October 18, 2015 Weekly Bulletin
October 18, 2015 APOSTLES CREED: I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen. GLORIOUS (Wed, Sun) 1) Resurrection, 2) Ascension, 3) Descent of the Holy Spirit, 4) Assumption of Mary, 5) Coronation of Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth JOYFUL (Mon, Sat) 1) Annunciation, 2) Visitation, 3) Nativity of the Lord, 4) Presentation, 5) Finding in Temple SORROWFUL (Tue, Fri) 1) Agony in the Garden, 2) Scourging at the Pillar, 3) Crowning with Thorns, 4) Carrying the Cross, 5) Crucifixion LUMINOUS (Thu) 1) Baptism in Jordan, 2) Wedding at Cana, 3) Proclamation of Kingdom, 4) Transfiguration, 5) Institution of the Eucharist From Father Godfrey - The Annual Fund will be gearing up soon. Please keep an eye out for the letter and pray for generous hearts. - Thank you to our Lectors and Cantors, whose service allows us to hear clearly the Word of God. Recently, I spoke to the lectors for our school Masses, to remind them that above all, they are allowing Christ to speak His Word through them. I’m thrilled when our lectors and cantors understand that the details come second, after what comes first: the genuine, helpful, confident proclamation of God’s Word. Are we listening to what is read and sung, hungry for the presence of Christ? - Thank you to all members of our parish who assist with the Good Shepherd Prayer Apostolate. I can assure you that the bishops, priests, deacons, and consecrated religious appreciate your witness and prayers. - Some have asked about our Janitorial Situation. A few months ago, after broad consultation with several groups, we decided to contract with Hasgoe, a locally-owned and managed janitorial service. Admittedly, the initial transition was a bit bumpy, but now, the four Hasgoe janitors seem to have things under control. One of them works during the day and three of them work in the afternoon/evenings. Making this change, as difficult as it was to tell those who had been working here, resulted in an estimated $50,000 savings to the annual budget. As sad as it was to see our staff go, I am certain that it would be bad stewardship of our gifts here to ignore the opportunity for such massive savings. - Over the past several months, I’ve had three different people tell me that I’ve gotten fat. Others didn’t like that I called myself a “fat priest” a few weeks ago in the bulletin. First, I weigh three pounds less than I did when I arrived here (according to my most recent doctor visit). Second, discussing other people’s weight probably isn’t usually polite, unless we serve as that person’s physician. Let’s strive for courtesy in all that we say and do! - Some have asked how Theology UnCapped went. We had 46 participants there. I was delighted with that number. We’ll have the next one November 4. Two fundamental purposes govern our work on the Adult Faith Formation Committee: 1) to help people become more informed, active disciples of Jesus, and 2) to allow parents to become more capable catechists of their children, as the rite of baptism rightly says they are. - Once again, some have asked why I go to different aisles for Holy Communion. It’s good for me to have that interaction with a broader group. Since most of you tend to sit in the same place, I choose to move around. The first reason I choose where I stand is where people needing low-gluten hosts are sitting, then I typically just choose an aisle I haven’t been to in a while. - During this month of October, let’s examine our use of the Rosary as a weapon against temptation and a plea for help in our daily living. EWTN has the rosary on television a few times everyday if that would be helpful. There are also leaflets on how to say the rosary in the east vestibule. