Annual Report 2006 Promoting new generations
Annual Report 2006 Promoting new generations
Annual Report 2006 Promoting new generations of readers Contents Authorities 5 Letter from Patricia Mejalelaty, Chief Executive of Fundación Leer 7 Letter from Julio Saguier, member of the Advisory Board of Fundación Leer 9 Educational Context 11 Our Mission 12 Who we are 12 How we work 12 Results and Impact during 1997 and 2006 13 Scope of the Work Implemented by Fundación Leer in 2006 14 Fundación Leer: figures for 2006 15 Our programs 16 Program outlines of Fundación Leer 18 Our Lines of Action and some Cases to Share 19 Volunteers of Fundación Leer 32 Annual National Reading Marathon Campaign 36 New Programs 39 Other Educational Programs in Partnership 40 Institutional News 42 Acknowledgements 43 Sponsor Companies, Foundations, and Partners in 2006 44 Contribution of Private Donors and Publishers in 2006 45 Specific Donors in 2006 46 Perspectives 47 Resources and their Application Authorities President: Félix de Barrio Vicepresident: Eduardo García Mansilla Treasurer: Elías Mejalelaty Secretary: Jorge N. Labanca Senior Members: Horacio Diez Carlos Etcheverrigaray María Freixas de Braun Ignacio A. González García Santiago Murtagh Aldo Sessa Pedro Simoncini Mario Vázquez Substitute Members : Jorge Galperín Matilde Mejalelaty Chief Executive: Patricia Mejalelaty Auditor: Price Waterhouse Coopers Advisory Board: Dr. Pedro Luis Barcia Prof. Berta Braslavsky Ing. Guillermo Battro Dr. Guillermo Jaim Echeverry Dr. Carlos Floria Lic. Víctor García Laredo Prof. Alfredo van Gelderen Dr. Mariano Grondona Dr. Carlos Kaplan Sr. José Martini Dr. Manuel Mora y Araujo Dr. Alejandro Orfila Sr. Carlos Padula Sr. Carlos Pla Sr. Steven Rockefeller Dr. Julio Saguier Dra. Carol Sakoian Prof. Antonio Salonia Dr. Juan Carlos Tedesco 5 Dear Friends of Fundación Leer, We are close to celebrating ten years of work in Argentina, and in this Annual Report we would like to share with you the path covered by our Foundation during the current year. Ours has been an intense trip, and the following pages will show this clearly. At every location, every place in our country where our specialists have stopped to share a moment of reflection with teachers, community leaders, caring mothers, doctors, or authorities, we have had the chance to see a country that longs to offer children alternatives for a different and better tomorrow. We have seen parents sharing stories with their chidren by the fire or in the waiting room of a small health center. We have seen young people who were willing to learn come to our training sessions to learn how to contribute to the task the Foundation was carrying out in the community. This has once more been a year of great growth. The new programs we have included, such as Gallery of Authors or Reading on Net, Net have enabled us to offer new tools so that teachers can draw children closer to reading. Getting Ready for School has enabled us to show that a community can get organized to compensate for the lack of early educational services for its children. As we moved on to villages, different town halls began to ask us for the collaboration of Fundación Leer to strengthen literacy in their communities. Thus, in Misiones, Fundación passed from Montecarlo to Eldorado and from there on to Puerto Mado and Nueva Delicia. This pattern will continue to expand next year. Once again, the National Reading Marathon was a magical moment which brought together 1,800,000 children and adults from all over the country. We are especially thankful for all the people who joined us in this campaign. We are deeply grateful to all those who have had faith in our Foundation: to school directors who opened their doors to us, to teachers who day after day welcome us and work with enthusiasm so that children can have access to the world of the written word, to doctors who agreed to promote reading in the world of health, to the concerned community. Essentially, we are thankful to all those who have joined us in our cause. Once more, we wish to thank our sponsors, the publishing houses and people who support us and our volunteers, whose unwaivering energy helps us expand our work day after day country wide. We also wish to thank Reading Is Fundamental, Inc., The Open Society Institute and the International Step by Step Association for their faith in our Foundation and the support they have given us. Finally, I offer my deepest acknowledgement to the wonderful staff at Fundación Leer who fully offer their professionalism, their best efforts, and their soul so that in every location every family in this great nation may receive the magic of Fundación Leer. Deepest thanks to you all. Patricia Mejalelaty Executive Director 7 Buenos Aires, March 29, 2007 Dear Staff of FUNDACIÓ FUNDACIÓN LEER To.: To Félix de Barrio and Patricia Mejalelaty Viamonte 1465 9° Of. 92 1055 Buenos Aires Dear friends: I feel honored to be invited to participate in the Annual 2006 Report. Once more, I thank you for the commitment and enthusiasm with which you carry out a task that is so important for the future of our beloved Argentina. “Fundaci Fundació Fundación Leer”. Leer Two words that trigger one concept : Reading is fundamental for the formation of people. If the desire to read can be developed, this will contribute to establishing bonds among classmates, teachers and relatives and to promote the participation of communities from all corners of our country. The impact and results achieved over these past 10 years of hard work have turned Fundación Leer into an invaluable milestone in the educational process. As Bernardo Toro says: :“Through education we do not make big changes, but no big change can be made without education”. Going beyond this deep reflection about the pedagogical contribution to reading, I presume that those who are reading these pages will enjoy every one of the valuable testimonies that describe our year’s task. Even if the programs Fundación Leer carries out are reflected in many numbers, these figures mainly show us how it has been possible to make children smile, children who rarely have reasons to be happy. Fundación Leer has opened up windows to the imagination, cleared paths that have not been traveled, brightened eyes to reading, and helping children discover treasures that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. I shall never forget how deeply touched I was when Patricia told me about that first book that entered a home, a home where the only reading material was a label on a canned goods can which these people kept and treasured. Through these 10 years of Annual Reports, those of us who are fortunate enough to know how to read have learned that there is much to be done and we have to make sure that no child in our country is deprived of this gift. Each Annual Report brings us closer to the objectives Fundación Leer works for so zealously, highlighting both small and big successes along the way towards an Argentine Republic with opportunities for everyone. Sincerely, Julio C. Saguier 9 Educational Context In 2006, there was a debate about education in Argentina and consequently, two laws were passed. One of these, the Law of Educational Financing, mandates that both provinces and nation commit themselves to increase investments in education giving priority to the provinces. On the other hand, the National Law of Education , which, in general terms re-establishes the Primary and Secondary educational system, and plans to allot 6% of the GDP to be used to finance this area as of 2010. Even though these reforms focus on education as one of the key objectives on our country’s agenda, only concrete actions truly produce sustained, planned and efficient reforms. So far, the data is still very discouraging : 17.5% of the national population is functionally illiterate, illiterate and 2.8% is totally illiterate. illiterate Only 2% of the students understand complex texts , can deduct what information is relevant to a task, can make critical evaluations and establish hypotheses.*2 Almost 50% has difficulty advancing in his or her studies as a result of illiteracy. “The great challenge for humanity continues to be education. Poverty, marginality, and corruption are the result of lack of education. A person who cannot read cannot receive education. This is why we so warmly encourage promotion of reading, which is by no means just a drop in the ocean.” Félix de Barrio – President To give a honest and concrete response to the existing problem, Fundación Leer enthusiastically continues persuing its objective: to provide teachers and local leaders with tools to promote literacy and to raise the reading standard skills in Argentine children and youngsters, since the training of those who will promote the habit of reading is critical to achieve a positive social transformation. Reading and more advanced levels of literacy should be crucial in all educational processes. Access to books, reading habits, critical thought, reasoning, and analytical thought are all aspects which are interrelated and vital in the formation of children and youngsters. Today, more than ever, access to qualified education must be a fact, rather than a mere announcement. At Fundación Leer we all work hard so that this may be possible. It is for this reason that with this Annual Report we wish to show how we work to reach our objectives. *1 Presidencia de Nación. Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de Políticas Sociales. Sistema de Información, Monitoreo, y Evaluación de Programas Sociales (SEMPRO). “Poverty in la Argentina”, 2002. *2 OCDE-UNESCO (2003). “Basic Aptitudes for the World of Tommorrow. Results of Project PISA 2000”. 11 Our dream A literate Argentina where children have access to books and have discovered the pleasure and value of reading. Our Mission To give an incentive to reading and to promote literacy amongst children and youngsters in our country, generating a lasting and positive impact on their personal development to facilitate their full insertion into society. Who we are Fundación Leer was created in March 1997 with the objective of contributing from the private sector towards the development of a “reading habit”, fundamental in the educational process and an essential factor for healthy social development. To achieve its goal, Fundación Leer signed a contract to become a licensee of Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. (RIF) in the United States. This way, it was possible for Fundación Leer to operate RIF’s programs in our country. Argentina is the second country worldwide, and the first in the Spanish speaking world to obtain RIF’s license. Additionally, in 2004, a cooperation agreement was signed with the Open Society Institute, so the International Step by Step Association may also operate its projects in Argentina. Moreover, Fundación Leer also implements internally-developed programs and others designed together with other institutions. 