3 - Bucknell University
3 - Bucknell University
aSitr Athletics I @, Varsity Athle _1 The Buehell women's vanity four competed at the prestigious Henley Regatta in London, England, over the weekend and defeated Edinburgh University of Scotland by three feot in the championship mce However, the thrill ofvictory was short lived when Buchell was disqualified shortly after the race for interference. It was the ruling of the judges that the Buchell boat swayed too far over its lane, therefor impeding the progress of the boat from Edinburgh. Bison head coach Steve Kish was obviously upset with the ruling, and praised the performance of his squad. "It was a terrible way to have the race taken away, but our women can be proud that they outperformed some outstandzng teams here this week." The Buchell boat consisted of senior Ann Caleagni (Charlotte, WiChamplain Valley Union), senior Elizabeth Barrows (Pennington, NJMopewell Valley Central), froshmen Julie Engel (Niskayuna, NYINiskayuna), senlor Kelly Wanger (Broomall, PAlMarple Newtawn), and freshman coxswain Linda Voll (Monme, CTIAcademy of Our Lady ofMercy). Tho Bison contingent arrived in England on June 1 and bcgm mining with several teams from the area. On the first day ofcompetition last weekend, Buchell advanced through three rounds, defeating Warwick University (England), Southampton Univemity (England) and Noningham Univcmity (England). According to the Henley Regatta race description, the Bison won their first two races "easy," and then pulled through in the middle of the race versus Nottingham to win by "a length and threequarter" Buchell and Jacksonville were the only two American teams left entering the competition on day number two. The Bison defeated Reading University (England) in the semifinal by a length and three-quarter to advance to the championship race against Edinburgh. Kish was quick to point out that the disappointment of being disqualified in the final wouldn't put a damper on an otherwise great trip for his team. "This was s great opportunity for our women, and they should be commended an how they represented themselves and Buchell. I'm sure it was an experience that they will never forget." The Bucknell Men's Club Rugby team, the "All Blacks," are pan o f the Eastern Pennsylvania Rugby Union (EPRU) and play other colleee club teams across the region. Led by captains Geoff Sargeant '00 and Michael Morns '00, this year's team had a very successful season. The competibve league schedule was played !n the fall and consisted of three games, one agatnst each school i n the division. A t the end of the divisional play, the "All Blacks" finished wtth a record o f 2-1. On their way to a second place finish i n their division, Bucknell defeated York College and Susquehanna. Their single defeat came at the hands o f the first place Loch Haven. The"Al1 Blacks" went into the EPRU tournament seeded sixth out of eight teams. After defeating Bloomsburg in the t i n t round, Bucknell was pitted agalnst St. Joe's in the semifinals, thc same team that they lost to the year before in theEPRU finals. This time aRer 80 minutes o f intense hean-wrcnchmgplay, the "All Blaeks"emergedvictor~ousand earned the right ti play Loch Haven in the dtvision I1 finals. Despite their best effons, Bucknell did not have the answer to Loch Haven's size and finished second A second place finish in the EPRU tournament qualtfied Bucknell to play in the Mid-Atlantic Regional tournament thls past March. After a first round forfeit by Old Dominion, the "All Blacks" advanced to the semifinals against Salisbury State. Bueknell lost thls game, but defeated Loch Haven in the eonsolatton lnateh and earned a third place finish for the Mld-Atlantic Region. The success ofthe rugby team is notewonhy since lhey compete against clubs with full time coaches while Bucknell 1s entirely student m. Credit for the team's aceompl~shmentsbelong to the hard work of ssi@ Athletics T ~ C - A I I HI~C~S.. in uslions fo ns'cn':Gr" $,","r llncaut angrlnrl I Lr* 1 1 1B ! R l W#lllrlnHrrngm.Cltnr. Stall Roc. Mcrhrel K q q , MichaelMornr. Mlchael Irven. DnwsonHodgwn. ocoff Sawcant, Marcus J. Hcrnmdez. Jacob Frcchetlc"Cl,ow", Bmom Ncl, Piem CausMn: Back Row(L-R): John Bucchler,Bnd Fculin&.Mi~h.4 Nupomno. Greg Mam. Calm Swank. MIX= '-G,"bbcr'I Vmdcwee,, KKK" Burlcy, Sleven c,vera. I i I 1 As usual t b s year's ski season started outwith 3 n President W~lliamD. ro" A d a d Inaugural Address on Oct. 29.1995. he declared. "we look foward to the prospect of increasing our resources in the relatively near iuture and of adding thereby to the suength of the University. Everything is ripe for us together to take this wonderfully s m g p l a c e to an altogether new level of cncellencc. achievement, and public renown." During Bro's tenure as the Univers~ty's14th president, he accomplished all of these goals. 'W will remember him with respect for stiebng to the principles and goals he set for his presidency,whatever the opposition, even when they led him, to places he never imagined going:said Rev. Ian B. Oliver, university chaplain. Whcn Bro Adams anived on campus m 1995, he had a "wish list" awaiting him. The "wish Inst" was a set of goals and needs that were necesswy for the growth of the University. Adams' mission was to t a n s f m the list of priorities into acomprehens!ve and long-range stategrc plan. Capital Campaign Perhaps the accomplishment for which Adams will he best known was his leadership in steemg the $150 million Bucknell Campaign. Last December, the fundraeing campaign accomplished iUi anginal goal one year ahead of schedule.Wrth a year still remaining,Adams used the mOmOnNmto reach higher Limits. 7he revised goal was set a $180 million, which is "clearly in sight" according to Dick Johnson. vnce president of university relations. 'There were funds still lacking in cerlain arcas, such a\ the p l m c d psyrhologyl geolog) bulld#ng" Adan~v sad "lloucver. we exacded our goals in areassuch as endowment and financial aid." Bro extended a great deal of m d i t to Johnson, who has managed the fundraising campaign. "We've added SIC0 million to the endowment, annual giving has mare than doubled, one new building is undermsmction and we believe we are very close to receiving a green light for two other buildings." Johnson said. ‘%re's leadership, his success as a fundra~rerand his tireless commitment to Vaveling for and doing the work of the campaign all have been key ingredientsin this tremendous ach~evement." Diversity Plan In the fall of 1995,Adams f m e d a task force to sNdy diversity at BudmeU and to make recommendations on religious life and expmsion on campus, especially mlnority traditions," Oliver sad. Assmiate Dean of the College of ArCi and Sciences Robert MidkiiTsaid."He has helped provide a vision and dvection far the instimtionin important areas such as diversity." Athletim Bro Adserved the last four years as the Chair of the Council of Pah'iot h g u e Presidents, stmggling with crises behind the Lafayelte and Holy Cross n e a r d e p w . Recently, Georgetown football subject matter far sNdents, but I feel that it's reasonable," Adams said. "I am pretty glad for what we accomplished- it was a necessary thing." Adams said that he hoped that the "culture" of smdents would shift away from their dependency on alcohol-related aclinties. He sent a letter to all admined sNdents this year explaining the stricter sanctions imposed, including making sanctionscumulative and notifying students' parents of alcohol violations. Basically, A d m ' leller intelligentlyand delicately explained "if you don't like the fact we're worried about the situation, then you shouldn't came? Adams raid. Rdeetioo "As 1look hackan my time here. I wish 1 had found more purely relaxed, informal maments to be with students," Adamssaid."lthinkI'Uhem~re how the University could bemme more diverse m the fumre. The tlsk force studied the lssue and suhmined ~ t s final repon early in the spring semester of 1998. Thc repon conmns 81 separate m o m mcndations touching on nearly every aspect and part of the University, including admissions. athletics and the faculty. "I'm very proud of the report- I thinkit was ule cornerstone of my presidency: Adams said. "It was very high onmy priority list.. as I stated in my inaugural address." Adams worked to not only impmve the racial diversity an campus, but aiso to recruit students fmm mffere~tsocioeconomic and rdigious backgrounds as well. "In the pursuit of diversity and equity, he has probably done more than any president to support all f o m of was admined as m associate member to begin competingin the Patriot Leaglle next year. '1feel pretty good about the leaguewe've kept it alive by making someimportant changes." Adams said. "I'm proud of ow athletic program and the way that it Bfs with the quality of the instltution," Adams said "AU of Drvision l athletics is so fundamentallyheaded in the wmng direction-it's just the Pahiot and the Ivy Leagues holding out." Associate Director of Athletics Brad l f t s said "He has contributed his talents and much time to the overall effort of strengthening and expanding the league." Alcohol Issue To help conml the effects of alcohol on campus. Adams initiated a Ten-Point Pian. '? b o w it's not a terribly popular rmodhrl about close interaction with the sNdents [at Colhyl." 