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us. St. Benedict Cathedral Mass Intentions & Readings Sunday, 10/18 Is 53:10-11, Heb 4:14-16, Mk 10:35-45 6:00AM For The Parish 8:30AM +Mary Lodato 10:30AM +William J. Ritzert Monday, 10/19 Rom 4:20-25,Lk 12:13-21 7:00AM Therese Richmond 9:00AM Rita Grooms Tuesday, 10/20 Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21, Lk 12:35-38 7:00AM Therese Richmond 9:00AM +Margarette Nebbia Wednesday, 10/21 Rom 6:12-18, Lk 12:39-48 7:00AM +Frances Cummings 9:00AM Roy F. and Leona Hoffman Thursday, 10/22 Rom 6:19-23, Lk 12:49-53 7:00AM +Patricia Ann Schmidt 9:00AM Fowler & Kaelin Families Friday, 10/23 Rom 7:18-25a, Lk 12:54-59 7:00AM Therese Richmond 9:15AM +Stacy Gicale Saturday, 10/24 Rom 8:1-11, Lk 13:1-9 7:00AM +Parker Phillips 9:00AM Kathy Filipczak 4:30PM +John Groben Sunday, 10/25 Jer 31:7-9, Heb 5:1-6, Mk 10:46-52 6:00AM For the Parish 8:30AM +Kenny McElwee 10:30AM Beverly Jungbauer Filipczak Symbolon—The Catholic Faith Explained Symbolon is an immersion in faith for the whole parish using an exciting video curriculum. Discussion will be facilitated by Bill Ante, Catherine Lamey, and Deacon Dave Cook. Symbolon focuses on core Catholic beliefs and how these beliefs fit together and what difference it makes for our lives. If you would like to know your faith better, more fully understand how to live it practically, and be able to share it with others, this program is for you. Symbolon will take place Sundays, October 25-November 22 from 9:3510:25 (between masses) in the Parish Center. All of the sessions stand alone, there is no fee for the program, and all are welcome. So the facilitators can be well prepared, do let us know if you plan to attend by calling the parish center by October 19. The following is the schedule for this program: The Paschal Mystery (Oct. 25); The Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace (Nov. 1); Why do I need the Church ( Nov. 8); Mary and the Saints (Nov. 15); and The Last Things (Nov. 22). Bingo Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed for Bingo on Monday nights in the Cafeteria. Please call Jeff Marx (812) 430-5622 with questions or to sign up to volunteer. Thanks! page 3 Activities: October 18—October 25 Sunday, October 18 9:00AM Religious Education (S) Monday, October 19 6:00PM St. Vincent de Paul Society (PC) 6:30PM Bingo—Angermeier Team (Caf/WC) Tuesday, October 20 7:30AM Rosary Prayer Group (Ch) Wednesday, October 21 6:00PM RCIA (PC) Thursday, October 22 6:30PM Walking with Purpose (WC) 7:00PM Choir (Ch) Sunday, October 25—Undie Sunday 8:30AM Religious Education (S) 9:30AM Symbolon (PC) Caf=Cafeteria|Ch=Church|PC=Parish Center S=School|WC=Woodward Hospitality Center|CR=Cathedral Room Upcoming Events November 14 Style Show February 6 Mardi Gras Prayer Requests Please contact Nancy Vaught (491-1786) or the Parish Office (425-3369) for prayer requests. Please keep our Military Family in your prayers! Joseph Filipczak—US Marine Corps Reserve. May 1958-May 1964. Currently serves as the Chaplain of the local Marine Corps League Detachment 1090. Jarod D. Evans—Air Force Senior Airman. Currently stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base. Senior Chief Matthew Lasher—US Navy. Currently stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. LTC Luke Charpentier—Minnesota National Guard 34th "Red Bull" Infantry Division (US Army) 2LT Colin Charpentier—stationed at Ft. Drum in New York as a Signal Corps Officer (US Army) SSGT Jacob Steele—US Air Force. Currently stationed at Tinker Air Force Base Oklahoma City, OK. LTC Greg Phipps—US Army National Guard. Currently stationed in Cheyenne, Wyoming. PFC Connor Phipps—US Army. Currently stationed at San Angelo, Texas. W. Michael Wilson Corpsman—US Navy. Currently stationed as a Surgical Technician in Suffolk, VA. Please email your military title and name to [email protected] page 4 Parish Read and Author Workshop Please join in reading 24/7 Christian (Liturgical Press, 2015). The author, Christine Fletcher, will visit St. Benedict Cathedral Sunday, November 15, 11:30-3:00 p.m., to facilitate a workshop with lunch, “Discovering My Call,” in the Woodward Center. "Each of us is called to be a disciple, and each of us has a special mission. We are prepared for it by the uniqueness of our identity: our gifts and talents, our personality, the time and place we were born. We have a specific situation in which to use our gifts and specific challenges to answer," writes Christine Fletcher, associate professor of theology at Benedictine University and an oblate of St. Procopius Abbey, Lisle, Illinois. Jesus continues to call ordinary people – you and me – to be his disciples, living and witnessing our faith in the midst of