12 Fundación Leer operates on a national level, always keeping local characteristics in mind. Its work aims to strengthen existing community institutions and networks, and to give them the tools to design and develop literacy-promoting projects directed towards chidren. Fundación Leer provides training in innovating strategies, teacher orientation, technical assistance, and new books and materials to create an effective literacy-promoting environment. Fundación Leer’s Programs are implemented in urban and rural schools (both public and private), in libraries, hospitals, community centers, community diners, centers for disabled children, detention centers and recreational establishments. How We Work The Key Points of our Task are : To train adults who work with children to provide guidance towards the discovery of the reading, strengthen their reading skills and finally, emphasize how important all of this is for their individual and community development. To supply new books, books chosen by each participating establishment, to set up Reading Corners and/or to give the children books they can take home and keep for good. To offer teacher counselling: technical assistance, follow-up and program assessment. To promote interest in community establishments so they may sustain projects and become their own. Results and Impact: 19971997-2006 568.789 3,463,319 1,184,988 6,790 3,699 children participated in our educational programs. children participated in the National Reading Marathons. new books for children were distributed among children of low income. teachers and community leaders were trained. schools and centers implemented the programs. 467 areas nationwide participated in our new projects. Since its creation, and thanks to the support of innumerable companies, foundations, organizations and individuals, Fundación Leer has spread its programs to 23 provinces and to the City of Buenos Aires. Teacher and Community Leaders: incorporate Thanks to their participation in Fundación Leer’s programs: Parents: become more active in their children’s Children: read and comprehend more, improve their oral and written expression, dare to speak in public, discover reading is a fun activity, improve scholastic performance and gain awareness of how important education is for their social development. “It is gratifying to see children hug their books as they would a friend, and dive into the world of reading hand in hand with the different programs of Fundación Leer" new tools to promote reading, discover new forms of approaching both the educational community and the community at large and feel appreciated and enriched on a professional level. school activities, become positive reader models, develop awareness of how important reading is to children’s future and begin to enjoy reading as a family activity. Companies and their Volunteers: contribute with their human resources department to the work of Fundación Leer, and participate actively in the activities proposed by the establishments. Corporate volunteers become active reader models. Guillermo Bonahora, Institutional Relations Manager Banco Río 13 Scope of the Task during 2006 14 188,951 171,896 new 38,690 volunteers 941 teachers and children participated in Fundación Leer’s Programs this year books were chosen nationwide by children and establishments in poor and/or at-risk communities. In many cases, this was the first book in their home. nationwide contributed to the implementation of the programs, cooperating in all different aspects (organization, reading with chidren, fundraising, development of teaching material) and supporting tasks at the Foundation’s offices such as the translation of material, illustration of stories, telephone calls, administration of students’ evaluations, etc. Volunteers donated 234,133 hours to the organization community leaders received training to improve their methods by incorporating innovative strategies, which resulted in an increase of children’s skills. 572 institutions 223 areas all over 116 companies, 134 (schools, community diners, hospitals, children’s homes, and health centers) were selected in cooperation with the financial sponsors and benefited from the several different programs available. the nation and in the City of Buenos Aires, carried out different activities aimed at promoting reading. foundations and individuals supported our projects and activities. The varied portfolio includes local and foreign organizations, many of which have supported us consistently year after year, and some of which contacted us this year for the first time. small scale corporations- “pymes”and friends of the Foundation contributed with general donations: publicity, free promotion of our activities, prints and photocopies, lodging, transportation, catering and rooms for training purposes, administrative services, advisory, post expenses, designs, etc. Fundació Fundación Leer in Numbers in 2006 Distribution of Programs per Type Books Distributed per Type of Program 16.50% 10.08% 15.24% 8.83% 5.04% 10.94% 68.39% 64.99% Literacy Programs in Community Institutions Early and Family Literacy Programs Literacy Programs at School Institutional Programs Population that Benefited from the Age Programs Books Distributed According to Type of Institution. 1.48% 4.45% 2.10% 0.49% 6.43% 9.63% 88.27% 0-5 years 6-14 years 15+ years 87.14% Popular Library Community Center Children’s Home Hospital / Health Center Educational Institutions. 15 Our Programs Literacy Programs at School Early and Family Literacy Instruction. Reading Shared Beginnings (*) strengthens adolescent mothers’ skills. Young mothers are given strategies and resources to be able to aid in their babies’ language and writing development from birth until the age of 5. Getting Ready For School (**) is a program addressed to parents of children between 2 and 5 years old who do no attend Kindergartens. This program helps them advance to formal education with the required skills and the motivation to learn. Family of Readers (*) is designed for parents with children in kindergarten Level and primary school. It provides the tools they will need to create literacy atmospheres in their homes and to promote reading in the family area. Is Fundamental Argentina(*): contributes to the development of the primary bond between children and books thanks to a series of activities for which teachers were trained. Children choose their first books within the frame of the Book Events. Open Book Project (*): strengthens the school’s literacy task by creating Reading Corners with new books chosen according to the children’s different ages. The Corner is set up by the community and is used daily both by children and relatives. Reading Marathons: offers Schools a systematic way to work in the formation of autonomous readers. Prepared for Life: strengthens the skills children will need to assimilate into society. The crux of this work is self-esteem, critical thinking, decision making and interpersonal communication, just to name a few. The Writing: Experience helps adolescents initiate the process of creative writing. Step by Step (**): is a program oriented to the improvement of school performance through teaching strategies which include the family in the educational process of children and the promotion of democratic values at school. *These programs are carried out with the License of Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. **These programs are carried out in cooperation with the Open Society Institute and the Step by Step Association. “The first 5 years of life are crucial in the development of a child. It is imperative to accompany children at home and at the formal and informal educational institutions”. Marcela Sisto Pedagogical Coordinator in Fundación Leer. 16 All the programs of Fundación Leer include training, permanent technical assistance and monitoring. Literacy Programs in Communitary Institutions. Corporative Volunteers Programs (*): The Importance of Reading Workshops for Community Agents: trains aims at strengthening the skills of personnel in charge of young chilldren’s care or community centers, which accepts children up to 5 . agents in community centers to stimulate children’s desire to read and to transmit how important reading is to everyone personal and social development. Projects for Strengthening Community Literacy: cooperates in the development of community centers so they become children’s libraries and support centers for families able to promote literacy in children and adults. Reading It offers companies the opportunity to organize volunteer activities related to the reading promotion programs. Fundación Leer trains volunteers, appoints institutions, coordinates actions, and monitors the results of the projects. Annual National Reading Marathon: This is an educational event of large exposure both locally and nationally. It encourages children and adults to enjoy books and to learn how to read for pleasure. Apart from schools, community diners, hospitals, libraries, clubs, and so on, are also invited. The Marathon is not a competition and admission is free. Corners in Communitary Diners: enhances these spaces through a training to promote reading, and supplies new books for the creation of Reading Corners. Reading Corners in Hospitals and Health Centers: trains pediatricians, nurses and volunteers so they can communicate to parents the importance of reading at an early age. *These programs are developed under the license of Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. Children all over the country come together to read with the community on the National Reading Marathon day. **These programs are developed in cooperation with The Open Society Institute and the International Step by Step Association. All programs of Fundación Leer include training, permanent technical assistance and monitoring. 