2015 Annual Report


2015 Annual Report
2015 Annual Report
Michael R. Uselton, Chair
Jan Miller, Vice Chair
Thomas Combs, Treasurer
Wayne Goff, Secretary
E. Barry Bradshaw
Sandy Buchanan
Steve Hall
Douglas Heinlen
Violeta Huesman
Sheryl L. Kaiser
Angela Massaro-Fain
Steve Roskamp
Father Schute
Thomas T. Stuhley
Vance Marion Wright-Browne, MD
From the President and CEO
As the motivational saying goes, “If you’re not moving
forward, you’re moving backward.”
There is much to celebrate about what Tidewell
has accomplished in the past year and in the 35 years
since Hospice of Sarasota County opened to serve
66 patients. Tidewell Hospice has grown into the
15th-largest hospice in the United States, serving a
record 8,424 patients in Charlotte, DeSoto, Manatee
and Sarasota counties during Fiscal Year 2015.
In the following pages, we’ll take stock of where
we are now and what we’ve done, with the steadfast
support of our donors, to get there. As you will read,
Tidewell’s mission to help people with terminal
illnesses live well by providing care, comfort and
compassion regardless of a patient’s ability to pay
inspires gratitude from our families and generosity
from our business partners.
But the future beckons, and Tidewell is
well-positioned to maintain growth amid an
ever-shifting healthcare environment. Increased
scrutiny and regulation of hospices along with
expected cuts in Medicare reimbursement will present
financial challenges.
In December, Tidewell created a holding company,
called Tidewell Health Systems, which encompasses
Tidewell Hospice, Approved Home Health, Palliative
Care services, Treasures and the organization’s real
estate properties. It offers more flexibility to provide
services to the community and makes it easier to
define the continuum of care.
Tidewell also purchased the former Fidelity
Investments building in downtown Sarasota, acquiring
a beautiful, centrally located facility for our clinical
teams. Within the past few months, Tidewell Hospice
announced the purchase of land in Lakewood Ranch
to build its eighth hospice house. Fundraising for
the building, which will firmly entrench Tidewell in a
growing area, begins in early 2016.
Health care is changing across the country, but
one thing that doesn’t change is the commitment of
Tidewell’s staff and volunteers to provide excellent care
that combines clinical skill with a compassionate touch
to this community.
Thank you for your belief in Tidewell Hospice and
for your support of our mission. Last year, Tidewell
provided more than $4 million in unreimbursed
services to patients, their loved ones and people in
the community in the form of charity care, care for
children, grief support and more.
As we move forward, Tidewell will always ensure that
your gifts continue to make a difference in the lives of
people in the communities we serve.
Gerry Radford
“All I found was toilet paper and coffee filters.
Those were my choices. I picked the coffee filters. I poured my heart out.”
Instant Messaging
There was nothing uncommon about the themes
of Sue Staley’s Dec. 17, 2014, letter to the Tidewell
Hospice House in Port Charlotte. Sue appreciated the
care Tidewell provided in the final three months of her
mother’s life. She used the words “gratitude,” “relief,” “love”
and “blessed.”
Tidewell Hospice receives hundreds of such letters
each year from families of our patients. They have
come to be known as “Letters of Love,” and they
are treasured reminders of the importance of
Tidewell’s mission to help people live well
through care, comfort and compassion.
The reason Staley’s letter stood out from the
rest was the medium she chose.
Coffee filters.
When inspiration struck, Sue and her husband,
Gordon, were in Isabela, Puerto Rico, enjoying
their first vacation since Sue’s mother, Inez
Hoffman, moved in with them 10 years earlier. Inez
passed away at age 93 on Oct. 19, 2014.
“As I was relaxing there, I was composing this letter
in my head,” Sue said in a telephone interview from
Seattle, where she and Gordon spent the summer of
2015. “The more I composed, the more I thought, ‘I have
got to get these thoughts on paper.’ I looked around
the apartment for a piece of paper, and all I found was
toilet paper and coffee filters. Those were my choices. I
picked the coffee filters. I poured my heart out.”
Sue’s letter quickly became the talk of Tidewell.
President and CEO Gerry Radford read the letter at a
quarterly staff meeting, which is broadcast to every
Tidewell office, and shared it with the board of trustees.
“That’s communication,” Radford said at the staff
meeting, “in any form you can find.”
Sue was surprised to learn about the impact her
letter made on Tidewell’s colleagues and friends. “I was
just hoping it would make it back to the Port Charlotte
people who helped out so much,” she said.
After visiting Sue and Gordon in California for several
vacations, Inez moved in with the Staleys full time.
Gordon retired after a long career with Hewlett-Packard,
and the family moved to Port Charlotte to be closer to
another of Inez’s children.
In her letter, Sue recalled what a relief it was when a
crisis caregiver told her, “We’ll be the nurse so you can
be the daughter.” Though not a smoker, Inez suffered
from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD.
As Inez’s health deteriorated, she struggled to breathe
despite the use of respirators and inhalers.
“That relieved me the burden of how to administer
meds to my mother,” Sue said. “Without a medical
background, I was at a loss to make medical decisions
for her. I trusted their decisions.”
Sue wrote that Tidewell’s care “harmonized” with what
she had envisioned for her mother’s final days.
“I feel fortunate that I was able to spend that time
with her at the end of her life. … It’s really all about
family, all about relationships. That’s all that matters,” Sue
said. “We spend our whole lives chasing other things,
but at the end it comes back to family.”
“Listen to your patients;
they will tell you what is important.”
35 Years of Giving
Though she no longer works with us, Stella Grant will always be No. 1 at Tidewell Hospice.
Stella was the first hospice nurse when Tidewell launched in 1980 as
Hospice of Sarasota County. Over the years, Stella has seen many changes
and had an impact on the lives of patients, families and colleagues. She
witnessed the beginnings of compassionate, end-of-life care as Hospice of
Sarasota County grew into Tidewell Hospice, one of the largest, not-for-profit
hospices in the country. We greatly appreciate her years of unwavering
On June 26, she retired after more than 35 years of service, wrapping up
her career as a nurse educator. To honor her retirement, we asked her to
answer a few questions about her time with Tidewell.
Stella, why do you love working for Tidewell?
The satisfaction of working at Tidewell is the people. Both the colleagues
I work with and the patient/families we work with. I’m always inspired by what I call the bottom line — providing
quality of life and preventing/relieving distressful symptoms.
What’s your greatest memory during your time here?
Which one do I pick? There are so many: the 19-year-old who was given a red Corvette to drive for the weekend,
the undocumented worker we helped to get back to his family in Mexico, the grandmother who died peacefully in
the living room in the middle of her extended family, the new admission who was able to go to the beach again a
few last times because we controlled her pain.
I also was privileged to go to Great Britain for a two-week hospice seminar and while there met Dame Cicely
Saunders, who is recognized as the founder of the modern hospice movement, at St. Christopher’s Hospice in
London. Also, as part of the seminar, I spent five days in a hospice in Scotland.
What are you looking forward to during retirement?
I look forward to improving my woodcarving skills, doing some traveling and not getting up early!
What’s one piece of advice you could give to your fellow Tidewell colleagues?
Listen to your patients; they will tell you what is most important! Also, you need to take care of yourself
physically, emotionally and spiritually.
On behalf of all the patients, families and colleagues you’ve touched, we thank you,
Stella, and appreciate the positive impact you’ve made in our lives!
“This is a more centralized area to
where most of our patients live.”
The Center of Attention
Its angular architecture is sleek and eye-catching, but the Southgate building offers Tidewell Hospice more than
just a pretty façade.
In the summer of 2014, Tidewell purchased the former Fidelity Investments office building, a 17,580-squarefoot facility at 3550 S. Tamiami Trail in Sarasota. Administrative offices from the Mound Street facility moved to the
building in April 2015.
The Sarasota Home, Assisted-living Facilities Central and Long-term Care Central teams call the building their
home, and there is a large meeting area on the second floor of the three-story building. Tenants Retina Care
Consultants, P.A., and Beneficial Communities share the Southgate building with Tidewell.
“This a more centralized area to where most of our patients live,“ CEO Gerry Radford said. “This is also about
owning versus renting. The idea is that this will save us money over time.”
Tidewell had long sought a building close to Sarasota Memorial Hospital, one of Tidewell’s top referring facilities.
Its centralized location along a busy thoroughfare allows Southgate to be the face of Tidewell in the Sarasota
Another benefit to Southgate is that the public areas and office space are segregated. Community members can
visit the sun-splashed lobby or a grief counseling room without walking through employees’ offices. Though the
Tidewell space is fully inhabited, there is room for growth in the office areas.
Additionally, Tidewell offers donor recognition through naming opportunities both on the interior and exterior.
“She can’t believe it.
‘Why are you so good to me?’ ”
Flower Power
As she lovingly arranges irises in one vase and
wildflowers in another, it’s easy to figure out how
Marie Gidlund feels about the flowers she receives
during nearly every visit from Tidewell Hospice.
But if you ask the 98-year-old patient about what the
bouquets mean to her, she’ll let you know in glowing terms.
“It makes me feel like some famous person,”
Marie said, beaming, at her Bahia Vista
Estates Mobile Home Park residence.
Marie and her Tidewell CNA, Janet Hughes, work
together to arrange the flowers, then find the best
place for them to be displayed in the home.
While she works, Marie talks about her three
grandchildren, her life growing up in Milwaukee and her
love of chocolate. Around her home, the evidence of
previous Tidewell visits provides a beautiful backdrop.
