1965 - Free Will Baptist History
1965 - Free Will Baptist History
MINUTES of lhe TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL SESSION of fl'¡e NATIONAL ASSOCIATION when convened in RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA July l3-ì5, l9ó5 'l 9óó Session Little Rock, Arkonsos July 1l-14, 1966 TABLE OF CONTENTS Associatíon Enrollment: 4 Delegates Registered Ministers Repistered Registered Board and Commission Reports: College Chaplain's Chuich Training Service Executive Department Foreign Mission General Board -----------.-Historical Home Missioll Laymen's ----------Stewardship Commission Sunday School ---------Superannuation --.--..-_-Theological Liberalism Woman's National Auxiliary Convention Bible Credentials ÈñFii'- Sñdt -Placement Resolutions :--:----_ -.-..-.-------.-- Constitution of the National Ofrcers and Boards Association 5 --.---------42 --------------------22 ---------------.50 ---------------23 -...---31 ____-_--t6 --_-----_-.21 ---------------36 ------.-.-----------56 ----------*18 ------------.--47 ------53 --.-_.--------19 --22 .-.. ---------16 22 -,. -_ -- -.--20 -------------------20 ------------------59 Boards ---Chairmen and Secretaries of Boards Commissions Directors National Association Proceedings Statistical Report ., 3 _______-__- ------------- ---_'-----.----_--- 2 2 -------------12 ..- --^--67 Generol Officers of the Nqtionol Associqtion For the Yeqr l9ó5-óó Moderator Robert E' Picirilli ña AË"ü;-ñ*h'iiË;-Ë;ñr.3r' "iËt Assistant Moderator -____r____r--:__---__--Rev, Wayne Smith t1 t¿ S;d.;5;i"" 1il,k6ã;é;t r',ófitu", ilñðäi;¿"' "' Clerk Malcolm c' Frv ãti71î:-D;v;;;iü;";;Æñä----'Rev' t606 Rev. John Floyd, Jr. Billy A. Melvin Chqirmqn qnd Secretqries of lhe Boqrds Dr. Robert E. Pici{lli, chairman Rev. Malcolm C, Fry, General west End Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. E. Devon,'Tucson, Ár¿onâ ,--------------.3606 Secretary _--2917 Bíble College Trustees Rev. william l'lishler, chairman---- ---- 512 Achievement Dr., Nashville, Tenn. 37209 Kev. Kandy uox, secretary Main Street, columbus, -----------.-----.-1802 Mississippi Foreígn Missíons 302g Elmhurst, Royal Oak, Michigan $ev. loq.An_ge,. Chairman Rev' Rolla smith, secrerary ---------------------.-2909 Knobdale n¿., ñáshviltq'renlesiee Home Missions Chairman Secretary Sev. Sarvey- E. Hill,, Rev. Bob Shockey, 610 poinsetta, Auburndale, Florida _2g24 Moore Sí., AshlanJ, kentuiÈv Church Training Service Chairman Secretary Bev. -IIqnty -Melvin, Harold Critcher, _--_-616 __ _ __-- Russell, Nashville, Tennessee p. O. Box tOS8, ñaiÀvilld, tennõiÀeð Sunday School $ev. _J_o{n West_, Chairman --,-------*________._---___.822 N. Utica, Tulsa, Oklahoma Rev. N. R. smith, secretarv -4801 walker, oklahoma ciií ottàtrõmã Superannuøtion Chairman S:". Mrs. 9-. K. å, V. Ylckaby, Shutes, Secretary Trustees Rev. J. L. Welch, Chairman -_:-:_-__-____-_-___ Rt. 4, Alma, Georgia -_--409 Fourth St., Córdova,-Alabañra for Headquarters Building .___-_--_491I Raywood, Nashville, Tennessee Directors P. O. Box l0gg, Nashville, Tennessee {greign-Missíons, _Rev. Beford Wilson,p. Home Missio¿s, Rev, Hgr_t9. willis, o. Box r0gg,' Nashville, rennesiéð Free- l4/ill _Baptist Bible college, Dr. L. c. Johnson, 3606 west rn¿ Áiènui, Nashville, Tennessee S]lnday School, Rev..Roger Reeds, P. O. Box 1088, Nashville, Tennessee church rraining service, Mr. Sam Johnson, p. o. Boi l0gg, Náshville. Tennessee BOARDS General Boarcl-(terms expire in 1967), William E. Atkinso!, Àlabama; Paul fons,-Áiøoìu; Loyà fnóm-aí Ãrlanias; Í'rancis Bo_yle, Califo¡nia; .EJro_Driggers' Georgia; Harvey Butler, Idaho; GeoJg,e s'. Waggoner' Fi"rü; õ. s. Eu'erton, Keniliiróìi;' Wifliu* pauerson,-indänä; Way¡íe_ BgqFg,lt, Kansas; .Bill Davidson' ;";¡it:"Arih;i-sillo*., úä"ióä;'wiítiu'¡'Hitt, tr¿icnieãn; Tom Johnson, Mississippi; Beatty, Missottri; Harry -^:it"tñi-'.xpitJln jsaa), S. M. Aragon, New-Mexico; Frank Davenport, North carofinåi-- sir[' Evans, NãíittããtiJ joe "uúrst, Northwe.st; ohio; ftoper^.Nç119n,TennesÀã;i*' ó";åìì, õr.lut'o'nu; f- H. clavton, $óutþ Carolina; I.- L' Stanlev, .."l-E. E-. Zoeiiers, Texas; ken Walker, Virginia; Billy Samms, West Vi'ginia' Trustees of the Bible college-carroll ,Alexander, !. c.;-.williaT Mishler, R-andY Cox, Mississippi; Harrold T";;;-..c õeln.''"i Þ.i"1, Cutiiolnia- -(1966); (196&); Luther Gibson, Missouri; náiiìiäï,'r"'"äiiee;-pauÏ l;bõãt, ottàtomáí Damon Dodd, Georgia; M. E. Howard, Virginia (L970) ' Tennessee- (1966); I-onnie Davoult, oklahoma Mrchiean (t968); Winfoid Flovd; Tennessee (1969); -Gene ðãiirói"iT'(ittôii Eug'"n" Waddell, Tennesãeé (t97r); Raymond Risss, smith, Foreign Missions-Rolla -Áoe.. rrôezjr'Íoã ù;c;;í; Virginia (I972). Home Missions-Harvey E. Hill, Florida (1966); Bob shockey,-^Kentucky ArÉansas (1968); Rov Thomas, Color.ado .(D-69); Earrv Uleli; n. È. pi*t"y, Ètáiiéí'oll"tto-ã- (í970); Gordòn sebastián, North Carolina (t97t); H' Z' Cox, Texas (1972). Superannuatio¡z-N. P. Gates, Michigan (1266); G. E..Ratliff,.Kentucky (1967); Rov'Rikard. North Caroliña (í9OS); bean'Dobbs, South Carolina (1969); C. A' Íi"ätãUv,'Georgia (1970); J.'C. Lynn, Virginia (1971); W' T. Roberts, Kansas (t972). sunday school-Ralph staten, túAll:"Charles Tennessee- (-1-966-)-; H_erm^an.Hersly, Thig'pen, Tennessee (1968); N' R. North carolina Smith' Oklahoma (1969); wí.;ión G*l.ss, cãjitoinla (1970);. John' West, oklahoma (L971); G. C' Lee, Georgia (1972). church Traíníng service-Harold Critcher, Tennessee (19_66); 9erald chester' Alabama (1968); Mrs. Ciester fþiitips, ltg1l>:, Charles Hollingshead,-Dodd, Georgia (1970); Henrv Melvin, Ñään--õáròti"u'hgøs); Mrs. Dãmon Oklahoma Tennessee (1971); Russell Spurgeon, Missouri (1972), Laymen's Board-Glen Harlinger, Iowa (-19-66);--Kimble Vis.si-ssippi ^Crossley, Oklahoma (lSi>; E. A. Ivlallard, North Caiolina (1968); -Howard 9*141"v' Tennessee (1970); Hubert Harral, Missouri (1971); iiÞosii rr"t¡etr Peppeís, T. C. Mitchell, Florida (1972)' Headquarters Trustees-!' L' Welch, Tennessee,(1916); C. W. H]tlt],-I"nnessee Tennessee (1969); Frank Olel'li Russell Lee, Tennessee (1968); Benny Smith, (197L); Reding' Tennessee Èudy,'îennessee (1970); John Boyte, Tennessee J' B. (1972). coMMlssloNs Stewardshíp-Robert Hill, Virginia (1966): FraqciA Boyle, Califomia -(1267-); James Earl Raper, Arkansas (1168); Jerry Ballard, Tennessee (1969); Malcolm Fry, Arizona (1970). Theological Liberalísm-Bobby Jackson, North Carolina (1966); Leroylorlines, Tennesseð (1967); Teddy Davis, Missouri (1968); Jack Paramore, Tennessee (1969); J. D. O'Donnell, Oklahoma (1970)' Chaplains-|. D. O'Donnell, Oklahoma (1966); Kenneth Walker, (i968); George Ritter, Illinois ( 1970) ' Oklahoma Historícal-Damon Dodd, Georgia (1966); William Hill, Michigan (1967): G- C. l-ee, Jr., Georgia ( 1968). J DELEGATES WHO ALÄBA,MÀ State: Mrs. William Atkinson, Mrs. Louie Bates, Mrs. Charles Hollingshead, 1\4rs. Grady Palmer, Ivan I. Stewart ALASKÄ Local Church: Mrs, Ethel Whaley ÄRKANSAS State: Mrs. Maxine Bostic, Barbara Cheshier, Lee Owen, Mrs. Norma Pettus, Mrs. Ben Scott Local Church: Karen Plyler, Sawrie, Louis Zimmerman Betty CALIFORNIA State: Lucille Boyle, Bea Dudley, Mrs. Lonnie Rolen, Mrs. Gladys Stevens, Mr, Royce Stevens CANADA State: Mrs. Jackie Owens COLORADO Local Chu¡ch: Robert T. C. Mitchell GEORGIÀ State: Gleason N. Fowler, John ,4,. Grant, G. C. King, Mrs. J. B. Rice, Eugene Windham Local Church: Ernest J. Barker, Mrs. Mance R. Cason, Alvan Day, Mrs. Lexie Floyd, Kay Foster, Lehman E. Franks, B. Houston, Viola H. Hunt, J. F. Register, Mrs. C. C. Sheffield, Harold K, Swann, Jr,, Mr. Jack A. Wilson Board Member: O. B. Everson HA\ryÄfi Local Church: Mrs. Helen State: Grace Gallagher, Julia Hill, Mrs. Myrtle Osborne, James S. Shook Local Church: Dillard Anderson, Finis Barr, W. B. Davis, Leslie Gallagher MISSISSIPPI State: Mrs. Kimble Crossley, Mrs. Bar_ bara _Howland, Mrs. Billy Sharpston Local Church: R. C. Rectar Board Member: Kimble Crossley State: Lucille Beatty, Mrs. State: Mrs. L O. Cook, Lola K. Edwards, Jimmy Finch, Ok¡a Mullins Local Church: Oscar Barwick, G, W. Cloud, Don Dingman, Myrtice Orvin, Ernest Thamley Opal Teague Local Church: George E, Brunkhorst KENTUCKY State: Evelyn Davidson, Mrs. E. O. Griffith, G. E. Ratlifi, Marjorie Workman, Mrs. Rhoda Carey Local Church: Robert L. Murphy MICHIGAN MISSOIIRI Stepp FLORIDÁ. Board Member: Mr. REGISTERED KANSAS State: June Brunkhorst, Marie Roberts, Mrs. J. R. Shade, Lois M. Teague, Sanders ILLINOIS State: Ruth Courtney, Bessie Elliott, Mrs. Carrie McBride, Ronald W. Malone, Joyce Walker Local Church: Durell Pearce, Parks Helen INDIANA State: Donavon Jackson, Dorothy lackson, Mrs. Imogene Patterson Local Church: Geneva Chapman Clarence Burton, Mrs. O. T. Dixon, Mrs. Wood- row lvlatthews Local Church: Billy B. Clay, Eva Elliot, Francis Elliot, Anna Mae McFarland, Mrs. Elaine Spurgeon NEW HAMPSHIRE Northeast Ass'n.: Brenda Evans, Dianne Tippett NE\Y MEXICO State: Mrs. Gaye Nobles NORITI CAROLINÀ State: Elizabeth Branch, Jack S. For- lines, M¡s. Louise Kell, Peggy Kennedy, Helen Robinson Local Church: J, D. Ballance, Gordon Boyd, Burel Bryant, Mrs. Lewis Campbell, Mrs. Ralph Clegg, Mrs. L. D. Creech, Thomas E. Cuddington, James E. Davidson, Willa¡d P. Earley, James C. Edmundson, Jr., J. C. Ennis, Mrs. Leta Forlines, Mr. Burdell Freeman, Mrs. Lonnie Graves, Earl Griffin, Randall Hinton, Guy Hamilton, Mrs. Annie H. Heath, Robert E. Jones, Rufus King, Mrs. Lucille Lance, Mrs. Edna Lanvermeier, Catherine Lee, Proctor Lee, Ralph O. Lowrimore, Carl McCabe, Mrs. Allie Moore, Mrs. Shirley Niebruegge, William O'Briant, Mrs. W. B. Pate, Mrs. Helen PIem- mons, Mrs. Lucile Reed, Frank Springle, John L. Sorie, Mrs. Shirley Sullivan, L. V. Williford, Silas Williams, Ronald Williamson, Mrs. J. B. Wilson, Robert E. Woodard, Wallace Woodley, Mrs. Dianne Worthington OHIO State: Evelyn Alicie, Milburn W. Alicie, Mrs, Francis Hawkins, Nora Lee McCarty Local Church: Mabel Jeffrey, Ruth Nelson TENNF^sSEIT State: Jim Lauthern, Herbert H. Peppers, Mrs. Harold A. Pitts, M¡s. Don ton, Mrs. Ray Turnage Sex- Local Church: Virginia L. Beasley, John W. Boyte, A. G. Caldwell, John R. Campbell, Mrs. Harold Critcher, Mrs. J, E, Frazier, Leroy Scudder, William A. Suffridge, Ralph Turnage Board Member: I. L. Stanley, Harold Critcher TEXÄ-S OKLAIIOMA Local Church: Henry Braisher, Wesley Bryant, Billye Gwartney, Walter Man- tooth, H. D. Ratliff, L. C. Webber, Bessie D. West, Jo Ann Wood SOUTÍI CÄROLINÄ State: Allen W. Baxley, Christine Brew- er, Mrs. Miles L. H, K. B. Brandon, Mrs. H. Z. Cox, Mrs. Don Ellis, Mrs. E. E. Zoellers Local Church: Mrs. Leroy R, Cutler, Mrs. Rashie Kennedy, Sr., Marie State: Mrs, Clayton, Washington Local Church: Eve Anderson, Mrs, Thomas Brown, L. C. Defie, Mrs, Robert L. Edwards, Roland Hyman, Wesley Mclain, Carolyn Sealy, Mrs. Paul Sheehan, Pansy Store, Mrs. Alma H. Weatherford, Betty Wiggs Smart VIRGINIA State: Mrs. Lottie Cardwell, Leroy Hall, Sr,, James Myers, Jr., Mrs. James Myers, Jr., Mrs. John Smith, Jr. Local Church: Billy Baugham, Marvin E. Henderson, Frank Parisher, Freeman L, Poole, Olean Spruill WEST VIRGINIÄ State: John George, Sylvia Hufiman Local Church: LaVerne Vallance MINISTERS WHO REGISTERED ÄFRICA Bill ARKÄNSÄS W. H. Bostic, 115 E. "H" Street, Russell- Jones, Ivory Coast LaVerne Miley, Ivory Coast ALABAMA William E. Atkinson, ville P. O. Box 35, Winfield Louie Bates, Box 45, Alden Jimmie Wm. Brown, Rt. 3, Box 71-4, Hartselle John A. Edwards, l2l7 Bruce St., Dothan Charles O. Hollingshead, 804-36th Ave., Tuscaloosa Walter E. Jones, 2011-2nd Ave., Phenix City Willie Justice, 701 Branch Street, Florence Carl Cheshier, Rt. 3, Star City Dean Dobbs, Box 86, Pocahontas Robert A. Francis, P. O, Box 45, Grubbs Melvin L. Knott, 607 W. Hazel, Cornrng William J. Mishler, 512 Achievement Dr., Nashville, Tenn. 37 2A9 Marion Pettus, Box 245, Glenwood R, E. Pixley, 3722 Armour Avenue, Ft. Smith James Raper, 3010 Orange St., Pine Blufï Ben Scott, 1402 W. Washington, Jonesboro J. B. Ledlow, P. O. Box 402, Sulligent Loyd Thomas, Rt. 3, Box 44, Conway W' G. Palmer, Rt. 1, Castleberry Ray W. Ritch, 804 W. Pine, Sylacauga Billy Ray Smith, Rt. 2, Guin James F. Walden, Box 533, Guin Malcolm Fry, 2917 E. Devon, Tucson Clarence R, Mays, 504 Greene Avenue, Cordova ÄLASKA Lee Whaley, 823 S. Chester St., tonia, N. C. .ARIZONA BRAZIL Samuel Wilkinson CALIFORNIA Gas- E. W. Boyle, 421 Rincon Rd., El rante Sob- Jerry Dudle¡ 1869 Elderwood Dr., Concord J. R. Franklin, 7032 King St., Oxnard Wiley Gregory, 282 Orange St., Arvin Charles Harris, 12191 Hdgs., Garden Grove Winston Lawless, 901 J Street, Modesto Lonnie McAlister, 5991 Gallant St., Bell Gardens Doice McAlistet, 2277 Geer Rd., Turlock Dean Moore, 1726 Lincoln Ave., Richmond Lonnie L. Rolen, 815 S. Orange, Fresno Bob Thomas, 3114 Sawyer, Long Beach Carl K. Young, 1700 Ely Road, Petaluma Kenneth Faison, 47 Dixte Ave., Brunswick Riley Gidden, 407 Floyd St., Valdosta Marvin Hartsfield, Rt. 2, Norman Park C. R. Houston, Colquitt Chester A. Huckaby, Rt. 4, Alma Billy G. Augusta Jackson, 502 Dupont H. L. Knighton, 323 E. St., Thomaston George C. Lee, 1304 Avalon, Albany Theron W. Long, 2401 Camden Ave,, Waycross Harris Mix, Colquitt W. Stanley Mooneyham, 3282 Annelaine Dr., S.W., Atlanta Lo,uis H. Moulton, 8 Richmond Dr., Savannah Balely Register, ly CÀNAD,A Herman E. Brooks, Millville, N.B. Mack C. Owens, P. O. Box 85, Millville, N.B. FLORIDÀ Dale Burden, 2815 N. W. 91st St., Miami Luther Burns, P. O. Box 315, Chipley W. C. Combs, 1892 Mosswood Dr,, Eau tl7 Perry Ave., Blake- C. D. Rentz, Baxley R.F.D. 2, Baxlev S. T. Sbutes, R.F.D. 4, Box 85, Col-- R. Stroup, 2059 St., quitt Jam-es COLORADO Roy Thomas, 2630 S. Green Ct., Denver St., Macon Henry Van Kluyve, HAIryAII R. Regent Savannah L_uther Sanders, P.O. Waipahu Box LZ}l, [DAHO Harvey Butler, 724 N. 14th, Buhl Gallie I. O. Cook, Cypress Elro Driggers, 5163 Pennant Dr., Jacksonville Freemon L. Edwards, Chipley Joe Esther, 2830 Edson Ave,, Jackson- Wade Jernigan, 820 S. Cleveland, Jerome Milton Gann, 2203 W. Orland St., Panama City O. Hansley, Rt. 7, Box 264, Jackson- Leslie C. Elliott, Rt. 2, Mt. Vernon Leon McBride, 704 E,9th, Johnson Citv Wallace Malone, 312 Prairie Ave., S, L. Henderson, Rt. 1, Atmore, Alabama Harvey E. Hill, 610 Poinsetta Rd., Thomas Marlow, Box 190, McHenry Jack Payne, R. R. 6, Olnéy George E. Ritter, Rt. 4, Marion Elmer O. Turnbough, Sesser W. T. Turnbough, 21640 Gailine, Chi. ville ville Harvey Auburndale W. I¡vin Hyman, 844 Lyton St., sonville Jack- Delbert Mullins, Box 633, Titusville Larry Powell, Lake Butler Jim Puckett, Rt. 7, Box 264, Jacksonville GEORGIÄ Wilburn Beasley, Glennville J. F. Blanton, Rt. 2, Box 26A,, Jesup J. C. Hubert Carter, Rt. 4, Tifton Mance R. Cason, P. O. Box 591, Moultrie Charles L. Eastman Clark, 820 6th Ave., N.8., J. R. Davidson, Rt.3, Vienna ILLINOIS Max E, Courtney, P. O. Box 455, Roxana S. Frank H. Dunn, 1329 W. Enos, Springfield Roxana cago Heights George W. Waggoner, 800 brook Rd., Mt. Vernon Meadow- Jim Walker, 72 S. Lincoln, Aurora INDIANA Rev. W. F. Chapman, 2612 Crystal St., Anderson Bill Gardner, 2306 Brown Rd., New Castle Rev. W. H. Patterson, 177 8., Daleville R. R. 1, Box IOWA Lawrence D. Thompson, 3048 Bellewe, Bettendorf O. T. Dixon, 305 E. Sunshine, Spring- JAPAN field Wesley Calvery KANSAS Wayne Bookout, 910 S. "G", Wellington W. T. Roberts, 9605 County Line Kansas City J. R. Shade, 316 E. Beloit, Rd,, Salina A. L. McFarland,26L2 Minnesota Bill Davidson, Box L. Shockey, 2824 Moore St., Eugene Workman, 415 Milton Ave., Glasgow MICIÍIGÀN Joseph G. Ange, 3028 Elmhurst, Royal Oak Charles Burton, 3502 Cieotte, Detroit Hughes Ellis, 708 W. 7th St., Monroe William J. Hill, 931 E. Woodruff, Hazel Park Pontiac L. Lilly, Ave., St. Louis 567, Paintsville Ashland Thomas Farmington Hill, 107 W. SYcamore, Monett Bob L. Jones, 103 W. Murta St., Fredericktown Dale Jones, 286 Brice St., Lebanon Bud James McCully, GreentoP KENTUCKY Robert Frank Giunta, Box 7, Leadington Everett D. Hellard, 303 W. Columbia, 1760 Bladwin Ave., Sherman Napier, Jr., 32363 Parkwood, Wayne J. T. Newsom, Dearborn Hgts. Tom Malone, 601 BuckleY St., Flat River Woodrow Matthews, 7920 Harris St., Kansas City Gene Norris, 306 Cedar, Flat River G. J. Pingleton, Thayer Gene Rogers, P. O. Box 464, Mtn' Grove Russell Spurgeon, 3824 I[ifid View, MONTANA David P. Pettus, 304 Tumbleweed Terrace, Glasgow A.F.B. NEW HAMFSHIRE William W. Evans, 225 Àlain St., Littleton Guy F. Owens, 10911 Longview, Detroit James C. Powell, 3730 Whittier St., NEIV MEXICO James Robbins, 3826 Larraue, Flint James B. Varney, 5878 Wilkie, Taylor David Nobles, 601 E. Skelly, Hobbs Flint Lincoln Varney, 9606 Dearborn St,, Detroit John Vick, 4839 Mildred S. E., Grand Rapids Paul L. Wood, 1651 Browning, Ferndale Leo A. Worley, 4184 Brousville, Lincoln Park MISSISSIPPI Randy Cox, 613 Browden St., Columbus Luther Gibson, Box 5024. Tupelo Ronald Howland Rt. I, Smithville Thomas W. Johnson, 504 gth Ave., N., Amory John H. Reed, 304-6th St., N., Amory Billy sharpston, Rt. 2, saltillo C. Earl Simpson, 2009 Hand Dr. Hands- St. Louis S. M. Aragon NORTH CÄROLINA D. W. Alexander, Bethel R. C. Ambrose, Creswell Homer Arrowood, Box 385, Caroleen Clarence Ballew, Lexington C. Benoist, Gen. Del., E. Rocking- Jesse ham Ernest R. Bowen, 1312 Cook Rd,, Durham Paul Brown, Rockingham Sherman A. Branch, Box 756, Stanley Herbert Bryan, Columbia William H. Calvert, 402 E. 5th Ave., Gastonia MISSOURI H. Campbell, P. O. Box 1006, Lewis E. Campbell, Rt. I, Box 460, Morehead City Bobby K. Carden, 704 Chestnut St., Cabool Eddie Altis, Rt. 2, Cabool Van A. Cobb, 1009 Mabb Ave., Kanna- boro O. T. Allred, polis St,, St. Louis C. H. Burton, 8914 Springdale, Berkeley Tommy D. Carson, Mtn. Grove R. R, 3, Box Teddy Davis, 2301 Conn., Joplia New Bern Scotlandneck James Barker, Farmingtoa Harry Beatty, 3100 Mt. Pleasant Cecil 95, James Ralph K. Childers, Nebo E. Clegg, 1800 Northgate St., Durham V. E. Condrey, Box 51 Catawba Hgts., Belmont Edward H. Cow, Rt. 6, Raleigh M, E. Cox, Hamlet Creech, 209 Brookwood Durham L. D. Ave., Fayetteville Ronald Creech, 303 N. Hyde Park Ave., Durham Frank Davenport, P, O. Box L159, Goldsboro A1 Davis, Rt. 4, Box 264, Greenville Larue Davis, Box 326, Pikeville James T. Denton, 606 Franklin Blvd., Greensboro Sigbee B. Dilda, Rt. 2, Box L99, Farm- ville Roy L. Duckette, 517 Pleasant Ave., Kannapolis Bernard M. Duke, Rt. 3, Hope Valley Rd,, Durham Galen Dunbar, Box 409, Beaufolt Nathan Eason, Rt. 2, Box 87-H, Clayton L. R. Ennis, 117 S. Berkeley Blvd., Goldsboro John Floyd, Sr., Rt. 3, Box 398, Jacksonville Johnnie Floyd, Jr., P. O. Box 223, N. Belmont Guy Foster, Holly Rt. 1, Box 33OAZ, Mt. Owen Ganey, Box 728, LaGrange R. A. Gaskins, Ayden Earl Gilliam, 308 Cedar St,, Louisburg W. L. Kell, 250 Baldwin Ave., Marion Edward Kirkpatrick, 719 Pleasant Ave., Kannapolis J. P. Langley, 205 Hames St., Lexington Paul Lee, Rt. 3, Elizabeth City J. D. Lilis, Hamlet J. W. Long, Jr., Morehead Frank McQuage, P. O. Box 965, Rockingham John Moran, Rt. 1, Brevard A. C. Morgan, 219 Whitfield St., Enfield Billy Morris, Rt. 4, Durham Claudius Mullins, Kenansville J. R, Newton, 440 lTtl. St., Cramerton Ronald Niebruegge, 1508 George Avenue, Kinston Billy Gene Outland, Rt. 4, Box 69, New Bern Jack Paramore, 207 Pine St., Greenville H. Parisher, 208 E. 9th St., Washington Ronnie Peele, Rt. 2, LaGrange Don R. Pegram, 307 Warren St,, Wilson Chester Phillips, 500 Spruce St., GreenGene ville Wayne Phillips, Arlington St., Rocky Mtn. Tommy Godley, Rt. 2, Box 607, lack- Luther Reed, 910 Bridges St., Morehead City Roy Rikard, 426 Woodlawn Ext., Cram- Lonnie Graves, Rt. 5, Hamlin Rd., Dur- Bill Robinson, Rt, 4, Box Oscar L. Gray, Box 209, Rt. 2, L. D. Gray, Box 782, Lowell Albert M. Rollins, Rt. sonville ham Dallas Robert S. Hagler, 107 Arrington Dr., Lexton Joseph R. Hailey, Jr., P. O. Box 254, Stacy Eugene Hales, Rt. 3, Dunn Fred Hall, P. O. Box 537, Grifton B. Hall, P. O. Box 572, La Wingate A. Hansley, Rt. 3, Smithfield Fred Hawkins, 451 College, Jacksonville Edwin L. Hill, 405 Hillcrest Dr., Greenville Glenn Hill, 2800 Oaks Rd., New Bern A. L. Hines, 2404 Alabama Ave., New Bern Herman L. Hersey, Box 326, Garner Thomas Grange Milton Hollifield, 202 Park Sr., nanoa Travis Huffman, Gastonia 2Il2 Bobby Jackson, 107 Swan- Wilkinson Blvd., H. Summít St., Greenville J. W. Johnson, Rt. 2, Kinley Thomas K. Johnson, 602 S. Catherine Creek Rd., Ahoskie Charles E. Keith, 2205 Manlowe Dr., erton 441, Durham Ewell Rogers, 2004 Gillespie St., Fayette- ville I, Roger Russell, Winterville Vanceboro Homer Savage, Box 222, Rt. 2, Dallas Adam Scott, Rt. 1, Box 409 E, Jacksonville Gordon R, Sebastian, Hookerton Wayne W. Smith, Rt. 1, Smithfield Edward Swartz, I Ward Street, Canton T. O. Terry, Davis Johnny Triplette, 810 E. Sunrise Ave., Lexington Benny H. Turner, 613 Ben St., Kannapolis W. S. Vaughn, Box I17, Old Fort Þilly B. Walker, P. O. Box 1173, Raleigh Carey Watkins, Garner Broncho West, 1109 Cypless St., Tarboro L. F. West, Box 535, Erwin Jerry Williams, 9 LaRue St., rff. Asheville D. G. Worrell, Jr., 908 N. Ave., Durham Guthrie Milton W¡rthington, Rt. 5, Box Greenville Ierry Wyatt, 404 S. Pine