17 Fundació Fundación Leer’ Leer’s Programming 0-5 years old 0-5 years old Early Early and and Family Family Literacy Literacy Programs Programs 6-8 years old 6-8 years old 9-11 years old 9-11 years old 1212-14 years old 1212-14 years old Shared beginnings Getting Ready para la Preparados for School Escuela Family of Readers Reading Is Fundamental Argentina and Open Book Project School and Family Working Together for Literacy Reading Marathons Prepared for Life Literacy Literacy Programs Programs at at School School Gallery of Authors The Writing Experience KidSmart - Young Explorer Step by Step Literacy Literacy Programs Programs in in Community Community Institutions Institutions Care to Read Reading Corners in Libraries, Health Centers and Community Centers Centers Formation of Communitary Agents as Reading Promoters Projects to strengthen Communitary Literacy Institutional Institutional Programs Programs 18 Corporate Volunteer Program Annual National Reading Marathon Early and Family Literacy Research shows that children begin to construct knowledge about written language from the time they are born. In homes where there is reading material, children have a chance to see how written language is used for different purposes. In these homes, children often enjoy listening to stories and through this, they receive intellectual benefits. “I like to change song lyrics, and I have a lot of fun with it. I also like to read the books I get from the Reading Corners, and I read them to everybody at home... I know the name of every book... Now I can calculate with numbers 1, 2 and 3, and I know how to count up to 8” Pablo Agustín Báez, 4 years old. Martín Fierro Neighborhood Participant in the Family of Readers Program In Argentina, many children do not have this chance, and this brings about critical consequences in the development of their language, their performance at school and their acquisition of skills to read and write. Currently, Fundación Leer implements four early and family literacy programs. In 2006, the number of participating institutions doubled the number in 2005, thus widening the possibility to equal opportunities for all Argentine children. Children from Misiones choose books to take home with them and keep. 19 “Day after day, we can see the impact of the programs on families. More and more parents come to the Reading Corners with their children; many of them for the first time. This program has made it possible to draw reading closer to a community where 60% of the population comes from homes of very low socioeconomic levels and with unsatisfied basic needs.”. Librarian in Las Breñas. We would like to tell you about some cases in different institutions in our country where Fundació Fundación Leer’ Leer’s programs were implemented during this year. Parents experimented the pleasure of reading together with their children in Las Breñ Breñas, as, in the Chaco Province. managed to bring together the library, the school and the community at large, which, in turn, drew closer and responded positively. There are four main highlights to mention in the program: teachers’ and librarians’ training of the features of the program and its implementation, the setting up of a Reading Corner at the library, three workshops for parents with a distribution of new books and, finally, two Book Events, where children were given new books to keep. The concept that reading was to be shared at home so that parents could read to their young children was stressed. In spite of the difficulties and inhibitions due to the lack of or incomplete instruction they may have, parents managed to overcome the initial obstacles and fears, and were able to share experiences in their children’s education. This program benefited many people: teachers, librarians, 250 parents with children under 5, plus 182 children also under 5. This year, thanks to the support of the Swiss Embassy in Argentina, the program “Strengthening Early Literacy for At-Risk Communities” was carried out in the Province of Chaco. This project developed thanks to the articulated work of Popular School Library "Constancio C. Vigil“ and two educational institutions: School N. 751 “Fray M. Esquiú” and Kindergarden Nº 97 located in Las Breñas. Bearing in mind the characteristics of each institution and the population that benefits from the programs, Fundación Leer’s proposal was to improve the levels of early literacy of children with the objective of reducing the possibilities of school failure. Library science students, librarians, teachers and parents worked in a coordinated way, and 20 “In these workshops I learned to value the importance of reading a story to my children”. Testimony of a father participating in the program. “My 5 year old daughter found all the activities interesting. They are part of our daily routine: we play cards, we sing in the kitchen when she is helping me with the cooking, or baking a pie. We learned a lot from the visits to the workshops of the Reading Corners.” A Mother from the 9 de Julio neighborhood who participated in the workshops. Parents from Misiones participate in the process of literacy of the youngest children in their homes. Getting Ready for School is a program coordinated by Fundación Leer and developed by the Step by Step International Association. It is designed for parents of children between 2 and 5 years old who have no access to kindergartens. Children participating in the program Getting Ready for School play together. During 2006, the first year in which the program was implemented in Argentina, 8 community centers were set up in Montecarlo, a province of Misiones, thanks to the support of the company EMPower - The Emerging Markets Foundation. Another one was built in a community center in the city of Eldorado in the same province, thanks to the sponsorship of the Embassy of Finland. Many of the parents who attend the programs are illiterate. For this reason, the program helps them share in the program´s benefits, because their own skills to read and write improve, their self esteems increase, and their relationship with others also improves. 605 parents participated in the workshops. Mothers in one of the training workshops “ Ready for School” This program aids facilitators, who guide families and teach concrete strategies in developing a learning atmosphere in their homes. In communities where there is no access to kindergarten; stimulating learning atmospheres are created in community centers and children attend every day. Volunteers help children develop the skills needed to enter school. 21 “In the workshops I learned that we can teach while doing the every day chores. I discovered that while sharing stories with Liz, she gets interested in the letters. In the kitchen at home there are now posters with letters and numbers everywhere. I wish to thank you all because with the workshops you have opened up a new way to help my children better .” They also made reading a habitual activity and participated in activities of pleasure reading proposed by the institution. The teachers and coordinators consulted stated that they found the program very effective because it had enabled them to acquire new tools and strategies to promote family participation. The educational leaders agreed, and said that the program had enabled them to experience new work situations shared by school and families that strengthened relations and generated new bonds. A mother who participated in the Family of Readers workshop. A sustained commitment from adults facilitates reading at home in the province of Buenos Aires During 2006, thanks to the support of General Electric International Inc., the program Family of Readers was developed in School N. 40 “Belisario Roldán” in the province of Buenos Aires. Thanks to the support of the company and its volunteers, this school has been working for the last 5 years using different programs of Fundación Leer with a strong commitment from teachers. Ten volunteers from the company collaborated and were trained by Fundación Leer. They learned about the basic points and general orientation of the program, talked about their task, reflected on the importance reading has, received guidelines and were taught strategies to read most effectively. Parents of children attending First Grade participated in 3 workshops coordinated by teachers. In them, they enriched their knowledge of literacy at home. This year, for the first time, the School worked with the program Family of Readers. Three workshops of family literacy were implemented for the parents and people in charge of the children in the first level of Basic General Education. Two Book Events were also implemented, and teachers received assistance and permanent technical support from specialists in Fundación Leer. The results of this program coincide with the effort and dedication from the members of the school in charge of the event. The evaluation at the end of the program yielded some significant results. Children and families who participated in the program had strengthened their bond with reading. 22 245 children from Belisario Roldán School chose books to take home in ownership. Literacy Programs at School Fundación Leer develops its programs at schools all over the country, training people and offering technical assistance to coordination teams, teachers and librarians. Through these programs at schools, Fundación helps the school community in the development of strategies oriented to raising children’s interest in reading, and incorporating proposals for the practice and improvement of their reading skills. “It is very important that children have access to material of such good quality, because there are no books in their homes. Kids are delighted! In addition, we count on the support of the volunteers, who are always at hand and available to collaborate when necessary”. Director of School N. 913 "Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra“. Reading Is Fundamental Argentina and The Science in the province of Santa Fe The support received from Dow Química Argentina S.A. and PBB Polisur accounts for the implementation of the program Reading is Fundamental Argentina and The Science in four educational institutions in the province of Santa Fe. This program contributes to the development of the bond between children and books that is stimulated by activities teachers had been trained to do. The program concentrates on the reading more science-related texts. Apart from the manuals that are generally handed out, children receive another dealing with “reading and science” in which different activities are suggested so children can put theory into practice. In this project, three Book Events were organized for each institution. In these events, 1,240 new children’s books were distributed. In addition,, specialists from Fundación Leer offered coaching and permanent technical support to the coordinating teams in each of the institutions. Belén, a volunteer from Dow Química Argentina S.A., in the fBook Event “Belén - a volunteer form Dow Chemical worked very well. Mothers were surprised to see people from companies devoting so much time to their children. " Vicedirector of Evengeli School 23 “We are amazed by the program because even the youngest children who can barely talk want to be given a book. The system of “lending” works very well, and there are children who have already read about twenty books.” Teachers from school N° 10 , Río Gallegos, Province of Santa Cruz. In the south of our country, the community set up 32 Reading Corners