The Dunham School Annual Report 2010-2011


The Dunham School Annual Report 2010-2011
Mission Statement
The Dunham School seeks to provide students with
the opportunity for college preparatory education set
in the framework of Christian instruction and
example. To this end, the school offers boys and
girls rigorous academic instruction, challenging
athletic and recreational activities, and creative
expression in the fine arts. Each of these
opportunities is ultimately grounded in a
desire to educate the heart.
The Dunham School
Annual Report
Philosophy Statement
(Click title to go to section)
A Christian education emphasizes not simply
Letter From The Chairman Of The Board
acquiring knowledge, but attaining wisdom.
Wisdom is knowledge shaped by the realization
Letter From The Headmaster
of where one stands in relationship to God and
Breakdown Of School Revenue/Expenses
Fundraising Summary
Volunteer/Leadership Groups
The Nehemiah Fund - Dunham’s Annual Giving Campaign
Building Campaign Summary
Cord Of Three Strands Campaign
Capital Building Projects
Ways To Give
by the recognition that the order and beauty seen
in the universe is the product of the Creator’s hand.
Wisdom is understanding that man is made in
God’s image and is given the responsibility to be a
good steward of His world. Yet wisdom cannot
simply be taught in the classroom, but must
be seen, then emulated.
Photos courtesy of:
Darlene Aguillard - Real Life Photography
Coleman Partners
Shane Lobue
Letter From The Chairman Of The Board
The 2010-2011 school year was an important one for our school. In preparation for
the re-accreditation process in 2012, the Board of Trustees, administration, and staff
examined the fiscal, academic, extra-curricular, and spiritual attributes of Dunham
to assure that they are in keeping with our own mission and expectations and those
required by state, regional, and national boards from whom we seek credentials. This
look “inward” affirmed many of the initiatives begun as part of our school’s most recent
strategic plan and targeted specific areas at Dunham which need further focus and
Gary Gilbert, Chairman of the Board
Board of Trustees
2010 - 2011
Gary Gilbert
Bucky Elofson
Andy Farris
Leigh Ann Evans
Dewitt Bateman
Leo D’Aubin
Lee Domingue
Sean Fagan
Lawrence Green
Frank Manale
Julio Melara
Bill Peters
Larry Roedel
Jeff Tanguis
Jeff Tessier
Bobby Welch
Vice President
Though difficult for many, the tuition increase provided funding for faculty salary
increases and facility maintenance that will assure the future sustainability of Dunham’s
key personnel and valuable property. Curriculum mapping and individualized planning
have resulted in improved student outcomes on semester reports, standardized tests,
and college acceptances. New athletic and arts programs have greatly expanded
the performance and developmental opportunities for our young men and women.
Refinements in student service requirements, Chapel activities, and Bible curricula
contribute to a more spiritually mature student body, having a deeper, wider, and
more lasting impact on our community.
As you can imagine, this thorough review also identified areas which need further
improvement. To that end, academic and administrative councils continue to finetune curricula and teaching protocols for sciences, mathematics, English, and foreign
languages at all grade levels. Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) classes are being
refined, while additional enrichment programs also are being considered.
No school can remain static in today’s academic environment; least of all one like
our Dunham School, dedicated to honoring the gifts given to us by our Creator God
through achieving excellence in every aspect of school life. The board thanks each of
you who, by your prayer, emotional and financial commitment, support our faculty’s
efforts on behalf of our children and their future. We pray that God will greatly reward
you and your families for your sacrificial giving in His name.
God Bless You,
Gary Gilbert
Chairman of The Board
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 1
Letter From The Headmaster
Dear Dunham Family,
Each year, our Annual Report affords me the opportunity to thank everyone
who has played a part in moving the mission of The Dunham School forward.
From the volunteer in one of our many parent or alumni groups to the family
who contributes to our Annual Giving Campaign all the way to those who
support our building projects and endowment – each one of you makes a
difference in the life of The Dunham School. As a tuition and gift-driven school,
we cannot thank you enough.
I also want to praise Patty Hannaman and her staff, who manage the finances
of our school on a daily basis, for their excellent work. Andy Farris and the
Finance Committee of the Board also deserve recognition. The staff and the
Finance Committee collaborate and communicate with one another
extremely well. Andy often comes by after hours to visit with Patty, and I will
see them at her desk, reviewing and checking the school’s financials in detail.
This gives me much comfort; I hope it does the same for you.
Robert Welch, Headmaster
Finally, I am thankful for the Auditor’s remarks in his report; every year he
praises the excellence of our staff and confirms my own assessment of how
blessed we are to have such dedicated and capable people. Please review
this most recent report and call Patty, Andy, or me with any comments or
questions. Most importantly, join me in thankfulness for the many blessings
bestowed upon The Dunham School.
Robert Welch
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 2
Breakdown of School Revenue/Expenses
Where Does
The School’s
Come From?
How Are
My Tuition
81 ¢
15 ¢
Salaries &
67 ¢
11 ¢
Financial Aid
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 3
Fundraising Summary 2010-2011
Annual Giving Campaign
(Unrestricted & Restricted Gifts)
Capital Building Campaign
Gifts & Payments
Projects & Events
Total as of 6/30/11
The Dunham School community
is realizing the positive impact of
philanthropy which fosters
generosity. Students who are
now the beneficiaries of this
generosity will one day be
alumni donors who will make a
difference in the next generation
of students. As our Dunham
community becomes more
aware of the school’s needs
and more engaged in the
process of meeting those needs,
we all experience a greater
sense of accomplishment and
appreciation for the end results
of our collective efforts.
