welcome guests! - Trinity Lutheran Freistadt
welcome guests! - Trinity Lutheran Freistadt
WELCOME GUESTS! We are glad you’re here! Here are a few things we thought you would like to know to help you feel at home with us today. When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we do so convinced that Jesus gives us His true body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins. Receiving the Lord’s Supper expresses not only fellowship with the Lord, but also agreement with the teachings of this congregation. Communicant members of LC-MS congregations are always welcome to commune with us. All other guests are kindly asked to speak with the pastor before the service. Thank you for respecting our position of love when it comes to this delicate matter. The offering is an opportunity for our members to support the Lord’s work at Trinity. As our guest, we ask only that you fill out the GUEST side of an attendance card and place that in the offering basket during this time. Restrooms are located in the large room adjacent to the sanctuary. Our ushers will be glad to point you in the proper direction. Hearing Assistance– This facility is equipped with a hearing assistance system. Please ask an Usher for a receiver. Children are always welcome to worship with us. However, for your convenience, a nursery is 1 available for parents with children 3 years old and younger. It is located on the office level in the childcare room on the right. The nursery is staffed during the 9:15am T3-Trinity Time Together & 10:45 am service. Parents may use this room during the 8:00 am service as well, being able to watch the service projected on the TV located in that room. In service to Christ, PASTOR CARL LEHENBAUER PASTOR JOSHUA RUSERT This Week at Trinity Weekly Church Bulletin National Lutheran Schools’ Week SATURDAY (1/23) 8:00 AM– 12:00 PM– Reconnect 5:00 PM– NO SATURDAY WORSHIP WORSHIP ASSISTANT/ USHER/ACOLYTE/NURSERY SCHEDULE January 23 & 24 SUNDAY (1/24) 10:00 AM– Together Service (Gr. 5-8 Sing) NO 5:00 PM or 8:00 AM worship service this weekend 10:00 AM- TRINITY TOGETHER SERVICE Worship Assistants: Jack Wegner, Craig Knueppel, Gary Janetzke and All Available Ushers MONDAY (1/25) 8:00 AM– 3:00 PM– Prayer Vigil 3:15 PM– Hymn Fest Children’s Rehearsal 7:30 PM– Dartball For your convenience, the nursery will be open during the Together Service but will not be staffed. TUESDAY (1/26) 7:30 AM– Men’s Bible Study 7:00 PM– Male Choir January 30 & 31 5:00 PM– Gary Janetzke/Team #2/Nolan Olszewski 8:00 AM– Duane Balsiger, Lou Giza, Gene Ladendorf, Charlie Thon/Team #7/Allison Dulle 10:45 AM– Mike Welter/Team #3/Emily Seeger Organist: Nicholas Liese (5:00) Nicholas Liese (8:00) Nursery– Katie Lehenbauer (9:15) Anna Knueppel (10:45) Birthdays 24th– Carolyn Anderson, Jeanie Brown, Kelly Kasper, Shirley Warren, Janet Ziegler 25th–James Bartlett, Nancy Pietrowiak, Lorrie Riemer, Rochelle Steiner 26th– Dennis Bruss, Steven Dobberfuhl, Henry Friers 27th– Marilyn Spearbraker, Edward Stocks 28th– Alex Boehlke, Greg Ernst, Evan Siodlarz 29th– James Babiasz, Kevin Pipkorn, Peggy Schoessow 30th– Daniel Axtman, Nathan Mudge, Linda Raatz, Michele Zirtzlaff, Chris Pope, Eli Klug Anniversaries WEDNESDAY (1/27) 8:00 AM– Chapel 9:00 AM– Women’s Bible Study 6:30 PM– Epiphany Bible Series (Last one) THURSDAY (1/28) 12:00 PM– Bible Study 6:30 PM– Public School Conf., Handbells, Bible Study 7:30 PM– Mixed Choir FRIDAY (1/29) 8:30 AM– Women in the Word 6:00 PM– S.T.E.M.- (PTL Event) SATURDAY (1/30) 7:00 AM– Men’s Bible Study 8:00 AM– 3:00 PM– Historical Society 5:00 PM– Traditional Worship/C 6:00 PM– Bible Study SUNDAY (1/31) 8:00 AM– Traditional Worship/C 9:00 AM– Blood Pressure Screening/Ask the Doctor 9:15 AM– T3 10:45 AM– Praise Service/C 25th– Brian & Laura Prahl JOIN US NEXT WEEK IN T3—January 31st JANUARY FOOD BARREL ITEMS: Canned Veggies, Fruit Juices in cans or plastic bottles What: T3 All are welcome! Where: School Gym When: Sundays at 9:25 a.m. (fellowship at 9:15 a.m.) The Persistent Widow 2 Parish Staff Senior Pastor Rev. Carl W. Lehenbauer Associate Pastor Rev. Joshua D. Rusert Vicar Aaron Mol Principal Mr. Roger Tessendorf Director of Discipleship Mr. Richard Adams Director of Music Mrs. Marlene Forshee Lay Minister Mr. Gene Kreienbrink I.T. Mr. Joshua Hunholz Ministry Coordinator Mrs. Cindy Mollwitz Director of Athletics Mr. John Saleska School Secretary Mrs. Nancy Dittloff Office Manager Mrs. Lori Scheck Business Manager Mr. Brian Axtman Financial Director Mr. Daniel DeDecker Maintenance Mr. Erick Granke Early Childhood Director Mrs. Catrina Kagerbauer Pre-school Mrs. Stacy Gehrke Kindergarten Mrs. Cindy Putnam 1st Grade Mrs. Susan Ernst 2nd Grade Mrs. Kathy Adams 3rd Grade Mrs. Sarah Knuth 4th Grade Mrs. Nichol Kreger 5th-8th Grade Ms. Rebecca Jahr 5th - 8th Grade Mr. Robert Anderson 5th-8th Science Mrs. Vicki Mokros 5th-8th– Literature/Writing Mrs. Barbara Paape Art Teacher Mr. Joshua Janetzke Support Teacher Mrs. Terry