February 7, 2016 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
February 7, 2016 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Holy Spirit Catholic Church 11300 West 103rd Street Overland Park, KS 66214 February 7, 2016 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Morning (Beginning February 13) 7:00 am Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 6:30 pm Weekdays 6:45 am Monday through Friday Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 am Tuesday 6:00 pm Holydays 6:45 am, 8:30 am, 12:10 pm, 6:00 pm CONFESSIONS Tuesday 5:15 -5:45 pm, Saturday 2:30 -3:30 pm ROSARY Saturday 3:30 pm, Sunday 7:00 am, Daily 7:15 am PARISH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00 am-4:00 pm (913) 492-7318 FAX (913) 492-7370 www.hscatholic.org PASTOR PAROCHIAL VICAR PASTORAL MINISTER PARISH MANAGER FACILITIES MANAGER PARISH ACCOUNTANTS Our Mission Statement SECRETARY OFFICE AIDE DEVELOPMENT BULLETIN NOTICES Fr. Ric Halvorson Fr. Karl Good Deacon Jim Lavin Laura Weber Tim Stewart Anne Morrissey & Kathleen Kaufman Rochelle Johnson Pat Maiorano Amy Naab [email protected] Holy Spirit is a community of believers that aspires to be formed by the values of the Gospel and finds its strength in coming together to celebrate Eucharist and to be transformed into the Body of Christ. As a HOLY SPIRIT SCHOOL (913) 492-2582 Eucharistic People, we who are being nourished must share the bread we Michele Watson have with others, wash the feet of our brothers and sisters and welcome PRINCIPAL ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Eileen Colling all who come, as Christ Himself. SCHOOL OFFICE MANAGER Kathleen Rodgers SACRAMENTS SCHOOL MARKETING ASSISTANT Anita Pauls BAPTISM: Baptism Class for parents is the second Tuesday of the SCHOOL of RELIGION (SOR) (913) 492-7382 month at 7:00 pm. Call the Parish Office to register (913) 492-7318. DIRECTOR of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sr. M. Teresa Pandl, FSGM CONFIRMATION: A two year program for Seventh and Eighth Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Cathy Madrid graders. DIRECTOR of YOUTH MINISTRIES Lynn Mayer SOR SECRETARY Sandy Drake MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance to complete the necessary paperwork/requirements. Please MUSIC LITURGY COORDINATOR contact the Parish Office. Denise Slaven (913) 492-7318 SACRAMENT of HOLY ORDERS: Contact Fr. Scott Wallisch, MARRIAGE CASE ADVOCATE Vocation Director for the Archdiocese at (913) 647-0303 or e-mail Sr. Mary Ann Bartolac, S.C.L. (913) 894-1456 [email protected]. STEPHEN MINISTRY SACRAMENT of SICK / ANOINTING: Call the Parish Office if David Chaffee (913) 317-8393 someone is hospitalized or ill at home and would like us to visit with ADORATION CHAPEL Holy Communion and/or the Sacrament of the Sick. George & Maggie Lents (913) 492-3239 or SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL Jason Forge, Chairperson Parish Office between 8am-4pm Monday through Friday FINANCE COMMITTEE Don Watson, Chairperson (913) 492-7318 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lent: The liturgical season of forty days which begins with Ash Wednesday and ends with the celebration of the Paschal Mystery. Lent is the primary penitential season in the Church’s liturgical year, reflecting on the forty days Jesus spent in the desert in fasting and prayer. –CCC Glossary Weekly income needed is $ 41,050.00 Collections, 4 week moving average $ 41,099.82 Date Transactions Amount January 30-31 $ 39,280.02 January 23-24 $ 30,789.30 January 16-17 $ 30,184.87 January 9-10 $ 28,669.10 January 10(265 EFTs) $ 37,899.00 EFTs (Quarterly) 6 $ 1,600.00 Data for a four week moving average is provided due to implementation of Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs). If you have any questions, please call the parish office. Endowment Funds (12/31/2015) Church Endowment $ 70,964.71 School Endowment $ 62,957.16 Have Your Best Lent Ever…. • • Thank you for your generosity! Do you travel a lot? Do you forget to bring your offertory envelope to Mass with you? Do you not even use checks anymore? Consider signing up for auto withdrawal for your Church tithing. It’s simple. You sign up, and we do the rest. Please visit our website at http://www.hscatholic.org/ support-us, stop by the parish office, or fill out the Auto Withdrawal envelope included in your monthly envelope packet. Quotes to ponder From the Saints: “All the efforts of the human mind cannot exhaust the essence of a single fly.” ~ St. Thomas Aquinas February 7, 2016 • Rediscover Jesus: We are offering you a free copy of Rediscover Jesus, by Matthew Kelly, to read this Lenten season. The book has daily reflections to help you grow