June 14, 2015 - St. Benedict Cathedral
June 14, 2015 - St. Benedict Cathedral
June 14, 2015 Knights of Columbus Father’s Day Pork Butt & Rib Sale Pork Butts—$25.00 each Slabs of Ribs—$20.00 each Orders are due by Sunday, June 14 at 12:00pm. All proceeds benefit Scholarship programs. Meat pick up will be on Saturday, June 20 between 12:00—2:00pm on the front lawn of St. Benedict Cathedral Parish on Lincoln Avenue. *If you need to pick them up after 4:30, please let us know. Pre-Orders not picked up will be sold! To place your order by phone, please call Joe Beckwith (812)457-9784 or Mark Hackert (812) 319-6403. The Cathedral of St. Benedict Invites you to Raise the Roof in Style—One Brick at a Time! Style Show & Luncheon will be Thursday, June 18, 2015 in the school cafeteria. Doors open—10:30am Lunch—11:30am Style Show—12:00pm Fashions provided by WildFlower Boutique. Shop local vendors, boutiques and artisans! $35 per ticket or $240 for a table of 8 seats. For more information, call (812)425-3369 x 6 or (812) 459-1432. *Don’t forget to buy an engraved brick for $50! Your purchase includes your brick permanently placed on the east side of St. Benedict Hall. From Father Godfrey - The middle of June already! Wow! May we all enjoy some free time, some relaxation, some sweet prayer time this summer. - Thanks to Theresa, Jim and Olivia Phipps, Sisters Karlene, Pat and Ann for coordinating the receptions for Deacon Dave and Ginny last weekend. I love that our parishioners enjoy each other’s company! Thanks also to the Cookie Disciples for their good work. They’ve volunteered to make homemade (delicious!!!) cookies a few times a year for our receptions. So kind of all of you. God bless you. - Thanks also to the Goedde and Matzen families for taking care of the landscaping in front of the Parish Center. What a great difference it makes. Lots of sweat and kindness there! - Thanks to all the volunteers for Vacation Bible Fun Times. I hope and pray that it’s made a positive impact on our young people! Thanks also to the Bingo for rearranging the schedules of many people to accommodate this parish event. - Recently, Rosanne Roth, Beth Clark, and Mark Chandler have put in lots of extra time, along with Melanie McMinn, to get a good handle on more aspects of our financial situation here at St. Ben’s. We all benefit from this quiet but important work! Some of us recently met with the leaders of our St. Benedict Bingo to hear about the internal financial controls that they have in place. I’m impressed and grateful that they take so seriously the security of our finances by keeping very close track of products sold and money turned in. Thanks to Jeff Marx, Mark Wolf and Ray Beckwith for their time. Thanks also to the numerous Bingo workers who assist week after week. You pay our Vectren bill several times each year. And while I’m at it, if you’re looking for a way to contribute time and talent, Bingo would be a good place to consider. They run two shifts each Monday night—early and late, a few hours apiece. Please consider assisting with this good work — it makes money, but it also builds good community! - Air Conditioning — The air conditioning in the church building is only 22 years old, but it’s certainly not the easiest system to manage. The only way to adjust the temperature is on the computer in the power house. Changing the temperature even a few degrees is not anything that can be done from church (except by turning on the blower when it has cycled off or turning off the blower). Furthermore, our system is chilled air, not true air conditioning — that means the humidity is not removed from the air. The only way to deal with the humidity is temperature. Finding a temperature that suits everyone isn’t possible. Our goal is to make as many people as possible comfortable, keep me from passing out with heat stroke (those vestments are heavy), and be as thrifty as we can be. - A few days a year, being your pastor is more demanding than I feel like I can manage. Many of you have figured out what the warning signs of that situation are, and you so sweetly offer me prayers, support, smiles, and kind words. I’m so grateful for that and know that along with God’s grace, that’s what gets me through. St. Benedict Cathedral Mass Intentions & Readings Sunday, 6/14 Ez 17:22-24, 2 Cor 5:6-10, Mk 