Now is the last chance to spend your French francs
Now is the last chance to spend your French francs
The Triumph of Love (Locks) Paris is known the world over as the 'City of Love' and lovestruck couples have found a new way to display their affection in a phenomenon that is sweeping across bridges >> Page10 around the world... love locks. February 2012 Issue #28 Now is the last chance to spend your French francs ♦ The franc was first introduced in 1360 to pay for the king's ransom. ♦ Decimalised in 1795, it remained the country's currency until 2002. ♦ The deadline for exchanging old franc notes is February 17th 2012. their face value in Euros based on the same fixed rate of 1 EUR = 6.55957 FRF that was used when the European currency was first introduced 10 years ago, i.e. €3.05 for a 20 franc note, €7.62 for a 50 franc note and €15.24 for a 100 franc note etc. Experts are advising, however, that if you have a pristine note, its value will triple over the next 5 years as a collectable, so it may be worth holding on to. It is difficult to estimate how many francs are still in circulation, but the Banque de France puts the figure at about the equivalent of €600 million, or nearly 4 billion French francs! Although the number of people cashing in the old currency has risen by a factor of 5 this year, there has not been the rush expected by many, >> continued on page 3 Brive and Limoges rugby clubs to merge? An historic merger could be on the cards, creating France's first rugby franchise >> Page 5 Free enters French mobile market For just €19.99/month for an all inclusive package with calls to 40 countries, Free has shaken up the mobile market >> Page 6 Nudist appears on La Redoute website The French retailer apologises for featuring a naked man in its childrensware collection >> Page 9 © 2006 - Remibetin (WikiCommons) I f you believe everything that you read in the papers, the Euro may be heading the way of the dodo and the French franc could be on its way back. This is probably still very unlikely, but even if the franc did make a comeback, ‘old’ French francs will be no good to you… in fact, they will cease to be valid currency on February 17th. Anyone with a stash of old notes from some long forgotten holiday had better clean out the loft and cash in their francs before it is too late. A decade after France adopted the Euro, the Banque de France will stop exchanging old notes for Euros later this month. After this time, they will become little more than collector's items. All the notes can be exchanged for INSIDE > > > Ryanair announces plans to charge up to €100 per bag in the height of summer >> Page 6 Your indispensible guide to the region's Businesses >> Centre Pages FEBRUARY 2012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 2 ♦ IN THIS EDITION Welcome to F The Bugle ebruary is already upon us and spring is just around the corner. I love this time of year as it feels like we're through the worst of winter and a long summer lies ahead. In reality, I don’t mind winter at all (apart from the occasional massive snowfall) and summer either disappoints or is too hot for my liking. BBQ season always makes up for that, though. I remember two or three years ago we had an unusually hot day in February and I got straight on the phone and rounded up some friends for a BBQ. When people started arriving at just after 4pm the sun was already on the way down, by 5pm the light was fading and the mercury plummeting and by 6pm I was alone in the garden in a coat, keeping close to the coals to keep warm while I finished off the meat. Still, it was a lot of fun and psychologically it was good to feel like winter was starting to break. Although that reminds me, I still don’t have enough chairs for indoor parties!! Every year, just after New Year, the BBC trots out the same story about it being the ‘most depressing day of the year’. I believe that it is the first working Monday after New Year. It is a bit of a lazy story, but an interesting idea nonetheless: that for things to get better, they first have to hit the bottom. The shortest days are behind us (as is the expense of Christmas), the warmer weather is all ahead and we can start planning for a prosperous new year. I wonder if this analogy can be applied to the current economic crisis. There have been several false dawns over the last 12 months, only for the situation to apparently get even worse. I was reading back through some of our earlier editions recently (I can’t believe that I have already produced 28 of these!!) and in one I talked of the ‘difficult economic climate’ we were in… that was over 2 years ago now!! One of our main stories this month is the disappearance of the French franc, which is set to finally become obsolete 10 years after the introduction of the Euro. It seems barely conceivable that the Euro could fail and a ‘new’ franc be re-introduced, although there are more and more voices suggesting that this is not totally unrealistic if things do not improve soon. I can’t see it happening. Much like West Ham in the Premiership, the Euro is ‘too big to go down’ (yes, I know we got relegated, but we’ll be back up this season!) The pressure is on me in the coming months, and no, not just because the paper is getting bigger and better and attracting more and more interest (which it is – did anyone see us on French television again the other day!?!). Rather, the current pressure comes from Birthday Season. We have a birthday in my house in January, February, March and April, and unfortunately, only one of those is mine. Throw in a Valentine’s day and after an underwhelming effort at Christmas, I have plenty of opportunities ahead to disappoint!! I don’t really buy into gender stereotypes, but I am a typical man sometimes. So if anyone can suggest any spontaneous, lavish and romantic gestures (that are cheap and planned in advance with military precision) I would be more than grateful to hear them. We have a very weird story this month about Mitt Romney, one of the Republican candidates in the US presidential race (in fact we also have the La Redoute nudist, so that’s two pretty weird stories - see page 9 for both). He has come under a well funded, highly orchestrated smear campaign accusing him of ‘being French’. And not in a tongue-in-cheek, light parody kind of a way - this is ‘French’ in the properly pejorative sense. Like most, I have heard the stories about French fries being renamed freedom fries in the wake of the Iraq invasion, but I had no idea that the American distrust of the French ran so deep that it could be used as a valid basis for a character attack. Interestingly, I believe that in the Primary after his opponent ran this campaign, Mr Romney did not win for the first time. I don’t follow American politics that closely, so this could of course be a coincidence. Perhaps our American readers could shed some light on this? Until next month. Steve Martindale Editor INSIDE this edition 1 & 3-5 Local News 6-9 National News 10 Feature 11-13 French Life 14 Bilingual Page 15 Letters to the Editor 16-17 Classifieds 18 Clubs & Associations 19 Notice Board 20 What's On B1-B7 Business Directory B8 Games CONTACT us Tel: General: [email protected] Advertising: [email protected] Subscriptions: [email protected] Write to: The Bugle Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France leading the way in the money circuit VIP invitation We’d love you to be part of an exciting FREE event on the expat calendar in March. Le Tour de Finance is the premier event for expats looking for information on a range of different financial products and services from investments to pensions, healthcare to international transfers and banking to taxation. You can find out everything you need to know about the different tax laws, expat regulations and how to make the most of your money, while chatting to like-minded people from your area over lunch and refreshments. • Free entry from 9:30am–2.30pm • Free expert seminars • Free buffet lunch and refreshments If you’d like more information or you’re able to attend please email: [email protected] or call Pippa Maile on +33 (0) 489 829 206 or mobile +33 (0) 672 096 495. We will email you the full agenda and directions to your local event. Dates & Venues Mon 19th March The Best Western Dinan Jerzual, 26 Quai des Talards Dinan Port, 22100 Lanvally Tues 20th March Abbaye de Fontevraud BP 24, 49590 Fontevraud l’Abbaye Wed 21st March Le Relais du bois, Saint Georges Le Piner, 132 Cours Genet 17100 Saintes Thur 22nd March Château Lacan Rue Jean Macé 19100 Brive-la-Gaillarde In association with: More sponsors will be attending and speaking on the day ○ THE BUGLE ○ FEBRUARY 2012 LOCAL NEWS ♦ 3 Surgical first at CHU Limoges Au revoir French franc In a European first, surgeons at Limoges' CHU hospital have carried out a major operation on a newborn baby using robotassisted surgery. >> continued from pg 1 which means that a large proportion of those 4 billion francs will turn into worthless paper in a few weeks' time. Some local entrepreneurs have again started accepting the old money in an attempt to drum up new business. It is not always that straightforward to exchange the money for Euros through the banks, or may involve a long journey, so plenty of people see old stashes of francs as ‘free’ money and will spend them where they can. In the Limousin, the only official place where the currency can be exchanged is the Banque de France in Limoges, although some trésors publiques in Creuse and Corrèze will also apparently take them if the amounts are small. You will usually need a piece of identity and to be able to explain how you came about the money (if the amount is particularly large). ■ Did you know...? The first ever French franc – the “franc à cheval” – was issued in 1360. These gold coins were struck during the Hundred Years’ War to pay for the liberation of King Jean le Bon, who had been captured by the English. The name “franc” was chosen to signify that “le roi est franc des Anglais”, in other words ‘free’ from the English. S urgeons at the Centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU) in Limoges have carried out a European first by performing a robot-assisted operation on a newborn baby. When baby Louise was born at a healthy 3.2kg, her parents had every reason to celebrate, but their joy soon turned to despair when it emerged that Louise had a rare throat complication, a congenital problem undetectable before birth. “The trachea of the baby was directly connected to the stomach”, explained Professor Fourcade, in charge of paediatric surgery at the CHU. “In this case, the stomach fills with air, the infant inhales its own saliva and you need to act very quickly.” This intervention normally involves open surgery, with all the associated complications of anaesthesia, scarring and pain. “At the CHU paediatric department, we have three years’ of experience with surgical robots, although up until now we had never used the technology on a newborn with this kind of problem as they are usually too small. But, as it happened, Louise was a very healthy weight - over 3 kilos - and we felt that this remote surgery was a viable alternative. Particularly because this process allows us to perform a much more delicate suturing, using thread the width of a hair.” In these cases, surgery is required within 24 hours and Ameublement Décoration Antiquités Mode Cadeaux Accessoires Trouvez des trésors uniques et irrésistibles Free range rare breed pork locally produced by Steve and Moira Coleman FIND US AT THE FOLLOWING LOCAL MARKETS Saint-Sevère-sur-Indre - Wednesdays Boussac - Thursdays (by Tourist Office) Châteaumeillant - Fridays (centre of market) La Châtre - Saturdays (top end, near florist) web: email: [email protected] For more information or to reserve your order. Tel: (evenings are best) La Tuilerie, 36160 LIGNEROLLES (at the crossroads) Our breeding stock are pedigree Saddleback and Berkshire pigs, registered with the British Rare Breeds Society. SIRET: 508 166 642 00019 A vast range of designer home decor to suit all styles Classic – Country – Contemporary New stock arriving continuously brands including: Miss Selfridge, New Look, Next, Monsoon, Marks & Spencer and many more! 3 Ave. Gay Lussac 87200 St Junien T: +33 (0)5 55 79 57 60 Open: Wednesday – Saturday 10am – 7pm Sunday 12 midday – 6pm Closed Monday & Tuesday by chance there were no robotassisted surgeries scheduled for the following day. “We warned the parents, who were still in shock from the news, what we were planning in the knowledge that we could always fall back on the ‘classic’ method at any time.” The surgery went well and Louise has recently been allowed to return home with her proud parents. Doctors at the CHU have indicated that they will now be able to use this type of intervention as standard on newborn babies weighing more than 3kg. ■ FEBRUARY 2012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 4 ♦ LOCAL NEWS H2 0 Creuse HEATING & PLUMBING ENGINEER All forms of heating work undertaken: gas, oil & wood Qualigaz certificates arranged Winterising of heating & plumbing systems Kitchens & bathrooms fitted and tiled Swimming pool maintenance. Advice given Jason Green: Email: [email protected] Siret no: 487 425 639 00027 TVA No: FR86487425639 It’s official! Fashion retailer Zara will be opening a new store at 15, rue du Consulat in the region’s capital, Limoges, this autumn. The news, which has been an open secret for some time, has been welcomed by many of the city’s retailers who feel that the recently opened Family Village retail park on Limoges’ northern outskirts has drawn shoppers away from the city centre. Spanish retailer Zara is a popular chain in France and will provide a welcome boost to local businesses in terms of attracting shoppers into the centre of Limoges. Some have voiced their concern about the impact the renovations, which have already begun, will have on the building and surrounding area. The project’s architect, however, has assured the association Renaissance du Vieux Limoges that the façade of the building, dating from 1668, will not be damaged in the work. Limoges-based shoe manufacturer Weston is celebrating. Not only has it reached its 120 th anniversary, but it has also welcomed the news that a Chinese court has sentenced the two owners of a factory producing counterfeit copies of its footwear to prison. The high-end shoemaker has aggressively pursued counterfeiters in recent years as it looks to protect its brand. The Chinese factory in question, which was closed down in December 2010, was at one point churning out 300 cheap imitations of the famous shoes per week. With prison terms of three years each for the two owners, as well as fines of €22,000 and €30,000, Weston hopes that this will send out a clear message to other counterfeiters. “We are engaged in combating this with a team of specialists using a worldwide network of contacts”, explained Eric Vallat, chief executive of Weston. “To see our efforts rewarded in this way is extremely satisfying.” © 2009 - Colin-47 (Flickr) Weston celebrates Zara officially announces new Chinese conviction store in Limoges 2011 warmest year on record 2 011 has now officially gone down in the record books as one of the hottest years ever, both in the Limousin and across France as a whole. After a 2010 that was one of the coldest in recent decades, the unseasonably warm weather throughout 2011 was in stark contrast to the previous year. On a national level, the average temperature across France in 2011 was 13.6°C, François Gourand told news agency AFP, making it the warmest year since 1900 and 0.2°C warmer than the previous hottest year on record, 2003. Last year's spring was particularly warm, with temperatures an average 4.0°C warmer across the country in April than the norm (according to Météo France, the “norm” is the average temperature from 1971 to 2000). As well as being exceptionally dry, a fact that caused havoc to farmers and gardeners alike, 2011 was the warmest since 1939 in the Limousin. Ironically, one of only two months with temperatures lower than the monthly average was July (the other being January), which hit certain areas of the tourist industry hard. The start of January in the Limousin showed no sign of what was to come. The coldest day of the year was registered on the 4th January when the mercury dropped to – 6.3°C at the weather station at LimogesBellegarde. But the south-west of France soon began seeing warmer temperatures, with a high of 13.4°C recorded in Limoges later in the month. As a whole, January came in just below the norm, but the warm weather at the end of the month continued into spring, which also saw a lack of rain – only 7mm of rain fell on the Haute-Vienne in April! In June the weather became even more erratic, with temperatures of 5.8°C on the 1st and the year’s hottest day of 35.7°C recorded on the 27th. As schools broke up in July and many businesses geared up for the tourist season, the crazy weather continued, with the temperature on July 24th dropping as low as 9.6°C at Limoges and a monthly rainfall 41% above usual levels. The rain then continued into August, which saw an increase of 75% over seasonal norms as well as relatively cool temperatures. Autumn, like spring, was unusually mild, culminating in the warmest November in over 100 years. The rains came back with a vengeance in December, however, with twice the expected rain seen across the region. That was not enough to replenish the water table after the ‘drought’ conditions of early 2011 and it remains to be seen what this will mean for 2012. On a global level, the World Meteorological Organisation said at the end of November that 2011 was at that point the “10th warmest year at a global level” since records began in 1850. Moreover, the world's 13 hottest years since records began are all from the last 15 years, the UN weather organisation said, highlighting growing concerns about the trend of global warming. ■ Property Sales in France Your helping RED UC Situated in a quiet hamlet close to St Junien, large barn & small cottage with attached garden. Plot size 1005m².Valid C U, ready for conversion & renovation. Ref: BH1003 Price 33 500€ ED Close to the popular tourtist area of the Haute Charente Lakes, 2 recently renovated houses & a further house to renovate, all houses have attached gardens, also included in the sale are 2 barns, 1 with good sized workshop. Plot size 2421m². DPE F&A. Ref: BH1027 - Price 199 000€ hand in france Helping you to find your home in France from your initial visit through to completion of the sale and beyond, we are only a phone call away..... Bev Hughes - St Junien area: 0033 (0)545 303592 [email protected] Cathe Bower - Montmorillon area: 0033 (0)549 483774 [email protected] John Norton - Bellac area: 0033 (0)555 600479 [email protected] Jenny Westcott - Ruffec area: 0033 (0)549 072976 [email protected] ○ THE BUGLE ○ FEBRUARY 2012 LOCAL NEWS ♦ 5 Brive and Limoges to form France's first regional rugby franchise? O n the one hand, we have a club struggling to make ends meet in the top flight of French rugby, with a relatively small stadium and poor attendance. On the other, a club only 96 kilometres away that will soon boast a 20,000 seat stadium, that has a larger potential pool of supporters, but no top-flight team. The solution is simple on paper: combine the two clubs of Brive and Limoges to create France’s first regional rugby franchise. The idea is not new - it was first proposed over a year ago - but support for the groundbreaking merger seems to be gaining momentum and a decision does not appear to be far off. Were a deal to be struck, a regional ‘Limousin’ franchise would be born, much along the same lines as the 4 ‘provincial’ sides of Ireland and the top-flight franchises that now exist in Wales and in the southern hemisphere Super 15. Many see this as the future for French rugby, but others say that smaller clubs with long and proud histories will simply be swallowed up and consigned to the history books. Brive are relatively small fish in France’s top echelon of rugby – the Top 14. With a budget of only €13.7 million, they have the third smallest spending power of teams in that league. That they have survived this long amongst the other elite clubs is largely due to their successful corporate sponsorship – they receive 54% of their budget from corporate advertising revenue compared to the league average of 42%. Unlike other clubs, they cannot rely on gate receipts. In the first half of this season, Brive has had an average attendance of just 9,235 supporters, behind even Lyon and Bordeaux, the two promoted sides who have since moved their home games away from their usual grounds. Limoges, on the other © 2008 - Taneroa (Flickr) With Brive struggling financially in the Top 14 and Limoges' lower league side unable to fill its impressive stadium, the Limousin could be about to see the first regional franchise in France, in what some are saying is the future for French rugby. hand, has a 14,000 seat stadium, soon to become 20,000 seats, but only has a team languishing in the lower leagues and a meagre budget of €1.4 million. What it does have is many more potential supporters than the relatively sparsely populated area around Brive. Montpellier, for example, has a larger population than the whole of Corrèze. When Limoges was promoted briefly to France’s second tier, it saw crowds of 3,000, comparable to the city’s basketball team, and attracted 4,740 supporters when it hosted Toulon, a figure that suggests there is a demand for high quality rugby in the region’s capital. The general feeling among former players and coaches is that the merger would be beneficial for the region and the idea has broad support, although most are keen to emphasise that it is equally important at the same time to focus on the smaller clubs and grass-roots rugby. No official announcement has been made, but rugby enthusiasts in the Limousin and further afield will be waiting with baited breath to see what lies ahead for the region’s rugby. ■ Little change in road death figures for 2011 Road deaths across the Haute-Vienne were stable in 2011, with 19 fatalities recorded, the same as the previous year, although three of these deaths came in December. The figures largely follow national trends, as the government battles to reduce the number of fatalities on the country's roads. All three December deaths were the result of alcohol and excessive speed. Over the whole year, there were 532 road injuries in the Haute-Vienne in 2011, down from 715 the previous year, 149 of which required hospitalisation, also down from 179 in 2010. Creuse fared marginally better, with 9 road fatalities, one fewer than 2010, and also saw a 9% drop in the number of injuries to just 81. Again, alcohol was a major factor; a quarter of deaths resulted from drivers with over 2.5g/l of alcohol in their blood (the legal limit in France is 0.5g/l). 