closer to Jesus (points to ponder, verses to live by, questions to answer, and short prayers). Take a copy and reunite with Jesus. You can also sign up at DynamicCatholic.com/Lent to receive a daily email to inspire you to grow closer to Christ this Lent. Get re-FORMED: Don’t forget our Parish has the best online Catholic forum, FORMED, (similar to a Catholic Netflix) that we offer free to our parishioners. FORMED is constantly uploading new movies, Kindle books, and Catholic programs. Get FORMED over Lent. Are you one of our 190 parishioners who have already been on FORMED? To sign up: Go to www.formed.org/register; submit Parish Code: TVK33T; complete registration (this is free). Pick up a free Lenten Pamphlet: Fr. Ric has selected material for Holy Spirit Parishioners to become holier this Lent. There are resources for kids, teens, families, and adults. Pick yours up on the narthex table. • Saturday morning Mass: Beginning February 13th, Mass will be celebrated each Saturday morning at 7:00 am. • Adoration: If you have not experienced praying in adoration, Fr. Karl would encourage you to do so. Lent is the perfect time to come to our Adoration Chapel and sit with Christ. Our chapel is open 24 hours a day. • Confession: Life is busy, but make it a priority to get yourself to Confession this Lenten season. Every Parish in the Archdiocese will be offering an extra hour of Confession on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm during Lent. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016 First Reading, Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 (75C), In the first reading, a man steps forward to serve as a prophet. He will bridge the gap between the people and their God. Second Reading, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, In the second reading, Paul recalls the saving message he preached. He assures us that many followers of Jesus and even he himself saw the risen Lord. Gospel, Luke 5:1-11, In the Gospel, Jesus calls and commissions His disciples through the power of His authoritative word. Monday, February 8, Weekday 6:45 am † Chuck Mc Cauley 8:30 am Susie Crawford, Sp. Int. Tuesday, February 9, Weekday 6:45 am Reba Miller, Sp. Int. 5:15-5:45 pm Confessions 6:00 pm † Rita Lombardi Wednesday, February 10, Ash Wednesday 6:45 am † Helen Childs 8:30 am † Kent & Jennifer Lundgren (School Mass) 12:10 pm Gary & Carol Denning, Sp. Int. 6:00 pm † Dorothy Cooper Thursday, February 11, Thursday after Ash Wednesday 6:45 am † James Henry & † Charles Debelius 8:30 am † Bill Pate & † Jay Pawlowski Friday, February 12, Friday after Ash Wednesday 6:45 am † John & Irene Casey 8:30 am Emma Moeder, Sp. Int. & † Susan Mamary Saturday, February 13, First Sunday of Lent 7:00 am † Enrique Barroeta 2:30—3:30 pm Confessions 4:00 pm † Don Heiman & † John Lane Sunday, February 14, First Sunday of Lent 7:30 am † J. F. & Mary Kathryn O’Malley 9:00 am Art & Mike Scherschligt & Families, Sp. Int. & Dave & Diane Van Derlinden, Sp. Int. 10:30 am † Joseph Saitta & † Mao Do & People of the Parish 6:30 pm † Dale Schmidtberger February 7, 2016 Sunday, February 7, St. Blaise Blessing, Spirit Movers Bake Sale, Living in Love registrations, Chili Bingo tickets 7:30 am Men of Faith and Spirit 3:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet in the Chapel 3:30 pm Youthful Spirits Monday, February 8 7:00 pm Women of Spirit Board Meeting 7:00 pm Young Adult Grief Ministry 7:00 pm Scout Committee Meeting 7:00 pm RCIA 7:00 pm Gala Wrap up Meeting Tuesday, February 9 6:30 am Perpetual Help Devotions 9:00 am Women’s Bible Study 5:15 –5:45 pm Confessions 5:45 pm Perpetual Help Devotions 6:00 pm Scouts & Cub Scouts 7:00 pm School of Faith 7:00 pm Baptism Class 7:30 pm Scouts Wednesday, February 10, Ash Wednesday, Parish Offices Closed 7:30 am Team Seven Prayer Group 8:30 am School Mass 1:00 pm Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat 4:30 & 6:30 pm NO School of Religion 6:30 pm Scout Council Meeting 7:00 pm Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat 7:00 pm Ensemble 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus Adoration Thursday, February 11 7:30 am Light of Christ Prayer Group 11:00 am Quilting Group-Martha Mary Room 6:00 pm Knights of Columbus Monthly 7:00 pm Stephen Ministry 7:00 pm Choir 8:00 pm Scout Committee Meeting Friday, February 12, St. Mary’s Food Kitchen 8:30 am Chicken, cookies and sides due for St. Mary’s Food Kitchen 9:00 am Men of Faith and Spirit 5:00-7:00 pm K of C Lenten Fish Fry 5:00 pm Stations of the Cross Saturday, February 13, Catholic Charities Food Drive, Living in Love Retreat, Chili Bingo Tickets 7:00 am Mass 2:30 – 3:30 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Collaborators