“I always love flowers. I’m so happy to have
them. I don’t get out to see them. … This has
been really, really wonderful,” Marie said.
Thanks to the generosity of a local business,
Tidewell nurses and admissions personnel now
have a new tool in their mission to help people
live well. Trader Joe’s in Sarasota donates unsold
flowers and herbs it might otherwise discard.
Volunteers pick up the flowers five days a week
and deliver them to the nearby Southgate Office. The
flowers are used to brighten the days and the living
spaces of Tidewell Hospice patients and their families.
“They’re so surprised, especially when a social
worker goes on an admission and they come with a
bouquet of roses. They’re taken aback,” said Kendall
Weigand, a volunteer coordinator for Tidewell.
As expected, roses and orchids are most popular
among patients, but Trader Joe’s donates herbs, too.
Kendall said certain herbs, like basil, remind patients of
past meals with family and can stir deep emotions.
The donations often fill a hallway outside the
volunteer coordinators’ office at Southgate. Tidewell
colleagues stop by throughout the day to pick up
bouquets on the way to patient visits or admissions.
Denise Olyer, a real estate broker associate and
licensed real estate trainer at RoseBay International in
Sarasota, volunteers to pick up flowers one day a week.
Denise jokes she goes by the name “Wednesday” around
Tidewell because she is so dedicated to delivering
flowers from Trader Joe’s on that day. She has missed just
three weeks since starting her volunteer assignment.
“Our routine is I call them in the morning and ask,
‘Do you have flowers for us?’ And the answer is almost
always yes. And then I show up between 9 and 11
and pick them up and bring them to our location
here (Southgate),” Denise said. “It’s such an important
gift to give. So I’ve always just made sure they have
someone to fill in, or I would find somebody.”
Citing corporate policy, Trader Joe’s declined to discuss
the flower donations. Denise said it’s no secret how
the employees feel about their role in the process.
“I see virtually the same people every single
Wednesday, and they always have a smile on their
face,” Denise said. “I know Trader Joe’s is probably a
wonderful, wholesome place to work … but I can’t
help but think that’s their way of giving also.”
Janet gets to see that reaction every
time she drops in on Marie.
“She just has this big, beautiful
smile, and her mouth goes
wide open,” said Janet, who
takes flowers to six patients.
“She can’t believe it. She says,
‘Why are you so good to me?’”
Marie Gidlund and
Janet Hughes, Tidewell CNA
Tidewell Endowment
Estate Gifts
A robust endowment should be an essential
component of any non-profit organization’s financial
plan. Just as individuals save for the future and
prepare for unforeseen economic conditions, Tidewell
Hospice is building its nest egg in order to ensure its
ability to provide high-quality end-of-life services for
With a strong endowment, Tidewell is able to offset
the increasing costs of providing care amid decreasing
reimbursements. Endowment gifts also help sustain
ancillary services such as grief support, veterans’
programs, complementary and children’s services,
which receive no direct funding from Medicare/
Tidewell’s Legacy Fund is a designated pool of assets
held and invested to provide long-term growth and
dividends. The principal of the endowment is invested,
and a portion of the interest earned can be made
available for discretionary use by Tidewell’s Board of
Trustees. Donors can designate funds for a specific
purpose or request that support be directed where
need is the greatest.
Creating a named fund with a minimum investment
of $50,000 through a donation of cash, securities or
a bequest in a will is one way to recognize a unique
person while providing financial support to Tidewell.
To learn more about the Tidewell endowment
program, contact Denise Pope at (941) 552-7658
or [email protected].
Bruce Rohn Charitable
Gift Annuity
Catherine G. Bain Fund
Charles and Eileen
Leneschmidt CRAT
Charles William Axe Trust
D.G. Rowen Trust
Don W. Starkey and Ellen
Starkey Living Trust
Edmond & Alice Sobey Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
Elizabeth A. McGinnis, CRUT
Estate of Alfred M. Wedd
Estate of Frances E. Taormina
Estate of Marian H. Mulroy
Estate of Marianne D. Stern
Estate of Mary Anne Kady
Estate of Richard C. Morton
Estate of Richard E. Zrudsky
Estate of Robert E. Tuttle
Estate of Ronald Seed
Estate of Rose Palmer Durham
Estate of Ruthe Williams Parks
Estate of Steven E. Fisher
Evelyn E. Cerny Trust
Frances B. Edwards Trust
Frank and Grace Tedesco
Memorial Fund
Franklin C. Mann Trust
Gertrude H. Sartor
Charitable Trust
Harry J. Allen Charitable Trust
Helen and Quent Evans
Charitable Foundation Fund
Joseph M. and Emily M.
Pinter Joint Trust
Julian H. Good CRUT
Kathleen Ghidoni Trust
Robert Kopple Endowment Fund
Louise A. Jackman
Revocable Trust
Marian Graves Irrev Trust
Mary L. Kleinlein Rev Liv Trust
Maurice H. & Elizabeth A. Stern
Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Merelyn R. Culbertson Irrev Trust
Millie Rice Charitable Fund
Quent and Helen Evans
Charitable Fund
Richard W. and Helen R.
Golden Irrev Trusts
Lawrence E. Ruf Charitable Fund
Ruth Simpson Family Trust
Louis R. and Helen E.
Schwartz Trust
Stephen & Angelyn Kerley Trust
Walker Revocable Trust
William and Barbara Salsbury
Endowment Fund
Named Endowment Gifts
Mrs. Margaret T. Maisto – Marge Maisto Endowment for Humanitarian Care
Mr. and Mrs. William Ouchark – William F. and Anne K. Ouchark Endowment Fund
Mr. Thomas T. Stuhley – Thomas Stuhley Endowed
Hospice Nurse Preparatory Scholarship Fund
Ms. Edith Winston – The Herb and Edith Winston Endowment Fund
Restricted Endowment Gifts
Tidewell’s current endowment options include:
• Endowment for Hospice Houses and Serenity Gardens
• Endowment for Bereavement Support Services
• Endowment for Spiritual Care
• Endowment for Charity Care
• Humanitarian Fund Endowment
• Endowment for Complementary Services
• Endowment for Children’s Services
• Endowment for Palliative Care
• Endowment for Veterans’ Services
• Endowment for Medical Education and Scholarships
• Endowment for Staff Excellence
Rev. Arthur B. Schute - Endowment for Children’s Services
Cardiovascular disorders
Neurologic disorders
Pulmonary disorders
Liver disorders
Renal failure
Unrestricted Endowment Gifts
Mr. Roger H. Ackerman
Mr. David P. Adams
Mrs. Nell A. Akin
Ms. Loretta Albanese
Mr. Charles R. Albritton
Mrs. Francine Y. Alexander
Mrs. Helen P. Allen
Mr. John H. Almendinger
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse F. Anderson
Ms. Elizabeth Andrews
Mrs. Helene H. Andrews
Mr. Richard D. Angstadt
Miss Breeze Arb
Mr. Paul R. Atherton
Ms. Eda G. Auteri
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
J. Baranowski
Mr. Michael Barbato
Mrs. Denise N. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Barry
Mrs. Rose M. Bass
Mr. Paul Beaulieu
Mr. Erwin M. Bendit
Mr. Edward J. Bertz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Bianco
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Bianco
Mr. David A. Bittker
Ms. Mary Y. Boegershausen
Mr. Benjamin A. Bolt
Mrs. Ethel L. Bondy
Mrs. Phyllis J. Botticelli
Ms. Linda K. Boyd
Mrs. Mary E. Boyd
Ms. Linda Boykin-Williams
Mr. John P. Boyles
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Brown
Mrs. June M. Buck
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Bueter
Mr. John V. Buntel
Mr. Bruce P. Burbage
Mr. Arnold D. Burke
Ms. Nancy A. Burns
Mrs. Lauretta T. Busone
Mrs. Gayle Byerly
Ms. Barbara L. Canfield
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carbone
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Caro
Mrs. Patricia A. Carson
Mr. Mark J. Castellano
Mr. Harold R. Castle
Mr. Robert Chalphin
Ms. Lucille Chapman
Mr. Ralph P. Chick, Jr.
Mrs. Claudia S. Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Clark
Mr. Robert N. Clark
Mrs. Rosemary Cody
Mr. Lawrence E. Coffey
Mr. Donald J. Cohen
Mr. Carmon P. Coker
Mrs. Nina G. Collins
Mr. Edwin L. Comstock
Mr. Robert B. Condon
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Conway, Jr.
