September 4, 2016 Bulletin
September 4, 2016 Bulletin
September 4, 2016 SCHEDULE Sunday Mass 4:30PM Saturday Vigil Mass 6:00AM w 8:00AM w 10:30 AM Sunday Holy Day Mass 6:00AM w 9:00 AM w 12:10 PM w 5:30 PM Unless Otherwise Announced Daily Mass Monday - Saturday 7:00AM w 9:00AM except Friday 7:00AM w 9:15AM Sacrament of Penance 6:40-6:55AM w 8:40-8:55AM Monday - Saturday 3:00-4:00PM Saturday Sacrament of Baptism & Anointing of the Sick Contact the Parish Office Staff. Sacrament of Marriage Contact the Parish Office Staff at least six months in advance. 1328 Lincoln Avenue Evansville, Indiana 47714 (812) 425-3369 RCIA (those interested in becoming Catholic) Contact Deacon Tom Kempf at the Parish Office. Insta Eucharistic Exposition Monday - Friday 11:30AM-4:30PM First Friday for Vocations THIS WEDNESDAY 7:00PM Wine Tasting 7:30PM Rev. Kevin Fleming: A View of the Catholic Church from a Presbyterian Minister Snacks provided by the ladies of Walking with Purpose again to all who helped in any way to make our Summer Social a great day for all! Aside from the more than $50,000 in profit (net) for the parish, far more important is the building up of our community, the offering of genuine hospitality, the enjoyment of working together! So on behalf of every person who benefits, THANK YOU! From Father Godfrey HATFIELD LAW OFFICE Dr. Richard Orr Board-Certified Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon DAVID G. HATFIELD PERSONAL INJURY LAW 7525 E. Virginia St. Suite 410 Evansville, IN 47715 812-422-0222 10% off parts (ad must be mentioned at time of service) Aaron Rice and Amanda Rice, Owners & Parishioners 812-401-1711 Printing • Promotional Products • Consulting - I could see it Saturday night. I could see it on Sunday. I saw it again on Monday. People are TIRED after the SOCIAL. On the one hand, we might be tempted to become grouchy and just complain after so much effort, but I truly hope the memory we choose to savor from the 2016 Social is the good work we did together — young families and parishioners who have been here “forever” and all kinds in between, newly-registered parishioners and members of founding families — all together what a great event we put together and carried out. How important that we appreciate the humble service of each person who took part — each bringing what we have for the betterment of the entire community. That, my friends, is true stewardship: bringing our gifts God has given us — not unlike bread and wine — and offering them together to receive blessed gifts back for the good of the entire community. We’re seeing the great results of respecting the giving of each one’s gifts. We’re seeing the amazing charity that results from celebrating each one’s generosity. We’re seeing the bond of peace that follows from more helping to build this place into the tiny slice of the Kingdom it’s intended to be. And THAT is truly reason to celebrate. If you have constructive comments for a better social, please send them in to me or to Megan McCombs. What a blessing we have in this community we all call our own!!! - This week, I will be away Monday through Thursday for the Annual Convocation for the Priests of the Diocese of Evansville. Thank you for your patience while I am away! - This Friday, at Noon, Bishop Thompson will be here to offer Mass for Peace. Please come if you’re able! - A reminder that we have EUCHARISTIC EXPOSITION, commonly called adoration, every weekday, Monday through Friday, from 11:30 to 4:30 in the Cry Room. Please feel free to come and pray before the Lord. I promise that our regular prayer will definitely help bring peace to the world. - On Friday afternoon, the Pastoral Council will be going to St. Meinrad for a retreat. Our two primary purposes: to plan strategies for the coming year, and to begin the discussion of the theme for the next Council’s (2017-2020) work. Please pray for a blessing of wisdom and inspiration upon us all. - Thank you to Fr. Ted Tempel who gives to the parish EVERY DAY by celebrating one of the Masses. Fr. Ted won’t take a salary or even a stipend