'The one thing that the shldents should know about my husband is that he alwavs . "save 151,perccntruuardhet~enne~hl? xhml."<adCnhy Bruce.Bru's wile and fomcr U.S. Sh'l'cam member. In addition to the ''physical beauty" o l this campus,Adams will miss the '%"man element" ofthis rchml.'The shldcnt~here aregood.lhoughtful.inteUecNal poople,"Adams said. "1'11 miss my colleagues and friends that I have made here aver the years." Legacy DickSkelton,senioradmissians consultant, has always been impressed with Bra's administrative leadership and long-range planning capahilities. "I've found him to understand the ramifications of various decisions available, to be a deeislve and articulate manager, and best of all. now a respected colicague and friend: Skclton said. Adams will be re-engaged in the planning process again as he will immediately work to developasmnger, better institution atColby. "Bro has offeredamode1 of He has given US a certain ia desireto get better and better at what we do, but always to remain that a mb tion- place that we know and love as Bucknell. -Charlie Pollock bvryday,nUIF offi,, ,a poEe for a picture collaborauue and consultal~veleadership that has contributed to thc cstabltshmcnt o f a highly constructive atmosphere o f cmpuscollaboraliveworktowardrharcd educattonalgoals," Johnson said. Marilyn Varga, administrative assistan, to the president, said, "We an his office staffknow firsthand how dcvoted he has been to mating Bucknell a better place, and he has certainly achieved thagoalinsamanywayr." Thc legacy ofWilliam D.Adams will not be short-lived. "Hehas given us acerrain embition-arvangdestre to get better and better at what we do, but always m rema~nthat distinctwe place that know and love as Bucknell," said Charlie oping a capability to effectively plan for the future and create an instituttanal momentum. .'I.ve tried to make this Univerrtty become a better, stranger place and I think that i t has become measurably better i n the last five years," Adams r a ~ d .President Adams kept his word since D a y One, and through these objetives exemplified how successful. committed and inspirational an administrator can be. We've reached a higher level o f achievement because of Bro Adams. Ity &Administration probably done more than any forms of religious life and expression on campus, especially minority traditions Ian Oliver The one thing that the students should know is that he always Faculty BrAdministra L _1 and Prcildcnr of r l r Uuiilb Of tlic South In 1979. after turning up nothing i n an erhaustivc search throughout local high schools, Dean Cunningham came to the Universtaty as a porogesrar of mathcmat~cson n one-year contract to f i l l i n for R Sciences to hill in for Dean Bob Chambers. who was on sabbatical. Following that assignment. Dcan Cunningham stepped into anew role in 1983 a position i n the engineering dept. focusing on student advising and aid. Since then. Cunningham hns mode nmany conslributions lo the Unw. Her most visiable one has been thc creation and developemtn of the engineering 100 course for first scmcstcr engineers. Feelin that the old system o f educating was "killing them," she reasoned that giving engineers an introductory coucte cxposing them to all diflercnt enginccring disciplines would help them survive since they could crperiene various rub~ectsbefore declaring a major. The hirug of Dr. Cunningham by Sewanee took a long period o f timc becausc he was unsurc i f we wanted the job. According 1%)Ucan C~nn8npnam.one ot h#\L Cndtctun. u a s I wll. tsks Ihcjob onl) d ) o d s mt T n d y more lhrn you u 1111 "1:'' l'hc $chuul cr,.ncd the Senlor Consul ant lor Adm~\.lun\ mJ A d % ~ \ l npg o < ~ l ~ro o nthat Cunn~nphamcould do much of u ha, she doe\ now Con%cqucntl)chc move wd. \.,lld#l~edand on Januar) 6.ih Untvrnsl) o l l h ~ S o t ~ hi)nnoun~echc nlrtns 01 (hear nm pre\#dl-nl Cunn~ngham'vlob u l l l b r e ,+,rlYl \tudcnts w t h prohlcm. they m l ) ha\a md tu nrmc,nn,ngram sto ~nthc adml~$lon\ pn,rc\< Hcvdcr 'l,,.r, th: ovrrs~~ln ~hgCnllcee 01 An%a18d Sccnccr I.~~,,,.,,.~ IKU r = ' and Ep,o~~p.ll Semlnrg. Jorl u1II alro b i thr J'""'o c't"e'" m q o r ofchr. tuun o! Scwance " " """ hr ' L \: p ,""* i e n g nrclllli Jim I.rahy Courtesy BuckneNinn approached his job with admnsslons wit or her academic credcdinls. His pmudcst accomplishment at Bucknell was i n 1975 when Bucknell firs made admissions decisions on n "gende~ncuual''barn Previously the University maintained a quota of only admitting the numbcr ofwomen who could live downhill which llmited the incoming number of first- year women to 265 out of 750. He has always believed that i l a student lakes the time tocomeoul and vislr Buckncll we should roll out the rcd camel for them. For his commiltmenl to the rrudenl~1)~;k Skelel,n u a ~ sdrnlrcd ~ n respcclcd d h) 111m the A d m ~ \ \ ~ ~ ~ n \ o l l # c c 'Dsk skclcton flrckncll lr an (roll n He L Y one or l h o ~ ~ctd~\lduals who h.6 dedlralcd hlr ltlc tt,lhr u n ~ v e r ~ ~ l ) . awnrdc o ~ l d ~ r v r rrpry r dllt~: h-v Jonc.' \ays J,m Srhdhaucr 56, CnUr Of IhC h~ard of ln\lce$ 'HI- leavbny marks a rcr of change ~n Ruikne.1 4dmlm18rnr. m 'orr,~hun.ngnn :fv::a~or all the nu0 work Ulrk 3Xcltonn u p.c .n nr, nsr y r a ~Ilrlr ,t nvrinr a Faculty 8zAdministra for athletic excellence.----'.,-,*---- BI TU$S By Jareds, ~ksrn~emdt~an BradTuftr' first day of work at Buchell was June 29.1959.He has not worked elsewhere smce. In th at time, he found uays to touchcount less people's Ilvcr. ,sburg, Tufts has ti,,ally decided to cal lit lnta his sixth dccadein Lew~ quits after 41 years of service to the University. 1,I that time, the cunant Associate Athlettc Dtrector has;served Bucknell i n numerous cnpsci!ties .. .uu~qur~uua : . and has hecamc a Univenityicun-n ~ t ~ u g rU I I I V B I S I I ~and athletic events. His instihlbonal knowledge and loyalty are second to none. 'Quite stmply. I'm not sure another person will walk through the d w n of Bucknell University as committed and as dedicated to this University as Brad Tufts.' Heather Lewis, head womens' field hockey coach. said. Tufts first stepped foot on campus the day after graduating from Colgate Unwerslty m 1959, nnd was soon hired as the Director of Sports Information, Hc wa. a go-getter from the very begmning. In 1964, Tufts changed gears somewhat. In what he called the best thing professionally to happen to him at Bucknell, Thfts became the Assistant Director of Public Relations. 'I never thought of getting out of sports, but thought this would be interesting,'TuAs said. With the move, Tufts became even morc broadly exposed to aspects of the UnrvenlQI. Tufts served as adviser to both The BuckneUianand L' Agenda, aiad edited Bucknell World (1976-80). He also beca me the men's golf coach in 1967 and served through 1975. In 1980. he became the Awlstant Athletic Director foi Puhllc Rclatmns. Of his official move back to sports. Tufts sad. 'It was jurl tirllc for a change, to do something different.' In 1990. Tufts asqurned thc position as Associate Athletic Director. 'Brad has been a strong ambassador for BuckoeU andour athleuc program for 41 years. He is one of the most thorough and competent individuals that I havc ever md,'saidTommy Thompson. thc current men's golt coach. In the 1998.TuRs also found himsclf hack in coaching. Twenty-three years removed from coaching the men's golf teamwhere he compiled a stellar 80-38 dual-match record-Tufts was suddenly presented wlth the oppomnlty to caach the newly formed women's team. He jumpcd at thc prospect as he had bcen one of thc primary advocates of staning a women's golf team 'It was fun getting [the women's teaml started and watching it grow.'Tufts said. '[The team] is easily the hardest Lhmg to lcave behind.' Sincc 1990. Tufts has scrved as Associate Athlctic Director, and xcently made a stmt as Interim Athletic Director from this past August through February following Rlck Hanzcll's resignation. In 1993. Tufts . b received the Bison Club Award. Tufts wtll probably never really he done giving himself lo Bucknell. He gave one last hurrah when he delivered the baccalaureate address, entitled 'Reflectionson Learning and Leaving' at this year's Commencement Weekend. The fuhlre holds a lot of things for BradTufts. 'My wife and I had dccided to go south at some po~nteven though we bath enjoy [Lewisburgl immensely.'Tufts added of leaving Lewisburg. The two plan to move into their newly built house in late August. 'We'll be backa few tlmes a ycar and will look forward to posting] Lewisburg visitors.' Tufts continues to touch the lives of many-coar hes, athletes, adm,nistrators-the list gocs on. He has lent his support, tinne and energy, and by ..... - no mcanr has it gone unnoticed. 