Mrs. Shirley A. Cook
Mrs. Joyce M. Cooley
Ms. Rose M. Costello
Ms. Patricia B. Couch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Creed
Ms. Christine Cucka
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Daniels
Mr. T. Jeff Davis
Ms. Jo Ann De Angelis
Ms. Barbara B. Dearborn
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Deming
Mr. Frank C. Depgen
Mr. and Mrs. L. Victor Desguin
Senator Stephen R. Deutsch
Ms. Jean B. Dexheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Dibrell
Ms. Esther M. Domber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Donegan
Ms. Sau Thi Douma
Mrs. Marjorie F. Driscoll
Mrs. Sandra L. Dubreuil
Mrs. Alfreda Dulaney
Ms. Karen S. Eberhart
Mr. James J. Eckles
Mr. John R. Edgeworth
Mrs. Gretchen G. Edgren
Mr. Howard K. Elder
Mr. William C. Emigh
Mrs. Joanne Eyester
Ms. Lorraine M. Failing
Mrs. Lynne Fellows
Mr. Arthur Flint
Mrs. Teresa Frankovich
Ms. Mary L. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Garvin
Ms. Susan Gaudet
Ms. Diane B. Gedney
Ms. Sheri Gensler
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Gilligan
Ms. Linda A. Glover
Mr. Phillip A. Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Granger
Ms. Linda Grebas
Ms. Carolyn A. Green
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Greenspan
Mr. and Mrs. William Greer
Mr. Joseph Gressert
Mr. Robert M. Griffin
Ms. Judith A. Hall
Mrs. Rosemarie Hansen
Miss Eileen Harring
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll G. Hatfield
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hatin
Mr. Charles E. Haugh
Mrs. Gail M. Heidebrecht
Mr. Dan Heschmeyer
Ms. Lieselotte Hessler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Hoffman
Mr. Jeffrey A. Hollway
Ms. Barbara A. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. Ibsen
Mr. Tony N. Inzerillo
Mrs. and Mr. Germain Irons
Mrs. Catharina Iscenko
Mrs. Ursula A. Janicki-Frey
Mrs. Betty M. Jordan
Ms. Carolyn B. Jordan
Mrs. Grace A. Kaarre
Mrs. Doris K. Kahmar
Mrs. Rita J. Klintworth
Mrs. Hanni Koenig
Mrs. Marilyn J. Korfhage
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Kreidler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Krieg
Mrs. Maureen M. Kroeger
Mr. Peter C. Kuper
Mr. and Mrs. James F. LaRue
Ms. Cynthia G. Lawless
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Leonard
Mr. Thomas Ligotti
Mrs. Betty K. Lindenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lockwood
Mr. John P. Lolli
Mrs. Mary Jane Longman
Mr. Richard H. Lund
Mr. Edward L. Maier
Ms. Sherrill R. Marks
Mr. James P. Mattingly
Mrs. Nathalie W. McCulloch
Mr. Charles E. McDonald
Mrs. Noreen M. McGhee
Ms. Shannon McGinnis
Mr. Michael R. McInerney
Mr. Thomas McIntyre
Ms. Leanne P. McKaig
Mr. John P. McKeown
Mrs. Ernestine Miller
Ms. Karen S. Miller
Mrs. Lynne C. Miller
Mrs. Shirley Rae Miller
Mr. Ron Mills
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Mishner
Ms. Sheila A. Mohan
Mrs. Marion E. Moreau
Ms. Marilyn P. Morgan
Mr. Gordon J. Morris
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Mulvey
Mr. and Mrs. Randy M. Murphy
Ms. Heather M. Murray
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Murray
Mrs. Janice E. Myers
Mrs. Peggy E. Nardone
Mr. Edward J. Neumeyer
Mrs. Ethelyn M. Newton
Ms. Kathleen Noonan
Mr. George B. Norton
Ms. Susan O’Hara
Mr. Charles O’Quinn
Mrs. Mavis Oldfield
Mrs. Ann M. Orkin
Mrs. Joan L. Pabian
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Palaimo
Mr. Mark A. Palier
Mr. Dominic C Panico
Ms. Leigh Parker
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Pater
Ms. Suzanne P. Payne
Ms. Lauri A. Perrault
Ms. Nancy K. Pinder
Mrs. Anne O. Pistilli
Mr. Eugene M. Poslaiko
Mr. Joseph E. Prendergast
Ms. Betty J. Randolph
Mr. Robert S. Recek
Mrs. Harriette L. Reed
Mr. Gerald M. Renirie
Ms. Jocelyn B. Rodney
Ms. Norma M. Roembke
Mr. and Mrs. Alvah L. Rogers
Mrs. Adua Rose
Mr. Thomas W. Rubadue
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Ruggeri
Ms. Christine Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rutherford
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sabatino
Mr. Edward C. Sanderson
Mr. Marcello SanTarlasci
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sass
Dr. Thomas F. Scott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Seidmon
Ms. Betty M. Sherer
Ms. Lillian A. Sheridan
Ms. Arlene A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. P. Kevin Smith
Mrs. Mary K. Smith
Mr. Robert E. Smith
Mrs. Shirley J. Smith
Ms. Theresa A. Smith
Mr. Ronald W. Stephens
Mr. Robert L. Stephenson
Mr. Robert L. Stevens
Mrs. H. Darlene Stewart
Ms. Starr E. Stewart
Mr. Paul B. Stockdale
Mrs. Lois B. Stout
Mrs. Linda L. Strassacker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Schlauch
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Swepston
Mrs. Susan H. Thayer
Mrs. JoAnn N. Tomer
Ms. Cecile H. Tourville
Mrs. Patricia A. Tunnell
Mrs. Loretta J. Turpin
Mr. Perry S. Ury
Mr. Richard I. Utton
Ms. Jean Van Loan
Ms. Helen L. Vetter
Ms. Jamie G. Wainright
Ms. Barbara Waksler
Ms. Ellen P. Walters
Mrs. Carolyn S. Wenzel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Windgassen
Mr. Gregg Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Zoback
Compassion in Caring Luncheon
The following individuals and businesses were generous sponsors of the
sixth annual Compassion In Caring luncheon.
Alltrust Insurance
Arent Fox LLP
Benderson Development
Blake Medical Center
Bouchard Insurance
Bright House Networks
Enterprise Solutions
Caldwell Trust Company
Capstan Financial
Consulting Group
Tom and Diane Combs
Chris and John Currie
Congressman Vern and
Sandy Buchanan
Doctors Hospital of Sarasota
Dr. Joelle Angsten
Fergeson, Skipper, Shaw, Keyser,
Baron & Tirabassi, PA
Florida Blue
Genuity Group, LLC
Gulf Coast Community
Herald-Tribune Media Group
Kays-Ponger & Uselton Funeral
Homes & Cremation Services
Keeton’s Office & Art Supply
Keiser University
Kerkering, Barberio & Co., P.A.
Law Offices of Blalock Walters, PA
Lincoln Financial Group
Jim MacCallum
Jan Miller and Jim Culter
Netwurx Technology Group
Newell, Terry & Douglas, P.A.
Northern Trust Bank
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash,
Smoak & Stewart, PC
Omega Office Systems
PNC Wealth Management
Sageview Advisory Group, Inc.
Sarasota Ford
Sarasota Magazine
Cindy and Tom Stuhley
Suncoast Florist
SunTrust Foundation
T.B. Consultants, Inc.
Target Graphics, Inc.
The StateServ Companies
Valley Crest Landscape
Margarete van Antwerpen
WBRC Architects-Engineers
Williams Parker Harrison
Dietz & Getzen
Willis A. Smith Construction, Inc.
The Legacy Society recognizes and honors the generosity and vision of individuals
who have chosen to leave a legacy to Tidewell Hospice through estate or deferred
gifts. Many donors find that through bequests they are able to make a significant
philanthropic impact.
Anonymous (7)
Mrs. Nina Arzberger
Ms. Roslyn Laporte
Mrs. Hwa C. Beyer
Ms. Barbara J. Lupoff
Mr. Robert F. Bole
Mr. James M. MacCallum and Mrs.
Ms. Rozalind Brack
Mr. Donald A. Marshall
Mr. Theodore M. Brenkacz
Ms. Jan A. Miller
Mr. Emmett J. Brennan
Mr. John C. Moyer and Mrs.
Mrs. Ruth A. Bressler
Marianne Moyer
Ms. Barbara B. Bulkeley
Mr. Peter Muzzonigro, Sr.
Ms. Patricia Case
Mrs. Pamela Naff
Dr. Julie P. Cotton
Mrs. Anne Ouchark and Mr.
Mr. Harold R. Cunning, Jr.*
and Mrs. Ann Cunning*
Mr. William “Bill” Cunningham*
Elizabeth “Betsy” MacCallum*
Mr. Carl Brass
William F. Ouchark
Mr. John H. Perkins* and
Mary C. Perkins
and Mrs. Antonette
Mr. Leon Reckinger
M. Cunningham
Ms. Barbara Ries
Mr. S. Anthony DeDeyn*
Mr. Joseph R. Rowen
Mr. John DeVivo and Mrs.
Ms. Janice Scherwitz and Mr.
Mary DeVivo*
Richard A. Scherwitz, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drazic
Rev. Arthur B. Schute
Mrs. Rose P. Durham*
The Honorable Charles
Mr. James Ericsson* and
Mrs. Ruth J. Ericsson
R. Simpson* and Mrs.
Ruth V. Simpson*
Ms. Dorcas L. Hunt
Ms. Eva T. Slane
Ms. Doris Hunter
Mr. Edmond J. Sobey*
Mrs. Virginia H. Jennings*
Dr. Marlene A. Spencer
Mrs. Sheryl Kaiser and
Mr. Stan Stephenson
Mr. James Kaiser
Mr. Charles J. Kiser
Mr. Maurice H. Stern* and
Mrs. Elizabeth Stern*
Mrs. Kerstin Kransberg
Mr. David Voelker
Mrs. Lissie Krauss
Mr. Kenneth M. Williams
Mr. Jerry Kuskin and
Ms. Edith Winston
Sondra Kuskin
Richard E. Zrudsky*
Mr. Robert G. Landon* and
A sold-out audience listened to Bill Rancic, a
motivational speaker and the winner of Donald
Trump’s first edition of “The Apprentice” television
show. Rancic shared his unique perspective on
caregiving, both as a compassionate observer
when his mother took care of his terminally ill
father and an active participant when his wife,
Giuliana, was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Mrs. Carole E. Landon
* deceased
If you have named Tidewell Hospice in your will or trust, or are thinking
of doing so, please let the philanthropy department know so that we
may recognize you in our Legacy Society.
