2011-2012 - United Nations International School


2011-2012 - United Nations International School
Annual Report 2011-2012
countries represented
*This representation does not demonstrate the complexity of multiple citizenship of some
UNIS students. In such cases, the country least frequently represented in the count is shown.
Dear Members of the UNIS Community,
As Chair of the Board of Trustees of the
United Nations International School, it is my
privilege to present you with this Annual
Report. In it you will find information
highlighting some of the school’s activities
and accomplishments of 2011-2012.
Central to the report is, of course, important
financial information on the UNIS
community’s philanthropic investments
in our school. This report celebrates the
generosity of more than 837 parents, faculty,
staff, alumni, friends, corporations, foundations, and organizations, who
made gifts to the school between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. To
those whose names are listed here, I offer my most sincere and personal
gratitude. The impact of your philanthropic investment is evident
throughout both our Manhattan and Queens campuses. I thank you for
your unwavering support of the school.
New gifts and pledges to the school during the 2011-2012 fiscal year
increased by 44 percent. As extraordinary as that is, even more important
than the total contributed are the transformations that your generosity
enables—on a daily basis—in our classrooms, sports facilities, and
laboratories, and across the miles as our students connect and engage
around the globe.
The success of the past year was an effort that resulted in a total of
$10,481,977 in capital and annual contributions between July 1, 2011 and
June 30, 2012. Included in this is a wonderfully generous capital gift of
$10,000,000 from the Government of Oman. Alumni participation in the
annual fund grew by 32 percent. And an impressive 100% of the parents
at the Queens campus contributed to the Annual Fund. It is an inspirational
accomplishment, and one that underscores the desire to enhance the
daily lives of all in our community. UNIS students and faculty benefit
directly from this philanthropy, and it is on their behalf that I again offer
my gratitude.
Yours very truly,
Patricia O’Brien
Chair, UNIS Board of Trustees
a better world 1
Yes we can.
And we did.
At Thanksgiving, Queens campus families collected 400 cans of food
for the Briarwood Shelter for the Homeless. In December a second appeal
for new or gently used toys resulted in over 250 items donated for
the Briarwood Center and the Jamaica Family Center.
A day at the UN.
Our M4 students joined their
peers from the Manhattan campus
at the Peace and Democracy Flag
Ceremony at the UN building. In
attendance were goodwill
ambassadors Michael Douglas,
Jane Goodall and the amazing
Stevie Wonder! On returning from
the visit the M4 students wrote,
“May peace and democracy
prevail on Earth.”
Impressions of changing
the world.
Junior 2 class visited the MOMA
for a workshop focusing on
French Impressionist painters.
This was an interdisciplinary
experience linking French,
humanities and English language
arts. Students thanked their guide
at the MOMA for teaching them
about painters who changed the
world of painting and who dared
to be different.
About… fruit flies!
Dr. Saw Myat Thanda Win Maung (Sam) talked to the school to share
stories about her path to becoming a scientist, confessing her passion for
fruit flies and tracing the history of drosophila-based research back
to the 1900’s in New York City. Students reflected, “I think it is fascinating that
scientists know more about fruit flies than they do about us!”
Parents in our
The Parents’ Association
continued to sponsor assemblies,
and arrange events to support the
educational and cultural experience
of our students. Highlights of the
Parents Association events were
Bookfair, Halloween Party, Carnival,
and Talent Show.
Lunch? It’s hot!
After extensive renovation of
the “Little House,” it is now home
to daily hot lunch service from
“Butterbeans.” Students can
purchase nourishing hot meals
including a daily vegetarian option,
and delicious salad bar and
sandwich choices.
A tremendous success.
Raising (funds) and razing (a building).
Cause for celebration: this year, thanks to the diligent work of the
Queens PA Ambassadors, we achieved 100% parent participation in
the 2011-2012 UNIS Annual Fund. A sum in excess of $30,000 was
raised for the Queens campus. A wonderful effort unprecedented in
the history of UNIS.
After two years of consideration, the UNIS Board of Trustees voted to
raze the vacant building next door, called “the White House,” and to
prepare a new Master Plan for the Campus to include major renovation
and extension of the main school building. The Queens Campus
community will begin to consider a temporary use for the now-extended
property until the Master Plan is in place. The UNIS Development
Committee works diligently to secure funding for major renovations for
both campuses, and these efforts will continue alongside the
development of the Master Plan.
Working together: Math
Our new hands-on mathematics
program develops the skills
students will need growing up in
the 21st century:
• Critical
and Reasoning
• Communication
• Using Information
• Problem Identification,
Formulation, and Solution
• Creativity and
Intellectual Curiosity
• Collaboration
Watching Together:
Learning About
Ancient Cultures
Creating together: We love technology!
Exciting additions to Junior School technology include two MacBook
carts and two iPad carts. One tangible result of this change is
switching from paper posters to creating colorful and inviting public
service announcements made on iMovies.
We are already busy using the Colaboratory, a maker space/ tinker
room for the Junior School, which is now home to creative computing
projects such as 3D printing and robotics.
4 unis 2011-2012 annual report
How do you keep a sea of Junior
School kids sitting quietly on the
gym floor, spellbound, for over
an hour? The surprising and
delightful answer is: the Tsunobue
Silhouette Theater performing
“Princess Kaguya,”a 10th-century
Japanese folktale. Also known as
“The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter,”
the narrative is acted out with
shadow puppets. This remarkable
troupe helped children learned
about ancient cultures and beliefs
of the Japanese people.
Getting Along Together: “You Can Do It!”
You Can Do It! is our important pastoral program that sees the
whole child as part of the fabric of who we are, while providing
language and lessons which focus on confidence, resilience,
getting along, organization, and persistence.
Celebrating Together:
UN Day
As always, the Junior School
marked UN Day with the
Parade of Nations and
international breakfast. On this
special day children wear national
dress and proudly celebrate their
cultural heritage. Throughout the
day children join the rest of their
grade and the entire Junior
School in the creation of a flower
mandala in the lobby. With the
placement of each flower, children
send wishes of peace and hope
out to the world.
Living Together: The Power of One
In September, the Junior School joined together for a powerful
theatrical performance by The Power of One, which shared the
anti-bullying message that each one of us holds the power to stop
bullying and create a safe and healthy environment in which to thrive
and learn.
Learning Together:
Connecting all we
teach and learn
Throughout the year teachers
developed and used new
interdisciplinary units, which help
us to teach the whole child and
make links among disciplines.
One such unit, Peace Begins With
Me, included a focus on cultures
from around the world, the
importance of peace in our ever
changing world, statistical studies
as well as integrating the arts
through music and dance.
a better world 5
Our Middle School Core Values
embrace our commitment to the
development of character in
young people and our belief that
a middle-level education should
address, engage, and respond to
the particular intellectual and social
interests, passions, and curiosities
of young people. In addition to
this belief is our commitment to
graduating students who genuinely
understand, practice, and promote
these values in their day-to-day
school lives and in their interactions
with the larger public outside of
the school.
