What is the REELise Film Festival?


What is the REELise Film Festival?
T he 2 n d A nnual REELi se F i l m F esti val
In VMAX at Event Cinemas Bondi Junction on 22 February 2015 from 4:30pm
Short Films * Black Light Party* Live Music * Roving Entertainment * Glow Body *Art * Photobooth * Celebrity Guests
REELise Film Festival
What is the
REELise Film Festival?
Festival Director – Karen Hamilton
Welcome to the second annual REELise Film Festival.
The REELise Film Festival offers a unique opportunity for young filmmakers to
showcase their talents while broadening awareness about issues impacting
today’s youth. Based on mobile phone filmmaking, the REELise Film Festival
levels the playing field – providing an accessible medium for young storytellers
from varied backgrounds to share their perspectives.
This year’s #no filter theme invited short film entries about what it’s like
growing up in the age of digital narcissism. In today’s cyberworld what’s real
and what isn’t and what’s the impact of not knowing? Is self-worth measured by likes, followers and retweets? With
endless opportunities for “sharing” and egotistic adulation are we more or less connected? Do we care about other
people or just what they think about us?
Our young filmmakers rose to the #nofilter challenge, their films examining the impact and intrusion of social media,
from humourous takes on instant YouTube celebrity and how Photoshop can facilitate world travel, to the more serious
topics of bullying and the role of media in creating unrealistic standards and barriers to true connection with others. We
are pleased to be able to showcase a variety of short films from local, interstate and overseas filmmakers 12-18 years.
To support filmmaking efforts, a dedicated team of film industry professionals volunteered their time to provide free
filmmaking workshops and one on one mentoring to students, schools and youth organisations who registered for
mentoring support.
This year to create leadership and networking opportunities for young people who don’t necessarily see themselves
as filmmakers but want to help build the REELise youth support network, we’ve established a REELise Youth Council.
With roles ranging from secretariat, creative and visual arts functions to social media and events management, this
representative group of young people to 21 years will guide and assist the development and operation of REELise
supported by adult mentors.
We thank Event Cinemas, Westfield Bondi Junction, Woollahra Council, Waverley Council and the many individuals, local
businesses and organisations who have joined with us this year to create a community platform allowing our shortlisted
finalists to see their films in VMAX and to celebrate the culmination of their REELise filmmaking journey in style at the
Festival. Many thanks to Matchbox Pictures, Cordell Jigsaw Zapruder, StarTime and Network Ten who are generously
providing money can’t buy experiential opportunities for our winning filmmakers; and to Canon for our camera prizes.
Last but not least we thank all of you who are coming along to the Festival to provide a supportive audience and
join in the celebrations. Our black light party atmosphere in VMAX will allow you to show your support for our anti
cyberbullying cause and for the young people who are bravely sharing their stories by wearing white, neon or glow in
the dark clothing and accessories.
If you are reading this before Festival Day and haven’t yet bought a ticket go to http://www.trybooking.com/GOGM
Thank you for your support and enjoy the Festival!
12 www.REELise.org.au
REELise Film Festival
About REELise
REELise Incorporated is a not for profit organisation formed in 2014 intent on promoting social activism
among young people, using film to broaden awareness about the issues impacting youth mental health; and
empowering young people to lead a change in the social climate around appropriate and acceptable online
behavior. We leverage the power of film and social media to promote connectivity and empathy, inspiring young
people to respect themselves, to stand up for their mates; and to have zero tolerance for cyberbullying.
REELise is run entirely on volunteer support.
Our filmmaking programs, supported by Australian film industry professionals, target 12-18 year olds, while our
REELise Revolution programs partnering with police youth liaison officers, address cyberbullying at primary and
secondary school level.
If you would like to become part of the REELise support network or simply find out more about the REELise Film
Festival or staging a REELise Revolution at your school please contact us at [email protected].
