Gammon Construction – Shaping the Built Environment


Gammon Construction – Shaping the Built Environment
vol.1 2014
The Magazine of Jardine Matheson
Group Chairman Welcomes Chengdu Party Secretary
> page 3
UK Prime Minister Lays Foundation Stone for Hongkong Land Project
> page 7
Top Awards for Mandarin Oriental
> page 21
Gammon Construction –
Shaping the Built Environment
Building Successful Relationships
The Chinese New Year is traditionally a time for new initiatives and aspirations.
For the Group, as we enter the year of the horse, this has been achieved through the
acquisition of a 20% interest in the listed China motor trading group Zhongsheng.
This is a significant new development for the Group which increases our exposure to
the Mainland’s expanding markets in a sector we know well.
As a Group, we have a range of market leading businesses operating in diverse
industry sectors, yet despite their differences, our customers are one of the
important things we have in common. Having a clear understanding of what drives
customer choice is key. Indeed, it is one of the key attributes we are looking for
in the submissions for the 2014 Pride in Performance Awards, which are currently
being judged.
One business which has built successful relationships with its customers is Gammon
Construction, the subject of our feature on pages 14-19. Over a period of 55 years
headquartered in Hong Kong, Gammon has become a ‘Contractor of Choice’ for many
and an industry leader in technical innovation, sustainable construction and total
solutions, with one of the strongest technical teams in the region.
Ben Keswick
Group to Acquire 20% Stake in Zhongsheng
Lord Powell Joins Board of Fudan Business School
Jardine Foundation Admitted to Oxford’s Chancellor’s
Court of Benefactors …
Leadership 8
Significant Milestones for Hongkong Land
Mandarin Oriental Celebrates 50 Fantastic Years
Astra and Aviva Join Forces to Create Life Insurer
THACO Launches Latest Kia in Vietnam …
Feature 14
Gammon Construction – Shaping the Built Environment
Performance 20
Yunnan Airport Services Achieves ISAGO Certification
Recognition for JEC Achievements in Singapore and the Philippines
Guardian Singapore in Limelight at Community Pharmacist Awards …
Spirit 26
MINDSET Fun Day Promotes Social Inclusion
Jardine Ambassadors Spread Christmas Joy
Cold Storage Sponsors Singapore International Triathlon
Group Companies Aid Philippines Typhoon Victims …
People 32
Dairy Farm Forum Embraces Five-Point Plan
Group Gatherings Mark St Andrew’s Day
Group Corporate Communications Conference Addresses
Social Media
Enterprise at Work … PT United Tractors
At the Centre 2
Group Chairman Welcomes Chengdu
Party Secretary
At the Centre 3
Group Chairman Welcomes Chengdu Party Secretary
Jardine Matheson Group Chairman
Sir Henry Keswick, accompanied by
Director Lord Sassoon and Jardine
Matheson (China) Chairman David
Hsu, hosted a welcome dinner for the
Party Secretary of Chengdu, Huang
Xinchu, and his delegation during their
recent visit to London.
During the dinner, which was held at
Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London
and attended by representatives from
several leading British companies,
Sir Henry outlined the Group’s business
operations in Chengdu, where it has
had a presence since 2000 and is
now one of the largest global foreign
investors. Mr Huang responded by
saying that Chengdu, which is ranked
third of 15 sub provincial cities after
Guangzhou and
Shenzhen and
is to be further
developed into
the core city of the
West, would fully
support Jardines’
future investments
there. He said
that these had
already contributed
to Chengdu’s
development and
set an example to
other UK businesses.
Guests at the dinner hosted by Group Chairman Sir Henry Keswick for the
Party Secretary of Chengdu, Huang Xinchu, and his delegation.
To date, the Group’s investments in
Chengdu include Hongkong Land
joint venture WE City, three Zung
Fu Mercedes-Benz 4S dealerships,
four Mannings stores and Mandarin
Oriental, Chengdu, which is due to
open in 2017.
Photo opposite: Jardine Matheson Group Chairman
Sir Henry Keswick exchanges gifts with the Party
Secretary of Chengdu, Huang Xinchu, during the
welcome dinner.
Asia Pacific Regional Board Meeting Held in Guangzhou
Beginning with a cocktail reception
for participants, Government officials
and local business partners, the
event focused on economic trends
in China and Asia. Guest speakers
included HSBC Group Chief Economist
Stephen King who said that the
emerging economies would continue
to strengthen over the next 40 years
while the developed world was facing
challenges. In particular, the growing
markets of China, India, and Brazil
were likely to see significant increases
in trade as economic borders were
broken down, which would result in an
increasingly large and affluent middle
class emerging in these countries with
purchasing power.
CLSA Consultant Paul McKenzie
also addressed the APRB meeting
on ‘China’s Online Shopping
Juggernaut’, while another highlight
for participants was breakfast at the
Zhudao Guest House hosted by the
Governor of Guangzhou, Zhu Xiaodan.
Front row centre: Jardine Matheson Group Chairman Sir Henry Keswick flanked by, right, Managing Director Ben Keswick and, left, Deputy Managing Director
Adam Keswick and the other participants at the Asia Pacific Regional Board meeting.
Thistle vol.1 2014
The Jardine Matheson Group’s annual
Asia Pacific Regional Board (APRB)
meeting was held in Guangzhou at
the new Mandarin Oriental hotel in
the Tianhe District of the city. The
event brings together Board members,
country heads and chief executives of
the Group’s main listed companies.
Group to Acquire 20% Stake in Zhongsheng
Jardine Strategic Holdings is to
invest US$731 million and acquire
a 20% stake in Hong Kong-listed
Zhongsheng Group Holdings Limited
(Zhongsheng) through an equity stake
and convertible bonds.
Zhongsheng is one of mainland China’s
leading motor dealership groups
operating more than 170 outlets in
over 60 cities across 15 provinces and
regions. The company carries over 15
major marques, including MercedesBenz, Audi, Lexus, Porsche, Jaguar and
Land Rover in the luxury segment and
Toyota, Nissan and Volkswagen in the
mid-to-high-end segment.
Zhongsheng, in
which Jardine
Strategic Holdings
is to acquire a 20%
stake, operates
more than 170
outlets in over 60
cities in mainland
China including
this Mercedes-Benz
4S dealership in
“This long-term strategic investment
provides us with a greater exposure
to the Mainland market in a sector
we understand well and in which we
feel Zhongsheng has the potential
for substantial growth,” said Jardine
Matheson Group Deputy Managing
Director Adam Keswick.
Lord Powell Joins Board of Fudan Business School
Lord Powell and Li Lanqing at the opening ceremony
of the new International Advisory Board of Fudan
University’s Business School.
Matheson & Co Director Lord Powell
has been appointed Deputy Chairman
of the new International Advisory
Board of Fudan University’s Business
School. The President of the Board
is former Chinese Communist Party
Politburo member and Vice-Premier,
Li Lanqing and the Chairman, former
Minister of Education, Chen Zhili. Lord
Powell also chairs the Trustees of
Oxford University’s Business School.
“Fudan University’s business
school is already in the top rank
of China’s business schools,” said
Lord Powell, “and I believe that with
many distinguished business figures
from Hong Kong and Southeast Asia
represented on the International
Advisory Board, the school will
rapidly become a world-class
institution on its magnificent new
site in Shanghai.”
Lord Sassoon Meets Aung San Suu Kyi
Jardine Matheson Group Director Lord Sassoon
met Burmese Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and
politician Aung San Suu Kyi while she was visiting
the United Kingdom.
Lord Sassoon joined other guests who included
Andrew Patrick, British Ambassador to Myanmar,
and Ed Llewellyn, Prime Minister David Cameron’s
Chief of Staff, at a lunch hosted by Professor the
Lord Darzi of Denham and held at Imperial College
in London. Among the subjects discussed was the
work Ms Suu Kyi is leading on the reinvigoration of
Yangon General Hospital.
Centre: Aung San Suu Kyi with guests at the lunch at Imperial College, London.
Jardine Matheson Group Managing
Director Ben Keswick has visited Group
businesses in Myanmar and met with
Government officials and business
leaders to explore opportunities for
future growth. He was accompanied
by Jardine Cycle & Carriage (JC&C)
Executive Director Alex Newbigging
and Jardine Matheson (Myanmar)
Country Chairman Dr Wong Yit Fan.
Among the Group’s business
interests in Myanmar are a new
automotive joint venture established
by JC&C in Yangon, which has
secured the distribution rights
for Mercedes-Benz, Fuso trucks,
Evo buses and Mazda cars. Jardine
Schindler has also been experiencing
rapid growth in the country with the
increase in construction activity.
“As Myanmar develops and
opens up further, it will continue
to offer good opportunities for
Group businesses, which are
well positioned to tap into this
exciting emerging market,” said
Ben Keswick.
At the Centre 5
Group Managing Director Visits Myanmar
Jardine Foundation Admitted to Oxford’s Chancellor’s Court of Benefactors
The Jardine Foundation, represented
by Jardine Matheson Group Director
Lord Sassoon, has been admitted
to The University of Oxford’s most
prestigious donor society, the
Chancellor’s Court of Benefactors.
Founded in 1990 and now with more
than 200 members, the Chancellor’s
Court of Benefactors seeks to honour
and celebrate those friends and
supporters who have significantly
contributed with their philanthropy
to the development and strength
of Oxford.
The ceremony, which took place in
the 17th century Sheldonian Theatre
designed by Sir Christopher Wren,
was conducted by the University’s
Chancellor, Lord Patten. Lord Sassoon
who read Philosophy, Politics and
Economics at Christ Church, Oxford,
was introduced as a new member to
represent a ‘munificent’ organization.
Right: Lord Sassoon with Lord Patten following his
admission to the Chancellor’s Court of Benefactors
at The University of Oxford.
The Jardine Foundation awards full
scholarships to students from the
communities in which the Jardine
Matheson Group operates, principally
East and Southeast Asia, to enable
them to attend selected colleges at
Oxford and Cambridge universities.
It was established in 1982 on the
Group’s 150th anniversary and
seeks to promote the development
of talented individuals with the
potential to make a contribution
to society.
2014 was heralded in Hong Kong with
the traditional Jardines’ Midnight Gun
salute fired by Ms Pheba Li, partner of
Jenkin Hui, non-executive Director of
Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited.
Mr Hui joined the Board as a nonexecutive Director in January 2003. He
is also a director of Hongkong Land,
Jardine Strategic, Central Development
and a number of property and
investment companies.