they now enjoy daily 610 institutions all over the country, or more than 80% of the chilldren who took part in Fundación Leer’s programs, enriched their reading levels with the Literacy Porgram at School. Project Open Book is one of the programs from this branch which was implemented this year thanks to the support of S.A. Importadora y Exportadora de la Patagonia in 32 schools in the districts of Viedma, Río Gallegos and Ushuaia. With this program, each one of the institutions selected 300 new books of infantile and juvenile literature. In addition, 3.037 children had the chance of choosing a new book to keep and enjoy with their families. This program’s main characteristic was the emphasis with which the community set up the Reading Corner. Teachers and librarians defined this year of work with Fundación Leer as a success, since they managed to draw a number of children closer to books and to the pleasure of reading. Additionally, they mobilized the whole community around reading and teachers from different schools developed a fluent relationship and shared strategies, ideas and different activities. Children’s relatives, writers, educators, police and firemen story tellers enjoyed the experience of reading to others and being listened to. “We are very happy and we are working very actively to make children feel books are their restless companions. The Marathon was a total success and we shared it with the sanitary center. Everybody read: students of all levels , teachers, secretary assistants, teachers, sick people, janitors, and even a chauffeur.” Teachers from school N° 6 “Provincia in Entre Ríos”, Ushuaia, Pcia. in Tierro del Fuego. Children form Río Gallegos enjoy the Reading Corner set up by the community. 24 “What I liked most was the fact that we read many stories. I chose two books that are now mine. We also visited sick young children who were in the Hospital and read to them”. Student of 6th Year in Escuela "Patricias Mendocinas" in Corrientes who has participated for two years in the Reading Marathons. Development of a reading identity in children of 59 schools in different provinces of our country The main objective of the Reading Marathon Program, which was implemented thanks to Banco Río de la Plata S.A.’s commitment , is to develop a reading identity in children and to help them acquire the joy of reading. In 2005, these schools built up Reading Corners and celebrated three Reading Marathons. In 2006, the objective was to continue with this support and to keep strengthening children’s reading skills. To accomplish this, three Marathons were again organized. Thus, 6.109 children had the chance to choose two books they could bring home and enjoy. Additionally, each one of the educational institutions received 56 new books of infantile and juvenile literature to enrich the Reading Corners. In total, the program handed out a total of 16.133 new books. 72% of the participants in the Reading Marathons increased their skill to read stories orally. Thanks to the program, in these two years schools were able to reinvent their relationship with the community. Many of them managed to incorporate families into concrete activities in which parents and children drew closer to reading, and then took this spirit home. 82% of the interviewed parents began to share time reading with their children: both reading to them and listening to them. In the Reading Marathons at schools, a new way of relating to the community was established: people visited hospitals, homes, kindergartens, and other institutions where children shared readings. According to a specialist in programs of Fundación Leer, María Alejandra Fernández: “It is very positive thing to benefit these homes of low incomes and little resources with new good books, chosen by the children according to their likes and interests, for this creates a consciousness in the family about the importance and pleasure of reading” . Poster made by teachers of School N° 5 “Manuel Belgrano”, Entre Ríos, to promote reading in the community. 25 “This project led us to reflect critically on some of the chidren’s role models. They coud analyze the negative and the positive side of their heroes on T.V., for instance. Teacher of 4th.year at school N°38 in Río Gallegos. In Río Gallegos, children worked on selfselfesteem, critical thinking , decision making and interpersonal communication For two years running, and thanks to the partnership established between Chevron Argentina and Fundación Leer, the program Prepared for Life was implemented in ten educational institutions in Río Gallegos, province of Santa Cruz. Besides the Prepared for Life program, the Reading Corners grew with the distribution of 2.290 books in all the schools benefited by the program, thus giving 1.683 children the chance of choosing a new book of infantile or juvenile literature they could keep for good. This was carried out in the frame of a “show”, an event in which children share their productions and personal reflections with their families. Both the leading team and the teachers considered that the program was carried out very successfully, They managed to change the children’s image of themselves favorably, to improve their verbal expression, and to transmit their ideas and feelings. Children learned how to work in teams, and also realized that education is an important asset to their future. They were also able to create a pleasant and stimulating atmosphere in the classroom. This program is centered on developing social skills and certain values necessary for children between 9 and 12 years old, so they can act with responsibility in different situations they have to face in the world today. It is carried out with books designed by specialists in Fundación Leer, and is addressed to each of the children. The devotion teachers showed in the classrooms allowed for a deeper treatment of the key points worked during 2005, and addressed others such as respect to oneself and to others, solidarity, the value of education, interpersonal communication, taking care of one selves and of the environment, and other essential morals and values. Children participating in the Program Ready for Life read in the Reading Corner of their Institution. “It is very important that children identify their potential to progress in life. That is why with this project we try to make them detect their good qualities and talents and learn to value themselves. Oftentimes this is the only place these children have to reflect on their skills since they come from environments where they are very devalued and they feel things cannot be changed.” Flavia Cerutti, Program Specialist in Fundación Leer. 26 ”I used to hide behind my house to read because my Mother didn’t want me to read until I had helped her with the household chores”. Maribel, 7 years old,. participant of the Step to Step program. A program that helps people in Misiones to teach and to learn. learn. Fundación Leer has advanced hand in hand with the growth process in each of these institutions and it can be said that during 2006 a great impact both on teaching and on learning was made. “This year was unheard of. It is the first time students did not repeat the grade. We owe this to the Step by Step Program of Fundación Leer.” Teacher of 7th. Year in school Nr.º 254. During 2006, we carried out the project Step by Step for the third time. The program, created by the Open Society Institute and the Step by Step Association, aims at promoting in schools the development of democratic values, social inclusion, family participation, the achievement of academic learning and the development of critical thinking. In Argentina, Fundación Leer has implemented this program under an agreement with International Operation and the financial support of UBS Optimus Foundation and Sparkling - Cullighan. For the last three years, Montecarlo, in the province of Misiones, carries out the program permanently. More teachers and children were gradually incorporated. In 2006, teachers from 5th. to 7th. year were included. This program has trained children and succeeded in making children and teachers participate from Initial Level to 7th. year of EGB1. In 2006, the focus was on learning how to read and write. To accomplish this goal, a reading plan was organized in Schools Nr. 607, 708 y 254 in Montecarlo consisting of the acquisition of 2.560 new books. From there on, a reading circuit was organized inside the schools and among them. This way, the number of books read during the year increased, since the objective proposed consisted of guaranteeing the reading of 10 to 12 books per child from 5 to 13 years old. A classroom in School 607, Montecarlo Misiones, in the Step by Step program. Students at school 708 enjoying their reading. 27 night, and I t a r e th o m y “I read to m she can read so l o o h sc m o a bring books fr other works in M . y a d n u S n ng them o d I h a v e 6 y ou n a , y d d a D h it factory w d my 5 year old n a m e th h c a te brothers. I laughs when I e H . te ri w to cousin how him.” read Pinochio to tecarlo. Nancy, a studen t in Escuela N°2 a Step by Step Nancy’s case in 54 de Mon School unity, where our comm rlo, Misiones. “In ca rents te on M in ol and teach their pa 254 Scho es o. m N ho r at ei e th ad gr to d y ac . in 3r n often take liter ctor of the school Nancy is 8 and is a, Assistant Dire e illiterate, childre sm ar s de nt Le re ia pa ic e Al th ts 50% of commen case with Nancy,” Program, to read, as is the in the Open Book d an m ra og pr Step ternational ere trained by in tes in the Step by w pa rs ci rti he pa ac Te to k. es cy go er of ris books were The school Nan children in dang this, 2,560 new r fo ish pl ity m al co qu ac l na To atio of the 5th writing. of very high educ , including three for reading and ed es ov gi pr te im ra st as w in s s rt the look of room and national expe was set up, and an pl g in ad re a , bought t want her to srooms. er mother does no read. After to 7th grade clas ys her teacher. “H to cataracts,” sa ancy wants . She lem in her eyes: . Nevertheless, N ys reading a book jo “Nancy has a prob school so she won’t lose them en d an er rn for Co to ns in the Reading ks her classmates io as bring her glasses sh e cu sh e d, th or w on a s k, she lie not understand finishing her wor d when she does an , nd ta rs de un tries hard to programs of thanks to the sly help.” ou m or en s ill write. Now, her sk dn’t know how to is girl improved di th d r, an he cy ac en te flu r ading stories cked According to he e reading, she la s a passion for re bl ha ou e tr sh d e, ha or m he “S t’s 3 books she wha Fundación Leer. ms, Nancy owns t of reading, and ra en og pr om e m th e at to ks tim she enjoys the in t she read.” Than write about wha to d an s, er pe r to he treasures.” ve improved a d the children ha an d, ge an ch s ha inhibited. hool e daring, and less peated cle says, “The sc or cy m , st ed fir st e re th te in of r Ruth, a teache . They are more “Less students re of Fundación Leer and exchange and share books.” t or ents who pp su e th ith lot w turally ound 8 to 10 stud ol this ar na ry ve ve ha s to or th ed au us t ped out of scho joy. “Before, we They speak abou , less children drop their task, now sit us beaming with es lls sid te Be e e. sh cl cy ,” ar st the ye in the fir ey had finished today only 2 or 3 ssmates once th cla r ei th repeated a year, er th bo who used to y. year and students Reading Corner,” she says proudl tecarlo, e th Nr.