St,, 50-X, Dallas W, Carl OHIO Hobert Ashby, 626 Fulmer Dr., Dayton Forrest L. Chamberlin, R.F.D. No. 1, Pkw., McAlister Eugene Hawkins, Box 398, Noble H, Cox, Jr., 3319 Poe Ave., Cleveland Eddie Dollar, Rt. 2, Wheelersburg E. E. Morris, 1353, S.W. 63, Oklahoma Wheelersburg James Johnny Eason, Rt. 3, Ironton K. Frisbee, 2060 Congo St., Akron Millard Green, St. Clairsville Henry Hawkins, Sciotoville John E. Jefirey, 5980 Antrim St., Elyria No¡man Livingston, 1612 Dewitt Dr., Dayton Charles Lykins, S. Webster Billy McCarty, 468 Stouton Ave., Springfield Robert L. Mead, 2336 E. Leftels Ln., Springûeld Ernest Harrison, 336 Albert Paul Inbody, 2733 E. Ute, Tulsa Bob L. Ketchum, 4324 N. Iroquois, Tulsa City Dr. J. D. O'Donnell, 988 Barkley Cr., Norman Don W. Payne, 6905 S. Miller, Oklahoma City Jerry Rhoades, Rt. 17, Springdale Loop, Ardmore Jack Richey, 108 S. Rangeline, Tecumseh Clarence Shepherd, ll24 Blackstone, Clinton N. R. Smith, 4801 S. Walker, Okla- homa City Arnold Moore, Urbana Harry E, Staires, 139 E. Drumright, mouth C. A. Newman, Bax 642, West Jefierson Ernest Percell, Rt. 4, Sciotoville Richard Pressnell, 86 Putman Ave, West H. West, 822 N. Utica, Tulsa Lynn Wood, 530 S. Johnston, Ada Home¡ Nelson, 951 Liberty St., Ports- Jefferson James E. Sizemore, Coalton James O. Smith, P. O. Box 194, S. Webster Don Stamps, 1600 Dewitt Dr., Dayton T. Taylor, 2028 Airport Hwy., Fred Toledo Bessie Yeley, Portsmouth l8l9 B. Wayne Ave., Delbert Akin, Box 873, Norman Roy Bingham, Rt. 1, Box 271, Broken Arrow Clarence E. Campbell, P. O. Box 1292, Sapulpa Tulsa D. Cariker, 922 W. 23rd Gerald Chester, Rt. 2, Kenneth Elledge, Grove Box 183, Locust Ç. R. Fletcher, 5620 E. 21 St., Tulsa J. B. Fletcher, Tulsa City Frank Young, 704 S.W. 3rd, Lindsay Homer L. Young, 422 S. 60th W. Ave., Tulsa SOUTH CAROLINA Carroll Alexander, 1130 S. Kilbourne, Columbia Gene Anderson, Rt, 1, Box 52, Pamplico D, Bell, 110 Swimming Dr., Jr., 6438 N. Florence Bobby Bowers, 688 Saxon Ave., Spartan- burg J. F. Cantrell, Lockhart Alfred R, Cates, Rt. 4, Florence L.,H. Clayton, 79 Woodworth, Spartanburg P1., Adair Adrian B. Condit, 1229 N. 49th E. Ave., Tulsa Doyle Cox, 219 S. 6th St., Heatdton James - A. Deatherage, 503 E. Oak, Mariatta Lonnie Davoult, 2713 S.W. 33, Oklahoma City L, A. Yandell, 29 S. E. 57th, Oklahoma Lawrence OKLAHOMA Connie Drumright John Victor, Major F. Followwill, 629 W. Monroe, Purcell Howard Gage, 712 N. Bdwy., Checotah J. Malone Cobb, Rt. 3, Box 21, Timmonsville L. Rt. 1, Boì 237, W, Monroe Harrell, Rt, 2, Box 183, Robert Edwards, Turbeville Lloyd Gore, Rt. 1, Box 212 B, Andrews Johnsonville Bob King, 208/z W. Elliot, Chester Rt. 1, Georgetown E. Lambert, 1,04 Fleming Fred Kirby, Clarence Darlington Donald Mclver, Apt. M-6, Gonzales Sherwood E. Lee, P, O. Box 112, Coward Daniel J. Merkh, l4l3 King Ave., Florence Jacl Millwood, 680 Saxon Ave., S'partanburg:... Ct., Balp,h Osborne, P. O. Box 447, Pamplico Stanley Outlaw, Apt. 8-8, Woodland Joe R. Haas, 3110 S. 65th W. Ave., Paul C. Reid, 78 Brooklyn Ave., Lan- Ray Gwartney, Ll20 E. Graham Pryor Tulsa Home, Greenville caster Billy A. Melvin, 1134 Murfreesboro Rd., Floyd Seay, Spartanburg William D. Sealy, Rt. 2, Box 61, Man' nmg Paul Sheelan, 414 Andrews N. Nashville Henry Melvin, 616 Russell, Nashville Turman Pate, Heiskell Rt. I, Heiskell Norman B, Perkins, 304 Colorado St., Morgan Ave., Johnson City Ansel Smith, Valley Falls Robert E. Picirilli, 301 Greenway Ave., John B. Smith, 103 Stafiord Ave., Greenville Roger Tripp, P. O. 623, Lake City I. Bennie Turner, P. O. Box 414, Jobn- Nashville Harold Timmonsville Dennis P. Wiggs, 1510 Marietta St., N,, Leonard Williams, 214-S. Homestead Dr, Florence Conrad Williford, Rt. 2, Patrick Melvin Worthington, Box 441, Darlington Rolla TENNESSEE Nashville Jerry Ballard, 1134 Murfreesboro Rd., Smith, 2909 Knobdale Rd., Winston Sweeney, 201 Stufile Hgts,, Nashville Beasley, Tennessee Ridge Dewey C. Bernard, 1601 Stratford Rd., Kingsport E. H. Brock, Rt. 2, Loudon Seldon Bullard, 710 Siam Rd,, Elizabethton I. L. Burch, 3606 West End Ave,, Nash- H. C. Kingsport Harold Teague, Rt. 9, Greeneville Charles A. Thigpen, Nashville Bert Tippett, 3606 West End Nashville Ave., Herbert Tutterrow, Rt. 4, Loudon Mark Vandivort, Box 1088, Nashville Eugene Waddell, 3600 King's Lane, ville Rufus Coffey, Nashville Richard R. Cordell, 105 Glenrose Ave., Nashville Carl White, Rt. 7, Maryville Ted Wilbanks, Ashland City Nashville H. E. Willis, C. A. Craft, 6301 Penn., Nashville E. A. Craft, 4601 lllinois, Nashville 1200 Davidson Rd., Nash- ville J. Reford Wilson, Box 1088, Nashville Jake Creech, Nashville Paul Woolsey, Rt. 9, Greeneville B. Duke, 133 Bowling Ave., E. J. Young, Sinasta Rd, Erwin Nashville Winford R. Floyd, Main St. at First, TEXAS Kenneth Brandon, 2205 W. 7th, Odessa Osmundo Corrales, 108 N. Randolph St., Elizabethton E. M, French, Rt. I, Greeneville John Ham, 721 Spring St., Manchester Ralph Hampton, Jr., 5614 Meadowcrest, Nashville Bryan H. Z. Cox, 3322 Micfigan, Dallas Leroy R. Cutler, 312 Laurel, Bryan 1134 Murfreesboro Don Ellis, 1601 Burt, Bryan Rd., Nashville Wallace Hayes, Rt. 3, McEwen Odus K. Eubanks, 2320 Azle Ave., Ft. Worth Elvis Fielding, 2800 Sowers Rd., Irving Alvin F. Halbrook, Rt. 3, Box 250, Bryan Clarence Hearron, 1201 N. Mason, Bowie Rashie Kennedy, Jr., 501 Russell, Hend- Van Dale Hudson, 5602 Penn. Ave,, Nashville W. B. Hughes, 109 17th St., Columbia E. C. Jennings, 1145 Prince St., Erwin Norlin D. Jones, 3350 Ridgecrest, erson Memphis ville D. Nashville O. P. Stokes, 903 Harding Ave., Johnson City Lor enza Stox, Nashville Max Allbritten, 1025 W. Eastland Ave., James Rd., Nashville Ken Riggs, Nashville Douglas Roberson, Rt. 2, Cedar Hill Jason Salyer, Nashville Donald Sexton, 624 Ely Rd., Chattanooga John Smith, Ir., 1421 Tyler St., Kingsport Charleston H. D. Harrison, Ferry Hodges Box 1, Sparta Roger C. Reeds, 1134 Murfreesboro Rd., sonville J. B. Vance, Rt. 3, James A. Pitts, Knoxville Jerry Presley, Roy Norie, Jr., Box 269, Paris E. E. Zoellers, 1220 W. Montgomery, Midland J. Kelley, P. O. Box 341, Greene- Paul Ketteman, Nashville Andy W. Lay, Rt. 1, Chapmansboro George Ludwig, Ashland City E, B. McDonald, 3606 West End, Nash- \rIRGINIA Charles Brown, 4817 Portsmouth Blvd., Portsmouth ville 10 J. B. Chism, Jr., 6148 Jefferson Ave., Newport News Robert C. Hill, 5218 Monument, Rich- WEST VIRGTNIA Horace B. Carey, 1150 Ferndale Rd,, Kenova mond Ralph A. Dean, 156 Gallaher St., Hunt- Newport News Albert Halbrook, Rt. 2, Box J. C. Lynn, 913 Burksdale Rd., Norfolk Jerry L. Norris, 618 Lafayette Ter., Raymond Riggs, 4624 Larkin St., Nor- folk Henry Roberts, 303 Center St., Richlands Ralph Staten, 3301 Verdun Ave., Norfolk A. Taylor, Richmond Kenneth Walker, 712 N. Barton St., Arlington ington Charleston J. M. Herrald, Rt. 2, Spencer Rev. G. E. Huffman, Beckley Guy Leonard, 154 Westview Ave., Huntington Elden Pauley, P.t. W. H. l, 42 ,A'., Beckley Samms, 1242 Crescent Rd., Charleston Carl Vallance, 527 Buffington St., Huntington ll 2758, PROCEEDINGS Tuesday Evening, July 13 Tbe 29th session of the National Association of Free Will Baptists opened with the congregation singing, "Jesus Saves" and "How Great Thou Art," under the leadership of Mr. I. L. Stanley. Mr. James Benny Smith and Mrs. Paul Braxton accompanied at the organ and piano, Rev. O, T. Dixon presided and called on Rev. Bill Evans to lead in the openíng prayer, The congregation then sang "Saved, Saved," with Rev. Bill Gardner singing solo on the verses. The cle¡k of the association, Rev. Robert Picirilli, called the session to order and introduced the officers of the assocr'ation. Moderator Stan Mooneyham brought his opening message. The association was welcomed to the state of North Carolina by Rev. Milton Flollifield, Moderator of the North Carolina State Association of Free Will Baptists. This was followed by a welcome to the city of Raleigh by past mayor, Jim Reeã. Mr. I. L, Stanley led the congregation in singing "Heavenly Sunshine," He then recognized those in attendance from various states and other countries. Attendance was noted from29 states and 7 countries. The congregation sang 'At The Cross," Special music was presented by a woman's sextet from Swannanoa, North Carolina, singing "Count Your Blessings," and "Little Is Much." The offs¡ing.was receive.d and the keynote message was brought by Rev. Malcolm Fry of the First Free Will Baptist Church of Tucson, Arizoná, based on John 19:16-30. Following the message announcements were made, including the appointmeût of the several committees to serve during the association. The convention then adjourned until the following morning. Wednesday Morning, Jvly 14 mqrying session of the association opened with Mr. L L. Stanley Bill Gardner led the congregation in singing "Glory To His Naqre," and "Tis So Sweet To Trust in Jesus," and "I Need Thee Every Hour." Scripture and prayer was brought by Rev. Elro Driggers, pastor of Wesconirett Free Will Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida. He read II Timothy 4:1-9. The business of the association begar! with the moderator, Stan Mooneyham, -adopt c,alling for the repor_t of the Credentials Committee, A motion was carried to The. Wednesday presiding, and Rev. this report and seat the delegates (see reports). The clerk of the association presented the report of the General Board. A. motion carried to receive the report and to adopt it item by item. Parts I and II were received as information by general consent. Parts III aird IV were adopted by motion. Rev. Billy Melvin presented his annual report as the Executive Secretary. ,4. motion was carried to receive the report and adopt the budget. The report of the Home Missions Board was presented by Director Homer Willis. A motion carried to receive the report and adopt the budget. A report was given by the Executive Secretary concerning the completion of the new Hea{euqters_^ Building. The _ moderator led the congregation in singing ..To God Be the Glory" in praise for the report and a motion was carried to receive the report as information. The moderator adjourned the business session for a short recess before the worship service. The worship service opened at 11 A.M. with the singing of "When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder," Special music was a solo by Rev, Ken Riggs, with Rev. Teddy Wilbanks accoqrpaûying. The morning offering was received untèr the leadership oi Rev. Rufus Coffey. The annual Layman of the Year award was presented by the moderator to Mr, Ray Turnage, Superintendent of the Children's Home, Greêneville, Tennessee. The morning message was brought by Dr. Robert Picirilli, clerk of the associatiou and r,egistrar at Free_.Will B_aptþJ Bible C-ollege. After the message ¿¡d a¡¡ouncements, the service was dismissed with prayer led by the moderator of the Mexico Associatioi of Free Will Baptists, Rev. Sanchez. 12 Wednesdoy AfÍernoon, July I4 Tbe afternoon session.opened with the congregation singing "stand up For Jesus." Rev. Luther Gibson led in prayer and the congr.elation san-g ,;Jesus Saveí." A motion carried to bring'from the table-thè supplernintal report of last year's Temperance committee (see reports, 19,64. minutes). 14. motion their carried to ä¿òpt the recommendation of that report, deleting sectión 23-D from the by-laws of tlie National Association. The annual report.of the sunday school Board was presented by Director Roger Reeds. A motion canied to adopt the repott. Dr, Arthur climenhaga, the Executive Director of the National Association of Evangelicals, presented the annual report of the National Association of fvangèlicals. A motion carried to receive the repori as information. _ The report of the Þtewardship commission was presented by chairman Malcolm Fry. A motion carried to ãdopt the report. _ The. gnual report of the Board of Foreign Missions was presented by Director Reford wilson" A motion carried to adopt the report and its 6udget. Follôïving this motion the moderator called on the congrêgation tô sing "wherever-He Leads I'll-Go." This was followed by a season of prayerl Rev' cecil campbell presented the report of a special committee which had bee¡ lppointed to study the þossibility of esîablishing a commission on Evangeliim (sei Resolutions report, 7964 minutes). A motion cariied to adopt this report. . A partial report of the Nominating committee was given at this time. The followin-g.persons_w_ere nominated for vacãncies on the GenËral Board by the committee: 'LoVd fhomàs; {lqþ-amq, Iililliam Atkinson; Arizona, paul Long; Arkansas, Californþ Franq4.Boyle;_Florida, Elro Driggers; Gébrgia, O. n. Swíson; Idaho, Ll,arvey^Butler; I_llnojs, Geo,rge Waggoner;-indiana, úiliiam patterson;'Kansas, Wayne Bo-okout; Mexico, Arlhur Billows; Michigan, William Hill; Mississíppi, Toní Johnson; Missouri, Harry Beatty. Theie were- nô other nomínations iiom the lloor and all of these nominees were clected to the General Boar.d. The committee h-ad not prerente{a_name in nomination for the General Board representative from Kentucky. Rev. Bill Davidson was nominated from the ftoor aird elected, The cornmittee nominated the following for ferms on various boards and comIrissions: ^Foreign_Missiots Board, lìaymõnd Riggs; Superannuation Board, W. i. Roberts;-Sunday School Board, Georg-e C. Lee;-Láymán's Board, t. C. ñtitctrett; Steqardship Commission, Malcolm Fiy. There-werê no other iominations frori the floor and these nominees were electeã. The committee nominated H. Z, Cox for membership on the Home Missions Board. Jerry Rhodes was norninated from the floor. Mr, cox was elected. The committee nominated George E. Ritter for a term of office on the church rraining Se-rvice_ Bo?rd. Russell Spurgeon was nominated from the floor. Mr. Spurgeon was elected. The committee nominated John L Morgan to the Board of H-eadquarters Trustees. J. B. Reding was nominated from the floor and was elected. For the full term on the Liberalism Study Commission the committee nominated J. D. O'Donnell. Jack Paramore was nominated from the floor. Dr. O'Donnell was elected. For the unexpired tgr,m on the Liberalism study commission created by the resignation of . N. R. Smith the committee nominâted Carl young. Jaci< Paramore was nominated from the floor and elected. Jerry .Dudley of california moved to amend the by-laws of the association ,byRev. the insertion of the following as sentence 2 in sectioî l0: "No person shall serve on,any standing board or commission who is employed by this- association or any department or agency thereof." After a second was réceived a motion ca¡ried that this proposed amendment be laid on the table. Motion carried to adjourn until the evening service. Wednesdoy Evening, July 14 The annual missionary..service oqened with Rev. William Hill presíding, with Rev. Eugele waddell leading the congregation in singing "Jesùs savel'i "Revive Us Again." The opening prayer was led by Rev. Bolb! Jackson. 13 and and vandivort introduced missionaries and appointees present who serve Mr. Mark -ffomã Missions Board. Mr. Jerry Ballard lñtroduced missionaries and unããi tn" äoïointJei Þresent who serve under the Fofeign Mission Board. The conglegation was led by Rev, Reford Wilson. This was tËðn ñt,iSend rhe Light" and prayer iüã .ãã"f"li-oouèt tiõn 'on..ine ieceiíed under the direction of Mod- iäí6*ãã-Uv erator --,A. Stan Mooneyham. sãeCiut duet"was sung by Malcolm Fry--and Bill Gardner, -"I Know- My Redeeäer Liveth.,, The congreÁation sang "Tell Me the. story o..f Jesus" and the Go.oèlie.s Ouartet sane "Afl Ilail the Fower Of Jesus' Name." The missionary Ãèiiueã *"ì bioueht È'y Dr. LaVerne Miley, missionary on- furlou€h to Africa. w¡en"manv respo-nded-to the invitation foi consecration, the dedicatory pray_er *ái i.l uÍ n"u Raymond Riggs, The missionary offering was received and the session adjôurned until the following morning. Thursday Mornìng, July l5 The Thursday morning session opened with Rev. Francis_-B-oy.le p^re.s!{ing_ and and n.i.-rrê¿ Èãiiieã¿ing tlie congregation in singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" "Glory to His Namei'The morning devotiglal scripture ':g3.glng and. pJayer-was nev. i.-Èennv Turner ãt ttre Westside-Free Will Baptist Church in ¡t "Àirt-Uy South Carolina. Johnsonville, "-iË;ñíuî-iepoir of the Chaplains Commissio-n was presented by Chairman fennetn Walker. ã motion carried that the report be. adopted', -^fãã-ã""ùli iepõtt of the Church Training Service Board was p-resented by nirecioi'-S-ãm-Johison. The motion carried thtt this report be received with commendation and that the budget be adopted. -'no;.frfói.i Knott repiesented tñe American Bible Society and brought his u"i,iái i.poî ø ine ass-bciation. A motion carried that this report be accepted information. *fü;^;-r".;;i as report of Free Will Baptist Bible College was.given by President its budget -be. adopted, A l. ö. ¡õñnion.  motion carried that this report and t"o*i"-läJãisoiairied that a vote of appreðiation and commendation be given iõ the Si¡te College, Trustees, Administration, and Stafi' '-fi,;-;;ñrr-õi"iñe Laymán's Board. was presented--by_Chairma.n Robert Hill, w¡ifr-ãn-ãããè¿ rèpoit frorír the La.yman's. Congress by Mr. Rom.Mailard. A motion ihese' reports be receiïed with commendation and the,budg_et adop_ted. i'¿¡;ìoi-thui --fÀ" r.po.t of the'Historical Commission was presented by member George Lee. motioncarried that the report be adopted' A -Board '-Tñ|;p-i was. preserted.by thairman Chester ôi ttre Supeiannuation motion carrled that the report and its budget be ,ad-opted'Huckabv.'A ^^ï¡i-ír"¿iilt".-ã¿iòurneA the sessioi for a short iecess before the morning hour. worship "-äieïÉrü¿ay morning worship servíce opened with_.the singing-of "How Firm u Êã""ãationtând "Tobod Be-the Glory.n Rev. William Hill led in prayer and tnð ió"uêotion offering was received undei the leadership of the Executive Secretarv, - Éev. Fred Hall sang "Jesus Is Coming Again." pastor of the TË -;t"i"t mesíage was brought- by Rev. HenJy Y-an Kluyve, -was based on Fif;IF;é; Wiñ Baptisl Church of Savannah, G.gr_gjg. The.me.ssage singing of "Until-Then" by Rev. Malcolm i;ñ i4ìá änd wai concluded by theprayer until the afternoon' Þiy. fn" session was adjourned with Thursdoy Aflernoon, JulY l5 The Th¡rsdav afternoon session began with the congregation singing "Showers devotional_.scripture ot-Ëlã*iny ão'¿ "ell the Way My tãviour_Leads Me." The i.r¿i"n añd oraver was brought bi Rev, John Edwards, pastor of the First Free Wüi-Bãptist iituicn of Dothan, Alabama, He read Acts 4:13-20. l4 The annual report of the Woman's National Auxiliary Convention was pre, selted by President Maude Coffey. A motion carried that this report be received as informatioir. Tfe report of the Budget Committee was given by the Executive Secretary. A motion carried that this reþort be adopted. ,The report of the Placement Committee was given by its chairman, John A motion carried that this report be adõpted. ihe committee recommended that the association plan to meèt in Jacksolville, Florida, for its 1967 Floyd, Jr. session. - The anlual report of the Theological Liberalism Study Commission was given Þy one of its members, Rev. Jack Paramore, A motiod carried that the réport be adopted. _ A special.report of the General Board presenting a statement of principles on human relations was presented at this time. It was moved and seconãed tñat this report.be adopted. A motion was then made that this report be postponed indefinitely, but this motion was lost. After further discussion previous queltioñ was moved and carried. and the original motion was carried, Since the special report called for the institution of a special committee on human relations, Mõderator Mooneyham asked that the association elect as this Human Relations Committee the original committee of the General Board which drafted the statement of principles. This committee was Rev. Henry_ Melvin, Rev. Gene Rogers, Rev. Mance Cason,-Rev. Paul Woolsey, and Rev. Paul Inbody. A motion carried that these be elected as the Human Reiátions Committee, A motion carried to bring from the table the proposed constitutional amendment presented the previous day by Rev. Jerry Dudley. Á motion then carried that this proposed amendment be postponed indefinitely. The report of the Resolutions Committee was given. A motion carried that the report be received and considered item by item. After it had been moved and seco_nded to adopt Resolution I, a substitute resolution was moved by Rev. Randv Cox and seconded. After some discussion a motion to postpone ii¿efinitely t¡i: substitute resolution was lost. After further discussion the motion previous quêstion was carried on the substitute motion and the motion ro amend by-substituting Rev. Ranly Cox's resolution was lost. The motion previous questión was theã also carried on the original motion to adopt the first reìolution and this motion also was lost. After it had been moved and seconded that Resolution number II of the report of the committee be adopted, it was moved and carried that this be postponed indefinitely. Motion was then made and carried that Resolutions III, IV, aìd V be adopted. A motion was carried to accept Stan Mooneyham's resignation from the Commis- sion on Chaplains, The floor was opened for'nominations and Rev. George Ritter was nominated and elected to the Chãplains Commission. report of the. Nominating committee was presented, making nominations - The-final offices of the convention. for For Asslstant Clerk, John Floyd, Jr., was nominated by the committee. There were no other nominations from the floor and Mr. Floyd was elected. The committee nominated $ey. Jerry Dudtey for Clêrk. Rev. Malcolm Fry was nominated from the floor and elected.