Reaching out to students - University of Sheffield


Reaching out to students - University of Sheffield
Donor News10
A fundraising update for University
donors and friends
Reaching out
to students
Also inside this issue:
Fantastic response to
Bob Boucher appeal –
page 2
Supporting essential
MND research –
page 6
Literary hero
inspires new
See page 10 for
the full story.
New Exhibition Gallery
on show –
page 12
response to
Bob Boucher
We are delighted to report that – thanks to hundreds
of generous donations from alumni, staff, and friends
– more than £85,000 has been raised to date for the
Bob Boucher Scholarships Fund, in memory of our
former Vice-Chancellor.
Rosemary Boucher, Bob’s widow,
commented, “Through the pages of this
magazine I would like to thank all those
who have contributed to this scholarship
fund in memory of Bob. It means a great
deal to my children and me that he was
remembered by so many people. We hope
that the scholarships will help the next
generation of Sheffield students to get the
most out of a university which Bob loved.”
Professor Bob Boucher’s association with Sheffield
spanned nearly 40 years. During his time as ViceChancellor, he was instrumental in some of the
University’s biggest successes. He spearheaded a
range of innovative schemes designed to boost the
regional economy, such as the Sheffield Bioincubator,
the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre with
Boeing and the Rolls-Royce Factory of the Future. And
the University’s estate was transformed under his
leadership, including the stunning £23 million library
and IT centre, the Information Commons, and the
£160 million student residences at Endcliffe and
In 2002 Bob founded the Development and Alumni
Relations Office, which has since reconnected with
125,000 alumni worldwide and helped the University
to raise over £20 million in cash and pledges from
alumni, current and former staff, parents, friends,
trusts and corporations. Bob was the driving force
behind the University’s successful alumni funded
scholarship programme, and was passionate about
giving young people the chance to improve their lives
through education.
Front cover image
Lee Child (far right) with a group of Jack Reacher
Scholars – see page 10.
Professor Bob Boucher CBE, FREng.
The donations you have
made to the Bob Boucher
Scholarships Fund will
provide much deserved
financial help to talented
students who would
otherwise find it
difficult to afford the
costs of a University
education, especially
those from the local
region. We have been able
to award 26 scholarships,
benefitting students in
all five faculties.
of thanks
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the
2010 issue of Donor News. I am once again delighted by the
generosity of our alumni, staff and friends in supporting our
current students. We have now reached a landmark £1 million
donated to the Annual Fund specifically for student support
including scholarships.
All British universities are facing tough times ahead and the
situation is no different for Sheffield. During these challenges,
the support of our alumni, staff and friends is of great
significance. We continue to pride ourselves on the reputation
of the University of Sheffield and this is a feeling that I know
remains strong amongst our community.
I have been fortunate to meet many of you over the past year
at events all over the world and have been encouraged by
your clear affection and support for the University. The Silver
Arrows lapel badge is given to supporters who have taken out
a regular gift by standing order, made a one-off donation of
£1,000 or more, or are planning to leave a legacy in their Will.
I have noticed with great pleasure the number of people
wearing this badge at alumni events and by staff around the
University campus. I wear my badge with pride, knowing that
I am in the company of all of those others who are supporting
the University’s scholarship programme. By wearing this
badge all of us can raise the profile of what alumni giving
means – and encourage others to think about donating.
Once again, I would like to thank you for your continued
support of the University of Sheffield.
Professor Keith Burnett CBE, FRS
Fantastic response to Bob Boucher appeal
Campus developments
Message of thanks
Success at Chelsea
Supporting your University
The University of Sheffield in America
Pop icon achieves donation milestone
Making a difference: scholarships and prizes
help our students
With thanks
Sheffield’s very own mean machine
Huge philanthropic gift supports essential
MND research
The Alumni Foundation: funding student
initiatives across the campus
Literary hero inspires student support
Funding promotes work experience
New plaque scheme: celebrating our benefactors
Development and Alumni Relations Office
The University of Sheffield
267 Glossop Road
Sheffield S10 2HB
Tel: 0114 222 1071
Fax: 0114 222 1044
Email: [email protected]
Join us on Facebook – search for
‘University of Sheffield Alumni’ and
become a fan.
The University of Sheffield is an exempt
charity (X 1089).
Supporting your
Miles Stevenson, Director of Development, reflects on the
positive effects donations have on every aspect of life at
the University of Sheffield.
I am constantly amazed by what can be achieved
through the generosity of our supporters. The
donations for the new Sheffield Institute for
Translational Neuroscience (SITraN) (see page 6)
make up one of the biggest pledges the University
has received in modern times. It reminds me of the
1904 foundation campaign when the penny
donations from the people of Sheffield united with
major benefactions to create a university for the
city. This spirit of generosity has been repeated
now, over 100 years later, through the Sheffield
Institute Foundation for Motor Neurone Disease.
At the SITraN building commencement ceremony,
I met many of their supporters and I was
particularly impressed by the efforts of one young
boy who has raised several thousand pounds for
the project via sponsored challenges. Everyone can
play a part in fundraising for a project they believe
in, and it is the support of so many people that
makes a dramatic difference.
We have just celebrated 8,000 individual
donations since the Development and Alumni
Relations Office opened in 2002, and this
generosity is in evidence across the campus
through the financial support we can now offer
departments, staff and students. I have recently been sent 52 applications for
departmental projects and many of these will receive funding from donations of the last
12 months.
A 1904 handbill requesting support for a
university from the people of Sheffield.
At a presentation I made to the Council of the University on legacy donations I was able to
report that, over the last ten years, we have received £3.4 million in generous legacies.
Many of these have been for a much loved department or to support medical research at
the University – which benefits all of us. As was reported in last year’s Donor News,
alumnus and former member of staff the late John Hawley (BEng 1973) made provision for
a gift for student sport at the University through the Alumni Foundation. Our office is
working closely with U Sport, the department that manages all aspects of sport, health
and fitness at the University, on the development of a new sports pitch which should be
completed in 2011 thanks to this generous donation from his wife Pauline.
Over 400 people have now confirmed that they are remembering the University in their
Will. This generosity speaks volumes for people’s affection for our University. All of the
support that we receive is voluntary and – as you will see from the
pages of this magazine – it is funding a huge range of activities
across the University. Philanthropy is a great force for good and
I thank all of our supporters for their donations.
Miles Stevenson
Director of Development
Tel: 0114 222 1070
Email: [email protected]
This year our fundraising efforts were helped by the
Development Office’s move to larger premises, which
include a fantastic call room for our team of dedicated,
enthusiastic student callers. They are looking forward
to talking to you again soon!
Fund is
one in a
We’re delighted to report that the
Alumni Fund has now raised over
£1 million in donations from many
individuals since it started in 2003.
A huge thank you to everyone who
donates to the Alumni Fund each year,
providing crucial direct support to our
students through scholarships,
facilities, equipment and Alumni
Foundation grants.
You have also helped our Alumni Fund
to an impressive ranking in the annual
Ross-CASE Survey (the leading
national benchmarking survey for all
UK universities’ development and
alumni relations activities). We are
currently in the top 18 Alumni Funds in
the UK (out of a total of 66 universities
who have been fundraising for at least
four years). This is a terrific
achievement – we are raising funds
comparable to other Russell Group
universities whose alumni and
fundraising programmes have been
established far longer than ours.
Thank you so much for showing that
Sheffield graduates really are some of
the most generous in the UK.
Pop icon achieves
donation milestone
Online donations
Did you know you can now
donate online via our secure
donations page? You can
either make a one-off gift, or
set up a regular monthly,
quarterly or annual donation
via your credit or debit card at
Ruth Stanley
Deputy Director of Development
Tel: 0114 222 1075
[email protected]
Martin and Julie Fry with the Vice-Chancellor.
The front man of the legendary Sheffield-based band ABC has helped
our annual reunion fundraising campaign reach new heights.
Martin Fry (BA 1979) and his wife Julie made a very generous donation, which helped their
class reunion campaign to achieve a record total of over £60,000. Theirs was also the
7,000th individual donation received by the University since 2002, donations which total
over £20 million in gifts and confirmed pledges.
Martin was the guest speaker at our Annual Alumni Reunion, which was attended by over
100 graduates from 1969, 1979 and 1984. A highlight of the event was dancing the night
away in the Students’ Union bar (which of course included plenty of ABC hits on the
playlist!). Our special thanks go to Martin, Julie and all members of the anniversary classes
who made donations to the campaign. These gifts will be directed to projects including
our Alumni Fund Scholarship programme, which provides scholarships of £3,000 each for
gifted students who are in need of financial help.
“We see the positive effect of these gifts everywhere, from additional IT provision to
funding for world-leading research – and most importantly the transforming effect they
have on individual lives,” said Vice-Chancellor Professor Keith Burnett. “I’d like to say a
very heartfelt thank you to all our supporters, and hope that you are very proud of all the
success you are helping to achieve for Sheffield.”
Leaving a legacy
To request a legacy brochure
or to find out more
information about including a
gift to the University in your
Will, please contact David
Meadows: “I speak to lots of
different people about the
plans they are making to
support the University of
Sheffield with a future gift. It is
always a pleasure to hear from
alumni, staff and friends who
care about the University in
this way.”
David Meadows (BA 2006)
Development Officer
Tel: 0114 222 1073
[email protected]
gift supports
essential MND
An artist’s impression of the SITraN building.
A new state-of-the-art £12 million research institute, SITraN (the
Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience), is being built on a
site on Dorset Street, near the Royal Hallamshire Hospital. The
project has been generously funded by a £9 million donation from the
Sheffield Institute Foundation for Motor Neurone Disease (SIFMND),
which was formed by a concerned group of patrons who wanted to
support the development of the institute.
SITraN brings together scientists and medical specialists who are dedicated to finding
the causes and cure for motor neurone disease (MND), as well as other degenerative
conditions such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer’s disease and spinal muscular
atrophy. Over 5,000 people in the UK suffer from MND. It is an incurable disease which
destroys the cells that control movement causing progressive disability. Sufferers may
lose their ability to walk, talk, eat and breathe. At present, treatment options for the
protection of motor neurones have only a modest effect and more effective therapies
are urgently needed.
International expert in MND and head of the new institute Professor Pamela Shaw said,
“The patrons of SIFMND are inspirational and their support and generosity have
spurred me on to build a dedicated research institute which will bring together the
best clinicians and scientists under one roof. This is a wonderful and exciting step
forward for patients with MND and other disorders of the motor system, and I and the
teams I work with are delighted to be part of it.”
Irene Beard, a patron of SIFMND, added, “There was a need for more scientific
research to be done to find the causes and develop treatments for MND and we
believe that this new institute will achieve this and bring huge benefits to patients
across the world. It is fantastic to be part of this project and help raise much needed
funds for such a great cause.”
Miles Stevenson, Director of Development, commented, “This is the largest
philanthropic gift to the University from private benefaction since the Edwardian
period. We are most grateful to all the donors to SIFMND, both large and small, who
have made this possible.”
Building work in progress.
Thank you
“We have been very fortunate to have a group
of patrons and supporters dedicated to
raising funds,” said Stephen Sly (LLB 1984),
Chair of the Trustees of SIFMND. “Their
enthusiasm and passion to help Professor
Shaw have been outstanding. Among our
‘champions’ have been Jonathan Stone, whose
father Hyman Stone was President of
Sheffield’s Students’ Union in 1923; Stuart
Keane, whose son Shaun suffered from MND
and recently passed away; Irene Beard whose
energy and powers of persuasion have been
invaluable; and our Honorary Patron the
Duke of Devonshire.
“One of the most adventurous fundraising
challenges this year is the Bounty Boat
Expedition in which four crew members will
follow the voyage of William Bligh when cast
adrift from HMS Bounty. They will attempt to
travel 4,000 miles across the Pacific in an open
boat – with not enough food, no charts and no
toilet paper! A host of other fundraising events
have also been taking place including a Pedal
the Ports cycling event and a trek to the South
Pole. I would like to extend my thanks and
gratitude to all those who have been involved
in fundraising for SITraN.
“We are continuing to raise money to fund
further equipment and key staff posts. If you
wish to donate to the Bounty Boat Expedition
visit the website at”
Motor neuron and neuron nuclei.
Supporters of SIFMND gather to celebrate the start of work on the SITraN site.
The Alumni
Funding student initiatives across the campus
Since 2002, the Alumni Foundation has awarded over 190 grants to the value of over
£200,000 in support of a wide range of University projects. The Foundation manages
funds from donations made to the Alumni Fund by alumni and friends of the University.
Students and staff are encouraged to submit applications for funding of up to £2,000
for a specific project and the Foundation Committee meets three times a year to
allocate the funds. The grants are made to projects that add life to the University and
applicants are encouraged to raise additional funds through their own fundraising.
The Nightline mascot.
Students’ Union President Paul Tobin acknowledges the positive effects of support
from the Alumni Foundation: “As President it is a great privilege to help allocate
alumni gifts to student projects. On behalf of all the student clubs and societies who
have benefited I would like to say thank you to our donors. Attending Alumni
Foundation meetings is one of the highlights of my year.”
Sheffield Nightline is an invaluable
welfare service, similar to
Samaritans, available to the entire
student population between the
hours of 8.00pm and 8.00am. The
student volunteers, of which there
are between 60 and 90 a year,
provide an information service
and a listening service, via email
and telephone. Their purpose is to
be non-directive, non-judgmental,
empathetic and confidential.
The team models the new outfits.