Tidewell offers specialized age and developmentally appropriate
pediatric pre-hospice and hospice programs to manage pain and
symptoms for young patients and provide emotional support for
parents, siblings and other loved ones. Donor support helps the
children’s services teams continue to provide this care.
The Harold & Evelyn Davis Humanitarian Fund was started by
grateful family members in memory of Evelyn Davis. Use of the
fund is restricted to non-medical emergency relief to families who
lack the financial means to cover the costs vital necessities.
Harold and Evelyn R. Davis Memorial Foundation
KBR Foundation
Dow Chemical Company Foundation
Bon Secours Health System, Inc.
Tidewell accepts gifts of technology and medical supplies.
The Plantation Community Foundation: Stethoscopes for nurses
J. Milton & Nellie E. Hoffa Memorial Foundation: Learning Management
System software
The Tidewell Charity Care Fund covers non-reimbursed medical
expenses for end-of-life care received by low-income, medically
indigent, underinsured and uninsured patients and their families.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare Foundation: Learning Management
System software
Mildred and Bernard Doyle Charitable Trust: Sarasota County
The Mary E. Parker Foundation: Manatee County
The Ralph S. French Charitable Foundation: Manatee County
Transitions helps people maximize the services available to them
as they near the end of life, easing the fear, anxiety and isolation
often associated with advanced illness. Transitions services are not
funded by Medicare or third-party payers, and clients are never
charged a fee.
Sarasota County Foundation: Sarasota County
United Way Suncoast: DeSoto County
Venice Golf and Country Club Community Foundation:
Greater Venice area
Manatee Aging Network
Transitions in Manatee County
Tidewell provides grief support free of charge to anyone who has
lost a loved one, regardless of whether that person was served
by hospice. Medicare and insurance do not cover the cost of grief
Tidewell uses unrestricted support gifts to cover needs where they
are the greatest.
Appleby Foundation
Annette J. Hagens Memorial Foundation
Grief Education & Support Center in Sarasota County
Jelks Family Foundation
Harold C. and Jacqueline F. Bladel Foundation
Teen Grief Retreat
Home 41.8% (3,523)
Arthur T. Esslinger Memorial Fund of the Community Foundation of
Sarasota County
Spanish-speaking bilingual grief counselor
India Benton Lesser Foundation
Teen Grief Retreat
Lakewood Ranch Community Fund of the Manatee Community
Grief Education & Support Center in Lakewood Ranch area
Bassett, Vita, Vining & Hermann Group of Morgan Stanley Wealth
Management Fund of the Manatee Community Foundation
Grief Education & Support Center in Manatee County
Hospice houses 34.7% (2,923)
Hospital 22.4% (1,884)
Long-term care 14.6% (1,230)
Assisted living 13.9% (1,170)
NOTE: Percentages total more than 100 because
hospice patients are often served at multiple
locations during the course of their illness and
are therefore counted in multiple categories.
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.
Grief Education & Support Center
Women’s Sertoma Club of Venice
Teen Grief Retreat, teen from Venice
Wilson-Wood Foundation, Inc.
Spanish-speaking bilingual grief counselor
0-18 – < 1%
19-39 – < 1%
40-69 – 16.4%
70-79 – 19.0%
80-89 – 32.9%
90+ – 31.0%
Matching Gift Companies
A special thanks to the following companies for enhancing the
value of our donors’ charitable contributions. If you are employed
or retired, your current/past employer may match your gift. To find
out if your company makes matching gifts, contact your human
resources office or Tidewell’s Philanthropy Department.
Aetna PAC Program
Allstate Giving Campaign
American Express Employee
Giving Program
Amgen Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
AXA Foundation Matching Gifts
Axis US Services
Bank of America Matching
Gift Program
Bank of America United
Way Campaign
Barnes Group Foundation, Inc.
Bellsouth Corporation
BMO Harris Bank Matching
Gift Program
Boeing Gift Matching Program
BP Matching Fund Programs
Bristol-Myers Squibb Employee
Giving Program
C. B. Fleet Company, Inc.
CA Technologies Matching Gifts
Chevron Humankind
Matching Gift Program
The Chubb Corporation
Energizer Matching
Gifts Program
ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc.
Fleet Matching Gifts Program
Gap Foundation Matching Gift
Gartner, Inc.
The GE Foundation
Give With Liberty
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Grainger Matching Charitable
Gifts Program
HSBC Matching Gift Program
IBM Corporation Matching
Grants Program
ITW Foundation 3-For-1
Matching Gift Program
John Hancock Financial Services
- Matching Gifts Program
Johnson & Johnson Matching
Gifts Program
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
KeyBank Foundation
Lexmark International, Inc.
Macy’s Foundation
Merck Gives Back Employee
Giving Program
Microsoft Matching
Gifts Program
Morgan Stanley
Northern Trust Matching
Gift Program
Novartis Matching Gift Program
Oracle Corporation Matching
Gifts Program
Pepsico Foundation Employee
Giving Programs
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Pitney Bowes Foundation
Progress Energy Matching
Gifts Program
Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Random House, Inc.
Matching Gift Program
Regency Centers Corporation
Rexnord Foundation, Inc.
RightTrack Solutions, LLC
Sabre Holdings
Tropics Software
Technologies, Inc.
UBS Matching Gift Program
United Airlines
Wachovia Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Aug. 2, 2014
Dear Tidewell
and I often
Before his pas
ie peacefully a
prayed that
wrong. Being
home in his s
ift to us and
a mu
with Dad was
t part to Sher
that was due
er’s passing
and Evelyn wh
itive experienc
such a spiritu
caring staff.
You have such
urse and wha
I am a
nursing should
e to
n’t happen du
be but
rkload. Thank
time constr
y family and
you for being
milies you ser
very much,
More Nature Walks
Tidewell’s Grief Support and Education Center expanded its schedule
of nature walks, offering nine events in Sarasota and Manatee counties
in the second year of the program. The walks allow Tidewell families,
volunteers and friends to enjoy the outdoors and reconnect
with the national environment.
The following individuals, corporations, trusts, charitable funds, community groups and foundations
contributed $250 or more between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. Thank you to our generous donors.
AIG Matching Grants Program
Alameda Isles Womens Club
American Leather
American Legion Auxiliary
North River Unit 309
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 30
AmVets Ladies Auxiliary #1999
Andy Frank Fund
Anna Maria Oyster Bar
AquaTech Pools
Arcadia Computer, Inc.
Arcadia Stockyard
Randall T. Arnaud Fund
Babe Ruth League, Inc.
Banana Factory, Inc
Barbara Denning Charitable Fund
Henry E. Becker & Pauline S.
Becker Charitable Foundation
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Bradenton Insurance, Inc.
Bradford Enterprise
Buchanan Family Foundation
Burnett Business Inc
Cabana Inn of Sarasota
Calvary Baptist Church
Camelot Lakes Community Club
Cars for Charity, Inc.
Casey Key Foundation, Inc.
Charlotte State Bank & Trust
Church of the Good Shepherd
Episcopal Churchwomen
Columbia Restaurant
The Community Foundation
of Sarasota County
Corporate Synergies Group, LLC
Crown Community Development
David B. Lindsay Foundation, Inc.
Dermatology & Oculoplastic
Desoto County Board of
County Commissioners
Desoto County Clerk Circuit Court
Desoto Insurance Agency
DJD Foundation
DND Construction of Sarasota, LLC
Dockside Store
Douglas A. and Phyllis G.
Smith Charitable Trust
DSI Renal
Duffey Charitable Fund
Dutch Valley Restaurant
Edgewater Club, Inc.
Edward F. Calesa Foundation
EmblemHealth Services, LLC
Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Inc.
Arthur T. Esslinger Memorial Fund*
Eugene H. Turner & Son, Inc.
Evelyn Ruda Charitable Fund
Fawcett Memorial Hospital
Fawcett Memorial Hospital
Medical Staff Fund, Inc.
Fawcett Memorial Hospital,
Company Care
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
First America Bank
Florida Pharmacy Solutions, Inc.
Florida Sun Coast Bridge
Unit 102, Inc.
Franchise Services, Inc.
Franklin Fund FBO
Hospice of SW FL*
Franz Tractor Company
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Ladies Auxiliary #3885
Frock & Broussard, P.C.
Fulmer, LeRoy & Albee, P.L.L.C.
Fussell Spreader Service LLC
G3 Enterprises Matching
Gift Program
George S. and Stephanie J.
Bittner Charitable Fund
Grandmothers of La Casa
Gryphon International
Investment Corp
Gryphon Investments
and Counsel, Inc.
Gulf to Bay Sotheby’s
International Realty
Hall Consulting LLC
Hall Family Charitable Fund
Harriette S. & Charles L.
Tabas Foundation
Hendrick Honda Bradenton
Holiday Travel Park Condo Assoc
ICAP Shipping USA
J. Jeffrey & Emily Hawley
Family Fund
Jacaranda West Country Club
John and Mary Helms
Charitable Fund*
John H. and Barbara J.
Robinson Charitable Trust
John R. and Carole E. Remick Fund
John W. and Lydia J. Kolbas
Family Fund**
Johnson Charitable Trust
Kellogg & Kimsey, Inc.
Kenneth N. Harring
Construction Consulting
Kerkering, Barberio & Co., P.A.