º 254 in Mon of t quietly to read in en ud st a girl, privacy.). espond to a ve this student’s rbatim and corr er ve es pr e ar to ns en io os at ch (The quot me we have is the fictional na Misiones. Nancy 28 “Children investigate, listen, watch, and learn very quickly. They receive a large amount of stimuli in their eager search to do, see and try. They are not afraid of the computer. They acquire learning related to non-linear activities, which enables them to move from one idea to another, changing, trying again, thinking differently, creating and communicating.” A teacher participating in the KidSmart program. Teachers are trained to help children explore new technologies For the 6th year in a row, Fundación Leer was again in charge of the coordination, follow up and evaluation of the project Kid Smart-Little Explorer, which IBM developed in Argentina and in other countries in world. Children, eager to learn, take advantage of the resources a computer provides. This time the program benefited 3,875 children from low-income families who attend 29 initial level institutions in the City of Buenos Aires and Greater Buenos Aires. 86 teachers participated in the training given by specialists of Fundación Leer. Teachers were trained in each program, taught to integrate them into annual planning and were later encouraged to critically evaluate their activities. Teachers participated actively, sharing both their working experiences and the context in which they work every day. 29 Literacy Programs Institutions in Community Fundación Leer develops programs for children in different types of institutions that bring children and youth together, such as community centers, diners, and community kindergartens. With proposals adapted to the needs and dynamics of each of these organizations, Fundación Leer trains its leaders – neighbors, social workers, teachers, community workers, among others – encourages the organization of space and activities to promote reading and literacy in communities of high social risk. Participants in each community get involved in the implementation of the programs, and create locations which contribute to the local development. In contact with books since their early infancy in the province of Chubut Puerto Madryn is a city that is constantly growing and developing. Yet, many children are not taken care of and have few chances to receive a proper education. Thanks to the support of Aluar Aluminio Argentino (S.A.I.C.), since october 2005, the program Care to Read has been implemented in 8 Child Development Centers (CDI) and in three foster homes in that city. 1,416 children benefited from the program this year. The program was developed in coordination with the Education Subsecretary of Puerto Madryn’s Town Hall. “This program has opened new channels of cooperation and communication between families, institutions participating and the community”. Ana de Santiago, specialist of Fundación Leer’s programs. The objective of the program is to support (with training and materials) the centers of integral development and foster homes so they can continue working on early literacy, and also address issues inherent to language development of children up to 5 years old. To carry out this project, 11 managers, 84 teachers and 70 Community Educational Promoters who are in charge of these children and their education were trained. Newborns and children up to 4 are attended by “Caring Mothers”: mothers from different districts who receive a contribution from the Health Secretary Office of the Government. At 4, children can go to CDIs – Centers of Integral Development, as dependents of the Ministry of Education and be taken care of by teachers. People in charge of these two Institutions for children remarked that for the first time they were participating in educational programs that trained them to assist children more effectively. Children up to 3 discover reading in foster homes in Puerto Madryn. 30 “We had trouble setting up a reading corner, but we are now very pleased. By beginning the visit to the doctor with stories, children and their relatives address their illness in a more positive way. Now, we all talk about and laugh at the stories. In addition, awareness was raised in the hospital’s community of the importance of reading in the intellectual and social development of children. Pediatrician at the Hospital de Clínicas. The Reading Corners reached the Clí Clínicas Hospital, in the City of Buenos Aires Thanks to the support of the Dr. Enrique Rossi Diagnosis Center, during 2006 we implemented the program “Reading Corners in Health Centers” in the Hospital de Clínicas. Theirs was a very positive and gratifying contribution considering that 2006 was a tumultuous year for this Institution. The objective of the program was to train pediatricians, nurses and volunteers so they would be able to express to parents how important it is to encourage their children to bond with books. The hospital’s staff devoted a lot of extra time to choosing and remodeling a space to serve as the Reading Corner. Receiving 450 new books for the Corner was the crucial point in the Program. Different motivational activities were used: shared reading, story telling, and word games with the children and their families, among others. Thanks to the effort and commitment of the professionals, health assistants, and volunteers from Dr. E. Rossi Diagnosis Center, the objective of contributing to integral health through reading was fully achieved. The perseverance of the hospital’s staff, despite adverse conditions at work, enabled goals to be reached. This way, the hospital’s personnel managed to transform waiting rooms and consulting offices into spaces where children, their families and professionals could interact, enjoy talking about stories and personal experiences. This allowed patients to start treatments in a more positive way since now patients had more confidence in doctors. Now families and children go to a doctor’s visit in a better mood. The youngest kids enjoy the books of the Reading Corner, which has a positive and stimulating atmosphere. Mothers remarked that this new experience was very enriching since now the waiting room is much quieter. Also, the Reading Corner has helped kids have a more frequent connection with reading. 31 Institutional Programs Volunteers of Fundación Leer Fundación Leer’s programs - carried out in different areas of our country – allow thousands of children, young people, and adults to participate in activities related to reading. “The books motivated mothers to get interested in reading and that was priceless." Bárbara, volunteer from Lucent Technologies S.A. Argentina. This task is carried out thanks to human resources: organized and motivated people who offer their time, experience and knowledge, and whose contribution is fundamental to fulfill the objective of promoting reading and literacy. Mothers are grateful to volunteers for sharing time with them and with their children. Within the frame of the Global Day of Charity, Lucent Technologies Argentina S.A. and Lucent Foundation selected Fundación Leer for the fifth consecutive year to carry out solitary actions that benefited mothers and children from María Eva Duarte Home, in the Lower Belgrano district in our Federal Capital. All 10 mothers, who live in that home together with their children (under 5), come from families of very low resources and most of them were homeless before entering the home. During the day, the volunteers’ team turned a room which was used as a playroom into a happy Reading Corner. 23 employees form Lucent Technologies Argentina S.A., many with their families, contributed with 212 hours of volunteer work. Volunteers shared a “Global Charity Day” with their colleagues, families, and the community of María Eva Duarte Home. Volunteers acted resolutely and positively in favor of children’s and mothers in the Home’s education and tried hard to make the community become aware of the importance reading has in the integral development of kids, with books, material resources, work, time and dedication. The coordinators of the Home were very moved and thankful for the help they had received and the opportunity they had had to participate in the program. A volunteer from Lucent Technologies Argentina S.A painting a wall with with a mother of the home. 32 Other Companies and their Corporate Actions in 2006 “It was very enriching for me to participate in this iniciative. I feel that this little moment I have volunteered may help children in their education. Natalia Varela, GE volunteer. The group of volunteers from Monsanto Argentina S.A.I.C. participated for a year in the development of the Open Book Program, which was carried out in Kindergarden Nr. 905 in Zárate, a province of Buenos Aires. In the first place, volunteers participated in the Initial Training session, and then, on the day of the Book Event, a group came to the institution to meet the teachers staff, and to learn the details about how to implement the program. Later on, the volunteer team organized everything so they could be present at the opening of the Reading Corner and at the Book Event, supporting both children and adults with their presence in such special events. TotalGaz. TotalGaz In school Nr. 518 “Fray Mamerto Esquiú” in the city of Rosario, at the end of the year teachers and volunteers from the TotalGaz company worked together in the setting up of a Reading Corner. Volunteers were in charge of the construction, carpentry, painting and electricity. When finished, the building looked much better. Teachers chose 270 new books for the Corner. On the opening day, volunteers, parents, teachers and kids enjoyed a pleasant community lunch, where they played different games. Additionally, 120 children from the school, together with 14 volunteers from the company shared reading and had a lot of fun. “Volunteers managed to catch children’s attention” says Alicia Reynoso, Head of the Kindergarten. Another day, 2 volunteers attended the kindergarten to share story time reading with the kids. The educational community thanked them for their visit. Volunteers from TotalGaz decorating the Reading Corner in the city of Rosario. 