our everyday lives and relationships. How do we answer this call? How can we connect our faith and our life and move beyond being hour-a-week Christians? In 24/7 Christian, Christine Fletcher brings the riches of the Second Vatican Council with its teachings on the universal call to holiness, the freedom of conscience, and the role of the laity in the world together with the wisdom of the Rule of St. Benedict to provide a practical guide to becoming a Christian 24/7. Fletcher provides a series of questions and exercises to guide us to more fully realizing our Christian vocation. If you would like a book ordered for you, please contact the parish office by October 12. The cost will be $15 (You will want to read the book to get the most out of the workshop). Please register for the workshop by November 2. Donations will be accepted to help offset the cost of lunch. Celebrating 90 Years at MHS Please join us for an evening of celebrating Reitz Memorial High School’s 90th Anniversary on December 5, 2015 from 6—11:30PM with festive attire. The Celebratory Reception begins at 6pm with cocktails and canapes at the front entrance of the school. The Points of Interest Tour begins at 7pm with an exploration of the school, hors d’oeuvres, wine and beer tasting, and a jazz band along the way. Entertainment begins at 9pm with heavy hors d’oeuvres, dessert, dancing, entertainment, and a cash bar. Tickets are $50 per person. Proceeds benefit the RMHS Auditorium Lighting Project, estimated cost of $60,000. Sponsorship opportunities exist to defray the costs of the event. Visit brownpapertickets.com/event/1756403 or call (812) 474-2943 for sponsorship and to order tickets. St. Benedict Cathedral Massive Chili Fire The Vocation Office of the Diocese of Evansville is sponsoring the 8th annual Massive Chili Fire on Sunday, October 18th at St. Mary in Ireland, IN (2829 N 500 W, Jasper, IN 47546 **Please note this is a different location than years past**). This is a gathering for young adults (ages 18-35, give or take a year) to get together for Mass, some Chili and a Fire. There are no expectations and you don’t need to bring anything; it’s just a chance to enjoy the company of those your age. We will gather at 4pm with Mass at 4:30pm in church and the food and fun will follow. For more information contact Fr. Alex Zenthoefer [email protected] or call Cathy Crowdus at 424-5536. Bus Trip Adventure Please join Good Shepherd and St. Theresa for a one day bus trip on Friday, October 23 to Terre Haute for a tour at the Clabber Girl Museum, a stop at St. Marys-of-the-Woods to visit the Shrine of St. Mother Theodore Guerin, and a stop at the Bridgeton Mill in Bridgeton Covered Bridge. The day will be completed with a dinner at McCormick’s Creek State Park. Cost is $98 payable to Good Shepherd. Contact (812)477-5405 to sign up. Invite your friends! White Mass 2015 Please join Bishop Charles Thompson and the Catholic Medical Association of Southwest Indiana as we celebrate White Mass on Wednesday, October 28 at 6:30pm. The White Mass will take place at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church (625 Frame Road, Newburgh, IN). The White Mass, so named by the color worn by those in the healing profession of medicine, gathers healthcare professionals under the patronage of St. Luke to ask God’s blessing upon the patient, doctor, nurse, and caregiver alike. This mass is welcome to all healthcare workers of all faiths. If you work in healthcare, this is a time to celebrate the sacred ministry of healthcare. For questions, please contact Rachel Forbes Kaufman at [email protected] or (812) 459-1058. Quilters You’re invited to a very special Quilt Show on Saturday, October 17th from 9:00am—2:00pm at Sacred Heart Church (2701 West Franklin Street). Bring your quilting groups, friends, and family! St. Benedict Cathedral Halloween Party Saturday , October 24 from 4—8PM in St. Ben’s Cafeteria. The Halloween Party consists of all-you-can-eat chili, hot dogs, drinks and dessert, Halloween games with prizes, Halloween crafts to take home, and a haunted house in the Raven’s Roost. Cost $7 per person. Everyone should also wear their costumes! Questions, call Charlene Fiedler (812) 449-8559. St. Benedict Cathedral