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 4
Volunteer/Leadership Groups
Projects/Events/Fundraising Groups
As of 6/30/2011
Draw Down
Alumni Council
Dunham Parents Association
Total Raised
Parents, grandparents, alumni and grandparents of alumni - YOU are
the foundation of our Dunham community. Being a part of the Dunham family
means being involved with the Dunham family. Using your gifts, talents and your
interests to serve the school in a tangible way is another way to invest in
Dunham. From playing an active role in one of our parent organizations on
campus to participating in the many volunteer opportunities throughout the
year, getting involved calls on all of us to serve. The more you serve the school,
the more you become part of the fabric of the Dunham community.
DPA Board - Email: [email protected]
Prayer Ministry - Email: [email protected]
Charlotte Smith
Jacquie Barnes
Prayer Ministry Leader
Elizabeth Rabel
Tammy Heard
Prayer Ministry Leader
Kim Burns
Jill Wilkerson
Upper School Representative
Claire Harvison
New Moms Representative
Delynn Rizzo
Middle School Representative
Jennifer Harland
Lower School Representative
Onalise Malik
Lower School Representative
Nell Gandy
Middle School Representative
Donna May
Upper School Representative
Micheline Uter
Fundraising Events Representative
Pawbackers - Email: [email protected]
Debi & Chris Thompson
Debi Thompson
Store Coordinator
Michelle & Mike Lacour
Gina & Rex Ellison
Concessions Coordinator
Allison Wisener
Annie & Ronnie Corbett
US Concessions Chair
Nan Baker
Corresponding Secretary
Gwen Viguerie
Coaches Christmas Party
David Schoenfield
Matthew Carrier
Golf Tournament
Cheryl Luecke
Jenny Murphy
Fletcher Baker
Cammie Davis
David Viguerie
Janie LaPrairie
Senior Flowers
Randy Davis
Monica Padgett
Sports Banquet
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 5
Volunteer/Leadership Groups
Partners In the Arts - Email: [email protected]
Lissa Price
Kitty Griffin
Council Member
Jill Meredith
Shelley & Kirk Guidry
Council Member
Patty Hannaman
Pati Ivey
Council Member
Linda Ray
Jan Johnson
Council Member
Stacy Blanchard
Council Member
Mitzi Miller
Council Member
Sandra Cox
Council Member
Kim Powell
Council Member
Mary Claire Delony ‘02
Council Member
Michelle Resweber
Council Member
Mary Jane Dillenberger
Council Member
Michelle Robinson
Council Member
Kathy & Ken Drake
Council Member
Mary Singleton ‘02
Council Member
Lori & Don Fitzgerald
Council Member
Michelle Zoghbi
Council Member
Alumni Council - Email: [email protected]
Jubilee Committee - Email: [email protected]
Patti Peters Dowling ‘92
Debbie Blume
Trey Little ‘87
Debi Thompson
Pawbackers President
Kristi Brunet Shuckrow ‘87
Lissa Price
Partners President
Andrew Hannaman ‘97
Lynda Bell
Procurement Co-Chair
Amy Harris Desobry ‘90
Council Member
Melissa Little
Procurement Co-Chair
Allyson Jones Hingle ‘92
Council Member
Terri LeBlanc
Reservation Chair
Tracy Shean Jantzi ‘90
Council Member
Karen Ewing
Production Chair
Laura Messer ‘02
Council Member
Jan Johnson
Publicity Chair
Chad Myers ‘97
Council Member
Jenny Murphy
Food & Beverage Chair
Laura Williams ‘02
Council Member
Mary Jane Dillenberger
Student Art Projects
Draw Down Committee
Kendra Farris
DeLisa Quinn
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 6
The Nehemiah Fund - Dunham’s Annual Giving Campaign
As an independent school without financial support from any church or
denomination, Dunham operates solely on tuition and gift income. Participation in
The Nehemiah Fund - Dunham’s annual giving campaign - signals that our school
community has confidence in the mission of the school. These gifts support the people
and programs that make Dunham special - including small class size, vital and inspiring
academic programming, a talented faculty and personal attention.
Nehemiah Fund dollars are spent during the current school year for the annual
operation of the school. These tax-deductible donations enable Dunham to fulfill our
mission by investing in people who in turn are investing in the lives of children. Faculty
salaries and benefits are the largest expenditures in the operating budget. Your Nehemiah
Fund gift helps to fund significant budgetary expenditures such as instructional
programming resources, financial aid, technology, and physical plant operation.
Every member of the Dunham community is asked every year to support The
Nehemiah Fund first. To ensure our success, we stress participation in The Nehemiah Fund
first to support annual budgetary program needs, and then welcome addtional gifts as
possible to benefit capital needs, endowment and special projects.
The Nehemiah Fund - Email: [email protected]
Jeff & Dania Tanguis
Andrew & Melissa Blanchfield
Lower School Chair
Robert & Amy Bacon
Middle School Chair
Andrew Hannaman ‘97
Alumni Chair
Glenn & D’Ann Blanton
Grandparent Chair
The Nehemiah Fund
Overview 2010-2011
As of 6/30/2011
Unrestricted Gifts
Restricted Gifts
Gifts In Kind
Total Gifts Received
Board Participation
Employee Participation
Parent Participation
Parents Of Alumni
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 7
The Nehemiah Fund - Dunham’s Annual Giving Campaign
Dr. Dewitt Bateman
Mr. Leo D’Aubin
Mr. Lee Domingue
Dr. Rodger Elofson II
Mrs. Leigh Ann Evans
Mr. Sean Fagan
Mr. Andy Farris, Jr.
Mr. Gary Gilbert
Mr. Lawrence Green
Mr. Frank Manale
Mr. Julio Melara
Mr. Bill Peters
Mr. Larry Roedel
Mr. Jeffrey Tanguis
Mr. Jefferson Tessier, Jr.