- A motiôn carried that Rev. Robert Picirilli retiring clerk, be commended with a rising vote. The committee nominated Rev. wayné smith for Assistant Moderator. There were no other nominations from the floor ând Mr. Smith was elected. For Moderator, the committee nominated Rev. o, T. Dixon. Dr. Robert picirilli was nominated from the floor and elected. As a result of Mr. Smith's election as Assistant Moderator, he resigned as General Board_reqresentative from North carolina. Rev. Frank Dávenport-was nominatù from the floor to this vacancy on the General Board and elected. ^ A motion carried that the retiring moderator, Stan Mooneyham, be commended with a rising vote. special mention was made-concerning the death of Rev. James Miller during the past year. The- moderator called fol a moment of silent prayer out of respecl for Bro. Miller and other leaders who had died during the year. - A motion carried that the session be adjourned.15 REPORTS OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES The following persons have been appointed to serve on the various REPORT committees of this National Association session: Nomínating CommiÍtee: George Waggoner, chairman, Winford Floyd, Wilburn Beasley, Wade Jernigan, and Roy Rikard, Resolutions Commìttee: Jerry Dudley, chairman, I. L. Stanley, Mance Gason, Ralph Staten, and Jack Richey. Temperance Committee: E. C. Jennings, chairman, Gene Hales, Homer Nelson, E. E. Morris, and Luther Burns. (Cierk's note: because of a Constitutional Amendment adopted after this committee was appointed, doing away with an annual temperance committee, this committee did not function.) Placement Committee: John Floyd, Jr.. chairman, Roy Stevens, Robert Edwards, G. C. King, S. M. Aragon, and Billy Melvin, ex offiicio. Respectfully submitted, WINsroN SwreNey, chaírman Lovo T¡¡orrt¡s LoNNIE RoLEN ELRo DRIGGERS Jecr M¡¡.r.woop REPORT OF THE CREDENTIATS COMMITTEE I. We have examined the letters from the following states and find them to be i¡ order; we the¡efore recommend that their delegates who officially register as such be seated: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. II. We have examined the letters from the following individual Free Will Baptist Churches in areas where there is no association of churches affiliated with the National Association, and recommend that their delegates be seated: Fairbanks, Alaska; Denver, Colorado; Waipahu, Hawaii, and the Riverview Church of Bettendorf, Iowa, III. We have examined the lette¡s from the following districtJevel associations in areas where there is no state-level association afûliated with the National Association, and recommend that their delegates be seated: the Northeastern Association, and the Northwest Association. IV. We further recommend that the delegates who properly register from any local church affiliated with the various bodies of the National Association be seated. Respectfully submitted, WeyNe W. Surr¡r, chaírman Aonr¡N B. CoNort Guv F. OwBNs REGULAR REPORT OF THE GENERAT BOARD Your General Board has met on Monday and Tuesday prior to the opening of the National Association and wishes to make the following report: I. We have heard the reports of the several departments and recommend them for adoption by the National Association as each is presented in turn. II. In the case of the Superannuation Board's report, we have taken note of the auditor's statement calling attention to the arurually decreasing balance of the department, and we have asked that the members of the Superannuation Board and the Executive Committee give joint study to this problem and to the whole area of the operation of the Superannuation Board. 16 of the Executive Department's report, we recommend that the of the National Association of Free Will Baptists be authorized to execute IIL In the case -Irustees all necessary mortgage papers on the 1134 Murfreesboro Ro,ad property, Nashville, Tennessee, Ïor a ãrõrtgagè of $175,000 to the Prudential Insurance Company of America. IV, We recommend that the Executive Committee be authorized to proceed with plans to rearrange the program of the National Association, beginning with next year, as follows: Monday morning, the beginning of the General Board meeting Monday evening, the keynote service of the National Association Tuesday daytime, variéd simullaneous meetings of sub-groups, including the WNAC, Pastors, Youth, Laymen Tuesday evening, regular worship service of the National, with opening few minutes devoted to routine matters like the seating of delegates Wednesday morning, 9:00 to 1:00 p.m., business Wednesday afternoon, free time Wednesday evening and Thursday, following the same schedule as at present. Respectfully submitted, T¡æ GeNen¡r, Boeno or rHB NÀTIoNAI AssoctertoN, Rosenr E. Ptctxtrt-t, clerk A SPECIAT REPORT OF THE GENERAT BOARD STATEMENT OF PRINCIPTES ON HUMAN RETATIONS We recognize the right and privilege of the local church to conduct its own affairs in the area of human relations. We further recognize our responsibility to God and to our fellow man to declare ourselves on the question of human relations as it is related to the various agencies of the National Association of Free Will Baptists. In the light of the above, the National Association of Free Will Baptists believes that all persons should equally enjoy those freedoms and privileges intended by God from creation, taught in the Bible, and provided by the Constitution of the United States of AmeriCa. The church of Jesus Christ must recognize the dignity of every person as a creation of God and must actively seek ways to bring that person into a right relationship with God, regardless of race or national origin. "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the ûsh of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth" (Genesis I:26), We recognize the fact that there is no immediate or simple solution to this problem because of the extremely diversiûed ci¡cumstances that prevail throughout our denomination. However, we do believe that adherence to Christian principles and Bible teaching is relevant and essential to the solution of any and all social problems, and the establishment of proper human relations. We are convinced that the transformation of mankind through faith in Jesus Christ is the greatest instrument available to break down prejudices and cause justice to prevail. We are opposed to violence to secure human rights, and are equally opposed to force to prevent the achievement of such rights. While laws may give impetus to justiûable freedoms, it is regrettable that laws must be enacted requiring people to adhere to common courtesies, We recogníze that it is not the chief business of the church to lead in social reform since the Great Commission calls for reconciliation of man to God, but a natural consequence of regeneration is right relations of one man to another. "For ye are a1l the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male or female in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:26-28). We recognize throughout the denomination there are human relation problems, We must learn to be tolerant, and above all must be honest as we search our hearts from time to time for hidden motives in regards to our actions. As pastors and 17 spiritual leade¡s there are responsibilities to consider for the good of the total cause wh_en we_ mlght ,personally mõve faster, we must be keenly alare that the forcei of evil w-ould_deligh! in exqloiting this situation to their advântage, we therefore urge that the National Association of Free will Baptists seek div:ine guidance throufri prayer and counsel of wisdom that may be at our disposal, we recommend that a rluman Relations committee further study the problems and possibilities in the area of flve be established to of human ¡elations as rethe, ,agencies of the National Association of Free will Baptists. rts purpose wo_uld be to help. us spiritually and intelligently face existing -problems lated to and to explore the potential-of such projects as mission work in la-rgè metro- qolitan areas among people of other racìs that are now being left to the-exploitation of the Communists- and other liberally minded forces. - REPORT OF STEWARÐSHIP COMM¡SSION INFORMATION: 1' Arrange-men_tq werq made for the dissemination of in time for this session of the National Association. the 1966 stewardship packet 2. Two tracts on stewar4!Þip, "Exploring the Explosion,' and .'Why Tithe',, have been^written.bV lree Will Bapliits this year and were approved änd priníed by the stewardshþ. commission. These tracis are available thiough the siewardship I,ommissio,n. They .will also be distributed by the Laymen Éoard through thè Master's Men orgánization. 3. A.four-part -study booklet entitled "Total rnvolvement" has been prepared and printed- by the stewardship commission. This booklet is avaitable th?ough the stewardship commission fo¡ us_e- by gul churches as Sunday School lõssons, sermons, prayer meeting topics, Master's Men and woman's Aúxiliary devotions, or c.T.s.' or _any other manner deemed advisable for the indocirinating of . our people on the matter of overall stewardship. 4. lermission lras b-een granted from the American Bible society and Good News Publishers for the - publication of certain t¡acts selected bjr the stewardship Commission,pertaining to Stewardship in our denominational ieriodical Contacî. Two tracts have been ,published in message form already thiô year ir contact. 5. I ong-ra-nge. plans are being made by the Stewardship ÕommiJsion which will foster the implementation of stewardship for the woild-wide ministry of Free will Baptists. we urge tle use of all stewardship materials during a concerted effort of four weeks this falt. FtNANCtAt REPORT JANUARY CASH iN BANK JANUARY t, t964 t, by oui churchãi 1964-DECEMBER 30, 1964 ............$ 591.89 RECEIPTS Cooperative Receipts. ...8792.97 iitéi^i,i"5J"...:.-..:.::.::::.::.:::.:.:.:.::... .67 Church Tithes. 795.72 1.48 $1,387.01 DISBURSEMENTS AccountingFee.... p;i'ti's'.:......:::....:...::.::..::..:::::::.. Postage. Tracts. MalcolmFry-SeminarExpense. .....9 25.00 .... ó43.88 8.64 15.00 .......200.00 892.52 # 18 494.49 t, |9ó5-JULY t, r9ó5. JANUARY CASH IN BANK JANUARY 1, RECEIPTS Receipts. Sales... Church Tithes. Cooperative t9ó5 ...........$ 494.49 ...$280.10 Literature 5.00 287.47 2.37 $ DISBURSEMENTS FreightCharges. Printing. Telephone Conference. DisplayBooth-National Convention. .......$ 5.42 ó5.00 .. 111.38 ... 206.30 24.50 $ Respectf 781.eó s7s.óó ully submitted, MALcoLM FB.v, chairman Rosnnr HnL Fne¡¡crs Boï,e låKi REPORT OF THE WOMAN'S NATIONAT AUX¡IIARY"1iY^"f*. CONVENTION The 30th annual meeting of the Woman's National Auxiliary Convention met o! July 12 and 13 immediately prior to this session of the National Association ivith 4 registration of 1019 and missionaries from Japan, Africa, BrazíL, Ecuador, Hawaii, Canada, and Alaska. There were reports ffom 15 state conventions, 4 district conventions, and 3 local auxiliaries, rèporting a total 571 auxiliaries and pqyilC a total in representation fees of $681.93. Thá enrollment at the beginning of the convention year was 7,083 with 7,601 present enrollment at the énd of the year. Average attendance was 5,006. During the year there were 208 study courses conducted on the subject of Missions, 185 on Stewardship, 189 on the manual, 171 on Evangelism, i82 on ¡rayer a1d 38 on other subjects. There were 96 reading circles, and 2,783 daily Bible readers. The¡e wgre 454 special programs held, 659 weeks _ given in self-denial offerings during these weeks. of prayer observed, 94,542.49 , There were 1,925 family altais and 1,135 members faithful ship. to prayer fellow- In the ,personal service area there were 2,423 women making soul-winning efforts and 561 souls won.to Christ. 2,656 women were active -in communit! missions. A reported total of $4,949.01 was given to children's homes. r,rl cooperation with the Editors of Còntact magazine there were 3,327 subscribers to denominational periodicals and 869 artiðles rvritten for publication. The following we¡e elected to office for the next two years: Mrs.^ Robert Hill, President; _Mrs. _Robert Picirilli, Vice-President; Mrs. Gene Rogers, Recording Secretary; Mrs. John Grant, Assistant Recording Secretary; Mrs. L. C. DeFee, Study Course Chairman, Mrs. Ed Hill, Stewardship-Prayei Chairman; and Mrs. R-oy Thomas,- Personal Service-Evangelism Chairmañ, and a newly created offlce of Missions Chairman was filled by Mrs. Rufus Coffey Designated contributions we.re Co-Laborer Fund : -_--------Foreign Missions Home Missions _- _--_-------Bible College Miscellaneous Missions Projects TOTAL Contributions to the Memorial Student l,oan Fund were $3,015.00 disbursed for Student Loan. 54,370.94 __ 1,999.49 2,990.00 '506.69 25,94j.09 $35;814.20 $2,775,57. There was Respectfully Submitted, Mns. Ru¡'us Connev, president lvfns. Gn¡¡e Roc¡ns, recording secretaty f9 REPORT OF THE RESOTUTIONS COMMITTEE I. Whereas, change in theological position always begins with an attitude change only detectable in practices, and , Whereas, the Bible commands the believer to "earnestly contend for the faitb which was once delivered unto the saints," and . Whereas, many questions have arisen in this framework among Free Will Baptists concerning the alignment ir some degree to other associations, organizations, persons or institutions by this Association ãnd some of the agencies thereof; therefore be it a committee be chosen by this body to review the attitude of the National Association of Evangelicalé toward the ecumenical Resolved, that . (position) moveqrent, Roman Catholicism, and the National Council of Churches as conveyed by policies, practices and the printed page; be it also . Resolved, that this committee review the attitude (position) of Free Will Baptist of this association, in their assóciaasSociations, organizations, persons or in- institutions and departments which are a part tion .or alignment with independents, stitutions which are strongly opposed to our historical position on apostasy and other tenets of our precious faith; and be it further Resolved, that this committee report to the 1966 session of the National Associa- tion of Free Will Baptists. (Clerk's note: the above Resolutíon I was not adopted by the Associøtíon.) Whereas the task of the church involves her in educational agencies and activities of various types, and there is a need for a formal organizatiõn to serve her needs in the broad field of Christian education; therefore, Be it resolved, That the National Association of Free Will Baptists establish an educational commission of five members to function in this broãd field. The dutes of this educational commission would be in the broad area and not speciûcally detailed with i¡dividual responsibility of a supervisory capacity. These If. broad areas would be Christian Day Schools, Higher Edutation, Highèr Education overseas, etc., including also the attaining of Graduate Fellowships of an academic nature for study to advanced degrees for qualified students. This commission is to be filled by election to offlce for terms of five, four, three, two, and 1 years respectively, while in session at Raleigh, North Carolina, July,1965. (Clerk's note: the above Resolution II was not adopted by the Associatíon.) IIf, Be it resolved that this Association give a rising vote of thanks to the North Carolina State Association, the City of Raleigh, and to all committees and persols who have combined their efforts to provide the facilities and warm reception for this 29th session of the National Àssociation of Free Will Baptists. IV. Be it resolved that our Executive Secretary write letters of appreciatiõn to the various news media and to Mr. Jim Reed, former Mayor of the City of Raleigh. V. Be it ¡esolved that we give a standing vote of thanks to all of the officers -of the body, who have faithfully and sacrificially served throughout this year and throughout this session. Respectfully submitted, J¡nny Duorpy, chaírman I. L. ST¡Nr-ev CesoN Mrxcr il:L'i,H"" REPORT OF THE PTACEMENT COMMITTEË We recommend that the 1967 session of the National Association be held in Jacksonville, Florida, anci that the George Washington Hotel be designated as the Headquarters hotel. We note that this will be the first time in the history state of Florida to be ou¡ host. tte of our denomination for Respectfully submitted, JonNNre E. FroYr, Jp,., chaìrman Roernr L. Eorvenos Rovce SrevaNs S. M. Aneco¡¡ G. C. KrNc 20 OF BUDGET COMMITTEE We recommend the adoption of a total denominational budget of. $1,267,307.55 as proposed by the various boards. We recommend the adoption of the following percentages for the allocation of REPORT cooperative funds for the year 1966. Foreign missions Bible college Executive - -------297o department Home missions -----------Church training service --------Superannuation -, ------------Stewardship commission -- - ------ 217o ---,- ---- - -- 20Vo - - --- -- - --- 16% ----------- L07o _.-- - - -- -- --- ---- -- , -- 37o 7Vo T-oor" ' Respectfully submitted, Rsrono WtrsoN L. C. JoHNsoN HoMen Wtllts Sevru¡r JouNsoN C. A. HucrasY MALCOLM FRY BILLY E. Mrr-vrN HISTORICAT COMMISSION REPORT of the reports that are given this week will be concerning that which is now happening or is to occur later. However, the work of the Historical Commission is unlike any of these reports in that it is concerned with what has already transpired. Since this Commission functions without a budgetary allocation there is a limited amount that it can accomplish. Therefore, we are very dependent on the cooperation of everyone in order to ãccomplish our goals. One great area in which we have failed as a denomination has been in that of preserving an accurate record of our history. The Historical Commission serves as a reminding agency as well as a collecting agency for the preservation of: Most 1. Old records 2. OId document and 3. Old minutes For example: While in Nebraska recently a member of our Commission was able to secure the original handwritten minutes of the Kansas, Nebraska Yearly Meeting which dated back to the early - 1870's. We have found that sentiment often hinders the obtaining of many of these precious items of historical importance. Therefore, it is often most difficult to gaiher this type of information. This Commission would like to appoint each of you as a separate committee of one to help with this responsibilitl,. Search through all your iecords for valuable helps. Ask your friends to be on the look out for articles that would help us keep informed in the years ahead as to what we have done over the years, Send your materials to: HISTORICAL COMMISSION Box 1088 Nashville, Tennessee 37202 This material will be on public display at Free Will Baptist Bible College and will aid,in-the writing of term papers, histories, etc. We solicit your help-as we look to the future where today's records will pass, Respectfully submitted, Geoncp C. Lse Wrlu¡¡¿ HrrrDervroN 21 C, Dooo REPORT OF THE CHAPIAIN'S COMMISSION The National Association of Free will Baptists has two chaplains serving presently in the United States Army; (Captain Daniel L. Rivers, chaþÍain in the regular army; Rev. Gerald Mangham having received our endoiseme^nt for the- er"mv sðmiáária" rrogiá-.)