Annual Report 2009
Annual Report 2009
Annual Report 2009 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 Administrative Board Chairman: Félix de Barrio Deputy Chairman: Eduardo García Mansilla Treasurer: Elías Mejalelaty Secretary: Jorge Labanca Members: Horacio Diez Carlos Etcheverrigaray María Freixas de Braun Ignacio González García Fernando Malenchini Santiago Murtagh Aldo Sessa Pedro Simoncini Mario Vázquez Acting Members: Jorge Galperín Matilde Mejalelaty Auditor: PriceWaterhouseCoopers Executive Director: Patricia Mejalelaty Authorities Advisory Council Dr. Pedro Luis Barcia Engineer Guillermo Battro Dr. Jaim Etcheverry Dr. Carlos Floria Licenciate Víctor García Laredo Profesor Alfredo van Gelderen Dr. Mariano Grondona Dr. Carlos Kaplan Sr. José Martini Dr. Manuel Mora y Araujo Dr. Alejandro Orfila Sr. Carlos Padula Sr. Carlos Pla Sr. Steven Rockefeller Dr. Julio Saguier Dra. Carol Sakoian Profesor Antonio Salonia Dr. Juan Carlos Tedesco 2 In 1997, Fundación Leer signed a license agreement with Reading is Fundamental, Inc (RIF)—a non-profit organization that has been working on the promotion of literacy since 1966. It was thus possible to have their programs working in Argentina, once they were adapted to the needs of the country. In 2004, Fundación Leer started to work with the Open Society Institute in order to implement their Step-by-Step program in Argentina. This program intends to improve school achievement through learning strategies, which involve the children’s families in the education process and promote democratic values at schools. 3 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 Fundación Leer in 2009 figures Projects 537 educational projects were carried out in schools, libraries, soup kitchens, youth development centers, hospitals, foster care centers and youth correctional facilities, located in 220 towns all over the country. 4 Children and Young people 139.154 children and teenagers under the age of 17 participated in Fundación Leer’s educational projects. 7th National Reading Marathon The participation in the 7th Annual National Reading Marathon reached to 3,158,887 children, teenagers and adults in 10,793 institutions nationwide. Distribution of Books A total of 133.890 new literature books was distributed among children and participating institutions. The books were selected by the communities themselves to implement Reading Corners at the schools so that participating children could collectively keep and retain them as well as share them with their families. Training of Teachers 1.714 teachers, principals, librarians, education promoters, education students, physicians, nurses, and volunteers of different institutions were trained in order to update their qualifications for the promotion of literacy, reading comprehension, and critical thinking development. 5 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 We reached Kindergartens with early literacy projects In a project with The Walt Disney Company, Fundación Leer implemented Open Book in ten Kindergartens in the capital city of Buenos Aires as well as the province of Buenos Aires. This initiative made possible the creation of ten Reading Corners provided with new literature books for the youngest. This project received the Gold Award in Category MD 52 in the Charity Marketing Campaign of the Festival of Promotions and Events for Spanish speaking countries. Promoting Reading in Schools Reading Marathons: continuing our work at schools For the fifth consecutive year, together with Banco Santander Río, Fundación Leer implemented the Reading Marathon program in 30 schools from thirteen different provinces. The program was structured around three book events related with reading known as marathons. The constant work has enabled the schools to 6 consolidate their strategies for literacy promotion, to enrich their institutional project in the area of language and to increase the number of books schools and children receive to own. Since 1998, 41.637 children and teenagers have been awarded 97.032 new literature books they can keep as their own and more than 41. 776 new books were given to Reading Corners. . We promoted reading comprehension and critical thinking With the support of Dow Argentina, Fundación Leer implemented the program Reading Sciences in the provinces of Santa Fe and Buenos Aires. This program allowed children in high school to work on different topics related to ecology and sciences We worked to develop skills for life in children Fundación Leer in partnership with Chevron Argentina reached more than 2,400 children in 13 different schools in the city of Neuquén and 10 schools in Río Gallegos (Santa Cruz) with the program “Prepared to Live.” The project focus on the development of those skills children need for living, such as self-esteem, self-awareness, interpersonal communication, care of the environment, and decision-making. The activities were carried out with the support of a specialist of Fundación Leer and the utilization of a set of materials especially designed for teachers and children. The work was strengthened with the reading of several literary works and the distribution of 18,. 