Mr. Bobby Welch
Faculty & Staff
Mrs. Leigh Adams
Mrs. Phyllis Alexander
Mrs. Katie Anderman
Mrs. Brittany Hunter Anders ‘02
Mrs. Debbie Anders
Mrs. Leah Barbato
Ms. Lindy Barbor
Mr. Richard Beaugh
Mrs. Alica Benton
Mrs. Kimberly Blake
Mrs. Nikole Blanchard
Mrs. Leslie Blythe
Mrs. Sarah Boger
Mrs. Amanda Bolton
Mrs. Laura Bonnoitt
Mr. Joe Borzacchiello
Mr. Daniel Breen
Mr. Pete Broussard
Mrs. Kay Broussard
Mrs. Michelle Bryant
Ms. Ky Burke
Mrs. Tiffinie Burychka
Mrs. Suzanne Campbell
Mr. Kinch Cato
Mrs. Kim Christiana
Mrs. Sara Coles
Mrs. Mary Ellen Courville
Mrs. Sheila Crotwell
Mrs. Mary Dillenberger
Ms. Jamie Dolezal
Mr. Carlisle D’Souza
Mr. Steve Eagleton
Mrs. Angi Eagleton
Mrs. Jennifer Erwin
Mrs. Cheryl Ezell
Mrs. Pamela Fletcher
Mrs. Paige Gagliano
Ms. Alicia Gibson
Mrs. Sheri Goings
Mrs. Ann Gorman
Dr. Marguerite Gravois
Mr. John Gray
Mrs. Debbie Guthrie
Ms. Carol Hackler
Mr. Lance Hahn
Ms. Sheryn Hahn
Mrs. Patricia Hannaman
Mr. Kris Harrell
Mrs. Jenny Hastings
Mrs. Karen Haynes
Mrs. Deborah Hazey
Mrs. Laura Heroman
Mrs. Carol Hill
Mr. Doyle Holden
Mr. Travis Holden
Mrs. Pati Ivey
Mrs. Valerie Jaques
Mrs. Lisa Jarreau
Mr. Mike Jenkins
Mrs. Belinda Jones
Mrs. Jeanne Jones
Mrs. Stephanie Jordan
Mr. Tim Jorgensen
Mrs. Crystal Kerner
Mrs. Deborah Koch
Ms. Elizabeth Kuna
Mrs. Deedra LaPlace
Mrs. Lori Latuso
Ms. Cynthia LeBlanc
Mrs. Ronda Lee
Mrs. Laura Lombardo
Mrs. Susannah Magnuson
Ms. Lynee McAdams
Mr. Mitch McIlwain ‘94
Mrs. Amanda McIlwain
Ms. Beth McInnis
Mrs. Betsy McMahan
Mrs. Elva Miller
Ms. Andrea Miranda
Mr. Gaetano Mistretta III
Ms. Kelly Morella
Ms. Elizabeth Motsinger
Ms. Lisa Murray
Mr. Chad Myers ‘97
Mrs. Bekah Myers
Ms. Shaughnessy Noland
Mrs. Shirley Papillion
Mr. Jonathan Pixley
Mrs. Donna Pixley
Mrs. Michelle Pricer
Mrs. Linda Ray
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 8
Ms. Molly Shuman
Ms. Deborah Simpson
Mr. Kevin Smith
Mr. Matthew Smith
Mrs. Judy Snow
Mrs. Sara Snyder
Mrs. Tricia Sparks
Mrs. Linda Spear
Mrs. Melissa Stevens
Ms. Lisa Stilley
Mrs. Melissa Sybrandt
Mrs. Roxanne Taylor
Mrs. Mary Theriot
Ms. Jessica Thibaudeau
Mr. Joey Thibodeaux
Mrs. Nancy Thibodeaux
Mr. Wade Thomas
Mrs. Suzanne Thomas
Mrs. Jeanette Thompson
Ms. Sharon Towry
Mr. Curtis Tupper
Mr. Kecert Turner
Mrs. Monica Turner
Mrs. Kathleen Ullrich
Mrs. Laurie Walker
Mrs. Kristi Courtney Watts ‘90
Mr. Bobby Welch
Mrs. Pam Welch
Mrs. Joy Werth
Mrs. Jacquelyn Westerman
Mrs. Jacquelyn Wilson
Ms. Sherry Wilson
Ms. Kane Wischan
Mrs. Danielle Wolfe
Mrs. Kefrin Woodham
Mrs. Ashley Yoes
Mr. Phillip Zimmerman
Mrs. Jennifer Zimmerman
The Nehemiah Fund - Dunham’s Annual Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Adams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ammons
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baamonde
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bacon
Mr. and Ms. Jamie Badeaux
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bardwell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barnes II
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Barton
Dr. and Mrs. Dewitt Bateman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Trey Beall
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Belleau
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Benton
Mr. and Mrs. James Berrigan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts
Mr. and Mrs. Gilberto Bilbao
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blanchfield
Mrs. Julia Boatner
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Haji Bonakchi
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bonilla
Dr. and Mrs. Greg Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bordelon
Drs. Peter and Leslie Bostick
Mr. and Mrs. John Boudreaux
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Brasell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breard
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Brinson
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Broussard
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Broussard
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brownell
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Burley
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Burns III
Mr. David Caballero
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Calegan
Mr. Leonard Cardenas III
Dr. and Mrs. Joey Carnaggio
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Chesteen III
Ms. Dina Courrege Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clary
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Clary
Dr. and Mrs. Dominic Clausi
Mr. and Mrs. John Coast, Jr.