Our eight Core Values are reflected
in all that we do, as can be seen
in some highlights from this year:
M1 students visited Brotherhood Synagogue in a successful effort to
provide a social and cultural context for the historical issues presented in
Lois Lowry’s novel Number the Stars. At the Metropolitan Museum of
Art, M3 students viewed exhibits on the Art of Arab Lands, Art from
the Islamic World; M4s visited the European Renaissance exhibit and,
at the Jewish Museum, the Ezra Jack Keats exhibit. All served to
engage students in experiences that connect classroom and city.
Our Middle School UN Day ceremony focused on the theme, “Many
Voices, Many Languages! One World!” Through song, dance, and
multimedia presentations, students responded to the following
essential questions: How do the languages that I speak and learn
teach me about the world? How do the languages that I speak and
learn teach me about my voice or who I am in the world? The range
of talent displayed was creative and impressive.
The conflict between Palestine and Israel requires understanding
multiple perspectives. This year, the UN General Assembly began
with a Palestinian bid for national recognition. In order to enrich their
understanding, M4 students attended a Tut House colloquium on
Arab-Israeli relations and researched the roots of this significant
conflict. Material and issues that have long challenged adults
were willingly investigated by our M4s, who came to thoughtful
and compassionate conclusions and recommendations. Students
also demonstrated their understanding by producing reflections
using iMovie that can be seen at mskarpclass.weebly.com
(password: unis).
M2 students journeyed through
an exploration of self that included
written and visual expressions
capturing these reflections in an
end-of-year project titled “What
Makes Me, Me?” Students reflected
on their past, examined their
present, and they explored their
futures by creating 3-dimensional
representations of who they are
and who they hope to become.
Five students’ self-portraits were
selected for inclusion in the
Macy Art Gallery, Student Teacher
Exhibition, at Teachers College,
Columbia University.
After discussing community service last fall and meeting Shana Weiss
from Lexington School for the Deaf, a Middle School advisory chose
to support the science program at Lexington. The advisory connected
with students from the school through a class blog the Lexington
students were creating. During advisory periods, students learned
about deaf culture through guided research on the Internet, and they
also learned some of the ASL (American Sign Language) alphabet
using various YouTube videos. Finally, at year’s end, the students
visited Lexington. With the help of the school’s interpreter and the
teaching team there, 4th grade Lexington students served as hosts
and teachers for our M3 students. The Lexington students taught
UNIS students sign language greetings, gave them sign names, and
read to them. Together the students shared snacks, games, and
enjoyed a morning together in the Lexington School for the Deaf
discussing the different places from which they come, and the “Many
Voices, Many Languages, One World” they represent.
The Middle School Student Council serves as the representative voice
of the MS student body, and the student governing body of the MS.
The role of the Council is to act as a liaison and mediator between
adults and students in the UNIS MS school community. Through
discussion forums; individual conversations; academic, field, and
experiential research; and community participation, members of the
Council provide knowledge and recommendations to the faculty and
Middle School Principal and Director’s Office regarding student life in
general, and the needs, hopes, and desires of UNIS’ Middle School
students in particular.
Perhaps the most important role of the Student Council regards the
UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child. Through its work in the
student community, the Council advocates for the protection of all
children’s rights at UNIS and beyond, and helps to meet their basic
needs and expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. One
way in which the Council provided this kind of youth advocacy was
by creating a website for students in the Middle School to share their
experiences of being bullied. The site, monitored by the Middle
School’s guidance counselors and the faculty co-advisors to the Student
Council, provides a place for students to share and grow. Student
Council members from the Equity & Justice committee participated in
a two-day peer counseling workshop in order to prepare to engage in
reflective discussions with students through the website.
a better world 7
highlights (continued)
M4 students immersed themselves in the languages of French and
Spanish and enjoyed the camaraderie and culture of the grade-wide
trips to Quebec and Mexico. As well, some Third Language students
travelled to Japan and China during the Spring Break. On our own
home turf, our students hosted 80 students from Japan’s Seibu
Gakuen Bunri Elementary School for a day. Bunri students joined our
Middle School Japanese language students and exchanged
conversation, images of their countries and cities, gifts, and friendship.
Let Me Tell You a Story “Night at
the Moth” allowed us to witness
the power of story and what can
happen when young adolescents
are engaged in curriculum that is
of their own making. M3 students
led adults through a night where
the telling of youth stories,
delicately designed and
passionately told, made it
difficult for anyone to know who
was teacher and who was student.
Kids opened the storytelling
sessions in the rooms, introduced
each other, and closed the sessions
in the rooms. A night of courage,
conviction, and great narratives
to remember!
Other highlights from the year . . .
Aladdin, the musical, was a phenomenal success! Fifty-two students
acted, dance, and sang in this colorful production directed by M1
Core teacher Tim Hall, who was assisted by M1 Core teacher
Marcella Rosen and many others from the UNIS community.
Part of a Middle School tradition is
the mile-long walk along the East
River where M1 students carry
gallon jugs of dirty water to raise
awareness and raise funds in
order to support the building of a
well in a designated country.
8 unis 2011-2012 annual report
The Book in Common student study group (“BIC”) read nine books
and chose 2011 National Book Award winner, Inside Out & Back
Again by Thanhha Lai, as the one book that all students and teachers
will read as a community in 2012-2013. BIC is a student-teacher study
group, which chooses one book for the entire MS community to read
as a part of advising, in order to provide the Middle School community
with a common experience and social-emotional vocabulary around
identity, connection, change, acceptance, and advocacy.
36th Annual
UNIS-UN Conference.
This year marked the 36th UNIS-UN,
a unique collaboration between
UNIS and the United Nations.
UNIS students
organized and ran
the annual,
two-day UNIS-UN
conference with the theme
Human Exploitation: Exposing
the Unseen. Students from more
than 20 countries participated.
Our students also helped
organize and host the Annual
Conference on Human Rights
at the UN. The topic was
Discrimination and Human Rights
Defenders. The conference is a
collaborative effort of the United
Nations and UNIS, UNESCO,
Associated Schools Project
(Canada), Amnesty International
USA, the New York City Department
of Education, Global Education
Motivators and InterConnections
21, and the Berkeley Carroll
School, Brooklyn. They were
joined by some 700 high school
students from the United States,
Canada, France, Mexico and
Romania either in person or by
“Change in the Middle East”
In response to student interest and concern, an all-day event was
organized in the fall. The format of “Change in the Middle East” was
a series of interactive seminars designed to educate and inspire T3
and T4 students about the revolutions of the Arab Spring as well as
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The first half of the day focused on
current events throughout the entire Middle East and involved a
number of guest presenters. The second half of the day began with
a student-produced journalistic video, “5700 Miles: The Israeli
Palestinian Conflict Hitting Home” which provided the stimulus for a
conversation between two visiting professors who debated the
Israel-Palestine question. The day concluded with the IB drama
class presentation of “The Gaza Monologues,” stories from actual
Palestinian teenagers about their quality of life.
a better world 9
The Model-UN club,
comprising 33 students from T1-T4,
participated in three Model-UN
Conferences this year; the 38th
Yale Conference held in New
Haven, the 45th North American
Invitational in Washington and the
9th Stuyvesant in New York City
at which the club’s Faculty Advisor
was invited to be keynote speaker.