of Your Joy Sunday, February 14, Catholic Charities Food Drive, Living in Love Retreat, Fr. Ric Halvorson Installation Mass, Rite of Sending, Chili Bingo Tickets 7:30 am Men of Faith and Spirit 9:00 am RCIA Rite of Sending 10:30 am Archbishop Naumann installs Fr. Ric Halvorson as Pastor of Holy Spirit 3:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet in the Chapel 3:30 pm Youthful Spirits Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parishioners of All Ages are invited to Holy Hour of Adoration Dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for Fostering Vocations to the Priestly and Consecrated Life. Every First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 11:00 am to Noon in the Church Concluding with Benediction Spirit Movers Next Meeting Sunday, February 21, 2016 (Meeting begins after 10:30 Mass) Special presentation by Debbie Barber (Director of Operations) Villa Saint Francis “How the Catholic Faith Enhances Life in Nursing Homes” Don’t miss it! Bring a friend! Please bring us your blessed palms to be burned into ashes for Ash Wednesday. A basket to place the palms is just outside the Religious Education Office. CHURCH ANNULMENTS • • Any divorced person, Catholic or not who seeks possible remarriage in the Catholic Church, will need to pursue the process for annulment. For information, contact the Marriage Case Advocate for Holy Spirit Parish: Sr. Mary Ann Bartolac, S.C.L. at 913-894-1456. February 7, 2016 K. OF C. LENTEN SEAFOOD DINNERS The Holy Spirit Knights of Columbus are offering their popular Lenten Seafood Dinners again this year. Dinners will be served every Friday during Lent (except March 20 and Good Friday) from 5:00-7:00 pm in St. Elizabeth’s Hall. Carryout orders are available! Menu items include: Shrimp Breaded cod Baked tilapia Seafood gumbo Cheese pizza New potatoes Cole slaw Green bean casserole Macaroni and cheese Bread Assorted beverages Ice cream sundaes Cost – adults, all you can eat shrimp and fish $16.00; adults, all you can eat fish $10.00; children ages 4 to 10 $5.00; children under 4 $1.00. STEPHEN MINISTRY TRAINING A chance to walk with someone in need or hurting. Show MERCY to fellow parishioners. Stephen Ministry will begin a new class on Thursday, February 11, 7:00 pm. We need volunteers, particularly men. Please prayerfully consider this ministry. If interested in the class contact either David Chaffee (913) 317-8393 or Ed Connolly (913) 707-2343 FOOD DRIVE NEXT WEEK, February 13-14th! Items we need: Jelly Peanut Butter Spaghetti Sauce Canned Soup Canned Fruit Canned Peas Hamburger Helper Mac & Cheese Canned Meats Canned Mixed Vegetables Chili Bingo Cub Pack 3265 & Scout Troop 265 Saturday, February 20, 2016 Holy Spirit - St. Elizabeth Hall Chili, Hot Dogs & Salad-5:00 pm Bingo & Prizes - 6:30 pm Family Ticket (Includes 10 Bingo Cards) $35.00 Donation Adult Ticket (Includes 3 Bingo Cards) $12.00 Donation Child Ticket (Includes 1 Bingo Card) $8.00 Donation Great Raffle Prizes The Troop 265 MYSTERY BAG $??? 40” Vizio LED Smart HDTV $400 Green Fees for 4 at Deer Creek (cart rental required) $260 Sprint LG G Style Smartphone $288 (Activation / plan required) 4 Front Row Field Level Seats to a $250 Royals Game - excludes opening day *these are worth way more than face value $200 Best Buy Gift Card $200 Wifi tablet - LG 7” G-pad $149 Bristol Seafood Grill Gift Certificate $100 Note1: Some values are estimated, All items (such as TV) will be equal to or better than described. Note2: The first rule of the Mystery Bag is we don’t talk about what’s in the Mystery Bag. Tickets available after Masses on February 6,7,13,14 or from your favorite Scout Email [email protected] for more info Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Please be generous to the Archbishop’s Call to Share. ACTS unites all 105 parishes of the Archdiocese so that together we can bring the mercy of Jesus to every corner of Northeast Kansas. Your contribution is one way to serve as Christ’s disciple and to participate in the saving work begun by Jesus. Our parish goal is $185,783.00. To date, 2% of our parishioners have made pledges of $41,430.00 which is 22% of our goal. Thank you for your generous gifts in support of the ministries of the Church in Northeast Kansas! Wednesday, February 3, was the Feast of St. Blaise. We will offer the Blessing of St. Blaise. A special tradition for this Feast is the Blessing of Throats. The blessing will be offered after all the weekend Masses this weekend. THIS WEEKEND SPIRIT MOVERS SUPER BOWL BAKE SALE Please stop by the Bake Sale in the St. Isidore Room to get your treats for the Super Bowl. Please do not park in the fire lanes (curbing painted yellow) when attending Mass. There is parking available in the parking lot. We all want emergency personnel to be able to get here quickly in the event of an emergency. Thank you. Registrations this weekend!!! Want the perfect gift for Valentine’s day? Bring your spouse to the Holy Spirit Living in Love retreat. Revitalize your relationship, grow deeper in love. February 13 and 14, 2016. For information or to register call: Dutch and Kathy tenBroek 913-642-8396 http://www.archkck.org/LivingInLove World Marriage Day Mass-Save the Date! Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann and Bishop James V. Johnston, Jr. at 6:30 pm, Thursday, February 11, 2016, at Holy Trinity Parish, Lenexa, Kansas. Mass will be followed by a reception and presentation by International Catholic speaker, author, and radio host, Jon Leonetti. Jon’s book—“Mission of the Family” – is featured in Matthew Kelly’s Dynamic Catholic Book program. Welcome Fr. Ric Halvorson to our parish on Thursday, Feb. 18, 7:00 pm. Please join us for an evening of fellowship as we welcome Fr. Ric to our parish. WOS and SGC are hosting the evening in the M/M room. Soup and salad will be served. All women of the parish are invited. Venite Adoremus Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday, February 24, 8:00-9:00 pm Youth, young adults, and all, come and experience the peace. February 7, 2016 Gala Wrap Up Meeting, February 8th Please join us to discuss how Gala 2015 went, share ideas for improvement, and learn how to get involved for next year! The meeting will be held in the Holy Spirit School Library at 7 pm on Monday February 8th. Please use the stairs in the Narthex to come down to the school, at the bottom of the stairs take a left, and the library is down the hall on your right. Please return the Listen hearing receivers to the Sacristy when you are finished using them. We are missing two receivers. “Our Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend was the most joyous and stimulating time of our lives. We had the chance to see how each of us needs to love and be loved and it has made such a difference in our relationship ever since.” The next Weekend in Kansas City is May 13-15, 2016. For more information or to apply, please visit our website: www.wwme4youandme.org or call Tony & Barb Zimmerman, 816-7414066 or email [email protected] Attention Quilters and Sewers of all ages: We would like you to join us in sewing pieced charity quilts (quilts that are given to Children's Mercy Hospital, Fire and Police Departments, Catholic Charities and various other charitable organizations). Starting February 11, we will meet on the second Thursday of each month from 11:00 am to 2:30 pm at the north end of the Martha and Mary room (by the windows), Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 11300 West 103rd St, Overland Park KS. Questions? E-Mail [email protected]. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time SISTER M. TERESA, FSGM DIRECTOR of Cathy Madrid Director of RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 913-492-7382 [email protected]. As our class prepares to receive the Sacraments of Initiation and enter the Church at Easter, we look at some of the things they are doing to prepare: January 30th: We attended a retreat at Holy Trinity, Chosen in Christ, put on by the Archdiocese. February 14th: Our Parish will send them off to their next phase in RCIA at the 10:30 Mass, where the Archbishop will celebrate Fr. Ric's installation as Pastor. February 16th: Those in the class who wish to continue their journey to Catholicism, will attend the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion, which marks a significant step in the process. Archbishop Naumann chooses them, elects them, in the name of the Lord and our Church, where they belong. Throughout Lent, the parish will pray for the class several times during Mass during minor rites. Thank you for keeping our class in your prayers! February 21 Musica Sacra and Orchestra– On Sunday, Feb. 21, Rockhurst University’s Musica Sacra Chorus and Orchestra, under the direction of Timothy L. McDonald, will perform works by Henry Purcell (“Rejoice in the Lord Always” and “O Sing Unto the Lord”) and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Missa Brevis in G, KV140). The concert begins at 7pm in Arrupe Hall Auditorium. Parking is free in lots accessed through the university’s entrance at 54th and Troost, KC,MO. Live Program Notes begins at 6:15. For tickets, call the Central Ticket Office (816) 235-6222, visit www.rockhurst.edu/mstickets or purchase at the performance. For information, call (816) 501-4607. (Rockhurst.edu/campus-map) February 7, 2016 School of Religion Ash Wednesday As Catholics, Ash Wednesday