144 new books on literature for children and youth. f this ortance o p im e h T “ t, aramoun ial space is p be a spec l il w it e sinc children, place for able ey will be where th s in the book to enjoy s”. quietnes d n a lm ca the ncipal of ndaluz, pri n Number Norma A rte l Kinderga Municipa car 10 of Bec 7 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 Community Literacy Programs Promoting Reading through Libraries We strengthen the link between the libraries and their communities In 2009, thanks to the support of La Anónima, 30 libraries and 210 schools, from Buenos Aires, Chubut, Córdoba, Neuquén, Río Negro, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, and Tierra del Fuego, took part in this program. Thus, 18,000 children received 10.350 new literature books for children and youth. Desafío Leer is an initiative especially designed to leverage the work from the libraries and strengthening their link with the community to increase the number of books children read throughout the year. The program used two key elements: a mobile Reading Corner – “ the Reading Shopping Cart” – which toured different educational institutions in each locality and “reading albums”— printed materials created especially for the program— for the participant children to complete. 8 “The leave kids didn mov the libra ’t want t e o libra d when ry. I was being ry a m little eight in th ost b y o e y sev e ars o me a l d n d a ppro en or said: Ma’a ac ´ my d m, ` as if Thank yo hed to ex oing. I di all this u w d going plain any n’t have ere t happ his mer hing: he time r him” ily every y way ga kept t . z hing Direc arou ing t n o d r of th Pub lic e Córd Library, Juan B. A oba. Labo l ulaye berdi , rkshops get “The wo parents y n a m was made hool. It c s e h t o e closer t bout th a lk a t o g a way t f chattin o e c n a t nd impor ildren a h c e h t se with m, in ca e h t o t use reading w, beca o h w e n nts they k he pare t f o y it or se the maj te in the a r e t li il are nities”. Wensel commu e Jorge n of th Libraria Public Library. l Parochia We took literacy programs to the rural communities With the support of the Embassy of Switzerland, a community literacy and promotion of reading program was implemented in the town of San Martín 2, located at 300 kilometers of the capital of the province of Formosa. We created Reading Corners in libraries Thanks to the support of Banco Macro, the Reading Corners in Libraries project was implemented in the Municipal Library of Matorrales, located at 100 kilometers from the city of Córdoba. This was just one of the sixteen towns that were awarded this benefit through Banco Macro Bank and Fundación Leer in 2009. The project which was meant for children between 1 and 16 years old, had as its objective the creation of a Reading Corner made up of 300 new literature books for children and young people. The development of the program encouraged the work of all of the community in favor of reading. The library staff had actively participated. With the help of some parents, neighbors, and municipal heads they built the Reading Corners and organized different activities to encourage reading. This program allowed the only public library in town to join schools in the nearby rural communities with a common goal: to raise awareness in families about the importance of reading and of accompanying the children in their educational processes. 9 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 “ We ta lk a lot to pare and chi nts ldren a bout th import e ance of listenin reading g, , writin g , and talking ; and al so abou way th t the e Read ing Cor helps u n er s de skills. W velop these hen Re ading D came, t ay he kids c ouldn’t believe that th ey wou take a ld book b ack hom e. Neithe r did th eir pare Many o nts. f them returne the boo d k becau se they didn’t b elieve t h eir kids that it was for t h em! W are ver e y grate f u l t Tecpet o rol and the Fundac ión”. Princip al of th e Eleme School ntary Numbe r 435. We included the families in our projects Early Literacy and Family Literacy Programs 10 In 2009, the project was implemented in two institutions with the establishment of Reading Corners and two Reading Days. The parents participated in three orientation workshops to support the literacy of their children. With the help of Pan American Energy the program Family of Readers was implemented in three primary level educational institutions. As part of this initiative each institution created its own Reading Corner with new books for children which could be taken home. The parents participated in three workshops on different educational contents related to family literacy and reading promotion. Parents also received brochures and booklets specially prepared by Fundación Leer. Through this program a total of 1.171 new literature books for children and young people was distributed. Thanks to this program a total of 1.860 new literary books for children and young people was distributed. Since 2008, Tecpetrol S.A. Sucursal Chubut supports the implementation of the program Family of Readers in Kindergartens in Comodoro Rivadavia in the province of Chubut. 11 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 We trained in strategies for attracting people to reading from the community centers With the coordination of Cáritas Diocesana San Miguel, a series of training workshops was carried out. The workshops were meant for volunteers devoted to community service in more than 45 centers, among them soup kitchens, nurseries, and integration centers. In the meetings volunteers were offered simple strategies to get children closer to reading and to accompany them in the language development process. The aim was to complete the job of the volunteers contributing with theoretical and practical resources to their role as reading promoters among young children. Training We contributed to the updating of teaching practices With the support of Toyota Argentina S.A. eight training workshops for teachers at the elementary level were given in the town of Zárate in the province of Buenos Aires. The main purpose was to update the practices of teachers in relation to classroom reading and the specific use of fictional