33 JPMorganChase Bank cooperated with Kindergarden Nº 3 in our Federal Capital, which implemented the Program Open Book Project. The team of volunteers from the company was trained by Fundación Leer to accompany children as Story Teller Friends. Estanislao Prado, one of the volunteers, said to us: “The experience was unforgettable. I never thought I could give some of my time to make children laugh. The truth is they need it and it is good for them to be in contact with people different from those they see every day.” Volunteers from Rousselot Argentina S.A. organized a meeting in the offices of the company, where people discussed the importance of reading in the children's development. Within the frame of Reading Marathon Program, two Institutions - EGB number 10 and number 15, in Hurlingham, were given more than 600 new books to enjoy in their respective Reading Corners together with the volunteers from the company who participated as Story Teller Friends. Their contribution was appreciated by teachers and authorities of the establishments, who felt that this possibility of having volunteers for the development of this type of program was an added value. “It is gratifying to have the chance to carry out this type of task. It would be very difficult to do it had we not been involved in this program of Fundación Leer” . says Mónica San Martín, volunteer from Rousselot Argentina S.A. 34 “We got into the little room and action began... Volunteers began with the decoration: setting up the shelves and supports. We worked non-stop all morning and afternoon, listening to music, having tasty “mates”… and when we finished, we enjoyed what we saw as if we were kids.” Carmen Alarcón Volunteer from Accenture Every Friday noon, volunteers from Accenture S.A. go and read to children in the Reading Corner. Thanks to the contribution of 8 Volunteers from Accenture S.A., the Health and Community Action Center number 21 in Buenos Aires’ Retiro district now has more resources to enrich the education of participants, through the program: Fundación Leer’s Volunteer Corporation Task. To evaluate their needs, volunteers visited the center where the Reading Corner would be set up. Then, they worked on the decoration. The room became a great place for teaching: happy and cozy. Volunteers fixed up shelves for the new books, hung blackboards, decorated the room with brilliant colors, set up new curtains, etc. Sparkling Cullighan S.A. supported the Step by Dow Quí Química Argentina S.A. implemented the Step Program at the beginning of 2004 in the provinces of Buenos Aires and Misiones. Now, 25 corporate volunteers work in the Evangelic Methodist School “Juana Manso” in Dock Sud, in three schools in Tortuguitas, and in School number 14 “José Mármol” in Florida. program Leer es Fundamental Argentina in four schools in Santa Fe. This year, children were able to choose from among 1,240 new books in the three Book Events which took place in the different institutions. More than 400 students participated in this program. One teacher said, “We feel the presence of the volunteers is a very important motivation. Thanks to them, we feel we are not alone in our task.” Volunteers gave special classes on plastic activities, the cycle of water, and music. They handed out stories on Cds, and put on a puppet show. In addition, 2 volunteers from the company- Ignacio Volaniuk and Luis Picone-collaborated on administrative tasks in the offices of Fundación Leer. HSBC Argentina S.A. supported the Open Book Program which was implemented in four schools in the province of Salta. "Juan Carlos Dávalos“ School and School number 4315 "Reino de Bélgica" had the support of volunteers who went on the opening day of the Reading Corner to share this important event with the community. “Juan Carlos Dávalos” School received cushions made by volunteers to decorate the Reading Corner. The community was very thankful for all the help they had received. “You don’t get a chance like this very often. Mothers are surprised to see that someone from the world of entrepreneurs can dedicate part of his time to their kids.” A teacher from one of the institutions which works with Dow Química Argentina S.A. 35 Annual National Reading Marathon Campaign On October 20th, 2006, Fundación Leer organized the 4th National Reading Marathon which brought together more than 1,800,000 children and adults. The National Reading Marathon is a noncompetitive event, free of charge, with the goal of increasing awareness of the importance of reading and to stress its value in individual and collective development. This event was declared an Educational Interest by the National Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and by the ministers of eighteen provinces. Activities multiplied all over the country. In Santa Lucía, for instance, in the province of Corrientes, over 1,500 children from public and private schools gathered at the local square, and performed shows related to literature and music. They used books from the library and there were community celebrations. “It was really beautiful to see different groups of children reading together: Kids in Kindergarden and 1st grade were listening to stories in their pajamas and on cushions scattered all over the floor. Kids from 3rd grade were making a “picnic-book,” 2nd graders were treasure hunting, and 4th graders were acting in plays. All of the groups shared their activities with teachers, parents, and grandparents. This turned the school into a small world of adventures, laughter and emotions and all thanks to books.” Headmistress Helena Casalongue – Initial Level, EGB I and II This big reading party can now be an annual event thanks to the effort of parents, teachers, school supervisors, doctors in medicine, heads of community diners and children’s homes, volunteer story tellers, readers at the park, companies, foundations, publishing houses and hundreds of means of communication. Cover of newspaper La Nación - October 21, 2006 . 36 Campaign to Promote the National Reading Marathon TELEFE News and Radio Continental helped to publicize the Marathon through different programs. They had interviews with people in charge of the event, people related to the promotion of reading, journalists who read stories to the children, and other participants in the Marathon. Additionally, about 70 channels all over the country cooperated in spreading the news. Newspapers and magazines such as La Nación, Clarín and Página 12, among others, offered continued support. The Asociació Asociación de Radiodifusores Argentinos was also present. Over 120 radio stations all over the country spread information about the event, broadcasting a story written by Adela Basch. On the appointed day, they covered information about the event in different places. ADIRA, “La Asociación de Diarios del Interior,” and 239 Graphic Means reported on the Marathon all over the country using articles, advertisements, banners, and comments on the event. Each group collected books, and with the money collected from a raffle , it was possible to set up 100 Reading Corners in provinces all over the country. The Marathon was a success. Over 700 children got together at the central square. In turn, over 1,600 children from the city participated from their classrooms. The event was declared of community interest. Different people helped us with the reading: personnel from the police force, firemen, journalists from different media formats, retired teachers, inspectors, actors, story tellers, and volunteers in general who were very enthusiatic about the program. Cover of the appendix designed by Fundación Leer for the 4th. National Reading Marathon. This year, an annex, or specially-colored supplement for Reading and the Family was designed. It came out with the Sunday edition two weeks before the Marathon. The idea of this booklet was to offer families tools for the promotion of reading and to make people aware of how important it is that they have an active presence in the process of literacy for their children. It was a powerful tool in spreading information about the Marathon and contributed to its increase in exposure. Representitive of the “Ecos Diarios” newspaper in Necochea, Buenos Aires. 37 Fundació Individuals uals for Fundación Leer Thanks the Following Enterprises, Foundations and Individ their Support in the 4th Annual “National Reading Marathon” Marathon” ABGRA (Asoc. de Bibliotecarios Graduados de la Rep. Arg.) ADIRA (Asociación de Diarios del Interior de la República Argentina) Aique Grupo Editor / Laurosse AMCHAM (Cámara de Comercio de Estados Unidos en Argentina) Ana Igne ARPA (Asociación de Radiodifusoras Privadas de Argentina) Asociación Civil Contenidos - medios y sociedad Atento Argentina Banco Comafi Banco Hipotecario Banco Río Cablevisión S.A. Cámara Argentina del Libro Cámara de la Producción, la Industria y el Comercio Argentino China Carlos Alberto Pla Carlos Canova Carlos Etcheverrigaray Casa Matriz CCI (Cámara de Cableoperadores del Interior) CEGA (Centro de Estudiantes y Graduados Argentinos en Estados Unidos) Chevron Argentina Constanza Ferro Cooperativa de Provisión de la Prensa Argentina Ltda. Diario Clarín Diario El Tribuno de Salta Diario La Voz del Interior Diarios Bonaerenses Dow Química Argentina S.A. DYN – Agencia de Diarios y Noticias Ediciones de la Flor S.R.L. Ediciones del Eclipse Ediciones SM Editorial Albatros S.A.I.C. Editorial Andrés Bello Editorial Guadal S.A. Editorial Sigmar S.A.C.I. Editorial Sudamericana Editorial Troquel Eduardo García Mansilla Embajada de los Estados Unidos de América en Argentina Escribanía Esponda Felipe Videla Félix de Barrio Fundación Diario La Nación Fundación Noble Fundación Telefónica de Argentina Gonzalo Fonseca Grupo Aguilar, Altea, Taurus, Alfaguara S.A. de Ediciones Grupo Editorial Planeta Grupo Farallon Desarrollos Inmobiliarios S.R.L. Grupo Gráfico HelpArgentina Heriberto Weber HSBC Argentina Holding S.A. Integral Express Jimena Zuniga Jorge Esponda José Masjuan Kapelusz Editora S.A. Mariana Morera Matilde Abella Mediaview Mercedes Masjuan Migal Publicidad S.A. Norberto Velázquez Paula Torres Publiaceras Puerto de Palos S.A. - Casa de Ediciones Radio Continental Reader's Digest Argentina S.A. Revista IDEA Revista Intercole Ricardo Defelippe Santiago Murman Sarmiento Publicidad Exterior Sebastián Pla Spinazzola Vía Pública Sugar & Spice Supermercados La Anónima (S.A. Importadora y Exportadora de la Patagonia) Syncromind Telefe Verónica Cullen de González Virginia Susin de Masjuan Fundació Fundación Leer Thanks the Media for their Support in Printing Inserts for for Fundació Fundación Leer`s 4th “National Reading Marathon” Marathon” Diario de Cuyo Diario