Directory of Support Services


Directory of Support Services
North Lincolnshire
Directory of
Support Services
agencies and organisations
Support Services Directory
1. Black and ethnic-minority groups
2. Day centres
3. Debt-management agencies 5
4. Department for Work and Pensions
5. Drug, alcohol and ex-offenders’ organisations
6. Housing
7. Money advice services
8. Organisations which care for the elderly
9. Services that North Lincolnshire Council provide
10. Support services
11. Training and educational support
12. Voluntary Organisations
13. Welfare advice agencies
1.Black and ethnic-minority
Apna Sahara
This group is for customers aged over 50 from
south-east Asian communities, giving advice
on benefits, disability, health, mental health,
befriending and cultural advocacy as well as
Crosby One Centre
1 Digby Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 7LU
Phone: 01724 330073
• access to training and education;
• immigration advice; and
• getting back to work.
We can provide translation services if
You can refer yourself to the service, or an
agency can you refer you.
North Lincolnshire Homes
BME Support Service
Customer Centre
Cole Street
DN15 6QY
Phone: 01724 298656
Email: [email protected]
North Lincolnshire Homes - BME
Housing Support Service
This service provides support to anyone
who is part of the black and ethnic-minority
communities who live in North Lincolnshire,
whether they live in their own home, rented
accommodation or with family and friends.
The service is free. We will arrange to meet
you at your home or at our drop-in service at
the customer centre on Cole Street, where we
will fill in a support plan with you to see where
you may need help.
We can offer support with:
• finding and keeping your tenancy;
• financial issues, to help you make the
most of your income;
South Humber Racial Equality Council
The council offer advice on equality issues and
benefits, housing, education and advocacy
for people from black and ethnic-minority
backgrounds, and their families.
146 Frodingham Road
North Lincolnshire
DN15 7NJ
Open: Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm
Phone: 01724 851811
Email: [email protected]
Support Services Directory
2.Day centres
The Forge
(New Brumby Methodist Church,
Cottage Beck Road, Scunthorpe)
This centre provides advice and support to
homeless and vulnerable people including
providing meals and drinks, washing facilities,
family support services, benefit advice and a
monthly pensioners’ lunch.
New Brumby Methodist Church
Cottage Beck Road
North Lincolnshire
DN16 1UB
Phone: 01724 276742
Email: [email protected]
3.Debt-management agencies
(Calls should cost no more than 01 or 02
UK-wide calls, and you can include inclusive
minutes you have under a mobile or landline
contract. To help us maintain and improve
our service, we may record or monitor calls.)
If you prefer, we can call you back during our
opening hours.
Typetalk: 18001 0300 500 5000
To order Money Advice Service printed guides
– use our online order form.
Or, for more information, visit our website at
Community Legal Advice
This service provides confidential free legal
advice about family, debt, benefits, housing,
education or employment problems.
Phone: 0845 345 4345
Crosby Community Association
The association can give you advice on
benefits, debts, opening bank accounts,
managing your money, budgeting skills and
welfare benefits. Case workers are available.
105-107 Frodingham Road
North Lincolnshire
DN15 7JT
Phone: 01724 330022
Financial Ombudsman Service
This service deals with complaints about
companies who provide loans and financial
Moneyline are a not-for-profit company
who provide advice and help to open basic
bank accounts and advice on low-cost
loans. Whether you are a private tenant or
homeowner, working or on state benefits, you
can contact them for friendly, free advice.
272 Ashby High Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6LZ
Phone: 01724 852926
Phone: 0845 080 1800 or 0300 123 9123
National Debt Line
We offer debt advice for people living in
different parts of the country. This is because
the law to do with debt varies depending on
whether you live in England and Wales or
Scotland. You can be confident that the advice
we offer is targeted to you.
Phone: 0808 808 4000
Money Advice Service
Understand your money in minutes with the
online health check from the Money Advice
Got a question about money and need friendly
impartial one-to-one advice?
Our trained staff are here to help you work out
what’s right for you. Whatever your question,
we’re here to help and, if we don’t know
the answer, we will tell you how to contact
someone who does. No problem or question
is too small – try us and see.
Phone: 0300 500 5000
Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm (not bank
New Life Moneyskills
Moneyskills offers free, impartial, confidential
advice and help by working with clients to sort
out their financial difficulties.
Moneyskills advisors are trained and
accredited with Community Money Advice
( and offer
completely free face-to-face advice about
Support Services Directory
money. We help anyone in need by providing
quality advice, from filling in forms to personal
insolvency. Our trained advisors work in pairs
and can meet with you to help you get to grips
with your finances.
Moneyskills by New Life
The House
Brumby Wood Lane
North Lincolnshire
DN17 1AB
Phone: 01724 280340
Email: [email protected]
North Lincolnshire Credit Union
North Lincolnshire Credit Union is a
not-for-profit organisation that offers easy
ways to save and gives access to lowcost affordable loans. They can also help
you open a basic bank account. For more
information and help, contact them.
162 High Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6EH
Phone: 01724 868888
Email: [email protected]
Scunthorpe Baptist Church
Scunthorpe Baptist Church (SBC) works with
Christians Against Poverty (CAP), an
award-winning debt-counselling charity based
in Bradford.
To support people on their journey to ‘financial
freedom’, SBC runs the popular CAP Money
Course. This three-week course is delivered
for free, helping people to manage money
better and learn to budget, save and spend
well. This course is open to anyone.