begins our Lenten journey to the great celebration of Easter. This yearly Lenten journey is also a reminder to us that we are pilgrims on this earth. Our whole life is a journey to Heaven. The Paschal Mystery of Christ is ONE. His passion, death, Resurrection and Ascension are one act, one offering. As we begin this somber season, we focus more so on Jesus passion and death, but we also keep in mind the joy to come in the celebration of His Resurrection and Ascension. Each Lent is just a short walk in our life long journey to Heaven. We have been brought into the life of the Blessed Trinity and made children of God through the waters of Baptism. We continually receive an out pouring of mercy and grace through Confession and the Eucharist. These Sacraments remove the obstacles of our sin and strengthen us for our continued journey. In our world today, Lent is truly a gift. This holy season calls us to slow down and to simplify. What is it in your life that distracts you from prayer? Make a commitment to set those things aside and to renew your prayer life. Whatever you choose to fast from or focus on this Lent, may it be a source of renewal for your personal relationship with Jesus. Holy Spirit Youth Ministry High School Youth Ministry 2nd and 4th Sunday 7:30-9pm Bible Study Join us after 10:30 Mass at Panera in Oak Park mall. Middle School Youth Ministry 1st & 3rd Wednesday 6:30 pm LYNN MAYER Summer Trip sign-upsSTEUBENVILLE– This Summer we will be taking our annual trip to the Steubenville youth conference July 6th-10th. This trip is open to all incoming freshman– graduated seniors. For more information about the trip check out the website. NO EDGE this week Our next EDGE is Wednesday, February 17th. We will be talking about the 4th Commandment and how we often kill others without knowing it. Hope to see you there! If you are interested in helping with youth ministry or you are a parent with questions about youth ministry please contact Lynn Mayer [email protected] or call the SOR office 913-492-7382. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016 Now Enrolling Preschool – 8th Grade Out of Parish Registration Begins Monday, February 8th. 913-492-2582 Michele Watson, Principal [email protected] Come see what Holy Spirit Catholic School has to offer with a tour or join us for an All School Mass on Wednesdays at 8:30am. For more information about registration, contact [email protected] or call 913-492-2582. Have you remembered Holy Spirit in your will? CHECK OUT SCRIP FOR VALENTINE’S DAY! RESTAURANT GUIDE OF KANSAS CITY $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE with over 60 fine restaurants to choose from, including: Bo Ling’s Café Provence Fiorella’s Jack Stack BBQ Frida’s La Bodega Le Fou Frog Majestic Restaurant Michael Smith Pierpont’s at Union Station Plaza III Tatsu’s The American Restaurant Webster House To see a complete list of participating restaurants, go to www.kcrestaurantguide.com. $25 GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE, including: Check out the Holy Spirit Scrip Order Form for even more! school.hscatholic.org Be Merciful as Your Father is Merciful. Luke 6:36 The Mission of Holy Spirit Catholic School is to develop independent, life-long learners, who can and will live for Christ. IMPORTANT: Order these early since we keep a limited supply of each on hand! (Scrip orders are placed each Sunday and arrive the following Tuesday.) THANK YOU FOR USING SCRIP! Holy Spirit Field Reservations-If you are a coach/manager of a Holy Spirit baseball, softball, or soccer team and would like to inquire about practice field reservations, please contact [email protected]. You will receive a response with instructions on how to request a practice time. Spring field reservations are due by Friday, February 26th. Ways You Can Help Holy Spirit School- Box Tops for Education: Clip and save Box Tops from various products. Each Box Top earns the school 10 cents. For a list visit www.boxtops4education.com. Labels for Education: Clip and save Labels from Campbell’s food and other products. Each Label earns points for the school, which can then be used to purchase materials for the school. In the hallway outside the Parish Office are containers for the Labels and the Box Tops. Cell Phone Collection: Holy Spirit Student Council needs your help in collecting cell phones to help raise funds. We ask that you donate any inactive cell phones. If you know of any businesses that provide cell phones to employees, please ask if they have cell phones to donate. 