Docentes Diario El Argentino Diario El Chubut Diario El Diario Diario El Heraldo Diario El Independiente 38 Diario El Litoral Diario El Norte Diario Época Diario La Arena Diario La Gaceta de Tucumán Diario La Mañana de Bolivar Diario La Mañana de Formosa Diario La Mañana de Neuquén Diario La Nueva Provincia Diario La Opinión Diario Norte Diario Nueva Era Diario Pregón Diario Puntual Ecos Diarios New Programs Gallery of Authors is a program developed by Fundación Leer in partnership with Fundación Telefónica and promoted by EducaRed Argentina, that encourages communication between students, teachers and authors of children`s books. The program aims at establishing direct communication which will encourage children to inquire about authors and their works and share the fascinating experience of reading and writing. During 2006, students and teachers from EGB2 and 3 out of 65 schools in different locations of the country participated in this internet-based initiative. The experience was positive both for the kids, who showed a renewed interest in the world of literature, and for the authors. ( Reading in the Net is a proposal that offers teachers a channel of communication facilitating access to resources and to information to enrich their task of promoting reading. Anabella Saks, in charge of the Investigation and Development Department of Fundación Leer, remarks: “Teachers have a very heavy responsibility in encouraging children to read. Their work is very valuable, and very often they must work under very adverse conditions. For this reason, it is fundamental to support them in their work, helping them to access resources which may motivate them and provide concrete concepts and strategies for their tasks. During 2006, this project was sponsored by La Anónima. Getting Ready for School is a program coordinated by Fundación Leer and developed by the Step by Step International Association. It addresses the parents of children between 2 and 5 who do not attend Initial Level Institutions. The program trains facilitators who give orientations and offer families concrete strategies to create a learning atmosphere in their homes. With this program, children are helped to improve their level of competency, and to start grammar school with required skills and an enthusiasm for learning. In 2006, Fundación Leer implemented this program in Misiones in two community centers and in seven community diners. The idea was not to replace the teachers’ teaching, but to make parents cooperate at home, through games and situations, so children would develop skills they would later on need at school. During its first year, the project was supported by EMPower- The Emerging Capital Foundation. The program involves distributing new books and electronic educational newsletters and chatting with specialists. Thanks to Leer en Red, Fundación can maintain a direct contact with the institutions that it works with. After the project comes to an end , companies can also be in touch the Foundation and educational institutions easily. 39 Other Educational Programs In Partnership Our experience implementing the programs in our country has shown that, when the different sectors of the community get together and work towards a common goal, the outcome is better. At Fundación Leer, we are convinced of the power that working team generates. This is why we try to create alliances with other institucions that will complement us, and thus, be able to serve children better. We have concreted two new alliances just this year and another four renew their partnership year after year. New Partnerships Early Literacy Support Program in partnership with Navarro Viola Foundation To promote early literacy in children who have no access to kindergarten is one of the key points to generating equal opportunities, because it helps children overcome the obstacles of unfavorable environments and it facilitates integration. It is in this context, and with the idea of responding to this situation, that the Program: Apoyo a la Alfabetización Temprana, (Support to Early Literacy) was created, with the help of Fundación Navarro Viola. 40 It was launched in five Community Centers in the province of Misiones. The program trains community facilitators through a series of eight workshops, where members of the community learn strategies and key concepts to help promote literacy in children of high social risk. The 425 children who benefited directly from the Program are children up to 5 years old who attend the Centers. In this type of event, kids have a chance to choose a book they can keep for good. A total of 1,315 new children’s books were handed out. “Our challenge is to keep on learning, and to share all our experience with our children. Now we get together very often as neighbors and we have created a Reading Corner. The training was very good. We learned because we participated in that event ourselves.” Olga and Inés, Community Center in Barrio Antiguo Centro, Misiones. Other Alliances still in Action Open Project Book, The Newspaper together with the Noble Foundation Noble Foundation and Fundación Leer reaffirmed, once more, the alliance built years ago, which made the implementation of this program possible. Open Project Book and The Newspaper are implemented in sixteen educational institutions located in the provinces of Catamarca and La Rioja. “There were 180 children in the Reading Corner in town. The doctors who had helped me to implement the project had intended to stay only 10 minutes at the Reading Corner inauguration, but they ended up staying the rest of the morning. It was strange to see formal-looking doctors tempted by the new books, and surprised to see the children’s faces as they gave kisses to the adults who were ready to tell them stories.” A Member of the Community Integration “Los Nogales” Center in Tucumán. Reading Corners in Health Centers and Sudamericana Publishing Group Opening of one of the 16 Reading Corners in Catamarca and La Rioja. Both not only offered institutions the opportunity to generate a Reading Corner with new children’s books, but they also offered students and teachers 49 workshops on reading comprehension and the use of means of communication as a didactic resource. This proposal allowed 6.012 young people to choose a new book for themselves and the distribution of 14,472 books for the school`s use. Since 2003, Sudamericana Grupo Editor and Fundación Leer have been working together on the Reading Corners in Health Centers project in the provinces of Río Negro, Santa Fe, Chubut, Tucumán, Buenos Aires and the City of Buenos Aires. Since the partnership was created, there have been 91 Reading Corners built. The program seeks to create a place where children can go and read every day. It provides a key activity crucial to the intellectual development of kids from an early age. This year, about 44,411 children were encouraged to read in 91 Health Centers and Hospitals –which means they enriched their libraries with over 713,200 books. Fundación Leer was also in charge of the initial training to teachers so the later, they would be able to generate their own program to draw children closer to books. 41 Institutional News New Members in the Federal Net of Teaching Formation Fundación Leer recently became a member of the Federal Net of Continual Teaching Formation (RFFDC) in the province of Buenos Aires. Through this, we are acknowledged as an entity empowered to train teachers in the province of Buenos Aires and to offer them qualification through the courses, a status that our organization already has in the province of Misiones. Step by Step International Congress Association in Bratislava, Slovaquia * To Promote diversity through education: to eliminate exclusion and discrimination to challenge” From October 26 through the 28th, the ISSA 2006 conference brought together 30 countries in the heart of Europe to share experiences about educational projects implemented in different parts of the world. Marcela Sisto, Pedagogic Coordinator of Fundación Leer, and Laura Calderón, Responsible for Special Projects, were invited to speak about the experience Fundación Leer is having in Latin America with the programs: “Step by Step”, and “Prepared for School.” 42 Fundació Fundación Leer and Publishing house Albatros Together at the Book Fair to Cooperate with a School at Barracas For the fourth consecutive year, at the Book Fair, Publishing House Albatros designated 10% of its sales of the children’s collection “Tus Maravillas” to Fundación Leer. With these funds, a Reading Corner was set up in School Buen Consejo in Barracas in the City of Buenos Aires. Solidarity Campaign “A book each child" on Channel 9 Channel 9 and Fundación Leer organized a Christmas Campaign where television viewers were invited to collaborate donating new or secondhand children’s books in good condition. These were sent over to hospitals and children’s Institutions. When journalists and actors ended the campaign on TV, they – together with people from Fundación Leer – visited Gutiérrez Hospital and read to the sick children. ABA’ ABA’s Prize to Education Fundación Leer, together with the Ministery of Education, Science and Technology, and the Academy of Argentine Letters (AAL) sponsored a competition organized by the Argentine Banks Association in Argentina (ABA). For the third time in three years, the ABA prize for 2006 was dedicated to Education. The main subject proposed was "Ideas and proposals for the educational formation of teachers of primary level". Acknowledgements Carol Rasco, Presidente y Directora Ejecutiva, RIF Brent Cantley, Asistente Ejecutivo, RIF Sarah Klauss, International Step by Step Association Dawn Tankersley, Open Society Institute Francisco Almeida Pedro Luis Barcia Adela Basch Ana María Bovo Berta Braslavsky Federico Braun María Freixas de Braun Martha Buckley, Embajada de los Estados Unidos en la Argentina Canela Alberto Colinas Alan Crawford Gustavo Dasso Horacio Diez Pablo D´Onofrio Jorge Esponda Gonzalo Fonseca Isabel Friz Alberto García Hamilton Alfredo van Gelderen Pablo Gianella Carmen Grillo Patricio Guitart Gerardo Gustavo Kabbache Gustavo Koniczer Federico Krum Jorge Labanca Jorge Leiva Rafael Manzano Torrá Domingo Marra Ricardo Mariño Francisco Mármol Claudia Marsó Fabiana Mejalelaty Mariel Morita José Mostany Santiago Murtagh Santiago Murman Ana Natino Florencia Nizzoli Angélica Ocampo Carlos Pla Patricia Pedrini José Pochat Cristina Ramos Paula Ramos Carlos Rebay Gustavo Roldán Diego Rosarios Julio Saguier Antonio Salonia Enrique Schcolnik Tito Schuticchio Ana María Shua Aldo Sessa Luis Sessa Pedro Simoncini Jaime Subirá Juan Carlos Tedesco Charles Temple Mariano C. Tomatis Felipe Videla Valeria Vivani Víctor Zapiola Noris Zerda 43 Sponsoring Companies, Foundations and Partners