HRH Prince Edward presents the International
Awards at UNIS.
UNIS students met
with Maya Angelou
at the UN.
“As someone who has seen so
much of life, so much hardship
and so much success, what do
you think it is that people need to
realize in order to achieve true
and lasting peace?” Ms. Angelou
thoughtfully responded that we
need to acknowledge that no
matter what has befallen us as
individuals, whether we are
relatively successful or relatively
poor, we are all human, we are all
the same in terms of our ability to
incite change in the world, for
good or bad. Once we accept this
fact, we can understand each
other on an intimate level, a human
level, and so live together in peace.
10 unis 2011-2012 annual report
There were 62 students across T1-T3 who participated in the
International Award program in 2011-12. The International Award
Program is a self-development program available to the Tut House at
UNIS which equips students with life skills to make a difference within
themselves, their communities, and the world. UNIS was fortunate
enough to host HRH Prince Edward in April to recognize the students’
efforts in the award program. Josh Randle, the Chief Executive of the
program in the U.S., often refers to UNIS as the leading school that is
the ‘jewel in the crown’ of the U.S program.
IB Results.
One hundred and fifty-four students
in grades 11 and 12 participated
in the May 2012 session of the
International Baccalaureate
examinations, taking a total of 779
exams. UNIS registered 79 IB
Diploma candidates, and of these,
75 students earned the IB Diploma.
The average points obtained by
candidates awarded the diploma
was 33 (out of 45) and the highest
score was 43.
Excerpts from Ambassador Susan Rice’s speech at
UNIS graduation May 2012
“Class of 2012, you begin with a tremendous head start, a fine education,
and that is a huge gift. Education is not just the key to a better living.
It’s also the key to a more just and prosperous world. The skills you
are acquiring through education don’t just enable you to do well; they
enable you to do good. Education lets you read perceptively, listen
carefully, and live deeply. It helps create minds that are skeptical,
supple, humane, curious, good-humored, and brave. Few things in life
are worth more.”
In order to lead,
whether at college
or beyond, you’ve got
to follow your passion.
You’ve got to focus on
what fires you up. It’s
hard to be great at
something that you
don’t truly love.
Sometimes it’s the
calls you don’t expect
that come to be a
life’s calling.
– Susan Rice
“A life well lived is a life of service—to your family, to your community,
to your nation, and to the world. Whatever, you choose to do, whether
trading derivatives on Wall Street or delivering vaccines in rural West
Africa, whether inventing the next great technology or raising your
family, you can do it in a way that serves others. Service comes in all
forms and sizes. And it’s all good. You just have to make that commitment
to be about more than yourself and mean it.”
“You have only one life to find out what you’re truly capable of and to
leave your mark. So, push yourself. Try new things. Search out new
adventures. Travel the world. Get out of your comfort zone. It may be
a little scary at first, but testing your limits is good for the soul.”
annual giving
This year leadership giving accounted for 88% of all dollars raised. All gifts
of any size are critical to our success and are deeply appreciated. Our thanks to all of these supporters.
We also thank the UNIS Parents Association, which contributes to the school in so many different ways.
Thank you to all who gave so generously of their time and dollars to support the school.
Minal and Sanjay Patel
Stuart Rosow and Amy Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Ryan
Mr. Paul Sisson and Ms. Katie Allen
Ms. Susan Tucker, ’79
Mr. and Mrs. Pieter Van Gaal
Anonymous (3)
Hon. James Burke and Ms. Andrea Kmiotek
Mrs. Sylvia Howard Fuhrman
Lee H. Marshall, ’85
Mr. John McEvoy and Mrs. Maria McEvoy, ’83
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Moe, ’75
Adam and DeAnnie Reeder
Anthony Shih and Yvonne Tsang
Peter and Rachel Sorrentino
Mr. Christian Sullivan, ’88
Mir Arif and Kumsuk Kim
Leni Fuhrman, ’66 and Charles DeFanti
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Etherington
Mr. Silverio Foresi and Ms. Susanna Mancini
Ian and Katherine Hochman
12 unis 2011-2012 annual report
Mr. and Mrs. Paolo Bianco
Batya and Uri Behar
Michelle Fredj-Bertrand ’84 and Phil Bertrand ’83
Mr. Henk-Jan Brinkman and Ms. Carol Lutfy
Dr. Ingrid H. Olhoffer and Dr. John Carucci
Mr. Victor T. Chao, ’82
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald P. DeMatteo
Mr. and Mrs. Erik A. Detiger
Mr. James Driscoll and Ms. Sharon Murrel
The Elshami Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ford
Ms. Katherine R. Friedberg, ’04
Mr. Alan B. Friedberg and Mrs. Kristine Hamann, ’70
Ms. Anna E. Friedberg, ’00
Dr. and Mrs. Alan D. Garely
Mr. Ashish Gattegno and Ms. Kathelijne Cooreman
Deirdre and Dominic Gurney
Ms. Laura A. James
Dr. Braden Josephson and Dr. Sarah Church
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keane
Alex and Zina Kroner
Mr. Campbell Langdon and Ms. C. Samantha Chen
Ms. Robin E. Lawford, ’79
Ms. Susan Lyons
Henry and Catherine Mark
Dr. Agustin Melián and Dr. Jane Ko
Alfred and Venessa Merrin
Mr. Alan G. Momeyer and Ms. Janet Markoff
Mr. Sean O’Brien and Ms. Elda Di Re
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Pressman
Dr. Keith Purpura and Dr. Chiye Aoki
Omar Qaiser and Asyah Khan
Mr. and Mrs. Luther M. Ragin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thane Rattew
Mr. Ramin Rouhani and Ms. Nahid Mozaffari
Prof. and Mrs. Thomas P. Sakmar
Ragui Selwanes, ’92 and Ayiesha Selwanes
Mr. Michael L. Simon and Dr. Karen Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Simone
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Smith
Mr. Eric A. Stone and Mrs. Marianna Vaidman Stone
Mr. Marc S. Strachan and Ms. Almaz Estifanos