texts. In the meetings certain conceptual and didactic aspects were approached. These aspects are key to enrich the teachers’ work at the time they introduce fictional texts in the classroom. The participants could create their first personal library of children literature, especially selected by Fundación Leer. 12 p our pened u o n io t c us “The sele texts they gave e h tI minds. T oubt at first, bu h ed made m o to try them wit . t t d s e ta ic manag went fan ations it d n a sens the kids triggered fore with s ie r o t s The d be never ha ow they had ted by myself. N lec :I a text se t I chose wrong a h t ay by I realize rried aw a c e b lf let myse gs, by the visual in the draw I didn’t prioritize t u b , as thing ecognize r I y a d o what t uality”. hool literary q entary Sc We implemented training workshops focused in the problems of reading comprehension With the support of Pan American Energy,in 2009 Fundación Leer carried out in Comodoro Rivadavia and Trelew (Chubut) a cycle of training workshops—Reading Comprehension Clinics—to provide an answer to teachers that are worried because of children`s low achievement in this area. In this way, continuity was given to the project started in 2008. In its second year, training was extended to a new town and included not only to language teachers but also to the natural science ones. Thanks to this initiative more than 200 teachers were trained in key subject and they began to implement the new work strategies in the classrooms. s Elem f Zárate´ Teacher o . 26 Number 13 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 “In the c ourse I f elt guid while le ed arning. T here wa always f s eedback f r o m tutor an the d his or h e r constan encoura t gement . H e or she also help ed a lot in sharin experien g ces in th e forum s”. Virginia Videla, f rom the Madryn Puerto School N umber 1 Chubut. 10 in the program was initially implemented in 25 schools of different localities nation-wide. A tutor accompanied the teachers and principals who also attended an in-person meeting and received 100 new children’s literature books. Gallery ofAuthors Again this year, Fundación Leer together with Fundación Telefónica, developed the program Gallery of Authors, a virtual space devoted to children’s literature. In 2009, Perla Suez and Laura Devetach were incorporated to the website. Fundación Leer in the web We carried out a self-evaluation program to improve the teacher’s work strategies We carried out training courses online With the support of the Open Society Institute, Fundación Leer launched its first training course online totally based on internet and designed for elementary school teachers who wanted to improve their techniques in the fields of reading comprehension and critical thinking. In this virtual campus, more than 30 teachers 14 were tutored by members of Fundación, who facilitated the incorporation of theoretical contents and the carrying out of activities. Throughout the process the participants were offered theoretical and practical inputs for teaching based on active methods and in the proposals of cooperative learning. The teachers received, in addition, 500 children’s literature books, which they used to take the proposed strategies to their classrooms. With the help of The Tinker Foundation,the Program Reading Online - Selfevaluation, resources and exchanges- was implemented. This initiative intends to improve the working strategies for the teaching of reading, by means of self-evaluation and access to guidance criteria which will allow better practices. For more information:íadeautores Kidsmart -Little Explorer Thanks to the alliance established with IBM Argentina, Fundación Leer coordinated the program Kidsmart - Little Explorer. In 2009, 24 institutions participated from both the province and capital city of Buenos Aires. Using an Internet platform for interchange between educators and giving access to theoretical documents, work manuals and videos, 15 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 We established alliances to improve education quality in Montecarlo, Misiones Thanks to the collaboration of UBS Optimus Foundation and the partnership established with the Municipality of Montecarlo and the Teacher Association, it was possible to work for a second year in the Program for the Expansion of Education Quality in the town of Montecarlo. Thanks to this, Fundación Leer was able to expand the model of education quality to the Municipality of Montecarlo; this partnership produced as a result the building of a capacity both in the Municipality and in the local Teacher Association. Signing a cooperation agreement with Fundación Leer and creating a training office in the Municipality, the town council of Montecarlo intends to be leading a process, which will span the totality of educational institutions. Fundación Leer not only certified the Teacher Association and a group of teachers from the area to deliver some of their training courses in the locality, but also supported the Teacher Association to devise a strategic plan and a series of services for the schools. Alliances with Authorities We worked together with the Ministry of Education of Tierra del Fuego Thanks to the support of Apache Argentina, Fundación Leer could answer the request of the Department of Teacher Training of the Ministry of Education of Tierra del Fuego and managed to train a group of thirty school librarians in the city of Río Grande. The participants welcome the new strategies used to read to children. During four intensive training days they analyzed specific problems related to the decisions made by promoters on children’s literature. 