The traditional ceremony
in Causeway Bay has
been a popular local
event since the Gun
was fired on the first
New Year’s Eve after
the end of World War
II. The event is often
covered as a countdown
to the New Year in
Hong Kong by local and
international media.
Thistle vol.1 2014
Midnight Gun Heralds the New Year
Guangdong Government Delegation in London
Jardine Matheson Group Director Lord Sassoon, in his
capacity as Chairman of the China-Britain Business
Council, hosted a dinner in the United Kingdom for a
visiting senior delegation from Guangdong Province led
by its Governor, Zhu Xiaodan.
The delegation stayed at Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park,
London where they were greeted on arrival by Mandarin
Oriental Director Lord Powell, and later visited by Jardine
Matheson Group Chairman Sir Henry Keswick. Both
Sir Henry and Lord Powell are old acquaintances of
Governor Zhu.
Governor Zhu congratulated Jardines on its large
presence in Guangdong and expressed his hope that the
Group would further expand its activities in the future.
Left: Lord Sassoon and Governor Zhu enjoy their main course on a bench in the
garden of Gray’s Inn after a fire alarm interrupted the China-Britain Business
Council banquet.
PIP Awards 2014 Seek Businesses with Winning Formula
The Pride in Performance (PIP) Awards
Programme 2014 is seeking businesses
with a winning formula, which have
their customers at heart.
In his video introduction to the 2014 PIP Awards (,
Jardine Matheson Group Managing
Director Ben Keswick said that the
Group had a range of market
leading businesses operating
in diverse industry sectors, yet
despite their differences, they had
a number of important things in
common. In particular, they had
their customers at heart. So having
a clear understanding of what drives
customer choice was key.
“Do you know what your customers
really want? And what makes your
business stand out from the crowd,”
Mr Keswick asked. “If you do, then you
probably have a winning formula that
you can share with us.”
Mr Keswick said that the judges of the
2014 PIP Awards would be looking
for successful relationships with
customers across each of the five
categories of ‘Customer Engagement’,
‘Inspiring Talent’, ‘Marketing
Excellence’, ‘Innovative Ideas’, and
‘Superior Growth’.
“In particular, we want to know how
your knowledge and understanding
of your customers has enabled you to
achieve outstanding results,” added
Mr Keswick.
Submissions for this year’s PIP Awards
have already been received and the
category winners will be announced on
10th March 2014.
‘Customer Engagement’ is one of the five categories of the PIP Awards Programme.
The Prime Minister of the United
Kingdom, David Cameron, has laid
the foundation stone for WE City, an
extensive mixed-use project being
developed by Hongkong Land together
with KWG Property Holding Limited in
a prime area of Chengdu, earmarked
as its new financial district.
Strategically located in the Pan Cheng
Gang Area of Jinjiang District, ‘World
Exchange City’, or ‘WE City’ as it is
known, is Hongkong Land’s debut
project in Chengdu and a significant
investment for the group as part of its
long-term strategy of expanding its
footprint across Asia’s prime cities.
It will include high-rise residential
and serviced apartments, a lifestyle
Centre right: UK Prime Minister David Cameron and, left, Jardine Matheson Group Chairman Sir Henry Keswick
unveil the foundation stone for WE City in Chengdu.
shopping mall, office space and a
luxury hotel. The entire development
will cover 1.3 million square metres
with a total investment cost of almost
RMB15 billion (US$2.47 billion). The
project will be developed in phases
with the first 1,400 apartments of
Skyville, the residential element,
scheduled for completion in
“We were honoured to have the Prime
Minister of the United Kingdom at
this milestone event,” said Y K Pang.
“His presence underlines the growing
strategic importance of Southwestern
China, which is also a key focus for
Hongkong Land with almost 70% of
our investments in mainland China
made in this region. Chengdu has
emerged in the last decade as a
powerhouse within China with a
dynamic business and industrial
sector and a reputation as one of the
country’s most livable cities.”
Centre right: UK Prime Minister David Cameron and, left, Jardine Matheson Group Chairman Sir Henry Keswick look at a model of WE City development in
Chengdu. They are accompanied by, from left, Hongkong Land Chief Executive Y K Pang; Jardine Matheson Group Deputy Managing Director Adam Keswick;
Hongkong Land Executive Director, Residential Property, Robert Wong; and KWG Property Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Kong Jian Tao.
Thistle vol.1 2014
Jardine Matheson Group Chairman
Sir Henry Keswick, Deputy Managing
Director Adam Keswick, and Hongkong
Land Chief Executive Y K Pang, along
with Executive Director and Chief
Executive Officer of KWG, Kong Jian
Tao, and executives from several
professional consultants, joined the
British Prime Minister to officiate at
the ceremony.
At the Centre 7
UK Prime Minister Lays Foundation Stone for Hongkong Land Project
Significant Milestones for Hongkong Land
Leadership 9
Significant Milestones for Hongkong Land
Hongkong Land has celebrated three
significant milestones in terms of its
business expansion in Southeast Asia.
In Vietnam, Hongkong Land marked
the 20th anniversary of its entry into
the property industry there with an
event attended by leading members
of the business community, senior
government officials and diplomats.
Hongkong Land recognized the
development potential of Vietnam in
the early 1990s and its joint venture
involvement in Central Building, a
premium office and retail development
in the heart of Hanoi, was one of the
earliest foreign investments in
the Vietnamese office market.
Hongkong Land celebrated the 20th anniversary of its entry
into the Vietnam property market with a cake-cutting ceremony
officiated at by, right, Chief Executive Y K Pang and Hanoi
Federation of Labour Chairman Tran Van Thuc, watched by
Jardine Matheson (Vietnam) Country Chairman Alain Cany.
In Cambodia, Hongkong Land
held the ground breaking
ceremony for LANDMARK Phnom
Penh, a 16-storey office tower
with a four-level luxury retail
podium located in the heart of
the city’s emerging financial
district. The development’s
Grade A office space is expected
to attract leading multinational
and domestic companies, while
the premium shopping element will
also allow global brands and leading
restaurateurs to gain a foothold
in Cambodia.
Another ground breaking ceremony,
this time in Indonesia, marked the
start of construction on World Trade
Centre 3 by PT Jakarta Land, a 50%
joint venture held by Hongkong
Land. At the same time, Jakarta
Land’s Metropolitan Complex has
been renamed World Trade Centre to
capitalize on the strong branding of
the two largest existing buildings,
World Trade Centre 1 & 2.
Photo opposite: Centre right: Jardine Matheson
Group Managing Director Ben Keswick greets Senior
Minister, Ministry of Land Management, Urban
Planning and Construction, His Excellency Im Chhun
Lim at the ground breaking ceremony for Hongkong
Land project LANDMARK, an office and retail
development in the heart of Phnom Penh.
Mandarin Oriental Celebrates 50 Fantastic Years
The evening began with a star-studded
red carpet arrival followed by an
extraordinary outdoor spectacle
featuring a three-dimensional
projection over the façade of Mandarin
Oriental, Hong Kong, which traced the
hotel’s history and beginnings in 1963
and the subsequent development of
MOHG into the global luxury brand
that it is today. Guests were later
treated to live performances by two
of MOHG’s celebrity fans, Hong Kong
actress, singer and songwriter Karen
Mok and legendary musician Bryan
Ferry, and a ‘Dance of Golden Fans’,
choreographed by Willy Tsao and
performed by the City Contemporary
Dance Company. In addition, President
of Christie’s Asia Francois Curiel
auctioned off three prizes, which raised
HK$160,000 for MINDSET as well as
funds for local charities The Hong Kong
Red Cross and Hong Kong Cancer Fund.
As part of the celebrations, Sir Peter
Blake, a leading figure in the art world,
and best known for the iconic album
cover he produced for The Beatles’
Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club
Band, was commissioned to create a
collage to commemorate ‘50 Fantastic
Years’ of hospitality.
Third right: Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group Chief Executive Edouard Ettedgui and, first right,
Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong General Manager Jonas A Schuermann pose with some of the group’s
celebrity fans who attended the 50th anniversary event.
Thistle vol.1 2014
Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group
(MOHG) celebrated the 50th
anniversary of its flagship Hong Kong
property with a glamorous gala party
attended by over 800 celebrities,
dignitaries and society guests from
Hong Kong and around the world.
Grand Opening of IKEA Taichung Store
IKEA Taiwan has opened its fifth and
largest store in Taichung, an event
which attracted more than 10,000
customers within the first hour and
generated over 281 news reports via a
wide range of different media.
IKEA Taichung boasts many firsts. It
has the largest number of showrooms
of IKEA stores in Taiwan, it contains
the biggest market hall area and
it has the biggest IKEA restaurant
in Taiwan, offering traditional
Swedish food. It is also the most
environmentally friendly IKEA store
in Taiwan with planted exterior walls,
solar panels, rainwater
retention, and LED facilities.
The opening ceremony
for the new store, which
was attended by Jardine
Matheson Group Deputy
Managing Director Adam
Keswick, began with a
performance from the local
Taichung Cho-Tian Folk
Drums and Arts Troupe and
continued with IKEA’s logsawing ceremony – a Swedish
opening tradition for IKEA
stores around the world.
Third right: Jardine Matheson Group Deputy Managing Director
Adam Keswick joins other guests in the traditional log-sawing
ceremony at the opening of the IKEA Taichung store.
Jardine Restaurant Group Acquires Another KFC Franchise
Jardine Restaurant Group (JRG) has acquired the KFC
franchise for Hong Kong and Macau.
This new addition to JRG comes with both a committed and
capable leadership team, as well as a clear ambition to
build on an established platform of 60 branches in Hong
Kong and Macau.
First left: KFC Hong Kong and Macau Chief Executive Officer Alan Chan
gives an overview of KFC Hong Kong’s frontline operations to, third
left, Jardine Pacific Managing Director Ben Birks.
“We are eager to grow the presence of this much loved
brand,” said KFC Hong Kong and Macau Chief Executive
Officer Alan Chan. “To do this, we have a simple yet central
focus on making it easier than ever for more people to enjoy
KFC’s great tasting meals.”
Astra Daihatsu Inaugurates Four New Outlets
Astra’s Daihatsu Sales Operation (AI-DSO), the sole distributor of
Daihatsu vehicles in Indonesia, has further enhanced its service to
customers with the simultaneous opening of four Vehicle-Service-Spare
Part (VSP) outlets. This brings the total number of Al-DSO outlets to 206,
comprising 123 in the VSP category and 83 in new vehicle sales only.