The course is DVD-based and held in an
informal setting (where you watch a dvd and
then ask questions and have a discussion).
Everyone who takes part will receive a
50-page A4 work book. Those who take part
in the CAP money course are given access
to a specially designed online budgeting tool,
which allows them to build their budget.
For more information and details of the next
course, contact Helen Armstrong.
Scunthorpe Baptist Church
Ashby Road
North Lincolnshire
DN16 1NR
Phone: 01724 848388
Email: [email protected]
4.Department for Work and
Jobcentre Plus
The DWP provide advice on benefits, for
example on Jobseeker’s Allowance and
Employment and Support Allowance.
Crown Buildings
Laneham Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6JT
Phone: 0845 6060 234
Support Services Directory
5.Drug, alcohol and ex-offenders’
This is a national organisation which provides
an A-Z of drugs, providing advice and
Phone: 0800 776600
Text: 82111
Community Alcohol Services
This is a drop-in service to give advice and
support for adults over 18 on alcohol-related
Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
10am to 12pm and Wednesday 5pm to 7pm
Safer neighbourhoods
86 Oswald Road
North Lincolnshire
This group provides information on crime and
disorder, drug-related issues and antisocial
Phone: 01724 852675
Shelford House
Shelford Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6QB
Phone: 01724 244654
Delta (Drug Education Liaison and
Treatment Agency)
The agency give advice, support, help to
come off drugs by prescribing substitute
prescription drugs, and help to reduce
self-harm for people aged 13 to 19.
22-24 Cole Street
North Lincolnshire
Phone: 01724 298528
The Junction
The Junction deliver drug and alcohol
treatments, including counselling, community
prescribing, care plans and training in skills.
You would need to be referred by an agency.
17 Trafford Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6TN
Phone: 01724 855591
Support Services Directory
6.Housing providers
GIFTED is a home programme for local
women, launched and managed by local
women. It provides a safe and supportive
environment where women with life-controlling
issues, for example a history of drug or
alcohol misuse, domestic violence, self-harm,
eating disorders, anxiety, depression and low
self-esteem, can be valued and accepted and
begin living in a positive way.
GIFTED, a New Life initiative, is based around
a carefully designed recovery programme
which has benefited from tried and tested
material used in successful recovery initiatives
around the UK and beyond. It aims to reach
women with a history of drug or alcohol
misuse, domestic violence, self-harm, eating
disorders, anxiety, depression and low
The women on the programme live in their
own room in a 12-bedroomed property in
North Lincolnshire. Here they learn the skills
they need to live with confidence and hope.
They will be visited by qualified professionals
bringing a wide range of help and volunteers
who offer encouragement and moral support.
The women will also visit other places to
increase their confidence, broaden their
horizons and receive specialist training.
Phone: 01724 487692
Email: [email protected]
Guinness Northern Counties
The Guinness Partnership owns and manages
nearly 60,000 homes, employs over 3,000
members of staff, and provides services for
over 120,000 customers nationwide.
20 Westfield Terrace
S1 4GH
Phone: 0845 605 9000
Email: [email protected]
Support Services Directory
Home Choice Lincs
A new, fairer and faster way of finding a home
in Northern Lincolnshire was introduced on the
24 November 2010.
The scheme, called Home Choice Lincs,
is part of a national initiative called Choice
Based Lettings (or CBL for short) that brings
local councils and housing associations
together to jointly advertise homes available
for rent.
The partnership is made up of the following
local authorities and housing associations.
North Lincolnshire Council, North East
Lincolnshire Council, North Lincolnshire
Homes Ltd, Shoreline Housing Partnership
Ltd, Longhurst and Havelok Homes and
Sanctuary Housing Association.
As a partnership, we are responsible for
more than 20,000 homes across Northern
Lincolnshire and we hope that other registered
providers of rented homes in the area will
eventually join the scheme.
• help to contact other organisations such
as social or health services, education or
training services;
• help to develop life and social skills; and
• help to deal with or prevent housing debt.
Housing-related support is different from
care, but it works alongside health and care
Brumby Resource Centre
East Common Lane
North Lincolnshire
DN16 1QQ
Phone: 01724 298000
Email: [email protected]
Housing Advice Team
North Lincolnshire Council’s Housing Advice
Team (HAT) aims to prevent people from
becoming homeless whenever possible and
will do everything possible to help people keep
their current homes. In many situations where
homelessness is a possibility, depending on
what accommodation you’re in you may have
rights to stay there, at least for a while longer.
If you find yourself in this position, the sooner
you contact us the better. If you’ve been
asked to leave, getting early advice and help
is essential.
We can help by:
Phone: 01472 313131
(ask for Home Choice Lincs team)
Email: [email protected]
Horkstow House Housing Support
Horkstow Housing Support Service is a
support service which aims to prevent
individuals who are experiencing a crisis
from needing more costly services. We help
vulnerable people to live independently by
responding to their needs and expectations.
We deliver appropriate personalised services
and intervention.
Housing-related support includes such things as:
• help to live independently in your own home;
• help to make sure your home is safe and
• help to move to more suitable
• help to apply for benefits;
• providing effective advice on housing;
• advising you on how to find other
• contacting landlords where necessary;
• arranging mediation if appropriate;
• talking to Jobcentre Plus or simply
speaking to family and friends;
• advising you on your rights and
• assessing your entitlement to be housed as
• making referrals to supported housing
providers where appropriate;
Support Services Directory
• providing temporary housing for vulnerable
homeless people where necessary; and
• providing advice and help to those not
entitled to be housed.
