St. John Fisher Catholic School
St. John Fisher Catholic School
St. John Fisher Catholic School October News 2016 44 Main Street, Forest, Ontario, N0N 1J0 - 519-786-5201 (telephone) 519-786-2839 (fax) Principal: Mrs. Luana Sfalcin Secretary: Ms. Jo-Anne Szabo Director: Mr. Dan Parr Board Chair: Mr. John Van Heck Superintendent: Mrs. Laura Callaghan Trustee: Mr. Mat Roop Our Catholic Mission: Walking together in Christ’s light with parish and family, we are called to build a safe and inclusive Catholic learning community and to serve as partners in the formation of life-long learners by: Living our faith, Promoting educational achievement and innovation and Fostering stewardship, leadership and social justice. Transportation In case of inclement weather we are in ZONE 1. Please listen to your local radio station for information on bus cancellations. Information is also available at Peanut Alert We have students at our school with severe, life-threatening allergies to peanuts and milk products. Please keep this in mind when sending snacks to school with your child(ren). School Hours 8:10 a.m. – School Starts 9:50- 10:30 am – Break 12:10 – 12:50 pm - Break 2:30 p.m. – Dismissal Please note that supervision on the yard begins each morning at 7:55 a.m. St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School 519-332-3976 Principal: Mr. Rob Cicchelli Vice Principals: Mr. Frank Torti Mrs. Cynthia Blair Mrs. Erin Moffat Principal’s Message: Thank you to all the parents and students who attended our Meet the Teacher Night with Sara Westbrook. We had a good response for this event. This presentation gave parents and students an amazing message for building Respect and Resiliency as well as the tools to focus on developing Dreams, goals and ambitions through Upower Journaling, Upower Mapping and Upower Asking for things that will help you achieve your dreams and goals. A special thank you goes to our School Advisory Council for their pro-grant application to assist us in paying for this UPOWER concert event. Fruit of the Spirit for October: Kindness Kindness goes hand in hand with Patience and Acceptance. As a virtue patience means you resolve conflicts peacefully, with care and effort. It means showing mercy, forgiveness and acceptance of others. As a virtue, Acceptance shows us if one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together (1 Cor.12:26-27) - God wants us to make friends with everyone no matter how different they may look or act. One kind word or action can change someone’s entire day. For this month of October, we will work on ways to show kindness in our words and actions. The most beautiful time of the fall season, also brings prayers devoted to Mary as well as the holiday of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Prayer Heavenly Father, on Thanksgiving Day We bow our hearts to You and pray. We give You thanks for all You've done Especially for the gift of Jesus, Your Son. Happy Thanksgiving on behalf of the Staff of St. John Fisher Catholic School! Sincerely Mrs. Sfalcin Spirtual Scene St. John Fisher Catholic School Thanksgiving Food Drive Please help the less fortunate in our community this Thanksgiving. Kindly donate canned goods and non-perishable items to the school and we will be sure to get all items to our local Contact House from Oct. 3-11. Come and join us for our Thanksgiving Liturgy at St. Christopher Church on Friday, October 7, 2016 at 9 a.m. led by Mr. Van Lieshout’ s Grade 8 Class. Please feel free to touch base with the school or with the church directly if you have any questions or concerns about sacramental preparations or your child’s faith development. Curriculum Corner: EQAO Results One tool that schools use today to assist in improving student learning is EQAO results. Our school results for the provincial testing done last spring for the Primary and Junior Divisions are shown on the last pages of this newsletter. To access the entire school report please go to and choose School, Board and Provincial Results at the top of the page. As a school staff, we will be using these results as well as other assessment data throughout the year to focus our efforts on improving student achievement. Remembering that these scores are based on our students receiving a level 3 or greater. Our outlier score this year is Grade 6 Math. However, if you look at our Board and Provincial Results, it is a consistent trend. Last Friday’s PD Day was focusing on our School Improvement Plan with Mathematics in the for front. Please continue to check out this section of the Newsletter to read about important initiatives that are currently being pursued within our school. Classroom teachers will continue to send home newsletters to outline some of the specific curriculum currently being covered in the class each month. If you have any questions about your child’s progress, please contact his/her teacher to set up an appointment to discuss the situation. Please note that individual results for students who wrote in the Spring will be sent home on Wednesday, Oct. 5. Terry Fox Run/Walk : A special thank you goes out to the entire school community for your tremendous support towards our Annual Terry Fox Fundraiser. Thank you to all of the students, parents and staff for the wonderful contribution to this very worth while cause. Special thanks goes to Miss Dua and Mrs. Clark for organizing this very important event. Lakers in Sport: Monthly Update Parents are reminded that it is encouraged that your child have Health Insurance when playing team sports. Please call the office if you are interested in purchasing insurance. It is also important that your child has a Team Permission Form complete. Thank you to all of the parents who have registered and are already using the new online banking system. Please feel free to contact Ms. Szabo at the office if you have any questions or concerns regarding this method of payment. Senior Volleyball: Both the Senior Girls and Senior Boys Volleyball teams are well into their season. Semi-final play occurs near the end of the month with the championships to follow the following week. Thank you to Mrs. Schoonjans and Mr. Da Silva who are coaching our teams. Junior Volleyball will begin in November. Cross Country: Cross Country practices are well under way and we look forward to a