UV- ANA1 Spectroscopie Atomique et moléculaire
UV- ANA1 Spectroscopie Atomique et moléculaire
EC- SPECTRO Spectroscopie Atomique et moléculaire Atomic absorption and emission in a flame ICP Atomisation in a flame Introduction Atomic spectroscopy Light : UV/visible Transitions : between atomic electronic levels Ex : sodium Na (Z=11) Electron configuration in the ground state: 1s22s22p63s1 Electron configuration in the 1st excited state : 1s22s22p63p1 Excited state absorption Emission ΔE= E1–E0= hc/ λ Ground state Ephotons and l caracteristic identification and quantification Atomisation in a flame Introduction atomisation Cu, Cu2+, Cu2O Mixture to analyse Cu Gazeous atoms I. The flame 1. Description Combustion reaction : highly exothermic Flame enveloppe Flame cone Burner head 4 Reaction with air of partial combustion products 3 Above the flame cone, partial combustion products formed 2 In the flame cone combustion begins 1 Heating of gas 4 3 2 1 Température the height of the burner in the instrument must be optimized I. The flame 2. Flame temperature fuel oxidant Temperature (K) methane Air Oxygen 2115 3015 propane Air Oxygen 2200 3125 butane Air Oxygen 2175 3175 acetylene Air Oxygen Nitrous oxide 2600 3400 3175 I. The flame 2. Flame temperature Influence of the nature of fuel Influence of the nature of the oxidant Influence of flow CH4(g) + 2 O2(g) = CO2(g) + 2 H2O(g) 2 volumes of dioxygen for one of methane C2H2(g) + 5/2O2(g) = 2 CO2(g) + H2O(g) 2,5 volumes of dioxygen for 1 of acetylene I. The flame 2. Flame temperature If excess of fuel : reducing flame If excess of oxidant : oxydizing flame Flows must be monitored and regulated II. From ions in solution to atoms in flame 1. Nebulisation Principle of pneumatic nebulizer Only 5 –15 % of the nebulised sample reaches the flame II. From ions in solution to atoms in flame 1. Nebulisation Source : Vogel’s II. From ions in solution to atoms in flame 2. Atomisation process Flame Solution to analyse M+ solvated and A- solvated nebulisation M+ solvated and A- solvated MA solide desolvating fusion Each stage includes the risk of interference because phase transfer can be different in calibration standards and samples. Other ways to atomize : Use of a plasma or oven MA liquide Vaporization MA gaz Atomization (+ ionization) M gaz +A gaz II. From ions in solution to atoms in flame 3. Population of electron energy levels in atoms Transitions between the ground state E0 and the most favorable excited state Er Boltzmann (Er E 0 ) exp n0 g0 k T B nr gr n0 is the ground state population nr is the excited state population II. From ions in solution to atoms in flame 3. Population of electron energy levels in atoms élément l en nm E en eV nr/n0 gr/g0 PLASMA 2000 K 2500 K 3000 K 7000K Na 589 2,104 2 9,9.10-6 1,14.10-4 5,83.10-4 6,1.10-2 Ag 382,07 3,778 2 6,03.10-10 4,84.10-8 6,97.10-6 9,1.10-3 Cu 324,75 3,817 2 4,82.10-10 4,04.10-8 6,65.10-7 3,5.10-3 Pb 283,31 4,375 3 2,83.10-11 4,55.10-9 1,34.10-7 2,1.10-3 Zn 213,86 5,795 3 7,45.10-15 6,22.10-12 5,5.10-10 2,0.10-4 Many more atoms are in the ground state than in excited states so absorption has a higher sensitivity compared to emission Flame emission is only used for alkaline and alkaline earth elements (but ICP for many more) III. Flame emission Spectroscopy Determination of alkaline and alkaline earth elements Atom excited in the flame Transition towards the ground state and emission of a photon of resonance wavelength (characteristic of each atom) III. Flame emission Spectroscopy Flame photometer : l III. Flame emission Spectroscopy Application : alkaline and alkaline earth elements Fuel : propane or butane Oxidant : air Moderate flame temperature : - alkaline and alkaline earth elements easily atomized - excited levels easily reached - if too high temperature ionization can occur (Signal decreases) IV. (Flame) Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) Many more determinations possible Based on light absorption phenomenon: Excited state Absorption of a photon of the resonance wavelength Incident radiation (Io) Ground state Transmitted radiation (It) Atoms absorb a part of the incident light The ground state is far more populated than any excited state so absorption technics are more