for the Masses he offers. He visits dozens of infirm parishioners in their homes, nursing homes, or hospitals everyday. This generosity makes a MAJOR difference in the life of our parish and so, please join me in thanking Fr. Ted for his amazing generosity! - Did you find yourself enjoying the camaraderie of working together on the Summer Social? Do you want to experience that more frequently? Consider joining one of our Bingo teams, the Tuesday Crew, the Quilters, or volunteer according to your talents. TOGETHER, we find joy! St. Benedict Cathedral Mass Intentions & Readings Sunday, 9/4 WIS 9:13-18B, PHMN 9-10, 12-17, LK 14:25-33 LK 14:1, 7-14 6:00AM For the Parish 8:00AM +Irene Evans 10:30AM +Judith Effinger Monday, 9/5 1 COR 5:1-8, LK 6:6-11 7:00AM +Ruth Phillips 9:00AM +Mary & Harold Lodato Tuesday, 9/6 1 COR 6:1-11, LK 6:12-19 7:00AM +Janice Hriso 9:00AM +Charlie Haury Wednesday, 9/7 1 COR 7:25-31, LK 6:20-26 7:00AM +Deceased Members of the Dixon Family 9:00AM +George Weigele Thursday, 9/8 1 MIC 5:1-4A, MT 1:1-16, 18-23 7:00AM +Deceased Members of the Holy Cross 9:00AM +Joni Gentry Friday, 9/9 1 COR 9:16-19, 22B-27, LK 6:39-42 7:00AM +Anne Keller 9:15AM +Robert Lutz, Jr. 12:00N For Peace Saturday, 9/10 1 COR 10:14-22, LK 6:43-49 7:00AM +Cory Keown 9:00AM +Mary & Harold Lodato 4:30PM +Dr. Charles F. Leich Sunday, 9/11 EX 32:7-11, 13-14, 1 TM 1:12-17, LK 15:1-32 6:00AM For the Parish 8:00AM +Robert & Christina Record 10:30AM +James Hallinan Joan Beckwith is the winner of the 1st Annual Zucchini Bake Off presented by the Knights of Columbus 7544 Community Garden. The Prize is $25. We want to thank all the participants. If you would like volunteer to help in the Garden, please contact Brother Knight Bill Daily at 812-568-8698. We have delivered over 500 pounds of food to the St. Vincent de Paul food bank so far this year and all help is greatly appreciated. MATCHING GIFTS Do you or did you work for a matching gift company? St. Benedict Cathedral could benefit greatly from your match, even of your regular Sunday contribution. If you’re interested in moving forward with a matching gift, please let us know and we will gladly work with you! page 3 Activities: September 4-11 Sunday, September 4 9:00AM Coffee & Donuts (WC) Monday, September 5 11:30AM Adoration 1:00PM Bridge Club (PC) 5:30PM Bingo—Angermeier Team (Caf/WC) 5:30PM Boy Scouts (RR) 6:00PM St. Vincent de Paul Society (PC) Tuesday, September 6 7:30AM Rosary Prayer Group (Ch) 11:30AM Adoration (Ch) 6:45PM PTO Open House Wednesday, September 7 11:30AM Adoration (Ch) 7:00PM Theology Uncapped (WC) Thursday, September 8 11:30AM Adoration (Ch) 6:00PM K of C House Meeting (HH) 7:00PM Boy Scouts (RR) Friday, September 9 11:30AM Adoration (Ch) 12:00PM National Day of Prayer for Peace Mass (Bishop Thompson Saturday, September 10 Sunday, September 11 4:00 PM Brownie Meeting (Caf) 6:30PM Confirmation Beatitudes (WC) Caf=Cafeteria|Ch=Church|PC=Parish Center|S=School WC=Woodward Hospitality Center|CR=Cathedral Room RR=Raven’s Roost Calling all Catholic Men!! The Knights of of Columbus of Southwest Indiana invites you to join your council 7544 here at St. Benedict Cathedral. We are holding a membership drive after all Masses the weekend of September 10-11 at St. Benedicts Cathedral. The Knights brotherhood offers financial, spiritual, social, charitable and relief efforts to members, their families and their communities. There are lots of exciting things happening in your local K of C ministry! For more information, contact Mark Hackert 812-319-6403, visit our website at or Like us on Facebook: kofcswindiana page 4 St. Benedict Cathedral FREE MONEY If you order from Schwan’s or would like to order, please take part in our Schwan’s Cares program, which benefits our school financially. Also, save your plastic caps for school, too! One Parishioner’s Kindness Susie Burdsall is a parishioner at the Cathedral who decided to give back to the Parish in a spectacular way! Susie is an ERA First Advantage Agent Associate Broker. If another parishioner or friends or family of a parishioner