REELise Steering Committee
John Caldwell, Australian of the Year – Victoria 2014 and Social Commentator
Ben Caunt, Clinical Psychologist, Prince of Wales Hospital - Adolescent Service
Gabe Gasparinatos, Youth Council Director
Susan McLean, Director Cyber Safety Solutions
Shannon Nolan, Project Manager - Community & Youth Education, Black Dog Institute
REELise Management Team
Senior Constable
Yasmin London
Acting Sergeant/
Crime Coordinator
Jonathon Stone
Woollahra Councillor
Luise Elsing
Holdsworth Community
Volunteer & Youth
Engagement Coordinator
Benko Ure
REELise Film Festival
Messages of Support
Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP
Member for Wentworth
Minister for Communications
I am pleased to again lend my support to the REELise Film Festival – an initiative
which has pursued positive mental health outcomes for young people in the Eastern
Last year, the REELise Film Festival sought to combat cyberbullying amongst young
Australians. This year the focus is on encouraging improved mental health outcomes
through the competition theme, #nofilter. The theme is intended to allow participants
to open up about concerns growing up in a world which is obsessed with self-image
with these problems exacerbated by social media.
Young people who are otherwise disengaged from mainstream education or who suffer from depression, anxiety or other
mental health issues can connect and be mentored in this environment. They will produce films which reflect their personal
stories, growing up in a digital world with digital problems.
Youth mental health is a priority for the Federal Government, not just in the Eastern Suburbs, but around Australia. Recently
the Commonwealth committed to an additional 15 new headspace centres across Australia. There are now a total of 100
headspace sites across Australia with one set to open in Bondi Junction in 2015.
I commend festival director Karen Hamilton, the REELise Youth Council and all who are involved in organising this great
Hon. Gabrielle Upton MP
Member for Wentworth
Minister for Communications
The REELise Film Festival is a community initiative drawing support from educators,
youth workers, mental health professionals, filmmakers, local businesses and families.
The films in the competition are exceptional & profile not only the talent of
aspiring filmmakers but also their personal insights into cyber-bullying and its effects
on everyday experiences, challenges and achievements. This Festival provides an
open forum for young people to have important discussions around mental health and
in doing so, realise they are not alone.
The theme of the Festival this year is #nofilter. It looks at the impact self-image has on mental health which is compounded
by the power of social media. I commend the young people participating in this Festival who have produced films sharing
very personal stories to promote a conversation on this important issue.
The NSW Government is committed to improving mental health services. We have undertaken a ‘once-in-a-generation’
overhaul of mental health care service delivery, which will increase mental health care by $115 million over the next three
years. This includes establishing an additional four sites for the very successful Young People’s Outreach Program which
provides young people with serious mental illnesses with support in developing living skills and accessing education and
Whilst the REELise Film Festival is doing serious work on important issues, it also offers a great evening of entertainment
and fun for the whole family.
I am delighted to support REELise and look forward to the future success of its talented filmmakers.
14 www.REELise.org.au
REELise Film Festival
Messages of Support
Hon. Alex Greenwich MP
Member for Sydney
Congratulations on your second REELise Film Festival, and your goal to prevent
cyber-bullying and empower young people through mental health initiatives. What a
fantastic project!
Our community must adjust to the new technologies - and make sure we use the
opportunities and minimise the risks that come with them, particularly for those more
vulnerable. The REELise Film Festival is an excellent example of community initiative to
address serious concerns by involving young people and the technologies they use, and
connecting them with family and community supports - a fun project with real benefits.
Those taking part also get to learn from some amazing mentors, opening the door to future creative careers and personal
I commend all those behind the REELise Film Festival and will add my voice to support and get the message out for
participants and their families.
I look forward to seeing the shorts and wish another successful event.
Commissioner John Feneley
Mental Health Commission of New South Wales
The REELise Film Festival is empowering our youth to create cultural change against
cyberbullying, a movement I am delighted to support.
Body image is among the top three concerns for young people in our community, so it
is fitting that this year’s Festival theme is #nofilter.The 2015 Festival will showcase an
important insight into the way social media shapes our self-image and the affect that
has on mental health and well being.
Currently, one in four young Australians has a mental health concern and sadly suicide is
the leading cause of death for people aged 15 – 34. As a community we must come together & support this vulnerable group.
REELise is a testament to the power of collaboration; uniting schools, film makers, local businesses, NSW Police, community
services and mental health organisations to create a revolution against cyberbullying. It is a powerful platform for youth to
speak to their peers, in a non-threatening way, about often stigmatised issues like mental illness and suicide.