Ms. Kristie Strasen
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Tyndale
Ms. Elaine Yaniv
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Zwerling
Mr. Michael Adlerstein
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Ago, ’87
Mr. Evan Akselrad and Ms. Yasmine Anavi
Gary Barton and Eveline Erni
Lance H. Brown, M.D., ’86
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Brust, ’84
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Budlong
Richard and Sabine Chalmers
Mr. and Mrs. Liang Jie Chen
Alex and Hannah Craven
Joyce Yao and Tony Cullen
Jean and Negi Darsses
Peter and Jozelyn Davis
Mr. Roger F. Duffy, Jr. and Ms. Heidi Olson
Stephane Dujarric ’83 and Ilaria Dujarric
Mrs. Susan Enzer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Felsher
Dr. Peter Goodrich and Dr. Linda Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guilfoyle
Elizabeth and Jeffrey Hafter
Peter Hunt and Elena Naughton
Pramod and Neeta Jain
Mr. Donald LaRosa and Ms. Caryl Stern
Dr. and Mrs. Jaideep Malhotra
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Margetts
Robert and Sally Mason
Ms. Joan W. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios Mihailidis
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Moran
Ms. Helen Kauder, ’74 and Mr. Barry Nalebuff
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Nandkisure
Mrs. Arwa Nasser
Dr. and Mrs. Peter K. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Neve
Ms. Nyaguthie Ngetha
Mr. Edward Pang and Ms. Francesca Zammarano
Mr. Bruce W. Park and Ms. Seungwan Lee
Emer Herity and Andrew Radford
Ms. Nilanjana Ramsinghan, ’82
Mr. Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey W. Rodkey
Derek and Mina Sells
Mr. David Shapiro and Mr. Scott Kenison
Mr. Neil Smith, ’81
Mr. Howard Spiegler and Ms. Jayne Cohen
Lyra R. Srinivasan
H.E. Ms. Lyutha Al-Mughairy and Mr. Miles Stoby
Dr. Michael Strong
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Traugot
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Wells
a better world 13
annual giving (continued)
Anonymous (10)
Mark and Elfriede Abramson
Mr. and Mrs. Ahmad Alavian
Mr. Robert Altamura and Ms. Nancy Harrison
The Annunziata Family
Ms. Antonella Ansani
Ms. Susan Avery
Mr. Benny Ayalew, ’92
Ms. Donna Baier Stein
Asli Bali, ’89
Michael and Ragna Bell
Ms. Natalie Bellet
14 unis 2011-2012 annual report
Mr. George Beradze and Ms. Nato Gzobava
Mr. Adam Bernstein, ’76
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Bernstein
Ms. Nathalie Blachere, ’86
Mr. Peter E. Bock Jr. ’76
Alexander Borisoff, ’94
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Brown
Mr. Kevin Brutus
Mr. Marco Cangiano and Ms. Susanna Barsella
Mr. and Mrs. Nuno David F. Cardoso
Mr. and Mrs. Javier Cardoso
Mr. and Mrs. William Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Fwu-Min Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Boris Chibisov
Mr. Dean Cho and Ms. Sonya Y. Kim
Mr. Michael Claes
Mr. John Clark and Ms. Antonella Ansani
Ms. Barbara Daelman
Mr. Michael Davies, ’74
Mr. Gilles Depardon and Ms. Kathryn Ogawa
Mr. and Mrs. Fabrizio Di Mitri
Mr. Herbert Doyle and Mrs. Delia Arellano-Doyle
Mr. Anthony Drazan and Ms. Naomi Shohan
Peter and Julia Due
Deena Ellis and Kayla Jean-Baptiste
Mr. Christopher M. Evans, ’94
Mr. David E. Evans and Ms. Jennifer Branche
Ms. Chrysanthi C. Fairchild
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton B. Fisher
Mr. Ian Fox, ’86
Jay Friedkin, ’75
M. Timur Friedman ’82
Monica Lawless and Scott Fuller
Ms. Stephanie Gelb
Mr. Konrad Gerszke
Mrs. Arlene Glotzer
Ms. Mia Goldman ’72
Mr. Joseph A. Gomes
Gary Gordon and Robin Elenko
James Greene And Jeannie Giordano
Mr. Peter Greenwald and Ms. Nancy Hoffman
Caryn Groce, ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Guenther Gross
Mr. Arturo Guerrero and Ms. Ana Larrea
Yao Feng and Jidong Guo
Andrew Hand and Catherine Wright
Mr. Mark Hansson ’77
Mrs. Naomi Hewitt-Couturier, ’87
Nicole and Fabrizio Hochschild
Ali and Bob Hoffman
Jungho Park and Nuhm Hong
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hough
Maoya Hu and Fangjing Hu
Mr. and Mrs. Hideyuki Ishii
Ms. Christine L. Jacobsen
Lidana and Saed Jalilvand
Mr. and Mrs. Zahir Jamal
Ms. Hanna Jamal, ’04
Mr. Darryl F. James
Jacqueline and Robert Jenkins
Carolyn McCormick and Byron Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Züri A. Johnstone
Dr. Judith M. Honor and Mr. Ronald Kahn
Dr. Pearl R. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Abdoul W. Kane
Ms. Henriette Keijzers
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Kesberg
Dr. and Mrs. William I. Kuhel
Ms. Tripti Kumar
Mr. and Mrs. Gray Kunz
Mr. Karim Kuzbari, ’81 and Mrs. Kay Delong Kuzbari
Mr. Dennis Lacey and Ms. Dipti Desai
Maggie Lacsny-Jones and Herbert Lacsny
Mr. Edward C. Lai and Ms. Joyce L. Yu
Dominique and Shelley Lap
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Ledee, Jr.
Mr. Mark Lenczowski and Ms. Britton Guerrina
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Levine
Mr. Bing Li and Ms. Zhaohua Zhang
Mr. Claude-Philippe Lim, ’83 and Mrs. Nancy Lim
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Lipkind
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Lipkind
Ms. Yelang Liu
Mr. Jeff Lucey
David Ludden and Dina Siddiqi
Mr. Rolf Luyendijk and Ms. Yvonne Helle
Mr. and Mrs. David Maleski
One hundred percent!
It was a banner year at the Queens campus!
Thanks to the enthusiasm and cheerful determination
of the Queens PA, and led by PA president Yvonne
Tsang, the Queens community reached 100% parent
participation in the 2011-2012 UNIS Annual Fund.
We think it is a first in UNIS history. Our thanks to
the visionary Executive Committee:
Theresa Moran, Vice president
Mukta Dhumale, Vice president
Liz Haberkorn, Treasurer
Orlene Arrieux, Secretary
To mark the progress of each class, a splendid
poster of a bare-branched tree was hung in the
Queens campus lobby. As each class reached
100% participation, the students placed leaves on
their branch of the tree and celebrated with an ice
cream party.
