon & Lisa Barrett
Pamela & Sidney Beckwith
Linda & Bob Bertges
Margaret & Smoky Bissell
J. Michael Booe & Rebecca S. Henderson
Jim Brown & Joni Stanley
Shelia Bryenton
Peter & Connie Carlson
Jim & Joan Carroll
The CKKO Foundation
Nan & Hal Clarke
Steven & Olivia Cohen
Peter & Nancy Covington
Robert D. & Peggy B. Culbertson
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Culver, III
Mr. & Mrs. Ron T. Curtis
Rennie Cuthbertson
David & Kim Darnell
Donna & Alvaro de Molina
Mrs. Alan T. Dickson
Mr. & Mrs. R. Stuart Dickson
William K. Diehl, Jr.
Theresa & Doug Drew
Dorlisa K. & Peter W. Flur
Sally & Curt Fochtmann
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Francis
Lynn J. Good
Greg & Wendy Hackworth
Travis & Lise Hain
Wells & Donna Hall
Carol & Watts Hamrick
Cammie & W. Barnes Hauptfuhrer
Robert Petty & Carol Hitselberger
Hope & Dhiaa Jamil
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. LaPlaca
Terrence P. Laughlin
Dr. Edward H. Lipford
Marc Manly & Colby Chapman
Harrison & Margaret Marshall
Chan & Virginia Martin
Jim & Jennifer McCarthy
Mica & Keith Oberkfell
Patrick J. O’Leary
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Papadopulos
Anne & Scott Perper
Robert Hugh Pryor
Robert & Katie Qutub
Matt & Anne Rankowitz
Sally & Russell Robinson
Laura & Mike Schulte
Lori & Eric Sklut
Andrea & Sean Smith
Bruce R. Thompson
Scott & LouAnn Vaughn
S. Dawn Welch
William States Lee Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Joel V. Williamson
Bill & Pat Williamson
John & Brenda Woodcock
$3,000– $4,999
Anonymous Patron Donors (3)
Michael & Janet Adams
Jennifer O. Appleby
Mary Lou & Jim Babb
John Barkley
Bobby Bellamy*
David E. Bolls
Mr. & Mrs. Hayden D. Brown
Steven & Peggy Burke
Robert E. Bush, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Keith G. Butler
Madelyn & Kevin Caple
Brian W. Coffey
Catherine E. Connor
Jeanie & Tom Cottingham
Brian Crutchfield & Ken Davis
Paul & Mary Jo Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Engel
Anita Ennis
Bill & Linda McFarland Farthing
Melissa & Steven Frank*
Maggie & Mike Gray
David Hagen
Veronica Hagen
John & Cathy Harris
Jay & Kristie Harris
George & Carla Harrison
Stephen & Pamela Hasty
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Herlong*
Elizabeth & Mark Hindal
Teresa Hoelle & Scott Provancher*
Kirk & Helen Hollifield
Craig & Jacqueline Honeycutt
Christopher T. Huff
Walter & Kathleen Humann
John & Maria Huson
Robert E. & Lynda James
Chris Jensen
Jack & Elizabeth Jordan
Kal Kardous & Marie-Claire
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Keener
Virginia M. Kemp
Matthew J. Kosmicki
Abbey & Rick Lejk
Jane R. Lewis-Raymond
Donna & Ivan Marcotte
Leslie & Michael Marsicano
Richard M. McDermott
Mark & Cara McGoldrick
Donald A. McMullen, Jr. &
Madeline L. McMullen
Lee & Gwynne Movius
Philip & Marianne Norwood
Kevin & Sue O’Hara
Jason & Amy O’Neil
Leanne S. Phillips
Lauren Piefke & William C. Caudle, Jr.
T. Crawford Pounds
Lisa & Chip Sawicki
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Schanzlin
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Seabrook, III
Dr. Mark F. Self
Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Shell
Katy & Raleigh Shoemaker
Mattye & Marc Silverman
*Young Donor Society
Lee Spinks
Jenny & Scott Stevens
Glenn & Debbie Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Switzer
Ms. Susan E. Thomas
Lisa Turbessi & Paul Caleca
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Valentine
Greg & Sandy Vlahos
Kevin & Jill Walker
Ward Wellman & Laura Meyer Wellman
Darin & Stephanie Wettengel*
Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Young
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Zellers, II
$1,500– $2,999
Anonymous Director Donors (8)
Susie C. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Airheart
Bonnie & Sam Alexander
Leslie Sara Alston
Rebecca & Mike Anderson
Steven C. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Blas Arroyo
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Arthur
Raina Avalon
Lynda A. Baldwin
Mona Baset & Will Wilhelm*
Katie & Richard Bates
J. Patrick & Elizabeth Bechdol
Laura D. Belcher
The Katherine & Thomas
Belk Foundation
Louise & Mark Bernstein
William & Marianne Berry
Catherine Bessant
Roland Bibeau
Pat & Jane Binetti
Frank & Sandra Blanchfield
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Blumenthal
Mary & Steve Boehm
Aileen & Mark Boltz
Marilyn & Herb Bonkovsky
Jean-Pierre & Patricia Bonnefoux
KM Boulerice
Alisa Bradshaw
R. Michael Brannock, Jr.*
David & Ladonna Brawley
Ken & Kelly Braxton
Jay & Mandi Brigman
Amy & Robert Brinkley
Benjamin Brooks
Jeff & Cantey Brown
Paula E. & Thomas M. Brown
David Brown, Jr.