wants to buy or sell, Susie will give 10% of her commission back to the Cathedral. Thank you Susie for your kindness and generosity to our Parish! Please give Susie a call (812) 453-0610 for inquiries. SGO Scholarship Granting Organization Are you interested in making a charitable gift, helping students in need to receive a Catholic education, and receiving a 50% state tax credit, not to mention counting the other 50% on your federal taxes? Then the SGO is for you! We’ve had several parishioners say, “My accountant says it’s a no-brainer.” More information can be found in a brochure in the EAST VESTIBULE (nearest the parish center). The application is simple and short and the parish staff is happy to help with it. We’re hoping to raise about $80,000 this way this year. Currently, we’re at about $40,000. Thanks for considering this opportunity! Please Keep Our Military in Your Prayers Today & Everyday! Joseph Filipczak—US Marine Corps Reserve. May 1958-May 1964. Chaplain: local Marine Corps League Detachment 1090. Senior Chief Matthew Lasher—US Navy. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. LTC Luke Charpentier—Minnesota National Guard 34th "Red Bull" Infantry Division (US Army) 2LT Colin Charpentier—Ft. Drum, NY: Signal Corps Officer (US Army) SSGT Jacob Steele—US Air Force, Okinawa, Japan COL Greg Phipps —US Army National Guard. Cheyenne, Wyoming PFC Connor Phipps— US Army National Guard. Guernsey, Wyoming W. Michael Wilson Corpsman—US Navy. Suffolk, VA: Surgical Technician 5th Annual St. Benedict Cathedral Style Show Saturday, November 12 Doors open at 10 a.m. Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Style show at 12 noon Featuring many well-known vendors Large silent auction—just in time for Christmas shopping! Local models showing off the latest styles More details to come! NINTH ANNUAL One Mile or Five Kilometer Walk Saturday, September 17, at 9:00am, Evansville State Hospital To benefit the Evansville District Council of the St. Vincent de Paul Society Come for a free “Walk” on a beautiful fall day. Monetary pledges from your family and friends are appreciated but no donations are required. St. Benedict Cathedral page 5 Our Weekly Offering MINISTRY SCHEDULE For September 10 & 11 Lectors 4:30PM Beth Burger, Megan McCombs 8:00AM Betsy Flynn, Deacon Jim Flynn 10:30AM Greg Claspell, Rob Wathen Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 4:30PM Liz Perkins, Jane Ann Reinitz, Luann Sievern, Cheyenne Warren, Denise Tempco, Leigh Ann Gamble 6:00AM Bryan Bredhold, Francis Brickey Lucy Himstedt, Steve Kincaid, Melanie Kincaid, Marian Seibert 8:00AM Chris Nigg, Kyle Gilbert, Lucy Himstedt, Isaac Marx, Allie Murphy, Peggy Wittmer 10:30AM Jane Hackert, Mark Hackert, Donna Halverson, John Halverson, Bob Wuertz, Kathy Wuertz Servers 4:30PM Allison Jacobs, Jaden Powell, Emma Tempco 8:00AM Emilie Willming, Maggie Willming, Joey Willming 10:30AM Madalyn Ivie, Anabel Moore, Isabel Moore Gift Bearers 4:30PM Allen & Debbie Hammond 8:00AM Louise Mehringer 10:30AM Martin & Melinda Stagg Greeters 4:30PM Martha Esparza 8:00AM Louise Mehringer, Joan Beckwith 10:30AM Phyllis Cooling, John Payne Weekly Offering.......................................$14,909.17 Semi-monthly EFT Offering ...................... $8,826.67 Weekly Budget .........................................$22,941.85 Sunday Offering Budget to Date ...... $206,476.65 Sunday Offering Actual to Budget ...... ($4,941.11) Annual Fund Paid to Date .................. $327,608.50 Annual Fund Pledged to Date ........ $382,497.66 Annual Fund Participating Families ......... 