to Read the Entire Weekly Word
to Read the Entire Weekly Word
May 29, 2016 The Second Sunday after Pentecost A Word to the Wise—“Goodbye, God Bless, and Welcome Back” John 15:13 “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Few bonds run as deep as those who are brothers and sisters-in-arms. Two stories illustrate this point. During my time in D.C., I visited the Vietnam War Memorial. My dad served over there and I wanted to pay my respect. A while after that the Smithsonian had an exhibition of the mementos family, friends, and fellow warriors had left at the Wall. The Names on the Wall became real people who left their mark on the hearts of those who knew them. The mementos were a way of saying goodbye, I enjoyed the journey with you, you are remembered, you are loved. A fitting tribute to the fallen. The second story concerns my commanding officer Manuel Razo. Not only was he my commander but Razo was the best man at my wedding, his wife was the maid of honor. I am the Godfather to his oldest, and my bride is the Godmother to his youngest. They are the Godparents to two of my children. Razo is a Vietnam vet, serving two tours in Southeast Asia during the 70's. He continued his service to our country in the California Army National Guard. This is where I first met him. During a visit to California, Razo told me a story. It was about a 1991 victory parade honoring the returning military from Desert Shield/Desert Storm. He was the commander of the American Legion post in Guadalupe, California at the time. The parade organizers invited Razo and his American Legionnaires, mostly Vietnam Vets, to march in the parade, and so they did. The Legionnaires carried signs with names of friends and family who had died in the conflict. Razo carried his best friend's name who was killed-inaction less than 30 days before rotating out of country. Razo paused in the telling of the story, took deep breath, and told me, "Paul, as we marched, people clapped and cheered for us. I finally felt I was home." For all those we honor on Memorial Day, Good bye, God Bless. For all those who served and read this, Welcome Back. Paul Howell This Week…May 29-June 4 Next Week…June 5-11 Memorial Day, May 30 – Office closed Backyard Bible Study begins Wednesday, June 1! Join us from 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the McGrade’s home, 185 Ridgeland. Enjoy swimming, Bible study and lunch! Regular Wednesday evening services will be suspended from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Food Pantry Sunday is June 1. The first Sunday of each month we collect can and dry goods and funds for our Pantry to serve the community. Please give generously. VBS… Vacation Bible School - June 27-July 1, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Are you ready to step back in time and journey to a far away land? Join us this June as we embark on an Egyptian adventure following Joseph on his path from prison to palace! Registration is now open! Cost is $10/child or $25/family. Pick up a form in the church office or register online: mont/gpgs/home.aspx . VBS requires many helping hands! Family leaders, shop keepers, music leaders, gamers, crafters, and various other positions are in demand! Please sign up at the front desk or contact Lauren Johnsen at 409-8323405 if you interested in volunteering! Save the Date… Daughter’s of the King Sunday, June 12 Traveling Eucharist, June 15 Graduation from Education for Ministry ceremony will be held during the 10:15 service, Sunday, June 5, with a reception immediately following in the Cloister Room. Please be sure to congratulate our graduate, Sandy Farnsworth! A Celebration of New Ministry Wednesday, June 8 at 7:00 p.m. Your prayers and presence are requested for a Celebration of New Ministry and the Institution of The Reverend Anthony P. Clark as the fifteenth Rector of St. Mark’s. A reception will follow. Vestry Voice… Work will begin soon on repair and reupholstering of all kneelers in nave, choir, balcony and chapel of church. The work will continue through the summer. Parish finances remain stable although overall giving remains down compared to last year. To date, a draw on reserve funds has not been necessary. Deadline is 9:00 AM Thursday 6/2/16 for information for The Weekly Word published 6/12/16 St. Mark’s Chili Supper Planning Meeting for the 75th Annual Chili Supper and Bazaar! Save the Date! November 10, 2016 Parish Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Weekday Worship: Holy Eucharist Tuesdays 12:00 Noon; Thursdays 9:45 a.m.; Fridays 7:00 a.m.; Morning Prayer Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. (The Abbey Room 114) Sunday Worship: Holy Eucharist 8:00 a.m., 10:15 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. The Abbey Shop Hours: Sundays 9 a.m. – 12 Noon This Sunday, May 29, Lay Ministry Schedule Duty Vestry of the Day Eucharistic Ministers Eucharistic Visitors Acolyte Director Acolytes Ushers 8:00 AM 10:15 AM Shelly Vitanza Gerald Richardson Shelly Vitanza James Black, Honour Harry No visits Laurie Leister Harris McGrade, William Leister, Zan McGrade, Gracie Autery, Joshua Capps Charles Teel, Sheri Baden, Mark & Lacey Mabry Blair & Tressa Clarke Billie & Cindy Harland, Mary Jane Moore, Ellen Panchot Judy Hargrove, Anne McClellan Richard & Pride Parr Oblationers Chapel Prayer Team Altar Guild Laura Hayes Greeters 6:00 PM David Grove Karen McCormick Edra Bogucki, Heidi Zech PLEASE PRAY FOR. . . Margo Abshire Michael Boyer Angela Broussard David & Julie Chisolm Rebecca Couverette Chris Dobson Chad Ferguson Jody Fulbright Matt Giannesca Greg Gilbreath Mary Anna Glasgow Elizabeth Gwin Margie Nell Harris Pryce Haynes Brittney Henslee Kevin Kabelle Helen Lawson Eileen Monte Alice Nolan Fred Patterson Clare Parker J. T. Richard Carol Savage Chris Sherman Sue Simcox Sheila Smith Dub Straughn Millisent Taylor Ashlie Watson Melinda Williams Beverly Joshua Lynch John Matlock Collin McBride Logan Nunez Tony Ogden Stephen Ricker Gavin Ritchie Donnie Romero Jesse Russell Grady Salisbury Adam Schlegal Brian Shajari Daniel Lee Smith Matthew Smith Morgan Smyth Gary Tipton Tim Uncapher Stuart Williams Roland Zech For those who have died… For those serving in the Military… Joe Alexander Danny Anders Justin Clark Tony Clark+ Stephen Davis Travis Goodwin Isaiah Grant Brad Holton Jimmy Howell James Fredericks Erwin Jasmin Michael Kobilajak Lucas Low Joseph Lynch For those with Birthdays… May 29---Dub Straughn May 30---George Brown May 31---Becki Stedman June 2---Jim Rush June 3---Anne Vincent June 4---Elias Johnson, Elisabeth Teel, William Williams