32000 ft² of great products incl. Toiletries, DIY, Housewares, Furniture plus loads more at great prices & we are even open on SUNDAYS!! From our store to your door whenever you like! We never break down! We are always on time! It’s so easy.......just nip down to THE SHED!! SMOKERS’ CORNER COMING SOON Thistle Multi finish Celotex Rigid Insulation Board B-Grade - all sizes available Delivery can be arranged Tel: [email protected] MASSIVE SAVINGS ON TEFAL COOKWARE!! Wild bird seed 1.25kg only 1.75€ 6 x Fat balls only 1€ Great selection of birthday cards from 1€ each! RIZLA green papers only 0.39€ ZIGZAG slim filters x 150 = 1.20€ SWAN filters x 165 = 1.25€ EZEE cigarette papers 10pks only 1.99€ Value!! Cigarette rolling/tobacco tin (metal) only 3.99€ Loads of lighters, gas, lighter fluid, tubes & tube machines all at discount prices!! GET DOWN TO THE SHED... IT’S WELL WORTH THE VISIT. Isover Loft insulation 100mm thick x 1.16m (H) x 9.17m (L) = 10.64m²/roll only 22.95€ Isover Loft insulation 170mm thick x 1.16m (H) x 5.39m (L) = 6.25m²/roll only 22.95€ Don’t forget the birdies!! Also we have the best value English grocery range in SW France (ambient only) backed up by 32000ft² of everything for the whole family. CLOTHING, FURNITURE, PET ACCS, DIY, PAINT, TIMBER, TEXTILES, HYGIENE & HOUSEHOLD Keep warm & save money with The Shed!! Route de l’Isle Jourdain Opp. the Gendarmerie, just off RN147 plaster 25kg 10.99€/bag PVA 5kg 10.99€ Scrim 50m only 4.99€ Plus don’t forget our extensive stocks of plywood & other sheet materials along with floor boarding, tongue & groove +++ all in stock NOW!! 80mm x 80mm x 2.8m Chevrons only 7.50€ each 87320 Bussière-Poitevine Tel: 05 55 68 74 73 Open Tuesday - Saturday 09h00 - 12h00 & 14h00 - 18h00 (closed Mondays) Sunday 09h30 - 12h00 & 14h30 - 18h00 GPS co-ordinates: Long: 0° 53’ 33’’ 40 E Lat: 46° 13’ 45’’ 10 N FEBRUARY 2012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 6 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS Les Petit Pattes food & accessories for dogs & cats free delivery on orders over 50€ distributor of Allen & Page horse feed tel. Andrea: 06 28 48 21 67 / 05 55 89 67 60 siret no. 534.411.905.00019 Free enters mobile market T he mobile phone market in France has been blown wide open following the entry of Free Mobile with a €19.99 all-inclusive package. The low-cost telecoms operator has already caused waves in the broadband market when it introduced its famous €29.99 all-inclusive offer last year for landline phone, broadband and TV, and is now bidding to break into the lucrative mobile market. The offer from Free proved so popular its website could not cope with demand when launched. The package, which is available for only €15.99 for existing Free customers, includes unlimited calls to 40 countries, unlimited SMS messages and unlimited mobile internet. As is usual these days ‘unlimited’ actually has a limit, and Free’s website seems to suggest a 3GB ‘fair usage’ limit of data traffic on the unlimited mobile internet offer. British and Irish landlines are included in the free international call allowance, although calls to British and Irish mobiles will be charged at €0.19/ min. There is no minimum contract length and Free also unveiled a €2/month option that includes 60 minutes of free calls and 60 SMS messages per month. This cheaper siret: 510 357 155 00017 Double D Renovations & Home Improvements All types of building work, groundwork, renovations, decorating and maintenance Fosses septiques Roofing Tiling Kitchen and bathroom fitting Conservatories Plaster boarding Masonry Carpentry etc. etc. Covering depts: 03, 23, 63, 87 Telephone: 05 87 96 02 44 06 33 19 99 64 Email:- [email protected] option is free for existing Free customers. Neither option comes with a phone; these must be purchased separately or on a 12/24-month contract with Free. The offer, which sharply undercuts the cheapest equivalent deals of the other big mobile players, Orange, SFR and Bouygues Telecom, has led to the beginning of a price war. Orange was the first to lower its prices in response to the arrival of Free on the market, cutting the price of its “Sosh” packages. These “lowcost” options only available over the internet have dropped from €19.90 to €9.90 for the entry level version and from €39.90 to €24.90 for the top, “unlimited” one. Bouygues Telecom also said it planned to reduce its prices in response and there are sure to be a number of deals, promotions and price cuts over the coming months as Free attempts to establish a beachhead in the mobile market. Free boss Xavier Niel said on BFM TV that he had expected such a riposte. “They did the same thing with broadband,” he said. “The method is simple – you start to lower prices on the budget brands and then realise that the whole house is burning down so lower prices all round.” Niel attacked other operators’ high prices, claiming they were several times more expensive, and added that customers were “mugs” if they stayed with them. “Give your mobile phone operator a lesson,” he said. “Tell them you’ve understood. Come and join us or tell them they can offer the same price – we leave the choice of weapons to you.” SFR boss Franck Cadoret has insisted that “price is not everything”. For example, their clients appreciate their large network of shops for face-to-face advice, he said. ■ Ryanair introduce new fees F rom 17 January 2012, Ryanair has added €0.25 per passenger to its flights in response to what it describes as an ‘eco-loony’ tax. The tax in question is the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), which aims to cut greenhouse gases. All European airlines will face the additional cost, and it is expected that others beyond Ryanair will also increase the price of tickets to cover the ETS scheme. Ryanair’s Stephen McNamara said: “Ryanair does not believe that European aviation should be included in the ETS scheme since it accounts for less than 2 per cent of the EU’s CO2 emissions. This latest EU stealth tax will damage traffic, tourism, European competitiveness and jobs at a time when no other economic block is including aviation in their ETS schemes”. The company said the ETS would cost its passengers between €15-20 million during 2012. Ryanair also recently announced much higher fees for travelling with baggage during peak months. A checked bag will now cost €25/£25 in June, July, August and September, up from the current €20/£20. Beware also of the 10kg hand baggage allowance, as Ryanair plan to charge €100/£100 to check in a bag during the same peak months that was not prebooked or fails the 10kg carry-on allowance. This is a significant rise on the current €40/£40 charge. ■ FOR ALL YOUR CARPET & FLOORING NEEDS IN 2012, SAMPLES BROUGHT TO YOU, CONTACT US! 05 . 55 . 73 . 63 . 16 / 06 . 42 . 19 . 82 . 12 New heavier fines for autoentrepreneurs New, heavier fines for late declaration by autoentrepreneurs have been brought into effect this year as part of the Social Security Budget Act (loi de financement de la sécurité sociale). Those set up under the autoentrepreneur scheme, similar to the ‘sole-trader’ status in the UK, must declare their turnover every month or quarter (depending on how they set themselves up). Under the changes brought in this year, the minimum charge for a late or missing declaration is 1.5% of the current monthly social security ceiling called “plafond de sécurité sociale” – so for 2012 this is €3031 * 1.5% = €46. This applies even if you are declaring zero turnover. If you miss several declarations in a year, harsher penalties will be imposed on an interim basis directly by URSSAF. You will be notified by registered letter and then billed directly for social contributions based on the maximum annual turnover permitted for your business type. A penalty fee of 5% (for monthly declarations) or 15% (for quarterly declarations) will also then be applied. An auto-entrepreneur declaring a zero turnover for 24 consecutive months will no longer be eligible for the status. Quarterly declaration dates remain unchanged at 31 Jan (for Oct-Dec turnover), 30 Apr (for Jan-Mar), 31 Jul (for Apr-Jun) and 31 Oct (for Jul-Sep). ■ ○ THE BUGLE ○ FEBRUARY 2012 NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 7 SIRET: 502 907 108 00018 RENOVATION SPECIALISTS renovation packages tailored for you Bathrooms & Kitchens from design to completion; Attic conversions; Made to measure double glazed wooden windows; Roof windows; Zinc work; Wall openings; Smooth flat plasterboard ceilings; partition walls; Drylining. contact Steve or Paul on or visit New driving penalties in force T ougher driving laws have come into effect from January this year, with increased fines and loss of points for a raft of offences. One area that the government is cracking down on is dangerous driving by truck drivers, especially the recent phenomenon of watching films while driving! The first truck driver to be stopped for film-watching was in 2008 on a motorway in southwestern France and the practice has become increasingly common since – last year 324 truckers were fined for this offence. From 2012, the fine for watching a film while driving is €1,500, up from €135, with a loss of three points instead of two. Truckers apparently have filmwatching down to a fine art. One common technique for driving without looking is to drive along the grooved white line of the breakdown lane, which emits a steady hum. Thanks to the cruise control and automatic speed regulators, drivers need not even keep their feet on the pedals. In fact, several have been stopped with theirs up on the dashboard. One driver was so confident at multi-tasking that he was caught cooking a meal on a hotplate while watching his favourite flick! The practice is thought to have caused at least one death last year when a woman was hit as she walked down the hard shoulder following a breakdown. The fine for talking on a mobile phone while driving has also been increased from €35 to €135 with an increase in loss of points from two to three. The other major change is a ban on speed camera detection devices. In theory, using any device that warns of upcoming cameras will be punishable with a €1,500 fine and the loss of six points. How this will be enforced remains unclear as many existing, legal devices have this functionality preinstalled. Drivers are being advised to download updated software onto systems they already own that contain such information or deactivate this option. The government is committed to reducing the number of deaths on France’s roads to 3,000. There were around 4,000 deaths in 2011, half of their peak a decade ago, but still above targets. As part of this commitment, 2012 will see the introduction of a number of new, more advanced, radars across the country. In 2011, speed cameras in France generated €630 million, it was announced this month. The punishment for driving at 255 km/h will be decided by a court in the coming weeks after the driver of a BMW M3 set a new speeding record on the A51 motorway in the Hautes-Alpes department. “I just bought it; I wanted to try it out,” said the driver, a 39-year-old garage owner from Digne, in justification for driving at almost double the legal speed limit. ■ ELECTRICAL SPECIALISTS for all electrical works throughout the Creuse Full re-wires, new-build, additions, modifications, diagnostic report and remedial works - consuel approvals - liaison with ERDF for changes & new supplies. email: [email protected] web: SEPTIC TANK SPECIALISTS approved septic tank installer Systems designed with permissions & paperwork included and independent approval with certification. Registered, insured, own machinery & usually with reduced rate TVA at only 7% on material & labour. Compact systems; Micro Stations: contact us for advice contact Steve or Paul on or visit End of the journey for SeaFrance T he journey is finally over for SeaFrance as a court in Paris has ruled that the company is to be placed into liquidation with immediate effect. The ferry company, owned by the state-run rail firm SNCF, struggled to find its place in the market following the opening of the Channel Tunnel and has been in financial trouble for some time. SeaFrance was placed in receivership in 2010 and its three ferries have been stuck in port since November of last year while a deal was sought. A last-minute €200 million rescue package put forward by President Sarkozy was deemed illegal under EU competition law and the court in Paris issued the order for the company to be wound up. Up to 1,000 jobs will now be lost, 130 of which were in Dover. SeaFrance’s British competitor P&O had said it would challenge any state funding that might create unfair competition. Another last-ditch attempt by a cooperative of SeaFrance workers to take over the company was deemed to be neither viable nor acceptable by the court. Many are laying the blame for the company’s failure with the powerful CFDT Maritime Nord union, which is being accused of “intransigence” and behaving “like pirates” after rejecting previous rescue packages, which could have saved the company, in favour of a workers’ buyout – its preferred option. It also stands accused of “obscure practices” at the company. These “obscure practices” are said to have included the assumption of hiring rights at SeaFrance by local union leaders who gave preference to family and friends. Unqualified members of a local amateur football team, AS Marck, are reported to have been employed aboard the ferries. The president and coach of the team were senior officials of CFDT Maritime Nord. A criminal investigation was also launched last year into suspected systematic fraud aboard SeaFrance ships, including the theft of up to €5m a year in alcohol, perfume and cigarettes. Union leaders deny these claims. ■ Petrol prices hit record highs As anyone who drives a car will have noticed recently, petrol prices have gone up sharply. In January, the cost of petrol hit record highs, reaching an average €1.5563/litre for SP95 and €1.5954/ litre for SP98 across the whole of France. Although the price of crude oil on international markets is lower than its previous peak of $150/ barrel in 2008, the Euro has plummeted in value since. Political tensions in Nigeria and Iran are said to be behind the increase in fuel prices worldwide. Don’t forget that you can find the cheapest petrol in your area using the government’s fuel price comparison site: w w w. p r i x - c a r b u r a n t s . ■ YOUR SHOPPING... SIMPLY DELIVERED Delivering to: Bellac, Civray, Confolens, Gorre, Le Dorat, Ruffec & St Leger Magnazeix New deliveries for 2012: NONTRON(24), ST JUNIEN(87) & ST MATHIEU(87) NO MINIMUM DELIVERY CHARGE NO MINIMUM ORDER VALUE UNLIMITED AMBIENT, CHILLED & FROZEN UNLIMITED SPEND REMINDER E-MAILS GREAT COMMUNICATION 10 MINUTE TIMED DELIVERIES SHOPPING DELIVERED TO YOUR CAR PAYMENT IN STERLING OR EUROS NO VAT CHARGED FULLY INSURED CARGO PARCELS FROM UK FORTNIGHTLY DELIVERY CYCLE Does your delivery service use a vehicle with the recognised certification so they can legally transport perishable goods through European borders? We at M2H use our ATP (Agreement Transport Perishable) certificated freezer / chilled lorry to regularly deliver UK groceries to France. We keep our customers informed at all times during their shopping experience. Customers are allocated a 10 minute timed drop off slot – so no waiting around in car parks for hours and no long queues; leaving you to plan your day, around us, with confidence. YOU ARE THE CUSTOMER AFTER ALL YOU’VE TRIED THE REST - NOW USE THE BEST 05 55 68 78 23 / 06 07 73 64 06 Website: Email: [email protected] FEBRUARY 2012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 8 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS The Living Room “ The place to be ! ” EVENT OF THE MONTH Valentine’s Day Evening - 14th February 25€ (incl delicious 3 course buffet, live music and a small cadeau for the Ladies) ** See the ‘What’s On’ page of our website, or The Bugle’s Notice Board for details of all our events ** Tel: 05 55 48 92 37 Route de St Laurent, 87310 Saint-Cyr (Nr Saint-Junien) French crew sets Jules Verne round the world sailing record almost two days on the journey to bad weather - one to the equator, one to the Cape of Good Hope, one to Cape Leeuwin, and one from equator to equator. Brian Thompson is also now the first Briton to sail around the world non-stop 4 times and currently holds more sailing world records than any other sailor on the planet. The Jules Verne Trophy is awarded to the fastest circumnavigation of the globe by a yacht with sails handled by human power alone, regardless of the size or number of crew. Only 7 of the 21 attempts since the inception of the trophy in 1984 have been successful. Although the crew of the Banque Populaire V qualify, organisers have pointed out that no other vessel has been round the world faster, be that by sail or powered. His success makes Brian Thompson the first British sailor to hold the Jules Verne Trophy since 1994, when Sir Robin © 2009 - D&M Larvor (WikiCommons) A French boat has smashed the Jules Verne Trophy record for the fastest circumnavigation of the globe as it crossed the finishing line last month in 45 days, 13 hours, 42 minutes and 53 seconds. The time is more than 2 days faster than the previous record and almost half of the time Phileas Fogg took in Jules Verne’s famous book. The 14-man crew of the Banque Populaire V trimaran included British sailor Brian Thompson. “This has been an incredible trip, almost a dream ride,” he said after crossing the line in Brest, France. Praising the rest of the predominantly French crew, the 49-year-old described his fellow sailors as “talented, industrious, dedicated, fun and welcoming to an English guy with schoolboy French”. Banque Populaire V, a 40-metre maxi-trimaran skippered by Loïck Peyron, set a number of speed records en route, despite losing Knox Johnson took 74 days and 22 hours to complete the 28,000mile course on ENZA New Zealand, co-skippered by Kiwi sailing legend Sir Peter Blake. “As far as the other thirteen members of the crew were concerned it was a joy to sail with them,” said the Briton. “The only difficulty was communicating in French all the time as my French is not as good as it should be. But it was a joy, a real joy to be with them. There was good humour and laughter. I am more in love with France and the French than I was before this trip. I even sang the Marseillaise with the others at the end of the trip!" Among the high points of the voyage were seeing an iceberg “as big as half of the Isle of Wight” and seeing a new comet on Christmas Day, he said. ■ Should other religions have public holidays? T he Green Party’s presidential hopeful, Eva Joly, has sparked a debate by saying that Muslim and Jewish festivals, as well as Christian ones, should be national holidays. Speaking in Paris at her first campaign rally, Eva Joly argued that the Muslim festival of Eid-ul-Fitr and the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur should be accorded national holiday status. Currently, six of the twelve national holidays in France are Catholic calendar events, with the other six having no religious connotation. “Each religion should benefit from equal treatment in the public sphere,” she said. “I believe that national holidays should also be accorded to faiths other than the Catholic faith.” She described religious equality as a “key element” of French identity, and blamed the policies of President Nicolas Sarkozy for dividing religious communities. “Yes, I’ll say it,” she said. “This [suffering] has been caused by five years of Sarkozy-ism.” The issue revolves around the French tradition of laïcité, which is a strict separation of religion and the State. However, many say that it is unfairly applied, citing the banning of headscarves in public places, which they claim unfairly targets Muslims. Joly’s proposition appears to be an unpopular one, but it is not a new idea. The Stasi commission, set up by then president Jacques Chirac in 2003, was charged with assessing French secularism. Its findings led to the banning of religious symbols in schools, and eventually, the prohibition of the full Muslim headscarf in public. But it also recommended that national holidays reflect religious diversity. The state should therefore cut out two of the six Christian holidays and add two of other faiths, it concluded. With only 3-4% of votes according to the polls, Joly is currently a rank outsider for the presidency and is looking to construct a more coherent campaign. Marine Le Pen, on the other hand, the leader of the far-right National Front party, is still doing well in the polls and at one point looked set to be a serious threat to the candidates from the two main political parties, the Socialist Party and Sarkozy’s UMP. Her campaigning could be under threat, however, from a law that requires candidates to have 500 signatures from elected officials in at least 30 different departments across the country or in France's overseas territories. Le Pen told a press conference recently that reaching the target of 500 sponsors is proving difficult. “We are far away from the sponsors we need,” she said. “I risk not being able to stand as a candidate. If I am unable to run it means we're no longer living in a democracy and the president will not be legitimate.” ■ Siren: 511 289 373 President Sarkozy's plane in emergency landing President Sarkozy had a scare recently when the plane he was travelling in had to make an emergency landing after developing a problem with its braking systems. The Falcon 7X plane, dubbed ‘Carla One’ which is decked out in a special République Française design, was taking the president to an appointment in Ariège, close to the Pyrenees. After being forced to land in Toulouse, a second so-called ‘spare’ jet was commandeered to return the president home. “It didn't bother the president too much,” said an adviser, reported in daily newspaper Le Parisien. “He was talking to representatives from the agricultural workers' association.” The plane that developed the problem was not ‘Air Sarko One’, the reconditioned Airbus 330 that President Sarkozy had commissioned to take him round the world. The second-hand jet carries anti-aircraft missiles and has been refurbished with a double bedroom and a conference room. The plane is reportedly also kitted out with a pizza oven. ■ ○ THE BUGLE ○ FEBRUARY 2012 NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 9 Nudist appears on La Redoute website US presidential hopeful attacked for 'being French' © 2011 - Gage Skidmore (WikiCommons) T he presidential front-runner for the Republicans, Mitt Romney, has been the focus of a vicious political attack by his opponents… for speaking French. In an advert entitled The French Connection, released by rival Newt Gingrich, Mr Gingrich seeks to draw parallels between Mitt Romney and another politician, John Kerry. Mr Kerry had himself previously been accused of “looking French” in 2004 when running for office against George W. Bush. In the video, taken from a promotional campaign when he was chief executive of the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Mr Romney is seen saying “Bonjour, je m'appelle Mitt Romney”. Correspondents say the highlighting of Mr Romney's alleged French-language skills is an attempt to portray him as an elitist, Europeanstyle liberal wimp. As accordion music plays, the narrator delivers the coup de grace: “Massachusetts moderate Mitt Romney - he'll say anything to win. Anything! And just like John Kerry he speaks French, too.” Some have highlighted the possible irony that Mr Gingrich, a former House Speaker, himself has a doctorate in European history. His 1971 dissertation, Belgian Education Policy in the Congo 1945-1960, contains a number of sources in French in its bibliography. The anti-French sentiment stems from the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the patriotic outrage over the French government's opposition to the US-led invasion. Cafeterias in the House of Representatives issued a culinary rebuke by changing the name of French fries on menus to “freedom fries”, and Mr Kerry’s campaign the following year suffered a major blow as details of his French language ability and relatives who live in France, made him a target. ■ Finegans Rainbow siret no. 492 314 349 00019 Your Local Corner Shop Epicerie anglaise, Books, Beers, Bacon, Cheddar Cheese, Cards, Kippers & Quorn + lots more at sub supermarket prices. Regular trips to UK for supermarket and wholesale pick-ups. Carriage only charged. Tue - Fri 10.00h-12.30h 14.30h-18.30h Sat 10.00h-12.30h 14.30h-18.00h 3 rue St Martial, Montmorillon - Tel: 05 49 48 87 23 - [email protected] [email protected] © F rench fashion chain La Redoute was left blushing this month when an eagle-eyed customer noticed that in the background of an image on its website advertising children’s clothes was a naked middleaged man! The image appeared on the company’s website for several hours before La Redoute issued a statement saying that it “apologises for the photo published on its site and is doing what’s necessary to remove it”. The nudist can clearly be seen strolling knee-deep in the sea while in the foreground four children run towards the camera in bright clothing. The mistake was made worse by the fact that the page included a magnifying glass function to allow people to get a closer look at the beachwear… and therefore also anything unusual in the background. Worse still for the fashion company, the increased interest in the image led others to notice a t-shirt on its site sporting a spelling mistake, saying “Enjoy Holydays” instead of “Enjoy Holidays”. La Redoute is one of France’s largest mail-order retailers and is owned by the luxury goods conglomerate PPR, parent company of Gucci and Puma among others. A spokeswoman for La Redoute said an internal inquiry had been launched to determine how the error had occurred. “We are aware that it might have hurt the feelings of internet visitors,” she said, adding that the group promised to “bolster the validation process for all of the brand’s communication so that it doesn’t happen again”. The blunder has proved to be a massive internet hit and generated a lot of interest in the website. This has led cynics to claim that the ‘mistake’ was just a publicity stunt ahead of the annual sales, although given that it involved nudity and young children, this seems either unlikely, or incredibly bold. Another French company that was prepared to be more brazen about its publicitygenerating motives, however, was lingerie retailer Etam, who sent three models into Paris’ famous Musée d'Orsay to strip off to their underwear for an advert. In the video of the stunt, which has gone viral, the models walk into the gallery in coats and stilettos. They then take off their coats so they are only wearing their lingerie. The girls nervously walk up and down the gallery before running out of the museum giggling. The Musée d'Orsay is one of France's most famous museums, housing Impressionist treasures such as works by Manet and Monet. The owners were not told in advance about the publicity stunt and have now threatened legal action against Etam unless the video is taken down from its website. ■ Steve Johns Siret: 514 556 208 00015 RENOVATION & CONVERSION Specialists FOSSE SEPTIQUES Full/part installations, upgrades etc GROUNDWORKS Foundations, driveways, drains etc MINI DIGGER & ALL TERRAIN DUMPER FOR HIRE 20 yrs experience Free site visit and devis. 