'It's been wonderfu I leaning and 1 hol,e I can manage Icaving.' e l t y &Administration Laura Denbow & the Improved CDC ,-W'LC OM-E.. ... ... Recently you may havenoticed anunusually largc numbcrof mailings, o-mails and posters aroundcampus from the Cuccr Development hy Chad Gillcnkqcr Center (CDC). The Center has becomes powerful Icsource for students looking to investigate their career options. Since ILS inceptiou in L e carly nnielilies, the CDC has helped thousands of studaits Bod jobs in their fields of interest. The goal of thc CDC is to promote self sufficiency through educating students in thc process of making well-informed and thoughtful decisions and by pmviding high-qualiqresources, diverse oppormnitics and meaningfulexpen'cnces. The CDC ha3 recently taken up some new initiatives in thcir evercontinuing effort to provide students wilh a wide range of resources and possibilities. Embracing technology with open arms, tho Ccnter has implemented many online utilities to help students quickly and efficiently find thejobs they are looking far You can check out the CDC homepageat wwwdepartments.bucknell.eddcaree~~dev/. Here you will find information on haw ta prepare aresume. ug,coming CDC speakers and events, available jobs an,d internships on the:web, and links tosites like eRecmifing.com where imployers may scarch student profiles for perspective employees. La31 semester, the CDC brought over 50 :speakers to campus to discuss with students topics rangrng fiom self-]?resentation during in" 0. terviews h. iob o.. ~ ~ a d u n i t i2e s~ r" ~2u r~.urr;v~ fields. The CDC works . ate Placement Sul.vcy, 98% had been ~laced,with 75% closely with alumni tororovtde students 4 t h networkinrr , noqsibi~itir. - ~------finding cmploymcnt and 23% canlinuing on to graduatc and acschool. A total of 40% o l the class respondellts secured tively employment through on-campus interviews, CDC job seeks out leads, networking, or ofkrs from former employers. The new emmean salary lor the Class of 1998 was $35.362. players for A major component of the CDC is its student staff rccrulting mcmbcrs. Thcse students takc away much of the intimioncampus. daaon and anxiety thatcnn nccompany searching forlob The CDC or internship for the fira Ilmc. Thcse students a x skilled also spanin various processes ofjob searching and can quickly help sors variprnpinl whetisneeded togetslurled cnywr.~carch. Many ousjohand of them have gone through the same praecss so thcy uncarecrfairs dersrand the problcms encountered and can relate to thc here on situation. They ore always more lhan willsng to help and campus answer any questions. and in vari"I rcally enjoy working with people. 1understand the ous cities pmblcms students lacetrying toobtain intemshipsorjohs. such as Having gone through thc proccss myself, I think I oft'er Washtngstudents the appo~lunityto talk lo someone who has alton D.C. and New York City These provide shldents wiU1 the o p p n u ready gone through what they are doing." said Andrea oity to talk to plofessionals ia their fielm of inrerest SO tha t they . sain a Tcbay. a senior psycholog~lsociologymajor and student better understanding of what to expect and what skills they will need employee of the CDC. For the first time in its history, the CDC h a begun an extensive program plovidinp underclassman with inlcrnshi~ioforrnation and I posiibilit&. Thegoal IS to crcate an infrastruc&re among underclassmen whlch wlll help them determine the direction thcy want to take 11) their professional lives. "We want studel~tsto be informed about the options available before they become senion. We believe this wlll better prepare them tomakainformcddccisions about theirfuhlres when Ulc limecomer," said Laura Denbow, director of the CDC. Before becoming director of theCDC in May 1998. Laura was a member of the Georgetown University staff far seven ycars. Since colmng to Bucknell she h a witnessedtho effortsofthe CDC's dedicated nine member proferrional and smdent staff blossom into nmpressive results. Students in all disciplines are finding the pmccss of the job search far less rnrimidating and much easier than ever Tllcrcronlpulcrr lllri rrr usurliy occuplud hy .iudea- rrnrhhng lilrji,h\. before. Ofthe 97%olseniors who responded tothe 1998 Post-Gradu- #n~cr#xhipc.olgrrdusarrhool ~ n t o r n ~ ~ ~ a n r ~ ~ v r c rtinucch a~td~~ng~h~ .... .---A- ~ - 01 hnrllunrc the Crreer Derelornlenl Center hsndonc lhelr #oholaclna OFFICE OF ALUMNI, PARENTS AND AKI'IAKI' HIS'I'ORY Back Row (L-Rl Raz RichardsPtinmiuhlrtg.d,owmnx, rlr*sr&, murdn~edm. Karen Fedomulicz, WlllomLoranrkySc~lplure. Fmnf Row IL-R) Janice MannA n & AT~CIII*CI!,RE ! , ~ P P PMrddlr P ~ Age,. Is!omicAns & Arrii~tecarr Lynn Cazrlon~ Phaogmphx cnacol rheo'y, ddctral ;,""y,"b .xiaomx,e. . &T GALLERY BUUKS'I'ORE Fmt Row F R ) : Dobhlc Sllscta-Cirrron2er Savtce DeX. Cam1 Rsher-Acco~~nI~ Paynbb. Gcny &ng-Coursebook D ~ p o n me",. Cathy H"<ion-Gra.m!Book D~ponme,~aBetlyPrugh-HeadCccI~iii. Second Row (LR) P a y Cmmlcy-Clolhhg otjd GlfrDepamtani,AlluD>ellcodeiie. s u p p ; ~ ~ s / c o ~ n uDrponnunl/Heo!ih rr~ & Beu"i).A;ils,Marlcs" Book-MLLiiiiid Phvlo Drpnnnleni%.Donno McKec acco>m,s Pq.?b!r. Cval hrh-Genmo! I Book Dapogonml!~r, Llnda DeMaranuBle- Ban~fvA~dr.Ylck, Benion-AcnngDcrrdur Back Row IL-R) Clodv CamohcllShioning m Faculty &Administrat CAREE DEVEL CENTE ,-.,. .........,. FmaRor u...u.. " LauiaDenbow-Dlrr<ror, S a s h B =" Arrr>rnnlDrrrctor BaskRow (L-R). Pam Ker~er-Assm!nreDiiiii,ShbbI laws,. Drpanaf~NSrcrrrrrry,Katie MMI)onaidRrcruln,$g . . I . " Co""I;"n,or. Lellbrnile Moron- ~rcru,t;rns,lsfr.sra)r r CIVIL1 RONMENTAL NGINEERING ., Orbi?on.~,-&s.,or.~ans .. , ~ a c o b s r r ~ rla u rB. ~ Jam"3 Kim-Cho,mion.Thomar D~SrefmoAAZIS~O,~~ Profassor. P Aaron Yoviandpmlkvor rvcd Rooke Chair. R ~ s h w JCragan~.,i~~~ntProfas~or.M~~OlcwH~ggmsAxavmin,liPmletsor.T Michael Toole-Vst8. Arar,"", Prqfiiior, Ranold z1c""snnrrailoa Pmvfmrar, Krrcn Mamri. l e W Evans-Pmfesaor, RcchardMcGlnrrPmfes3"r -----. nyder-Src~mv,Enn VSirronrPmfdsror.Grcl fesror, Jnntt Jonesir,Mark Pndllla-Pmfes~ irncer DEANS 'OF STUDENTS Barbara SchodeMnry Beth s,s,oni. ,.LonBarUI-Iudlcral .=.,, ..... Second Row IL-R1: Ruth ~~~ham-~rro ~ emnumorf ~ SIvdddrr (O"#",",r.n, Cornmi,",iyLnlrc#. ~ ~ ~ ~ i i d , s ! i u lHar~dbmX). cnc Kan Conrodn r n s f m I t ~ a a nof s,r~derisandDi~rorofrorof Cnmn~urAcii~~me.~(CAPCccccC~. BackRow (L-8): Gerald Cummorfard.Arrociare Dean ofS!caimio (S,adr,>tJudrcial SvsramJ. Allen sehwem~buw-lnmrihDam ofsludmfr. Ed CoweU-Auocur D#mofSnrdelmts (Muhculi,lrniAff"rrsJ,Roy BhXhxhX~~~~~~~i~ Dron ofsiudean (GjrrXLifr). a Faculty &Administrat ECONC..-_-Fmnf Row (L-R). Gm8 K m h n d r r n o r Ptnfe8sor. Ian f f i ~ r d l e r - A ~ ~ ~ ~ i a t t P m f e ~ ~ ~ ~ , Amy Wolruer-A$roc?os Pmfiiiii. J J Shackelford-Pmfwr. Nmcy m t e ~ Axsoc~aleProf?ssor. Peer ~ l - h s o c , " r a Pmlrrn,rEcaso!nics & 1nr'~ReI~nonr. Back Row (L-Rl: OcoE Schncider-Assiscan, P m f e ~ l o rCharier . S~C~~~.AAAAAA,,# Pmfiiiir, CBhenne O'Ciiii-AiiiiiiiiI Pmfesso ran, P~~IIII *,,or E b u LALlun Fmnl Row (L-Rl. Ivdllh Schaut-A8ronoa Pmf'~~or,Ak Feuentein-As1~r1~1a~r1 P ~ f f f fKaiharyn f ~ NoIfff-Addiiiiii Pmfmror. Lvnn Hofimm-Ass,szonr ENGINEERING FrunC Row fLR1.Wenlc Huaog-hirionr Pmf~ssor.Mqarsl w~ruer-V,,g"ssia,i", Pmkrsor, DebblcMcAlI~slcrPcnrury, S<eVFD Hamcr-h5irionrP?e/esor. Back Row (LRI. Btinklry Spmot.~-~srism,rr Pmfc~sor.Muk McNcll-Arnsronr Pmf<sso,l, MauncSAbwde"~P,~fele"lele, Eduud Ma?laasura-Pmfcssor. s m u ~ l ENGLISH urrl~E OF [OUSINGAND RESIDENTIAL ,."".<"&, LIFE Be* RorenbloclReridenfraiUfe Coodi~~~r~mmmmhili Co,npra, vicimArcnlus-Residddddddi LO cood~nofornIpr,nCanpm &Mods, Mac Pat?-As.?,,Dtmcror Back Row (LRI. NlcolsLoy*.A~,,iranlDirrcior, Pal ninp*wnp-srcmrory, DnnRcmlsy-Dvarar r,vl,, I , ~ i uI EKIVHIIONAL EDUCATION Fmnt Row (L-R). MnnetfcVmT.lbrugSludyA b d d d v l s o r ro Eng,,>ee,iiig Studenis.J ESchnldler-Sacnany.Ano ~ GmndrVon,-Pmgro,nCoordi,,oror B,<chril <,I Froszce. Back Row (L-R). Barbua R"we-D,rertor. J; Dlnctor. Mananr Direclur Faculty &Administrat ENGINEERING Fmnt Row IL-R) Steven B. Sho Arrllronr P,njiiiil. D8"l'J I. car Pmferrar lames W Bash-Pmfe Charlcr W Knociy-Assm,o,~P, BnckRow G R Y Sloim Pmssc~. Consianrc Ztemian-As$zrronrPmferror Feler C . Srryker-Asre~ar~Pmf~rror: Susan E CWL PHYSICS Frant Ko,v (LR).Fam Lvmn-Wifing A~J~S,"",Pml#,sor. Be* CuonmghwnArsoriolr Pmlrssor. Sdly Koutiollotar~ nsmronr ~mf.mr. D S V Lschhpf~ Asroclofe Pmfmror Back Row (L-Rl: Tom Solomon-.4r~ocnrrPmf'ffff. BBB V a U m a y r - ~ - k r k r i s t m t P m fEdwn ~~~~~, hd'J.,,~~b,",,,r Pmje~sor,X~dananan Volimayr-Lee-Ass~Sfsfsff Pmjessnr, Mnmn Li8uc.A~ - PSYCHOLOGICAL rn Ity &Administration I -,. REGISTRAR Fmnt Row (LRI' Msliar Wcber-Avsiiiiiit R~*.crrrorEflrull.Eltzakih WulcrrnDaio Coordrin!or, Bnan Scholten. Cathy K o w AcndsarcSvs!rfnrRa'. Coodimator, JenniferHanei, Slvnn Harndion. Back Row (L-R): Jcnn Kcllcy JorieBilger rnjonllanon~ e n ~ ~ o ~ , ~ nwurlrara ~nalmi F",tem,,".or-c' coordlrmroc Apr Coripl,onr~Re< 1i"pple.Drlrcrr sysrmls, le"".ier Re#i~rrr,r'sArrisl RrplU,", > OSC< RELIGION ,"").,""" Y"Y1Y,-'r",YJ."