Church Square House
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6XQ
Phone: 01724 747654
Email: [email protected]
We are an organisation dedicated to providing
quality services to adults and young people.
It is our belief that all people should have
the opportunity to realise their full potential,
improve skills, make the most of their chances
in life and become responsible members of
our communities.
We work with many voluntary and
not-for-profit organisations as well as the
following local authorities. Kingston upon Hull,
East Riding of Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire,
North East Lincolnshire and other government
We focus on rehabilitation and resettlement,
mentoring, peer-mentoring and volunteer
befriending services, advice, information
and guidance, education, employment and
training, housing-related support, supported
lodgings services, using time in a positive way
and helping people to become integrated into
the wider community.
PO Box 201
North Lincolnshire
DN16 3XR
Open: Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm
Phone: 01724 276678
Fax: 01724 276865
Email: [email protected]
Support Services Directory
Longhurst and Havelok Homes (L&H
L & H is a leading provider of affordable
homes for rent and sale, as well as a
specialist provider of retirement leasehold
schemes, and care and support services. You
can apply for our properties using the Home
Choice Lincs service.
Head Office:
Leverett House
Gilbert Drive
Endeavour Park
PE21 7TQ
Phone: 0800 111 4013
Email: service.centre@longhurst-group.
Meridian House
Normanby Road
North Lincolnshire
DN15 8QZ
Phone: 01724 279900 or
freephone 0800 032 6363
Email: [email protected]
Salvation Army Housing Association
The Salvation Army Housing Association
(SAHA) is a subsidiary of The Salvation Army
United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of
Ireland. It is a national charitable registered
provider specialising in providing supported
accommodation, education and employment
opportunities for homeless individuals and
families. The association aims to help and
support vulnerable groups in society in
achieving positive, stable independent living.
1 Hadleigh Court
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6TR
Phone: 01724 276099
Email: [email protected]
North Lincolnshire Homes
North Lincolnshire Homes is a registered
social landlord (RSL) that currently owns and
maintains almost 10,000 homes across the
whole of the North Lincolnshire region. As
a registered charity, and a company limited
by guarantee, we cannot trade for profit. This
means that all income must be reinvested into
the organisation to maintain homes, improve
services and pay for building new properties.
We provide services for:
• people from black and ethnic-minority
• young people (aged 18 to 25 years who are
our tenants); and
• people in our homes who are up to age 54
(this is a general tenancy service).
We support residents aged 55 and over within
their own North Lincolnshire Home tenancy,
including supported living and sheltered
Sanctuary Supported Living
Sanctuary Supported Living supports
homeless people who have complicated
support needs including those with mentalhealth issues, vulnerable adults, those
suffering from domestic abuse and exoffenders in a shared house or a selfcontained bedsit. They provide advice on
housing-related support including health,
education and training, money, bills, benefits
and daily living skills.
• This is a short-stay service mainly for three
to six months.
Situated on Frodingham Road, The
Lighthouse is an attractive 13-bedroom
supported housing project with a life-skills
centre and an attached facility to help prepare
people for tenancies.
203-205 Frodingham Road
North Lincolnshire
DN15 7NH
Phone: 01724 848942
Email: [email protected]
• All referrals are made through First Stop.
65 Cottage Beck Road
North Lincolnshire
DN16 1LG
Phone: 01724 282747
Fax: 01724 282747
Stonham deliver care and support to
vulnerable and socially excluded people,
including young people leaving care,
homeless people, older people and those
fleeing domestic violence.
103 Digby Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 7LU
Phone: 01724 289623
Please make all applications through the
North Lincolnshire Council’s Housing Advice
Phone: 01724 747654
Email: [email protected]
The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse is part of the solution to North
Lincolnshire’s need for short to medium-term
housing for people who are homeless.
The purpose of The Lighthouse, a New
Life church initiative, is to provide a home
and hope to those in need of both. The
Lighthouse creates an atmosphere which will
raise the ambitions of those staying there.
The life-skills centre provides training and
coaching in many areas ranging from financial
literacy to IT training, relationship skills and
preparing for a tenancy.
Support Services Directory
7.Money advice services
Barclays Bank
Opening bank accounts and debt advice,
drop-in for information.
81 Town Centre
High Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6LZ
Phone: 0845 755 5555
NatWest Bank
Opening bank accounts and debt advice,
appointments need to be made for
119-123 High Street
Town Centre
North Lincolnshire
Phone: 0845 788 8444
New Life Moneyskills
Moneyskills offers free, impartial, confidential
advice and help by working with clients to sort
out their financial difficulties.
Moneyskills advisors are trained and
accredited with Community Money Advice
( and offer
completely free face-to-face money advice
about money. We help anyone in need by
providing quality advice, from filling in forms
to personal insolvency. Our trained advisors
work in pairs and can meet with you to help
you get to grips with their finances.
Moneyskills by New Life
The House
Brumby Wood Lane
North Lincolnshire
DN17 1AB
Phone: 01724 280340
Email: [email protected]
8.Organisations which care for
the elderly
Age UK
Age UK North Lincolnshire is the new name
for Independent Living North Lincolnshire and
Age Concern North Lincolnshire. Below are
some examples of the services they provide.