16 They also considered their own reading practices and examined the influence of their choices in reading practices and recommendations made to young readers. The participants were able to evaluate and update their practices and know-how according to the pertinent criteria for choosing books for children. 17 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 Support from personal donors Beyond the Educational Programs In 2009 the partnership between personal donors and Fundación Leer made possible that thousands of children from the country had access to new literature books and could participate in activities that motivate reading. Our Personal Donors supported their home cities Writing Competitions Thanks to Jimena Zuñiga and to Alejandra Arata, two reading promotion programs were carried out in 2009 in the province of Córdoba. Writing and care of the Environment. When Earth, the first film by DISNEYNATURE premiered, Fundación Leer carried out a writing contest, Todos por la Tierra for children and teenagers between 9 and 17 years of age. More than 3.000 children participated and presented texts written based on research of key subjects for the future of our planet. Cinema and Literature. When Disney/Pixar launched the movie Up, Fundación Leer invited children 8 to 14 years old to participate in the contest Leer y Crear. A dream made reality. The aim was to write a literary text based on the central themes of the movie. Likewise, at the time of the Disney premiere of A Christmas Carol, Fábrica de Fantasmas was launched for children 10 to 17 years old, with the aim to write a literary texts, based on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. The contests—which were publicized among 18 Alejandra Arata chose to support the locality of Despeñadero, where her father had been born. She donated a reading corner to the town library, provided with new books and also offered the library the possibility to start working jointly with other institutions in the area. Personal Donations of funds, through informal meetings. More than 352 personal donors in countries like the United States, the Netherlands, and Argentina were mobilized in support of Fundación Leer carrying out luncheons, dinners, and shows. We managed to get a space in Global Giving In less than two weeks, thanks to the collaboration of more than 85 donors, Fundación Leer managed to get a permanent space in Global Giving, the international portal from where donors from all over the world support solidarity projects. schools and teachers—had the objective of raising the interest of children about writing. Basis, slogans, and resources were made known to teachers also through websites. On her part, Jimena Zuñiga, continues supporting the Foundation and the locality of Río Segundo, her homeland. There, thanks to her support, the Center for Family & Child Support was able to start enjoying the magic of books The winners received attractive awards—300 new books to create Reading Corners at their schools and special advice for their teachers. We took part in the HelpArgentina Nights With the amounts donated, a training session was organized in the rural school of Uquía in the province of Jujuy and the creation of Reading Corner was supported with new books for more than two hundred children and their families. To have a space in this platform means to open new channels for Fundación Leer to receive donations from all over the world. Fundación Leer took part of HelpArgentina Nights, an initiative that encourages civilian participation and decentralizes the collection More information: r-indigenous-wichi-kids-in-rural-salta/ 19 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 7th Annual National Reading Marathon More than 3.000.000 children, teenagers and adults participated nation-wide The 7th Annual National Reading Marathon was made possible by: On October 2, 2009 under the motto, “My family, my world. Stories to discover, rescue, read and share,” the 7th Annual National Reading Marathon was carried out. It is an educational event of a free and noncompetitive nature, so that the children from all over the country can enjoy books and reading for pleasure. Main Sponsors: The 7th Annual National Reading Marathon merited 16 statements of Educational Interest and the support of the National Ministry of Education, the city of Buenos Aires and the governments of provinces and municipalities. Eighty Reading Corners with 200 new books were randomly awarded among the participating institutions that have filled in the questionnaire “Our Marathon”. Sponsors: Publishing Companies: A-Z Editora S.A., Ediciones Colihue S.R.L., Ediciones de la Flor S.R.L., Ediciones del Eclipse, Ediciones Iamiqué, Ediciones SM Argentina, Editorial Albatros S.A.I.C., Editorial Andrés Bello Argentina S.A., Editorial Guadal S.A., Editorial Sigmar S.A.C.E.I., Grupo Editor Planeta, Grupo Editorial Norma, Grupo Santillana Argentina, Puerto de Palos S.A. Casa de Ediciones, Random House Mondadori Argentina. 