Knox Family Foundation
L. B. Smith Estate Foundation, Inc.
Lakehouse West Residents’
Lakewood Ranch Family &
Cosmetic Dentistry
Ruth H. Landes Fund*
Lemon Bay Sunrise Rotary
Lincoln Arms Mobile Home Park
Live Oak Church
Live Oak RV Resort
M-Powertech LLC
Maassen Oil Co., Inc.
Margaret M. and Theresa J.
Ross Charitable Fund
Martens & Heads Search
With Imagination LLC
Martin D. and Barbara H. Rich
Family Charitable Foundation
McCrory Law Firm
Merkel Charitable Fund
Metro Weighing Solutions LLC
Mid Atlantic Engineering
Technical Svc, Inc.
Misdee Wrigley and James Mather
Miller Charitable Foundation
MUFG Union Bank
Muirhead and Gaylor Fund
Mustang Club of West
Central Florida
Myakka Pines Golf Club
of Englewood, Inc.
Nivel Parts & Manufacturing
Co., LLC
NorcaTec LLC
Orangetheory Fitness
Orest and Lidia Bilous
Family Foundation
Palmetto Elks Lodge #2449
Palmetto Women of the
Moose Chapter 1225
The Patterson Foundation
Picazio Family Fund***
Powder Puff Charity Classic
Premier Sotheby’s
International Realty
Ranch Rodeo
Alice W. Rau Charitable Trust***
Odile L. Robertson
Restricted Fund*
The Rowan Foundation, Inc.
Rowlett Family Endowment Fund*
Rowlett Family Endowment
Sandpiper Resort Donation Fund
Sarasota Ford
Sarasota Manatee Roofing &
Sheet Metal Cont Assoc Inc
Sarasota Moose Lodge 1319
Katharina and Joseph
Schober Foundation
Seacoast National Bank
Seaport Capital, LLC
Charitable Fund
Shamrock Foods
Sharon Rosier Philanthropic Fund
ShowTime For Hospice
Siam of Venice
Smith Family Revocable Trust
Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
Staley Family Fund
Steinwachs Family Foundation***
Steven and Janice Greenfield
Family Donor Advised Fund*
Summit Consulting LLC
Sun Hydraulics Corporation
Suncoast Professional
Firefighters & Paramedics
Tappercise Fundraiser
Teets & Weatherbie Financial
Planning Group
The Behr Snyder Group Inc.
The John and Kelly Franz
Family Fund
The Mel’s Money Fund
The Tate Family Foundation
The Winter Family Foundation
Thomas M. & Esther C.
Flanagan Charitable Trust
Thro Family Fund***
Townsend Glass
Toys “R” Us, Inc.
Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Turner Realty, Incorporated
Twinings North America, Inc.
United Systems Computer
Group, Inc.
United Technologies
Matching Gifts Program
United Vision Logistics
United Way of Manatee
County, Inc
United Way of Metropolitan
United Way of Northern
New Jersey
United Way Suncoast
Venice Ranch Craft Group
Venice Ranch Mobile
Home Estates
Veterans Foreign Wars
Peace River Post 2824
Wally’s Pour House, Inc.
Walter Haskins Fund in memory
of Stacey K. Haskins*
Weiler Engineering Corp
Claudia Whitehurst Health Fund*
Windward Isle Women’s Club
Winterset NonDenominational Church
Womack Sanitation
Women of the Moose
Chapter 1619
Women of the Moose
Chapter 1968
Women of the Moose
Venice Chapter 758
Wright National Flood
Insurance Services, LLC
* The Community Foundation of Sarasota County-Donor Advised Fund | ** Manatee Community Foundation-Donor Advised Fund
*** Gulf Coast Community Foundation-Donor Advised Fund
^Denotes donors who have contributed
five or more consecutive years.
Anonymous (64)
Ms. Cathryn P. Abbey
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Abt
Ms. Linda Ackley
Mrs. Lucille Adair
Mrs. Deborah Adams
Mr. Christopher M. Aikin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Albrecht
Mrs. Linda Albert^
Mr. Donald Alexander
Mr. Francine Y. Alexander^
Mr. Richard J. Allen
Mrs. Helen Allen Cernoch
Ms. Robin Altmann
Mrs. Therese G. Amidei and Family
Mr. Gary D. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Anderson
Mr. Glenn O. Anderson
Mrs. Sandra Anderson
Mrs. Helene H. Andrews
Veda L. Andrus
Dr. Joelle M. Angsten^
Mr. Michael Argulewicz and Mrs.
Lynn Argulewicz^
Mr. Robert H. Arnold, Jr.
Ms. Marilyn Arp
Mrs. Donna Arroyas
Mrs. Brenda Arts^
Mr. Irving E. Ash
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Ash
Ms. Sydney G. Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashman
Ms. Nancy A. Atherton
Mr. Paul R. Atherton^
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Aubel^
Mrs. Lenore August and Mr. Leslie J. August
Ms. Sherry Axelrod
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Ayers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Babb
Mr. and Mrs. E. Vose Babcock III^
Ms. Sylvia Babineau
Mrs. Bobbie R. Bacon
Mrs. Laura L. Badalamenti
Mr. James E. Baer
Ms. Diana Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Jason E. Bainbridge
Mr. Jerry Bainbridge
Mrs. Claudette Baird
Ms. Judy Baisch
Mr. Dave Bakshi
Ms. Tina Balderrama
Ms. Elizabeth Ball
Ms. Teresa Ball
Mrs. Roberta R. Bannon^
Mr. Gerald Barkholz
Ms. Suzanne C. Barksdale^
Mrs. Carol Barnett
Mr. Edwin Bassler
Mrs. Eloise Bassler
Mr. Thomas K. Barry^
Mrs. Jean Batsford^
Barbara R. Baxter
Mr. Kenneth R. Beasley
Mr. Donald Beck
Ms. Conzy L. Beckham
Mr. William Beha
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Belbot^
Mr. Albin Belczyk
Mr. Dennis Belden
Ms. Kathy Bellamy
Mr. Erwin M. Bendit
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Benedetto
Ms. Renee Bergman^
Mr. Edward J. Bertz
Mr. Robert D. Best^
Mr. David Beutler
Mrs. Hwa C. Beyer^
Mr. Robert P. Billingsley
Mrs. Susan B. Bisanz
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Biviano
Mr. James C. Blackford^
Ms. Patricia Blake
Ms. Charlene Blanco
Mr. Ralph J. Blinco
Ms. Kathleen C. Bockoski
Mr. William Bodine
Ms. Mary Y. Boegershausen
Mrs. Florence J. Bollman^
Dr. Warren E. Bontrager
Ms. Jean Bookout^
Ms. Laura Booth
Mrs. Mary Bortz
Mrs. Katheryne K. Bosse
Ms. Betty M. Boucher
Mrs. Saida J. Bouhamid^
Ms. Barbara A. Bounds
Ms. Anne E. Bowdoin
Mr. Randy Bower
Mrs. Susan Bower
Ms. Jean Bowman
Ms. Jill Boyd
Mr. Michael Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Boyle^
Ms. and Mr. Doris M. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Bradley
Mr. R. E. Bradley III
Mr. E. B. Bradshaw
Mrs. Jennie C. Branagan
Mrs. Elizabeth Braun
Mrs. Mary Louise Bresnahan
Mrs. Shirley B. Bretches
Mr. Bruce W. Brooks
Mr. Charles W. Brooks, Jr.
Mr. Ray Brooks
Drs. Janet R. Brown and Margaret R. Martin^
Mr. Harry W. Brown
Mr. Thomas E. Brown
Mr. Harry Browning
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Bruckman
Ms. Christine Buckley-Currie
Frederick J. Bueche
Mrs. Viola M. Buehler
Mr. Preston M. Buitendorp
Ms. Barbara B. Bulkeley
Mr. William Burch
Mr. Kenneth G. Burchmore
Mr. James Burnikel
Ms. Marian F. Burros
Mrs. Neva M. Burton
Mrs. Lori Bush
Ms. Carol J. Butler
Mr. Nick Cafaro
Mrs. Tracy E. Calder
Ms. Susan Caldwell^
Ms. Elizabeth M. Campbell
Mr. Edward J. Candito
Mrs. Erma B. Capron
Mrs. Lois M. Cardinal^
Ms. Jennifer Cardona
Mrs. Carole Carey^
Mrs. Barbara J. Carpenter
Mrs. Evelyn T. Carrier
Mrs. Betty Lou Carscallen
Mrs. Bobbie L. Casey
Ms. Dorothy Cashman
Mr. Sheldon R. Casper
Ms. Lynda J. Cassan
Ms. Mary A. Cassano
Ms. Heidi Castleman
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Castoro
Mr. John M. Cavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Champagne
Mr. Douglas Chapman
Ms. Maureen Chase
Ms. Lori Childers
Mr. Alan Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cieslukowski III
Mrs. Renee Cieslukowski
Mr. David M. Clayton
Mrs. Helen A. Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cleghorn
Mrs. Pattie B. Clendenin^
Ms. Mary H. Coale and Family
Ms. Laura Cochardo
Mrs. Rosemary Cody^
Ms. Cynthia D. Coffman^
Mrs. Janis H. Cohen
Mrs. Shirley E. Colleary
Mr. Christopher Collins
Ms. Rhonda Colony^
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Colton^
Mr. Thomas E. Combs^
Ms. Katherine Conklin
Mr. Donald D. Conn
Mr. Ronald R. Conners
Mr. Merle R. Conrad
Mrs. Margaret B. Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. George K. Cooney
Ms. Ann M. Coons
Mr. Randy Cooper
Mr. Robert E. Copeland^
Mr. Robert J. Coseo
Mr. John Cotterman
2015 8,424
2014 8,328
2013 8,037
2012 8,173
2011 8,075
2010 8,220
Ms. Marian E. Courtney
Mr. Fred J. Cowell
Mr. James L. Cranfield
Mrs. Catherine Babcock Cranor
Mr. Troy Crawford
Mrs. Eleanor R. Cronin
Mr. James P. Crosson, Jr.