• Services
o Information, advice and advocacy
o Benefits advice – impartial benefits
advice and help in filling in claim forms
o Befriending (including providing a
service over the phone)
o Home maintenance and decorating
o Home safety and security – supplying
and fitting door chains, key safes,
carbon monoxide detectors and so on
o Help with shopping
o Passenger transport
o A service where you can hire
wheelchairs and mobility aids – all
equipment is provided by Age UK
North Lincolnshire.
• Information and advice
o We work with numerous agencies and
can provide information about their
For more information about all our services
and volunteering opportunities, please visit our
Scunthorpe (moving shortly)
31 Frances Street
North Lincs
DN15 6NS
Phone: 01724 849819
Open: Monday to Friday - 10am to 3.30pm
Visit our charity shop and information and
advice centre in Barton upon Humber.
31 High Street
Barton upon Humber
DN18 5PD
Phone: 01652 636208
Open: Monday to Friday - 9am to 4.45pm
and Saturday 9am to 4pm
Donations of clothing, shoes, bric-a-brac,
books and so on are always welcome.
Email: [email protected]
Support Services Directory
Anchor Trust
Our passion at Anchor is giving people over
the age of 55 a choice of great places and
ways to live.
England’s largest not-for-profit provider of
housing and care for the over-55s, our aim is
very simple – to help you get the best out of
With a reputation built on more than 40 years
of experience, we are a trusted provider of
person-centred services. We offer vibrant
retirement properties and specialist care
homes at over 1,000 locations across the
Phone: 0800 270 7061
Specific illnesses
Mobility and daily living aids
Local-authority and health-care services
Respite and home-based care
Carers’ needs assessments
Jessie Wilcox House
11 Redcombe Lane
North Lincolnshire
DN20 8AU
Phone: 01652 650585 (main office) or
01652 601973 (Community and Home
Support Service)
Helpline: 01652 650585 – open Monday to
Thursday 8am to 8pm, Friday 8am to 6pm
and Saturday and Sunday 10am to 4pm
Email: [email protected]
Carers’ Support Centre
Carers provide unpaid care by looking after
an ill, frail or disabled family member, friend or
partner. The Carers’ Support Centre is here
to help support carers in North Lincolnshire.
We offer the following.
• Information
• Emotional and practical support
• Carer groups and social activities
• Counselling
• Friendship and visiting
• Home care
• Managing a personal budget
• Lifelong learning
• Someone to speak on your behalf
• Support when caring ends
• Training for carers
• Relaxation treatments
We can give advice and information on the
• Income and benefits
• Leisure and holidays
• Local voluntary and community
• Health issues
• Personalised budgets
Guinness Northern Counties
(Guinness Care and Support)
Specialising in services for older people and
people with learning disabilities, we care for
and support over 10,000 people nationwide.
We help these people to stay independent,
lead positive and fulfilling lives and, when
needed, make very important life choices.
We support people in their own homes and
community, or help people to move into our
accommodation when the time is right for
Our integrated care and support service is
tailored to each individual. You can choose
from the following services, depending on your
circumstances and care and support needs.
• Care homes for older people.
• Care homes for people with learning
disabilities or mental-health needs.
• Care in your own home.
• Technology at home – by installing the
latest technology in people’s homes we
can further help them to maintain their
• Community-based support.
• Extra care and sheltered housing
• Day care – our day care services provide
a mix of activities and entertainment,
specialist facilities and health treatments.
• Foyers (supported housing projects) for
young people.
• Info Line – this service provides
information on care and support, helping
people to find out about our services and
make the right choices for them. The Info
Line is available by calling 0300 123 0705,
emailing [email protected] or
texting GCS to 78070.
Phone: 0300 123 0705
Email: [email protected]
Text: 78070
Hanover Housing
We are committed to delivering the highest
quality services to all our residents and
customers. Our superb choice of services is
designed to suit your needs and allow you to
maintain your independence.
If you need advice, we can get you the
answers. If you want help with home repairs,
we can get them done. If you need emergency
help, we can give you peace of mind. If you
need access to an interpreter, we can arrange
this. Our main aim is to provide a service that
delivers exactly what you’re looking for.
North Regional Office
Dove Court
Bolton Street
West Yorkshire
Phone: 01274 599686 (North Regional Office)
Phone (general enquiries): 01480 475069
Email: [email protected]
Support Services Directory
Housing 21
Housing 21 is a social enterprise for older
people. They:
Sanctuary Housing
Every year at Sanctuary Supported Living, we
provide care and support to over 6,000 people
across England. Many of the people who use
our services have mental-health needs or
a learning or physical disability. Some have
experienced homelessness, domestic abuse,
become a teenage parent or face losing their
home due to a personal crisis. We offer a
range of support services so people can live
independently and achieve their personal
goals – whether that is to get a job, have their
own home or make new friends.
Working closely with local authorities and
other agencies, we design and deliver a range
of specialist services that meet the needs of
different people across the country.
160 Francis Street
East Yorkshire
Phone: 0800 781 4368
Email: [email protected]
• provide homes and services that allow
people to enjoy a good life in their later
• help people increase their independence
and take control of the services they
receive; and
• bring communities together to create
active, supportive environments which
value older people.
Phone: 0345 606 6363
Email: [email protected]
North Lincolnshire Homes Tenancy
Support Services
Tenancy support is available to all North
Lincolnshire Homes tenants to help them keep
their tenancies.