James D. Buchanan
Julie Burch
Carol & Jeff Burgess
Eric L. Burk
Shannon & Glenn Burns
Shirley & Rob Byrd
Doug & Laura Caldwell*
Mark Calloway
Susanne & Tom Cambern
Boyd & Frances Campbell
Ted & Michelle Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Cantrell
Carl & Irene Carande
Francie Carney
David Carpenter
David Carroll
Edward Carroll
Robert F. Carta
Ann Caulkins & Kelley Anderson
Shar Chapp
Waymon N. Chen*
Amanda M. Christie*
Sally & Derick Close
Jim & Robin Cochran
Bevelyn A. Coleman
Jane & David Conlan
Neil & Claire Cotty
Ruthye Cureton Cooley
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery P. Corser
Julie A. Crawford
Rufus Dalton
Dr. Pamela & Mr. Robert Davies, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Davis
Lynn & Scott Davis
Stephen & Linda De May
Jason & Caroline Dellaway
Caroline Dellinger
Don & Diane Denton
M. Andrew Dews
Douglas A. Doetsch
Robert Frank Dogens
Jere Drummond
Philip L. & Lisa Lewis Dubois
James Dugan
J. Porter Durham
Dave C. Easton
Deborah & Michael Edwards
Helen Eggers
Brian & Stacey Ellis*
Susan Evans
Tere & Doug Ey
Lisa Fairclough
Jami & Bryan Farris
Dr. & Mrs. Tom Fehring
John & Carmel Feldman
Chris & Leigh Ferrante
Elmar & Suzanne Fetscher
Dean M. Fischbeck
Landrum Fisher
David & Theresa Florian
Paul & Dede Foody
Anthony A. Fox
Michael Friedland & Angela Sutton
Rudolph & Glenda Gabriel
Libba & Mike Gaither
Alice D. & Arthur J. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Gamble
Cindy & Harvey Gantt
Michael Gardner & Kathryn Maciel
In Memory of Judy Gerhart
Jeff Gesslein
Matthew Gillespie
Ms. Kristine Goldbach
Tammy & Ken Golder
Carol & Shelton Gorelick
Sue & Pete Gorman
Laura & Charlie Greer
Bryan & Jandy Gregory*
Tom Griffin
Paul & Hope Griggs*
Billy & Tracy Grooms
John Hagen & Wendy Magee-Hagen
Janice D. Hager
Liz Hair
Jeffery L. Hall & David R. Snider
Mirsad & Mirzeta Hadzikadic
Mr. & Mrs. Claude Hamilton
Bernie Hargadon & Jill Dinwiddie
Roberta & Michael Harper
J. Kay Harris
Ken & Julie Harris—Weddington, NC
Kate & Greg Hatcher
Ann Marie Haynes*
Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Heberton
Mark Heisig
A.D. & Tracey Hembrick
Andrew & Catherine Hensley
Steve & Bonnie Herdt
Jason & Tracy Hickey
Chad & Mary Hollingsworth
M. Allison Honeycutt
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Housman
James & Becky Hovis
Cheryl Walker & Jeff Huberman
Karen Humphries
Martin Hurden*
Brian & Brandy Hydrick
Pierce B. Irby
H. Bryan Ives, III
Ashley & Barbara Jenkins
Mr. Louis Jerome
Richard & Donna Johnson
Shane A. Johnson & Brooke C. Smith*
Allen C. Jones
Jacqueline & Sean Jones
Harry L. Jones, Sr.
Angela & Nickolas Jordan*
Adam & Margaux Karagosian*
David & Karen Karpey*
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Keller
Jim & Susan Kelly
Tara & Jack Kester, Jr.
Thomas Scott King
Kurt & Lisa Kitterman
Michael & Jennifer Knapp
Matthew Knight*
Kelli & David Knoble
Sean Ladley*
Christopher & Audrey Lakin
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Lamberth
Harry L. Lancaster & Jane G. Henderson
Anthony Lantzy & Matthew Chila
Kristin A. LaPrise
Woody & Laney Lay
Kenneth Leahy
Jack Lee
June & Jonathan Levine
Hal & Holly Levinson
Nash Long
Joan F. Lorden
Alan & Vicki Lowery
Ajanaclair Lynch*
Steve & Stacy Lynch
Janet & David MacDonald
Virginia & Patrick Mackin
John & Nancy Maloney
Julie Maloney
Jonathan & Marianne Mangels
Jason & Karen Mann*
Sharon & Mike Manning
Trish & Jeff Martin
Teresita & Timothy Martin
Casey & Karen Mather
Drs. D. Matthew & Sharon Sullivan
Thomas & Heather McElroy
Diane & Andrew McGowan
Dr. & Mrs. Hamilton W. McKay, Jr.
Loy & Susan McKeithen
Betsy & T. Bragg McLeod
Paul & Caroll McLinko
Sally & Bruce McMillen
Mike McNamara
Susan McRae
Christopher & Carolyn Meade
Mr. & Mrs. Kiran H. Mehta
Rohit Mehta
Mark & Lindsay Merritt
Mark & Emily Metz
David & Debbie Miller
Rosalynn & Les Miller
M. Marie Mitchell
David & Donna Mohler
Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Moosa
Diane & Ed Morais
Meg & Bob Morgan
Mundise Mortimer
Ms. Beverly S. Moss
Ed & Madeline Munn
Mike & Sherry Nedzbala
Rolfe & Ann Neill
Karl & Shannon Newlin
Steve & Laura Newmark
My Ngo*
Ms. Patricia O’Boyle
Kevin Oden
Mary & Michael Onak
Robert & Pidge Osborn
Stephanie & Billy Owens
Joy Paige
Rose & Bailey Patrick
Rohan & Angela Paul
Brian Peinkofer*
Don & Sue Phillips
Richard & Diane Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Piemont
Larry & Dale Polsky
J. William & Susan Porter
Marci S. Prawdzik
Mr. & Mrs. Reginald F. Pretty
Chuck Price
Joe & Christine Price
Walter & Christi Pringle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Pritchard
Karen & Ward Pritchett
Ben & Jeannette Proffitt
Michael & Lara Ragunas
Kim & Robby Ray
Lilly Raymond
David & Lori Thompson Reed
Beth & Ernie Reigel
Curtis & Jolle Reinhart
Clyda & George Rent
Mark Reynolds
Joe Ernest Rhinehart
Mr & Mrs. Ronald J. Rick
Kelly & Patrick Ridinger*
Robbin & Pat Riley
Irena & Lee Rimler
Mary & Bruce Rinehart
Anne & Epes Robinson
B.L. Rogers & C.M. Lucas
Maria Ropic
Mr. Kris Ruckman
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Ruhlen
David & Linda Sakaluk
Sterling Saunders Savage
Helen Scarborough
K. Will & Jean-Anne Schmidt
Martha & Jerry Schmitt
Kevin & Meghan Scotto*
Dale & Mary Sedivec
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seelig
Gail & Ken Sharp
Ruth G. & Colin S. Shaw
Marcie & Torrence Shealy
Anne M. Sheffield
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Sherrill
Ronnie & Paulette Sherrill
Lisa Marie Shuster
Rodney Sides
Michael N. Silverman
Walker & Elizabeth Simmons
Bob & Caroline Sink
Mr. & Mrs. Roy L. Smart
C. Steven Smith
A. Randolph & Laura Knight Smith
William Sofsky
Kristy Spears
Steve & Barbara Spradling
Bill & Ellen Standish
Steve & Karen Starbuck
Gina Stavrakas
Chinyere Stinson*
Jeffrey & Rebecca Stoddard*
Wesley & Claudia Sturges
*Young Donor Society
Nina & Nolen Suddeth
William Sullivan, Jr.