Sheffield Dancesport Society
With Strictly Come Dancing a regular fixture in the television schedules, the medalwinning Sheffield Dancesport Society is very popular with students from both universities
in the city. They represent the University at eight competitions a year around the country
and host the annual Sheffield Social dance competition in the Octagon Centre.
Helen Roots, the Society’s Treasurer, approached the Alumni Foundation for funds to buy
a set of new competition dresses and accessories. She said, “We were most grateful to
receive a £1,000 grant. Presentation is essential as not only do clothes, hair and make-up
make all the difference to being noticed by a judge, but they also give the dancer
confidence. It was with great excitement that we were able to buy new outfits in which we
feel proud to represent the University of Sheffield and Sheffield as a city. With the grant
money we now have new outfits for the whole A team, and some extra for the B team too.
We will hopefully dance our way to even more medals this year!”
The Nightline Committee applied
to the Alumni Foundation for a
grant for computing and working
facilities: “Nightline is extremely
grateful to the Alumni Foundation
for their very generous grant of
£1,400 this year. We have
benefited greatly from this money
and it has helped us in many ways.
We were able to buy a wonderful
laptop, printer and phones that
are used by everyone in the
organisation. Additionally, we have
purchased Bluetooth software
that enables us to advertise
Nightline and its service to
students at the University
Freshers Fair and other
promotional events. We feel that,
without this money, Nightline’s
committee would not have been
able to achieve many of their aims
for the organisation this year.”
Guild members, past and present, on their tour of the new student residences.
Sheffield Universities’
Guild of Change Ringers
A programme of events to celebrate their golden
anniversary reunited past and present members of the
Guild in Sheffield. Founded in October 1958 by a group
of students as an affiliated society of the Students’
Union, the Guild has always welcomed members from
all higher education institutions in the city, and their
current title was adopted in 1992.
The main focus of the anniversary celebrations was a
weekend in February 2009, which was attended by
over 100 alumni – many of whom hadn’t returned to
Sheffield in over 30 years. They took part in ringing at
the society’s home, at the Cathedral Church of St Marie
in the city centre, and a striking competition. The Guild
received a £410 grant from the Alumni Foundation
which funded various aspects of the programme.
Claire Monk, the Guild’s Vice Master, said, “The annual
dinner ended with a fantastic ceilidh where members
from all eras joined together. The celebrations were
rounded off by a tour of the University and the new
Student Villages. Without the Alumni Foundation’s
support the events wouldn’t have provided the same
opportunities for our members. Thank you.”
The Sheffield Sabres en masse.
The Sheffield Sabres
The Sheffield Sabres (the American football team) were named the
University’s Sports Club of the Year in 2009, following a winning season
in which they topped their division table. A successful application for
£840 to the Alumni Foundation resulted in the purchase of six
desperately needed sets of kit (helmet and pads).
“The grant increased our ability to coach and train more players,” said
Elliott Josypenko, Vice President. “It was our off-field commitments that
earned us the Sports Club of the Year award. Over the course of 200809 the Sabres raised over £2,300 for Sheffield and Leeds’ hospitals. We
also coached a weekly training session at Newfield Comprehensive
School; and gave the Angleton Community Centre in the Manor a
complete DIY makeover. We realise that our successes this year would
not have been possible without the support of the Alumni Foundation.
We would like to thank our donors for this opportunity to take the club
to the next level.”
Dear Lee…
“I cried when I found out that
I had received the award. I had
only applied to postgraduate
study on the basis that I could
secure funding. The scholarship
was an amazing opportunity for
me, as someone from a working
class family background and the
first generation to go to
university. I am extremely
grateful, as it is the perfect
springboard to carry on
learning and achieving to the
highest possible standard!”
Chantelle Turner,
MA English Literature
Lee launched the Jack Reacher Scholarships at the Fat Cat pub in Kelham Island, Sheffield, which is owned by alumnus Dave Wickett (MA 1976)
(seen here on the right). The convivial evening was helped along by sampling the new Jack Reacher Ale, specially brewed by Kelham Island Brewery
in Lee’s honour. Lee and Dave were joined by (far left) Miles Stevenson, Director of Development, and Professor Dominic Shellard.
Literary hero inspires
new scholarships
“I would like to say a huge thank
you for my scholarship. After
recovering from Hodgkin’s
lymphoma while studying for a
History degree at Sheffield
(graduating in 2006) I was
determined to turn the worst thing
that had ever happened to me into
the best thing that has ever
happened. There was only one
place that I wanted to study
medicine and now, in part thanks
to this gift, I am back in Sheffield
and thoroughly enjoying the first
year of the MB ChB programme.”
Tom Grew,
MB ChB Medicine
Graduates Lee Child (LLB 1977, Hon LittD 2009) – best selling crime writer and Visiting
Professor at the University of Sheffield – and his wife Jane (BA 1975) have helped
52 students to create their own success stories. Thanks to their extremely generous
donation, 25 undergraduate and 27 postgraduate Jack Reacher Scholarships have been
awarded, worth £2,000 each – named after Lee’s main character in his series of bestselling novels.
The scholarships were awarded to talented students from each of the University’s five
faculties to provide them with financial assistance during their studies. Many of the
scholars were the first person in their family to attend university and have faced
particularly difficult circumstances in order to earn their place at Sheffield.
“I was very happy to help out – my generation went to university for free, and I believe in
paying things forward,” said Lee. “It's upsetting to see bright and dedicated students
contemplate giving up their studies because of financial pressures. Just like my literary
character Jack Reacher, if I see things that are wrong, I want to put them right.”
Lee was also presented with the University’s Silver Arrows donor lapel pin by Professor
Dominic Shellard, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for External Affairs, who commented, “This is an
incredibly generous donation from Lee and Jane, and we are extremely grateful for their
support and commitment to the University. It is fantastic to see two of our alumni giving
something back to help current students.”
The Jack Reacher Scholarships are the latest addition to the University’s excellent
scholarship programme, funded by individual donations from alumni, current and
former members of staff, parents and friends. Since 2003, more than 350
students have now received scholarships funded entirely by donations, many of
whom have now graduated thanks to this support.
Lee Child's latest novel, 61 Hours, out in
hardback in the UK.
Funding promotes work
Undergraduate students at the University of Sheffield now have the
opportunity to undertake a work placement as part of their degree.
Launched in 2007, a degree with Employment Experience offers them
the chance to spend one year working with an organisation to develop
their transferable skills, put academic theory into practice and increase
their employability after graduation. This year the Alumni Fund has
provided two Politics students each with a grant of £1,000 to enable
them to undertake internships with two local MPs.
New plaque scheme:
celebrating our
Ben Dunckley is spending his internship year in the Westminster office
of Clive Betts, MP for Sheffield Attercliffe. He said, “I have had the
opportunity to experience political life first hand. I believe that this
placement will give me an edge over other candidates for future
employment. It has also given me a whole new skill set to deal with
office environments, high pressure situations and time management.
These are skills that cannot be learnt in a university environment. As
such it has very much rounded out my higher education experience.”
James Chadwick is working in the constituency office of Angela Smith,
MP for Sheffield Hillsborough. “I wanted to do the internship because I
want to stand out from other applicants,” he said. “The internship has
motivated me to clarify what I want to do when I graduate – I’d like to
join the civil service or local government. The grant has helped a lot. It
would have been a struggle to fund myself otherwise. I’d like to thank
the donors who have made this possible.”
The University of Sheffield has an inspiring and proud
tradition of support from an array of philanthropists.
While many of the buildings across the campus are
named after these generous individuals, their story
and connection to the University remains little known
to most of today’s staff, students and visitors. Now, a
series of plaques details the biographies of our
benefactors past and present, and provides some
context of what their gifts have meant to the
University. Those commemorated include:
Outside Firth Hall, Firth Court, Western Bank
Mark Firth (one of the principal founders of what
would become the University)
The entrance to the Rotunda (see above)
William Edgar Allen (gave money for the first library,
now the Rotunda in Firth Court)
Main stairs, Mappin Building
Sir Frederick Mappin (helped to found the Technical
College, which later became the Faculty of
The Houses of Parliament.
Campus tours
The Alumni team takes great
pleasure in showing former
students around the campus.
If you are in Sheffield and would
like a personal tour highlighting
historic characters and
architecture please contact
Jared Bryson for further details.
Jared Bryson
Development Officer
Tel: 0114 222 1077
Email: [email protected]
Development and Alumni Relations Office
J G Graves (his gift gave the UK its first purpose-built
Students’ Union; the building is still part of the
expanded Students’ Union today)
Student Services Information Desk,
Students' Union
Emeritus Professor Thomas Stevens (his legacy is
supporting work in the Student Services Information
Desk, Dyslexia and Disability Services and the
Humanities Research Institute)
The Charlesworth Suite, Department of
Raymond Charlesworth (Keeper of Stores for
Chemistry whose gift has endowed a scholarship
fund). (Also see page 13.)
Further plaques will be installed over the coming
months as we recognise the generosity of our
Three of the many colourful images from Humbug!, the first display in the new exhibition space.
New Exhibition Gallery on show
The Western Bank Library has emerged from a £3.4 million facelift and one of the most visible
developments is the Exhibition Gallery. A generous grant of £184,000 from the Wolfson Foundation
has been combined with a legacy of £100,000 from alumna Miss Margaret Lewis (BSc 1923), and
other Alumni Fund gifts from many donors and friends of the University, to restore the original
exhibition space and provide state-of-the-art lighting and display technology.
Miles Stevenson, Director of Development, said, “The stunning redevelopment of the Western
Bank Library Exhibition Gallery has been made possible thanks to donations from alumni, friends
and organisations. We are planning to arrange events in conjunction with the exhibition
programme over the coming months and look forward to welcoming many of our alumni and
supporters to this wonderful new venue.”
Medical School
The late Dr David Ryan (MB ChB
1970) very kindly left a legacy for
the Medical School Library to help
current medical students. The
Medical School Library is part of
the Health Sciences Library which
serves the staff and students of
the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry
and Health as well as NHS staff in
Sheffield. Dr Ryan’s bequest has
funded a flexible study space so
that students can create a
working environment that is
relevant to their needs.
The Exhibition Gallery, which is open to the public, will display items from the library’s Special
Collections and from the National Fairground Archive, as well as host visiting exhibitions from time
to time. The first exhibition, Humbug!, celebrates the 200th anniversary of the birth of impresario
PT Barnum – the self-proclaimed ‘world’s greatest showman’ – and runs until 27 May 2010. This
colourful display will be followed by an exhibition from the British Library.
Humbug! has been curated by Professor Vanessa Toulmin, Director of the National Fairground
Archive. She commented, “This new space is a fantastic asset for the University. I can’t wait to see
staff, students and visitors enjoying Humbug! and many more exhibitions here in the future.”
Martin Lewis, Director of Library Services and University Librarian, added, “It’s been wonderful to
see the Western Bank Library emerging from this refurbishment able to provide a better
environment for our students and researchers, and yet closer to the architectural vision it
embodied when it opened in 1959. Along with the Information Commons, we now have library
facilities appropriate to one of the world’s top 100 universities.”
How we are using donations to
enhance the University environment
Dr David Ryan.
Vic Grant, Faculty Librarian for
Medicine, said, “We are very
grateful for the legacy gift from Dr
Ryan which will provide a superb
learning environment for our
current medical students.”
Professor Andrew Chamberlain and Dr Pia Nystrom from the Department of Archaeology in the new store.
The first Ray Charlesworth Scholar, Rebecca
Hylton, is joined by the Vice-Chancellor (right)
and Professor Mike Ward.
We reported on the generous
gift left by Ray Charlesworth
MBE to the Department of
Chemistry in the last issue of
Donor News. The gift of
£180,000 has resulted in a
permanently endowed
scholarship fund to help gifted
Chemistry students who might
otherwise struggle with the
costs of University. Now, in
recognition of Ray’s devotion
and generosity, the department
has named a newly refurbished
pair of its rooms the
Charlesworth Suite in his
honour. The refurbishment was
made possible by £10,000 of
donations from alumni, current
and former staff and friends to
the University’s Alumni Fund.
Bone storage facility
The new Juvenile Developmental Osteology
Reference Collection, based in the Department of
Archaeology, provides museum standard storage
space for juvenile skeletons of all developmental
ages, from the late foetal stage to approximately 12
years old. The new storage facility has been made
possible by a £25,000 grant from the Alumni Fund
Telephone Campaign.
Around 600 skeletons and associated research
materials are on display in the collection space, all
of which are used for graduate research and
training as well as staff and visiting academics’
research. These remains are considered vital by
the department as they provide a record of how
the skeleton grew and matured in past
populations. The new facility will ensure such
delicate materials are curated securely and can be
retrieved rapidly with minimal physical
Professor Andrew Chamberlain said, “The storage
facility will form an integral part of our planned
Centre for Human Bioarchaeology. It will make it
much easier for researchers to study the juvenile
skeletons which provide an important resource for
research on skeletal growth and development in
past populations.”
Frances Murphy with the Vice-Chancellor at the opening of
the moot court.
New moot court
Law students at the University can now
swap the lecture theatre for the courtroom
following the official opening of a £15,000
moot court. Based in the School of Law the
new facility allows students to hold
simulated court proceedings and argue
hypothetical cases to enhance their studies.
The court was opened by alumna Frances
Murphy (LLB 1979), Head of Corporate
Practice at law firm Slaughter and May,
which funded the development.
Professor Mike Ward, Head of
the Department of Chemistry,
said, “Ray would have been
thrilled to know that his money
is helping chemists of the future
to further develop their skills.