Schoessow Lunch Program Mrs. Eunice Szpiszar Mr. Daniel Szpiszar GROWING IN HIS WORD BIBLE STUDIES Sunday at 9:15am T3 Trinity Time Together-Gym Monday at 6:00pm- (Young Adult Women) Book of Joshua-Germantown Starbucks Tuesday at 7:30am– (Men’s Bible Study) 1st Samuel– Gathering Room Wednesday at 9:00am- (Women’s Bible Study) The Heart of Jesus-Gathering Room Thursday at 12:00pm Things They Didn’t Teach You in Sunday School- Conference Room Thursday at 6:30pm- (Women’s Bible Study) The Bible: Joining Jesus on His MissionConference Rm. Friday at 8:30am (Women’s Bible Study) One Thousand Gifts -Gath. Room Saturday at 7:00am- (Men’s Bible Study) The Book of Job- Music Room Saturday at 6:00pm– After Church The Early Church—Gathering Room TRINITY’S EPIPHANY SERIES CONCLUDES WITH: Trinity’s 12th Annual Epiphany Season Lecture ends next Wednesday, January 27th. This final session, led by Dr. German from Concordia University Wisconsin, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. will focus on: Psalms 110 and 118: The Reign of Christ Part II How does God reign in our daily lives? Fear not...for it is Your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32 Lord Jesus, I praise You for the gift of another day. For Your mercies are new each morning. My eyes are open and my heart is beating. Each of those mean You have a plan for me. This minute. This hour. This day. I don’t know every step of Your plan for today but I know it will be for my good. And I’m confident it will be for Your glory. Will You lead me, Jesus? I need You. Will You order my steps, each one? May Your love flow through me and may I embrace every opportunity to share Your love with others. For these and other blessings we thank You… Amen. The birth of a healthy granddaughter to George & Val Hackbarth The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe. Proverbs 18:10 Dear Father, thank You for being the almighty God who holds the entire world and yet cradles my heart. Today I humbly recognize the need for Your guidance. How I crave Your presence to lead me. Without Your light to shine down, the path is dim and unclear. Without Your voice to order my steps, the journey is confusing and obscure. Show me and those I pray for here the movements to mirror Your will. Reveal the master blueprint as only You can; so that we may boast in Your glory and Your plan. In Your most holy name, Amen. David & Rachel Baker serving in Mongolia; Rev. Eddi & Melissa Hosch serving Peru Our military, serving our country abroad: Sarah Geidel (Reserves), Mark Liedtke (Special Ops), Akan Udoeyop (serving in Iraq), Rebecca Guild (serving in Hawaii), James Hauser (serving in North Carolina) Lynn Hennecke, Aaron Kagerbauer, LaVon Price, Richard Dobberfuhl, Ruby Zimmermann, Ed Bernarde, Peter Kelm, Hertha Bartlett, Jan Bruskewitz, and all others on our hearts who need the power of Your physical and spiritual healing. Charlene Dobberfuhl (having knee surgery) Families of William Pohland and Norbert Going (as they mourn their deaths and rejoice in the eternal life given them through their Savior) Virginia Boehlke (recovering after a fall) David Mueller (father of Ryan Mueller diagnosed with cancer) Coffee and refreshments are provid- JANUARY : Praying for those who are incarcerated ed. A freewill offering will be taken. Lord Jesus I bring ________ to You. Jesus I believe You died for ________. I pray You would exult the power of the cross in his / her life. I pray by Your resurrection that You would cancel his / her debt. Shine Your face on him / her. Help ________ to acknowledge You as Lord and Savior. Use this time in ________’s life to bring him / her to a saving knowledge of You. I invite you into the situation Jesus. I pray Your love and grace will prevail Jesus. Amen. Attendance Last Week 1/16- 5:00– 129 1/17- -8:00- 140 10:45– 119 388 Email: [email protected] Prayer Request Form: www.trinityfreistadt.com Telephone Prayer Chain: 262-242-2045 3 IT’S COLLEGE CARE PACKAGE TIME AGAIN! UPDATE FROM BOARD OF LAY LEADERS Our next college care package will go out on Tuesday, February 16th. Donations will gladly be accepted from now until February 15th! th January 17 Congregational Meeting Results Motion was made to make changes to Bylaw II-4.C. as presented in handout. Motion was seconded and passed on voice vote. Thank you to all who were in attendance. Respectfully submitted, Brian Vorpagel, BLL Secretary These are the items we are in need of: Microwave popcorn Tea Tic-Tacs Chewing gum Hot Chocolate or Cocoa Mix Juice pouches Coffee (packets to make one pot) Assorted Candies Cheese & Cracker or Peanut Butter & Cracker packets Granola Bars Individual sized snack chips Individual sized cookies (like animal crackers or Oreos) BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING Blood pressure screening by parish nurses has been changed to January 31st after the 8 AM service in the library. Or if you wish, we will also take donations of homebaked goods, such as