Flame Sauce


Flame Sauce
Presentation du Studio
Flame Sauce is the wild bet of friends/
colleagues/enthusiasts determined to
begin the video game adventure they
were dreaming of, an adventure that only
needed to be realized. Only a few nights
spent reconstructing the whole world
along with almost lethal quantities of
caffeine were enough to help us make up
our minds.
Our passion, even before video games,
is creating innovative projects with a real
identity. That’s what we do best, and
after a few years in the «digital» world,
we learned a thing or two. The creation
of the studio is largely based on our will
to capitalize on these experiences.
As gamers, it is almost 136 years of “high
scores”, smashed gamepads and corrupt
game saves that motivated us to bring
our vision of the game and the gameplay
to other gamers.
The future will tell if we were right about
it, but we are quite confident gamers will
enjoy what we have in store.
In all modesty but with ambition,
The studio : created in 2014 by the
we hope to make Flame Sauce
agencies Ping Pong Graphique and
a studio gamers will appreciate.
Diligence, and with Renaud Collet as
Only the real ones, those who
the main developer.
win by the sweat of their thumbs.
A studio dedicated to mobile games
and forged by games enthusiasts.
Perhaps no revolution in sight, but
video games made to carve smiles on
the most stern faces: a victory in itself.
2013 | Freehandisa | Flash MMORPG | Design & Creation
2010 | Tsaï | Flash MMORPG | Graphic Design & Character Design
It comes and it goes. And it comes. You
get it.
Ping Pong Graphique is a human-sized
creative studio based in Paris. Since 2008,
Ping Pong Graphique works on communication and print projects : visual identity,
press advertising, catalogs, online games,
websites and mobile apps.
Kenzo, L’Andra, Bouygues Immobilier, M6 Mobile,
Rockwool, Veolia, Textuel La Mine etc.
AKA Baptiste Donnet
Originally a print art director, despite some digital infidelities,
I work on the «static» side of graphics and as a backup for
game design. I think I have some good ideas, and I am
rarely wrong. Especially when I’m right.
15 years of experience, 6 of which as a freelancer, and
then as the co-founder of Ping Pong Graphique since 2008.
Studies ? Probably.
• Owned an Amstrad CPC 6128
• Finished Street Fighter 2 with Blanka and Dhalsim
• Know all of the first three generations of Pokemons, and their evolutions.
• Buying the Collector’s Edition of Demon Souls, and hating the game after 15 minutes.
• Playing all of the Pokemon games with a smile on my face
AKA Florent Poultier
Drawing, illustration, graphic novels, animation, sound
design, music... If you think Flame Sauce is distasteful,
it’s all on me and I will whip my ear lobes with nettles.
Beaux-Arts, Estienne School, High Degree in Design, 15
years of experience as artistic director, 1 self-published
graphic novel (Chien Morts, 130 pages), 2 corrosive Trip
Hop albums (Candy Cash, Edition Candy Assault)
• «We Love Cousins» at Katamari Damacy,
and «1 Million Roses» level unlocked at We Love Katamari» (PS2)
• 242 stars in Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 (Wii)
• Missing on tons of game consoles when I was young.
The Good and The Bad. We fired the
A web agency relying on its founders’ 8 years of experience, shared between media agencies and
creative studios. DILIGENCE has
been working for 3 years on digital
production (websites, mobile apps,
videos and marketing media), and
also on consulting for its clients’
communication strategies.
Nissan, Assurland, Les Déménageurs Bretons, Fédération Française de Parachutisme, Antik Batik, DxO,
2006 | DNC Football
Platform game | Design & Creation
2013 | Lesieur + Arthur and the Invisibles | Mini Flash Game | Design & Creation
AKA Gregory Cirou
In charge of the communication of the studio, I work
on all the platforms that will be created to develop
and unite the community around our games. In
short, if nobody hears about Flame Sauce, it’s all on
5 years in media agencies, a Master’s Degree in
Marketing/Communication and a MBA in eBusines.
Co-founder of DILIGENCE in 2011.
• Owned an Amstrad CPC 6128
• Finished Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Famicom)
• Finished all the Metal Slugs in “One Credit” mode
• Buying Shaq Fu
• Playing Shaq Fu
• Sucking at battle games
AKA Mohand Hamladji
The Good or the Bad ? Maybe a little bit of both.
These two sides, quite useful to the agency, give me
the opportunity to put my vision in communication
into practice to (sometimes) hatch out good ideas and
help the technical development. If Flame Sauce fails
to burn, it will also be all on me.
2 years in creative agencies, 2 years as a freelancer
and 1 year in a media agency while/after a Master’s
Degree at Supinfo. Co-founder of DILIGENCE in 2011.
• Saw the special ending of Aladdin (Super Famicom)
• Is an undefeated player at Mario Kart
• Won a fight at least once with Dan at Street Fighter
• Giving up on Tetris because it’s too complex.
2014 | PS4 | Wolfenstein Youtube Game
Flash Development
2013 | PS4 Launch
Flash Development
I grew up with video games, but it is
graphic design that led me to programming and interactivity. Since then, one
obsession : how can I make something
happen when one clicks ? Having
recently found the answer, I logically
became the lead developer of Flame
Sauce. If nothing happens when you
click, then it will be all on me.
Freehandisia, Renault, Orange, Garnier, Cartier,
Piaget, Playstation, Thomson, Sagem, Haribo, Celio,
Nescafé, Biotherm, Canderel, Ebay, Société Générale,
AKA Renaud Collet
10 years as a freelancer Web/Desktop/
Mobile Apps developer (HTML/Javascript/
• Scored a quadruple backflip on
California Games BMX (Master System)
• Finished Tetris
• Own the Atari’s Lynx
• Purchased Hokuto no Ken
at an obscene price (Famicom)
• Played it 2 hours at the most
Bimbos, heavenly sceneries and a plot matching those
of the best Hollywood productions : that’s everything
you won’t find in this game.
Nonetheless, this game has tons of funny aliens
(funnier than the ones in Mars Attacks) as well as
endearing and well-rounded planets. We even added
a layer of puzzle game, which will require some free
neurons and sharp reflexes.
Obnoxious bosses try to invade planets on which
aliens are living, peacefully, enjoying life by eating
potato chips. You hear ? Potato chips !
Help these aliens escape their world in tiny spaceships, but properly. Group them by shape and
color and you will unlock amazing bonuses, before helping them get their revenge on the boss
that tried to kill the mood.
The first galaxy is free, so the cheapest of you will still be able to enjoy the game. Available on
iOS and Android !
16 rue Meslay Paris 3 | (33) 01 43 49 45 04
| www.flamesauce.com | [email protected]