." Mary Evelyn Tucker-Pmjerror.Jorpeh LaBargeAssacioliva Pm/rssor, Slephanl~SnyderSecmtaoi Csml Woync White-AAAAAAAAAAA Pmferror. Mmr Antonnmio-Assb,~"' Prnfi.,~r~rl THEATER & DANCE Fronr Row (LR> Gary 0ranl-AS.vocloa Pmfes~o,dm~~r~,,Dm"aFmgi~""&mc,n1 Pmfassorof Donrc, Glen Shlel. F Elaine Wilhamr-Asroc8ar PmLlaor'oj i/ a, Faculty &Administrat A(cadebic Focus Each yearover 100Bucknell Univenitygraduales attend law school. The Pm-Law adviso~Patricia Longley, has a great deal to do with the students‘ successes. She zs there for continued suppoR and guidance for any student considering law school, whatever thelr major. She also produces a Ple-Law Handbook for the students' use with helpful information for all stages of your law school decision and search. You can also find aehecklist of steps to applying to law schools and re- sources for studying for the LSAT (Law Schools Adm~ssionsTest) and information on each individual law studies minor for thoae interested in the law although no rpectficmajar is requind to attend law school. Mrs. Longley and all the resources of the CDC are available to help students la decide if law school is for them and help themget accepted to the law school of their choice. to Dcntal Schools and Public Health Programs. 30-40 Bucknell rtudcnrs each year look to the Pre-Mcd advisor, Prof. John Tonretieh. for advice on which / " . classes to take and assistance durine the nrocess of choosing a medical school. He provides timetables for students to follow and informallon on just what is required to gel lnto the desircd program. Most studenLr do major in one of the sciences although any major can get you in as long as you meet therequirement of a year of physics and two years of both biology and chemishy. Pre-Med students at Bucknell have the advantage that the University has two PmMed organirations and two hospitals nearby where students can receive valuable handson emerience. Z!lJ Ity &Administration qtudebt Resources l . . l Womens Resource Center As Women's History Month begins, investigating one of the places on campus that focuses an wamen seemed appropriate: the Women's Resource Ccnter. Located on the second floor of Roberts Hall, tho Women's Resource Center was faundcd in 1986 by faculty and students who were concerned with issues that directly affected women. They felt there needed to be a place to share ideas and work towards better understanding of women's issues hcrc on campus, according to Janice Butler. director of the Women's Resource Center. The mission of the WRC, according to its information pamphlet, is "to foster a campus community in which women and men can live and work in a climate of mutual respect, understanding, and equality, and where women are encouraged lo reach their full potential." In order to fulfill their goal, Butler says that the WRC tries to "highlight women's achievements in culturnl, political, and historical perspectives," by bringing the outside world to Bucknell. This is done providing a variety of lectures nnd programs whleh are brought to campus in PLY#E t l u ~ . ~ l oKY#III~& r~ H.IIY,III 411dC O ~ I ~ I Spi>l,n I C ~ li,ol an effort to Over lllalCIIa1 h r . " , O ~ l i l , l inform and educate. Secondly. the WRC "takes our programs in-house to where women are." This means, for example, the WRC has presented programs to female residential halls, athletic teams, or Greek organizations on topics such as eating Wolncnr R ~ r o u n eCcnlciilnil Ihc Prnhell~inlcCoulo8l. dtsarders, and gender communication styles. Thlrdly, through "advocacy and counseling options" for women, the WRC hopes to help womon doal with issues that affect them. In the case of rape or sexual assault, the WRC will let a woman know what her options are, ''walk with them should they decide to file charges. which is thc woman's choice," said Butler. Currently, the WRC is run by the full time drrector Janice Butler, with help from one graduate and three undergraduate interns who completc projects such as the "Haw safe do you feel at Bucknell" graffiti posters that arc around campus now. Through their work, Butler says they arc "empowering women to reach their full potential and increasing sensitivity about gender issues." $. 1 Wulncni KcluulccCciscr S l l i l Friinl Kt>w (I il Ann Lee Debra Wll\nn. PhlllllI Jolle?. Kry-lrl Ruhr. Mcllndr Lcmhc UachIlo~u(l-r)Dlunney Spohn. Kunlbr BrryoL. Jnllcc Huller. Mary Snydci Faculty &Administra S/tude/ltResources 1 camp$s Activities and Programs Bucknell Campus Activities and Center) exists agrams l3fice needs of our eet man] rofthe s ~ d o n tand s to assist them in finding a niche at Bucknell. Social programs and activiues, as we11 as program pIanning resources and supplies are only a few of the many offerings that the centerpravides. Thc CAPCmter also assists indwidual s N d e m student groups, faculty, and adminiruative departments wlth co-curricular programming. Additionally, leadership programs and resources are made available to students and provide avenues for creative program planning, personal development, and opportunities to develop lifetime leadenhlp skills. Thmugh these programs, the CAP Center encauraees self- / ' r . ' \* .I f I I I J I Here are a few things that the CAP Center has to offer: Shuttle Services What's Happening 81 the Weekender International Student Id Cards Babysitting Opportunilies Pilm Series Computers. mewriters. and Photacopymg Upcoming Events and Activities Clnnie Moore, h e ofticecoordinator is a resource to shldents for where to go to help their organizations succeed. Dean Kari Conrad oversees thc office and work as our link to the administration. Conrad was also a driving force in the creation of Uptown, the alcohol-free dance club in Swmz basement. Julie Fitlgerald and Kathy Amett work with BAC, Building on Foundations @OF), Lead Team. tho annual Chrysalis Ball, and many other organizations to assure that all is going well. student Office Manager MellPra Dombach has r p t much ofhcrfovryears %I Bucknsll up inlheCAPCenm hslptng sa- make thore porrerr or f l y e r r . dents works bcrng r 11111 lllno mommy! Faculty &Administra Mio Abe International Relations French Francis R. Adams IV Psychology CaraA Alalmo English Lee M Alexander Accounting Chrlstopher V. Amato Accounting Amlr Amlnlarl Biology Abbey J. Armstrong Biology Education Heather M. Adams Biology Jon C Adams Management Roxane 0.Adler Engllsh Karen L. Aiflerl History Jennifer J Allen Animal Behavior Lor, B. Allen Management I LarisSa R.Amy Computer Sclence Malina R. Anderson Education Ursula S. Anderson Animal Behavior , Michael J. Arrlson Computer science Music Shaun B. Asbury Management Jennlfer M. Ast Accounting ,, Rcllnlnn David E. Arnold International Relat~ons Economics Gail E. Allison English Maw E. Alonso Nathaniel C. Arlander Chemical Engineering Ryan S . Armentrout Electrical Engineering Mary E Ast~ MUSIC Theatre Jenna L. Aurand Soc~ology Hlstory I forever f riendr . Theodore M. Avger~nos Interdepartmental Albeil T Bachman Management Elizabeth C. Barrows Elementary Education Tiana Barsam-Brown English . Richard C. Bealty Jr. ECO~O~ICS Christopher E. Becker Com~uterSci. & Engineering Suzanne E. Bell Elementaw Education Brooke Bennett German John P Bennett Envlronmental Studies Susan E Beshei Economics Political Science Carolyn S. Bill Psychology Kather~neT Blank History Jason A. Boccagno Accounting Marci B. Bodner Sociology History Andrew M. Baldwin Enallsh KandaA. Baney Elernentaw Education Casey L. Barber Art Jonathan T Bard Accounting Nathan A. Banhel Electrical Eno~neenna Stacle L. Bartlen Internattonal Relations Spanish Willlam M. Bartsch Clvll Enoineerina Brlan T. Baxter Accountinu Milton E. Baxter Ill Eiectr~caiEngineering Justine E. Berger Art Studio Margaret A. Bernlc Accounting MollleA Bodnovich Elementary Education Elizabeth C. Boaado ~s~cholo~; Spanish Brett A. Bailor chemist^ - I weeker . - - - Seni Teresa M. Bohlsen Elementary Education Joann M. Bohn Cell Biology1 Mlchael J. Bolduc CIVIIEng~neer~ng Nicole A. Bohn Management Wendy A Boland Accounting Brian E. Bowser Cell Biology1 Biochem~stry Alexander W. Bozic B~ology Nicole M. Brandematti Biology Klrsten Brinkman-Hansen Psychology Wllbur U. Briones Management Erlc S. Bronfenbrenner Robert A. Brooks Electrical Engineering College Major mi"*h.mictn, Manhew D Borr~o Blology Kevin G Boulden J r Clvll Englneering ween Ri"l0"" Leah K. Bolea English HIS~ON Lauren D. Bond Animal Behavior Environmental Studies Ann C. Bonner James R. Braun Computer Sci. & Engineering Mark P Brerner Biolo~v Jarren D. Brldge Management Meredith A. Brisco Biology Davld J. Bronfenbrenner Chem~calEngineering Janlne M. Brown Management Llndsay S. Brown Economics Theatre - Enc J. Borgman Psychology Amy L. Borneman Elementary Educatlon Amy E. Br~ll~nger Earlv Ch~ldhood Education Laran S. Brindle Enolish ~syci'70logy Carolyn Bull Psychology Charles P Bullard English John W. Bullard Electrical Engineering Jennifer A. Buoncontri H. Christopher Caldwell Computer SCI. & Enoineerino Kerty D. Callaghan Management DyrlkaT Cameron Management Tyrlka A. Cameron Management English Theodore R. Burnes Psychology Marina Cam~nis Psychology Eirena A. Carlson Engllsh