February 28, 2016 Bulletin
February 28, 2016 Bulletin
February 28, 2016 Lenten Opportunities Besides our regularly scheduled Masses and Confessions: EACH WEDNESDAY 5:30PM Mass with confessions following till 6:30PM EACH FRIDAY 12:10-1:00PM Confessions EACH FRIDAY 5:30PM Stations of the Cross Lenten Parish Mission March 12-16 From Father Godfrey - Welcome to Fr. Pat Toner with Food for the Poor who is covering the Masses this weekend. Fr. Pat, we have been very generous since Christmas with MANY requests for assistance from various orders and agencies. We will do our best to support Food for the Poor as well. Thank you for being here! - As we enter the middle of Lent, let’s ask God for strength to be faithful to our Lenten good works. Let’s also re-double our efforts to assure that our Lenten good works help alleviate the plight of the poor. If I give up soft drinks for Lent, do I give the money I’d spend on soft drinks to some agency or person assisting those in need? Fasting for the sake of exhibiting willpower isn’t the primary purpose of Lent. Sacrificing for the well-being of others is what we ought to be about. And let’s remember: everyone abstains from meat on Fridays (if they’re able) and all people 18-59 fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. - As we prepare to renew our annual parish financial support of CAJE (Congregations Acting for Justice and Empowerment), I encourage anyone who is able to help with this call for JUSTICE in our community to step forward. Please notify the Parish Center if you’re willing to help out. - Recently, I received a sweet note from a parishioner, thanking me for my LOUD witness of the gospel (I think it was meant as a compliment). Her reason for writing was that she’d decided to write to 40 people during Lent to tell them how they make her a better person. Great idea. I’m just passing it along. - CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL who have helped us do so well on our SUNDAY COLLECTIONS. As you can see, we’re ahead of budget. Again, this reflects a better, more realistic budget, but it also, and more importantly, represents the sacrifices of many people who give so generously. Thank you for being faithful to the call to share the good gifts God has given! - Have you invited anyone to HOMECOMING yet? April 2-3. Regularly scheduled Masses with festive music, receptions after the 4:30, 8:30 and 10:30 Masses, a free 7PM Saturday evening concert, and a celebration of our parish artists throughout the weekend in the church! Please help fill the church by inviting someone! - So many people work so hard week after week to help our LITURGIES be engaging, welcoming, challenging, and enjoyable. To every person who schedules, coordinates, trains, serves in any function, preaches, welcomes: THANK YOU! - This Easter, as for many years here, we have people who will receive all three of the EASTER SACRAMENTS (baptism, confirmation and Eucharist) and some who will receive two. Each of us has the responsibility to assist in welcoming them. Let’s start planning now how we’ll show them that we’re glad they’re with us! I know that some of us were raised with the mentality that we go to Mass and receive our precious Lord in Holy Communion and that’s all that’s needed. For a parish to thrive, grow and spread the Word, though, we must see heavenly gifts as food for MISSION: helping build the Kingdom. Being there for ourselves alone isn’t enough. St. Benedict Cathedral Mass Intentions & Readings Sunday, 2/28 EX 3:1-8A,13-15; 1COR 10:1-6,10-12; LK 13:1-9 6:00AM For the Parish 8:30AM + Kenny McElwee 10:30AM Intentions of Tom & Sheldona Kempf Monday, 2/29 2 KGS 5:1-15AB; Luke 4:24-30 7:00AM +Pauline Kern 9:00AM +Ruth Phillips Tuesday, 3/1 DN 3:25, 34-43; MT 18:21-35 7:00AM +Donald Dooley 9:00AM +Delia Grace Abaray Wednesday, 3/2 DT 4:1, 5-9; MT 5:17-19 7:00AM +Judith Effinger 9:00AM +Carl Bultman 5:30PM Intentions of Michael Gallucci Thursday, 3/3 JER 7:23-28; LK 11:14-23 7:00AM +Louis Riordan 9:00AM +Mary Ann Bussing Friday, 3/4 HOS 14:2-10; MK 12:28-34 7:00AM +Cecelia Coudret 9:15AM +Lucille Werzner (Confessions 12:10-1:00) 5:30PM Stations of the Cross Saturday, 3/5 HOS 6:1-6; LK 18:9-14 7:00AM +Terry Phillips 9:00AM +Special intentions 4:30PM Hayes & Creech Families Sunday, 3/6 JOS 5:9A, 10-12; 2 COR 5:17-21; LK 15:1-3, 11-32 6:00AM For the Parish 8:30AM +Terri Hughes 10:30AM +Robert Lutz, Jr. St. Vincent de Paul We approach the midpoint of our Lenten observance in prayer, fasting, almsgiving and works of mercy. St. Ben’s Vincentians