Special kudos to the class ambassadors, whose
dedication to supporting UNIS is greatly appreciated:
Lora Chang
Audrey Dagnachew
Susan Delmoor-Rodriguez
Leslie Di Mitri
Laura Evangelista
Arlene Glotzer
Hala Jabir
Rachna Kejriwal
Rafaela Kondi
Elizabeth Lou
Ayiesha Selwanes
Sonal Wadia
Mine Yenigun
Thank you!!
a better world 15
annual giving (continued)
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Mannhardt
Nancy Friedman and Jim Margolin
Mr. Harsha G. Marti, ’93
Mr. Philip McCaffrey and Mrs. Anne Ferril
Colum McCann and Allison Hawke
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCullough
Mr. Steven McIntyre and Mrs. Margaret M. Enloe
Mr. Dan P. McSweeney
Ms. Joslyn E. Meier, ’97
Ms. Ferne Mele
Graciela C. Braslavsky-Meltzer, ’86
Dr. Thomas Meola and Ms. Judy Kang
Mr. Carl M. Miller, ’70 and Ms. Kay Deeney
Mr. and Mrs. Lalith Nanayakkara
Mr. Murat Nazarov and Mrs. Gulnara Nazarova
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Neritani
Ms. Patricia O’Brien
Ms. Maartje Oldenburg, ’91
Steve O’Malley and Nancy Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Masahiro Origuchi
Mr. Ronald Orland and Ms. Lisa Denby
Carmen O’Shea, ’93
Ms. Ruth Oxenberg, ’78
16 unis 2011-2012 annual report
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Pagan
Shireen Sepahi and Vincent Palombo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Parker
Ms. Annelise Parr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paul
Mr. Jan Pedersen, ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Joâo A. Penido
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Pennington
Mr. Oliver Phillips and Ms. Monique El-Faizy
Mr. and Mrs. Urenthren Pillay
Mr. Steven J. Plust and Ms. Elizabeth Haberkorn
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Puglisi
Camy and Balram Ramjit
Dr. Babar K. Rao and Mrs. Sumiyo Sudo-Rao
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Rizutto
Mrs. Maude Rego Robertson
Mr. Shawn F. Robinson, ’92 and Mrs. Sandra Robinson
Mrs. Gail R. Gremse and Mr. David S. Rose
Mr. Jacob H. Rosenzweig, ’95
Mr. John J. Rowan, Jr.
Mr. Solade A. Rowe, ’90
Mr. Peter C. Rowson, ’74
Ms. Maha Saad, ’04
Mr. Geoffery W. Sager
Luz M. Gonzalez-Salcedo, ’69
Mr. Nicholas Saunders, ’97
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schackman
Mr. Bruce R. Schackman, ’76
Mr. Joshua Schimel, ’75
Michael Schubert and Maggi-Meg Reed
Pierre and Kim Schutz
Mr. Kevin Scullin, ’04
Mr. Darshak Shah and Ms. Aruna Thanabalasingam
Mr. Clay Shirky and Ms. Almaz Zelleke, ’81
Ms. Rachel L. Siegel, ’04
Mr. Donald Sinnott and Ms. Donna Randazzo
Mr. and Mrs. David Smith
Ms. Megane Smith
Mr. Jeffrey A. Smith, ’70 and Mrs. Pamela Smith
Dhumale-Smyth Family
Ann Biddlecom and Ennio Stacchetti
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stelzer
Jane Ellen Stone, M.D., ’69
Mr. Allen Strasen
Ms. Erin Strasen, ’08
Ms. Galen Strasen, ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Stuart
Dr. Saradha Supramaniam and Mr. Gnana I. Supramaniam
Brian Sweeney and Jane Vesty
Mr. Joseph Tam and Ms. Christine Shen
Ms. Susan Tanenbaum, ’83
Mr. Frank J. Tang and Ms. Xuemei Wang
Amira Thoron and Will Harcourt-Smith
Doug Tyler and Rie Kadota
Ms. Emilia Vignola, ’04
Christophe and Tehzeen Vohmann
Mr. and Mrs. Mourad Wahba
Ms. Amy Chia-Yi Wang
Mr. Maciej Was and Ms. Yelena Kurushko
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Weiss
Mr. Daniel Welt and Ms. Radha Vatsal
Peter and Laurel West
Mr. Theodore Wint and Ms. Tania Gazarian
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wolfenzon
Mr. Hun Heng Wong and Anne S. Boey
Mr. Yun Wu and Ms. Shengmei Hu
Mr. and Mrs. Mehmet A. Yenigun
Mr. Nader Zeid, ’04
Anonymous (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Waddah Al-Fahad
Mr. and Mrs. Syed F. Ahmad
Mr. Abdul Rahman Alavi and Mrs. Maimun Abdullah
Ms. Angelica Altamura, ’11
Ms. Francesca Altamura, ’09
Ms. Johanna Amutenya
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Anderson
Mr. Michael Andreou and Ms. Yianna Pavlakos
Hatam, Narges and Maya Anvar
Verena Arnabal, ’97
Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Arrieux, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lin Bai
Mr. and Mrs. Syed Baksh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bassman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beaudry
Ms. Susan Becher
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Bellet
Sarah Bertrand ’19
Motez Bishara, ’88
Mr. Martin Blaser
Mr. Boris Borozan and Mrs. Leslie McCall
Ms. Jill Bossert
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cantor
Mr. Fuat Celik, ’98
Nina Chacko, ’71
Dr. Eric Chafetz, ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Rabindranath Chatterjee
Mr. and Mrs. Mohamed Chaynane
Mr. Ken Cheng and Ms. Ursula Germann
Mr. and Mrs. John Cockell
Mr. Dino Constantinou, ’82
Ms. Karmen Isa Couret, ’84
Dr. Margaret Cox
a better world 17
annual giving (continued)
Mr. Walter M. Cummins
Mrs. Susan T. Delmoor-Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Anantram Deopersaud
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Distant
Mr. Henri Dommel and Ms. Kamlita Reddy
The Doucet Family
Mr. and Mrs. Yves Duroseau
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Edmonds
Ms. Janice Eldredge
Ms. Defne Erginler, ’87
Mr. and Mrs. Neelamagam K. Eswaran
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Evans
Dr. and Mrs. Jon M. Farber, ’70
Ms. Rosemarie Favuzza
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Ferrero, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alain Fetaya
Mr. Eric Firestone and Ms. Rachel Borut
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Fong
Mr. and Mrs. Townsend Foo
Daniel Forti, ’08
Mr. and Mrs. Finbar Francis
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Fruitman
18 unis 2011-2012 annual report
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Fruman
Mr. and Mrs. Koushik Ganjam
Dr. and Mrs. Usama Gergis
Mr. and Mrs. David Gersten
Ms. Debbie Gray