I rbring break Scan D. Cauffman Chem~calEngineering Michael V Cerrone Environmental Studles Management Nathan P Carlson Chemistry Brian G. Carr Management Christina P. Carier Economics Katherine L. Caruso Political Sclence Eric P. Charles Animal Behavlor Tanya S. Chen East Aslan Studles Kathleen M. Cheval~er English History Jimmy C. Chong Management Rlchard K. Ciccione Management Laura C. Carlson Talia M. Ciccane Sociology Jennifer L. Ciotla English Jacklynn A. Clause Economios Car~saS. Clemko Elementary Education Lara H. Coleman Management Mlchael Condor Computer Sci. & Kathleen A. Conroy Political Science Chrlsta L. Consol~ni Psvcholoov Kat~eM. Conway Edward J. Costello English Christian M Covlello Electncal Engineering Darren M. Creasy Psychology Chrlstopher E. Crellin Computer Sclence Erlc J. Criscuolo Biology ~inlnnv Summer R . Clark Civil Engineering Winifred S. Clark Sara S. Coates Education Colleen C. Conyngham Biology BrenY Cooper Interdepartmental Douglas J. Cooper Mechanical Engineering Mark D. Coppin Computer Sci. B Engineering,Economics Stella G. Costa Blology Joanne H. Crompton Elementary Education Kathryn L Cronan Accounting Joseph K. Croney Computer Sclence Paul W. Crowe-Wermund P~YSICS Music Calder W. Cruikshank Management @, seni Amber N. Csaszar International Relations Steve M. Csontos Mechan~calEngineering Joseph J. Culbeltson Ill Management Lauren E. Dahlman International Relations Uri J. Dalial Economtcs Nora 2. Daniels Secondary Education Carinne B. Davis Psychology Samantha N. Davis English French Natalle K. Dawklns Philosophy Steven C. Deluca Management Angela C. Dlaz Econom~cs Political Science Katelyn M. Delaney History Barly A. Cunnlngham Economics Yetunde Danlels Psychology Melissa J De L ~ m a Manaqement SOCIOIO~~ Stephanieann A DiBello Computer Science Dana M. Cunnlngham Management Sallma S. Darakly History Astr~dF. De Place lnternatlonal Relations German Sarah E. Diegnan Clvll Engineering Todd A. Curlett Management Kristin A. D'Agostino Chemical Engineering Ryan M. Darlington Sociology Heidi M. Daub Electr~calEnglneering Christopher J. Dean Accounting Chrlst~neS. DeCaro Political Science Marion H. Dietter~ch French Danlelle Dilkes Education Alexander B. Dixon Management Cynthia A. Doan Psychology Megan M. Drake Accounting Janellen M. Duffy Economics Fnnllek Thomas K Egan Physics Christopher R. Ellis Economics Political Science Charles M. Ehrenfried Philosophy Political Science Mlchael R. Elsensteln Computer Sci. & Enoineerinn Joshua D. Elslnger Economics Michael J Emanuele Cell Blologyl Biochemistry Donna L. Engle Management Megan E. Epler Spanish Stephanie J. Eilseuson Psychology Germen Ryan C. Erb Sociology Economics Lisa D. Domanowskl Mechanical Engineering Mellssa Dombach Accounting Keith J. Donahue Mechanical Enqlneerinq John H. Donecker Histow Susan S. Douglas Cell B~oloovi Michaei S Durst Computer Sci. & Lyndsay B. Earhalt Blology Jeremy E. Eckenroth Computer Science Mara L. Eddy H~storv James L. Egan Manaqement Jenlfer R . Elkus Engllsh Meredith C. Ell~ott Political Science C""....L Amanda B. Erickson Music Education Jessica P Ericson Computer Science David J. Erwin Computer Science Lori M. ESPOSI~ Chemlstty Elizabeth S. Fabre Blology Julia C Farnsley Engllsh Brendan C. Flelds Computer Sci. & Katherine Finarelli Economics Nathan H. Fltzgerald East Asian Studies Psychology Gretchen B. Flack Psychology Brian M. Evanoka Management Robert J. Evans Computer Scl. & Wllllam E. Evans IV Cell Biology1 Jeremy W. Everlit Electrical Engineering Marlam Fedai lnternatlonal Relations Samuel M. Feeney Enqlish Danlelle Ferioli Management Shanna M. Ferrara Management Natalia Ferrari PolitlCalScience Dayna A. Ftnkenzeller Biology Aaron P. Finnelly Economics Andrea M. Flsher Accounting Manhew D. Fisher Economics Meianle L. Fishel Engllsh Snanish M~thrrrnxtire Anne K. Flegal Economics Political Science Mark A. Fogleman Mechanical Eng~neering Physics Bryan E. Forclno Management ~ y a A. n Fordham History Econamics Bradford J. Eyre Management Richard J. Forsyth Jr. Management @ seni Brian R. Foster Account~ng Michael L. Fox Economics Jacob H. Frechette English Jenn~ferS. Freedman Latln Amerlcan Studies Laura J. Fronapfel Management Robin A. Frutchey Psychology Kelly S. Gallagher Elementan Education Sara R. Gans Econom~cs Ke~shaA. Garner International Relat~ons Krista L. Gerhard International Relations Kern A. Germain Management Jennifer A. Glambrone Accounting Joseph S. Giammalvo Chemistry Computer Science Joel C. Gibbel Clv~lEngineer~ng Mark J. Francolin0 Electrical Englneerlng Christlne M. Frankovitch Chemical Engineering Frank E. Fresconi Ill Mechanical Engineering Laura A. Frledel History Carollne B. Garrett Geology James P Gamey Accounting Llndsay P. Gash English Heather M. Genovese Music. History & Anthony V. Georgiadls Interdepartmental Robert W. Gibson Ill Management Amy M. Gilday English Theatre Patrick M. Glil Cell Biology1 Blochernistly Amy C. Girlfalco Animal Behavlor Fr~nrh Alex F. Glbson Electrical Engineering @, Seni Andrew K Glover Computer Sci. 8 Jennle R. Goossen Electrical Eng~neering Barren P Goddard Chemical Enqlneerlnq Sarah G. Goehring Manaqement Jason L Goldschmidt Com~uterSci. 8 Nancy E. Goldsmith Elernentaw Education James A. Graham Ill Clvil Engineering Lee T Gratz Electr~calEnqineerina Carly E. Graytock Cell B~oloavl Brian J Green Electrical Enalneerina C. Alexander Grieco Biology Peter J. Griffin Management Jonah B Haif Management Leslie J. Hall International Relations Dert Chen Mlchael J. Good Accountlng David E. Green Physics Alexander F. Gregory Civ~lEngineering Polltlcal Science RobeRT. Grlppando Manauement Teresa A. Grob Classics Christopher J. Guandolo Manauement Nicole M. Gull English Sarah M. Gunnels Electrical Engineering Nlchols 6. Hall Civ~lEngineering Yoshlhito Hamada Accounting Todd M. Hansbergei Computer Sci & Engineering Amy C. Hanson Mathematics Tamika K. Harding Management Tracy M. Hickey Cell Biology1 Biochemistry Sybll Hlllman English Katherine A. Hicks Cell Biology1 Biochemistry Matthew H~nton Management Rachael E. Hlcks English Chrissy Hnet~nka Chemistry Anastasia 0. Hams Management Justin S. Hams Econom~cs Michaei P. Hemphlll Bioloqy Erica E Hendrix B~oloqv Kelly A. Hile Biology Christopher D. Hill Management Emily M. Hoch International Relations German Keric L. Hockenberry Bloloqy Jennifer L. Hart Chemical Engineering . - Meredith G. Haltman Art History Karen P. Heney Management Nicole M. Henry Spanlsh Douglas R . Hill Management Heather L. Hill Classics Dawson T. Hodgson Hlstory Timothy J. Hoffman Mechanical Engineering Eric A. Hathaway Civil Eng~neer~ng Marcus J. Hernandez Management Erin K. Healy International Reiatlons Stephen L. Heckman Classics Economics Todd W. Hesel Blology Neil P. Hickey Clvll Engineering Chad D. Holden Management Wllliam R. Holligan IV Economics Sean H. Houston Polltlcal Sclence Tat-Lln Huang East Asian Studies Jason R. lsaacs Management Jessica E. Jackley Ph~losouhv Manhew M. Johnson International Relations Economics Sarah 0. Johnson Management Tracy L. Honko Education Matthew D. Hopklns Philosophy Computer Science Matthew B. Hornick Pol~t~cai Sclence Christopher R. Honlng Engllsh Lori D Houck Accounting Eilzabeth A. Hubbard Geology Psvcholoqv CoreyT Hurley Management Christopher C. Huston English Christina M. Huth Mathematics Mlchael P levers Economics Samantha A. Jackson Hlstory Political Science Carolyn T Jam~son English Theatre Aluko 0. Jewis Blology Adrienne C. Johnson Geology Jonathan C Johnson Biology Douglas R. Johnston German Biology All~sonM. Jones International Relations Spanish Kristin M. Jones Management Kenneth W. Joost Management Suprlya P Josh1 Management Terrence 0. Joyner Sociology Courtney A. Kaczynskl Elementary Education Peter A. Kadens Political Science Mlchael H. Kagey Cell Blologyl Angela R. Kahn French Courtney A. Kasperski Elementary Education Nicole A. Katz Economics Meghan E Kavaius Management Heather L. Kavana Accounting Hunter K Keay Management Thomas W Kelly Management Christopher J. Kllmartln Management June H. Klm Political Science Lindsay Klmnach Economics Matthew A Kaplan Mathematics Michelle L. Karam Blolagy Eric N. Keber Jr. Polltlcal Science Ryan D. Keeley Psychology Lea L. Kilra~ne International Relations Lauren B. King History Jennifer L. Kirschner Valter Karavanlc Electrical Engineering Justln 0. Kelster Civil Engineering Nlcolas C. Karkabe International Relations Polltlcal Science David R. Kase Management Maureen E. Kelly Elementary Education RlchardT. Keliy II Clvll Engineerlng Neil R. KISS Manaaement JenniierA Klein lnternatlonal Relations Leigh C. Kllmowlcz Elementary Education Elizabeth H. Klingler Biology Mlchael R. Knudtsen Manauement Manhew S. Kotch Andrea E. Kovacs Economics German Suzanne Koziol Cell Biology/ Blochemlstry Niis A. Krarnm Computer Science Andrea l Kresge Mechantcai Engineering Kristy A Kuhn Denise P. Larnoureux Biology Biology I / I senior nigh* I Biology Megan C. Leaderer Psvcholoav Ryan J. Lebreton Chemistry Sarah J. Kobielski Chemistry Kristen L. Koenigsbauer Sociology 1 Allison A. Kuhn Management Jaclyn