The VSP outlets offer a one-stop all-round service, from new vehicle and
accessories purchase to vehicle service and spare parts. The four new
facilities also provide a ‘Super Quick Service’ in less than 59 minutes,
while a body repair service is available at three of them. All four outlets
are equipped with facilities that include an Internet hotspot, kids corner,
and lounge area with touch screen information on Daihatsu.
Astra Daihatsu Pluit is one of four new Vehicle-Service-Spare
Part outlets.
Indonesia, which has the fourth
largest population in the world,
is one of the fastest growing life
insurance markets globally, with low
levels of insurance penetration and a
rapidly expanding middle class.
Subject to regulatory approvals,
Astra Aviva Life will enter into
distribution arrangements with a
number of Astra group companies
including PermataBank. The joint
venture will also offer life insurance
to the wider consumer market
through a variety of digital, agency
and partner channels.
“Astra Aviva Life has the potential
to become a leader in Indonesia,”
said Astra President Director Prijono
Sugiarto. “Leveraging Aviva’s
insurance expertise, Astra Aviva Life
aims to create significant long-term
value for its customers, employees
and stakeholders.”
THACO Launches Latest Kia in Vietnam
The new Kia K3 with its European style and design will be the key model of THACO Kia in Vietnam
over the next three years.
Truong Hai Auto Corporation (THACO),
in which Jardine Cycle & Carriage
holds a 32% interest, has launched
the new Kia K3 at an event held in
the Vietnam National Convention
Center in Hanoi and attended by 380
THACO Kia dealers and patrons, as
well as 120 Vietnam media agencies.
The Kia K3 will be the key model of
THACO Kia over the next three years
following on from the success of the
Kia Cerato and its successor, the
Forte, which was launched in 2011
and is the leading sedan in Vietnam
with more than 12,000 of the cars on
the roads there.
“With its outstanding design, safety
features, advanced facilities and new
technologies, this latest model, the
Kia K3, will affirm THACO Kia’s key
position in the Vietnam automobile
market,” said THACO PC President
and Director of Passenger Car
Division, Bui Kim Kha.
Leadership 11
Astra and Aviva plc (Aviva), the
United Kingdom’s largest insurer,
have signed an agreement to form a
50-50 joint venture, Astra Aviva Life,
to sell and distribute life insurance
products in Indonesia.
Dredgers Contract for
Jardine Shipping Services
Jin Hai 6, one of the two dredgers being handled
by Jardine Shipping Services in the reclamation of
a manmade island near the east side of Hong Kong
International Airport.
Jardine Shipping Services (JSS) has been
awarded a contract from CCCC Guangzhou
Dredging Co Ltd, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of China Communications
Construction Company, for the handling
of two dredgers to be used in the
reclamation of a manmade island near
the east side of Hong Kong International
Airport. The dredgers will carry sand from
mainland China to discharge in Hong Kong
for formation of the island, which will be
one of the connecting points for the Hong
Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge.
The two dredgers will need to transport
more than 10 million metric tonnes of
sand within 16 months. Launched last
year, they feature the latest dredging
technology and are each worth
RMB1 billion (US$164 million).
Meanwhile, JSS Indonesia has been
presented with a special souvenir from
its strategic partner, Trans Asia Lines
(TAL), to mark TAL’s 20th year in the
shipping business. The gift, an engraved
3D laser crystal paperweight, is a token
of appreciation for JSS Indonesia’s
dedicated services to TAL through the
eight years of their partnership, during
which TAL has developed into a globally
recognized shipping company with
diversified business interests.
Thistle vol.1 2014
Astra and Aviva Join Forces to Create Life Insurer
Jardine Schindler Expands in Myanmar
Jardine Schindler has opened a new
office in Yangon as part of its strategy
to consolidate its presence in fast
growing markets.
As a pioneer in the elevator and
escalator industry in Myanmar and
the only market player to operate
directly without the use of agents
and distributors, Myanmar Jardine
Schindler already provides services
to a number of key customers. This
has involved the design, supply,
installation, modernization and
maintenance of elevators and
escalators in many iconic buildings
including the Novotel Hotel, Chatrium
Hotel, Park Royal, Mingalar Mandalay,
and most recently, the Hilton Hotel.
existing branches in Naypyidaw
and Mandalay, will help it to
meet the demands of the recent
national construction boom and
further enhance service levels by
offering a range of state-of-the-art
mobility solutions.
“This major step reflects our long-term
commitment to Myanmar and our
customers as we continue to invest
in our people and services,” said
Myanmar Jardine Schindler General
Manager Willis Phua.
The Jardine Schindler
Group management
team together with
Jardine Matheson
(Myanmar) Country
Chairman Dr Wong
Yit Fan celebrate the
opening of Myanmar
Jardine Schindler’s
new head office
on Parami Road
in Yangon.
The new office will act as a hub
for Myanmar Jardine Schindler’s
expansion and complemented by
JLT Extends Worldwide Presence
Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT) has
further extended its worldwide
presence through several new
acquisitions and mergers.
In London, JLT Re and the reinsurance
business of Towers Watson have
merged, creating a new force in the
international reinsurance market with
combined revenues of £166 million
(US$266 million) and 700 people in
30 locations in 16 countries.
Towers Watson is one of the most
respected names in reinsurance with
a significant presence in the North
American and London markets. The
combined business, currently branded
as JLT Towers Re, provides an excellent
opportunity for JLT to expand its
already renowned platform and to
benefit from considerably enhanced
scale and capability.
In another move in Europe, JLT has
acquired Independent Risk Solutions
(IRS), a marine specialty broker based
in the Netherlands, which will be
rebranded to form part of JLT Specialty.
IRS provides insurance broking
services to a number of Marine and
Energy industries. With a track record
in the placement of a wide range
of high profile projects and annual
programmes, IRS will add to JLT’s
existing strong presence in the Marine
and Energy sectors and in particular
will broaden JLT’s specialty offering in
the Dutch market.
Meanwhile, JLT has strengthened
and diversified its presence in
Taiwan through the acquisition of
ForVision Risk Services Limited, a
leading broker providing insurance,
reinsurance, and risk management
services for companies with local
and international operations. The
business is being combined with JLT’s
existing operations in Taiwan.
“This merger represents another
step in JLT’s strategy of building
out its specialty capabilities and
expanding its international reach
and relevance,” said JLT Asia Chief
Executive Officer Duncan Howorth.
One of the 7-Eleven Hong Kong ‘Let’s eat, everybody!’
posters used in its new branding campaign.
To emphasize to customers that
7-Eleven Hong Kong should be their
preferred ‘ready-to-eat’ destination, a
new branding campaign was launched
spotlighting the latest Japanese and
Korean food offerings available at
7-Eleven stores.
A series of advertisements used the
tagline, ‘Let’s eat, everybody!’ with
television spots featuring three young
and energetic characters taking
food photographs and enjoying
quality Japanese and Korean food at
7-Eleven’s high-top tables.
To sustain the momentum and
awareness created by both the
television and print advertisements,
7-Eleven Hong Kong also ran a photo
contest on social media to engage its
Facebook fans as well as strengthen
the association of quality food with
7-Eleven. It called for ‘yummy eating’
photographs which echoed the theme
of the campaign, and attracted some
1,000 entries. In addition, 7-Eleven
engaged influential food bloggers
and journalists with the Japanese and
Korean food offerings, generating
positive and appreciative comments,
press coverage and food reviews.
Jardine Aviation Services (JAS)
has been appointed to provide
passenger-handling services
for Vietnam Airlines’
passenger flights at Hong
Kong International Airport.
The airline operates 17
passenger flights weekly
between Hong Kong and the
Vietnamese cities of Hanoi
and Ho Chi Minh.
In addition, JAS successfully
handled the inaugural British
Airways London – Hong Kong
flight for its superjumbo A380.
British Airways is the first
airline to operate a non-stop
service between Hong Kong
and Europe using A380 aircraft.
The superjumbo was greeted with a
water salute on arrival at Hong Kong
International Airport.
Leadership 13
New Business for Jardine Aviation Services
Jardine Aviation Services provides ground-handling services
for the British Airways superjumbo A380.
Mercedes-Benz Autohaus First for
Cycle & Carriage Bintang
Cycle & Carriage Bintang (CCB) has
launched its first Mercedes-Benz
Presentation II (MPS II) with Service,
Sales and Spare Parts (3S) Autohaus
in Malaysia in line with its strategic
expansion plan.
which is located in the Glenmarie
area of Selangor, Malaysia, is also
the first in Malaysia to boast a
Mercedes-Benz Tri-Star on the roof
of the building.
The CCB Glenmarie Autohaus
showcases the Mercedes-Benz
Merchandise Corner and a Lifestyle
Concept Store that retails devices
such as headphones and speakers.
The facility can display up to
eight vehicles in the
showroom and has
15 work bays in its
workshop. For added
customer convenience,
the new Autohaus also
offers an exclusive
mezzanine bistro for
customers who wish to
spend their day on the
premises while they
wait for their cars to
Customers are well looked after at the new Mercedes-Benz Autohaus
in Selangor.
be serviced.
This is the tenth Autohaus to be
rolled out by CCB in key locations in
Malaysia, but the first to be built to
the MPS II concept, which features a
new design and layout. The Autohaus,
Thistle vol.1 2014
7-Eleven Hong Kong
Branding Campaign
Boosts Fresh Food Focus
Gammon Construction – Shaping the
Built Environment
Feature 15
Gammon Construction – Shaping the Built Environment
First arriving in 1955 to extend the
runway at Kai Tak Airport, Gammon
Construction has been headquartered
in Hong Kong since 1958. The Jardine
Matheson Group first invested in the
company in 1969 and today Gammon
Construction is jointly owned with
international engineering, construction
and services group Balfour Beatty.
From that initial contract in 1955,
Gammon has grown and developed
to its position today where it delivers
a wide range of civil, building,
foundation, and electrical and
mechanical projects, including design
and build works, in Hong Kong and
Southeast Asia. The group has an
annual turnover of US$1.5 billion and
employs over 8,000 staff.
With consistent emphasis on its
core values of ‘Safety, Integrity and
Excellence’, Gammon is a ‘Contractor
of Choice’ for many and an industry
leader in technical innovation,
sustainable construction and total
solutions, with one of the strongest
technical teams in the region including
the cutting-edge engineering
design team at subsidiary Lambeth
Associates. Many of its projects
are complex, multi-disciplinary and
innovative construction contracts,
which often push the boundaries
of engineering excellence and have
brought many ‘firsts’ to Asia.