We have a team of staff who support tenants
aged 16 and over and within the team we
have a dedicated Young Persons Officer. We
also have a team of support workers to help
people aged over 55.
We can offer support with:
• income and benefits;
• setting up utility bills (gas, electric and so
• budgeting;
• accessing training and education;
• accessing befriending services;
• registering with a GP;
• applying for grants;
• the Affordable Warmth scheme; and
temporary moves during flood or building
Meridian House
Normanby Road
North Lincolnshire
DN15 8QZ
Phone: 01724 279900 or
Freephone 0800 032 6363
Email: [email protected]
Customers can hire motorised wheelchairs
and scooters for free. We would need to make
an assessment first.
Phone: 01724 297418
Support Services Directory
9.Services that North
Lincolnshire Council provide
vulnerable people to live independently by
responding to their needs and expectations.
We deliver appropriate personalised services
and intervention.
HomeLink staff can visit you at home to
provide advice and information on all services
provided by the council and our partner
services. HomeLink aims to make sure people
don’t miss out on services and benefits that
could improve their health, well-being and
independence. So, if any of the following stop
you from contacting or using local services,
HomeLink can help.
• Ill health
• Poor access to transport
• Looking after dependants, or caring for
• Disability or mobility issues
• Language problems
• Lack of information about services and
what you’re entitled to
To ask for a home visit, please phone the
team on 01724 297000.
Horkstow House Housing Support
Horkstow Housing Support Service is a
support service which aims to prevent
individuals who are experiencing crisis from
needing more costly services. We help
Housing related support includes such things
• help to live independently in your own
• help to make sure your home is safe and
• help to move to more suitable
• help to apply for benefits;
• help to contact other organisations such
as social or health services, education or
training services;
• help to develop life and social skills; and
• help to deal with or prevent housing debt.
Housing related support is different from
care, but it works alongside health and care
Brumby Resource Centre
East Common Lane
North Lincolnshire
DN16 1QQ
Phone: 01724 298221 or 01724 298000
Email: [email protected]
Support Services Directory
Housing Advice Team
North Lincolnshire Council’s Housing Advice
Team (HAT) aims to stop people becoming
homeless whenever possible and will do
everything possible to help people keep their
current homes. In many situations where
homelessness is a possibility, depending on
what accommodation you’re in, you may have
rights to stay there, at least for a while longer.
If you find yourself in this position, the sooner
you contact us the better. If you’ve been
asked to leave, getting early advice and help
is essential.
The Housing Advice Team can help by:
• providing effective advice on housing;
• advising you on how to find other
• contacting landlords where necessary;
• arranging mediation if appropriate;
• talking to Jobcentre Plus or simply
speaking to family and friends;
• advising on your rights and responsibilities;
• assessing your entitlement to be housed
as homeless;
• making referrals to supported housing
providers (where appropriate);
• providing temporary housing for vulnerable
homeless people (where necessary); and
• providing advice and help to those not
entitled to be housed.
Church Square House
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6XQ
Phone: 01724 747654
Email: [email protected]
Housing Benefit and Council Tax
Housing Benefit is a government benefit,
handled by the local authority, to help people
on low incomes. Council Tax Reduction is a
local scheme handled by the local authority
to help people on low incomes. It started on 1
April 2013.
Housing Benefit is help we may be able to
give if you rent your home. Council Tax
Reduction is help we may be able to give if
you have to pay council tax.
When we work out your benefit, we take
account of:
• how much money you have coming in
each week;
• how much you have in savings and
• who lives in your household; and
• the circumstances of any other adults who
live with you.
If you rent your home from a private landlord,
we will use the Local Housing Allowance
rules. These rules are based on the number of
bedrooms your family needs and not the size
of property you rent.
Hewson House
North Lincolnshire
DN20 8XB
Phone: 01724 296131
Email: [email protected]
Local link offices
Local link offices offer you three benefits.
1. They bring all council services together in
one place – from benefits advice to bus
passes, from housing to childcare. You will
have easy access to everything that the
council provides.
2. They give you the opportunity to talk to
your council and take part in
decision-making by commenting on new
proposals and initiatives.
3. They also act as a ‘gateway’ to other
non-council services, and a number of
organisations hold regular surgeries at
local link offices.
You can call at any of the local link offices.
You can find them at the following addresses
– opening times vary.
• Ashby and district, Ashby High Street,
o Phone: 01724 296832
• Barton and district, Providence House,
o Phone: 01724 296800
• Brigg and district, The Angel, Market Place
o Phone: 01724 296840
• Crosby and district, Citizens Advice
Bureau, 12 Oswald Road, Scunthorpe
o Phone: 01724 297000
• Crowle and district, Community Resource
Centre, 52 – 54 High Street
o Phone: 01724 296850
Wheels 2 Work
Wheels 2 Work North Lincolnshire is a
scheme for hiring scooters and bicycles to
help people get over the problem of getting to
work, college or training because of genuine
transport difficulties.
The scooter scheme offers people breathing
space for up to 12 months, either to save
enough cash to buy their own vehicle or give
them time to find other travel arrangements.
Wheels 2 Work Co-ordinator
Hewson House
Station Road
North Lincolnshire
DN20 8XY
Phone: 01724 296472
Email: [email protected]
• Epworth and district, Chapel Street,
o Phone: 01724 296870
• Scunthorpe and district, Church Square
House, 30 – 40 High Street
o Phone: 01724 296820
• Winterton and district, West Street,
o Phone: 01724 296875
Customers can hire motorised wheelchairs
and scooters for free. We would need to
make an assessment first.