373 Youth Collection.................................................. $ Weekly St. Vincent de Paul Gifts ................. $508.00 Fiscal Year July 1 – June 30 we are St. ben’s. we worship god and share our gifts. thanks be to god! Upcoming Events Sept. 7 Oct. 5 Theology Uncapped: View from Next Door: A Presbyterian’s View of the Catholic Church with Rev. Kevin Fleming Theology Uncapped: Why the Pope Speaks about “UnChurchy” Things with Bishop Charles Thompson Are you stretched and would like a way to refuel and be refreshed while making authentic connections with other women? Would you like to have a better understanding of your faith and learn more about God? Walking with Purpose is a Catholic Bible study that aims to bring women to a deeper, personal relationship with Christ through personal study and small group discussions that link our everyday challenges with solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. This year we will be "Discovering our Dignity" through a 22-session course that will give us modern-day advice from women of the Bible. We will learn that women of the Old and New Testament were sometimes as flawed and broken as we can be. Yet, the power of God worked in their lives. Through their stories recorded in Scripture, they reach out to touch our "present" in a tender, honest and loving way - woman to woman. Interested in learning more? Please join us on September 18th between masses from 9:00-10:20 am and bring a friend to see what Walking with Purpose is all about. This course is free, but registration is requested. Childcare will be provided. You will only need to bring a workbook (purchased independently) and a bible. Financial assistance is available if needed. For questions or to RSVP, call Nancy Bach (812.204.7945) or Beth Folz (812.449.6101) or email [email protected]. You can also visit or our Facebook page ( for more information. We hope to see you at Walking with Purpose this year which will meet on Sunday at 9 am or Tuesday at 7 pm! page 6 St. Benedict Cathedral Beyond our Parish Support for Divorced Catholics Annunciation Parish will be offering a six session series of The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide. We will meet each Monday 6-8 p.m. starting Sept. 19 through Oct. 24 in the Parish Center on Christ the King campus (3010 E Chandler Ave). Sessions include a DVD series and facilitated discussion which will include group discussion time with a priest. The program is open to all, whether divorced ten days or ten years. Please join us, there is no fee for the sessions. To register call the Parish Center at 812-476-3061. Registration deadline is Sept.12, 2016. Register for The Message The Message goes to every registered household in the Diocese of Evansville six times each year. But you can read about happenings and news from around the diocese all year long by subscribing to The Message! The print edition is delivered to your mailbox each week via the U.S. Postal Service. The digital edition link is delivered right to your email address. To subscribe, mail your check $24 for print (which includes free digital access if you provide your email address), or $12 for digital only (please include your email address), to The Message, P.O. Box 4169, Evansville, IN 47724. Or, visit and select the “subscribe” button. Easy instructions will guide you to order either edition by using your credit card. Thank you for your support of Southwest Indiana’s Catholic community newspaper. Sisters Offer a Retreat The Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand are offering a Directed Retreat from September 9 at 7:30 p.m. Eastern time to September 16 at 10 a.m. It will provide an opportunity to focus on your relationship with God. The retreat will be held at the Benedictine Hospitality Center at Kordes Hall in Ferdinand, Indiana. Cost is $675, including meals, a private room, and six spiritual direction sessions. Registration due September 6. For more information or to register, call 800-880-2777, or 812-367-1411, ext. 2915, or visit Celebrate the life and legacy of Mother Angelica. Join your EWTN family on September 17 & 18 in Birmingham, Alabama for this memorable FREE Family Celebration event. Guest speakers will include Raymond Arroyo, Marcus Grodi, Johnette Benkovic, and Fr. Wade Menezes. Visit familycelebration for more details. Saint Wendel Social — Join the fun at the St. Wendel Summer Social on Saturday, September 10, and Sunday, September 11. Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, September 10, at 4:30 pm followed by a pork chop or chicken breast dinner from 5-7:30 pm. On Sunday, September 11, Mass will be celebrated at 8:30 am with a county chicken dinner served from 11 am to 2 pm. Dine in, carry out. Special attractions include Theme Baskets, Luck of the Draw, Family Fantasy Booth, Paddle Wheel, Bingo, Hand-Made Quilts, Food Booths, and Special Auction Items. License number 2016/140465. St. John the Evangelist - Daylight Join us at St. John the Evangelist, Daylight, for our Summer Social on Sept. 18, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm. Dinner menu: Chicken or roast beef dinner, mashed potatoes & gravy, homemade chicken & dumplings, homemade slaw, vegetables, roll, desert & drink. Adult/$9.50, Child 4-12/$5. Raffles include a beautiful handmade quilt by our quilters, grand raffle with a total of $2,250 in prizes and our theme baskets. License # 141804. Please go to for more information on our social and to view our theme baskets. St. Bernard Chicken Dinner & Social, Snake Run Come join the fun at St. Bernard for their annual Chicken Dinner and Social on Sunday, September 11, 2016. Serving fried chicken dinners and all the sides from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Raffles available for cash, quilts and gift baskets. Visit our Country Store and Flea Market. Games available for all ages! (5 miles east of Fort Branch on Highway 168) Wisdom Days Catholic Charities’ 2016 WISDOM DAYS for seniors will take place in Evansville at St. John the Evangelist Parish Gym, Nov. 7. Each day is free to attendees and includes lunch, speakers, attendance prizes, and a visit from Bishop Charles Thompson. Free will offerings are appreciated. More details are at family-life.html. Registration instructions are forthcoming! St. Benedict Cathedral page 7 Golf Scramble Attention Women of All Ages!! St. Clement Parish Men's Club is having their annual Golf Scramble on Sunday, September 11th at the Boonville Country Club. Cost $65 includes cart, green fees, drinks and a pork steak dinner at the course. Prizes: 4 places per flight. 1st place - 140 pork chops, 2nd place - 80 pork chops, 3rd place - 40 pork chops, 4th place - 20 pork chops. To register call Dave Lasher 812-305-1381, Dave Schnur 812897-4361, or Bernie Meyer 812-2179653. Join us as we unwrap the “Gift of Mercy” at the first ever Gather in Faith Women’s Conference at St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish on September 17th from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Be inspired by Lisa M. Hendey, founder and editor of and author of numerous books, including The Grace of Yes; and Jasper native Kelly Craig Schaefer, teacher and author of her memoir, Fractured Not Broken. Attend breakout sessions on forgiveness, marriage, prayer, parenting and more! Join us for a day of discovery about our Faith, our Families and our own Feminine Genius. Register online at or contact Bethany Logan at [email protected]. Cost: $25 (includes lunch). Registration increases to $30 after Aug. 31st. Childcare: $5. Engaged Encounter Are you engaged and looking for an in-depth and personal marriage preparation experience? Join us for an Engaged Encounter weekend on SEPTEMBER 17-18, 2016, Sarto Retreat Center, Evansville! Engaged Encounter is a weekend retreat with other engaged couples that affords time alone together to plan for marriage. Trained facilitators lead the program. For more information or to register, please visit or call Catholic Charities at 812-423-5456. Rummage Sale St. Joseph Church Vanderburgh County Annual Parish Rummage Sale, Friday, September 9, 4-7pm (Friday shoppers pay double price) and Saturday, September 10, 7am-1 pm ($3 bag sale at 10:30 am). Most Rev. Charles C. Thompson, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Evansville Very Rev. Godfrey Mullen, OSB (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Deacon David Cook (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Deacon James Flynn (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Deacon Tom Kempf (812) 425-3369 [email protected] School Principal Sister Karlene