large number of students participating in the Annual Meet which will be held at Canatara Park in Sarnia on Saturday, October 15th. Thank you to Ms. Shymko, Mrs. Dumond who are coaching our team. Uniforms: Students are asked to return the uniforms immediately following their sport unless they are participating in another sport at the same time. Please contact the school if you have any questions. Muskoka Woods Experience Fundraising Events Our current grade 7 students and their families are working hard to help reduce the cost of their excursion scheduled for May 2017. Please help support through the following events: Sub Days scheduled for Oct. 20, Nov. 3, Nov. 17 and Dec. 8 Muskoka Woods Movie Matinee on October 23rd at our Theatre in town Halloween Dance: Muskoka Woods Masquerade More information to follow on these above events. Next Gr. 7 Parent Meeting is October 26, at 6:00 p.m. St. John Fisher Catholic School — Safe School Team Every school in Ontario is required to have a Safe School Team who meets to discuss concerns or issues that may be happening in our school or others in the local area. Our Safe School Team for this consists of the following individuals: Mrs. Luana Sfalcin —Principal Mrs. Mina Morgan—Teacher Mrs. Diane Robinson—Educational Assistant Mrs. Stacy Bastiaansen—Parent Representative Mrs. Sarah Harper—Community Partner If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school. School Cash Online: Visit our Schools Please be advised that all parents have access to view current Newsletters and Monthly Calendars by going to the Main Board Website and clicking on “Visit our Schools”. By following the prompts, you will be able to access information about our school. It is our goal to reduce the amount of paper copies of the Newsletter going home and we hope that many of our families will choose this electronic method. Please contact the school if you have any questions. Best Start Program - St. John Fisher Site We are very fortunate to have a wonderful working relationship with the Day Care Provider in our school. For more information, to pick up a registration package, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sara Harper at (519) 786 -6785, or by email: [email protected] Safety/Health Related Issues Riding the School Bus: Students who ride the bus to and from school are not permitted to switch buses unless arrangements are made through the on-line busing system that is now in place. We thank you in advance for your support as we continue to ensure your child’s safety to and from school. Our Bus Safety Evacuation training for our students will be on October 11th. Attendance - Safe Arrival and Dismissal from School: This is just a quick reminder to let you know that supervision of the yard begins at 7:55 am in the morning. Please do not drop your children off (or send them to the school) prior to this point as it poses a safety concern. Furthermore, please be sure that your children know their dismissal plans before they leave for school each day. This will help to eliminate last minute changes. We greatly appreciate your cooperation with this important safety matter. Please let us know if your child will be absent for the day by calling and leaving a message or writing a note. With our Safe Arrival Policy, we do need a parent contact to advise us of the absence. If we are unsure, a call from the office is mandatory. Dropping Off and Picking Up from School: There are a couple of locations for drop off. On Main street, we have a walk way that your child can take to the back of the school yard. Or, on James Street, there is an opening in the fence that you can drop off your child so that you have a visual of them walking to their yard. Queen Street is to be avoided as it is the bussing loading area. Also, if the bell has rung, please bring your child to the office for attendance. Due to the congestion at the end of the day, please wait at our main doors outside as your child will be delivered to you if they are in JK or SK. Medications: Please be advised that Board Policy prohibits all staff from dispensing non-prescription drugs such as Tylenol or cough medicine. Medications such as these often are given to students by parents; however it is not appropriate for staff to dispense these drugs without a doctor’s input as to the exact dosage and the times as to when they need to be taken. Asking the staff to give these medicines to your child puts them in a position whereby they are making a judgment call and I greatly appreciate your cooperation with this matter. Please contact me at the school if you have any questions. Allergies: Please be reminded that we do have a number of children with life-threatening allergies to peanuts, dairy products as well as other allergens. Classroom teachers will be sure to inform you if there are specific requests for each room based on the staff or students in the classroom. Students should not be bringing in any food items to share with their peers. Furthermore, the exchanging of food items at the school is not recommended. Please review this with your children. Bike Safety: Bike helmets are mandatory for all students under the age of 18. Please remind your children of the importance of wearing a properly fitted helmet to school if they are riding their bicycles. Pediculosis (Lice) Checks: Throughout the year we will have parent volunteers in the school to check staff and students for lice. If nits or lice are found on your child, parents will be contacted to make them aware. Campbell Soup Labels: Please continue to send in your Campbell Soup Labels to the school as we can redeem these for some great educational resources. Please send the labels in laying out flat (and without staples) as this makes it easier to sort and organize them. We thank parent volunteer Mrs. L. Gallegos-Vera for tallying the soup labels. Milk Bags: The Office is collecting milk bags to give to St. Christopher Church to make sleeping mats for Third World Countries. We kindly ask that you rinse the bags if milk has leaked inside. Thank you for your continued support! Labelling of Student Clothing/Items: Each year countless items end up at the back of classrooms and on the floor - ultimately many of these items are never claimed. This year we will not be keeping a large storage area of collected items. Any