I congratulate the entire REELise team, and all of its participants, for standing up to cyberbullying and sharing personal
stories to inspire change.
REELise Film Festival
REELise Film Festival
Event Directions
The 2015 REELise Film Festival is screening in VMAX at Event Cinemas Bondi Junction, located on Levels 7 and 8 of the
Westfield Shopping Centre, 500 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction, New South Wales.
How to Get There
The most convenient main access point from the street is the Westfield entrance on the corner of Oxford Street and
Hollywood Avenue/Adelaide Street (near Zara). Proceed to Level 6 then take the escalator or the cinema lift to Event
Public Transport
Located conveniently in the heart of Bondi Junction, Event Cinemas and the Westfield Shopping Centre are close to the
Bondi Junction Interchange and well serviced by buses, taxis and trains.
There is ample car parking available in the Westfield Shopping Centre with 3 hours free parking for Festival ticket
holders on presenting your parking ticket for validation at the cinema. The most convenient parking within Westfield for
cinema access is via entry from Hollywood Avenue or Grafton Street.
Kelly’s Bar And Grill
Bo Larn Thai
Kam Fook
Guzman Y Gomez
Bondi Gelato Bar
Bondi Pizza
Max Brenner
16 www.REELise.org.au
REELise Film Festival
REELise Film Festival
REELise Film Festival
REELise Film Festival
Scott Tweedie
Australian television and radio presenter Scott Tweedie will host the 2015 REELise
Film Festival.
Best known for his hosting roles on the Australian children’s television
series Prank Patrol, the youth shows Splatalot, World Animal Championships and
3 on 3 and the Australian television music program The Loop, Scott proved a huge
audience favourite at the 2014 REELise Film Festival.
Scott has lent his hosting abilities to Event Cinemas, interviewing Hollywood’s A–List
elite and actors at red carpet film premieres and filming monthly hosting links for the
latest film releases. He is also co-host of Movie Juice - TEN’s weekly showcase of the
hottest release movies with the biggest stars and directors from around the world. So
who could possibly be better to introduce our emerging REELise filmmakers!
An active ambassador for REELise, Scott is very generously returning to officiate at the
Festival, delighting our audience with his wit and charm and perhaps a prank or two….
NSW Police Electronic Ensemble
Established in 1895, the NSW Police Band is the longest standing concert band
in Australia. Of course back then it didn’t have ten different ensembles or the
electrifying vocals of lead singer Special Constable Belinda Parsons.
Gracing the Festival Stage in 2014 with the NSW Police Rock Band, Belinda, who
recently appeared on Channel Nine’s The Voice, will be back with the NSW Police
Electronic Ensemble to provide high energy musical entertainment.
You’ll see constables as you’ve never seen constables before!
The REELise Black Light Party
VMAX will be transformed into a giant black light party.
Get into the spirit and show your support for our REELise filmmakers and the REELise
anti cyberbullying movement by wearing neon or white. You could win a special prize
for the most dazzling REELise supporter.
Enter into the fun at the Festival by gracing our glow makeover station. Get
branded with an airbrushed REELise tattoo.
Why not star in a REELise clip at our REELise Film Studio on Level 7 or take some
special pics with your friends at our photobooth?
18 www.REELise.org.au
REELise Film Festival
REELise Film Festival
To vote for your favourite SMS the film’s code number to 0407 288 400. You can only vote once.
Lily Drummond, Westminster School,
South Australia (Junior Division)
When Bethany Thomas gets an idea from Dutch
student Zilla Van Den Born to travel around the
world via social media she recruits her friends
for a world discovery tour from the comfort of
their own homes. A story of dividing friendships,
bad Photoshop skills, living life through a filter
and the consequences this can have.
Code Number : 22511
Zoie Jin, Kincoppal (Junior Division)
True Colours examines our rush to judge others
simply by their appearance. Three high school
students are superficially branded as stuck
up, reclusive and immature. An attack on one,
brings the three together and reveals their true
Code Number : 22519
REELise Film Festival
Tim Richmond and Sam Folden,
Cranbrook (Junior Division)
Disconnection examines the teenage obsession
with screen based technology.