The naming of the Chemistry
common room is a fitting tribute
to a man who was much
admired and loved by all in the
Professor Joanna Shapland, Head of the
School of Law, said, “This excellent facility
will give our students a proper forum in
which to compete in moots and hone their
legal skills. Our students have been very
successful in the past at mooting – thanks
to the generosity of Slaughter and May we
look forward to further successes and
being able to host mooting competitions in
proper surroundings.”
Success at Chelsea
The Future Nature garden at the Chelsea Flower
Show 2009.
The University’s Department of Landscape,
together with Ark Design and Management
Ltd, exhibited an award-winning, innovative
show garden at the Chelsea Flower Show
2009. The Future Nature garden was based
on principles of sustainability, making the
most of recycled materials and stored
rainwater to create a colourful, wildlifefriendly display. The project, which gained a
Silver-Gilt Flora medal, received generous
sponsorship from the Alumni Fund and
Yorkshire Water.
Dr Nigel Dunnett, Reader in the Department
of Landscape, said, “The Future Nature
garden presents our vision of gardens,
buildings and urban spaces, filled and
covered with exuberant planting for the
benefit of people, wildlife and the wider
environment. The ideas in this garden can
be used anywhere and by anyone. Artistic
use of found and re-used materials, a sense
of thrift and restraint, conservation and the
management of every drop of rainwater are
key principles of the design. Future Nature is
a new nature – beautiful and intimate, but
also an essential part of how we could live in
the future.”
of Sheffield
in America
The ‘University of
Sheffield in America’
is our sister
organisation in the
United States.
It helps American alumni keep
in touch with their University
and each other, and enables
US tax payers to make tax
deductible donations to the
Alumni Fund.
“I’ve been running ‘University of
Sheffield in America’ from US
soil for over a year now, and I’d
like to say a huge thank you for all
your support and good wishes
since the move. I’ve had a chance
to meet lots of US alumni on my
travels, and I am really enjoying
being one of you!”
Helen Rey (BA 1996)
Executive Director – University
of Sheffield in America
PO Box 177
Spokane, WA 99210
Tel: (+1) 509.994.5102
Email: [email protected]
Study Abroad students
We have awarded another ten
US Study Abroad scholarships to
American students, helping
them to spend a year or a
semester in Sheffield. These
scholarships are entirely paid for
by US alumni donations, and
help us to attract more students
to our international exchange
Matthew Irwin from Montana State is currently
studying in Sheffield and said, “The most
challenging and rewarding aspect of my course is
the research. What I enjoy most are the friends I've
made in Sheffield; without them my time here
wouldn't have been half as much fun. This
scholarship took a lot of weight off my shoulders, to
not have to ‘nickel and dime’ everything, allowing
me to breathe and enjoy myself and not worry
financially. I feel so fortunate to have been chosen.”
Three of our 2009 Study Abroad students: (left-right) Marianne Melling, Sarah Segal and Juanita Ramirez.
Since the last edition
of Donor News,
American alumni have
given $78,000 to the
‘University of Sheffield
in America’, bringing
our grand total to over
$275,000. On top of
this, American alumni
have given the Sterling
equivalent of over
$200,000 direct to the
University in the UK.
New York novelist
provides scholarship
Did you know that the Sheffield graduate featured
on page 10 is one of our American alumni?
Originally from the UK, Jim Grant (aka Lee Child)
(LLB 1977, Hon LittD 2009) met his American wife
Jane (BA 1975) at the University’s Drama Studio.
They now live in New York City and are active
members of the ‘University of Sheffield in
America’. Jim and Jane earmarked two of the Jack
Reacher Scholarships for American postgraduate
students: £3,000 each has been awarded to Kevin
Gibbons (MSc Environmental Archaeology and
Palaeoeconomy), a graduate of the University of
Georgia, and David Woodsmall (MA Philosophy),
from Wesleyan University, CT.
$50,000 boost to glaucoma
research and diagnosis
Researchers at the University’s Medical School have been given the
opportunity to investigate new and improved diagnostic techniques for
patients developing glaucoma. Thanks to a very generous donation of
$50,000, the Sheffield team will use new high resolution imaging
equipment to evaluate new and discomfort-free ways to make a reliable
Glaucoma can be a secondary problem stemming from acute or
chronic uveitis – a painful inflammation of the eye. Gonioscopy, the
usual technique for diagnosing glaucoma, involves contact with the
surface of the eye, making it uncomfortable and difficult to perform for
patients with uveitis.
Dr Raymond Harrison (MB ChB 1948), an alumnus now living in New
York, has forged an accomplished career as an ophthalmologist
specialising in glaucoma. His connection with academic researchers at
the University led to the donation of $50,000 from the Eye-Bank for
Sight Restoration to address this problem. Professor Ian Rennie, Head
of the Academic Unit of Ophthalmology and Orthoptics in Sheffield, will
use the donation in a study utilising a high resolution OCT (optical
coherence tomography) imaging machine, which it is hoped will lead to
advances in glaucoma diagnostics in the special group of patients.
Members of the Unit will conduct a clinical research programme to
evaluate the effectiveness of this new approach.
Bob Boucher
American alumni were exceptionally generous in
honouring the memory of former Vice-Chancellor
Professor Bob Boucher, who sadly passed away in
spring 2009. The USA Alumni Fund appeal in his
name raised an incredible $18,000, enough to
provide four Bob Boucher Scholarships. We know
that Bob’s family took great comfort from this
caring and generous response. (Also see page 2.)
Californian alumni enjoyed a
little piece of Sheffield in
September 2009, when the
American Alumni Reunion came
to San Francisco. Guests enjoyed
a dinner in the historic Westin
St Francis Hotel in Union Square.
With over 50 guests, this was
our largest gathering of Sheffield
alumni on American soil so far.
Let’s see if we can break this
record in 2010, when we hold
the American Reunion in New
York City. A provisional date has
been set for Saturday 4
September 2010.
The Golden Gate Bridge.
Making a
scholarships and prizes help our students
The Dr Samantha Clowe
Engineering Scholarship
The family and friends of the late Dr Samantha Clowe
(PhD 2007) have provided a three-year postgraduate
scholarship for the Department of Engineering Materials.
The first recipient is PhD student Jacob Corteen, who is
working on the properties of metallic glass.
Tragically, Dr Clowe died suddenly in 2008, having
completed her doctoral studies at Sheffield the previous
year. While at the University she was involved in
knowledge transfer partnerships through IMMPETUS
(Institute for Microstructural and Mechanical Process
Engineering: The University of Sheffield). She began work
with Corus Steel in the Industrial Applications and
Construction Applications Department before her
untimely death. We wish to thank her family and friends
for funding the scholarship that now bears her name.
Jacob Corteen (centre) with Dr Ruth Poths and Professor Mark Rainforth
from the Department of Engineering Materials.
Ryan Marshall, a fourth-year
Mechanical Engineering student, is
the latest recipient of a Norec
Scholarship. The Barnsley-based
engineering company Norec Ltd
regularly makes the £2,500 award to
help a talented young engineering
student from the South Yorkshire
region who is encountering financial
Ryan said, “I would like to thank Norec
very much for this generous award. It
will certainly make my final year at
University much easier financially and
allow me to concentrate on achieving
the best results I can.” Garry
Warburton, Norec’s Financial
Director, added, “The scholarship
offers talented engineers of the future
a very welcome helping hand,
especially during such challenging
economic times.”
(left-right) Dr Andrew Nowakowski, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Garry Warburton, Finance Director, Norec Ltd; Ryan Marshall; Peter
Skinner, Business Manager, Norec Ltd; and Professor Rob Dwyer-Joyce, Head of Mechanical Engineering.
The Greenside
Haider Ali is the recipient of a
scholarship from the Greenside
Trust, a private family trust run
by a retired member of staff of
the University of Sheffield, which
supports international students.
Haider is from the Swat District
of the North-West Frontier
Province of Pakistan and is
studying for an MA in
Governance and Public Policy in
the Department of Politics.
“I am learning new skills and
broadening the scope of my
thinking,” said Haider. “After
completing my studies in the UK,
I will be in a position to join many
governmental and nongovernmental organisations to
contribute my know how to the
needy and disappointed people
in the world. This scholarship
has proved to be a great relief
and heavenly gift for me, as it has
become possible for me to
complete my degree with peace
of mind. I am very grateful for
the generosity of the
Greenside Trust.”
Haider Ali with Miles Stevenson, Director of Development.
Eliahou Dangoor
Professor Sir Ian Kershaw
FBA (Hon LittD 2009), who
retired from the
Department of History in
2008, has generously
established a Dissertation
Prize to be awarded annually
for the best dissertation in a
subject outside British
Nearly 100 students at the University will receive scholarships
worth £1,000 each thanks to the generosity of property
developer Dr Naim Dangoor. An Iraqi exile, who sought asylum
in Britain, Dr Dangoor is offering new scholarships to students
taking science, technology, engineering and mathematics
degrees by way of gratitude to the country where he was
The funding to the University of Sheffield forms part of a
£3 million total scholarship donation from Dr Dangoor to some
of the UK’s leading universities included within the Russell
Group and the 1994 Group. In total, the donation is worth
£4 million with matched funding from the government. The
first bursaries – to be called the Eliahou Dangoor Scholarships
after Dr Dangoor’s father – will be awarded to new students
this autumn.
Miles Stevenson, Director of Development, said, “Dr Dangoor's
gift of scholarships is a tremendous act commemorating his
father's memory and will help hundreds of students studying
at the best universities in the country. The University of
Sheffield is most grateful to Dr Dangoor. Philanthropy on this
scale shows remarkable foresight and generosity of spirit.”
Professor Sir Ian Kershaw.
With thanks
We are very grateful to all alumni, staff, parents, friends and
organisations who have made donations to support the
University between 2 April 2009 and 19 February 2010.
Thank you so much for your generosity.
Donor names listed in bold indicate a donation of £500
(or $500) or more within the last financial year.
We are also very grateful for the support of 28 anonymous
List compiled on 19 February 2010. If you have made a
donation since this date, please accept our sincere thanks.
Your name will appear in next year’s Honour Roll.
The Chancellor’s List
The Vice-Chancellor’s List
We would like to record our
grateful thanks to the following
individuals (or their personal
Foundations) who have made
donations of £50,000 or more
(or $50,000 or more) to support
the University since 2002:
We would like to record our
grateful thanks to the following
individuals (or their personal
Foundations) who have made
donations of £10,000-£49,999
(or $10,000-$49,999) to support
the University since 2002:
Ms Mary I Brown
The Abbeydale Trust
Mr Raymond Charlesworth,
Mrs Dorothy Adams
The Honourable
Sir Sze-yuen Chung, GBM, GBE,
PhD, FREng, JP
Lady Dainton, in memory of
Lord Dainton, FRS
Mr A Firth
Mr Peter A H Glover
Gift Clubs
Dr Ted Dunning and
Dr Ellen Friedman
Dr William G Ibberson
Professor Frank Ellis, OBE
Mrs Margaret L Jones
Mrs Pauline Ellis, in memory
of Mr John Hawley
The Farah Merali Trust and
Nimah Merali Trust, in loving
memory of Mrs Sanita Merali
Mr Tony Payne and
Mrs Shirley Payne, in memory
of Julian Payne
Professor Peter Raynes, FRS
Dr Marjorie Shaw
Emeritus Professor
Thomas S Stevens, FRS, FRSE
The Sanita Merali Trust
The Sheffield Pioneers recognises the special generosity
of our younger donors (aged under 30).
Mr Austin Cole
Dowager Countess Eleanor Peel
Ms Sylvia McKenzie
The Firth Circle is designed to recognise the support of
alumni and friends who are able to give £1,000 or more (or
equivalent through instalments) within a given fiscal year.
Mr Landon Clay and
Mrs Lavinia Clay
Dr Derek Griess
Miss Margaret Lewis
The Silver Arrows Circle is designed to recognise alumni
and friends who show their support for the University by
making a regular monthly, quarterly or annual donation
through standing order, or payroll giving. Members receive
a Silver Arrows lapel badge.
Mrs Jean Burkill, in memory
of Dr Harry Burkill
Mr Stephen M de Bartolomé
Mr Bernard Holliday
The benefits of membership
We will record your donation in our annual donor Honour
Roll and you will receive priority invitations to alumni and
donor events.
Mr Richard Burger and
Mrs Lisa Burger
Mr Jim Grant and
Mrs Jane Grant
Mrs Margaret Hand
Gift Clubs enable us to thank and recognise donors who
have shown particular commitment in their giving. By
joining one of our Gift Clubs, you will be playing a crucial
part in shaping the future of the University, and of the next
generation of Sheffield students.
Mr Thomas Bean
Miss Margaret E Wilson, in
memory of William Wilson
Dr David J Fish
The Greenside Trust
Habendum Limited
Ms Anne Harper, in memory
of Mr Bryan Marsden
Mr Peter J Harper, KSG, FLA
Mr Walter Hukin
Professor Sir Ian Kershaw, FBA
The Kirkwood Memorial Fund
Professor Sir Harry Kroto, FRS
and Lady Margaret Kroto
Dr Peter W Lee and Mrs Gill Lee
Mrs Muriel M McDermott-Day
Miss Doreen M Worthington,
in memory of
Mr Harry Worthington
Dr Anne C Metten
Dr Gerard Young and
Mrs Diana Young
Mr John R Midgley
Sir Peter Middleton, GCB, and
Lady Constance Middleton
Sir Richard Roberts, FRS
Mr Kenneth and
Mrs Joan Robinson,
in memory of Julian Payne
Miss Kathleen H Rogers
The Vice-Chancellor’s List is designed to recognise the
support of alumni and friends who have made donations of
£10,000 or more to the University.