0% TVA for 2012 TEL: Email: [email protected] 2-metre snake loose on TGV train There was panic on a French train this month when a 2-metre-long boa constrictor escaped from the bag it was being carried in and slithered up the carriage. The 25kg female, which had been travelling with its male companion, made its way through the crowded train before disappearing into a ventilation shaft. The owner of the snakes, who had valid transport documents for the reptiles, alerted the ticket inspector on the Paris-Marseilles TGV train and a specialist team was on hand at its destination. After waiting for all the passengers to disembark, the specially trained firefighters of the marinspompiers (deployed mainly in military bases, but also in Marseille) boarded the train and dismantled sections of the walls before eventually finding the crafty escapee asleep in the ventilation system. The boa constrictor was returned to its owner, who reunited the snake with its companion before returning home. ■ HOUSES NEEDED We are one of the biggest sellers of houses to UK clients in France and after a busy year I am looking for more properties, particularly in the following areas: Oradour sur Vayres Chalus - Bussiere Galant Saint Auvent - Saint Laurent sur Gorre - Cognac la Foret - Sereilhac Contact me for a no obligation chat. We have clients looking now! Kevin Andrews +33 (0)631 195 581 [email protected] FEBRUARY 2012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 10 ♦ FEATURE 4 large rooms of antique & quality furniture, linens, collectables, cushions & gifts all at affordable prices. Tel: 06 30 88 78 62 Handmade furniture of all types designed & created for clients’ individual specifications. email: info@ Siret no: 442 537 486 00023 Love locks on the Pont de l'Archevêché The Triumph of Love (Locks) By Alysa Salzberg Paris is known the world over as the 'City of Love'. In recent years, lovestruck couples have found a new way to display and celebrate their affection in a phenomenon that is sweeping across bridges around the world. It's not to everyone's liking, but is gaining in popularity and on a walk around the streets of the nation's capital you will be quite likely to come across... love locks. it’s starting to bend and may fall into the river. In the City of Light, the problem seems more aesthetic than anything else. In 2008, people started putting love locks on Paris bridges – especially the Pont des Arts, a pedestrian bridge connecting L’Institut de France and the Louvre that’s a hub of social activity on the Seine. On © 2011 - 4Stone (Flickr) Pont de l'Archevêché with its views of Notre-Dame just about every given day or night when the weather isn’t too extreme, you’ll find a mix of tourists and locals chatting, and listening to the serenades of amateur musicians. In the spring and summer, groups of friends even bring blankets and have picnics here. The love locks on the wire fencing on the bridge’s sides seemed like a natural part of this ambiance. But not everyone was a fan. Notably, Mayor Bertrand Delanoë and his staff had called the love locks a threat to, and defacement of, the bridges they were hung on. Before dawn on May 12, 2010, Pont des Arts was deserted, except for someone – or several people – who removed thousands of the love locks. Outraged love lock fans accused the Mayor’s office, but City Hall denied being involved. Other theories came out: perhaps the police had removed the locks, or a contemporary artist had stolen them to use in works of found art. Maybe scrap metal thieves were to blame. More than a year later, no one’s found the real solution to the mystery. Whoever removed the love locks from the Pont des Arts forgot one thing: love – and love locks – spring eternal. Locks in hand, couples now head to the little Pont de l'Archevêché, where their pledges of eternal love will overlook the Seine, Notre-Dame, and some lovely péniches. Today, there are so many love locks on the Pont de l'Archevêché that when you approach the bridge, you might notice its railings glinting in the sun, as though they’ve been decorated with lights or tinsel. But once you get onto the bridge, the cause of those glimmers is unmistakable; love locks line the chain link railings, and often leave little space for even the smallest glimpse of the Seine between the wires. Some of the locks are typical, store-bought ones, while others look like very old pieces that might once have locked up wooden trunks or castle doorways. Between them are other signs of love: visitors and passersby who didn’t bring a lock (and who didn’t want to try to buy one from the bouquinistes, who allegedly secretly sell them) tie ribbons or even pieces of plastic bags to the railings. Although the Pont de l'Archevêché is the bridge now most associated with them, the love locks have also returned, slowly but surely, to the Pont des Arts. While the bridge’s railings aren’t nearly as densely covered as those of the Pont © 2012 - Alysa Salzberg © 2012 - Alysa Salzberg T here was a time when the Pont de l'Archevêché, a bridge constructed in 1828 that connects Paris’ Left Bank to the Ile de la Cité, was best known for its stunning view of the dynamiclooking back of Notre-Dame Cathedral. There was a time when the controversy it was most famous for was its narrow, low archways, which are difficult for boats to pass through. But in recent years, the Pont de l'Archevêché has become associated with something its builders probably would never have expected, a physical manifestation of eternal love that’s taking over bridges around the world: love locks. No one knows for certain where this custom originated. Some say that in ancient China, lovers wrote their names on a padlock and threw its key off Mount Huang, so that they were now symbolically bound in love forever. Another theory is that the custom originated in early 20th century Serbia. Or maybe it was Pécs, Hungary, in the 1980’s. Still others associate the custom’s origin with Renaissance Italy. One thing that is certain, however, is what made love locks have a renaissance of their own. In 2006, Italian author Federico Moccia wrote a scene in his book Ho voglia di te (I want you) in which the two protagonists write their names on a lock, then attach the lock to a lamppost on Rome’s Ponte Milvio (Milvian Bridge), and throw the key into the Tiber River below. The book became a bestseller, then a movie, and soon crowds of lovestruck couples were visiting the bridge and imitating the story. From there, love locks spread around the world and today, you can find them in places like Moscow, Seoul, Florence, New York – and Paris. The idea of love locks, or cadenas d’amour in French, is understandably romantic. But not everyone is in love with them. In some cases, like the Ponte Milvio in Rome, the locks can do serious damage. Here, that famous lamppost now has so many locks attached to it, that 2 rue Joliot Curie, 87190 Magnac-Laval Opening hours: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5.30pm Tue - Sat Closed Sunday & Monday de l'Archevêché, there are still quite a lot of them. Other bridges, like the Passerelle Léopold-Sédar-Senghor (formerly the Passerelle Solférino) also bear love locks. Some think they’re beautiful symbols of eternal love. Others regard them as invasive, a bit like 3-D graffiti. Still, though love locks may not appeal to everyone, when you stroll along the Pont de l'Archevêché today, you can’t help but notice, not only the locks, but the fact that lots of people seem intrigued by them. Tourists and Parisians stop to take pictures of the burdened railings. Many gently lift and examine these manifestations of devotion. Whether it’s stories, legends, words, or locks, human beings will always be fascinated and moved by signs of love in this world. Even if lampposts, railings and aesthetic sensibilities might be threatened, love locks seem like they’re here to stay. At least until they’re replaced by another trend…. ■ Alysa lives in Paris with an eccentric Frenchman and a cross-eyed cat. She blogs regularly on Open Salon and is founder and Editorin-Chief of Beguile, a literary and arts e-zine: The Bugle February 2012 2 8 Page Pull-out Section Your indispensable guide to finding local businesses & artisans Accommodation Activities & Leisure Animals & Pets Auto Services Building Services Architects Carpenters/Joiners Electricians General Groundworks Plasterers >> B1 >> B1 >> B1 >> B2 Plumbers Property Management Sandblasting Chimney Sweeps >> B2 Computers >> B2 & Satellites >> B2 Courses & Classes >> B2-B4 Food & Drink >> B4 Garden Services >> B4 Gifts & Crafts >> B4 Handholding Services>> B6 Health & Beauty >> B6 >> B4 Insurance & Finance >> B6 >> B4 Language Services >> B6 >> B4 Online Shopping >> B6 Property Sales >> B6-B7 >> B4-B5 Retail & Commerce >> B7 >> B5 Transport/Removals >> B5-B6 /Storage >> B7 >> B6 General >> B7 >> B6 Accommodation The Linden House Animals & Pets Self-catering gîte in Creuse Sleeps 6-8 Prices from €250/week [email protected] La Petite Maison Beautiful 2-person gîte in the heart of Creuse. Perfect for house-hunters & holidaymakers alike. [email protected] SIRET: 518 135 009 00018 La Courede Bed and Breakfast Comfortable B&B. Two double rooms, en-suite. Guest lounge. Evening meal on request. 20 minutes from Limoges airport. 05 55 71 08 56 06 75 79 28 71 [email protected] Activities & Leisure Hidden France Chambres d’hôtes Beautiful traditional old French farmhouse in the Creuse. 3 guest rooms incl a family room. Prices from €38/night Le Grand Villard 23150, St-Hilaire-la-Plaine SIRET: 479 965 758 00010 05 55 41 17 76 Dog Holidays at Valhalla Farm 5 Star Accommodation in our Home (Dept 23). 4 Walks each day & lots of T.L.C. Contact Karen & Darren Tel: Mob: +44 (0)7700 045 517 [email protected] SIRET: 511 629 610 00011 La Petite Maison dans la Prairie Luxury dog kennels - Training Pension pour chien - Dressage Heated, insulated wooden chalets Supplier of Dog and Cat food Aliments pour chien et chats Tue - Sun 9h - 18h 21 La Bussière, 23450 Fresselines TEL: 05 55 89 75 55 06 68 66 69 84 / 08 75 23 93 20 SIRET: 511 679 011 00011 Le Puy Clay pigeon shooting & deer stalking 09 61 42 41 26 - see pg 4 [email protected] Your advert here PAWS & HEARTH Specialist Pet Minding Service Avoid the anguish of sending your pets away from the comfort of their home when you go away on holiday. I can mind your pets for you in their familiar surroundings, keeping them safe and contented until you return. 05 55 50 19 16 Good Citizens Dog Training Call Elaine Smith: 05 55 68 67 56 The Caring Cattery Horse feed & accessories See our ad - page 8 The Orchard Kennels & Cattery SIRET: 520 896 671 00010 ■ Pulls on lead ■ Recall bad ■ Jumps up at people ■ Generally misbehaving Equine Supplies France Champlong Chatterie Tel: 05 55 60 27 83 Need help with your Puppy or Dog? Weekly classes and one to one SIRET: 477 762 736 00015 [email protected] 06 28 48 21 67 - see pg 6 Siret no. 538 488 578 00013 [email protected] [email protected] Caring, quiet accommodation just for cats JUNCT 22 off A20, Arnac la Poste Alison & Ray Les Petit Pattes Food & accessories for dogs & cats (Farges, nr. Aubusson) Small & friendly, English run. Viewings welcome. Certificat de capacité. Also available: Pet foods, treats & accessories. Mon - Sat: 9.00 - 7.00 Contact Dave Grant: 05 55 67 58 87 siret: 504 584 228 00010 Rochechouart 05 55 03 76 87 / 06 30 02 35 73 Only 30 mins from Limoges airport. A purpose built secure cattery. Large individual/ family units, tiled floors, shelving, adjoining outside areas. Heated, individual needs catered for. NEW - purpose built isolation unit. Certificate of Capacity. Contact Barbara: [email protected] SIRET: 494 125 016 00019 Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... FEBRUARY 2012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ B2 ♦ DIRECTORY Auto Services Le Charme De Chêne Handmade solid oak joinery and furniture Our joinery expertise includes barn doors, barn door frame openings, staircases, kitchens, windows & doors. We also make handmade furniture. Every item is bespoke and made to measure. Please visit our website for recent installations and references. PIERCE ÉLECTRICITÉ WE COVER ALL TYPES OF ELECTRICAL WORK INCLUDING : ● 3 PHASE ● AGRICULTURAL ● SOLAR PANELS & GEOTHERMICS ● ALARM SYSTEMS AND SATELLITES SUPPLIED AND FITTED Le Mécanique Anglais WE ALSO SUPPLY SKY BOXES. ALL WORK UNDERTAKEN BY QUALIFIED TRADESMEN. CALL OUT SERVICE AVAILABLE All Makes/Models Catered for. Repairs, Servicing, CT's. Specialist in: Vehicle Diagnostics and Auto Electrics. Garden Machinery incl chain saws. Based 87/24 - I can come to you 02 54 25 65 08 06 16 91 64 67 [email protected] SIRET: 510 156 763 00011 30 years' experience TEL: 05 53 62 50 46 [email protected] Building Services SIREN: 514 423 532 RING BILL! Registered Car Mechanic See Display Ad - pg B3 Building Services Architectural Services Architectural DRAWING SERVICE Renovating your French property? New build? Dossiers prepared Permis de Construire Déclarations Préalables Tel: 05 53 52 36 05 [email protected] SIRET: 493 770 358 00015 Building Services Carpenters/Joiners SHUTTERS / VOLETS Made to Measure Woodwork Pine Window Shutters from €35 Pine Ledge and Brace Doors from €69 Bespoke items made 05 55 14 12 43 Oradour-sur-Vayres (87150) Siren 527 854 749 Electricians H J Marsh Electricité • Simple jobs • Complete renovations • New builds • Conformity checks • Emergency Call outs • Fully insured 10yr guarantee I offer free & friendly advice so please don’t hesitate to contact me. 05 49 48 35 49 06 45 74 25 36 05 55 60 81 67 06 79 43 03 43 SIRET: 504 253 048 00012 [email protected] Lumiere Service et Energie Steven Rofe - 20 Years experience • NICEIC approved Electrician for 8 years in the UK • Wiring of new installations (including liaising with EDF) • Rewiring existing houses/barns • External & garden lighting • All aspects of electrical works • Fully insured - (10 year Decennale) • Departments covered 19,23 & 87 Philip Evans Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts All electrical work covered, from a light switch to a full rewire Limousin, Charente & Dordogne covered Emergency Callouts 24/7 ELECTRICIAN SIRET: 493 084 974 00010 Registered in France since 2007 Banque Populaire La Souterraine Décennale Insurance All works to normes NF C15-100 ● Fault finding ● Small Works ● Complete rewires ● Consuel certification arranged ● Temporary EDF supplies arranged ● Permanent EDF supplies arranged ● Free quotations Mobile No: 06 50 63 65 29 Email: [email protected] Website: Salamandre électricité Keith Sloper Tel: 05 55 64 94 20 Mob: 07 86 38 09 61 * Qualified electrician * All types of electrical works carried out * Free estimates * Departments 23 and 87 No Siret: 494 916 760 00015 Harlequin Developments ● Masonry ● Stonework ● Brickwork ● Pointing ● Structural Repairs Major & Minor works undertaken throughout the Limousin 10% discount for new clients Free Devis/Estimates References Available Call:Siret: 0552255 80 90 53 076 546 00012 Need A Pair Of Hands? I'm Your Man! General Handyman ● Small building projects ● Patios ● Velux ● Windows ● Tiling ● Plasterboarding ● Plumbing ● Garden Maintenance Prices from €15/hour! Call Barrie: [email protected] SIRET: 501 338 230 00011 M&M Developments Fully Qualified French Electrician Robert Johnson Michael Courtin French Stonemason with 20 years Experience in ELECTRICIAN Siret No. 501.792.386.00010 Tel: 06 36 35 56 44 or 05 55 78 16 28 Strong, fully adjustable cup-lock scaffolding Collect and erect yourself to save costs or delivery and erection included Tel: 05 55 68 22 04 email: [email protected] / Lovejoy’s Scaffolding Hire General Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts [email protected] siret: 511 904 559 00016 Building Services Siret 509 933 784 00027 All aspects of renovation and refurbishment, big or small, undertaken. Harlequin Developments are a Distributor and Installer for Solarventi, solar dehumidifying and water heating products, as well as a range of other renewable energies [email protected] SIRET: 494.501.067.00016 TILE HOIST FOR RENT CMS ROOFING SERVICES ** from €40 per day ** Tel: 09 79 73 32 00 Mob: 06 60 20 22 38 Email: [email protected] No Siret: 444 916 084 00015 Double D See our main ad - pg 8 Renovations & Home Improvements 05 87 96 02 44 - pg 6 Phillip Williamson Your advert here Interior Renovations Honest, Reliable Tradesman ● Plastering. Drylining. Studwork ● Kitchens, Bathrooms, Doors & Windows fitted ● Painting & Decorating etc. Competitive Rates – Call for a free quote Email: [email protected] Tel: [email protected] Siret: 533 235 016 00011 SIRET: 504 976 689 00019 05 55 41 17 76 ROGER & SON Limousin Property Care English Speaking, French Artisans [email protected] in Creuse Qualified Electrician Repairs, Full Re-Wires, New Build Automated Systems Installation Experienced Builder All Masonry Works Plasterboarding Assistance with Architects, other trades and Permis de Construire English References Available 05 55 41 43 56 06 50 27 87 54 [email protected] No job too small - give us a call SIRET: 498 672 708 00019 Submissions Deadline 15th of the month [email protected] Property Maintenance & Building See Main Ad - pg 11 Masonry & More General building Renovation & maintenance Reliable, good quality work 30 years exp Based central 23 - will travel Martin Sprague 05 55 61 93 07 martin_sprague_1@ SIRET: 531 768 182 00010 Celotex Insulation Specialists - see pg 5 Paul Goldsmith Renovations All aspects of interior renovations. Loft conversions, Windows, Bathrooms & Kitchens, Flooring Plastering, Plaster Boarding, Plumbing & Electrics. [email protected]/ Established 6 years - references available SIRET: 494 123 847 00019 ○ THE BUGLE ○ FEBRUARY 2012 DIRECTORY ♦ B3 ADVERTORIAL ADVERTORIAL Harlequin Developments Re-opened: L’Escale Bar & Restaurant – Compreignac E stablished and registered in France since 2006, we specialise in all aspects of property renovation and refurbishment, along with barn conversions and extensions. No job is too big or too small and we will provide you with a detailed devis at a competitive rate. Our work includes full renovations, extensions, insulation and plaster boarding, tiling, replacement windows and doors, re-pointing walls, parquet flooring, staircases, kitchens and bathrooms fitted. We also undertake insurance work (floods, fires etc) and send regular update emails, together with photographs, to clients who may live outside France, to keep them fully up to date with their project. References are gladly given from previous/ current clients. We now offer a wide range of renewable energy products from some of the world’s leading manufacturers. Our core products are: Solar Hot Water Systems, Underfloor Heating, Mechanical Ventilation and Heat Recovery Systems, SolarVenti Dehumidifiers and Water Heating Systems. For more information, a devis, or simply to discuss your project, please feel free to contact us. Tel: 05 55 68 67 56 - Mobile: 06 06 60 46 97 A SOLARVENTI - Available in the Limousin from Harlequin Developments Tel: 05 55 68 67 56 Mobile: 06 06 60 46 97 ADVERTORIAL GODSON Travaux Publics - pg 3 WASTE REMOVAL SERVICES • house and barn clearances • dechetterie runs • rubbish removal • cash paid for scrap • general labouring service • mini digger hire - with/without driver 05 55 37 45 35 06 74 21 47 71 CHERRY PICKER / ACCESS PLATFORM HIRE Diesel self-propelled 4WD machines with jibs GENIE 45/25J - working height 16m/50ft, outreach 7.5m/25ft. Will go up and over 7.16m/23.6ft. Lift 227kg. €180HT/day or €600HT/week JLG800AJ - working height 25m/82ft, outreach 15.8m/52ft. Will go up and over 9.78m/32ft. Lift 227kg. €280HT/day or €900HT/week Delivery/collection charged by distance R & L OTLEY sas, Sacierges-St-Martin, 36170 02 54 47 65 37 [email protected] siret 532 981 198 00015 SIRET 538 982 414 00012 Unicorn Renovation Traditional Building Services Minor works to full renovations including plumbing, electrics, fosse septiques. Professional friendly team. Free devis - References available Tel: 05 55 63 23 75 [email protected] UK Paint Depot Quality UK Paints at the lowest prices see main ad - pg 6 RSW Entreprises Fosse Septique Specialist See our Display Ad - pg 13 All aspects of renovation/ restoration covered fter L’Escale Restaurant and Bar had been closed for over two years, Peter & Maureen Taylor were persuaded to come out of retirement and reinvigorate this lovely restaurant in the heart of Compreignac. Four months of hard work later and the restaurant & bar finally opened late December, 2011. Peter & Maureen were publicans/hoteliers in the UK for over 30 years until their retirement and have a wealth of experience in providing good quality, fresh, home-cooked food at reasonable prices. “Customer care is our priority”, says Maureen, “you need people to leave your premises happy and full. Serving quality food is essential and no short cuts.” Prices start from as little as €9 for a 3-course Plat du Jour, served Monday – Saturday 11.30am – 2pm. 2-Course Sunday Lunch is from €10. All served between 11.30am and 2pm. Every Friday night is Quiz Night; the Quiz Entreprise Hines Building & Renovation ● Roofing - New & Repairs ● Masonry ● Plastering ● Dry Lining ● Sand Blasting ● Equestrian Buildings ● Digger/Scaffold Hire ● ... and much, much more 28 years qualified experience [email protected] SIRET: 503 169 237 00016 is FREE, but if you fancy a meal beforehand a special quiz menu is on offer with main courses for only €5 and a dessert for €2.50. Food is served between 7pm – 9pm followed by the Quiz. An alternative menu is also available. Saturday Night is Curry Night; there is the choice of just having a main meal for €8.50 or enjoying a 3-course meal for €12.50. An alternative menu is also available for those people who don’t like curries. The Restaurant will easily seat up to 80 people and Peter & Maureen are therefore not only able, but also happy, to cater for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings etc. Valentine’s Night is fast approaching and to celebrate, L’Escale is offering a 5-course evening meal for just €19.50 per person. Peter & Maureen are happy to send you any of their menus by sending us your e-mail address to: [email protected] Alternatively you can call them on: 05 55 12 99 45 ADVERTORIAL Your advert here La Noneix Construction & Property Services Established, Professional and Personal Building Services. Fully registered with décennale insurance covering all works. ●Renovations ●New builds ●Roofing ●Stonework ●Carpentry ●Ground works 05 55 41 17 76 Large or small projects undertaken - please view our website. Contact: Paul or Joanne Rands Kitchen & Bathroom Fitting [email protected] SIRET: 501 144 596 00019 INSIDE OUT PROPERTY MAINTENANCE A multi-services company ● General building ● Renovation & [email protected] restoration ● Stonework & rejointing including bespoke joinery and lime plastering. All work is fully insured. References available. Scaffold and Plant Hire Your Please ring advert Robert here 05 55 41 17 76 05 55 89 69 46 Ring Andy on 06 35 12 10 66 Ring Will on 05 55 37 45 35 siret: 532 981 198 00015 SIRET: 503 169 237 00016 ● Repairs & maintenance ● All aspects of garden/lake maintenance including fencing ● Change overs and general cleaning Free Quotation and advice. Contact Paul 05 55 77 33 72 / 06 85 18 20 05 [email protected] House Renovations Inside & Out Experience in Roofing, Tiling Floors & Walls, Plumbing, Fitting Kitchens & Bathrooms, Stonework & Rendering, Painting & Decorating Tel: 05 55 63 88 70 Mob: 06 21 34 18 20 Siret no 507 516 748 00013 SkyTVI Room construction to finishing touches T: Ian 05 55 53 37 10 E: [email protected] Siret. 