L. Kuhn Biology I Nicholas A. Lapwolth Economics Michelle M. Latyea Accounting Matthew R. Laszewski Mechanical Engineering Blakely J LaUria Accounting Dang Le International Relations Caryn C. Lee English Education Sang J. Lee Blology Leanne C. Leer Mathematlcs Yona R. Leopold Secondary Education Mlcheile K. Lesh Mechanical Engineering F e ~ o r i e rabroad 1 Laura B. Leslie Psychology Kenneth M. Llnger Econom~cs Polltlcal Science Llsa D. Llsanti Biology John M Llttzl Biology Mark W Lockwood East Asian Studies Jason D. Lohman Management Meilssa B. Londregan Biology Keith C. Loniewskl Mechanical Engineering Orlon C. Loundon Economics Stephanie G. Lub~tz English Cory A. Lundberg Management Chr~st~n E. Lundgren Electrical Engineer~ng Ailson E. Luzuriaga James E. Malcolm Civil Engineering Kalsoom K. Malik English Polit!ca( Sclence Management Justln C. Mancin~ Sociology Forrest R. Lysinger Jenn~ferA.Mabb Mechanical Eng~neering Elementary Education Linda M. Mangan B~ology Michele A. Manikowski Management Jessica M. LoDato Economics Valerie A. Loeffler Psychology Freder~ckE. Luchsinger Mechanical Englneering Marissa E. Lucian1 MUSICPerformance Mlchael N. Maffeo Blology Meghann B. Magovern Economics Alecla S. Manley Psychology Holly K. Mann Management Michael P. Mann Jr. International Relations Julia R. Manweiler Mathematics Fmnomics Frederlc W. Marona Biology Stephanie J. Marshall Biology Donald J. McDowell Management Kathleen G. McElllgott Mathematics Leanne B. McFadden Account~ng K~mberleeD McGrath Anthropology Mollle McHale Elementaly Education Emily A. McKnighl Early Childhood Education George I. McLanahan Economics George H. McNamara Accounting David W McNeece Chemlcal Engineering Brian M McNulty Histony V~rg~nia A. Marciano Sociology Psvcholoov Jonathan S. Markos Civii Engineering Elizabeth M. Marks Elementary Education Victor J. Marks Bioloqy Econom cs William R. Moroon Computer Science Marle L. Martlnez Soc~ology Erlca L Mathews Chemical Englneerlng Sean P. McBrlde Computer Sci. & Engineering Michael F. McCaffrey Computer Sci. 8 Engineering Christine E. McCarthy Management Erin J. McKenna English AlexanderJ. McKnight Management Nancy C Measley Computer Science Bethany L. Medeiros Psychology Wllilam P Miller Political Science Rellgion Michael E. Morris Mechanical Engineering Lauren G. Mehl Management Rhyan K. Mercado Biology Meredlth E. Mlckei Elementary Education Karen D. Mlddleton Civil Engineering John A. Mitchell Jr. Theatre Shetal H. Mlthanl International Relations German Moiiy A. Moffe Chemistry Environmental Studies Lisa A. Mollnelll Engllsh Women's Studies Tracy S. Morrison Biology Rebecca L. Morrlssey History Politlcal Science Lauren E. Moser Blology Brian R. Muckle Management JulieA Merrlll Elementary Education Jennlfer M. Milan Psychology Lella M. Monajatl Cell Bioloavi Anne W. Monoky Enqllsh Tina R. Monoski Socioloav Kelly D. Moore Mathematics Kelly A. Morgan Accountina Anju A. Mulchandant Management Jonathan M. Mull Management Keith J. Mullen Philosophy Eliza L. Mumma History Classics Deborah C. Murphy Psychology , Kerstin M. Murphy Political Sclence Jennifer M. Murr~n Environmental Studies Socloloov Michael T Nevln Management ,m eniors David H. Officer Ill Interdepartmental Patrick E. Ogle Accounting Kimberly S. Osborn Sociology Anthropology Katle 6. O'Shea Economics Audrey L Myers Timothy J. Nagell Chemlcal Eng~neering Mechanical Englneering Natasha M. Naparstek Civil Engineering Zhnstopher Nowakowski Mechanical Englneerlng Mlchael A. O'Brien English Christine M. O'Connor Cell Biology1 Graham M. Ogiesby Economics Nancy E. Olender Blology Kevin A. Oles Mustafa P Ostrander Economics Thomas J O'Toole lnternatlonal Relations Andrew J. Pacinelii Biology English Economics Kimberly Nastasti Econom~cs Matthew T Neal College Major Michael R. O'Donnell Edward H. O'Donoghue Ill Mechanical Engineering Economics Odunze C. Onyeberechi Electrical Engineering Nathan L Orr Computer Scl. & Engineering Hugh 6.Palsley Economics Danlel G. Palko Jr. Accounting a Seni Natdanal Panitchpakdl Mechanical Engineering Telaya L. Parham Hlstory Mlcki M Phtlllps Econom~cs J. Andrew Pleiwola Cell Biology1 Blochemistry I Jennifer Parlselia Psychology Cassandra J. Pisieczl English Theatre I Matthew D. Parker Management Gregg C. Patay Economics Brlan E. Pltrer Electr~calEnglneering Kerrl A. Plude Management Amol Prasad Economics Jared W. Pray Chemtcal Engineering Scott M Pugh B~ology Brendan T Purcell Management Alnslle G. Pearsall Anthropology Art Asgher A. Peers Chemistry Kristen A. Pen~x Economlcs Political Science Johanna C. Peperzak Chemlcal Engineering Latin American Studies Hellen T. Phan Electrical Engineering East Asian Studies Keith M Poisella Management David C. Pomfret Biology Jennifer L. Post Cell Blologyl Biochemistry Michael R. Pons English Cassandra A. Powell B~ology Jeremy N. Pronchik Chemistry Melia R. Prushnok Economics Jeffrey F. Purtell Jr. Economics Anne B. Putnam Management I Lauren E Rabadeau Management Mei~ssaARadley Accounting Brian M Radomskl C~viiEnglneerlng Auste M. Radzlus Secondary Education Veronica L. Raggi Biology Kelly M Ranck Secondary Education Kristen E. Raymond History Spanish Mlchaei C. Reiner Mechanlcai Engineering Roberl E. Reiss Accounting Nlcoie L. Renteria Biology Cristina M. Rigney Mathematics Laura M. Rindone Elementary Educatlon Btvan F Roda Account~ng Dana L. Rofey I ~sychoiogy Christopher S. Raia Accounting Erlk C. Ralph Cell Biology1 Astrid A. Reynolds French Krystal L. Rlckard Music Education uic+nnr Christina M. Ringwood Secondary Education Emily J Risser Econom~cs Ellen A. Rizzi lnternat~onalRelations Michael G. RIZZI Mechanical Engineering Darlene L. Robe Animal Behavior Rianna Romanowskl Cell Biology1 Biochemistry Federica L. Ronchinl Anlmal Behavior Samantha L. Root Psychology Spanish Jennifer L. Ross Psychology Carlos R. Rossi English Davld V Ross1 lnternatlonal Relat~ons Frederick Rountree Ill Physics Frnnnm,rc Patncia L. Russo English Shannon M. Sardelli Anthropology Heather A. Scamuzzi Management GeoHrey B. Sargeant Management Keith A Scarfo Biology Andrew D. Sauers Chemical Ensineerino Brian A. Scaria Chemical Eng~neering Rocco W Russo Electrical Engineering Adam P. Saunders Ph~loso~hv Ryan M. Savell Economics Jeffrey J. Scepanski Sociology Political Sclence Erin T Schenck Secondary Educat~on Alexander J. Rudis Electrical Engineering - Karen M Rule English Psychology Jeremy P Runk Management Managemer!t t zaoeln 6 Ryan Management M cnacl Sa a Managemcnl .ames G Sa erno Managemen! Sailm 6 . Sawaya Econom~cs Stephanie J. Saylor English Michael D. Rubinsteln Anlhropoloqy Religion-- Asn ey T R.sl Bryan S. Schiding Econom~cs Meredlth C Sch~pan~ Management G~naA. Russo Socioloqv Women's studies Wn lnry A Sanaers 11 En* ronmenra Sl~ales Karen A. Schlobohm Polltical Sclence Jennifer A. Schmermund Enslish Carl A. Schmitt Manasement Pamela A. Scovill Accountino Kerri L. Searles Enslish Amanda J Sharpe French Vloletla Shayevlch Psychology Leslle K Shoemaker Art H~story Jason R. Slewert Management Joseph R. Sileo Economics Jared 6. Silliker Chemistry Scon E. Sehon ECO~O~ICS Tlmothy F. Schnurr Economics Jennifer M Schwe~ger Music Education Erln K. Senator Electrical Enslneerlns Susan E. Senchak Cell B~olosvi Jonathan M Shultz Mechan~calEnglneerlng Enk P Shumar East Aslan Studles lnternatlonal Relations EnkaA. S ~ m ~ l o English Chert M Skipworth Soc~ology Micah B Schwelzer German Raymond J. Schwenk Jr. Chemistry ~rnnrh Ph8lnqonhv Kathryn A. Senderowltz International Relations Jason A. Seymoul Management Donald W. Shump Jr. Economics Roger S Slca Blology Ei~zabethL. Slaby Jennifer L. Slonaker PsychologY Environmental Studies French I 1 Andrew W. Spencer Accounting Flaur~neSt Louls Management Matthew Stanley Economics Sarah L. Stopper Anthropology Religion Meghan C Strand Civil Engineering Landon J. Sul~ck Computer Scl & Engineering Shelly E Saner Management Jennifer W Srnardon Elementary Education Jesstca E. Smlth Environmental Studies Mlchael W Smith Economics Karen L. Stark Biology Katrlna M. Stavnes English Jonathan T Surran Management Stephan~eM. Sutton Biology Andrew A. Srnlth HlstOry Andrew W. Smith Computer SCI.