Sensmeier, OSB (812) 425-4596 [email protected] (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Pastoral Associates Sister Patricia McGuire, OSB Sister Ann Francis Hillenbrand, OSB (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Parish Administrative Asst. Ms. Kelley Coppens (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Parish Accountant Mrs. Melanie McMinn (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Jeremy Korba (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Director of Choirs Mrs. Jennifer Korba (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Youth Ministry Leader Mrs. Charlene Fiedler (812) 449-8559 [email protected] School Secretaries Mrs. Ami Pitt (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Mrs. Stacey Ulrich (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Pastoral Council Chair Mrs. Ann Green (812) 449-5697 [email protected] Finance Council Chair Mrs. Beth Clark (812) 402-7890 [email protected] Cathedral Rector Deacons Other ways to support our parish: NORTH CHAPEL CENTRAL CHAPEL 6300 FIRST AVE. 626 FIRST AVE. Jerry Ziemer • Daniel Ziemer EAST CHAPEL (812) 477-1515 800 S. HEBRON AVE ANDREW C. EFFINGER General Carpenter Industrial • Commercial • Residential Commercial Kitchen Equipment Windows Doors Roofing Room Additions & Siding 812-421-8899 Licensed Bonded Insured 24 Hour Service (812) 424-7847 BLINDS • SHADES • STAGE CURTAINS • ADA SIGNAGE SCHOOL FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT JW Home Cooked Family Dining! 5115 Monroe Ave. 479-6388 ASSOCIATES SCHOOL EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS, INC. J. Michael Wittmer O: (812) 479-7547 10-piece Family Pack Chicken Meal • $15.99! Parishioner P.O. Box 2717, Evansville Jerry Schaefer Parish Member 471-1100 Complete Window Treatment Sales & Service RESTAURANTS 13020 Highway 57 • Evansville 474-6655 or 800-234-1923 Make a Blind Date with Hunter! Greer's Wills, Trusts & Estates WILFRED C. BUSSING, III ATTORNEY AT LAW With you every step of the way. Christy Jones Design Sales Professional Accepting New Patients! 1212 Lincoln Ave. ɰ(812) 423-6113 473-1060 2201 Covert Ave Evansville, IN 47714 Dr. Wilbur Manchette ɰ Dr. Richard Moll Dr. Allie Frounfelter ɰ Dr. Adam Frounfelter Treats for any Occasion! Ph: (812) 471-0400 • Fax: (812) 471-1095 Cell: (812) 568-1598 [email protected] 2709 Washington Ave., Suite 18 Evansville, Indiana 47714 Ph: (812) 963-5011 Knights of Columbus Saint Benedict Cathedral Council 7544 Complete Commercial & Residential Landscaping 14930 Bender Rd., Evansville, IN 47720 Call (812) 476-6176 MICHAEL A. PITT, DDS 3701 Washington Avenue Evansville, Indiana 47714 812-476-3360 Assisted Living - Nursing Care Member SIPC Janet Schultheis Mike David 812-479-8215 812-471-0578 Financial Advisors • Parish Members “GENTLE DENTAL CARE” 801 N. WEINBACH AVE. EVANSVILLE, IN 47711 Call 490-EYES (3937) The Difference is Clear. Additions, Remodeling & much more! Call John Diekhoff 812.479.5850 Do you shop on Amazon? If so, you can help St. Benedict Cathedral earn money with every purchase you make... and it’s EASY! w w w.pophamconstruction . com Beth Burger Wills Business Law Trusts Estates Powers of Attorney Elder Law Medicaid Susie Burdsdall Visit and select “St. Benedict Cathedral” and we’ll get a portion of your total sale. It’s just that simple! ST. BEN’S BINGO Associate Broker Every Monday Evening St. Ben’s Parishioner 812-453-0610 8711 West Highway 66 Newburgh, IN 47630 D&M CONSTRUCTION, INC. Doors open at 5:00; Bingo starts at 6:30. 812.452.3523 l EASTLAND MALL Pull tabs, Bingo, Lucky Numbers and Colossal Cash Raffle. Field Trips Call 812.423.4471 $200 regular game payouts and 2-$1,000 jackpot payouts each week. 812.475.0201 Independently Owned Franchise General Contractor Burgers, hotdogs, popcorn and chips available for purchase 812-925-7383 Parish volunteers always welcome! License # 141637 owned & operated by St. Benedict parishioners Printing by Regent Promotions • Evansville, IN • (812) 401-1350 2016-05-1
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