st. joseph catholic church
st. joseph catholic church
ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH MARCH 31, 2013 · PARISH.SJSRACINE.ORG PASTORAL STAFF Fr. Steve Varghese, SAC, Administrator Michael and Marsha Iggulden, Pastoral Associates Susan Gehrig, Religious Education and Youth Ministry Director Paul Cera, Music and Liturgy Director Joseph Majowski, Principal Mindy Czosnek and Tracy Krogh, Preschool Co-Directors Peggy Taylor, RN, Parish Nurse PARISH STAFF Deanne Koleske, Parish Secretary Marvin Morgenson, Business Manager Mary Lee Odders, Bulletin Editor Catherine Gundlach, School Secretary Russ Blaha and Patricia Calverley, Maintenance ADDRESSES AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS Church: 1533 Erie Street; Racine, WI 53402-4830 Parish Offices: 1532 N. Wisconsin Street; Racine, WI 53402-4805 Parish Office business hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Parish Office phone: 262-633-8284 e-mail: [email protected] fax: 262-633-8285 website: Preschool: 262-633-0112 Religious Education Class Absence: 262-633-2403 School Office: 1525 Erie Street; Racine, WI 53402-4830 School Office phone: 262-633-2403 fax: 262-633-4423 website: Youth Ministry Office: 262-633-9005 MASS SCHEDULE Daily except Mondays: 8 a.m. Saturday Mass of Anticipation: 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Make arrangements by calling the Parish Office at 633-8284. Instructions are required for first-time parents. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays from 3:30 until 4:15 p.m. or anytime by appointment Communal Penance services are scheduled city-wide twice a year. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Arrangements must be made six months before the wedding date for required preparations. Call the Parish Office at 633-8284. ANOINTING OF THE SICK First Fridays during 8 a.m. Mass or by request SACRAMENTS FOR THE SICK The priests and lay visitors see shut-in and hospitalized members regularly. If unable to attend Mass or receive the sacraments in church due to prolonged illness or age, call the Parish Office, 633-8284. PRAYER TEAM Lorraine Caspers, 639-1070 RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Adults seeking initiation are required to follow a process devoted to formation. For more information, call the Parish Office, 633-8284. CATHOLIC CEMETERY ASSOCIATION OF RACINE Office: 639-1071 Please view our history at MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP DEVOTIONS Tuesdays: following 8 a.m. Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Second Tuesdays: following 8 a.m. Mass - 4:30 p.m. Benediction PARISH MEMBERSHIP AND SUPPORT Parish financial support is essential for the parish to survive. Ideally every member reaching the age of 18, who is working, should call the Parish Office to register and receive envelopes to help financially support the parish. If anyone 18 and older wishes to marry or have a child baptized, they must register as a parish member. This requirement applies for school registration, religious education and youth programs. EX-OFFICIO PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Fr. Steve Varghese, SAC Elaine Ekes, Trustee Richard Granite, Trustee PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Kristin Cafferty Daryl Lueck John Nielsen Tim Carls Anne Meredith Don Vena Patrick Decker Lynn Mullis Harold Von De Bur SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Thomas Brodek Mindy Gordon Gayle Letsch Mary Jane Carreno Dawn Lehmann ST. JOSEPH PARISH MONDAY, APRIL 1 Monday within the Octave of Easter Acts 2:14, 22-33/Mt 28:8-15 (S) 8 a.m. NO Mass TUESDAY, APRIL 2 Tues. within the Octave of Easter (S) Acts 2:36-41/Jn 20:11-18 Mo. of Perpetual Help Devotions 8 a.m. + Laura Wilinski WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3 Wednesday within the Octave of Acts 3:1-10/Lk 24:13-35 Easter (S) 8 a.m. + David Carlson THURSDAY, APRIL 4 Thursday within the Octave of Acts 3:11-26/Lk 24:35-48 Easter (S) 8 a.m. + David Dickert FRIDAY, APRIL 5 Fri. within the Octave of Easter (S) / Acts 4:1-12/Jn 21:1-14 Anointing of the Sick 8 a.m. + Jane Nyiri-Jones SATURDAY, APRIL 6 Saturday within the Octave of Acts 4:13-21/Mk 16:9-15 Easter (S) 8 a.m. - The Kosch Family: Liv. and Dec’d VIGIL OF SUNDAY Mass signed for hearing impaired Acts 5:12-16/Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19/Jn 20:19-31 4:30 p.m. + Henry and Julie Spence SUNDAY, APRIL 7 Second Sunday of Easter (S) / 8:30 a.m. + Jenny Stengel Sunday of Divine Mercy (S) 10:30 a.m. - For Our Parishioners: Liv. and Dec’d The BREAD AND WINE were donated this week IN MEMORY OF JANE NYIRI by her family. Liturgical Roles for April 6 and 7 ACOLYTES Saturday 4:30 p.m. Colin Ropiak, Abigail Cook, Annalise Redlin (Cross) Sunday 8:30 a.m. Abby Reinhold, Chandler Rorek, Samantha Christensen (Cross) 