& Engineering Stephanie A. Smlth Bloiogy Ilene R. Sorblum International Relations German Linda L. Steele Civ~lEngineering Rebecca M. Stevens Clvll Engineering Mlchael J. Stevenson Electrical Engineering Karolena K Stewart Economics Elizabeth R. Swank Management Natae L. Swanson Accounting Erika L. Szendrey Art History Krist~naL. Tan Management Steven J. Ston~tsch Economics Abigall L. Tatei Economics Andrew L Taylor Environmental Studies Darcy L. Taylor East Asian Studles Mtchael P Thompson Civil Engineering Emlly R. Thorne International Relations Snmnish S niors Laura M. Tobey Socioloov Wesley R. Torres Com~uterSCI. & Christopher R. Tulimierl Accountlng Scott L TumSuden Computer Sci. & Engineering Economics Michael W. Taylor Trisha K. Taylor Environmental Studies Andrea N. Tebay Sociology Wllllam G. Tees Jr. Computer Sci. & Tracy J. Thiffault : History & Jennifer A. Tibok Accounting Anna K. Tledeman International Relations Joseph M. Tterney Civil Engineering Willlam Tighe International Relations Juli J. Tltherington Environmental Studies Jeffrey M. Townsend Mathemal~cs Shallonda Trim Management Stephen A. Trolsl Accounting Tara M Tutt English Kate M. Twombly Political Science Spanish Scott E. Uebele ECO~O~ICS Karla J Trude Civil Engineering Jason M. TU Blology Jason M. Van Druff Management Bradley J. Van Nostrand Management @ Seni Amy C. Vandenbroucke Engllsh Michael L. Vanderveer Management Anila J Varghese Elementary Education Sara A. Vargo Elementary Education Sara N. Varni Management Megan E. Wagner lnternatlonal Relat~ons Sage E. Wagner Sociology RebeccaA. Wahl English Go Wakimoto Management Kelly L. Wanger Computer Sclence Stephen C. Ward Management Aaron C. Watson Computer Sclence Patrlck J. Welsh psychology Religion j e f f r e y ~werrlng . Economics Jonathan J. Wetzel Management u;".,.". Davld E. Wagner Civil Engineer~ng Mlchael J Walters Chemical Engineering Nanchaya Wanasen Cell Biology1 Rinrh.m,etn. Claire S. Welsh Psychology Jordan A. Welsh Mechanlcal Engineering College Major Gary S . Veracco Civil Engineering Jessica A Viafore Biology Courtney J. Walker Biology Jeremy K. Walker Theatre English Watts Econarn~cs Philosophy Kerrln J. Wetzel Management Matthew R. Weaver Management Justin S . Whlte Accounting ~ ~ K, weber 1 , ~ Mathematics Jennlfer J. Wecht Accounting Justln P. Welgler Chemical Engineering Kevin S. Whlte Management Mlchele L. Wiicox Management Charles J. Wllllams IV Electrical Eng~neering Mellssa D. Wllllams Management Rashaan S.Wllllams Hlstoly MeMo vier a 6 road Electrlcal Englneering Benlamln R. Wuilschlager Management Ewa M. Zalewska English Polillcal Science iors Carolyn M. Yankowski Chemlcal Engineering Jasmine N. Zarnanl Pol~tlcalScience Danlelle C Yannece Psychology Douglas P Yarosr Cwll Englneerlng Suzanne M. Yates French Economics Mlchelle Ze~gler Electrical Eng~neering Rebecca D. Zeldis Nicole M. Zergebel Political Science Management Stephen W. Willlamson Secondaly Education Mark E. W'I's COmputerSclence English nllson M Wnukowskl Management Michael Woiuiewlcz Cell Biology/ Blochemlstly Yeo-Jun Yoon Electrical Englneerlng Marnie K. Yorke Soc~ology Soanish Kelly C. Wllson Psychology Erln J. Wlndle Economics Environmental Studies Katherine C. Histoly SDanish Stephanie M Wood Elementary Education ChristopherT Wooster Accounting Hudson L. Yost IiI Civil Engineering Lauren M. Young Environmental Studies Maxine Young English Erln E. Wllson Management congra+u(a+ionr +o +he ~ ( a r rof Ryan M. Z~egler Management Jennlfer L. Zlmmerman Bioiogy Amanda J. Zyiber Mathematics 2000! uation You st between ast D You face an absolutely unique challenge R @ uation ... I I future dreams. I I And you are going inm a world so new we can hardly recognize it as the one we have always lived in... 1 I I And in this I lew world it is more mportant than ever... CI I .. to dream. I Graduati I ey#ds for Grads Congratulations, daughter on your Graduation! Good Luck, We Love You! Love Mom & Dad Ads for ~rwfl Congratulations, Laura Jean We are so proud of you and love you very much! Bryan, congratulations along with the world's best wishes Your top supporters, Mom & Dad Dad, Mom, Rick, and Brian I II I Hunter Kent Keay Meghan Strand Quick-what movie? "LIFE MOWS PRE'ITY FAST. IF YOU DON'T STOP AND LOOK AROUND YOU MIGHT MISS U." CONGRATULATIONS, HUNTER. WB LOVE YOU. MOM, DAD & MORGAN "HOW'D YOU EVER GET TO BE SO CUTE?" "YEARS OF PRACTICE!" After eleven moves with your nomadic Air Force family, we are so happy you found a 'home'at Bucknell. We have watched you grow in strength and courage and are so proud of the person you have become. May your next 'chapter' be as precious and fulfilling as the ones you have already written. Our love will follow you always, Mom, Dad, and Micah Barah Diegnan Congratulations Sarah We Are So Proud Of You And Wish You Much Success In The Future Love, Mom, Dad, Rich, Cathleen, Kelly, Paul, Tracey, Alex, Bridgette, and Jack Ads for Gra ! IAbbey Jean Armstrong Dear Abbey, As this time ends, remember and cherish your life at Bucknell; look forward to new adventures; and always enjoy the present! The world's waiting-Go for it! We're so proud of you!! Love, Mom, Dad, Harry and Grandma I I on Christopher Adams "Today was the day that I started living the rest of my life. Today was the day that I started caring about the rest of my life. My mind was set in stone. I was headed away to live on my own for the first time in my life. What a beautiful day! It's an Ideal Day!" MM and JCA -- You've made us so very proud! Lot's of Love, Mom, Dad, and Brooke ads for Gmds David Matthew Stanley Vern, Congratulations on your Graduation! Kelley and Bacall Ioonathan James Edward Wetzel So Jon... you grew up on us! We love you. Mom & Dad BobbyThe future is yours in all its mystery and promise. Walk down life's windimg pathways with courage and humor and hope, savoring fully your triumphs and learning fromyour trials. Strive to live to the best of your ability by those personal standards of honor and excellence which only you con set. Cherish, above all, your individuality. Realize always that you are capable of achieving the only kind of success in life that really matters.. that of being at peace with yourself and with the world around you. Your moment has come.. the world awaits.. the future is yours. All our love always, Mom, Dad, Kem, and Megan I s for Grads WE WISH YOU FAST LAPS AND CHECKERED FLAGS. LOVE, MOM AND LES a' Ads for Gra Pamela Atluns Scovill PAMELA Don't go changing to try and please us; you never let us down before. We would not leave you in times of trouble; we never could have come so far. Don't imagine you're too familiar and we don't see you anymore. We took the good times; we'll take the bad times; we'll take you just the way you are. I With Love and Pride, Mom, Dad, and Greg I illiam M. Bmsch CONGRATULATIONS BILL BARTSCH Class of 2000 It all began with Cat-Dozers and building retention ponds. Who would have thought it would have brought you here? May your pursuit of knowledge and your quest for competition bring continued success in your new endeavors. As you come down the homestretch to the finish line at Bucknell, know that there is no one more proud of your accomplishment, academic or athletic, than we are! Love, m d s for Grarls I I \ all ...1 couldn't have made it to graduation without the financial support of my wonderful, loving, and bin$? parents." Olivia. and Ben / I I complishments at Bucknell and best wishes for you pursuits in Korea. CongratulationsTmde. We are proud of your Now take on the world! your fine qualities, many achievements, and the beautiful young woman you have become. Just remember, believe in yourself and your dreams will come true. Con- Love Mom, Dad, Lana, Douglas P. Yarosz, Jr. Dear Doug, Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Happy and Successful Future! Love, Mom and Dad Sara Spencer Coaces BRAVO SARA! You continue to amaze us with your passion for life. Your laughter is ever so contagious and has brought much joy to so many. Your compassion for others astounds us all, as well as your accomplishments. many wonderf~~l You've truly evolved into a beautiful, gifted woman, and we are all so proud of you. Now that you are a college graduate, follow your dreams, Sari! Follow you passion. God bless you always. We love you, Mom, Dad, and Leslie ... Ashley, Sophie, and Clouseau Xeodore Michael Avgerinos Congratulations to Theo and the Class of 2000!! From the Avgerinos Family Derek Douglas Gominger Derek, Laugh a Iltrlesing a Ilttle, As way' you go your Work a little,Iaya 1,,Ie, Do this every 3 day! G ~ v ae littletake a little, Nevermind a frownMake your smile a welcomed thing AU around the town! Laugh a little-love a little, Skies are always blue! silver linings, Every 'loud But it is up to you! (Apples of Gold) With Love and Pride, Mom & Dad s for Grads & Erica Matthews, Dayna Finkenzeller,Courtney Kaczynski, Sarah Diegnan %ark Patrick Bremer Mark, we are so very proud of you and the way YOU chose to make the most of your four years at Bucknell! It was worth the many pennies spent! Happy Graduation 2000! We love you! Love, Mom and Dad : x i Schmitt "A baby girl is God's opinion that the world should go on" -Carl Sandburg ...and go on it shall. You give us great faith in the future because you are part of it. You represent the heart and leadership of tomorrow. Now go on and introduce yourself to the world as a young woman with intelligence, integrity, enthusiasm, and humor. We are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, Tara, Paulie, and Michael @ Ads for Gra I lChristopher Steven Raia pric and David Bronfenbrenner Fly to the greatest of heights like the "Superman"we know. And Love... .. "Afoot and lighthearted, I take to the open road, healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown oath before me. leadine me wherever I choose." -Walt Wittnan We love you, atherine Finarelli KatieYou've done the Hums in Iowa proud. Us too. Love, Dad, Mom, and Laura Mom, Philip, Stephanie, Mama, Tata, Aunt Margie, Uncle