+=---F - Calcasieu Parish School Board
+=---F - Calcasieu Parish School Board
/ "')! !,' Calcasieu Parish Approved CPSB 2016-2017 Elementary School Supply List --- Extra set of to keep at 01 Large Backpack 1 small beach towel or baby blanket for napping 2 boxes of Kleenex 4 packs of glue sticks 1 bottle of liquid glue 1 package of "Play-doh" brand 1 package ofCrayola water colors 1 box gallon Ziploc bags - boys 1 box sandwich Ziploc bags - girls 1 container of baby wipes 1 container of Clorox wipes Paper towels 1 subject notebook Nice To Have Optional: (Please feel free to donate one or more of the following items..) Pipe cleaners Cotton balls Band-Aids •• Check with your child regularly to see that he/she has all the supplies needed .•• •• Other items may be requested a s the school year progresses. •• Do not include school fees on this form. Due in Dr. Reado's Office By April 15, 2016 Approved by: -~ -'---~-+=---F------Director of Ca1casieu Parish Approved 2016-2017 Elementary School Supply List 2 plastic pocket folders with brads (i-orange, 1 purple) 2 pocket folders (i-red, i-blue) 4 boxes small crayons (24 count) 1 plastic crayon/pencil box 2 pair child size scissors 1 coloring book Nap pad for rest (thin red/blue) 1 back pack (large enough to fit all supplies in) 1 inch white pocket binder 1 chair back Class Shared Items: 4 packs of 4 ct. glue sticks 1 package of dividers 3 boxes of Kleenex 1 package pink, block erasers 2 packages pre-sharpened pencils 2 packages 4 ct. dry erase markers Student Us ease do not lab Gallon Ziploc bags - girls Sandwich Ziploc bags - boys Play-doh 1 package clear page protectors 1 box baby wipes 1 pack Lysol wipes Nice To Have Optional: (Please feel free to donate one or more of the following items.) Band-aids Extra Kleenex •• Check with your child regularly to see that he/she has all the supplies needed. •• Other items may be requested as the school year progresses.•• ~ ** 0, Do not include school fees on this form. Due in Dr. Reado's Office By April 15, 2016 ~lld ~~~ ~ C~-~ Approved by: ____ ___ ____ _______________ Director of Elementary Curriculum Calcasieu Parish Approved 2016-2017 Elementary School Supply List I box of washable markers 3 packs of glue sticks 2 packs of pink block erasers I pack of 5 dividers 3 boxes of Kleenex 48 pencils (#2 lead) 1 pack of index cards 1 pack of dry erase markers 1 box of baby wipes I box ofZiploc (boys-quart. girls-sandwich) 2 inch 3-ring binder I inch 3-ring binder I pencil box I large coloring book 4 boxes of crayons 6 - plastic folders with brads (2-blue. 2-green. I-red. I-yellow) 2 composition notebooks 1 pair of blunt scissors 1 chair back Class Shared Items: r Student ease do not Roll of paper towels Nice To Have Optional: (Please feel free to donate one or more of the following items.) Construction paper Additional pencils Band-aids ** Check with your child regularly to see that he/ she has all the supplies needed. ** ** Other items may be requested as the school year progresses. *. Do not include school fees on this form. Due in Dr. Reado's Office By April 15. 2016 NirAlU Maw Principal I ~ Approved by: __C-""-__"---_ _··.1.1________ Director of Elementary Curriculum Calcasieu Parish Approved 2016-2017 Elementary School Supply List 5 plastic folders with brads (I-green, 2-red, I-blue, I-orange) 1 large coloring book for rainy day recess 1 yellow highlighter 2 b lack marble notebooks 1 pack of index cards 1 pack 5 tab dividers for binder Sticky notes 1 box Ziploc bags (quart-boys, sandwich-girls) 1 package of tab dividers 1 package sheet protectors 1 chair back 1 clip board 2 boxes of crayons 1 bottle glue 8 glue sticks 1 pair blunt scissors 48 DIXON #2 pencils 2 red checking pens 3 packs of pink erasers 1 plastic pencil box 2 white 1 inch 3-ring binders with 2 inner pockets Class Shared Items: 2 boxes of Kleenex 1 container of wet ones 1 paper towels do not 1 1 box Kleenex - Computer lab 1 container wet ones Art 1 paper towels - Art Band-aids •• Check with your child regularly to see that he/she has all the supplies needed.•• •• Other items may be requested as the school year progresses.