-----Besides these we have a number of men serviúg as chaplains iri t¡e 'civil eir Pa1¡.oI, Veteran's. Hospitals and National Guard Unitsl that contact be kept between our servicernen and the local church., cards, letters, bulletins and/oi church papers woulcl serve, well to ac.complish this. we must remember to pray for oúr'servicemen wnetner they be chaplains or regular service Þerson¡el. This commission has been ñotified that ihere are some vacancies for chaplains to go on active duty, However, only those who meet the extensive quaüfiòätions requrred-may apply. rn order to meet the academic requirements for thè chaplaincy a candidate must po-ssess 120 hours of undergraduate study at an accreditêo õiIe-ge and graduate from an approved theological school with 90 semester hours of graduate work-- Duplication oT-credits is not ãccepted. AÌthough we have received this challenge to sirbmit for the chaplaincy men of our endorsement we do not have at preseñt anyone so qualifled whb wisúeJ io ¿ó I hrs conmission sincerely recommends so. encourage our young men who are in training ^ Muy _ryg Gospel Ministry, to consider the challenge of the chaplaincy-. for christian service-the Respectfully submitted, W. Sr¡u J. D. MooNeyHAr4 O'DoNNerr, K¡NNsrH M, W¡r.rEn REPORT OF THE STUDY COMMISSION ON THEOTOG¡CAt LIBERA¡.ISM Recognizing the increasing pressures from current theological trends such as the ecumenical movement, new-evangelicalism, catholicism, and secularism, we se€ a definite need for papers to be written on these issues. In view of the time consuming task of preparing such papers, we feel that writers who are secured for these papers should receive remuneration for their services. __Therefore, we request that the National Association grant the Commission on The-ological_ r iberalism $250.00 for the employment of w-riters a¡d the preparation of these articles. A condensed report of these- articles will be presented at the next meeting of the A,ssociation, or the entire articles will be reád if it is so requested. Pñns will also be submitted for a distribution of these articles among our people. Respectfully submitted, Jacr P¡n¡rrrone Bonsy J¡crsox Lenoy Fonr-rNrs Tnooy D¡vrs N. R. Surr¡r REPORT OF THE SPECIAT STUDY COMMITTEE ON EVANGETISM We your study committee on evangeüsm as appointed by the moderator pursuant to the resolution of t}:re L964 session held in Kansas City, Missouri, offer the following recommendations: 1. Inasmuch as there is a definite need for greater emphasis in evangelism in our totel church program, we recommend that within the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension there be established a Department of Evangelism. 22 . 2. We offel sorne suggestions to this agency whereby they may plomote evangelism: area-wide simultaneous revivals; literature on evangelism in the local churõh; special emphases at special times; conferences on evangelism on state, district, and local.levels; promotion of various methods, such as ãppointment evangelism and individual evangelism; the encouragement of the use oï our full-tirne évangelists; and stndy-courses on evangelism. Respectfully submitted, WrNsroN SwBnrqr,y Wrllr¡¡¿ E. AßrNsoN Cr¡.naxcr H. Bunrox L. Knrcrrutu CEcIL H. C¡Nrpsrrr, clnírmeot Bos REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY "And- all things are of God, who hath r.econciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ, qrld hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation" (II Coriiìthians 5:18): This year, perhaps as never b-efqre,, we have,sensed the urgency of our minístry as we seek to be instruments of God by which He reconcilès men unto Himsef. It. has been a privilege for me to serve this year as Executive Secretary and I wish to expresl -my -ðincery: appreciation for the support which you haíe gr-ven to us in the work of the Executive Department as well as the other departments of our work. We trust that through -o9r mutual endeavor there have been many who have come into a right relationship to God through Jesus Christ as Savioui. Promotion: Travel over the states and attendance at various meetings of interest to our denomination has occupied a large portion of my time in the past year. It is evident that more and more people are becoming aware of our dènomination and the work which \rye ate doing for the Lord. I have found thât the area meetings for pastors continued to be an excellent means of sharing first hand information ãs well as problems at the grass-roots. It is my intention to have more of these meet- ings in the future. In March, 1965, we held our second Secretaries or Moderators of ou¡ meeting in Nashville for the Promotional vari<¡us states. This meeting was tvell attended and -a fitting continuation- of our first meeting the previous year. We are planning another such meeting ta 1966, _ Due to _other duties, we have not been able to continue the monthly news service. It is our intention to revive this activity, however, and we hope that we will have sufficient resources to make it possible. Our office has also been involved in securing a group ruling from Internal Revenue Service in order to protect all of our member-chuiches and organizations. As of tlis writing we have not received a reply from IRS, but we do expect to be able to make an announcement at the annual convention. , In addition, we havg been.seeking legal counsel in regard to the advisability of the National Association being incorporated. This matier will come before' the General Board at this session and no doubt will be referred to you for consideration. , Department Ministries: In the past year our book store has ðhanged its name and location. Our store is now Randall Book Store and is located in t-he new National Office Building. As result of this move, we have a larger stock and selection. Cataiogs have been mailed to all churches. we hope that y-ou will give us your business and will write to us about any book store needs that you have. we are also able to supply you with church furniture, tables and chairs. Through Executive Church Bonds, Inc., we have helped churches finance new bujlding programs. We believe that we have an excellent program, competitive in price, and would welcome the opportunity to present this program to your congregation. Many friends have been won for Contact Magazine in the past year, however, it. seeÛrs that we cannot get past the 7,000 subscription mark. fhe Júne 1965 issué *¿5 ¡¡¿il,ed to _6,777 subs-cribers. We plan anothèr subscription campaign during the month of October with the cooperation of the WNAC.- We woulã urge every church to support this efiort. was 23 New Buílding.' Just at the time of the convention last year we had broken ground for our new building. Now, one year later, we have just finished and occupied these facilities. We started our move on May 24 and about one month later was fairly well settled. At this writing we have not been able to close the loan on the building, but a detailed financial report has been prepared for the General Board. Needless to say, this project has consumed much of my time in the past year, An undetermined number of decisions had to be made and endless details cared for. We are happy to report that we feel we have excellent facilities for the investment made and that these lacilities are a credit to our work. One important and imperative item yet remains, We still must raise $20,000 to purchase the additional two acres of land which we have under option, This option will expire on September 24, 1966, You will be hearing more about this in the months ahead and I trust that you will determine now to help us in a tangible way and pray with us until viclory comes in respect to this need. Our Stewardslzip.' Denominational givrng last year was $592,797.35 for all national causes. (This does not includes income from sales.) A six year comparison follows: 1962-5432,451.85 1959-$329,810.87 1963-5s07 ,094.14 1960-$353,409.00 196t-s413,127 .00 1964-9593,697 .35 Of the total denominational giving,973,668,76 was given through the Cooperative Plan of Support. We are gateful for this increase in Cooperative receipts which is another all-time record for a one year period. Here is our Cooperative giving for the past six years. 19s9-$43,839.69 1960-$47,291.44 1961-$49,706.10 1962-s57,075.52 1963-563,082.s6 1964-$73,668.76 The following table gives the actual gifts of our people ministries over a span of four years. to National Association 1962 t963 1964 $343,783.60 '19,778.76 92,604.89 105,85s.92 1t7,397 .81 97,369.00 83,754.00 85,528.43 102,512.20 13,4ó9.00 14,930.00 13,ó15.04 16,169.97 3,594.00 4,385.00 10,ó75.00 8,522.00 9,168.38 9,720.39 4,459.00 s,421.00 3,050.99 s,2ts.38 Appreciatíon: I wish to take this opportunity to express appreciation to each of you and to your churches for the support which you have given us in the 196t ... .$216,016.04 $239.909.78 $289,845.38 past year. Your prayers, support and letters of encouragement have meant much. Surely we would never have been able to accomplish so much without you. God bless you and thanks, Respectfully submitted, Bu-¡-v A. Me¡-v¡N u AUDITOR'S STATEMENT February 10, 1965 Executive Department of The National Association of Free Will Baptists Nashville, Tennessee I have examined the balance sheet of the Executive Department of The National Association of Free lVill Baptists as of Decen-rber 31, 1964 and the related statement cf income and firnd balance for the year then ended. M1'examination rvas made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as I considered necessary in the circumstances, except as noted in the follorving paragraph. Due to illness and changes ofpersonnel in your bookkeeping department the inventory not ready for verification until February 8, 1965, at x'hich time the physical inventory was checked by me. Since approximately 39 days elapsed during which time sales and purchases were made and since it was not deemed practicable to prepare an analysis rvas of sales and purchases, no opinion is expressed conceming the inventory stated at $14,395.15. , 196+ enters materially into the determination express an opinion ou the accompanying frnancial statements taken as a whole. Morris B. Adkins Because the inventory at December 31 of financial position and results of operations, I do not BATANCE SHEET: DECEMBER 31, 1964 ASSETS Current Assets .....$ 3,482.55 Cash... : : : : :. : : : :. : : :. : :.. :. :...- ó;43s 64 l,+98.62 ,{ccounts receivahle-other.... 1,750.00 Aclvance to lìuilding Fund.. ....' 14.39t15 Inventoryof merchándise..... . .. '.$27,561.96 Tctal Current Assets. Ë;;;i;;õi'"¡rL-.,'ió-l;;: Eottìbment ......'$ bfficeequipment.... Automobilè and truck. Less allowance for depreciation. .. $ . 4,472.25 3,480.05 7,952.30 2,353.67 ....-.. NetEquipment...... 5,598.63 Other Assets deposit. TotalAssets. 425.00 Airlines .....$33,585.59 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Canent Li.abil'ities Accr,unts payable. Employees' 'rvithhclding taxes. .. . .8 7,101 .27 123.80 25 Mail truck operation 35.93 287.87 (excess collections). Liabilities Fund.Balance (Page3) Total Liabilities and Fund Balance. Total Current ..Qn Jan^uary.l, 196.5 ths . .$ Z,SS4.S? .....26,030.22 ryJT Free Will Baptist Book Store was formed.",ì** S, division of the Executive Departm,ent, with certain Assets, Liabilities an¿ Fund Bäiánðã transferred to the Book Store. The follorving Balance Sheets give effect to theãtoiãmentioned transfers. Bal.ance Sheet Balance Sh¿et Booþ Store Executiae Deþarlment ASSETS Assets Cash.. Acccunts receivable. current Advance to Building Fund. . Inventory of merchandise. . .. .. .. .. 7,174.23 1,750.00 -0- . .$ 5,891.78 Equiþrnent Offrceequipment.... truck. Automobile and .......$3,789.61 . .. Less allowance for depreciation. Net Equipment. . . -3,480.05 fi1 515.00 6,760.03 14,395.15 -0- Assets. Total Current $ .....ff2,967.55 ,269.66 821,670.18 !à 682.64 8 682.64 2,207.82 -0145.85 ..... 5,061.84 536.79 Other Assets deposit. TotalAssets Airlines Current Linbilitàes 425.00 &22,206.97 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE payable. ..$1,249.33 withho1dingtaxes....... t23.80 Statesalestax.... .. -0Mail truck operation (excess Accounts $ Employees' collections) s,857.94 -035.93 287.87 Total Current Fund. -0- .....fi11,378.62 Liabilities -0- .$ Balance. s 1,ó61.00 s,893.87 9,717.62 1ó,313.10 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance. . . . . .$11J?Sj, 822,206.97 INCOME AND FUND BAIANCE, I9ó4 Income Sales of "Contact". LesscostofrrContact". Þookstore ne!.income (Page 4). CooperativePlan... .. ..$11,141.5ó ...... L0:240.85 . $ 900.21 . L3,¡S4.O7 .14',75837 26 -. NationalAssociation fees.... ö;;;ñi;;;tr;;i"ã;.-.-....:. : . Gifts... Church bond fees. Other. . Total Income. ::: . 2,250.00 . .. 2',oe2.sg 1,411.60 3,458.0.5 123.95 ....538,949.73 Exþenses Accounting. Contributions and honorariums..... Convention expense. Depreciation. Board expense Fuel, lights and water. Insurance-employees . Insurance-general. . Interest. Janitor supplies. Building and equipment maintenance Miscellaneous Office supplies Postage. Salaries. Housing allowances. Telephóne. Travel . Promotion. Officerent. TotalExpenses...... .$ 1,025.00 1,450.00 3,225.27 1,811.78 589.16 255.19 I,241.87 513.55 60.08 2L04 400.18 120.11 1,087.47 873.40 ....19,051.21 . .. .. . 2,370.00 1,168.67 2,597.56 695.27 365.29 ...38,922.t6 Net Income. .. . Fund Balance, January 1, . Fund Balance, December 31, 1964. .fi26,030.72 INCOME FOR RANDAIL BOOK STORE, I9ó4 S¿l¿s-Book Less cost Store.. cf Book Store . ..$53,23ó.45 sales. 32,850.55 $20,385.90 S¿l¿s-Bulletins..... Less cost $1 1,6ó5.70 9,332.90 of Bulletins. Gross Pro6ton Sales. .....,$22,718:70 Exþenses Advertising. ........$ Mailing supplies. Office supplies Postage. Salaries. Travel. Net 7 3.45 239.27 205.91 2,500.29 99.28 5,591.12 54.7r Promotion. Total Expenses... 2,332.80 .. . 8,764.63 Income. ......$13,954.07 The Book Store has not been charged with utilities, etc. 27 expense of building use, bookkeeping, AUDITOR'S STATEMENT FOR EXECUTTVE CHURCH BONDS, tNC. February 10, 1965 Executive Church Bonds. Inc. (A division of the Executive Department of The National Association of Free Will Baptists) Nashville, Tennessee I have examined the statement of cash receipts and disbursements of Executive Church Bonds, lnc. (A division of the Executive Department of The Nationat Association of Free will Baptists) for tbe year ended December 31, rgó4. My examination was made in accordance lvith generally accepted auditing standarcls, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as I considered necessary in the circumstances. In my opinion, the accompanying statement presents fairly the cash receipts and disbrlrsements of Executive Church Bonds, Inc. (A division cf the Executive Department of rhe National Associaticn of Free will Baptists) for the year ended December 31, 19ó4 in conformity with generally accepted acccunting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Morris B. Adkins CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS, EXECUTIVE CHURCH BONDs, I9ó4 Cash balance, January I,1964. ...........$ SSó.14 Êeceipl.s Service fees.... .....$12,838.00 '500.00 Department Total to be accounted for... .. .Advances from Executive .. 13,3J8.00 ..$13,894.14 D'isbursements Advances from Executive Department (repaid). Advertising. Printing, etc.. . . Salaries (net after deductions). Executive Department fees. . . l-egal services and registraticn fees.. Supplies. 1 elephone. ,....., ..$ 500.00 198.30 1,496.7 3 4,8.s3.80 3,458.05 272.s5 ....... 189.63 203.43 Travel. 1,899.10 . 31, 1964. .. 13,071.59 . .. . . . . ..$ B2Z.SS Total disbursements Cash balance, December ... . 28 ,. AUDITORS STATEMENT FOR THE COOPERATIVE PLAN FebruarY i0, 1965 The National Association of Free Will Baptists Nashville, Tennessee I have examined the statement of cash receipts and disbursements of the Ccoperative Plan of Support of The National Association of Free Will Baptists for the year endecl December 31,196+. My examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing stan.lards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other arrcliting procedures as I considered necessary in the circumstânces, except that my examination of receipts was limited to the records of the Cooperative Plan. In my opinion, the accompanying statement of cash receipts and disbursements fairly the recorded cash transactions of the Cooperative Plan of Support cf The National Association of Free Wilt Baptists for the year ended December 31, 1964 in conformity uith generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. presents Morris B. Adkins CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE COOPERATIVE PLAN, t9ó4 Rece,íþts Alabama. .......$ 1,257.70 Arizona. 622.65 Arkansas. 3,984.88 California. 8,421.29 Florida. .. 5,100.48 Georgia. 2,724.15 Iflllli;: :: :: :: :: :: :: :. :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :. : : :: : : :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: o,ol3 31 Indiana. 34ó.98 Kansas. .. 2,173.72 Kentucky. t,096.O2 Mississippi. 54.82 Missouri. . 13,894.28 New Hampshire..... 319.33 New Mexico. 349.21 , North Carolina...... ),456.95 Ohio. . . 1,602.24 Oklahoma 16,192.30 Sorrth Carolina..,... 44.94 Tennessee, 4,701.29 Texas. . 2,733.72 Virginia. 3,010.92 Washington. 92.00 Total Receipts.. .... .....fi77,849.11 Desìgnateil Undesìgnateil Disbursements Foreign Mission Board.. Executive Department. Bible College. Home Mission Board.. ... 29 .. ..$ 2,464.05 821,343.97 Total' $23,808.02 L3.26 14,745.1L 65.0ó 15,482.26 L.243.8t 11,776,02 l+,758.37 15,547.32 13,019.83 Church Training Service (formerl1' League Board) . Superannuation Board. 7,372.45 7,s72.45 -04.85 2,211.70 2,216.55 37 .25 737.25 -0399.32 399.32 -0ry¡rOj: 873,668.76 $27,859.11 Stewardship Commission 7 Other.. Total Disbursements. Disbursementsinc1udes10.00receivedinthep.",,io*7'-' AUDITOR's STATEMENT FOR THE NATIONAT ASSOCIATION BUILDING FUND February 10, 1965 Trustees of The National Association of Free Will Baptists Nashville, Tennessee I have examined the balance sheet of the Building Fund of The National Association of Free Will Baptists as of December 31,1964. My examination r¡'as made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as I considered necessary in the circumstances. In my opinion, the accompanying balance sheet presents fairly the financial position of the Building Fund of The National Association of Free Will Baptists at December 31, 1964 in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year' Morris B. Adkins BUITDING FUND BAI.ANCE SHEET, I964 ASSETS Cash... ............$ :::. :::::::. ... Co..... .. lãnd and buldì;s.:..:.:::... :::. Deposit'rvith Prudential Insurance Promotional expense. Interest expense. 296.49 100,840.31 1,750.00 2,092.16 1,204.99 TotalAssets. Liobil.itìes ....$10ó,183.95 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Note payable-bank.. . AdvaricÉ from E"ei"tinu b;*; tment - 63,923.62 1,750.00 . Totalliabilities..... ....8 65,673.62 Fand, Bal'ance Contributionsreceived. ..........$ Rentincome-net...... À*ou"ïiã.át";ã;; ;1" ;i ¡'säi äi.¡'iá"å Avenue. Total Fund Balance. Total Liabilities and Fund Balance. . 2+,798.67 711.66 15,000.00 40,510.33 . . . . .$10ó,183.95 The National Association is the lessee on a lease agreement dated September 25, 19ó3, expiring September 24, 1966. The lease specifies añnual rent of $1,2'00.00, pavable in monthly installments. The lessee has the right to purchase the property (appioiimatelv 2.2 acres oÍ7and) during the three year period for a total cash considèration óf $20,000.0õ. 30 BOARD OF FOREIGN MISS¡ONS REPORT_I9ó4 "Ye are my witnesses."-Iesus Ch¡ist The world is an arena. We are engaged in spiritual conflict, and no seats are provided for spectators in our foreign mission program. In 1,964, many more Free Will Baptists joined us with prayer and financial support. Receipts for the year reached an all-time high. We received $347,034.06, an increase of $57,188.68 over 1963. Twelve new missionaries arrived on their fields in 1964. Brazil: Louis and Florine Coscia, Jim and Shirley Combs, Walter and Marcia Ellison, Don and Carol Robirds; Ivory Coast: Archie and Sarah Mayhew; Panama: Bill and Barbara Phipps. Our department not only has a ministry abroad but also to our people at home whom we serve. The Reverend Rufus Coffey, director of conference ministries, arranged 49 missionary conferences in churches across the country, numerous itinerary services for missionaries and appointees, and atteûded several state and district conventions. Mr. Coffey says, "Every conference and each missions service is a new and thritling experience, As Paul wrote to Timothy, "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into this ministry. I am fully convinced that the reason we have so many unreached souls in the regions beyond is because we have so many unreached pâstors, churches, and Christians here at home. The most eflective way to enlist the support of these noninvolved people is through more missionary services and a follow-up througb literature to keep them informed." Our Informational Services Division is under the direction of the Reverend Jerry Ballard. Heartbeat circulation has reached the 35,000 mark giving us a projected readership of more than 100,000. 