Phone: 01724 297418
Support Services Directory
10.Support services
Carers’ Support Centre
Carers provide unpaid care by looking after
an ill, frail or disabled family member, friend or
partner. The Carers’ Support Centre is here
to help support Carers in North Lincolnshire.
We offer:
Emotional and practical support
Carer groups and social activities
Friendship and visiting
Home care
Personal budget management
Lifelong learning
Someone to speak on your behalf
Support when caring ends
Training for Carers
Relaxation treatments
We can give advice and information on:
• Income and benefits
• Leisure and holidays
• Local voluntary and community
• Health issues
• Personalised budgets
• Specific illnesses
• Mobility and daily living aids
• Local authority and health care services
• Respite and home-based care
• Carers’ Needs Assessments
Jessie Wilcox House
11 Redcombe Lane
North Lincolnshire
DN20 8AU
Phone: 01652 650585 (main office) or 01652 601973 (Community and Home
Support Service)
Email: [email protected]
Carlton Education and Knotted Note
Carlton Education and Enterprise is a social
enterprise set up in 2003 along with the
Knotted Note charity, who are dedicated to
using learning and training initiatives to help
those people who feel excluded. The service
covers Hull, The East Riding, North and
North East Lincolnshire, with an emphasis on
communities suffering from rural isolation.
It aims to deliver high-quality training to
individuals, schools, community groups
and other organisations working with
disadvantaged communities.
31 Fleetgate
North Lincolnshire
DN18 5QA
Phone: 01652 637489
Email: [email protected]
GIFTED is a home programme for local
women, launched and managed by local
women. It provides a safe and supportive
environment where women with life-controlling
issues, for example a history of drug or
alcohol misuse, domestic violence, self-harm,
eating disorders, anxiety, depression and low
self-esteem, can be valued and accepted and
begin living in a positive way.
GIFTED, a New Life initiative, is based around
a carefully designed recovery programme
which has benefited from tried and tested
material used in successful recovery initiatives
around the UK and beyond. It aims to reach
women with a history of drug or alcohol
misuse, domestic violence, self-harm, eating
disorders, anxiety, depression and low
The women on the programme live in their
own room in a 12-bedroomed property in
North Lincolnshire. Here they learn the skills
they need to live with confidence and hope.
They will be visited by qualified professionals
bringing a wide range of help and volunteers
who offer encouragement and moral support.
The women will also visit other places to
increase their confidence, broaden their
horizons and receive specialist training.
Phone: 01724 487692
Email: [email protected]
Cloverleaf Advocacy
This organisation provides a voice for people
with mental-health needs, learning disabilities,
physical and sensory impairment, brain injury,
older people and carers. They can do this
in a range of settings, within the community,
hospitals and nursing homes.
Central Community Centre
Lindum Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6QU
Phone: 01724 854952
Fax: 01724 854956
Our mission is “to inspire individuals to fulfil
their potential” and since 2004 we have
worked with thousands of individuals to do
just that. We specialise in getting people into
employment or training. We also work with
employers to provide recruitment solutions
and staff training. Whether you’re looking for
employment, wanting to develop your skills, or
wanting to find specialist training for your staff,
we can help.
Ground Floor
Station House
8 Station Road
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6PY
Phone: 01652 650585
Email: [email protected]
Creative Support
They provide social-care services for people
with learning disabilities, mental-health and
other needs.
Haldenby House
Unit 2/3 Berkeley Business Centre
North Lincolnshire
DN15 7DQ
Phone: 01724 858131
Support Services Directory
Kaleidoscope is a purpose-built project close
to Scunthorpe town centre. They provide
information, advice and support to families in
the local area with disabled children, offering a
warm and friendly environment where families
can feel comfortable in talking to our staff or
other parents in similar situations.
Our staff are involved in a range of initiatives
across North Lincolnshire which promote the
needs of families with disabled children or
children with special needs. The services we
provide have been based on local research, to
make sure we give families the support that’s
right for them.
Dunstall Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6JZ
Phone: 0300 123 2112
• a handy van service;
• care homes;
• family holidays and adventure breaks for
young people;
• help in starting a business; and
• jobs and careers.
For more information, contact the main East
Midlands office.
Phone: 08457 725725
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families
Association (SSAFA)
This is a national charity for those who served
in our armed forces, those who used to serve
and their families.
The help that is provided reflects the financial,
practical and emotional challenges that people
face today. Young or old, serving or veteran,
if you have a connection to the armed forces,
they are here to help.
Mind give support to anyone suffering with
mental-health issues and their families and
friends, along with legal advice.
Printers Yard
Fenton Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6QX
Phone: 01724 279500
Royal British Legion
We provide practical, emotional and financial
support. This includes:
• advice on benefits and money;
• grants for people in immediate need;
• help with homelessness;
Phone: 0207 463 9224
Email: [email protected]
The Lighthouse Lifeskill Centre
New Life’s life skills centre is next to The
Lighthouse. It is dedicated to helping local
people and local agencies.
The centre provides a wide range of services
that include online computer training, internet
access, writing CVs and support in searching
for a job, advice on benefits and the opening
doors training course, among others.
To reserve the upstairs training room, either of
the two informal counselling rooms, or to ask
about other services, contact Alison on the
number below.