100% of the proceeds will benefit Holy Spirit School. All phones will be recycled. Just bring your cell phones to the drop box located next to the Box Tops for Education bin. Trash Bags For Sale! School Office, Parish Office, and SOR Office. $10.00 per roll Blue–Extra Large Bags, 55 gallon (22”x16”x58”x2mil.),16/roll Yellow - Heavy Duty Bags, 39 gallon (32”x45”x2mil.), 25/roll White - Kitchen Bags, 15 gallon (24”x33”x1.3mil.), 65/roll Yard Waste Bags $3.00 per 5 bag bundle-Brown Paper Yard Waste Bags (16”x12”x35”/ 2 ply- Wet strength) Applebee’s Bonefish Grill Bravo! Brio Tuscan Grille Carabba’s Cheesecake Factory Chili’s Longhorn Steakhouse Macaroni Grill Olive Garden On the Border Outback P. F. Chang’s Red Lobster Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Did you know that diapers are NOT covered by food stamps? Please consider a diaper donation the weekends of February 20-21 or 27-28. You may drop them off in the gathering space. All sizes are appreciated. Your diapers will help several of the 22,000 babies in the KC metro stay dry, healthy, & happy! You may also donate funds @https://www.wonderwe.com/ hslovesdrybooty Service event by St. Gerard’s Circle ATTENTION MOMS! SAINT GERARD’S CIRCLE Saint Gerard’s Circle, SGC, is a ministry for mothers and moms-tobe. Our goal is to provide friendship and support within our parish, to provide a Catholic foundation for our children, to continue spiritual guidance for ourselves and our families, and to encourage community involvement. New members are always welcome! Questions? Contact Erin Fuhrman, [email protected]. Happy Bottoms Diaper Drive at the Thursday February 18th Meeting Happy Bottoms is Kansas City’s Diaper Bank. This wonderful organization provides diapers to Catholic Charities and many many other organizations. On February 18th please consider donating diapers, cash or loose change to assist with this wonderful cause. All disposable diapers are accepted even open bags/cases. Sizes 5 and 6 are needed the most. If you can't make the meeting you may drop off diapers during the weekend Masses February 20-21 & 27-28 in the Narthex. You can also donate online @ https:// www.wonderwe.com/ hslovesdrybooty February 7, 2016 Marriage Minute-Do you ever wonder if Jesus notices you and your family when it seems like every other need in the world is more important than yours? We can sometimes think, “With all the problems in the world from terrorism, to hunger, to pollution, to poverty, how can Jesus have time for my desires and needs?” In this week’s Gospel, Peter has worked all night and caught no fish. His mind was probably filled with the thought we’ve all had at one time or another, “How will we pay the bills?” When Jesus appeared on the scene, Peter could have sent him away to deal with more important matters like Roman occupation and leprosy. But instead he allows Jesus to get in his boat. And he receives miraculously more than he could have imagined. This week, Jesus is waiting to be invited in to that big presentation at work, the pile of dishes in the sink, your son’s math test, and your hurt feelings from that spat you had with your spouse last night. Yes, there are worse problems out there, but these are your problems and they matter to Him. Why not invite Him in and see what miracles are waiting? This Sunday also kicks off National Marriage Week. We invite you to come celebrate with Archbishop Naumann at Holy Mass at Holy Trinity Parish in Lenexa at 6:30 pm. Following Mass, national speaker and author, Jon Leonetti, will present, “The Mission of the Family.” This evening would be an excellent way to invite Jesus into your boat. Catholic Men Ages 18 and Up You are invited to become a Knight! Founded in 1882, the Knights of Columbus have built their foundation upon the pillars of charity, unity, fraternity & patriotism. We are a band of brothers, a network of men in communities around the world dedicated to doing good in the service of God and our neighbor and committed to the good works at Holy Spirit. We invite you to become a Knight at the next 1st Degree exemplification on Thurs., March 10th (5:30pm) in the Martha & Mary Room at Holy Spirit. For more information, contact Brian Wagner ([email protected] 913-634-0953) or Chad Eickholt ([email protected] 816-547-7731). KNIGHT LINE WWW.KOFC11661.ORG HOLY SPIRIT KNIGHTS’ ACTIVITIES Feb 11: 6:00 pm Guy's Knight Out and Council Meeting in the M/M Room. If you haven't joined us in awhile, come on out! Feb 12: 5:00 - 7:00 pm First Lenten Dinner. Join your fellow Knights in the Cafeteria and invite your family to enjoy our handiwork. Each Friday During Lent 5 - 7 pm except Good Friday: Fish Dinner in the Cafeteria to benefit local charities. Join your Brother Knights and lend a hand! Feb 25: 7:00 pm Officers Meeting in the Martha & Mary Room. All are welcome. Call Greg Davis with questions or suggestions for Knights