Code Number : 22513
Noah Pfister, Melbourne High School
(Junior Division)
When Michael, a loner in secondary school,
discovers social media, he attempts to change
who he is by pretending to be who he isn’t.
Code Number : 22514
Sarthaki Havele, Riverside Girls High
School (Junior Division)
This film follows a girl who is heavily impacted
by the social network Instagram. Her actions,
particularly her use of filters impacts her
thoughts and persona. The way she edits
herself reflects her unstable reality and she
struggles to free herself from the barrier that
cages her in. A subsequent loss of identity
forces her to consider who she really is.
Code Number : 22515
10 www.REELise.org.au
REELise Film Festival
Django Cass, Reddam House
(Junior Division)
A young boy creatively tries to win back his
friend using an unusual method. When his
friend sees through his disguise, he undertakes
a journey of realisation and self-discovery to
understand he just needs to be himself not a
fake persona to impress people.
Code Number : 22516
Aliette Kiss, Ascham (Junior Division)
Social media becomes Serena’s mask – its
anonymity offering a medium to express her
pain. But Serena discovers that her #nofilter
posts wound not only her victims but herself.
Her horror when she sees the mask she wears
forces her to come to terms with her actions.
Code Number : 22517
Noah Lawson, CC Home Ed Film School
(Junior Division)
A youth discovers an empty mirror in the forest.
At first he feels a sense of glory at his self-image but is soon confronted by the intrusion of
modern technology.
Code Number : 22518
REELise Film Festival
Kai Mashimo, Daniel Gilerman and Sofia
Styles, Reddam House (Junior Division)
This claymation examines social exclusion. A
blue person is determined to adapt to a hostile environment dominated by the popular red
people. We see the role media plays in setting
unattainable standards and championing celebrity, in this case, the unquestionable superiority
of the red people.
Code Number : 22524
Centennial Park School students
(Junior Division)
Silence is the story of a young girl who starts
at a new school. Having been bullied at her
previous school, she fears judgement and initially decides to remain mute and filter everything she does. Gradually she finds acceptance
and learns to be herself. The theme is one all
too familiar to the students at Centennial Park
School’s special setting for mental health.
Code Number : 22512
Taylor Angelo, Riverside Girls High
(Junior Division)
A girl adores her fish. One day her younger sister
pulls the plug on the fish tank filter in order to
her iPod. Our fish lover is distraught
11 www.REELise.org.au
at the resulting death of her beloved fish and
embarks on a social media revolution to ensure
no fish every dies from #nofilter again! 2
Code Number : 22525
12 www.REELise.org.au
REELise Film Festival
Amy Warner, Pymble Ladies College
(Junior Division)
We watch an ordinary modern girl and her little
sister. Nothing unusual except for the fact our
main character, Charlotte is literally surrounded
by technology. Apps create a barrier between
her and the real world and impact her relationship with her sister. Will they ever escape the
technology bubble?
Code Number : 22520
Audrey Villafana, Penrith High School
(Junior Division)
Child narrates the reality of the impact of screen
based technology, social media and the cult of
obsession with self-image on a small child. It
emphasizes that exposure to society’s harsh
definition of beauty begins at a very tender age
and encourages an unfortunate belief in the
need to fulfil a set of standards to be accepted
by others.
Code Number : 22510
Dani Daliri, Ali G Productions
(Senior Division)
James Jamarcus, a celebrity birdwatcher, is
taunted online courtesy of an inaccurate portrayal by the media. In an attempt to correct
things, he creates a “behind the scenes” video
to illustrate the truth underlying his career.
Code Number: 22521
REELise Film Festival
Colm Haughey, Home Schooled,
Vila (Senior Division)
On line friends meet up for the first time but the
profile picture of one does not quite match the
Code Number : 22522
Harriet Walker, Independent,
Melbourne (Senior Division)
Clarissa is a 16 year old beauty guru and YouTube sensation. With all her life experience and
exceptional wisdom, she decides to start a YouTube series to provide life advice to her legion
of online followers. Kicking off the series is an
episode on social media, focusing on Instagram
and providing invaluable expert tips on how to
post an acceptable image and maximise likes.