20 21 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 The main event of the National Reading Marathon was made possible by: Marathon main event at the zoo The main event took place in the Buenos Aires Zoo. There, more than 700 children visited 21 reading stands. Each one of them had special attractions with the presence of the children´s favorite authors and cultural figures that read along with the children. with the children the reading of a story. Among other personalities, we saw National Minister of Education, Professor Alberto Estanislao Sileoni; the graphic artist of comics Nik, who was the godfather of the marathon; the author Ana María Shua and writers like Pablo Bernasconi and Ricardo Mariño. The event was conducted by Fernando Bravo and the well known writer, Canela, who shared 22 23 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 Fundación Leer and Editorial Albatros in the Book Fair For the 35th International Book Fair of Buenos Aires, Fundación Leer and Editorial Albatros carried out three Narration Workshops for younger children. In addition, Editorial Albatros donated a percentage of all the sales made during the fair in order to built a Reading Corner in an institution. Avant Premières of “UP” and “A CHRISTMAS CAROL” to help Fundación Leer New Alliances Magneto, Nik and Gaturro helped Fundación Leer The graphic artist Nik signed T-Shirts printed with his character, Gaturro, in one of the Buenos Aires shops of the Magneto firm in support of Fundación Leer. In addition, during November and December the T-Shirts were for sale in all of Magneto shops. A percentage of the purchase price of each T-Shirt was donated to Fundación Leer. 24 The Walt Disney Company granted us the benefit of arranging the avant premières of two new Disney releases: “A CHRISTMAS CAROL” based on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens and “UP” by Disney & Pixar. 25 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 Volunteers at Fundación Leer Volunteers from all over the country joined in support of our literacy endeavor Thanks to the commitment of the volunteers who each day come to Fundación Leer office and of those who collaborate at a distance, it was possible to promote our mission in socio-cultural events such us: 35th Annual International Book Fair of Buenos Aires 12th International Seminar on Learning and Solidarity Service organized by the National Program on learning and solidarity service of the Ministry of Education. Avant Première of “Up” in Recoleta, City of Buenos Aires. Avant Première of “A Christmas Carol” in Palermo, City of Buenos Aires. 7th Annual National Reading Marathon in zoo, City of Buenos Aires 26 Corporate Volunteers Corporate volunteers from Banco Santander Río supported 15 educational institutions which benefit from the Reading marathon programs, implemented by the bank jointly with Fundación Leer for the five years now. During the Solidarity Day the managers of different bank offices and members of their team read side by side with children in the first grade and then carried out some creative activities. Later, 450 new children’s literature books were distributed which the children took home as their own. Thanks to the support of corporate volunteers from Verizon Business, a Reading Corner was implemented at the Normal Superior School Number 2 “Mariano Acosta” in the city of Buenos Aires for the benefit of more than 800 children. JPMorgan Chase Bank participated in the program of corporate volunteers. Six visits were made to Kindergarten Number 2 in the City of Buenos Aires to implement the “Story-Teller Pal” program for the benefit 90 children. In each of the visits they read to the children and gave out the book read to the school. In the last visit, each child was given a book to keep. A group of corporate volunteers from Aluar Alumnio Argentino shared reading as well as art activities at the 7th Annual National Reading Marathon. This initiative benefited 450 first graders and preschoolers in Centers for Youth Development in the City of Puerto Madryn in Chubut Corporate volunteers from Motorola implemented the “Story-Teller Pal” program in the Number 6 School of Vicente López in the province of Buenos Aires. Six visits were made to the children who also received new books to keep. Alcatel-Lucent Argentina took part in the program of corporate volunteers fixing a certain space to convert it into a Reading Corner and a Computer Lab for Kindergarten Number 10 located in Villa 21-24, a shanty town in the City of Buenos Aires. volunteers from Banco Patagonia. Corporate volunteers from the Citi Foundation participated in the implementation of two Reading Corners, one in School Number 27 “Jorge J. Hall”, and the other in School Number 17 “República de Paraguay ” both in Boulogne, province of Buenos Aires, which benefitted 420 children. A group of corporate volunteers from Sugar & Spice and other of student volunteers from the Education Sciences Department of Universidad Católica Argentina participated in the establishment of Reading Corners in the Community School “Filii Dei”, located in Villa 31 in Retiro, Buenos Aires. This last Reading Corner was funded through personal donations made during the 2008 HelpArgentina Nights earmarked for Fundación Leer. The Community Kindergarten “Hormiguitas” in Villa Martelli, province of Buenos Aires, was awarded a Reading Corner thanks to the support of a group of fifty corporate 27 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 Los Principios of Salta Newspaper, December 2009 Nueva Era Newspaper, June 2009 Billiken Magazine, October 2009 Veintitres Magazine, October 2009 La Prensa Newspaper, October 2009 Clarín Newspaper, October 2009 Fundación Leer in the Press Fundación Leer was widely recognized in graphic, radio and audiovisual media from all over the country La Nación Newspaper, October 2009 28 La Gaceta de Tucumán, October 2009 Genios Magazine, March 2009 Tendencia Magazine, November 2009 La Nación Newspaper, September 2009 Page 12 Newspaper, June 2009 La Nación Newspaper, July 2009 29 Fundación Leer Memoria 2009 Patrons of Fundación Leer Acknowledgements Carol Rasco, Presidente y Directora Ejecutiva, RIF Sarah Klauss, Open Society Institute Svetlana Batrak, Open Society Institute Dawn Tankersley, International Step by Step Association Embajadora Vilma Socorro Martínez, Embajada de Estados Unidos en Argentina Francisco Almeida Paula Aniasi