'We believe we are reaching into 30,000 different Free Will Baptist homes. We can easily double this without exhausting Free Will Baptist families. Our theme materials and digest series are made available without charge. Mr. Ballard says, "We have felt that our development of strategically applied prayer may not have kept pace with other developments in our organizationstructural, staff and flnancial. Thus we are giving attention to undergirding our operation with more and better informed prayer. We believe God is our only solution to the pressing p¡oblems encountered in world evangelism. And God works in response to effectual, fervent prayer." Through our Audio-Visual Division several missionary films and ûlmstrips are available. The filmstrips are our own productions, and later this year a teen evangelism film shot in Brazil will be released. An extensive survey of literature evangelism was made by Mr. Ballard on his tour of mission fields. He found an appalling lack of evangelistic materials. We have personnel and financial limitations complicating the pressing problems of distributi-on procedures. Our Spanish publication Impacto, a similar production in Portuguese, a youth magazine, Tam-Tam in French for Africa, Sunday school curriculum materials for India and other related materials make up our foreign literature ministry. Political conditions throughout the world necessitate flexibility in our progtam. These are days of many opportunities, and we must be alert to discern the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Contrary To circulated reports from ill-advised sources, none of our Free Will Baptist churches have been closed in Cuba. There is still a strong fellowship between the pastors and their people. The property is still controlled by the Cuban Association of Free Will Baptist Churches. There are restrictions on the activities of the church, the pastors and families sufier intimidations and no Bibles or Christian literature can be sent into Cuba, But God is still at work, and souls are being saved' On December 27,Ierry Ballard and I left the United States for a ministry with our missionaries. I feel that in a large measure our objectives were accomplished: become better informed of missionary activities for administrating our total missionary program. To have a spiritual ministry with the missionaries. To project plans with field councils. To develop stronger indigenous churches. To counsel with missionaries regarding personal needs. To establish contacts for opening new fields- To meet evangelical leaders and discuss proceclures. 3t Free Will Baptists have not reached a saturation point with regard to missionary personnel or giving, We have denominational membership substantial to provide hundreds of missionaries, and we have the ability to support them. As our foreign ministry remains the vanguard of our denominational program, we will continue to see personnel and financial needs met. God has obligated Himself to send forth laborers. He is, therefore, under obligation to bless our Home Mission and Church Extension department to provide more personnel and support, He is also under obligation to bless our Bible College as our institution for training these missionaries. God has never failed us and we must remain faithful to His divine purpose for our coming "to the kingdom for such a time as this." J, Rprono WrrsoN General Dírector AUDITOR'S STATEMENT March 5, 19ó5 The Board of Foreign Missions of The National Associaticn of Free Will Baptists Nashville. Tennessee I have examined the balance sheet of the Board of Fcreign Missions of The National .A.ssociation of Free \\¡ill Baptists as of December 31, 7964 and the related statement of cash receipts and disbursements for the year then ended. It was not practicable to confirm the amount of contributions received from various donors; consequently, my examination of receipts rvas limited to the books and records of the Board. With this exception my examination was made in accordance rvith generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as I considered necessary in the circumstances. In my opinion the accompanying balance sheet and statement of cash receipts and disbursements present fairl1' 1¡s financial position of the Board of Foreign Missions of The National Association cf Free Will Baptists at December 3l, 1964 and the results of its recorded cash transactions for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent rvith that of the prececling Year' Morris B, Adkins BALANCE SHEET, t9ó4 ASSETS Current Assets Cash. . h"ã-, ri¿t¿i"g . and. Ejq"¿p?nàit Cameras and projectors. . . . . Filminventory...... Office equipment..... Officefurniture...... Automobile. Residence. .. ..$ o;itr cost 782.tI $ 43ó.39 fi 847,692.88 Net 345.72 2,721.13 2,721.13 -07,160-21 3,222.35 3,937.86 1,036.28 667.42 368.86 2,554.54 1,277.26 1,277.28 15,000.00 1,8.30.00 Total Land, Building and Equipment..... . . ..829,254.27 32 I 7,433.42 13,170.00 21,820.85 Ol,her A ssels Deposit on office furniture ancl equiprnent.. . . . . 702.00 Total Assets fi70,215.7 s LIABII,ITIES AND FUND BAI-ANCES Liab,ilities Accounts payable ... .... ..$ 319.ó3 Note payable-bank. . 6,000.00 Note payable on residence (Pal,able $ó5.ó7 per month for principal and interest)....... ....... 6,197.32 $12,51ó.95 Des'ignated. Funds (Unexþended, I,'und. Balance (D ef c.iÐ 69,657 .59 11 ,958.81.) Total Liabilities a¡rd Fund Balances. cAsH Cash Balance, January RECE¡PTS AND . DTSBURSEMENTS, .. , fi70,215.73 I9ó4 I,1964. ...$ S4,478.3S Receifts State quotas. Income from press. I-iterature sales. . . . .. .. Proceecls from bank loan. $343,783.ó0 3,038.88 211.58 ó,000.00 TotalReceipts...... Total to be accounted for..... ....353,034.06 ...8407,512,4L Disbursements Foreign Missions Africa. . $ó8,18s.49 66,533.9+ Brazil.. Cuba.. t4,502.7 + 2,333.7 3 Ecuador.. North India. South India. Hokkaido, Japan. Tokyo, Japan. 19,88i.09 I,981 . 13 8,5 70.95 . 22,239.t4 . Panama. 21,536.24 Uruguay. 12,049.32 Medical expense of missionaries. .. .. .. .. .. 4,587.47 SocialSecurity for missionaries.... .. .. .. .. 2,983.80 Furlough car loan fund for missionaries. . . 949.00 Itinerant expense for nrissionaries. . .. ..... 13,880.64 Cost of living bonuses for missionaries. . . . . 4,ó00.00 Foreign language literature. 4,641 .26 fi277,455.9+ . Travel and Promotion Board members. .... ......$ Itinerant expense-Departmerìt oÉûcials. . , , Operational expense-Department car. . . .. Printing. lostage-forei gn literature 916.45 ,559.3+ 1,,377 .04 19,ó78.50 7 t,679.O3 . Films and supplies. Books and tracts. . 9,236.41 359.78 330.50 $ 41,137.05 iVliscellaneous -tt &29,221.t8 1,156.18 . .. 2,[98.98 2,329.22 591.82 1,607.40 r,399.74 r,145.25 275.00 1,001.80 & Total Cash Balance, 41,226.57 Disbursements. December 31,1964. .. 359,819.5ó .......$ 47,692.58 .. RECEIPTS BV YEARS 1960 19ó1 1962 19ó3 1964 fi192,140.06 2t6,0I6.04 239,909.78 289,845.38 347,034.06 STATE QUOTA RECEIPTS, I9ó4 Receiþts Amount Alabama. Alaska. Arizo¡a. Arkansas California. Colorado. Florida. Georgia. Hawaii Idaho.. Illinois. I¡diana. Iowa. . . Kansas Kentucky. Louisiana. Maine. Michigan. Mississippi. Missouri. New Hampshire. ... New Mexico North Carolina...... Ohio... Oklahoma. Oregon. South Carolina...... Tennessee. Texas.. Virginia. Washington. West Virginia Miscellaneous Totals. ........$ .. Ouer oJ Quota 9,250.00 400.00 1,000.00 9,250.00 13,000.00 500.00 7,500.00 10,750.00 150.00 250.00 11,750.00 3,500.00 300.00 2,000.00 5,500.00 250.00 400.00 28,500.00 6,000.00 23,500.00 360.00 1,350.00 50,000.00 11,000.00 25,000.00 Amount I oJ ReceiPts t0,2t3.32 58.37 $ 338.13 9,85ó.10 24,137.55 437.r0 9,511.10 (Und,er) Quota 963.32 341.ó3) 661.87) 606.10 11,737.55 . 62.90) 2,011.10 t7 ,277.t0 115.00 54.32 1r,7 73.55 6,527.r0 3s.00) 2,4t8.46 1,081.54) 432.28 127.r3 7os.7e) 215.ó8) 732.28 2,127.t3 +,794.21 34.32 800.22 37,120.26 5,941.39 22,046.03 538.36 1es.ó8) 23.55 400.22 8,620.26 s8.ó1) 1,453.97) t78.36 4I4.27 e3s.73) 47,754.82 L4,402.94 32,483.74 58.00 2,245.18) 18,000.00 27,500.00 13,000.00 18,000.00 3ó0.00 5,000.00 3,103.10 22,5t6.12 4,5t6.t2 29,443.99 8,391.79 14,181.14 1,943.99 4,ó08.21) 3,818.86) 227.T8) 3,88ó.3ó ..$30ó,573.10 $343,783.60 .. 150.00 .. 34 732.82 8,88ó.36 4,193.31 3,402.94 7,48s.74 92.00) 1,090.21 $37,210.50 BUDGET, t9óó Foreign Missions Africa. Brazil.. Cuba-Miami. Ecuador. Hokkaido. North India. Panama. South India. Iokyo. Uruguay . ......$ 64,6+2.75 59,2t2.75 12,724.50 .. g;z35.oo t2,727.05 23,853.ó0 18,207.00 7;512.50 15,271.06 13.7 s 2r,7 fi244,599.99 5;200.00 18,475.00 Bonus.:...... Foreign Literature Division. Cost-of !.iving Furlough Itinerary_Expelse (Includes I{onorariums) 12,000.00 Itinerary Expensc (Apþointees-Includes Honorariums)..... 3;200.00 Medical, Optical & Dental (Missionary Personnel).... :..... 10;343.00 Social Security (Missionary Personnel) 3,200.00 $ New Field. 52,418.00 5,800.00 &302,817.99 Travel,ing and P r ont otion Audio-Visual Division. Automotive Expense. Board Members Expense. Honorariums. Informational Services Postage. I nformational Services Production. ......$ Itinerary Expense. Tracts & Books.. Travelers fnsurance 4,240.00 1,400.00 1,175.00 300.00 2,800.00 31,495.00 5,200.00 400.00 259 .s8 47 ,269.38 Ad.tninistratiae Salaries . Administrative American Bible Employees Compensation Employees Hospitalization. . .. . ........s 32.00 1,435.5ó 461.98 . Employers Payroll Liability. Housing Allowance (Director of Conferences & Director of Information). . . . . lVlaintenance-Headquarters. Telephone. .. Supplies... 788.04 1,200.00 ... 1,280.00 Personnel). 8ó0.00 400.00 1,080.00 2,800.00 A1l Other. Total Suggested 19ó6 8,550.ó0 260.00 Office Equipment.... Ofrfice 2,400.00 ..ô5,430.ó0 3,120.00 Maintenance of Office Machines.. Mortgage Payments (Residence) 30,085.00 1,080.00 300.00 400.00 395.00 Budget. 53,808.18 . . .$403,895.55 35 STATE QUOTAS. I9óó STATE Alabama .........$ Alaska. Arizona. QUOTA 13,000.00 300.00 1,050.00 Arkansas. Colorado 13.500.00 25,500.00 7s0.00 Georgia. 13,000.00 18,750.00 California. Florida. Harvaii. Idaho. Illinois. 200.00 200.00 13,000.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 2,750.00 ó,000.00 200.00 1,000.00 45,000.00 6,750.00 2+,250.00 300.00 300.00 . Indiana. Iorva. . . I{ansas. I{entucky. Louisiana. Maine Michigan. Mississippi. Missouri. Nebraska. NervlJrunswick..... Nelv Flampshire.... New Mexico. 750.00 . 500.00 48,750.00 NorthCaroiina...... Ohio. . . Oklahoma. 15,500.00 45,000.00 Oregon. 100.00 SouthCarolina...... 23,250.00 32,000.00 14,000.00 Tennessee. l'exas. . Virginia \\'ashington. 18,500.00 400.00 10,250.00 4,595.55 West Vilginia ùfiscellaneous $403,895.55 BOARD OF HOME MISSIONS_CHURCH EXTENSION Report for 1.964 Since our last report of the National Association, the following men a¡d women have been appointed to serve in the home missionary and church èxtension ministry: Rev. Lonnie Rolen, New Mexico Rev. Richard Shade, Kansas Mrs. Richard Shade, Kansas Mrs. June Rolen, New Mexico Rev. Lloyd Plunkett, Washington Rev. Roger Harwell, Colorado Mrs. Betty Plunkett, Washington Mrs. Barbara Harwell, Colorado Income for the yea¡ 1964 was $120,054.69, an increase of 514,198.77 over the prevrous year, Several men have been approved for church extension work and tleir names will be released when all details are worked out. "Project 30" is working well in Idaho, Kansas, and in some other areas. Our board has been able to launch into a "loan program" for new churches in a very limited way. This is a much needed ministry and we hope to advance in this field of endeavor this year. Thousands of pieces, of missionary literature have been mailed from the office, and approximately 34,000 qopies, of Missíon-Grams go out at each printing. Our churches were faithful to observe November as National Home Missions month and to again give Vacation Bible School offerings for this cause. Four of our men were able to go into self-maintaining ministries the past year from their mission churches. 36 Canada continues to present a real opportunity as does Mexico. The work in Mexico has especially been blessed of the Lord in recent years, Receipts have been good from the WNAC, and a word of praise is in order for Mrs. Paul Purcell in her great eftorts for making November so successful as National Home Missions month. The receipts for the Co-operative Plan have also increased during the past year. Seven states exceeded their suggested quotas for 1964: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Maine, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. We have moved into offices in the new headquarters building and have been able to get settled after the move, It is good to have sufficient space after operating this department for so many years from one room, The promise in Psalm 121:4, "He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep", has been very real in this past year. Twenty-two new churches were reported the first five months of this year, organized in several states. We have worked with some states and local boards in joint efforts and find this method most satisfactory. Three of our former board members went to be with the Lord this past year; namely, Mrs. Lizzie McAdams, Brother George Mcl.ain, and Brother James F, Miller. These were pioneer soldiers of the home mission cause, and we thank the Lord for having had their leadership. We ask you to take notice of our new address which is P. O. Box 1088, Nashville, Tennessee 37202, and the new telephone number which is 244-3470, area code 615. I wish to point out that the state of California has exceeded her quota for this department of work already in 1965. It is most necessary that our state quotas be reached this year. We did not reach the suggested goal in 1964. Recommendation-'îhe Board of Home Missions and Church Extension recommends the adoption state quotas, of the proposed $160,000 budget for 1965 and the suggested Sincerely in Christ, H. E. Wrlrrs General Director-Treasurer AUDITOR'S STATEMENT March 9, 19ó5 The Board of Home Missions of The National Association of Free Will Baptists Nashville, Tennessee I have examined the balance sheet of The Board of Home Missions of The National Association of Free Will Baptists as of December 31,1964 and the related statement of cash receipts and disbursements for the year then ended. It was not practicable to confirm the amount of contributions received from various donors; consequently, my examination of receipts r¡as limited to the books and records of the Board. With this exception my examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, ancl accordingly included such tests of the acccunting records and such other auditing procedures as I considered necessary in the circumstances, In my opinion, the accompanying balance sheet and statement of cash receipts and disbursements present fairly the financial position of The Board of Home Missions of The National Association of Free lVill Baptists at December 31,1964, and the results of its recorded cash transactions for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year, except that disbursements for missionary maintenance were changed from the beginning of the month to the end of the previous month, resulting in 13 months disbursements during the year ended December 31,1964, Morris B. Adkins 37 BATANCE SHEET, t9ó4 ASSETS Current Assets Cash in bank. Inventory of . supplies. Total Current .....fi22,298.69 625.88 Assets. .....822,924.57 Lattd., Buililing and. Eguiþment Accum. Cost Office furniture and equipment. .. . .$ 3,706.63 Automobile. Residence. 3,4óó.ó5 Deþr. 19,056.25 Total Land, Building and Equipment. ......926,229.53 Net $ 1,820.39 $ 1,886.24 1,328.80 2,137.85 | $ ,7 56 .67 17 ,299 .58 2t,323.67 4,905.86 Other Assets Church bonds. 3,000.00 . TotalAssets. .....647,248.24 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Liabil.ities Payroll taxes.. .... ..$ Note payable on residence (payable q102.60 per month for principalandinterest. Totalliabilities..... Desõgnated.-Find'-ru;ñ;;å;å';;.h üË;Ji.'.... .. . General,Fund.Balance. Total Liabilities and Fund Balances 49.34 ....14,867.46 .....$14,91ó.80 o,soi.3s .....25,426.06 ......fi47,248.24 CASH RECEIPTS ANÐ DISBURSEMENTS, I9ó4 Cash balance, January I, 1964- ...$ Receí,1>ts Quätareceipts...... of supþlies. Other recéi- ts TotalReceipts...... .....fft17,397.8t 212.42 Sale 2,44+.46 ......-.. Total to be accounted for... . . Disbursem'ents Missionarv maintenance. Itinerantèxpense. . Board members' travel. Other.. 120,054'69 ' ..$138ó36¿1 . .. ......$ i',iËi;;;i ;;;r;;;;á;h;'.h å"iË""i""...: . . .. .. .. Note payñrents on house. Travel and promotion 18,581.72 .........$ Automobile èxpense. Salaries Headquarters maintenance. Printiirg, .. 1,388.1ó 761.41 ..$11,5ó8.76 1,383.45 4,923.40 38 7,r40.29 I,067.60 1,521.94 1,258.19 Administrative 79,672.55 4,609.14 Postage. 1,ó4ó.45 . . . .. .. . : :. .. . . . . . . .. .. : :'2s7.47 Parsonage utilities. 517.17 233.7 5 Accounting. Telephone. 20+.13 1,743.26 22,477.84 Other. . Suppliesforresale. 112.42 ....-.. 3ó7.15 Insurance Officeequipment.... 570.17 Total Disbursements. .8116,337.72 ..... . Cash balance, December 3L,1g6+. .ç D,ZS8ßS -:. ofd;1;ppri"". RECEIPTS BY YEARS 19ó0 # 69,728.07 79,778.76 92,604.89 105,855.92 1961 1962 19ó3 1964 t20,054.69 STATE QUOTA RECE¡PTS, I9ó4 Receif Í,s Oaer Alabama. Alaska.. :: :: .: :: :: Arlzona. :: :: : Amount of Atnount of Quota 4,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 4,500.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 500.00 5,500.00 2,500.00 9,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 20,500.00 5,000.00 12,500.00 1,000.00 4,500.00 12,500.00 4,500.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 8,000.00 Rece,iþts 8,080.21 216.83 401.82 fi . Arkansas California. Canada. Colorado. District of Columbia. Florida. Georgia. Hawaii. Idaho.. Illinois. Indiana. Iowa. , Kansas. Kentucky. Maine. Mexico. Michigan. Mississippi. Missouri. New Hampshire. ... Nerv Mexico NorthCarolina...... Ohio. . . Oklahoma. Oregon. SouthCarolina...... Tennessee. Texas. . Virginia. Washington. West Virginia Other. . Totals. . . $137,500.00 39 . (Under) s Quoto 3,580.21 783.t7) 598.18) 5ó5.33 1,978.94 379.00) 4,065.33 5,478.91 121.00 s42.62) ó57.38 442.00 3,829.02 s8.00) ó70.98) r,67r.23 6,61t-23 13ó.50 8ó3.50) 481.89 2,438.08 s18.1 1) r.06r.92) 904.57 246.25 1,095.43) r,253.7 5) 1,913.45 8ó.ss) 2,478.72) 2,52r.28 541.00 -07,ó05.55 1,36ó.85 7,ó8ó.85 161.55 458.38 1,3,91s.47 3,832.12 15,834.53 200.00 2,4t9.42 17,488.89 2,254.63 3,622.82 137.83 871.36 396.78 $117,397.81 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 41.00 s00.00) 2,105.55 1,133.15) 1,313.15) 338.4s) 541.62) ó,58ó.53) 1,1ó7.88) 3,334.53 800.00) 2,080.s8) 4,988.89 2,24s.37) t,377.18) 862.t7) 1,628.64) 7,603.22) ($20,102.19) BUDGET, 19óó INCOME_FAITH BUDGET quotas. income. TOTAL. Receipts from Miscellaneous ....$154,000.00 6,000.00 .$160,000.00 EXPENSE-FAITH BUDGET L Missionary and Church Extension Ministry Home Missicns and Bible Institute A. 1. States other than continental U. S. A. .&20,970.82 2. North Ar¡erican countries other than 18,500.00 5,000.00 fi 44,470.82 B. 48,050.00 c. 720.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,140.00 10,000.00 TOTAl-Missionary Maintenance. 30,8ó0.00 .....$123,380.82 II. 8 22,331.02 TOTAl-Administration. III. 22,331.02 Permanent Investment A. Furniture and Equipment 1. Office machines.:.... 2. Office furniture. 3. Exchange B. Property .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$ 750.00 150.00 automobile. $ 2,700.00 500.00 4,288.16 1,800.00 Payments 1. Payments on office building... .. .. ..$ 2. Payments on house. 3. Improvements on property.. ... .... . 2,400.00 1,388.16 TOTAl-Investment. IV. Ministry of Literature A. Printing 1. Mission-Grams.... 2. Free missionary literature. 6,988.16 .........$ 3,600.00 2,000.00 $ 5,ó00.00 B. Postage 1. Mission-Gramsandother mailings. . .$ 1,700.00 1,700.00 TOTÂL-Literature. 7,300.00 TOTAL. I9ó4 ..$1óo,oo0.oo MISSIONARY AND CHURCH EXTENSION PERSONNET Kirby Joe Godwin, Alaska Mrs. Kirby Joe Godwin, Alaska Leah Mae Postlewaite, Northwest Billy Jackson, Georgia Lee Whaley, Alaska Ethel Whaley, Alaska Carl Johnson, Alaska Ann Johnson, Alaska Mack Owens, Canada Shirley Jackson, Ceorgia Bessie Wade Jernigan, Idaho-Northwest Mrs. Wade Jernigan, Idaho-Northwesr Lonnie L. Rolen, New Mexico Jackie Owens, Canada Luther Sanders, Hawaii Helen Sanders, Hawaii John Vick, Michigan Thelma Vick, Michigan Robert Sharry, Kansas Ann Sharry, June Rolen, New Mexico Malcolm Fry, Arizonia Mrs, Malcolm Fry, Arizonia Richard Shade, Kansas Lorene Shade. Katsas E. B, Ledlow, Alabama Mrs. E. B. Ledlow, Alabama Kenneth Walker, Washington, D.C, Mrs. Kenneth Walker, Washington, D.C, Roger Harwell, Colorado Barbara Harwell, Colorado Kansas Herman Brooks, Canada Arthur Billows, Mexico Jenell Billows, Mexico Lewis Perry, Nebraska Kathleen Perry, Nebraska Johnny Postlewaite, Northwest Note: Some of those listed have received designated support only, and some did not work the entire year. In addition to those listed, several native wcrkers MEMBERSI OF THE, BOARD Harvey E. Hill, Harry E. OFFICE STAFF H. E. Willis, General Rev. John Mark Vandiv"r,, Chairman, Florida (1966) were supported in Mexico. Rev. Yeley-retired (Cuba, Miami) W. L. Millen, Mexico Director- uifit3åilËl Staires, Vice-Chairman, Oklahoma (1970) Robert Shockey, Clerk, Kentucky Gordon Sebastian, North Carolina (1967) (197 t) Roy Thomas, (1969) Miss Rosie Crisher, Secrerary, *Såå,?åi: ist Colorado R. E. Pixley, Arkansas (1968) lL Z. Cox, Texas (1965) STATE QUOTAS, t9ó5 AND t96ó Mrs. Gloria Floyd, Bookk..p.r, Oiñlå Âlabama. Arizona. 4rkansas. California. Colorado. Florida. Georgia. ........$ 196õ Quota ?,0b0.00 1;000.00 4:000.00 4;000.00 '5?0.00 5,000.00 S,OOO.OO 4t Proþoseil 1966 Qucta 8,s00.00 500.00 ó,000.00 6,000.00 500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 $ 1,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,200.00 2,000.00 500.00 500.00 2,000.00 3,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 500.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 500.00 ,000.00 500.00 500.00 Idaho.. Illinois. Indiana. Iowa. . . Kansas. Kentucky. Maine. Michigan. . Mississippi Missouri. . New Mexico ñð* llã-pir'i;;... : .. .... .. .. .. .. ' North Carolina..... Ohio... 1 . 