Code Number: 22523
14 www.REELise.org.au
REELise Film Festival
REELise Film Festival
Michael Cordell is one of Australia’s most established producers and filmmakers
and the Creative Director and Co-owner of the independent international production
group Cordell Jigsaw Zapruder (CJZ). The extensive credits of CJZ, which is famous
for its compelling programming, include eight Logies, two Rose d’Ors, four AFI awards,
two AACTA awards, two Walkley nominations and three times having been voted
SPAA Independent Producer of the Year. As a director, Michael’s best known film is
the multi award winning documentary feature Year of the Dogs – one of the highest
grossing theatrical documentaries in Australia. Michael’s credits as a producer and
director are extensive, spanning all major Australian television networks and
earning critical acclaim. Michael is currently producing House of Hancock for the Nine
Cherie Nolan’s directing career spans commercials, documentary, feature films
and television. Her credits include two feature films – Clubland, nominated for 5
AFI awards and winning Best Supporting Actress for Emma Booth and Thank God
He Met Lizzie, starring Cate Blanchett, Frances O’Connor and Richard Roxburgh, also
nominated for AFI Awards and winning Best Supporting Actress for Cate Blanchett.
Cherie’s Australian television credits include Underbelly Files: the Man Who Got Away;
Marking Time (winning an AFI Award for Best Director); Dance Academy, Packed to the
Rafters, Small Claims, The Alice, The Secret Life Of Us and All Saints.
In more recent years she has worked in the USA, helming two pilots for ABC Studio
including Mistresses, as well as recent episodes of the US remake of the hit
Australian series, Rake, Suits, Grey’s Anatomy, Gossip Girl, 90210 and Life Unexpected.
Abby Earl, the 2014 Logie Nominee for Most Popular New Talent, is an actress best
known for her leading role as Anna Bligh on A Place to Call Home. Abby began acting
at the age of 6 and was a ballet dancer for 12 years. A WAAPA graduate, Abby has
worked in professional film, television & theatre with credits including Aricia in
Phedre for the Bell Shakespeare Company, roles in the television movies Underbelly:
Badness and The Great Mint Swindle and in the television series Love My Way. Abby’s
film credits include roles in the short films Bonsai, Carnations & Bella the Ballerina.
A passionate crusader against cyberbulling, Abby joins us as a REELise Ambassador.
Having suffered bullying in her school years, she is all too familiar with the devastating
impact it can have on self-esteem and wants to encourage young people to change the
social climate around acceptable online behaviour.
REELise Film Festival
Special Thanks
Our Program cover design is courtesy of talented local artist, Rebeccah Dent.
Rebeccah is a Sydney based multidisciplinary visual artist, working
across painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, video/digital art and
design. In 2014, she was selected to participate in the prestigious
Woollahra Artist in Residence program. http://rebeccahdent.com/
The REELise Film Festival would not be possible without the generous support of the following:
Founding Partners
School Supporters
CC Home Education
Film School
16 www.REELise.org.au
REELise Film Festival
Special Thanks
Grant Partners -
REELise has been supported through the Woollahra Council Community
and Cultural Grants Program and the Waverley Council Small Grants Program.
Event Supporters
EST 2014
Community Supporters
REELise Film Festival
REELise Film Festival
Jacquelin Perske is the producer, co-creator and writer of the first and second series of Spirited, her pilot script
receiving the Australian Writers Guild Award for Best Drama in 2010. She has worked extensively in television
as a writer and script producer with credits including Love My Way (which received 14 awards including an
AFI for Best Screenplay in a Television Series and 24 nominations), Fireflies, The Secret Life of Us, RAW FM,
Big Sky, Star Wars: Underworld and the short screenplay Roses are Red.
Jacquelin is producer and writer on the mini-series for Matchbox Pictures and Foxtel Deadline Gallipoli, and
creator of Wildlife, a new drama fantasy for the ABC. Jacquelin was the winner of the 2013 Foxtel Fellowship
at the 46th annual AWGIE Awards.
Rowan Woods is one of Australia’s most highly acclaimed directors, whose 20+ year career spans feature films,
television series and mini-series.
Rowan won the AFI Best Director Award with his debut featureThe Boys, and went on to direct Little Fish with
Cate Blanchett and Sam Neill, which was nominated for a record 13 AFI Awards, 11 FCCA awards and 8 IF
awards including Best Film and Best Director.