Melissa Summitt
Scott & Patty Szabo
Ann & Michael Tarwater
Allen Tate
Claire Taylor
David R. Taylor
Robert & Tina Taylor
Drs. Chris & Lillian Teigland
Daniel Thomas
Kimberly Tomljanovic
Brent & Alice Torstrick
John & Christina Trainor
Lucy A. & B. Keith Trent
Amy & Hal Tribble
Don & Beverly Truslow
Frank Tucker & Cheryl Palmer
Mark & LuAnn Tucker
Paula Vincent
Curt & Clare Walton
Ranelle & Kayla Warfield
Dave Wedding
Gregory & Julianne Weidner
Ed Weisiger, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Welch
Tom & Sarah Welch
John Welfare
Richard & Katherine Wellner
Mr. & Mrs. John Wester
Betsy & Bill White
Martha Whitecotton
Mary Wilcox
David Wiles
Richard & Teresa Williams
Gregory C. Wolf
Royce D. & Donna Harris Wolfe
G. Duane Wood
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Worrell, Sr.
Anne & Fletcher Wright
Jarrett & Mary Wyant
Mark D. & Robin H. Wyatt
Barbara G. Yarbrough
Bryan & Shane Yokley
Hans & Terri Zandhuis
Sam & Emily Zimmern
$1,000– $1,499
Anonymous Sponsor Donors (18)
Debbie Abels
Melissa Brammer Abernathy*
Jessica Adams*
Roger Denny & Natasha Adams-Denny
Dr. Kiran Adlakha
Keith Agisim
Kathryn Aittola*
John R. Albert
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Alexander
Lolani Alexander
Tim & Julia Allen
Kendall Alley
*Young Donor Society
Dana S. Alligood*
Courtney & John Allison
Angie Allred
Donna Allson
John Altmeyer*
Jeannette & Francisco Alvarado
Brent & Jill Andersen
George W. Anderson*
Paul & Kristen Anderson
Cindy Angelelli
Ross & Michele Annable
Ben Antanaitis
Deywon Arant-McAdoo
Lynn Archiopoli
Carter Arey*
Christie & Andrew Asimos
Nancy & Alan Atwell
Elizabeth M. Austin
Ms. Barbara J. Avard
Paul Baalman
Shaunna & Derrick Bailey*
Barbara Baker
Marty Baker
Robert Baker & Dr. Laramie Williams
Sherri & George Baldwin
Jim Ball
Richard E. Ballantine
Dr. William Ballinger
Steven Balzer*
Lisa Banko
Brian & Holly Baran*
Robert Barbee
Madia & Tim Barber
Elizabeth & Brian Barger
Christopher Barnard
Jasmine S. Barnes*
Gail & John Baron
Leslie Barrett
Deborah & Bruce Barteldt
Cheryl Barton
Chuck & Debbie Beam
Debbie & Randy Beaver
Jessica Bednarcik*
Laure & Mark Behnke
Gayle A. & Kenneth D. Bell
Lisa Bellucci
Jennifer E. Bennett & Douglas A. Bennett
Sanford Berlin
Donald H. & Barbara K.
Bernstein Family Foundation
Jane Berry
Raj Bharadwaj & Aditi Sharma-Bharadwaj
Timothy Bice
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Biehl
Michael & Namita Biggins*
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bissell, III
Diane Blanchfield
Louis A. Bledsoe, III
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Blue, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Willam Bockenek
Mrs. Jean Boggs
William Bollinger
Louis & Maria Bonaiuto
Jason Boone*
Philip Borneman
Matthew Boss*
Abby Bostian
Suzanne Crist Botts
Karl Bovee
Robyn T. Bowers
Matthew S. Boyd*
Faye Bowman
Jan M. Boylston & Bert Rogers
Lisa & Martin Brackett
Paula M. Bradham
Amy & Kirk Bradley*
Chris & Laurie Brady
Mr. & Mrs. R. Alfred Brand, III
Dr. Karen E. Breach
Susan & K.C. Brechnitz
Dean S. Briere & Jeffery C. Ange
Kobi Brinson
Paige & Matthew Brockmann
Wil Brooks & Linda Lockman-Brooks
Reagan & Christian Brose
Jacqui & Todd Brown
Cassie Brown & John Cornely
Karen & Chris Brown
Frank & Mary Brown
Stacey H. & Gordon R. Brown
L’Tanya Brown
Natalie Brown*
Stephen Brown
Laura & Col. Fred Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert H. Browne, Jr.
David Browning
Daunte & Tonya Bruce*
Ms. Kelly A. Bruno
Sandra & Ronnie Bryant
Cynthia & Peter Buck
Bryan & Robin Buckler*
Salem S. Bullard*
Joseph & Catherine Buonanno
Kevin Burianek
Troy & Jennifer Burns
John Burns
Ronald Butler
Alice B. Byrd
Richard Byrne
Kimberly & John Cacheris
Dorothy & Myron Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Stokely G. Caldwell, Jr.
Mary Lynne & Lawrence Calhoun
John S. Call
Heather & Scott Cammarn
Patricia Campbell
Kathy Cantwell & Eric Bartholomew
Angela Cardoso
Jeff & Anne Brady Carlson*
Becky & Gene Carney
Regina & George Carp
Cheryl Carpenter
Beverly A. Carroll
Brett C. Carter
Ronald L. Carter, Ph.D.
Garland S. & Katherine C. Cassada
Peter Cassidy
Joanne & Anthony Caterino
John & Jane Cato
Rebecca & Steve Chaffin
Lee Champion*
Mr. & Mrs. H. Paul Chapman
Kevin Chapman & Karen H. Chapman*
Daniel G. Chappell
Iris S. Cheng & Daniel Uri
Kevin A. Chheda*
Dr. Michelle K. Chiu
Matthew Churchill
Laura & Nathan Clark*
Julie Cuthbertson Clarkson
Kristen Cleary*
Herb & Gina Clegg
Blake Clifton*
Bill & Ruth Cline
Gene & Jean Cochrane
Barry Cockman*
D. Mark Cody
Tara & Teddy Coffey*
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Colavita
Jason Collins*
Ken Collins
Julie Conigliaro*
Sabrina S. Conley*
Dorothy & Mike Connor
Betsy & Chris Conway*
Larry Conyers
David & April Cook
Brian Coone
Mark Copeland*
Amber & Christopher Cordell
Chris & Lenlee Corish
Lee & Karen Cory
Donovan Corzo
Donna Council
Carter & Kristen Thompson
Chad & Ashley Cowan
David & Susan Cox
Debra & David Cox
Bob & Ann Cramer
Angela Crawford
Rhonda Crawford
G. Bryan Crocker
Nancy M. Crown
Mary Crudane
E. Scott Crutchfield
Jeffrey Cudd
Stephen & Kathy Cummings
Sara Cummings*
Glenn & Joanne Cunningham
Deborah Cupini
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Cureton
Ned Curran
William E. Currens, Jr.
