the visitor
the visitor
THE VISITOR e d m o n d c h u rc h o f C h r i s t (405) 341-3353 Volume 55, No. 6 February 14, 2016 SPECIAL 3-WEEK SUNDAY EVENING SERIES Starts on Valentine’s Day Our relationships sometimes bear the weight of life’s biggest burdens. As we try to navigate through the various seasons of life—with all of their unique challenges—we often find ourselves hanging on for dear life, just hoping our marriage will survive. As important as survival is, God designed and desires so much more for you. He wants your marriage to THRIVE! This three-week Sunday evening series with Randy & Shawn will explore biblical and practical insights to help you cultivate a marriage that thrives. Some of the topics discussed include loving like God, dealing with tough times and pursuing oneness in marriage. SUNDAY MORNING SERMON SERIES Honoring God with OUR LIVES right here, right noW FEBRUARY14: FAITHFUL TO THE END The Bible often speaks of our Christian journey as being a race. When we run that race with faithfulness we discover it feels more like a marathon than a sprint. Our goal is not to run faster, farther or with fewer mistakes than those around us. It is to run and be faithful through the various seasons of life. NEWS & GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS SHEPHERDS PRAYER TIME: Wednesday night at 8:15 in the parlor. Everyone is invited. MONDAY FOR THE MASTER will not be meeting on Feb. 15. FOOD PANTRY ITEMS: boxed cereal, pasta & sauce, pancake mix & syrup NURSERY WORKERS FEBRUARY: Upwards & College Classes SEARCH needs volunteers on Monday, Feb. 15 at 9 am. VBS NEED: egg cartons (dozen size); please drop off in the teacher’s workroom. MINISTRY SIGN UP FORMS are available in the foyer. You can also fill them out online. Go to the church website; scroll to the bottom; choose “access forms.” BAPTIZED TYSON MINOR BAILEY POWERS PLACING MEMBERSHIP KYLE & KELIE WHEELER 8611 Hudson Lane NE, Peidmont 73078 HOSPITALIZED BAPTIST: Susan Sullivan, Terry Winteroth OU MED: Elmer Stoner Harland, Virgil Bond, Mary Land, Don & Jo Gleason, Dan Barton, Carole Whitehead, Betty Wright, Betty Maston, Harold Dills, Kristi Plumlee’s grandfather, Bonnie Jones, Steve Ford’s mother, Pat Smalling, Ron Powell, Courtney Dean’s father, Kapaale Family, Cindy Dennis, DeAnn Marcum, Maddie Matthews, John Avera, Carol Williams, Jerry Scott, Mary Kelly, Linda Burns, Norma Turner, D’Ann Allenbach’s father, Angelica Lopez, Peter Sheldon’s father, Paul Eubanks, Sweet Family, Tony Sepulveda’s mother, Edith Nance, Dave Carmen, JoAnn Young’s niece, LaQuita McDonald, Linda Walts THOSE IN THE MILITARY Chris Gehri, Bradley Martin, Glen Lollar, Alex Young, Atticus Young, Miller Burkson, Clayton Williams SYMPATHY IS EXTENDED TO CARLENE CAMPBELL in the death of her sister. DANE CARR in the death of her sister. SHOWERS REHAB BABY GIRL SHOWER FOR JENNY JONES on Feb. 21 at 2 pm in the home of Meagan Anderson. She is registered at Target. CONTINUED PRAYERS WEDDING SHOWER FOR TORRIE ARNOLD on Feb. 21 at 2 pm in the home of Paula Jones (4506 Karen Dr). She is registered at BRADFORD: Norma Cable, Wayne Thomas, Jay Babcock, Edith Avera Priscilla Alley, Glendell Norman, Bea Bowles, Kerianne Roper’s mother, Ron & Jean Metheny, David Jones, Rosa & Wayne Manhalter, Bill Kooi, Karen Babcock, Iris Harrell, JoAnn Wilson, Paul YOUTH MINISTRY FEB. 15: Elevate, 8 pm at the Hladik’s FEB. 18: One Way, 7 pm at the Bentley’s WEDDING SHOWER for Olivia Curtis on Feb. 21 at 3 pm in the parlor. She is registered at Macy’s and Bed, Bath & Beyond. SPANISH-SPEAKING MINISTRY FEB. 28: Potluck after 2nd service in the youth wing FEB. 27: Couples Dinner & Lesson 2:00 pm Edmond Church of Christ North parking lot (For children ages 10 and younger) WE ARE IN NEED OF INDIVIDUALLY-WRAPPED CANDY! Please drop in bin by Brenda’s office CALENDAR OF EVENTS CH MAR 6 Please participate in what God is doing through missions at Edmond by praying and giving sacrificially. LADIES’ SPRING BIRTHDAY BRUNCH