Rev. and Mrs. Preston Coles
Mr. and Mrs. William Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Shay Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Corbett
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Courville
Mr. Christopher Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cox
Mr. & Mrs. James Creeley
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Crowton
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dantin
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. David Day
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Day
Mr. and Mrs. Lautaro de la Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeAngelo
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor DeGeneres
Mr. and Mrs. James Demand
Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Dillenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Domingue
Mr. and Mrs. John Donadieu
Mr. and Mrs. John Donofrio
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dupree
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Dutruch
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Eagleton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ellison
Dr. and Mrs. Rodger Elofson II
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Enos
Mr. and Mrs. James Epperson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Erikson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Erwin
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Eunice
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ewing
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ezell
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Fagan
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Farris, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Fautheree
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ferachi
Ms. Linda Fergus
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Foil
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frens
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gagliano
Dr. and Mrs. Carol Galliano II
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gandy
Mrs. Anna Garland
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 9
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gettys
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gilbert
Dr. and Mrs. George Golightly
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grace
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graves, Jr.
Drs. Kenneth and Marguerite Gravois
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Green
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Greene
Mr. and Dr. John Gremillion
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Guerin
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Guidry, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Guillory
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Haaga, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Haman
Drs. John and Jennifer Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Ty Harvison
Drs. James and Dorothy Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hays, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Heard
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hearn II
Mr. and Mrs. Ionut Hecht
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ty Hingle
Ms. Alicia Hoard
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Hogewood
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Kinnith Holloway, Jr.
Mr. Oliver Holmes III
Mr. Dan Huffman and Dr. Janna Oetting
Ms. Peggy Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ivey
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jantzi
continued on next page
The Nehemiah Fund - Dunham’s Annual Giving Campaign
Parents continued
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jenkins, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jeter
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Deron Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Jordan, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kearns
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kiggans
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn King
Mr. and Mrs. David Lakvold
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Lala
Mr. & Mrs. Fraser Landreneau
Dr. Martin Langston
Mr. and Mrs. Lance LaPlace
Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Latuso
Mr. and Mrs. Brent LeBlanc
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Trey Little
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Lombardo
Mr. and Mrs. David Luecke
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Maggio
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manale
Mr. Jeff W. and Dr. Pamela Martin
Ms. Jacanda Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McClain
Dr. and Mrs. George McClelland
Dr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McGraw III
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch McIlwain
Ms. Beth McInnis
Mr. Michael McKay
Mrs. Renee McKay
Ms. Lee McKinnie
Mrs. Aimee McPherson
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Megison
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Melara
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Messer
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller
Mr. Timothy Mockler
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Moreaux
Dr. and Mrs. James Morris
Dr. Marlene Most
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Muhumuza
Drs. Brian and Courtney Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Murphy
Mr. Daniel Neck and Mrs. Angela Stam
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Nolan
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Padgett
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Papillion
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pastor
Mr. and Mrs. Burke Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Petrie
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Petty
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Pixley
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Poirrier
Ms. Wendi Poirrier
Mr. Randall Ponder
Mr. and Mrs. Bucky Powell III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Price
Mr. and Mrs. Tensey Pricer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Quinn, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James Randall
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Rees
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Resweber
Ms. Christine Richmond
Mr. and Mrs. Toja Riley
Pastor and Mrs. Dino Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robertson
Dr. and Mrs. Ricardo Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Rothermel
Mr. and Mrs. Valentino Rovere
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Scardina, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schoen
Mr. and Mrs. David Schoenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sharp
Ms. Cleopatra Shelton
Mr. John Shires
Ms. Ann Shires
Ms. Deborah Simpson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Slataper
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Kip Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Solar
Mr. and Mrs. Les Sparks
Dr. and Mrs. Derrick Spell
Mr. and Mrs. Arnaud Staib
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stogner
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stott
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Strasner
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Summers
Mr. and Mrs. James Sylvester
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Talley
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 10
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tanguis
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Tessier, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thompson
Mr. Karsten Thompson and
Mrs. Elizabeth Flury-Thompson
Dr. Ira Thorla, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Toups
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trahan
Ms. Karen Trevathan
Mrs. Karen Venable
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Verret
Mr. and Mrs. David Viguerie
Mr. and Mrs. Mohit Vij
Mr. and Mrs. Benn Vincent
Ms. Debbie Vivien
Mr. and Mrs. Carsten Vogt
Mr. and Mrs. David Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. William Watson III
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Whitlow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whittington
Ms. Rhonda Whittington
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Wilkerson
Mr. and Mrs. Geordie Williams III
Dr. John W. Windhauser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wink
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Woodham
Mr. and Mrs. Woster Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Cornel Arceneaux
Mrs. Sharron Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Princeton Bardwell
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Belleau
continued on next page
The Nehemiah Fund - Dunham’s Annual Giving Campaign
Grandparents continued
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Blanton
Dr. Joann Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Broussard
Mr. Wayne Broussard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brownell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clary
Mr. and Mrs. John Coast, Sr.
Ms. Sylvia Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Deason
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dowell
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ezell II
Mr. and Mrs. William Fagan
Mrs. Jemmy Farrier
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Field
Ms. Felicia Fitzgerald
Ms. Anita Fletcher
Mr. Jerry Gremillion, Sr.
Mr. Kerry Grieff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gwin
Ms. Sheryn Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hazel
Mr. and Mrs. John Heard
Ms. Rosemary Heard
Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hogewood
Ms. Barbara Kavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kearns
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Keegan
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lagarde
Mrs. Marion Lala
Mrs. Shirley LeBlanc
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick MacDanel
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Jim E. Massengale
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mockler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morris, Sr.