484 206 624 00014 siret no 483 666 335 00029 Monte Sarginson Including Tiling and Plasterboarding Steve Johns Renovation & Conversion Specialist Tel: - see pg 9 CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... Sky TV Installations Satellite Engineer INSTALLATION, DISH, CABLE AND QUAD LNB - just €180 Sky Subscriptions Available - no UK address necessary All needs, advice, help catered for. All depts covered 06 60 85 93 41 [email protected] SIRET: 428 620 595 00010 FEBRUARY 2012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ B4 ♦ DIRECTORY Building Services Building Services Building Services GLEN VINEY PLASTERER Quality Plasterwork, Internal & External Plasterboarding, Partitioning, Skiming, Solid Plastering, Floor Screeding, Rendering: Mono Couche/Coloured Render Waterproofing Render Systems Tel: 06 45 18 86 10 General Plasterers (18 Years Experience) Email: [email protected] Dennis Fry Timber Services Dave Cardwell - Builder « LE PLATRIER » Building Services See our Display Ad - pg 8 Chez Vous Fosse Septique installation and building renovations - pg 12 La Coterie Entreprise Approved septic tank installer Chris the Plasterer A genuine plasterer French and English spoken Traditional Plastering Rendering, Floor Screeding Stud partition dry lining Lime mortar stone pointing FOR A QUOTATION CALL 05 55 63 53 06 06 23 29 48 19 [email protected] See our main ad - pg 7 SIRET: 504 612 441 00015 Builder 40yrs Experience in quality work, available for all your House Maintenance/Projects including Plumbing, Carpentry, Masonry, Structural Work, Decorating. Plus Key Holding service. Good References. Dept. 23/36 Le Bourg, 23360 Nouzerolles Your advert here Siret: 527 736 326 00010 Property Management Limousin Property Care Property Maintenance & Building See Main Ad - pg 11 Building Services Plumbers Martin Walters Plumber Sandblasting All types of plumbing and general maintenance work undertaken Friendly, reliable, professional service Fully registered and insured Sand and Blast Sandblasting & Floor Sander hire We provide a fully operated sandblasting service for wood, stone and metal. Perfect for stripping away years of grime or paint. Contact us for a free quote or see our website. Tel 02 54 24 84 62 / 497 962 001 00010 05 55 41 17 76 Siret 522 804 723 00016 SIRET: 488 522 921 00037 BRC Renovations Pro-Point Facades Rick Fife email: [email protected] From full renovations to minor improvements, we can make your dream home in France a reality. Free quote - contact Brian 09 80 08 52 72 - 06 02 38 17 45 [email protected] SIRET: 510 742 711 00011 Building Services Groundworks Mini-Digger with driver [email protected] See Main Ad - Pull-out pg B3 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 Re-pointing - Rendering - Plastering 05 55 78 80 31 See our Display Ad - pg 5 MARK COLYER LIMOUSIN PLASTERING Over 19 years experience in Solid Plasterwork, Skimming, Dry Lining, Rendering and Plasterboard Studwork. Qualification certificate and references available on request. Free quotations and friendly advice. Tel: 05 55 54 95 63 [email protected] [email protected] All aspects of Plumbing and Heating work undertaken. Areas Covered: North Creuse (23) & South Indre (36) Tel: 05 55 62 34 66 Office Hours: 8:30 – 21:00 Please give us a call to discuss your requirements. If you get the answer machine we WILL return your call the same day. siret: 494 380 264 00015 Multiskilled Artisan Submissions Deadline 15th of the month • Plastering • Rendering • Stud Walling • Tiling and associated works • Bespoke polished concrete surfaces for Window Sills, Shelves, Fire Surrounds etc. • General Renovation interior and exterior of buildings to customer's specification. Tel: 05 55 76 69 32 Mob: 06 43 11 95 87 Siret No. 513 415 091 00018 Le Plâtrier du Limousin The friendly and reliable plasterer Registered in France. Fully insured offering 10 year guarantee. Call Stuart on: 05 55 80 92 91 06 87 92 83 63 [email protected] Siret: 534 396 908 00012 H20 CREUSE Heating & Plumbing engineer 05 55 63 89 23 - see pg 4 FRENCH REGISTERED CERTIFIED PLUMBER (29 years experience) ALL PLUMBING & HEATING INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS EMERGENCY WORK UNDERTAKEN ANDY IVES - 06 02 37 62 57 SIRET 538 689 530 00011 [email protected] NO FIX... NO FEE !! IT Support for Creuse, HauteVienne, Indre and Vienne We provide a fast and friendly service either at the client's home, via remote software or computers can be left with us and collected when the work is complete. ● Ordering/Installing wireless & broadband ● Fixing results of a virus attack ● PC healthchecks ● Virus , trojan , worm removal and protection ● Backups/Disaster recovery ● Hardware/software upgrades. ● Website and graphic design. ● Printer/scanner assistance. Sky TV Installations Sky TV/Tous travaux satellite See Main Ad - Pull-out pg B3 Creusetec Satellite Systems 05 55 66 60 21 "Tooway" High speed internet via satellite TV Satellite Sales, Service & Installations. TV Receiver & Electronic Repairs. Dish alignments. Sky/Freesat/TNT/FTA. Most of depts 23,03,63,87,36 covered. [email protected] SIRET: 510 117 328 00011 23 Years Qualified (Previously UK CORGI registered – Oil / Natural Gas / LPG) Established and registered in France for 7 years. Siret en cours Graham Carter Plastering Chimney Sweeps Plumbing & Heating Engineer Email: [email protected] Computers & Satellites Chimney Sweeping • Flue ways cleared • Birds nests, vermin & debris removed • Smoke evacuation & gas tightness tests • Official certificates of cleaning issued (Certificat de Ramonage) 05 55 63 78 72 Siren: 502 409 949 CLEAR CHIMNEY SERVICES SWEEP since 1986 All types of chimneys cleaned Fast and Efficient Certificate de Ramonage issued with every chimney swept (obligatory for home insurance) Bird guards supplied and fitted Chimney repairs and maintenance Safety surveys TEL. 02 54 06 40 80 [email protected] siren 504 218 454 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 Connect-Français Computer Problems? Limousin & Charente PC & Mac Internet Assistance WiFi, ADSL, Dial-up Helpdesk, Data retrieval Call Dave [email protected] SIRET: 479 095 705 00014 [email protected] Submissions Deadline 15th of the month ○ THE BUGLE ○ FEBRUARY 2012 DIRECTORY ♦ B5 ADVERTORIAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY Spotlight your business to Your advert in the Business an estimated 25,000 readers Directory - how it works! E very month 12,000+ copies of The Bugle are printed and distributed across the region. Thanks to our targeted distribution where we personally visit each of our 300+ distributors every month, and adjust the number of papers left accordingly, we make sure that the right number of copies go in the right places. The Bugle has an estimated monthly readership of over 25,000 people!! That means as many as 25,000 pairs of eyes will be reading this text in the coming few weeks… and they could be reading about your business! An Advertorial like this one costs just €50, that’s 500 potential new customers or clients for your business for every euro spent! As our newspaper has grown in popularity and The Bugle has established itself as the primary source of free local and national news in the region, our advertising has also become increasingly effective. Advertorials are just one of the advertising options we offer, but they have become a very cost-effective way of attracting new customers and raising the profile of your business. Because we only feature a handful of businesses each month, we highlight those businesses prominently and deliver your message in a targeted manner. Advertorials are now available in 4 sizes: • 1/6 page - €50 (this one) • 1/3 page - €100 • 2/3 page - €200 ADVERTORIAL GOODWIN SATELLITE SALES AND INSTALLATION OF ALL SATELLITE SYSTEMS AND AERIALS. FAULT FINDING. T • full page - €300. If you would like to find out more about our Advertorials, or any of our other advertising options, please feel free to get in touch with us on or drop us a line at [email protected] ■ Courses & Classes Email: [email protected] Jewellery Making Courses Learn how to make stunning jewellery and stay at our beautiful B&B SIRET: 479 965 758 00010 Call Patrice: [email protected] Fast dependable service Café, Bar and Events Venue Lunch Menu Free WiFi SIRET: 489 218 636 00012 siret: 453 067 910 00019 15 Grande Rue, Le Dorat [email protected] Tel: 05 55 62 05 61 For all your TV and satellite installations and repairs (Sky TV, Internet etc.) La Petite Fontaine Dept 23 & surrounding areas Submissions Deadline 15th of the month he Bugle Business Directory is the perfect way for small businesses to reach a large number of households at a reasonable price, with adverts starting from as little as €16 per month. Directory contracts are for 4, 6 or 12 months, with increasing discount for the 6 and 12-month options. To place a Directory Advert, simply email us at [email protected] with the text that you would like to include. As a guide: • Small Ads can comfortably contain around 30 words • Large Ads can comfortably contain around 45 words For more information or to request a copy of our Media Pack, please Email: [email protected] or Tel: Food & Drink Based Séreilhac (87) LES PAPILLONS Salon de Thé Menu du jour. Teas, coffees, cream teas and gateaux. Tue - Fri 10:00 - 5:30 Mon, Sat & Sun Closed Jackie Cawtheray 1 rue Pierre Chambord, Oradour-sur-Vayres Tel: 05 44 00 03 24 The Living Room 05 55 41 17 76 05 55 48 92 37 - see pg 8 Advertise your business here for only €35/month [email protected] Small Directory Ad €16/month €24/month Large Directory Ad €21.50/month €32/month [email protected] Small Directory Ad 50mm x 43mm (Actual Size) BUSINESS DIRECTORY Your advert here See our Notice Board events listings 39 Place du Champ de Foire 36140, Aigurande 02 54 06 30 77 Le Chardon Ecossais Large range of British foods. Special orders can be catered for. Usually cheaper than the supermarkets!! 5km west of Aubusson Tue-Sat 10.00 - 4.00 AUX CEPES LA veytiZoU FISH & CHIPS €10 05 55 12 99 45 - 06 04 09 03 10 Tel: 05 55 69 33 38 Mon–Fri 11.30–2pm Fri & Sat eve 7–9pm, Sun 11:30–2pm Come and see for yourself - Open all week. The Corner Shop Restaurant Open: (Alternative Menu Available) ‘...more than just a bar’ ‘....a bit like Allo Allo and Cheers!’ 05 55 41 17 76 4 Course Sunday Lunch €15 €8,50 - Main Meal or €12,50 - 3 Courses JJ’s Cafe Bar Some customer quotes: L’Escale Restaurant & Bar Large Directory Ad x 66.5mm 50mm (Actual Size) Restaurant 2-course Sunday Lunch from €10 Friday Night Weekly Quiz Curry Night every Saturday "the place to be" Colour SIRET: 504 584 228 00010 Now Open and serving Freshly home-cooked Food. Daily Plat du Jour from €9 Your advert here Black & White SIRET: 510 986 490 00017 5 Rue Andre Jouhannaud, Compreignac siret: 353 613 227 00035 All prices below are per month and no TVA/VAT is applicable: For Further Information [email protected] SIRET: 508 754 314 00013 Bistro Café Speciality: Homemade Indian curry - see pg 8 Le Pub 58, rue d'Orjon Argenton-sur-Creuse 02 54 60 02 14 Open Late!! Sunday roast & pudding A TENNER (€) from Sep Fish + Chips + Mushy Peas, every Fri + Sat night Opening hours: Thu 12-2pm & 6pm-midnight Fri 12-2pm & 6pm-2am Sat 12pm-2am Sun 12pm-11pm CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... FEBRUARY 2012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ B6 ♦ DIRECTORY Le P’tit Marchois Bar 47 Grande Rue 23260 Crocq La ferme du Duc noir Free range, rare breed pork See our Display Ad - pg 3 Handholding Services SIREN: 508 665 692 Sophie Arsac French lessons & handholding services Bar & Restaurant - Gouzon Menu du Jour, Mon-Fri €12.50 (3 courses), €15 (4 courses) Sunday Carvery - €15 Now taking bookings for Christmas Tel: 05 55 61 99 14 Email: [email protected] Your advert here - pg 14 Cross Cut Tree Surgeons for all your tree requirements [email protected] / see main ad below Gifts & Crafts Le Creusois Bar/Restaurant Les Genêts, Azerables High quality British & French food at reasonable prices. Menu du Jour €12, Traditional Pub Food, Vegetarian dishes, Childrens & Snack menus also available Rochechouart Tue 2.30pm - 5pm Thu, Fri 9:15-12 & 2:30-5pm Sat 9 - 12 05 55 78 19 24 SIRET 484 479 480 00010 Open 10h-21h for food, all day every day! 4-course lunch menu + wine from ONLY €11 Only 3 mins from A20 (junct 20) ● Moules-Frites (2nd weekend every month) ● Fish & Chips, Tuesday nights - €7.50 ● Tête de Veau, 29th (for les Herolles) See our website for more details... Tel: 02 54 24 83 31 Au Beau Rivage 9 rue Dr Charles Poitevin Comme à la Maison Bric à Brac at Soumans Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts ● Crockery ● Home furnishings ● Porcelain ● Antiques ● ...much more Tue-Fri 10h-12h & 14h-16h30 Sat-Sun 10h-16h30 Rue du Champ de Foire, 23600 SOUMANS C’est cheese Your advert here Also available online. For more information, see our website: [email protected] SIREN: 409 679 578 All aspects of hairdressing, in your home or mine Call Jane: Based La Trimouille (86290) Hotel - Bar - Restaurant Busseau-sur-Creuse - pg 13 Find us at local markets selling a small and tasty selection of excellent quality english cheeses. English Hairdresser Tel: International money transfer Language Services 05 55 00 92 97 3, Rue Principale, 87740 St-Mathieu [email protected] SIRET: 493 871 826 00019 [email protected] The French and Spanish Translation Service is a vibrant translation company based in the UK. We specialise in translations from and into French and Spanish and can supply work electronically in any format. For all your translation needs call Mobile Hairdresser or visit us at discount available for multiple bookings FRENCH CLASS Contact Debra on 0044 1642 769 279 WITH FRENCH TEACHER SMALL & FRIENDLY GROUPS Vacancies for various levels in Chénérailles. Elisabeth Sicard 05 55 80 44 83 Siret. 482 420 114 00019 [email protected] Not sure? Attend once for free! Insurance & Finance Online Shopping 05 49 91 02 23 06 47 94 95 75 siret: 502 867 211 00018 Siddalls Financial Solutions & Expert Advice A moment of luxury for your body, mind and spirit. The finest skincare, massage and wellness treatments await you. All in the comfort of your own home [email protected] Based La Châtre. Covering 36 and surrounding. Siret No. 530 364 744 00017 La Petite Place Hair salon, Le Dorat See our Display Ad - pg 9 Mouse 2 House Your shopping simply delivered See our Display Ad - pg 13 05 55 68 78 23 - see pg 7 Donna’s Currencies Direct Beauty Treatments 06 35 92 77 83 / 02 54 06 07 48 05 55 41 17 76 HiFX Tue-Fri 9am-12pm & 2pm-6pm Sat 9am-2pm [email protected] [email protected] Looking for something special for your home? Come take a look: Closed 1 week from Tue 28/02 - re-open Wed 07/03 05 55 53 37 10 06 15 63 70 22 SECOND HAND BOOK SHOP. GREAT SELECTION OF GIFTS, CARDS, CANDLES AND HAND-CRAFTED PRODUCTS 500+ DVD's now in stock SIREN: 483 988 853 Au Bon Vivre 06 16 91 64 67 The Exchange Parnac, opposite the church Available for all your translation needs: EDF, broadband arrangement, RSI/ healthcare, Notaire visits, pension enquiries, bank accounts, general phone calls etc. made on your behalf – save time and money. French lessons also available at cheap rates. Health & Beauty Fluent native French speaker Call us on 05 55 41 17 76 Beauty and Holistic Therapy Salon ● UK trained/qualified Sports Therapist ● Well Established Salon. ● Full Body, Back, Neck & Shoulders, Indian Head, Reflexology etc ● Waxing, Manicure, Beauté des Pieds, Tinting, Ear Piercing etc ● Products and Gift Vouchers available Garden Services Auberge du Golf Santé et Beauté see Page 2 Property Sales FRENCH ACCOUNTANCY AND TAXATION SERVICES Personal tax returns completed. Assistance and advice for auto-entrepreneur, self-employed & companies. Bookkeeping and accounts preparation. Tax investigations defended. Capital gains tax and tax planning. We can deal with the tax office and authorities/Carte Vitale on your behalf. Sylvie BARITAUD - 02 54 24 89 64 Email: [email protected] siret: 498 420 280 00014 Property Sales in France Bev Hughes - 05 45 30 35 92 See our main ad - pg 4 Cross Cut Tree Surgeons for all your tree requirements 27 years experience Grass & hedge cutting service We will not be beaten on price or standard of work Fully qualified arborist - Fully insured Covering depts: 87, 23, 86, 36, 19 & 16 Reliability guaranteed [email protected] / siret: 530 840 958 00017 ○ THE BUGLE ○ FEBRUARY 2012 DIRECTORY ♦ B7 Leggett Immobilier Stove Sellers [email protected] - see pg 9 See our Display Ad - pg 11 Naudon’s Estate Agency Finegans Rainbow Your local corner shop Long established, traditional, French Estate Agency with a British member of staff at your service for property transactions in Limousin. Antiques Brocantes Kevin Andrews +33 (0)6 31 19 55 81 Transport, Removals & Storage 05 49 48 87 23 - see pg 9 MAN + VAN Fiat Ducato with 11m² load capacity 06 30 88 78 62 - see pg 10 e-mail : [email protected] Site : Eco Entrepot Office line : 05 55 63 13 57 Helen’s mobile : 06 82 92 88 61 87230 Bussière-Poitevine - see pg 5 [email protected] Houses on Internet The Reclamation Yard See our main ad - pg 9 Central France Storage See our Display Ad - pg 3 Retail & Commerce Soie et Bois Depot Vente des Vêtements Dress agency and gallery, specialising in designer and high quality pre-owned clothes for women and children, together with accessories, footwear, jewellery, gift items, and hand made furniture. 4 rue Principale, St Mathieu, 87440 [email protected] Tel: 05.55 48.28.89 SIRET: 510 995 681 00010 Moulin de Tintin Furniture, interiors & gifts - see pg 3 Arfeuille Antiques All types of furniture 05 55 83 14 47 See our Display Ad - pg 7 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 Cheap rates for any work requiring 1 or more strong, fluent French-speaking men to move, pick up, or dump whatever you need. 64 67 [email protected] Find us easily, just opposite the church in La Souterraine Get down The Shed Reliable man with reliable van and trailer for hire Call us on: 06 16 91 or email at Magnac-Laval Man with Van Collections / Deliveries Removals / Brico Runs All over France. Competitve hourly rate incl fuel. Please ring or e-mail for a quote. Based nr Aubusson Dept 23 05 55 83 02 77 / 06 81 33 07 15 SIRET: 523 955 151 00015 All your storage needs both long & short term. Fully insured through Axa and alarmed. Call Karen or email for a quote: [email protected]/ SIRET: 494 123 847 00019 Handy Man With A Van Who Can Mike & Van Deliveries and collections Available for house and garden clearance rubbish taken to dechetterie. All types of jobs considered such as labouring jobs and van and man jobs. Daily, half daily, and hourly rates. Those mucky little jobs that you want sorting out at competitive rates and reliable service. Live in 87 but can work further afield. Contact Mike on 05 55 60 22 28 or email: [email protected] siret 52226733500019 Parking For Limoges Airport Cheaper parking for all types of vehicles Book now!! 05 55 03 37 96 General 05 55 06 07 28 See main ad page 7 FIRE LOGS FOR SALE 45cm Oak - €40/m3 45cm Mixed Hardwood - €35/m3 (poplar/cherry/hornbeam) Buyer collects from 36160 Lignerolles 02 54 30 51 95 (evenings best) siret 508 166 642 00019 Ebénisterie Hemming Quality handmade wood furniture 02 48 63 15 09 See our main ad - pg 20 BABY/INFANT EQUIPMENT FOR HIRE To raise funds for the SPA dog rescue centre in Guéret. High chair, buggy, play pen, travel cot, fire guard, stair gate etc. Each item will incur a hire charge of 7 euros, plus a refundable 8 euros deposit. For more INFO or to HIRE Call Jean: 05 55 54 96 36 [email protected] Removals/ Single Items House/Barn/Garden Clearance Handyman jobs of all kinds Iveco Luton with Tail-lift Carrefour du bois Limousin Tel: (+33) 05 55 63 72 45 - see pg 12 Siret : 532 526 001 00013 [email protected] Metal World Welding & Metalwork Jon the Carpet Man Carpets & Flooring See Display Ad - pg 6 Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory call or email [email protected] FEBRUARY 2012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ B8 ♦ GAMES Crossword Caption Competition - February Clues and answers in English Send your entries for this month's Caption Competition to: [email protected] Winner receives a modicum of kudos. Last Month's Winners Many thanks to Steve & Karen from La Coterie Entreprise for supplying this photo! Across: 1. A kitchen device (6) 4. A game of snooker (5) 8. Area of tall perennial grasses (5) 9. Freedom from demands of work or duty (7) 10. To make sugary (7) 11. Male animal (4) 12. Type of antelope (3) 14. Volcanic mountain (4) 15. Plying into other peoples business (4) 18. A device for capturing birds, Butterflies and fish (3) 21. Hollow in a surface caused by a blow (4) 23. Male of a domestic fowl (7) 25. To insert or graft into the body (7) 26. Metric measure (5) 27. A place in Africa (5) 28. A former treatment for freckles (6) Down: 1. Lightly stroke or touch (6) 2. To eat too much (7) 3. A person from 27 accross (8) 4. To lose strength or vigour; become weak (4) 5. Fully developed and mature (5) 6. Capacity for preforming work (6) 7. In accordance with (5) 13. To set free; release (8) 16. A pioneer or immigrant (7) 17. A proposal for an appropriate course of action (6) 19. The actual state of a matter (5) 20. Melancholy (6) 22. Absorbent garment usually worn by infant (5) 24. Being the only one remaining (4) Please be aware that the deadline for all submissions for content and advertising is the 15th of the month for the following month’s print edition. SUDOKU - EASY WINNER: "My marriage was at breaking point due to a combination of weak bowels and my love for curry, but since installing "vindaloo-loo" we've never been happier!" - Iain Cross HONOURABLE MENTIONS: "Just a bog standard fosse septique" - Alan Board "Throne in at the deep end" - Doreen Bailey "Since I’ve tried English food, I had to rectify my septic tank" - Michel ZIMMERMANN "The new Crapomatic 2012 - from fesses to fosse in under a second" - ED WINNING FRENCH ENTRY: "Mon chéri, tu es sur de tes branchements pour notre abri anti-atomique? Comment on fait, si on a 'envie'" - Gérard MANVUSSAT SUDOKU - MEDIUM SUDOKU - HARD The solutions to this month’s puzzles can be found on pages 17 (Crossword) and 18 (Sudokus) ○ THE BUGLE ○ FEBRUARY 2012 FRENCH LIFE ♦ 11 Man's best friend ... Recycled D id you know that you can turn a cat into 16 rabbits or a dog into 22 pigeons simply by recycling them? OK, as you might have guessed, that's not really true, but by getting a recycled pet you can lessen the collective environmental impact of our need for animal companions while doing something very humane to boot. No matter which country or city you live in, there is a massive extermination going on of animals who have been neglected and thrown out like rubbish; literally millions of dogs and cats are euthanised annually. Living, breathing and feeling creatures. This is the reality of the results of unbridled pet "consumption". This is the result of human ignorance and cruelty in relation to the animals we are responsible for. What the shelters and animal societies do in their destruction is not the problem, it's the end result of an oversupply of living creatures that don't fit in with our demands or who have been born because their owners didn't get their animal neutered. Humanitarian issues aside, the environmental impact of these unwanted animals is huge. They have to eat, be sheltered and even the destruction process is resource intensive. Animals that turn feral wreak a heavy toll on the environment, killing billions of native animals a year. It's just a terrible and tragic waste any way you look at it. While there are no-kill shelters around, these are often operating at capacity. Too many people are buying their pets from breeders instead of obtaining pets from these sources. Get a recycled pet! One of the great misconceptions about getting an animal from a shelter is that they are “damaged goods”. Yes, some of the animals have been physically or emotionally scarred, but there's no guarantee that an animal you buy from a breeder won't be. Some of the puppy farms that operate keep animals in horrible conditions. Regardless of where you get an animal from, there's always a risk of neuroticism or other behavioural disturbances, but a good home and caring owners often do wonders for a neglected animal. In the case of dogs, they just want to be part of a pack, and will seek your acceptance by behaving appropriately with a little training and time. If you're into recycling, why not consider a “recycled” pet from a shelter? You'll be getting an animal that has likely been immunized and castrated/spayed (or will be) included in the price. The dog or cat will also have been screened to a degree to see if it is able to assimilate into a new home. The money from your purchase will go towards the incredible work shelters do in trying to save animals. The staff at shelters have often had the opportunity to observe the behaviour of the animals brought in, so they can tell you if the pet appears to be house-trained, will likely fit into a family who has young children or would be better with a single adult owner. There are some fantastic rescue places here in France, who are more than happy to discuss their animals with you, one of which is Phoenix. We have two new family members from them. More information can be found at I can't really think of a more environmentally friendly way of acquiring a pet than one that's been tossed aside by another thoughtless human. When you obtain a pet by these means, you're not only cutting down on the demand for “new” pets to be bred, but you'll also be saving a life of another animal. ■ Arthur Smith Harlequin Developments Tel: Mob: RealTime Publishing announces Les Ruines, the fascinating historical fiction novel from HauteVienne author, James R. Vance RealTime Publishing, Inc. is about to publish Les Ruines by James R. Vance, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the Historical Fiction category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble and in multiple eBook formats from all the main online retail stores. About the Book Les Ruines is a present-day mystery originating from the dark years of occupied France during WWII. Almost seventy years after the fragmented liberation of the country, strange psychic disturbances from the ruins of a former chateau in Haute-Vienne attract the attention of two young women who delve into its history. As they learn about the terrifying exploits of the Das Reich 2nd Panzer Division during its march from Montauban to Normandy, gruesome secrets begin to emerge. They learn about the role of SOE agents parachuted into France and uncover evidence of macabre events and atrocities that reveal the involvement of the French Resistance. History is about to be re-written. In an interview, James R. Vance explained what prompted him to write Les Ruines: “Several years ago, silent images of a ravaged town, an opening sequence to one episode in The World at War television series, made an impact on me. When I moved to France, I realised that I had chosen to live near the town of Oradour-surGlane, destroyed by the Germans on 10 June 1944. The annihilation of this town and the massacre of its inhabitants were an example of German retribution towards the French in retaliation for resistance activities against them. Wartime recollections of local friends