Natural Horse Magazine


Natural Horse Magazine
…More on
“This is a must-see, must-share video. Here’s hoping its impact on the
horse world will spread far and wide, fast.”
- Natural Horse Magazine
Stormy May was a horse trainer, riding instructor and competition judge until the day she
realized that somewhere she had gone off course. She made a choice to leave behind the life
she knew. She sold her ranch to fund the project, bought a video camera and plane tickets and
set out on an odyssey to find a different way of doing things. The result is the highly acclaimed
The Path of the Horse documentary DVD. This beautifully produced DVD, featuring Stormy and
the horsemen and women she interviews clearly demonstrate how horses do have a gift to
share and that the future of horse-human relationships is looking much better.
Fe a t uri n g:
Alexander Nevzorov, St. Petersburg, Russia
As a battle-scarred and wounded journalist reporting on several military operations and wars,
Mr. Nevzorov came to hate the cruelty, injustice, and senseless violence of mankind. His own
sensitivities repelled him from what he saw as traditionally violent methods of training horses.
He spent years learning to work without the use of bits, bridles, spurs, or any other form of
coercion. While most trainers say this is not possible, Alexander's results are irrefutable.
Mark Rashid, Colorado, USA
Horsemanship can, in the end, be more about a way to be than a set of things to do. This is
Mark Rashid's credo. He strives to work with horses in a way that preserves those essential
parts of their nature: their power, their sensitivity, their subtlety and their desire to get along.
Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling, Lyø, Denmark
After teaching, traveling, and studying mythology, Klaus, at the age of 29 decided to study more
deeply the most significant symbol of our culture, the horse. What he came back with was a
new understanding of how horses can lead to the recognition of ones own self. Rather than
seeing the horse and our fellow humans through a cloud of our own concepts and images, he
teaches people to recognize others in their essence, which leads to communication and healing.
Linda Kohanov, Arizona, USA
"The equine system is like a huge receiver and amplifier for emotional vibrations. No matter how
good you are at hiding things from yourself and others, your nervous system still involuntarily
broadcasts what you're really feeling, at a frequency horses are especially good at tuning in to."
This horse to human biofeedback is the basis of Linda's Epona program in which she helps
equestrians who have reached an impasse with their mounts.
Carolyn Resnick, California, USA
Known as "the girl who talked to horses" while growing up in the 1940s and 50s, Carolyn put
these qualities to the test as she sought to gain acceptance into a band of wild horses.
Progressing up the pecking order, she ultimately unlocked the secrets of the herd. Carolyn
possesses a gift not only for communicating with horses, but for teaching these processes for
everyone to use not only with horses but within their families and communities.
Kim McElroy, Washington, USA
As a child, Kim imagined she was a horse, and later turned to drawing them as a way to
express her dreams. The inner world she created of horses was much more complex and
emotional than the outer reality she discovered at riding stables. Though she never owned a
horse until the age of 30, her intuitive understanding of their nature goes beyond physical
Media Contact: Linda Birkholz (530) 559-6424 [email protected]
Stormy May Productions PO Box 264 North San Juan, CA 95960 USA
… In
other news
The beginnings of a movement
The Path of the Horse is the first and only film of its kind that brings together leaders
investigating the farthest reaches of interspecies communication between horses and humans.
The results challenge current human-centric concepts and inspire viewers to explore new
possibilities with their own animals. The Path of the
Horse is currently being shown in introductory equine
courses around the world.
A short list of websites
dedicated to this movement:
Horse as Teacher: The Path to Authenticity
Through Horses
Horses have the capacity to teach us key life lessons. To
experience this higher level of connection and communication,
humans must accept the horse as a partner and be open and
willing to receive their wisdom. The contributing authors in this
new book share powerful, funny, heartwarming, and poignant
stories about how horses have transformed their lives – and
the lives of their clients.
Stormy May is one of 10 contributing authors working on the
forefront of exploring horse-human relationships. In this book,
she shares the story of the horse that inspired her to make The
Path of the Horse documentary. Horse as Teacher: The Path
to Authenticity Through Horses is the first of several books
dedicated to providing thought-provoking reading for
individuals who love horses and want to experience the special
relationship possible between species.
We are excited to announce that the book Horse as Teacher: The Path to Authenticity
Through Horses is available through Stormy May Productions at and
available for purchase at all Path of the Horse screenings and events.
...release date May 2009.