4:26-34 6:00AM For the Parish 8:30AM +Bud Pitt 10:30AM +Anita Wilson Monday, 6/15 2 Cor 6:1-10, Mt 5:38-42 7:00AM McGowan Family 9:00AM +Dr. Richard Notter Tuesday, 6/16 2 Cor 8:1-9, Mt 5:43-48 7:00AM +Adele Waeldner 9:00AM +Clarence Barth Wednesday, 6/17 2 Cor 9:6-11, Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 7:00AM +Don Schilling 9:00AM +John S. Groben Thursday, 6/18 2 Cor 11:1-11, Mt 6:7-15 7:00AM +John & Annagene Beckman 9:00AM +Dr. Richard Notter Friday, 6/19 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30, Mt 6:19-23 7:00AM +Mark Mehringer 9:00AM +Mary Weise Saturday, 6/20 2 Cor 12:1-10, Mt 6:24-34 7:00AM +Shelly Mehringer 9:00AM +Nick O’Daniel 4:30PM Hays & Creech Families Sunday, 6/21 Jb 38:1, 8-11, 2 Cor 5:14-17, Mk 4:35-41 6:00AM For the Parish 8:30AM +Mary Ann Bussing 10:30AM +Barbara Exline page 3 Activities: June 14—June 21 Monday, June 15 6:00PM St. Vincent de Paul Society (PC) 6:30PM Bingo—Angermeier Team (Caf/WC) Tuesday, June 16 7:30AM Rosary Prayer Group (Ch) Thursday, June 18 10:30AM Style Show & Luncheon (Caf) 6:00PM Knights of Columbus (Caf) Saturday, June 20 9:00-11:00AM Yard Sale Drop Off Sunday, June 21 Father’s Day Caf=Cafeteria|Ch=Church|PC=Parish Center S=School|WC=Woodward Hospitality Center|CR=Cathedral Room Upcoming Events June 18 Style Show & Luncheon July 31-Aug 1 St. Benedict Parish Yard Sale August 29 St. Benedict Summer Social Prayer Requests Please contact Nancy Vaught (491-1786) or the Parish Office (425-3369) for prayer requests. Stewardship Thoughts from Deacon Jim St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Ben’s Vincentians minister not only to our neighborhood folks in need (last week, 8 families where 15 St. Ben’s neighbors live); not only to patients at the Evansville State Hospital, but also to the hungry poor. When we feed the hungry at the St. Paul’s Soup Kitchen, St. Ben’s Vincentians buy nutritious food, prepare that food in the soup kitchen, then serve it face to smiling face on a Saturday morning at the soup kitchen. Since January 2015, St. Ben’s Vincentians have fed about 250 poor hungry folks at a cost of $595.35, (that’s about $2.38 a plate). On May 23, the last meal we served at St. Paul’s Soup Kitchen, 8 St. Ben’s Vincentians served 80 people smoked sausage, mashed potatoes, navy beans and sauerkraut, corn bread, fruit cocktail for dessert and drinks to wash it all down. We did this in your name with your alms for the hungry poor. Thank you. God bless you. PARISH OFFICE CLOSED The Parish Center will be closed Monday, June 13 through Friday, June 19 to provide the staff with a summer break. In today’s Gospel from Mark (4:26-34), Jesus explains the kingdom of God in a way that farmers, gardeners, and others who tend the land completely comprehend. A tiny seed is scattered on the land, and somehow a sprout appears, then a blade, then an ear of grain, and finally a bountiful harvest. But how did that happen? What force was brought to bear on that tiny seed without the farmer or gardener doing anything but to scatter it? When you and I do something ordinary for someone, and when we do it expressly in the name of Jesus Christ, we sometimes observe a 180 degree transformation for the good in that person. How did that happen? What force was brought to bear on that person without you or I doing anything but to Christen it? Behold: The kingdom of God. Legacy Society Scatter a legacy gift of Christened seed to St. Ben’s for the Kingdom of God. Join the St. Benedict Cathedral Legacy Society. page 4 St. Benedict Cathedral Parish News Please Keep our Military Family in your prayers! Script Program Effective June 30, 2015, St. Benedict Cathedral will no longer use the script program. The program is costing us more money to run than our profit from it. However, we will continue to sell Thorntons script and Schnucks e–script. Thank you. Grandparent and Grandpal’s Mass The Sunday after Labor Day each year is designated National Grandparents Day. St. Benedict Cathedral is hosting a Grandparent’s and Grandpal’s Mass on September 12 and 13, 2015. If you are a grandparent we encourage you to bring your grandchildren to celebrate the Eucharist with us! Also, children should invite their grandparents to Mass as well! A reception will follow all Masses. Intergenerational events bring young and old