Construction Chief Executive Thomas
Ho. “The Roadmap will reflect
these challenges while also being
underpinned by a sixth theme: caring
passionately for our workforce and
our employees, Gammon’s most
valuable asset.”
In 2012, the group launched the
Gammon Sustainability Roadmap
2020, which will give clear focus
to its integral themes of safety,
waste management, responsible
procurement, energy reduction
and leadership in sustainable
construction techniques.
“There has been an influx of exciting
infrastructure projects in Hong Kong,”
said Mr Ho. “The challenges of new
commercial districts, affordable
housing, infrastructure connectivity
with mainland China, land supply and
waste management are providing great
and varied opportunities. At the same
time, there are new opportunities
in other areas of the region where
we have an established presence
such as Macau and Singapore,
as well as in rapidly developing
markets like Vietnam and in other
emerging economies.”
“With energy and climate change
debates increasingly influencing
leadership thinking, we in the
engineering and construction industry
have huge responsibilities to play
in the legacy we leave for future
generations,” explained Gammon
While the last five years have been
turbulent due to the effects of the
global economic downturn, Hong
Kong and the region have been more
resilient than many other parts of
the world.
The MTR Express Rail
Link in West Kowloon,
Hong Kong is a significant
project for Gammon.
Thistle vol.1 2014
Five years after celebrating its
50th anniversary in 2008, Gammon
Construction continues to play a
significant role in shaping the dramatic
skyline of Hong Kong and the built
environment in many other areas of
Southeast Asia.
Building for Tomorrow
Hong Kong’s skyline and infrastructure
owe much to Gammon’s 55-year
presence in the Special Administrative
Region (SAR) as its pre-eminent
contractor. From construction of many
of what were the ‘tallest’ buildings in
their day including in 1972, Connaught
Centre, now Jardine House, Gammon
has been involved in a myriad of
prestigious projects. These range
from new towns, to the MTR system,
various Airport Core Programme and
infrastructure projects, as well as
significant structures such as the
complex of offices for the Hong Kong
Government and Legislative Council,
known collectively as The Tamar
Development Project and already
another iconic Hong Kong landmark.
Most recently, Gammon was awarded
its largest ever solo contract worth
HK$8.66 billion (US$1.12 billion) from
the HKSAR Highways Department for
the design and build of the Southern
Connection Viaduct Section of the Tuen
Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link in Hong Kong.
Gammon joint venture project, the Hong Kong Government headquarters at Tamar, won an award for its
environmental construction practices.
While Gammon’s footprints can now
be found in many countries in Asia,
the company’s focus is still very much
on Hong Kong and in ensuring that it
delivers its order book on time and
on budget.
“One of the most satisfying things
about a business like Gammon in Hong Kong is that you are surrounded
by its wonderful achievements,” said
Jardine Matheson Group Managing
Director Ben Keswick. “You really feel,
sitting in Jardine House that Gammon
was part of Hong Kong’s past, and
looking out on the vast MTR Express Rail
Link site currently under construction, it
will very much be part of its future too.”
Delivering Key Services
To provide full construction solutions
to its clients, Gammon has established
some functions and services in
mainland China with a more cost
efficient operation.
Pristine Steel
The group’s expertise in steel
fabrication dates back to the 1980s
followed by the setting-up of a steel
fabrication department in 2001 and
two fabrication plants, the Gammon
Technology Park at Tseung Kwan
O in Hong Kong and Pristine Metal
Workshop in Dongguan in mainland
China. These multi-million dollar
facilities, supported by state-of-theart technology and equipment, enable
Gammon to take a project from design
through fabrication to build with
unbeatable attention to quality. In
the past five years, the Pristine plant,
which covers over 50,000 square
metres with a main workshop the size
of three football fields, has completed
340 steel projects worth more than
HK$1.2 billion (US$155 million).
Setting the Standards
for Concrete
At Gammon concrete is regarded as
a science and the group is regarded
as an industry leader in concrete
technology. Managed by a Concrete
Technology Department within
Gammon’s Construction Services
Division, technical experts test new
materials and mixes to find specific
Gammon’s steelwork supports some of the
most challenging and inspiring projects in
Hong Kong.
solutions to unique problems. In 2003,
Gammon established its own batching
plant in Hong Kong where it employs
more than 100 workers to service more
than 30 in-house and external sites.
Two giant mixers can produce up to
Feature 17
240 cubic metres of concrete every
hour, enough to fill 34 concrete mixer
trucks to capacity.
Providing Strong Support
partners at every stage of a project.
With Electrical & Mechanical
(E&M), for example, one of the
fastest-growing business units in the
group, the Shenzhen E&M Department
is expanding to provide core
engineering, drawing and technical
support, which will cover all future
Gammon E&M business in Hong Kong
and beyond.
Originally established in 2002 to
provide back-office support for
Gammon Hong Kong, Gammon
Shenzhen now provides frontline
planning, and engineering and
quantity surveying solutions for
all its operations across China and
Southeast Asia.
The 225 engineers, technical,
professional and support staff located
in Shenzhen work closely with both
customers and sub-contracting
Gammon produces high performance ready-mixed concrete including a ‘green’ concrete,
which minimizes its carbon footprint and increases durability.
New Horizons
in the cities and countries where it has
a presence, as well as in the region’s
emerging economies.
In Singapore, Gammon is working
on several new projects including
the construction of three intra-island
cableway stations on Sentosa, the
design and construction of the
Mayflower Station for Thomson Line
and the track system replacement on
the North-South Line railway project.
It pursued its first Public Private
The Institute of Technical Education College West campus in Singapore was Gammon Capital’s first
Public Private Partnership project and won multiple awards for its unique design.
Partnership (PPP) project in Asia in
2008 when it won the contract to
build the new Institute of Technical
Education College West. With a
contract period of 27 years and a
capital value of approximately US$190
million, this was an important step
in Gammon’s strategy of creating
sustainable PPP businesses in
the region.
In Vietnam, where Gammon has had
a presence since 1993, the group
recently formed a strategic partnership
with COFICO, a leading Vietnamese
contractor with an extensive track
record of delivering high quality
projects across the country.
“COFICO and Gammon share common
beliefs and aspirations,” said COFICO
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Le Dang Xu. “Gammon brings their
experience on an international level,
while COFICO complements this with
local experience as a contractor on the
ground in Vietnam.”
Thistle vol.1 2014
While Gammon’s headquarters
has been in Hong Kong for the last
55 years, it has since its earliest
days also extended its reach across
the region and contributed to the
development of Singapore, Macau
and mainland China, as well as spent
periods in Thailand, the Philippines,
Taiwan and Malaysia. Today, Gammon
continues to pursue new opportunities
Innovating for Success
Innovation has always been an integral
element of Gammon Construction’s
growth and success. With its unrivalled
technical expertise, Gammon has
over the years developed innovative
solutions to complex challenges, while
often setting new industry benchmarks
at the same time.
“Innovation is our life-blood. It
is what sets us apart from our
competition, enables us to maintain
our competitiveness in the market,
and explains why we are able to
consistently deliver quality solutions to
our clients,” said Thomas Ho.
One example is Gammon’s application
of Building Information Modelling
(BIM) technology, which can simulate
the construction process digitally. First
used on One Island East in 2006, BIM is
now applied on most Gammon projects
including The Forum in Exchange Square,
OPUS HONG KONG and, currently,
the complex MTR Express Rail Link
project. BIM uses three-dimensional
(3D), real-time, dynamic building
modelling software to produce a range
of benefits. These include increased
productivity in building design and
construction, the avoidance of design
conflicts, the enhancement of safety
standards, and better works planning.
Gammon has one of the largest Virtual
Design & Construction teams in Hong
Kong and Shenzhen and now applies
Building Information Modelling
technology on most projects such as
the Midfield Concourse for Hong Kong
International Airport.
Furthermore, a BIM
collaboration and change
management platform –
i720° – has recently been
developed to integrate
various systems of a
construction project,
which allows users to
make full use of project
information and thereby
realize the full potential of BIM.
Gammon is also one of the first
construction companies in Hong Kong
to adopt 3D printing and scanning
in construction. This enables the
creation of 3D models of complicated
building structures and reduces the
need for reworks, minimizes risk and
improves the efficiency of information
Challenging its staff to think differently
to encourage innovation has been a
part of Gammon’s culture throughout
its history. An annual ‘Innovation
Competition’ encourages technical and
business process improvements. The
Balfour Beatty ‘Chairman’s Graduate
Prize for Innovation’ recognizes
and rewards the contribution that
graduates make to innovation across
the group, while the ‘Innovator of the
Month’ competition established in
2011 aims to promote innovation from
the frontline. Entrants are encouraged
to take pictures with their mobile
phones and submit them, so that even
the smallest innovations can foster a
culture of change.
Moving Towards Sustainable Construction
Gammon was the first construction
company in Hong Kong to publish an
annual sustainability report, which it
has done since 2003. In the decade
since, Gammon has refined and
expanded the framework culminating
in the launch of the Gammon
Sustainability Roadmap 2020 in 2012.
This sets out the path for Gammon to
‘continue to be an industry leader and
an agent for sustainable construction’
and incorporates six themes: Zero
Harm; Use Wisely,
Waste Less; Safe and
Responsible Procurement;
Reducing Energy, Offering
Alternatives; An Energetic
and Caring Workforce; and
Leadership of Sustainable
In 2002, Gammon initiated a
‘workplace without accident or
incident’ campaign followed in 2009
Gammon is an industry leader and innovator in
sustainable construction as showcased with the
first Zero Carbon Building (ZCB) in Hong Kong,
which received recognition for its excellent building
environmental performance.
Feature 19
by the launch of its ‘Zero Harm’
objectives. These form one of the
pillars of the 2020 Roadmap with the
target that Zero Harm is embedded
fully into all of the group’s work and
supply chain.
Gammon has always appreciated the
importance of people development
and training and under the Roadmap
theme of ‘An Energetic and Caring
Workforce’ continues to exceed
industry norms with a combination of
formal corporate education, on-the-job
training and mentoring.
The Gammon Academy, which
was established in 2003, aims to
develop distinctive capabilities in
professionals, while maintaining the
company’s competitive advantages.
