waterfall - Walker Zanger
waterfall - Walker Zanger
WAT E R FA L L WAT E R FA L L ST ONE M O SAICS Forest Pattern Available Slate Mosaic Styles Shown in Earth Brick Field Small Wallstone* Available Glass and Slate Mosaic Styles Shown in Moss/Oyster/Onyx Blend River Pattern Waterfall M os a ic s t a k e t h eir in s p ir a t ion f r om Fr an k L l o y d W r i g h t’ s di s ti n c ti v e u s e o f n atu r al m ate r i al s . L i k e Wri g h t’s evocative arc h it ec t ur e, W a t er f a ll M os a ic s m e r g e c r i s p, f i n e l y h o n e d s u r f ac e s wi th th e n atu r al c o l o r v ar i ati o n o f sl ate and glass, c r ea t in g a un iq ue " or g a n ic mod e r n " l o o k . W ate r f al l M o s ai c s – o f f e r e d i n a we al th o f r e f i n e d pattern s and colors – w ill ma k e a s t r ik in g a d d it ion to s pac e s de s i g n e d i n a v ar i e ty o f s ty l e s , f r o m A r ts & C r af ts an d m i dcentury moder n t o c on t emp or a r y A s ia n . Mesa Pattern All Waterfall Slate Mosaics are honed, except for the Small Wallstone, which has a cleft finish. *This style is not stocked in all Waterfall colors. Please see walkerzanger.com for details. Left page Weave Pattern in Woodridge with Porto Biege Limestone Slab. scale: 3/16" =1" 1" x 1" Mosaic Rain Pattern walkerzanger.com 23 WAT E R FA L L ST ONE M O SAICS T he marriag e of n a t ur a lly h on ed s la t e a n d i r i de s c e n t g l as s c o n v e y s a u n i qu e o r g an i c o pu l e n c e . C h o o s e f ro m an expansive ar r a y of p a t t er n a n d c olor c ombi n ati o n s to c r e ate be au ti f u l i n te r i o r s i n s pi r e d by n atu r e . 1" x 1" Mosaic Moss/Oyster/Onyx Blend 1" x 1" Mosaic Prairie Tiffany Blend 1" x 1" Mosaic Woodridge Pearl Blend Mesa Pattern Earth/Khaki Blend Mesa Pattern Moss/Oyster/Onyx Blend Mesa Pattern Prairie/Tiffany Blend Mesa Pattern Woodridge/Pearl Blend Rain Pattern Earth/Khaki Blend Rain Pattern Moss/Oyster/Onyx Blend Rain Pattern Prairie/Tiffany Blend Left page Waterfall Rain Field Earth/Khaki Blend Rain Pattern Charcoal/Winter Sky Blend Rain Pattern Woodridge/Pearl Blend Mesa Pattern Charcoal/Winter Sky Blend scale: 3/16" =1" 1" x 1" Mosaic Charcoal/Winter Sky Blend Available Slate and Glass Color Blends 1" x 1" Mosaic Earth/Khaki Blend walkerzanger.com 25 WAT E R FA L L ST ONE M O SAICS Available Honed Slate Colors Charcoal Earth Prairie Woodridge Moss Type of Product Durability/Application Variation Special Notes S T O N E M O S A I C S see last page for key scale: 3/16" =1" W A T E R F A L L Woodridge Heavy Duty Wide Variation Earth and Charcoal Medium Duty Wide Variation Prairie and Moss Light Duty Wide Variation Left page Mesa Pattern, Woodridge/Pearl Blend d r q q • q • walkerzanger.com 27 KE Y TO U S AG E G U I D E ST ONE M O SAICS KEY TO USAGE GUIDE FOR NATURAL STONE PRODUCTS Durability Codes *** Light, Medium and Heavy traffic refer to pedestrian traffic only. If The following codes provide a general guide for the appropriate application stone is to be installed in an area with vehicular traffic, please contact of Walker Zanger stock stone products pictured in this catalogue. Please a Walker Zanger Architectural Sales Representative to inquire about discuss your specific application environment with a sales representative thickness and installation requirements. before finalizing your selections. Variation and Uniformity Codes Light Duty – These stones are suitable for most interior residential uses Natural stones are products of nature, and no two pieces are exactly alike. with the exception of steam showers. They are not generally recommended These codes are intended as a general guide to how much variation in color, for commercial paving applications, but are appropriate for very light use movement and veining can be expected in the stone products that appear in commercial interior vertical applications. this catalogue. Medium Duty – These stones are intended for use in all interior residential Please note: All natural stones have unique natural variations and inclusions applications, including countertops**, patio areas* and flooring. These that are impossible to show in a photograph or sample. For this reason, all stones are also appropriate for many commercial applications such as light stone tile and slabs should be unpacked and inspected prior to installation, traffic*** interior flooring and exterior* and interior vertical applications. as Walker Zanger cannot accept claims for variation in any stone after Heavy Duty – These stones are extremely hard, making them suitable for all light and medium duty applications as well as most interior and exterior* commercial applications. Recommended uses include heavy traffic*** residential and commercial flooring and other areas that require maximum durability. installation. A.Limited Variation – Stones in this category are relatively uniform in background color, veining and movement. B.Moderate Variation – These stones exhibit some variation in background color, veining and movement. Blending these materials during installation Architects and Designers please note: Contact a Walker Zanger Architectural Sales Representative to ensure material suitability before making final specifications for commercial projects. * Some Medium and Heavy Duty stones cannot be used in exterior applications in areas that experience freeze/thaw conditions. Please see specific stone in Usage Guide for this information. ** Some Medium Duty stones may be subject to scratching or etching when used as countertops. Please see note about Stone Countertops is strongly recommended to ensure satisfactory results. C.Wide Variation – Stones in this category exhibit a wide range of variation in color, veining and movement. Blending these materials during installation is required to ensure satisfactory results. D.Antique Variation – These stones are tumbled or otherwise distressed and will exhibit exaggerated color variation, uneven or chipped edges and possible variation in size and thickness. Blending these materials during installation is required to ensure satisfactory results. located in the left column of this page. KEY TO SYMBOLS q Not recommended in areas that experience frequent wet conditions (such as showers), unless sealed as a normal maintenance procedure. If used for shower floors, must include waterproof membrane on substrate prior to tile installation. h May contain areas of open or dry seams that can appear dull in reflective light. This is not a defect, but rather an inherent characteristic of the stone. c Must be installed with water-free epoxy thin-set. Do not use any setting material in which water must be used. r White thin-set or mortar is required. This is the case for all limestones, tumbled stones, “antiqued stones” and light colored marbles. q May be characterized by dry seams, pits, fossils and glass veins. In polished and honed stones, these areas are often filled at the factory. In rustic or tumbled stones as well as with some honed limestones, these are often filled with grout during installation. Whether filled at the factory or during installation, the fill can work its way out of the voids. In these instances, it may be necessary to refill these voids as part of a normal maintenance procedure. d May be used outside in areas that experience freeze/thaw conditions. Contact your Walker Zanger sales representative for installation guidelines. • Not recommended for use in pools, and spas. walkerzanger.com 39
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