10:30 a.m. Kathryn Cafferty, Elizabeth Czosnek, Noah Rogers (Cross) LECTORS Saturday 4:30 p.m. John Swan Sunday 8:30 a.m. Pat Carbonneau 10:30 a.m. Michael Lofy EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION CIBORIUM Saturday 4:30 p.m. John Nielsen and Robert Wemmert Sunday 8:30 a.m. Rick Granite and Tim Richardson 10:30 a.m. Peter Koleske and Sandra Lindstrom EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION CHALICE Saturday 4:30 p.m. Judy Wemmert, Nat Cycenas, and Mary Ellen Krezinski Sunday 8:30 a.m. Mike Iggulden, Lorraine Caspers, and Genie Bosch 10:30 a.m. Catherine Lofy, Pat Obernberger, and John Sardino RACINE, WISCONSIN Dear Parishioners, Christ is risen! Alleluia is our song!! Easter is here! The tomb is empty! Once again, we can sing and proclaim that glorious word, Alleluia!! The forty days of Lent have passed, and we begin our fifty days of the celebration of Easter. Today we celebrate Life conquering death, Goodness conquering evil, and the source of Lasting Life. Christ’s victory of love transforms all our failures. I want to extend a warm welcome to Tammy Davidovic, who was received into full communion with the Catholic Church, and her daughter, Emmerson, who received the sacrament of Baptism at the Easter Vigil. A big thank you goes to the individual sponsors, Sandy Lindstrom, Sue Gehrig, and all those who coordinated the RCIA program. Thanks as well to all who offered their time and talents to make our Holy Week liturgies and Easter Masses so beautiful: Liturgist Paul Cera, lectors, servers, ushers, Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist, the Adult Choir, Trumpeter Tom Meredith, Sacristan Mary Lee Odders, the Prayer and Worship team, and all those who decorated the church. Thank you to all our dear parishioners and guests, who came to pray with us. Through the sacrament of Baptism, we are members of the body of Christ and thus, sisters and brothers to one another. How wonderful it is to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord and to renew our baptismal promises as one family/parish/ Church. On behalf of our parish staff and myself, a joyous Easter!! Fr. Steve Because of our publisher’s early press time, the March 23 and 24 collection figures were not available for publication. Please look for them in the April 7 bulletin. Join Archbishop Listecki in praying for peace and the family on his 8 p.m. daily rosary program, Relevant Radio, 100.1-FM. Sunday Mass for the homebound: 5:30 a.m. on WITI-Ch. 6; 9 a.m. on WCGV-Ch. 24; and 7 a.m. on EWTN. Alive in Faith...forming future priests! “For 167 years, St. Francis de Sales Seminary has formed the minds, hearts and spirits of the men who lead us in celebrating the sacraments….Rector Fr. John Hemsing concurs saying, ‘This is your Seminary, and it’s a gem. We’ve stayed true to our original purpose; to train happy, healthy, holy priests who instill the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the heart of the Good Shepherd in their priesthood.’ The Seminary continues to blend its rich history with new vigor in a priestly formation model designed for the realities of the 21st century. Priestly formation is vital to the future of the Church, and the Catholic Stewardship Appeal is a significant source of support for the Seminary.” Thank you for your generosity. In 2012, seven men were ordained and 34 were in formation. 2 EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD MARCH 31, 2013 SAINT JOSEPH PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, the people of St. Joseph Parish, Racine, Wisconsin, believe the Church is the Living Body of Christ, in which we all share responsibility. As the unit of God’s Family which fulfills this universal mission of the Church within our community, this parish unites in a spirit of stewardship to offer our time, talents and treasure to foster Catholic Education, and to care for the spiritual, intellectual, moral, and temporal needs of parish members. Dear People of St. Joseph’s, At the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday night, our candidate, Tammy Davidovic, completed her RCIA instruction and was received into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. Her daughter, Emmerson, was baptized. We congratulate them and welcome their participation at St. Joe’s. Thank you to Sandy Lindstrom for instructing her. The words of the Exsultet, the Easter Proclamation, sum up the joy of the season: Rejoice, heavenly powers! Sing choirs of angels! Exult, all creation around God’s throne! Jesus Christ, our King, is risen! Sound the trumpet of salvation! Rejoice, O earth, in shining splendor, radiant in the brightness of your King! Christ has conquered! Glory fills you! Darkness vanishes forever! O happy fault, O necessary sin of Adam, which gained for us so great a Redeemer! The power of