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Greenberg
Ms. Judith Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Mustapha Guenfoudi
Amy and Luis Hammer
Mrs. Morgana G. Hardt, ’92
Mr. David A. K. Harland, ’73
Pia Harris and Larry Harris
Dr. Mahfujul Hasan and Dr. Barnali S. Hasan
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hassall
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Hill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hooks
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis V. Hosang
Ms. Elizabeth Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Supharidh Hy
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Inniss
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Jack
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jituboh
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jumet
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Karnam
Neshantha and Chamari Karunanayake
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kats
Ms. Amy Kaufman, ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Andrey M. Kaydin
Mr. and Mrs. Rahul Kejriwal
Mr. Brett T. Kelly
Mr. Max Kerby
Dr. Rashid Khalidi, ’66
Ms. Hannah Kilgore, ’04
Ms. Karen Klingon, ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Sokol Kondi
Mr. and Mrs. Edison M. Kuhlmann
Mr. and Mrs. Arun Kumar
Mr. and Mrs. Mukund Kumar
Ms. Julie Kunz, ’04
Mr. David Langmann, ’68
Ms. Beatrice Lebreton
Mr. and Mrs. Sung Chul Lee
Stephanie D. Parker-Lenherr, ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Bohong Li
Ms. Ana Logar, ’84
Ms. Polly Freeman Lyman
Mr. Arthur I. Maas, ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Khalid Mahmood
Mr. and Mrs. Karabelo Maluke
Mr. Richard Marans and Ms. Karen Ross
Mrs. Aleksandra Markovic Muyot, ’89
Mr. James M. Mayer, ’75
Mainak Mazumdar and Sujata Pal
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Meeks
Prof. and Mrs. Cleophas L. Migiro
Mr. Daniel Mizukovski
Mr. and Mrs. Yukihiro Mizutani
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Mosley
Mr. and Mrs. Mafiroane Motanyane
Dr. Maureen A. Nash
John and Irene Nash
Ms. Vernetta J. Nelson
Ms. Mai-Khoi Nguyen-Thanh, ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nieuwenhuis
Ms. Wakako Noguchi, ’04
Ms. Stephanie Nouchi, ’04
Lisa Arrastía and Mark Nowak
Mrs. Caroline O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Sanjeev Palta
Mr. and Mrs. Vipul Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul-Jon Patin
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perkins
Dr. Natasha Pickárd
Mrs. Irina Pilosova
Mr. Daniel Pinchas, ’73
Eric S. Pollyea, ’70
Mr. Peter Potulicki, ’04
Ms. Noelle Schoellkopf, ’75 and Mr. Roger Prince
Dr. and Mrs. Pravin Ranjan
Mr. and Mrs. Fayyaz Rasheed
Mr. and Mrs. Nanjundeswaran Ravishankar
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Roache
Mr. Andrew Robertson, ’84 and Mrs. Beatrice Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Rodriguez
Ms. Margaret Roiphe ’72
Mrs. Lori Roop
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Ross
Ms. Elizabeth Sadik
Mr. Daniel C. Schackman, ’82 †
Mr. David Schleicher, ’86
Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Schulze
Da-Hong Seetoo and Margaret Chen-Seetoo
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Seidner
Mrs. Nini B. Selwanes
Akshay Shah and Bharati Shah
Brad Siciliano and Laura Evangelista
Mr. and Mrs. Narish Soebdhan
Ms. Elizabeth M. Spehar
Mrs. Eileen Stempel
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. Suleyman Syed
Mr. and Mrs. Kazuo Tase
Dr. and Mrs. David Tavdy
Mr. and Mrs. Fitzroy Thomas, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sudheer Tyagi
Ms. Michal Urieli
Mr. Pierre Varela and Ms. Miriam Fuchs
Mr. and Mrs. Predrag Vasic
Mr. and Mrs. Rajesh Wadia
Mr. Alex H. Wang and Ms. Lijin Liang
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weingrad
Mr. and Mrs. Xuejun Wen
Rabbi Margaret Moers Wenig, ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Werther
Mr. Paul Wilbur and Ms. Kim Airoldi
Mrs. Alessandra Williams-Bellotti, ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Zaw T. Win
Mr. Darryl Wong and Mr. Michael Kandel
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wunsch
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Wyleczuk
Mr. Yuguo Yao and Mrs. He Sun
Hidekuni and Laura Yoshida
Ms. Shamisa Zvoma, ’04
† Deceased
a better world 19
annual giving
Alumni support of the Annual Fund continues to gain momentum. UNIS appreciates
the support of all of its alumni, and we look forward to seeing this impressive list continue to grow.
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Ago, ’87
Ms. Angelica Altamura, ’11
Ms. Francesca Altamura, ’09
Verena Arnabal, ’97
Mr. Benny Ayalew, ’92
Asli Bali, ’89
Mr. Adam Bernstein, ’76
Michelle Fredj-Bertrand ’84 and Phil Bertrand ’83
Motez Bishara, ’88
Ms. Nathalie Blachere, ’86
Mr. Peter E. Bock Jr. ’76
Alexander Borisoff, ’94
Lance H. Brown, M.D., ’86
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Brust, ’84
Mr. Fuat Celik, ’98
Nina Chacko, ’71
Dr. Eric Chafetz, ’72
Mr. Victor T. Chao, ’82
Mr. Dino Constantinou, ’82
Ms. Karmen Isa Couret, ’84
Mr. Michael Davies, ’74
Leni Fuhrman, ’66 and Charles DeFanti
Stephane Dujarric ’83 and Ilaria Dujarric
The Elshami Family
Ms. Defne Erginler, ’87
Mr. Christopher M. Evans, ’94
Dr. and Mrs. Jon M. Farber, ’70
Daniel Forti, ’08
Mr. Ian Fox, ’86
Mr. Alan B. Friedberg and Mrs. Kristine Hamann, ’70
Ms. Anna E. Friedberg, ’00
Ms. Katherine R. Friedberg, ’04
Jay Friedkin, ’75
M. Timur Friedman ’82
Ms. Mia Goldman ’72
Caryn Groce, ’90
Mr. Mark Hansson ’77
Mrs. Morgana G. Hardt, ’92
Mr. David A. K. Harland, ’73
Mrs. Naomi Hewitt-Couturier, ’87
Ms. Hanna Jamal, ’04
Ms. Amy Kaufman, ’74
Dr. Rashid Khalidi, ’66
Ms. Hannah Kilgore, ’04
Ms. Karen Klingon, ’74
Ms. Julie Kunz, ’04
Mr. Karim Kuzbari, ’81 and Mrs. Kay Delong Kuzbari
Mr. David Langmann, ’68
Ms. Robin E. Lawford, ’79
Stephanie D. Parker-Lenherr, ’04