and neighbours in this area also captured my imagination. I decided that it would be sad if their tales were lost; those who had experienced the occupation were gradually dying of old age along with their memories. As a writer of fiction, I undertook the challenge of weaving these snippets into a credible plot. The main events of the story are historically correct but I have interpreted personal anecdotes to create an intriguing mystery of historical fiction set against a background of disorganised resistance, fear of reprisals, suspected collaboration and uncertainty amongst the indigenous population. To bring credibility to the storyline, I also visited the various sites in To find out more about the author, visit: A wonderful thing is the Olive M ankind's use of olive oil dates back prior to 3500 BC and today over three quarters of a billion olive trees are cultivated around the world. One of the amazing things about olive trees are the conditions in which they can grow. While originating in the Mediterranean, there are thriving olive industries in many countries, even including Australia, and they seem to thrive in some very harsh conditions. In case you've ever wondered about the various olive oil grades, here are a few of the common ones: Extra virgin: Comes from the first pressing of the olives, the best quality Virgin: Has an acidity less than 2% and no refined oil content Pure olive oil: Usually a blend of refined olive oil and virgin olive oil. Refining is carried out using charcoal or other chemical filters. Extra light: More of a marketing term than a grade. This is usually highly processed, may be mixed with the Limousin region of wartime events that are described in the novel.” Author James R. Vance lives in southwest France. He wrote his first crime fiction novel, The Courier, drawing inspiration from his knowledge of London and northern France for the storyline. His second novel, Killer Butterfly, features the same two detectives. His third novel in the series, Animal Instinct, was published in 2009. His previous novel, Eight, published in 2011, a sequel to the trilogy featuring a detective and one of his suspects, is set in Limoges and Marseille. ■ other oils, or may be just pure olive oil grade. The “light” refers to flavour rather than calorific content. We're familiar with olive oil in relation to cooking, but there are so many other ways it can be used, often avoiding the need to use synthetic chemicals, compounds and substances that aren't very environmentally friendly. For these tips, you don't need to use the best grade of olive oil. • After polishing copper or brass, rub it with a little olive oil to slow down the reoccurrence of tarnish • Can be used as a stainless steel cleaner (apply sparingly) • Rub olive oil into wooden cutting boards to help prevent cracking, repel staining and marking • Remove paint from hair or skin by dabbing a cotton ball dipped in olive to the affected area • Use it as an alternative for de-squeaking hinges • Apply a little olive oil to your shoes to restore their shine • Old leather can be made more supple by rubbing in olive oil (spot test first) • Coat garden tool blades with a thin layer of olive oil to prevent dirt sticking to them and to help prevent rusting. This works really well! • Mix one part lemon juice with 3 parts olive oil to make a wooden furniture polish • A small amount of olive oil applied after shampooing can substitute hair conditioner • Extra light olive oil can be used as a massage oil • Olive oil can replace shaving cream or shaving oil • Dip a razor into olive oil after use to prevent the blade rusting • Use as a makeup remover A teaspoon of olive oil can help soothe a tickling or sore throat (I've tried it and it has provided some relief) and in some cases if taken just before bed, some say it can alleviate snoring. ■ FEBRUARY 2012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 12 ♦ FRENCH LIFE Meat is murder? In the garden - Jobs for February Bugle reader, Eddie Malone, has made New Year's resolutions that have led him to confront his vegetarianism.. You can read more of Eddie's thoughts on his blog: Keep warm this winter order online now QUALITY Dry Firewood Oak, Beech, Hornbeam Logs of 50, 33 & 25 cm Delivered loose or by pallet to departments 23 & 87 20209827CR1138 05 55 63 72 45 (8h30-12h & 14h-18h) CBL depuis 1991 Carrefour du Bois Limousin As seen on TF1 & France 3 and at the Foire Expo Limoges in the respect I have for nature and its rhythms. Recently I have eaten chicken meat for the first time in nearly 20 years. The chicken was one raised on my own smallholding. I knew she had had a decent life in which she had plenty of space to move around, handfuls of grain and clean water. She felt the sun on her feathers as she rooted through gravel for food and slept at night in a warm and secure poulailler and when the time was right she was killed humanely and eaten. I wondered to myself how I would feel when I tasted meat again. I had recently met an English couple who had come to France to set up a smallholding, but had found eating their own poultry to be unbearable. They told me that their free-range chickens seemed to have a lot of fat in their meat. They added that they were now thinking of becoming vegetarian! We were conscious of the irony of the sale of their chickens by soon-to-be vegetarians to a soon-to-be carnivore! However, I found that the chicken meat was good, roasted with home-grown mashed potatoes, cabbage and onions! I have no recollection of any particular relationship with this hen. I treat the chickens well as a group; there may be one or two who are louder or more curious than the others, but I have yet to discern any unique personalities among them. For me, there is a coldness in the eye with which a hen beholds you. The reptilian stare reminds me of their distant ancestors, the dinosaurs; I know in my bones that if they were my size and I was theirs they would gobble me up without the luxury of a swift death or an ounce of remorse! I understand to some degree now how farmers’ children can bring up young livestock such as lambs with love and care as pets and still accept that they will be taken away eventually for slaughter. Personally, I would still find it difficult to slaughter and eat my own goats, for example, as I think it is much easier to form an emotional attachment with a mammal. When my little herd of newly pregnant nanny goats carefully pick their way towards me across the field in their fluffy winter coats and nuzzle up to kiss me as I bend down to leash them, I would be appalled at the thought of killing and eating them. In other words, je suis Eddie the hypocrite. So my friends, let us wish ourselves the very best in maintaining our self discipline in keeping our resolutions this year and the warmest of compassion for ourselves and each other if we fail. ■ CBL, founded in 1991, controls the supply of its wood from private & state forests, within a 200km radius. The company is established in the Haute-Vienne and Creuse and specializes in hardwood and softwood. We have a large stock at all times, to best serve our customers in quality and quantity and we offer both logs and lumber, in different types of wood. Split and dry firewood is available in a choice of lengths: 50 - 33 - 25 cm. Delivered to departments 87 and 23. [email protected] H ow is that New Year's resolution of yours going? We all have the best of intentions as the year draws to a close and many of us will have started 2012 with at least one resolution to improve our life, whether it is to give up smoking, lose a few pounds or cut down on the vin rouge. Well, now we are in February and the first flush of enthusiasm may have waned. It can be hard to keep motivated when Christmas is long gone and the warmth of the spring sunshine has yet to warm our faces. In the grey light of pre-spring that cupcake, that larme of Bordeaux or the scent of a Woodbine can be very appealing... What is my own resolution I hear you asking? I have resolved, after nearly 20 years of not eating meat, to kill and eat my own animals in 2012. Perhaps a tad unusual I grant you! There is, I argue, an internal logic to my decision and I have always been fascinated by the beauty of logic. Do you remember the food health scares of the late 1980s and 90s in Britain? There was Edwina Currie like Cruella De Vil with her salmonella-riddled hens which scared us, not forgetting the sleeping time bomb of mad cow disease which had crossed over to humans and was turning the brains of healthy young people to sponges. At the time La France said 'Non' to our meat, and so did I and many of my friends. A whole generation of Brits became vegetarian or non-meat eaters and we created a sizeable subculture with its own cuisine and restaurants. The volcanoes of dead and burning cattle that erupted up and down the UK during the foot-andmouth epidemic at the start of the new millennium confirmed many in their avoidance of meat. Morrissey was our mascot and he sang dolefully that meat was murder and instead we turned to Quorn, Linda McCartney’s vegetarian sausages and a crop of nut roast recipes. Yes, we feared for our own well-being, but we also cared for the animals' welfare too. We had seen the hell of battery hens and witnessed chickens bent over and pulling their own feathers out because they were distressed and bored. Now, like you, I live in France. My dream of setting up and running a smallholding has changed my perspective on so many things. My life has changed and I must change too. There is a new-found intensity A nother year in the garden is about to start. The days are getting longer, and with the unseasonal weather of last winter (daffodils in flower in December, tomatoes in the polytunnel for Christmas!), who knows how the Spring will evolve. Still, Mother Nature has a marvelous way of catching up and evening things out. Plan for success: Now is a good time to plan the forthcoming season. Make a list of all the veg you plan to grow. Then have a look at a companion planting guide and see what to plant next to what. Thirdly, think about crop rotation. There are all sorts of fancy, complicated plans for this, but at its most basic, it just means not planting members of the same family in the same place year after year. It makes sense, as they are likely to need the same food and nutrients, so repeated planting will impoverish the soil and give lower harvests. Also, pests and diseases are often connected to specific types of veg. Moving the various families around the garden stops them building up. If it all seems too involved, just make sure you keep a record of what you grow where, and don't repeat yourself. Why bother? Yes, that's a question that comes up quite often, astonishingly. There are so many reasons to grow at least a small proportion of your food that it seems difficult to list them all. “It's too much work” – No. A small potager, say 5m x 5m, needs just 15 minutes' attention a day, and an hour or so at the weekends, if you get it underway correctly and keep it up. For that you can grow most of the leaf veg a family needs. A considerable saving. “It's too expensive” - No. Last year in my local shop lettuces & cucumbers retailed at more than a euro each, and melons up to three euros, so a couple of cucumber plants and a row or two of oakleaf lettuces would have paid for themselves many times over. With the drought of 2011, prices for fruit and veg are likely to be even higher this year, especially since they are so linked to the cost of transport. And don't get me started on organic prices, or the ranting will take off! Seeds are free if you save your own, or can be swapped via seed saving networks or gardening clubs. Only lazy gardeners buy them year in, year out. “It's too physical” - Not necessarily. Instigate a nodig policy. Grow perennial crops e.g. herbs, strawberries, soft fruit, fruit trees, nut trees. These all need relatively little attention. Find a way that suits you, and don't be too ambitious. Gardening also has proven beneficial effects on health. It's an activity that is infinitely adaptable to individual needs – from looking after a strawberry Violets planter to double digging, there's something everyone can do. It's also great as an anti-stress measure. You may not want to take up sport but can you really afford to stop gardening? The early bird February is a good time to get an early start. Check your tools are in good order. Find your seed box and sort through the packets. Look out cloches, and tidy up the greenhouse or tunnel. Consider making a Hot Box (une couche chaude), an ancient technique which harnesses the heat given off by manure to germinate your seeds - an early type of propagator. The simplest consists of making a pile of muck at least 2 foot high to the size you want, in a sunny, sheltered corner of the garden. Stamp it down firmly, and as you make it, alternate layers of dry leaves or bracken. The manure should have plenty of straw in it. Leave it a couple of weeks, then you can sow seeds on top – either in trays or directly into a layer of potting compost that you put on top. Cover with a cold frame or fleece, to stop the wind. You can gain around a month's advance in this way. Good gardening! Michelle Pierce Un Jardin en France plant nursery [email protected] 05 45 89 36 54 W e will start seeing these shy little flowers emerge in our garden from February onwards. If we think about them, we are likely to consider them as timid relicts of Victoriana, appearing on chocolate boxes, cards and love notes. This is to miss the point as to their part of a huge industry, which lasted up until the Second World War, now virtually completely disappeared. For the perfume industry, cosmetics, confiserie and cut flowers, millions and millions of blooms were harvested. France was a centre for this, with other countries following on as the economic benefits were seen, and the late 1800s saw an explosion of growers and breeders all trying to produce bigger blooms, or new colours. Armand Millet 1845 -1920 Born in Bourg-la-Reine, near Paris, he was the son of horticulturalists who produced violets in the late 1830s, and took over the family firm in his early twenties. Less than ten years later, he was elected to the Société nationale d'horticulture de France and became part of the Committee for Flower Cultivation. He was an important grower and hybridiser of violets, winning many important horticultural prizes for his introductions, both in France and internationally. He wrote books about violets, and in later life became an important figure in local government. His pink violet, Coeur d'Alsace, is still available and was named to commemorate the conquering back of this French territory. ■ ○ THE BUGLE ○ FEBRUARY 2012 FRENCH LIFE ♦ 13 Legal representation in France A French avocat, compared to his UK counterpart (i.e. solicitor), meets clients, gives legal advice, drafts letters and contracts and prepares the client’s case for trial, but is also allowed to appear before a judge. If you want to start legal proceedings, or if you are accused of something and need to defend yourself, you may, or in certain cases must, take on an avocat. There are cases where if you do not have an avocat, then you will not be legally represented (in divorce proceedings, for example), and others where the services of an avocat are not compulsory (correctional procedures, or hearings before industrial tribunals, for example). The client always has a choice as to which avocat represents them. In reality, several factors will dictate this: geographical proximity, the skill of counsel on this particular subject, whether he/she is on the bar where the litigation takes place, or comes recommended by a friend/ member of the family etc. Very often, clients are reluctant to consult an avocat or to ask for representation because they do not know how much it will cost them. In France, the fees of an avocat are not fixed. Rather, the avocat and the client are free to agree a fee between themselves based mainly on four criteria: •The importance of the case •The financial situation of the client •The time spent •The complexity of the case The fees of the avocat may also be covered, in part or in full, by your insurance if you have a contract covering you for legal protection. This cover often comes with your house insurance. The majority of French insurance companies offer this to their clients. You must check if your case is covered by this insurance and to what thresholds. The simplest way is to contact your insurer and explain your problem. If your income is below a certain threshold, fixed each year by law, you may also be eligible for l’aide juridictionnelle (legal aid) L’aide juridictionnelle - Legal aid: Legail aid entitles the recipient to free assistance from a lawyer (avocat) or other legal practictioner (bailiff, expert etc) and to exemption from court costs. Legal aid is given by the legal aid office (bureau d’aide juridictionnelle) at the Regional Court (Guéret if you live in the Creuse, Limoges if you live in Haute-Vienne) subject to requirements as to income, nationality, residence and admissibility. You may receive legal aid if the average of your combined The Euro crisis T he sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone has been undoubtedly the dominant subject over the last six months and 2012 shows no signs of the ongoing problem letting up, with fears remaining about some of the member states’ debt levels. With this economic situation as a backdrop, it is understandable that many individuals now raise questions about their own position, and in particular with regard to their investments, so, in this article we share and discuss the questions we have been most frequently asked. Is the Euro going to last? That depends on what you mean by “last”. If only for political reasons, it remains unlikely that the Euro will be dismantled, since Paris and Berlin would lose a significant amount of face if the Euro project collapsed. Moreover, it must be said that all of the “troubles” related to the Euro have had little real effect on its value against other currencies. However, if you mean will it last in its current form with seventeen different fiscal policies and national interests pulling against each other, the answer is much more difficult to answer, and possibly no. Germany is a shining beacon in the European economic landscape at the moment and the Germans are pretty fed up with having to pick up everybody else’s pieces. So, it is quite likely that we will see a “change in the rules” for the Euro with the Germans taking the lead. Should we be getting out of Euros? The basic principle is that, if you live in France, your spending needs are in the currency of that country and, if you have your money in that currency, movements in exchange rates do not affect you. Were the Euro to see significant changes your money will not disappear! Whatever happens, France will still have to have a domestic currency, be it the Euro, the new French Franc or anything else. Therefore, if the Euro should wind up, a conversion would take place to change existing Euros into the new currency, just as the reverse occurred when the Franc was replaced by the Euro. Whilst many blame the Euro for a general increase in prices, resources for the preceding year (excluding family allowances and certain welfare benefits) does not exceed a certain threshold set by statute each year. For example, legal aid applications made in 2011 are examined on the basis of the income received in 2010. From 1st January 2011 the monthly limit for a single person is 929 € for full legal aid and 1,393 € for partial legal aid. These limits are increased according to the number of dependent persons living with you (husband, partner, children, parents…): •167 € for the 2 first persons •106 € for subsequent persons You are entitled to legal aid if you are a French national, a citizen of the European Union, or a foreign national habitually and lawfully residing in France. Legal aid is also given without a residence requirement to foreign nationals who are minors, witnesses, placed under formal if a country switches from one currency to another, basic spending power in local currency is retained, so there is no reason why a French resident should move out of Euros. Thus, any move to change your capital to another currency represents an investment risk, based on your conviction that the other currency will rise in value against the Euro (or its replacement). If you are looking to make a profit on the back of currency movements, you are happy with the risks involved and have the necessary market information at your fingertips; this can be a perfectly valid strategy and can be profitable, although you must be willing and able to take a reasonably high level of risk, since, as we have seen, currency markets can often be highly volatile. However, it is more likely that people are asking the question, “should we be getting out of SIREN: 453 573 388 The Bugle's resident lawyer, Laure CHAVERON, looks at legal representation, when you need a lawyer and the process surrounding legal aid. examination, charged, accused, convicted or have joined a civil action to a criminal prosecution, or where the action concerns entry and residence in France. Legal aid is given if the action is not manifestly inadmissible or devoid of substance (i.e. the case must be valid and have a reasonable chance of success). This condition does not apply to defendants, to persons liable civilly, to witnesses, to persons under examination, charged or accused, or to persons convicted. You can obtain a legal aid application form from the Regional Court (Tribunal de Grande Instance) or from certain town halls (Boussac, Clugnat, for example...) or from the following website: http://www.vos-droits.justice.gouv. fr/art_pix/Form12467v01.pdf The legal aid application form must be filled in and the supporting documents specified in it must be attached: these concern your financial resources (your own and Euros?” in fear of a complete collapse making their money worthless which, as noted above, is unlikely to occur. Where a move out of the Euro into Pounds Sterling, for example, has been a valid strategy, is where you have definite plans to move back to the UK in the next couple of years. In that case, “locking in” the current exchange rate and therefore the gain that many of those of people who live in your home), a copy of a valid identity or residence card, the subject of your application and the court concerned. All litigants are free to choose their own lawyer. If you qualify for full legal aid, you are still required to pay the droit de plaidoirie (right to advocacy) which is fixed at €13. You do not, on the other hand, have to pay the €35 contribution which is required when a legal case is raised. If you are deemed to be eligible for legal aid, you must start proceedings in the 12 months following the acceptance of your application. After this time, you will lose the legal aid. ■ For more information on this topic, contact: Laure CHAVERON, Avocat 10, rue Martin Nadaud, Boussac Téléphone: 05 55 82 18 99 E: [email protected] chaveron you have made since you have been here, is a sensible move, for your future budgeting. David Hardy, Regional Manager for Siddalls France, who have been providing impartial independent financial advice to the British community for over 15 years. tel: 05 56 34 71 77 FEBRUARY 2012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 14 ♦ FRENCH LIFE The Bugle thanks local French teacher, Sophie Arsac, for the translation of the following article on a topical aspect of Franco-British culture. Saint Valentine's day E un-Christian by the church and there were repeated attempts to outlaw the festival. After failing to stop the festival, the church instead dedicated the festival to Saint Valentine - whose saint’s day fell on February 14th – to obscure its pagan roots. There are several legends, but little is actually known about Saint Valentine or what he did. Charles, Duke of Orléans, sent the first known Valentine’s card in 1415 while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. This greeting card now lives in the British Library in London. ach year, on the 14th February, men and women across the globe spend billions of euros on loved ones, all in the name of Saint Valentine. Although often considered to be a Christian celebration, Valentine’s day, much like Halloween, has its roots in paganism. In ancient Rome, February was the official beginning of spring, a time of fertility, new life and regeneration. Lupercalia, as it was known, was celebrated between the 13th and 15th February in honour of the legend of Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, who were raised by a female wolf (lupa in Latin). During the festival, priests would sacrifice a goat for fertility and a dog for purification. Later in the day, the names of all the young women would be placed into a bowl. The young men would then pick one name and this pair would be coupled for the next year. This often led to marriages, but was considered Clues in English - answers in French Several years later, it is believed that King Henry V hired a writer named John Lydgate to compose a Valentine note to his favourite, Catherine of Valois. In Great Britain, Valentine’s Day began to be popularly celebrated in the 17th century and by the mid 18th century it was common for people of all social classes to exchange items of affection or small notes of love. Today, more than 1 billion cards are sent every year, making it the second biggest day for the greetings card industry, behind Christmas when 2.6 billion are sent. ■ Across: © 2011 - Angelynn (WikiCommons) T ous les 14 février et à travers le monde, des hommes et des femmes dépensent des milliards d’euros pour leurs bien-aimés, au nom de la Saint-Valentin. Bien que souvent considéré comme une célébration chrétienne, le jour de la Saint-Valentin trouve ses origines dans le paganisme, tout comme Halloween. Dans la Rome antique, le mois de février annonçait le début officiel du printemps, période de fertilité, de vie nouvelle et de régénération. Connue sur le nom de Lupercalia, une fête était célébrée entre le 13 et le 15 février en l’honneur de la légende de Romulus et Remus, les fondateurs de Rome, qui furent élevés par une louve (lupa en latin). Durant le festival, les prêtres sacrifiaient une chèvre pour la fertilité et un chien pour la purification. Plus tard dans la journée, les noms de toutes les jeunes femmes étaient placés dans une coupe. Les jeunes hommes piochaient un nom et les paires ainsi formées restaient en couple l’année suivante. Ceci conduisait souvent à des mariages mais l’Eglise considérait cela comme immoral et tenta plusieurs fois Bilingual Crossword de faire prohiber le festival, sans succès. Alors l’Eglise dédia ce festival à Saint-Valentin – dont la fête tombe le 14 février – pour occulter ses origines païennes. Il existe plusieurs légendes sur ce Saint mais l’on sait très peu de choses sur le personnage ou sur ses actions. Charles, Duc d’Orléans, envoya la première carte officielle de la SaintValentin en 1415 alors qu’il était emprisonné à la Tour de Londres après avoir été capturé pendant la bataille d’Azincourt. Cette carte est exhibée à la «British Library» (Bibliothèque Nationale Britannique) à Londres. On raconte que plusieurs années plus tard, le roi Henri V demanda à l’écrivain John Lydgate de lui composer un message de Saint-Valentin, en l’honneur de sa favorite Catherine de Valois. En Grande-Bretagne, la célébration du jour de la Saint-Valentin a commencé à devenir populaire au 17ème siècle. Au milieu du 18ème siècle, il devint une pratique courante, dans toutes les classes sociales confondues, de s’adresser des présents ou des mots doux en signe d’affection. Aujourd’hui, plus d’un milliard de cartes sont expédiées chaque année à l’occasion de la Saint-Valentin. C’est la journée la plus productive pour les industries de cartes de vœux, juste après la période de Noël, durant laquelle 2.6 milliards de cartes sont échangées. ■ 1. flights (4) 3. factory (5) 7. friends (4) 8. to write (6) 10. dozen (8) 13. spectacles (8) 16. curve (6) 17. tyre (4) 18. teeth (5) 19. baby (4) selection of stories from the current edition of the paper with hosts Martial Portail and Jacques Cassyan. The Assiette Anglaise is a great way for English speakers to listen to some French in a very informal environment. France Bleu Creuse is keen to attract a wider audience from within the expatriate communities, so why not tune in and listen to the most popular radio station in the department for yourself? 