MINISTRY SCHEDULE Lectors October 25, 2015 4:30PM Jim Gorman, Mike David 8:30AM Betsy Flynn, Mark Reitman 10:30AM Jennifer Garner, Justine Cameron Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 4:30PM Ryan Belmonte, Rachel Brockman, Joan Creech, Sr. Judy Dewig, Becky Heerdink, Randy Hupfer 6:00AM Francis Brickey, Doris Daniel, Lucy Himstedt, Steve Kincaid, Marian Seibert, Beth Strodel 8:30AM Maury Keller, Norine Keller, Ann Scheitlin, Pat Shaw, Joan Steffenhagen, Mark Steffenhagen 10:30AM Ryan Clark, Donna Halverson, John Halverson, Gail Hartman, Rosemary Hicks, Michelle Lansdale Servers 4:30PM Gwendolyn Jacobs, Drew Fuqua, Jaden Powell 8:30AM Alec Sloan, Ben Sloan, Kyle Echert 10:30AM Emma Holt, Grace Wollenmann, AnnMichael Siewart Gift Bearers 4:30PM Brad & Mary Dishman 8:30AM Greg & Dina Willming 10:30AM Daniel & Jennifer Ziemer Greeters: 4:30PM Jane Ann Reinitz 8:30AM Louise Mehringer 10:30AM Bill & Candy Emmick Undie Sunday St. Ben’s Knights of Columbus hosts “Undie Sunday” with a collection at the masses on Oct. 24 & 25. New “Undies” of all sizes are needed for boys, girls, men and women and include socks, underwear, bras and t-shirts. Your donations help the Christian Life Center meet the unseen needs. Questions? Contact Mark Hackert at (812) 319-6403. St. Vincent de Paul Last week, St. Ben's Vincentians made 7 home visits to neighbors in need where 22 people reside, finding only 5 of the families at home at the time of our visits. We helped to pay on delinquent Vectren (2) bills where 8 folks live, and we issued SVdeP Thrift Store vouchers (3) for household goods where 8 more live. We could not have done this without the alms you entrusted to our care. Thank you. God bless you. Theology Uncapped Next Theology Uncapped is November 4 from 7-8pm in Woodward Center. Outward Focused: Evangelization (Deacon Tom). Childcare available with 48 hours notice. page 5 Our Weekly Offering Weekly Stewardship ................................ $17,705.71 Weekly Budget .................................. $23,874.00 Stewardship Budget to Date ............ $344,127.75 Stewardship Actual to Budget .......... ($16,463.29) Annual Fund Paid to Date ................. $374,278.56 Annual Fund Pledged to Date ........ $404,134.44 Annual Fund Participating Families ......... 385 Youth Collection ................................................ $8.50 Weekly St. Vincent de Paul Gifts ................. $515.00 Fiscal Year July 1 – June 30 we are st. ben’s. we worship god and share our gifts. thanks be to god! Greeters St. Benedict Cathedral is still in need of volunteer greeters for the weekend masses. It only takes 15 minutes before mass to smile and say hello to all who enter! If you are interested in actively participating in this ministry of hospitality, please call the Parish Center (812) 425-3369 to let us know which mass works best for you! Thank you. Catholic Habitat Home Thank you parishioners for a great donation to the Catholic Habitat Home! Your help is appreciated. God bless. Using Spiritual Practices to Improve Health, Healing and Wholeness The Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand are offering a program, “Using Spiritual Practices to Improve Health, Healing and Wholeness,” on November 6-7 at the Benedictine Hospitality Center at Kordes Hall in Ferdinand, Indiana. The program explores the science and practical use of four ancient healing techniques. Presented by Ruth Stanley, a former Benedictine sister with over 30 years experience in health care systems and holistic practice. The program runs from 7:30 p.m. Eastern time November 6, to 4 p.m. November 7. Cost $145, includes meals and a private room. Registration due November 3. For more information or to register, call 800-880-2777, or 812-367-1411, ext. 2915, or visit www.thedome.org/programs. page 6 St. Benedict Cathedral Unbound: Freedom in Christ Conference Do you find yourself struggling with the same sin time after time, frustrated with your spiritual growth, struggling with forgiveness or bound by negative patterns of thinking? The Unbound Conference presents a practical way to address these topics and lead you to greater freedom in your life. It begins the evening of Friday, Nov. 6 and continues Saturday, November 7 at the