18,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 . Oklahoma. Oregon. South Carolina.. . .. 1,000.00 500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 18,000.00 20,000.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 500.00 . Tennessee. Texas.. Virginia. Washington. West Virginia Other States 2,500.00 3,500.00 ó,000.00 500.00 500.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 Miscellaneous 6,000.00 500.00 500.00 Mexico. Canada TOTALS. ....$149,270.00 REPORT OF FREE $160.000.00 WITI BAPTIST BIBTE COLIEGE TO THE NATIONAL ASSOC¡ATION_I 9ó5 REPORT FROM THE REGISTRAR'S OFFICE: 196445 1963-64 343 Total enrollment for year New students ä;iñi.s;ãde'ts--..,........ :......:.......... Men students 'Women students. Ministerial students. Xllissionary candidates. Degrees awarded: Bachelor of Arts. Bachelor of Science. Bachelor of Theology. Christian Workers Bible diplomas. . . . Christian Workers Institute diplomas. E. T. T. A. diplomas. . 42 196243 r70 fio t73 rlr 20r r77 142 145 25 28 020 010 t20 012 13 Students came from 25 states and 1 foreign country as follows: NorthCarolina................76 .....75 Tennessee. .......22 Missouri. ........19 Florida. South Carolin4................19 ......17 Oklahoma Virginia. .......13 ......12 -A¡kansas. ......12 Michigan. 291 Georgia. Illinois. Alabama. Mississippi. Kentucky. Califoluiä. Ohio... Texas.. Washington. 114 t29 29 2L 21 .......11 ........10 ......8 .....8 ...... 5 ......4 .....'..4 ........4 ...........4 309 138 r?t r7L 138 133 38 18 20 Louisiana. Montana. New Jersey. Pennsylvania Argentina. LIBRARY REPORT: Total number of books catalog.ued. ...13,725 Number of books catalogued ãhis year. Number of books not calalogued (about) FIN,q.NCIAL REPORT: Gifts: Alabama. ... .... .. ..$ Arizota. California. 2,287.49 Canada. 154.86 370.63 50.00 3,204.57 6,123.29 45.00 Colorado. Connecticut Florida. Georgia. Hawaii. Idaho. . 84.44 31.00 ó1.00 2.00 298.00 194.25 t23.25 Illinois. 3,258.20 833.0ó Indiana. Kansas. 447.t6 Kentucky. Maryland. 1,251.83 ó,358.03 4,283.69 5,460.91 20.00 Nebraska. New Hampshire... . . New Mexico. New York. 5.00 50.00 39.00 t4,999.41 2,369.72 5,109.88 4,278.50 13,879.83 1,721.17 3,442.09 25.20 929.12 1,397.84 730.00 . Ok1ahoma. South Carolina... . . . Tennessee, . Virginia. Washington. West Virginia w. N. A. C.. .. .. Foreign Missionaries. Students & faculty. Public offerings. . .... . 2,77 3.9t r,332.33 t52.36 i07.50 $ 43 95,931.ó3 3,310.20 844.06 452.16 1,301.83 6,388.03 4,577.t9 s,613.27 20.00 193.11 ó79.00 102.83 93.25 325.43 888.00 1,065.00 117.00 37.00 102.86 39.00 15,678.4t 2,472.55 5,203.13 4,603.93 14,767.83 2,786.17 3,559.09 25.20 966.12 1,397 .84 t,162.98 730.00 3,93ó.89 345.53 1,677 .86 500.00 1,540.00 ó07.50 1,540.00 . Miscellaneous 4,517.14 307.ó5 1,958.84 2,348.49 10.00 1só.8ó 370.63 50.00 3,502.57 6,317.s4 45.00 i0.00 30.00 293.50 193.11 102.86 NorthCarolina.,,.. $ 123.25 52.00 11.00 10.00 Michigan. Mississippi. Missouri. Matching gifts. Building $ 10.00 District of Columbia. Texas. 4,432.70 307.65 r,927 .84 Arkansas. Ohio.. General, $ ó,580.57 fi102,5t2.20 BATANCE SHEET ASSETS Current Fund. General: Cash. . Aãcounts ieceivable. Bookstore inventory. :: :: :: :. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: .. .. .. 8 . 21,478.98 2,217.67 3,124.38 8 26,82t.03 Restricted: Cash. 174.20 & . Loan Fund. Cash. , Notes receivable. . .. I r,262.45 50,887 . .24 52,t49 .69 Endowment Funil Cash and Planl Fund' 26,995.23 invested. 10,385.77 .........$ Cash.. 463.53 Invested in land, buildings, and equipment... . . . 400,341.21 1,144.50 . Total Assets Restricted-cash.... . .. 401'949.24 ..$491,479.93 LIABILITIES Current Funil General: Accounts payable. Salaries andtaxes Fund balance. p"ñbË.':. :: :: :. :: :: :: : : :....... Restricted: Fund balance 8 7,762.74 5,474.50 13,583.79 $ 2ó,821.03 t74.20 8 26,995.23 Loan Funil Fund balance. 52,149.69 Endowmettt FuniL Fund balance. Pl'ant FuniJ 10,385.77 ...... '.. ' .... '.....( Note payable. Due eeneral fund. . . Fundbalance (defrcit) Invested in plant. 1,238.04 19,274.5t) 400,341.21 1,144.50 Restricted-fund balance. Total $ 18,500.00 Liabilities..... 401,949.24 '...8491,479'93 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ?roþoseiÌ, 1963-64 Budget 19644õ 196546 INCOME General Fund: Educational and general- Studentfees.... Miscellaneous income. Gifts (unrestricted). . Total education and .......$ 68,226.92 858.43 77,216'63 general ..$14ó,301'98 44 $ 85,s16.85 $103,720 00 1.800 00 120,000.00 1,5t7.2t 95.931.ó3 $182,9ó5.ó9 $225,520.00 Auxiliary enterprises- Dormitories.-. Dining hall. Bookstore. Totalauxiliaries..... Total general income. ...& . income. fund Other Educational Operations.... Total general . 21,521.24 51,116.26 t7,113.52 6 24,756.95 $ 33,000.00 $ S9J5?J, $103,9ó8.20 $138,500.00 $r36P5r00 $28ó,933.89 S3ó4,020.00 3,679.61 2,500.00 ..8r3r,?38ß1 58,877.60 20,333.65 80,000.00 25,500.00 I,266.00 $288,199.89 $36ó,520.00 EXPENDITURES General Fund: Education and general. .& 26,952.68 General administration 4,487.85 Less overhead charged to auxiliaries. . 8 29,e83.23 $ 5,198.41 34,305.00 6,900.00 22,164.83 fi 24,784.82 $ 27,405.00 7,437.68 10,708.88 23,286.40 29,088.93 11,709.93 13,517.69 . 11,190.00 33,400.00 77,602.00 .8 42,434.01 $ 53,315.50 ff 62,t92.00 . 52,340.82 57,304.92 67,5ó0.00 . 4,067.35 8,3S0.60 9,050.00 .. 3,740.00 4,248.06 ó,5s0.00 , . $ ó0,168.17 S ó9,9+3.58 $ 83,1ó0.00 ó,803.87 7,519.32 449.ó5 2,250.45 3,343.30 3,666.65 8,800.00 2,282.00 4,075.00 10,596.82 8 ts,436.42 $ 1s,157.00 14,27t.80 16,107.20 16,400.00 549.51 1,131.45 1,250.00 4,462.31 4,745.53 ó,700 00 12,346.99 19,483.95 20,000.00 5,000.00 7,5ó0.98 86ó.59 39,191.59 g 42,334.72 $ 49,350.00 Dining 8 hall- Salaries. Siãs ¡éi'éniJ... . : .: .::: :: :: .: :: :: Groceries and supplies. Utilities. 45 12,777.97 75,972.49 17,350.00 26,4t3.62 6 26,362.23 $ 32,000,00 2,094.37 5,238.19 1,9ó0.90 1,867.55 4,837.73 1,920.45 2,143.13 11,849.94 1,259.20 15,079.12 10,000.00 1ó,ó50.00 22,618.80 8 25,63t.78 $ 39,ó00.00 13,621.13 15,137.67 298.43 24,574.25 1,422.72 27,623.14 22,580,00 1,226 00 35,300.00 2,000.00 907.85 1,579.97 3,ó00.00 7,250.00 2,100.00 Insu¡ance and miscellaneous, .. .. 3ó0.1S ó00.00 ó5.ó0 2,500.00 (r78.90 32.50 . Additions-equipment . Operation and maintenance... . . . . 4,87s.10 4,309.ó5 . Bookstore- 44,937.58 . 16,812.92 1,216.68 $ 15,810.50 S 19,392.58 $ Totalauxiliaries..... ....$ Other Educational Operations... . . Contingency fund. . 83,3ó6.88 1,500.00 20,000.00 400.00 1.500.00 305.02 261-55 1,106.23 . 50,549.52 $ 70,306.00 1,057.96 1 ,229.90 13,212.82 Sales tax and miscellaneous.. . . . . . Operation and maintenance... . . . . . ó,100.00 $ 95,573.88 23,400.00 $133,30ó.00 1,800.00 11,500.00 . Total general fund expenditures. . . . ..8245,144.33 8283,416.43 $36ó,520.00 Build.ing Fund, Income-gifts ........ ....S Paid on note..........:.. :......:.. ::.: .:.. .. .... .. .." Interest paid on note... 6,530.57 6',200¡0 1,156.65 STATE QUOTAS, 1965-66 .........$ .. Alabama Arizona. Arkansas. California Colorado. District of Columbia. Florida. Georgia. Harvaii. Idaho.. Illinois. Indiana. Iorva... Kansas. Kentucky. Michigan Mississippi. Missouri. Nerv Hampshire. . .. . Ne'rv Mexico. North Carolina..... . Ohio. . . Oklahoma. South Carolina...... Tennessee. Texas. . Virginia. WestVirginia \Nashington. W.N.A.C..... Other. . Àtàska. . . 5,500.00 400.00 3,500.00 4,500.00 400.00 300.00 4,000.00 7,000.00 100.00 i00.00 .. . .. 4,500.00 1,500.00 200.00 ó00.00 2,500.00 6,500.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 300,00 300.00 18,500.00 . .....,.: . .. 4,000.00 6,500.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 3,500.00 4,500.00 1,500.00 200.00 1,500.00 5.400.00 $120,000.00 46 REPORT OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOT BOARD The Sunday School Department has enjoyed a highly successful year. Sales for the year zoomed to the excess of $175,000.00. Due tõ increases both in the cost of production and our ministries we operated with a deficit for 1964. This does not mean that we are operating in the rerl for our excess of 1963 was more than enough to cover the deficit. We are showin.q a margin of profit in 1965 thus far. This has been accomplished withont curtailing our present ministries. LITERATURE In 1964 we introduced our Teen Quarterly and the Teen Teacher. We began publishing our own workbooks. We alsò introãuced Teach N Train Magazine. Õur new curriculum will begin on three levels-Preschool, Primary and Junior in the first quarter of 1966. The list of our own products will grow longer. TEACHER TRAINING Reverend Harrold Ha¡rison heads up this phase of our service. I¡ 1964 Reverend Harrison and I conducted a total of thirty-õne sunday school Institutes. Together we- traveled over 60,000 miles in Sunday School Prómotion. The Institutes- were held in fifteen states. A total of 937 eirrolled and 540 certificates were issued. We now offer a Teacher Training Program by correspondence. We have continued to work with the Church Training Service Deþartmenl in Teach N Train Rallies, 3oo ctub We now have 18 churches PRoMorIoN in our 6,000 in Sunday School. Sunday School Superintendent of the Year 300 Club. This represents approximately Mr, Hubert Harral was named Superintendent of the year for 1964. He is ^at Superintendlnt of sunday school the First Free \ryill Baptist church of -the Mountain Grove, Missouri. A 1965 Superintendent of the year wilt be named in the fall. Fall Enlargement Campaigtt Beginning with tle fust sunday in october the department will sponsor a fall enlargement campaign under the theme "Families For christ." AsÊ about this, CONCLUSION - I praile the Lord for the fine staft and Board that I have to work with. I have found these to be some of the finest people in the world. God has surely ieã in the election of each Board membef ai¿ the employment of each empioyee. rn closing let me say that r hope you will never lôok upon our operatioä ds-ã means of qalong money for the denomination._ Ours is a- ministry.-I have very -Sunday strong con_victions that most of,.our proût should go back into the school ministry. _r_ am sold on. our literattre,-program ãs a means of preserving ôur heritage. we _mu¡t_ke9p it true to the wõrd-of God. It is only as ive do ttrãt we can be assured of God's blessings. When you play, pray for the ministry of this department. for greater Sunday Schools, Roaen C. Rrpns Yours SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS: Rev, Jo¡¡N Wnsr, Chairman Rev. Hrnùie¡{ HBRSEy REv, RÀLpH SrernN, Více Chairman Rev. DÁ,LE BuRDEN REv. N. R. Surrn, ClerË Rsv. CHÀRrrs THrcpBr.¡ Rev. WrNsroN LAwLEss 47 AUDITOR'S STATEMENT Sunday School Board of the National Association of Free Will Baptists: \ÃIe have examined the balance sheet of the Sunday School Board of the National Association of Free Will Baptists as of December 31, 1964 and the related statements of operating fund income and expenditures and of changes in fund balances for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the accompanying balance sheet and the afo¡ementioned related statements present fairly the ñnancial position of the Sunday School Board of the National A.ssociation of Free Will Baptists at December 31, 196+ and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year, Peat, Marwick, Mitche[ & Co. Nashville, Tennessee February 17,1965 BATANCE SHEET, t9ó4 ASSETS 1e64 Operating fund: Cash... . .{ccounts receivable: Trade.. Employees. Total receivables..... Inventory, ât cost. Total operating fund. Fixed asset fund: Office equipment. 1969 .. ..$16,519.23 $18,109.43 ...20,882.59 17,565.73 128.31 .......$21,010.90 $17,565.73 ..$ ó,ó05.03 $ 4,089.03 .$44,135.16 .......$ ... 8s9,764.19 8,770.19 $ 5,54ó.04 Ã'tá-ã1i"ã'äq;ip;;;t.:::::::::::::::::.:.:............ 2,s2s.40 Total fixed asset fund. . 2,s2s.40 .. .. ..$11,ó95.59 fi 8,471.44 $55,830.75 $48,235.63 Operating fund: LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Accountspayable. wages. Total liabilities..... . Operatingfundbalance. Total operating fund. Fixed asset fund balancc. ...816,123.40 Accrued salaries and $ 563.92 129.70 .fiß,ßA| $ ór3ó, ....28,011.76 39,070.57 .$44J3516 $3rJó4i, ..... 11,695.59 8,471.44 s55,830.75 $48,235.ó3 See accompanying note to financial statements. 48 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE, I9ó4 1964 Sales: Literature. Projectors and Gross 1963 ......&177,101.11 screens. .. profrt. &143,516.62 1,290.90 ..... $ 54,980.79 . . $ $ 55,180.88 $ 14,080.47 1,ó75.00 12,788.19 7,240.00 1,350.00 9,s72.20 2,964.69 4.099.29 2,282.59 2,978.02 1,772.7 s 3,467.86 6,988.72 2,666.44 3,636.30 3,200.49 1,896.01 7t9.3t 5,840.36 3,476.92 2,80t.28 1,558.73 865.56 374.55 373.55 325.s5 432.83 225.00 3,363.20 1,242.44 295.22 3,830.00 2,931.65 732.50 Total selling, administrative and general expenditures. Operatingproñt (loss) .. $ 68,070.ó0 $ ....($ Other income: Gifts.. ......... Interest earned. $ 43,976.85 13,089.81) 811,204.03 r,347.25 $ 505.92 389.38 $ 895.30 ó73.05 Miscellaneous 10.70 $ Income over (under) See accompanying note expenditures. 2,031.00 ($ 11,058.81) $ 12,099.33 to financial statements. CHANGES IN FUND BAI.ANCE, I9ó4 Balances at beginning of year. ,Additions to automotive equipment and office equipment (includes 8292.50 acquired in prior year)... . ..... Oþerating fand. Fixed. asse!. Jund .$39,070.57 8 8,471.44 3,224.15 $39,070.s7 $11,ó95.59 Deduct-excess of operating fund expenditures over income.... 11,058.81 Balances at end of year. . . See accompanying note .. ..$28,011.76 to financial statements. 49 $11,ó95.59 Note to l.-inancial Statements During the.year the sunday s"lr""låå""?¿bËlt'"LåiÍä a lease agreement for office space for a periód of trventy yeãrs. The annual rental is $3,7ó4.00, b"eginning in 1965. BUDGET FOR 19óó INCOME: Sale of Literature and Miscellaneous Supplies. .$200,000.00 1,ooo.oo $201,000.00 EXPENDITURES; Cost of Production. 125,000.00 30,ó40.00 Salaries. Housing A.llowances. P;.ã;"-;;JË;i;i;i."'. ::: 2,400.00 5,500.00 ó,s00.00 3,000.00 3,400.00 : . . ..:: ... .. :.:::.... Headquarters Maintenance and Telephone... . . Office Supplies Shipping Supplies. Travel-Board Mem . 1,500.00 3,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 750.00 500.00 200.00 Travel-Other Than Promotion and A.dve I egal and Auditing. Employees Group Insurance Automobile Expense Contributions...... Additions to Fixed Asset 2,500.00 Curriculum Development .5,000.00 Miscellaneous...... 1,000.00 \\'orking Capital. . . . ... 7,110.00 $201,000.00 OF CHURCH TRAINING SERVICE is pleased to make its first annual report to the National Association of Free Will Baptists. The CTS department is successor to the former League Board. During the first year of operation under the new banner, many improvements have been made in the total ptogram of REPORT OF THE BOARD The Board of Church Training Service training for youth and adults. It is significant that for the first time in several years this area of our national of a fund deficit. Sales of literature and supplies have grown steadily during the past year and continue to provide more of the operating budget. At the end of 1965 the monthly contribution from the work is operating without the weight Sunday School department will be terminated. The CTS department is grateful for assistance from the Sunday School during an important transitional period. Other sources of income which include ten percent of co-operative gifts, direct gifts from churches, and honorariums will be used to supplement income from sales. Many changes are being made in the youth and training program as additional study is given to meeting the needs of each church. It has been necessary to make changes even in some of the materials which have recently been published. the Your cooperation in helping the stafi develop a sound program is greatly You have helped by being patient in rvaiting for materials to be produced, You have helped by offering suggestions which have been followed in an attempt to develop a workable solution to the problem of challenging and appreciated. training our youth and adults. 50 ,.js th. cllg-nges are nrade. in. the various programs for the difierent groups irr CTS they will be explained in the manuals and õther appropriate-óuÏljCatjonsl ,ennouncemen-ts of changes and the availability of new'items ap'pear in contact regularly..whenever you neecl additional information, you should'ri,rite immediately to the national CTS office. rr{ninc service annual cycle will run from october I to september ,^T"" ^9!lr_.h year. Promotional and award sessions should be planned to coê¡rdinate llJ-r9l,each wltn these dates. rn order to set up q sy,s,tematic program foi competitive activities among.the vgung people, the natidnal office recommËnds that ãii ío-Cãf ùinnèiJ ùe bI of quarter,.Oct., tbe Fall Nov., & Dec. rt is turtf,er suggesred :fl:l.id ll"^.!g rna[ rne d¡strrct associafion select its winners by the end of the winter quãrter, Jan., Feb.,. & Mar.; and that the srate associatíon ìeleði its ;i;;i;"b; rhe end o,t the .spring quarter, Apr.., May, & June. The national competition wiil uã niiã dunng the summer quarter in conjunction with the National Assöciation. rhe natronal cls department also recommends that the state and district boaid and/or erect a olièitor foi îhe-pú.pïrè- oi'bro-oiìi,ï îf:"iiJÄ"r_._^.^1up_a tne uls program and to make provision for rallies. At the railies additional ofl ncers may be erected providing for all of the necessatv ãctivltièi, !o as9!9! innature. particularly th-ose of a com,petirive tt ir iugg"ilìa ì¡ãî .li'í"-ri*Js whenever possihle be taken care of by the district and staîã associationi.  -ioit*r" for financing the varioFs acíivities should uã-wðrÈed ôii tó-iË satisia^ðîàn -ìun, ot trre ';;;ä group. one of the major items of winners _expense wiil ue t¡ã ien¿inî.;f to rne next level of comqetition. Special speakers and otherlally expenses must important' tnãi trJ i'r"iît""e prosram P: De *::i{:d,l?l.îti"t-l{-is,very orougn[ rnfo tne marn stream of the activities ofvouin-r"¿ both the district-a-nd -state assocratrons' åîrf#;t'" Jo¡rNsoN, Generar Director AUDITOTTS STATEMENT February 5, 1965 Board of Church Training Service of The National Association of Free Will Baptists Nashville, Tennessee I have examined the balance sheet of the Board of Church Training Service (formerly League Board) of rhe National Âssociation of Free vr'ill Baptists as of December 3i, 7964 and the related statement of income and fund balance for the year then ended. My examination was made in accordance with generally accepted standards, "uãitirrg procedures and included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditinf considered necessary in the circumstances. In my opinion the accompanying balance sheet and statement of income and fund balance present fairly the financial position of the Board of Church Training Service (formerly League Board) of The National,A.ssociation of Free Will Baptists at December 31,1964 and the results of its operations for the year then ended. Morris B. Adkins BATANCE sHEET, DECEMBER Current Assets Cash... ........ Accounts receivable-customers . Inventories of materials for sale. Total Current 31, 1964 ASSETS .. . .S 1,51ó.64 10,012.94 978.25 Assets. .....$12,507.g3 51 Fðxetl Assets . . . ..&2,524.23 2s2.00 Office equipment. Mail trdck... 3,214.15 $ 5,990.38 Automobile, Less accumulated depreciatior. ..... 1,528.09 ....-.. TotalFixedAssets-Net. Total Assets' 4,462.29 "" '&16'970'12 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Current Lìabilities Note payable-bank.. . Accorintápayable. Sales tax.'. Páyroll taxes... o,,o u"liÍ?l.Î:::l . .. ..$ 5,500'00 .' 9,216.!1: 222'38 i::l'l'.':::'.: Totat Liabilities and Fund : : : : :. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Balance. - : - : .. '. .r't"z1rr.?i . .816'970.12 INCOME AND EXPENDITURES, I9ó4 Inco¡ne -"5â1" of literature, books and iã." co.t of sales'. Gross supplies. Profit. . . . ' .$50'270.54 37 . ' .. .. .. '384'72 .. . $12,885'82 Otlzer Incotne Budget contributions. :. .' . .-.. . .r. .. .. .. .. " "$ 2,721.25 5;ü;i.-;;ì;ib"ti.' ¡.- S;;.il; S;il;i ö"p".t-"nt' .' - 3,ó00.00 3,044.89 P-ostaee and handling charges. Coope-rative plan of support. 6,999.14 I,2t9.63 Honorariums and travel. 117.25 Commissions. Income. Totallncome. Exþenses -'É,oolot'"""'insurance' Heádqúarters maintenance. Insurance. Interest. Cà""""tio" and conference expense. Miscellaneous ÀCiounting. Office exnðnse itIàilingäupplies. Þãy."titui"i. Þ;;t'*"-.. -. . .. . salariËs . Housing allorvance. îãtËpho-"". Travel. Depreciation. Prdmotion. Total Expenses..... . ' Netlncome' 17'702'16 Total Other 52 '" """"'"$ $30'587'98 277'80 1.310.33 21I.05 341.70 1'651'44 2'60 .. 330 00 1,475.90 780.90 436.62 .. 11'ó33'?! ?'2qe.Pq " 900'00 2,!47.qq 880'35 642'33 . '. '. ' . 26,389'69 ""$4'198'29 -. (:,*r.U) s3,rytt 1964. Fund Balance, December 31,1964. Fund Deûcit, January 1, BUDGET, t9óó Estímaletl fncome Sales of literature and supplies . . . ..$98,000.00 5,000.