give thanks for the alms that St. Ben’s parishioners offer in response to the cry of the poor in our midst. Last week, St. Ben’s Vincentians visited 8 homes within St. Ben’s parish where 22 people in need reside (2 families were not at home at the time of our visit). With more than $900 of the Lenten alms you entrusted to our care, we helped pay on their delinquent bills for Rent (2), Vectren (1), and Water (2), and we gave a voucher for household goods redeemable at the SVdeP Thrift Store on Walnut Street to 1 more family. Thank you. God bless you. Spaghetti Dinner Memorial High School Girls Softball is hosting a Spaghetti Dinner March 5 in the Good Shepherd Cafeteria from 5-8 pm. The all you can eat dinner includes spaghetti, green beans, garlic bread, and dessert. $8 for adults; $4 for children 10 and under; $25 per family. Come and support MHS Girls Softball! page 3 Activities: February 28—March 5 Sunday, February 28 8:30AM Religious Education (S) 9:30AM Symbolon (PC) Monday, February 29 6:00PM St. Vincent de Paul Society (PC) 6:30PM Bingo—Perkins Team (Caf/WC) Tuesday, March 1 7:30AM Rosary Prayer Group (Ch) 7:30 AM Walking With Purpose (PC) 9:30AM Symbolon (PC) 7:00PM Walking with Purpose (PC) Wednesday, March 2 6:00PM RCIA (CR) 7:00 PM Theology Uncapped (Caf) 7:00 PM First Communion Parent Meeting (WC) Thursday, March 3 9:30AM Walking with Purpose (PC) 6:30PM Walking with Purpose (PC) 7:00PM Choir Practice (Ch) Friday, March 4 12:10 AM Confessions (Ch) 5:00PM Fish Fry (Caf) Sunday, March 6 8:30AM Religious Education (S) 9:30AM Symbolon (PC) 12 NOON St. Maria Goretti (Ch) Caf=Cafeteria|Ch=Church|PC=Parish Center|S=School S=School|WC=Woodward Hospitality Center|CR=Cathedral Room RR=Raven’s Roost A Note of Sincere Thanks In the recent appeal for the food and medical needs of the poor in Ghana the parishioners of St. Benedict’s contributed $6,911. I am truly grateful to all of you for this most generous response to this appeal. Again, remember in your prayers, as I shall encourage them to pray for you, your truly needy brothers and sisters in Christ. Bro. Tom Dillman, CSC Confirmation 2016 Calling all students who will be sophomores or older in the Fall of 2016. Our Confirmation process for high school teens wishing to be confirmed will be held on Sunday, March 13. Come to the Woodward Center from 6:30pm to 7:30pm to learn more about this spiritual journey. One parent should accompany their teen, please! For questions or further information, call Marty Horning (812) 425-4596. Theology Uncapped Next Theology Uncapped is Wednesday, March 2, 7-8pm, Woodward Center. Hard Decisions about the Dying (Sr. Jenny Miller, OSB). page 4 St. Benedict Cathedral —Symbolon— The Catholic Faith Explained Looking for a way to deepen your faith during Lent? Consider joining one of the groups that will meet to view Symbolon, a video series that focuses on core Catholic beliefs and how these beliefs fit together and what difference it makes for our lives. During these 5 sessions, we will focus on our encounter with God in the sacraments. There will be sessions between the 8:30 and 10:30 Masses on Sunday and the same session will be offered again the following Tuesday after the 9 a.m. Mass. The following is the schedule: Walk Through the Mass (Sun., Feb. 28 and Tues., Mar. 1); Penance & The Anointing of the Sick (Sun., Mar. 6 and Tues., Mar. 8); Matrimony & Holy Orders (Sun. Mar. 13 and Tues., Mar. 15). All of the sessions stand alone, there is no fee for the program, and all are welcome. Creighton Model FertilityCare Introduction Curious about modern, natural methods of family planning? Join Amy Miller, FCPI, on Wednesday, March 9 at 6:30pm in the Woodward Center for an introduction to the Creighton Model System of FertilityCare. This one-hour presentation will cover the basic principles of the model and research behind its proven effectiveness. Designed for both single women and engaged or married couples, CrMS is a natural, personalized way to monitor health and strengthen your relationship that follows the teachings of the Catholic church. Cost is $20, with an additional $15 for materials if you continue with the program. Space is limited, so please RSVP to Amy at 812-760-1575 or [email protected] no later than March 7. One Parishioner’s Kindness Susie Burdsall is a parishioner at the Cathedral who decided to give back to the Parish in a spectacular way! Susie is an ERA First Advantage Agent Associate Broker. If another parishioner or friends or family of a parishioner wants to buy or sell, Susie will