of Columbus at Holy Spirit at 913-800-0581. WOMEN OF SPIRIT The ministry of the Women of Spirit is to reach all women of our parish community with an expression of friendship and spiritual growth. Contact Terri Kilgore at [email protected] or 913-206-6994 with any questions or if you need a ride to any of our events. For more information on our organization and our activities, please view our newsletter (located on the Organizations tab) on the Holy Spirit Church website: www.hscatholic.org. Welcome Fr. Ric Halvorson to our parish- Thursday, Feb. 18, 7:00 pm. WOS and SGC are hosting a “meet and greet” for Fr. Halvorson to get to know the women of our parish. Please respond to the WOS email if you can volunteer to bring soup or a salad. All women of the parish are invited. Save the date- The WOS annual retreat is March 5. Watch the bulletin for details. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe & the Riviera Maya April 7 – 12 Join Father Tom Dolezal on a short Pilgrimage honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe and then spend some time at the beach relaxing with friends and family $1665 per person (double occupancy) includes 5 nights in 4* hotels/ resorts, all meals (except 1 lunch on day of arrival) Airfare available on American Airlines $650 per person. Call Trinity Travel for more details (913422-4141) or register online at http://trinitytravelonline.com/pilgrimages/ our-lady-of-guadalupe-the-riviera-maya/ Men Under Construction Catholic Men’s Conference Men of Faith, come spend a day with other men from our archdiocese/diocese learning how to better live our faith. Our 20th annual Men Under Construction is a perfect Lenten investment in your spirituality. Featured speakers include, Jeff Cavins (Entertaining Bible expert and former Protestant pastor), Ted Sri, (Professor and famed best-selling Catholic author), & Devin Schadt, (author and speaker focusing on authentic fatherhood). You will also have the opportunity to participate in reconciliation and hear from Archbishop Naumann. Come join a thousand other guys on the same journey for truth, happiness, and authenticity. Saturday, Feb. 13, 2016 at 7 am at Church of the Ascension, Overland Park KS. For more information, contact Chris Kopecky at [email protected] or register online at www.ksmuc.org ($35 for adults and $15 for ages 18 and under). February 17: Noon - 1 pm, the Catholic Bishops of Kansas and others concerned about the future of religious freedom will be hosting a Rally for Religious Freedom inside the Kansas State Capitol Building under the dome. A large turnout is needed to demonstrate to Kansas lawmakers that support for religious freedom in Kansas is strong. Let’s make this as successful as the rally in 2012, which garnered national attention and was broadcast live on EWTN. We will have outstanding speakers including Ryan Anderson of the Heritage Foundation. For more information please visit www.kscathconf.org. HOMEMADE PASTA DINNER - TO BENEFIT THE SISTERS SERVANTS OF MARY- THE BEST SUPER BOWL SUNDAY MEAL The Annual Pasta Dinner to benefit the Sisters, Servants of Mary will be held on SUNDAY FEBRUARY 7, at ST. PATRICKS PARISH CENTER, 9400 STATE AVENUE, K.C., KS, 11 am - 3 pm TICKETS $8.00 FOR ADULTS AND $3.00 FOR CHILDREN UNDER 10. Dinner includes* Pasta, Italian Sausage, Meatballs, Salad, Bread, Dessert, Coffee and Tea. Carry out available for you to enjoy at home. CARRY OUT. PLEASE CALL ORDERS 913-334-2330, all food donated by *Amino Brothers Co., Inc, Balano and Pace family. For more information please contact Mary Sullivan 913-897-5249 or 913-334-2330 LONELY? SAD? DISCOURAGED? Going through a tough time — emotionally or spiritually? Struggling with a crisis in life? Or simply feeling down? Consider letting a Stephen Minister help. A Stephen Minister is a member of Holy Spirit Church who is trained to listen, care, encourage, pray, and walk alongside you during difficult times. It’s confidential, free, and very helpful. To learn more contact our Holy Spirit Stephen Ministry Leader David Chaffee (913) 317-8393 . Our Stephen Ministers Are There To Care! The University of Saint Mary will hold an Information Session at its Overland Park Campus, 11413 Pflumm Road, at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, February 17. Meet with faculty and advisors to learn about USM’s accelerated undergraduate and graduate programs in Business, Education and Psychology. RSVP by calling 913.319.3003 or visit www.stmary.edu/success. February 7, 2016 OUR LADY’S PRAYER GROUP Meets on Tuesday mornings at 6:30 am and evenings at 5:45 pm in the Church. All are welcome. PRAYER CHAIN If you have a need or concern, please call the Parish Office, 492 -7318. After office