Tim Barretto completed his film studies at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Western Australia. During
this time Tim developed a passion for exploration and experimentation within the full spectrum of filmic
techniques. Since graduating Tim has founded Hope St Productions a small film and video production studio
that houses like-minded people. His films have screened at home and abroad, most recently in Sydney
Underground Film Festival, Museum of Contemporary Art (AUS), Jakarta International Film Festival, San
Francisco Indonesian Film Festival and Indian Cine Film Festival. This year Tim is a Australian Teachers of
Media Award finalist for Before the Dream film Bassendream that is currently in pre-production. Tim has more
recently received funding as the director on the FTI government funded short film Thank God There’s Not
A War On. He is currently in post-production on Friends of The Sea, a documentary that explores the life of
Acehnese individuals 10 years after the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami.
Joel Bell is a Sydney-based independent producer of entertainment content and assistant director. A
graduate of the Australian Film Television and Radio School’s Foundation Diploma and Graduate Certificate in
Screen Culture courses, Joel’s production credits include the short films Only One, Little Lies, Destiny in the
Dirt, The Adviser, Clouds and the feature length documentary The Road I Travel. Joel is currently Production
Manager and Head of Marketing & Distribution at One Heart Pictures and Haus Entertainment.
Matthew Dabner is a writer/producer and freelance script editor and script consultant. He has assessed for
Screen Australian and most of the State film agencies within Australia, taught screenwriting at AFTRS and
the University of Technology, Sydney. He has also consulted to Screen Australia’s production investment
Matthew’s credits as a writer include the AFI nominated contemporary noir, The Square, co-written with Joel
Edgerton. His credits as a producer include Cedar Boys, an IF Award nominee for Best Film and Sydney Film
Festival Audience Award winner.
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REELise Film Festival
REELise Film Festival
Alexandra Edmondson is a graduate of the Australian Film, Television and Radio School in Writing and the
Metro Screen Multi-Platform Producing Scholarship. She has worked in research and script development for
production companies including Baz Luhrmann’s Bazmark, Universal Pictures and Focus Features. Recent
credits include the ABC TV series The Time of Our Lives and the documentary Red Obsession, which screened
at the 2013 Berlin and Tribeca Film Festivals. In 2010 she made her directing debut with her short film The
Burnt Cork, which was the recipient of the 2012 Black Shorts Award at Adelaide’s Shorts Film Festival. The film
was also nominated for the SBS Television Award and Best Indigenous Film at the St Kilda Film Festival in 2011.
Pauline Findlay is a graduate of the Australian Film, Television and Radio School in Writing and Producing
and was a scholarship student of Metro Screen Multi-Platform Producing. Her play Girls’ Talk opened at the
Soho Theatre in London’s West End in 2002. In 2011 her work on her film Liv was nominated for the Monte
Miller award by the Australian Writers’ Guild as was her film Lola in 2012. Liv world premiered at the 2012
Palm Springs International ShortFest and had its Australian premiere at FlickerFest International Short Film
Festival in 2013. In August 2012 Lola became a quarter!nalist of the prestigious Academy Nicholl Fellowships
in Screenwriting (The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences).
Alexandra Long is a screenwriter and novelist with two published works of fiction, The Year of Christiana
Cleaves and I Took My Harp to a Party. Alexandra attended the Australian Film and Television School where she
wrote two short !lms for Samantha Lang including the AFI nominated Out. Upon graduation she wrote the AFI
nominated Thank God He Met Lizzie starring Cate Blanchett and Richard Roxburgh. She has received several
commissions for screenplays in Australia and the USA.
Kirk Marcolina co-produced, co-directed and co-edited The Life and Crimes of Doris Payne, produced and
directed the award winning feature documentary Camp Out, was co-executive producer of Boy Meets Boy;
Switched and That Ying Yang Thing and created and produced Gay Weddings. Kirk also directed and edited
the critically acclaimed Disney Channel documentary series Bug Juice. He has edited many reality based
and documentary series including Project Greenlight; The Bachelorette and Crime & Punishment: The Best
of America Undercover.