•• Do not include school fees on this form. Due in Dr. Reado's Office By April 15, 2016 tJitOtL~ principal~ ~', d ~~ ~~~ ~ Approved by: ___ __ ____ _______________ Director of Elementary Curriculum Calcasieu Parish Approved 2016-2017 Elementary School Supply List 8 plastic prong with pockets (2-green, 2-orange, l-red, l-black, l-purple, l-blue) Cloth pencil pouch with zipper Chair back 48 or more #2 pencils 4 packs of large erasers 1 inch binder with front plastic sleeve 1 six inch ruler 2 scissors 4 boxes of 24 ct. crayons Class Shared Items: Student do not lab 3 boxes of Kleenex 8 pack of 3 ring binder dividers (plastic with pockets) Thin-tipped markers (only thin) Wet wipes Nice To Have Optional: (Please feel free to donate one or more of the following items.) Ziploc bags Band-aids •• Check with your child regularly to see that he/she has all the supplies needed. ** ** Other items may be requested as the school year progresses. *. Do not include school fees on this form. Due in Dr. Reado's Office Bv April 15, 2016 ~)d Approved by: __~....:::===-__'_I,-_______ Director of Elementary Curriculum Ca1casieu Parish Approved 2016-2017 Elementary School Supply List ~ CPSB 2 boxes of 24 ct. crayons 1 box of markers 4 large glue sticks or 6 small ones 1 highlighter 3 pink erasers 1 pack wide margin loose leaf paper 1 inch 3-ring binder 1 pack of sheet protectors 2 marble notebooks 1 package of pencil colors 1 pair of scissors 1 chair back 4 dozen #2 pencils 1 pack Expo dry erase markers 1 package of wet wipes 3 boxes of Kleenex 5 dividers for binders 7 plastic binders with brads (3-blue, 2-green, I-red, I-orange) ease do not lab Class Shared Items: Band-Aids any size Post-it notes 1 roll of paper towels Ziploc bags (sandwich, quart, or gallon) Nice To Have Optional: (Please feel free to donate one or more of the following items.) •• Check with your child regularly to see that he/she has all the supplies needed .•• •• Other items may be requested as the school year progresses.•• Do not include school fees on this form. Due In Dr. Reado's Office By April 15, 2016 ~\ ) Approved by: __~----=:==,=-'---,I_ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ Director of Elementary Curriculum CaIcasieu Parish Approved 2016-2017 Elementary School Supply List 1 pair of scissors 2 packs wide ruled loose leaf paper 2 marble notebooks 3 pink erasers 4 plastic folders with brads (1-green, 1-blue, 1-red, 1-orange) Construction paper 48 #2 Pencils 1 inch white plastic cover binder 2 - 5 subject notebooks 1 chair back 2 packs of notecards 3 glue sticks 1 box of markers 2 boxes of Kleenex Class Shared Items: Student Us ease do not Dry Erase markers Girls - Ziploc bags Boys - wipes Nice To Have Optional: [Please feel free to donate one or more of the following items.) Sticky notes Extra pencils Band-aids •• Check with your child regularly to see that he/she has all the supplies needed. •• ** Other items may be requested as the school year progresses. ** Do not include school fees on this form. ~~\d Due in Dr. Reado's Office By April 15, 2016 cr-Y"'------".~'---- Approved by: _ _ __·,.l.I_ _ _ _ _ __ Director of Elementary Curriculum Calcasieu Parish Approved 2016-2017 Elementary School Supply List 2 - 1.5 inch binders 2 sets of 5 tab dividers 3 plastic folders with brads (1-red, 1-green, 1-blue) 2 packages of wide ruled paper 1 clip board 1 pencil box water color paints 2 boxes of Kleenex 2 packs of pencils 2 boxes of 24 ct. crayons 2 boxes of washable markers 1 box/set dry erase markers 1 box 12ct colored pencils 1 pair of child scissors 4 glue sticks 1 chair back Class Shared Items: do not I 1 box gallon Ziploc bags (students age 6-8) 1 box sandwich Ziploc bags (students age 9-12) 1 package white printer paper 2 rolls of paper towels feel free to donate one or more of the 1 package tock 1 package construction paper Band-aids ** Check with your child regularly to see that he/she has all the supplies needed.•• ** Other items may be requested as the school year progresses. ** Do not include school fees on this form. Due in Dr. Reado's Office By April 15, 2016 ~):d 1 _ _ _ _ _ __ _(~' __ _ _ _ __ Approved by: _ Director of Elementary Curriculum
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