Ray, Nicole, Adam, and Julianne Shanna Ferrara and Meredith Mickel gfseemsM e ~ n & ~ e s / e r & wXenyou ~ were 3resLrnen, mee/,hYbr / b e j i s / / h e . Y o m , jus/Jbur s 6 0 r f y e a r s fa/er, y o u 'reyradua/i l y , j f l e d w i / 6 6 0 P e s , dreams, andexpec/a/ions as /o m6a//6e fu/ure w1fl60fd Z y o U fiaue Z~~dne//and~o~our~~&uid~afwa~~, rem-6, /Awor& of Xe/enX e h r : "@z4a/me Laue once enjoyed we can never /me; a///Xa/me /oue deep& becomes a p a r i o f us. " Conyra/ufa/ionns /oyou and'our Z u c r b n e / / ' ~ a m ~ $wi/L/ooe ~' andpridef m m ' o u r fam~%.esa/Lome. Uicole Zergebel CONGRATULATIONSTO OUR MILLENIUM GRADUATE NICOLE " Z u c A / A esLy andinyourreac6 d e k u e , acAieue, a n d m P ~ i e. . mayyour /omorrom /a6eyou /o /Ae summ~/of"wyoa/, andyourjoys /+ou eoen X96er. WITH ALL OUR LOVE AND PRIDE, " Dana Marie Cunningham To Our Bucknellian, Dana, words cannot express how proud we are of you and all your accomplishments throughout your life. We hope you had a wonderful four years at Bucknell. We look forward to your continued success. Now starts the first day of the rest of your life-good luck and may God always watch over you. We wish you health, happiness, friendships, love, and laughter. May all your hopes and dreams come true. Love, Mom, Dad, and Randy Keith Austin Scarfo May joy and peace surround you, contentment latch your door, and happiness be with you now and bless you evermore. Good Luck at PCOM! With much Love and Pride, Mom and Dad Keith, Our wish for you is to find happiness and fulfillment in all that you do. You have brought us joy and given us pride through your unique talents. Congratulations Love, Dad, Mom, and Justin C rett Y. ooper Michael Patrick Hemphill Brett- for This is a very proud US. YOU have grown into the Outstanding young man we always hoped you would become. It has been our joy to do everything we could to get you to this point in your lie. Now it is up to you to find your place in the world. To you, our wonderful son, we wish all the happiness and success that life can bring to you Much love, Mom and Dad CONGRATULATIONS MICHAEL CLASS OF 2000 Continue to be happy and have faith, belief and purpose in your life and you will be able to meet whatever challenges face you! Love, MOM, MEREDITH, AND OUR FAMILY As you go into the world to live your dreams and pursue your goals, we are so very proud of your accomplishments. Wherever you go, you can always depend on us for complete support and love forever. Mom and Dad CONGRATULATIONS TO MARC and the CLASS OF 2000! We are very proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, &Juliet 3 for Grads eredith Carey Lamplugh-Schipani eather Ann Scamuzzi Bravo Heather! You deserve all the praise for hard work and dedication these past four years. We are so proud of you. Glastonbury has another Bucknell graduate. Love from all of US, Mom, Dad, Jennifer, and "Nestle" We salute you in the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: us." We know you believe these ate truths self evident; now you can act on them. With our love. 1OV€, TUE DEl UCA GANG I IJoshua Eisinger Brian Timothy Baxter I Feel pride ln how far you have come and kll o w love, Mom, Dad, Bob, Bridget, and Meghan I Michael N. Maffeo Congratulations Mike! Good luck in Graduate school Love, Mom, Dad, and Maryann ALL I ' atherine M. Perelra To Kate, CongraPdlationsto you and your classmates. We love you, Kate Mom, Dad,David, Emi, Tom, Lanie, Tracy, and Jeff I s for Grads Ads for Gra I Dear Chris- Congratulations on a job well done! We couldn't be prouder of you and the person you've become! Love, Daddy, Debbie, Stephanie, Laura & PJ xoxo Rebecca Stevens Congratulations to my Sunshine, With love and admiration for all you have accomplished and all that you are. Blessings, Mom XOxOxO CONGRATULATIONS to our engineer! We are so proud of you, Becca. With love, Nana, Aunt Vicki, Aunt Jo, Uncle Serle, Jonna, Uncle Bill, Aunt Betty, Nicholas, Auntie F Ads for Gra Morris Tierney Congratulations on your achievements! We'll be cheering for you in your future endeavors. your Tennlter Lynn C ~ o t t a P'fS Klchard Kevln C ~ c c ~ o n e Dear 9 z c h ourmn md6m/der Congratulations Jemifer Lynn Ciotta YX,S ,J you- % Our ,",sx [OC , r,"< ,&ryou dream8 With Pride for all you've been, with joy for all you are, with hopefor all you'll be, with one love always, bey X~eoerbseLope or fa,/X,n y o u r s e ~ o r,n /A r ~ a r ~ xe~.//~X~n~~-~erspec/~ue z / m a y ~6e /;ones/ andfazr I I / ~ ~ Y U Y S ~ ~ M ~ YouXaoe dmays made us soproudme me ue,v/uc& andso u c y 6Lessed z f l o u r hoe, Mom and Dad YTmy /Lank, yood/vdand6es/m~~6e~ Goue, %m, Dad S S ~ n a Iustin Paul Weigler Michael L Fox So this is what a Chemical Engineer looks like! JZcdae4 Gonyra/ufa/zons onyour Congratulations! Mom' Dad' 'lllr Todd, and Connor acAzeoemen/s U e Lweyou andmeproudcfyou your fami& Jeremy P Runk Good Luck on your new journey in life. We will always support you no matter what road you travel. Love, Mom and Dad Ads for Gr JustinD. White Karen L. Alfieri Mom. Kristen, and Kcith Katrina Moore Stavcns health, success OUR DEAREST KATRINA, YOU KEEP AMAZING US AND WE LOVE IT. YOU MAKE US SO PROUD, AND YOU ALWAYS WLL. WE WISH FOR GREAT HAPPINESS AND SATISFACTION IN YOUR LIFETIME ENDEAVORS. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR GRADUATION, WTH LOTS OF LOVE, MOMMY, POPPY, LINDSAY, & WILLIE Charles Joseph Williams IV CongratulationsCharles We couldn't be prouder than we are today for all your accomplishments at Bucknell University. We wish you great success in your future endeavors. You made it happen! With all our love, Mom and Dad From your Bro's Congratulations on your success and good luck with your new job!--Chris Job well done-Good Luck in the future--Eric Can't wait to get to college and be like you!--Todd rn ds for Grads Gina Russo Gon+ra/ufa/ions Slha Ue'hd o ? % r o u d ~ f l o u you Bove I % , G o Gl>L/ DadandKz'~oh s Ads for Gr "Don't stop ti1 you get enough" -Michael Jackson Derick Gominger and Doug Hill Top Ten Reasons Why Doug Hill and Derek Gominger will be missed from SGU 10) We won't be able toridicule Doug anymore for his weakness when it comes to the Dark Side and the Sliggilty's. 9 ) Without Dcrek around to get all thc ladies, someone will have to step in. 8) It will be more difficult to spread the lcgend of their formal dates without them on campus. 7) A small in New Jersey, known as Morristown. will now be safe once again. 6) No one will ever use the big black thickmarker as effectively as Derek did. 5 ) The art of Booty Call will beextinct fmm the Bucknell Campus. 4) Fights and wrestling matches down on 5th St. will no longer take place. 3) C h m e n and the Bowling Alley will lose some business, and the other SGU brothers will lore a lot of cnrenainment. 2) Late nlght email. IM conversations, and TopTcn lists will fall by the wasteside, along with all of the making fun of Sliggilty's that it entailed. 1) James, Chris, and Gonzo will have to look for replacements for two of the founding fathers, which wll be a very sad day. 60th of you guys will be missed. but your legacy will live an in SGU history forever. a ds for Grads Lindsay Kimnach conyrafufafIbns ~ i n d s e y ! We h o e y o u / J%m, chic.9mmy, Ly4 Jfea/Ler, Zmr, C a P P Y ~ o mOR JZckae/; I%&, 7ucke/ 'n Copper/one Love, Mom, Dad, & Megan g e invisible community includes generations of others-alumni, parents and friendswho have loved this place and who have given selflessly to it. As you look around today for the last time as students, keep in mind that almost everything you see on this campus was at one time or another a gift. And as you recall the important moments of your educational career her-, recall that everything we do and aspire to do is possible cmly by way of the continued support of Buckn,ellians who know how important CC is to the future of the Unitheir acrlve arrection versity. This fa(:t should make all of us who have grolvn and flaIurished here inclined to make it just : as powerful for those who come after us. t, sadness, belonging, gratitudeI these! are somc of the strong feelings that attend this day for all of us. But overshadowing all d a powerful sense of satisfaction and = shoi~ l be accolnplishment. You have done well, and all of asure of bleing a par t of ho have h er fondly ;~ n d experienc,e here wil r your energy and errcellence. 1 CK to YOU; b,-o a1 1mess you; and good lL..L.. I 1 1 Commencement Remarks May 21,2000 President WilliamD. A h m r * F- z"" A C Ifor ~ (;rah@;~ .* Advisor Dean Ruth Burnham Editor-in-Chief Hilavy C. Trought Photography Jeremy Bass Student Life Jon Schneider Amanda Chaney Events & Issues Natalie Casp Angelena DiCicco Greek Life Erin Hirschbeck Melissa Duriya Clubs & Organizations Rita Neufeld Amanda Sundquist Varsity Athletics Copy Editor Meagharz Green Nora Daniels I Photography 1 Rachel Bland A1 Buchman Sales Bethany Goff Perspectives Colleen Milton Meredith Schipani Megan Kavalus Natasha Accountant Naparstek Faculty & Administration Josh Nass Cheryl BrooksAdvertising Williams Alicia Fiorentino Seniors Megan Drake