Media Contact: Linda Birkholz (530) 559-6424 [email protected]
Stormy May Productions PO Box 264 North San Juan, CA 95960 USA
Horses All • November 2008
Media Contact: Linda Birkholz (530) 559-6424 [email protected]
Stormy May Productions PO Box 264 North San Juan, CA 95960 USA
Natural Horse Magazine • November/December 2008
Media Contact: Linda Birkholz (530) 559-6424 [email protected]
Stormy May Productions PO Box 264 North San Juan, CA 95960 USA
Natural Horse Magazine
Reprinted with permission
Media Contact: Linda Birkholz (530) 559-6424 [email protected]
Stormy May Productions PO Box 264 North San Juan, CA 95960 USA
Natural Horse Magazine
Reprinted with permission
Media Contact: Linda Birkholz (530) 559-6424 [email protected]
Stormy May Productions PO Box 264 North San Juan, CA 95960 USA
Natural Horse Magazine
Reprinted with permission
Media Contact: Linda Birkholz (530) 559-6424 [email protected]
Stormy May Productions PO Box 264 North San Juan, CA 95960 USA
Natural Horse Magazine
Reprinted with permission
Media Contact: Linda Birkholz (530) 559-6424 [email protected]
Stormy May Productions PO Box 264 North San Juan, CA 95960 USA
Russian trainer Alexander Nevzorov
demonstrates the power of love when
working with horses without restriction or
Filmmaker Stormy May sharing a moment
with her horse Patrik
Horse trainer Carolyn Resnick demonstrates
dancing with stallion Panadero
Media Contact: Linda Birkholz (530) 559-6424 [email protected]
Stormy May Productions PO Box 264 North San Juan, CA 95960 USA
Testimonials for The Path of the Horse
This is a one of a kind revolution, and I am proud to be part of it.
Rasha Taha
Thanks to all of you for giving us hope.
Kate Dunn
Horses deserve our very best - thank you all very much for this extraordinary effort to make the
world a better place!
Gabriele Conradty
Thank you for that very moving and most important movie concerning the welfare our
wonderful companions - the horses. I’m deeply touched by the movie and will share it with
everyone who comes my way and wants to learn about natural horsemanship.
Tina Mareen Buddeberg
I am so glad to be a part of this journey….terrified….relieved…..full of dreams…..The new is
never easy. But thank goodness I’m not on my own. And one day I will dance with my horses.
And for the first time in 20 years I am reaching out to horses again like they are strange to me,
but beautiful and enchanting. I am a child again, and hey, that’s scary, but also full of new light
and colour. Thank you. The Path of The Horse is a huge Beginning.
Rebecca Paton
I am so impressed with The Path of the Horse … it is brilliant and SUCH important work!! …
it touches me so deeply that I just bawled and smiled and cheered through the entire thing - it is
so incredibly humbling and takes me to a new level of both understanding and not knowing and
seeking and surrendering.
Constance Funk, author of Beauty from Brokenness
I am so grateful to Stormy to have the courage to put this project together. The core of this
work, and the combined message continues to open hearts here and has spurred wonderful
discussions and openings about doing things differently with ourselves, each other and our
horses. Learning how to be authentic presence creates profound changes, is empowering and is
rippling out into the world of humans and how we are relating with each other. The deeper I go
into my personal awareness of the connection to all beings the more vast and fulfilling it
Barbara Alexander
Hello to all of you and thank you for your beautiful work!
Daniil Danilopoulos - Volos, Greece
For over fifty years, I’ve been working with horses, all the while, recognizing them for the
deeply spiritual beings that they are. I’ve ridden, trained, and taught and for many years, I was
a voice, crying in the wilderness. After so long, I’m astounded to discover your website.
…powerful stuff!
Sharon Morelli
Media Contact: Linda Birkholz (530) 559-6424 [email protected]
Stormy May Productions PO Box 264 North San Juan, CA 95960 USA
Testimonials for The Path of the Horse
This is such an exciting time for the equestrian world. At a time where I was losing all hope
and faith in human nature, where displays of such inhumane behaviour towards horses is being
shown in the very top levels of competition riding (and then unfortunately fed down the line to
grass roots hobbyists), I have found like-minded people who are consciously making the effort
to change our attitudes and behaviours to accept the horse and work with the horse and
hopefully recognize these wonderful creatures for what they really are…. Thank you for pulling
together all these people who have been living and learning from their experiences with horses,
admitting to their errors along the way and sharing with the rest of us that it’s not making
mistakes but accepting them and learning from them that ultimately holds the answers we seek.
Deborah Norris
I was speechless! I cried for the longest time. Sometimes it’s hard to look at what you’re doing
with your horses and be totally honest. It’s a journey of a lifetime. It challenges us to be better
people. Horses keep us honest when we listen.
You are truly a blessing and I can’t thank you enough for producing such a beautiful piece of
work. Thank you for your sacrifice to make this wonderful film. I believe that your impact on
the horse world will be monumental.
Well done!
…what a truly wonderful message your DVD imparts Stormy May. Fantastic!
Sharon Andersen
This event will be as significant for me as Oprah’s free worldwide web seminar with Eckhart
Tolle. Thank you for offering it!
Tina Brady
Wow. I had a friend send me this DVD and I decided to review it while working today. I had
to stop working and just watch it. In our busy lives we need reminders of being in the moment,
and today this DVD gave me that gift again.
There is so much I could write about this DVD but it is still all swirling inside me. It is
certainly a reminder for anyone who needs to reconnect with their horses (or with anyone in
their lives). You interviewed the authors of some of my favourite books, and I enjoyed their
message. BUT what came through to me was your passion for the horse and because of this;
you made their words have substance and in a way where you made each message intermingle
and dance together, giving such a wonderfully complete message.
Catherine Bird, author of A Healthy Horse the Natural Way
Media Contact: Linda Birkholz (530) 559-6424 [email protected]
Stormy May Productions PO Box 264 North San Juan, CA 95960 USA