Alice Cutter
Sarah & Larry Dagenhart
Michael & Lois Dalton
Gwin & Robert Dalton
Christy & Brad Daniel*
Jeff & Khaki Daniel*
Jacque Daniels
Kim & Andrew Darden
Hilary & Martin Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Davis
Christine Davis
Daniel Davis
John & Charlotte Davis
Kelly Davis
Vincent Davis
Wallace Davison
Annamarie M. Deak-Phillips
Robert & Karen Dean
Gene & Carol DeLaddy
Mike & Helen Denny
Roger Denny & Natasha Adams-Denny
Doug & Jennifer Dent
Diane & Bill Denton
Anup & Anjna Desai
Barb DeSilva
Stephen A. Deskevich
Jody & Mike Desmond
Susan DeVore
Patrick & Judy Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Diaz
Peggy & Charles Dickerson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Dickson
Gay Dillashaw
Mark & Kathy Dimoff*
Susanne Payne Dixon*
Bryan & Joyce Dolan
Meredith & Walter Dolhare
Jim & Kathy Dollar
Carolyn & Paul Donohue
David S. Dooley
William Dove
Bryan R. Downey, MBA
Grant Duff-Cole*
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Duke
Tom Duke & Tina Ross
Michele A. Durkin
Tamara & David Dyckman
James Earle
Jeff Edge
Andrew & Dianne Elliott & Family
Dorsey E. & Mark T. Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. Martin W. Ericson, Jr.
Brent & Kristy Evans*
LeKisha Evans*
Mary Lindsay & Jason Evans*
Nancy & Ralph Falls
Claudia & W. Lee Fanning, M.D.
James & Kate Ferguson*
Michael & Susan Ferone
John Thaddeus Ferretti
David Fisher
Walter & Michele Fisher
Heidi & Lee Fite
Carolyn Flowers
Jeff & Amy Foley
Parker & Joan Foley
Martin T. Foley
James & Leslie Ford
Frank R. Forrest
Ellen Fox
William J. Fox
David & Dawn Franchina
Paul Franz
Jayne & Forrest Frazier
Suzanne Freeman
Toni & Tony Freeman
Helen A. Fritsche
Eric Fromm
Lou & Nancy Fuller
Patty & Alex Funderburg
Tom Gabbard
Sally & Brad Gabosch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Gaither
Steve Galbreath
Erin Garlick
Inge Garrison
Judy A. Gauthier
Kodwo Ghartey-Tagoe
Mr. & Mrs. John Giannuzzi
Meg Gibbs & Brian C. Cox
Brennan Giggey
Linda A. Gilch
Rick & Selena Giovannelli
Richard S. Glaser, Jr.
Stuart & Shari Goldstein
Amy Gollinger
Heidi Gollinger*
Greg & Linda Gombar
Carol Goolsby
Bill & Patty Gorelick
Mary Ann Grace
Colleen Reardon Graham
Elizabeth Gray
Thomas Greuling
Dan Grieneisen
Robert G. & Molly B. Griffin
John P. Griffith
Eugene & Julie Zydron Griggs
Lisa M. Grodevant
Jeffrey Grossman
Albert E. Guarnieri
Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Guerin
Lauren Topham Gulak*
Nancy Gutierrez & James Hathaway
Michelle L. Gutt
Janet Haack
Robert J. Hahn & Alicia Burke
John & Lisa Hairr
Rick & Sandra Hajda
Cynthia & Ruffin Hall
Kirk Halliburton*
Beverly & Jim Hance
Brigid Handy-Williams
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hanes
Ron & Vicki Hankins
Melva Hanna
Ned & Ellen Hardison
Mr. & Mrs. R. Douglas Harmon
Robert & Sharon Harrington
Flynn & Debbie Harris
*Young Donor Society
Dr. Frank & Debbie Harrison, Jr.
Debra Childers Hartman
Ella & Jeremy Harvey*
Vida C. Harvey*
Michael S. Hawley & Dr. Katherine J. Pierce
J. Patrick Hayden
Daniel Hayes
Chris & Brenda Heck
Jim & Laurie Hedrick
Steve Hehr
Joseph E. Helweg
Anne J. Henderson
Kim Henderson & Patrick McLoughlin*
Mr. Peter Hennis & Ms. Sharon Lubert
Sharon Herrmann
Sara Herron
Gretchen Hefner
Christopher & Michelle Hessler
Elizabeth Ray Hessler
Rob & Leigh Hickman*
Josephine H. Hicks
Sally Higgins & Ray Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Hileman
Greg & Julie Hobby
Dr. Timothy & Terri Hodges
Jane & Arnold Hoffmann
Julie Hoffman & David Maltz
Michael Holcomb
Mr. Dwight & Dr. Chandra Hollier
Ashley Holmes*
Jennifer & Kent Holtzmuller
Vicky & Adam Holtzschue
Tami Honeycutt
Cynthia Hooper
Tom & Kristina Hoops
John Horan
Terry Hosch
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hosmer, Jr.
The Houston Family*
Adam Howard*
Larissa & Ken Huber
John & Carolyn Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hughes
Christopher Hummer
Calvin Hung
Justin Hunt
Amelia Diane Hunter
Deshaun Hunter
James Hunter
Jayne Conway Hunter
Darlene Hurt
Mrs. Lou Ann Hutchison
James Illing
Hytham & Beth Imseis
Robb & Lois Ingland
Amy Jackson*
Allen & Marcia Jackson
David & Rosalyn Jacobs
Lane Jacobs & Tamara Titus
Mike & Katie James
Dr. Kathleen V. Jameson &
Mr. John R. Bryant
*Young Donor Society
The Jane R. McBryde Family Foundation
Marc P. Jarmosevich*
Nikki Emanuel Jarrell & Richard Jarrell*
Jennifer & David Jarrett
Mr. Nevio Jerolimic
Charles E. Johnson
Danny Johnson
David & Jan Johnson
Graham Johnson
Linda G. Johnson
Carolina & Michael Johnson*
Lea & Stuart Johnson
Victoria Orena Johnson
Pam & Rob Johnson
Gretchen M. Johnston
David Jones & E. Randall Morrow
James Jones
Jason Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Max E. Justice
Guilherme Kahl
Ms. Jerri Kallam*
Kathleen Ann Kaney
Donna Kania
James Kaylor
William E. Keenan
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Keener
Mr. & Mrs. Lenoir C. Keesler, Jr.