Mr. Claude-Philippe Lim, ’83 and Mrs. Nancy Lim
Ms. Ana Logar, ’84
Mr. Arthur I. Maas, ’04
Mrs. Aleksandra Markovic Muyot, ’89
Lee H. Marshall, ’85
Mr. Harsha G. Marti, ’93
Mr. James M. Mayer, ’75
Mr. John McEvoy and Mrs. Maria McEvoy, ’83
Ms. Joslyn E. Meier, ’97
Mr. Daniel C. Schackman, ’82 †
Mr. Joshua Schimel, ’75
Mr. David Schleicher, ’86
Mr. Kevin Scullin, ’04
Ragui Selwanes, ’92 and Ayiesha Selwanes
Mr. Clay Shirky and Ms. Almaz Zelleke, ’81
Ms. Rachel L. Siegel, ’04
Mr. Neil Smith, ’81
Mr. Jeffrey A. Smith, ’70 and Mrs. Pamela Smith
Jane Ellen Stone, M.D., ’69
Ms. Erin Strasen, ’08
Ms. Galen Strasen, ’04
Mr. Christian Sullivan, ’88
Ms. Susan Tanenbaum, ’83
Ms. Susan Tucker, ’79
Ms. Emilia Vignola, ’04
Ms. Amy Chia-Yi Wang
Rabbi Margaret Moers Wenig, ’74
Mrs. Alessandra Williams-Bellotti, ’04
Mr. Nader Zeid, ’04
Ms. Shamisa Zvoma, ’04
† Deceased
Graciela C. Braslavsky-Meltzer, ’86
Mr. Carl M. Miller, ’70 and Ms. Kay Deeney
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Moe, ’75
Ms. Helen Kauder, ’74 and Mr. Barry Nalebuff
Ms. Mai-Khoi Nguyen-Thanh, ’04
Ms. Wakako Noguchi, ’04
Ms. Stephanie Nouchi, ’04
Ms. Maartje Oldenburg, ’91
Carmen O’Shea, ’93
Ms. Ruth Oxenberg, ’78
Mr. Jan Pedersen, ’77
Mr. Daniel Pinchas, ’73
Eric S. Pollyea, ’70
Mr. Peter Potulicki, ’04
Ms. Noelle Schoellkopf, ’75 and Mr. Roger Prince
Ms. Nilanjana Ramsinghan, ’82
Mr. Andrew Robertson, ’84 and Mrs. Beatrice Robertson
Mr. Shawn F. Robinson, ’92 and Mrs. Sandra Robinson
Ms. Margaret Roiphe ’72
Mr. Jacob H. Rosenzweig, ’95
Mr. Solade A. Rowe, ’90
Mr. Peter C. Rowson, ’74
Ms. Maha Saad, ’04
Luz M. Gonzalez-Salcedo, ’69
Mr. Nicholas Saunders, ’97
Mr. Bruce R. Schackman, ’76
annual giving
In Memory of
Henry Ray (“Hank”) Benjamin ’04
Ms. Susan Becher
Ms. Natalie Bellet
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Bellet
Ms. Jill Bossert
Ms. Janice Eldredge
Mr. Silverio Foresi and Ms. Susanna Mancini
Ms. Katherine R. Friedberg, ’04
Mr. Alan B. Friedberg and Mrs. Kristine Hamann, ’70
Ms. Anna E. Friedberg, ’00
Ms. Debbie Gray
Mr. Arturo Guerrero and Ms. Ana Larrea
Ms. Elizabeth Hunter
Ms. Hanna Jamal, ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Zahir Jamal
Mr. Brett T. Kelly
Ms. Hannah Kilgore, ’04
Ms. Tripti Kumar
Ms. Julie Kunz, ’04
Stephanie D. Parker-Lenherr, ’04
22 unis 2011-2012 annual report
Mr. Jeff Lucey
Ms. Susan Lyons
Mr. Arthur I. Maas, ’04
Mr. Dan P. McSweeney
Mr. Alan G. Momeyer and Ms. Janet Markoff
Ms. Mai-Khoi Nguyen-Thanh, ’04
Ms. Wakako Noguchi, ’04
Ms. Stephanie Nouchi, ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Pennington
Mr. Peter Potulicki, ’04
Mrs. Lori Roop
Mr. Ramin Rouhani and Ms. Nahid Mozaffari
Mr. John J. Rowan, Jr.
Ms. Maha Saad, ’04
Mr. Geoffery W. Sager
Mr. Kevin Scullin, ’04
Ms. Rachel L. Siegel, ’04
Ms. Kristie Strasen
Mr. Allen Strasen
Ms. Erin Strasen, ’08
Ms. Galen Strasen, ’04
Dr. Michael Strong
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sullivan
Ms. Emilia Vignola, ’04
Mrs. Alessandra Williams-Bellotti, ’04
Mr. Nader Zeid, ’04
Ms. Shamisa Zvoma, ’04
In Memory of Ms. Rosalind Cutforth
Mr. David Shapiro and Mr. Scott Kenison
In Memory of
Ms. Patricia Kennedy Lawford
Ms. Robin E. Lawford, ’79
In Memory of Mrs. Elisabeth Fox
Mr. Ian Fox, ’86
In Memory of
Mrs. Lea Rangel-Ribeiro
Mr. Robert Altamura and Ms. Nancy Harrison
Ms. Donna Baier Stein
Motez Bishara, ’88
Mr. Martin Blaser
Mr. Peter E. Bock Jr. ’76
Alexander Borisoff, ’94
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cantor
Dr. Margaret Cox
Mr. Walter M. Cummins
Ms. Barbara Daelman
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Evans
Ms. Chrysanthi C. Fairchild
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Ferrero, Jr.
Mr. Joseph A. Gomes
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Greenberg
Mr. Mark Hansson ’77
Mrs. Naomi Hewitt-Couturier, ’87
Lidana and Saeed Jalilvand
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jumet
Dr. Judith M. Honor and Mr. Ronald Kahn
Mr. Max Kerby
Mr. and Mrs. Mukund Kumar
Dominique and Shelley Lap
Mr. and Mrs. David Maleski
Mr. Richard Marans and Ms. Karen Ross
Mr. Philip McCaffrey and Mrs. Anne Ferril
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCullough
Ms. Joslyn E. Meier, ’97
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. O’Neill
Mr. Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
Mrs. Maude Rego Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Ross
Mr. Bruce R. Schackman, ’76
Mr. Daniel C. Schackman, ’82 †
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schackman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Seidner
Akshay Shah and Bharati Shah
Ms. Megane Smith
Mr. Howard Spiegler and Ms. Jayne Cohen
Lyra R. Srinivasan
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Strauss
Dr. Saradha Supramaniam and Mr. Gnana I. Supramaniam
Mr. and Mrs. Mourad Wahba
Mr. Hun Heng Wong and Anne S. Boey
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wunsch
In Memory of Mrs. Urmilla Sundaram
Ms. Susan Avery
Mr. Gilles Depardon and Ms. Kathryn Ogawa
Mr. and Mrs. Supharidh Hy
Mr. and Mrs. Gray Kunz
† Deceased
annual giving
Matching gifts from corporations and contributions
from foundations are an important source of income
for UNIS, in addition to generous support from
several governments.
Board of Trustees
Ms. Patricia O’Brien
Board Chair
Chair, Trustees Committee
Mr. Michael Adlerstein
Special Representative of the
Secretary General
Dr. Bornali Basu P’14
Chair, Health and Safety Committee
Corporations and Foundations
Altman Foundation
American Express Foundation
Bank of America
Berens Capital Management, LLC
Bomar Global Ministries, Inc.
Box Tops for Education
Chevron Products Company
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs Gives
Grace Church
ING Charitable Giving Program
Merck Partnership for Giving
Staff Association of the United Nations International School
The Commonwealth Fund
The Gramercy Park Foundation
The Grodzins Fund
The Highpage Company, Inc.