rice crispy bars, cookies, or brownies. Dr. Chris Weber will be available to answer your medical questions. Please bring items to church office by Monday, February 15th. Thank you! 48th Annual 5th/6th Grade—Basketball Tournament Mark your calendars for the 48th Annual 5th/6th Grade Basketball Tournament on Friday, February 12 through Sunday, February 14. Volunteers are needed in many areas. In a few weeks, a sign-up poster will be displayed in the school foyer. Please take a few minutes to read the poster and check the areas in which you would like to help. BAKERS NEEDED– Bakery is needed to sell at the concession stand of the tournament. The home baked goods sell very fast so we need as many bakers as possible. Please bring in your baked goods by the morning of Friday, February 12. Thank you very much! TRINITY TOURNAMENT BOOKLET ADS– The tournament committee is looking for businesses or individuals willing to sponsor an ad in the tournament booklet. Contact Craig Knueppel at 414-418-2377 or email [email protected] for more information if you or someone you know is interested in placing an ad in support of Trinity athletics. Ads are due by January 29th. ANNUAL 8th GRADE SILENT AUCTION– The 8th grade silent auction will be held in conjunction with the basketball tournament. If you or your place of business is able to help by donating some items, or you have a special talent in crafts and would be willing to donate something, it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact an 8th grade student or Bob Anderson at 262-242-2045. 4 Men’s Breakfast Trinity Lutheran Church Freistadt Saturday, February 20, 2016 8:30am to 10:00am Trinity will be celebrating our new organ upgrade with a A Transfiguration Hymn Festival Featuring Dr. John A. Behnke As Guest Organist Sunday, February 7, 2016, 2:00 PM Trinity Lutheran Church, Freistadt This Hymn Fest will include music with our Mixed Choir and a children's choir. Theme: “Courageous I am looking for children aged 9-13 to come sing and play rhythm instruments. We will rehearse on: Leaders” All men are welcome and encouraged to invite friends, family, & co-workers to this exciting and refreshing breakfast atmosphere that will feature: Guest Speaker: Curt Gielow, VP of Administration & Campus Chief Executive at Concordia University in Ann Arbor Michigan— Music Performance: Mike and Emily Krill. The event offers an opportunity for participants to listen, learn, share and grow in the Scripture together and equip men with the tools needed to become courageous leaders. To make sure we have enough food available for those willing to attend, please RSVP and sign up on the board by the gathering room or downstairs by the Church office by February 10, 2016. For more information or to reserve a spot, contact Edet Udoeyop at (414) 628-1459. Seniors of Trinity will have their first meeting of 2016 on Thursday, February 4, at 1:00 p.m. in the Gathering Room. Be a Sweetheart. Bring yourself and a friend. Non-“regulars” are always welcome. Enjoy the fellowship, refreshments, and entertainment (Sheepshead or Dominoes?) A good way to beat cabin fever. Monday, January 25th and February 1st from 2:45-3:15. This will be a fun event, and a chance to lead our congregation in praising our Lord through music. If you have any questions, please contact Marlene Forshee at 262-2422045 or at: [email protected] FIRESIDE CHAT – We would love to chat with you! Pastor Lehenbauer, Rick Adams, Roger Tessendorf, and a representative from the Board of Lay Leaders will be available in the Gathering Room on Tuesday, February 2nd from 6:30-8:00 pm for an informal conversation that can go in any direction you wish to take it. Have some deep theological questions? Come ask them! Curious about how the school year is going? Come and find out! Just want to get to know the leaders in your congregation better? This is your chance! We look forward to an ongoing conversation throughout the year as we grow in God’s Word, serve in His world, and join in His mission… together! IMMEDIATE OPENING IN TRINITY’S EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER -Trinity ECC is looking for an energetic individual who enjoys working with young children to fill our 3-4 year old room Assistant Teacher position. Monday - Friday 2:00 - 6:00pm (up to 20 hours per week). A perfect position for high school and college students! For more information please visit: http://www.trinityfreistadt.com/ Child-Care/Employment.htm 5 Lutheran schools demonstrate life together every school day. Students, faculty, staff, parents, congregation members and other ministry partners gather in the name of the One who brings us together, Jesus. We are together because Jesus gave His life and is alive again! Trinity Lutheran– Freistadt Church, School and Child Care 10729 W. Freistadt Road, Mequon, WI 53097 Church & School: 262-242-2045 Website: trinityfreistadt.com Email: [email protected]
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