Winston Kelley
Jill & Mark Kelly
Jennifer Kelly
Mary Kelly
Dean & Michele Kelsey
Marty & Marcie Kelso
Rich & Debbie Kempter
Wade & Eileen Kennedy
Karen Kennedy Gaskins
Michael Kennelly
Jeff & Kelly Kent
Judy Kerns
Elizabeth Kerr
Mike & Devin Kerrigan
Kimberly M. Kicklighter
Greg & Leisha Kilpatrick
Ron & Jan Kimble
John & Sandy Kindbom
Agatha King
Van & Jean King
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kiriaskos
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kirkland, IV
Mary & Ryan Knight
Stacie & Patrick Knight*
Katy Knox & Jeff Krupa
John & Sarah Komisin
Alan Koreneff
Wendy & Jeff Kornegay
Elizabeth L. Kruger
Kelly & Wade Kruse*
Phil & Susan Kuttner
Brad & Jeanne Kutrow
John Lamb
Brent Lambert
Traci Lamothe
Gary Lancaster
Stan & Anne Land
James Laney
John, Sandi & Caroline Langdon
Bruce & Anita LaRowe
Martha A. Larsh
Pete & Kelli Lash
John & Beverly Lassiter
Barbara Laughlin
Christopher Lawing & Jeff Rivenbark
Jared & Elizabeth Lawrence*
Jennifer M. Laws
Mr. & Mrs. Haynes P. Lea
Willard Leach
Rene LeBlanc-Allman
Jeff Ledford*
Jeffrey D. Lee
Mandy Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Lee
Scott & Maureen Leighty
Louis Leone
Julie & Howard Levine
Charlene Lewis
David & Beth Lewis
Teresa Lewis
W. Spencer Lilly
Scott & Cheri Lindblom
Kirk & Darla Lindsey
Olivia Linkel
Mark & Elizabeth Little
Michelle Littlejohn*
Shug & Walker Lockett
Jane & Luther Lockwood
Henry & Trissy Lomax
Vincent Long
Judy & Rodney Long
Nancy & Mark Loper
Frank & Rachel Lorch
Bill & Carol Lorenz
George & Amy Lovett
Carol Lovin
Dr. & Mrs. Jack A. Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Lucas, III
Steve & Vicki Luquire
Beth MacDonald & James A.L. Daniel*
John & Lucile Mackay
Ben & Virginia Maffitt
Stephen Mangan
Scott Manson
Robert R. Marcus
Joy & Alfred Marshall
Jonathan & Amy Martin
Russell Martin*
John & Karin Marx
Kathleen M. Maryman
Charlotte Marz
Ms. Haia Matariyeh &
Mr. Timothy Pivovarnik*
David J. Matthews
Rick & Terry Mattingly
Alicia R. Mattison
John & Elenor Maxheim
John May
Sloane & Bill Mayberry
Alexander McAlister
Angelina M. McArthur*
Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. McAulay, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Neill G. McBryde
Christopher Lee McClanahan*
Susan & Michael McCoy
Dr. & Mrs. James T. McDeavitt
James E. McDermott
Jim & Fran McDermott
Christina & Warren McDonald
John & Amy McDonald
John M. McDowell*
Mike & Melissa McGuire
Jane & DG McIntyre
Karen McKinney
Beth & Wayne McKinzie
Richard & Anne McKnight
James H. McLawhorn
Mr. & Mrs. Leon McLennon
Bill & Donna McNairy
James McQuage
Josh & Barbara Meeks
David Megginson
Catherine & Jim Metze
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Metzker
Kyle C. Miller*
Randy & Sherry Miller
Linda & Dave Mitchell
Thomas & Susan Mitchell
Valerie & Robert Mittl
Arrington & Burch Mixon
Jared & Courtney Mobley*
Ruth Moeller
Sheila Molino
Margaret Ann Montague
Daniel F. Montano*
Vince & Linda Mooney
Debra Plousha Moore
Katherine & Flynn Mooring*
Katie & Kevin Morgan
Lewis Morris
Bill & Lynette Morrissett
Kevin & Paula Moulton*
Mark Moyer
Charles & Susan Muha
A. R. Mullinax
Michele & Tim Mullins
Patrick Mumford
Ms. Anu Murthy &
Sathya G. Jyothinagaram
Liz & Jeremy Naman*
Brian Nason*
Raj & Michele Natarajan*
Edward A. & Linda S. Need
Richard & Barbara Neidinger
Mark Nelson
Paul & Melanie Newton
Richard L. Nichols
Dr. & Mrs. David Nix
Tony & Donnamarie Nobili
Kate Barber Nolan*
Maggie Norris
Curtis & Jean Novotny
Joseph & Debbie O’Connor
William O’Donnell
Tate & Kristin Ogburn
Terry Ohr & Jeffrey Curren
Keith & Terri O’Leary
Richard & Harriet Ollman*
Mark Osborn
Tony & Jennifer Osborne*
Michael Q. Overcash*
Ross Painter
Lisa Palazzolo
Kenneth Parker
Paula Parker
Luann & Bill Parmelee
Chris Parris
Daniel J. Parsons, M.D.
Shital & Kamal Patel
Robert & Cyndee Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Patterson
Joe & Janie Peak
Roger Pelz
Sherri Pendleton
Rachel Permut*
Clay & Nikki Perry*
R. Lynn Pettus
Santina & David Pfleeger
Lisa & Tom Phillips
Kathy L. Pilkington
Victor Pineiro-Carrero
Mr. & Mrs. Christian F. Pineno
Will & Sara Piner*
Karelle Pinnock
Donald Plaus
Claudia & Andrew Plepler
Deborah Poovey
Debra J. Poteet
Margaret & George Povinelli
James F. & Alicia Brown Powers
Laura Pranger
Anne Predieri
Jim Preston
Edward Price
Jamie & Gene Pridgen
Ray & Betsy Prosser
Cindy & Norfleet Pruden
Walt & Ann Przygocki
Ray & Kathy Quintin
Craig Radke
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Radkin
Derek Raghavan
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Rains
Wendy Raker
Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Ralston
Jane S. Ratteree
Kiley Rawlins
Michael Ray
Elizabeth Raymond
Lawrence W. & Claire P. Raymond
JeNai & Ray Redwood*
Anna Reed*
Kathryn Reid
Mary Wallace Reid
Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Reiling
Michael Rettaliata*
Lisa H. Rhyne
Kevin Rich
John Richards & Leigh McDonald
Mike & Kelli Richardson
Rosalind & Jerry Richardson
Kathy L. Ridge
Mary Riley
Mike Riley
Mark & Lynette Rinker
Eleanor L. Ritterskamp
Mike & Jo Rizer
Renee Rizzuti
Jeffrey Roark
Manley & Jennifer Roberts
Allen Robertson
Craig & Brett Robertson
Chandra & Dan Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Robertson, Jr.