Ms. Laura Crowell
Harold R. Cunning
Mrs. Antonette M. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. D’Lima
Mr. Anthony Daddino
Ms. Marian Dahlheimer
Mr. Robert E. Dailey
Mr. William H. Daniels
Mr. Daniel Davies
Ms. Carmen J. Davis
Ms. Ruth Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Day
Ms. Maryann E. De Lorenzo^
Dr. and Mrs. Carlo de Rosa^
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Decker, Jr.
Ms. Cheryl A. Deister
Ms. Geraldine del Greco^
Mr. Dom Del Prete
Mrs. Sharon L. deMarc
Mrs. Mary A. Dempsey
Ms. Lori J. Dengler
Denim Days
Ms. Kathy DePalma
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
DePew and Family
Mr. Alberto M. DeSousa
Mrs. R. Beverley Deterding^
Mr. Paul Devereaux
Ms. Laura Devore
Ms. Marilyn S. DeWan
Ms. Kerry C. Diebold
Ms. Deborah DiFonzo
Mr. Michael Ditz
Mrs. Jean H. Douglass
Mr. James C. Dowd
Mr. Alan Drewsen
Mrs. Marie M. Driskill
Ms. Deanna Drum
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dubois
Mr. John J. Dugan^
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Dukate
Ms. Yvonne Dumas
Mr. Blev C. Dunklin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Dunlevy
Mr. Lloyd E. Dunn
Ms. Jeanne M. Durney
Mr. Brian Dye
Mr. Clayton A. Dyer
Ms. Stephanie Eakins
Ms. Karen S. Eberhart^
Mr. Thomas G. Eck
Mrs. Margaret K. Edelblute
Mr. John R. Edgeworth
Mrs. Shirley Edwins
Mrs. Ramona E. Elden
Ms. Peggy A. Ellens
Mrs. Bonnie Elliot
Dr. and Mrs. Hartmut Engelmann
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erath
Mr. Richard Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Evenson
Mrs. Donna Everett
Mr. Angelo J. Fabbiano
Mr. Steven Farhood
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fausset
Ms. and Mr. Debra A. Fennessey
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fenton
Mr. Luke Ferraro
Ms. Paula L. Feucht
Mrs. Susan Fiala
Ms. Virginia L. Field
Mr. Charlie Fielding
Mrs. Carolyn B. Fillmore
Mrs. Anita B. Fineman
Mr. Brian H. Fitz-Harris
Ms. Diane Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Flagg^
Mr. Jonathan D. Fleece^
Mr. Nicholas Florio
Ms. Eileen M. Foley
Ms. Sandra H. Fornear
Mrs. Denise M. Forrest
Ms. Aileen Forst
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Freedman^
Mr. Mark Freeman
Mrs. Nancy S. French
Ms. Sherrill French
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fresta
Ms. Dolores Frisbie
Ms. Grace Fritzinger and Family
Mr. Weldon G. Frost
Mrs. Barbara Funnell^
Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Fyfe
Mr. Denis M. Galle
Mr. Horst Galow
Mr. Matthew Gazdecki
Mrs. Constance E. Gean^
Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Geer
Mrs. Beverly Gerry
Mr. Michael Giardullo
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Darren A. Gillett
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan E. Gillman^
Mr. Vernon H. Gingerich
and Family
Mrs. Muriel V. Giovanni
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Goff
Ms. Nancy Gold
Mrs. Marlene Goldberger
Mr. Brian Goldsmith
Mr. Charles L. Goode
Richard D. Goshin
Ms. Penelope Gould
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Granger
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Grantham
Mrs. Donna Grasel
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Grasel
Ms. Paulie A. Graves
Mrs. Carol B. Green
Dr. and Mrs. Leon C. Greene
Ms. Carol Greenman
Ms. Helen Greenman
Mr. and Mrs. John Griffith^
Mrs. Stacy Groff^
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grossman
Ms. Loretta Mae Gruber
New Chief Medical
Officer Appointed
Tidewell Hospice is pleased
to welcome Neville Sarkari,
MD, FACP, as executive vice
president, chief medical
officer. Dr. Sarkari oversees
a staff of 13 physicians and
six nurse practitioners that
directs the compassionate
care of our patients.
my eyes due to the
I write
wife just 3 weeks ag
ks and 2 days after
I am
news of her cancer.
ng, I am so nervous
sorry fo
to be with our Lord.
k all of you enough
d our family.
for what you
ring to us. She
calling. Kimberly
so helpful to me.
and Pastor Todd was
in appreciation for
e touched our
what each of you hav
you are a blessing
lives in love. All of
ry much.
to us. Thanks so ve
Charles L. Shaffer
Mr. Rolf Gruterich
Ms. Patricia A. Guess
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gustafson
Ms. Gail B. Guyton
Mr. James J. Haas
Ms. Judith N. Hadley
Ms. Patricia J. Haessner^
Mr. Steven E. Hafer
Dr. Barbara A. Hajjar^
Mr. Alan Hall
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall
Mr. Howard H. Halpin
Mr. Paul Hammond
Ms. Karen E. Hanrihan
Mrs. Regina G. Hanson
Mr. Archie E. Harden
Ms. Nance L. Harding
Ms. Norma Harju
Mr. Leonard Harman^
Ms. Beverly A. Harms^
Ms. Stacey Harper
Mr. James R. Harris
Mr. Michael Hart^
Mr. Robert J. Hassmer^
Mr. Jack Hazan^
Ms. Mary Heath^
Mrs. Eloise “Suzie” Hedstrom
Mr. F. Douglas Heinlen^
Mr. Howard Helman
Mr. Brian Hemingway
Ms. Krystal Hemingway
Mrs. Irene Henderson^
Mrs. Gabi Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hendricks
Ms. Vivian A. Hendricks
Mr. J. Richard Henke^
Mr. James J. Henry, Jr.
Mrs. Madeleine V. Herrington
Mr. Dan Heschmeyer
Ms. Star D. Hesse
Ms. Lieselotte Hessler^
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hester
Ms. Cynthia A. Hinman-Cosola^
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hladik
Ms. Marilyn H. Hock
Ms. Shannon Hodges
Ms. Vicki Hofferbert
Mrs. Gail R. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffman
Mrs. Alice Hollander
Mrs. Dorith E. Hollander
Mr. Richard H. Hollander II
Mr. William H. Hubbard
Mr. Philip H. Hubbell
Ms. Joellen Huddy^
Mrs. Elizabeth Hudson
Mr. John C. Hudson
Mr. Joseph D. Hudson
The Reverend Francesca G. Hughes
Ms. Janet S. Hyman
Mr. Gerald S. Jackson^
Ms. Sarah C. Jackson
Mrs. Diane E. Jacobitti
Ms. Francine “Budee” Jacobs^
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Jalas
Ms. Vicki Jaynes
Mr. Robert Jennings III
Mr. Robert L. Jennings
Mrs. Phyllis J. Jensen
Mrs. Lori Johndrow
Ms. Barbara Johnson
Mrs. Judith Johnson
July 4, 2013
Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs.
idewell Hospic
Michael J. Johnson
rse Sharon and
Mr. Gilbert Joly
Ms. Betty Jones
We would lik
Valenti. Also R
Mr. D. Anthony Jones
Nurse F
vanilla ice
Mrs. Darlene Jones
is las
Ms. Leslie Jones
who fed Dad h
Ms. Ada M. “Sandy” Julian
ate every last b
Mr. Frank J. Jungman
cream a
gorgeous. The
Ms. Lisa Kaelberer^
Mrs. Doris K. Kahmar^
Your facility
sant. We could
Mr. and Mrs. James Kaiser^
atmosphere is
Mrs. Susan Kamuchey
ce to have our
Mr. James F. Kane
not have fou
in our mother.
Ms. Rachel Karioki
Ms. Diana M. Kaufl
father leave th
Mrs. Lynn H. Keller
God Bless You
Mr. Horst Kemp
Mr. Richard Kent
Mr. Gregory L. Kerr
oy McCuan Jr
Ms. Elham Ketchum^
Ms. Christine Keyworth
Carolyn Harris
Mrs. Doris M. King^
Mrs. Kathryn King
Pete Harris
Mr. Charles J. Kiser
Mr. Alfred Klein
Chase Harris
Mrs. Judith A. Kline
n Kirsch
Ms. Barbara Klingel
Connie McCua
and Family
Ron Kirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
A. Klingel
Mr. and Mrs. Terry
B. Knapper
Ms. Ursula Kolimas^
Mrs. Virginia A. Kopischke
Mrs. Joyce Koppel^
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Lee
Ms. Linda Korff
Ms. Debra Lees
Ms. Valerie J. Krall
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lehman
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kramer
Ms. Bertha F. Leonard
Mr. Gene W. Krause
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Liebl
Mrs. Lissie Krauss^
Mr. Alvin H. Liftman
Mr. Stuart Kreisman
Mrs. Joan W. Lindley
Mrs. Dorothy L. Kuhlman
Mr. Bill Link
Mr. Charles P. Kujawski, Jr.