Dr Elizabeth M Sefton
The Chancellor’s List is designed to recognise the support
of alumni and friends who have made donations of £50,000
or more to the University.
Mr Donald H Tomlin,
CPhys, MInstP and
Mrs Margaret Tomlin
Please contact Ruth Stanley for further details of how you
can support your University through one of our Gift Clubs:
Tel: 0114 222 1075
Email: [email protected]
Mr Brian Sellars
Dr Graeme D T Smith
Mr Henry C Whiston
Mr Brian Whitaker
The Firth Circle
We are very grateful for the
generous support of the following
individuals who have made
leadership level donations of
£1,000 (or $1,000) or more to
support the University since
2 April 2009:
Mr David J Bell
Mr Ted Bell
Dr Farhat O Bengdara
Mr Michael G Bennett
Mr Neil C Bentley
Mrs Connie Biglan and
Mrs Jean Kendall
Mr Lyndon N Bigmore
Mrs Anne Blunt
Miss Julia C Boler
Professor Sir Michael Bond,
Dr Laurie T Botell
Mrs Rosemary Boucher, in
memory of Professor
Robert Boucher, CBE
Dr Rachael Brook
Mr Richard Burger and
Mrs Lisa Burger
Professor Keith Burnett, CBE
and Mrs Anne Burnett
Mr John A Carter, FICE
The Honourable
Sir Sze-yuen Chung, GBM, GBE,
PhD, FREng, JP
Mr David H Clayton and
Mrs Elizabeth Clayton
Mr Stephen D Coleclough
Ms Anne D Cooper
Mr George E Credland
Professor Tony Crook and
Mrs Jenny Crook
Mr Simon D Dudley and
Mrs Patricia J Dudley
Mr Ian D Dunderdale
Lady Judith English
Dr Gillian M Fearn and
Mr Brian Fearn
Mr Dave G Feickert
Dr Ann K Finch
Mr John R Fishburne
Mr Martin D Fry and
Mrs Julie Fry
Mr Peter D Gomes and
Mrs Natalie B Gomes
Mr Michael S Hannon and
Dr Rosemary Hannon
Mr Brian J Hicks
Dr Peter J A Holt and
Mrs June L Holt
Professor Mike Hounslow
Mr Stephen Hunter
Dr Harry R Ingham, FRCPath
Dr Barry P Judge and
Dr Jean Judge
Professor Sir Ian Kershaw, FBA
Mrs Joyce Kingman, in memory
of Mr Kenneth Brooks
Mr Simon D Letts
Ms Marina Lewycka
Professor Peter M Maitlis, FRS
Mr Michael Mapstone
Sir Peter Middleton, GCB, and
Lady Constance Middleton
Dr Michael Moores
Mrs Shirley Payne and
Mr Tony Payne
Dr Cynthia Phillips, in memory
of Roy Holtam
Mr Lai Huen Poh
Dr Ruth M Poths and
Dr Ian J Prentice, in memory
of Dr Sam Clowe
Mr Gerald P Quinn
Professor John P C Roach
Emeritus Professor
Peter Robson, OBE, and
Mrs Anne Robson
Professor Dominic Shellard
Professor David G Shepherd
Professor Charles J M Stirling
Sir Hugh and Lady Sykes
Mr Michael R Taylor
Ms Rosemary A Valerio
Mr George W Wainwright
Dr Sheena A Waitkins
Mr Brian Whitaker and
Mrs Dorothy Whitaker
Professor Paul E White
Mr Brent F Wilkinson and
Mrs Rosemary A Wilkinson
Dr George G Wilkinson, MBE
Mr Kevin Woodbridge
The University of Sheffield
in America – Firth Circle
Dr Graham Black
Dr Ted Dunning and
Dr Ellen Friedman
Emeritus Professor
John C Giles
Mr Martin Oakes
Dr Trevor I Richards
Sir Richard Roberts, FRS
Dr J Rick Turner
Canada – Firth Circle
Dr Mohamed A A Jaward
Dr Geoffrey J Lloyd, FRCS
Dr Maureen A McTeer
The Silver Arrows Circle
We are pleased to recognise the
valuable contribution of the
following individuals who are
making regular donations to the
University through a standing
order or through payroll giving:
Dr Hooda S Abdullah
Dr Aileen K Adams, CBE, FRCS,
Mr Stuart Aizlewood
Mr Barrie S Akin
Mr James Allan
Dr Anne P Andrews
Mr Charles W Ansley
Mr Michael G Archer
Mrs Rachel A Archer
Mr David E Armsbey
Mr James P Armstrong
Professor Arnold Aspinall, FSA
“My decision to contribute
was stimulated by a
conversation with the late
Professor Boucher, the
former Vice-Chancellor. He
made me aware that a
portion of the funds were to
be used to help students
from families with no prior
university experience
integrate into the fullness
of academic life.”
Geoffrey Lloyd FRCS,
FRCS(C) (MB ChB 1951)
Mr Simon R Atkinson
Mrs Roselyn A Atoyebi
Mr Ian W Banbery
Professor Stephen P Banks
Dr John H Barclay
Mr Paul R Barnett
Dr David W A Barrett and
Dr Patricia L Barrett
Dr Jack Barrott, OBE
Dr James I C Bartlett and
Dr Margaret H Bartlett
Professor Peter W J Batey
Mr Stephen J Battersby
Miss Elisabeth Batteson
Dr Charles L M Beardmore
Professor John A Beardmore
Dr Martin J Beastall
Mr Hugh A Beavin and
Mrs Gillian M Beavin
Mr Kevin Beck
Mr Nigel Beck
Mr Barnaby J Beere
Ms Lesley M Benson
Mrs Georgina B Beresford
Mr Adrian Birtles
Mrs Jean-Ann F Bishop
Dr Amanda Blackburn
Miss Helen Booth
Professor Michael J Braddick
Dr David C A Bradshaw, OBE, and
Mrs Ping Bradshaw
Mr John I Bramman
Mr David C Bratt
Dr Robert C Brian
Mr Jonathan A Brice, ACA, ACT
Dr Audrey M Brook
Dr Rebecca R Brooks
Mr J Hamish Brown, FRCS
Ms Jacqueline J Brown
Dr Russell Brown and
Mrs Pamela J Brown
Mr Jared W E Bryson
Mr David P Burnham
Mr Kenneth J Burton
Dr Nicholas J Calder and
Dr Carolyn E Calder
Mr Neil A Cameron
Mrs Annabelle Campbell
Dr Anne P Campbell, FRCPath
Mr Mark D Carter
Mrs Jane Chafer
Dr Jane E Chantry
Mr Patrick D Chapman
Mrs Corrinne L Charlton
Miss Joan Chibnall
Mrs Cheryl M Christian
Mr Simon C Chubb
Mr Steve R Clark
Mr Richard C Clarke
Mr Quinten R M Clarkson
Mrs Ruth H Clayton
His Hon Judge Anthony S L Cleary
Professor E John Clegg, FIBiol
Mr Leonard D Coe, FIA
Dr Harold Cohen, FRCP
Dr Stuart N Cohen
Mr Andrew Cole
Mr David W Cole
Dr Grant C P Coleby
Dr Jane E Coleman
Miss Tina M Conroy
Mr John J Constable
Mr Philip Cooke
Mr Colin R Coombs
Mr Andy Cooper
Dr Michael A Cooper
Dr Jill M E Corbett
Ms Rachael J Corver
Dr John R Cox, FRCP, MD
Miss Juliet Craig
Mr Tim Crick
Mr Aidan L Croft
Ms Lucy Crompton
Dr Dorothy L Crowther
Dr Geraldine E Cummings
Dr Roger Day and Mrs Mary Day
Mr Christopher E de Sa
Mrs Ruth E L Deas
Dr Gemma L Dickinson
Mr Matthew C Dickson
Mr Mark S Dobinson
Professor Hugo J Dobson
Dr Douglas P Dodgson, OBE
Mr Geoffrey M Donnison
Mrs Helen P Drew
Dr Stephen C Drew
Mr Andrew E Dunsby
Dr Sally Dutson
Mr John C F Dye
Mr Michael G Dyer
Mr Colin J Edwards
Dr D Frances Edwards
Dr Juliet J Edwards
Mrs Pamela T Edwards
Dr Rosemary Edwards
Mr Bryan Ellison
Mr Graham M D Elson, FRSA
Dr William H Emery and
Dr Celia J Emery
Mr Alan B Englert
Dr John L Evans
Dr Mavis E Evans
Miss Tracy Evans
Dr W David J Evans
Mrs Jacqueline Faller
Mr John P Fanning
Mr Stuart G Farrell
Mr Martin F Fee
Miss Carrie Fehr
Ms Alison T Fernando
Ms Lorraine Fiander
Miss Amy Finney
Professor Peter J Fleming
Mr Robert Forbes
Mrs Sheila C Fowler
Ms Julie A Fox
Professor Christopher D Franklin
Mr Mark D Franklin
Dr Robert B Fraser
Mrs Doris Fry
Mrs Anne T Gambles
Mr John F Gamlin
Mr Malcolm P Garton, ACIB
Dr Steve Gill
Mrs Sheila Gilmour
Dr Evan R Gough
Ms Judith M Gowenlock
Mr John M Graham
Mrs Janet Gray
Dr Mary E Green
Mr Timothy J Green
Mr Thomas A F Griffiths
Ms Anna C Grigson
Dr Lee K Grimes
Dr Bronwyn S Grimshaw
Mr John D V Haines
Dr Geoffrey E Hale
Dr Sally A Hales
Mr David J P Haley
Dr Christopher J Hall
Mr Kenneth Hall
Mrs June Hallgarth
Dr Beryl M Hamilton
Mrs Sarah Hamilton
Dr Tiffany C Hamley
Professor Barry Hancock, OBE
Mr Anthony J Harrow
Professor James Hartley
Mr John M Hartley
Dr Andrew J Haslam
Mr Stephen J Hatton, FCA
Dr Peter Haydn-Smith
Sir Brian Hayes, CBE, QPM
Mr Roger H Hayward
Mr Anthony C Henshaw
Mrs Madeleine Heppell
Dr David Hepworth
Mr David A Herbert and
Dr Joan M Herbert
Mrs Anne C Hercock
Mr David Herringshaw
Miss Sarah A Heslop
Mrs Peta J B Hill
Mrs Norma J Hird
Mr Nigel B Hogg
Mr Philip G Holden
“I chose to support the
University because I want
to do my bit to ensure that
future generations are able
to enjoy the same
experiences that I did
during my time at
Jonathan Kempster
(BA 2001)
Professor Matthew C Holley
Mr Richard E Hollox, FRICS, FRTPI
and Mrs Teresa Cattell-Hollox
Mr David R Holmes
Mr Gerald Holmes, FRCS
Mrs Stephanie Hopkinson
Dr George Horn, FIMechE, FEI
Mr Simon Hosking
Mr Noel R Housley
Mr George D Howard
Mr Eric Ivison
Mrs Helen P Jackman
Mrs Janet C Jackson
Mrs Michelle A Jackson
Mrs Willa A Jackson
Mrs Veronica J James
Dr Beryl Jameson, FRCPath
Mrs Julia E L Jamieson
Mr Craig Jepson
Dr Stephen R Johnson, FRCS
Mr Gareth S Jones
Miss M Sheila Jones
Mrs Sheila Jones
Dr Stephen W Jones
Mr Michael D Jubb
Dr Rahul Kacker, MB ChB, MRCGP
Miss Amy V Kay
Dr David Kelly and
Dr Angela R Kelly
Mr John G Kelly
The Rt Hon Sir Paul Kennedy
Mr Nicholas H Kime
Mr James R N King
Miss Hannah K Kirby
Dr Geoffrey P Kittle, MB ChB
Dr Chetan S Lad
Mrs Carol Lamb
Mr David Lamb
Mr Michael A Lamb
Mrs Sarah A Lambert
Dr Pauline Langridge
Dr Helen M Lawson
Dr Ralph Layland
Mrs Judy Ledwood
Mr Peter A Lenihan
Mr Matthew D Leonard
Mr Christopher C Leong
Dr James M Lewis
Mr Terry R Lewis
Dr Timothy B Longmore
Mr Derek W Louden
Mr James O Lowe
Emeritus Professor
David E Luscombe, FBA
Mr Bruce Luty
Mr Jonathan K Lye
Mrs Angela J Lynas
Mrs Elizabeth A Mackenzie
Mrs Jennie E Maddison
Mrs Norma Makin, JP
Mrs Rosemary Marshall