sensitive than emission ones. IV. (Flame) Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) Elements studied with atomic absorption spectroscopy He H Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti Rb Sr Y V Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd Cs Ba La Hf Ta Fr Ra Ac Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg In Sn Sb Te Tl Pb Bi I Xe Po At Rn Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Elements studied with AAS Elements that cannot be studied with AAS Cf Es Fm Md No Lr IV. (Flame) Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) 1.Spectrophotometer Selection of a specific resonance wavelength of the element quantified Burner NNebulisation Sample solution Absorbance : A=log(I0/I) IV. (Flame) Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) 1. Spectrophotometer Fuel-oxidant couples : - mainly acetylene – air - sometimes acetylene-nitrous oxide (N2O) Price = 14000 € IV. (Flame) Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) 1. The spectrophotometer Continuous source Resonance line source : hollow cathode lamp l l l0 Slit width of the monochromator IV. (Flame) Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) 2.Hollow cathode lamps Hollow cathode lamps The cathode contains the element of interest IV. (Flame) Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) 2.Hollow cathode lamp Running principle A high voltage applied across the cathode and the anode ionizes the filling gas The gas ions are accelerated toward the cathode, and upon impact, they expel the cathode material as gas atoms M the collisions between Ar+ and M releases energy used to excite M. The desexcitation of M emits a photon of wavelength characteristic of M IV. (Flame) Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) 3. Variant : GF AAS Graphite Furnace AAS or ET AAS electrothermal AAS Limits of flame atomization : The atoms life time (10-3 - 10-2 secondes) is superior to the time atoms stay in the analysis area of the flame ( 10-5 à 10-4 s) Avantage of oven atomization : Higher residence time Senstivity x 1000 Injection Atomization IV. (Flame) Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) 3. Variant : GF AAS Graphite Furnace AAS or ET AAS electrothermal AAS Temperature program 1- Drying ( 100°C) 2- Ashing ( 400°C) 3- Atomization (2000°C) Pyrolysis (cleaning) (2300°C) Avantages : Inconvénients : Absorbance peak IV. (Flame) Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) 3. Variant : GF AAS Graphite Furnace AAS or ET AAS electrothermal AAS FAA GFAAS Fastness 200 samples/h 30 samples/h Detection limits 0,001-0,02 ppm 0,002-0,01 ppb High sensitivity (*100*1000) Sample type Solution+suspension same + powder (very little or no sample preparation) V. Interferences Real C ≠ measured C Which types ? • Physical interferences • Chemical interferences : chemical reaction in the flame of the analysed atom Mflame = M*flame 2 possibilities : Reaction Ionization formation of a refractory compound MO, MOH, … M+ + e ionisation • Spectral interferences Many informations about analysis conditions are found in handbooks or equipment manufacturers V. Interferences 1. Physical interferences A Cu, Mg 0.01 Aspiration 0.1 1.0 Signal +++ + Solution aqueuse H3PO4 H3PO4 (moL.L-1) low viscosity high viscosity V. Interferences 1. Physical interferences Physical interferences : Effect of viscosity and surface tension of solvent A MeOH H2SO4 H2SO4 or MeOH (%) Aspiration Size of droplets Signal +++ MeOH (h=10-3 Pa.s ) ( g = 22,6 mN/m) (20°C) + Eau (h=0,6.10-3 Pa.s ) ( g = 72 mN/m) V. Interferences 1. Physical interferences Adding an organic solvent modifies : -viscosity -Surface tension (drop size) -flame temperature Ways to suppress physical interferences : -Dilute samples -Samples and standards at the same temperature -Prepare samples and standards in the same mixture of solvent and/or acid (matrix like or matrix matched). V. Interferences 2. Chemical interferences a/ Formation of refractory compounds Influence of PO43- content on calcium determination ([Ca] = cst) A PO43- flame Ca3(PO4)2 Ca (Cl)2 CaO (réfractory) Ca V. Interferences 2. Chemical interferences Formation of refractory compounds A Influence of Aluminium content on magnesium absorbance ([Mg] = constant) [Al] flame Mg +Al+ 2O2 MgAl2O4 (refractory) V. Interferences 2. Chemical interferences a/ Formation of refractory compounds Solutions : -Add a releasing agent as Sr for Mg determination : MgAl2O4+Sr SrAl2O4+ Mg A (l ) Mg Al (10ppm) Sr (50 ppm) Sans Al et Sr Al (10 ppm) [Mg] en ppm 0,2 0,4 0,6 -Modify the matrix: adding of HCl as chloride salts are easier to dissociate. -Modify the flame temperature : mixture N2O / acetylene…ICP… V. Interferences 2. Chemical interferences b/ Ionisation Emission of baryum as a function of potassium content I (1) Ba (2) K Ba2++2eK++e[K] in mg/L 1000 2000 3000 Solution : use of an ionisation buffer (CsCl) I Baryum calibration curves With K (10ppm) and Cs (1000 ppm) With CsCl (1000 ppm) with K (10 ppm) Ba alone [Ba] V. Interferences 2. Chemical interferences c/ standard addition method Some interferences are difficult to overcome even with the previous techniques : matrix effect How to fix the problem ? - if the matrix is known, etalons should be prepared in this matrix (calibration curve procedure) -if the matrix is unknown : standard addition technique Principle : add a same known quantity of sample solution in a range of étalon solutions same matrix V. Interferences 2. Chemical interferences c/ standard addition method If the signal S is in the linear range then S = K(cava/V +civi/V) S extrapolation Confidence interval Vi x0 V cava/V=x V. Interferences 2. Chemical interferences c/ standard addition method Interest: - Check if there are matric effects or not - Correct most interferences Same slope= no matrix effect A Spikes in 1% HCl (case of no matrix effects) External calibration in 1% HCl Spikes in 1% HCl (case of matrix effects) Different slope: matrix effects Cadded V. Interferences 2. Chemical interferences c/ standard addition method Comparison calibration curve method fast: 1 calibration for several samples sample Good precision Low accuracy Standard addition method time consuming :1 calibration per low precision high accuracy V. Interferences 3. Spectral interferences Spectral interferences or background effect: spectral overlap of the analysis line with a molecular band (broad) Spectre d’émission et d’absorption de CaOH Spectres d’absorption de KBr et KI Ex determination of Ba when Ca is present: in the flame Ca(OH) formed absorbs in a molecular band that contains lBa V. Interferences 3. Spectral interferences Element absorption Background absorption wavelength - The absorption(or emission) lines characteristic of the elements are thin - The absorption bands of molecular compounds are wide The background effect is corrected by the instrument - Use of a continuous source (Deuterium correction) - Correction by Zeeman effect 39 V. Interferences 3. Spectral interferences Deuterium correction V. Interferences 3. Spectral interferences Correction using Zeeman effect s0 s- s+ Without magnetic field: A(s0) =AA+BG With magnetic field: A(s0) =BG Evolution of energy levels With the magnetic field, AA occurs at wavelengths outside the slit of the monochromator VI. Elementary analysis using ICP 1. Excitation by plasma source Plasma : cloud of highly ionised gas, composed of ions(1 à 2%) , electrons and neutral atoms VI. Elementary analysis using ICP 2. Associated technics ICP-OES : Inductive Coupling Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy + Simultaneous analysis of several elements Complete atomisation (few chemical interferences) High velocity - Investment + consumables (15L argon/min) Spectral interferences (multicharged excited cations present) ICP–MS : ICP coupled to a mass spectrometer + Simultaneous multielement analysis Excellent detection limits - Maintenance MS and price ICP-MS : Introduction of samples Plasma torch Detection limits for different determination methods : FAA GFAAS ICP-OES ICP-MS As 150 0.05 2 0.0006 Cd 0.8 0.002 0.1 0.00009 Pb 15 0.05 1 0.00004 W 1500 - 1 0.005 Zr 450 - 0.5 0.0003 P 75000 130 4 0.1 S - - 10 28 Data from PERKIN-ELMER in ppb The cost is function of the detection limit : Around 14 000€ for FAA 25 000 € for GFAAS 50 000 € for ICP-AES 120 000 € for ICP-MS Comparison of sensitivities ICP-HRMS ICP-MS ICP-AES GFAAS FAAS Analyse Traces 1 ppq 1 ppt Analyse Majeurs 1 ppb 1 ppm 1,000 ppm 100%