Woodward Center behind St. Benedict Cathedral. The conference is being led by Neal and Janet Lozano who are international speakers with more than forty years experience helping people find freedom in Christ. The registration cost is $65 with Saturday dinner included. To register, complete the registration information located on the last page of the information brochure and mail it to Stella Bennett, 552 S. Blitzen Lane, Santa Claus, Indiana. Contact [email protected] or 812-639 -8058 for more information. St. Celestine Catholic Church Annual Shoot/Social Sunday, October 25 on the grounds of the Celestine Community Club, 7742 E Ellsworth Road, Celestine, IN. Fried chicken dinners with famous Celestine dressing will be served beginning at 10:30am. Ham shoot starts at 11am with the beef shoot starting at 2pm. Quilts, basket raffle, bingo, card games, and kids fun. License# 138067. Catholic Schools Open House The Catholic Schools are pleased to announce a diocesan-wide Open House/Discover Catholic Schools event in the fall for prospective parents who are interested in Catholic schools. Our purpose in sending this information out now is to communicate the date of this new initiative, reduce scheduling conflicts, and to spread the good news of Catholic education in our diocese. All Catholic schools will conduct their Open House on Thursday, October 29. Catholic Elementary Schools 4-6pm & Catholic High Schools 6-8pm. Legion of Mary Retreat The Legion of Mary will hold its annual retreat October 23—25, 2015 in Sarto Retreat House. Fr. Joel Rogers, CPM, is the retreat master. His Excellency The Most Reverend Charles C. Thompson Bishop of Evansville will celebrate mass with us on Saturday. Please make reservations by October 15 by calling Dennis Dooley at (812) 476-7801. Retreat costs are $125.00 which includes meals and accommodations. Commuter fee is $35.00 plus meals. Offertory Gift Bearers If anyone would like to be put on the schedule to take up the Offertory Gifts for the weekend Masses please email [email protected]. Thank you! Bus Tour Good Shepherd Catholic Church is sponsoring a bus tour on Friday, October 23, to The Clabber Girl Museum in Terre Haute, IN. While in Terre Haute, we will visit the Shrine of Ste. Mother Theodore Guerin, and the Bridgeton Covered Bridge and Mill. We will have lunch at The Clabber Girl Museum and dinner at the Canyon Inn at McCormick’s Creek State Park. For this fun filled day, the cost is $98.00 which includes all meals, tips, transportation, plus coffee and donuts. To make reservations or for additional information, please call Pat Will at 812-437-1975. Excursion to England, Scotland, and Wales Join Fr. Ray Brenner on an excursion to England, Scotland, Whales , April 28 - May 7, 2016. Book by October 29, 2015 and save $100. Contact Fr. Ray at 812-4821805 or Tracy Wilson at 812-682-4477 for additional information or brochure. Sisters of St. Benedict Program The Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand are offering a program, “Introduction to Dreams,” on October 30-31 at the Benedictine Hospitality Center at Kordes Hall in Ferdinand, Indiana. Learn about the presence of God in our dreaming. Presented by Theresa O’Bryan, a chaplain at Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center in Jasper, Indiana, a spiritual director, and a graduate in Dream Studies from the Haden Institute. The program runs from 7:30 p.m. Eastern time on Oct. 30 to 4 p.m. Oct. 31. Cost $145, includes meals and a private room. Registration due Oct. 27. For more information or to register, call 800-880-2777, or 812-367-1411, ext. 2915, or visit www.thedome.org/programs. Immaculee Retreat Team Missionaries of the Year of Mercy – will meet on Thursday, October 15, at 6:30. We will begin in the church to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and continue with the planning meeting in the gym. All are welcome to attend. For more information please contact Gail Shetler at [email protected] or 812-426-1912. Immaculée Ilibagiza Immaculée Ilibagiza, on December 11 & 12,will be at St. John’s Daylight, to lead you to experience the healing power of faith, hope and forgiveness. Immaculée will guide you on a journey to experience the power of prayer, the miracles