The Royal British Legion is the UK’s leading
charity for the armed forces.
• We help serving members of the Royal
Navy, Army and Royal Air Force.
• We also help ex-service men and women,
their carers and families.
Financial and welfare work
Housing advice and accommodation
Health and social work
Support groups
The Lighthouse
203-205 Frodingham Road
North Lincolnshire
DN15 7NH
11.Training and educational
Open: Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 4pm
Phone: 01724 848942
Intraining is a leading national provider of
training and employment skills. We operate
a wide range of programmes and employ
over 800 members of staff, operating from a
network of over 20 regional offices.
We are a wholly owned subsidiary of NCG
(Newcastle College Group). In 2010-2011
we gained two Prime Work Programme
contracts in the West Midlands and North
East Yorkshire and Humberside and is the
only not-for-profit prime contractor in these
regions. (These contracts are delivered by
private, public and voluntary organisations,
they are payment-for-results welfare-to-work
programmes introduced by the DWP.)
Our mission is to develop people through
learning and achievement for the benefit of
themselves, society and the economy. Our
focus is on meeting national and regional
goals in terms of education, skills and
employment for individuals and employers in
line with government priorities.
2nd floor
Station House
Station Road
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6PY
Phone: 01724 846444
Victim Support
This is a charity giving free and confidential
help to victims of crimes, witnesses, their
families and friends.
Phone: 0300 303 1971
John Leggott College
John Leggott College is one of the best
colleges for students aged 16 to 19 in the
region and not just because of the fantastic
results, superb facilities and amazing
It is also one of the best because of the
outstanding experience offered to students
who choose to come to JLC.
Support Services Directory
In 2012 we had an A-level pass rate above
97%, with 47% of grades at A*, A and B. We
also celebrated a 100% pass rate in BTEC
West Common Lane
North Lincolnshire
Phone: 01724 282998
Fax: 01724 281631
Email: [email protected]
National Careers Service
The National Careers Service is available free
to everyone who is 18 and over (whether in
work or not).
It provides information and advice on careers
and skills that are tailored to you.
Help is available online, or with one of our
careers advisors over the phone or
We can help you:
• find learning and training that is right for
• improve your reading and writing and
• find out about funding to support your
• develop your CV;
• improve your interview and presentation
• progress in your current job; and
• understand the local job market.
Advisors are available to see you in Barton,
Scunthorpe and other surrounding areas. For
more information, please ring 0800 100 900.
North Lindsey College
We are the largest provider of post-16
education and training in North Lincolnshire,
offering a huge range of full-time, part-time
and apprenticeship courses at a range of
levels. Our learners benefit from excellent
facilities plus friendly and experienced staff.
Whatever your needs, we have a course for
you. Everyone is welcome.
We are also an associate college of the
University of Lincoln, and offer a range of
HNCs, HNDs, degrees and an exciting new
range of foundation degrees.
North Lincolnshire
DN17 1AJ
Phone: 01724 281111
Fax: 01724 294020
Minicom: 01724 294033
Email: [email protected]
Workers Educational Association
The Workers’ Educational Association (WEA)
is the largest voluntary-sector provider of
adult education courses in the UK. Founded
in 1903 to support the educational needs of
working men and women, today WEA runs
over 10,000 courses each year for adults of all
ages and from all walks of life.
Claire House
31 Wells Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6HL
Phone: 01724 844245
Email: [email protected]
12. Voluntary organisations
• Development work: identifying gaps in
services being provided and working with
the VCS groups to develop new services to
meet those needs.
• Strategic partnerships: giving local groups
the power to take part in a wide range of
The Anti-Poverty Group
The Anti-Poverty Group provides a free
collection service for any good-quality furniture
within Brigg, Burton upon Stather, Keadby,
Messingham, Scawby and Scunthorpe.
This furniture is then delivered to residents
who are in need or who have either just
moved into accommodation or who have
already got accommodation but are in need of
However, the group cannot collect the list of
items that the furniture reuse schemes cannot
recycle or any electrical items.
Phone: 07847372254
Voluntary Action North Lincolnshire
VANL’s purposes are to promote education,
protect health and relieve poverty, distress
and sickness. They pursue these aims by
bringing together voluntary and government
organisations and by encouraging
co-operation between organisations.
VANL Scunthorpe
4-6 Robert Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6NG
Phone: 01724 845155
Fax: 01724 854531
Email: [email protected]
VANL Barton
Wilderspin National School
Queen Street
Barton on Humber
North Lincolnshire
DN18 6AH
Phone: 01652 633297
Email: [email protected]
VANL is a Council for Voluntary Service
(CVS). Its main work is to support, promote
and develop the voluntary and community
sector (VCS) within North Lincolnshire. North
Lincolnshire Council funds a percentage of
this work. The service gets the rest from many
other sources. VANL also manages a variety
of projects running on both a small and large
scale. VANL has five main areas of work.
• Services and support to promote
effectiveness: ranging from typing and
copying facilities to advice on charitable,
organisational and funding matters, and
community accountancy.
• Liaison: encouraging communication
between groups within the sector and
between the VCS and government and
private sectors.
• Representation: through facilitating forums
and other groups to make sure views are
put forward on local policies.
Support Services Directory
13.Welfare advice agencies
Age UK
Age UK North Lincolnshire is the new name
for Independent Living North Lincolnshire and
Age Concern North Lincolnshire. Below are
some examples of the services they provide.