Christopher Robinson
Graham Robinson
Tynetta Robinson
Nick & Sharon Rodono
Jim & Karen Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Casey Rogers
Marvin Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Rollwage
Mr. & Mrs. John Roncevich, Jr.
Pamela & Gerard Rooney
Carla & Ed Rose
Geoffrey & Katherine Rose
Michael L. & Linda Rose
Sara & Dan Roselli
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Rosenthal
Young-Sun Roth
Douglas Roush
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Royal
Adriana Rugh*
Sherry & Charles Rumbough
Dr. & Mrs. Judson W. Russell
Kathy & Paul Rutledge
Lisa & Mike Ryan
Timothy Ryan
Matthew Sadler
Jacquelyn H. Salinas
Vandana & Rahul D. Samant
Richard K. Schell
Adriaan Schieferdecker
Dr. Stephen P. Schultz & Donna Dutton
James & Lisa Schumacher
Tari & Ed Schutzman
Laurie & Russell Schwartz
Marty & Dawn Schwartz
Rachel L. Scott
Jamie Lee C. Sebrell
Dr. & Mrs. Jay G. Selle
Steven Sellin & Theresa Pullega
Tandy Senay*
*Young Donor Society
Mr. & Mrs. William Serenius
Kevin Sexton
Vicki L. Sgro
Hugh & Katy Shannon
Che C. Shearin*
Ed & Jeana Sheehan
Donna & Tom Shepherd
Virginia Sheppard
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Sherard, Jr.
Peter & Robin Sherman
Peter & Cheryl Sherrard
Stan Sherrill*
Margaret Shiver
Mark Short
Carol E. Shrum
David & Elizabeth Shuford
Christine Sibley
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Sigmon
Bob Simmons
Jose & Sharon Simon
The Simonton Family
Whitney Simpson & Nathan Fuller*
Doug & Viki Singleton
Liz & Jason Sisk*
John & Gina Skelton
Jackie Slaugenhaupt*
Daniel S. Small
Kim & Chip Smallwood
Brad & Carol Smith
Brent & Mandy Smith
Brian E. Smith
David & Jennifer Smith
Ella-Marie Smith & Jeremy B Harvey*
Elton Smith
Emily & Zach Smith
Gregory & Amy Smith
Janet & Joshua Smith*
Kathleen & Michael Smith
Shawn Smith
Wyatt & Amber Smith
Andrea Smith-Jones
Carrie Spada
Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Sparks
Chris & Shawna Speer*
Kenneth Spielfogel & Richard Withem
Cassandra & Reginald Springer
Cate Stadelman
Kimberly Stamey
Blair & Mike Stanford
Jimmie Stanley
Morgan & John Starks*
Bruce & Elaine Steen
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Steffens
Catherine Stempien & James Bolin
Andrea Stevenson*
Mr. & Mrs. John Anton Maguire
Kevin P. Stichter
Kevin Stitt
Liam Stokes & Betsy Rosen
Tim & Lu Anne Stokes
Shane & Tami Stout*
Sheri Wiltshire Straw
*Young Donor Society
Tamara J. Stringer & Richard W. Viola
Dan & Edie Sullivan
Jack & Melissa Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Summer
Patsy & Ted Sumner
Beth E. Susi, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Swancy
Heather & Ryan Swindells*
Eva Tai
Andrew W. Tate*
James Taylor
John & Jennifer Taylor
Barbara Ann Temple, Ph.D.
David Templeman
Cynthia Ellen Tennill*
Gerald & Krista Terrell, Jr.*
Rick & Debbie Thames
Kathryn & Richard Thigpen
Geretha Thomas
Joan & Hailey Thomas
Laura J. Thomas
Linda D. Thomas
Harriette & Sydnor Thompson
Elizabeth & Alexander Timkovich*
Coralie & Eric Todd
Jerry & Phyllis Tomb
Michael Toohey
William Toole & Claudina Ghianni
Roberta M. Tremain
Lynn & Jeff Trenning
Sayre & Michael Tribble
Karen A. Trigg
David L. Trusty
Caroline & William Tsai
Burnet Tucker
Jonathan & Theresa Utrup*
Larry & Susan Valenti
Betsy & George Van Allen
Mrs. William K. Van Allen
Mary D. Vasto
Ana Vazquez*
Lori & Ron Veith
Robert Vernon
Brad & Whitney Vineyard*
Bruce & Janet Voelker
William Vogel
Chris & Megan Vutsinas*
Stephen L. Wagner
The Waldman & Romanelli Family
John D. Walker
Gaby & Kent Walker
Mary Claire & Dan Wall
Phil & Michelle Wall
Dr. Stephen & Dawn Wallenhaupt
Mr. & Mrs. Louis T. Walters
Rogers Warner
Tom Warshauer
Alec & Mayleng Watson*
Debra S. Watt
Lesa & Bud Watts
Kay & Van Weatherspoon
Jennifer & Eric Weber
Kathy Weeks
Carol Weida & James Mountjoy
Dr. David A. Weinrib
Linda & Craig Weisbruch
Angela E. Weitzel*
Julia Weitzen
Rex & Linda Welton
Phillip & Carol Wertz*
Dr. & Mrs. David Wesley
Christopher Wey
Regina & Nick Wharton
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Whelpley, Jr.
Mack W. White
Mary Jean White
Rebecca S. Whitley
Danny & Sandi Wiles
Amy Pritchard Williams
David K. Williams
Marylyn & Ed Williams
Nancy Williams & Roger Dahnert
Eric & Dina Wilson
Isvara Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Wilson
Quinn, Michah, Kim & Alan Wilson
Richard & Janet Wilson
John Witherington*
Mr. & Mrs. W. Samuel Woodard
Mr. & Mrs. John Woodlief
Teresa C. Woods
Drs. Hayes & Susan Woollen
Velva & Tom Woollen
Westley H. Workman
David C. Wright, III
Paul & Joan Wyche
Elizabeth Yerby
Cindy M. Young
Johanna C. Young*
Andrea Yushinsky
Mark Zagar
Margaret & Zachary Zapack
Michael Zgoda
Joan & Robert Zimmerman
Bill & Angie Zimmern*
Mary & Tom Zweng
The following individuals make their mark
through membership in the Young Donor
Society, a leadership giving group for those
40 and under who generously contribute
$500 or more to ASC.