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 handling. Cooperative Plan of Support. Direct Gifts from churches Honorarium and travel expenses. Postage and $115,000.00 Erþ enditur e s Printing costs and purchases for E stima ted resale. costs.. Mail supplies. Office supplies Telephone. Building rent and maintenance. Salariesforentirestaff.., Housing Allowances . Social Security and employee insurance. Promotion and extension Travel expenses. .... Equipment. Note repayment,.. . . Auditors fees.... . . . .$57,300.00 Postage &Iembership and gifts to NAE, NSSA, CCA, 5,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 5,000.00 ..2ó,560.00 1,800.00 1,600.00 etc..... .. .. .. 2'1oo'oo 2,400.00 2,100.00 5,200.00 440.00 300.00 $1 1s,000 REPORT OF SUPERANNUATION BOARD We the members of the Board of Superannuation feel our grave responsibility for the welfare and support of our own ministers and missioûaries after they have become old or otherwise disabled. Therefore, we offer the following report and recommendations for your consideration. During the past year we have sought to present the cause of retirement to our people on the field. We have done this through a limited amount of promotional work by members of the board, through Contact, our natioûal magazine, aûd through our state papers. We have also conducted a training program for state and national workers who were interested in learning more about the program aûd plans for retirement. We are praying, and are hopeful, that our people will realize the personal responsibility every Free Will Baptist has to those who have forsaken all to serve Christ at home and on the foreign field. Because we have ministers aûd missionaries insured under our board, we feel that when you contribute to superannua- tion, you are giving to the world-wide ministry of our denomination. We have three policies to offer: (1) Endowment at age 65: (2) Endowment at age 70, which also provides a monthly income for disability. The insured pays 5OVo of the premium and the board pays SOVo. Available from one thousand up to five thousand, (3) An annuity, to provide a very attractive plan of retirement, We ofier the following recommendations: (1) That each department of ou¡ National Association give their interest and support to this part of our denominational program since it affects all of us. (2) That we urge each church to receive at least one offering annually for National Superannuation, since our support through the Cooperative plan is not sufficient. (3) That our ministers and missionaries inquire about the life insurance and retirement available to them through our board before purchasing from other insurance companies. Respectfully submitted, CnBsrsn 53 A. Hucr¡sY, Chaírman AUDITOR'S STATEMENT We have examined the records of the Board of Superannuation of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, for the year ended December 31, 1964, and have prepared therefrom the accompanying statement of cash receipts and disbursements. Our examination rvas made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. Your attention is called to the decrease in the cash position of your organizatíon since 19ó1, as reflected in the following tabulation: Year Ended, t2-31-61 Dísbursements Bølance on Hanil Receipts $ó,674.01 5,205.45 5,03ó.69 12-3t-62 t2-3t-63 12-31-64 $6,270.83 5,672.48 5,1ó8.71 5,960.46 6,332.25 ß4,946.82 4,479.79 3,55ó.02 2,392.48 This decrease in the cash position should be seriously considered and plans adopted to alleviate this trend. In our opinion the accompanying statement of cash receipts and disbursement present fairly the recorded cash transactions of the Board of Superannuation of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, for the year ended December 31, 1964, on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Jamison, Money, McWhirter & Farmer Certifred Public Accountants CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS, I9ó4 Cash Receipts: Cooperative Plan of Support (Schedule No. 1). .. .. ..$2,104.56 From Various States (Schedule No. 1). .. .. .. 1,108.82 Insurance Premiums Paid by Insured Persons. ...... 1,885.64 Convention. Cårrier. Woman's National Auxiliarv 42.10 Dividends. 25.68 7.91 Refunds of Premiums by s5,168.71 Total Cash Disbursements. . , . .. of Cash Receipts over Cash Disbursements. . , . Cash in Bank-January l, 1964. Excess Cash in Bank-December 31, 19ó4. 6,332.25 .. .. ($1,163.54) 3,55ó.02 &2,392.48 54 STATE CONTRIBUTIONS Cooþeratiae Ptran oJ Suþþort Støte 8 ,{.labama. Chttrches s7.74 Arizona. Arkansas. California. 12.28 102.34 245.23 Georgia. 82.62 195.87 Indiana. 14.91 $ 391.58 8.81 47.58 Florida. Illinois. Idaho.. 76.61 .J/ 64.33 32.25 394.94 Kansas. Kentucky. Missouri. Michigan. Mississippi. New Mexico. 5.00 36.36 1.65 10.22 7.96 73.99 48.61 NewHampshire..... North Carolina. ... . . Ohio... Oklahoma. South Carolina. ' ' .. 9.50 280.77 22.90 423.s8 . Tennessee. Texas. From Indiaidual . Virginia. .71 141.86 t3+.62 43.66 77.67 92.33 91.77 2.76 Washington. 82,104.56 $1,108.82 NOTE: The above information furnished by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Nationa Board of Superannuation, Free Will Baptist Church. BUDGET, I9óó policies. purpo."t. Premiums on Þi'ãi".ti."ãt Ë;;;;-¿¡ bäiãid meetings.... . . 5åJ'ãlãiai..i'',i.e..-........ ùi;iñ;,;;ñii"g, "i".. 4'000'00 " " "S 2'5og og 1,s00 00 2'qgggq soo'oo 5,000.00 Reservä.^........ Total........ $1s,500.00 srATE QUOTAS, I9óó '""""Ð Alabama. Arizona. Arkansas. California. Colorado. Florida. 100.00 . Illinois. Indiana. Iowa.. 800.00 200.00 500.00 800.00 500.00 800.00 100.00 500 00 100.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 Georgia, Idaho. G . Kansas. Kentucky. 55 s15,500.00 REGUI.AR REPORT OF TAYMEN'S BOARD pas! ,.^DllÍe__t!,., .12 .months The Master's IVIeq Organization has rts most rapid growth since irs. inceprion in experienced we tiuly praise Godour.group,the capable.leadership .o1 several outstanding lãviùn. --- iãiãi"l;c At our last National meeting in Kansas city, Mislourí, 24 |aymen sacrificed lheir lim.È and monev ro auenã our tust tayãdr';-õ;"ü¿,r"'rËdrä-ä.n served well dunng the congress.and went back to their respective states to lead in the organization of scores of new chapters which involved hundreds of r.¡ee-wili Baptist laymen. B-91t9 was in debt- some $700.00 and still had two quarterty ,^^Tl: of Juyfll_n'1 rssues their nlagazine to print and mail before the 1965 yearly contributioni wourd Þe due. rhese state congressmen accepted th-e challenge duririg the congres_ sional meeting and our membership has giown trom l,aíi t.'î'lgi'. Au outstalding_bills.have been pgid. and a 6alance öf somo $¿õ0.-o'oli nõ*-l'nil. rreasury. report,i¡_ the_.Laymen's Board .now. ãcliviiy--ó"rí-'ri* i¡Jlêái ^_Il._ Rl"-._ral ending Decembgl qI, 1964, Please remember tbat the orgañizatioî *à, a commtssron ot the National Association until the 1964 meetinf in Kansas c¡tv *t.-o ít was officially acjepred.as a sranding board. Ai a commüs%n, tnJ õãit'was ¿one voluntarily by staff ,members at our Nqshville headquarters and check-stub ,ecoia, -iõ"*t-r-'ir-"iil 9[ -r.ec4p1s and disbursements were the only ¡oottèép;ng eugi.tl 1964. This accounts for.the auditor's sratement as to'ihã ópññ ði"tn"-ãñãii. Records are now being kept so an unquarified statement máv bã gìven for the next yearly report, 1957. Respectfully submitted, E. A, M¡neno, presídent RoBERT C. Hu.t, Treasrtrer CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS, I9ó4 ur!,i:tr"i:oou,::k-ranuarv 1' 1e64' From Various Chapters. Totø|, Co,sh Receiþts and Cash Disbursemenls: Help. Printing. Supplies. Postage. Travel. ""''' "$ Bal,aa.ce. Slides). Z,gg2.Sl . . .62,996.25 .. Office Prornotion (Film ., s'74 ......S 12.50 ....2,011.24 '176.54 153.10 159.30 127.50 Telephone. 50.34 È;r:-õü;s;"....., : : : :. :. . . . . : . : . .. . . : . : : : . : . :. .. . . . . .. 1o.tz Miscellaneous 71.17 Refunds. 9.00 Returned Checks. 27 .00 Payment on Loan. .. 108.00 Total'CashDisbursements ...2,915.86 Balan.cein Banþ-Decem.ber 3I ,1964... ............$ 80.39 AUDITOR'S STATEMENT Richmond, Virginia, NIay 21, 1965 We have examined the statement of cash receipts and disbursements of The Laymen's Board, National Association of Free Will Baptist Churches, for the period January 1 to December 31, 1964. It was not practical for us to verify tlie receipts fron the various chapters. Also, there was a change frotn a Commission to a Board, rvith the records being transferred to an Executive Secretary and Treasurer. This change limited our tests of the transactions for the period under review and placed a limitation on the scope of the examination. The cash balance rvas reconciled to the amount reported directly to us b1, the cle- pository. Because of the limitation of the scope of the engagement, u'e do not express an opinion on the statement of cash receipts and disbursements. Elkins, Holt & Bruner Certiâecl Public Accountants AÐDITIONAT REPORT OF THE NATIONAT IAYMEN's BOARD The Lord hath done great things for us; \ryhereof we are glad. year ago I stood before this Association and gave a report on the -Master's -Just one Free Will Baptist _Men _Organization v/hich should have made eveiy I-ayman hang þis head in shame. I praise the Lord today -that the picture -has crhanged,_for where there was shame there is now something to rejoice*about, All that we had a year ago were a few chapters scattered heré and there about the various States, a bankrupt bank account, án indebtedness of over $700.00 witii still a half year of printing and other essentials to be paid for, and two issues of the_ Attack Magazine still to be published and distributed tó the membership. I am happy_-to report to you toìay we have paid oft our $700.00 indebtediess, we owe no bills, we have. money_in the bank, God has given us new Chapteró -new i¡_ every State, membership has practically doubled,-and request for cur _ Exécutive Secretary. This past year has been the most sucéessful year éince the founding of Master's Mên in"the year 1957. Why has- tlis _been sugh _a good y€ar, not because I or any one of the other members of the Laymen's Congress have had the leadership, but back in Kansas City one year -ago .we- !5 qçn were challenged to take thè task of reorganizing the work of iVfaster's Men._The-re in_the quietness of that Hotel room we got oñ o¡r knees ald we begged God Tor wisdom, and for leadership that we mighï walk the best paths, and lead , our T,aymen in the right direction. God has iewarded his servants accordingly; but think of the resultf that could have been if instead of 25 men we would have -h_a_d 50,000 men all dedicated Free Will Baptist Laymen working for the cause of Master's Men. Chap-ters a-re .qur_ still being rec_eived by 57 Let me share with you a little of the plans for this coming year. God willing, are going tg present a cash gift of $5,000.00 to the National Foreign anã !v_e Home Missions Boards on January l, 1966, _January 2,,1966 will be.an.important date for all Free Will Baptist Laymen. This day will be our National Day of Prayer for our Denominaiion and our Nalgn as well. (Don't you think we need it) Laymen from the sunny coast of California to the Atlantic Ocean here in North Carolina, and flom New Hampshire to the Gulf .o.f-Mexico will all be praying at the same hour according to the time zones in which they are locåted. We-hope to have 75,000 people in prayer at. the same time on this date. Please mark your calenders and cbmè join with us in Prayer on this our ûrst National Laymen's Day of Prayer. We are .asking- God -to- supply us with a_ full time paid Executiúe Secretary to_ go on the feld, and_ help._us to promote the cause of Master's Men. Will yoü join us in praying that God will supply this need? We are now exploring the possibilities, and beginning to lay some plans that eventually could_lead_ to the establishment of our first Free Will Baptisi Hospital or Clinic in the United States. This also is an object of Prayer. We are going to put into effect at once a Crash Program for Master's Men in certain areas of some states where we have several Churches close together but do not have Chapters in any of the Churches. These are some of our plans fol this_ coming Yea¡. You say they sound big, they are big, but \ile are serving a Big God and He has told us in the Word wê have not because we ask not. We are asking God to supply for us these and other things which are essential for the ongoing of the work during this next year, and we believe He will supply our needs if we but prove to be faithful to His cause. Will you help us carry on this work among our Laymen by giving to us your prayer support? E. A. Meutno, Presídent National Laymen's Board. 58 CONSTITUTION of the National Àssociation of Free WilI Baptists PREAMBLE From experience we, the members of the Free Will Baptist denomination, being regularly baptized upon â profession of our faith in Jesus Christ and realizing the necessity of a bond- of uniìn and fellowship among us; to preserve and maintain correspondence anrl coordination with us; to unify the work of the various bodies composing the National Association; and to devise and execute measures for the extension of the Kingdom of God in cooperation with the various bodies of the Association, or that may be hereafter represented therein, do herefore ordain this Constitution for our bettér denominational government. I ARTICLE NAME This organization shall be known as the National Association of Free Will Bap- tists of the United States of America, ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Membership in the National Association is generally based upon affiliation of the seve¡al State Associations with the National Association. When a State Association is affiliated with the National Association, according to the process described in the byJaws, its various district associations, local churches, with their members and ministers, are also members of the National Association. Section 2. Membership in the National Association is similarly open to any district association and its constituency in a state, or area embracing more than one state, which does not have a state association that is affiliated with the National Association and which does not belong to a state association of another state which is affiliated with the National Association. Section 3. Membership in the National Association is similarly open to a local church and its constituency in a state which has no district or state association ihat is affiliated with the National Association and that does not belong to an organization in another state which is affiliated with the National Association. Section 4. Membership in the National Association is similarly open to local churches or associations and their constituencies in any other countries of continental North America. Section 5. In the above provisions, or in any provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws, an association must be composed of district associations if it will qualify as a "state" association, oi the equivalent. Any associations allowed membership which are composed directly of local churches will have t¡e status of a "district" association, ARTICLE III REPRESENTATION Voting representation in the National Association, at any session, shall be by delegates from the various organizations which hold membership in the National Association according to the provisions of Article II, and upon the payment of fees described in the by-laws. Delegates are of two kinds: Standing delegates, who are the ordained ministers and missionaries in good standing with an affiliated organization, the officers of the National Association, and the members of the various boards, commissions, and committees of the National Association; and Lay delegates who are the elected representatives of the various organizations affiliated with the National Association, according to the provisions of the by-laws. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS The officers of this National Association shall consist of a moderator, an assistant moderator, a clerk, an assistant clerk, and an executive secretary who shall also serve as treasurer, each of whom shall be elected at the close of each regular session, except the executive secretary who shall be elected every two years. 59 ARTICLE V THE GENERAL BOARD AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE section 1. Power to act in behalf of and for the National Association from one r.egular session to another shall be vested-in ihe Genéral Board of the Nationãl Association of Free Will Baptists. ^Board shall be composed of the general officers of . section 2' The General the N.ational Associarion and rhe chairmen ol-äri-iiunãing-uoãi¿ï Tne National Association shall also elect one -embaa iro- each assoc-íation affiliatéd-dñ;ìty with the National Associatio,n under thè p.ovr.ion. of-ÃìtiðtJ f, S*1iõo'-î-¿ and 4 with the exception thar no stare òr couniry wiii 6è attowed-more than one_ .General Board member. Each association shali be allowed the privilege of making recommendation concerning its representative to the Gènerál ^Board] rhe president of the woman's Nationai Auxiliä¡y convention and the direõtor of the be two Laymen's Commission shall be ex-officio members of the General Board, The terms of office for the elected associational representativès shall years,-and so arranged that those representing states, èountries, unrted or areas of thè beginning with the letters "A" through "M" shall expire altercountries, or àreas of the uniìed states Fately. with. fhose replesenting states, begrnning with the letters "N" through ,,Z',,. section 3. The Executive committee of the General Board shall be composed moderator, assistant moderator, and clerk of the Nationat ÀssoCiätiól 9{.,the^ wrth tour other members to be elected annually from and by the Generai Board. The pupose of this committee shall be tó serve as the 'exécutive ;m of the General Board and the National Association. Tho natu¡e ãf its wõit s.tates. shall be executive and promotional rather than legislative. ARTICLE VI section 1. MEETINGS The National Association shall hold ,its regular meetings annually at the time and place determined by the Association while in*session. section 2. The General Board' shall meet annually, immediately prior to the annual session of the National Association at a tinie and place-arìnounced by the moderator, Section 3. The Executive committee shall meet semiannually, one meeting to be, held im.mediately- prior to the annual meeting of the Gener'ai soard, and-thé other at a time and place determined by the Committee, - s.ection 4_. special meetings of the ceneral Board or Executive committee shall be called when necessary by the moderator with the written consent of three other members of the Exècutive committee. Special meetingi ól the Generai Board shall also be called upon the written request^of one-fourtñ of iü-memberi. special meetings- of the Executive committeè shall also be called upor¡' thã written request of a majority of its members. ARTICLE VIT DISSOLUTION rn the event of the dissolution of this National Association, any assets of the organization then remaining shall be conveyed to such organizâtiorís then existeni dedicated to similar objectives to those of tñis organization-selected by the Ceneral Board at the time of dissolu4on, which organizat-ion must be exempt'under section 501 (c) (3)- of the Internal Revenue code of 1954 as amendecl or^undei successor provisions of the Code as may be in effect at the time of dissolution, ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENTS This constitujio.n may be amended or altered at any regular session of the -, National Assocìation by a two-thirds vote of -the mémbeis present, provided proposed amendment or alteration be presented in writing to the body -one day in advance. 