give 10% of her commission back to the Cathedral. Thank you Susie for your kindness and generosity to our Parish! Please give Susie a call (812) 453-0610 for inquiries. Please contact Nancy Vaught (491-1786) or the Parish Office (425-3369) for prayer requests. Please Keep Our Military in Your Prayers Today & Everyday! Joseph Filipczak—US Marine Corps Reserve. May 1958-May 1964. Currently serves as the Chaplain of the local Marine Corps League Detachment 1090. Jarod D. Evans—Air Force Senior Airman. Currently stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base. Senior Chief Matthew Lasher—US Navy. Currently stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. LTC Luke Charpentier—Minnesota National Guard 34th "Red Bull" Infantry Division (US Army) 2LT Colin Charpentier—stationed at Ft. Drum in New York as a Signal Corps Officer (US Army) SSGT Jacob Steele—US Air Force. Currently stationed at Tinker Air Force Base Oklahoma City, OK. LTC Greg Phipps—US Army National Guard. Currently stationed in Cheyenne, Wyoming. PFC Connor Phipps—US Army. Currently stationed at San Angelo, Texas. W. Michael Wilson Corpsman—US Navy. Currently stationed as a Surgical Technician in Suffolk, VA. 24 Hours for the Lord In this Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Francis has called for 24 Hours for the Lord on March 4 and 5, 2016. He asked that dioceses around the world celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for 24 consecutive hours. While wanting to support Pope Francis but at the same time balancing the resources and facts in our diocese the Year of Mercy Committee has recommended, and Bishop Thompson has approved, the following 24 Hours for the Lord - Friday March 4 and Saturday Mar 5, 2016. This will take the place of the Light is on for You. St. Benedict Cathedral and St. Francis Xavier Basilica will offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation on: Friday, March 4, 2016 from 6—8pm and Saturday, March 5, 2016 from 9—11am and 1—3pm. Upcoming Events March 12-16 April 2-3 May 1 June 13—17 PARISH MISSION Homecoming Weekend Blood Drive Vacation Bible “Fun Times” Another Opportunity for Confession Prayer Requests Fr. Ted Tempel will hear confessions 5:30-5:50 AM and after Mass until 6:45 AM on March 6, 13, and 20. St. Benedict Cathedral MINISTRY SCHEDULE For March 5 & 6 Lectors 4:30PM Megan McCombs & Susan Jones 8:30AM Jim Flynn & Betsy Flynn 10:30AM Jean Jackson & Steve Creech Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 4:30PM Denise Tempco, Laurel Bonenberger, Rachel Brockman, Luann Sievern, Jan Creech 6:00AM Bryan Bredhold, Francis Brickey, Lucy Himstedt, Steve Kincaid, Beth Strodel 8:30AM Ray Beckwith, Debbie Brockman, Richard Clements, Bob Fahrer, Jim Gorman, Jean Brickey 10:30AM Kelsi Auker, Joseph Bernardin, Ann Bickett, Mike Broshears, John Cameron, Justine Cameron Servers 4:30PM Meredith Matzen, Sam Goedde, Gwendolyn Jacobs 8:30AM Kyle Eckert, Evelyn Clements, Peyton Murphy 10:30AM Gavin McMinn, Margaret Delp, Dayton Lenning Gift Bearers 4:30PM Paul & Barbie Kramer 8:30AM Mark & Sondra Schoenbaum 10:30AM Mike & Laura David Greeters: 4:30PM Louise Mehringer 8:30AM Ann Scheitlin 10:30AM Julie Freyberger & Aaron Schmitt St. Benedict Cathedral Fish Fry page 5 Our Weekly Offering Weekly Stewardship .................................$25,942.69 Weekly Budget ...................................$22,941.85 Stewardship Budget to Date ............ $780,022.90 Stewardship Actual to Budget ........ +$39,590.19 Annual Fund Paid to Date .................. $234,040.71 Annual Fund Pledged to Date ........ $348,559.53 Annual Fund Participating Families ......... 331 Youth Collection................................................ $7.50 Weekly St. Vincent de Paul Gifts ................. $639.00 Fiscal Year July 1 – June 30 we are St. ben’s. we worship god and share our gifts. thanks be to god! The Cocoon Tree This Lent we will again have the opportunity to participate in the Cocoon Tree Program and help the residents of the House of Bread and Peace, a shelter for homeless women and children. During Lent there will be trees in the back of church with “cocoons” on them. Each “cocoon” has on it the name of something that the House of Bread and Peace is in need of—food, cleaning supplies, etc. Simply take the “cocoon” from the tree and bring the item back by placing it under the tree. Thank you for helping those in need. Needs of Our Parish The Annual Fish Fry's will take place every Friday in Lent except for Good Friday. The menu includes Icelandic Cod (Baked or Fried) or Fried Catfish Fiddler. The dinner comes with two side items, dessert and drink. Adult 1-piece Dinners are $10. Adult 2piece Dinners are $12. Children’s Dinner (12 and younger) is $5 which includes fish or pizza, one side item, dessert and drink. Pizza is $2 per slice. The Fish Fry’s will serve from 5-7pm. Carryout Dinners available. For questions, call Jane Diehl (812) 629-8462. Your Youth Group is planning 3 Days of Mercy where we will be serving others in our community. We NEED your help!! Do you know of a parishioner or neighbor who needs some help? We can do yard work, simple handyman jobs, simple carpentry, painting, etc. Please call if you know of an elderly or disabled person who could use this type of assistance. We appreciate your help. Call Charlene Fiedler at 812-449-8559. The Fish Fry volunteers are in need of desserts, especially cakes and pies! The desserts can be dropped off at the school office during school hours on Friday. Thank you! St. Benedict Cathedral preschool and prekindergarten registration for the 2015-2016 school year is NOW OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT. Please contact the school office at (812) 425-4596 for questions and to request a registration form. Preschool & Prekindergarten Enrollment page 6 St. Benedict Cathedral Beyond our Parish Program Offered on Loss and Grief The Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand are offering a program, “Loss and Grief: Why Didn’t They Tell Me It Would Hurt Like This?” on Saturday, March 19, at the Benedictine Hospitality Center at Kordes Hall on the grounds of Monastery Immaculate Conception in Ferdinand, Indiana. Participants will explore how to deal with grief. Presented by Pat Evans. Prior to retirement from a patient advocate position, she ministered as a registered nurse for 47 years. Program runs from 9:30 a.m. Eastern time to 4:00 p.m. Cost $75, includes lunch. Registration due March 16. For more information or to register, call 800-880-2777, or 812-367-1411, ext. 2915, or visit www.thedome.org/programs. Dance The Saint Wendel Knights of Saint John will be hosting a dance featuring Styl Country on Saturday, March 5, from 8-11 pm at the Saint Wendel Knights Home. Cost is $20.00 per couple includes snacks and set ups. Tickets available at the door. Proceeds will benefit the Ronald McDonald House. For more information contact Jim or Elise Koester at 812-985-2689. Spot Shoot It’s time for the St. Boniface Parish Knights of St. John Spot Shoot at Hilltop Grove! Hilltop Grove is located at 3714 Detroy Road on the west side of Evansville. The shoot is on February 14, 21, 28 and March 6 and 13 from noon until dark. Everyone is welcome. Saint Meinrad Day of Service Parishioners are invited to join alumni and friends of Saint Meinrad for a Day of Service on Saturday, March 12, at St. Benedict Cathedral. The event will begin with registration at 10:00 a.m. Work will begin after morning prayer; with a break for lunch around noon. The work will end at 3:30 p.m. Bishop Charles Thompson will celebrate the 4:30 p.m. parish mass, all are welcome to attend. Dr. Darren Sroufe, a member of St. Benedict Cathedral Parish and an alumnus of Saint Meinrad, is coordinating the service project. There is no cost to participate and each volunteer will receive a free t-shirt and lunch, courtesy of the Saint Meinrad Alumni Association. You need not be an alumnus of Saint Meinrad to participate. Volunteers are asked to register by March 1 to ensure an accurate count for lunch and t-shirts. For more details or to register, visit http://alumni.saintmeinrad.edu/ dayofservice or call the Saint Meinrad Alumni Office at (800) 682-0988. 5K Run/Walk St. Clement Parish is hosting a 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, March 5, 2016 starting at 8:00 AM at Scales Lake Park (800 W. Tennyson Rd., Boonville). Registration fee is $20 before 2/22/206, $25 after 2/22/2016. Registration & waiver forms can be found on www.stclementparish.org or online registration is available at www.raceit.com/search3/event.aspx? id=31521. Mail registration forms to St. Clement Parish, 422 E. Sycamore St., Boonville, IN 47601-1619. Haas to perform at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, will host renowned liturgical composer David Haas for a concert and workshop on Friday and Saturday, March 11-12. The concert, which will be open to the public and take place in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, is from 7 to 8:30 p.m., on Friday, March 11. The workshop, “A Spiritual