It runs more than 150 diversified
training sessions annually, over
90% of them designed, developed
and delivered by experienced
Gammon staff.
disciplines. In order to attract and
prepare prospective engineers,
quantity surveyors and Health
and Safety officers for a career at
Gammon, the group also runs a oneyear development programme for
undergraduates of tertiary institutions
in Hong Kong, Singapore and
mainland China.
A Talent Development Programme
identifies and develops the next
generation of leaders and includes
courses designed to sharpen their
technical know-how,
leadership skills, and
strategic thinking capabilities.
To equip young graduates
with the professional skills
they require to succeed as
engineers, Gammon offers a
three-year graduate training
scheme. For technician/
craft apprentices, Gammon
operates a programme which
To support its ‘Zero Harm’ initiative, Gammon practices
provides comprehensive
company-wide stand-downs where all work is halted to spend
an hour considering and discussing safety issues.
training in a range of
The Way Forward
Increasingly supported by
the back-up services of its
operation in Shenzhen,
Gammon’s goal continues
to be to deliver high quality
innovative solutions and
services to its customers. This
means not only the quality of
its built products and service
outcomes, but also the way
in which they are delivered –
reliably, safely and responsibly.
While wider industry issues such as
workplace safety, maintaining the
necessary front-line skills, accelerating
Gammon’s significant involvement in the West Island Line
includes the construction of several deep tunnels.
the pace of information technology,
reducing waste and driving
efficiencies are ongoing, Thomas Ho
is confident about the future.
“Gammon’s way forward remains
the continual development of
our already substantial in-house
engineering design capability,
the ability to identify and manage
operational and financial risk, and
the development of management
teams that comprise professional
business men and women from
all disciplines in the engineering
spectrum,” he said. “Gammon
has always prided itself on
the imagination, skill and high
standards that it applies to all of its
projects and we will continue to be
an industry leader with the ability to
overcome complex challenges and
set new benchmarks.”
Thistle vol.1 2014
From those small beginnings 55
years ago, Gammon’s contribution
to Hong Kong’s built environment
is evident at every turn. Along
the way, the company has also
delivered high quality projects
in mainland China and
Southeast Asia, and is playing
a role in the development of
the newer emerging markets,
such as Vietnam.
Top Awards for Mandarin Oriental
Performance 21
Top Awards for Mandarin Oriental
Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group
(MOHG) has carried off several top
prizes at the SpaChina Awards while
Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok has
been voted the ‘2013 Best Hotel
in the World’ by readers of The
Times UK. MOHG also received the
2013 International Award at the
prestigious Hong Kong Business
Awards, which were established in
1990 by DHL and the South China
Morning Post to recognize excellent
standards of corporate management
and governance.
At the SpaChina Awards, which
are in their fourth year, Mandarin
Oriental, Hong Kong won the ‘Grand
Jury Award’ and Mandarin Oriental,
Sanya, the ‘Best Destination Spa
of the Year’. In addition, MOHG’s
newest property, Mandarin Oriental,
Guangzhou won ‘Best Spa Design
of the Year’ while The Landmark
Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong
received the award for ‘Best
Treatment of the Year’ for its Bastien
Gonzalez pedicure.
“We are delighted
to have been
honoured again
in the SpaChina
Awards and are
pleased that the
hard work and
consistency of our
spa teams are being
recognized on the
Mainland,” said
MOHG Director of
Spa Andrew Gibson
who was awarded
the accolade of ‘Spa
Innovator of the Year’.
Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok’s award-winning facilities include a butler service.
Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok General
Manager Amanda Hyndman.
Meanwhile, Mandarin Oriental,
Bangkok clinched the ‘2013 Best
Hotel in the World’ award voted
for by readers of The Times for its
‘first-class service, elegant suites and
sumptuous food’.
“This accolade serves to motivate and
encourage our entire team to continue
to strive for the service excellence
for which we are renowned,” said
In its 50th anniversary year, MOHG
was chosen as the recipient of the
Hong Kong Business Awards 2013
International Award on several counts.
These included having achieved
significant increases in revenue
and profitability from successfully
developing new markets overseas,
thereby enhancing Hong Kong’s
international reputation.
Triple Win for Hongkong Land Singapore Joint Venture
Hongkong Land joint venture Marina Bay Financial
Centre and Marina Bay Suites clinched three top
honours at the annual South East Asia (SEA) Property
Awards 2013.
From left: Director of Marketing Communications Lester Lim, Director of Marketing,
Residential Thomas Tan, and Senior Projects Manager Keith Ooi, all of Raffles Quay
Asset Management, the manager for Marina Bay Financial Centre, with the awards.
The awards celebrate the best in the region’s property
sector, recognizing outstanding achievements
in construction, architecture, interior design and
property management services. Nominations are
obtained from the public and industry and are then
judged by a panel of professionals.
Thistle vol.1 2014
Marina Bay Suites was awarded ‘Best Condominium
Development’ in both Singapore and SEA, while
Marina Bay Financial Centre was named ‘Best
Commercial Development’ in SEA.
Industry ‘Oscar’ for
KFC Taiwan
Centre: KFC Taiwan Operations Director Grace
Chiang celebrates the industry ‘Oscar’ win with KFC
Taiwan staff.
For the fourth consecutive year,
KFC Taiwan’s commitment to great
customer service has been recognized
with first prize in the ‘Quick-Service
Restaurant (QSR) Franchisee’ category
of ‘The Front Line Service Research
Report’ produced by Global Views
Monthly. KFC Taiwan is the only
enterprise to have won first prize four
years in a row since the awards were
established 11 years ago.
Regarded as the ‘Oscars’ of the
Retail Service Industry in Taiwan, The
Front Line Service Research Report
involves a rigorous evaluation process
conducted over a six-month period by
internationally qualified investigators,
who as ‘mystery shoppers’ assess
the quality of services of the top 20
service enterprises.
“KFC Taiwan feels honoured to have
received this recognition ahead of
a fiercely competitive field of other
QSR competitors,” said KFC Taiwan
Marketing Director Yvonne Hsieh. “Our
success reflects KFC Taiwan’s enduring
commitment to cultivating a customeroriented staff culture, which cherishes
the value of each member of staff and
the importance of team work.”
Six in a Row for JOS Hong Kong
For the sixth consecutive year,
Jardine OneSolution (JOS) Hong Kong
has been a winner at the SMBWorld
Awards 2013. JOS was awarded the
top slot in the ‘Consulting
& Systems Integration’
category for its outstanding
service in providing IT
solutions and support
to Small and Medium
Enterprises in Hong Kong.
The SMBWorld Awards
recognize the efforts of
vendors and suppliers
in providing quality IT
products and services in
35 award categories. They
are assessed according to
criteria which include price,
scalability and after sales service
and the selection process involves
SMBWorld readers and members of
its supporting organizations.
Right: JOS Senior Manager, Technology Management
& Sustainment, Clement Chiu, accepts the SMBWorld
Award from Hong Kong Legislative Council (Information
Technology Functional Constituency) Member Charles Mok.
Yunnan Airport Services Achieves ISAGO
Yunnan Airport Services (YAS),
a joint venture between Yunnan
Airport Group and Jardine Airport
Services (China), has become the
first ground handling company
in Southwest China and only
the second in mainland China to
achieve International Air Transport
Association (IATA) Safety Audit
for Ground Operations (ISAGO)
YAS began preparation for the
certification audit in 2011 with 218
ISAGO standards checked over a wide
range of aspects, which included
passenger and baggage handling,
safety, security and staff training.
Following this, some 25 checked
items were rectified to meet ISAGO
requirements. In all, the whole process
from start to award of the coveted
ISAGO accreditation took two years.
Second left: Jiang Chao
Lei, Chairman, Yunnan
Airport Services,
receives the ISAGO
certificate from, second
right, Zhang Baojian,
IATA Regional Vice
President, North Asia
watched by, first left,
David Walker, Chief
Executive, Jardine
Aviation and, first right,
Hou Jian Ping, Deputy
Chairman, Yunnan
Airport Group.
Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals
Limited (Hactl) has received two
more accolades.
For the second year in a row, Hactl
was voted ‘Ground Handler of the
Year’ at the Payload Asia Awards
2013. The prestigious annual awards
recognize the air cargo supply chain
organizations that have made a
positive impact on the industry. The
top three finalists in each of the 23
awards categories were selected by
judges who reviewed 80 nominations,
and then voted on by a cast of
nearly 18,000 Payload Asia readers
and customers.
At the Asia Pacific Information and
Communication Technology Alliance
(APICTA) Awards 2013, which recognize
innovative and
creative Information
and Communication
Technology solutions
that contribute to
the economies in the
region, Hactl won the
‘Retail and Supply
Chain Management’
category for its
COSAC-Plus air
cargo management
system. There
Right: Hactl Chief Executive Mark Whitehead with International Air Transport
Association Global Head of Cargo Des Vertannes following the presentation
were 225 entries
of the ‘Ground Handler of the Year’ Award.
from 12 economies
competing for 17 category
continue to invest in innovative
awards and only one winner per
technology and provide the best
category awarded.
ground handling support for all airline
customers, government departments
“As a major air cargo terminal in
and the supply chain community,” said
the world’s busiest hub, Hactl will
Hactl Chief Executive Mark Whitehead.
Performance 23
Accolades for Hactl
Recognition for JEC Achievements in Singapore and the Philippines
In Singapore, Pattabi Raman Jai Sundar
and Shanmugasundaram Karthik of
JEC Singapore’s Facility Management
team have each been awarded a
Certificate of Excellence 2013 by
Raffles Quay Asset Management,
which manages Hongkong Land join
venture developments One Raffles
Quay and Marina Bay Financial
Centre. The annual award is given to
contractors working on site who have
been nominated by colleagues and
managers based on the categories of
service and work attitude, competency
and dependability.
The JEC Philippines team with their merit award certificates for safety.
“These awards highlight the continuing
efforts of JEC in Singapore to promote a
customer-orientated approach as a form
of competitive advantage,” said JEC
Singapore Managing Director Berg Wat.
Meanwhile, a JEC Philippines sewage
treatment plant project in the Libingan
Ng Mga Bayani area has been
recognized for its exceptional safety
record by the Safety Organization of the
Philippines Inc. JEC Philippines received
the ‘Award of Merit’ for achieving
2,311,224 ‘Safe Man-Hours’ without
‘Lost Time Accident’ during a 30-month
period in 2011-2013.
JEC attributes this achievement to the
‘Safety Awareness’ programmes which
it had put in place and its regular safety
sessions with different trades, as well
as the support of management and
the active participation of the whole
project team.