Mrs Jean Martin and
Mr Ken Martin
Mr Stephen F Marton
Dr Cynthia M Marvin
Mr Barry J McAuliffe
Mr Andrew J McCardle
Dr Gillian T McCarthy, FRCP
Mr Colin S McDougall
Mr Ian McFadyen
Dr Jolian P McHardy
Dr Sandra V McLean
Mrs Alice H McLure
Mrs Kathleen McManus
Mrs Mary E McPeake
Mr David Meadows
Ms Janet Megins
Mr Simon J Mercer and
Mrs Katherine M Mercer
Mr Jens P Meyer
Mr Kenneth J Milgate
Mr Edward R Milne
Mr Gregory J Moreland
Mr Derek J Morris
Mr Gareth E Morris
Mr Les Mosco
Dr Nicola C Moss
Mr John Mould and
Mrs Patricia M Mould
Miss Alison R Muir
Dr Henry S Mulenga
Dr Paul W S Muller, FRCS
Miss Kathleen Mumby
Mr Joseph J Murphy
Ms Eleanor M Napier
Dr Frank E Neal, MBE
Mr John W Neale
Mr Geoffrey C Nelson
Mrs Cheryl A Newnham
Ms Siobhan K Newton
Ms Anna R Nibbs
Mr Roger C Norris
Professor Michael J Norton and
Mrs Barbara Norton
Mrs Claire L Oatway
Mr Ikechukwu Obianyor
Dr John R Ogle
Mr Robert J O'Hare
Mr Dominic O'Neill
Dr David G Orchard
Mr Peter Orr and Mrs Sarah C Orr
Mr Duncan M Owen
Mr Glyn Owen
Mr John D Pacey
Mr David J Pack
Mr Andrew J Palmer
Ms Janine Parkin
Mr David R Parry
Dr Janet F Patrick
Mr Timothy J Patterson
Lady Brigitte Peach and
Airmarshall Sir Stuart Peach
Dr Morris Pearlgood, OStJ
Mr Karl J Peck
Dr Stephen R Perrin
Mrs Julie E Pescod
Mr John L Petch
Dr Martin Peters
Mr David J Phillips
Mr David F Picken
Mr Stephen J Pillinger
Ms Courtney M Plank
Dr Margaret M Platts
Dr Margaret A Plowman
Mr Garth Ponsonby
Mr Martin C Popplewell
Mr Graham C Porter
Mrs Janet R Powell
Mr John L Powell
Mr Keith D Powis
Mr Edward B Price
Mrs Elizabeth A Price, ACA
Dr Cecilia J F Priestley
Mr Michael J Pring
Mr Peter R Prinsley
The Hon Mrs Justice Rafferty, DBE
Mr Robert J Ralph
Mrs Ann Ramsay
Mr John B Reavey
Dr Susan E Reid
Mr Mark M Rennison
Mr Colin Reynolds
Mr Brian Rich
Mr James R Riddell, FCA, and
Mrs Mary F Riddell
Mrs Kathryn Riddle, JP
Professor Stephen H Rigby
Dr John M Roberts, FREng
Mr Paul A Roberts and
Mrs Catherine J Roberts
Dr Christopher D Robinson
Ms Hilary R Robinson
Ms Janet Robinson
Professor Peter P Robinson
Dr Helen J Rogers
Dr Thomas A Rogers
Mr Charles E Rowe and
Mrs Linda Rowe
Miss Zofia S Rumistrzewicz
Mr Anthony E Ruse
Professor Tony Ryan, OBE
Mr Barry N Sampson
Dr Edwin Samuels
Mrs Olwyne Saunders
Dr J A Scaife
Mrs Jane Schofield
Mrs Gillian Scotchman
Mr James W Seabrook
Mr Richard F Seed
Dr Robert E Senior
Dr Christine E Sexton
Mrs Ysanne C Shackford
Miss Pamela M Shadlock
Mr Paul Singh
Miss Elaine A J Singleton
Mrs Susan L Singleton
Mr Jeremy D Sivyer
Mr Keith Slaney
Miss Jody E Slater
Miss Beryl Smart
Mr Garth J Smart
Dr Angela E Smith
Ms Anne P B Smith
Mr Clifford V Smith
Mr David N Smith
Mrs Helen A Smith
Dr Raymond E Smith
Dr Yves J F Sojka
Mr Alan P Spier
Dr Dominic W K Spray
Mr Michael Spruce
Mrs Ruth Stanley
Dr Andrew A Stephen
Dr Michael P Stephenson
Mr Miles Stevenson and
Mrs Dörte Stevenson
Mr Raymond Stocker
Mrs Lynne S Storrar
Dr David R Stott
Dr Kathleen M Swan
Dr Jill M Tattersall
Mr Gary J Taylor
Mr Henry M Taylor
Dr Jillian Taylor
Dr William R Taylor
Mr Tom Thompson
Mr Michael R Thompson, FRCS
Mrs Sheila D Thornley
Provost Stephen Tomlinson, CBE,
Mrs Chloe J Trenchard
Mr John D Tribble
Miss Ann M Trolley
Dr Alan W Tyler
Mr Ubelejit S Urang
Mr Charles F Van Ingen
Mrs Suzy J Vickers
Miss Sophie Walmsley
Mrs Carol A Walsh
Dr Jennifer S Walsh
Mrs Barbara P Ward
Mr Gerard J Ward
Mr Phillip Ward
Mr Ian Warner
Dr Alistair Warren
Dr Chris Warsop
Mr Matthew J Watson
Mr Nigel J Watts
Dr Ronald J Wawman
Professor Tony Weetman
Dr Dilys M Welch
Mrs Anne C Whitcombe
Mr Andrew S White, ACMA
Miss Suzanne M Whiteman
Dr Grace P Whitfield
Dr Alan F Whiting
Mr Thomas A Whitworth
Mr David M Wickett
Dr Debbie C Wignall
Mr Michael D Wilkinson
Professor Peter Willett, DSc
Mr Gerald B Williams
Dr Harry Wilson and
Dr Olive M Wilson
Mrs Elizabeth A Wood
Miss Frances E Wood
Ms Ruth Wood
Mr Paul F Wood, MIStructE, MICE
Mr Peter H Workman
Dr Richard C Worth and
Dr Jean M Worth
Mr Adam Wozniak
Mr Robert J Wright
Mr Simon J Yearsley
Mrs Karen Zeeb
Mr Walter H Zuber
The University of Sheffield
in America – Silver Arrows
Emeritus Professor Lowell E Hokin
Dr Brian A Jackson
Mrs Helen V Rey
Dr Richard J Romboletti
Mr Jonathan K Wong and
Mrs Carol A Harrison-Wong
Sheffield Pioneers
We would like to give special
thanks to the following alumni
aged under 30 who have made
donations to support the
University since 2 April 2009:
Mr Alexis M Artaud de la Ferriere
Miss Sarah L Balchin
Mr Alexander D Ball
Mr Paramdeep S Bhatia
Mr Marek R Bielenica
Mr Ian D Bragger
Mr Timothy W Bridle
Mrs Michelle E Brown
Miss Rachel A Carlill
Mr Oliver R J Chapman
Mr Glen M H Cheung
Mr William Christophers
Miss Louise M Clamp
Mr James A Clarkson
Miss Laura F Clegg
Mr Robert C W Collett
Miss Daniella Dimopoulos
Mr Matt Dudbridge
Ms Alexandra Ferrier
Mr Simon R Fletcher
Dr Glenn A Gottfried
Miss Kathryn M Hallows
Dr Edward R Hartley, MB ChB
Miss Bryony J Hursthouse
Mr Gregory A Jackson
Mr Kieran V Joglekar
Mr Alex Leslie
Miss Anna Letts
Mr Andrew M Monk
Miss Phoebe Moore
Miss Shabnam Noreen
Ms Alice C O'Keeffe
Mr Robert J Reevy
Dr Magdalena T Skrybant
Mr Michael Sprot
Mr Swee L Tan
Miss Joanne Wallace
Mr Chih M Wong
Miss Naomi E Wootton
The University of Sheffield
in America – Pioneers
Miss Lillian C Chen
Mr Andrew W Jones
Mrs Hannah R Prall
Ms Melissa G Zabala
Canada – Pioneers
Ms Danielle J Carpentier
The Friends and Family Fund
We are very grateful to the
following parents, family and
friends of current students who
made donations to support the
Library through our Friends and
Family Fund:
Ms Brenda Aisbitt
Mr and Mrs Abel Atashroo
Mr Peter Beardmore and
Mrs Josephine Beardmore
Mr Robert Beaumont and
Mrs Elizabeth Beaumont
Ms Denise Beels
Mrs Lisa Bell
Mr Steven Bennett and
Mrs Deborah Bennett
Mr Malcolm Biggs and
Ms Finola Mannion-Biggs
Mr Simon Broad and
Mrs Francesca Broad
Mr Michael Brooker and
Mrs Christine Brooker
Mr Martin L Brown
Mr David Caley and
Mrs Amanda Caley
Mrs Jane K Casson
Ms Jolanta Choszcz
Mrs Anona Clark
Dr Paul Clarkson and
Mrs Andrea Clarkson
Mr Sean Corrigan and
Mrs Anne-Marie Corrigan
Mr Stephen Duffin and
Mrs Elizabeth A Duffin
Mr J Eastlake and Mrs J Eastlake
Mr Philip Gard and Mrs Mary Gard
Mr Jonathan Godfrey and
Mrs Jane Godfrey
Mr Henry Green and
Mrs Debbie Green
Mr Stewart Hall and
Mrs Carol Hall
Mr Ross Hamilton and
Mrs Sara Hamilton
Ms Jane Hargreaves
Mr Mark Hawes and
Mrs Sharon Hawes
Mr Alan Hodgkins and
Mrs Joanna M Hodgkins
Mr S A Howes and Mrs S C Howes
Mr Godfrey Hutchins and
Mrs Pauline Hutchins
Mr Nigel Hylton and
Mrs Averil Hylton
We were very pleased to receive
a Brunton Medal dating from
1937 to add to our collection of
University memorabilia. It has
been donated by Sue Napper,
the niece of Godfrey Bottomley
(BMet 1937), the medal’s
recipient. J Dixon Brunton (BMet
1908) made provision for two or
three medals and prizes to be
awarded each year at the
discretion of the Head of the
Department of Engineering
Materials for original research
on metallurgical subjects: the
awards are still made. We’d love
to hear from you if you have
similar objects that you would
like to donate to our collection.
Mr David Jones and
Mrs Jenny Jones
Mr Colin R Larkins and
Mrs Hazel S Larkins
Mr Chris Lowe and
Mrs Carolyn Lowe
Mr and Mrs Nigel Manley
Mr Simon Morrow and
Mrs Sarah Morrow
Mr Edward G Murray and
Ms Jill M Lambert
Mr Paul Myers and
Mrs Christine Myers
Mr Norman Parker and
Mrs Jeanette Parker
Mr Andy Pirrie and
Mrs Cathy Pirrie
Mr Melvin Pointer and
Mrs Wendy Pointer
Mr Romano Polechonski and
Mrs Jacqueline Polechonski
Mr Richard Portnell and
Mrs Jane Portnell
Mr Tim Rayner and
Mrs Heather Rayner
Ms Carole Rowbotham
Mr Khalil J Saad and
Mrs Cherry D Saad
Mr Douglas Spring and
Mrs Christine Spring
Mr Thomas Stacey and
Mrs Jennifer Stacey
Mr Steven Turton and
Mrs Hannah Turton
Mr and Mrs Steve Varley
Mr Mike Wallace and
Mrs Gill Wallace
Mr and Mrs John C K Wells
Mr Raymond P Woods and
Mrs J L Woods
Thank you very much indeed to
the following generous individuals
and organisations who have made
donations to support the
University since 2 April 2009:
Mrs Valerie A Abell
Ms Julia E Abrey
Dr Julian D Acland
Ms Elizabeth J Adams
Mr John C Adamson
Mrs Sandra M Adamson
Mr Richard J Adkinson
Dr Wendy P Ahmad
Revd Nicholas J Aiken
Ms Sonja B F Alberts
Ms Margaret C Alderson
Mrs Margaret J Alexander-Hall
Mr Ibrahim E Al-Jumaili
The Rev Cannon Adrian Alker
Mr Gordon K Allan
Mr Simon W Allan
Mr Clifford Allatt
Mr Peter R Allcock
“The Alumni Fund gave me
opportunities which went
beyond a good education
and which have made me
the person I am today.
I give to the Fund because
I want as many students as
possible to have the same
chances that I did.”