Lindsay Moss has a career spanning almost 20 years in the Australian entertainment industry as a director,
producer, actor and tutor. His acting credits include the following TV series Carlotta; Love Child; Tricky
Business; Packed to the Rafters; Home and Away; Crownies and Underbelly. Lindsay is known for Mortal Fools
(2008); The Diplomat (2009) and The Postcard Bandit (2003). He is an expert in developing acting techniques
suitable for the camera and founded StarTime Studios which provides performing arts workshops and training,
including acting for camera courses, for young people.
Adrian Rostirolla is an accomplished and awarded !lm editor. His feature !lm credits include Kokoda; Gabriel;
The Nothing Men; Being Venice; Black White & Sex; Cof!n Rock and the highly acclaimed feature documentary,
Bomb Harvest. He also edited the Oscar nominated animation Birthday Boy and the AFI nominated shorts
Small Boxes and The Ground Beneath. Adrian’s television projects have included House Husbands; SLiDE;
Outback Kids; Inspiring Teachers; Law and Disorder: Going Public and Law and Disorder: Allan Kessing – The
Reluctant Whistleblower.
REELise Film Festival
Join the REELise Revolution
REELise is about changing the social climate by raising awareness and empowering young people to lead change. It has to
be uncool to bully and cool to step in and help. That means building the right culture.
REELise Revolution Days are designed to empower students to take united action against cyberbullying as part of a broader
community strategy to create positive peer pressure to reject and report bullying behaviour. Activities can include:
general discussion about cybersafety and cyberbullying led by an experienced police youth liaison officer;
a REELise assembly led by your school’s REELise Youth Ambassadors;
the student body taking the REELise pledge to create a safer and more supportive environment;
surveying your students about their views and experiences;
screening one or more REELIse films made by young people to promote discussion;
team based activities to broaden awareness about your school’s anti cyberbullying campaign. These might
include family digital detox campaigns, poster design competitions, photography or filmmaking experiences.
If you would like to find out more about staging a REELise Revolution at your school in 2015 contact [email protected].
au.You can join the Revolution by taking the REELise pledge online athttp://www.reelise.org.au/pledge/ or at our Festival’s
REELise Pledge Booth.
The cyberworld is a place where we should all feel safe, secue and accepted.
I pledge:
20 www.REELise.org.au
REELise Film Festival
REELise Film Festival
Competition Prizes
Entries for the 2015 REELise Film Festival opened in October and closed on 31 December 2014. Entry was free and
open to young filmmakers 12-18 years (or in Years 7 to 12 at school). The key requirements were that the film be shot
on a mobile phone, be five minutes or less and address the competition theme #nofilter. Entries were received from
around Australia with 16 films selected for screening in VMAX at the Festival and to compete for the 2015 REELise
Film Festival awards.
Our finalists will be competing for prizes including:
Inside CJZ
An insider experience with Australia’s largest independently owned producer, Cordell
Jigsaw Zapruder (CJZ). CJZ produces more original prime-time series than any other
production company in Australia. Signature programs include hit entertainment show The
Gruen Franchise (ABC) winner of the 2013 Rose d’Or for Entertainment, Bondi Rescue (Ten);
and the ground-breaking Go Back to Where You Came From (SBS) that won an International
Emmy Award in 2013 and the 2012 Rose d’Or as the best television program in any genre. This
program is now the most awarded factual program ever to come out of Australia.
Shine with StarTime
A Lights Camera Education Program with leading Holiday Workshop and School Program
provider, StarTime Studios. This fully integrated digital media filmmaking program will inspire,
connect and equip students at your school with filmmaking and life skills. Students will
explore the world of performing arts and filmmaking in a dynamic collaborative environment
where creativity, communication and challenge are the foundations of a transformative
learning experience.
Meet Matchbox
A work experience opportunity with Matchbox Pictures. Matchbox develops and produces
television programs and feature films for audiences throughout the world and works with
some of the most exciting writers, directors and producers in Australia.
A Taste of Ten
A one week work experience opportunity with TEN providing insights into the network,
and the varied departments, roles and opportunities it has available. Network Ten is one of
Australia’s leading entertainment and news content companies, providing free-to-air
television, online and digital platforms. The network has a long tradition of bringing fun,
irreverent, engaging and informativecontent to Australian screens.