Thistle vol.1 2014
Recent achievements by Jardine
Engineering Corporation (JEC) in
Singapore and the Philippines have
been recognized in the form of awards.
Hongkong Land Legal Services Team Does
it Again
7 Eleven Wins
Prestigious Awards
Hongkong Land’s Legal Services
team has again been recognized
for the high calibre of its legal work
and named ‘Real Estate In-House
Team of the Year’ at the 2013 Asian
Legal Business Hong Kong Law
Awards. This is the sixth time that
Hongkong Land has won the award,
amongst which four were clinched in
consecutive years. In addition, the
Legal Services team was one of the
Dairy Farm’s 7-Eleven operations
in Singapore and Hong Kong have
received several prestigious awards.
finalists in the ‘Innovative In-House
Team of the Year’.
“The Hongkong Land Legal Services
team continues to outperform
the market and it is excellent
that they are again recognized
for their efforts,” said Hongkong
Land Director and Group Counsel
David Lamb.
7-Eleven Singapore received the
‘FLA-Singtel Excellence Award for
International Franchising’ from the
Singapore Franchising and Licensing
Association (FLA), while franchisee
Kelly Chee was named ‘Franchisee of
the Year 2013’.
7-Eleven Hong Kong was awarded
a ‘Gold Award’ and a ‘Joint Energy
Saving Award’ in the ‘CLP GreenPlus
Recognition Awards’ for its
outstanding efforts in energy saving
and carbon footprint reduction.
Sixth right: Hongkong Land Director and Group Counsel David Lamb with his award-winning legal team.
Guardian Singapore in Limelight at Community
Pharmacist Awards
Guardian Singapore has once again
stolen the limelight at the annual
Community Pharmacist Awards,
Key factors that led to 7-Eleven’s
success include the addition of
a sliding door on open-fronted
refrigerators to avoid cool air
escaping and to keep the temperature
consistently low; the installation of
more energy efficient air conditioners;
and lighting sign boards with LED
lights, which burn less energy and
have a longer life.
winning 11 out of 13 awards in the
Health Ambassador Programme.
Centre: Guardian pharmacist Melinda Chiew receives the
Community Pharmacist Award from representatives of the
Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore.
Melinda Chiew, a
Guardian Pharmacist
at Hougang Mall store,
clinched the coveted
‘Community Pharmacist
of the Year Award’ for her
significant contribution
to Guardian and the
Pharmaceutical Society
of Singapore. This was
the fourth consecutive
year that Guardian
had carried off this
esteemed award.
7-Eleven Hong Kong celebrates its success at the
‘CLP GreenPlus Recognition Awards’.
The marketing excellence of Wellcome
Hong Kong and Maxim’s Group
has been recognized with a raft of
new awards.
At Marketing Magazine’s 2013
Marketing Excellence Awards, which
celebrate the best marketing and
communications campaigns across
Hong Kong, Wellcome won a gold
award for ‘Excellence in Out-of-Home
Marketing’ for its ‘Wellcome 68th
Time Tunnel’ in Kowloon Tong. This
celebrated the group’s long history and
heritage in Hong Kong. It also achieved
a silver award for ‘Excellence in Mobile
Marketing’ and two bronze awards.
Maxim’s Group also won numerous
awards at the same event. Its ‘Eat Play
Love’ campaign for its famous snowy
mooncakes carried off a gold award
for ‘Excellence in Retail/Shopper
Marketing’ while ‘My Starbucks
Rewards™’ programme achieved a
gold award in the ‘Excellence in Loyalty
Marketing’ category, and a silver award
for ‘Excellence in Use of Apps’. In
The ‘Wellcome
68th Time Tunnel’
featuring nostalgic
showcased how
Wellcome has
grown together
with Hong Kong
across the
and through
different eras.
addition, Maxim’s Japanese restaurant
chain Genki Sushi won a bronze award
for ‘Excellence in Loyalty Marketing’.
At the separate MOB-EX Awards,
which are also organized by Marketing
Magazine, Genki Sushi won a gold
award and ‘My Starbucks Rewards™’
programme, a silver award, in the
‘Best CRM & Loyalty’ programme,
while Maxim’s Arome Mooncakes
were recognized with a silver
award in the ‘Best Location-Based
Marketing’ category.
At the Hong Kong Management
Association (HKMA)/TVB Awards,
Performance 25
Raft of Awards for Wellcome Hong Kong and Maxim’s Group
which are widely regarded as the
marketing industry’s ‘Oscars’,
Wellcome Hong Kong‘s 2012 marketing
campaign ‘Low Low Price Watcher’
received a merit award while four
people from the Sales & Marketing
Department won individual awards.
With only ten such awards achievable,
this gave Wellcome Hong Kong a clean
sweep and set a record for having
the greatest number of winners
in the same company. Elman Lee
won the Distinguished Marketing
Leadership Award while Janet Lau,
Ivy Sung and Karen Chan each
received an Outstanding Marketing
Professional Award.
Toyota Astra Motor Achieves Top Customer Satisfaction Score
The annual awards are jointly held
by SWA Sembada and FRONTIER.
Together they collaborated with
SWANETWORK, which conducted
research focused on 100 product
categories, including automotive,
involving over 7,500
respondents in six major
Indonesian cities.
“Toyota Astra consistently
puts customer satisfaction
as a top priority through
several programmes under
its ‘Total Best Ownership
Experience’ strategy,”
explained TAM Director
Samuel Manasseh. “Among
these are high standards
of after sales service,
which give our customers a sense of
satisfaction not only at the time of
their Toyota car purchase, but also
after owning and using the vehicle.”
PT Toyota Astra Motor Director Samuel Manasseh receives the three
Indonesian Customer Satisfaction Awards for Toyota’s Avanza, Vios,
and Yaris vehicle models.
Thistle vol.1 2014
Toyota, which is represented in
Indonesia by PT Toyota Astra Motor
(TAM), achieved the highest score on
the customer satisfaction index at the
‘Indonesian Customer Satisfaction
Awards 2013’ with its Avanza, Vios,
and Yaris vehicle models. The Toyota
Avanza scored highest in the ‘MPV’
category for the third consecutive year,
while the Toyota Vios and the Toyota
Yaris carried off the honours in the
‘Middle Class Sedan’ and ‘City Car’
categories respectively.
MINDSET Fun Day Promotes Social Inclusion
Spirit 27
On Mental Health from
the Jardine Ambassadors
MINDSET Fun Day Promotes Social Inclusion
Over 260 participants including 100
staff from across the Jardine Matheson
Group and 115 service users from NonGovernmental Organizations (NGOs)
came together for the annual MINDSET
Fun Day, which was organized by the
Jardine Ambassadors and held at Wu
Kai Sha Youth Village.
Rehabilitation Association, Phoenix
Clubhouse and Richmond Fellowship of
Hong Kong were formed to compete in
group games. Through direct interaction
and communication, participants were
able to learn more about their strengths
and work co-operatively with others to
achieve as a team.
With the objective of promoting social
inclusion and raising awareness on
mental health, 20 teams comprising
a mix of Jardines staff and service
users from Baptist Oi Kwan Social
Service, Caritas Fanling Hostel, Kwai
Chung Hospital, New Life Psychiatric
At the end of the highly successful
event, the top three teams were
presented with prizes by Mandarin
Oriental Hotel Group Sales and
Marketing Director and MINDSET
Steering Committee member
Michael Hobson.
Service users thoroughly enjoyed the MINDSET Fun
Day including the blindfolded bowling game.
The 140 students from the ten schools
joining the first year of the 2013-15
Health in Mind programme have
embarked on various activities as part
of their training to become mental
health advocates.
At a workshop conducted by Senior
Nursing Officer of Kwai Chung
Hospital, Francis Woo, the students
learnt useful skills to help them
communicate with people suffering
or recovered from mental illnesses
as well as important facts on various
mental illnesses. They also toured the
facilities at Kwai Chung psychiatric
hospital, a new experience for all
of them.
Meanwhile, Health in Mind student
advocates in their second year of the
programme attended two thematic
workshops – one on Emotion
Management and the second on
Positive Psychology. Through various
interactive activities, both workshops
aimed to stimulate students’ positive
thinking towards mental health and
provide tips on how to overcome
negative thoughts and emotions.
Rehabilitation Association, Richmond
Fellowship of Hong Kong and the
Society of Rehabilitation and Crime
Prevention to engage in a session of
fun, yet competitive, games.
Another event organized by
Jardine Ambassadors to prompt
sportsmanship and team spirit
involved students forming teams
with service users from Castle
Peak Hospital, New Life Psychiatric
To recognize their hard work and
high level of participation in the first
year of the 2012-14 programme, 120
students were rewarded with a visit to
SuperTerminal One operated by Hong
Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited.
Jardine Ambassadors
and service users
enjoy a fun session
of competitive
games together.
Thistle vol.1 2014
Health in Mind Students Embark on Training
Jardine Ambassadors Spread Christmas Joy
Jardine Ambassadors organized
Christmas parties for users of four
non-governmental organizations
in Hong Kong including designing
interesting games and preparing
delicious food and gifts for
the participants.
The first party for service users from
Caritas Wellness Link – Tsuen Wan
was held at the Excelsior Hotel.
There, guests were joined by Jardine
Matheson Group Managing Director
and MINDSET Chairman Ben Keswick
together with other MINDSET
Steering Committee members and
On a separate day, three further
parties were organized for service
users of The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs
Association of Hong Kong Lok Man
Children Centre, The Mental Health
Association of Hong Kong Lei Cheng
Uk Centre and MINDSET Place.
Service users from
Caritas Wellness
Link – Tsuen Wan
enjoy one of the
games at the
Christmas party held
at the Excelsior Hotel.
“Everyone enjoyed the
games and good food
and loved the gifts,” said
Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs
Association of Hong
Kong Social Worker Wai
Lin Leung. “However,
what really counts is the
warmth and care that the
Jardine Ambassadors show
to our users. We really
appreciate it.”
Children from the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong
Lok Man Children Centre enter into the spirit of the Christmas party
organized for them by Jardine Ambassadors.
MINDSET Challenge 2013 Raises Funds for Rehabilitation Gym
MINDSET Challenge 2013, a major
fundraising event organized by Jardine
Ambassadors in Singapore, raised
S$266,000 (US$210,000) towards the
building of the ‘MINDSET Rehab
Gym’ at the Institute of Mental
Health (IMH). The Rehab Gym will be
fitted out with equipment to enable
patients to perform
a variety of aerobic
and anaerobic
exercises. It will
also incorporate
a group therapycum-sensory
treatment room
for occupational
therapists to
carry out group
and sensory
modulation work
7-Eleven Singapore, winner of the best Rara Team award, receives their hamper
prize from, standing centre, guest-of-honour Professor Fatimah Lateef.
with patients.