Saturday, March 5 in the parlor 9-10:15 am Celebrating birthdays in March, April and May Sign up in the lobby Sunday, Feb. 20 & 27 Spring Break Trip The campus ministry is returning to McAllen, TX to work with Humberto Hernandez and the church there. MEETINGS: Feb. 24:Mission trip meeting for all participants Mar. 9: Meeting for all participants All meetings will be in the Chapel on Wednesday evenings at 6 pm. YOUTH RETREAT On Feb.26-28, the Edmond Youth Ministry will go to Camp Rock Creek for our annual spring retreat. The theme is “Press On” from Philippians 3:14: “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Students will be encouraged to Commit, Train, and Compete in their pursuit of doing the will of God. It’s Time to Build: The Message of Nehemiah for Today. Feb. 26-27 For a full schedule of speakers and times, visit ATTENDANCE REPORT: February 7, 2016 AM Worship Total 1265 PM Worship 533 Bible Classes 935 Preschool69 Grades K-6 167 Grades 7-12 72 College 115 Seekers38 Pathfinders 9 YMCA64 Sojourners38 Young Families 68 Transformers50 Sowers72 VIP63 Upwards41 Primetime77 Auditorium46 In Depth Bible Study 14 Spanish13/28 MINISTRY PLAN REPORT Weekly Plan $42,444.00 Jan. 31Offering $40,533.64 Feb. 7 Offering $41,192.18 COMMISSION SUNDAY Annual Plan $402,698.00 Next Commission Sunday March 6 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES SUNDAY BIBLE CLASS 9:30 am WORSHIP 8:15 am & 10:40 am, 5 pm TUESDAY LADIES CLASS (Sept.-May) 9:30 am WEDNESDAY MID-WEEK CLASSES 5 & 7 pm PAID EDMOND, OK USPS (961-400) This Sunday is our annual Sweetheart Banquet in the fellowship hall following evening services. All members age 60 and up are invited to a special dinner served by our youth. Please join us for an evening of good food, good fellowship and good entertainment. The Sweetheart Banquet serves two purposes. First, it is an opportunity for us to say “Thank You!” We appreciate the blessing that you have been to our students. Thank you for the example of faithfulness you provide. We appreciate the investment you make in our students and in helping them to succeed. We will also continue the tradition of thanking a specific “Sweetheart” who has gone the extra mile to bless the kingdom. The second purpose Sweetheart Banquet serves is selfish! Our students want to be blessed by you—to develop relationships with you. They want to be blessed by your wisdom and experience. God designed His Church to be a group of interconnected generations. We hope to foster that through our Sweetheart Banquet. If you are age 60 and up, please join us. Bless us with your presence as we try to say thank you for the many blessings you have given us. 801 South Bryant Edmond, OK 73034 Youth Minister edmondchurchofChrist Jeremy Robertson PERIODICALS POSTAGE REFLECTIONS… FOREIGN MISSIONARIES Harold & Arelly Ampié Nicaragua Ubaldo & Marisol CamachoMexico Kye Courtright Germany Reynaldo & Gema Garciá Nicaragua Jose & Carolina Guido Nicaragua Reuben & Maureen Kapaale Zambia Jana MillerZambia Juan Pablo & Fatima Perez Nicaragua Gerardo & Yesenia Rayo Nicaragua Gabriel & Cruz Rivera Nicaragua Roger & Diane Saumur Montreal DOMESTIC MISSIONARIES Humberto & Irene Hernandez McAllen, TX John & Jill Schadegg Logan, UT Phil Sanders Search MINISTRY STAFF Evan Burkett Brenda Gordon Shawn McElroy Kevin Rayner ELDERS Blaine Allenbach Richard Blankenship Mike Cain Mark Coleman Andy Dean Sylvan Gordon Brent Keck Lyle Kelsey Kent Risley Jeremy Robertson Randy Roper Tony Sepulveda Dale Lollar Jack Lowry Dave Miller Larry Miller Dean Niles Lendon Shotts John Trotter Jeff Whitehead WORSHIP PROGRAM SUNDAY MORNING: February 14, 2016 SERMON “FAITHFUL TO THE END” 2 Tim. 4:6-8 FIRST SERVICE Welcome..........................................................Kent Risley Song Leader................................................. Monte Farrar Songs......................... Lord We Come Before Thee Now; I Will Call upon the Lord; My Hope is Built on Nothing Less Prayer.............................................................. Brent Smith Songs..... You are the Song that I Sing; Victory in Jesus; When I Survey Communion...................................................Steve Lucas Song.......................................................... Thank You Lord Offering Song...............................................God Will Make a Way Scripture........................................................ Aaron White Song.....................................................Faith is the Victory Sermon............................................................... Kent Risly Invitation Song......................................... Trust and Obey Song........................................................ Be with Me, Lord Prayer...............................................................Luke White Announcements..............................................Brady Ross SECOND SERVICE Children’s Story Time.......................................Kent Risley Welcome..........................................................Kent Risley Song Leader.................................................. David Burch Songs...........................Thank You, Lord; Praise the Lord; My Hope is Built on Nothing Less; I Need Thee Every Hour Prayer............................................................... Dale Lollar Songs...... Lord, Speak to Me; Hallelujah! What a Savior Communion.....................................................Gary Isbell Song................................................ My Only Hope is You Offering Song................................................ My Only Hope is You Scripture Children’s Bible Hour Song........................................................................ Faithful Sermon.............................................................Kent Risley Invitation Song......................................... Trust and Obey Song......................................... Blest Be the Tie that Binds Prayer.................................................................. Ben King Announcements..............................................Brady Ross WELCOME BOOK: Please take a minute to fill out the welcome book; white section for members and green section for guests. A QUIET PLACE is available in the chapel during the second morning and evening services for anyone who needs a quiet place to worship. WORSHIP PROGRAM SUNDAY EVENING: February 14, 2016 SERMON “WHAT IS LOVE?” 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 Welcome............................................. Jeremy Robertson Song Leader.................................................. David Burch Songs........To Be the Glory; Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah; We Bow Down; This is my Father’s World Prayer.............................................................. Caleb King Scripture........................................................Austin Lowry Songs.........O to Be Like Thee; Great is Thy Faithfulness; In My Life, Lord; Shine, Jesus, Shine; Let Every Heart Rejoice and Sing Sermon.......................... Randy Roper & Shawn McElroy Invitation Song...............................................Just as I Am Lord’s Supper in the Chapel.................... Tracy Marshall Song............................... Jesus, Name Above All Names Prayer................................................... Eric McClanahan Announcements..............................................Brady Ross February 7 Pharisees, A Banquet, and Being a Disciple Luke 14:1-35 Watch SEARCH each Sunday on: KOCB-TV Channel 34 Oklahoma City 7:30 am Also available at February 14 “God’s Love For Us” “The Visitor” (USPS 961-400) is published weekly, except Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, Spring Break week & 4th of July by the Church of Christ, 801 S. Bryant, Edmond, OK 73034. Periodicals postage paid at Edmond, Oklahoma 73034. POSTMASTER: send address changes to “The Visitor”, 801 S. Bryant Ave., Edmond, OK 73034.