Mrs. Bertha Most
Mr. and Mrs. David Nester
Mrs. Margaret Oatley
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peranio
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pettit, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pixley
Mrs. Ellen Resweber
Mr. and Mrs. Dane Revette
Ms. Ida Robinson-Norton
Dr. and Mrs. Raoul Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sausse
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schell
Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stott
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Tessier, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Theriot
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thibodeaux
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Thomas
Senator and Mrs. Francis Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. John Weber, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Werner
Mr. Christian Anders ‘02
Mrs. Brittany Hunter Anders ‘02
Mr. Scott Bardwell ‘91
Mrs. Laurel Purcell Bennett ‘89
Mr. Kevin Bowen ‘87
Mr. Chris Broussard ‘89
Mr. John Coast, Jr. ‘90
Mr. Jonathan A. Courtney ‘02
Mr. Brian Dantin ‘96
Mrs. Amy Desobry ‘90
Mrs. Patricia Peters Dowling ‘92
Mrs. Katie Baker Fox ‘98
Mr. Michael G. Hackler ‘00
Mr. Andrew Hannaman ‘97
Mrs. Allyson Hingle ‘92
Ms. Kelly Hornsby ‘89
Mr. Bailey Ivey ‘08
Mr. Carter B. Ivey ‘10
Mrs. Anna Johnson ‘87
Mr. Christopher M. Johnson ‘98
Mr. Trey Little ‘87
Mr. Justin Marocco ‘06
Mr. Mitch McIlwain ‘94
Miss Amanda L. Migues ‘08
Mr. Burke Moran ‘85
Mr. Peyton Murphy ‘84
Mr. Chad Myers ‘97
Mrs. Sarah Smith Sickler ‘01
Mrs. Britney Wallace Smith ‘03
Miss Monica Starns ‘08
Mr. Karl Starns ‘02
Ms. Catherine Tabb ‘96
Mrs. Kristi Courtney Watts ‘90
Mrs. Kellie Broussard Wilhite ‘91
Miss Sydnee Winston ‘06
Mr. Brandon Russell Yoes ‘03
Parents Of Alumni
Rev. and Mrs. Whitney Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Anders
Mr. and Mrs. Cornel Arceneaux
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Princeton Bardwell
Mr. and Mrs. James Berrigan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Broussard
Mr. David Caballero
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Callender
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 11
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Clary
Mr. and Mrs. John Coast, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo D’Aubin
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Dillenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Edwards
Dr. and Mrs. Rodger Elofson II
Mr. and Mrs. James Epperson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Farris, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fuller
Dr. and Mrs. Carol Galliano II
Mrs. Anna Garland
Mr. and Dr. John Gremillion
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Guidry, Sr.
Ms. Carol Hackler
Ms. Sheryn Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hannaman, Jr.
Drs. James and Dorothy Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Hill II
Mr. and Mrs. M. Clinton Ivey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jarreau, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Jorgensen
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kiggans
Mr. and Mrs. John Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lagarde
Ms. Cynthia LeBlanc
Mr. and Mrs. David Luecke
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marocco
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McGimsey
Mrs. Aimee McPherson
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Messer
continued on next page
The Nehemiah Fund - Dunham’s Annual Giving Campaign
Parents Of Alumni continued
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Migues, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Resweber
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Roedel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schoen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Solar
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Spear
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Starns
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stott
Rev. and Mrs. Donald Tabb
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Theriot
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Thibodeaux
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waggenspack
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Waterman
Mr. and Mrs. William OWatson III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wink
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Winston III
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Zimmerman
Friends Of Dunham
Albemarle Corporation
Arrow Title & Abstract, LLC
Baton Rouge Area Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Joey Carnaggio
Capital Solutions Inc.
Coast Machinery LLC
Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Community Coffee Company, LLC
Corbett Claim Service, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Crake
Cyrus Persian Rugs
Daniel Megison, DDS, LLC
Mr. Duane Davis
Dupree Construction Company
Emerald Forest Daycare & Learning
ExxonMobil Foundation
Finally, Inc.
Carol J. Galliano II DDS
Mrs. Lowry Griffon, Jr.
Healing Place Church
Ms. Anne Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Huston
Iberville Glass, Inc.
The Jabez Foundation
Jim’s Firearms, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Randall Lea
Life & Health Insurance Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Lobue
Louisiana Business Inc.
Louisiana Glass, Inc.
Quinn Martin, Inc.
Michael E. Powers Construction Inc.
Mockler Beverage Company
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Page
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pillow
Studio Prive’
Professional Dental Partners, LLC
R&D Education Inc.
Regions Financial Corporation Fdn.
Republic Finance, LLC
Mr. Francisco Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Rothermel
Sage Dining Services, Inc.
Shane’s Photos
Special Risk Insurance, Inc.
Spiral Metals Corp. of Baton Rouge
Mr. Bill Stracener
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson
Trevathan Law Firm, APLC
Mr. and Mrs. J. Walpole
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Walpole
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Wittenbrink
Gifts In Kind
Mr. and Mrs. James Berrigan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Domingue
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ellison
Louisiana Glass, Inc.