unclaimed items will be donated to various community agencies in need. Labelling your child’s clothing is the BEST way to ensure that “found” items can be returned to the rightful owner. In the past, all unclaimed items are donated to a local charity at the end of each month, however, this year we will send an email letting you know that our lost and found is full Grocery Committee Update We would like to thank everyone for your continued support! Funds from the sale of grocery certificates will be used to support the continuing updating of new technology for our school. Please contact the church if you require more certificates. St. Christopher’s Church 519-786-5243 Keeping Our Schools Safe: Along with the locking of our doors. We do have a sign in book for any visiting parent who will be volunteering in the building. Any parent coming into the school please check into the office with Ms. Szabo first. Thank you! Just a reminder: Doors unlocked for before school access Front doors will be unlocked 15 minutes following start bell (at 7:55 a.m.) Doors unlocked for first nutrition break and locked afterward (9:50 to 10:30) Doors unlocked for second nutrition break locked afterward (12:10 to 12:50) Doors unlocked at dismissal bell (2:30 pm) NOTE: We kindly ask that you refrain from walking down the hallway to deliver an article of clothing, a missed lunch, or when your child may have arrived late. We all love to see our children off, however this will help to reduce the number of adults entering the areas during the instructional blocks. Meet our new School Advisory Council Executive School Advisory Council Thank you to all of the parents who attended our first School Advisory Council Meeting. It was a pleasure meeting this year’s council members and I really look forward to working with this team. Elections were held for the Executive Positions and I am pleased to announce that our co-chairs will be Mrs. Shelley Goodhand and Mrs. Beth Vardy. Mrs. Diane O’Rourke will be our Secretary. Some items addressed at the meeting including safety concerns with respect to food allergies, fund raising options for this year and our new faith and well-being component in our School Improvement Plan. Please feel free to come out to any of our meetings to hear first hand of happenings that are supported by our parent volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to assist with the Hot Lunch Program or the Annual Christmas Dinner, please contact SJF. Please Join us as our next meeting is Monday, Oct. 24 at 6:30 p.m. A Message from the Church … Many of us remember praying the rosary as family. With October being the month of the Holy Rosary, this could be an opportunity to either reconnect to a family tradition, or start one. There has been many Graces that have been bestowed to individuals and families that have made the Holy Rosary an important part of their prayer life. Our churches have pamphlets (or it can be found online) to help guide you in this prayerful devotion to the Immaculate heart of Mary. Brother in Christ Deacon John Lammers each one reach one Faith and Well-Being The first edition of the Catholic Curriculum and Chaplaincy Newsletter for this school year can be found on our Living Our Faith webpage: You will find: Information about Christian Meditation with children Information about King’s College Veritas Series Links to Health and Physical Education parent brochures, Thanksgiving Prayer links and more! A message for parents to share with their children: Mistakes are proof that you are trying. Author Unknown. Newsletters/Communications Via EMAIL It is always our goal to send as much written communication via email to our families in order to save paper. CASL prohibits us from sending you commercial electronic messages (CEMs) without your expressed consent. In the past , we were able to rely on implied consent which exists where you have provided your email address to the school prior to being asked for explicit consent to do so. Those of you who have sent in your email please check to see if you have confirmed with us that you give us consent to receive our emails by selecting the subscribed button. Ms. Szabo has put a direct link on our school website for you to subscribe.. Or you can go to: Connections to St. Patrick’s Catholic High School: Each month I will include information or events that are being fostered with our Catholic High School in this section of the newsletter. Red Cross Baby-Sitting Course Babysitting/Home Alone Course will be held at the Forest Library on October 10th From 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please contact Sandi Stead—Canadian Red Cross Facilitator at: 519-296– 4244 A Message from the Director... Being tired is often a common complaint from many people, including our children and youth. Sometimes there are medical reasons why we feel tired, but most often it is because we do not get enough sleep at night. Children under the age of ten need 10-12 hours of sleep. Teens need between nine to 10 hours of sleep each night to function at their best during the day, while adults require about seven hours. Children and youth need more sleep than adults because their bodies are changing very quickly as they grow and develop. There are side effects of not getting enough sleep that can impact our wellbeing in many ways, such as: Moodiness Irritability Decision making abilities are affected Decreased motivation, concentration and memory Poor performance at school Decreased reaction times, which can increase risk of injury Depression You can help children and youth get enough sleep: Schedule activities and programs later in the day Set rules for bedtimes and adhere to them and this will become a healthy habit later on in life Focus on the positive when setting a routine for going to sleep and waking up Turn the TV and computer off one to two hours before bed Turn cell phones off or set to silent when going to bed- it is best to have all phones plugged in by a certain time of night and not in the bedroom Make a joint agreement that there is no technology in their room Keep the same sleep schedule on the weekends Avoid products with caffeine For more information on mental health and wellbeing contact: Christine Preece, Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead 519-627-6762 ext. 10291