together to celebrate the value of all generations. Young and old together complete the grand circle of life. "Children's children are a crown to the aged ..." (Prov. 17:6). Father’s Day Pork Butt & Ribs Sale The St. Benedict Cathedral Knights of Columbus are taking orders after masses on June 13 & 14. Meat pick up will be Saturday, June 20 between 12pm2pm. All proceeds benefit Scholarship programs. Joseph Filipczak—US Marine Corps Reserve. May 1958-May 1964. Currently serves as the Chaplain of the local Marine Corps League Detachment 1090. Jarod D. Evans—Air Force Senior Airman. Currently stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base. Senior Chief Matthew Lasher—US Navy. Currently stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. LTC Luke Charpentier—Minnesota National Guard 34th "Red Bull" Infantry Division (US Army) 2LT Colin Charpentier—stationed at Ft. Drum in New York as a Signal Corps Officer (US Army) SSGT Jacob Steele—US Air Force. Currently stationed at Tinker Air Force Base Oklahoma City, OK. Please email your military title and name to [email protected] Style Show & Luncheon The Annual Style Show & Luncheon will be held Thursday, June 18, 2015 in the Cafeteria. Doors will open at 10:30am for registration and auction. Lunch will be served at 11:30am, and the style show will begin at 12pm. Tickets are available for $35 each or a table of 8 for $240. Babysitting is available upon request. Reserve your seat today by calling the Parish Center. Greeters The St. Benedict Cathedral Pastoral Council is seeking “Greeters” for the weekend masses. Please arrive 15 minutes before mass to smile and say hello to all who enter! If you are interested in actively participating in this ministry of hospitality, please call the Parish Center (812) 425-3369 to let us know which mass works best for you. SAVE THE DATE St. Benedict Cathedral is hosting a Parish Yard Sale on July 31 & August 1, 2015. Item drop off will be every Saturday between June 20 through July 25, 9-11am in the St. Ben’s parking lot. Items not accepted include Tube TVs, computers, computer equipment, and gas powered equipment. If you would like a special drop off, please contact Jack Tempco at (812) 455-0747. St. Benedict Cathedral Ministry Schedule: June 21, 2015 Lectors: 4:30PM Marlene Hirsch, Katelyn Payne 8:30AM Sarah Burns, Michelle Lansdale 10:30AM Glenda Hampton, Greg Claspell Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: 4:30PM Laurel Bonenberger, Lindsey Phipps, Jane Ann Reinitz, Luann Sievern, Joan Steffenhagen, Mark Steffenhagen 6:00AM Francis Brickey, Doris Daniel, Steve Kincaid, Rosanne Roth, Marian Seibert 8:30AM Ray Beckwith, Debbie Brockman, Bob Fahrer, Jim Gorman, Diane Hirsch, Chuck Hirsch 10:30AM Donna Halverson, Missy McNabb, Scott McNabb, Hannah McNabb, Missy Parkison Servers: 4:30PM Mason Auker, Ann Michael Siewart, Rebecca Seaman 8:30AM Isaac Brown, Jacob Brown, Sam Brockman 10:30AM Anabel Moore, Isabel Moore, Emma Holt Gift Bearers: 4:30PM Jim & Beth Burger 8:30AM Mark & Sandra Schoenbaum 10:30AM Tracy & Emily Holt Greeter: Bob Wuertz Knights of Columbus Council #7544 All the good works the members of the Knights of Columbus do are informed by four core principles. Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. This week we are with you the principal of FRATERNITY. Fraternity – The Venerable Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus, in large part, to provide assistance to the widows and children left behind when the family breadwinner died – often prematurely. The Order’s top-rated insurance program continues to do this today, as do individual Knights, who last year gave more than 10 million hours of their time to assist sick and/or disabled members and their families. In the Knights of Columbus, we watch out for and take care of one another. The St. Benedict Council invites all Catholic men over the age of 18 to consider joining the Knights. Contact Deputy Grand Knight Mark Hackert at 812-421-1707 or [email protected]. page 5 Our Weekly Offering Weekly Stewardship................................. $23,062.99 Weekly Budget ................................... $26,205.00 Stewardship Budget to Date ......... $1,284,045.00 Stewardship Actual to Budget ........ ($137,686.50) Annual Fund Paid to Date ..................$297,125.60 Annual Fund Pledged to Date .........