Tribute Gifts
In memory of Mrs. Janice Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Crake
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Fletcher
Mrs. Lowry Griffon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Huston
Ms. Lisa Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Page
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Walpole
Mr. and Mrs. J. Walpole
In honor of Mr. Brennan Heard
Mr. and Mrs. John Heard
In honor of Miss Sterling Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. F. Higgins
In memory of Mrs. Marion LaPlace
Ms. Anne Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pillow
In memory of Mrs. Gloria Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Bucky Powell III
In honor of Miss Brooke Smith and Miss
Jessica Smith
Dr. Christine Smith
In honor of Mr. Andrew Truxillo and
Miss Virginia Truxillo
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sausse
In honor of Mrs. Amanda Vincent
Mr. Benn Vincent
In honor of Mr. Kayden Broussard and Mr. Konner Broussard
Mr. Wayne Broussard
In honor of Mr. Gabriel Coates, Mr. Garrett Coates and Miss Ireland Coates
Mr. Bill Stracener
In memory of Mrs. Margaret Durel
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Belleau
In honor of Miss Rebecca Gravois
Drs. Kenneth and Marguerite Gravois
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 12
Building Campaign Summary 2010-2011
Exceptional Learning Environment
New classrooms, athletic fields and performing art venues do not make a school exceptional.
They do, however, provide the opportunity for talented teachers and engaged students to
do exceptional things. New facilities foster new programs and new opportunities which helps
our students better explore their gifts, talents and abilities; find their passions; and maximize
their potential. Many of the recent capital improvements have been part of the school’s plan
for more than 20 years but could not be implemented without financial support at the levels
we have achieved during the past few years. Recent improvements include: Football/Soccer
Stadium, McKay Academic Center for Excellence, Lower School, Administration Building,
Domingue Athletic Center, Baseball and Softball Fields improvement, Science Center, Dining
Hall, Quest Center renovations and the Chapel Arts Center.
Building Campaigns
Gifts & Payments
Pledge Balance
Total Committed
McKay Academic
Center For Excellence
Total as of 6/30/11
(as of 6/30/11 since start
of campaign)
Cord Of Three Strands
(Lower School &
Chapel Arts Center)
Athletic Projects
Stadium, Baseball
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 13
Cord Of Three Strands Campaign
Cord of Three Strands Campaign
(Lower School & Chapel Arts Center)
is an $18.5 million campaign launched in 2007 to build a Lower
School Complex and a Chapel Arts Center. The Lower
As of 6/30/2011
School Complex was completed in August 2009 through the
generous support of $9.5 million in campaign gifts. The
campaign has raised an additional $2.5 million to date for the
Pledge Balance
The Dunham School’s Cord of Three Strands Building Campaign
construction of a $9 million Chapel Arts Center. The school is
seeking to raise the remaining $7 million that will complete the
funding for the Chapel Arts Center.
The Chapel Arts Center will serve three primary purposes: it will
provide a long awaited home for worship on our campus; it
will be a cutting-edge arts facility where creative expression
Gifts & Payments
through the arts will continue to flourish; it will be central to our
community outreach efforts as we partner with the community
and other organizations in using the facility for art enrichment,
lecture series, church services, and other community
Gift Level
Numbers of
Donors to Date
Below $25,000
Cord Of Three Strands Campaign Committee
Dan & Cheree Brown
Lee Domingue
Ron Duplessis
Donnie Jarreau
Steve Lagarde
Gary Phillips
Mart Stott
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 14
A Cord Of three Strands Campaign
Rev. and Mrs. Whitney Alexander+
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Broussard+
Mr. and Mrs. James Emery
I. E. D., Inc.+
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ammons
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brown+
Miss Kate Evans ‘19
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ivey+
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brownell
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Evans+
The Jabez Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Burns III+
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Evans, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jaques+
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Atchison
Mr. and Mrs. Kinch Cato+
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Fagan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jarreau, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bacon+
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Chabert
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Fakouri
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jarreau, Jr.+
Mr. and Mrs. Princeton Bardwell
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Chaffin ‘92
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Farris, Jr.+
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jenkins, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bardwell ‘91
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Choate
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund+
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barnes II+
Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark+
Mr. and Mrs. Don Fitzgerald+
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Johnson+
Dr. and Mrs. Dewitt Bateman, Jr.+
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Clary
Ms. Felicia Fitzgerald+
Mr. and Mrs. Al Jones
Baton Rouge Area Foundation
Class of 1998
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Fletcher+
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jones
Baton Rouge Christian Education
Mr. and Mrs. John Coast, Jr. ‘90
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Garbo
Mr. Samuel Jones ‘07
Ms. Eleanor Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaston
Katharine O. Dunham Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courtney
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gavin
The Honorable and Mrs. Tim Kelley+
Mr. and Mrs. Trey Beall+
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gilbert+
Mr. and Mrs. John Koch+
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beaugh+
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Culotta
Dr. and Mrs. George Golightly+
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lacour
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Black, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo D’Aubin+
Drs. Kenneth and Marguerite Gravois+
Ms. Ann Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Donald David
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Green+
Mr. and Mrs. David Lakvold
Mr. and Mrs. James Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Greene+
The Lakvold Group, LLC
Ms. Sara Blankenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Guerin
Mrs. Fraser Landreneau+
Drs. Peter and Leslie Bostick+
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Guillory ‘03
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lane+
Miss Elizabeth Boudreaux ‘20+
Rev. and Mrs. Gerrit Dawson+
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Guthrie
Mr. and Mrs. Lance LaPlace+
Mr. and Mrs. John Boudreaux
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Haaga, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brent LeBlanc+
Mr. John Lawson Boudreaux ‘23+
Mr. and Mrs. John Donofrio+
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hannaman, Jr.+
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lee
Miss Margaret Boudreaux ‘17+
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dowell
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Harrison+
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Long
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bourgeois+
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Drake
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hastings
Louisiana Anesthesiology Group LLC+
Mr. and Mrs. David Brantley, Sr.