this holy night dispels all evil, washes guilt away, restores lost innocence, brings mourners joy; it casts out hatred, brings us peace and humbles earthly pride. Night truly blessed when heaven is wedded to earth and we are reconciled with God! Alleluia! Sincerely yours, Paul Cera From the Principal Dear Friends, On behalf of St. Joseph School, we want to wish you a joyous Easter season. Please continue spreading the good news about our school. Encourage your friends and neighbors to consider enrolling their children at St. Joe’s. Perhaps share the bulletin with them. I hope to see you Saturday, April 13, at the “For The Love of Our School” spring fundraiser arranged by our School Board in conjunction with the Athletic Association. The proceeds benefit our students. Happy Easter, Joe Majowski Men, join us for a Faith/Bible-sharing Group Saturdays 6:45-7:45 a.m. in the Parish Center. Reflect on the Sunday readings, discussing how they apply to our lives as Catholic men. Call John Sardino, 414-418-1156, or show up with your Bible! April Market Day order forms are on the ushers’ table at all church entrances. Orders are due to the school office or the ushers’ tables by Monday, April 8, or online by Thursday, April 11, at 11 p.m.. Pick up is Monday, April 15, 2:30-3:30 p.m. in MSMH. Direct questions to Eileen at 884-4414. 3 The bulletin article deadline is noon on Monday, April 1, for the April 7 bulletin. Please send written information to the Parish Office or [email protected]. Bulletins are archived at under St. Joseph Church, Racine, WI. St. Joseph Parish Council would like to thank everyone who came and enjoyed our 31st Annual Spaghetti Dinner. We are very grateful to Infusino’s Restaurant, which helped make it possible. Thank you also to all the volunteers, who helped in so many ways to make this annual parish fellowship event great. Because of your generosity through the Adopt-A-Family program, we distributed 45 large food baskets to families at Easter. Thank you to our volunteer helpers. The Divine Mercy Novena that began on Good Friday ends on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7. We will pray after the 8 a.m. weekday Masses and at 10:10 a.m. before the 10:30 a.m. Masses on Easter Sunday and Divine Mercy Sunday. Because there is no Mass on Easter Monday morning, the Novena prayers will be at 8 a.m. in Church. Come join us and bring a rosary if you like. The Feast of Divine Mercy, occurring on the Sunday after Easter Sunday, celebrates the Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ, as revealed by Christ Himself to Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska. This feast was extended to the entire Catholic Church by Pope John Paul II. The new Senior Group of Sacred Heart, St. Joseph and St. John Nepomuk parishes will meet in Sacred Heart’s Haban Hall on the first and third Tuesdays. The next gathering is April 2, noon-3 p.m.. Questions: Mike Iggulden, 633-8284. A six-week Easter Study Group on "Popes Who Changed the World" will be held April 15-May 22. Choose Mondays, 6-7:30 p.m., at Sacred Heart’s Haban Hall OR Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.-noon, at St. John Nepomuk rectory. A $15 donation is suggested but not required. Please call Mark Lyons at 634-3607 to RSVP by Monday, April 8. St. Joseph Parish presents a Shrines of Italy pilgrimage, November 4-14, 2013 with Fr. Steve Varghese. See Rome, Vatican City, a Papal Audience, St. Peter’s Basilica, St. Paul Outside the Walls, Christian Rome City Tour, Saint Mary Major, St. John in Lateran, Madonna del Rosario, Abbey of Santissima Trinita, San Giovanni Rotondo, and the tomb of St. Padre Pio. Book Now rates valid until May 4 for air-inclusive packages only: double $2,999; single $3,349; or triple $2,969, includes round-trip airfare from O’Hare Intl. Airport, air taxes and fees/surcharges, and hotel transfers. Cancellation waiver and insurance of $220 per person not included in price. Hotels are 3½ to 4-stars and several meals capture the reflective and humble surroundings of the world-famous spiritual sites visited. Professional Tour Manager services. Collette Vacations. For more information, please call fellow parishioner and travel consultant Julie Peterson at 637-4852 or Fr. Steve at 633-8284. I would like to receive the e-Faith Inspiration for the Week. Name_________________________________ E-mail address_________________________ Please cut out the completed coupon and return it in the collection basket. Thank you. Your mission today (should you accept it) is to laugh. You don’t have to be a joke teller or comedienne but laughing together is a marriage builder. Can’t think of anything funny? Exaggerate a foible you have. For daily marriage tips, please visit, an initiative of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Why Do I Need the