1. meat (6) 2. lettuce (6) 4. seconds (8) 5. night (4) 6. beak (3) 9. ocean liner (8) 11. amazed (6) 12. confident (6) 14. here (3) 15. cube (4) Bilingual crossword solution can be found on page 17 Please be aware that the deadline for all submissions for content and advertising is the 15th of the month for the following month’s print edition. [email protected] - [email protected] The Bugle on France Bleu Creuse The Bugle has teamed up with France Bleu Creuse to bring you a monthly bilingual radio slot as part of the station's regular show Assiette Anglaise, broadcast Monday to Friday every week at 10:45 am on 94.3 FM. English Plate, as it translates literally, offers a light-hearted look at elements of crossChannel culture in a humorous yet informative way. Our slot is broadcast just before the Assiette Anglaise, in which we discuss a Down: xt ne ur 3rd m o to Day 30 a n i FRI 10: e : n Tu how RY @ A s RU B FE ○ THE BUGLE ○ FEBRUARY 2012 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ♦ 15 Letters to The Editor Responses to 'Visiting Season' Christine Moshy By Email Dear Editor, O n reading Andrew Wignall’s article “Visiting Season” in the January Bugle, on a bright sunny morning after Christmas, all suddenly went dark, chains clanked, and Marley’s ghost wafted past in a foggy miasma. The words “Humbug! Humbug!” rang in my ears! Let poor Bob Cratchit and his unfortunate family stay in La Creuse and be miserable, when they are secretly longing to pull Christmas crackers with their jolly, apple-cheeked English grandchildren and drink “extortionately priced sherry”. Let poor Bob stay in France to eat oysters, boudin blanc, büche de Nöel. He MUST enjoy a French Christmas at all Catherine Rowland Aubusson H aving just read your article “Visiting Season” by Andrew Wignall, I feel compelled to respond. My husband and I have returned this last week after spending 3 weeks in the UK over the Christmas holiday. This is the first Christmas we have spent in the UK for over 6 years since moving to the Creuse. And yes, we felt a certain obligation to go but moreover because we wanted to see our family and good friends, whom we miss very much, particularly at Christmas time. The trip back was a pleasure and it felt good to catch up with all our friends and spend Christmas Day with all my family. Who knows when that will happen again!! It was great to go and visit all our favourite places back in Kent, especially the costs in the interests of integration! If he doesn’t, then (heaven forbid) Mr Wignall will “feel sorry for him”! Really Mr Wignall! What ever possessed you to write such an uncharitable little diatribe at all those poor people who went back to the UK to see their family and friends at Christmas? Whatever happened to freedom of choice, Mr Wignall? You may find that there is a “negative” (sic) in the “scenario” of people going back to the UK at Christmas or even with people's families “leaving their cosy little fold to visit you”, but that, Mr Wignall, is your personal opinion about your (presumably) personal experiences. There is a little French phrase, that you really should learn: “chacun à son goût”. Each to his own taste. I am glad you enjoyed your cosy French village Christmas, Mr Wignall, but don’t criticise other people for their choice. Me? Oh dear! My husband and I went for a long walk on December 25 th and then saw a wonderful French film “The Artist” at my favourite cinema in Aubusson. I must admit, I had never done that before, but then I like to do something different every year. Even one year (dare I say it, Mr Wignall?) drinking sherry and eating Christmas pud, but that was with some Norwegian aid workers & some Russian tourists in the Usambara Mountains in Tanzania. Just because it wasn’t in darkest Dorset, or benighted Balham East, or lovely Luton, does that exonerate me from your pity? Looking forward to your Easter article, Mr Wignall. lovely old country pubs for a pint or two (not a crowded Beefeater or Auntie Ethel in sight!) and stroll along the seafront at Whitstable and breathe in the sea air and spend time browsing round the little shops, especially the charity shops for books and clothes bargains! And to top it all we had some great food! Thai, Indian, Italian and great British classics! And it may be because of the economic crisis, but Christmas seemed a more sedate affair with little decoration and not all the hype I remember before I moved here. People seemed pleasant and friendly and just trying to enjoy themselves. So please don’t feel sorry for us or others, Mr Wignall. We had a splendid Christmas back in the UK, with lots of happy memories and I feel renewed and refreshed and glad I had a chance to spend it with our family and friends. That, after all, is what I think Christmas is all about. Yes, I love Christmas in the Creuse as well, although I do not remember all of them being with glistening white snow(!) And the thought of spending Christmas locked behind closed doors with just my husband and dog for company (love 'em dearly!) and watching old repeats on the telly which you can do any other day of the year, looking at my French neighbour's burglar-style Santas which will probably stay up along with other decorations until next spring, well what’s that all about then? Who should we really feel sorry for I wonder, Mr Wignall? Seriously, could someone tell me why the French do not take their Christmas decorations down on the 6 th January? A very Happy New Year to you all. Best Regards, Christine Moshy Yours sincerely Catherine Rowland Reg Clarke Moustiers Dear Steve M ay I enter the 'Little England' debate with the following contribution? 'I DO MISS ENGLAND’ I miss the fifty minutes or more it used to take me to drive 4 miles into town. I miss the stress of traffic jams, the road rage and fear of being mugged or caught up in fighting by binge drinking teenagers should Chris and I go out of an evening. I miss triple-locking the front and back doors of my house and setting the burglar alarm each time we go out … I miss all of that! I miss the suspense of whether my train is going to arrive on time … or even at all!!! And should it turn up, I miss the three hours standing from Nottingham to London having paid a king's ransom for a seat. I miss the two years or more Michael A CARRIER By Email A Happy New Year to you for 2012. As usual an excellent edition of the Bugle!! Thank you. I read with interest the article about Oradour. If any of your readers are interested there is an excellent book on the subject, which gives a waiting on a list for a hospital bed … and when one finally comes available I truly miss the risk of catching one of those potentially fatal super bugs. Where’s the satisfaction in being admitted to an infection-free ward within days of diagnosis? I miss too the thrill of the hunt in the search to find a dentist situated within 100 miles radius of my home, who may just possibly take me on their books. I miss driving hundreds of miles in the remote hope of catching a glimpse of an osprey or eagle in the wild, when now I can just casually wander up the lane and see them every day swooping across the lake … it’s just too easy, it lacks that sense of adventure! I miss eating a sandwich on the hoof at lunchtime … where’s the fun in having a relaxed twohour lunch accompanied by a pichet of good house wine, plus shared laughs with friends? I miss English restaurants where a bottle of Chablis requires a second mortgage … and I really miss those supermarket frozen chickens pumped full of water … or farmed salmon & trout that have had a flavour bypass treatment! Who in their right mind would want chilled freerange corn-fed chickens or north Atlantic fresh fish? I miss hearing traffic noise each morning with folks reversing madly out of their driveways in the vain hope of beating the rush hour … where’s the joy in waking up to the air rich with birdsong, the smell of orange blossom gently wafting across the garden & the tranquillity of the campagne with hardly a car in sight? Finally, I miss grey concrete city centres & bland shopping precincts with the stamp of sameness designed by architects, who themselves choose to live in thatched cottages in what little is left of the English countryside. Those modern developments are of course far more aesthetically pleasing than the boring roseroofed medieval towns that litter all of France. Yes, I do miss England … and you know, each day I just wonder what it really is that attracts me to live my life here ...!!! Yours sincerely Reg Clarke factual Military/Resistance perspective on Tulle and Oradour. The book is titled: DAS REICH The March of the 2nd SS Panzer Division Through France, June 1944. It is written by MAX HASTINGS and is published by PAN MILITARY CLASSICS. Yours sincerely, Michael A CARRIER Appeal from CSF Charente Plus Pat Hyatt (President) CSF Charante Plus M any of you are familiar with Cancer Support France (CSF) Charente Plus. We are part of National CSF that started 10 years ago in Benest (16) and are one of 13 branches around France. We give free and confidential support to those affected by cancer in departments 16, 17, 86 & 87 and are in the process of supporting some existing volunteers to start up a branch solely for the Haute-Vienne. This move has come about because Charente Plus covers a very large area, and we feel the public who choose to use our service would be better served if the area covered is smaller. We try to offer social events in addition to specific support, but this is always difficult when the area is so large. We hope in 2012 that we can also have another branch solely for the Charente Maritime. This would leave Charente Plus covering the Charente and the Vienne, still a large area, but considerably more manageable. We are looking for volunteers interested in being on the Bureau of Charente Plus. We need a Secretary - you will need to be familiar with using a pc and willing to set aside about 6 - 8 hours a week. We need an Active Listening Co-ordinator (ALC). This role demands confidentiality as you would be liaising with clients directly - for more information contact Viv, the current ALC, at csf. [email protected]. We also need a Vice President and a President. I am due to stand down in March at our AGM. If we have no interested parties I will obviously continue, but hopefully with a vice president to support my role. If you are interested in either of these roles, please contact me for more information at the email address shown above. CSF is a very worthy cause. If you know of anyone affected by cancer living in any of our areas, we can help and are trained to do so. We have Active Listeners in each area willing to support you, by listening, passing on relevant information, a visit, translation of a document or at a doctors appointment etc. Don’t forget we now have a drop-in morning at Limoges hospital on the 2nd Tuesday of every month in the Maison des Usagers from 9.30am – 12.30pm. If you are visiting someone at the hospital at this time or just want to ask a question, please pop in to see us. It is on the ground floor, just after the entrance hall. You will see a CSF poster on the door. Our AGM is March 6th at 10.30am in the salle des fêtes, St-Gervais, on the D740 between Champagne-Mouton and Nanteuil. You are most welcome. We look forward to hearing from you. Pat Hyatt, President FEBRUARY 2012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 16 ♦ CLASSIFIEDS The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM Classified Adverts Classified adverts are currently free for all small items (less than €500). For other types of classified adverts a small fee does apply: ● Items more than €500 are charged at €5 per month ● Accompanying photos are charged at €2.50 per month To place a classified advert, please phone, or email [email protected] with the details you would like included in your advert. FOR SALE ANIMALS & PETS FOR SALE: Jack Russell Puppies x 3 males Born 28/12/2011. Ready end February. Mother's tat: 2EEZ603. Registered L.O.F. Will go to new homes micro-chipped and vaccinated. Exceptional pedigree as well as both parents having excellent characters. Royal Canine puppy starter kit offered with each puppy. €500.00 Tel: 02 54 24 07 76 Mob: 06 78 29 32 61 FOR SALE: Shetland Ponies - Free to a good home 2 Shetland ponies free to a good home. Must be collected. 11 and 6 years old so quite young. Both have passports. TEL: 06 04 46 73 92 ASK FOR NIGEL FOR SALE: WHIPPET PUPPIES Superior quality puppies from Champion parents. Father EL NINIO MOSQUITO French & Italian Show and Racing Champion and mother CASTAGNETTE DE CROQUESOLEIL (LOF 37388/9190) French Show & Race Champion. Fully French registered. Pedigrees can be seen on Puppies will be vaccinated, miro-chipped and registered. Make wonderful family pets or can be shown or club raced. 4 Males & 3 Females born 13 Nov 11. Available Mid January 2012. Price Males €650, Females €700. Reservations taken now. For more photos & information Tel. 05 53 56 49 38 Email: Email [email protected] FOR SALE: Wood Dog House & Pet Barrier for Auto Wood dog house in excellent condition for med-large dog (height 90 cm): 60 euros. Pet barrier for auto, never used: 12 euros. Please contact: FOR SALE: DOG BASKET IN WILLOW Large dog basket 1 metre x 80cms - our dog refuses to go anywhere near it! Hence totally unused. €45.00 Email: [email protected] BUILDING MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Mixture of corrugated and steel framed sheets 17' x 6' and 8' x 4'. Ideal for animal shelters and pens. Buyer collects. 50 euros the lot. Please call 05 55 00 98 52 FOR SALE: RECLAIMED TOMMETTES 160MM X 160MM X 20MM, APPROX 20 SQ/M, €36 PER SQ/M. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT 05 55 63 43 35 FOR SALE: Floor sanding equipment -Hiretech HT8 (200 mm / 8in) drum floor sander, 41.5 Kg.Hiretech HT7 (178mm /7 in disc sander) 16.4 Kg.-Disposable paper dust bags, @ HT8 14 off & HT7 16 Off.-Isolation transformer. 3.3 KVA 220/240 volt to 110 volt.-15 mtr extension cable, (110 volt).-Rolls of high quality, (200 mm wide) fabric backed abrasives:- P40 - 50Mtr +, P80- 40Mtr +,P120 – 42Mtr+.These items were purchased and used for our renovation projects, now finished, we would consider selling in one lot or individually, alternatively we would consider a short-term hire. We also have a small selection of echo friendly, non toxic, non flammable, paint / varnish stripper & textured coating remover. Please note some of the items are heavy, but all of the above could be collected in a ordinary vehicle. Contact us for any additional information or pictures. Tel. 05 55 65 01 33 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Building materials - roof tiles/ stone Approx 200 m2 roof tiles. 45 m3 stone. Call for more information. Tel: 06 03 07 82 10 FOR SALE: Quarry Tiles - 150mm Square Approx 550 (13 m2). Brand new. €350.00ono Tel: FOR SALE: Large quantity mechanique roof tiles (around 1000) Offers invited. Tel: 05 55 60 64 92 FOR SALE: Scaffold tower, cement mixer, builders trestles, acrows 1 Scaffold tower in aluminium. Working platform 3.8m. Good condition and easy to erect by one person...150 eu2 Cement mixer. Electric. 145 litres. Very good condition...125 eu3 Builders trestles. Very strong and heavy. 50mm steel construction. Adjustable from 1m to 2.3m with 2 x 3.8m scaffold boards...125 eu4 Acrows...or the French version. 8 from 1.6 to 2.6m...60 eu the lot Tel 04 73 52 14 07...15 mins east of Auzances FOR SALE: A Somatherm kit for central heating systems Pump, expansion tank, pipes, valves etc. Approx 2 years old but only used for 2 months. €100.00 Contact Graham on 04 70 06 37 99 FOR SALE: OLD RECLAIMED ROOF SLATES 100s! Only €95! Buyer collects. €95.00 Tel: 05 55 78 79 02 FOR SALE: RECLAIMED FRENCH INTERLOCKING NATURAL RED CLAY ROOF TILES Approx 350. (French manufactured). Only €95! Buyer collects (Nr Rochechouart). €95.00 Tel: 05 55 78 79 02 FURNITURE FOR SALE: HABITAT round dining table 42"/ 107 cm in diameter. Handpainted and antique waxed in soft white. Very sturdy. A beautiful piece of furniture in very good condition. €75.00 TEL: 05 55 08 46 53 FOR SALE: Two pine dressers One has a top unit with two cupboards and one centre glass cupboard with shelves below. The other one is a pine base unit with three cupboards wide 150 x 45 cm. 125 euros for the base cupboard and 200 for the dresser unit. Tel: 05 55 67 58 87 FOR SALE: Infant's/Child's Cot in Beechwood Adjustable, dismantleable with matress and side pads. Absolutely as new, used only once. €50.00 Tel: 05 55 03 87 56 FOR SALE: HUNTLEIGH AKRON TREATMENT COUCH Stremline Europa Continental)° 3 section couch with split leg option, working load of 225 KG max.° Electric motor for optimum working height controlled by footbar. ° Additional arm rests for wider clients.° Can be used Trendelenburg, or central raised for drainage or client comfort in prone position.° Unrivalled stability. €1,200.00 Telephone 05 55 14 28 09 FOR SALE: Single beds & bedding 2 brand new single quality beds 200x90cm, adjustable on 3 heights, complete with undermattress, 100% latex mattress, mattress protector, 4 seasons quilt, cover, sheet, pillowcase. Never used. Bought for 3000 euros, will sell for 2000 euros. €2,000.00 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Various 1. Brand new ( Reference Bali) single sprung hypoallergenic mattress 200cm x 90cm x 18 cm. Eu 100.002. Single sprung mattress , hardly used 190cm x 90cm. Eu 30.003. Solid pine round (1.25m) pedestal table. Eu 150.004 Sofa bed red colour converts to double bed with built in storage in as new condition. Eu 275.00Delivery possible locally. Phone Geoff on 05 55 81 08 77 Email: geoffrey.sowler@ FOR SALE: Recliner chair Floral draylon, in excellent condition. Will deliver locally. Email for photos. €150.00 Email: janemcmullin@ FOR SALE: Oak Corner Display Unit 2m H x 50cm. Leaded glass top. €40.00 Tel: 05 55 51 91 79 FOR SALE: Solid Oak Chest Age unknown (at least 100 years). Been in family but now too large to keep. Contact for more photos. Dimensions: 150cm(w) x 54cm(d)x x 70cm(h). Depth of inside 34cm. €250.00ono Tel: 05 55 41 17 76 FOR SALE: ROUND STURDY FARMHOUSE KITCHEN STYLE TABLE 1.1 Diameter. Dark oak finish. Very good condition. €50.00 Tel: 0555784524 FOR SALE: Brown leather, large 3 seater sofa Some wear hence 85 euros. E-mail for info and photo. €85.00 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Single Beds + Almost new matress Bed - metal frame and dismountable. €35.00 Tel: Mob: (Daniel McNally) FOR SALE: 3 piece lounge suite - 3 seater settee All covers removable & washable. Blue/grey colour. Available mid December. Buyer collects from between St Yrieix and Payzac. €200.00 Tel: 05 53 55 21 85 FOR SALE: Set of 4 70’s style dining chairs In fair to good condition, the seats have been recovered in brown velor type material. The chairs would benefit from a quick coat of varnish as one of them was always left near the central heating radiator. €30.00 Tel: 05 55 03 28 18 FOR SALE: ROUND WOODEN TABLE Wooden table painted white - diameter 110cms €45.00 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Souffle d’Ocre by Siguier dining table and 4 chairs 110cm round x 75cm high table with extra leaf 110cm x 40cm with 4 chairs. €500.00ono Call Mike 09 50 49 33 04 Email: [email protected] GARDEN FOR SALE: Two Hay Carts 100 euros each. Buyer collects. Tel: 05 55 48 81 98 FOR SALE: Garden Tools Stihl KombiSystem: débrousailleuse, scarificateur, cultivateur, coupe bordure (used for trimming hedges, edging lawns, turning borders or sweeping paths) - 350 euros. Agria Farmhandy Power Hoe - 290 euros.Honda petrol scarifier 50cm - 395 euros.Épandeur (spreader) - 85 euros. Black & Decker cordless Pole Pruner - 125 euros.All tools hardly or never used. Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Log Saw Blade diameter 500mm. Cutting depth 150mm. Motor 230V. 1.8kW. Little used. Excellent condition. Cost new EUR 650. €325.00 Tel: 05 55 51 91 79 GENERAL FOR SALE: Woodland and Pasture Almost 5 acres of beautiful land near St Saturnin (north of Boussac, east of St Severe). Pasture, woodland and rough pasture. Has a stream and a spring possible to construct etang. Mature woodland and coppiced trees - grow your own firewood and enjoy nature. Plenty flat areas for caravan etc. Not building land. Offers around 15,000 euros. €15,000.00 Tel: 05 55 63 83 28 FOR SALE: Antique woodburning stove dating from the 1900's Excellent condition with bread oven. Delivery possible. €450.00ono Tel: 0613363979 FOR SALE: 2 off Shimano Baitrunner 6000b GTE Carp reels C/w spare spools and boxes, instructions etc. Hardly used, as no time. In excellent condition. 75 Euro each or 140 Euro for the two. Also a tackle box trolley/barrow still in box never assembled. 50 Euros. Phone Andy 0555-483062 (nr Rochechouart) FOR SALE: 10kw output. Majolica enamel brown finish, with decorative ash tray and cast iron tool for opening door catches. £1600 new. In good condition. €300.00 TEL: 05 55 08 46 53 FOR SALE: 5 pairs of original wooden windows Varying sizes, with original window furniture and fittings. All fitted with the original glass. 75,00 euros for the lot. €75.00 TEL: 05 55 08 46 53 FOR SALE: Various PETMATE AIR TRAVEL and TRAINING KENNEL Through flow ventilation for safe air and auto travel. Safe way to help solve behaviour problems. For dog/cat up to 51 cms tall by 61 cms long. Meets international air travel requirements. (IATA) Kennel bed-pad also included. Unused. Easy to carry. €50 3 SINGLE PINE BEDS. TWO MATCHING, including mattresses for all three. Comprised of head and footboards and slatted base. €50 each. BATHROOM WASH-HAND BASIN AND MATCHING PEDESTAL. White. New and unused. Includes two taps. Basin measures 66 cms wide by 56 cms deep. €30. Ladies BICYCLES° Ladies Peugeot Mosaique. Pink. 15 gears. €50° Ladies Ammaco Oasis. Purple. 15 gears. €50° Ladies Boulevade EMMELLE. Black. 