Dunham Ranch/Winn Rock, LLC+
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Haynes+
Louisiana Business Inc.+
Mr. David Brantley, Jr. ‘94
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dunham, Jr.+
Healing Place Church
Mr. Jeffrey Loup
The Phoebe Brantley Memorial
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Dutruch+
Dr. and Mrs. F. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manale
Mr. and Mrs. David Dyson
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Hill II
Mrs. Joyce Brasell
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Eagleton+
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hingle+
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin McCarthy+
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Brasell+
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ellison+
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hornsby
Dr. and Mrs. George McClelland
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Breen+
Dr. and Mrs. Rodger Elofson II+
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McCollister+
continued on next page
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 15
A Cord Of three Strands Campaign
Benefactors continued
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch McIlwain ‘94
Pastor and Mrs. Dino Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Thibodeaux+
Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMahan
Robert M. Coleman & Partners
Mr. Tristram Thomas
MCT International
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Melara+
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Roedel+
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Thompson
Miss Randi Roussel ‘07
Mrs. Rose Torrance
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Merrifield
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Roussel
Mrs. Carrine Turnipseed
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Valentino Rovere+
Ms. Anna Marie Van Norman
Ms. Sherry Mockler
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Safer
Mr. and Mrs. Benn Vincent+
Mr. Timothy Mockler
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanford
Ms. Debbie Vivien
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morris, Sr.+
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Scales
Mr. Greg Walker
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Muhumuza+
Ms. Jamie Senyard
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Welch+
Drs. Brian and Courtney Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Welch
Mr. Daniel Neck and Mrs. Angela Stam
Mr. Dennis Sicard
Miss Bay L. Whittington ‘17+
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Simoneaux
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilson
The Nanette Noland Foundation+
Mr. and Mrs. J. Slaton
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Zimmerman+
Ms. Nanette Noland+
Mrs. Alice Smith+
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zito
A. W. Noland Testamentary Trust+
Mr. K. W. Smith+
Mrs. Margaret Oatley+
Dr. and Mrs. Kip Smith+
+ made gift or pledge payment during
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Olinde
Mr. and Mrs. David Smitherman
2010-2011 fiscal year
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Padgett
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Soule
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Papillion+
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Spear+
Mr. and Mrs. William Payne
Mrs. and Mrs. James Starnes
Mr. G. Allen Penniman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Peters+
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stott+
Peters Wealth Advisors+
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sturgis
Ms. Roberta Phillabaum
Mrs. Alice Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Phillips
Ms. Catherine Tabb ‘96+
Mr. and Mrs. Tensey Pricer+
Ms. Cherry Tabb
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Proctor
Rev. and Mrs. Donald Tabb
Regions Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tanory
Republic Finance, LLC+
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Tessier, Jr.+
Ms. Christine Richmond+
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Tessier, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Riffel
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Theriot+
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 16
Tribute Gifts
In honor of The Landreneau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bacon
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jaques
Mr. and Mrs. Nicky Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Tensey Pricer
Capital Building Projects
McKay Academic Center For Excellence
As of 6/30/2011
Gifts & Payments
Pledge Balance
Total Committed
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Livesay
Mr. and Mrs. James Bailey III +
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manale
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Bienasz
Mr. and Mrs. Steve May
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Brinson
Mr. Matthew McKay
Anonymous +
Mr. Michael McKay
Cameron Communications
Mrs. Renee McKay
Capital Group Companies +
Mr. Dale Owen +
Catherine Development LLC +
Mr. and Mrs. John Owen +
Dunham Ranch/Winn Rock, LLC +
Mr. and Mrs. Burke Patterson +
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dunham, Jr. +
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Planche
Mrs. Becky Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Price
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Farris, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jere Price +
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ferachi +
Provident Resources Group, Inc. +
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Garrison
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Quinn, Jr. +
Anonymous +
Mr. Stephen Raymond
Mr. Charles Gowland +
Rice, Hall, James & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Guerin +
Dr. and Mrs. Russell Saloom
Mr. William Henning
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schoen +
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hicks +
Mr. and Mrs. Hansen Scobee +
Mr. Dan Huffman and Dr. Janna Oetting
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spera
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ivey
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Strasner
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jenkins, Sr. +
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Jennings +
Mr. Robert Verrone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Geordie Williams III +
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kearns
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kearns
+ made gift or pledge payment during
Mr. and Mrs. Brent LeBlanc
2010-2011 fiscal year
Mr. Arthur Lewis III
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page17
Capital Building Projects
Athletic Projects - Football/Soccer Stadium, Baseball Complex
As of 6/30/2011
Gifts & Payments
Pledge Balance
Total Committed
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Anders
Mr. and Mrs. Willliam Barkas, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Leo D’Aubin
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Davis
The Day Group, Inc.
Duplessis Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Duplessis
Anonymous +
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ellison
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Payton
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Picou
Regions Financial Corporation Fdn.
Republic Finance, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Robinson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stott
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Thompson
+ made gift or pledge payment during
2010-2011 fiscal year
Mr. and Mrs. James Epperson, Sr. +
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Garrison
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gordon +
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Grzybowski
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Bo Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jarreau, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian May
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Mayhall, Sr.
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
Moore Construction +
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Moore +
Anonymous +
Pawbackers +
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 18
Gifts supporting the school’s endowment secure the long-term financial sustainability of the school and enhance the
quality of education provided. Strong endowments enable schools to endure fluctuations in enrollment and market
demand by diminishing dependence on tuition revenue. While the school’s annual operating expenses are primarily met
through tuition and gifts to The Nehemiah Fund - Dunham’s annual giving campaign - an endowment provides security to
invest in faculty compensation, professional development, financial aid and enriched academic programs.
Dunham currently has two areas of endowment support: The Master Teacher Endowment and The Share Dunham
Scholarship Endowment. The Master Teacher Endowment enables Dunham to attract and retain outstanding teachers.
The Share Dunham Scholarship provides tuition assistance to help “share” the Dunham experience with academically
capable students in need of financial assistance.