Mrs. Elma R. Livingston
Mr. Kenneth Kunda
Mrs. Sandra R. Lockwood
Mrs. Karen A. Kunz^
Dr. Maude B. Lofton
Mr. Paul H. Kuper
Mrs. Nancy G. Logan^
Mr. Craig E. Lafferty
Mr. and Mrs. Craig N. Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Lafferty^
Mr. John Lowe and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Laine
Ms. Ann M. Lowry
Mr. Joseph Laine
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. Yvan Laine
Mr. Jack A. Lustgarten
Ms. Christine J. Lambert
Mrs. Judith L. Lutz
Mrs. Roberta Lamoureux
Mr. George Luzier
Ms. Nancy Lancaster
Mr. Charles Mabley
Mr. Frank A. Lane
Mrs. J. G. Mac Letchie
Ms. Matilda F. Lang
Mr. James M. MacCallum^
A. L. Langford
Mrs. Nancy C. Mace^
Mr. Richard A. Langley
Mr. and Mrs. Vytas Maceikonis^
Ms. Judy C. Larson
Ms. Ilse B. Mack
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lawrence^
Mr. Ben Madey
Mr. James M. Le Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Maher
Ralph E. Mahon
Mrs. Margaret T. Maisto^
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Makeever
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Malhame
Mrs. Valerie B. Mander
Mr. William A. Mann^
Mr. Michael G. Marcouiller
Mr. Paul Marcouiller
Mr. Mark F. Maretka
Mrs. Cynthia R. Marr
Ms. Patricia L. Marsh
Dr. Calvin W. Martin, Sr.
Mrs. Suzanne Martin
Mr. Leroy Mason
Ms. Meg Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Tony W. Massa
Ms. Barbara E. Massey^
Ms. Sharon Mathews
Ms. Aida Matic^
Mrs. Elena Matlack
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matthews^
Mr. James P. Mattingly^
Mrs. Janice Mazzari
Ms. Denise McCabe^
Mr. Donald McCarrick
Mr. Robert McClaflin^
Mr. Joseph McCormick^
Mrs. Lisa M. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. McCue
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCurdy
Mr. and Mrs. Van R. McDonald
Mr. John McDonough
Dr. and Mrs. Gerard A. McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McEntee, Jr.^
Ms. Linda A. McGavin
Mr. and Mrs. James T. McGowan, Jr.
Mr. Donald L. McHenry
Ms. Bonnie J. McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Meador II
Mrs. Susan Meier-Tompkins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Melum^
Mr. Crandall Melvin
Mr. and Mrs. Cary M. Mercer
Ms. Sally Merkhofer^
Mr. Michael E. Mesirov
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Messer
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mikesell
Mr. Joseph J. Milazzo
Barry K. Milks
Mr. Steve Millage
Ms. Barbara Miller^
Ms. Geneva T. Miller^
Ms. Jan A. Miller^
Mrs. Joyce Miller and Mr. Denis Miller
Mrs. Margarita E. Miller
Ms. Susan Miller
Ms. Veronica B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Minnich^
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Mishner
Mr. William P. Mixon, Jr.^
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Moffat^
Ms. Barbara Molter
Mr. James R. Monahan
Mr. Robert P. Moody, Jr.
Mrs. Jeanne Moore
Mrs. Susan M. Moore
Ms. Joanne C. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. S. Kent Morgan
Ms. Patricia J. Morgan
Mr. Roger Morrison
Ms. Barbara Morrissey
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Mouser
Mr. William A. Muirhead
Mr. Richard Mulcahy
Mr. Brian Murphy
Mr. Gerard Murphy
Mr. Patrick Murphy
Mr. Shawn Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. F. David Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Nash
Mrs. Mary Nastan
Mr. Gilbert Negrin
Ms. Patricia Neuenhoff
Mr. Brian P. Neville
Mrs. Ethelyn M. Newton^
Mr. James R. Niesen
Mr. Anthony C. Niewyk
Ms. Linda Niles
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Nimtz
Mr. Donald L. Noblit
Ms. Carol Nonnenmacher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Noonan
Mr. Thomas E. Novak
Mr. Paul F. O’Neill
Mr. Warren B. O’Neill^
Mr. Paul D. Oram^
Mrs. Ann M. Orkin^
Ms. Mary Ellen O’Rourke
Ms. Alicia Onorato
Mrs. Julie A. Osborne^
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Ottaviani
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ouchark^
Ms. Lisa D. Outland Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Lakis A. Pape
Mrs. Adele H. Pardee^
Mrs. Alice L. Parker
Mr. James Parker, Jr.
Mrs. Fay L. Parr
Mrs. Anna L. Patterson
Ms. Debra Pauley^
Mr. Michael Pavone
Ms. Suzanne P. Payne
Ms. Kristeen Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Perry
Mrs. Deborah J. Petchul
Ms. Evelyn O. Peters
Mr. James D. Petrilla
Ms. Victoria Phillips
Mr. Geoffrey Piker
Ms. Nancy K. Pinder
Mr. George Pine
Mrs. Dorothy Pinerolo
Rosa Ponce De Leon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pope^
Mr. David Porter
Mr. Michael Porter
Mr. William L. Poruban
Ms. Jennifer Powers
Mrs. Elaine J. Pregowski^
Mrs. Karen Price^
Ms. Angie Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. W. Terry Purcell^
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Queener^
Mr. Daniel J. Radman
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard D. Radford^
Ms. Beevee Ragan
Robert E. Rainville
Mr. Richard Rakovich
Mr. Steve Raschke
Mrs. Sheila Rawls
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Reagan
Ms. Carol T. Redmill
Mrs. Teresa Reis
Mr. Mark E. Reynolds
Mr. Richard A. Rice
Mr. Randall B. Richards
Mr. Rudy Richardson
Mr. Joseph Richter^
Mr. Eric Ries
Mrs. Lorena M. Risch
Mr. Allyn Risley
Mr. John H. Rixse
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Roberts
Mr. Walter T. Robinson
Rev. Charles H. Roman^
Mrs. Miriam R. Rooney
Mrs. Ileene C. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Rossi
Ms. Joan Rostron^
Mrs. Patricia A. Rotatori
Mr. Bruce Rothschild
Mrs. Patricia Roussel
Ms. Barbara J. Rudow
Mr. Walter H. Ruf
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Ruggles
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Rush
Ms. Kathleen Russell
Ms. Ann H. Ryals^
Ms. Melinda A. Ryals^
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Salzberg
Ms. Jean M. Sanborn
Ms. Louise Sardo
Mr. Arnold Schamban
Mr. Robert Schatteles
Ms. Janice Scherwitz^
Ms. Julie D. Schilson^
Mr. Mark Schlanger
Mrs. Anna Jean Schmidt
Mr. Benjamin F. Schneider
Ms. Joyce Schneider
Mr. Lisa Schneider
Mrs. Betty Schoenbaum
Mrs. Mary Ann Scholten
Ms. Faye Schuetzle
Rev. Arthur B. Schute^
Dr. Harvey Schwaid
Mr. Manny M. Schwartz
Mr. Michael Schwartz
Mr. Richard M. Schwartz
Mr. Geoffrey Scimone
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sclafani
Ms. Michele Scott^
Ms. Suzanne T. Scott
Mr. Peter Scott-Hansen
Mr. Douglas C. Seeley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry and Leslye Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Seider
Mr. Charles L. Shaffer
Ms. Mary Beth Shallcross^
New hospice house planned
Tidewell Hospice has purchased land in Lakewood Ranch for a hospice
house. The 2.45-acre parcel near Lakewood Ranch Boulevard and
State Road 70 will be the site of a 12-bed hospice house, Tidewell’s
eighth. Fundraising for the building is set to begin in early 2016.
Mr. John I. Shaw, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shaw
Ms. Louanne Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Shifrin
Mrs. Kathleen L. Shinn
Mrs. Margaret W. Shroyer
Ms. Judy Siders
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Siegel
Mrs. My-Zung Siglin
Mr. Richard Simmons
The Honorable Charles R. Simpson
Mr. John Skuchko Jr.
Mrs. Donna Slattery Pollack
Ms. Deborah M. Sloan
Ms. Isolde H. Smirnow
Ms. Annmarie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. P. Kevin Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Smith, Jr.