Alex Ferrier (BA 2008)
Mr David E Allen
Mrs Rachel E I Amos
Professor William F Anderson
Mr Paul Andrews
Mr William F Arbury
Mr Fred H Armitage
Dr Geoffrey Armstrong
Professor Michael J P Arthur
Dr Lakshmi Arumugam Ratnam
Mr Joseph S Ashburner
Mrs G Ashton
Mr David J Aston
Emeritus Professor
James Atkinson
Dr Geoffrey C Avery
Miss Carol E Ayrton
Mrs Margaret J P Ayton
Mr Martin C Baines
Mr Dennis Baker
Mrs Marjorie Baker
Ms Vyvien Baker
Mr William Balmforth
Dr Judith M Bamford
Miss Sarah J Banbury
Mr Neil E Barber
Mr Peter Barber
Mrs Teresa A Barber
Mr Bernard Barker
Mrs Mary R Barker
Mrs Maureen Barlow
Mrs Avril I Barnes
Dr Barbara Barnes
Mrs Tracey J Barnes
Mr John H Barrett
Mrs Denise D Bartlett
Mrs Sharon V Barton
Mrs Carol Barton-Jones
Dr Raymond H Bate
Mr Gerald A Bates
Mr Brian Baverstock, CEng,
Dr Judith A Beardshaw, MRCP
Dr Lesley C Beatie
Mrs Deborah J Beaumont-Thomas
Mrs Clare J Beech
Mr Jonathan Beech
Reverend Arthur E Beety
Mr Andrew R Beever and
Mrs Julie E Beever
Mr Graham Beighton
Mr Nicholas S Bell
Dr Christopher M Bellamy, FRCP
Mr William J Belsham
Mr Reginald T Benn
Mrs Catherine V Bennett-Ryan
Dr Philip E Benson
Professor Neil H A Bermel
Mrs Alexandra M Berry
Mr Richard G Bertram
Dr Frances A Betteridge, FFPHM
Mr Roger J Betteridge
Mr Edward R Bettess
Miss Nina Bhatta
Mr Craig G Bickerton
Mr Simon C Bickerton and
Mrs Sally J Bickerton
Dr Heather F Bigg
Mr Brian B Binns
Professor David T Bishop and
Dr Julia A Newton-Bishop
Mr David R Blackburn
Mr Ian W Blackburn
Mr Roger A B Bladen
Mrs J A M Bladon
Dr Josephine A Blewitt
Mr Robert J Bliss
Mr Bernard Bloom
Mr Aidan C Bloomfield
Mr Christopher Bloor
Mrs Brenda D Boddy
Sir Drummond Bone
Mr Geoffrey R Booker
Mr John B Booth
Mr Geoffrey D Boothby
Mr Nicholas J S Boul
Miss Pamela Bower
Dr Pauline F Boyle
Miss Siobhan Boyle and
Mr Richard Goldthorpe
Mr Michael Brabin and
Mrs Margaret P Brabin
Miss Susan J Bradley
Ms Celia Bradshaw
Mr Charles F R Bradshaw
Dr Stephen L Bragg
Mr Gareth Braid
Dr John E D Bramley
Miss Patricia Braunton
Dr Gordon W Bridge
Dr Peter J Bridges and
Mrs Anita M Bridges
Mr Edwin S Brierley
Dr John K Brierley
Dr Jean Brightwell
Miss Mary J Broadbent
Mr Alfred G Brooke, ACCA
Mr William L Brookes, FSGT
Revd Christine E Brooks
Mr Peter J Bruce
Dr John A Bryden
Mr David J M Buddery
Mrs Margaret G Bullows
Mr Kevin J Bulmer
Mr Michael Bunting
Ms Julie A Burbeary
Mr Andrew D Burchill
Mr Michael J Burchnall, MBE
Mrs Gabrielle R Burgess
Mr Kenneth A Burley
Mr Peter L Burnett
Dr Anthony C Burton
Dr Harold Burton
Dr Hazel J Butland
Professor Roger K Butlin
Mr Thomas J Cadmore
Mr Huseyin Caglayan
Dr Carolyn E Calder
Mr Peter Calderley
Mr David N Callow
Mr Scott Cameron
Ms Alison J Campbell
Mr John C Cantrill
Mr Ian Carline
Sir Michael Carlisle, DL
His Honour Judge Ian E Carlson
The Very Rev Dr Wesley Carr
Mr Francis J Carr
Mr Andrew G Carruthers
Mrs Elizabeth Carter
Ms Deborah L Case
Mrs Adrienne F Catherall
Ms Judith Challenor
Dr Andrew K C Chan
Mr Kong Y Chan
Mr Keith W Chantler
Mrs Lucinda J Chapel
Mr R Jim Chapman
Dr Robert O Chapman
Mr David J Charnock
Ms Julia A Chidley
Dr Stephen Chidlow
Mrs Adelene N Chinnick
Mrs Fiona M Christian-Edwards
Mr Alan C Clare
Dr Charles A Clark
Mrs Lesley A Clark
Mrs Patricia B Clark
Mrs Rebecca I Clay
Mrs Hilde E Clegg
Mrs Ruth E Clement
Mrs Ann M Clewett
Mr Richard G Cobbett
Mr Colin J Cochrane
Mr David P Coffey
Mrs Wendy Coffey
Mr Peter R Cole
Mrs Sylvia Cole
Dr Wendy E J Collier
Ms Ilse A Collinge
Dr Diana M Collins
Dr Michael B Collins
Professor W Derek Collins
Mr Gerard K Collinson
Mr Timothy R Colyer
Mr John Connell
Mrs Hilary A Connor
Mr Michael J Convey
Mr Samuel A Cooper
Mrs Florence R Corbridge
Mr John R N Corker and
Dr Carole J Kenyon
Ms Nicola M Corkill
Mr Charles H Cotgreave
Mr John R Cottam
Dr Alan G Cox
Mr Richard N Cox, CEng
Mrs Sally A H Craig
Dr Thomas H Crawshaw
Mrs Avril A Critchley
Professor Alan G Crocker, FSA
Ms Mary Crook
Mrs Margaret Crookes
Mrs Pamela Crossland
Mrs Elizabeth Crossley
Mrs Denise A Croton
Dr Barrie Crowther
Mrs Diana M Dainton
Mr Terence C Dalton
Mrs Joan Darwent
Mr Russell J Davies
Dr John M Davis
Dr Keith D Davis
Miss Patricia A Dawson
Mr Paul W Dawson
Mrs Jennifer Day
Mr Roger A Day
Mrs Nancy De Dombal
Mr Paul Deakin
Ms Rosalind Dean
Ms Clare R Deering
Miss Michaela L Deighton
Mr Christopher J Derry
Mrs Caroline A Dexter
Miss Jennifer Dick
Mr Andrew P Dicken
Dr Reginald C W Dinsdale and
Mrs Jill Dinsdale
Mr Christopher P Dixon
Mrs Kathleen Dixon
Mrs Karen B Dobson
Mr Graham K Dollman
Mrs Louise M G Dop
Mr Brian G Dormand
Mr M Doughty
Dr Susan E Doughty
Dr Ian S Dring
Mrs Karen D'Rozario
Dr Sally J M D Drury
Mr David Duce
Professor John Duffy
Mr Christopher N Dugdale
Mr Nicholas G Duggan
Dr Sheila L B Duncan
Mrs Elizabeth J M Dunlop
Miss Lesley M Dunn
Mrs Margaret J Dunn
Dr Norman J Dunstan
Mr Stephen J Durham
Mr Oliver E Dyball
Mr Charles D Eagle
Miss Sophie A Earle
Mr Hugh B Earps
Dr Wilfred Eastwood and
Mrs Dorothy J Eastwood
Dr Harold Eckert and
Dr Joanna Eckert
Mrs Christine Eddowes
Mrs Brigid M Eddy
Mr David J Edge
Mr Timothy J Edwards
Dr Christopher J Eggett
Mrs Gillian H Eley
Dr Omer H El-Hamdoon
Dr Geoffrey D Elliott, FBCS, CITP,
Mr Paul J Elliott
Dr Gethin R Ellis
Mrs Margaret E Ellis
Dr Peter Ellis
Dr Margaret E Eltoft
Mrs Victoria M Elves
Mrs Joan M English
Mr David M Evans
Mr Derek Evans
Mrs Gwenda M Evans
Mrs Kathleen J M Evans
Dr Robert Evans
Mrs Sarah Evans
Dr Timothy P Young and
Dr Claire L Evely
Mr Royden J Fairfax
Mrs Amanda Falk
Mrs G R Fargher
Mrs Faith N Farnham
Mr Graham B J Farrer
Mrs Beryl Faulkner
Mr Neil Fearnley
Professor David E Fenton
Mr John J Fergusson
Mrs Maureen Ferrara and
Mr Vincenzo Ferrara
Mr Rodney Fewings
Dr James Fiddes
Dr Jim Filby
Ms Emma L Filippini
Mr James H M Fisher
Mrs Marilyne Fisher
Mrs Susan R Fisher
Mrs D Jean Fitt
Mr Martin S Fittes
The Venerable The Archdeacon of
Doncaster Robert A Fitzharris and
Mrs Lesley M M Fitzharris
Mrs Dorothy Fleming
Mrs Josephine M Fleming
Dr Anthony C Fletcher
Dr Nicholas J Fletcher
Mrs José Flowers
Mrs Claire G Foreman
Mr David I Foss
Mr Mark S Foster
Mr Len Fowkes
Emeritus Professor
Michael W Fowler
Mr Robin G France
Mr Robert A Francis
Dr Allan G Franklin
Mrs Christine O Freeman
Mr Tony Frost
Mr Christopher P Fuller
Mr Peter J Furness
Dr Daniel J Gallimore
Mr Martin Garner
Mrs Patricia L Garth
Mr Donald Gartside
Mr Frederick J Gascoyne
Ms Jacqui Gath
Mr Anis A M Gatrad
Mr Christopher A Gayle
Ms Mary Gerrard
Dr Charles E S Gibson
Mr John A R Gilbert
Mrs Nicola A Gilbert
Mr Philip A Gilbert
Mr Tom Gilbey
Mrs Lindsey J Gill
Dr Terence Gladman, MBE
Mr Brian N Glasson
Dr Ian Glaves
Mr Brian W Glendinning
Mrs Rosemary A Glover
Mrs Sally H Goddard
Mr Alan W Goodin
Mrs Margaret A Goodman
Ms Jennifer R Gordon
Dr Sheila M Gorrie
Mr Peter W Gould
Miss Shirley A Gover
Mr Robert T Graham
Mr Stewart Grainger
Ms Susan A Grammer
Mrs Kathleen E Grant
Dr Peter J Grant
Dr Mark Gray
Mrs Patricia V Greatorex
Mr Charles R Green
Mr Francis J Green
Ms Juliet A Green
Mrs Ann Greenwood
Mr Christopher Gregg and
Mrs Jane Gregg
Mr Eric B F Gregory
Mr Martin L Grey
Mrs Kathleen P Griffith
Mr David Griffiths
Mr John M Grummitt
Ms Jane Guaschi
Ms Mary I Gullick
Ms Rakhi Gupta
Mr Robert P Haase
Dr Paul E Hadden
Mrs Christine M Hadfield
Ms Chris Hadley
Dr Saleem Hafiz
Mr Howard R Hague
Mr Douglas Haigh
Mr John A Hailey, OBE, FRSA
Mrs Mary H Haines
Mrs Judith F Haire
Professor David M B Hall
Ms Hazel G Hallam
Mr John L Halstead
Dr Rhinedd Hammond
Mrs Joanne H Hampton
Mr David W Hand, FRCS
Professor Peter W Hannon
Mr Mike R Hanson
Mrs Sarah A Hard
Dr Brian L Harding
Dr Lorraine M Harding
Dr Sue Harding
Mrs Janet S Hardy
Can you find any ‘lost’
For every alumnus/alumna on
our mailing list, we think that
there is at least one more who
has lost touch with Sheffield. If
you have friends or family who
went to the University, please ask
them if they hear from us. If not,
please encourage them to
update their contact details at
intouch in time for them to
receive the annual alumni
magazine Your University in the
summer. Alternatively contact
me and I will be delighted to put
them back in touch with the
Alison Muir (BA 2007, MSc 2008)
Development Officer
Tel: 0114 222 5590
Email: [email protected]
Mr John M Hardy
Dr Kikuo Harigaya
Mr Robert Harley
Dr Lynne J Harness
Mr Peter J Harper, KSG, FLA
Mrs Barbara J Harrington
Mrs Angela E Harris
Mr Jonathan N Harris
Mrs Judith A Harrison
Emeritus Professor
Pauline M Harrison, CBE
Mr Raymond Harrison
Ms Lydia L W Harston
Mrs Elaine C Haswell
Professor Paul V Hatton
Dr John K Hawkins
Mrs Shirley A V Hawkins
Mr David Hawley
Ms Jayne M Hawley
Dr John Hawthorne and
Mrs Susanna C M Hawthorne
Mr Alan N Hayes
Dr Michael E Hayes
Mrs Alison M Haythorne
Mrs Louise K Haythornthwaite,
Mrs Deborah J Headey and
Mr David L Headey
Mr Gerard M Hearson
Mr Philip M Heathcote
Mr G Heaton and Mrs B Heaton
Dr Paul A Heaton
Mr David Hedges
Mr Neil T Helsby
Ms Annette M B Henn
Dr Laurence Henry
Mr George K Hensman
Mrs Cathreen M Henwood
Dr Mark Hepworth
Ms Eileen B Herlihy
Professor Tamara K Hervey
Mr Peter G Hewitt
Dr Raymond Heyworth
Mr Iain G Hill
Mr Colin S Hilton
Mr Peter G Hilton
Ms Jane E Hoatson
Mrs Jane E Hobson
Miss Wendy Hobson
Mr Ian L Hodgkinson
Dr Catherine E Hoggarth
Mrs Yvonne E Holden
Mrs Alison H B Holland
Mr Richard M Holland
Dr Michael P Hollins
Mrs Marilyn L J Hollis
Mr Barry Holmes
Mr Jonathan M Holmes
Mr Melvyn Holmes
Dr Michael C Hope-Gill
Dr Ronald E Hopkins
Revd Peter J Hopper and
Mrs Barbara Hopper
Mr Ian Horton
Dr Peter E H Howarth
Mrs Stella J Howe
Mrs Susan C Howes
Mr Martin Hoyle
Mr Jun Huang
Mr Peter J Hubbard, OBE
Mr Paul I M Huddlestone
Mr Barrie Hudson, CB
Mr Andrew K Hug
Mr Brynley D Hughes
Ms Carol C Hughes
Mr Michael J Hughes
Mr Peter Humphries
Mr Hugo P Hunt
Mr Leslie Hunt
Mr Robert J Huntley
Mrs Anne Hurst
Mr Edward Hurst
Mr P Hutchinson
Mrs Patricia E Hutson
Mr Robert T Hutt
Mr John N Ibbetson and
Mrs Margaret E Ibbetson
Mr Anthony D Ibbotson
Dr Pamela Ibrahim
Mr Francois M J Inglehearn
Mrs Judith H Instone
Dr Ibrahim F Inuwa
Dr Giuseppe Isgro
Dr Sandra Ivinson, FRCGP
Dr John H Jackson
Mrs Lesley G Jackson
Mrs Patricia M Jackson
Miss Manjinder K Jagdev
Mr Alan James