The MINDSET Challenge 2013,
which was held at Tower 1 of Marina
Bay Financial Centre, involved
225 participants competing either
individually or in three-member teams
racing up 33 floors to the top of the
building. The event also included
carnival booths and stage performances
by clients of IMH and the Singapore
Association for Mental Health.
Guest-of-Honour at the event, Member
of Parliament and Senior Consultant,
Department of Emergency Medicine,
Associate Professor, Fatimah Lateef,
joined Jardine Matheson Group
senior management led by MINDSET
Singapore Chairman Alex Newbigging
in a mass walk-up Tower 1 towards the
end of the event.
Spirit 29
Maxim’s Donates HK$1 Million to MINDSET
Maxim’s Caterers has donated HK$1 million
(US$129,000) to MINDSET to help it in its efforts to
make a positive and long-lasting impact on raising
the awareness and understanding of mental health
issues in Hong Kong.
At the cheque presentation ceremony, Jardine
Matheson Group Managing Director and MINDSET
Chairman Ben Keswick said how impressed he
was with the continuous support and generous
contributions of Maxim’s Group to the benefit
of those in need, for example, the development
of MINDSET Place and several other community
outreach initiatives.
Jardine Ambassadors attended the cheque presentation by, centre left, Maxim’s
Chairman Michael Wu to Jardine Matheson Group Managing Director and MINDSET
Chairman Ben Keswick, along with Group Corporate Secretary and MINDSET
Governor Neil McNamara, and Maxim’s Executive Director Wilson Wu.
MINDSET Singapore Teams Reach Out to the Community
Jardine Ambassadors from the
Education and Social Enterprise teams
participated in ‘Youth Carnivalesque’,
a mini carnival organized by West Coast
Community Centre Youth Executive
Committee, with the aim of reaching
out to young people living
in the west of Singapore
and raising their awareness
of mental illness.
The Jardine Ambassadors booth at ‘Youth Carnivalesque’ in the west
of Singapore helped to create awareness of MINDSET amongst
local residents.
The Education team
Ambassadors set up a
booth to share information
on MINDSET and played
games with local residents,
which allowed them to
gain more understanding
of MINDSET and mental
illness. MINDSET brochures
and other collateral material were
also handed out. Altogether some 150
residents visited the booth ranging in
age from three to 60 years old.
Meanwhile, the Social Enterprise
team Ambassadors partnered with
the Institute of Mental Health (IMH)
to showcase the talent of IMH clients
via their handicraft products. Items on
sale included pottery, photo-frames,
stationery and ladies’ accessories.
IMH said that it was a good way for
their clients to build up self-esteem and
confidence. The revenue generated was
either given to those involved in making
the products or donated to IMH.
MINDSET Lai See Packet Reflects Festive Wishes
The traditional Chinese drawing of golden mandarin citrus fruits
and the accompanying calligraphy symbolized the sharing of
good fortune and prosperity of both giver and receiver. There was
overwhelming demand from Jardine Matheson Group companies
and colleagues for the special lai see packets.
Thistle vol.1 2014
MINDSET’s ‘lai see’ packet for the Chinese New Year of the
Horse was designed by a member of the New Life Psychiatric
Rehabilitation Association who has recovered from a mental illness.
Cold Storage Sponsors Singapore International Triathlon
For the second year, Cold Storage was the proud title
sponsor of the Singapore International Triathlon. Held over
two days, the annual event attracted approximately 2,700
participants across six categories.
A new category, the ‘Family Relay Challenge’ was introduced
in line with Cold Storage’s philosophy of promoting a
healthy lifestyle for the family and bonding through
exercise. The event also regained its international sanction
from the International Triathlon Union (ITU) and the Asian
Triathlon Confederation and was part of the 2013 ITU Asian
Cup Series, which attracted elite triathletes from around
the world.
Some of the young participants at the Cold Storage Singapore International
Triathlon 2013.
Astra SATU Indonesia Awards for Five Inspiring Young People
Astra has selected five inspiring young
people to be recipients of its SATU
(Astra’s Unified Spirit for) Indonesia
Awards. Now in their fourth year,
awards have been made to a total of
20 young people who are regarded as
having made a difference to the nation.
There were a record number of
applications for the 2013 SATU
Indonesia Awards, 1,606 in all, which
represented a 48% increase over the
previous year. Following a month-long
judging process, which included a visit
from the SATU Indonesia Awards 2013
team in order to verify their activities
on the ground, the successful five
were chosen.
They were Marwan Hakim who
pioneered the establishment of
junior and senior high schools in his
village of Aikperapa; Joko Sulistyo
who worked with local residents to
transform an underground river into
an additional source of water; Rizki
Dwi Rahmawan who encouraged
sugar palm tappers in his village to
meet the demand for crystal sugar in
Europe and now produces ‘SweetJava’,
which is suitable for people with
diabetes; Hardinisa Syamitri who
as the sole paramedic in her district
of West Sumatra, overcame local
resistance to modern medicine and
established a senior citizen club with
the objective, among others, to prevent
degenerative diseases associated with
aging; and Andy Suryansah who as a
graduate in Computer Engineering, was
concerned by mosquitoes in his village
and invented an effective mosquito
destroyer named Falle, which has
subsequently helped to reduce the
number of cases of dengue fever.
At the award presentation night, each of
the five recipients received a cash prize
of IDR55 million (US$4,510) from Astra.
Students from one of the schools built by SATU Indonesia Awards 2013 recipient Marwan Hakim in his
village of Aikperapa in East Lombok.
“All of the winners have produced
amazing work and innovations,
particularly in inspiring their
surrounding communities to achieve
a better life,” said one of the judges,
University of Indonesia Lecturer in
Environmental Studies – Master’s
Degree Programme, Emil Salim. “Let’s
hope that the SATU Indonesia Awards
recipients will inspire the nation’s
younger generation to further excel
despite ongoing hardship.”
Spirit 31
Group Companies Aid Philippines Typhoon Victims
Although no Jardine Distribution, Inc
(JDI) staff were among the more than
5,600 people who lost their lives when
super typhoon Yolanda, the strongest
typhoon in recorded history, wreaked
havoc in the Visayas region of the
Philippines, some were left homeless
and without food and water for days,
and unable to communicate with JDI
head office.
In order to reach its staff and provide
assistance, JDI had to employ various
means including hiring fishing boats
to ferry food and supplies from the
neighbouring islands of Bohol and
Cebu, to staff in Leyte who then used
off-road motorcycles to pass on the
relief items to their other colleagues.
Once affected staff were cared
for, JDI and Jardine Engineering
Corporation colleagues pooled their
resources and combined
them with contributions
received from other
Jardine Matheson Group
Principals, business
partners, and individuals
to help other typhoon
victims too. JDI launched a
programme that included
the distribution of
‘recovery packs’ of hybrid
rice seeds for farmers to
Centre: Farmer Carlos Dacillo, who was made homeless by super
typhoon Yolanda, receives a recovery pack from the Jardine
plant and start rebuilding
Distribution, Inc team.
their livelihoods. It also
provided tents for several public
for those directly affected by the
schools in the region to be used as
catastrophic event.
temporary classrooms.
Dairy Farm’s Hong Kong employees
Meanwhile, Rustan’s Supercenters, also participated in three ‘Dress Jeans
Inc and the Dairy Farm Group each
Days’ organized by the group. These
made donations of Php2.5 million
raised HK$63,605, which was then
(US$56,000) to the Philippines Red
passed on to the Hong Kong Red Cross
Cross to demonstrate their support
to aid its efforts in the affected areas.
IKEA Continues to Support Soft Toys Campaign
improve children’s education through
Save the Children and UNICEF.
As part of the campaign, IKEA Hong
Kong ambassadors visited Romania
while those from Taiwan and Indonesia
visited projects in
Indonesia to see
firsthand how children
are benefiting from
quality education with the
support of funds raised by
the Soft Toy campaign.
Romanian children show off the colouring books presented to them by
IKEA Hong Kong ambassadors.
During the three-day visit
to Romania, the Hong
Kong IKEA ambassadors
saw how Save the
Children Romania, in
partnership with IKEA,
provides pre-school
education for children
from very poor communities, mainly
Roma, and for children with mental
health problems and from abusive
families. Meanwhile, the Taiwan
and Indonesia ambassadors visited
the cities of Bandung and Cimahi in
West Java where the IKEA-supported
projects are focused on children with
disabilities, and met with teachers,
social workers, students and parents.
”Since 2003, the Soft Toys for
Education campaign has donated
€57 million (US$78 million) and
reached more than ten million children
through 90 projects in 46 different
countries. It is truly rewarding for us to
be able to help improve the quality of
life for millions of children who need
it the most,” said IKEA Hong Kong
Marketing Director Janet Lai.
Thistle vol.1 2014
IKEA in Hong Kong, Taiwan and
Indonesia has continued its support
for the IKEA Foundation’s worldwide
annual ‘Soft Toys for Education’
campaign, where for every soft toy that
customers buy, IKEA donates HK$10 to
Dairy Farm Forum Embraces Five-Point Plan
Over 90 participants including
leadership team members, business
heads and senior managers from the
fresh, merchandizing, supply chain,
marketing, finance and IT units
attended the Dairy Farm Forum 2013,
which was held in Seoul.
consumer needs; embrace change;
learn from each other and create
a learning organization; inject a
sense of urgency into the biggest
execution challenges; and build an
organization that matches Dairy
Farm’s ambition for growth.
The programme for the three-day
annual event included store visits
and plenary sessions led by internal
and external speakers with topics
such as brand building, new age
dynamics and opportunities in Asia,
the winning food business formula
and trends and opportunities in
e-Commerce. At the closing session,
Dairy Farm Group Chief Executive
Graham Allan urged participants
to embrace five key principles –
build businesses based on real
During the conference the first
Dairy Farm Awards Ceremony was
held to commend businesses that
excel. The winners were Innovation:
7-Eleven Hong Kong; Building
Brands: Giant Indonesia; Building
Organization Strength: Dairy Farm
Singapore’s Talent Development
Programme; Driving Overall Business
Performance: Wellcome Hong Kong;
and Outstanding Execution: IKEA
Taiwan Taichung Project.