Anonymous Young Donor Society Members (8)
Sara Abadi
Marc Abraham
Susan Adams
Scott Addison
Kareem K Al-Amin
Michelle Allred
Kimberly J. Anderson
Jennifer K. Anthony
Dawn Audie
Nina Austin
Alieu Barry Bah
Jim Barber
Susan Barber-Tracey
Amy Barclay
Elliott Barker
Bryan Barnes
Neal Barrow
Nicole & Toby Bartlett
Lina Baumberger
Matthew Beck
Kerrie L. Beer
Ernest Bennett
Jason E. Bennett
Jason & Tiffany Bernd
Michelle Bettin
Aditya Bhasin
Megan & Aaron Biller
Bryan & Lisa Bishop
Daniel & Blair Black
Matthew Black
Robert Blackard
Stephanie L. Blanton
Khoy Blasi-Diggs
Chris Boothe
Tom & Betsy Brady
Jennifer Braganza
Drew Branham
Suzi Brantley
Marshall Breece Breland
Nicholas & Elizabeth Bresnahan
John Broderick
Kelly & Mark Brookshire
Andrew Brown
Collin Brown
Renee Brown & Kelly Gimlin
Marcus Buchan
Melissa & Josh Buchanan
James Tyler Buck
Dart Budz
Michael & Jane Bufkin
Renee M. Burns
Lindsay H. Burrell
Tami Burris
Shirley & Michael Butterworth
Tiffany M. Capers
Ashley Carlson
Simone Carmona
Brandon Carroll
Chavon & Charles Carroll
Matt Cavalline
Laura Cherny
Suzanne Chomiczewski
Kevin Church
Phoebe Coddington
Melissa L. Collins
Jeffrey Colson
Nolan Howard Combs
Christopher M. Cornell
Kristin Cooke
David Correa
Eric H. Cottrell & Stefanie Groot
Tom C. Croft
Emily Crow
Tracy Daniels
Jacob Darling
Jerrod Davies
Kristen Day
Ryan Deal
Jeremy Deese
Dan & Stuart Deets
Craig Delucia
Lisa Demko
Michael DePalma
Matt & Kerri DeRuyter
Jordan & Jerome Deveix
Tarin DeVitto
Kimberly Dewberry
Dillon & Amy Dieffenbach
Jonathan & Susan Dion
Ronald Dixon
Caitlin & Brian Donley
Joesph & Jenny Duey
Thomas Duncan
Brett & Julie Durham
Annette Ebright
Deborah Edney & Brian McKean
Heather C. Edwards
J. Scott Efrid
Mona Elias
Katie Elliott
Ryan Epstein
James Eubanks
Tiffany Eubanks
Landon Eustache
Todd Everts
James & Katie Ewing
Davis M. Ferguson
Nathan Fess
Aaron Fiedler
Nicholas Fischer & Jessica Sansavera
Melanie K. Fitzgerald
Shannon Fitzgerald
Christopher Flynn
Alexander G. Foley
Melinda Fowler
Lydia Fraze
Julianna Lowe French
Gerry Geier
Garit Anthony Gemeinhardt
Brian Gibbons
Jon Gilchrist
David S. Goldberg
Jon & Deborah Goldberg
Heather O. Gottehrer
Zoe & Kevin Grabowski
Jada Grandy
Cheryl Green
Whitney Greene
Jason & Caroline Griffin
Marc & Jane Gustafson
John Hackney
Susan Metius Hamrick
Michael Hanna
Beth Hansen
Julie S. Harris
William Taylor Hayden
Aiysha Hayes
Patrick Hege
Neal Hendrix
James Gregory Herring, Jr.
Vincent & Jessica Hindman
Marcy Hingst
Shannon Hoff
Christine & Trevor Hoke
Matthew Holbrook
Christy Holden
Helen Holmberg
Robert Holzman
Jeffrey S. Honeycutt
Amanda & Mark Horn
Ronald Horton
Sarah Fulton Hutchins
Mitchell & Lindsay Hyatt
Katie & Travis Iams
Jason James
Andrew J. Jarnecke
Bradley Jensen
R. Jayson Johnston
Tiffany Johnston
Crystal M. Jones
Michelle Tallardy Jones
Tracy E. Jones
Heather Jousma
Michael & Anna Juby
Travis & Sara Justice
Brian & Raizel Kahn
Portia Kee
Tara Michelle Keener
Lori R. Keeton
Deana Keller
Lauren Kenney
Mike Kerr
Richard Kicklighter
Maile K. Kim
Charles King, Jr.
Kenneth & Jenna King
Julie Knutson
Chad J. Kobos
Ryan A. Kompanik
Jennifer Krinke
Nikolai Kruger
Katherine Kulovitz
David Lapp
Andrew Largen
Laura Lee R. Lawley
Kelly Lawrence
Jen & Todd Leahy
Yohanna Leak
Elizabeth Lee
Beth Levanti
Katherine Leveque
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Levy
Sarah Lewkowitz
Pamela Lieberman
Shannon Lilly
*Young Donor Society
Brandon Little
Jennifer & Clay Littlefield
John R. Logan
Chris & Melissa L’Orange
Gwendolyn H. Lowry
Mary Lytch
Sarah R. Macrae
Mr. & Mrs. L. Maigon
Kunal Makin
Kate & Daniel Marks
Kara Martin
Nicole Martin
Constance Matthews
Andrew McCartney
J. Labon McCoy & Katie Densford McCoy
Kerry McClennen
Emily & Matt McCallister
Tamika McCullough
April McDonald
Missy McDonald
Catherine McFadden-Barnes
Glen McLaughlin
Jeffrey David McLeod
Shawn P. McMaster
Heather McNatt
Amber McQueen
April Meadows
Paul Meads
Laura Megahee
Gregory Mellone
Ruth Ann Meredith
James Merrick
Julie & Ron Messenger
Brook Miller
Hunter & Catherine Miller
Christopher Martin Miller
Wes Misson
Angelo & Heather Mitsopoulos
Geoffrey Mize
Carla Sofia Molina
Susan Arrington Monks
Angela M. Mook
Alicia Mooney
David Morse
Kevin & Sarah Moss
Jennifer Muckley
Sean M. Newcomb
Kate Newton
Adam Nicholson
Edwin & Laurin Nipper
James O’Dell
Megan O’Hara
Lorry Olson
Genie & Maciej Ombach
Melissa Swonger Orr
Kathryn Parks
Neil Patel
Andrew Patterson
Joy Patterson
Ashley & Matthew Pearson
Amy Permenter
Kevin Perry
Stephanie Perry
Sarah Petrucci
Charles Pettigrew
Quynh Pham
Andrea Phelps
Joe Piacentino
Dr. Bradford L. Picot
Joy Pinchback
Leigh & Josh Pittman
Ony Pius
Nisha Prasad
Meghan M. Pratt
Nichole Pressler Davis
Brittany Ann Priddy
Jeanine Qasim
Samuel V. Ramsey
Todd Rantala
Mark Andrew Reed
Mary Catherine Regan
Lyndsi Reimer
Sarah Reynolds
Lauren Rico
Nicola & Richard Rivera
Tom Rivers
Jeff & Holly Roberson
Elisa Robinson
Sean M. Robinson
Leigh & Patrick Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Romanzo
Brian Rozelle
Brandon & Stephanie Rucker