Mrs Rosemary M James
Dr Stephanie C James
Mr Robert A Jameson
Mr Nicholas C L Jarmany
Dr Deborah Jefferson
Mr Peter R Jefferson
Mr John C Jenkins
Mr Martin A Jennings
Dr Mohanlal P Jethwa
Mr Richard Jewsbury
Mr Brian Johnson
Mr Keith Johnson
Dr Richard S Johnson
Mr Ted Johnson
Dr Janet A Johnston
Professor Ronald J Johnston, FBA
Mr Barry W Jones
Miss Ceri Jones
Mr Francis H Jones
Mr Michael A W Jones
Mrs Sylvia M Jordan, JP
Mr Graham Jung
Mrs Alison J Justham
Mr Aristotelis K Karavokyris
Mr Neville R M Kay, TD, FRCS
Dr Elaine H Kaye
Mrs Elaine Keasley
Mr William A H Keenlyside and
Mrs Margaret Keenlyside
Mr Brian Keevil
Mr Patrick J Kennedy
Mr David J Kenton
Mr Mark Ketteringham
Mr Sarfraz Khan
Mr Adrian I Kiddle
Mrs Suzan N Kilburn
Professor Edmund J King
Mr Gus A J T King
Mr James A King
Mr Stephen A King
Mrs Suzanne E King
Mrs Caroline Knight
Mr Anthony P Knowelden
Mr Alan Knowles
Mr Huw A Knox
Mr Ernest A Kochmann
Dr Hellmuth K Kohler
Dr Arnold H Kosiner
Mr Efthymios Kotsianis
Mrs Yuriko Kubota
Dr Annette F Kuhn, FBA
Mr Choy K Kwong
Dr Hem C K Laljee
Dr Stephen D Lambert
Mrs Joan M Laming
Dr Rachel E M Lamming
Dr Sally A Lane
Mr Martin P Lang
Dr David Langley
Dr Steven P Larcombe
Dr Peter J Large
Dr Michael I Lavelle
Miss M C Law
Mr Terence P Lawley
Mr John M Lawlor
Dr Vanessa V Lawrence, CB,
Dr Francis J Leaf
Mr Matthew R Leah
Mr John C Leahy
Mr Don Lee
Mr Malcolm Lee
Dr Peter W Lee and Mrs Gill Lee
Mr Richard P Lee
Mrs Veronica M Lee
Mrs Janet E Leigh
Dr Vivien F Leigh
Mr John B Lenton
Mrs Elizabeth Levings
Dr David R Lewis
Dr Lorna J Lilly
Mr Heng Y Lim
Mr Alan C Lindop
Mrs Gillian Lindop
Mrs Joan Lingard
Mrs Dilys Linstead
Mrs Christine Little
Dr Valerie H Livesey
Ms Elizabeth Llewellyn-Smith
Mr Michael A Loat
Mrs Elizabeth H Lockwood
Mr John A N Lockyer
Mr John Longstaff
Dr Diane Longworth
Dr Yee Y Low
Mr Christopher J Lowe
Miss Mary V E Luh
Mrs Betty J Lumley
Dr Ismail Lunat
Mr Derek J Lyons
Mr Ian P Macdiarmid
Mr Norman Machin
Mr John S Mackie and
Mrs Elsie Mackie
Mrs Barbara M Madill
Dr Patricia W Major
Dr Michael Makris
Mrs Diane V Mark
Mr Andreas P Markou
Mr Clive P Marritt
Miss Eva Marsh
Mr John Marsh, on behalf of
the Parkinson's Disease Society
Mr Gregory J Marshall
Mr John C Martin
Ms Christine A Mason
Dr Edwin W Mason
Mrs Kathleen P Mason
Mr William R Mason
Mr Simon M Massey
Dr Stuart L Matthews
Mr David J May
Mr James L Maynard
Mrs Julia M McAdam
Dr Paul A McArthur
Mr Andrew J McCall
Dr Allan R McCarthy, FRSC
Mrs Ann C McCarthy
Mr Peter McCarthy
Mrs Monica M McCormick
Mrs Esme McGee
Dr Claire McGourlay
Mrs Eileen M A McHale
Mr Peter McHugh
Mrs Elizabeth McKibbin
Mr Gerard A McLister
Mr John J McMullen
Mr John T Mee
Mr Peter H Meldrum
Dr David Mercer
Mr Victor M Mercer
Mrs Emily F Merko
Dr Sandra Metcalfe, MRCPsych
Ms Teresa A K Miarka
Miss Veronica Miles
Mr Bernard Miller
Mr Julian P Miller
Mrs Janice Millington
Dr Roy Millington, MCIPD, MIoP
Mr Derek A Mills
Dr Julie A Millward
Mr Andrew N Milner
Mr Paul F Minshull
Dr Frederick L Mitchell
Mr Tom F Mitchell
Mr Thomas Mitford
Mrs Caroline F Mockford
Mr S C Moffat
Mr Alistair Moir
Dr Lance S Moir
Dr Richard Moody
Dr Barry P Moore
Mr Fred Moore
Mrs Vicky C Moore
Ms Sandra Moors
Professor Derek Morgan
Mr Neville R Morgan
Mr E Morris
Mr William T Mosley
Mrs Pat M Moss
Mrs Sheena F Moss
Mr Roger L Moulding
Dr Roger Muncaster
Mr M G Muntus
Mr John F Murphy
His Hon Judge Michael Murphy, QC
Mr Engin Mustafa
Mr Maung Myoo Myint
Mr David F Naert
Mr Clive Narrainen
Mr Robert H Neate
Mr Fredy Neidernolte
Mr John H Nelson
Canon Ronald Nesbitt
Mrs P Newman
Mr Roger Newman
Dr Charlotte C Nicholls
Mrs G Nicholson
Dr Hazel C Nicholson
Professor Robert J Nicholson
Mr Reinhard Niedernolte-Wandel
Dr Gerard M Nolan
Mr Kenneth J Norbury
Mr Michael J Norman
Professor The Rt Hon the Lord
Norton of Louth
Ms Kate Nott
Mrs Susan Nuttall
Mr Philip Oaten
Mr Brian J O'Connor
Dr Reginald M Odbert, FRCGP,
Mr Charles M Odia
Mr Finbar J O'Donovan
Mrs Margaret Ogden
Dr Olaniyi S Olayinka
Mr Robert G Oldfield
Dr Joyce Oldham
Mr Norman Olive
Mr Alan Oliver
Miss Jennifer S Oliver
Mr David J Onley
Mr Harold Ormerod
Mr Richard J Orton
Professor Christopher W
Mrs Gladys B Owen
Mr Martin C Page
Mr David Pain
Mr Seung Kyoo Pak
Dr Carole A Pannell
Mr David C Pardoe
The Donor Honour Board
Located in a prominent position in the foyer of the Information Commons, the Donor Honour Board
records the names of all benefactors to the University who have donated a gift of £1,000 (or $1,000) or
more since 2000.
Mr Michael O Parker
Miss Susan E Parker
Dr Anil Parmar
Dr Ann Parr
Mrs Claire Parry
Miss Elizabeth A Parry
Dr Peter C U Parry-Okeden
Dr John G Parsons
Mr Keith N Parsons
Professor Raymond J Parsons
Mr M G Patch
Mr Keyur Patel
Mrs Ella R Paterson
Professor Charles J Pattie
Mr Eric Pattison
Professor Tony Payne
Dr Clive H Pearson
Mr Arthur M Peel
Mrs Sheila Pendrick
Mr Ian P Pennock
Mr Frederick B Perkins
Mrs Beryl S Perry
Miss Christine M Phillips
Dr David A Phipps
Dr G D Jack Pickering
Mrs Patricia D Pickering
Mr Roger A Pickering
Mr Stephen C Pike
Dr Mike J Pilling and
Dr Gwen M Pilling
Dr Ian M Pinder
Dr Jennifer M Pinder
Baroness Platt of Writtle, CBE
Mr Leonard W Plumstead
Mr Philip Pocklington
Mrs Gillian P Pollard
Mr David J Pontin
Ms Joan A Poole
Mrs Sarah L Pooley
Rev Christopher M Posluszny
Mr Alexander Posner
Mrs Helen L Potts
Mrs Margaret W Potts
Dr Andrew K W Powell
Mr Mark Powley
Mr John C Pratt
Mr Andrew J Precious
Professor Andrew Prescott
Professor Malcolm C Press
Mrs Jean S Price
Mr Robert A Prickett, CBE
Mr David J Pritchard
Councillor Mike Pye
Mr Jolyon M Pyne
Dr Asad S Qazi
Mrs Gillian Quinton
Dr Seemeen Radatz
Mr John A Rafferty
Mr Michael A Rance
Mr John S Rank
Mr Nick J Ranns
Dr Graham Raper, CBE, FREng,
Dr Michael E Rawlin
Dr Ivor R Rawlings
Mr Martyn J Read
Mr Martin E J Reade
Mrs Judith C Redfern
Dr Robin L D Rees, CSci
Ms Charlotte A Reeve
Mr Michael J Regan
Dr Keith Reid
Mrs Ruth C Reilly
Mr Gary Reynolds
Mr Leonard F Reynolds
Mr Paul A Rhodes
Professor Alison Richard
Mr Douglas Riddiough
Mr Colin Rigg, TD, CEng
Mr Francisco J Riley
Dr John D Rimington, CB
Mr Jonathan M Roberts
Mr M H Roberts
Mr Mark V Roberts
Mr Peter A Roberts
Mr Graham F Roe and
Mrs Christine H M Roe
Mrs June Rolfe
Dr Heather Rolls
Mr Andrew W Rose
Mr Richard A Rostron
Mrs Wendy J Roughley
Sir Muir Russell
Professor Robert Russell
Dr Terence M Russell and
Mrs Mary C Russell
Dr Paul Rutter and
Mrs Jean Rutter
Mr David Ryder
Mr Ghazi Sabir-Ali and
Mrs Valerie M Sabir-Ali
Emeritus Professor
Eric E Sainsbury, OBE
Mrs Tanya J Salt
Mr and Mrs R Sanders
Mr Allan T Sansbury
Cmdr Leslie M M Saunders
Watson, CBE, DL
Mr Richard Saunders
Mrs Kathleen Saxton
Mr David F Sayliss and
Ms Carole Sayliss
Mrs Helen C Scarborough
Dr Joe Scarborough
Dr Peter Schneider and
Dr Jane Schneider
Mr David B Scott
Miss Elizabeth B Scott
Mr Kenneth Scott
Dr Peter M Scott and
Mrs Elspeth C Scott
Mr Mark J Seaborne
Professor Charles P Seager
Ms Vicky Seddon
Mr Christopher L Seed
Miss Kathleen Selby
Dr Ian N Shackley
Ms Carol Sharp
Emeritus Professor John H Sharp
Dr Norman G Sharp
Emeritus Professor
Rodney Y Sharp
Dr David W Sharpe
Mr Jeffrey M Shaw
Mr John M Shaw
Mr Watson O Shaw
Mr Robert Shawcroft
Mr Roy D Shearing
Mr John E Short
Mrs Jane E Shortall
Mr Phillip S Shorter
Mr John M Simpson
Mr Kevin Simpson
Mrs V J Simpson
Professor Geoffrey D Sims and
Mrs Pamela Sims
Mrs Valerie Sinclair
Mr Ladplie Sindusopon
Dr Ute-Maria E Skiba
Mr John W Slack
Dr Roy Slack
Mr Stanley J Slaughter
Mr Roger Slevin
Mr Jerzy Z Slowikowski
Mr Alan L Smalley
Mr Trevor V Smallwood
Mrs Alison Smith
Mrs Brenda Smith
Mr Chris A Smith and
Mrs Anne K Smith
Professor Colin J Smith, CBE
Mr Eric T Smith
Mr Graeme T Smith
Mrs Hilary E Smith
Dr Jennifer M Smith
Dr Michael E Smith
Mr Noel R Smith
Mr Richard A Smith
Mr Roger A Smith and
Mrs Brenda Smith
Mrs Ruth Smith
Dr M Cristina Sousa
Dr Christopher Souster and
Dr Leonie Souster
Mr Brian E Sparks
Mrs Helen Speed
Mr Keith A Spenceley, MRICS
Mrs Jean E Spencer
Mr Keith Spencer
Mr John V Spicer
Dr Frank Spode
Mr Timothy W Squire
Dr Michael Squires
Miss Sam J Smith
Mr Kim Staniforth
Mr John Stansfield
Dr Pawel J Staszek
Dr Donald Stead
Professor Josephine M Steiner
Mr Christopher D Stephens
Mr William Stephenson
Mrs Wendy K Sterling
Mr Peter A Stern
Mrs Andrea Stevenson
Dr John M Stevenson
Mrs Christine E Stewart
Mr Trevor G Still
Mr Ivor Stonehouse
Professor Peter Stonier
Mrs Gabriella T Stoplar
Mrs Jillian R Straw
Mr Peter J R Street
Dr A Martin Strong and
Mrs Janet E M Strong
Ms Fay A Sullivan
Miss Rachael J Sullivan
Mrs Alison Surtees
Mr Kenneth H Sutherland
Mr Gordon M Sutton
Mr Ian S Sutton
Dr Ruth D Swetnam
Mr Bernard B Swithern
Mrs Gemma K Symis
Mr Andrew H Tabor, OBE
Mr C Taylor
Mr Colin J Taylor
Dr James M Taylor
Mr Peter A Y Taylor and
Mrs Anne M Taylor
Dr Philip B Taylor
Dr Ralph L Taylor and
Dr Margaret J Taylor
Dr Samuel Taylor
Mrs Catherine M Tetzlaff
Mrs Judith A Thomas
Miss Katherine M Thomas
Mrs Rosemary Thomas
Mr Timothy G Thomas
Mrs Julia J Thomasson
Ms Jean E Thompson
Mr Treffry J Thompson
Dr Rachel E Thorman
Dr William T Thorneycroft
Professor J A Thornton
Dr Raymond G Thorp
Mr Alan Thorpe, on behalf of
the Parkinson's Disease Society
Professor Andrew J Thorpe
Mr Geoffrey C Thorpe and
Mrs Brenda C Thorpe
Mr Terence F Thurogood
Mr Andrew K Tickle
Mr Mark S Tiley and
Mrs Angela Tiley
Dr Laila H Tillett
Miss Margaret E Tilstone
Mr Philip M Toft
Mr Jacob B Tojuola
Professor Geof Tomlinson
Mr Stephen J Tomlinson
Mr John P Tonks
Mrs Jennifer M Toovey and
Mr Paul H Toovey
Mrs Helen A Tordoff
Mr Dhiraj V Tosar
Dr Douglas G Tranter, MRCS
Rev John C Travell
Mrs Helen M Trayers
Mr Richard G Tregea
Mrs Freda Treherne
Mr Stuart Trickey
Mr R M Trinder
Mr John Triner
Mr Michael G P Trott
Mr Yannis Tsitsogiannis
Miss Gorkem Tuney
Mrs Diane Tunnah
Mr Robert Turgoose
Mr Peter Turnbull
Dr William D Turner
Dr Peter L Twigg
Ms Jayne A Tye
Ms Anne Underdown
Ms Deborah Unwin, in memory of
Mr and Mrs Hicks
Mr Rodney B Unwin
Miss Frances Upchurch
Mrs Joan Upson
Mr Graham A Upton
Mrs Linda D Vernon
Mr Bernard J Waddingham and
Mrs Margaret M Waddingham
Miss Mary E Wade
Dr Robert H Wagner
Mrs Linda Wainwright
Dr Anne E Walker, FRCP, M.D.