and Musical Journey for the Beloved of God,” will take place from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., on Saturday, March 12, in the O’Shaughnessy Dining Hall. Cost for the concert is $10; cost for the workshop is $20 and includes a box lunch. Tickets for the concert and workshop may be purchased online by registering at events.sistersofprovidence.org. Tickets for the concert may also be purchased the evening of the performance. For more information or to register, call 812-535-2952 or [email protected]. Hangers Clothing Drive for EVSC Schools Stephanie Jacobi, a USI senior, is sponsoring an EVSC Hangers Clothing Drive for her Capstone Project in the Social Work Program on Saturday, April 9, from 9am – 3pm in the Raven’s Roost. Needed items include all sizes of clothing for grades kindergarten to senior in high school. They really need polos, khaki pants/shorts, new socks, new underwear/bras, belts, athletic shoes, hats, hoodies/coats, and Prom dresses (new or gently used). Monetary donations will also be accepted in order to go out and buy clothes for the drive. For questions or more information, contact Stephanie at (812) 267-6654 or [email protected]. St. Benedict Cathedral page 7 An Invitation from Bishop Thompson Join Bishop Thompson, Priests and our Catholic family for “Rejoice: A Catholic Community Celebration” at the Ford Center on May 14, 2016. Activities begin at 2:00pm, Mass begins at 4:00 with a Reconciliation Service following. You will receive more details on the activities being planned as soon as they’re finalized. We are blessed with a diverse, faithful community that proclaims the Gospel witness across the 12 counties of Southwestern Indiana. Let us come together at the Ford Center on May 14th to celebrate our vibrant community! Help Wanted The Office of Catechesis of the Diocese of Evansville is seeking applicants for an Administrative Assistant. This person will provide secretarial and organizational support services for the office staff. Excel, Microsoft Word and Website management experience necessary. This is a part-time (30 hour position). For more information go to the Diocese of Evansville website for the posted job description or email [email protected] for more infor- Source + Summit Youth Retreat John Michael Talbot, Kara Klein and Fr. Augustino CFR will be leading our Jubilee of Mercy weekend on March 11, 12 &13 for hundreds of youth ages 13 -24. Anticipated to be the most dynamic and powerful retreat yet. INTENSE – FUN – LIFE CHANGING! Memorial High School. Don’t miss out! Source + Summit Adult Retreat Led by John Michael Talbot, #1 Catholic recording artist in the world, along with other equally inspiring speakers. March 12th from 8:00am –3:00pm at Christ the King Church! Any adult may attend. For complete information and to register: www.sourcesummitevansville.org, call 812-490-0289 or email [email protected]. Most Rev. Charles C. Thompson, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Evansville Very Rev. Godfrey Mullen, OSB (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Deacon David Cook (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Deacon James Flynn (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Deacon Tom Kempf (812) 425-3369 [email protected] School Principal Sister Karlene Sensmeier, OSB (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Pastoral Associates Sister Patricia McGuire, OSB (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Sister Ann Francis Hillenbrand, OSB (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Director of Religious Education Mrs. Marty Horning (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Parish Administrative Asst. Ms. Kelley Coppens (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Parish Accountant Mrs. Melanie McMinn (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Jeremy Korba (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Director of Choirs Mrs. Jennifer Korba (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Communications/Special Projects Miss Mariah Phipps (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Youth Ministry Leader Mrs. Charlene Fiedler (812) 449-8559 [email protected] School Secretaries Mrs. Ami Pitt (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Mrs. Stacey Ulrich (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Pastoral Council Chair Mrs. Ann Green (812) 449-5697 [email protected] Finance Council Chair Mrs. Beth Clark Cathedral Rector Deacons
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