Katherine J. Rush
Patrick D. Ryan
Ann M. Saari
Darbie Sale
Diana Beatrice Samayoa
Ron Samuels & Jo Schirmer
Shaun P. Sanders
Vincent Santanna
Christopher & Amy Scalera
Angela P. Scholl
Betsy & George Scott
Julie H. Seidenstein
Robin Selby
Jocelyn M. Sikora
Jane Singleton
Jason Sito
Nicole Skinner
Colby Slaughter
Edward Smith, II
Leigh Ann Smith
Shannon S. Smith
Luis A. Somoza
Jeremy & Jo Sorenson
Lea Souther
Arthur Spring
Sarah Stabley
Holly Stanley
Justin Steinschriber & Kirsten Baldwin
Kati Stegall
Stephanie Stenglein
Angela Stewart
Nick Stewart
John Stoker
Catherine Sweeney
Ann Sylvester
Michael Szarowicz
Tedrick Tarver
John & Claire Tate
Kirk Tesch
Kristianne Thomas
Michelle Thornhill
Robert Touchstone
Emily Travis
Katherine Trotter
Mary Alice Trussell
Lecia Tucker
Mrs. Amy & Mr. Peter L. Tyler, II
Brian & April Vahey
Jessica Vance
Michael Vanni
John & Laura Viccellio
Luis Villadiego
Patrick & Cathy Vimislik
Melissa Wall
William Walts
Catherine Warfield
Sarah McCracken & Aaron Weiner
Jennifer L. Weiss
Shenell West
John Whalen
Brian R. Whitaker
Brian M. White
Merri White
Greg Whitesell
Bradley E. Williams
Tamara L. Williams Kozlow
Danielle Wilson
W. Scott Wilson
Jennifer Wolfe
Evan & Robyn Wolkofsky
Lauren & Clay Woodruff
Shelby Woolford
Tracey Wopperer
Amanda & Eric Zion
Mallory & William Zvara
Building appreciation, participation and support for
the arts, sciences, history and heritage in CharlotteMecklenburg. The Arts & Science Council (ASC)
appreciates all of its generous donors and volunteers.
Every effort has been made to include and list your
name correctly. However, if you find an error, please
accept our sincere apologies and contact our
Development department at 704-335-3041.
*Young Donor Society
Board of Directors
Curt W. Fochtmann, Chair
Ernst & Young LLP
Michael G. Adams
Parker, Poe, Adams &
Bernstein LLP
Rebecca B. Anderson
Queens University of
William J. Bollinger
The Charlotte Observer
R. Michael Brannock, Jr.
Workforce Carolinas
Sabrina Brown
Sabrina Brown Realty &
Advisory Services
Nancy G. Carter
Charlotte City Council
John Chen, Ph.D.
Carolinas Asian-American
Chamber of Commerce
Michael Crum
Charlotte Regional Visitors
John H. Culver, III
K&L Gates
Terie Christmas Davis
Town of Pineville
Gay Dillashaw
Allen Tate Company
Annual Report Design by Curran & Connors, Inc. /
Theresa Drew
Lisa Lewis Dubois
Civic Leader
Maha Gingrich, Ph.D.
Central Piedmont
Community College
Sue Gorman
Sue Gorman Interior Designs
Nancy A. Gutierrez, Ph.D.
The University of North
Carolina at Charlotte
Ruffin L. Hall
City of Charlotte
Robyn Hamilton
Charlotte in 2012 DNC
Host Committee
J. Ronald Hankins
Wells Fargo
Michael J. Smith
Charlotte Center City Partners
Mark Heisig
Perficient, Inc.
Jill Swain
Town of Huntersville
Kim Henderson
Charlotte Bobcats
Martha Whitecotton
Levine Children’s Hospital
Jeanne E. Johnson
Marguerite O. Williams
Town of Davidson
Cultural & Community
Robert Bush
Senior Vice President,
Chief Innovation Officer
Gary L. Lancaster
Whitni Wilson-Wertz
Civic Leader
Katherine Mooring
Vice President
Richard Latorre
Latorre Group
Paul B. Wyche, Jr.
Civic Leader
Nicole Bartlett
Program Director, Public Art
Linda Lockman-Brooks,
Lockman-Brooks Marketing
Services, LLC
Hyong U. Yi
Mecklenburg County
Ryan Deal
Senior Program Director
Marc Manly, Immediate
Past Chair
Duke Energy
Kay Bernard McGarry, M.Ed.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board
of Education
Nancy R. Moore
Town of Matthews
Karl W. Newlin
Piedmont Natural Gas
Steven D. Newmark
Roush Fenway Racing
Joy E. Paige
Johnson C. Smith University
Kevin L. Patterson
Civic Leader
G. Patrick Phillips
Civic Leader
Laurie Readhead
Bank of America
Tyler Ream
Harold Cogdell
Mecklenburg County Board
of Commissioners
Katrina Weaver Ross
Town of Mint Hill
Thurman Ross, Jr.
Town of Cornelius
A. Randolph Smith, II
Grant Thornton
ASC Staff
Scott Provancher
Kim Graham
Executive Assistant to
the President
Susan Gary
Vice President,
Chief Financial Officer
Venita Jamerson
Senior Accountant &
Technology Leader
Zelda Keitt
Director of Pledge
Lynne Wooten
Director of Campaign
Will Roberts
Program Director
Kristopher Steele
Planning & Innovation
Vivian Tong
Program Coordinator
Barbara Ann Temple, Ph.D.
Vice President
Kathryn Bentley
Regional Director, N.C.
Wolf Trap
Britt Davis
Program Coordinator
Mel Ratliff
Program Director
Perneice Mendez
Marketing &
Krista Terrell, APR
Vice President
Resource Development
Amy Tribble, CFRE
Vice President
David Currence
Marketing Manager
Shameeka Henderson
Associate Director,
Donor Relations
Aaron Fiedler
Communications Specialist
Catherine Miller
Associate Director,
Workplace Giving
Laura Belcher
Senior Vice President,
National Director
Nick Stewart
Development Officer,
Donor Relations
Stacey Henderson
Project Manager
Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 888-830-4989.
The license is not an endorsement by the State.
227 West Trade Street, Suite 250 | Charlotte, NC 28202
P: 704-333-2ASC (2272) | F: 704-333-2720 | W:
@asccharlotte ASCCharlotte