Mr Douglas V Walker
Mr Howard J Walker
Reverend Seija M Wallace
Mrs Jacinta N Walmsley
Mrs Linda M Walsh
Dr Joanne Walters
Mr Roy Walton
Ms Sue E Walton
Mr Eric W Warner
Dr Christopher W Warren and
Dr Grace C Warren
Mr Andrew Warwick-Thompson
Ms Irena Wasilewska
Dr John I Watkin
Mr Jon S Watson and
Mrs Ruth Watson
Mr Peter Watson
Mr Ian Watts
Mrs Suzanne M Watwood
Dr Noreen H Wauchob
Dr Donald A Webb
Mrs Elizabeth M Webster
Mrs Sylvia Webster
Revd Andrea F Weightman
Dr Andrew West
Dr Judith Whalley
Mrs Sue Wharton
Mr Lawrence P Whelan
Ms Jayne A White
Mr Jeremy N White
Mr Keith R White
Dr Sheila M Whiteman
Mrs Elizabeth A Whitethread
Mr Owen E Whitfield
Ms Susan J Whiting
Mr Geoffrey E Whittaker
Dr Brian Whittington
Dr Geoffrey Wigmore
Ms Deborah A Wilcox
Dr Paula S Wilcox
Mr Robert H Wilde
Mr David C Wilding
Mr John Wilkes, TD
Dr Alan R Wilkinson
Mr Nigel K A Wilks
Mrs Marjorie J Willcocks
Mr Adrian K Williams
Mrs Angela C Williams
Mrs Barbara J Williams
Mrs Janet E Williams
Mr Peter J Williams
Mr Richard I Williamson
Mrs Joanna M Willis
Mr Christopher J W Willows
Ms Joanna Wilmot
Mr Christopher M Wilson
Mr Dennis J Wilson
Mrs Patricia M Wilson
Mr Robert C Wilson
Dr Shelagh M Winship
Mr Michael J D Wiseman
Mrs Mary G Witham
Professor Penella J Woll
Mr Roy Wolstencroft
Ms Caroline Wood
Ms Margaret E M Wood
Dr Susan C Wood
Mr William J Wood
Mrs Kathryn E Woodhouse
Mrs May Woods
Miss Mabel Wooldridge
Miss Margaret E Wooldridge
Mr Richard J Woolerton
Ms Rosamond Woolley
Dr Raymond Wootton
Mr Brian K Worbey
Mr John L Wosner
Dr Arthur H Wragg
Dr Pamela M Wray
Mr Kevin G Wright
Ms Margaret A Wright
Dr Phillip M Wright
Dr Thomas F Wright
Dr Maggie Wykes
Mrs Christine A Wyse
Dr Wei Yang
Mr David J Yarham
Dr Sylvia H Yates and
Mr John O Yates
Ms Alison J Yelland
Mr Christopher M Young
Dr David E Young, CBE
Mr Gerard C Young
Mrs June Young
The University of Sheffield
in America – Donors
Mr Jeffrey C Adams
Mr Matthew J Ambrose
Ms Susan G Anspach
Mrs Kathleen M Bailey
Mr David Banton
Dr Keith Barker
Mrs Julia H Bergman
Mr David Body, FAIA, RIBA
“A great education at a
great university in a
great city.”
Dr Nicholas Meanwell
(BSc 1976, PhD 1980) and
Patricia Meanwell
(BEd 1978)
Mrs Francesca M Bolton
Mr Kenneth V Bradwell
Mrs Joan E Calvert
Ms Sarah P Colon
Mr Martin S Davidson
Mr Martin G Euler
Professor Charles Fairhurst
Mr Peter G Faulkner
Dr Peter J Gittins
Mr Bill Gordon
Mrs Ann E Hall
Mrs Ann P Hall
Mr John A Heath and
Mrs Juliet C Heath
Mr Peter Ho
Dr J. Read Holland
Dr Nicholas M Huckle
Mrs Jillian Hughes
Mr Ian F Hunter
Dr Alison Hynd
Dr Stuart T Jackson and
Dr Jodi K Jackson
Jack Kushner, MD
Mr Jeffrey D Kusniez
Mr Niels P Lacour
Dr Marian Lauchlan
Mr Timothy I LaValley
Mrs Nicole LeClair Jones
Dr Ian G Macara
Dr Colin W Macgillivray
Mr Stephen Maitland-Lewis
Miss Michelle Manke
Dr Howard J Mayson
Dr Catherine A McIntyre and
Mr James P McIntyre
Dr Nicholas A Meanwell and
Mrs Patricia C Meanwell
Mrs Colleen Mills
Dr Prem P Mohla
Mr Colin D Morris
Dr Margaret E D Muster
Mr Gordon Nilsen
Professor Eric Oldfield
Mrs Lucinda J O'Leary
Dr K R Olen
Dr Jill E Parker
Mr Anthony F Poile
Mr Christopher A Pollard
Dr Lee Pullan
Dr Terry Radford
Dr Jennifer R Reeve
Mr Paul M Robinson
Dr Philip A Schofield
Mrs Stephanie H Shapiro
Dr Michael F Sheff and
Mrs Joan Sheff
Dr James A Sheppard and
Dr Beth M Sheppard
Dr Mark F Singleton
Professor C. Alan Soons
Mr Christopher J Spalding
Mr Jonathan S Spatz
Ms Bridget A St John
Mr Desmond T F Stevens
Mr Eric R Stones
Mr Michael P Sudbury
Mr John Swales
Mrs Lynne Taylor Knox
Dr John E Teggins
Dr Michael A Tones
Mr Michael H Trager
Mrs Brenda N Trim-Hinds
Ms Madeleine C Watkins
Mr Philip C Wert
Dr James B Whiteside and
Mrs Ruth A Whiteside
Dr Jeffrey N Whitmore
Mrs Daeneen A Wilshire
Mr Daniel J L Wilson
Mrs Susan M Woodruff
Mr Philip M Wright
Dr J. Michael Yates
Mr Andrew F Young
Mr Leon Kaplan
Dr Linda M Kirk
Mr Kevin J Mahoney
Professor Josephine A Maltby
Dr Elizabeth C Murray
Professor Anthony J Parsons
Mr Andrew J Parrett
Mr Sean E Purcell
Dr Stephen A Rolfe
Dr Svetlana E Sedelnikova
Dr Christine E Sexton
Professor Peter E Sudbery
Professor Andrew B Tylecote
Mrs Barbara Wild
Mrs Catherine Williams
Professor Lucy R Wyatt
Professor Alan S I Zinober
Canada – Donors
Special Thanks to
Mr William Armstrong and
Mrs Elizabeth A Armstrong
Dr Andre Bazergui
Mr Gopal Bhattacharyya
Mr Yiyuan Bu
Mr Anthony Cowley
Mr Roger K R Croft
Dr Edward M Donaldson, FRSC
Professor John Farley
Mr Wenlu Feng
Professor Peter G Fernandez
Mrs Susan E Gorman-Winser
Dr Anthony Heacock
Mr Mark F Levesley
Dr Michael Palfreyman
Dr Ahmad Radmanesh and
Mrs Hazel J Radmanesh
Dr Kim P Roberts
Mr Geoffrey M Say
Mr Philip Sherman
Professor Sat Somers
Dr Keith Wilson
British Ambassadors in Hanoi,
Paris, Tokyo and Tripoli
Sir Sze-yuen Chung
Delta Force Paintball, Surrey
Goldman Sachs
Dr Raymond Harrison and
Dr Wilma Harrison in connection
with the Eye-Bank for Sight
Lord Hattersley
Head of the British Council in
Hong Kong
Jeffrey House
Leopold Hotel, Sheffield
Sir Peter Middleton, GCB
Rutland Hotel, Sheffield
The Sheikh of Sharjah
Professor Vanessa Toulmin, the
National Fairground Archive and
the performers in Ida Barr's
Variety Parade at the Lyceum
Vito’s Italian Restaurant, Walkley,
Mr Dave Wickett and The Fat Cat
pub, Kelham Island
Sheffield University
Southern Africa Students
Scholarship Fund
Ms Gill Anderson
Mr Paul C Blomfield
Dr Philip A Booth
Professor Richard J Carwardine
Professor Robert J Cook
Ms Sharron A Crapper
Dr Patrick Fairclough
Mrs Christine S Franklin
Dr Robert B Fraser
Ms Debora G M Green
Mrs Elizabeth J Hall
Emeritus Professor
William A Hampton
Professor Peter W Hannon
Professor Christopher Heywood
Dr Wesley S Hydes
Gifts in kind
Sir Peter Blake, Mr Brad Faine and
the Coriander Studio
The Dainton family
In Memoriam
In memory of Professor
Robert Boucher, CBE
In memory of Dr Sam Clowe
In memory of Lady Dainton
Mrs Joan M English, in memory
of Peter English
Mrs Jane Grant, in memory
of Pat Philips
Mrs Judith Haire, in loving
memory of her grandparents
Frank and Marjory and Jack and
Mrs Carol Kozma, in memory of
Malcolm J B Paynter
Bill Mosley and family, in memory
of his wife Gill Mosley
Dr Cynthia Phillips, in memory
of her father Roy Holtam
In memory of Mr Gordon Wagstaff
In memory of
Mr Anthony Richard Wood, for
Fibrosing Alveolitis research
Miss Frances Wood, in memory of
her dear friend Mrs Rose Rayner
From the estate of
Mr Peter A H Glover
Mr Thomas J Harvey
Dr Marjorie Shaw
Mrs Margaret Turley
Dr David Ryan
The Biochemical Society
BioServ UK Ltd
Dtz Debenham Tie Levng
Emily Weircroft Charitable
The Eye-Bank for Sight
Restoration, Inc.
The Farah Merali Trust
Fellowship Theatre Company
Foreign & Commonwealth
Gilchrist Educational Trust
Gradfinale Yearbooks
The Greenside Trust
Habendum Limited
The Henry Lester Trust Limited
Herbert Smith
Leukaemia Research Fund
Lund University
Medella Therapeutics Limited
The Nimah Merali Trust
Peak and Dukeries Land Rover
Club, in memory of
Mrs Susan Wilson
Reidler Foundation
The Sanita Merali Trust
Sheffield Institute Foundation
for MND
Sheffield Town Trust
Slaughter and May
SPE Resourcing
St Hilda's College Oxford, in
memory of Lady Barbara Dainton
Thorne Methodist Church Society
Toshiba International
The Whitecourt Charitable Trust
Yorkshire Cancer Research
The University of Sheffield
in America – Matched Giving
Bristol-Myers Squibb
very own
mean machine
The Pedal Car Society (PedSoc) was established in April 2009 by a
group of second-year Mechanical Engineering students eager to apply
a developing engineering knowledge base to a complex and challenging
task. With support from the University, the Wilson Memorial Fund and
the Alumni Fund the team designed and built a recumbent racer to
compete in the British Pedal Car Championship 2009 – in simple
terms, the pedal car is a sit-down bike with four wheels, powered by
human pedalling.
The championship consists of a series of races running from March to
September each year, varying in length from frantic one-hour sprints
to 24-hour tests of endurance. Races require between four and six
drivers backed by the vital race support team. In 2010, the team will
also compete in the Annual European Pedal Car Championships in
Ewan Ashburn, PedSoc President, said, “Without the help and
assistance that the Alumni Fund provided, we would never have been
able to establish a team to take part in the British Pedal Car
Championship. PedSoc established itself as a unique University society
last year and will, without doubt, continue for many years into the
future – none of which would have been possible without the donors’
support. A massive thank you from the whole PedSoc team!”
The PedSoc team and supporters.