Master Teacher Endowment
The Liz Peters Master Teacher Endowment is the school’s first
named master teacher endowment and funds an annual
cash award of $5,000 and an annual salary stipend based
on each year’s endowment earnings. Mary Ellen Courville
was the 2009 recipient, Pam Fletcher was the 2010
recipient, and Beth McInnis was the 2011 recipient.
As of 6/30/2011
Gifts & Payments
Pledge Balance
Total Committed
(L to R) Mary Ellen Courville, Beth McInnis, Pam Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. John Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Richard
Mr. and Mrs. James Adare +
Mr. and Mrs. William Fagan +
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lagarde
Ms. Kathryn Richard +
Mr. Michael Avant
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Goss
Mrs. Aimee McPherson
Mr. Paul Spaht
Mr. and Mrs. Princeton Bardwell
Drs. Kenneth and Marguerite Gravois
Mr. and Mrs. Locke Meredith
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weber
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Blunt
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Green
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Munson
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Broussard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hannaman, Jr. +
The Nanette Noland Foundation +
Mr. and Mrs. Kinch Cato +
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Haynes
Ms. Nanette Noland +
Mr. and Mrs. John Coast, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Paddock
+ made gift or pledge payment during
Coast Machinery LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Juban
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Peters
2010-2011 fiscal year
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 19
Share Dunham Scholarship Endowment
Share Dunham Scholarship Endowment
This endowment provides financil assistance to help “share”
The Donald & Mary Tabb Share Dunham Scholarship
the Dunham experience with need-based and merit-based
This scholarship was started by the school to supplement
the financial assistance provided to families engaged in
full-time ministry. The scholarship honors Donald and Mary
As of 6/30/2011
Gifts & Payments
Pledge Balance
Total Committed
Tabb for their legacy in ministry and education as they
exemplify the school’s mission of educating minds and
hearts for Christ.
The Al & Mary Gayden Jones Share Dunham Scholarship
Anonymous +
This need-based scholarship was started in 2008 by an
anonymous donor to honor Al and Mary Gayden Jones. The
scholarship provides tuition assistance to help share the
Dunham experience with academically capable students
in need of financial aid with preference given to children of
widows and single parents in keeping with James 1:27.
Two Coins Scholarship Endowment
This scholarship is a merit-based award given to an eighth
grade student who has exemplified the character of the
widow who gave her all in Mark 12:41-44. This merit
scholarship was started in the 2010-2011 school year
through a gift from Michael and Sharon Jenkins who
Mr. Michael Avant
Mr. and Mrs. Ty Hingle
Mr. and Mrs. Princeton Bardwell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jantzi
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Broussard
Mr. and Mrs. Al Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Burns III
Mr. and Mrs. John Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Kinch Cato +
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Juban
Rev. and Mrs. Landon G. Dowden
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kelfstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lagarde
Mr. and Mrs. William Fagan +
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Peters +
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gavin
Pastor and Mrs. Dino Rizzo
Drs. Kenneth and Marguerite Gravois
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Roedel
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Green
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Welch
provided the seed funding to start the scholarship
endowment. The scholarship is currently a one-time award
of $500 that is applied towards the recipient’s Dunham
tuition for the following school year.
Mr. & Mrs Mike Jenkins +
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Greene
Mr. H. Michael Haik, Jr.
+ made gift or pledge payemnt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hannaman, Jr. +
during 2010-2011 fiscal year
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 20
Ways to Give
Gifts Of Cash
Tax-deductible gifts can be made in a single
A gift of appreciated securities entitles the donor to an
installment by cash or check or through a pledge to
income tax charitable deduction for the fair market value
be fulfilled over a period of time.
of the securities. These gifts are usually transfers of securities,
including mutual fund shares that have been held for more
Student Billing For Dunham Parents
than a year. Such transfers often allow contributors to
Dunham parents can set up a charge to the student billing
account of their oldest child enrolled at the school.
realize a significant tax advantage.
Matching Gifts
Corporate matching gift programs help employees
Pledges to The Nehemiah Fund - Dunham’s annual
maximize their philanthropic contributions. Such gifts are
giving campaign - should be made by December 31 and
a great opportunity to double or even triple the amount
completed by April 30 so the school can apply those funds
of your contribution to Dunham. To see if your company
during the current school year. Capital campaign and
has a matching gift program, visit,
endowment gifts are typically pledged over three to five
and click on the “Matching Gift” link under the “Support
years depending on the cash flow needed for the
Dunham” tab.
project being funded.
Planned Gifts
Gift Or Pledge Online
With a planned gift, Dunham receives the asset at some
Pledges and secure credit card donations can be made
online at Online
donations can be made using Visa, MasterCard or
American Express.
future time, often after donors have received the lifetime
income. There are a variety of planned giving opportunities
that fit particular, personal circumstances including: Trust
Remainder Gifts, Trust-Income Interest Gifts, Gifts of Real Estate or Tangible Property, Bequests, Gifts of Life Insurance
or Donation of Retirement Plans.
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 21
We value every gift made to The Dunham
School. Every effort has been made to
ensure that all benefactors from
2010-2011 are listed, and this Annual
Report is accurate and complete.
This report includes gifts made during
the 2010-2011 fiscal year ending June 30,
2011, unless otherwise noted. Omissions
or errors do not diminish our tremendous
gratitude to all of our benefactors. If we
have erred, please accept our sincere
apologies and contact us so we may
correct our records and apologize
Educating the mind and the heart for Christ
personally. Please contact us at
(225) 767-7097 ext. 385.
Thank you for your support.
Dunham’s Annual Report 2010-2011 Page 22