12 gears. €50 Telephone 05 55 14 28 09 FOR SALE: Fonds de commerce Fonds de commerce for sale due to ill health - for restaurant in Parnac area. Includes all equipment, cat IV licence, all stock & 4-year-old signwritten Kangoo van. Plus furniture & 2-bed apartment with the restaurant. €45,000.00 FOR SALE: Licence IV Enables sales of beverages and spirits in Bars/ Restaurants etc Email: jsezer@yahoo. FOR SALE: Ladies Coats Pale blue swede, full length ladies coat. Brand new. Size 14. EUR 80 onoRed leather, short ladies coat. Brand new. Size 14. EUR 50 onoCream, full length ladies coat. Brand new. Size 14. EUR 35 ono Tel: 02 54 25 38 97 (orsennes, dept 36) FOR SALE: Computer Equipment Computer screen, Epsom printer, English keyboard, mouse + mouse mat. €60.00 Tel: 02 54 25 38 97 (orsennes, dept 36) FOR SALE: High Chair & TV Baby's/Kiddies modern high chair complete 30 eurosThomson TV 52 cm with remote 30 euros Tel 05 55 03 87 56 FOR SALE: SCHAUB LORENZ COMBO FLAT SCREEN LCD TV/DVD 19" with TNT and HDMI, still boxed, as new. €50.00 Tel: 0555895605 (La Souterraine) Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Baby/child items Quality baby car seat, in excellent condition, 30 euros. Travel Cot which folds into carry bag, in good condition. (Also suitable as play pen). 25 euros. Used few times during our grandchildren's visits! Tel: 05 55 78 79 02 FOR SALE: Land Rover Discovery dog guard, mats & UK headlights TRAVAL dog guard for Land Rover Discovery, as new - 60 euros.Full set Land Rover mats for Discovery - 15 euros.UK Headlights for Land Rover Discovery - 60 euros. Tel: 05 55 78 54 20 FOR SALE: Rectangluar Hay Bales (87) Ideal for use as animal bedding. 6 euros a bale. Please call 05 55 00 98 52 FOR SALE: Hot Water Cylinder 150 litre hot water cylinder, brand new from Castorama, never been out of its box. €95.00 Please call 05 55 00 98 52 FOR SALE: Yeoman Freestanding Multi-fuel Stove "Country Integral" model, colour black. 770mm(w) x 810mm(h) x 480mm(d).Will serve 4 large and 5 small radiators + hot water.Used for 1 winter only, in very good condition.Buyer collects (dept 19). €700.00 05 55 98 29 73 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: BASS GUITAR IBANEZ SR305DX 5 STRING ACTIVE, VERY GOOD CONDITION, PROFESSIONALLY SET UP, NEW STRINGS. €225.00ono FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT 05 55 63 43 35 FOR SALE: BABY ITEMS CHILDS BUGGY. XTS 3 WHEELED, OFF-ROAD/JOGGING BUGGY. EXCELLENT CONDITION, NEW TYRES, CARRY CASE, RAIN COVER, COSY-TOES SNUGGLE BAG. €100 CHILD CAR SEAT. BRITAX BEBE CONFORT. FOR 4 TO 11 YEAR OLD APPROX, FULLY PADDED, ADJUSTABLE WINGS, ARMRESTS, REMOVEABLE BACK TO CREATE BOOSTER SEAT €30 CHILDS BIKE SEAT. WILL FIT MOST BIKES, HARNESS, FOOT PLATES AND ANKLES STRAPS, AS NEW. €25CHILDS BLACKBOARD/ EASEL. EXCELLENT CONDITION, LENGTH 43CM, WIDTH 62CM, HEIGHT 118CM. BLACKBOARD ONE SIDE WHITE BOARD ON REVERSE, ALSO COMES WITH A ROLL PAPER ATTACHED FOR PAINTING. €17.50 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT 05 55 63 43 35 FOR SALE: Old Attractive French Pendulum Wall Clock Oak Case with bevelled glass. Size 800 x 360 maximum. A delightful old piece. €120.00 Tel: 05 55 787902 FOR SALE: Shower suite Blue knight shower cubicle - toilet white close coupled suite - white vanity china basin. All still in packaging. All brand new. 87 area. €180.00 Tel 05 55 60 27 03 FOR SALE: Godin Circular Wood Burner Brown enamel, filigree finish. 75cm high, 28cm diameter. €250.00ono Tel: FOR SALE: Nokia mobile telephone 3500 Classic, earphones and mains adapter Good condition, with black leather protective case w/belt clip. €40.00 Tel: 09 50 76 37 75 FOR SALE: Electric Sewing Machine - Lervia Almost new. Only used twice. Perfect condition. €70.00 Tel: 05 55 62 49 65 FOR SALE: Vox Cambridge 30 twin guitar amplifier The amp has been upgraded to 50 watts and is in perfect working order. Features incl. footswitch for channel, reverb and tremelo. €199.00ono Tel: 05 55 71 79 31 Email: john.martin@netcourrier. com FOR SALE: White kitchen sink ceramic single bowl With barge like flowers painted on (still in bricodept). €85.00 Please call FOR SALE: French Linguaphone Course Complete course in boxed set (books, tapes & cd's). €30.00 Tel: 05 55 71 79 31 Email: john.martin@ FOR SALE: Ladies Mountain Bike 26" wheels, 18 gear twist grip change. Good condition. €40.00 Tel: 05 55 51 91 79 FOR SALE: Bike trailer 20" wheels. Seats 2 children. €30.00 Tel: 05 55 51 91 79 FOR SALE: Bikes Ladies shopper bike, 17" wheels. New tyres & tubes. Boys mountain bike, 24" wheels.EUR 30 for pair. Tel: 05 55 51 91 79 FOR SALE: New White PVC D.G. Window 1600 x 1250 inc sill. €50.00 Tel: 05 55 51 91 79 FOR SALE: Large wooden storage chest/coffee table 92cm x 94cm. €30.00 Tel: 0555895605 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: TAKAI open face sports helmet Matt black, clear visor and retractable sun visor. XS 53-54cm. 5 months old, hardly worn. €65.00 Tel: 0555895605 Email: sellwood56@ FOR SALE: Towable Altrad Cement Mixer With a 3.5 Briggs and Stratton engine, with a ball hitch. €450.00 Email: sermur2002@yahoo. FOR SALE: Complete photographic dark room Any offers considered. Tel: 05 55 02 93 01 (Saint Junien-87) FOR SALE: Scanner Epson Perfection 1240U Photo. Any offers considered. Tel: 05 55 02 93 01 (Saint Junien-87) FOR SALE: AMD Tower and PC Complete with DVD, CD rewriter and floppy disk drives, IIYAMA monitor, 2 keyboards (French and qwerty), speakers and mouse. Needs hard disk. Any offers considered. Tel: 05 55 02 93 01 (Saint Junien-87) FOR SALE: Antique French cast iron fire dogs with iron basket Height: 59cms, Overall Width: 90 cms, Basket Width: 63 cms, Depth: 57 cms. €300.00 Phone: 05 55 65 00 04 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Caste Iron fire grate 45cm (16ins) X 74cm (29ins). Fire dogs and back plate. Hardly used. Price 350 Euros. With free fire guard to match. €350.00 Call Linda on 05 55 75 27 01 FOR SALE: 100 English Books Both Hard and Paperback. In good ○ THE BUGLE ○ FEBRUARY 2012 CLASSIFIEDS ♦ 17 The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM Including 700 ltr tank and electric pump.Excellent condition. Lignerolles 36160 €450.00ono Tel: 02 54 06 02 37 FOR SALE: Various Log saw, free standing, 1.8KW 230V, 480mm blade. 400 euros.New generator 2KW. 200 euros.Window - new, white, doubleglazed. Act size 1600 x 1250 inc. sill. 100 euros.Tent new vango colorado 600 DLX 6 man+. 200 euros.Corner display unit, oak, leaded glass. 75 euros.Copper compression fittings, 22mm elbows x 10 & 22mm straight connectors x 10. 25 euros.Tasco telescope/tripod/various lenses. 50 euros.Table saw 230V. 30 euros.All new:Shutter hooks 300mm 6 prs - 6 euros the pair.Shutter hinges complete 400mm 4 prs - 12 euros pr.Shutter hinges complete 500mm 12 prs - 12 euros pr.Coach bolts/washers/nuts m8, 75mm, 6 pks x 25. 3 euros pk.Coach bolts/washers/nuts m8, 65mm, 6 pks x 25. 2.75 euros pk.Glue screws (like no nails) 9 tubes x 350 ml + exp. foam 2 x 750 ml. 20 euros. Tel: 05 55 51 91 79 (Marsac) FOR SALE: Large fine photogravure prints of famous paintings. Only €5 each. Tel: 05 55 51 91 47 FOR SALE: 2 x VELUX & 1 x WINDOW Velux 1 - 98cm x 78cm. 25 eurosVelux 2 - 78cm x 55cm. 20 eurosLapeyre 2 wings, double glazed, white finish, 115cm x 90cm. 60 euros. The above items (twice the price at Bricodepot) are new, still wrapped, and available for collection from just outside Aubusson. Phone 05 55 66 75 53 FOR SALE: 100 Edwardian English Books Many with gold leaf covers. Ideal for bookcase display. €300.00 Tel: FOR SALE: National Geographic Magazines 11 years - 1989 to 2006. 22 volumes (2 per year) plus 2 volumes of maps. All in slip cases and in very good condition. Reason for sale: downsizing from a very large house to a small flat. €265.00ono Contact: 05 55 80 48 20 FOR SALE: Computer Monitor Excellent condition and perfect working order. 40cm (16 inches) and on a swivel/tilt base. €15.00 Tel: 05 55 78 79 02 FOR SALE: 100 Novels / Autobiographies All good condition. €100.00 Please ring 05 55 78 45 24 FOR SALE: New Oak Door Frame 900 x 2100mm (exterior) €35.00 Tel: 05 55 81 30 39 FOR SALE: Long black leather riding boots Size 7. Length 19" 49.5cm. Calf 14" 35.5cm. Knee 13" 35cm. La Souterraine area. €90.00 Call Judy (eve) Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Sony Playstation One Complete with two controllers, steering wheel and pedals, memory card and six games. Excellent condition and can be seen working. €75.00 Telephone 02 54 30 00 79 (near Guéret) FOR SALE: Various Garmin Oregon 300 GPS complete with topo maps for SW France, City navigator maps for Europe, rechargeable batteries, carrying case and fixing kit for car windscreen. This GPS is primarily designed for walking and cycling, but can also be used for driving. Cost 680 euros new, will accept 400 euros. Fish kettle, 20 euros.FAIP NHP 145 pressure washer, 50 euros.Philips SBC HC 8445 wireless rechargeable headsets, 20 euros.HDMI selector box 4 in 1 out, 10 euros.Techwood 19” LCD TV used twice as new, 100 euros. FTE twin universal satellite receiver head LNC 54 US, 30 euros.3 ultra sonic cordless pest repellents, new, 30 euros each. Linksys wireless G broadband router WRT54GL, 50 euros.French TV satellite receiver, 15 euros.Bush Freesat HD satellite receiver box, as new, 50 euros. Sony blu ray disc player BDPS350, 150 euros. Logitech Z5500 5 speaker + sub woofer surround sound system. 100 euros.TACX cycle trainer, as new, 150 euros. Panasonic portable stereo CD system, 50 euros. Tel. 09 80 08 68 72 FOR SALE: Various Half moon hall table with drawer 50 eurosD’Longhi oil filled electric radiator unused 30 eurosModern square sink white unused 18 eurosM&S tall cherry display cabinet 4 shelves, 4 drawers 300 eurosModern white sideboard 2 cupboards, 2 drawers 6 months old 90 eurosBoots sidestepper unused 15 eurosRound coffee black/clear glass 50 eurosMoulinex bread maker used once 15 eurosBlack & gold hall runner excellent quality unused 80 eurosBlack glass TV stand with 3 shelves 40 eurosDulux trade Weathershield brilliant white paint 5 litres undercoat 7 and half litres 40 eurosAll in excellent condition. Phone 05 55 67 15 08 FOR SALE: Temporary EDF connection box Only used for 5 months. Purchased new in Feb 2010. Creuse area. €140.00 Tel: 06 04 42 97 73 FOR SALE: Rosieres wood burner 1920's? Art Deco style. Blue enamel finish. Works but a couple of parts need replacing. Front loading, rear flue. 55 cm high, 50 cm wide, 40 cm deep. €60.00 Telephone 05 55 65 67 24 (near Auzances) FOR SALE: 1930's Westminster Chimes Clock Chimes on the quarter hour and hour. €45.00 Tel: FOR SALE: New Insinkerator Food Waste Disposal Unit Model 55 Features: 1-stage grind technology; High-torque Dura-Drive™ induction motor; Stainless steel grind elements; Continuous feed; Overload protection; Quick Lock® mounting assembly for faster easier installation.Brand New and in the box. €150.00 Telephone 05 55 48 92 84 FOR SALE: Garage trolley jack 2 1/4 tonne. Heavy duty. Hardly used. €60.00 Tel: Mob: (Daniel McNally) FOR SALE: EPSON PICTURE MATE Excellent condition. Only 55 Euros. We are in dept 23. €55.00 05 55 62 77 41 FOR SALE: Motorcycle helmet 'TNT' open face with visor, size XL (61-62cm), black and orange, hardly worn. €30.00 Contact 05 55 68 58 16 FOR SALE: Black mesh fire screen 120cm wide, with 3 hinged sections 30 cm-60 cm-30 cm wide x 65cm high. Excellent condition, as new. €80.00ono Contact 05 55 68 58 16 FOR SALE: TV stand 3 shelf black glass TV stand. Size: 110 cm long, 40 cm wide, 50 cm high. €60.00 Tel FOR SALE: Two Canon Pixma ink cartridges 510 Black and 511 Colour cartridges, suitable for Pixma series MP240/MP260/MP480/MX320/ MX330. Bought in error. €15.00 Tel: 05 55 03 28 18 FOR SALE: Various lamp bases 2 celadon crackle effect bases. 46c H x 22c W. 35 euros ea.Green lamp base. 43c H x 26c W. 20 euros.Blue lamp base. 43c H x 23c W. 20 euros. Call Mike 09 50 49 33 04 Email: [email protected] VEHICLES/PARTS FOR SALE: Peugeot 307 SW LHD. Met Grey. 122,000 km. Full service history. Just had Controle Technique. Good reliable car. Priced to sell. €6,500.00ono Tel: 05 55 61 99 14 / 06 76 52 26 47 FOR SALE: Mitsubishi L200 Truck - double cab pickup Black over silver. Full leather seats. Chrome roll bar. Full CT. French plates. Many new parts including tyres. €3,500.00 Tel: 05 55 98 12 19 FOR SALE: Renault 2001 2.2dci Grand Espace (the long wheel base version) RHD, but French registered, only 117,000 miles, with lots of history and bills to 100,000 miles. The rear 5 seats can be moved, removed, folded, giving huge load space. It is top of the range, 2 sunroofs with blinds, cd changer, hidden stereo, air con (adjustable individually for each side), moveable permanent roof bars, alloys, armrests, built-in cool box, blinds on all rear windows, and many other features. It has had new oil and fuel filters, front tyres, tracking, complete clutch with solid flywheel conversion at €500 in parts alone. CT for 20 months. Very good condition with minor marks to both bumpers. A supremely comfortable car, one of the only 7 seaters that takes 7 people AND the luggage, due to it being the long version. Near La Souterraine. €2,850.00 Tel: FOR SALE: APRILIA ATLANTIC 500 MAXI SCOOTER UK registered, 2005. 500cc, vgc, fast and comfortable, lots of storage space. €1,500.00 Tel: 0555895605 (La Souterraine) Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Renault Master T35D (ex ambulance with seats removed) Used to move down to France now selling. Good mechanical condition, lots of space, on French plates & part registered in France. Only needs new Controle Technique, and registration to complete. €1,000.00 FOR SALE: Peugeot Moped 50cc €60.00 Tel: 05 55 65 84 95 FOR SALE: Peugeot 406 HDI man sal 2002 RHD, on French plates, CT until Oct 2013. Silver. VGC. High spec, climate control, computer, CD player, elec windows and mirrors. All good tyres, under 90000 miles. €2,495.00ono Tel: +447779 406613 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Renault Megane Cabriolet 'Karmann' LHD - French registered. Petrol. 89,000 km. Colour: champagne. Glass roof. Fully serviced, CT until 2012. Excellent condition. €5,200.00 Tel: FOR SALE: Peugeot 307 HDI Estate - 2005 French registered. RHD. 22 months left on CT. High milleage, hence price. €2,300.00 Tel: 05 55 60 45 03 FOR SALE: Land Rover Discovery V8 All electrics, leather interior, on French plates but 1999. Very low mileage for year. Bargain at 3000.00 ONO €3,000.00ono Tel: 05 55 60 62 14 or 06 78 38 42 44 Email: beverley. [email protected] FOR SALE: Ford Transit Short Wheel Base Van, 1997, LHD French registered, 2 year CT, White no stickers, good all round. €1,800.00 call 05 45 31 59 34 FOR SALE: Citroen Relay (Jumper) Hi-Top Long Wheel Base. 2003 model. New battery, alternator and fuel pump. CT until April 2011. Headlights changes. UK plates. €2,500.00ono Tel: 05 55 61 19 81 FOR SALE: MAYPOLE MP715 TIPPING TRAILER Used one trip only – as new condition. External dimensions 150 x 100 x 35cm (146/95 internal). Includes heavy duty cover. Located near Sauviat sur Vige. €485.00ono Tel: 05 55 64 05 87 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: VW Golf MK2 GTI 1.8 8v 1987 Over €400 spent in new parts all with 0 miles including 4 new tyres, RHD, UK reg, absolute bargain! €550.00 05 45 31 59 34 FOR SALE: Truckman Hi-Top Cab (white) with rear glass door Fitted with rotavent in roof. Originally fitted to a 2005 Mitsubishi L200 double cab. €350.00 Tel: 05 55 68 71 22 (after 6pm) FOR SALE: Halfords Car Roof Box (Half width). Approx 360ltr. Plus Roof Bars plus Clamps - complete €100. Used once. €100.00 Tel 05 53 52 41 34 FOR SALE: Roof Bars and Headlamps Roof bars for Renault ClioII 3dr 35€; Thule KIT1297 roof bars for Renault Megane Hutchback96-02 5dr, Coupé97-02 3dr, or Classic 4dr Sedan97-02 40€; [email protected] condition. All for 20 euros. €20.00 Tel: 0962 58 49 03 FOR SALE: Large number of bargain books Adventure, Mystery, Crime and family sagas. All in good condition, 3 for 1 euro, North Creuse. Contact 05 55 80 75 78 FOR SALE: Red Diesel heater headlamps Megane RHD 96-02 40€. Tel: 05 55 78 73 46 FOR SALE: Suzuki DR 650 R Djebel 1991, 46000 kms, good condition, French registered, blue/ white, good tyres, lights, indicators all in good working order. €900.00 Tel David 05 55 94 38 35 (North Correze) FOR SALE: Engine and gearbox 1.9 diesel from Citroen Xsara (also suitable for other models of Citroen and Peugeot). Complete with all ancillaries except alternator. Delivery possible if fuel cost covered from 87330. €450.00 Tel: Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Engine and Gearbox for Ford Transit, 2.5 Radiator and exhaust (complete) also available. €350.00 Tel: FOR SALE: 50 cc scooter Peugeot buxy. Year 1996. Slight problem with it - sometimes loses power when riding, it then picks up again after a few seconds but could be fixed quite easily. Apart from that is fine. It also has a sports exhaust on it. €300.00 Tel: 06 83 45 70 96 FOR SALE: 2 x Right Hand Drive Renault Megane Headlights From a 2004 Megane Hatch. Excellent Condition. Tel: 05 55 65 02 31 WHITE GOODS FOR SALE: FRIDGE, FREEZERS, FRIDGE/FREEZER 1 x Fridge/ Freezer, LG Multi air flow.model GR349SQF. 80 Euros ovno...67 1/2 inches high x 23 1/2 inches wide x 24 inches deep..1 x Upright Freezer, DIVA Metro model MM5. 90 Euros ovno..76 inches high x 29 1/2 inches wide x 28 1/4 inches deep..1 x Fridge, Model Frigster BC135.. 45 Euros ovno..34 inches high x 21 1/2 inches wide x 22 1/2 inches deep..1 x Chest Freezer, Curliss model CC2001.. 60 Euros ovno..35 inches high x 31 1/2 inches wide x 28 inches deep..All in very good condition.Also an Electrulux Fridge model RF493.32 1/2 inches high x 19 1/2 wide x 22 1/2 inches deep..Plus a Chest Freezer Elmec..{ lid detached }34 inches high x 21 1/2 inches wide x 23 inches deep.20 Euros each OR 35 Euros the pair.Both a bit untidy, but would make ideal freezer and fridge for Anglers bait... Phone 0555 64 48 35 (St. Dizier Leyrenne) Email: bigbob. [email protected] FOR SALE: Fridges Large Bluesky fridge - 1450 high by 550 wide. 75 euros. Under counter fridge 50 euros. Please call FOR SALE: Three-Way Fridge for a Caravan Electrolux 700 - 12V, 22OW, gas fridge. €220.00ono Tel: 05 55 64 27 86 Email: hoppyholman@ FOR SALE: Candy Fully Integrated 12 Place Setting Dishwasher Brand New and still in the cover.Model CDI1012/A. Size - (H)82.0 x (W)59.8 x (D)67.5 Buyer to collect. €350.00 Telephone 05 55 48 92 84 FOR SALE: Table Top Fridge with ice box Excellent condition - hardly used. Silver casing. Size: height 62cms, width 47cms, depth 44cms. HauteVienne. €65.00 Tel: 05 55 03 08 19 Mob: 06 02 32 46 31 Gite for rent (near Aubusson) Downstairs: Porch, Kitchen, Three bedrooms: two double and one with three single beds, two bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, dining room & sunroom, parking and small garden, Sky TV, washing machine & dishwasher. All fully furnished for short or long term rent. €400/ month Tel: 05 55 67 58 87 WANTED WANTED: Jack Russell Preferably female pup, but any age considered. Wanted as companion for our mature Jack Russell. Tel: 06 27 87 26 62 WANTED: 16 Roumazieres Loubert II interlocking roof tiles Size 435mm x 255mm. Maximum 500 needed. Approx 150 to be exact match for an existing roof. South of Limoges - North of Thiviers - off N21. Please email to discuss further.Other building materials required - oak flooring - celotex insulation window/door heads & cills Tel UK 0044 1848 841581 Email: [email protected] WANTED: Wooden, solid, office desk Reasonable condition & price. Tel Barbara: 05 55 03 76 87 WANTED: Small Trailer to sit behind ride-on mower Any conditions considered Tel: 05 55 51 19 67 Email: [email protected] WANTED: Wood Burner - Fire or Stove or Aga Can collect. Tel: 05 55 65 84 95 WANTED: For compact tractor Transport box (bennette), rotovator, plough and snow plough all in usable condition. Tel: 05 55 64 33 71 WANTED: Chain harrow / grass rake Approx 8' x 8'. Any age considered, for use on a small tractor. Tel Barbara 06 30 02 35 73 WANTED: Covered parking to store a car For approx. 12 weeks a year in the region of Limoges or Bergerac airports. Tel: 0044 1748 88452 WANTED: Tea chests/ stong boxes for packing Tel: 05 55 51 91 79 WANTED: Mobile home For use while restoring my house near Guéret (23). after 6 pm Email: [email protected] WANTED: Various ...Roof bars for 124series Mercedes estate, engine for 3ton mini digger or similar with pumps if possible, large log saw bench, PTO or engine driven. Tel: 05 55 60 64 92 Email: [email protected] WANTED: Vacuum Cleaner in good working condition Tel: 05 55 78 79 02 WANTED: GAYTIME POTTERY SALT POT Wanted Gaytime salt pot, I have just broken mine and want to replace it. Please contact with price or I will exchange for a Gaytime vinegar/ oil bottle. Tel 05 65 31 20 10 WANTED: Land With or without buildings, with or without planning permission. All types of land considered: woods, fields, houses with attached land etc. Preferably in the Blessac/Ahun area of Creuse. Tel: WANTED: Car or Van Anything considered. Cash buyer. Tel: 05 55 65 84 95 WANTED: Transit type pick-up Does not matter if it's got no mot or ct. Any condition as it's for a project. Cash paid. Tel: 05 55 68 31 81 WANTED: Motor transport scooter/moped Will pay up to EUR 500 Tel: 06 42 82 92 42 WANTED: Moped/ Trail Bike Wanted by private buyer one or two cheap old road legal French reg mopeds or perhaps 50cc trail bike. Nr A20 direction Bellac. Anything considered as long as they run. Email: [email protected] WANTED: Second Hand Washing Machine Tel: 06 42 82 92 42 WANTED: Cooker and hob in good condition (not free standing unit). Will collect - we are near Rochechouart. Please call 05 55 77 66 61 Ruby Classified Submission Deadline 15th of the month for next edition FEBRUARY 2012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 18 ♦ COMMUNITY CLUBS, CHARITIES & ASSOCIATIONS Church Notices English-speaking church services Guéret Come as you are……This is an invitation to join us at our CHURCH SERVICE IN ENGLISH. Whether you have a faith, or would just like to attend a church service you are welcome at 3pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Eglise Evangélique, 9b Place Bonnyaud, Guéret, 23000. We welcome all who want to join a group of English-speaking Christians for a time of Worship and learning together. Children are very welcome. For more details contact Jim & Pat Scott on or email: scott. [email protected] English-speaking church services Limoges @ 2pm, 4th Sunday each month. 126 Rue Armand Dutreix, 87100 Limoges. Contact Pat Reid Tel: 05 55 84 00 64 Email [email protected] Interested in Alpha? An opportunity for those who don't regularly attend church to explore the Christian faith. More than 17 million people worldwide have done this course. In English @ L'Eglise Baptiste Evangélique, Limoges (contact details as above). Christians together in Limousin La Souterraine Area We hold a time of fellowship and Bible study every Tuesday afternoon. Barbara and Cedric look forward to welcoming you. 05 55 71 09 04 Fitness & Fun SALSA! SALSA! SALSA! Learn to dance! Come and join in the fun! Starting 6th Feb, every Monday, 7pm-8.30pm (Absolute Beginners) & starting 9th Feb, every Thursday, 7pm-8.30pm (Improvers). 