of the Rosary, the never failing love of Our Mother who is with us always to a final conviction of who you are and why you are here. For more information and to register go to http:// www.immaculee.com/events/appearances.php or call 812867-3718 or [email protected]. Financial assistance is available through St. John’s Parish. St. Benedict Cathedral News from Saint Joseph Catholic Cemetery Please join us as we pray for all the faithful departed at our annual All Souls Day Mass of Remembrance on Sunday, November 1st, at 2 pm in the cemetery mausoleum chapel. We especially invite the family and friends of those who have loved ones that were buried in the cemetery this past year. During the Mass, we will have a special remembrance of all those who have died this past year. Join us as we remember the gift these people have been in our lives. Silent Retreat The Legion of Mary will be sponsoring a silent retreat at the Sarto Retreat House in Evansville, which starts on Friday evening, Oct 23 until noon Oct. 25. The retreat will be conducted by Fr. Joel Rogers CPM. All are welcome to attend men, women and young adults. Bishop Thompson will be the celebrant at Mass on Saturday at 11 a.m. For more information, or to make a reservation, please call Dennis at 812476-7801 or Mary Lou at 812-476-9741. Reservation deadline is October 15. Cost of the retreat is $125, which includes all meals and two nights accommodations in private room. Commuters are welcome at a cost of $35, plus the cost of your meals. page 7 Wisdom Days Catholic Charities’ 2015 WISDOM DAYS for seniors will take place in Dubois County (Huntingburg Event Center, October 26), Vincennes (Vincennes University, November 2), and Evansville (St. John the Evangelist, November 9). Each day is free to attendees and includes lunch, speakers, attendance prizes, and a visit from Bishop Charles Thompson. Free will offerings are appreciated. Dubois Co. registration instructions will be in bulletins at a later date. To register for Evansville, go to http://www.charitiesevv.org/wisdom-days.html or call Catholic Charities at 812-423-5456. Registration required as space is limited. MHS Career Day Save the date! Thursday, November 19 is Memorial High School’s Career Day which brings a great opportunity for you to interact with the student body, meet the administration and network with other alumni and local business persons. If you are interested in being a guest speaker at Memorial’s 3rd Annual Career Day, please contact Jennifer Godsey at (812) 474-2943 x304 or [email protected]. Most Rev. Charles C. Thompson, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Evansville Very Rev. Godfrey Mullen, OSB (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Deacon David Cook (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Deacon James Flynn (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Deacon Tom Kempf (812) 425-3369 [email protected] School Principal Sister Karlene Sensmeier, OSB (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Pastoral Associates Sister Patricia McGuire, OSB (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Sister Ann Francis Hillenbrand, OSB (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Director of Religious Education Mrs. Marty Horning (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Parish Secretary & Bookkeeper Mrs. Theresa Phipps (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Parish Accountant Mrs. Melanie McMinn (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Jeremy Korba (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Director of Choirs Mrs. Jennifer Korba (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Communications/Special Projects Miss Mariah Phipps (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Youth Ministry Leader Mrs. Charlene Fiedler (812) 449-8559 [email protected] Supervisor: Buildings & Grounds Mr. Doug Griffin (812) 425-3369 [email protected] School Secretaries Mrs. Ami Pitt (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Mrs. Stacey Ulrich (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Pastoral Council Chair Mrs. Ann Green Finance Council Chair Mrs. Beth Clark Cathedral Rector Deacons
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