• Services
o Information, advice and advocacy
o Benefits advice – impartial benefits
advice and help in filling in claim forms
o Befriending (including providing a
service over the phone)
o Home maintenance and decorating
o Home safety and security – supplying
and fitting door chains, key safes,
carbon monoxide detectors and so on
o Help with shopping
o Passenger transport
o A service where you can hire
wheelchairs and mobility aids – all
equipment is provided by Age UK
North Lincolnshire.
• Information and advice
o We work with numerous agencies and
can provide information about their
For more information about all our services
and volunteering opportunities, please visit our
Scunthorpe (moving shortly)
31 Frances Street
North Lincs
DN15 6NS
Phone: 01724 849819
Open: Monday to Friday - 10am to 3.30pm
Visit our charity shop and information and
advice centre in Barton upon Humber.
31 High Street
Barton upon Humber
DN18 5PD
Phone: 01652 636208
Open: Monday to Friday 9am to 4.45pm and
Saturday 9am to 4pm
Donations of clothing, shoes, bric-a-brac,
books and so on are always welcome.
Email: [email protected]
Apna Sahara
This group is for customers aged over 50 from
south-east Asian communities, giving advice
on benefits, disability, health, mental health,
befriending and cultural advocacy as well as
Crosby One Centre
1 Digby Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 7LU
Phone: 01724 330073
Citizens Advice
Local Link Office
Crowle Community Hub
52-54 High Street
North Lincolnshire
DN17 4LB
Phone: 01724 296850
Local Link Office and Library
West Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 9QG
Phone: 01724 296875
Citizens Advice help people sort out their
legal, money and other problems by providing
free, independent and confidential advice.
They also put pressure on the Government
and those who create policies.
Crosby Employment Bureau –
Children and Family Support
12 Oswald Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 7PT
The bureau provides advice on benefits,
financial matters and training. They also have
case workers to provide support.
Phone: 01724 840941
The Crosby family of not-for-profit social
enterprises is made up of a recruitment
agency, training centre, brokerage service
and catering company. All of which pride
themselves on providing something a little bit
The following places have outreach surgeries
for Citizens Advice. Please phone for details
of appointment times.
• We re-invest our profits from the services
we provide to benefit local people and the
community as a whole.
Local Link Office
Providence House
Barton upon Humber
North Lincolnshire
DN18 5PA
• We offer local people, often from
disadvantaged areas, the opportunity
to develop their skills, get on the career
ladder and improve their lifestyles.
Phone: 01724 296800
Local Link Office
The Angel
Market Place
North Lincolnshire
DN20 8LD
Phone: 01724 296840
• Last year we supported over 350 people
by providing skills and employment
opportunities using the profits gained from
providing cost-effective, quality services to
• Our range of services is available across
North and North East Lincolnshire.
The company is a member of the
Recruitment and Employment
Confederation (REC) and is registered as
Support Services Directory
a company limited by guarantee having no
share capital. As a result, we reinvest our
profits in our activities.
1-3 Laneham Street
Town Centre
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6LJ
Phone: 01724 844848
Email: [email protected]
Crosby Community Association
The association provides advice and support
including debt counselling, benefit checks, tax
credits, disability and employment rights.
105-107 Frodingham Road
North Lincolnshire
DN15 7JT
Phone: 01724 330022
This organisation provides advice and
information for families including on employee
rights, tax credits, benefits, childcare and
after-school clubs.
Hewson House
PO Box 35
Station Road
North Lincolnshire
DN20 8XJ
Phone: 01724 296629
North Lincolnshire Homes – Financial
Inclusion Team
The Financial Inclusion Team (FIT) provide
a service only for the tenants of North
Lincolnshire Homes.
The team gives general advice on welfare
benefits, help with applying for benefits,
discretionary housing payments and
community support grants, and help to
estimate people’s entitlement to benefits.
They also give advice on changes to the
benefit system, money, budgeting, low-cost
credit, energy suppliers and bank accounts.
Meridian House
Normanby Road
North Lincolnshire
DN15 8QZ
Phone: 01724 279900 or Freephone 0800
032 6363
Email: [email protected]
Scunthorpe Baptist Church Foodbank
Scunthorpe Foodbank is a community project
run by Scunthorpe Baptist Church (SBC) who
are based on Ashby Road, Scunthorpe.
Foodbank has been set up to provide
short-term, emergency food to an individual or
family in crisis while they develop a strategy to
manage over the long term. The food parcels
include cereal, milk, fruit juice, soup, pasta,
meat, fish, pudding and tinned vegetables.
They should provide balanced and nutritional
meals for around (or at least) three days.
As well as giving food, the volunteers at the
centre offer refreshments, a friendly chat,
along with second-hand clothes for children
aged 0 to 5 years.
To be eligible for a food parcel, you must be
referred to us by a voucher distributor, which
are professional agencies and organisations
(see below). People in need are often already
linked with these agencies, and it is always
recommended that you first speak to the
professionals who are supporting you.
The agencies and organisations include the
Housing support offices
Children’s centres
Health visitors
Probation and youth offenders
JobCentre Plus
Credit Union
Citizens Advice (CA)
For more information on the work of
Foodbank, please contact Helen Armstrong.
Scunthorpe Baptist Church
Ashby Road
North Lincolnshire
DN16 1NR
Phone: 01724 848388
Email: [email protected]
NELC | SS-FIN-GEN-3 | Feb 2014