60 BY.LAWS , section 1' The procedure for MEMBERSHIP becoming a member of the National Association a written application to the F,xecutive Secretary, stating thal it has bèen filed by thé majority vote of tÞe body and signed by the oifrcials of the body. The Exeêutive secretary may make any investigaticn he feels necessary and sháll in turn make recommendation to the General Board. The National Association shall vote upon shall be as follows: An organizaticn which is eligible shall present the recommendation of the General Board. All organizations affiliated directly with the National Association - S_ection 2' shall_ be required _to âdopt the Treatise of the-Faùh and Practices of Free IU\LI Baptists as.adopted by the National Association, and the application for-membership must contain a statement to the effecf. REPRESENTATION It the duty of each body directly -ofaffiliated with the National Association to send a letter !o- gvgry a,nnual'session the Association, reporting its statistics on a form provided oy the National Association. Any bôdy^whicñ fails to do this for two Cuccessive sèssions may be dismissed from ihe asõociation by a majority vote of members present. section 4. Each affiliated s[ate association, or its equivalent, shall be entitled to ûv9 lay delegat-e,s to the National Association, upón payment of the representation fee of $25.00, plus $5.00 per district asisociaiioî affiliated with' it. Any "district" association ãffiliated dirèctly with the National Association shaii be entitled to three lay delegates, upon tlie payment of a representation feè òi $25.00. Each locat chrirch w-hich'is'affiIiatéd,'éitããr ¿irectlv ;T-i"åi";tty,-"n¿éi any of the provisions of rlremb_ershìp, is entitled to one láy delegate, dfon the payment of a representation fee of $10.00. section 3. shall be, DUTIES OF OFFICERS of the moderator shall include presiding at the meetings of the Nstional Association,_ the_ General Board, and the Exeðutive commiìtã"e; to call special meetings of the General Board or Executive committee when thé conditions of Article VI, Section -4, of the Constitution are fulfilled; to appoini such committees as are created without provision for their selection; io announce the time and place for the meetings of-the General Board and Eíecutive commjtte-ei and in ggneral, to fulfill ùhatever responsibilities may be commensurate with his office or delegated to him by the bodv, section 6. The duties of the assistant môderator shall include presiding at the request -of, or in the absence of, the moderator and assisting hËl in suän wayi as may be necessary. section 7, The duties of the clerk shall include the preparation of minutes the General lor the proceedings of. all meetings of the National essoóiãtion,'ofûcial section 5. The duties Board, and the Executive commitiee; and the handling of such corrè- for the Association as he may be directed. section 8. The duties of the assistant clerk shall be to act for the clerk at the meetings of the National Association and General Board in his absenci or at his request and to_assist the clerk in whatever ways may be necessary. Section 9. The duties of the Executive Secietaryihall be as foilows: A. Promotio.n and publicity of denominational enterprises. .It,shall be.the duty of the Executive secretary to promote the program of each spondence of the of the National Association as arra'nged by the'diñerènt -this boards end, he ,and as approve.d _by the National aisociaíion. rã shall.be expecte_d to travef ãs widely as possibre among oui peopiJand to attend agencies o-r -departments, meetings of the districts or states, F. Fulfill those duties commensurate with his cffice. be the duty of the.Exec^utive S.ecretary to fulfill all dutíes which normally _lt.htll and.¡aturally .Þç!_olg to his office. This shall include the execution of thosê specific responsililities laid upon him by the Executive commitiðe or itre ñationãl Association, and the presentation of thôse prans and proceàuièJ1J his-'committee which he feels would bìe effective in the ¿enãniináli"n. 6l C. Editor of national publication. The Executive Secretaiy shall serve as editor of tie national publication (Contac,l). He shail use this publicâtion as a med,um to foster unity among our churches and to promote the leneral program of the National Associatron' D, Cooperative Plan. It shaf be the duty of the Executive Secretary to promote the Cooperative Plan of support. He is further charged with the re-sponsibility of^receiv-ing. and disbursing these funds, and in general to serve as the treasurer of the National Association, E. Coordination. It shall be the duty of the Executive Secretary to coordinate, as much as pos-slble ln this capacity, he shall serve as an ex-ofñcio member of each standing board, acting onty in an advisory capacity. F. Reoresent denomination to other bodies. It shalì be the duty of the Executive Secretary to officially represent the National Association to other-bodies when in the interest of our denomination. the work of the vaiious boards. G. Direct book store operation. shall be the duty õf ttre Executive Secretary to direct the operation of a denominational book ótore. Books and supplies of general interest to our people will be stocked, and the entire operation will be under the direction of the Executive It Committee. H. The National Association sessions. It rhull be the duty of the Executive Secretary to rqpoJt annually to the National Association; to plari and promote the programs of the annual sessions of the National Associaìion; to enrol and establish a record of all authorized ministers and delegates at each session of the National Association; to. be responsible fo¡ the o¡intine and distribution of the minutes of each annual session of the National Assoiciation] and to investigate possible sites for future sessions of the National Association. I. Headquarters Building Management Committee. It shall be the duty ol the Executive Secretary to. serve as clairman of the management committeè of the Headquarters Building, this- committee being composed of thJdirectors of the various departments which occupy the building' ELECTION OF OFFICERS Section 10. No person shall filI more than one office at the same time, or qny office and a place^on any standing board,--excep-t- as he may. become a membe¡ serve on more of the Generil Board by -atvirtue of his office. No person shall the same time, except as -he- may become a member than one standing board he is ói the General È'oard by virtue of being chairman of the board ofbewhich a member an elected member. Nc'member of the Executive Committee may of any standing board except the General Board. Seition ¡.'The procedure for the election of officers of the National Associa- tion shall be as folldws: The nominating committee which is selected at the beginning of the annual session shall present a name or names to the assembly for every vacant office, including memfiers of all standing boards and commissions, members of the Geneial Board on Wednesday afternoon of the annual session, and nomina' tions for other offices on Wednesday or Thursday afternoons. After the committee's report thé floor shall be open for further nominations and the election shall proceed in regular manner. Section 12. The General Bóard shall have power to fill irregular vacancies that o""ur in its own body, or in any department of the work between sessions -uy of ihe National Associatioi. When such iõ necessary, the procedure shall be as follows: The Executive Committee shall serve as a nominating Committee and ihall circulate ballots by mail to each general board member with the names of ihe nominees. These bâilots shall be marked by the general board members, notarized, and returned to the Executive Secretary' THE GENERAL BOARD AND EXECIJTTVE COMMITTEE It shall be the responsibility of the General Board to make written ãll its work to each annual seision of the National ,{ssociation, and it Section 13. reporti of 62 shall be responsible to that body for all its actions. Should necessity arise from war, or pestilence or any cause which prevents a regular meeting of the National Association, whether such a condition is of a local or general cõndition, then the General Board shall be privileged to call and act with full authority in ail matters pertainrng to the general wehare of the National Assocration, providing whatever tr¿nsactions passed shall be by two-thit'ds vote of the memberf present, and providing tlat such transactions shall not conflict with the purpose ãnd edicts of^the constitution and by-laws of the National Association, Section 14, The General Board shall review the annual reports and budgets of all Boards at its regular session before these reports are- presented to -the National Association. Section 15. The Executive Committee shall make written reports of its work to the General Board and shall be responsible to that body -for all its actions. It shall noî haye power to commit the National AssociaÍíon tô øny course oJ actíon or. policy noÍ authorized by the National Association, nor to ieverse any action ol -.the Nationa,l Asso,cíatioz. Consequently, its work shall be to implement the policies plans of the National Association; to publicize and promote the work of-and the National Association and its various dèpartments; to arrange the agenda and program for the annual meetings of the National Associatiõn; to supervise and _ tralsact the business connected with the operation of the oîfice of the Executive Secretary; to make plans and recommendãtions to the General Board for the advancement of the denomination; and to fulfill whatever other responsibilities may be delegated by the General Board or National Association. The Executive committee shall arrange the working contract of the Executive Secretary, who shall assist in carrying out the work of the Executive Committee. STANDING BOARDS addition to the General Board, the National Association shall perpetuate the following standing boards; The Boa¡d of Trustees of Free Will section 16. In Baptist Bible College, the Foreign Mission Board, the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension, the,alrurch Training Service Board, the Board of Superannuation, the Sunday School Board, the Laymen's Board, and a Board of Truôtees who shall.be legal custodians of all property belonging to the Natronal Associatron, except in the case of those boards of the National-Association which are authoiized by action of the association to be incorporated. Section 17, Each of these boards, except the Board of Trustees of the Bible College,-shall be composed of seven members who are elected by the National As,sociation according to an arrangement whereby each member has a term of office for seven years, and their terms are arranged so that only one member,s term expires annually. Section 18. The Board of Trustees of Free Will Baptist Bible College shall be composed of nine me-mbe_rs who_ are elected by the Naiional Associatioñ according to an arrangement whereby,each member has a term of office for six years, anã the-ir terms a-re arranged so that they expire in groups of threes biennially.' Section 19. The various standjng Þoards shall -plan a program and supervise their operations in their respective fields, and shall be reìponsible for ali their actions to the National Association of Free witl Baptists. Eaóh board shall operate under its own consitution (or charter) and by-lãws, which must be approved by the National Association. Section 20. Each standing board shall prepare a budget of its proposed financial -shall presèntexpenditures at same for ap-the beginning. of eac! fiical year and proval the. National Associati-on along with an audit madè by an independeit -of certifi€d public accountant which audit shall lead to the expréssion of än uneilalified opinion on_th_e financial statements. The auditor's rèport shall include, where applicable, a balance sheet and income statement and ôther schedules aé may be necessary for a proper presentation of the ûnancial condition and results of operation, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES Section 21. When the National Association deems. it wise, commissions may be established to perform a speciflc service in a restricted area oo a more-or-lesi 63 permanent basis, The number of members of any commission shall be decided -by vote of the National Association, and the members shall be elected by the Association. Terms of office for all members of Commissions shall be five years (except when the commission is originally estabiished the member last elected shall serve a one-year term; the next member a two-year term; and so on); and their terms shall be so arranged that only one menrber's term expires annually. Section 22. Various committees shall also be constituted, when need arises, by the National Association, General Board, or Executive Committee, to function for a more definite period of time in a specific area, The number of members of any committee shall be determined by the assembly. Committee members shall be appointed by the moderator unless otherlvise provided by the action creating the ðommittee; and they shall hold office for the length of time provided, or until their work is completed, or until they are released, or their successors chosen. Section 23. The following comnittees shall l¡e used annually in the sessio¡rs of the General Board and National Association: the General Board (alA. The credentials committee, which is identical "vith its members for this duty though the Board may select a smaller committee of if it chooses). This committee has as its duty the examination of all letters to the National Association and the credentials of the various delegates. The committee shall make recommendations to the Association concerning the seating of delegates, B. The nominating committee, whose duties are provided in Section 10 of the bv-laws. - C, The resolutions committee, who shall receive and present worthwhile resolu- tions to the National Association, D. The placement committee, who shall review invitations and make recommendations to the National Association concerning the selection of a site fo¡ future sessions, sites to be selected two years in advance when possible. The Executive Secretary shali be an ex-ofÍìcio member of this committee. E, The budget committee, who shall make recommendation to the National Association concerning the total denominational budget and the allocation of Cooperative Plan receipts. This committee shall consist of the Executive Secretary and the directors of the work of the various departments which receive monies through the Cooperative Plan of Support. SUBSIDIARY ORGANIZATIONS Section 24. ^fhe Woman's National Auxiliary Convention sha1l be recognized as subordinate to the National Association; but it shall organize at its own discretion and have power to create and adopt a consitution and by-laws and maintain complete management of the work for which it is constituted. The scope and character of the work shall conform to the general program and promotional plan of the National Association. It shall report its accomplishments and financial operations annually to the National Association. QUORUM Section 25. Two-fifths of its members shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the General Board. Four members shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Executive Committee. PROXY AND VOTING BY MAIL Section 26. No voting shall be done by proxy in meetings of the National Association, Proxy representation shall be accepted for meetings of the General Board and Executive Committee, upon the presentation to the moderator of a statement signed by the member, designating the proxy representative. Section 27. When a ballot of the General Board must be taken by mail, it shall be approved by the Executive Committee and circulated by the Executive Secretary to all members who shall have their vote notarized. DISCIPLINE . section .28' This Natio-nar Association shafl have the right to settle questions of. discip,line, doctrile or. p.àðiiðé- tiJ-may piãi.rrv-io"ì"-úäió."any ir t!ç.bodies composing said'organizaiìon-oti¡ê ñutiõnoi-Ãìroõi-Joo of from Free l,tl{,o,{ vv¡lr or act uÞon any. appeal may be made by any body belonging to 'ap'srs, Associariõn. saio a¡þar that rhe Narionar shrri ¡ár" ¡éän-;riú";'ä"ä"i'."i¿;it'.rñ;; bv the lonstituent-bodv or bodies äir¿ nle¿ *itn ttte E;;uiìr;'s;.;.iä.i. "" rhe.b,xecut¡ve secretary shall in tgrn present it to the Executive ôommittee who shall make_recommendari,on ro rhe Geneial Boarrl. r¡e cìneiãl Bo;id;ùù,-ui iñ hear rhe app^eal and shalr make ieãommen¿aii"; a.; td" ñ;ii"nal Associa$r-scr9tign' tron as to the course of action--it deems best. The National essóciation-mãv,-in-ññ, r:lguloe itself into a co*miuee of itã r,i¡ìrrJ, i;;-;îì;ñ' l,.,ui.,lf",:?^r:^.b¡^ arr Dut detegates and parties concerned shall be excluded; oí it may vote;didË on the rep-ort of the General Board without discussion, Section 29' The decision of the Nationãf Association in such matters shafi be ¡." appeated, nor can tbe .ame issuä uã-iãii"¿-äeãi,i-ði".ii F{:JBt.t¡: ln one ot the i1..._"llS! two following ways: The_Natioual Association may vote to'reconsidèr and then refer the matter.õackio the Genèiãl äoa¡d; oi altèiì¡'e1,;Ë ió reconsider it qray.again-resolve irself inro a commirieé òi inã wtoie. 30, Any action which the Nationãi Ássociation may take cannot reverse .._s1.lig¡ the action of any member.body, glth.or¡gh ir ma.y act in i ñôrtatòiiäd;å;i";;y capacitv toward that end. Acruái disciplinary aaiiôn-up; ã Å-.,îËËi'¡ðäy can dear only with the member's riglts as a ^mem6er itË't"¿v;äd ä"åî vein the National Association may réfuse to, seat the- deiegates "i rrãã'u---"mîeiiooy ror a session of the Associatioi or may ultimateþ witt¿?áw rãtió*rnil'iöir*the -ember. The only re.mbers of the Natiónal Àssoðíatioî who can be disciplined are who are affiliated directly a.ccording to rhe membeän¡p-lj.*i.ionlãïlrti.l" tbose ll or the constitution. Thus. il the case-of those *ho are äniriated in¿ãi thå provision of Section I of rhar ariicle,.onry the startã;;ociàìioo. rnuy be disciptined; in the case of those affiliated under the þrovision of släiói-2,-"ütíri ttt,j"äiräiõi'associutions and the Tav .be .disciplined; .câse of those affitiaièà îoãèi'tnä p.äTirøi.r""t section 3, only the local church may be disciplined. HONORARIA AND REIMBURSEMENTS section 31. The moderator and clerk shall receive an honorarium of $50.00 an?ually, -plus travel exr)enses ro the annual sessi,on. tñã *rirtãrï--o¿ãldói'ó; ;rurË rTã'moderaror Section 32. When a special mee.ting of tbe Generãi Board is called tbe National Association shall assume the actual tñvel expenìèr_¡ri trr" ,irãnrb.Ä'ãi tiö¡. proxies, assisrant cterk shalt recei-ve rhe- same benefirs in-iË;i;seil; or the clerk from the session of the National Aisociation. äi åi,iå'ï'"'J.',if3'båll"li,f"i"å;iff nr;,*"-;*"1;*ii'":i#lï: õliti" G"ãiãlï;;d;;ä National ii:ffirl,":g prior to the regurar annuat meeiing immediatetv Association. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY section 33. The meetings Association and General Board shall -of the Nationallaw as set forth i;-ilódrtt-Ritãl l=-:*:::^d-j-y-tl:^tTl^t--o.f"p.arliamentarv uraer, excepl ln tne case of those rules which are superseded by some rule àj õi rhese organizations. AIVIENDMËNTS section 34' These bv-laws. may be. amended or altered at any regular session of the Narional Assocíarion ¡v ã.ã¡-iiî-rõti.ãi tÉ;';l;"ît.äiräö proposed amendmenr of afteràtion bé prêsented in writing iõ-i¡äïðäi provided one day in advance. ó5 STANDING ßULF^S of the National Association, General Board, and Executive Committee 1. Each session of the National Association shall be called into conference by oi in their absence the senior minister in years; and tle'clerh- oi-ãrilrti"t chírge shalt be then taken by the moderator, or assistant iiã õt-õi"t ii preient,"tètt, modefator, or inlheir absence the senior minister in years. --'-F;;¿i'*."ti"g of these bodies shall be openèd by reading a portion of the Bible and with prayer, and shall be closed with prayer. . - --ã.-Ãiimèetiãel oi ifrese bodies shall cofveie with open doors except when resolved into committees of the whole' ã. ÃnV pèrio" not a member of these bodies may be allowed to take part in the from the moderator. itré ¿,iti of all members of these bodies to.be present at the time appointe¿ for each meeiing, and anyone wishing to retire shall first obtain permission -- of the moderator. e Tnã t"o¿èrator shall not allow discussions carried on in a spirit which is not or orderly. Christian -r.-ño member Éhatl be allowed to speak more than ten minutes or more than twice ou the same subject in meetings of the National Association and General without permission from the moderator' -tsoard S. Àt sessiois of the National Association, the moderator shall seat delegates in a body in a designated section of the assembly room at the beginning of each discussiohs by obtaining permission - j. li-ritatÍUè business meeting. S. Át any mãeting of the General Board or Executive Committee a member may in the minutes by his request. have his disienting vóte recorded r¡È9. 9='g g-â" õ.E { È ÞÉg ãã¿ ñPã Ässociations oE * q{HÔ e 6ñæ Chu¡ches H # ä',1 Membership 9.+ 9 É=d Ordained Mi¡iste¡s lge Licensed Ministe¡s Deacons 89 Sunday Schools tsts l,ã ãä Suuday School E¡rollment xE I #ãt l: sÈHs9ç**E*srai =ä--i *i :5**F: i a j e* : : lj :- ¡.,*-* _@ .t-øi I x l. soo*r**-oe<* 1 l, Ëä€EJÈäEËã{ãa, ËË, s5s, SËxFS, : Ë I J:: l. Fa@@6a I t_. I B-Ë | åo I p* o l 6ëëëï&p*ë*å!ão: 6ä-o: : : 3S-È¿*_t åsl *õrYä' ã.F Èoil | Spent lor I I ll .æF ll Fo ll ll, ll, l¡r Ëä- lli EP IIi HË II: Sgllr Þ=' ll. Fã local Causes I iåil ã.+ -õ'il: È9 Woman's Auxi.liary .4.uxiliary Membership Fã ll le .ñL ll ãE ll a9l iã ll bä ll þl ll Èi ' Ê rå ãÞ C.T.S, Enroll¡nenú Mæte¡'s Men Hã <:¡ 13 Ohurcb Training Se¡vice IIf äl jÞjo 9.:-. r-s .q-o Speat lo¡ Outside C¿uses Þ@Fsñ @ F oqAOFts tsF@Ê6Àóótsts@À. o@þeøsNùooQ{. {@úooFoooooó. oooæ@ooôoôô{. OnÞOOOOOOOOq. oooêoôoooooô. ooooooooooÕô, .FÈÐ@@. . @NNÞqA@FOñ. ô 'È. O. ÈtsÈ þ{FÈñts .r o. o@@ø€o6@. . ù. oþ@o6Õ . ê. oñ6000 .o.oq@eoooo. .'o.o. oooooooo.oô oooooQêo. , .eëp*È.*ËF.Ë-FÞ' ggEEggãåEäãE: ES 'F þÞâbþäþÞÞþþþ: Þh Property Parsouagee O6 . øw _s.s.Ë.*-s.ii _;_s: Ë.ã: Òó FFFFEË: Èë: ËF. Fs 9o Value of Chu¡ch _s"-= Value of P¿¡sonage Property 383833: 88: 3g: sB ::::: : :: iii-H¡-äi i:.Hi _e.sËi -s::i',_se' -*e' ii i i i FFFi : i F: FFFi FË: i i : i FFi Fsi i i : : : t88: : : 8: t88: tt: : : : : tB: âb: : i Y¿lue of Denomi¡atioual Property