Church? “C4” yourself as the next “C4: Ignite Your Catholic Faith” video on April 5, explores the question. Bishop Hying draws from the richness of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and shows its relevance today. Sign up for the video feed or to view archived videos at St. Edward Parish’s Rummage Sale and Bake Sale is Saturday, April 6, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in their parish hall, which is handicap accessible from the NE corner of the parking lot. Half-price sale at 12:30-2 p.m.; bag sale from 2-4 p.m. A Boutique Drive for Care Net Family Resource Center at 2405 Northwestern Ave. will be hosted by the Kiwanis Club of West Racine on Saturday, April 6, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.. Bring these urgently needed items to the Center: diapers in sizes 1, 2, 4, 5, & 6; wet wipes; pacifiers; baby shampoo/wash/lotion; baby bath towels/ wash cloths; infant and toddler clothing (up to size 2T); high chairs; strollers; cribs; and formula. Used car seats or cribs with drop-down sides will not be accepted. You are invited to Music for an Interfaith World, the Siena Retreat Center’s annual Spring Concert and Fundraiser Sunday, April 7. A Silent Auction opens at 12:30 p.m. with unique items like artisan bakery, handmade art pieces, gift certificates and more. The 2 p.m. concert is in the Main Chapel with inspirational music by soloists and ensembles from several faith traditions. Intermission features a local jazz ensemble. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased by calling 639-4100 x1234 or by e-mail at [email protected]. The Capuchin Franciscan friars will be holding a weekend May 3-5 in the Milwaukee area for men 18-40, who are interested in learning about religious life and seeing how Capuchins live as Franciscans in our world today. If you would like to attend or want to recommend someone for the weekend, call 313-595-2182 or e-mail [email protected]. This Week in Our St. Joseph Parish Family SUNDAY, MARCH 31 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Easter Masses: Church 10:10 a.m. - Divine Mercy Novena: Church NO Religious Education class, 4- and 5-year-olds MONDAY, APRIL 1 NO classes Easter vacation 8 a.m. - Divine Mercy Novena: Church TUESDAY, APRIL 2 NO classes Easter vacation After 8 a.m. Mass - Divine Mercy Novena: Church 4:30 p.m. - Rosary: Church WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3 NO classes Easter vacation After 8 a.m. Mass - Divine Mercy Novena: Church NO Parish Nurse NO Religious Education classes NO Adult Choir rehearsal THURSDAY, APRIL 4 NO classes Easter vacation After 8 a.m. Mass - Divine Mercy Novena: Church 9-11 a.m. - Bible Study: Parish Center, conference room 6:30 p.m. - Committee meetings: Buildings and Grounds, Christian Formation, Human Concerns, and Prayer and Worship: MSMH FRIDAY, APRIL 5 NO classes Easter vacation After 8 a.m. Mass - Divine Mercy Novena: Church SATURDAY, APRIL 6 6:45-7:45 a.m. - Men’s Faith/Bible-sharing Grp.: Parish Ctr. After 8 a.m. Mass - Divine Mercy Novena: Church SUNDAY, APRIL 7 10:10 a.m. - Divine Mercy Novena concludes: Church NO Religious Education class, 4- and 5-year-olds APRIL ALTAR LINEN: Mary Lee Odders ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY: Tues., Apr. 2 10 a.m.-noon - Linda Lechner and Deb Martinez Noon-2 p.m. - Julie Peterson and Kathy Sardino Call John Haas at 639-3885 with scheduling questions. SANCTUARY LADIES: Sat., April 6—Angie Martin, Ginger Nordquist, Joan Saunders, Marilynne Schultz COLLECTION TELLERS: Weekend of April 6/7— Debbie Blaustein and JoAnn Clouthier Parish Nurse Peggy Taylor will not be in the Parish Center Wednesday, April 3, but will return Wednesday, April 10, 9-11 a.m.. For social service help, please call Pastoral Associate Marsha Iggulden, 639-0699. Save the Date! For The Love of Our School, our annual Spring fundraiser, will be held April 13, 6-10 p.m., at Infusino’s Banquet Hall. Dinner with cash bar, silent and live auctions, DJ Joe Czosnek, and special drawings. Upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are May 17-19 in Brookfield, WI and June 7-9 in Rockford, IL. Early registration is highly recommended: 1-888-574-5653. Visit for more information. Our advertisers’ dollars pay for our bulletin. Check our ads before the yellow pages. Advertiser of the week: O&H Danish Bakery: 1841 Douglas Ave., 637-8895 and 4006 Durand Ave., 554-1311. Coupon: $1 off $10 purchase Racine’s St. Vincent de Paul store needs good used kitchen items, furniture, mattresses, working appliances, bikes, and art work. Call 633-6467 for free, large item pick-up. Remember them when spring housecleaning. Please remember in your prayers our men and women in the uniformed services, especially those serving in the Middle East. We beg your protection and guidance for them, O Lord. 4a 4a