Ricardo Arqués Juan José Badano Pedro Luis Barcia Adela Basch Pablo Bernasconi Osvaldo Blanco Ana María Bovo Federico Braun Fernando Bravo Canela Laura Alejandra Castelli Guillermo Catalano Graciela Crespo Carlos Etcheverrigaray María Freixas de Braun Gustavo Canevaro Milva Castelini Sonia Cavallo Alberto Colinas Alan Crawford Luis Capua Pablo De Santis Laura Devetach Ana María Díaz Horacio Diez Mariano Dorfman Cristian Dzwonik – NIK Margarita Eggers Lan Wenceslao Esponda María Inés Falconi Fred Phillips Isabel Friz Cynthia García Alberto García Hamilton 30 Alfredo Van Gelderen Pablo Gianella Patricio Guitart Gerardo Gustavo Kabbache Claudio Ipolitti Gustavo Koniczer Federico Krum Jorge Labanca Miguel A. Laruffa Axel Leidi Clara Levín Fernando Malenquini Silvana Marcovich Rafael Manzano Torrá Domingo Marra Ricardo Mariño Francisco Mármol Alejandra Marsilla Claudia Marsó Fabiana Mejalelaty Víctor Hugo Morales Mariel Morita Norberto Morita Santiago Murtagh Santiago Murman Florencia Nizzoli Héctor Parreira Carlos Pla José Pochat Iván Racedo Alejandro Raffo Cristina Ramos Paula Ramos Andrea Recagno Gustavo Roldán Julio Saguier Antonio Salonia Enrique Schcolnik Tito Schuticchio Ana María Shua Aldo Sessa Luis Sessa Ana María Shua Pedro Simoncini Pilar Smith Jorge Stheson Jaime Subirá Perla Suez Juan Carlos Tedesco Charles Temple Flavia Tomaello Mariano C. Tomatis Adriana Turek Esteban Valentino Felipe Videla Valeria Vivan Víctor Zapiola Noris Zerdá We would like to thank the educational authorities and the teachers who opened their doors to us, so we could contribute from our institution towards the betterment of our children’s literacy nationwide. We thank those entities, companies, publishing houses, and foundations that joined us and supported us, thus enabling us to develop and implement our programs. We also want to thank each volunteer and donor for their commitment and generosity. Special thanks go to all members of the Fundación Leer team. We thank the following companies and organizations for the support received throughout 2008 and 2009: Asociación de Mujeres Americanas de Buenos Aires ABN AMRO Bank N.V. AESA Buenos Aires Amauta-spanish school Alcatel-Lucent Argentina Alcoa C.S.I. Argentina Aluar Aluminio Argentino S.A.I.C. Apache Energía Argentina S.R.L. Banco Comafi Banco Macro S.A. Banco Patagonia S.A. Banco Santander Río S.A. Boehringer- Ingelheim Cannon Argentina S.A. Chevron Argentina S.R.L. Citi Foundation Citibank, N.A. Coolmedia S.A. Culligan Argentina S.A. Diario Clarín Diario La Nación Editorial Albatros S.A.I.C. Embajada de Canadá en Argentina Embajada de los Estados Unidos de América en Argentina Embajada de Nueva Zelandia - Buenos Aires Embajada de Suiza Energía & Soluciones S.A. Estancia La Martina S.A. Fondation Air France Fundación Alcoa Fundación Diario La Nación Fundación Hermanos Agustín y Enrique Rocca Fundación Mapfre Fundación Noble Fundación Telefónica de Argentina FutureBrand Argentina GlaxoSmithkline Argentina S.A. Grupo Papel Misionero - Zucamor Hijas de Juan A. Harriet S.A. Hope for Children HSBC Argentina Holding S.A. IBM Argentina S.A. JPMorganChase Bank JPMorganChase Foundation La Imprenta Wingord S.A. Minera Alumbrera Limited Ministerio de Educación de la Nación Monsanto Argentina S.A. Monsanto Fund Motorola Argentina S.A. OCA - Organización Coordinadora Argentina S.A. Open Institute of Development Open Society Foundation London Open Society Institute Operation Canasta - Asociacion del exterior Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) Pan American Energy LLC Plásticos Clauser S.R.L. PriceWaterhouseCoopers Reach Out and Read National Center Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. Red Solidaria Rousselot Argentina S.A. S.A. Importadora y Exportadora de la Patagonia San Enrique Petrolera S.A. Symnetics Argentina Sugar & Spice S.R.L. Tecpetrol S.A. TenarisSiderca Tener S.A. The Resource Foundation The Tinker Foundation Inc. The Walt Disney Company (Argentina) Tito González S.A.C. y F. Tito Scuticchio - Disc Jockey Total Austral S.A. Sucursal Argentina Toyota Argentina S.A. UBS Optimus Foundation UPS de Argentina S.A. UPS Foundation Verizon Business Western Union Financial Services Argentina Western Union Foundation Wunderman - Young & Rubicam 31 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 Supporters of the 7th Annual National Reading Marathon Main Sponsors A.D.I.R.A. Aluar Aluminio Argentino S.A.I.C. Asociación Civil Contenidos - medios y sociedad Atacama S.A. de Publicidad Atento Argentina Banco Comafi Banco Galicia Chevron Argentina Culligan Argentina S.A. Embajada de los Estados Unidos de América en Argentina Fundación Andreani Fundación Diario La Nación Fundación Noble Fundación Torneos y Competencias para la Educación Mediaview Minera Alumbrera Limited PC Vía Pública Publiaceras Publicidad Sarmiento S.A. S.A. Importadora y Exportadora de la Patagonia Spinazzola - Vía Pública Syncromind Tecpetrol Vía Pública Patagónica S.A. Sponsors Apache Energía Argentina S.R.L. Banco Santander Río S.A. Cámara Argentina de Publicaciones 32 Cámara Argentina del Libro Contacto Solidario Dow Argentina HSBC Argentina Holding S.A. TenarisSiat Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A. Sponsor of the National Marathon at the Zoo in the city of Buenos Aires Ediciones del Eclipse Ediciones SM Argentina Editorial Andrés Bello Argentina S.A. Editorial de Comunicaciones Públicas S.A. Editorial Guadal S.A. Editorial Sigmar S.A.C.I. Fondo de Cultura Económica Fundación Deloitte GlaxoSmithkline Argentina S.A. Grupo Santillana Argentina Jardín Zoológico de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Kapelusz Ediciones S.A. Malba - Fundación Costantini