Mr. Steven J. Smith
Mrs. Marvis Snell
Ms. Marsha Snyder
Mrs. Brenda Spahn
Ms. Christina Speir
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Spencer
Mrs. Marilyn Spica
Ms. Kathleen M. Spoonmore^
Mr. Donald Stager
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Staley
Mr. John R. Steele
Mr. Keith R. Steele
Ms. Jessica Stevenson
Ms. Verna Stevenson
Mr. Donald Stinson
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sam Stipp
Mr. David K. Stites
Ms. Janet Storey
Mr. and Mrs. Erik K. Straub
Mrs. Imelda B. Stroud-Garvin
Mrs. Cynthia A. Stuhley
Mr. Thomas T. Stuhley
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Swart
Mr. Richard H. Swartz^
Mr. James Sweet
Ms. Patricia J. Talone
Ms. Amy Tay^
Mr. Jack C. Taylor
Mr. Kenneth L. Taylor
Mr. Victor J. Taylor
Mrs. Dorothy M. Tedesco
Mr. Gregory D. Templeton
Mr. Jack Templeton
Mr. George Teren III
Mrs. Mollie Thibodeau
Mr. William J. Thompson
Mrs. Dorothy A. Thomson
Ms. Barbara Tiedeman
Mrs. Thea C. Tokajer^
Ms. Linda S. Touchton
Mrs. Jeanette Tovey
Ms. Doreen Townsend
Ms. Lisa M. Trevisano
Mr. Michael W. Trezise
Mrs. Elva Troncone
Mr. James Troxler
Ms. Stacy Trudelle
Mrs. A. J. Turner
Mr. Donald F. Tylunas
Mr. Perry S. Ury
Mr. Michael R. Uselton
Mr. Lloyd Ussery^
Mr. Fred Vaerewyck
Dr. James A. Valenti^
Mrs. Margarete van Antwerpen^
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. VanCollie
Ms. Deborah L. VanPelt
Dr. and Mrs. N. Andrew Vaughan
Mr. Ron A. Vejrostek
Ms. Karen Veliz
Mrs. Janice Vella
Mrs. Simonne M. Verbeke^
Mr. David Vershel
Mr. Richard B. Vershel
Mrs. Elisabeth Verzyl
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Noonan
Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Visser
Mr. Richard S. Voorhees^
Ms. Laurie Wade
Mr. Richard A. Wadsworth
Mr. William R. Walker
Ms. Louise J. Wallin
Mr. Robert G. Walsh
Ms. Alysa Ward
Mr. Kent Ward
Mr. Charles Warne^
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Watson
Mr. William B. Webster
Ms. Darlene C. Wedler-Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Weinrich
Ms. Gloria Weissberg
Ms. Jane Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. David Wertheimer
Ms. Susan E. Westray
Mr. Richard Wethe
Ms. Barbara L. Whitcraft
Mrs. Marion W. White
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Whitehair
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whitmore^
Mr. Donald L. Whitney
Dr. Vernon L. Wiersma
Ms. Carol Wilcox
Ms. Diane Wilkins
Mr. M.E. Wilkins^
Mr. Errol Will
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Williams^
Mr. and Mrs. Tom R. Williams
Mr. David F. Wilson
Mr. Rick Wilson
Mr. Thomas J. Winter
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Winters
Ms. Barbara A. Wisz
Mr. Joshua A. Witz
Ms. Deborah D. Wolf
Mr. Marvin I. Wolf
Mrs. Amy Wolfe
Ms. Barbara Woltz
Mr. Michael Womack
Mrs. Andrea Woo
Ms. Lisa Wright
Dr. Vance M. Wright-Browne^
Dr. Geoff Wrinkle
Ms. Mary Wynne
Mrs. Jeannette M. Yates
Mrs. Mary Etta Yoder^
Mr. Laurence Yurus
Ms. Joyce M. Zacarchuk^
Mrs. Barbara G. Zdziarski^
Mrs. Christa Ziegler
Mrs. Caroline Zimmer-Stone
Mr. Thomas F. Zsakany^
Mr. Bryan Zuerner
Mrs. Jean Zurbrigen
ADMINISTRATION: Tidewell Hospice
5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34238
[P] 941-552-7500 Toll free 855-Tidewell (855-843-3935)
[F] 941-925-0969
917 North Arcadia Ave., Arcadia, FL 34266
[P] 863-231-3300 | [F] 863-993-1839
3355 26th St. West, Bradenton, FL 34205
[P] 941-782-4900 | [F] 941-739-8937
4151 37th St. East, Palmetto, FL 34221 [P] 941-845-3000 | [F] 941-721-8252
12034 North Access Rd., Port Charlotte, FL 33981
[P] 941-548-2300 | [F] 941-548-2396
756 Commerce Dr., Bldg. B, Suite 1, Venice, FL 34293
[P] 941-441-2143
Lakewood Ranch
6310 Capital Dr., Suite 100, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
[P] 941-552-5900 | [F] 941-552-5988
e 1st Wow!)
r sympathy card was th
Tidewell Hospice -- (You
ile to my heart. “You”
That phrase brings a sm
e last weeks of her life
helped care for Mom th
e for her best care.
and support and guide m
one in the last days is a
Knowing that caring for
give gold (stars) to a few
effort, but I still have to
e trenches” RN who was
s for Mom. Knowledge, kin
us with you. Thanks so
caring. Jo, God blessed
nded to a call from the
Ann - The RN who respo
. A 10:30 p.m. call on 4/
was told Mom was “dim
was loving & gentle as I
were with me as Mom pa
And Kim and Lisa, who
as I said good-bye (for
on 4/26. I was not alone
d blessed me with as M
to th
rds to express my gratitu
I don’t have adequate wo
Mary Hajney, Punta Gord
Port Charlotte
1144 Veronica St., Port Charlotte, FL 33952
[P] 941-979-4300 | [F] 941-627-1875
3550 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34239
[P] 941-487-3100 | [F] 941-487-3170
220 Wexford Blvd., Venice, FL 34293
[P] 941-441-2000 | [F] 941-497-1648
Campus includes hospice house
Charity Care:
Grief Education and Support:
Complementary Services:
Tidewell Honors:
Children’s Services (PIC):
CHAP Accreditation
Both Tidewell (in July) and its agency, Approved Home
Health (in September), received reaccreditation from
the Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP).
Approved Home Health recorded a clean
review, and Tidewell was once again
recognized as one of the nation’s best
hospices, achieving accreditation
with deemed status. The designation
signifies that Tidewell meets a gold
standard of excellence among hospice
care providers. Tidewell has been CHAP
certified since 2008 and deemed since 2011. The
accreditation also certifies Tidewell as a Medicare provider.
Certified Jewish Hospice
In December, Tidewell Hospice received reaccreditation
from the National Institute of Jewish Hospice at its
annual conference in Newark, N.J. Held since 2006,
the accreditation allows Tidewell to access staff
training, updates on new Jewish insights on treating
Jewish terminally ill patients and aid in answering
questions on Jewish customs and practices.
Third-party Donations
Anna Maria Oyster Bar BBQ Ribs
Event: Anna Maria Oyster Bar
Jerry Yettaw Rib Day
Banana Factory, Inc.
Event: 2nd annual Banana
Factory Golf Tournament
Cabana Inn of Sarasota
Edgewater Club
Event: Edgewater Club
Dinner Dance
Florida Sun Coast Bridge
Unit 201, Inc.
The Fraternal Order of
Eagles Ladies Auxiliary
#3885 Englewood
Lemon Bay Sunrise Rotary
Live Oak RV Park
Event: Live Oak RV Resort
Golf Tournament
Mustang Club of West
Central Florida
Myakka Pines Golf
Event: Myakka Pines Golf
Club 18-hole Ladies
Association Charity Event
Palmetto Elks Lodge #2449
Powder Puff
Event: Powder Puff Charity Classic
Ramblers Rest Resort Quilters
Ranch Rodeo
Event: 5th annual Tidewell
Ranch Rodeo
Sarasota Manatee Roofing &
Sheet Metal Contractors
Association, Inc.
Sarasota Moose Lodge 1319
Showtime for Hospice
Tappercise Dance Troupe
Event: Tappercise Fundraiser
Venice Ranch Craft Group
Venice Ranch Mobile
Home Estates
Women of the Moose
Chapter 1968
Women of the Moose
Chapter 758
o u at
See y
Area served: Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte and DeSoto
counties. Total population approximately 900,000.
Services established: 1980. Comprehensive programs
and health care services for persons with advanced
illness and their families
Hail to the Chef!
rib Day!
Je rry wa s th e ori
gin al
ch ef at aMoB !
al l rib pro ce eds
Do nated to Tidew wi ll be
ell Ho sp
on Feb ru ar y 24th ice
On Us!
Limit one per person
, per visit. Expire s
Feb. 28, 2015
With this coupon and
Good at all 3 locatio purcha se of entrée .
ns. Ages 21+ only.
Ha ppy Hour EvE
Lan dsi de
(1.5 miles north
on US 41
of SRQ Airport)
ry Day! 11am-5pm &
Co rte z
6906 14th St. W.
6696 Cortez Rd.
(5 min from Anna
Maria Island)
8pm-clos e
eLL ent on
1525 51st Ave. E.
(Take I-75 Exit 224
Your invited
Sunday 04/1
2/2015 betw
Hospice Benefit 3:00pm & Make the 2 nd Annual 9:00pm. differece that A big, warm
, special than
k you to TIdewell H
ospice and the staff for of the kind,
all gentle, helpin
g hands that have touch
ed our comm
unity. Also of you helpin
all g family’s a
nd loved ones that need y
our care. K a ta ly st
This flyer w
as provided free of charg
e for the benefi
t by Ken and Joe. (941) 348-­‐6
620 ion of $5. a small donat
H ol lo w P oi nt
2525 S. Tam
iami Trail Sarasota, Fl 34239 (941) 955-­‐019
5 you to severa
l smiling faces with
Please com
e live music, to enjoy food, raffles, 50/5
0, silent auctio and ns. will change lives and say thank
Patients served: 8,424
Employees: 580 full time, 131 part time
Volunteers: 1,100 active
Value of volunteer hours: $2,393,957.36 million, equal
to approximately 52.5 full-time employees, based on
109,296.68 reported hours of service
Budget: Annual operating budget of $82-million
Revenue base: 94-percent Medicare/Medicaid, 4-percent
private insurance, 2-percent unreimbursed care
Impact of giving: Total of every charitable dollar used to
provide direct patient care – 86 cents
President and CEO: Gerry Radford
Governing board: 15-member, voluntary board of trustees
Licensing & accreditation: Florida state AHCA license,
Medicare and Medicaid certified, CHAP accredited with
deemed status, National Institute of Jewish Hospice
B ! Feb rua ry 24 is
a Mo Jer ry yettaw “Th e old Ma n”
Live well. Love well. Tidewell.
Toll free 855-Tidewell (855-843-3935)
5955 Rand Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34238