4 euros per person, 7 euros per couple. No partner required, Free soft drink included. Venue: St-Priest-la-Feuille community hall. NEW for this year. Why not try bachata or merengue? Private lessons also available. For more info contact Ellie on 05 55 63 86 05 / email elena. [email protected] Association Equilibre, le mouvement du corps Yoga for all levels: Tue 18:30 Aubusson, Pied au plancher (Espace Philips); Wed 18:30 Vallière, salle polyvalante. Pregnancy/Post Natal: Tue 17:00 Aubusson, Pied au Plancher (Espace Philips) For further information tel 06 83 24 62 72 or visit www.spaequilibre. Classes coming soon to Felletin on Fridays. Chinese Gym & Karate Mondays & Thursdays at the DOJO, Allée Jean-Marie Couturier, Aubusson. Warm and friendly atmosphere. For more info tel 06 08 92 30 53 Tai Chi at Boussac and La Châtre Tai Chi classes in Boussac (Tue 18.15-19.45) and in La Châtre (Thu 18.1519.45). The first two lessons are free, the subscriptions are 36 euros per month, and folks can go to both venues having paid this fee. The style is that of Yang. All ages and abilities welcome, but folk must bear in mind that they will be on their feet, doing the equivalent of what one might classify as light exercise, for about an hour and a half. For more information, contact 05 55 65 08 20. Learn how to jive at Lussac-les-Eglises in an exciting, fun, friendly group that meet every Mon at 8pm, at the Salle Polyvalente, Lussac-les-Eglises. Everyone welcome whether you’re on your own or part of a couple, young or young at heart. This is a great way to keep fit, have some good laughs and meet new people. For more info contact Alwyn on or Hank on See you there! Gym Bien-être Would you enjoy an afternoon of gentle exercise with a cheerful, lighthearted group? Each week we exercise a different group of muscles, do a little country dancing & some floor exercise and laugh a lot .The aim of the activities is to increase suppleness and mental agility. We meet every Tuesday afternoon upstairs at the Capitole in Rochechouart between 2.00 and 3.30 pm. It isn’t necessary to speak French because you can copy but you will learn some. Come for 2 weeks’ free trial. For details contact: [email protected] - Secretary Gym Bien-être. Learn to Meditate Learn to meditate and meet other like-minded people. Simple mindfulness technique. Dechen Choling, Le Mas Marvent, St-Yrieixsous-Aixe, 87700. Also, ongoing regular group meetings and events. Contact tel Christina 05 55 03 82 01 Gardening Les petits jardiniers du Limousin Http:// Do you love gardening or are you keen to learn more about it? Then why not come along and join Les Petits Jardiniers? We’re a friendly group of English, French and Dutch residents and normally meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2.30pm in the salle de fêtes in St-Amand-lePetit, between Peyrat-le-Château and Eymoutiers. Our meetings are held mostly in English and we have guest speakers, organise garden visits and swap plants and seeds. You can take out an annual membership of 15 euros per person or 20 euros per couple or pay as you go for 3 euros per meeting. Managing Editor: Steve Martindale Editor-in-Chief: Steve Martindale Registered Address: Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Printed by: Rotocentre 348, rue Marcel Paul 45770 Saran France Monthly circulation: 11,000 copies All copyright, unless stated otherwise, is reserved to The Bugle. Reproduction in whole or part of any text without permission is prohibited. Agenda for 2012: 9th February Pond and bog garden care; 15th March Vegetables & Seed Trial; 16th April Private visit to Garden Centre & talk by Proprietor; 17th May Drought resistant planting & water conservation; 21st June Guided Tour of Private Garden; 19th July Growing Herbs for culinary/medicinal use; 16th August Annual BBQ; 20th September Plants for free – splitting perennials; 18th October AGM plus ‘All about apples’; 15th November Gardeners Question Time; 6th December Natural Christmas Decorations & party. If you would like to receive more information about our association or be put on our mailing list for our quarterly newsletter or monthly agenda then please contact Carolyn at [email protected] or Gill at gillinfrance@ Club Liseron – Gardening Club meets on the second Monday evening of the month at 19.30 at the Salle des Fêtes in Massignac. We're a mixed bunch of English & French, who are united by a passion for gardens and gardening, sharing plants, seeds and information. More info contact Michelle Pierce on 05 45 89 36 54 or at [email protected] Aux Plantes etc We are a new association of independent, ethically minded and passionate plant producers. Our aim is to encourage consumers to know more about the plants they buy, how they were produced and their needs, thereby avoiding the disappointments that so often come with mass produced plants. It's not just about us selling you plants- we want them to thrive and do well for you! Current members include plantspeople specialising in unusual shrubs & trees, butterfly plants, heritage vegetables and flowers, irises, perennials and drought-tolerant plants. We are working on our website ( and a common plant list but for now contact us via: Michelle Pierce 05 45 89 36 54 Integration Faceaface is an association founded to facilitate and encourage interaction between all members of the local community. As our first venture we have created a library. Where? In the Mairie of St Priest which is just off the D4 between Mainsat and Chenerailles. When? The first and third Mon afternoon in every month between 2-5pm. To join all you have to do is donate six books and pay €5 per person or €8 per household. If you would like more information please contact us at: [email protected] or just come by and see us. Everyone is welcome! Learning Together – Apprenons Ensemble Our main aim is to foster understanding and good relations amongst the local French-speaking and English-speaking populations. To this end we are offering courses of tuition in English and in French, and organising social and cultural events and visits. Language Classes (take place at the Maison des Associations, Rochechouart) Beginners and intermediate classes - Monday am; French/English conversation – Tuesday am; Advanced and children’s classes – Wednesday am. Games Night (Rochechouart) 1st Thursday; Games Night (St Junien) 2nd Thursday; Lunch Club – Last Thursday. For your calendar: Valentine Party Night – Sun 12th Feb (Register with HENRY GRUNDY on 05 45 71 51 02. All Welcome); St Patrick Party Night – Sun 18th March; Quiz Night – Thurs 12th Apr; Race Night – Sat 19th May; Picnic & All American Hoedown - Sun 17th Jun. For more details visit or contact Mike or Christine ELLINGHAM 05 55 03 27 67 The Melting Pot Members of the Ambassador's Club of the Welcome en Limousin association. We are a group of around 70 members, both French and British, who meet each week with the aim of sharing things and trying to integrate with the French community. We meet every week at the Ancienne Ecole in Darnac, on a Wednesday morning from 10am-12noon, except for the first Wednesday, when we meet in the evening at 8pm. We hold information meetings, plant swaps, BBQ's, games nights, visits, and have guest speakers about topics relevant to living in France. Contact: [email protected] We look forward to seeing you! Charente Limousine Exchange The Charente-Limousine-Exchange (CLE), founded in 2003, aims to improve the provision of French language courses and to share experiences and skills among members who live in Charente, Vienne and HauteVienne. CLE provides information to members living and/or working in France and works with local communities and organisations to tackle practical issues through forums and workshops, as well as organising a wide range of cultural and social events throughout the year. The recent launch of English lessons has been well attended by Confolentais. If you would like to know more about this group of volunteers, please look on our new website or contact the Chairman, Barry Leech, on 06 35 96 77 46. Libraries St Jean English Library, La Souterraine The La Souterraine Library and Information Centre – the friendly library – is now firmly installed in a beautiful medieval building at the Porte de Puy Charraud, Route de Portail, La Souterraine. The library has over 5,000 books, DVDs and other items, as well as its café, Caxtons, which serves English cakes. The Library also provides French lessons and organises Directeur: Steve Martindale Rédacteur-en-chef: Steve Martindale Siège Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Imprimé par: Rotocentre 348, rue Marcel Paul 45770 Saran France Tirage mensuel: 11,000 copies Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction, totale ou partielle, des articles et illustrations du présent numéro est strictement interdite. Dépôt légal à parution. The Bugle cannot accept responsibility for the claims of advertisers or their professionalism. We strongly advise readers to verify that the company you are dealing with is a registered trading company in France or elsewhere in the world. EASY Anglo-French conversation groups. The Information Centre provides support and assistance with bureaucratic, family and legal problems to British residents and new arrivals. The library is open from 9.30 -12.30 on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Contact Rodney Sabine on 05 55 63 03 87 or at [email protected]. Our website is www.frenchweb. eu/biblio The English Library, Dun-le-Palestel Located in the Route des Rateries, just behind the Biblithèque Municipale, you will find the Anglophone Library, which offers a wide variety of reading material, DVDs, talking books and videos. It is also a meeting point and arranges a host of activities including: Café Franglais; Club Scrabble; Café Philo; Sewing Group; Art Group. Library opening hours: Thu 10am – 4pm & Sat 10am – 12.30pm. For details of activities or general information, go to or email [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you there soon. Music Club de Musique Takes place on the last Friday of each month from 8pm at La Grange, Chassignolles (5mins from La Châtre) Open to all musicians, singers, groups and audience. PA and drum kit available. Bring your instrument, mic and join in a great French / English musical and social evening. Bar, hot and cold snacks. Meals available if reserved – see website for contact details of La Grange. For more info email: [email protected] http://www.clubdemusique. fr Club de Musique , Le Vieux Soldat, 7 rue de La Fontaine, 87250 Fromental If you like music and have ever fancied getting up and having a go, please come and join in. This monthly evening (first Friday in every month @ 8pm) is designed mainly for amateurs who would like to play or sing or just to meet some like-minded people with similar interests. There is no age limit. So if it be guitar, violin, spoons, triangle etc (get the gist?) or maybe you might like to read a poem, then please come and see what it's about, dust down that instrument and bring it along. jacqueline.grant@ The Harmonics This is our 6th season of singing as a group. Our music is varied classical, madrigals, spiritual, songs from the shows etc. and we sing in French, English, Swahili, Latin - whatever the music demands. Our concerts are in support of a variety of charities including the British Legion, L'Oregon at Civray and Retina and thus non profit making. We meet Wed 14h–16h in the Salle d'Annexe behind the Mairie in Civray. Interested? We'd love to see you so contact: David Lee tel 05 49 87 53 93 email dave.lee@cegetel. net or Dolly Ait Boualou email [email protected] Amateur open mic night @ Vautredeix (Just outside Gouzon, next to Saint-Sylvain-sous-Toulx). Poets, musicians, whatever you may be.... Everyone welcome to perform or just enjoy the company. Every Friday night 7pm onwards. Free. Bring a bottle. For more info contact [email protected] Support Alcoholics Anonymous If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, there is now an English-speaking meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous at 2 Avenue Pierre Traversat, Limoges. Thu 7.30pm-9.00pm. Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership and A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. Contact tel Roger 05 55 76 22 65 or Nancy 02 54 24 09 74 or visit www. Cancer Support France, Creuse branch If you or anyone close to you has been diagnosed with cancer and would like help or support, we are here for you. If you need someone to talk to we have a helpline available and if we are not there we will call you back within 24 hours. Our helpline number is 06 06 47 18 60. If you would like to get involved with the work of CSF Creuse (perhaps you have some free time and can help to organise and run fundraising events) please get in touch with Mike Walsh on 09 50 49 33 04. Cancer Support France, Charente Plus Offers free and confidential support to English speakers affected by cancer in departments 16, 17, 86 & 87. Our helpline number is 06 45 35 32 30. Drop-in Service at the Maison des Usagers (MDU) at Limoges CHU Held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 9.30 – 12.30. There will be 2 trained Active Listeners available to you if you have been affected by cancer in some way and have questions or need information about CSF Charente Plus and the service we provide. We are entering into a contract with Limoges hospital which is very thorough on their part. They do not take it lightly, allowing associations onto their premises, so be assured the service is confidential and that we are fulfilling the requirements of the hospital. The hospital informs all departments of our existence, it informs other associations and those in the community of the service we provide, so this is another way of promoting our services and getting to those who may need us. If you need any more information, please get in touch via csf. [email protected] MEDIUM HARD ○ THE BUGLE ○ FEBRUARY 2012 COMMUNITY ♦ 19 Creusetec SPECIAL OFFER - "tooway" satellite broadband from €24.99 per month Tel: Martin - L'Escale Restaurant & Bar Bugle Notice Board DOG AND PUPPY TRAINING Elaine Smith would like to announce that she has taken over Maureen Shelley’s Dog Training classes after her retirement at the end of October. Elaine has been trained by Maureen over the last two years to her high standard. A warm welcome will be given to existing and new clients. For more information regarding group and one to one tuition, please contact Elaine on: 06 04 47 35 19 5 Rue Andre Jouhannaud, Compreignac Now Taking Bookings for Valentines Night 14th February - 5 Courses €19,50 per person Daily Plat du Jour from €9 (to include a ¼ carafe of wine per person for a limited time only) 2-course Sunday Lunch from €10 Weekly Quiz every Friday 5 Euros – to include a hot meal. Prize for the Winner. See Business Directory for more information and opening hours Tel: 05 55 12 99 45 - 06 04 09 03 10 Au Bon Vivre, Parnac Fish and chips every Tue evening, just €7.50 NEW €8 Menu - starter + plat du jour OR plat du jour + dessert Tel: 02 54 24 83 31 [email protected] Santé et Beauté Please note that we will be closed for one week from Tuesday 28th February - re-open Wednesday 7th March. 05 55 00 92 97 3, Rue Principale, 87740 St-Mathieu Le Pub 58, rue d'Orjon, Argenton-sur-Creuse Thursday Night PROMO 2 entrecotes (env.225g) and chips for only €20 (booking necessary) Sunday Roast + Pudding - just €10!! 02 54 60 02 14 [email protected] AUX CEPES La Veytizou Saturday 11th February OPEN MIKE NIGHT Calling all singers and musicians. Bring an instrument along from 8pm. All welcome. Free entry. Bar snacks available from €3. We live near Gouzon and are interested in starting a gardening club to integrate with all people who enjoy gardening etc. We are hoping to be able to share knowledge, seeds, plants and experience and of course, language. If you are interested in joining in, please get in touch. Tel: 05 55 51 19 67 Email: [email protected] The Christmas Fayre at La Trigalle, Lussac-les-Eglises was a great success and we raised €660,69 for Cancer Support France. We really appreciate you all for your continued support and help. Thank you, Karen Blewett Upcoming events Thu 2nd Feb Quiz Night Wed 8th Feb Ladies Afternoon Sat 11th Feb Music Night (Soul 60s 70s 80s) Tue 14th Feb Valentine's Day Evening Thu 23rd Feb Quiz Night Sat 17th Mar Music Night (Jazz) Tel: 05 55 48 92 37 Route de St Laurent, 87310 Saint-Cyr Saturday 25th February Chinese Night Starter - Main - Dessert + small carafe of wine and coffee LIVE MUSIC €20 - Reservation Only Tel: 05 55 69 33 38 JJ’s Café Bar Aigurande Saturday 25th February Jazz Soirée with The Thierry Tardieu Trio Playing all the greats like Gershwin, Porter, Basie and Ellington amongst others, plus their own compositions. This trio is well known in Paris so we are lucky to have them here chez JJ's. This soirée is in aid of the Pompiers and Sapeurs of Aigurande. The meal is served from 7.30pm - 9pm: Blanquette de Veau (with humanely raised veal) + Dessert - €13 pp (€1 from each meal will be donated to the Association) The concert starts at 9pm (Free). Reservations advisable but optional. Music Club 2nd Sat of every month. 8.30 pm. Next event: 11th February JJ's Music club is for musicians of all levels and genres entry is free, there is no membership and is open to everyone who loves music. You can also buy fish and chips from the van in the market square (from 6.30 - 8.30) and eat them in the comfort of JJ's. The club starts from 8:30, but we are open for all those who want to come earlier to eat. In fact we hardly ever shut !!!! JJ's Cafe Bar, 39 Place du Champ de Foire, 36140 Aigurande Tel: 02 54 06 30 77 Email: [email protected] WANTED: Gardening Club Members The Living Room RESTAURANT Cromac Active Do you know more French than you can speak? Are you afraid of all those grammatical rules? Do you find it difficult to put words in the right order at the right moment? Well, why not join us? We are an Anglo French group and we meet to learn how to speak French. The meetings are quite informal, we just follow a theme and work our way through the various obstacles with the help of our French friends. We meet in Cromac (north Haute-Vienne) every Wednesday from 3.00pm to 4.30pm. So why not give Peter a call on 05 55 76 10 92 for more information? It is FUN, FRIENDLY, and FREE! WANTED: Singers I am looking for singers to start a new ensemble vocal. You need to be able to (sight) read music and have choir experience, we aim for a more than average level of music making. Repertoire from early renaissance to contemporary 21st century, in French, English, German and Latin. Rehearsals in French, every two or three weeks, in the north of La Creuse, in Lourdoueix-SaintPierre. If you are interested please let me know me your voice, level and experience. Email to [email protected] or call 05 55 81 31 26. Guide Dogs for the Blind Fundraiser After the huge success of last year's Fund Raiser to raise money for the Guide Dogs for the Blind in Landouge, Christine and myself, with the help of Guide Dog Etoile, will be holding our second annual Fund Raiser on Sunday 24th June from 2.00 – 5.00pm. The venue once again will be in our large garden come rain or shine, at 17 Avenue du 8 Mai 1945, 87150, Oradoursur-Vayres. If anyone has anything they can donate to this very worthy cause - clothes, books, bric-a-brac, CDs, DVDs, household items, or any other saleable goods, or homemade cakes - we would be very grateful to receive them. Also if anyone can offer any voluntary help on the day we would be extremely grateful. Included in the Event will be: a table from the Guide Dog School highlighting the very good work they do, and with various items for sale; the presence of some working Guide Dogs and student Guide Dogs; delicious homemade cakes, teas/coffee, soft drinks, clothes, bric-a-brac, books, CDs, DVDs; various Artisans; and a tombola. Please contact Roger and Christine Thomas. Tel: 05 55 78 83 05 Thank you again to everyone who helped and supported our Event last year. The Exchange Rochechouart - Grand Winter Book Clearance Sale 100's of fiction, reference/non fiction and children's books from 50cts Thur February 16th to Sat February 18th during normal opening hours. A huge increase in book numbers and we now have in stock over 500 DVD's to suit all tastes ready for those long Winter nights. Read/Watch and exchange at 'The Exchange' Call Phil and Jane: 06 62 84 16 14 or 05 55 78 19 24 FEBRUARY 2012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 20 ♦ WHAT’S ON Sun 5th Feb SAINT-SULPICE-LES-FEUILLES Yves Désautard, King of Banturles Banturle is a typical Limousin idiom that refers to a person who enjoys life, who is easily distracted from his work and likes to go for a drink with friends and to discuss how to change the world, philosophising about the harsh condition of Man and producing profound maxims (Cows rushing to the water trough are as dangerous as closing time at the pub). Yves Désautard has been King of Banturles since 1982, an incredible thirty-year reign. Amongst his multiple activities, Yves is known by his regular broadcasts on France Bleu Limousin. He is the official entertainer of the exclusive club of the communes with funny names (Arnac la Poste = Rob the Post, Vatan = Get lost, Folles = Crazy women, Rancon = Makes one stupid ..) He performs on a regular basis on stage with his own plays such as "The Last Pub before the Creuse". Yves Désautard's new play is named the "Little Theatre of Banturles" and brings back to life many famous people and celebrities of the Limousin, starring with his two sidekicks, JeanFrançois Julien (a journalist) and Christophe Dupuis (an accordion player). You will enjoy two hours of jokes, songs and laughter should you have some command of the French language. Cazalibus will be pleased to welcome you in St-Sulpice-les-Feuilles (A20 - exit 22), with a free glass of mulled wine before the show, on Sunday 5th February, 3.30 pm. Tickets €12 per person. Bookings by phone (05 55 76 70 15), by e-mail [email protected] or by post (with payment): Cazalibus - 14 place de la Fontaine - 87160 Les Grands-Chézeaux. Quality handmade wood Thu 9th Feb LIMOGES The Australian Pink Floyd Show Pink Floyd fans will be pleased to learn that the Australian Pink Floyd Show, the tribute band most faithful to the spirit of the legendary psychedelic rock band, will be back in the hexagon this winter for their "Exposed in The Light World Tour", a show inspired by the song "Shine on Your Crazy Diamond." Venue: Zenith. 20h. Tickets €45,50/ €56,50 To find out where to buy tickets visit http://www.zenithlimoges. com/ For more information visit Concert - TCHAÏKOVSKI et JANÁCEK Concert by the Orchestre de Limoges et du Limousin: Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 4 in F minor & Janácek's Sinfonietta opus 60 (version 1927). Thu 16th Feb LA SOUTERRAINE Centre culturel Yves Furet. 20h30. Tickets: Adults €12, Children €3. Reservations: La Souterraine Tourist Office Tel 05 55 63 10 06. Sat 18th Feb GUÉRET Espace André Lejeune. 20h30. Tickets: Adults €19.50, Students €6.70. For more information tel 05 55 52 84 97. Sun 19th Feb to Sun 11th Mar SAINT-SULPICELE-GUÉRÉTOIS Diverticreuse Indoor soft play for both children and parents. Open for the school holidays - every day from 10h-19h at the salle des sports, Saint-Sulpice-le-Guérétois. Snacks available. Entry 5€ (1€ for accompanying adult). Contact 06 98 39 12 45 for more information. Sat 10th Mar BOUSSAC St Patrick’s Be Seen in Green for an Early St Patrick’s Day! The AIPB of Boussac, in partnership with the Troubadours, is holding a St Patrick’s Event. It’s a night of music from the talented Poitiers-based band Argyle, winners of the Battle of the Bands in 2010, and Boussac’s own excellent Fingers in the Noise. The entertainment begins at 9pm in the salle polyvalente in Boussac. Entrance is €5 per person. Food and drink will be available. And, for fun, please wear green if you can to celebrate this special day for the Emerald Isle! Tickets are available on the door or in advance from the Office de Tourisme in Boussac. Please see AIPB’s website at www. for further information. New Indoor Bowls Club - bowls them over! Cussac Bowls Club got off to a great start after its official launch on January 1st, with a 'Journée portes ouvertes' or 'Open Day' on Sunday 22nd of January at the Gymnasium in Cussac, Haute-Vienne (87150). Roger Hammond, president of the new Club, gave a formal welcome to all present and asked M. Guy Deplas, Mayor of Cussac, watched by his own staff, local sport and leisure clubs and other members of the public, to bowl the first 'wood' in a demonstration match to introduce the locals to this very 'British' game, derived originally furniture from pétanque. Short Mat Bowls, to give its correct name, is developed from Lawn Green Bowls and is played pretty well to those same rules with slight amendments made to cater for the indoor facilities. Competition can be fierce but within the relative gentility of the game. It also has the added appeal of being just as attractive as a spectator sport. The intent of Cussac Bowls Club is, however, very clear. It hopes to help along the integration with the French by encouraging anyone over the age of 15 yrs to join the club and continue the tradition of Cussac's friendliness to the whole community. If you missed the opportunity to try short mat bowls on the day, go along to Cussac Gymnasium on a Wednesday evening at 8.00pm where you can have a no-obligation try-out. You may alternatively e-mail Roger at: [email protected] Variety show a success! From antique reproductions to contemporary pieces & customised gifts The theatre group which operates under the umbrella of the Choeur de Lion based in south-west Haute-Vienne produced its second variety show in Champsac on 3rd December 2011. We are able to design and handcraft the furniture of your dreams Two boisterous musical numbers from Cabaret opened the show. Willkommen and Come to the Cabaret were performed by the whole cast and choir in colourful 1920s costume and were a pointer to the excellent music, dance and comedy to follow. Nicholas Hemming, Award-winning cabinet maker Consultations by appointment across central France 02 48 63 15 09 Montgenoux 06 83 56 46 41 18170, Maisonnais [email protected] France SIRET: 533 607 115 00011 Directed by Sandra Richardson and compered by Terry Parsons, the show was enthusiastically received by almost a hundred people in the function room of Le Champsac Hotel in Champsac. We were entertained to a diverse selection of acts including a slick umbrella dance routine set to Singin’ in the Rain, a boisterous comical version of Two Ladies and a hilarious routine of If I were not upon the stage plus music from the Choeur de Lion and the blues trio Strange Brew. A knockabout routine loosely based on the traditional Mexican Hat Dance and a somewhat risqué musical tale about the pros and cons of booking cheap flights added further to the humorous elements of the evening. Linking the music and dance routines there were sparkling individual presentations by Sandra Richardson performing Victoria Wood’s Fatitude, Hazel Baker reciting Pam Ayres’ Hedgehog, Vicky warning us what she will do when she is old and eccentric and David with a burlesque tale about the Battle of Hastings. The finale, performed by Terry and Vanessa Parsons plus the whole cast and choir accompanied, as was the case throughout the evening by Sylvia Teale at the piano, took us to Les Misérables and Master of the House, a rousing ending to a thoroughly entertaining evening.
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