in 2006 ABN AMRO Bank Accenture S.A. Alcatel - Lucent Aluar Aluminio Argentino Asociación Civil Contenidos - medios y sociedad Asociación de Bancos de la Argentina Avianca Banco Comafi Banco Hipotecario Banco RIO BankBoston, N.A. Cámara Argentina de Publicaciones Cámara Argentina del Libro Cámara de la Producción, la Industria y el Comercio Argentino China Casa Matriz Centro de Diagnóstico “Dr. Enrique Rossi” Citibank, N.A. Chevron Argentina Claridge Hotel Deutsche Bank S.A. Diario La Nación Docucax S.A. - Concesionario Autorizado Xerox Dow Química Argentina S.A. Editorial Albatros S.A.C.I. Editorial Sudamericana S.A. Embajada de Canadá en Argentina Embajada de Finlandia Embajada de los Estados Unidos de América en Argentina Embajada de Suiza EMPower - The Emerging Markets Foundation Eurofood - Cía. Alimentaria First Data Western Union Foundation Fundación Acindar Fundación Ciudad Arena Fundación Diario La Nación Fundación El Libro Fundación Emprendimientos Rurales Los Grobo Fundación Navarro Viola Fundación Noble Fundación Perez Companc Fundación Santa María Fundación Telefónica de Argentina FutureBrand Southern Cone GE Foundation 44 General Electric International, Inc. Grupo ALCOA Grupo Consultor A&C Grupo Farallón Desarrollos Inmobiliarios Grupo Misionero Santa Lucía HelpArgentina - AVPF IMD Business School Hotel Emperador Hotel Presidente S.A. Buenos Aires HSBC Argentina Holding S.A. IBM Argentina S.A. JPMorganChase Bank JPMorganChase Foundation La Imprenta Wingord S.A Lucent Technologies Foundation Minera Alumbrera Limited Monsanto Argentina S.A.I.C. Monsanto Fund Nextel Communications Argentina S.R.L. Open Institute of Development Open Society Institute Pan American Energy PBB Polisur S.A. PriceWaterhouseCoopers Repsol YPF Rousselot Argentina S.A. S.A. Importadora y Exportadora de la Patagonia San Enrique Petrolera S.A. Sessa Editores Siderca S.A.I.C. Siemens S.A. Sparkling - Culligan Argentina S.A. Sugar & Spice Symnetics S.A. Tecpetrol S.A. Tener S.A. TheHost Tito González S.A.C. Y F. TotalGaz S.A. Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A. UBS Optimus Foundation UPS de Argentina S.A. UPS Foundation Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund Western Union Financial Services Argentina Contributions - Private Donors Ana Igne Ana María Díaz Carlos Alberto Pla Carlos Canova Carlos Etcheverrigaray Claudio Saladino Constanza Ferro Eduardo García Mansilla Elías Mejalelaty Elías y Matilde Mejalelaty in Memoria de Jorge Abulafia Elías Mejalelaty in Memoria de Julia Leteria Ribuffo Elías Mejalelaty in Memoria de Rosa Acher Elías Mejalelaty in Memoria de José Mejalelaty Félix de Barrio Heriberto Weber Jimena Zuniga José Masjuan Mariel y Norberto Morita Martha Harriet Mariana Morera Mario Mejalelaty in Memoria de Julia Leteria Ribuffo Matilde Abella Mercedes Masjuan Norberto Velázquez Patricia V. Mejalelaty Rebeca I. de Mejalelaty Ricardo Defelippe Robert Mumford Sebastián Pla Verónica Cullen de González Virginia Susín de Masjuan Contributions – Publishing houses Supplying the Program Aique Grupo Editor S.A. Ediciones Colihue S.R.L. Ediciones de la Flor S.R.L. Ediciones del Eclipse Ediciones Orión Ediciones Santillana S.A. Ediciones SM S.A. Editorial Albatros S.A.I.C. Editorial Andrés Bello Argentina S.A. Editorial Atlántida S.A. Editorial Guadal S.A. Editorial Sigmar S.A.C.e.I. Editorial Sudamericana S.A. Editorial Troquel S.A. Grupo ILHSA S.A. Kapelusz Editora S.A. Grupo Norma Puerto de Palos S.A. - Casa de Ediciones 45 InIn-kind Contributions in 2006 A W Faber Castell Argentina ABGRA (Asoc. de Bibliotecarios Graduados de la Rep. Arg.) Adela Basch ADIRA (Asociación de Diarios del Interior de la República Argentina) Aique Grupo Editor/ Laurosse Aldo Sessa AMCHAM (Cámara de Comercio de Estados Unidos en Argentina) Ana María Shua ARPA (Asociación de Radiodifusoras Privadas de Argentina) Asociación Civil Contenidos - medios y sociedad Atento Argentina Cablevisión S.A. Canela Casa Matriz CCI (Cámara de Cableoperadores del Interior) CEGA (Centro de Estudiantes y Graduados Argentinos en Estados Unidos) Comandante Antártico de Ejército Cooperativa de Provisión de la Prensa Argentina Ltda. Diario Clarín Diario de Cuyo Diario Docentes Diario El Argentino Diario El Chubut Diario El Diario Diario El Heraldo Diario El Independiente Diario El Litoral Diario El Norte Diario El Tribuno de Salta Diario Época Diario La Arena Diario La Gaceta de Tucumán Diario La Mañana de Bolivar Diario La Mañana de Formosa Diario La Mañana de Neuquén Diario La Nación Diario La Nueva Provincia 46 Diario La Opinión Diario La Voz del Interior Diario Norte Diario Nueva Era Diario Pregón Diario Puntual Diarios Bonaerenses Docucax S.A. - Concesionario Autorizado Xerox DyN – Agencias de Diarios y Noticias Ecos Diarios Edenor S.A. Ediciones de la Flor Ediciones del Eclipse Ediciones SM Editorial Albatros Editorial Andrés Bello Argentina Editorial Guadal Editorial Sigmar Editorial Sudamericana Editorial Troquel EGB Nº 14 de "Vicente López" Elba Ediciones Embajada de los Estados Unidos de América en Argentina Escribanía Esponda Espacio Fundación Telefónica Estudio Labanca Eurofood - Compañía Alimentaria Nacional S.A. Félix de Barrio Flia. Mejalelaty Fundación Banco Francés Fundación Diario La Nación Fundación Noble Fundación Telefónica de Argentina FutureBrand Argentina Grupo Aguilar, Altea, Taurus, Alfaguara S.A. De Ediciones Grupo Editor Planeta Grupo Gráfico Gustavo Roldán HelpArgentina Hotel Claridge HSBC Argentina Holdings S.A. IBM Argentina S.A. Ignacio Di Palma Integral Express Kapelusz Editora Libra 4.0 Luis María Pescetti Mediaview Migal Publicidad S.A. OCA Plásticos Clauser S.R.L. Publiaceras Puerto de Palos - Casa de Ediciones Radio Continental Reader's Digest Argentina S.A. Revista IDEA Revista Intercole Ricardo Mariño Sarmiento Publicidad Exterior Silvia Shujer Sparkling-U.S. Filter Argentina S.A. Spinazzola Vía Pública Sugar & Spice Supermercados La Anónima S.A. Importadora y Exportadora de la Patagonia Symnetics Argentina Syncromind Telefe Telefónica de Argentina Tener S.A. The Host Tito Scuticchio - Disc Jockey Total Austral Transporte Avelli Universidad de Belgrano UPS de Argentina Victoria Rodríguez Lacrouts Resources and Their Application During 2006, Fundación Leer, in compliance with its mission, offered its programs to 188.951 children and youngsters throughout the entire country to whom we delivered 171.896 new books. books This was made possible thanks to the support and contributions received from foundations, individuals, institutions, and private businesses from within the country as well as from other locations, with a commitment to the education and future of the children in our country. The application of these resources are shown as follows. ORDINARY RESOURCES $ $ Sponsorship and donations Cash 2,661,606 In kind 750,702 Subtotal 3,412,308 Other revenue Evaluation, training and prepartion of teaching material, nad other Net financial result 10,000 197 Subtotal 206.979 Total 3.619.287 Application of Resources Program Costs Administration Cost Total $ 3,085,224 69,325 3,154,549 The period in consideration yielded a surplus of $408,146, from which $56,592 was deducted by way of depreciation of the fiscal year. At the closing of the fiscal year, the activities of Fundación have developed normally, with no significant events to mention. 47 Perspectives The year starting January 2007 will be a time full of challenges for Fundación Leer: in part, we will be celebrating our 10 years of action in Argentina. In light of this milestone, we have renewed our image and opened a new web page which will enable us to better communicate our mission. We will continue strengthening our programatic lines, both in early and family literacy and in community centers- our key emphasis still being the promotion of reading at schools. The program of Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. applied in Argentina by Fundación Leer will still be one of the solid foundations on which we will carry on our mission, aiming to draw children closer to books and to the pleasure of reading. We also hope to see the program Getting Ready for School grow in cooperation with the International Step by Step Association and the Institute for an Open Society Institute. 48 The members of the Board of Directors wish to thank the 38.690 volunteers from all throughout the country who have participated in giving us 234.133 hours of their precious time, encouraging reading and promoting literacy. We also wish to thank the team of Fundación Leer for its continuos dedication, enthusiasm and professionalism to accomplish our mission, and to all the people, companies and foundations both in our country and abroad, who have trusted us and our organization and have supported our task. Deepest thanks to you all. Board of Directors June of 2007 Fundació Fundación Leer General Legal Inspection Registration Number : C – 1.632.257/97 General Balance December 31, 2006 and 2005 31.12.06 12.31.05 Investments Credits Total Cu rrent Assets NONCURRENT ASSET S Credits Investments Fixed Assets Total NonCu rrent Assets Total Assets 235.664 2.554.252 163.091 2.953.007 10.879 219.505 153.214 383.598 3.336.605 12.31.05 $ $ ASSET S CURRENT ASSET S Cash and checking accounts 12.31.06 1.907.457 LI ABI LI TI ES CURRENT 463.062 LI ABI LI TI ES 75.015 Debts 2.445.534 Provisions Funds for specified purposes Total 10.782 Li ab i l i ti es 200.599 133.812 345.193 EQUI TY Total Li ab i l i ti es 2.790.727 and Eq ui ty 71.962 20.220 292.315 146.035 163.199 223.489 527.476 389.744 2.809.129 2.400.983 3.336.605 2.790.727 49 Fundació Fundación Leer General Legal Inspection Registration Number: C – 1.632.257/97 Summary of Resources and Expenditures For the fiscal year ending December 31, 2006 compared with results from the prior fiscal year 12.31.05 31.12.06 $ ORDINARY RESULTS Resources Donations and monetary sponsorship Donations and in-kind sponsorship Evaluation and Preparation of Teaching Materials and Teacher Training Repayment of Expenses Total Resources Expenses General Administration Educational Programs Repayment of Fixed Assets Total Expenses 2,661,606 750,70 2,246,496 738,38 10,00 120,00 3,104,871 3,422,308 -69.325 -97.069 -3.085.224 -2.859.122 -56.592 -44.950 -3.211.141 -3.001.141 Net Financial Result 196.979 210.547 Final Surplus for Fiscal Year 408.146 314.277 The Financial Statements of Fundación Leer are annually audited by Price Waterhouse Coopers, firm that on 12/31/2006 issued its annual report regarding the financial statements of Fundación Leer for the fiscal year 2006 without any observations. A copy of the audit report is available upon request at: Executive Direction, Fundación Leer, Av. Cerviño 4407 1° Floor (C1425AHB), Buenos Aires. Argentina. 50
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