The Howard Bayne Fund
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
The French Government
Permanent Mission of Germany
Sultanate of Oman
UNIS expresses its deep appreciation of the support of the the following governments
who enrich our language programs through direct sponsorship of teachers: The Italian
Government, The People's Republic of China, The Spanish Government
This report gratefully acknowledges gifts received between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2012.
We have tried to ensure its accuracy. If there are any errors or omissions, please
notify the Development Office.
24 unis 2011-2012 annual report
Mr. Stéphane Dujarric ’83, P ’21, P’25
Ms. Stephanie Gelb P ’09
Chair, Buildings, Grounds and
Security Committee
Mr. Peter Greenwald P ’01
Dr. Pearl Rock Kane
Vice Chair
Chair, Academic Policy Committee
Mr. Peter Maddens
Vice Chair
Ms. Joan McDonald P’09
Mr. Christopher Moran P’11,
P’12, P’18, P’19
Mr. Uren Pillay P’08, P’12, P’13
Prof. Thomas Sakmar P’21, P ’21, P’22
Chair, Strategic Planning Committee
Mr. Shaaban M. Shaaban P’09
Vice Chair
Mr. Peter Sorrentino P ’23, P’23
Chair, Finance and Audit Committee
Mr. Thomas Stelzer P’22, P’24
Ms. Caryl Stern P’13, P’17
Mr. Theodore Wint P’11, P’14
Ms. Elaine Yaniv P’00, P’05
Chair, Development Committee
treasurer’s report
UNIS is committed to prudent
financial management. We are
determined to fulfill our educational
mission efficiently while offering
outstanding academics, arts
and athletics at two campuses in Manhattan and
Queens. Our financial health enables UNIS to attract
and retain a world-class, committed faculty and an
extremely gifted and diverse student body.
increase of approximately $0.6 million during the period.
Investment in the school’s endowment is overseen by
the Investment Sub-Committee of the UNIS Board of
Trustees. For the 2011-2012 fiscal year, UNIS did not
draw funds from the endowment to support operations.
The continued growth of the endowment is an ongoing
priority for UNIS, in order to continue to improve the
school’s financial strength and support enhanced programs
and facilities.
Fiscal year 2011-2012 marked another year in which
total revenue from all sources exceeded operating
costs. This is a result of conservative financial management
and also due to the generosity of our donors. In 2011-2012,
tuition comprised 92% of total revenue. UNIS also relies
significantly on Non-Tuition revenue sources, including
gifts to the Annual Fund, transfers from the UNIS endowment,
Special Programs including summer camps and Other
Sources. UNIS will continue to focus on increasing
Non-Tuition revenue in order to minimize future tuition
increases to the extent possible.
The UNIS community is extremely grateful for a very
generous $10 million capital gift from the Sultanate of
Oman, which will position UNIS to launch the next
phase of its Master Capital Plan.
UNIS’ endowment, consisting of prudently managed
funds, also serves to ensure our future fiscal health.
Endowment investment returns help to provide robust
academic offerings, support the recruitment and retention
of high quality faculty from around the world, and minimize
tuition increases. The UNIS endowment had a market
value of $14.1 million as of June 30, 2012. During the
2011-2012 fiscal year, the endowment realized an
investment return of approximately 4%, with an
As a result of the school’s strong financial position and
through the support of our community, UNIS is able to
provide $1.3 million in financial aid assistance to our
students. The continuing generosity of parents, alumni,
parents of alumni, faculty and staff and friends of UNIS
affirms their awareness of the critical role of philanthropic
gifts. Contributions had an immediate impact on the
vitality of our programs – from sending faculty to education
conferences, to hiring new educators, to improving and
beautifying our two campuses, to purchasing new library
books and offering tuition assistance. Every gift made a
difference in the educational opportunities that UNIS is
able to provide.
Peter Sorrentino
Treasurer, Board of Trustees
a better world 25
college attendance
United States
Barnard College (2)
Boston College
Boston University (4)
Brandeis University
Bryn Mawr College
Carnegie Mellon University
Champlain College
Cornell University (2)
CUNY-Brooklyn College
Dartmouth College (2)
Drew University
Duke University
Elon University (2)
Emory University (3)
Eugene Lang College-New School for Liberal Arts (2)
26 unis 2011-2012 annual report
Fordham University (2)
Franklin and Marshall College
George Washington University (2)
Georgetown University
Georgia Institute of Technology (2)
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola University of New Orleans
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Middlebury College
New England Conservatory of Music
New York Institute of Technology
New York University (6)
Northeastern University (3)
Oberlin College
Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Occidental College
Oxford College of Emory University
Parsons -The New School for Design (3)
Pepperdine University
Princeton University (2)
Providence College
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rhode Island School of Design
Rivier College
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rutgers University
Salve Regina University
Sarah Lawrence College (2)
School of Visual Arts
Simmons College
Skidmore College (2)
SUNY-Purchase College
SUNY-Stony Brook University
Swarthmore College
Syracuse University (2)
Tulane University
University of California at Irvine
University of Michigan
University of Pennsylvania
University of San Francisco
University of Southern California -School of Cinematic Arts
University of Vermont
Vassar College (2)
Wagner College
Yale University
Carleton University
McGill University (3)
Prep’ast Toulouse
Freie Universitat Berlin
University College Dublin
IDC Herzliya-Raphael Recanati International School
Waseda University
Kaist University
Amsterdam University College
Erasmus University
University of Oslo
Les Roches-Int’l School of Hotel Management
United Kingdom
Oxford University
St. Mary’s University College, Twickenham
University College London
University of Edinburgh
University of Exeter
University of St. Andrews
1 student - Gap Year
1 student - English Language study
1 student - Language preparatory program in Norway
Applications pending in the following countries:
Germany, Japan, Malaysia, South Africa and
the United States
a better world 27
Where in the world are UNIS alums?
UNIS Alums living outside the United States 2012
Czech Republic
Fiji Islands
28 unis 2011-2012 annual report
New Zealand
of China
Puerto Rico
Rep. of Iran
Republic of
Saudi Arabia
Slovak Republic
South Africa
South Korea
Sri Lanka
The Netherlands
Trinidad and
Total countries: 88
“Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious
as to have friends at a distance; they make
the latitudes and longitudes.”
International Baccalaureate Organization
New York State Association of Independent Schools
Council of International Schools
National Association of Independent Schools
Many of the photos in this publication were
taken by Island Photography, Adrian Fussell,
Geoff Van Kirk, Paula Marra, Yvonne Tsang,
and Dan Love. Thank you!
Non-Profit Org.
US Postage
Permit #1232
Hackensack NJ
United Nations International School
24-50 FDR Drive
New York, NY 10010
Support the Annual Fund
Parents of alumni
If your children no longer live at home,
please notify the Alumni Office
of their current addresses.
[email protected]
Thank you!
One school, two addresses
Manhattan Campus, K-12
United Nations International School
24-50 FDR Drive
New York, NY 10010
Queens Campus, K-8
United Nations International School
173-53 Croydon Road
Jamaica Estates, NY 11432