Group Gatherings Mark St Andrew’s Day
The Jardine Matheson Group marked
St Andrew’s Day in the traditional
manner with gatherings in Hong
Kong and Bermuda and the exchange
of greetings in verse between Hong
Kong, Bermuda and Matheson & Co
in London.
At Jardine House in Hong Kong,
friends, members of staff and business
associates gathered in the Penthouse
to partake in the ceremony of ‘testing
the capacity of the wooden spoon’, a
tradition which dates back 77 years
to 1936 in Shanghai. At that time, the
spoon was proven to hold an imperial
quart, then the equivalent of a bottle
of whisky.
In Bermuda, the Group’s celebrations
were attended by Acting Governor
David Arkley and US Consul General
Robert Settje and their
wives. Major Steven
Small, Director of the
Army School of Bagpipe
Music and Highland
Drumming in Edinburgh,
piped in the haggis,
barley bree and wooden
spoon, assisted by Pipe
Major Emeritus David
Frith and Pipe Major Aidan
Second left: Jardine Matheson International Services President
John Lang and his guests, Acting Governor David Arkley and his
Stones of the Bermuda
wife, enjoy the traditional piping at the Group’s St Andrew’s Day
Islands Pipe Band.
celebrations in Bermuda.
People 33
Taiping Rebellion
Challenge for Executive
China Management and Jardine Executive trainees
race with a sedan chair along a Lantau Island beach
during one of their outdoor leadership challenges.
The task of attempting to
re-establish the Jardine Matheson
Group’s presence in Hong Kong as
the Taiping Rebellion was coming
to an end in 1865 was the challenge
set for 16 members of the China
Management Trainee Scheme
(CMTS) and Jardine Executive
Trainee Scheme (JETS) as part of
a three-day outdoor leadership
exercise on Lantau Island.
Accompanied by several senior
executives, the trainees had to
navigate through rough seas,
undertake difficult landings, sleep
rough, build a local network,
acquire gold bullion, repel early
morning attacks from rebels, rescue
members of their party, and race
sedan chairs during the exercise.
“Using the outdoors helps to
accentuate leadership behaviour,
whilst the use of senior executives
as coaches has consistently
proved invaluable in drawing out
the parallels with the corporate
world,” said Group Head of Human
Resources Ritchie Bent.
Thistle vol.1 2014
Dairy Farm Forum Embraces Five-Point Plan
Senior Management Changes
After more than 20 years with Jardine Cycle & Carriage (JC&C),
Cheah Kim Teck has retired as Chief
Executive Officer, Group Motor
Operations and been succeeded
by Haslam Preeston who has been
appointed Regional Managing
Director with responsibility for all of
JC&C’s non-Astra businesses.
Mr Cheah
who played
a significant
role in growing
JC&C’s motor
activities in
Cheah Kim Teck
Malaysia, Vietnam and, more recently,
Myanmar, will stay on at JC&C with
responsibility for developing new
lines of business in the region.
Mr Preeston
joined the Jardine
Matheson Group
in 2001 and was
formerly General
Manager of PT
Jakarta Land.
Haslam Preeston
He has been
succeeded there by Will Bright who has
joined the Group from Hongkong Land’s
Singapore associate, Raffles Quay Asset
Management Ptd Ltd.
At Jardine
(JOS), Steve
Lo is stepping
down as Chief
Executive Officer
to pursue new
Eric van der Hoeven
outside the Group and will be
succeeded by Eric van der Hoeven.
Mr Lo was with the Group for over
32 years, 19 as CEO of JOS, which he
built from its early days as Jardines’
office equipment department into
its current position as the region’s
leading IT product distribution and
services company.
Mr van der
Hoeven joins
JOS from
his previous
position as Chief
Executive of
Jardine Shipping
Calvin Lim
Services (JSS).
He will be succeeded by Calvin Lim,
who joins from Astra, and previously
served as Managing Director of
JSS Singapore.
Group Legal Conference Held in Shanghai
For the first time the Jardine Matheson
Group’s Legal Conference was held
in mainland China, taking place in
the newly opened Mandarin Oriental
Pudong, Shanghai.
More than 90 participants from
across the region gathered for the
two-day event, which began with a
contest to retrace the Group’s history
in Shanghai. This involved visiting
the oldest areas of the city, Yuyuan
and along the Bund, where they were
given quizzes that not only challenged
their intellectual ability, but also their
physical stamina as they dashed
around various checkpoints relating
to Jardines.
The following day included a
presentation by Mike Wellsted and Ali
Chaudhry of Jardine Lloyd Thompson
on insurance and claims, a talk
from Group Chief Representative
in China Adam Williams about the
rule of law in China and its path
to reform, and an introduction to
the Group’s businesses in China
from Chief Representative in
Shanghai, Konrad Shek. Jeremy
Parr and Matthew Middleditch
of international law firm
Linklaters also presented on mergers
and acquisitions.
A highpoint of the conference was
dinner at No 27, The Bund, formerly
the Group’s headquarters in mainland
China. Jardine House, as it was
then known, still retains some of
the original fittings from the 1930s
including the directors’ offices.
Jardine Matheson
Group Legal Conference
participants search
for the location of the
checkpoint in Yuyuan
Garden during the
contest to retrace
the Group’s history
in Shanghai.
designed to raise awareness of how
human resources practices can better
support and sustain the growth of its
businesses in the region.
With strong support from the Group’s
Country Chairman in Vietnam,
Alain Cany, delegates
visited 11 different major
companies in Ho Chi
Minh City, converting the
learning from this into
more than 180 business
improvement initiatives.
The Country Chairmen
of Myanmar and the
Philippines also attended,
as well as various local
Delegates at the Jardine Matheson Group Human Resources
Conference enjoy a visit to Mercedes-Benz Vietnam.
business partners.
Group Corporate Communications Conference
Addresses Social Media
The annual Jardine Matheson
Group Corporate Communications
Conference, which was held at
the Mandarin Oriental, Macau,
addressed issues relating to the
realm of social media and how to use
it to businesses’ advantage.
The two-day event included an
engaging social media seminar hosted by GolinHarris Head of
Digital, Asia, Simon Ruparelia, and
representatives from Google Inc. A presentation by social media
expert Ali Bullock focused on crisis
management and creating positive
customer relationships through
the use of social media platforms
as well as lessons-to-learn from
public relations mishaps. ANZ
Bank Analyst Raymond Yeung
offered an insightful analysis of
the current economic outlook in
Asia and the conference concluded
with a session led by a specialist in
communication styles.
Charles Letts who has died in
Singapore aged 95, was Managing
Director of Southeast Asia trading
company Henry Waugh in the
1950s and oversaw its sale to
Jardine Matheson in 1961. Mr Letts
subsequently became a director of
Jardine Matheson until leaving the
company in 1970. As young executives,
both current Jardine Matheson Group
Chairman Sir Henry Keswick and
Director Simon Keswick worked in
Singapore and what was then Malaya
in the early 1960s for Jardine Waugh,
as it became known, when Charles
Letts was in charge.
According to his obituary in The
Telegraph, during a career spanning
three quarters of a century in Southeast
Asia, Charles Letts played a boardroom
role in some 90 businesses listed on
Asian exchanges, and was one of the
world’s oldest public company directors
when he retired at the end of 2012.
He was a Japanese Prisoner of War
captured in Singapore and then
transported to Thailand to work on
the infamous Burma Railway. It is
also believed that he worked for
British Intelligence.
Although confined to a wheelchair in
his latter years, Mr Letts remained in
daily control of his business portfolio
until shortly before he died. He is
survived by his wife Cecilia Choo and
their daughter, Billie.
Thistle vol.1 2014
Over 180 delegates attended the
annual Jardine Matheson Group
Human Resources Conference, which
was held in Vietnam and had the
theme ‘Building Businesses in the
Southeast Asian companies’. This
was part of a Group-wide initiative
Charles Letts
People 35
Group HR Conference Focuses on Emerging
... PT United Tractors
The ‘Customer
Solution Management’
team at United Tractors
Mining Division.
When United Tractors (UT), Indonesia’s market leader in
heavy equipment and one of Astra’s top revenue and profit
contributors, initiated ‘Customer Solution Management’
(CSM) in its mining division, success was dependent on
teamwork at all levels.
Mining, especially coal mining, accounts for almost 80%
of UT’s business, and the goal of the CSM initiative was
to enhance its performance in this sector while delivering
customized solutions for customers in a structured,
documented, and monitored way.
“We wanted to help our customers to grow through better
business management, strengthened operations and
control,” explained UT Head of Mining Division Eka Prayuda.
“While other solution initiatives tend to focus on solving
specific problems, we wanted our CSM to be more proactive.
We wanted to eliminate the boundaries between us and
our customer companies so that we could work together to
achieve one aim: improved business.”
From the segmentation map created by the core UT team,
two medium-sized mining contractors, Harita Panca Utama
(HPU) and Madhani Talatah Nusantara (MTN), were selected
for implementation of the pilot project.
“Both contractors had a good track record, an excellent
relationship with UT and, most importantly, great prospects
for growth in the future,” said Mr Prayuda.
A cross-division CSM team was formed for each customer
to drive implementation of the initiatives at HPU and
MTN. Both teams comprised all levels, from directors
to staff, from UT’s parts division to its IT division and
covered every necessary angle, from customer vision and
mission statement definition, to strategy formulation,
implementation and review.
Once strategy was defined, the teams moved on to
prioritization of objectives. Team CSM HPU decided to focus
on Operational Excellence, Human Capital Development,
and Health, Safety and Environment Excellence, while team
CSM MTN opted to concentrate on increasing Production,
improving Machine Availability and optimization of its Fleet
Operation. Detailed activity plans were then drawn up for
“There were many challenges along the way, which had
to be overcome – issues such as building trust, sharing
knowledge and managing expectations,” said UT Mining
Division Business Development Manager Dony Prasetyo.
At the end of the first phase of CSM implementation, UT’s
efforts to add value to its customers’ businesses had paid
off with impressive results. Both HPU and MTN experienced
operation and maintenance improvement as well as rapid
business growth. UT also benefitted through sales and
market growth, a stronger relationship with HPU and MTN
and greater customer satisfaction.
“CSM has indeed proved a key strategy for UT in creating
competitive advantage in the current extra-tight market,”
said UT President Director Djoko Pranoto. UT’s vision is to
become a solution driven company and this initiative has
helped us to make CSM an integral core value and put it at
the heart of our group culture.”
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