Ministerio de Educación de la Nación Mirinda Pepsi Plan Lectura del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación Random House Mondadori Sessa Editores Sugar & Spice S.R.L. Tito Scuticchio - DJ S.R.L. Contributors to the 7th National Reading Marathon ARBIA (Asociación de Radios Bonaerenses y del Interior de la República Argentina) ARPA (Asociación de Radiodifusoras Privadas de Argentina) ATVC A-Z Editora Bacigaluppi Hnos. Canal 26 Canal 7 Disney Channel DYN Ediciones Colihue S.R.L. Ediciones de la Flor S.R.L. Ediciones del Eclipse Ediciones Iamiqué Ediciones SM Argentina Editorial Albatros S.A.I.C. Editorial Andrés Bello Argentina S.A. Editorial Guadal S.A. Editorial Sigmar S.A.C.e.I. Escribanía Esponda Fundación Schcolnik Grupo Editor Planeta Grupo Macmillan Grupo Santillana Argentina Kapelusz Ediciones S.A. Pearson Education S.A. Random House Mondadori Argentina 33 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 Contributions Contributions from the 2009 provided by Publishing Companies Aique Grupo Editor S.A. A-Z Editora S.A. Ediciones Colihue S.R.L. Ediciones de la Flor S.R.L. Ediciones del Eclipse S.R.L. Ediciones Iamiqué S.A. Ediciones Santillana S.A. Ediciones SM S.A. Editorial Albatros S.A.C.I. Editorial Andrés Bello Argentina S.A. Editorial Atlántida S.A. Editorial Guadal S.A. Editorial Sigmar S.A.C. e I. Editorial Sudamericana S.A. Fundación Edelvives Grupo Macmillan - Sellos Estrada y Puerto de Palos Grupo Ilhsa S.A. Kapelusz Editora S.A. Contributions in kind 2009 A.D.I.R.A. (Asociación de Diarios del Interior de la República Argentina) A.R.B.I.A. Asociación de Radiodifusoras Privadas de Argentina A.R.P.A. (Asociación de Radiodifusoras Privadas de Argentina) A.T.V.C. Asociación Argentina de Televisión por Cable Agencia de Noticias CBA Agencia Hoy Alejandro Raffo América 2 Análisis Digital Asociación Civil Contenidos - medios y sociedad Atacama S.A. de Publicidad Atento Argentina ATVC AYSA A-Z Editora S.A. C5N Cámara Argentina de Publicaciones Canal 11 de Salta Canal 13 de Ciudad de Buenos Aires Canal 13 de Santa Fé Canal 26 Canal 5 de Rosario Canal 7 Canal 8 de Córdoba 34 Canal 8 de Mar del Plata Canal 8 de Tucumán Canal 9 de Bahía Blanca Canela Casa Natura Chicos a bordo Clara Levín Clarí Comandante Antártico de Ejército Contacto Solidario CoolMedia Cresko S.A. Junto a Magneto Culligan Argentina S.A. Diario Clarín Diario de Cuyo San Juan Diario de Madryn Diario de Paraná Diario El Federal Diario El Heraldo Diario El Patagónico Diario El Santa Cruceño Diario El Sureño Diario El Tribuno de Salta Diario El Tribuno de Tucumán Diario La Capital de Mar del Plata Diario La Gaceta de Tucumán Diario La Mañana de Bolivar Diario La Opinión Diario La República de Corrientes Diario Nuevo Diario de Sgo. Del Estero Diario Primera Fuente de Tucumán DIB (Diarios Bonaerenses) Disney Channel DyN - Agencia de Diarios y Noticias Ecoclubes Argentina Ediciones Colihue S.R.L. Ediciones de la Flor Ediciones del Eclipse Ediciones Iamiqué Ediciones SM S.A. Editorial Albatros S.A.C.I. Editorial Andrés Bello Argentina S.A. Editorial de Comunicaciones Públicas S.A. (Very Important People) Editorial Guadal S.A. Editorial Random House Mondadori Editorial Sigmar S.A.C.I. El Patagónico de Chubut Elías Mejalelaty Embajada de los Estados Unidos de América en Argentina Escribanía Esponda Estudio Labanca & Asociados Félix de Barrio Fernando Bravo Flia. Mejalelaty Fondo de Cultura Económica de Argentina S.A. Fundación Andreani Fundación Diario La Nación y Diario La Nación Fundación Noble Fundación Schcolnik Futurebrand Argentina Grupo Editorial Planeta Grupo Macmillan con sus sellos Estrada y Puerto de Palos Grupo Santillana Argentina HelpArgentina HSBC Argentina Holdings S.A. Kapelusz Editora S.A. Kidsnews La Anónima (S.A. Importadora y Exportadora de la Patagonia) La Capital Net La Imprenta Wingord La Mañana de Bolivar La Nación on line Laura Devetach Malba - Fundación Costantini Mediaview Microsoft Community Affairs Migal Publicidad Ministerio de Educación de la Nación. Plan de lectura NIK Norte Misionero Noti Rosario Nueva Rioja OCA PC Vía Pública Pearson Education Pepsi - Mirinda Pepsico Plan de Lectura - Ministerio de Educación de la Nación Plásticos Clauser S.R.L. Publiaceras Radio Continental Radio Mitre Revista Enfoques Positivos Revista Hacer Familia Revista IDEA Revista Impaciente Espera Revista Intercole Revista Mujer Única Revista Mundo Chicos Ricardo Mariño Rosario Net Sarmiento Publicidad Exterior Sessa Editores Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría Spinazzola Vía Pública Sugar & Spice Symnetics Argentina Syncromind Telefe Noticias Terminal Saldias The Disney Walt Company Tito Scuticchio - Disc Jockey TN Total Austral S.A. UPS de Argentina Vía Pública Patagonica S.A. Vida Positiva Zoo de Buenos Aires Contributions from personal Donors Jackie Abadi Teresa Aberastury Pablo Ader Dora Alberro Gabriela Alf Rovere Gabriela Altamira Juan Pablo Albertoni Alicia Almeida Otero Alvarez Sergio Andrighetti Hilda Arnejo González Maged Atiya Monica Aufiero Teresa Ayerza Soledad Giselle Barraza Javier Barrios Natera Neda Behrouzi Victoria Bembibre Juan P. Benitez Jenny Bergner Agustina Betolaza Verónica Bindi Familia Blanco Guido Matías Bochi Federico Braun Nicolas Braun Osvaldo Boymorto Laura Calderón Carolina Candia Alberto Carlocchia Pablo Cavallero Fabiana Clauser Paula Alejandra Clemata Betina Colavecchia Agustina Contreras Alexandra Judith Correa Rosalia Cortes Fabián Damiani Félix de Barrio Marcela de Barrio María Laura Dedé Santiago Dellepiane María Inés Desposito Ana María Díaz Sandra Díaz María Julia Díaz Falú Jon Dressner Mercedes Elizagaray Belén Elizalde Federico Damián Espinosa Carlos Etcheverrigaray