Canon Cameras
PowerShot SX 400 IS cameras. This is Canon’s most compact and affordable SuperZoom yet,
packed with a huge 30x Optical Zoom and 60x Zoom Plus, perfect for families and travellers
on the go wanting an amazing zoom range in an easy to hold body. With inbuilt Intelligent IS,
this SuperZoom is the ideal camera for sharp results every time.
REELise Film Festival
REELise Ambassadors
A Message from the REELise Youth Council Director
Gabe Gasparinatos
The REELise Film Festival is about empowering young people to speak out against
cyberbullying and other issues of concern, providing a nurturing and supportive
environment to facilitate creative expression and encouraging an active interest in social
activism and community engagement.
Winning the Best Senior Film Category with the short film Mute opened doors for me. I
received a Production Assistant opportunity with Matchbox Pictures, career advice from
leading Australian film and television director, actor and screenwriter, Rowan Woods and a
third assistant director role on the feature film “54 Days”. Keen to give back, I’ve now joined
REELise as a filmmaking mentor for younger filmmakers and as REELise Youth Council
The Youth Council has been formed to ensure REELise reflects the views of our generation
and to provide career development, work experience and networking opportunities for young
There are a number of exciting roles to be filled on the Youth Council including Secretariat positions and Management positions in Visual
and Performing Arts, Fundraising, Media and Event Management each receiving career advice and support from the REELIse management
and mentoring teams. We are also looking for REELise Youth Ambassadors from schools around the country who can help us spread the
word and encourage involvement.
If you’d like to join our campaign and make a difference, network with some truly inspiring professionals and gain valuable experience, I
encourage you to volunteer on the REELise Youth Council. For more information contact [email protected]
Jake Richards and Scott Tweedie
Scott Tweedie, our Festival MC and former Big Brother Housemate Jake
Richards joined the REELise campaign in 2014 as Ambassadors.
Jake produced an inspirational YouTube clip showcasing the hateful messages
received by his fellow housemates via social media and featuring messages of
encouragement from Scott and Jake to young filmmakers to participate in the
REELise Film Festival.
Aldo Mignone and Abby Earl
Film and television celebrity often attracts undue doses of Internet vitriol.
Constantly judged on appearance against a standard of ageless perfection,
many of our popular stars know all too well the impact a cyberbully can have
on self-esteem. Online bullying affects us all. That’s why television rising
stars Abby Earl and Aldo Mignone are active supporters of the REELise Film
Festival and have joined our anti-bullying initiative.
22 www.REELise.org.au
REELise Film Festival
REELise Champions for Change
Ada Nicodemou
Ben O’Toole
Alison Cratchley
Ryan Corr
Jessica Marais
Tara Morice
James Stewart
Miles Gibson
Mario Fenech
The Living Room Team
See their messages of support on our YouTube channel
REELise Film Festival
REELise Film Festival
We need your support
REELise runs entirely on volunteer support. Help us make a difference! You can support REELise in
one or more of the following capacities. Just tick the relevant one and fill out your details below and
we’ll be in contact with you. THANKS A MILLION!!!!! REELise Inc. is a not for profit incorporated
association which has approval to fundraise but does not currently have tax deductible gift recipient
status. Our fundraising approval number is CFN/22902.
DONOR Every $ helps. You can donate by direct deposit: BSB: 083 088 Account Number: 94-618-3522
OR by cheque to: REELise Incorporated, PO Box 79 Vaucluse NSW 2030
OR through a payment portal on our website, www.REELise.org.au
FESTIVAL SPONSOR either by financial support or provision of ‘in kind’ services.
MENTOR to young filmmakers or to members of the Youth Council undertaking roles in graphic
design, media management, performing arts, fundraising or events management.
SCHOOL OR ORGANISATIONAL CHAMPION Are you a senior school student, teacher, school
counselor or youth worker with an interest in film or community giving? We’d love you to get involved
as a REELise Champion and encourage students or young people aged 12 – 18 years enrolled at your
school or involved with your organisation to participate and take advantage of the special
opportunities REELise provides.
NAME : ...............................................................................................................................................................
EMAIL : ...............................................................................................................................................................
TELEPHONE : .....................................................................................................................................................
24 www.REELise.org.au