hours you may call 495-9802. PROJECT RACHEL Project Rachel is a ministry of the Catholic Church that offers forgiveness, hope and healing to those who have taken part in an abortion. For information contact Patricia at: [email protected] or www.projectrachelkc.com or call 913-621-2199. Recited Monday through Friday after the 6:45 am Mass, Thursdays at 2:50 pm, Saturdays at 3:30 pm and Sundays at 7:00 am. Also, please join us each Friday morning at 7:45 am to pray the Rosary for our parish, our school and your intentions at 10100 Barton Street. Children are welcome. Call Denise Slaven @ 913-963-5633 for details. THE GABRIEL PROJECT The Gabriel Project is an Archdiocesan program that provides, through a mentor-like relationship, emotional, spiritual, and material help to women in unplanned pregnancies. For more information please call 913 -602-0306 or email Bev at [email protected] or http://gabrielprojectkc.com Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016 February 13 & 14, 2016 First Sunday of Lent Servers 4:00 pm Thomas (TJ) Baker Jimmy Cahill Mary Grace Cahill Kate Himmelberg 7:30 am David Giem Hannah Homberg Joey Punswick Chloe Wannamaker 9:00 am Eric Delantonas Lexie Drake Emma Hudson Matthew Perrea 10:30 am Joshua Clark Lauren Ellwanger Matthew Hornbeck Owen Kerrigan 6:30 pm Nickolas Coulter-Ramirez Gretta Hauk Max Waren-Sub? Angelina Williams Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist 4:00 pm Joe / Cathy Bellafiore Dave Gilbert Janet Koehler Michelle Maddock Esther Okere 7:30 am Joseph Bormann Nancy Heeney Terri Mathiasmeier 9:00 am Mary Bickimer Michael Coleman George / Maggie Lents Michon Quick Dutch / Kathy tenBroek 10:30 am Glenda Adame Mary Ann Carmody Anne Mercer Phillip / Marina Nguyen Randy Scharnhorst 6:30 pm Aubrey Colvin Sue Dillon Robbi Leno 4:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 6:30 pm Bob Bridgham Paul Kidder Bernadette Maddock Rosemarie Maddock Erin Sturd Chris Glatt Gregory Kratofil Jeanine Cindrich Brian Delantonas Jan Petelin Steve / Jayne Vehlewald Joyce Boone Jim Walter Kathy Koenig Elizabeth Willer Kathy Wilson Ushers Lector 1 4:00 pm Peter Piscitello 7:30 am Dick Siebs 9:00 am Tom Bickimer 10:30 am Bonnie Mendoza 6:30 pm John Williams Welcome Ministry 4:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 6:30 pm Volunteer Needed Jan Petelin Julie McGrath Mary Campbell Dan Rohde 4:00 pm 9:00 am 10:30 am 6:30 pm Spikes Lloyd Trausch Slaven C/ E/ Brass/ Timp. Installation / Rite of Sending Youthful Spirits Mary Jacobs Music Ministers February 13, 2016 February 14, 2016 February 14, 2016 Rosary Leaders Tom Maillard Bruce McFarland Delmar Gardens Pat Nelson Yolanda Chamberlain Overland Park Regional February 9, 2016 February 10, 2016 Jo Long Marina Nguyen Emily Anderson Debbie Coomes Terri Murphy Paul Scharnhorst Bob / Marilyn Watson Brenna Dillon Kate Geist Sacristans 4:00 pm Steve DiGiacinto LeRoy J. Schmidtberger 7:30 am Cheryl Highley Trinidad Molina 9:00 am Ed Balzano Dennis Maher 10:30 am Moyer Bunting David Roth –Sub? 6:30 pm JD / Lisa Miller Nathan Wagner February 13 & 14, 2016 First Sunday of Lent John Henn Barry Sullivan Vern Koeppen David Roth Russ Denning Kevin Murphy Alan Rose Art Ruby Brian Wagner Lector 2 Vi Rossman Janet South Carol Denning David Thornton Bill Service We are a NEW community of young adults (roughly ages 20-40) who desire to make service part of our DNA. Through unique service opportunities at Catholic Charities and our parishes, we put our compassion into action. In celebration of the Year of Mercy we are hosting the Mercy Madness Challenge, which invites all young adults to join us for bi-monthly service opportunities that allow you to live out the Works of Mercy. Join us for our next gathering on Saturday February 20th. We will meet at 4:45 pm in the Narthax at Church of Nativity. Following 5pm Mass, drinks and appetizers will be provided downstairs while we enjoy some fellowship and our speaker Ken Williams, CEO of Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas. All are welcome! Please contact Ashley Oppermann at 913-433-2068 if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you! PLEASE CHECK THE PARISH WEBSITE www.hscatholic.org CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Holy Spirit Church #003274 11300 W. 103rd Street Overland Park, KS 66214 TELEPHONE 913 492-7382 CONTACT PERSON Lyn Crowder SOFTWARE MS Publisher 2013 Adobe DC Windows 10 PRINTER HP Officejet Pro 8620 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 12:00 Noon SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION February 7, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 11 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Not at this time.