María Gabriela Faenza Juan Carlos Fernández Patricio Ferro Adriana Finotto Nora G. Fiorini Virginia Freddolino Gloria Freixas María Freixas de Braun Jorge Galperín Marcelo Galperín Eduardo García Mansilla Laura Soledad González Juan Martín González Pita Margarita Goyheneix de Abelleyra Carlos Grimm Luciano Grisenti Carina Grosso Viviana Gullas Julia Gabriela Gutiérrez Noel Grigera Verónica Guerrero Verónica Hales Anne Herbet-Pain Berrnard Hermetz Cecile Hermetz Corinne Hildering Silvina Hojman Madanes Patricio Horishnik Astrid Jacob Nathalie Jarast Enrique Jaratz Oscar Jaratz Mariana Jasper Mirta Jordan Corina Kierulf Federico Krum Lucrecia Lacroze Lucas Lagos Carole Layaz Dolores Lavaque Alejandra Ledesma Renata Alonso Lemos Isabel Listre María López Paz Lucero Elena Malenchini Fernando Malenchini Silvia Marcachini Silvina Marcachini Lorena Maurielo Arnaldo Manuel Listre Alejandra Mejalelaty de Ader Elías Mejalelaty Elías Mejalelaty in memoria de Nelly Connio de Sessa Fabiana Mejalelaty Matilde Mejalelaty Mario Mejalelaty Patricia Viviana Mejalelaty Patricia Viviana Mejalelaty in memoria de Lidia M. Chattah de Mejalelaty Rebeca I. Mejalelaty de Imash Téofilo Mejalelaty Téofilo Mejalelaty in memoria de Rebeca I. de Mejalelaty Magdalena Mendez Ribas Mercedes Mendez Ribas Milagros Mendez Ribas María Miguens Florencia Mizraji María Elsa Molinero Ana Monsegur Mariel Morita Mariana Moules Ricardo Murtagh Santiago Murtagh Trifon Natsis Jean Yves Nau Alina Niveyro Manuel Ocampo Maria José Oliver María del Carmen Otero Ana Pedernera Fred Phillips Francoise Piccato Viviana Picco Patricia Silvia Pina Isabel Pita Carlos Alberto Pla Cecilia Pla Roberto Armando Pla Carmen A. de Polledo Verónica Pueyrredón María Cecilia Quiñones Alejandra Rappazzini Leonor María Repetto Patricia Rico Florez Julieta Rivetti Sergio Rubinowicz Patricia Sdrigoti Melisa Sottile Martín Spurio Rodrigo Alejandra Ruiz Sonia Runde Florencia Sánchez Silvia Sánchez Claudio Saladino Yael Sardaños Ivana Scagliusi Lucia Schleich Elena Scott Silvia Segalowicz Marcela Sisto José Luis Supino Lauren Teegarden Gabriela Tozzi Verónica Mitko Ustzer Karina Váldez Judith Verbeij María Sol Vieiro Jimena Zuniga 35 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2009 Balance Sheet Perspectives The resources and their application During the period in consideration, the activities developed --financed with contributions received from foundations, people, institutions and private enterprises, both nationwide and from abroad, highly devoted to education and the future of the children and young people in our country—meant to put 133,890 new literature books within the reach of 139.154 children and young people. These books were chosen by the communities themselves and in many cases of that total, 54,219 new books were the initial ones of the future family library Current income $ $ Contributions and donations In cash 4.298.525 In kind 977.104 5.275.629 Subtotal Other income Net financial results 723.847 Subtotal 723.847 Total 5.999.476 Use of resources $ Program expenditures Administrative expenditures Depreciation of durable consumer goods 4.650.360 177.589 60.681 Total 4.888.630 One of the objectives and expectations of Fundación Leer is to work towards the achievement of its own headquarters in order to optimize operational costs. During the year in consideration the process of capital building was continued. The year 2010 will be one full with an considerable quantity of projects which will allow our entity to reach new populations with new resources. On the one hand, we will launch our first publication, “Criteria for Good Practices in the Teaching of Reading,” aimed at elementary level teachers and institutions all over the country. This document is based on the intense work carried out since 2008 by Fundación Leer on the subject of teaching to read, and teacher and institutional self-evaluations. Its content is a source to support and strengthen the processes of self-evaluation of the teacher’s work in the classroom and the management of the principals. We believe that joining every actor’s efforts to deepen this line of work—the analysis of good practices for the teaching of reading and the self-evaluations—will translate into actual benefits towards the development of educational processes. On the other hand, Fundación Leer plans to carry out seminars for teachers and principals from all over the country and it will open spaces for technical and pedagogic advice in order to materialize the institutional self evaluation process. Likewise, we will create a new space on the Internet for the interchange of teacher practices. This will allow us to have a closer relationship with the teachers and community leaders that join our cause nation-wide. Well aware of the need to find new funding sources, a campaign will be started to make a partner of everybody who like us believes that education and literacy are key for the construction of that country we dream to live on. Lastly, our Annual National Reading Marathon, that unites millons of children all over the country, will in 2010 dress in blue and white like our flag so to accompany the festivities of the Bicentennial of the Argentinean Nation. We will continue with our endeavors so that the children and the institutions can have access to new books, since we already consider this is a key aspect for the accomplishment of our mission. After the year-end the local economic outlook is good, with increasing inflation, which could impact on the cost of annual programs. 38 39 Av. Cerviño 4407, 1º piso Buenos Aires – Argentina Tel-Fax: 54-11-4777-1111 E-mail: [email protected]
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