$361,584.44 Annual Fund Participating Families ......... 370 Youth Collection ............................................... $4.25 Weekly St. Vincent de Paul Gifts .............. $2,112.58 Fiscal Year July 1 – June 30 we are st. ben’s. we worship god and share our gifts. thanks be to god! Keyway Help Needed St. Ben's afterschool care (Keyway) is looking for help for the 2015-2016 school year. Job consists of helping care for children afterschool from 3—5pm daily. Also looking for a college student to supervise older children. If interested, please call or text Julie Stephan at (812) 228-0774, or [email protected]. Bricks Remember to purchase your engraved bricks! All proceeds go toward the payment of our beautiful, new roof. Your $50 purchase includes a brick permanently placed on the east side of St. Benedict Hall. Please fill out and return your brick forms by Monday, June 15, 2015. Forms are located in all the vestibules and in the Parish Center. Thank you! Bulletin Advertisements In August 2015, St. Benedict Cathedral will fill another half page of advertisements which grants us space for 22 new ads. If you or a friend have a business they would like to advertise in our bulletin, please call the Parish Center 425-3369 or email [email protected] page 6 St. Benedict Cathedral Community News Community Senior Bingo, Breakfast and Mass The University Nursing and Rehabilitation, formerly known as The Little Sisters of the Poor, is offering a Community Senior Bingo, Breakfast and Mass every 3rd Tuesday of the month beginning June 16, 2015. Breakfast Buffet and Bingo will begin at 9:30 am in the Auditorium. Mass begins at 11am in the Chapel. You must be at least age 65 to participate. Please call (812) 464-3607 to RSVP. Everyday Mass is at 11am. The rosary is prayed twice a day. Benediction is at 3:00pm every Friday. Free Concert Come hear the majestic sounds of the recently upgraded pipe organ at St. Boniface Church! Karen Schneider-Kirner, Organist & Choir Director at the University of Notre Dame along with Ann Nagy and the St. Boniface Choir will present a free concert of sacred hymns and patriotic music on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 7:00 pm. St. John Newburgh Summerfest Prepare to have a great time at the St. John Newburgh Summerfest June 18-20, featuring many exciting games and activities! Summerfest hours are 5-10 p.m. Thursday and 5-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. The Summerfest will include rides, games, food, raffles, and free live bands on Friday/ Saturday. “Birdland” (70s, 80s) will play Friday from 7-10 p.m. and John Angotti will play Saturday from 7-10 p.m. There will also be a Beer Garden open Friday and Saturday from5:30-11 p.m. There will also be nightly dinners from 4:30-7:30pm in the air-conditioned Center, featuring smoked pork chop dinner Thursday and fried chicken and dumplings dinner Friday and Saturday. The dinners with sides, cake and drink will be $9 for adults & $4 for children. In addition, there will be a cash raffle, featuring a $2,500 Grand Prize! 2nd prize is $1,500; 3rd is $1,000; and 4th and 5th is $500. There will also be additional prizes values at over $4,000. Last, there will be a basket booth featuring many themed baskets. Buy a ticket for a chance at winning one of these wonderful baskets! Take Me Out to the Ballgame! Ride along with us on a St. Louis Baseball trip scheduled for July 19, 2015. We plan to stop in Mount Vernon at Ryan’s for breakfast around 9:30am (on your own). Game time for the Cardinals vs Mets begins at 1:15pm. Tickets are $75. We will meet at St. Mary’s Church at 7:00am and return to Evansville at 8:00pm. For reservations or questions please call (812) 425-1557 and speak to Deacon Dennis or Lee Griggs. Reality Spanish The Office of Hispanic Ministry is offering an introductory-level Spanish course. If you find yourself needing to speak Spanish or if you are just interested in enriching yourself with a new language, this could be the program for you. Participants will learn basic-level conversational Spanish and will learn about the Latino culture. The classes will be taught by Andrea Dickel, the principal from St. Philip. Registration is required and space is limited. When: June 15th—July 29th on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. Where: United Way of Southwestern Indiana 501 NW 4th St. Evansville, IN 47708 Cost: $100 For more information or to register, please call Cesar Berrios at 812-423-6155. St. Benedict Cathedral WISDOM DAYS! Catholic Charities’ 2015 Wisdom Days for seniors will take place in Dubois County (Huntingburg Event Center, Oct. 26), Vincennes (Green Activities Center, Vincennes University,Nov. 2), and Evansville (St. John the Evangelist Parish Gym, Nov. 9). Each day is free to attendees and includes lunch, speakers, attendance prizes, and a visit from Bishop Thompson. Free will offerings are appreciated. More details at http://www.charitiesevv.org/wisdom-days.html St. Clement Rummage Sale St. Clement Catholic Church is hosting a rummage sale on Friday, June 26 from 7:00am—2:00pm and again on Saturday, June 27 from 7:00am—12:00pm (Noon). St. Clement is located at 422 E. Sycamore, Boonville, Indiana. The rummage sale will include items such as clothes, furniture, household items, and toys. We hope to see you all there! Marriage Help Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi) has helped thousands of couples who are disillusioned or even experiencing misery in their marriage. This program can help you too. For confidential information about or to register for the August program beginning with a weekend on Aug 21, 2015, call 270-683-1545 ext 346 or email: [email protected] page 7 Ferdinand, IN— Celebrating 175 Years! Founded in 1840, the town of Ferdinand is celebrating its anniversary with a family friendly festival June 18th through June 21st at 18th Street Park. Opening ceremonies begin at 5pm on Thursday, June 18 followed by an evening of food and fun! The celebration is highlighted by special 175th events each day such as the Fashions Of Olde show on Thursday at 6pm. The beer garden will be open at 5:00pm each night of the celebration. Friday evening features a Hot Air Balloon Race with a planned lift off at 6:30pm, the WBDC Corn Hole Tournament which begins at 7pm, and free live music! Saturday, June 20, starts with a 5K Run/Walk and the Wheels of Fortune Car show kicking off the festival. The Ferdinand Backyard BBQ Contest is a real treat open to the public for tasting at 11am. The Brothers of the Bush Award will be announced at 5pm. Saturday evening will feature a Massive 175th Celebration Fireworks Display. The Terquasquicentennial will wrap up Sunday with a morning Golf Scramble held at Christmas Lake Golf Course and the Ferdinand 175th Parade on Main Street beginning at 2pm. Some events require a $5.00 button or entry fee. More information is available at www.Ferdinand175.com or on the Ferdinand 175th Facebook page. Most Rev. Charles C. Thompson, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Evansville Very Rev. Godfrey Mullen, OSB (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Deacon David Cook (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Deacon James Flynn (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Deacon Tom Kempf (812) 425-3369 [email protected] School Principal Sister Karlene Sensmeier, OSB (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Pastoral Associates Sister Patricia McGuire, OSB (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Sister Ann Francis Hillenbrand, OSB (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Director of Religious Education Mrs. Marty Horning (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Parish Secretary & Bookkeeper Mrs. Theresa Phipps (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Parish Accountant Mrs. Melanie McMinn (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Jeremy Korba (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Director of Choirs Mrs. Jennifer Korba (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Communications/Special Projects Miss Mariah Phipps (812) 425-3369 [email protected] Youth Ministry Leader Mrs. Charlene Fiedler (812) 449-8559 [email protected] Supervisor: Buildings & Grounds Mr. Doug Griffin (812) 425-3369 [email protected] School Secretaries Mrs. Ami Pitt (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Mrs. Stacey Ulrich (812) 425-4596 [email protected] Pastoral Council Chair Mrs. Ann Green Finance Council Chair Mrs. Beth Clark Cathedral Rector Deacons
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